Til T? TT Tp T A T T j utter corruption and fraud, and a com II Hi II. Ill It il Lj I, I plete nullification of the wiahea of the J. A. MACMURPIIY. Editob. PLATTSMOUTH. JUNE 2T. 1878; people, as expressed by the ballot Suppose by mtle maneuvering Mint anti-temperance Registrar bad been appointed and the- temperance rote shut out iivthe same way, hoxr would we feel then- about it? Mercedes, Queen of Spain, is at the point of death. lying Thet are going to have a grand mu sical festival at Omaha soon. The MoffetHell-Pnnch for one thing towards solving the Liquor question Tiik Hon. "Wrn. Daily seems to be looming up as a candidate for Gover norwith some positive strength. The Chippewa Indians eave the Wisconsin folks a big scare last week. It turned out like some of our early Indian raids. By Postal Card. Afton, Neb, June 22. We have recently had very high wa ter, the creek having risen 6 or 7 feet higher than I have ever known it. As a consequence considerable fence was pied and then distributed in wrong uvAca. otiiitc c v ccjv iiusca uj nun out a claim beinz taken near heie.that with splendid prospects of crops, gives a smiling front to ye settlers. Health is gooa or course. .Doctors would starve here. Fall grain will soon do to cut. live about 4 feet high. Some hail on the 6th inst. Plenty rain. As ever. K. s. child. Onr Tbrce Groves Letter. The river commenced falling Tues- ii.iv. The Omaha papers jeported it seventeen feet eight inches above low water mark on Monday, but the smelt ing works were still "thar." R. L. Potter, the wheelbarrow pe destrian, who was to make the trip from Albany N. Y. to San Francisco with a wheelbarrow, has arrived at Omaha fifteen days ahead of time and happy. The boys who are trying to get up a cood band in Plattsmouth are going to give a ball on the evening of the Fourth, to raise money to pay for first class instruments. We hope they may succeed, as we need a good band. the Chicago Tin.es says: "Since the Ohio Convention President Hayes has become a good Republican, and is now as hostile to the Administration as any of them." It would seem as if the Mills of the Gods grind faster than usual lately The Administration started out with out any Republicans and for reform. Schurz is accused of favoring the In dian rings and defeating the transfer of the Indians to the War department, Sherman got badly mixed in the Louis iana business. Stanley Mathews came to grief, and now Zack Chandler, who was snubbed in Cabinet matters, comes out ahead in Michigan, and snubs the President by not mentioning him in his convention. Mr. Toczlain, the Master Land Commissioner of the B. & M., is about tr 1i transferred to Chicago as the Gen'l Ticket and Freight Agent of the c. n. A. o. It- It., so savs Madame Ru mour. We hone for Nebraska's sake he will not leave his present position. TIenky Watersok accuses Abram Tlewitt of betraying the counsels- of the party in that he did not tell the ad vising committee that Mr. Tilden was averse to the Klectoral Commission, lie demands a committe of in vestigation and says he will make his charges good or apologise. Good-bye Wheeler. We see by the Chronicle that Mr. Wheeler has retired from the newspa per business. That's the first glimmer of good judgment Dan. has thowa since he got office crazy. The Herald probably would have objected to Mr. Wheeler's getting a delegation in this county for Secretary of State, or any other State office because, we thought the vote of the delegation would be thrown away. Last year the delega tion was given to hfm for Lieut. Gov ernor, with tLe plain understanding Of all the reformers that have tried their hand on this wicked world of politics. Stanley Mathews has made poorest "out," as the boys say. Start ing out with the loftiest granduer, too elevated for ordinary use, he has fall f-n below the lowest machine politician in wit, wisdom and honesty. On the 21st day of June six men were hung in various parts of the Uni ted States, two in Chicago, one in Par is. 111., one in Cincinnati, one in Little Rock and one in Frederick, Ind. The sentences of four men in Arkansas