4 '. ) V 1 I i 1 HI If i ?! T.IIK HERALD. B. & M. Pw. R. Time Table. Corrn ttl Thursday, January 10, JOil OMAHA FRO TVl . A TT S M O l7T 1 1 . s f. :l.- a. in. Arrives 8Ja. m. " l :.W p. in. " ; P- ni- 1KOM OMAHA FOK I'UnSMHI'TII. Leave 9 nfva. in. A i rives 10 :2 a. in. " :0o p. hi. ' T:l5l. IU. f OR TUP. WEST. I-eaves Plattsmouth i :-f a- m. Arrives I.in coin. M -an p. in. ; Arrive Kearney, X :2t p. in. freight leaves 10 :2i a. m. Ar. Lincoln r. :X p.m. KlidM THK WKST. I-aes Keariie . fi :SO a. m. 1-eaves Lincoln. 12 p. in. Arrives Plattsiiuiiit li. 3 :lu p. in Freight leaves Lincoln 11 j-, a. in. Ariives I'lutKiiioiith.4 :?r. p. m. tlOlNU F.AST. Kxpress. 6 :13 :. in. Passenger, (train each d ) 3 :W p. in., except Saturday. Fvery third Saturday a train con nects at the usual time. C. 11. &. H. IK. It. TIMK TA II 1.12 F.STWAKO. Fx press lo I.jhiii . . 1 L'.'fplil .Mail, mipm 4.',.llll .".r.aiii lOalil :iraiii iftpni l.'.l'in Oopltl Leave ihlcaro Menduta OalHstmru Bui liriMon - ntnmwa hai .ton. ...... Ci-Nton Ke Oak in .. .. 4 r.r.pni I 7 4ipiil. . ... .10 .'opiu1 ; 1 4"aiu 4 -' .! in ; 7 Ifiam .. : "j'.ijhiii. Arr. P'.attsiiiouth . . . KASTWARIl. Fx press . , 8 Ollplll . in ;cpiu . l 5'p;i"i . .1 2li:im . ; n aoam : I .V.am ; Vi r.pm : 3 Snplil i Mail, .'loam ,Vain l"am ir.pm iHipm lupin OSplll iioain Leave Pl.iU-mnulli . Red 0;ik Cictou Chariton ...... Oitntnwsi Ilurlinjiton. .. . Oalesbur;; M.-nilota Aniv. Chicago ON! Y : HO'K T St. I.oriS l.v tin now l'.Ol' I F fi'.Ht npoiifil vi i MON.MIU Til. Ft: I.I. MAN I'AI.AI K M.KKF1NO t'AliS rim Irom Builiii"tiii t M. Iuiit without ohaiij-'o, HY I.EWIXU rLATTSMOl TH AT 3 :Mi V. M you arrive in St. MHTS t tie next evoninp at K iiml leaving Si. I.ouis at H :-H a. in . vim ar- rie'in riattstniiiitli u iln- next nun innir. Coupon Tii-kef. ir sale fur all points .Nortti, South, Ka,t ami s vMrKL ,.mVr.u.. Ii. W. HITCHCOCK. Tliket A sent, lieu. Wexteni Pass. Alien t. .1. M. F.i:i If TA I., Auelit, lhlttMlioutll. CKIVM- AM DKI'AKTfKK i)V l'LATTS--. MOCTIl MAILS. FASTKHN, NOKTIIK:; : . Sf'lTIIFRN ! Pepart at - r. -vxi a. in. Anivoat - a .o a. in. j '.. . . . ui. OMAHA VIA H. A M. Arrive at 10 : to a. m. I Ocpart at - 2 p. m. tVKSTFUV vi v v.. & m. Arrive at - 3 :lr 1- in. ! Hepart at - 5 a. in. v I : I : I l N ' i watfk. Arrivo .it 12 :i'i m. i Ie;.art at - 2 :00 p. in. !:-( K Kl.l'KrS t I'MdN Mil. I S. Antveat 1J:'mii. it)'p;utat - I :O0 p. in. .1. W. MAI5SHALL. 1. M. i .oc a i . i v i t : 1 1 i : M i: n ts. Tr iniieut. 23 cents a lin''- leiilar ai'.verils-fi-v, in cfiitH per hue. No ailvc-rt.sciiieiit iixt U- 1 for !e.s than J. cents. I e"4 il notices at St:itilie r.vtes. xtiornevs aiel onieers .if llie law will he nelil ( .(.;. ,Mli!e for all let.il notices tin y haml in. mill all p-irties ileiiiamhi!;: a proof of pnhilca t!..n of any notice will he l.clil for Hie leihlica I ion ee iI Mi'-li no' ic. ( ilMMIMC VTIONS. s our vn.n'i' is limited, mr,iiie:i'ons mist he !.n. f .net to the , ir.nt. wit'.i v a-te ,if w i ii iN. The paper is toponsil:e for the i-iirrcclness iji-eortlinu to copy .i nialier ami pal. I l. -ai., oi.)y. 1 nv person who t;.:;es the p iper r-v.ihirly fi.il'l the" os' -otliee. whether olP-' te.l lo l.;S i.uii.-. or, .o-ther lie i-- a -ul'-e: r ir not-i- r. -spoil i'o'c for the ;'.' It a-- person .:-. - h;s pap-r il.sci'U..iJi-,,r-Tt. he in "i-t p:iv :i:ie.u-:i-es. oi the im! hs.i . in-av cniii ii- !. s, nil :l nn'sl pa luei.t is i. . oil ari l eolh i i the whole amount, nhcthci i .r e;- ! iV-n fi il l the n'M or not. i ' I coin ts I. cnl-o ; iiat refu-Pii; to t r-". sor, is aa.l pel id :ca Is Mooi tlie imst f'-ie . r rcM-.v in;- i'U'l i-a.ii': I h-m i ao'-a f ,V w ... .-.1 M-o I V. h-i.ee of IN ri-Nl 1D-N AI. LOCAL " s'hrot our vote," net Tuesday. A few City orders for sa-e at the JlKl. Al.P otliee. C. II. l'armele n reived a ear load of I orscs Mi.Jid;:y. Weekbai-h si lls No 1 calico 1 to 2i yards for a dollar. -The grading for the now Bound lI011.se is progressing rapid'.y. Ucmemher and send the IIckald the vote next Tuesday. (lood prime coffee F-s for a dol ;it Wcckbach. Please send us in the. vote next Tuesday, :ts etuly as possible. Twenty yards of calico for a dol lar at Wcckbach. What's the matter with the City Council now? Who's afraid? Five pounds first rate coffee for a dollar, ask Wcckbach about it. ' A slight frost was noticable on the morning of the 4th, but we hear of no damage being done. Calico Calico Calico Calico. Here they goes 20 yards is all you knows fork cuit your dollar, Mose. stop cursing the newspaper and raise a little money for expenses if you want to keep your county seat. -There a re more t-h undies and school houses to give away in Cass Co.. now than were ever heard of before. -Brains are money sometimes. Jtt't now the money wants the brains, but hates awfully to pay for it. It is laughable to see Parmele and Slreight, and our horse-back men pull - . . . .1...... lip ell .Main sueti nuw-a-u.i5. Hon. Sam Chapman has been quite