Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 13, 1877, Image 3

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Carruth is blazing with IIdi- j
day goods.
Out Stores are getting very gay with
Holiday goods.
Frank Carruth's Jewelry store is a
sight to see.
Bring in your corn and Oat.3 at the
market price, now.
Mrs. Losee preaches at Linccln cn
Sunday morning next.
Wanted somo corn and oats on
subscription at this office.
Dr. Rilcliey will not get here be
fore the 14th. to morrow.
Mr. Cushing's baby has been very
sick, too, but is better now.
Frank Carruth has two raen bupy
making up jewelry, now a days. 2t
Fresh and Choice. Chestnuts, and
.Coeoanuts, at the P. O. News Depot.
Streight and Miller keep a harness
shop in Plattsmoutli, Remember that.
Dr Chapman has a very large and
beautiful assortment of Holiday goods
in addition to his usual large stock.
Mr. Waterman is building a very
neat house on the cor, of 8th and Elm
street, for Geo. Loving to live in.
New Year's Clothes at Sladelrnan's
Buy, Buy and Echo Answers why
why !. 2t
The celebrated Rat Exterminator
is for sale at Dr. Chapman's Drug
Store, riattsmouth Xeb. See Adver
tisement elsewhere.
Sti eight and Miller want some
money, on eld accounts; and lots of
new customers to buy their handsome
new goods right i)ff.
At Stadelrnan's, S Overcoats. Suits
from S3 up; All kinds of nobby clothes
?it greatly reduced prices. Corny ar.d
get a Christinas present. 2t
Tl:e Ladies of the Presbyterian
Church held their festival next Thurs
day, rcin mber, the SOtli. everybody
must go out to that, you know.
- The judges at il.p Debate monday
r veiling were Mi-s Wise, Miss Sutton
.-.mi Mr. Pet ice and they steod 2 to 1
for Boss Hayes.
Cap Palmer has turned up a mi ghty
Hunter. lie doesn't bother with g':irfs
1 alls and small fry; hut attacks strong
game as h 'd :;s a Lion.
Billy St::deims.n want3 to sell out,
and remove his stock of goods from his
shelves to the backs of his customers.
Do come and buy him out.
Wall pockets and Wall Brackets,
other useful and ornamental articles
suitable for the Holidays at Henry
Beeek's. 2t
Mr Wainscot has moved his house
from the corner of Mr Fitzgerald's for
ty further South, the other side of the
road and is having Peter Bates fix it
all up good as new.
Several of our subscribers having
offered to bring us some corn or oats
on subscription, we are prepared to
take a few loads of either, so bring ii
along at the market price.
The latost styles in s'Jk plush, satin
and gror-grain ribbons, flowers, velvets
plura-T, ornaments :nd e 6" thing
in that line at Mrs. Johnson and Miss
Sweeney's to be sold out before the first
of January. 3C-2t
Foreman Hathaway say3 its a
good thing Mac wasn't in when Sister
Laugdon came in or there would hive
been a two column article on their work
and as it wa3 Wednesday noon, time
was precious.
Woodson and Fred Krochler got
into a little- fracas yesterday. Wood
son tried to grab Fred by the hair on
the top of the head; that being a fa;l-
ure, (of course) W says
a bald headed man any
A store pass book, between F. S.
. Whites' Store and Livingston's corner
on Ctli str. Any person finding the
same will be suitably rewarded by leav
ing it at White's Store.
When Mart Cutler buys prize pack
ages hereafter, he should lookout and
see that the boys are not about; or else
select different kind of packages. Is
anticipation greater than reality? or
something like that, the boys debate
about. Perhaps Mart can answer. -
Theodore Hotline's folks had a little
accident at their house the other night
They call it Thedy and it only draws
12 H-s. Billy Stadelman was real mean
lie telegraphed to Bodine "It's only a
girl" won't some woman pull his
7-ak:r in I,:l?.t.'..-;iv-r1f 'i, keo; u-r.-.v.antiy;;!
ha ad. tine Jlr.rr.e, Saddltj.-,
t. vdlaes, "h;i3 -,v.o vo. ,
" All the ladies in town who have
the Home Cook Book most cheerfully
recommend it. Our bookstores sell it.
Price 61.53. - - ,
"The bov stood on the burning Deck"
The flame had caught hi3 gown;
And there amid the burning wreck,
Cried, give me Diamond Crown.
For they all chew it,
for sale at the P. O. Xews Depot. 33tl
Rev. Father Hayes has been ill
for some two weeks or more; cause, a
bad cold to begin with, which seems
to have hung to him. We shall be
very glad to see- him about once more
Nails, by the car-load at Wcck-
The Rev Lynos Alton will preach
the funeral sermon of Nettie Calkina,
at 8 Mile grove M. E. Church, next
Sunday at It am; friends of the farai
ly invited.
We call the attention of our read
ers to the prospectus of the Praiuie
Farmer published in another column.
It is one of the best agricultural pa
pers published for the west, and we
recommend it to all our farmers.
"William Stadelman, our old and reli
able clothing Merchant has again laid
in a heavy stock of fine winter Cloth
A largo lot of Ladies' furs, very
cheap. Mens' Arties at SI. 25 pr pair,
the cheapest in the market, Hats, caps,
Gloves &.c. in great abundance. Now
is your time to buy. 2t
Choice Messina Lemons, Eating ap
'es. Raisins &c, for the Holidays, at
lie P. O. News Depot.
Sotary rnblic.
J. C. Newberry, Notary Public and
Collection .agent. Eight Mile drove,
Cass Co. Neb. Conveyancing blanks
constantly on hand and all business
promptly attended to. 3St3
. The fellows that ain't kid Glove
chaps, that is to say. the- Plattsmouth
Debating Club which meets at the
court house, will discuss Mr Hayes
and his policy on Saturday Evening
next and a hefty time is expected ;Dick
O'Xeil i3 getting ready cocked and
primed for the occasion and is bound
to go oft, having crammed, 3 Dic
ticnarys, 3 Encyclopedias, and 12 Po
litical Almanacs for the occasion.
"A horse!! a horse! vay kingdom for a
a horse,"
So cried an ancient monarch of renown ;
Hut modern monarchs now. without
Demand the best cry out for "Dia
mond Cmirn."
For they r.ll will chew it.