was commuted. The Republican calls the day the "Devils own day." Congressman Welch made a very felicitous statement in regard to the advantages of a U. S. mint at Omaha, a matter the whole state is interested in. No gas, but good sound argument wai presented by Mr. Welch, and thouzh Comrress did not see fit to lo cate the mint at present, it was not for lack of ability in presenting the case. The town of Plattsmouth cannot afford such constant broils and quar reling. Xo good conies of it, taxes and expenses of all kinds are increased thereby, the temperance cause is not benefitted, and the business of the town is really injured. We have stood be tween the two factions long enough, and got cussed by both, now we are going to have peace if we have to fight like thunder for it. Do you mind that. I p Joseph Alexander O'Connor, Chief Apostle of Temperance at present does not quit blackguarding and lying about the editor of this paper, a chap ter or two of his life, a few years ago, will be published, that wou't look sweet. We don't like this kind of thing,.but if you have got to throw mud you might as well have a big stream, and if that's the game we pro pose to put on a steam dredge next week if accessary. A word to the wis;" Josey. that he could not bo nominated, and wo believe that it would have been the same this time, we think that if Cass County has a man for state office whom it really wants to nominate, and who has a show of being elected we enouki give him our earnest sup port. If we have not, then it is our duty to help some other county and candidate in the same good faith. We believe a delegation for Dan Wheeler in this county meant a "give-away,' that was all. We thought Mr. Wheel er made a personal fight on us, about town and in his paper. He allowed correspondents to lie about us and by. refusing to give their names became himself responsible for their lies. If we are mistaken he can correct us, we have been told of many mean things he said of us, even before he got a pa per here whoso avowed intention has been to run us out of town and break up our business. We have answered in the same spirit at times, believing we had just provocation, we believed he went into the paper to cet a better chance to make it bitter and savage. He has departed, gone, left it to Joe and the Doctor. We propose to drop this now, as a personal matter provided his friends and his paper, after this. act decently and in order about it but if it is to be kept up as a personal mat ter, on our return we will try and keep our end of the double tree even. As for these young men who have taken the Chronicle if they have got the sei se to try and publish a newspaper we shall treat them with courtesy. If on the other hand they think it is best to fiill the paper with falsehoods about MacMurphy's opin ions and record, they will have to do it. We have higher and better work to do now. Three Groves, Neb,, June 22. Ed. Herald: While they have hail storms and hurricanes in the eastern States, we have wbat you might call rain storms fcere In old Cass. Last Wednesday evening this locality was visited with one of the severest rain storms that has occurred for some years past. Alxut the middle of the afternoon a very dark and heavy black cloud could be seen raising slowly out of the northwest, bringing to the mind of the laboring community those dread ful hail storms that do so much dam age generally. Shortly after 3 o clock the wind began to blow, accompanied with rain, which fell in great torrents, doing great damage to the small grain and to the young corn, and to all the young vegetation. It almost baffles the pen to describe the effects of it. Every little stream was swollen in a very short time, washing out every thing in its course, such as fences, bridges, &c. The storm a few miles south of this, near Union, struck with less fury, and not so much rain fell as at this place, and the damage was a great deal less. But at this date the small grain has straightened up and promises to be a fair crop if the rust does not take it. The corn crop will, without doubt, be a large yield, taking