under the weather for some days, but is Letter, we learn o-day. -tit'o. Dovey has been tryirjg to get : ii k. He so far failed as to be out yes terday and feeling pretty well. They liave been trying to fix the Avenue co that a white man can diive y e-r it at .1 faster gait than a walk. The City Council met on Saturday evening but adjourned w ithout trans acting :my business. Notice the real estate assessment of Cass County, and the Hock Bluffs Greenback Club llesolut ions on the first page. Every man that has any interest in the county seat question wants to turn out and work his best next Tues dav. -A little private enterprise in the sidewalk business would do much to increase the good appearance of sever al places in the city. - Iionu'inlC-r every person making a cash purchase of ."0 cents will be pre sented with a beautiful chromoat the 1. O. News Depot. - Khun l'armele will soon be able to move into his new house over south of lVail st., and a very pretty home Klam will have when it is completed. Mrs. Win. Snyder died on Monday noon. Deceased was wife of Wm .Sn viler on Tui key creek and a resident j of Cass County for 21 years. There are C00 voters registered on tlie i'lattsmouth list. According to that she can poll over one fifth of the vote right here if she chooses. Hock IJluffs is red hot for the county seat; the Methodist Church for Court House and High School building for jail so says Hob Doom. Dr. Livingston has lately received two very elegant thoroughbred black colts of lilackhawk, Morgan and Scotch Clyde pedigree. Less growling and more honest work might keep the county seat at I'lattsmouth. If the gas-bags and pol itical aspirants are too cowardly to show their hands, we can stand it. Tor Sale. A fine half blooded Durham Dull, for sale or trade by 1?. Seibold. To be seen at his farm. t" Harpers' picture of the Treasury j Con.se reminds us: Can it be that any j of our old Nebraska City friends are j shut up in that cage; or is it Nasi him self? --Si -hlegel Uros. are now settled in their new quarters, turning out splen did cigars at a rapid rate. Their goods are lir. st class, as any one will find by tes.ing them. It is staled 0:1 good authority at . . . .it t r c i-t 111! j tins place mac me o. .y m. oriiige iiiu i be built the present summer, provided i I ... 1 .. ji.. ..11 11.:. :. ! nollllllg ties. toys 1 tie nop; ;iu mis 1 of great importance to Plattsmoiith. For Louisville. HVre on the thrack. no bounding back, For Louisville we stand; For just take note, we casl our vote j For the best place in the land. -Tlie ne xt best thing after the fast j driving fun that has happened lately has been the studious industry with which .Tohn S'.ianoii sets out tomato plan's? Ivuly in the morning. Ask Charley Holmes? John Miller, who at the hist term of court plead guilty to the charge of horsestealing, was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary by the Court, and yesterday morning sheriff livers conducted the prisoner to Lincoln. Turn out you lubbers, cast your vote For county seat next week; Bet- you ail a dollar noto We move it likf a streak. Bock BI litis. May 8, 1S78. The old, reliable and well known cigar manufactory of Julius Pepper berg is still in existence and manufac turing as usual. TI e very best brands of cigars and tobaccos of all kinds con stantly on hand. The members of the I'lattsmouth Sportsmens' Club are reipi sted to meet in the office of Hon. S. M. Chapman at 7 o'clock, p. m., on Friday evening the 10th inst., to transact important busi ness. Every member should be pres ent. Dick dishing has been giving sick, too. That won't do, Dick, for you great big healthy fellows to give it up, as the Quaker said about swearing. We little fellows can be sick enough for the whole town, and it don't hurt us much. A Gospel Temperance meeting will be held o-i next Sabbath afternoon, at four o'clock in the Presbyterian church under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. All are cordially invited to attend this meeting. Sweet Potato Plants. Delivered at the express office in Glenwood Iowa. Packed free at 82.50 per 1,000. Address. L. A. AVlLLIAMS. Also plenty of cabbage and tomato plants, cheap. 7U Killed. Dr. Iliklebrand, coroner of this coun ty, called 011 the Hkuald Monday. He reports the death of B. Bogle on Satur day last, near Factory ville. Bogle was about to make a blast in a well, and the jury found that he was killed by a falling rock. As he lias 110 friends near here perhaps this notice may be the mean3 of notifying, theta cf his death. The ball which killed Mr. Shafer was deflected from its course by the fourth rib; pursuing an inward and downward course it passed through the right auriole of the heart, through the septum through the left ventricle and lodged in the thin membrance cov ering the heart, from whence it was extracted by Dr. Livingston assisted by Dr. Hall. It is due Dr. Hall to say that he preformed his share of the operation with great credit to himself