THE HERALD. LOCAL NEWS -Come now. that corn contract isn't out yet. " See collection notice of Maldaner & Herrmann's. Remember the agricultural society meeting March ICth. 50t2 Head rial Young's speech to ye farmers, and so on. Clothinp! Clothing! Cheap at Mal daner & Herrmann's. Head notice of a Citizen's meeting to-night, in another column. See Henry I Miller's Piano Ad in another column. RiH-kwell of Louisville makes a spe ciality of teas, don't you forget it. Mrs. Solomon is still in very poor health, although improved since she came here. For Groceries of all kinds and at low figures the Louisvillians will find Rockwell on hand every day. Somebody in the Lincoln Globe is after Frank Stadter again. Paint the fellow upside down, Frank. Selling out Winter clothing at Mal tlaner and Herrmann's. Overcoats and suits, clothing of all kinds, cheap. Oh the weather, the weather, its nicer than mush. One day she freezes and the next runs to slush. We have just received about one hundred dollars worth of new type for job work, bring on your business. 2 new subs from the western end of the county last week. Pretty good ww k's work, George keep her going. Mr. .Ino. MclMwell an I Miss S.uah Lagan were married at the Catholic church in this place on Monday morn ing, March 4th, 137S. One of the IIi:i:ald people went to see the Omaha Rarnwk's Theatri cals l ist week. To oblige Renson" obliged ihn II khali j exceedingly. All persons who have accounts : .loliM U.Miricks. must biinu tliMii in lefore Monday t'.ie 11th, as I leave the County thru. .!o!I Ilr.NIIU KS. This nicest kind of sunshine, Ought to make men glad. Abolish every evil sign. And all the malice they have had. - I'renrum Light Rrahnvi Chiekens. or rggs for sale, :t Young's m at mar ket, l', by WI. GlLMol'K. Ie:i Droste has the biggest chick ens out. If you don't believe it look in front of Jos. Ruttery's store when they are there. Collection Notice. All parlies owing the old firm of Schnasse & Gramberg. are requested to .-t-Liif on or before April 1st, or the ac counts ill be put in the hands of a Collector. .V)t2 M.YI.DAXEIt ,fc IlKKKMAN.V. "We deal in reliable indemnity' is the molto of the Pluenix Ins. Co., a pamphlet of which reaches U3 through 1). II. Wheeler & Co. IVrsons bavins accounts against D. V. Vulkers must bring them in at once :is we shall leave the county by the r.'th of the month. J. V. Yolkeus. Farms arc in demand all over the State. Every exchange we pick up tells us that this or that old farm has been sold or leased to new-comers." The Moline 1 low Co. repose especial confidence in Ilockwell of Louisville for the sale of all their works, and the result is he sells sulky jlws faster than he can get them, remember this and call. Two very fin. work horses were for sale at .Tonea Sc Stroud's stable, at $22t, Tuesday. Mr. Metteer says if they don't bring that "boss meat" is down. Dry Goods are one of the most es sential things in keeping house and People who want anything in this line can find Ilockwell of Louisville, ready for a sale at low figures. Hardware is plenty, heavy, cheap and good at Rockwell's Louisville. We are glad to hear that Dr. Chap man is improving. He was very sick on Tuesday but rallied again, although he will probably be confined to the house for some time. Pension Papers. Those wanting pension papers ac knowledged will please remember that .1. 1:. Toman, Notary Public. Louisville, has a certificate of the county Clerk fled with the lS. pension Agent and can attend to all such bnsiness. The supper given by the ladies for the benefit of the reading-room, on Thursday evening last was well attend ed and netted twenty-six dollars, we anderstand. "We are informeet that over Ihree hundred dollars have seen expended so far on the reading-room, and there is now about one hundred in the treasury. Good! -Another good farm for sale In Cass County ICO acres; good house, six rooms, frame stable, 123 acres broke, fine eottonwood grove ten acres, Apply to Neb. Herald office. 4Ctf. Jno. A. MAcMuRPiry. O Coal, You Ilet! Micklwaite &, McGuire have leased the Bridenstine coal mines near Union, this county, and expect to have good coal in this market for sale in a few days, at $i.00 a ton. If this proves true hurrah for Mick & Mac, and the coal, and Uridenstine, and the 85.00 and all. Send us a chunk for this "no tiss" tew onct. "We're most out. Cass Comity Agricultural Society. There will be an adjourned meeting of the Cass County Agricultural Socie ty held at the Court House Platts mouth Saturday March 10th, 1878, at 2 p. m. sharp for the purpose of tran sacting unfinished business from the regular meKing March 2nd. A full attendance of the members is desired. Ry order of President. 