i? i I 4 1 6 I,! 0 to A r f I. f r:i 5w i s r i'i HE KA L L). LOCAL XKWS J. I. Simpson's house is rapidly progressing. Attend the Co. Sunday School con vention at Right Milo Grove next week. Frank Morrison is busy superin tending t lie building of his boAt in the lock yards. Mr. Tepperberg brought us some very line cherries picked from his own yard, his trees being loaded. The main track, from the transfer, in the yards, has been straightened and the depot platform widened. The county commissioners are in session this week: The proceedings Will appear in next weeks, IIkuald. SplenJid growing weather now an I we hear 1 i L tie or no complaint of dam igo in this vicinity from the late rains. Heavy rains are reported all over the west and 1'lat'smouth has not bjen left out from appearances Sun day morning. James Miesner in jumping from a wagon, injured his neck in such a manner as to give him much pain and inconvenience. Reports from along the I & M. Bhow considerable damage from the late rains, requiring a large force to repair and rebuild. Another body, one of the Glen wood hunters, has been found floating in the river and it has been sent to relatives in Mills Co. The current in the Missouri at Nebraska City has changed so that the ferry lands at the i'uut of Main St. the t'ut time in several years. The latest editor and propiietor of the Main St. sheet is Joseph Alexander O'Connor who complains that they can't get his copy in. lb-dined fare to the University ComiiM -ncement at Lincoln, over the 15. & M., and the City hotels have also ar ranged to give reduced prices to g lies '3 on tli j occasion. Totln r day v ie.' a the boys were io iding oats at the, river bank, Jlilly Darrah started to g- to St. Louis on tie flat boat, but changed his mind and w;:S towed in. Fifty dollar counterfeit 1 ills are in i ivu'a' ion, brought over from Ku rope by foreigners; mostly Swedes who have brt.u impose.: Look out for them. on by sharpers. The city council ;;t iheir last S.itur-, day night mi-fting. p-is.vd an ordinance I : e:!-i :i j e l ythiii lliat theS.atutes t:is mav !; whether th"ir :uhi;:i is remains 1 vt f til r w ill stand tho lest to I e st i n. .c rain .-to .itisniav m 4ht W '.shed o-.it two ler.hths of ei'-ibing !ii Dr. SchiMknechCs jaid, letting down a lare oi thm of his fe nce and of J hat j ;ty .dding he has j :st had diiue. Too bad, 1 r. !.r. Young killed a b-ef Monday that weighed l-l"'i lbs., and dressed 750 lbs, about per cent of eh-nr meat. ! j the way Geo. Fickler, o:.e of the ! st I meat Cotters iu town is with Mr. Yo :ng now a days. Mrs. Jonathan Wise met with unite a .seven; accident last wtek. ! while out riding horse back she was thrown from In r horse. No bones were broken, but some severe bruises and a general shaking up were the re sult. At the last meeting of the Cass Co. liar association, the folio. viug oili cers were elected for tin3 year. I 're: ; ident, Sam M. Chapman; Vice I're.-ident, Geo. S. Smith; Secretary, L !gir I). Some; Tr asurer, K. 15. Windham. A Mr. Clark has what h calls the "Liuhtning Washer," on exhibition at the auiiders House. It is a perfect t ii clothes waher and does the neatest j tee was appointed to draft resolutions w ork we have seen. For once some- regarding the death of Hon. Daniel body seems to have strut'; the right j Gantt. Sam M. Chapman, D. II. idea i:i Washers. He is selling County ! Wheeler, Geo. S. Smith and Willett rights. ! Fottenger, who reported the following: Mr. Jno. Fitzgerald has COO acres of I Whereas by a stroke of divine provi 1 lue grass on his farm near Greenwood, I aWe "J efficient officer, an fr, ml.i.-h he brought n speciman ! uiighi judge and a brother lawyer four feet high Mr. Fitzgerald No. 2 i lllul fiioi.d, has been removed from savs it is finer than anvthing he ever aong us for life. Therefore be it saw in Kentucky and he is familiar Retired, that we deeply deplore with that blue gra.s lv-un there, Ir.- : the untimely removal by death, from ing a resident of Cincinnati. i our midst.of Chief Justice Daniel Gantt I at the zenith of his professional and 1. It i ii t ui n on ine mu ll lilt- " ....... , people and especially the citizens of : Plattsmouth will secure ierfect ar- j r ingements for a grand celebration of i o i national holiday. Farmers, come to j the meeting in the court room saturttay afternoon ; citizens also should bo sure to attend. Wc received bv the hands of Mr James I'ettee a very line piece of cheese j in mufactured by Mr. Sol. Beardsley at their new cheese factory in Weening vaier. ii was oo. i in quamj, .um tensive knowledge of the law, togeth we have no doubt Mr. B. will find a ! .. ,,,,,.,...:,, intrit tT. ..;.i deuiand for all he can make. We ill C very glad to see such industries start- ed among us, and hope they will be; A'.WrW, that we extend to his liberally sustained. j bt.ri;u-lHl f;llUiiy in this dark hour of The Lancaster Mo. Excelsior in their affliction and sorrow, our heart connection with the marriage notice j felt sympathy. of J. P. Young and Miss Edna E. j -lth Ilcsolced, that copies of these res Campbell speaks as follows: j olutions be furnished