For snle by J. P. Youso at the P. O.
a't-ws Depot. S3tl
Frank White, Sr; bought two build
ings down on 2d st, sometime ago; and
is now fitting one of thera up for an
Ice-IIouse, an elegant ice-house it will
make too. The other will be used for
storage and warehousing. We hope
for Mr Whites sake. as well as for his
customers that there will be a good
crop of ice this year.
Henry Boeck.
Henry Boeck.
Better as you look a leedle oud: all
you chaps that gets wood from Frank
Whites' wood-pile o'nights there's
powder and dynamite in it. Frank
says "damanuewoodstealerhe Iihxem.
That's the longest word he ever used
and it took all day last week to pro
nounce it.
Holiday goods of all kinds at Ilen
rv Bceck's. 2t
Brother Winslow, of Mt. Tleasant
and the Hon. Moses Stocking, of Wa
hoo met in the Herald office Monday.
We tried to draw the wool over Bio
W's eyes, but he threw marble dust in
ours and Mr. S. and the Herald final
ly let him go, not as a bad egg, exactly,
but because he wouldn't stay any long
er. a
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Go down to Henry Bceck's and see
the handsome Christmas f urniture : he
has for the Holidays. 2t !
High School Literarj-.
F eikxd MacMurfhy : Several
gentlemen having desired that the day
for the meeting of the "High School
Literary SccUty might be changed, in
order that it should not conflct with
the appointments of the Masonic Lodge
it lias been- deemed expedient to ap
point the hist Friday ' in each month,
instead of e first, a3 the occasion up
on which the It S. L. S, shall hold its
entertainments. The next laceting,
therefore, will take place Dec. 23th,
1877 . W. "Vt. Dkummoxd,
Principal. '
-ir. J. V., Cun a-, 01 Khan .-..'! v it-.-
ih". If rrtid, that he. L; Kf-r-pir-,-.' r.hej
1:; : C'jnntv. Let vS l-.e;:r fn-rx-i th-
1 - at.iii.
At G nth man's (Oswalds. we mean)
you can find Toys without number,
Cakes, Candies, and other pretty things
Many thanks Mr. White, for those
market reports, we have marked down
a long credit to "Youins."
Oswald Guthinan's Bakery.
Is the place to buy good bread, nice
Confectionary, Candies of all kinds,
AXD -'' " '
Toys, toys, toys, for the Christmas
New Holiday goods at Solomon &
Nathan s, jewelry, ties, silk handker
chiefs, perfumery, papeteries, writing
desks, easels, photograph frames and
hundreds of other things. Go and see
and buy.
Henry Thierolfg
Restaurant and Lodging Rooms.
Meals 23 cents. Farmers and others
accommodated at all hours. A few
good rooms; on Main Street nearly op
posite Platte Valley Hons
a stock of candies and other confect
ionary and stock of general groceries.
The High School Literary, attack
ed governmental matters last Monday
evening. If brother Rutherford B
could only have heard that debate he
would well he would no doubt aban
don the chair at once,' let V. P- Wheel
er take it ; after selecting a cabinet from
our yung debaters.
Soloman & Nathan have a large as
sortment of everything nice and pret
ty for the holidays. It would take
more than a column to tell them all.
Go and see for yourselves.
of the Plattsmouth Literary Club for
December 13th, 1877;
Music Quartette.
Recitation Miss Alice Pollock.
Declamation E. II. Wooley.
Essay Miss T. B. Wise.
Select Reading Miss Viola Barnes.
Oration E. T. Simons.
Music Solo; Mr. Windham.
Debate Question, Resolved That
capital punishment should be abolish
ed in Nebraska.
Affirmative Messrs Simons, Morri
son, Drummond.
Negative Messrs Windham. Piper
and Wise.
Music Double Quartette.
R. B. Wixdiiam, Prest.
J. E. Morrisox, Secy.
Silver Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Buttery held their
Silver Wedding anniversary on Friday
evening, December 7th. . . .
A very pleasant evening it was too,
and "muchly" enjoyed by every one
there. The presents were very hand
some, being a constant reminder
of the silver period of our and
their existence. The dollar of
our daddies, was here spread out and
rolled round and passed over into such
tilings as a syrup cup, spoon holders,
a butter-dish, pickle dishes, setts of
forks, of spoons, napkin rings, silver
salt cellars, photograph frames, sugar
spoons, butter knives, &a, &c.
The Herald especially wishes and
hopes that the happy couple may live
to celebrate their double diamond wed
ding, if not in Plattsmouth in some
other place ; and that'all their friends
may gather round them, and may the
cheer be as good, the weather as mild
and the fun as joyou? as on this "sus
picious" occasion.
Mrs. Johnson and Miss Sweeny are
desirous of clearing out their stock of
Milliner, will offer it from now until
the first of January at prices low
enough to suit everybody. They have
still some handsome pattern hats and
will have more for the holidays. Their
stock of ribbons, feathers, flowers, &c is
full and they are ready to get up a
handsome hat on short notice. Call
and suit yourself. They also have in
connection with their Millinery store
a dress and cloak making department.
Furniture for the Holidays.
If you really want to see a nice lay
out of useful, pretty ornamental things
go down to Henry Beock's and see his
stock; of goods for the Holidays.
Among the novelties are: Basting
and sewing tables, that fold all up in a
little heap .and can be stowed away in
your drawers or cupboard.
Novelty Press Board, can be set up
any where in the room and used for
two different kinds of work.
Handsome bed-room sets.
Rocking Chairs, that fold up, and can
be set up against the wall.
Wall pockets and wall brackets in
infinite variety.
Chairs for the little folks all prices
and kinds ;
Picture frames, of all sizes and forms
made to order.
Rustic frames.
Safes of various kind3 and all prices.
Jieds and mattresses in great variety
Handsome Reclining Chairs, can be
put at any angle, useful for sick per
sons. . . ......
Extension Tables. . '. ' 1
Chairs till you can't, rest That is
until you buy some: Mirrors, hand
glasses, and a : thousand other pretty
things. Corns and see them all.
II exe y Boeck.
33 Ct M Plattsmouth
From this time until the first of Jan
uary Mrs. Johnson and Miss Sweeny
will sell their stock of Millinery at cost
for the sake of clearing out their en
tire tock. Call and get a bargain. 37t3
Mr iJil. iii-s c-j.V.5, t.. see tl.-c Ik-raid
aii.t lir-i for tn-t-ther yeir
Hon. T. M. D.ivi3 Land Commission
er, passed through Wednesday.