50t2 J. P. Younq. Secretary. lie fore we knew that there were men in Plattsmouth who would rather send off for work or try to break a man up for spite, we ordered about a hun dred dollars worth of new job type, thinking we would fit the oflicc up nice ly this spring and give no one an ex cuse to go to Lincoln or elsewhere to get their printingdone. Had we known what we do now the type would not have been ordered ; however, it is here. We want all our friends to now bring their work in and help their own town and their own business men. To the Fanners of Cass County. Having made arrangements to sell the Waukegan Wood and Steel beam Ploughs, also Harrows, and the Wau kejran Star wood Pumps. I am now prepared to receive orders for the same. Persons wishing any of the alnive arti cles can leave their orders with the undesigned or with Mr. Robert Don nelly. Plattsmouth, where you can see sample of Ploughs. Having used one of the Steel Ream Ploughs and also one of the Harrows the past season I can reccommend them. R. Siebold. 4913 Plattsmouth, Neb., Hall I Kail ! ! There will be a grand Prize Rail at Fitzgerald Hall, on Monday Evening, March 18, 187S. A general invitation is extended to all. The best of order will prevail. Music by the Malvern, (Iowa). Quadrille Rand. Two grand Prizes to be given to the first an I sec ond best Lady Walizers. Competition open to all. VKC IJy ORDF.K OF COMMITTZK. A Partner WanteJ. A with small capital as a part- j ner in the brick making business. The j briek to be made from the celebrated j Kaolin found near Louisville, this county. It wifl burn white and is very valuable. Also a moulder, one that understands setting and burning. J. T. A. Hoovkk. 4!in:3 Louisville, Neb. Attention Citizens. There will be a meeting of the citi zens of Plattsmouth and vicinity at the Court House to-night, Thursday Evening March, 7th, 1878, at 7 p. m., sharp, for the purpose of considering the propriety of making an earnest and united effort, to call the attention of the emigrants coming west, to the in ducements offered in Cass County for settlement. Other localities are taking steps in this direction and we should not be behind them in this im portant matter. A full attendance is earnestly desir ed. Rv request of manv Citizens. Roll of Honor. High School and Grammar Grades The following is a list of names of tho.-e who were perfect in attendance, punctuality, deportmer.t, during the month of February. Grant Austin, Yiola Barnes, J. Donnelly, Ed. Donelan, Alvin Gass, Charlie Gyger, George Lenhoff, Anna Livingston, J. McEntee, E. Morrison, James Patterson, Alice Pollock, Flora Smith, Alma Waterman. Mattie Cooper, Orion Blackburn, Dottie Cook, Will Chambers, W. Sampson, Martin Buttery. W. W. Drummond, Principal. Annual Financial Report of the Cass Co. Agricultural Society for 1877. To the Officers and 3 f embers: Your secretary and acting treasurer would beg leave to make the following report : RECEIPTS. September 7, 1877. By booth rents S 86 00 " Entry fees, speed ring 47 60 Special cash premiums offer ed 24 00 " 202 membership tickets sold 404 00 " Gate receipts during Fair... 278 50 " County aid, order sokl 340 25 Total amount received 61,288.35 EXPENDITURES. To sundry bills, total amount.$193 20 - J. A. MacMurphy, printing, 139 00 " F. M. McDonagh " . 38 63 " work on grounds and track- 51 50 " J. P. Young, salary. 50 GO total amount premiums paid 514 73 " amount paid for police ser vices during the fair 47 15 To one year's rent for grounds. 80 00 Total amount paid otit.. .$1,114.23 By balance cash in treasury.. .$174 10' amount in cash in hands of J. M. Beardsley 23 35 Total am't of cash on hand $197 43 RETORT OF FINANCE COTMITTEE ON ABOVE. To tie Cass Co. Agricultural Society. Your finance committee appointed to examine the books, accounts, and vouchers of J. P. Young, Secretary and acting Treasurer of the Cas3 County Agricultural Societ" would respectfully report that they have duly examined the same and find them to be correct in every particular. And your com-1 mittce would recommend that said Secretary make a statement of amounts taken in, and paid out, in the interest of the Society, or anything further that would be information, or of any inter est to the members of the Society, and hand a copy to each of the editors of the city papers for publication. Respectfully sabmitted, P. L. W ise. J. Vallery, Sen. 11. B. Windham, Finance Committee. Plattsmouth, Neb., March 2, 1878. In conclusion of my report I would say that the last County Fair fcr 1877 was a success financially, and the Soci ety is on better footing now than it has been since its organization. It is hoped the Society will increase in its financial standing during the coming