to tho city pa- "The couple above named have launched out on the tempestuous sea of life with the most brilliant pros jeets. Mr. Young has been for several years one of Plattsmouth's most val uable business men, and fully des rves the estimable lady he has secured for bis life's joy. She will be remembered by all of her acquaintances as one who makes every one her friend who comes in contact with her, i nd the loss oc-casiom-d by her leaving is severely felt. Mav Ukmt pathway down into rlirt htief ul f uture bo one strewn wilts es, iuxl may they ever be at th pinnacle of happiness when In each elat'i's S'Xietr. each forbearing with vji other, while clriuking and j kp at th fount of the God-siren love ci husband ttr.d Y.ife. The steamer Gen. Tompkins tied up at IMattsmouth last Friday noon, and took aboard 1,500 sacks of oats to be taken to the mountains for govern ment supplies ; the oats were furnish ed by Messrs Conner, l'armele & T)ar rah, and Frank "White and were loaded iu short order, so that the boat pro ceeded on its way at night. The Gen. Tompkins is a new boat making its first trip; it was built in Pittsburg and is an excellent boat for freighting pui poses; it is owned and operated by parties in St. Louis. The case of Frank Walker vs W. II. II. Kellogg of Greenwood, was trisd in the Co. Judges court by jury Friday last, Geo. S. Smith for Plaintiff and II. 15. Windham for defendant; the points in the case appear about as follows: Kellogg some years ago entered upon a piece of School land and ever since has been living upon it, but without lease or paying anything upon it. Frank Walker this past winter leased the same from the state, but Kellogg re fused to vacate the place until paid for his improvements. It was a case of squatter sorerigntv, or whether by liv ing on vacant land for a while with out a title, the person so doing could hold claim to the land until he receiv ed pay for improvements. The case was one of more than ordinary import ance and w as watched with consider able interest. The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff holding that the defendant had no shadow of right or title to the lands in question. On Saturday night last in the midst of the heavy storm, the western bound freight put out from the yard and proceeded westward About o.30 a. in. word came to town that unlucky No. 7 had met with another accident, which proved to be about, as follows: At the head of Cedar Island, on the banks of the I'la'te, the heavy rain had caused a wash out which carried a portion of the track into the river; the train came along and a Hash of lightning revealed the state of affairs, the engineer whistled down brakes, reversed his engine, jumped and came out all right; no one on the train ws hurt but a car of horses was thrown from the track, down the bank, and out of the nineteen in the car but nine escaped. The locomotive, the Highland, bur ied itself out of sight and reach, in the river and has not yet been found and taken out. A large number of men were at work all day Sunday, repair ing the track where damaged by wash outs, so as to be able to run the regular trains the next day. A very pleasant reception party was given to Mr. and Mrs. J. 1'. Young by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Marshall at ta deiman's parlor last Friday evening. A large company a.-seniidcd to wel come the bride to her new home and to wish I'hil the happiness and success in life, which he if any merits; every one likes I'hil and every one was glad j to meet and we'coin her whom he lias j chosen to journey with him through I life. The company was large, number I ing fifty couple and was as cntcrtain- i i-g "and pleasant as one could wish. Mrs. Marshall as hostess possesses the faculty of making every one feel per- fectly at home, and with a hundred I people to receive, introduce and enter tain, the task was no light one. The toilette of the bride was simple, tasty ami pretty ; many of the ladies in the gathering were quite elaborately array ed, as befitted the occasion. The early hours of the night were passed with music, games, social chats and the promenade, until supper was announc ed, which needs no commendation. At an early hour the guests for the most part, took their departure; the fear of the rain hastening many: We venture a more pleasant evening, with such a large number, is seldom passed and we are assured that the successful effort by Mr. and Mrs. Marshall to welcome the younj couple to IMattsmouth, was ! appreciated by all. I . ... i: . r .1.., v. . . tv... .vi a meeting ui ine .ms o., ij.u Association in Chapman's-odico on Sat urday morning, the following coinmit- , a, 4. i i i .i 1 intellectual career; that by his death i the profession has lost one of its l brightest ornaments and the State and Country one of its most influential and j patriotic citizens. ! 