in consideration all the mishaps, &c although it is very small owing to the cold dampness of the wet weather which has retarded the progress of its growth. The fruit crop promises to be fair, most all kinds of small fruit are plen ty, such as plums, strawberries, &c. Rev. Donisthorpe, of the Rock Bluffs circuit will hold a basket meeting at W. J. Hesser's Pic Nic Gardens, June 30th. An invitation is extended to all to attend and bring their baskets well filled along with them. We under stand that the Temperance Society at Rock Creek is moving along with suc cess, and its members are increasing. Success to them. Yours truly, Farmer. TH E OLD RELIABLE WILLIAM HEROLD, 1 U 5jS i mm CONTINUOUS ALL-RAIL ROUTE 1 NO CHANGE OF CARS! ONE ROAD, ONE MAXAGEMENT! From PittsMnli, Harrislro, to PMladelpMa & New Tori. Great SSiort Line To BOSTM! VIA NEW YORK CITY. ReacJtes all Points in Peinisylcania and New Jersey. dealer la DRY GOODS, CLOTIIS, BLANKETS. FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOOD3. :o: GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Large stock of BOOTS and SHOES to be CLOSED OUT AT COST -:o: Notions, Queensware, and in fact everything you can call for iu the line of General Merchandise. Pullman Palace Cars . ON ALL EXPRESS TRAINS 1 ! MAGNIFICENT CARS EQUIPPED WITII THE CKLEBRATHD WESTINGHOTJSE AIR BRAKES CASH TAID FOK HIDES AND FUK3. produce taken All kinds of country change for goods. In ex Sly 1 -ad Janney's New Patent Safety Platform and Coupler. Elegant Eating -Houses WITH AMPLE TIME FOR MEALS. THREE EXPRESS TRAINS LEAVE CHICAGO S.OO A. 51 AS FOLLOWS SfECIAL FAST EXPRESS EX CEPT SUNDAY. With the popular Vestibule Sleeping Car ... .UV C- III. . IIAIIITIIIk, 11 :4o a. m. : Philadelphia, 4 :00 p.'.m. ; New York 6 :fo p. in. ; Hoston, c :15 a. m. ; Halt niuiro 6 :30 p. in. ; asliliiKtou, 9 :W) p. in., next day. 5:15 I. HI. Atlantic Exp. (Daily) With Drawing-Room and Hotel Car. -Chicago Burlington & Quincy R. R. IS THE DIRECT ROUTE BETWEEN THE East and West, Running Through Cars CHICAGO" Council Bluffs, OUR SILVER BD dD IL Ei A DS What to do with the Silver Dollar has been agitating the public mind for some time. You can find out at ELI PLUMHER'S STORE I will give in exchange 13 Its choice dried peaches for a Silver Dollar. lo lbs choice dried currants for a Sil ver Dollar. SOLOMON & .NATHAN would respectfully announce to their many patrons that they have received a magnificent selection of Spring and Summer goods, which they intend to sell at prices which defy competition. Our facilities for purchasing in tho mar kets of the East are such that we are able to offer better inducements to tho trade than any other firm in the city, regardless of assertions to the contrary. Accordingly we give you our prico list, which after examination will con vince you of our low prices and the amount of money you will bo capable of saving by purchasing from us. General Dry Goods. Beautiful sprlu? prints "Standard Brands," 16 vdu. for SI ' other " io Good quality sheeting, 6'4e per yard. Yard wide bleached muslin 2" jc'per yard. brown rc " " up. Cheviot shirtings, 7. 9 and 12c " " Jienims kt up, (lucking He up Bed ticking 8V1O up. worsted delaines Lie per yard. Splendid assortment dress goods at o and loo per yard up. iini;li;uux c per yard up. Good quality black alpaca 2(io per yard up. Table linens 2rc up. Napkins 7.V; per yard up. Crash Toweling 5c per yard up. Handsome patterns in summer shawls 75c np. Cotton Batting Good 7 lbs forfl up. A full line of ladles. Gent, and Children Hose from ,v Carpet Chain " Standard Brand " iu 5 lb packages 1 y per pair up. Carpets. A MAGNIFICENT ASSOKTMENT. Hemp 20c per yard. Ingrain S7',c per yard. Two-ply all wool 7.r per yard, Huce-ply $1 23 per yurd. BrusecllH SI oo per yard. Door mats, rugs very low. Due yard wide floor oil .loth. 