Fair, which it will, only, by a united effort on the part of the citizens of Plattsmouth and Cass County. The prospects are good for our Twelfth Annual Exhibition 10 surpass by far any ever held in Cass county, therefore the citizens of Platts mouth should not fail to aid and en courage the Society in this enterprise, and the fanners of Cass and adjoining counties should remember that their aid and presence is also needed at the Fair, with Stock and Farm Pioducts of all kind for exhibition. Not wish ing to slight the ladies, both old and young, I woulel say to them that their aid and presence is also wanted, to rep resent and exhibit the household pro ductions at our coming Fair, and un less the farmers ami ladies throughout the county do take an interest in this direction the Fair cannot be made a success. The society should also con sider well the necessity of locating the Fair Grounds permanently, so as to present accommodation for the recep tion and comfort of all who attend our Fairs. I also hope the citizens of riattsmouth will recall to their memo ry the pledge made by them to the Agricultural Society one 3'ear ago, through a committee appointed by them for that purpose, and that if they will labor in the future for the benefit of the Society, with the same interest they manifested one year ago, the Cass County Agricultural Society will rank among the first in the West. I respectfully submit the above, J. P. Young, Sec'y. Dr. Joseph Hall's card will appear in our next week's issue. In the mean time he may be found at Dr. Living ston's office ready to attend all calls. For sale, cheap, 150 Desirable build ing lots in the city of Plattsmouth, Title perfect. Taxes all paid up. Terms easv. App'v to A. W. McLaughlin Cashier 1st National Rank. 23tf Personal. Dr. Chapman has been quite sick we learn. Oscar Keel of Union Mills called in on Friday last. Jos. McCaig, all the way from Elm vond, has been to see us. Sam Chapman to Lincoln to "argy" th City Pax cases. Mr. W. J. Linnh. of Mt. Pleasant called on the Herald last week. Wells & Allen are making a very good paper of the Telegraph at Friend ville. Fred Dorrington returned to the Hill country last week to hunt for a new Bonanza. C. Schluntz, our well known Cellar Creek Miller called on us Tuesday. Flour has riz." Hon. Sam Barker has been quite ill for some weeks. He looks slim Sam does. The Grand Jurv. Ceph. Metteer drops down to town once in a while looking very grangery and good nat tired as usual. Bob. Maxwell came to town Tuesday why don't you bring the wife along, Bob this beautiful weather. Commissioner Crawford dropped in on us Tuesday ami we didn't know him; we wern't drunk either. Alex. Sch'egel returned from Chica go last Friday. He went to see Janau sheek and fell in love mit her at once. M. H. Hathaway, Esq., came up from Plattsmouth last Friday .and is visi ting his family for a couple of weeks. Seward Reporter. Gen. Cunningham or some other friend sends us the Black Hills Herald with lots of news and three cheers for "Lincoln Territory." B." Fuller, an old subscriber to this paper leaves for the east next week. We are sorry to lose Mr. Fuller, though he may return to Cass again. S. Torrence, of Weeping Water came in last week planked down, back and front pay for the Herald. That's the kind of friends the Herald is getting all over the country. Uncle Thomas Jefferson Todd, one of the most ardent advocates of the Temperance cause we have ever had in Cass county, dropped in on us Tues dayto pay us some money for Tem perance. Docter Joseph Hall has returned from Chicago, where he graduated at Bush Medical College. He wiH con-' tinueto pursue tlje practical knowl edge of medicine in Dr. Livingston's office in Plattsmouth. Mrs. McKay, who ha3 been visiting her relatives CapL and Mrs. Palmer, of this city, left on Saturday las':. Mrs McKay left behind her many friends, made during her visit who much regret her departure. B. Glasgow and brother were in town last week. Mr, Glaasgow's broth er is a brother-in-law of our new Con gressman, Hon. Tom Majers, and S. B. i3 the agent for "Footprints of Time," which he is now delivering. Hon. Geo. Smith retnrned from Cal ifornia Monday -where he had gone to buy F. Cook and O'Brien, the great Silver Bonanzists- out they having started a branch office in "Wall street. George thought they must want to sell in Cal. they didn't and that's the only reason he come home Glory:' vie for got Mrs. S .but then he could send for her. THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. HErOHTED bt r. E. WHITE. Wheat. No. 2 " rejected '. Corn, duelled, (new) (old) Com, ear Oats, Barley, No. 2 '.' 3 " rejected Rye 7.V!i.M CVttTO lI'.IH 2t 15 1.1 1W&30 18 IS 30 LATEST NEW YORK MARKETS Kkw Ork. March C Money, ..... Gold,. 101? LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicaoo. March 6 5 OOCPW 2S 1 07H 42?i 2T 55 I!"!!.! 3 7(i4 no 2 SO&3 80 3 X3 60 Flour Wheat Corn 0;iu Kye Ilarlev Native Cnl tie Texas Cattle... Hogs SPECIAL NOTICES. You can save a largo per cent of your corn crop by reading "Three Blind Mice," and following advice. 34tf Magazines bound here. tf Several loads of corn or oats taken here now. 4Hf Notes, receipts and bills for sale at the Herald Office; also scale book3 for grain and cattle dealers. 46tf Grand reduction in Blankets, Scarfs, New price, Old price. White Bl'k't S3 00 $2 73 a p " " $2 25 " 3 00 " 4 00 " 5 00 " 5 00 " 6 00 " Colored " 2 50 " 3 50 " " 3 00 " 4 00 " Horse " 2 23 " 3 00 " tf F AH MB IIS ATTENTION! Julius Fepperberg, Cigar Manufac turer, on Main St.. Plattsmouth, Xeb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tol accoes Hr smoking purposes. For Sale. Best qualities of plug-smok-ng tobacco always on hand. 20-tf. A New Barber Shop. I beg leave to announce to the pub lic that I have opened a barber shop in the west room of the Platte Valley House, neatness and the best of work manship warranted. llespect fully, 47t4 John Schick eta xz. Farm for Sale. A well hmiroved farm of 100 acre for s:ile, near Eilit Mile drove, C:ss County. Neb. The Improvements eoiinist of 1 i" acres under cultiva tion, good house and outbuildings. Hiid a fine grove of timber. For further particular apply to Willett rottenger. at Plattsmouth : or. Hen ry Kirkham, ou the premises. 34in3 Ai.i. nervous, exhausting, and painful diseases siecdily yield to the curative ii.fluences of lul vermarher's Electric Belt and Bands. They are safe, simple, and effective, and can be easi ly applied by the patteut himself. Book, with fu'l particulars, mailed free. Address Tl'LVKR-mai-hrr (i.U.NASIC Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. For Sale. A good Portable Pipe Organ, manu factured by the celebrated I. Dennett Nutter, entirely remodeled and good for twenty years. This beautiful in strument has 4 stops and 3 registers of pipe, and for quality and power of tone cannot be surpassed by any Portable Pipe Organ. For particulars enquire of S. M. Brown, tuner and repairer of pianos and organs, Creston, lowa,or to JAMES FETTEE, dealer in musical instruments, Plattsc mouth, Neb. 4 tf. Market Gardeners: Send for Boot's Garden Manual for 1S78, full of instructions on gardening topics, and price list of Choice seeds, sent for 10c allowed on first order for seeds. Address, J. B. Boot. 46tl0 Bockford, Illinois. One of tho best farms in Cass County Nebraska for sale, cheap. Address The Herald Office, 47t6 Plattsmouth Neb. "German Syrnp." No other medicine in the world has ever given such a test of its curative qualities as Boschee's German Syrup. In two years three million four hundred thousand small bottles of this medicine were distributed free of charge by Druggists in this country to those af flicted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, rneumonia, and other disease of the Throat and Lungs, giving the American people undeniable proof that German Syrup will cure them. The result has been that Drug gists in every town and village in the United States are recommending it to their customers. Go to your Druggist, and ask what they know about it. Sam ple bottles 10 cents. Begular size 75 cents. Three doses will relieve any case. 38tf-alt Temperance. Bealising the sad fact that the Red Ribbon men are bent on starving me out, I propose to hurry up the crisis by putting down billiards to ten cents a game. Temperance beverage and good ci gars furnished only to those who want them. I will force nobody to take anything violating their obligations. Note: Indians, Idiots, Drunkards, Wo men and Little Boys are not admitted to any of the privileges of my place; as I keep the only lteal Temperance Billiard Hall in this town. 43t3 Wm. Neville . . TO THE AFFLICTED. Act wisely, and at once procure the following wonderful Family Medicines, Dh. Fitler's Rheumatic Remedy and Liver Pills, a positive, permanent specific for Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, pain in Back, Head, Heart, Lungs, Limbs, Nervous, Blood and Chronic Dieseases. Dr. Fit ter's Kidney Cordial removes deposits of GraveL Albumen Alcali Acids re tention of urine, high colored water, and strengthens the Bladder and Kid neys. Dr. Fitler's Calisaya Tonic, for debilitated constitutions, increases vig or, strengthens the system tones the stomach, and increases appetite. A pleasant substitute for Iron, which constipates the bowels and destroys the teeth.