Mr Greenslate (surnamed Silas) pass
through yesterday. He is also P. M.
of Elm wood.
Dr. McCrea has been very sick in
deed; but we are glad to know he is
much better and may soon be expect
ed at work.
Mrs Solomon has returned to riatts
mouth, and Mr S. expects to return
soon. They h.ave rented the old Sur
veyor General's Office on the hill.
A car of Russians, 7 months from
Russia, and bound for Seward, came
through yesterday. It is pretty warm
weather to land Russians here now.
Turxer Zixk, Postmaster at Luella,
called on us Tuesday. He says Quinsy
is troubling the hogs out there, but if
taken in time it can be cured; also.
that some of his neighbors are aban
doning their R. R. Lands, and iniprov
merits. This i3 very foolish, we do
not think there is any doubt of the
Railroad Co. being able to make a good
title to their land and they will find no
other place, any better, on the whole,
than Nebraska.
Oysters! Fresh Oysters!
Fine fresh oysters will be found at
F. S. Whites's every week during the
Season. Also Celery every Saturday,
received fresh and crisp every Satur
day, by express. Call and get the
hang of things.
27tf F. S. WniTE.
Toucan save a large per cent of
your corn crop by reading "Three Blind
Mice," and following advice. 34tf
Look Here
vou can get Boots and Shoes of all
styles, patterns and make, from
also a fine stylish perfect fit of
from the finest French Calf Boots made
in the state, down, at prices that defy
competition. Ladies and Children s
shoes a speciality.
Peter Meeges.
I am back agraln
and ready to put up and black stove3
and clean chimneys and, do it all in
the very best and most satisfactory
manner. Price, 50 cents a story.
Charley Brown.
For sale, cheap. 150 Desirable build
ing lots in the city of Plattsmouth,
Title perfect. Taxes all paid up. Terms
easv. Apply to A. w. AlcL.augiiiin
Cashier 1st National Bank. 23tf
Geo. II. Shafer & Co., Manufactur
ers of True Pharmaceuticals, Fort
Madison, Iowa. S4tf.
I had ltWyearm
I cured myself
In Book lor 10 cents Elves ran par
ticular". DK-C K-BYK.fc.iS .
. ,m f ii n u Ill
31 Wl3
Messrs. E. G. Dovev & Son have a
fine stock of mens' kip boots, also a
large assortment of ladies side lace,
misses' and childrens shoes, in great
variety, for sale at bottom prices. Give
them a call for .anything in the line of
general merchandise, at their new store
near head of Main St., south side. 27tf.
Act wisely, and at once procure the
following ivoiiderful Family Medicines,
Dr. Fitlek's Rheumatic Remedy
and Liver Pills, a positive, permanent
specific for Neuralgia, Rheumatism.
Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, pain in Back,
Head, Heart, Lungs, Limbs, Nervous,
Blood and Chronic Dieseases. Dr. Fit
ter's Kidney Cordial removes deposits
of Gravel, Albumen, Alcali Acids, re
tention of urine, high colored water,
and strengthens the Bladder and Kid
neys. Dr. Fitter's Calisaya Tonic, for
debilitated constitutions, increases vig
or, strengthens the system, tones the
stomach, and increases appetite. A
pleasant substitute for Iron, which
constipates the bowels and destroys the
teeth. Dr. Fitter's German Pectoral
for Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Coughs
and Colds, a superior combination
which acts quickly and relieves rapid
ly. Your druggists, Chapman & Glass
are agents for Plattmouth. 20-yl
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian nair Re-
newer is a scientific combination ot
some of the most powerful restorative
agents in the vegefable kingdom. It
restores grey hair to its original color.
It makes the scalp white and clean. It
cures dandruff and humors, and fal
ling out of the hair. It furnishes the
nutritive principle by which tte hair
is nourished and supported. It makes
the hair moist, soft and glossy, and is
unsurpassed as a hair-dressing. It is
the most economical preparation ever
offered to the public, as its effects re
main a long time, making only an oc
casional application necessary. It is
recommended and used by eminent
medical men, and officially endorsed
by the State Assayerof Massachusetts.
The popularity of Halls Hair Renew
er has increased with the test of many
years, both in this country and in for
eign lands, and it is now known and
used in all civilized countries of the
world. For Sale by all dealers.
Help for the weak, nervous.and debilitated.
Chronic and painful diseases cured without
medicine. Electric Relts and thor appliances,
all about them, and how to distinguish the gen
uine from the spurious. Book, with full partic
ulars, mailed free. Address Tcltermacheb
Galvaic Co., 293 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Cv
A Gentle Hint, '
In our style of climate, with its sud
den changes of temperature, rain,
wind and sunshine often intermingled
in a single day, it is no wonder that
our children, friends and relatives are
so frequently taken from us by neglect
ed colds, half the deaths resulting di
rectly from this cause. A bottle of
Boschee's German Syrup kept about
your home for immediate use will pre
vent serious sickness, a large doctor's
bill, and perhaps death, by the use of
three or four doses. For curing Con
sumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia,
Severe Coughs, Croup or any other di
sease of the Throat or Lungs, its suc
cess is simply wonderful, as your drug
gist will tell you. German Syrup is
now sold in every town and village on
this continent. Sample bottles for tri
al, 10c ; regular size, 75e. S3tf-alt
a m n rra n. ff fLJi
n a
r ,-; .... - , ':...- . :; - ,-.
.1 f.tU i ;;i ..! ! laj;g in the hi:
evui ;uo: e'iar.'-.'i'io.
o. t-f
Th trrawdest bargains ever known
in ttiis town can be had for the next GO
davs in clothinff. Hoots aiid shoes in
cludinff a stmerh stoek of Indies and
children shoes, which will be sold clear
nown for cash. Such bargains were
Cever known before, at stadelman s
clothing emporium. 2utf
240 acres In section 3C, town t wel ve, range ete v
en. 3 miles south-east of Louisville station, B. &
31. R. R. Cass County, Nebraska.
ISO Acres Under Cultivation,
with house and barn, orchard and forest trees,
plenty of spring water. W1U be sold f u 80 acre
tracts if deelred. Enquire of Jos. Schlater, Jew
eler, riattsmouth. Xeb. 14mt
Organs and Pianos tuned and re
paired, orders left at Johnson's Drug
Store will receive prompt attention.