2. that we shall over cherish with pleasure our recollections of him while discharging his duties to the ; people of this commonwealth, iu the high office to which the suffrages of our people had elevated him, bringing as he did his extensive and comnre- I - ------ - - " o'ilj -v . V. i i k in 1 1 1 c f 1 v -lilm 1 1i itrn! ;c . - . . . ; sj0ie duties. pers for publication and a copy to the 1 family of the late Chief Justice also a copy to the State Bar association. Come out to the Ice Cieam Festival at Duke & Wheeler's Hall this evening. Handsome line of Linen and Grass Cloth soiiis recti ved at Solomon & Na- Corder will close out his en tire stocfe of cultivators at cost; satis faction suarauted to every purdhaser. j -"White Piques" (lovely patterns) 10c j pr yd at Solomon & Nathan's. j6 2t Cas Co. Sunday School Convention, to he held at Fight MileGrore, June 12th, IS 78. PROGRAMME OF EXERCISES. 2 p. m. Music Devotional exercises conducted by Ilttv. James T. IJaird. Reading minutes. Unfinished business. Reports of Officers. 2:30. Sunday School Statistics what shall we keep and how shall we keep them ? 13. Spurlock, ITatts mouth. 3:15. Have we done right to discard the Catechism from the Sun day School, Rev. A. Folden, South Rend. 4. How shall wo stimulate Sunday School enterprise in the county, Rev. W. S. Blackburn, Plattsmouth. Question Drawer, answers by the President. RECESS. 7 :o0. Lecture by Rev. J. R. Chase, of Weeping Water Subject, "Mohammed lsm." :o0. Relation of adults to Sunday School. THURSDAY A. 31. 9. Opening exercises Devotional. 9:30. What are the advantages and disadvantages of our lesson system and how shall the disadvantages be obviated, Rev. R. F. Diffeu backer, Louisville. 10:15. Libraries and Periodicals, Thomas Pollock, Plattsmouth. 11. Who is the competent Teacher W. II. Tibbetts. Eight Mile Grove. 11:30. The S. S. Teacher as au ar tist Fssay, Mrs. R. Spurlock. Question Drawer. RECESS FOR DINNER. 2 p. in. How can we best secure the co-operation of the S. S. workers in this Co., in our association? Rev. J. T. Band, Plattsmouth. 2:30. The Model Sunday School Fs say, W. K. Louf burrow, Weeping Wa ter. 3. A model Bible class, Rev. J. B. Chase, Weeping Water. 3:25. The Blackboard in S. S. with illustration from S. S. lessons of June 9th, C. II. Winslow, Mt. Pleasant. 3:50. An Infant class, Mrs. M. E. Woods, Weeping Water. 3:10. Can the Temperance Question be profitably introduced into the S. S. and how Essay, Mrs. True, Mt. Pleas ant. RECESd EOll StTPCK. 7:30 Lecture by Rev. J. T. Uaird, IMattsmouth. 6:30 The relation of the S. S. to the public services of the church, Rev. E. Wilkinson, Weeping Water. FRIDAY A. 31. P. Opening and Devotional Exercis es, f y;:0. Eieclion of O Ulcers. Reports. Miscellaneous business. 11 Grove meeting, with general meeting of children, teachers and friends of Sunday Schools of Cass Co., ami abroad. Basket dinner. Good tiniu for ail. Everybody is invited. Lost: Sunday morning May 12th, a tmail bible bound in Turkey moroc co. On a blank leaf in front was writ ten, Jane F. McCormick. It was left iu the Christian Church accidentally. It may have been takon out by some child. Being a gift from my mother in my childhood, I prize it very highly. Wiil feel grateful to any one return ing it. I0t2 Mrs. W. IL Sciiildknecht. Slippers 3 c a pair at Merges'. Stf Handsome new pattern hats at Mrs. Johnson and Miss Sweeney's. .. 912. Berkshire Hogs. I would respectfully invite the at tention of Stock fanciers of Platts mouth and vicinitv to my fine Berkshire Boar SFLIM, directly from imported stock. Parties wishing his services can be accommo dated by applying to Charles J. Pettee at IIiokald Office or the Proprietor James I'ettee. Residence one block south of High School building. I have also a fine pair of Imported Essex Pigs. tf Harvesters of all kinds and style with or without self binders; all the best manufactured kept on hand. Headers of different kinds, Haines Re liable for sale; Reapers and Mowers of all kinds constantly on hand, every machine sold set up ready for use. Call at Fred Gorder's warehouse where these machines are found and satisfy yourself that they are the best and cheapest in market. Strawberry and Ice Cream Festival. Given by the ladies of the Episcopal church, at Duke & Wheeler's Hall (this) Thursday evening. Come and have a pleasant time. k'nij hts of Honor, Attention! Regular meeting in Odd Fellows Hail Friday evening at 8 p. m. LOST. In Stadelmann's Ice cream Parlor during the Reception of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Y'oung, on Friday evening May 31st, 1S7S, one blue and white silk Handkerchief with three gold rings tied in same in a hard knot, one band ring bearing the following initials M. E. T. The finder will please leave the same at the P. O. News Depot and be rewarded. Slippers 35c a pair at Merges. Stf Ball! Ball! at Albee Hall in Louisville, Xeb , June 10th, 1S78, good music; plenty room and enough to eat. All are invited. Frank Albee. L&lies Misses and Children : you will be able to secure white, colored and Fancy striped Hose, remarkably low by calling at Solomon & Nathan's. j6 2t Personal. Mrs. II. J. Streight made Platts mouth a short visit last week. A. 13. Smith of Colorado formerly a resident of Plattsmouth is in the city. T n Mnnro nnp of thfi "stalwarts" I of Cass county, called on the Herald last week. Mr. Wooley late teacher