'J7'..c up. One and a half yards wide floor oil cloth, c.oc up. A CHOICE SELECTION OF CASS 131 ERE FOR MEN AND ROYS SUITS. WE OFFER SPLENDID BARGAINS IN THIS DEPT. All wool cassimeres 75c up. Tweeds 25c up. Cottonades 12! ,c up. Millinery and Fancy Goods. "We have received direct from "Paris" the most superb selection or Pattern Hat ever ex Inbited In this city, which we cirer froni $lo to e.u fi ; also, ;i full line of l.adi.'s and Chil dren liimmed Hats from 75c up. Miapes ftic up. Nice (lowers 10c up. i uaiuei.ts loc up. Plain mid Gros Grain Kibbous retailed at wholesale pi kes. N.ish ribbons, lovely pattern Ki CONNECTING WITH THE Union Pacific Railroad FOR ALL POINTS IX 1 lb choice G. F. Dollar. Tea for a Silver d (Moves 25c per pair uo. Lisle Thread Gloves 15c im all c.l..v Trimming Silks. Satins. alouir, Tunpiois. at remarkalily lowliguies. Handsome Black Spanish I .ace Scarfs from floe to 5 each. Black Bace Scarf goods bv the yard 15e no. Indies handkerchiefs 5c up. Bailies si!k handkcrclilrf- An exte'ixive variety of Neck Ties and Ti.-sues from loc Net crepe niching 10c per yard up. eiling :toe per yard. i. oi ion 2.V up. up. parasols .Sc up. Silk parasols 75c up I.aces. edgings and embroideries from 5c per yard up, Fans from fe to .l..ro each. Our stock of zephyrs is complete In every particular, mottoes, canvas, etc.at exceedingly low figures. We also carry card hoard In all colors. Pittsburgh. Philadelphia The Premium List Business. Beaches 10:55 p. m .j :45 a. in. : Special on this Train, which remains in depot until 7 :: a. in., affording PhMadelphia passengers a fu nigui s resi. 12 :15 p. m. ; Harrishurg. 3 a. in. : New York Philadelphia 6'leeping Car .TO full XEIS It ASK A. COLORADO. H'YOMIXG. MOyTAXA. XEVADA. UTAH, ARTZOXA, IDAHO, -AND- PLATTsMOCTn, Xeb., June 24, '78. Officers of the Grand Lodge A, htkI A. M. for the ensuing year. Grand Master E. K. Valentine. Deputy Grand Master James lulleys. t'.vlled off at C o'clock p. m. Ciik'd on at 8 p. ui. The election was continued as F. A. fol- Grand Senior Warden J. II. Cain. Grand Junior Warden-E. F. Warren. Grand Treasurer O. W. Knlovr. Grand tswwtary W. It. Bo wen. The following are the appointive of ers: ;rand Chaplain-Rev. Frank E. Bul- '!. irand Orator Gro. T$. France. Grand Lecturer- II. C. Rider. Grand Marshal Win. Adair. ;;iand Senior Deacon II. E. Palmer. - Unud Junior Deacon B. E. Swift, t rand Tyler j. McClella.t. The proceedings of the G. L. were ; v interesting and tho attendance 'z mean just what we say about . Jtegistry business. Xo party, no it men, temperance or anti-tein-. ,ict', republican or anti-republican, . . itatid up under such work with- rsroUst. We protest in the name .-'-tuerican citizenship, in the name r. jnest temperance, lu the name of : ".epuhlican party of this couuty. ' not a question of temperance, it .1 a question of politics; it is a :lion of right The thing lead to Republicans of Cass County. But a few short years ago you were triumphant on every side. Cass Coun ty was looked upon as the banner county of Eastern Xebraska. Has it been so lately ? Can you carry a Re publican ticket to-day in this county? We put this question to those who have the good of the party at heart, who really and truly desire its success and ask them to carefully and serious ly look the ground over and answer to themselves the question. Wbat has caused the change? An influx of dem ocrats? Xo! There are no more old fashioned democrats in the county now than then. It is our own person al quarrel infr. strife for office, and lo cal differences that have weakened our strength. We hear from various quar ters that this or that part of the coun ty will not support any man who has voted for county seat thus and so; or for socae other local reason they will not support such and such candidates. Is thin right, is it the part of wisdom? Can any party be sustained by such action ?. But, say some, we dou't want it sustained. We don't want a victo ry. If that is the case, let us under stand it at once, let us know where we stand. There is no nse of going through the farce of holding conventions and nominating men if a large portion of the voters propose to bolt the ticket at the poll.. For the purpose of ascer taining how wide spread is this feeling the chairman of the Republican Cen tral Committee will call the committee together shortly after his return, and put these square questions to them Which is of the most value to you, youv local fights or the success of the party? We wish our friends to think these things over, and that each and every committee man in the county will Le there, and prepared to answer. Beaches Pittsburgh 7 :.W p. m. ; Hanisburg. 