James Pettee,
Dealer in Musical Instruments.
Farm for Sale.
A well improved farm of 161 acres for eale,
near Light Mile Grove, Cass County. Neb. The
Improvements consist, of 125 acres under culliva
tiou. good house and outbuildings, and a fine
prove of timber. For further particulars apply
to wiuen ixmencer, ai i laiismoiuu : or. iien-
ry JvuKiiain, on me premises.
tTse "Centennial Rat Exterminator.'
J. V. Weckbach says he's healed on
salt in quantity, quality and price.
w iu not do unaersoia. a ii
Julius Tepperberg, Cigar Manufac
turer, on Main St., Plattsmouth, .Neb,
Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri
can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes,
For Sale. Best qualities of plug-smoking
tobacco always on hand. 20-tf.
New Goods at Sclilaters.
Joseph Schlater, tl Jeweller, has
gone into a new and extensive line of
goods in addition lo his usual Jewelry
Stock. His store is filled with new
and beaut'ful goods of various kinds.
liia nfiw stock nf Wati-hes. Clonks and
Jewelry, Silver Ware, the best in the
Spectacles, pocket knives. Purses; Chi
na and Bohemian Ware; Musical In
struments, Strings and Music Books.
Children s toy agons. Hobby horses,
&c, and a host of knick nacks and cu
rious toys for holiday presents for
children's amusement; Bird Cages,
Gent's Canes, Umbrelas and a large
line of new goods in every branch of
the business. Give him a call
Jos. Schlater.
31tf Main St. Plattsmouth.
Sheriff's Sale.
B virtue of an execution Issued tY Wrn. II.
Newell. Conntv Judce. within and for Cass
Count v, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on
the 24 tli day of ieeniber, A. I). 1877, at one
o'clock p. 1:1., of s:iid dav. at the south door of
the Court House, in the'City of riattsmouth. in
said County, sell at public auction the following
fiersonal property, to-wit : One span of sorrel
lorses. The same being levied upon and taken
as the property of Joshua Murray and Lucinda
Murray, defendants : to satisfy a liidtrmeet of
.said Court, recovered by A. Vf. White, plaintiff.
J'latisiiioutn, ebracKa, Dec. 12. A. u. 1S77.
3t2 M- B- Cctleb. Sheriff. "
Sheriff's Sal
T?v virtue nf an execution Issued bv Wm. II.
Newell, County within and for Cass
Coutilv, Nebraska, ami to me directed, I will on
the 24fh dav of December. A. I. 177. at lu
o'c-locli. p. iii., of said day. at. the south door of
the Court House, in the t'ily of riattsmouth. In
said County, sell at public auction the following
personal property, io--wii : une norse. nie
same being levied upon and taken as the prop
erty of Henry Snyder, defendant : to satisfy a
ladKiuent of said Court, recovered by James
. . , l. : .. : i T i , l . it. . .
AnuMmug vj ills jiuai, iiicuu, ac 1 tiai&ci,
riattsmoum, reD. iee. lzin. a. u. isr..
38t2 M. B. CUTLKKf Sherff.
Legal Notice
To Robert E. Farmrr and Amy Farmer, non-
remtient defendants. ,
You are, hereby notified that Ernest A. Yv"lz-
penhorn, on the 12th day of December, 1877, filed
his petitiou in the Dixtrict Court, within and
for the County of Cass and State of .Nebraska.
icaiust the said Kobcrt E. farmer and Amv
Farmer, defendants, setting forth that the said
Robert K. Farmer and Amy Farmer gave a
mortgage to the said Ernest A. "Wiggenhorn on
the north-west quarter (nw) of the north-east
Quarter (ne"i) of section thirty-two (32) and the
south-west (sw4) of the pouth-eat quarter
tse'i) of section t wenty-nine (2) all being in
township twelve (12) north f range nine (Ojeaxt
of 6th P. M., in said County of Cass and Stale ol
Nebraska, to secure the payment of four hun
dred dollars (S400) due in one year from date,
together with interest at 12 per cent per annum
from date, accoi ding to a certain promissory
note, and praying that the said Robert E. Farm
er and Amy i armer may py the sum of three
hundred and sixty dollars together with inter
est thereon from the 2d day of December 176,
at the rate of 12 per cent per annum, that beln
the amount still duo on said note and mortgage
or that said premises may be sold to Day the
same. And the said Robert E. Farmerand Amy
r aimer are uuuueu mn iiiey nie icquuea i
appear and imswer said petition on or before
the 24th day or January A. D. 1878.
Dated Dec. 12th. 1877.
. Kkkkst A. Wigoenhortt.
38t4 by U. C. Wilson, hiu Atfy.
Sheriff's Sale.
Br virtue of an order of pale issued by Wm.
L. Wells, Clerk of the District Court, within and
for Cass Coimty, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the 14th day of January,
A. D. 1878. at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day.
at the south door of the Court House in the
City of riattsmouth. In paid county, sell at pub
lic auction the following real estate, to wit :
Lot two (2) and lot three (3) In the north-west
quarter (nw4) of section sixteen (16) town
twelve (12) north range ten (1Q) jast of the Cth
P. M: The same being levied npon and takeu
as the property of A. W. Richards, defendant :
to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered
by S. Puisifer & Co., plaintiff.
riattsmouth. Neb., Dec. 13th. A. D. 1S77.
38t5 M. B. Cutler, Sheriff.
Attachment Notice.
State of Nebraska, Cass County. L. S. In Jus
tices Court, before E. J. Matfcls. J. p. "Wm. F.
Manson. plaintiff vs A. Hammond, whose real
first name is unknown, defendant.
On the 19th day of November. A. P. 1S77, aid
JnetUe Issued an order of attachment in the
above action for the sum of twenty-seven dol
lars (27.00).
Greenwood, Neb.. Dee. loth, 1877. -
38t3 -M'm. F. llAirsoN-, Plaintiff.
Attachment Notice.
State of Nebraska, Ca-s County. L. s. In Jus
tice's Court, before E. J. Mathls, J. P. James
Jardinebyh's next friend. Jas. Jardine, Sen.,
plaintiff vs A Hammond, whoee real first name
is unknown, defendant.