in the High : School, is reading law w ith Hon. S. M. Chapman. Judgo Haines has returned from Chicago and was not lost a3 was cur reutly reported. Mr. W. B. Arnold, of Tipton, form er county Commissioner and a good one called Tuesday. Dr. R. R. Livingston is attending a meeting of the state medical associa tion in session at Fremont. Rev. W. S. Blackburn is at Kearney tho present week, attending the State Sunday School Convention. Mr. Plummer, Sr. has returned from a long sojourn in Iowa, and again makes Plattsmouth his home. Gtorge Mayfield waded and swam to town Monday. The whole Platte bot tom was under water for a while af ter the rain. A brother of A. W. McLaughlin is in the city for a few days, visitings his brother; he leaves the last of the week for New Mexico. Tim Riordun an old citizen of Platts mouth has returned here, and goes west with Mr. Fitzgerald to aid in their new railroad work. Miss Ruby, formerly a teacher in Plattsmouth, and who has recently been teaching in Denver, has returned to her home iu Cass county. Mrs. Wells and family have taken their departure from Plattsmouth to the rural wilds of Cass county. Rush Fellows accompanies thtmi and Platts mouth will see him no more. Mrs. Baldwin, a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Wiley has been making her pa rents a visit, prior to a trip in their own conveyance to Colorado for the benefit of her husbands health. Sam Long, Capt. OTIoiirk, S. M. Chap man and W. D. Jones, are at Council Bluffs to day, shooting pigeons at a grand shooting tournament assembled there from Iowa and Nebraska. Strawberries and Ice Cream at Duke & Wheeler's Hall, this evening Come and get some. For sale, cheap, 130 Desirable build ing lots in tho city of Platismouth, Title perfect. Taxes all paid up. Terms easy. Apply to A. W. McLaughlin Cas'hier 1st National Bank. 23tf Sweet Potato Plants. Delivered at the express office in Glen wood Iowa. Packed free at !?2.o0 per 1,000. Address. L. A. Williams. Also plenty of cabbage and tomato plants, cheap. 7t 1 J. G. Chambers, the harness maker is can ing a large stock and his large sales iu I he past few mouths are Hie be.-t evidence that he gives a good article at the lowest living prices. Look at some of his bargains li. bar ness, sets, collars &c. Case Goods. A new lot of very fine case goods at Keenan & Grace's. Brandies, Wines, Bottled Beer and Port. Ales vry fine for family use, cigars, tobac cos, &c, ic. 1 lt4 A good set of double buggy harness for sale cheap for cash, ar ply at this office. lltf Gentlemen: Your attention is called to our recent arrivals in Hats and Caps of every description also the most suberb line of White and colored Laundered Shirts, ever shown in this city; the qualities embrace White lin en, Cheviot, calico and cretonne, from 90c to 83.00. j 2w SoLOiiox & Nathan Nursery Stock. Mr. Wm. W. Kinsr, agent for the Shenandoah Iowa Nurseries, will re turn to Cass Co. in the fall, to supply all his old customers and many new ones, with Nursery Stock of every de scription from the celebrated Shenan doah Nurseries in Page Co., Iowa, those who have tried the stock will know somewhat of its merits before Mr. Kings return. Ilt4 Slippers 35c a pair at Merges'. Stf 'Besika" Suitings in Plaids and striped, 10c pr yd, well worth 20c at Solomon & Nathans' j6 2t OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. FREMONT, NEBRASKA, FRANK PARCELL - - - Prop. Good rooms, good hoard, and every thing in apple pie order, (io to the Occidental when you vUit Fremont. iotf SPECIAL NOTICES. Ruffner & Black at Weeping "Water, have sold all the Agricultural Imple ments they could haul out there. Wi ley Black was in yesterday and reports their business as A No. 1. The firm will lay in a new stock of fall imple ments. Ilw2. Don't fail to call and examine the beautiful' cottage it-right piano at O. F. Johnson's Drug Store. lltf. James Pettee, Agt. GREY EAGLE. A very fine Stable Horse is now in the hands of Mr. Wm. Gilmour "south of town and will be kept here for a few weeks. He is of pine Messenger and Grey Eagle blood, has a record of 2-32 and is in every respect a valuable horse to use. Those having likely mares would do well to call and ex amine him. Mrs. Johnson and Miss Sweeney keep rolling in new goods. Their line of faLcy goods b very complete. 9t2. Oh Say, if you want a square meal for 25 cents go to John Leach's Restaurant one door east of Fitgerald's Block. 