i and to the satisfaction of his friends. Strayed. From the pasture on the Burrows farm G miles south-W2st of I'latts mouth on the 28th day of April, 1878, two brown yearling colts, one being marked with a white spot in the face something like a new moon, and the other one has no white on it. both brown with black legs. Any infor mation that may lead to the recovery of said colts will be thankfully re ceived at the old Burrows farm or at the Kight Mile Grove post office. Any one taking up and notifying the un dersigned will be liberally rewarded W. II. Pool, filf Eight Mile drove. Quite a number viewed the tran sit of Murcury which oecured Monday from 9-22 a. m. until 4-50 p. m. The base of operations was the school grounds, and with the high school tel escope engineered by Prof. McDonagh Ph-D , all succeeded in obtaining an excellent view of the Planet as por trayed upon the Sun's disc. Such transits are of raro occurrence and those who saw the present one observ ed not an every day event. 'otice. Owing to continued ill health, the undersigned is obliged to discontinue the practice of medicine in tho future. All persons indebted to him for pro fessional services will please call at an early day, at his Drug Store, where Mr. Boberts, the clerk in charge, will give all needed information in regard to their accounts. Thanking the ieop!e for their patronage during the past, I hope to receive their continued favors in the Drug line for the future. Bespect fully, &c.. 7t3 " W. E. Doxelak. (Jreenhack Meeting. The members of the Central Com mittee, and members from each Club in the cotnuy are requested to meet tit the Court House in Plattsmoiith, May 17th, for tlie purpose of helping to per fect the Citeenback organization in the eountyand to transact such other bus iness its may come before the Conven tion. Further, all persons in sympa thy with us are invited to meet with us. il. W. Shi:adi;i:, Ch'n. May Gth, 187. Bridge Notice. Notice is hereby riven that bids will be received up to Saturday, June 1st, 1S78, for the construction of nine coun ty bridges, in accordance with files now in coumv clerk's office. No 1 fi! feet span, No. 2 7 feel span. No. 8 38 feet span. No. 0 :J8 feet span, to be Pratt combination. s-t on oak piling. No 3 25 feel spun. No. 4 2i feet span, No. o 24 feet span, No. 0 21 feet span. No. 7 22 feet span, to be wooden bridges. The Board of County Comuibsioners reserve the right to reject any ami all bids. IJv older of Countv Commissioners. 7t2 J. D. Ti'TT, Co. Clerk. Bockwell, of Louisville, has added a mibinary department to his dry goods establishment, where will be found all the latest styles of ladies" hats and bonnets, and fancy goods generally, which will be sold very cheap for cash. This department will be kept entirely independent of the store and will be presided over by Mrs. Bockwell, who is an experienced milliner. Ladies can have their hats ti immid in any style they wish. They have over forty dif fuent varieties of hats and bonnets, (live Mrs. Bockwell a call, we are sure she will please you. Ex-Shpiiff Cutler was dowr. to see us last week. Our old and general friend "Mart" is changing rapidly, not in the above characteristics, but in outward appearance, getting more grangery every day. As he aproaches the state of the honest but horny-handed his troubles increase. Just now Mart and Mrs. Mart we may say too are worried over butter-making. The churn's to small, or the milk's to big. They've tried the icecream freezer and the water barrel and various exper iments, but last week yet they had not hit the happy medium. To the Citizens of Plaltsruouth. In order that the school may be thoroughly graded, it is desired that parents will do all in their power to insure the punctual and regular at tendance of their children, during the two last weeks of school, that is to say, while theexaminations are in progress. Furthermore, the Principal and Teach ers request that the people of Platts moiith will visit the building during (he aforesaid time, that they may learn what progress the pupils have made, and be assured that the examinations fire conducted in a satisfactory man ner. WrCLl.IXGTO x W. D It L' ji m o s r. Principal. A Grand Strawberry Festival The ladies of the Catholic Church will give the first strawberry festival of the season in Fitzgerald Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings the 14 and 15 inst. The Omaha Brass and String band will be present and furnish appropriate music for the occasion. Several strangers from neighboring towns will be presant and by their addresses or otherwise assist to vary the exercise and render them pleasant and profitable. The ladies promise to make it a most enjoyable affair and all are invited to attend. . Admisrion.10 cents.