- Dr. Fitler's German Pectoral for Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, a superior combination which acts quickly and relieves rapid ly. Tour druggists Chapman & Glass are agents for Plattmouth. 20-yl Com anI oats taken at this office on Subscription at market rates. 41tf . Use "Centennial Rat Exterminator.'' New type new type, come in with your jobs. tf Bring in your corn or oats to the Herald office. 41tf. The Western fiural. Thk Westf.Kx RvxiaL, of Chlcapo, U rap idly gtowiug in popularity and influence, for the enterprising and aggressive spirit it man ifests. Its several departments are full of in terest and admirably adapted to all the inter ests of the Farm and the Fireside. It advo cates equal rights to all clanses, and strongly opposes the encroachments of capital and the grinding monopolies which tend to get a foot hold in our land. The summary of general news and market reports is excellent. In fact Thk Wkstkrn RuitAt.has assumed the van tage ground as being the foremost of its kind in this country. We are not surnrised that its circulation and influence are rapidly extending. 4813 Oysters! Fresh Oysters! Fine fresh oysters will be found at F. S. Whites's every week during the Season. Also Celery every Saturday, received fresh and crisp every Satur day, by express. Call and get the hang of things. 27tf F. S. White. Geo. II. Shafer & Co., Manufactur ers of True Pharmaceuticals, Fort Madison, Iowa. 34tf. The grandest bargains ever known in this town can be had for the next 60 days in clothing. Boots and shoes in cluding a superb stock of ladies and childrens shoes, which will be sold clear nown for cash. Such bargains were Cever known before, at Stadelman's clothing emporium. 20tf Air Three B'ind Mice. Three thousand rats ! Three thousand rat ? Three thousand rats I See how they run ; think what they eat Millions to feed. Thev all run after the farmer's wife : Who soon put an end to their useless strife" By killing constant pests of her life. By giving them "Centennial Hat Ex terminator," the safest and most cer tain Rat Exterminator in the world. It will save millions of corn annually It will positively exterminate the pest from your premises and kill them as they travel, thus leaving no telltale dead rat to warn others from eating Centennial Hat Exterminator. You get rid of every rat without the dan ger attending the use of strychnine or arsenic. We challenge the world for a more profitable investment of 25 cents, and proclaim it the greatest economizer of the age. You will recommend it to your neighbors. For sale everywhere. A large introductory box postpaid on receipt of 25 cents. Star Manufac turing Co. Box 400, Ft. Madison Iowa. For sale at Dr. Chapman's Drug Store, Plattsmouth. 34tf Purifies the Blood Ren ovates and Invigorates the Whole System. ITS MEDICAL PROrEBTIES AUK Alterative, Tonic, Solvent and Diuretic. Vegetlne Yegetiue Vegctine Tegetine Vegellne Yegetiue Vegetine Yegctlne Tegetine Tegetine Tegetine Tegetine Yegctlne Tegetine Vegetine Yegetine Yegetlne Yegetine Yegetlne Yegetine Yegetiue Yegetine Yegetine Yegetlne Yegetine Yegetine Yegetine Yegetine Yegetlne Yegetine Yegetine Yegetine Yegetine Yegetine Reliable JEvidence. Mr. H. R. Stfvfns : Jk-arSir. twill most cheerfully add mv testimony to thefc;reat num ber you have already received in fa vor of your great and good medicine, Vksktin E.forl do not think enough can lie said in its praisa : for 1 was tumbled over thirty years with that dreadful disease. Catarrh, and had such bad couching spells that It would seem as though 1 nevercould breathe any more, and Vkoktine has cured mc ; and I do feel to thank (Jod all the time that there is o good amedieine as Vk!ET1 n e, and I also think it one of the best medicines for coughs, and weak, sinking feel ing at the stomach, and advie ev erybody to take the Vegetine, for 1 can assure mem it is one oi tue best medicines that ever was. GIVES Health, Strength, ANI AITET1TE. My daughter has received great benefit from the use of Veoetine. Her declining health was a source of trreat anxiety to all her friends. A few bottlesof v eg ktixe restored her health, strencth, and appetite. N. H. TILDEN, Ineuranee and Real Estate Agent, Se. 49 Sears Buildiug. Boston, Mass. CANNOT BE EXCELLED- Chari.estowx, Mass. II. R. Stevens : Dear Sir, This is to certify that I have used your "Blood Prepara tion" in mv family tor several years, and think that' for Scrofula or Can cerous Humors or Rheumatic Affec tions, it cannot be excellqvi ; and. as a h'.ood purifier C7 spring medicine, it is. t'lC. oest thing I have ever used, and I have, used almost everything. I can cheerfully recommend it to any one in need of such a medicine. Yours resiectfullv. Mrs. A. A. DINS'MORE, No. 19 Kussell Street. IT IS A Valuable