On the lth day of November. A. D. 1R77, said
Justice issued an order of attachment in the
above action for the sum of tweuty-elght dol
lar and fifty cents.
Greenwood. Neb., Pec. 10th, 1877.
3813 Jab. Jakuisb, Plaintiff.
Legal Notice.
Klbvibeth Finixher non resident of Nebraska
will take notice that John Finisher of the coun
ty of Cas in the utate of Nebraska did on the
5th day of November, 1877 file his petition in
the District Court of Cass County in the State
of Nebraska, against the Raid Elizabeth. Finif h
er defendant, setting forth that said- plaintiff
and defendant were Intermarried and that the
said defendant, has been willfully absent from
the said plaintiff for more than two years last
past without any cause or justification there
for on the part of said plaintiff and prayinsr
that the said plaintiff John Finisher may lie
divorced from the said Elizobeth Finisher de
fendant and the said Elizabeth Finisher Is
hereby notified that she U required to appear
and answer said petition on or before the 2?th
day of January 187i.
...-. ,t- Jonx FiNTHTtK.
Stv by Wiujctt roTTZUEK, hia Attorney.
: 1- j, -v:.,.; J : . . ; : 1 --..t,
-'; -! -, : '
: of ;;-rwivr. -. i !:". !:'-e
' '.r:-: liu:t. n-f.;r.;- M;i-! 'V-
-. 'T ST'i; ( .:V'i: :i. :..
,C sl.ti-' J .:::i.i:-iir. r,f!:'.'i.i
.-'.ii'i i :i::s r i-ii'.ui.-.iM- .i :.ior -
i. .'
' r r,
r.i 'l
i.TIh lli.-.l ff
g.'.;it 10 i!ie said Gurjtd riu e;naii. on lite ".c;
Vnif ;i tlie uort It-rash quai'er ot sciioM No.
twcut v-six (LfW twi nvci!- 02 north of r:ms
eieveii (11) east f the ith 1. 3d., m .said County
of Cass, to secure tit parment of the suiu of
tbree bundled and filty d'oilai-s (i:tV).'H.) accord
ing to certain notes r?ferr;'d lo in said mort
gage, one of which has become the properly of
this plaintiff, and praying that said Phillip Kci
hart may pay said amount dueon snid notes an J
mortgage, or that said premises may be sold to
pay the same, and that you are hereby notified
that you are hereby required to appear and an
swer said petition on or before the 2UI1 tfay of
January. A. D. 1878.
Dated the 8th day of December, A. D. 1877.
F.nwAKK O. DllVKT.
3315 per Chapman & SritAcus, hiJ iti'ys D
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Ry virtue of a chattel mertsage given by J. F.
Sweeney t J. I. Case & Co.. February 12th. A.
D. 1877, and recorded in book K. page 037 ef
Chattel Mortgage Record of Cass County, Ne
braska, on the ljth day of February. A. D. 1877,
to secure tne pavmeui oi a ceriaiu note given
by the said J. F. Sweeny to the paid J. I. C;ise
& Co., on the 12th day of February, 1877 calling
fur the sum of three hundred and thirty-eight
dollareaiid fifty-two cents (S;(38 52-100) atid pay
able on the 1st day of November, 1877. with in
terest at the rate of 12 per cent from date until
paid, also a reasonable attorneys fee, uihmi
which there Is due this Dee. 13th, A. D. 1877. the
Bum of three hundred and thirty-eight dollars
and tilty-two cents (.S338 S2-W) principal, ana
thirty-three dollars and ninety cents ($33ju-iou)
interest, also thirty three dollars and eighty
five cents (533 85-lou) attorneys fees. Total
amount due Dec. 13th, 1877. is four hundred and
six dollars and twenty-seven cents (400 27-lu0).
And, whereas, tho said J. F. Sweeny having
made default in the payment of aid principal,
interest and attorney's fees, I will oiler said
personal property described in said chattel
mortgage, to-wit : Oiie Eclipse 32 inch cylinder
separator, and one mounted Woodbury' power.
10 uorse, complete, one oiacit norso, uiit uruwu
horse, three .sorrel horses and one grey none,
for sale at public auction, at South liend. Cass
County, Nebracka. at 11 a. m., on the 4th day ef
January, 1878, or so niucii tnereoi as saaii satis
fy principal, interest, attorneys fee and the cost
oi taking. Keeping, advertising ana luaKing saie
ol said property.
South Bend, Nebraska, Dec. 13th, 1877.
J. I. Cask & Co..
By M. U. Cutler, Agent.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
By vrrtue of a Chattel Mortgage given by Mi
chael Mei-lnxer to J. M. Schnetibauher, on the
26th day of March. A. D. 1870. and recorded on
page 3tf7 and 3-J8 ot Hook F. of chattel mortgage
record, of Casa County, Nebraska, on the 25th
day ot March, A. D. 187C and refiled for record
on the 15th day of Febuary, A. D. 1877. and re
recorded on page 534 Book K. of chattel mort
gage record ol Cass County, Nebraska, to secure
the payment of a note given by the said Mi
chael Moi.-insrer to J. M. Schnellbacher. on the
25th day of March, A. D. 1876, calling for tho
rum of one hundred and seventy-nine dollars
(l7a), payable on the 25th day of March, A. D.
1877, with interest at the rate of ten per cent
from date until paid, upon which there U due,
this 13th day ef December, 1877. the sum of one
hundred and eighty-uiue dollars and thirty-six
cents ($189 36-lov), (there having been pid on
said note, Feb. eih, 1877, the sum of twenty dol
lars). And, whereas, the said Michael Meicin
ger having made default, in the payment of
said sum of oue hundred and eighty-nine dol
lars and thirty-six cents ($139 06-100) the princi
pal and interest due on said note, I will otter
for sale at public auction, at the south door of
the Court- House in the City of I'lattsinouth,
Cass County, Nebraska, on the 6th day of Jan
uary. A. D."i878. at one o'clock p. m.. the per
sonal property described in said chattel mort
gage, lo-wit : Three colts, one milch cow, two
heifers and one bull, or so much thereof as shall
be nef e-sary to satisfy the principal and interest
of said note, together with the cost of taking.
keeping, advertising and seutug said property.
riattsmouth, Dec. i3iu, istt.