3 i50 a. in. ; Baltimore, 7 :43 a. m.; Washington '. :05 a. in. ; Philadelphia, 8 :O0 a. m. ; .New ork, l( JlTt a. in. ; Boston, k :i p. in. Through Balti more and Uashiugton Sleeping Car on this f rain. FAR T. ALWAYS AS LOW AS AN V OTHER T.I N K. -Through Tickets for Sale at all Principal Points in the Wet. Ask for them via the KOiCT WAYNE & PENNSYLVANIA LINK. F. R. MY 15 US. loly Gen. rasa. & Ticket Agt., Chicaoo. PLATTE VALLEY HOUSE, JOHN" IIONM, Proprietor. Till: OIA KCLI4ULC IIOl'SE. Good accommodations for Farmers and tho traveling public. BoardgH per day. Meals 23c. Entirely refitted and re-furnished, and farmers are request ed to call and get 3 meals and bed for $1.00. 5m3 SHANNON'S 2S ou 9:IO P. M.Xight Exp. Except Saturd'y, With Drawing-Room Sleejiing Car. Mr. J. A. MAcMcrtrnY: Dear Sir: I see in tho Ukrald of the 20th inot., an article in regard to the Cass County Premium List, and in reply will say that the State Journal Co. is not to be blamed in the least for the mistake you claim in Class 9 of the Premium List, for said mistake was made by the Nebraska IIekald in the Premium List for 1877, as it will show for itself. The Journal printed it according to copy sent them. I had intended to correct the mistake but neglected to do so. I furthermore would say for the information of those not knowing the fact in the case, that the printing of the Premium List was let to the lowest bidder by a vote of the Cass County Agricultural Sooietv, at a regular meeting, where sealed bids were presented for the work. I think the Chronicle has the same right to have the work done at Lincoln with the Chronicle imprint as the Herald has to have posters printed at Lincoln and have the Herald imprint put on them, which work was done last year. The above is for the purpose of show ing tho plain faots in this matter on both sides, and I do not wish to cause any hard feelings in the least, but merely state what is true. I am re spectfully. J. P. Young. Sec'y of the Society. All right Mr. Young; we publish with pleasure, take the blame for all that wo are to blame for, and add that no diseredit attaches to you, nor to the Journal. The Journal simply printing what was ordered. The Herald should not have noticed this matter had not the Chronicle made a direct appeal to the passions and prejudices of the people here, by asserting that the Herald did not notice home man ufactories, &c., a few weeks ago. We have ran a home institution ourselves, and brought thousands of dollars of work here that would have gone else where. The case of the "posters" and claiming work under the expectation that it would be done at home is not JEWELRY ail& NOTIONS. I similar. The bids for the premium list California. I II II O L ; II CARS to KANSAS CITY, TOPEKA, ATCHISON k St. JoseDl A large package of the best A. Sugar foj a Silver Dollar. Or any other quality of sugar for a Silver Dollar. All sized package of coffe for a Sil ver Dollar. White Goods in Great Profusion. Piques nausook plain and etriped Jaconet, Bishop and price iroui us. per yam up. Buttons of every description. An unusual display of Cotton. Silk. Bu Fringes. Trimininus of every description. t orsets from 3.rc up. A unique select ion or tuck comlis from 15c to 1.'J.". each. Cuffs and collars zjc up. Pull line of Ladiec Suits. Ladies muslin underwear from lisc up. Victoria Lawn Sls, ranging In le. Ball and Two Ely Through Cars to HOUSTON Smoking and chewing tobacco large quantity for a silver dollar. in and all Point.' on JIISWOI KI. K.WMAM A TEXAN, AND A large invoice of salt fish just ree'd that I wisli to exchange for silver dol- Ilouston &, Texas Central Rail Roads. I ars. IT IS THE DIRECT ROUTE FROM THE West to the Mast AND THE EAST TO THE WEST. All Information Mront rates of fare will be cheerfully given by applvinc to 1. 