- Suicide. Early Friday morning last, the re port was circulated that George Sha fer, a German who keeps a saloon on main st., had shot himself ; a visit to hia place of business proved the ru mor true, and the facts in the case aa nearly as we can ascertain them are as follows: Shafer had bought some lots and wa3 talking of improving them; at about 10:30 Thursday night when about to retire he and his wife were discussing the Jiew improvements pro and con, when he went out to the bar and took a drink, returning he told his wife he was going to shoot himself and stepping iuto another room pro ceeded to accomplish the act, shooting himself in the breast twice; one ball glanced and the other passed through his heart, but strange as it is he lired until about 5-30 a. tu. The coroner Dr. G. II. Iliklebrand was telegraphed for and arriving in the afternoon he sum moned the following jury. T. J. Todd G. W. May field Mc. F. Hagood Alex Schlegel P. P. Gass and Charlie Holmes. The jury after due investigation rend ered a verdict of death" from a pistol shot Inflicted by hia own hand. Noth ing was developed by the jury as to the cause of the action, and no settled opinion is entertained by the people. Sunday he was buried, a large numbei attended the funeral. Personal. The Bev. J. A. Steinhart a German Presbyterian preacher, formerly of Chicago, has located here, and will hold services regularly hereafter. J A. Walker lost 75 hogs lately by cholera. Mr. Walker agrees with the Hklxi-V that cholera has destroyed more actual value in Nebraska in one season than the grasshoppers in all their raids. The Herald enjoyed a pleasant chat with J. IL McKinnon and Samuel B. Hall of western Cass Friday last. They report crops as unsurpassed in their section and prospects good. Treasurer, Jas. Patterson was notso well again the first of this week. His old friends in the country crowd to see him and if good wishes would make a man well James would be on his feet in a jiffey. II. G. Bace of the firm of Fleming & Bace, passed through here Monday on his way east to buy goods. Mr. Bace is well known for his good taste in selecting goods, so the poople of Weep ing Water and vicinity may look out for something nice in about ten days. THE MARKETS. HOME MAKK ETS. KErORIEl) lit K. K. WITi'tK. Wheat. 'o. 2 3 " r-Jctel Corn, flicllfil. (i-.pw) odd) -. Corn. :ir Oals Uajl'-v, No. 'Z .1 ... . " rrjt'i-ti'd iy so 0 ro 20223 21 iyi- l.WI .KK?.3 IV. j I IS 30 Latest new yoiik makkets New okk. May 8. Moticv Cold,.' .V2s UK!1 LATEST CHICAGO MAKKETS. Ciiitaoo. May 8. Flour r WLiiS 2" V.'hat 1 in-, 4i)i, 2.V t 1 . . i"S 4:) . . . 3 fKvrv? n.t . . 2 4.T'-'I 55 . . 3 4iWl 50 Coin O.i'v, Hye P.ar'ev N.itivf C;ittlo Tix:;s Cattle Hons SPECIAL NOTICES. Notes, receipts and bills for sale at the Herald Office; also scale books for grain and cattle dealers. 46tf For sale, cheap, 150 Desirable build ing lots in the city of Plattsmoiith, Title perfect. Taxes all paid up. Terms easy. Apply to A. W. McLaughlin Cashier 1st National Bank. -3tf Who would go barefooted ? Women's shoes for 60c at Merges'. ltf New I'estanrant. North side Main St., one door cast of Chamber's harness shop. Meals at all hours. Give me a call and get the worth of your money. 3tl3 David Cais. The grandest bargains ever known in this town can be had for the next 00 days in clothing. Boots and shoes in cluding a superb stock of ladies and childrens shoes, which will be sold clear nown for cash. Such bargains w ere Cever known before, at St adel man's clothing emporium. 20tf You can save a large per cent of your corn crop by reading"Three Blind Mice," and following advice. 34tf A Partner AVanted. A man with small capital as a uart ner in the brick making business. The brick to be made from the celebrated Kaolin found near Louisville, this county. It will burn white and is very valuable. Also a moulder, one that understands setting and burning. J. T. A. Hoover. 49m3 Louisville, Neb. For Groceries of all kinds and at low figures the Louisvillians will find Bockwell on hand every dav. 32tf For Sale A good Portable Pipe Organ, manu factured by the celebrated I. Dennett Nutter, entirely remodeled and good for twenty years. This beautiful in strument has 4 stops and 3 registers of pipe, and for quality and power of tone cannot be surpassed by any Portable Pipe Organ. For particulars enquire of S. M. Brown, tuner and repairer of pianos and organs, Creston, Iowa, or to JAMES FETTEK, dealer in musical instruments, Platts mouth. Neb. 47tf. Pension Papers. Those wanting ienskn papers ac knowledged will please remember that J. B. Toman. Notary Public. Louisville. has a certificate of the county Clerk i filed with the 17. S. pension Agent and l ,C3u attend to all such business. 52tf Oh Say if you want a square meal tpr 23 cests go to John Leach'a Restaurant one door east of Fitgerald's Block. 52tf For Sale. Copies of the County Seat Law. at this office. tf. IlEt.p for the weak, nervons.aud debilitated Chronic und painful diseases cured without medicine. Electric Belts aud other appliances, all about tliem, and how to distinguish the gen nine from the spurious. Book, with full partic ular, mailed free. Address I'l'LYkrmacher Galvanic Co., 202 Vine Street, Cincinnati. O. I8jl-alt. A Gentle Hint. 