Remedy. South Bostox, Feb. 7, 1870. Mr. Stevens : Dear Sir, I have taken several bottles of your Vegetine. and am convinced it is a valuable remedy for Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaint, and general debility of the system. I can heartily recommend it to all suHerinc from ihe above complaints. Yours respectfully. M Rrt. M U N KO E PARKER 86 Athens Street. Yegetlne Yegetine VEGETINE Prepared by II. It. STETESS, Boston, Mass. Yegetine is SolOy all Druggists. LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriffs Sale. By irtiifl of an order of sale Issued by Wm. I Wells, Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to mo directed, I will on the 2itU day of March, A. 1. 1878, at one o'clock p. m., of said day. at the south door of the Court House, tnPlattsmontn. in said County, sell at public auction the following real estate, to-wit : The south-west quarter oi sec tion thirtv-slx (3C) in township ten (10) north of ranpe twelve (12) east of 6th I". M. in Ca-s Coun ty, Nebraska. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of B. 1 Hardinc, Willie I Harding, Wm. Stadelmanu. A. J. Hodges, A. Knninp, M. Carroll. George Boeck, Buttery Lazenby and E. O. Dovey, defendant ; to satMy a judgment of said Court, recovered by The Inion Mutual Life Insurance Compauy of Maine Plaintiff. riattsmouth, Nebraeka, Feb. 18th. A. D. 1878. 49t5 K. W. Hykjm, Sherift. Sheriffs Sale. Bv TVrtue of an order of sale issued by Wm. I Wells, Clerk of the District Court within and forlCass Conntv, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 30th day of March, A. D. 1878, at 3 o'clock p' m., of said day. at the outh door of the Court House, in Plattsmouth. in said Coun ty, sell at public auction the following real es tate, towit : The north half of the north-west quarter of section number thlity-two (32) town ship number eleven (11) north of range number ten 10) east of the 6th r. M.. together with ap purtenances. The anw being levied upon and taken as the property of George McAdie. Sarah Me Adte, Ed wm Park, David I . Selden and Agnes C. Knapp. defendants t to satisfy a Judgment of aid Court, recoTered by Nathan Jones, plaint iff. Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. IS. A. P. 187R. 48t5 R. w. Hters. Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. Tv virtue of an order of sale, issued bv Wm. I- Wells, Clerk of the District Court whbtr and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed. I w ill ou the 2Jth dav of March. A. 1. 1878. at i o'clock, p. in., of said day. at the south door of the Court House, in PUtUmouth, in said Couu tv. sell at public auction the following real es tate, to-wit : The north half of the uth-est quarter of section one (t) town ten U0) rango eleven (11) east of the 6th P. M. hi County Nebras. together with tiie appurtenances. The same btting levied uyon and taken as the prop erty of John Kewton. .lane Newton. K. L. Uee.t, Carrington Hammer and C. P. Squires, defend ants : to satisfy a Judgment of saiu Court, recov ered bv John Black, plaintiff. Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. atuh. A. D. 1878. 4U15 It. W. 11 vers, Sherift. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by W. II. Iloover. Clerk of the District Court, within and for Nemaha County, Nebraska, and to nie di rected, 1 will on the 30tli dav of March, A. 1. 1878. at one o'clock p. m., of said day, at the south door or the Court Mouse, in Plattsmouth, Cass County, sell at public auction the follow ing real estate to-wit : The south half of the south-west quarter of section twenty-eight (28) in township number ten (10) north of range No. nine (9) east, in the County of Cass and Slate of Nebraska. The same being levied upon and ta ken as the property of Josiah P. Burtlick and Deborah Burdick, defendants ; to satisfy a Judg ment of said Court, recovered by (Jeorge W. Reed and Edward I. Reed, partners as Geo. W. Reed & Compauv. plaintiffs. Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. 18, A. D. 1878. 4$W K. W. Hyers, Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. - Notice is hertby given that by virtue of an or der of sale, issued by Wm. L. Wells, Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass County. Nebraska, to uie directed, I will on the 16th dav of March, A. D., 1878, at the hour of one 'clock p. m., of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in saiu Connty. offer for sale at public auction, the following real estate, to wit ; lots two hundred and seventy-five (275) ami two hundred and seventy-six (276) in the town of Greenwood. Cass County, Nebraska. The same having been levied upon and taken by virtue of said order of sale as the property of M. Youngstedt and Anna Voungstedt, de fendants ; to satisfy a decree of said Court therein rendered, on the 12th day of June, A. D. 1877. in favor of Aaron C. Loder. executor of the last will and testament of Clarissa II. Buck lev, plaintiff. Plaltsmouth, Neb., Feb. Hth. 1873. 