52tf Improved book binders at this of fice, tf Rockwell of Louisville makes a spe ciality of teas, don't you forget it. tf Go to Jones & Stroud for a good team just now. lOtf. Magazines bound here. tf Billey Stadelmann has got a new stock of clothing, just received, for summer wear, and will be sold as usu al, way down low for cash. lOtf. Good second-hand organs and melo deoxs for sale or rent low. Leave ad dress at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drugstore cor 0th and Main Sts. Jamls Pettee, 9tf. Dealer in Musical Instruments. A choice, selected ard new stock of clothing just received at Stadehuann's ; go and look at them before you buy from any other man. lOtf. The Victor, the simplest lightest running and best working sewing machine in the market. Perfectly noiseless. Call and see the beautiful Sample Machine at Merges' Shoe Store. Merges & I'ettee, 9tf Agents f 01 Cass County. Just roll your gimlet eyes towards those new ten dollar suits at Stadelmann's. toward flannel lOtf. New Potatoes, raised by Alvers Mo rey, 9 weighing a pound, for sale at Weckhach's. May 21st, 1378 tf. Horses for Sale. Jones & Stroud have 18 or 20 head of good work and carriage horses for sale. lOtf. Pension Papers. Those wanting pen-don papers ac knowledged will please remember that J. R. Toman, Notary Public, Louisville, has a certificate of the county Chji k filed with the lT. S. pension Agent and can attend to all such business. 52tf Dry Goods are one of the most es sential tilings in keeping house and people who want anything in this line can find Rockwell of Louisville, ready for sale at low figures. Hardware is nlentv. heavv. cheat) and good at Rockwell's Louisville. tf Corn and oats taken at this office on Subscript ion at market rates. 41tf Use "Centennial Rat Exterminator. Another good farm for sale in Cass County 1G0 acres; good house, six rooms, frame stable, 125 acres broke, fine cotton wood grove ten acres, Apply to Neb. Herald ofiicv. 4 : ; t f . Jno. A. MAcMi'Erny. You can save a large per cent of your coin crop by read ing "Three Blind Mice," and following advice. t4tf For Groceries of all kinds and at low figures t he Louis illians will find Rockwell on hand every day. 52lf For Sale A good Portable Pipe Organ, manu factured by the, celebrated I. Dennett Nutter, entirely remodeled and good for twenty years. This beautiful in strument has 1 stops and 3 registers of pipe,- and for quality and power of tone cannot be surpassed by any Portable Pipe Organ. For particulars enquire of S. M. Brown, tuner and repairer of pianos and organs, Creston, Iowa, or to JAMES I'ETTEE, dealer in musical instruments, Platts mouth, Neb. 47tf. CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Serge Shoes (JOcts. " Slippers. .Wets. " " Leather Shoes 75 cts. Shoes axd Boots are iowx to rock trices. Mens Buckle Alexis 6 1 SO " Prince Alberts 1 50 " Whole stock Brogans 1 50 These goods and others including a la rye stork of all kinds of Boots. Shoes and Slippers, must be sold. No trust. utf Peter Merges. Eighty acres of Land for sale, near Greenwood, Cass County, Nebraska: all under cultivation, good small house and young orchard and grove Time on two thuds of purchase money. Ap ply at Neb. Herald office. ltf. Geo. II. Shafer & Co., Manufactur ers of True Pharmaceuticals, Fort Madison, Iowa. 34tf. New Restaurant. North side Main St., one door east of Chamber's harness shop. Meals at all hours. Give me a call and get the worth of your money. 3tl3 David Cais. The grandest bargains ever known in this town can be had for the next 60 days in clothing. Boots .and shoes in cluding a superb stock of ladies and children.? shoes, which will be sold clear nown for cash. Such bargains were Cever known before, at Stadelman's clothing emporium. 20tf Notes, receipts and bills for sale at the Herald Office; also scale book3 for grain and cattle dealers. 4Ctf SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED oztsT nvfiirsr steeet, East of l'latte Valley House. THE OLDEST LIVERY STABLE In the Town. Good Teams Altcays on Hand. Careful Drivers sent with car riages if desired. Carriages sent to Depot to meet all trains whenever ordered. THE ONLY HEARSE IN TOWN. Funerals attended and carriages furnished to lrtends. Address. J. W. SHANNON. 12-1-f i-Uartsmouih-, Seb. Grand reduction in Blankets, Scarfs, i Caps etc.. atMaklaner & Herrmann's New price, Old price. hiteBl k'tS2 00 i?2 To a p ur, ;j 00 " -5 00 " " c 00 " " 50 " " 4 00 " 4 00 5 00 2 ',) 3 00 2 25 Colored Horse " 3 00 tf Caution to Smokers, and after the 1st day , . , . 1 From and after the 1st day of May, ! 1ST8 all boxes containing cigars of my manufacture will have mv name bold- ' ly printed on the inside of the lid. Thi j is to prevent counterfeitinj mv brand ; .f -il , i,r..i-'..r' im'-ililv .r ! . j U- cigars, resorted to bi' some unpnnc pled mauulacturers. onu are yenu , ..1.1.. 1.1. Hie unless j.iaiuiy laoen-u: , JULIUS I'FI'I'KHF.UHO, I M AXVFACTl'RER, j Flattsmouth, - - Nebraska. ! Ibinr in ytiur corn or oats to the Herald othce. 41tf. HEi rforlliO weak, iiervous.ani ileliilitate.l Chmiiie and painful diseases cured withuiit niedit iiie. Electric T.elts ami (illier appliances, all about them, and how t. ili!ini:ais!i the sen nine from the .spurious. I'. iak. with full partic ulars, mailed fit Ad.llVsS PlI.VKH.MAi'UKK I (Sai.vanic Co., 2S2 ine Street, t'ii:t i:ina: i, i, l l-;ilt. A (Jeptle Hint. In our style of climate, with its sud den changes ()f temperature, rain, wind an J sunshine often intermingled iu a sinirifi day, ii is no woider that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglect ed colds, half the deaths resulting di rectly from this cause. A bottle of Hoschee's German Syrup kept .about your home for immediate use will pre vent serious sickness, a huge doctor's hill, and