33U by M. B. Cutlkk, Agent.
Legal Notice
John Allison and Augustus Soire3 non resi
dents of the State of Nebraska will take notice
that Joseph Sans and Robert Gullion of the
County of Cass, in the State of Nebraska did on
the 7tn day or June, A. it. 1377 nle their petition
In the District Court of Cass Co. in the state of
Nebraska against the fsaid John Al'ison and
Augustus Soirea defendants senilis- fortli that
a mistake was made in t tie description of lacd
conveyed by mortgage and master in Chancery
deed of Cass County Nebraska of date Septem
ber loth 18G8 to the said defendant Augustus
Spires wherein the said John Allison was defen
dant and Charles K. Wormian was plaintiff, the
same being sold ou foreclosure of mortgage and
the same mistake being made in the deed of
said premises made by thnsaid Augustus Spires
defendant to one of the plaintiff's. Joiepb
Sans, and praying in that said mortgage and
deeds be corrected sy that they will embrace
the land intended to be mortgaged and deed
ed by the defendants aforesaid and the said
John Allison ard Agustusspirss defendant's are
notified that they are requiredto appear and an
swer said petition ou or before the 2Sth day of
January 1878.
Dated December 12th. 1877.
Joseph Sans and Robkbt'ffs.
y u. it. ivhekler and w. roTTHNfiHR,
their Attorneys.
Attachment Notice.
Geo. Black vs . W. Merk. Before Wm. H.
Newell County Judge, iu and for Cass County,
The defendant will take notice that on the 2d
day of November, A. D. 1877, the said County
Judge issued an order of attachment in the
aliove entitled cause, fortwentv-six dollars and
4c ($26 04.oo) and that your property hasbeen at
tached to pay the same, and that said cause
stands adjourned nntil the 21st day of Decem
ber. 1877. t one o'clock p. m., at which time you
can appear and make defence.
UKO. II. lil.ACK,
by Wm. H. Nfwf.ll, County Judet.
riattsmouth, Neb., Dec. 3d. 1877. 37t3
Attachment Notice.
John C. Cummins, Treasurer of Cass County.
INeD. vs ii. w. MerK. Before Wm. If. Newell
County Judge, in and for Cass County, Neb.
The defendant will take notice that on the
23d day of November. A. D. 1877, the eaid Coun
ty Judge issued an order of attachment in the
aoove entitled cause, for the sum of twenty
three 74.100 dollars (23 74.100) jmd that your
property has been attached to pay the same,
anil that said cause stands adjourned until the
loth day of January, A. D. 1878, at one o'clock
p. m., at whicli time you can appear and make
Treas of Cass Co. Neb.
by Wm. n. Xewki.i, County Judge,
riattsmouth. Neb., Dec Sd, 1877. 37t3
Sheriff's Sale.
Jv virtue of an order of sale IsAiipd hv Wm
L. Wells. Clerk of the District Court. 2d Judicial
District, within and for Cass Couuty, Nebraska,
and to me directed, I will n the 24ih day of De
cember, A. D. 1877, at 10 o'clock, a. in., of said
day. at the south door of the Court House, in
the City of riattsmouth, in said county, sell at
public auction the following real estate, to-wit :
Lot twelve (12) In block eighteen (18) in the City
of riattsmouth. Cass County. Nebraska. The
same being levied upon and takeu as tho prop
erty of James 11. Dick and Margaret C.Dick,
deienuants ; to satisfy a judgment ol said Court,
recovered by Jolin Black, plaintiff.
riattsmouth, reo., iov. 2isr, a. d. 1877.
35t5 M. B. Cutlkk, Sheriff.
Legal Notice.
Iu the matter of the estate of Samuel Mav de
ceased. Before Win. H. Newell, County Judge
in and for Cjss County.
To whom it mau concern:
Notice is hereby given that Oliver S. Mav has
filed an application in the County Court, in and
for Cass County, Neb., to have W. H. H. Vau
epps appointed administrator of the ef tate. of
Samuel May, deceased, and said caune Is set for
hearing at the office of the County Judge, Iu
riattsmouth on the 14th dav of December. 177.
at one o'clock p. m. of said day, at which time
and place an persons interested may appear
and show cause, if any they have, why the said
W. H. H. Vanepps should not be apiofuted such
administrator of said estate. Witness my hand
this 21st day of November, A. D. l77, at riatts-
moutii, rteu.
3013 wm. ii. aewell, Co. Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
' By virtue of an order of sale Issued by Wm.
L. Wells. Clerk of the District Court, 2d Judicial
District, with inland for Caes County, Nebraska,
and to rue directed, I will on the 31st day of le
cember, A. D. 177, at 10 0 o'clock, a. ni., of said
day, at the south door of the Court House, in
the City of riattsmouth, in said County, sell at
PubMc auction the following real estate, to-wit :
The north half of the north-weet quarter of sec
tion thirty (3n) town eleven (11) range nine (9).
east of the Cth P. M., in Cass County. Nebraska.
The same being levied upon and taken as the
property of John B. Case, Sarah Case, and E.
W. Stevens, defendants ; to satisfy a Judgment
of said Court, recovered by Christiana Somer
lad. plaintiff.
riattsmouth, Neb.. Nov. 28, A. D. 1877.
3cto M. B. Cutler Sheriff.
Legal Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Henry Amison,
Aptdieatiou for license- lo sell real tutate:
To Adda Amison. Albert Amison. andAnnio
Amison. heirs of the estate of Henry Amison
deceased. ou are hereby notified that Edward
G. lMvey. administrator of the estate of Henry
Amison. deceased, has this day filed his ieti
tion in the District Court, within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, asking that he may be li
censed to sell real estate belonging to nahl es
tate for the payment of debts outstanding
againct said estate. You, and each of you are
notified to appear before hiu Honors. B. round.
Judge of said Court, on the second day of the
January term, A. D. 1878. a. the Court House, in
theCUvof riattsmouth, Cass County. Nebras
ka, and show cause why said sale should not be
made, and said license chould not be granted.
If any there be.
M , , F G. Dovev,
Administrator of the estate ot Henry Amison,
deceased, by 2CK Gko. S. Smith, his Att'y.