'Iu our style of climate, with its sud den changes of temperature, rain, wind and sunshine often intermingled in a single day, it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglect ed colds, half the deaths resulting di rectly from this cause. A bottle of Boschee's German Syrup kept about your home for immediate use will pre vent serious sickness, a large doctor's bill, and perhaps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curing Con sumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Croup or any other di sease of the Throat or Lungs, its suc cess is simply wonderful, as your drug gist will tell you. German Syrup is now sold in every town and village on this continent. Sample bottles for tri al, 10c; regularsize, 75c. 33tf-alt Grand reduction in Blankets, Scarfs, Caps etc., at Maldaner & Herrmann's. New price. Old price. White TJrk't S3 00 S3 73 a pair, " " $3 25 w 3 00 " " " 4 00 M 5 00 " " 5 00 " 6 00 " " Colored - 2 50 " 3 50 " " 8 00 " 4 00 " " Horse 3 00 " " tf Au Undeniable Truth. You deserve to suffer, and if you lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life in this beautiful world, it is entirely your own fault and there is only one excuse for you, your unreasonable prejudice and skepticism, which has killed thous ands. Personal knowledge and com mon sense reasoning will soon show you that Greene's August Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint or Dys pepsia, with all its miserable effects, such as sick headache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomach, habitual cos tiveness, dizziness of the head, nervous prostration, low. spirits, &c. Its sales now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a Druggist but will tell you of its wonderful cures. You can buy a sample bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will relieve vou. 51yalt2w Xeiv type new type, come in with your jobs. tf Caution to Smokers. From and after the 1st day of May. 1S78 all boxes containing cigars of my manufacture will have my name bold ly printed on the inside of thblid. This is to prevent counterfeiting my brand of cigars, with an inferior quality of cigars, resorted to by some unprinci pled manufacturers. None are genu ine unless plainly labeled: -TULI ITS PEPPKIIBUBG, .M ANC KACTL" HER, Plattsmoiith, - - Nebraska. Rockwell of Louisville makes a spe ciality of teas, don't you forget it. tf Dry Goods are one of the most es sential things in keeping house and people who want anything in this line can find Bockwell of Louisville, ready for sale at low figures. Hardware is ph-nty, heavy, cheap and good at Bock well's Louisville. 53tf Corn and oats taken at this office on Subscription at market rates. 41tf Use "Centennial Bat Exterminator. Eighty acres of Land for sale, near Greenwood, Cass County, Nebraska: all under cultivation, good small hojse and young orchard and grove Time on two thiids of purchase money. Ap ply at Xeb. Hekald office. ltf. Magazines bound here. tf Improved book binders at this of fice, tf Geo. IL Shafer fc Co.. Manufactur ers of True Pharmaceuticals. Fort Madison. Iowa. 34tf. DOWN WITH MONOPOLIES, UPHOLDERS OF HARD TIMERS. Women's serge shoes 60 cts. Women's leather shoes 75 cts. Men's buckle Alex S1.50. Such prices and selection from the Larytixt and Ust Stock OF BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought to town, AT MERGES'. Call and examine before purchasing. No trouble to show goods. ltf Miss Saire of Ashland, one door from the Snell Douse, having returned from tlie east with a large stock of Millinery a id fancy articles, respectfully invites the patronage of the people in the sur roiiHding country and small towns as she is selling all goods, at the lowe: t prices. (U3 Another good farm for sale in Cass County KJ0 acres; good house, six rooms, frame stable, 125 acres broke, fine Cottonwood grove ten acres, Apply to Nel Hehald office. 46tf. Jno. A. MacMurpuy. TO TIIK AI'FMCTKI). Act wisely, and at once procure the following loowterful Family Medicines, Dr.. Fitler's Rheumatic Bemedy and Liver Pills, a positive, permanent specific for Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Sciatica,.Lumbago, Gout, pain in Back, Head, Heart, Lungs. Limbs, Nervous, Blood and Chronic Diesetises. Dr. Fit ler's Kidney Cordiil removes deposits of Gravel. Albumen, Alcali Acids, re tention of urine, high colored water, and strengthens the Bladder and Kid neys. Dr. Fitler's CalUaya Tonic, for debilitated constitutions, increases vig or, strengthens the system, tones the stomach, and increases appetite. A pleasant substitute for Iron, which constipates the bowels and destroys the teeth. Dr. Fitters German Pe-.toral for Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, a superior combination which acts nnicklv and relieves ranid- Iy. Your druggists, Chapman & Glass ' are agents for Plattmouth. 