perhaps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curinj: Con sumption, Hemorrha.oe.s, I'ntMimonia, Severe Coughs, Croup or any other di sease of the Throat or Limits, its suc cess is simply wonderful, as your drug gist will teli you. Cernian Svrup is now sold in every town and village on this continent. Sample bottles for t ri al, 10c; regu larsize, T.jc. Stf-alt An Undeniable Truth. You deserve to suffer, and if you lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life in this beautiful worhl.it is ent irel y our own fault antl there is only one excuse for you, your unreasonable prejudice and skepticism, which has killed thous ands, l'ersonal knowledge and cuin- liion seiise reasoning will soon show I you tliiil (ireette's August Flower will j cure you of I.ivtr Complaint or Dys- j pepsia. vviih ail its miserable effect?, I such as siek heaihiehe. palpitation i' j the heart, sour stomach, haliitu .i cos- ; tiveness, dizziness of the heat!, nervous prostration, low spirits, &. Its sales now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a Druggist but will tell you o? its wonderful cures. You can buy a sample bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will relieve vou. 5!vaU2w THE WONDKI TL Sl'tTK-sS Which has attended the use of I'.roinis l.ictr Pills has demonstrated the fact, that medicines prepared for eastern diseases are not adapted to the diseases of this western climate. The people of the west would do well to bear in mind that headache, biliousness, pain in the side, indigestion, constipation, etc., result from an inactive condition of the liver, produced by the mias matic inlluences common to all new countries: A speed' relief is obtain ed by the use of llrociis Liar Pills. The great remedy for inflammation is Arnica, Jlrotrn 's A mini Unlet is con ceded to be, the most reliable prepara tion before the public, for curing cuts, bruises, burns, frost-bites, and old sores antl ulcers. All of Itroirn's (7reit Western Reme dies for sale by Dr. Y. K. Donebin. Chapman it Smith, J. II. Buttery, and O. F. Johnson. &tc. Plattsmouth, Neb. TO THE AI'MJCTni. Act wisely, and at once procure the following wonderful Family Medicines, DU. FlTLEU's KlIKl'MATlC II KM KI) V and layer Pills, a positive, permanent specific for Neuralgia, Kheuinatism. Sciatica, Lumbago, (Jout, pain in Hack, Head, Heart, I. tings. Limbs, Nervous, lllood and Chronic Dieseases. Dr. Fit ter's Kidney Cordial removes deposits of Gravel. Albumen, Alcali Acids, re tention of ui ine, high colored water, ami strengthens the Bladder and Kid neys. Dr. Fitter's CnlLsnyn Tonir, for debilitated constitutions, increases vig or, strengthens the system, tones the stomach, and increases appetite. A pleasant substitute for Iron, which constipates the bowels and destroys the teeth. Dr. Filler's German Pectoral for Lung Diseases, Bronchitis. Coughs antl Colds, a superior combination which acts quickly antl relieves rapid- j ly. Your druggists, Chapman & Glass ! are agents for Plattniouth. 20-vl I LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriff's Sale. virtue of an or.ler of sale issued by Wm. I. Weils Clerk of tile. Dist Court within ":iml for Cass County, Nebraska, ami to lue (iireeteil 1 vi!l ou the t tli ilay of July, A. 1). Istm. at 11 o'clock. A. M., of s;iit' tlay. at the 'otiih ilo-.r of the Couil lloiie iu said County. Hcil at pub lie Auction the following Keal estate to-it : Tiie undivided :iie half ( , i of i.ot No seven (7) in block No .vciitceii tiT) in the city of i'iatt.-inouth known as tiie lionuer stable. The same beintr levied upon and taken as the property of diaries 1,-tzenby lleien Laenl.y ami Kicd (Jorder Defendants ; to satisfy ;t j iili inent if said Com t, recovered by J:osenbauiit ISrothers h linn doini; Ijii-iness in Cliicatio 111. coiiiHised of M. .S: O. lUisenbaiim. Jlerctiants fiamtills. Platt'oiioiith. Neb.. .Tune Ctlt A. D. 11 w5 It. W. JIvkks, Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb. Probate Notice. Notice is hereby Riven to all tiersor.s having claims apainst the estate of t. J. yuinton. tie- . i-.i, iu iiir nit: .i.iiur in uiv nun i ui uiif v". Jiul.uc, in and for Cas Coiintv. Nbraska. at Plattsmouth on or before t he L'-th day vt Ni eniber, A. D. IiiT8, and meet the adinini-trator at on o'clock p. in. on said day for the allow ance or disallowance of the fame. A. X. SLLLIVA', Co. Jlld'. Dated May 22d, 1S78. i3 Master's Sale. District of Xelraka, x: Tn the Circuit Court of the U. S. I r . . ,. lor the District of Nebraska. ( 1,1 1 "ncery The First National P.ank of Omaha, plaintiff, vs Ira Waldo and Geo Ii Sco field, impleaded with Kli Cross et al, defendants. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE. Public notice is hereby given, that In pursu ance if a decree entered in the above eause. on the link day of September, A. 1). 177. I Watson: K. Smith, Master in Cnancerv ot said Courr. will m the twentv-fifth .lav nf'Jime. A. D. lsTs, at the hour of eleven o'clock iu the forenoon of said dav. at the north door of the I'nited States Court House, in Omaha, Nebraska, sell t;t pub lic auction, the- follow iuir described property, to-wit : All those Heveral pieees and parcels of land situated iu the City of Beatrice, in the County of (Jamand tate of Nebra.