475 R. W. Hyers, Sheriff. BARNES' FOOT POWER M 4'HTN'KliV. 13! different machines wltb which Builders, Cabinet Makers, Waon Makers and Jobbers in miscellaneous work can"compete as to yiiAL- ty and prick witii steam lower manufacturing ; also Amateur's supplies. saw blades, fancy woods and de-si-rns. Sav where you read this and send for catalogue and prices. W. K John Barnes, liockford. Winnebago Co. TIIE HENRY F. MILLER PIANO FORTES BOSTON, MASS. ISLl) IX TIIE Boston Public Schools, Mass. State Normal Schools. The New England Conser vatory of Music Ex clusively, TWO AWARDS DECREED THIS ESTABLISHMENT BY TIIE Philadelphia Exhibition '76 No other Piano Forte house, with one excep ion, received more than one. During the Concert Season of 1876, '77, these Pianos were used In Boston and vicinity in mere than 125 concerts. The season of 1877 and 78 promises a still greater number to be added to the list. Notices of Concerts. "Remarkable for Its purity, richness and ev enness of tone." Boston Journal. "No such instruments have been beard In a Lowell concert room before." Lowell (Mass.) Daily Citiznu. "Surpasses anything of the kind previously heard in our city." Lowell V ox Populi. "Unequalled by anv that have been used in our concerts." Louisville Daily Courier. JAMES PETTEE has been appointed agent for these celebrated Pianos. Send for catalogue. Plattsmouth, Ntb. James Pettee DEALER IN Musical Instruments, Sole Appointing Agent for The Unrivalled 3Iason A Hamlin CABINET ORGANS. Also, the Stcck. Ilenry F. Miller, and Ilallct & Cumston Pianos for Cass and Sarpy counties, Neb. Cillandsee SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at office. Sixth, one door south of Main St. rLATTSMOUTII, NEB. Tnning and repairing Pianos and Organs a specialty, under tne skillful hands of Mr. S. M. Brown, a tuner of thirty-three years experience. NEW BARBER SHOP. JOHN SCHICKETANZ, formerly of Council Bluffs has Just opened a barber shop in Plattsmouth, in the west room (ground floor) of the l'LATTE VALLEY HOUSE, He is ready to do good work, proposes to keep a neat, clean and wholesome place, and kindly solicits the patronage of the public. 46ml PLATTE VALLEY HOUSE, JOIIX BOX8, Proprietor. THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE. Good accommodations for Farmers and the traYeling public Board 81 per day. Meals 25c. Entirely refitted and rA-ftirnihrrl and farmers are reouest- ed to call and get 3 meals and bed for 81.00, m 2lf IS 5 :!!!:! ; "3 ; " . . rc f ::!::: : :-2j : : ' : : : :it.t z. ' . ; " . . V t " i : : i O fa 5J - TEMPERANCE REFORM AITS ITS C2SAT EI?:SaSE3. BY IlKV. V. II. DANIELS, A. M. rrofusely Illustrated w ith portraits and Sketch es and containing over fiOo I'aes. taA WHOLE TEMPEKANCK L1BKARY IN A SINGLE VOLUME. Agents wanted every where. Address for extra Terms and ChCHlars. 48tl Hitchcock & Walde-n. Cln., Chicago . St. Louis. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1f 4 YnVlii'taf price $DC0 onlv $2C3. Vor X J Vll If - lor Oiyan, price $373 only $105. yMujjmiap.,,., rec. j, r. Scatty, W&&2gtcc!7.;. n CI ancy cards. Snonfliikc, pHinusk, &c. No ZOtwo alike with name 10c. Nassau Card Co. N assau N . Y. REVOLVER FREEnS0!,: Down &&ou,l;&; l.W ooii m.. i uisuuigii.i a St. i-k Fori CASE of CATARRH that S. V 1 I Ifokh's Kaiii:ai. O hk for Ca g I I tanii will not instant! v relieve and epeedilv cure. References, Henry Wells, Wei is. K;iro & Co., Aurora, N. Y. : Wm. Bowen. Es., S f Mc. Hat ton, lirant & Bowen. St. La. I llxuiis. Testimonials and treatise I Blvmail. Price, with improved j Inhaler, SI. Sold everywhere. EEKS & POTTEK, Proprietors, Boston Mass. TRIFLING WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS WELLS' CARBOLIC TAELETS. i nr. rpmpdv for ( (ll'lillH. and all diseases of the TIIltOAX. I.ISWH.CHKHT and Ml C'Ot H JIEJIBUAAK PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. C. V. CitiTTEXDOX. 7 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. JACKSON'S BEST SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO was awarded hljfheat prize at Centennial Exposition for lincehcu ino qualities and excel lence and laming eharacttr of xweetcnino ""d flanrrina. if vou want the he.t toltoceo ever made, ask vour grocer for this, and see that eacli plug hears our blue strip trade-mark wit h words Jackson's Beet on it. Sold at wholesale by all jobbers. Send for sample to C. A. J At Kso.v & Co., M'f'rs., Petersburg. a. VEGETINE. No. 16 Lapiranjje St., South, Mass. Mr. H. K. Stevens : Dear Sir I have been troubled w ith Scrofula. Canker and Liver Complaint for three years. Nothing ever did me anv good until I commenc ed using the VLGKTIN E. I consider there is nothing equal to it for sucli complaints. Can heartily recommend it to everybody. Yours truly, Mrs. Lizzie M. Tackard. sac jw.