20-yl Urinsr in your corn or oats to the .Herald office 4Uf. CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Seme Shoes CO cta - " Slippers -r0 vit-1 " Leather Shoes 75 cts. Shoes and Boots are down to rock frices. j Mens Buckle Alexis 3 1 50 Prince Alberts 1 53; W hole stock Brogans 1 50 j These goods and others including j a larae stock of all kinds of Boots,S.hoes and Slippers, must be sold. No trust. Gtf Peter Merges. LEGAL, 2fOTlClS. Probate Notice. , . In tlie matter of tlie estate of Z. .f. hilntou. te- j reasil. hrfnre A. Sullivan County Juilr, ill and for Ca County, clrufka. Notice Is lu-rebv piven that Eliza Qulnton lws j filed :ui :iiilit'atiin iii the Countv Court, in and for Cass County, Nebraska, to have Waiter llrookinw aoiuleil administrator of the estate of 7.. J. Quintoti. di-ivaseu, and aid cause U net for hearing at the otliee of the County J mine in Flattsinoutli. on the lTth day of May. I.s7!. at one o'clock p. 111. 011 aid day, at which time und place all persons interested may appear and show cutwe. if anv they have, why the said w iiii.T Kr.ioklns should not be annoiiited such administrator of said estate. Witness my li;id ; tins 1st aay 01 .May, a. i. is.s. t;t3 a. N. M I.LIVAX. Co. Judge. In Bankrupicy. Iu the District Court of the L'nlteil Status, (or tho District of Nebraska, lu the inalur of Wallace S. Smith, bankrupt. District Xrbraska, nc: This is to tf v utl"e t!l:lt ,f,,M (Ia-v ot April. A. D. 1S7H. a warrant in bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of tlie lnil-d States for the District of Nelraka. asiainst the estate of Wallace S. Smith, of Teeiiinseli, In the County of Johnson in said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on liix own petition. That tlie payment of any debts, and the deliv ery of anv property belonging to said bankrupt, to'hiin, or to his use, and the transfer of any property bv him are forbidden by law. Tat a meeting of the ereditois of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy to be holden at Omaha, in said District, on the loth day of May. 178. at 4 o'clock p. in., at No. 211 Douglas Street, at the otliee of J. E. Vehster. Esq.. tho Register i bankruptcy of uid Court. William Daii.v. l 5. Marshal for said Dist. Good Books FOK THE Farm, Garden & Household. The following is a list of Valuable Hooks, which w ill be supplied from the oilice of the N'KiiiiASKA IlhitALK. Any one or more of these books w ill be sent post-paid to any of our readers on receipt of the regular price, which is named against each book. Allen's (U I. & E F) New Am. Farm Book.. 92 .V) Allen's ii.. F.i American Cattle i Atvooils Country am' Suburban Houses... I .hi ISoininer's Method ol Making Mai. ores Hrcck's New Hook of Flowers 1 75 l;tiU"s Farm hardening and Seed (irowing.. 1 00 Dadd's Modern Horse Doctor. Vi mo.. 1 D:idd's Anieiiean Cattle Doctor. lmo 1 50 Flax Culture. 17 prize Essays by piae. gr'w's 'M Fuller's (Jrape ulturist 1 5 Fulton's reach Culture 1 50 Uregory on Squashes paper. . 30 Harris on the Fig 1 Henderson's hardening for Pleasure 1 Henderson's hardening for Profit 1 50 Henderson's Practical Floriculture 1 50 Herbert's Hints to Horse-Keepers 1 7!S Hop Culture. liy a expcrinceU cultivators. . .10 Hunter and Trapper 1 oo Onions How to raise them I'rotltably . '-'0 Our Farm of Four Acres. Fa. 3uc, Clo. COe. ; Ex. Clo 1 "0 Parsons on the Kose 1 "0 Quinbv's Mysteries of I5ee-Keepinjr 1 50 Ojiincy (I Ion. Josiah) on Soiling Cattle 1 liuitiu's Monev in the (iarden 1 50 uinn's Pear Culture for Profit I no Kiley's Potato Pests. . Paper ;j0 cts, clot ii.. o i Hoe's Plav and Profit in my Oarilen 1 50 i Stewart's litigation for l lie Farm, tlaruen and Orchard 1 50 Stewart's Stable Hook 1 50 Stewart's Shepherd's Manual t "0 Stoddard's All Egg Farm. Pa, 50c. ; cloth... 75 Thomas' Farm Implements and Machinery 1 50 Tim Hunker Papers : or, Yankee Farming.. 1 5l Tobacco Culture. Hv 14 cxp'r'cd cultivator Wanng's Draining for Profit and Health... 1 50 Wiiring's Elements of Agriculture 1 i Whifu's Cranberry Culture 1 5 Wright's Practical Poultry-Keeper 2 on These books are from the firm of Orange Judd Co.. aud are first-class. E. PARMELE, SALE, FEED d- LIVERY STABLE. On Main street nearly opposite the Court noui-e,.riat turnout h. Neb. HorsES foR Sale. The buying and selling of good horses made ihe sjwialty of the business. New Horses & Carriages, and gentle horses, for Ladies to drive art kept at this Stable. Al-o a carry all. which runs to the depot, and will carrv passengers from any place in lowu on call. FARMERS CALL AND E A' AMINE MY STOCK FOR SALE. Syl E. PAIlMKLi:. A iront ICediictioii in I'riccw of GUNS, REVOLVERS, &c. Prices reduced from 2n to 30 per cent. Write for Illustrated Catalogue, with reduced prices for IS77. Address, 01 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh. Pa. lSyl 1 J"T1 .-A,.