... i. i ., ; . , .-' .... .'.) . ; . . ...-!..) :
-i-'t ' . , 'i ?' :i -'ii ifl. ? ".'i " ;t
!i.v : ' t r i '. u ,
!.. ? 0 -i . -i i ' . .) r f I;;. Co ,. -
tV r !. i!-0 t tSj ft 'S..i.s:..ou.i.,l;.. id ;it
ry. L ,u p-iolic a,'..-::,-:: ihc f jllo.vnu: r,
to-WH i. ;!' M.iKt.-n .Si il ilttilli On a':
7.-,7oi. ali o one M ts-.u iv liaii.l.ii
orim sfyle 302.
Nj. ll'.W. ul-o fir.- lietr. A.
I'nr.ce i C. uitran. number Mi.:;7n. arid u!vo mie
of Ceo. A. lYiisee ft Co. organ", ntlid fi,11;.
Tbv xauie I'ein It-vinl upon :u d lu as l! n
property of K. H. Eaion, defemlan! ; to satisfy
a Judgment of aid Com t. recovered by Ma.uu
& Hamlin Organ Company. I a!w levied ct'ier
executions at the same time that whs received
by me stnt-Q the reaeiptof the above against K.
If. F.iton. trnon the ame properiy fn tho .u
lowinswortler, and fiibject to tlie love execu
tion, to-wit : Singer manuf irT'iriii!! Oi. vm V, .
A. Folden. Thos. ElUngtou and U. Ii. Kalon, Is
sued from the County Cjutrt. Cass County. Neb.,
also Mason & lianiliii Organ Company vs E. 11.
Eaton, from County Court. And also Emcliue
1'. Koekwood vs E.'H. Eaton, and :Ueo K. 11. Ea
ton vs Wnij Stadelnianii (v-s p'aintiiT for cost)
the last fwS frem the District Coil 1 Ji'as I'.'oun
ty, and also K. II. Eaton ys.J. . raltee jt t'. '..
Babcock. (vs plaintiff for cowt) f-tsnrti by J. W .
Haiues. Justice ol tfie I'eace, of Cass County,
Nebraska. ,
riattsmouth. Neb., De. i:tfi. A. f). 1S77.
in m. B. cut unt, siiei iff.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued bv Win. I..
Wells, Clerk of the District Court. 2d
District, within and for Cass County, Nebraska,
and to me directed. 1 will on the 2tth day of
December, A. D. IS77, at It :3a tfielock. a. in., of
naitl dav. at th south door of the Court House,
in the City of riattsmouth, in saiti county, ncil
at public auction tho following real estate, to
wit : lxt three (3) in block six (B) In the City of
riattsmouth, Cass county, Neb. The same lt
inir levied iion and taken as the property of Si
mon Obemalty. defendant ; to natis-y a Judg
ment of naitl Court, recovered by Thomas 1'ar
rows & Co., plaintiffs.
riattHiuouth, Neb., Nov. 21. A. D. 1877.
3."t3 M. B. Cl'TLK-t, Sheriff.
Legal Notice.
Charles I.azpnby. In the State of Colorada.
will take notice that William Ball, of the Coun
ty of Cass and State of Nebraska, did on the &!h
day of October, A. D. 1k77, file his petition in
the District Court of Cass County and State of
Nebraska. aiTHinst one Ambrose Iizcntiy and
the said Charles Lazcnby, defendants, retting
forth that tlie said defendants are indebted to
eaid plaintiff in the sum of fioo.on, together
with 12 per cent, interest on the Kiiin, from the
Slh day of April 1870, aeeonlins to the tenor of a
certain promissory note mane in writing aim oe
livcred on that date. And that the wtid plaint
iff caused an order of attachment to isiiie out of
eaid Court, on the same day ug-vnst the proper
ty of said defendant, Charleu i-izenby., and tlie
name was on the said 5th day of October. 1R77,
levied on the follow ing real ttate nf nai l Chan.
La.enbv. to-wit : The norlli h:.lf of the soul li-
east quarter of section eleven (11) town twelve
(12) range thirteen ('31 east of the cth I. M.. in
CasH County, Nebraska ; also, the undivided
half of lot number seven (7) in block number
seventeen (17) in the City of riattsmouth. Neb.
And the said plaintiff nravimr judgment atiaiust
said defendant for the mm of Shxi.on. with 12
ner cent interest from April 81 h. 170 and costs
of tmit, and the said Charles Laze n by is notified
that he is reuuired to appear and answer the
said petitiou on or before Monday the 8th dy
of January. A. D. 1878. or the said petition will
lie taken as true and Judgment rendered accord
ingly. William Ball, ITfT..
3618 by W ILLKT 1 UTTIO Gfcli, 1118 All y.
Legal Notice.
William 9. Woods, of tho State ot Missouri.
will take notice that on the the 3oth day of July,
A. D. 1877, Abraham Deyo tiled his petition in
the District Court. 2d Judicial District, in and
for Cass County, Nebraska, against James M.
Woods. Matilda Woods, ami William S. Woods,
netting forth that James M. Woods, anil Matil
da Woods gave a mortgage to the said Abra
ham Devo on the east half ('it of the south
west quarter () of the north-east quarter C)
of section No. thirtv-two (32) township number
ten (10) range No. thirteen (13) ea.-t ot. the tn
Principal Meridian, to secure the payment of
SI.OO0.00 according to a certain note referred to
in said inortiraice. and that William S. Woods
claims some interest in part of said land, whicli
lie lias acquired since tne naie oi piauums
mot tgage, and praying that said sum may be
paid with interest at 12 per cent, from July 1.
1874, and that Win. S. W oods may be required
to appear ami answer sail! petit ion. set ting forth
his lights, if any he may have, before the llrst
day of January, A. D. 1878.
:;ts Ar.iUHAM
M. L. IIaywabd & Gko. S. Smith, his att'ys.
Legal Notice.
To Charles y. 31 caiman:
You are hereby notified that Julia A. Meal-
man has filed her petition in the District Court,
in the County of Cuss and State of Nebraska,
against you, the object of said petition being
that she may be divorced from you. She here
by alleges as the cause of said suit, wilful! de
sertion" and absence, and failure to provide for
her proper protection, maintenance ami sup
port, luu are hereby notified to answer said
petition on or before 'the 2d day of the January
term, A. D. 1878. retilion filed Nov. 17, A. D.