-mL.-m9 HONEY OF HOREHOUND AND TAR FOR THE CURE OF Conzhs. t'oidn. Influenza, lfosrseness, lMfllcult Breathing, anil all Affec tion of th Throat. Bronchial Tube, and Ludsm, leading to Consumption. Price 50 cents and ?1 per bottle. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. C. N. Crittrx ixx. Prop., 7 Sixth Ave, N. Y. 4SW THE OLD RELIABLE m i mm 1 1 CONTINUOUS ALL-HAIL ROUTE ! NO CHANGE OF CARS ! ONE ROAD, ONE MANAGEMENT I From r: z:yTa to Pittslmrgli, Harrislrari, Baltimore, Wasticitoii, PMlaielpliia & New Toil. Great Short Line To IBQSOHJ! VIA NEW YORK CITY. Reaches all Points in Pennsylvania and Neio Jersey. Pullman Palace Cars ON ALL EXPRESS TRAINS! MAGNIFICENT CARS KQCirPED WITH TIIE TELKBRATED WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKES Jannej's New Patent Safety riatform and Coupler. Elegant Eating Houses WITH AMPLE TIME FOR MEALS. THREE EXPRESS TRAINS LEAVE CHICAGO' AS FOLLOWS S.OO A. 31. SPECIAL FAST EXPRESS EX CEPT SUNDAY. With the popular Vestibule Sleeping Car Reaches Pittsburgh, 2 :30 a. in. : HarrifbiirK. 11 :45 a. m. ; Philadelphia, 4 :00 p.!rn. ; New York 6 -Ah p. ti. ; Boston, tf :15 a. m. ; Baltimore 6 :30 p. in. ; Washington, 9 :00 p. in., next day. 5:15 r. M. Atlantic Esp. (Daily With Dratcing-Room and Ilotel Car. Reaches rittburph. 12 :is p. m. ; Harrlshure. 10:55 p. m. ; Philaleliiliia. 3 a. ra. ; New ork 6 :45 a. m. ; Social Phil.Kielphia Sleeping Car on this Train, which remains in depot until 7 :Jft a. ni., affordiDg Philadelphia passengers a lull night's rest. 9:10 P.M. Night Exp. Except Saturd'y. With Drawing-Room Sleeping Car. Reaches rittbureh 7 p. m. ; Harrtaburf?, S aO a. m. ; Baltimore. 7 :45 a. m. ; Washington 9 rft5 a. nt. ; Philadelphia. 8 :0ffa. m. ; New ork 10 5 a. m-; llostou, 8 :4Q p. in, ThroiiKfi Balti more and Was tun too, Sleeping Car on this Train. FARE ALWAYS AS L8W Ag AST (fBll LIXJU tThrotigh Ttekats for Rata at all Principal Points in the Weft. Ak tor them ria ti KOR T WAYNE PENNSYLVANIA LINE. F. R. MYEH!:. 4Sly . Gea. rs. ticket Ast., CAICA5?r CO OJJ il e 5-3 i 5 WS' r . a. .S sf illlitllflisS UJ W - S .-O ri i i , - cs S i i-J 2 P " 2 h s .2 i mm sisira i i isilisssissiiiii yJ e-j J r. r, H 7. r. sr. ei 2 : mt -7 rn t si-inSi.j- -j mm WILLIAM HEROL, dealer in flllY GOOI). CLOTHS. SLAXKETS. FLANNELS, ruiiNisinxr. r.ooi.i. GROCERIES OF ALL KIND. Larife r oi k r.f BOOTS and SHOES to 1T CLOSED OUT AT COST Notions, Queenswarof and in fact everything you can call for hv the lino of General Merchandise. CASH PAID FOR HIDES AND Fl'KS. All kinds of country pmdiica taken In ex change for goods. 3lyl CMcagst Bnrlintfmi & Qnincy R, R. IA THE DIRECT ROUTE P.ETWEEX Tin: East and West, Runnicg Through Cais -TO-' Council Bluffs, CONNECTI Nil WITH THE Union Pacific Railroad KOll AM- I'OIVTS IX- XEBTIASKA. COLORADO. VTA If, MOXTAXA. XEVA DA, ATIIZOXA. IDA no. AND California. T II It O V II CAItS TO KANSAS CITY, TOPEIA.ATCHISON & St. Joscpi Through Cars toJJQUgfQand all ToInU on SIIMHOUni, HAXHAH A TKXAH, AND Houston & Toxas Central RallKomlx. IT IS THE DIRECT IZGJimH l-UOM THE West to tlx East AND THE EAST TO THE WEST. All information about rate irt fare WHl bo' eheerfuMy given by "y,,. lien. Wei. Pass. Au't.. 421 y CmrA;o. jj J I " s " COUNTER,FLATFOR?A VAGON&.TRACK THE BEST ARE -THE CHEAPEST MSAFESCALECa 265 BR0ADWA Y N. Y. 72 CHESTNUT ST. PHLA. PA. 117 SENECA ST. CLEVE. 0. j A. G. HATT, JEST OPENED ACJAIN, New, Clean, First Clas Meat Shop, on Main Street In Fred KroeMerV oM tatil Everybody on hand for fresh, tender meat. THE OLD RELIABLE E0US& STILL, TWO DOORS EAST OF POST OFFICE. KEEN" AX & GTtACE. Where you can get your Christ mas and New Tears CIGARS AND LIQUORS. Good "Star A" whiskey at 31.60 per gallon. Wines and Liquors generally. SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKIES made a specialty.- 3013 MONET TO LOAN 8100,000 To loan on improved farms In Cass nnt y, atf low rate of interest. Appllcaiioim sllntH. Plattsmouth, Mareh ir:. J N. WISE. 1 1 XOW EEAnr FOR AGENTS ! The Great Strikes I That timely aew book, by Hon. 3. a lurre, A complete hitory ot the causfs and thrillinir event of the great raiTrad aifi labor war ail over tb eountry. FtEI.y ItLi:KTBATirn, AWKTM UASTKll eVerjwhere. Thff bt chane fo make money eer offered, bo war of inferior works. Get the b"t and lowest pried. Addreo 2m STANDAB0 BCOE BOrSC. hi. Lot ix, aV, trv 7TT Ms m 5 W