---ilSS. .. ft James. Pettee DEAI.EP. IN Musical Instruments, Sole Appsniiliny Ayentfor The Inrlvnlleil Mason Jt ISanilln CA BINET ORG A NS. Also, the Steck. Henry F. Miller, and Mallet jfc Cuniston Pianos for Cass and -Sarpy counties, N'cb. Cill and see SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at once. Sixth, one door south of Main St. I'LATTSMOUTH. NED. Tnr.inn and repairing Pianos and Orpars speclaltv. under the skillful hands of Mr. S. M. Brown, a tuner of thiity-threo years cxpei ience. J. G- CHAMBERS, Manufacturer of and Dealer in SADDLES. COLLARS, HALTERS. WIIP., ETC ETC ETC. ! REPAIRING j Done witli Neatnessl Disr)atcli. ! The onlv phice In tr-n whern "Turler's rat- ' , fiit self a'ljustable horse coliuio are toUl. ".... . s i wis THE OLD RELIABLE mi - vr CONTIMOrs A LI-KAIL KbL'IKI NO CHANGE OF CARS I ONE BOA I), ONE MANAGEMENT! Front aliBt a m. lo Pittnrsti, Harrist'crs, Baltimore, Waslmeii, . FIiMuisliia V New York. C; trill Slioi'l l.iac To BQS'FOSI! VIA NEW YOKK CITY. llnu-hrs all Points in I'entisylmnia and Nt-tr Jvrt' . Pullman Palace Cars I ON ALL EXPRESS TRAINS! M A U N I F ICE N T C A R S EljCiri'EU WITH TIIK CELFHXIATKO WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKES AVI Janney'i New Patent Safety Platform anil Coupler. Elegant Eating Houses WITH AMPLE TIME FOR MEALS THREE EXPRESS TRAINS l.E.WK CHICAGO AS POLLOWS M.OO A. .11. SPF.CIAL PAST KXPP.KSS EX CEPT SUNDAY. Wit lithe jwpular Vtttihule Shvpiny Car Reaches Pittsburgh. 2 :3i a. in.: Han isburg. 11 :5 a. in. ; Philadelphia. 4 :oo p. in. : New York 6 p. in. ; P.oston. l :1j a. in. ; llaltlniore U :ao p. in. ; Washington. 9 :H0 p. in., next day. 5:ir V. 31. Atlantic Cxp. (Daily) Wit7i Druwiny-ltoom awl Hotel Car. Peaches Pitlnirgh. 12:15 p. in. ; Harrisburg. 10.-55 p. in. , Philadelphia. .1 a. in. ; New York ti :Ai a. in. ; Special Philadelphia .sleeping. Car on this t rain, which remains in depot until 7 :.io a. in., affording Philadelphia passengers a full night's rest. 0:10 P. M.NightExii. Except SaturJ'y. With Drarriny-Room Sleepiny Car. Peaches Pittsburgh 7 p. in. ; Harrisburg. 3 :5n a. in. ; Ualliinore, 7 :-.r a. in.; Washington a :fiS a. ni. ; Philadelphia. 8 :K) a. in. ; New York, 10 :.V a. in. ; Hoston. H :40 p. in. through ltalti inore and Washington Sleeping Car on this Train. FAICK ALWAYS As LOW AS ANY OTIir.il LINK. 'Through Tickets for Sale at all Principal Points in the We-r. Ask for them via tlie POUT WAYNE & PENNSYLVANIA LINK. F. K. MVKKS. 4.sly (leu. Pass. Jt Ticket Agt., Chic A;o. A PHYSIOLOGICAL Vieir of ETagriago ? SI jAOiijdeto Wedlock and - .iti ol nmrrtc nJ tti ca,uv f hut unftt tor it lh : c-rctf of KPiirodiiptiT vA i lKKk tor n'-vntp. runU U read. oc. itoO parei, price m. PkiWAit- Mi-niPAl AnVlRFRt On all diortera ot a Private Nature arising from eV Abuse. Exceaa, r Secret Xiaoaas, Willi the inemt Oirani of ctirr, TJA Inry.- pitpr. pricr.'Mi ct. A CCINICAL, LFCTuRE im the mhav d':ea hp4 thof o Lhf Throat iwi Ltinga, Catarrh, Jiupture, Ui Opium Habit, Ac. p -ire Wt-tm. l.nher book unit ostpa:du iweipt of prfrp: or ali Hirer, contain tntf png. b-aiititu'ly i.utmtl, tor 7J rti. AUUrrM CK.i'tjTTb, fru.lXX. 9ih. M. fet- Xxiuib, Jtfo. j A YEAR. Acrentfi wanted, llnf' ! ness legitimate. Particulars frpo . Aiinn J. WORTH CO.. St Louis. Ho, Bill and Mfphln. PaMtnh.rtl.-.t.ly arid C'TIly nr.l. l'aillletej ItO p ' .litv. utat una m m-B B t, 3 ... 1 III 131 furiMrtlcular.. I'n. tiri.n, leulim. J'n. c. it... 1.7 Vi'aih'.'ir'ou .-t, vs III. m $45 PRF-witm iViTfii inj riitTX a. tcin-indrr.Fref w llhev i-ryoi-iier. Out- ! lit lic-c j. il. oaj fuiii .v. Co., Clucao, iil. $3 GOI.n PI.ATET"VATCHrc. ri""t ADbUM, A. COLLThK 4 CO.. CmcAo. JLX. Dr.A.G.OLIN'S: all I if a lrlvut n.-xtura, reultii. from arly Bltura fr InftKrU of ilter Mfx. Momlntil ! m K'ttlncirf FmlMf lSMnfMrmori. Impulrtt MkIiU 14t BJnhao4l r Imptilcucv, - tn lvhEHi, iriu hfiitlv I'UnfJ ; iIUmmm the KlaultltT klftl), 1.1 TP, ' tM. Toe in curvol IH "C Otirrli. Hi, nil ( I F4fcSOFFKM.lK!,yWJ t Tiri-nn I'iik-ch. and 1)1 hi trmtuit. Ir Oltn hi hfi a Ijfe-iotMC n"-'"ii" . md rum Whrreotlim fail. II htcrd'ittof tli lUtfirtur't S )kkI, ti no inerctirr, tr lar'rt prv in tlie II. S. , 11 rtquiniiB trvimnt with frl vnlv horn nd borinl, mil nc w iit. f.ett ctivi-iiinr fur p-itivnu. Send fifty itmU for camplr of l-ubwer (od- ittiil rtr ctttitr of Inipurtaiit infurmntioa by rijn- 4H. OLlH F-T-!(f flk ." per Bot. ri!.nltf'on MARRIAGE GUIDE yoanc ATi rl muUl if v.ri of Uttti Sri, ou mil i e r of A irivr natur. V n'.nahle tlvi' in tti marrtad and lhoa roniwiiipl.tttnc nmrrore. I.w he hlihy ml truly b- j5'y in the umutU-1 fia ti-m. fer biMy lotild pvt Ujj buv, Xrus 60 cvnU, to an ad TOOFS STANDARD RUFFLER. ?5 ':-Ai For ALL Sewing Machine. The best to use and most perfectly eonf rnctcd Address E. J. T00F, "Domestic "Building, KcwTorlc, or Nw Haven, Ct. THE LIGHTEST RUNNING, THE SIMPLEST, THE MOST DURABLE, THE MOST POPULAR' - or SEWING MACHINES. rofreselntr all the Tateft and mofl degirabl Improvement. It is fmsily niileriito, makes the double thread locknitHch, ha noir-mrnlalin U kioBs and tike-ap. and wifl do the whole range of family wort without chance. The DOatSTIC " Is made in the mort dur able manner, with conical steel bearings and conipensatin? inumui hron?hout. Agents for the DOMESTIC " Sewlacr . rhiae and the DOJIEiTIC ' Paper Fanhioaa w anted in all anoccapied territory. Addrecs A iM o m FobTepm and Irrcit.MATKj.v Aur-pr-'. i; i.'i wvi"!!1 rm.'ij!" i' 3inriiiii' Je S;Joon ! , Oiie door eiwt of tif l.Htiiidri JlnUM". . kc.i t Im hont of Beer, Vfncs, Liquors 6c; Cigarb .'l.'