1877. Julia A. Mkalm.av.
36(4 by J. E. jMoruisox, her Att'y.
Legal Notice.
State of Nebraska Cass County. To John
Newton late of said County vou are hereby no
tilled that John Black has this day filed bin pe
tition in the District Court for said County
praying the Court for a decree to sell the lands
described in a mortgage given by you to him
and to satisfy a note of hand acconipaiiing aid
mortgage dated Jui.e 21st. 187(. you are hereby
notified to make a defense according to the
provisions of the statute on a decree will be ren
dered bv default.
riattsmouth. Neb, November 2tf, T77.
36t4 M. (iAWOX,
Attorney for riaintiff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued by Wm.
L. Wells. Clerk of the District. Court, 2d Judi
cial District, within anil for Cass County, Ne
braska, ami to me directed. I will on the 24th
day of December. A. D. 1R77. at 11 o'clock, a. ni.
of said dav, at the south door of the Court
House, in the Citv of riattsmouth. Nebraska,
in said County, sell at public auction tho fol
lowing real estHte to-wit: Commencing at a
point 1827 6.10 feet north of the south e:ist corn
er of the west half of the south west quarter of
section seven (7) township twelve (12) north of
range fourteen (14) east, which point by actual
survey is 1328 feet east of the south-west corner
of saitl section, thence west 40S feet thence north
21(5 ?.10 feet thence east 403 feet thence south
216 2.10 feet to the place of beginning, contain
ing two acres more or less. The same being
levied upon and taken as the property of C. W.
King ami Harriet King, defendants ; to satify a
Judgment of said Court, recovered by C. H. l'ar
inele, plaintiff.
riattsmouth, Nebraska, Nov. ?lst, A. T. 1S77.
33t5 M. B. Cutlkk, Sheriff.
ou ZMrTznrsr STREET,
East of l'latte Valley House.
In the Town.
Good Teams Always on Hand.
Careful Drivers sent with car
riages if desired.
Carriages sent to Depot to meet all trains
whenever ordered.
Funerals attended and carriages furnished to
triends. Address, J. W. SHANNON,
42-ly rilattsmouth. Neb.
New, Clean, First Class Meat SJtop,
on Main Street in Fred KroehWn old stand.
Everybody on hand for fresh, lender meat.
25 V 1
Physio Medical Practitioner.
Lmtitville, Cass Co., At&.
Always at the office on Saturdays: 4(71
fix &Z-s
f-s v-'--V ' v"n
Tor ALL Sowing Jlnrhloet.
The best to use nii'T most perfectly constrnctcd4
E. J. T0CF, " DonB-Tic " riuflJing, KrwTork,'
or Nkw Haven, Ct.
1 .
roBfcselng all tho latest and most Cesirablo
Improvements. , ,
It is easily anderstood, rnftkes the donble
thread lork-stitf b, has sclf-reKolatlnfr t
lons and take-np, and will do tbu wtole rargo
of family work without eliaCge.
The D0MKSTIC " is made in the most dor-'
able manner, with conical steel bearings and
compensating journals thron'hont. '
Agents for tlie IlO!W KSt l: " Sewlaf Ma
chine and the " IIOMKsTkC ' I'aper Kah loaa
wanted in all unoccupied territory. Addrcso
Sewing lac3Jfi9 Company, Tort
The old rONNKU KTAHI.ES In riattsmoiitl
Neb.j have ln-en leaned by I-. .lone, and h,
has ojiened a new and handsome livery In thisj.
well known barn. The lines t and best of lior.ie3
and carriages always remly to let.
saddle ho::si-:s cheav.
Horses kept for Sale
or to Trade.
I desire to r-lve iintlee that I havf a l.llixe,"
hanilstmiH bili-k barn, wilh pli'iily of ritiii l'r
horses and w:ti;iis. I can put fanners stoek,
an I wnn'ius. Innils of giiiin or niivtlihii; all un
der cover, ii. l1e dry. Keiiieinbe'r I his.
Tliankini: all inv old pations for tlielr many'
favors, I solieit their trade this eomiinr year'
satisflttl I onii aet-ominoilate tliem better am! do
better by thein than ever before. 3-yl.
265 BR0ADVA Y . Y.
j 111 SENECA ST. CLEVE. 0,
U. iLliVSiiK,
3f.-vchlnI.Ht. A an oltl Sinker and Uon "
ii er of TtrehliIng Iaohin'M,
hai opened a "bop on Sixth Street near Mr. Dan-
elly's lilaeksniith and Wajson Simp where lie 1 1 ii '
prepared hiinnelf to do. my and all machine work
without exception. He lias a No. I' Lathe can
turn in wood, iron, slecle, and all other metal ill,
connection wit Ii machine work. He ritnxlo any
thing required in a iiii.sinitli, even to makings
inui.of whicii we have the evitlenee In a l'at--breach
loader t Ii row ing one two or three balls at
ouce at will of the emmer.
Mr Ueo. W. Shrader a furmer near llook Hlnffs
an old acquaintance of Mr. Kinser from A'irin-.
ia ran be refeivd to In rejrajti to bW former 1:011
nectioii with the manufacture of threshing ma
chines, tiiva Mr. Kinsrr a call and will insure
you sat Isf actor) work oa any part of a Thrill
ing Machine. bl-it-A.
W.lf MEatlsw
In riattsmouth. Neb., on Fourth St., about the
you will find :
Corn 1'lantcrs, (Ziand i Uorne)
Stlrrfiigr flows,
SiiIKj IMoivs,
nnl all kind3of Farm Implements anri
8lielf Hardwiire, Tin Ware, &c, &c.
Hungarian and Millet.
Seed for Salt?
Great Advantages to Buyerd
IN 1877.
Ttn Years Credit at 6 per cent Interest:
Six Years Credit at G jv.r cent Interest
and 20 per cent Discount.
Other I,lliral rlednti Fr;
Kebdtew on I-'hi'ch nutl l-'i-etjchts,
and rreinlums tor Improve
ment. ranfphlcts and 3fars. contiiinlnt: full paitie
ulars, will be mailed, free to any part rt t ii
vior!d on application to
LAND OMMl!:SIONrn. H. M. K. Ii. .
10yJ T ivri V V vli t
gajpWytf' vi amMt T"!
( n