-ka. knou si lots number fl (5) aud six i8j in block sevea y four(71j. Watsov Ii. Smith, J. M. Woolwohth, Master in Chancery Solicitor for Plaintiff. OH Omahwebraska. ilay o, if'&. AUminiotrator's baio. Not!, c i In-: ( if :t , --i i'i t ir 1:1.' i i : i 1 1 n -i i . it" . .lu'kri- I ,io m iiiii ( ii.-i ii ll;-i;-l. ;i Mf.d ' (or( i-v I'i'.. Nrii. :-i I,: (.:utn:-..-tv lu lai- t '.y of .1, . a m.i .i! .!.iy 1 a .1 V -:', A . i !.. ! 1 r.l IV. .Jii:.c f. l?. !! : (an li'I Im Wc -.'i.i i im- sal'1 '.! :iLi..:' rVli't'1; ' 1 i".. f .;t; !' 1 1 '.',. i t l!;.' . '-. Im li.t .. . i.. o.:.t Imi-r of t . 1 i 1 : 1 t !.'! I.Hi : i'.i. V li'ivM ci 1... 1 I. Ii l'.ltli.:T .!"-.. lii'il' '. .1. of ':i- ' i v. .Nfi-!-i iii'j .losrr -:!i ,1 I. ;..! !(. iin- nr.:. i. tin.' .1 a tn- i-.ila .'!; :i. l .J;itn" urs M. 1; a..: . ! ri':n -a. v.t. i'i ii'.d Io I lie to'.;- . 11 M-.-'i 1:1 ':.-. i i-1 t -,-..-i' : i w-vt -l am 1 f.-i 1 . l t. ! .;.'. i'i !i 'Mil' 1 is l-i-- .-: fii- i 1:1 i in Woe-'iu.; w ;i:e: S.ui! !! re- m.:ia ("..t 11 an- lmlj! r lor la- .-pace 'i.ae Lour. -iVi-niN c..mi. 1)::: , vr:. imvi.t. I iVU in r 01 1 ne 1 1: . i-i .; is. .-1 . i.'miiii.im-i ii. Legal Notice. Ii! the Caf-s -n:!iy I'tiir? :lt ." t!ir S-er.i .liil:i'i:il 1'iitiieT if N.-.-i -e-K -. ' IMvitiml I'.. M.eni.li.- i,e. .lose,.:, S:,-.. l!m- . .Vet 'unKis (Jt.1,.lllt.lI.tH. ,-ii..a a. i.. mil- i f aioit ?ag.. T-t ihf ohorf .-iR:.--f V. .U-; ' A Tw". 1 ti' ' n-.i ami eae'i ef via ;v hv it' -1 " 'i '! that the aim e naiiieil pl ami III" i! i.l nil I -Hi ii: y of .May. A. I'. ls, ii.e ir, lo- i.i-i -.- ..i 111 t !. I .. of t he :;!. ve ii .iiimI 'm.i 1. I - .) '"T I 'i . f oi eeli :.iiie of :i min t Jf iu'e. e "t-.m I I ill -:.. 1.1 foi -ecloMii-e (if u mutt jr-iu-e. e- "t-.m i i :.. 1. 1 i .lii-.;i!i !u-i a aa.t :iu. : e M-. . a. in- lot .I.'se p'u ..ii!. m in. a .-H.U1-.I s i mi- Pi i i:i 1 1 for j a valuable e:'.!-!!!.-!.!-1 Hi. I lie ooj.-i-t ami i r ; f which is t. i; ;.::n it. .iii-i-!nM,i i.uiiif. n! :t'iil ii:';i!ti; e.-itai-' real fsla-e. .:!;!.. I In.-: t 'on ii ot t iimi S ale ol :.,-.; i. s.ti.l a j limlinu of t hi- i i.i-Kit .!ue t !i-!c-i i. v. Mi a. or- I tn-V.s li e, ami t lie Iril l il.u ;.'!il i . .ivi-;, sl ! : :; ..1 :.!' voiir i i -1 : r . iti.ii l:. !t i . cli of viiii. hi v:;'-ooi:--r : jielfMiteut cri-utt.-i ; i'i .i.w.-pti .ei-:t .-i if. in . to said 1. 1 Inl . or li.ll l.ejctl1;.'ll !' I.'.IMI! ot j ioliie ci eii! i.ii of said cioi P.::te. Yo.t it in l edv liii'llier noi ;.K d io ;ip',n ar. pli .'.d ;iimi i I or ileinur 1 ! ll:e : i loii in I cause, lilei! on or iu-foi'.. M ;o p!. i. ill i.l In tins, da v .1 u' v 1 i i. A. I I). or ;ilii-:-arvni of i:;.i;ii! l-ij y mi a. ii I t iti'li i on v. n i o if.ld il di'l'ii'tJ H-ll jl !"'.' f'-Ml'l'ii'l 1 : 1 1 M I : : p.y fovKi.i. ii K vmi-i. Ii: A't's ai.u S i'i. :;. I'.. V. riatlsimmtll. Ne!'.. M. '-'!. A. rVt Y. kl U i V. r e .COUNTER, PLATFORM WAGON &TEACK THE BEST ARE i rTr S E CHEAPEST HIAmriK SAFE SCALECQ 265 BRQADWA Y N. K 72 CHESTNUT ST, FHLA. PA. j 117 SENECA ST. CLEVE. Q. 5j. . '; O a - . "'. - ' . r. 41 rn. I '- - Z- '7 - ! c .2 Ut : r. - ' f i Z '- ' V. -r. .' - A PHYSIOLOGICAL Vie v7 ef Idz.Tida&o ? AN U i ii-li 1-: rtrprocinc -.i m ii ii he Xiisi-RHt-s nf Women. F V P. "5 J , W' A '"''- ' ,r l ",v'-l. count- , rnl v.t I fc. rvitiDICAL DVISF.! On all (Jii-n;.-. in 1. rnvait 1. hi ue- nni:::.' Irum . AbliB5, I'.zccB'Cts, u. ttcn t Tjiqi at"s, v.la tiie Luat Hiri.nA ir,-t..-. I'Ji r , 'n -i-.. pi n-i :Ai i A CLIN if A I. LfCTlTKEi.il tin? li.nw twt and Ciok ot iJih Throat ai.u Lungs, Caiirrli.Zlupture, ta Opium flabit. vi.. p .!-!- luni, l.;iicr 1..M.R m-iit p.. ! pa I'I on ri-ccpt of price : or all tiirM. ct'n.ainiiir..i t-r'-n. haieitu-.y ii.ntrili. nr 7. cli. Audita. CB-JJOTTa, .u.l2.. bin M. Ut. i.auia. He. iA YEAR. Accnts -Bun tdl. lins! J ness loplttiiiate. r.irtlcnl:ir? fn '3 . J Addreaa J.WUETU A' CO .St Loui. Mo. W- ta t 0K& F B S D ,T M-wp'-'nc I.Rh" al.'! :: V.mi.l iwe ie JS B 5.J.n-.l. I'si:r...; uul- -imii. !.4.tw..; J ill 14 jf-jrpirtii".!. l-u. t.'mi.,.. I B W til 1-1 M .-ui.inrtou : I., I v , I-I. pnrvii'M AVATrn in rmiv-i k7. i Ti.lti.U'i lulu. T.'r.i.. i. I hi .1... .... r.OT, riiATF,!) AV'ATC'IIK1. cv-, ' v Kin On.- kuoiTU v..ji-,.. Sa-i f Vat- ti Il.k ti .'.u J;au(u, A. i:;in.Tt.:i t Co.. thuwi. i:.u Dr.A.G.OLIN'SiM lil l.fanof lrlvl if. rt:"h fr.. ( -.u'v txhti' r lufWilun "f tf in I ii ul WfMlri'.'Wffi :4 KmiMinni. LoMorMpmon, linpuirvtl Vicht, l.t Alnnhood or Iinpofriii-j. Sityuuo miiHlM, ft.j,- Tlritliy i'uM ; .fl-r;, , . I ,c HU(fr, Kl.!nt, I.JwP. 1,3 tt if , A-'l:it:t. 'I'firr1!. I'Hr-. nti i '-.T.!. ('-.. ar.l fk.VIAI.O, j r. I u tm'--.i. i :n In Il t.1 ti!--ioiit -si-rlrf.''. tol ni- HI. !.t fill. t e-vi.!taS t-f IIS TTIte-i -.(. u- lu. n-fi mv, t . I 4 pr v iu tfni i:. . I, !! ri :irit.if tr. ti..f t wt:h lrl ule l.-'Nr nr,. boai-I. ri w r:u'. i: rM ;,,istt f -r Paukuu. Sm.1 f;hy mkU for wi:nle of Kuier --l- n i . filv of l-nmnt it.f.prrna-K.rt hvtiiv. jUi. OLIN'H MARRIAGE GUIDE D.,: y-Hiitg nm rrti.liilf a.