.iny Cm tnntlv "' fl.i'id CO o fa r J:C : 5 . : . . . . -: -Z i . A . 1 11. : i 'i : : : : :i'ft2 T 5 :"5i;-.c :- i. ir j ..a I 4-J - p N CO r & e ? ? -' a T. U- T 1 Zr ' ' t r Z 2 . j r. -r. r. . r. v. sci? -ii1-t----?---'2 .' t. - - - - i-' - - "J 3 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DrT7DT WD rDrrseven-fhot revulverw ith ntllULTLll I niilJlioM-artriiU'es. Address. J. Po ii i h.m, l:t l.'is Wood St., ritisliutKh.l'ii flDP h VQlfni'"-" ff'wn-nat nil U'Md'K Kriii--UfiUVPICro'M. I.AII.sT ' All I.I J I ' f1. 'anil IT 1'Cl'LA US, !th new lj leu, reilarrd pi Iccm and piiicIi infoi niation.'xeiit fre. MA SON & II A M I I N Ol;ilAN CO., P.o.sU.ii, .New Yolk or Chieaicn. 4H 10.000 AGENTS-VVANTED TO SELL QTRONG HRINK VJ? THE CU.'.SE AN3 THE zJ CURE. 15y the veteran iiuthor, T. S. Ait rm it. Thenui.t iiitensi? story, witli powerful aiuuictits and staitlinir proofs, ever eoinlilned In one volume. The win k of 1 uf,iy. )(cnoidv Inebri nle kj Iiiiiih. 'riiale. Ic A marvelous liodk, Kiamlly endorsed by all temperance ail t horit tes. S:ii is rapid. A crent chalice to colli money, l-'or e 1 1 a terms, adilress Ht'PliAKII P.KOS.. Pul...W UiSalle St.. Clilcimo, Ills. OI'K P.IIU.KS, just reiliiceil per cent., are selling fast . ANOTHER STEP IS SCIEKCE.- Giut II aih or HisKKiis changed to (IX)ST lil.iCK by n bini;ie nptilicatiou oi this Hvb. Il imparts n Natural Color, m is Iiisuiutaueoiisly, and is m UiiriiiN-rH nn t-jririLT water. Sold by l)rn;';iat8, eir Kent by rxr wi bn n-ccijitof (1. inicc, 3o illurra; ireei. New York. PIANOS & ORGANS i-ealuelioii io:loe nut pri'si-iil slock f 5IM New a ml Mi'coiiiI-IihikI Inmlru iieiitK r v Iii-Kt-t-lni4 iiiiikci-N. fully varr:nled nnt ut iiiin-s that MU'V .M I'TITIOV for tliiM ell,- or In nl i-iiniciit AIK.TN V. TKI for H ATIilW SI PLUIOIt KlCl.li OIC nuil PI AM IIIUMtrntrd ula hiKnc llniled IIOICACI'. A'l'l-:it V .tlMiMifrielnrern A lenlei-M. 4 1-IiiMt I It h SI . .ew Ynrlt. Also Unirr nl u:ent ror NllilM M.KIIN elcbrn ted MlKHII MOIIUA.XM. For a Cr-.SE of CATARRH that Sa.v fohii'h KaI'Ii ai. l i ki for Ca tarrh "ill not instantly reliex e and Hpeedilv cure. ltCfciencei., Ilciuv Wells. Km)., Wells, harito & Ci!, Ani ora, N. Y. ; Win. How en, l's.., Me. ilalton, liialit & liowen. St. Limit. Tot linonials ;.inl treatise y mail. Price, wilh iiiiproved Inhaler. SI. Sold every here. w i;i POTTLU, Propiii-tnrs. liu t hi Mass. Dl A MnAiioth.-r i.'iiti imnnr n im riHUUlii! hiu let- M iirUnUA II wiiii ni ,, j w t m iv-nmmti, t m renewed. See I'.eattj's I . ( -; t Newspaper tor fuli reply went free. Jiefnre Imyiiiir VlXl'Z or 0E3A2 read my latest circular P...aUv' ccielirai ed 1'iMiios ,v nivalis, heaiititul I ut iitinents ! Challenge Coiuparisoii ! Ilualsare jealous of iny smi'icvs ! Most y l.'cecslul house in Am elicit ! Coiiiiiienceil a lew years nun M)i.!il a dollar, sales now nearly sj.ihj.ihiii iiiiiiiiiiiiy. I.owet prices ever iven. eli-.:.nit l.'o-ru ool 1'laiios l. .. Hi stop church Organs. ttlt. treiuend i.T A D""s har;rains now readv. A JdlfuslfT A D W KrAin-L r. riirrr, rw, k. j. W ft n P AGENTS WANTED FoeTthTT ICTORlAIa HISTORYoftheWORLD f.Tnl)i:-i-iii.j liill and authentic ,-ic oiiiiIh of ev ery nation ot .-iiii'ieiit ami inodrrii I lin"-. ami in cludini; a history of the rii-c nnd fall of tlur (ll'i'i k itml lioinati Klupiri'H, t lie I h of the 1 1 a' ion of mod ni Kiiroie, t he n, iii. lie a(.'cs. I lie il tisale. t lie feinlal svslem the I i-foi inolinti. t he -di.vovery and sctticiiieiit of tin; New World, etc.. etc. It contains G7'-4 flue historical eh;;ravlnl a tut t'idtt doiil.le coliiinii p.iu'i-s. and is the most complete lli-tory of the World ever pub-li-h d. It fciN at flnt. Send lolpecininil pa -ires and ex tin lerms to Aueuls, and cee why It se lls faster than anv other Look. Adilress. NATIH.VAI. Pf HI.IMIINi; Co.. St. I.ouis, Mil. i.t 4 - HENRY BTCCK. in: ai.i::: i n E" ia s? 12 i n 17 "f SAFES, CHAIRS, Lounges, Tables. Bedstead' l'.rr., r.TC, v.jc, OfAll Di-i'Tiptioiu. METALLIC BURIAL CASES WOODSIT CCDIPJPJIJiTS Of ail sizes, ready made atid cheap for cash. Witl.niH.ny thanks for past ptronao. I iuvl I Invito all to call mid rxamine ir ; La lit; e stock or j 4"!f. FntXlT'tK Al ;rVr"J V ! H. HEROLDy dealer In r;:T ,oons. t:nOT.s. SHOtZS. HATS. cr-?. rup.visi.'iNf; coof.s CRC-'cERtES, tCr. JEWELE7 and NOTIONS l .;iv. larvO sf;ck if I - .- ' o? .liy wu L'la'-.e pi !.. (t,'fi ini ar ot. Al ; k1s ..f jCOUNTBY PKODUCEJ i liiiT. in exchar.ee f..- Mniti S:rte,r. Coi vtr of Fifili I'r .'a'tVm't. d::V I 5 - L 7 5 i 5 a ga"fl ( M ??i $50 S50