20 yds nice prints for a silver dollar. Gents Clothing and Furnishing Goodg. A complete line. Softs from 4.!V) up. Cuff-, collars and neck ties at prices within the reach of all. tJents underwear from."' up. Colored i-versliirts, Mir up. White .shirts, 7'c up. Calico shirts, rtfc up. Percale Miir:s, T.V- up. BOOTS AJXD SHOES. An extensive line, noted for thi ir durability ami cl.c.-ipness. Mens boots from ?j.oo per p;iir up. Bos boots from vl.j.j pr p:i!r up. Mens shoes, ?t.li5 up. Bailies s!io s uoe up. Children siioeo, jc up. Hats and Caps. Latest styles, good hats, from 73c up. Caps from 'J.V: up. We also carry a full line of Jewelry, watches, clocks, silver hpojns, kriivev folks, pocket cutlery, writing materials, market basket-, work baskets, etc. 10 15 10 V. MITCnt'OCK. Uen. Wes. Pass. Ag't., CHlOAliO. gingham muslin white pique AT ACTO II Y P 11 I C K S. F Call and tie convinced LIVERY SALE AND FEED U. IF IKZafbGWS HARDWARE STORE, In Plattsmouth., Xeb., on Fourth St., about the MIDDLE OF THE BLOCK, you w ill find : Corn IManlers, (hand & Iiorsc) - Stirring Pious, I Sulkj IMohh, Cultivator, and all kinds of Farm Implements and Shelf Hardware, Tiu Ware, &c, Ac. ALSO, Hungarian and Millet Seed for Sale IMI-A-IX-T STBEET. Past of Platte Valley House. TIIK OLDEST LIVERY STABLE In the Town. Good Teams Always on Hand. Careful Drivers sent with car riages if desired. Carriages sent to Depot to meet all trains whenever ordered. THE ONLY HEARSE IN TOWN. Funerals attended and carriages furnished to friends. Address. J. W. SHANNON, ti-ly PllatUiuouth. eb. H. HEROLD, nun DRY GOODS, dealer In BOOTS, 5 s S c snose. CATS. HATS, I C? GLOVES, FURNISHING GOODS, GROCERIES, d-c. c-t- CD o o B 2.5"' a a t",t3 ri- - J t S 5 rft - - were, iikkaldjsso.uo, cnronicie y.oo, and had the farmers on the committee known it would have been printed away from home, they would have giv en us tho job. We never took the pos ters under a misrepresentation. I have a large stock of Buck GIqyqs . of my own make to be closed kinds of out at cost. Al if -j: COUNTRY PRODUCE r 3 CO i T3 CD ' S3 5 t t re " 2 2 r? C 3 t -i ' sr. o s o 1 3t 3 a. 3 zs i 2 A large jacket full of thread 4 pair men's Britsh half hose for a silver dollar. 10 pair of ladies white hose for a sil ver dollar. Xice summer shawls for a silver dollar. And a Great Variety of Goods I have not room to men tion at the same rates. Call and Examine the SOLOMON & NATHAN. mm? mmwm'i -A.T ZLnTIEW goods FOR tt O 55- if MS 9 all new and purchased for (DAS taken in exchange for GOODS Main Street, Corner of Fifth, I'LATTSMOUTII, - Neb 361 O. F. JOHNSON, DEALER IN Drugs Medicines? James Pettee DEALKK IN Musical Instruments, Sole Appointing Agt at for The Unrivalled n&soa A. Ham tin CABINET ORGANS. Also; the Steek. Henry F. Miller, and Ilallet & t'unislon Piuuos for I'ass and Sarpy countie-. AeD. urn ana see SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at office. Sixth, one door ontb of Main St. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Timing And rpalrlne Pfcino and Organs a KP-jcialtv. nnder the skllil bands of Mr. S. H. Iran, a tuner of thirty-three years exirine. COUNTTR,PLATF0R W WAGON OTACK THE BESTARE- cTTHE CHEAPEST Free of All Paper Trimmed Charge. ALSO DEALER IN Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest Publications. I am also Willing to Re ceive all the Silver Dollars Offered on Accounts. Embrace tbe oppor tunity before it is everlastingly too late. Eli Plummer. SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, SILK SCARFS, WHITE GOODS. TOWELS, TABLE LINEN, DOMESTICS, CORSETS, NOTIONS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, ETC., ETC. A Full Assortment of 1B(DTS AIED SMdDIES Groceries, Provisions, Queensware, Etc., CONSTANTLY KEPT ON HAND. CALIFORNIA DRIED AXD CAXXED FRUITS AND JELLIES. MAI1V1MSAFESCALEC0J 265 BROADWA Y AT. K 721 CHESTNUT ST. PHLA. PA. ; IU SENECA ST. CLEVE. Q. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded bjr wm Kxperlenred Drnsslst. COR. REMEMBER THE FLACE. FIFTH MAIN SI RESTS FLATTSMOCTH. XEJ3L Country Produce for Taken Goods. in Exchange