-r.i ...f tK 'n Sm, all f.9 4 tu-n. K very body ttic-u.J gt llil 1j,. 1 rLc'SU vo.l, Kjmuymf H. HEROLD, dealer In DRY (iOOUS, BOOTS, SHOKS. HATS, C.Vr.S. CLOVES, FL'nxisiriNt; ; )ODM, GROCERIES, tfv. JEWELRY and N0TI02TS. I hare rt lare '.ork tf Muck Gloves rf my own aii'ie to fe cloi-cd out :ii cost. Al kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken iu exchange for Main Street, Comer cf Fifth, Platismoutu, Xtti NEW jDVERTIGEMBNTg. j PT Mm THOMAS L-RG1. UMV I Aft U cm-.:-, 1 i-Hioi k... u-i i"flil 11 I i f I! Ml, ,. rSrl.t. lllMMI-y f.i, M-CII. 1 ii!i;-l ontt-t. n ! !ars ci.-. 1 H-v IMms . ( ;.'rli'l, N. V. "1 0 n r' !':thr! h' (' it .'-( t-1 in I'i I'il J 1. I !i A 1 I Oi:i i: ant ! 1 Ct I" I. A !iS, v. illi i:vw ,ljS-'.. r-t(ri-il ,- n .-ml ina.-ll i nf -n iii.i' ' hi. si-i.I f !. MA-; .ii t H AMI IN ll:WA. ., l..,t(?i. Ne Via k or I hii'iisn. 1 .-r i-i.-t.- Ml. km I i .i t-. 1 1 y i 1 ii. f. A. J 1 In a maa a viA SA-r? i jTlJ 1 k I 'J J- ' -0 g tf J 'A -AiiOTItrR Zli? Ill ttlltZl.- Ciur II tin or Whimo rss rhsii'- l t n ( r.rtscr l.i.Ai x n i auk-ii;;.'.:i li: n t I l:. Dvk. U iiaj.nr; Natural fi lit, b. is 1 t.i:.Uiv-ei' v. hii lMNs liarial.t-s hs Hi::' ,.' :?. t-M I f Urn" 'it, or fi i.t hy t v in i-s t n ! i-i ii-'et fl. Atillre, a- ."Mut-riiy Mrci t, New liiM. rrt ..- t or .i tr.l-1 ol C A i All !-! I ll.lt S .S ' VI , f H'iins l;!in . ''UK lor t a . t-4 Y V I I ; h 'm!! i.nl 1 1 ! a ' ' y I l iete ami IlJ Jf r :-i-r.! i :y i r i e. !.'!. 'i -n.-c , I li-i-i y VI k-.v. fni'illis I : 1 1 1 A 1 . 'It!- for (a Wctl-... l-.-i-.. W !, I ::vu ii lo.f .'.lunia. N. V. : ,.i. I'owcn. K i. fie r-j 'W.- li.ill.i.i. t i.i'il . l-mtn M (u ... H p Lotes. 'It-.11 nl..ls :;.! In H -l Jov mail. Puce. hnpr. e.l 12 H ji lel.-iler, ---I. Sold cVeivlierc i:i: i-i : i i:i;. ri..i.-ii i-. r.- nm m..- . , v t,,.,. i,.,,,,,. , .-. r r.l I I , 5 '4 'l - ".I IiriiT s VljllUlU'tU litienei. ... l'i: t'i's l.i:.-.t News per I -I v". : fret-. I'etoi'c liylie' V. or' I a i I I st ci.--. lit...- !. -. I y'- e. M-ln at - .1 '! ii: : l fails. 4 ciUllll'-:! . .1 ' lev-i-lils ! I '('I- li. H I' ,1 ! ill . ;u e j :,'. i.m of ! .'' in-.' i:e i fc-.t e! iioi:" if, .'..'.of fa 1 a il ' :m-: .; :t e..(s w ,!!e.ill il li-i lar, s..'es mn Hi-al ly .'." Hi. - anan.illy. I nTt M'iei cvr f!CM. clee.irT lo' . n-d I I (ill.- ; il.". 1'. s; -i.i ( ; i:.cli "ij:-u ..! ."V. t :i fit ml -i.l . iii.ii- Iia'i . a i i w r. 'a.!, .'. !-lrcs i' (ID Vr ft r.r.i.::-- r. "u:r, v:x.x. i'. ;. l r. Vi ZriSt..rr UM. , Tbilisi ve- ';V.-.'f1 James Pettee Musical InsirumGnts, Soli' A j pi';i hj . I r ' for 'i'. it- S'firi vailotl on il CtMtiiln r.;A';7' )::;. 'AX.s. A! . ;!.e Stc .'. ( om-i.-'i I'i.. .Nell, t i l ;.inl 'I-'iirv l- Ms", i-. r.i -1 l . -i ( .. s iiml : ai py c. ! lie ni:r .SAMPLK ix.vntr.Mi: x t . s at ofn e. .si Hi. i i..- il i n- south of M;tln St. ri.ATi .- M;-1 il. m:. Ti';.ir'- ami I'.-o, i: i :i I'i.ilios :l!:il Orifans Mi:-. i-:ll k . u-11. I' I l:e sV i'if.ll In in! cf Mr. s. M linn. ii. a I id ie I' n t Is . I I V -1 l:l'ec J i V i s cx tc 'ici.ee lYlilvij SCIINELLBACHER, i:o::sn siioi.ixt.'. A .N l iv.:;d. in i-A i i;i n . All l.iiids of kahm i.mi-i.i:mi:n i t lUt'IIltl Keitly ' Proinj)-'': :0:- Uorso, ?!u1e& Ox Sliocinu In short, wt-'ll s-hnn ;tnytliiii 1 1 i;it 1 . j four fci t. from u ljr;i to ;t (lira!1 . ColIK .Uul Set' 113. InTIHW shop. on I'i d ll St.. l-.etMeeii Main and ilie SllTf'c. just acioss the comer fn.ui the m:w JIK1I.M HI Mi E. : V " JONES &STR0UDS' JJrick Livery Stable, I'I. AT T M ( ) U T 1 1 . N K I . lh old r.ONNIill STAPLLS in Platlsriei" Neb., fire now lea-cd J-y .bn.i -s - SNoud t hey ale kec.im' a new iiml h.i im!-ii'ik In i i . : till- well kiiov n barn. 'Ihc l.i.est. iiinl Im.s:. i. l.ols- S Uul c:;l I iaes a! i ,ys I e.uiy to li t. saddi.i-: i:oi:.-k.s t iii:ap. Horses kept for Saie or to Trade. ; I'ORSES TRAINED AXI) RROl.E ! ALSO V. e devii'i to ;: . ( mi! ii-e 1 1 :.! v. e have a If. i . e ! lKiiiiNoiue brii-k bi-ni, Willi ii uty of room I hores ami waL'ons. I c,i:i p..t fanners ; j an 1 v. .'c."i: i. Inaii of :i i 'i i : u;. ! !iiii? all j in r eov.-r, n l lie dry. Ci-ii: n.l r I h,-.' 1 iiaiii.ni'! -ii; old p: ! i .im - lor ijn-ir m.tiiy 1-- urs. -,ih Miiini t Iuir 1 1',, do for tin 1 ut ore. -. . ; I j died we c:. ai't o:.moil:i!e I I,'. ttei ar ,.. J 1.1-iii.r by tin iu Ui.ni ever l.-eto. . :t-; i. I ... . . ... SAGE BROTHERS, Defers i.i One Door East of tVef.ist-on.ce, Plaltsino . '. Nc'ii ;. .lilt, Practicul Vorkers in SHEET IROX, ZINC. TIN, JiR.i ZIER Y, ti c., d r. Lart'e fis-o; tin' i-i of 1 ana Suft COAL STOVES W'jo.l itud Coal Stow s for Ii HATING OR COOKIXO. Always on ITani. -:. y varletv of Tin, Sheet Tion, and ?.: . Wolk, kept in Mock. LEAKING AND REPAIRIM'.- Done on Short Notice. -l: VETIYT1UXG WARRANTED ! W. Pitici: low ioiv.v. . SAGB BRS, , : .... 11." I T . 1 1.111 l'-r a;-I . t ' ;' ' :'7' ihr .1 1. j, -i ;. . I... I- t ! I.' 1 ' j.. .1 - i;i' - ttn: 1 r ' . f : . t. (- ii! Irf f- ' ' " 1 I .1., V 1 ; ... I Tli-: Kill: 1 .-, V 1. ( yi.rti'V.v ; ' ; 5Ii..j-j:v..i-.. -.., A$"V-r ""- l i r f -1 ' s UP