THE HERALD. J. A. MACMUItnir Editor. rLATTSMOUTH, DEC. C, 1877. OCR CLUB LIST FOR 1878. tv'e preFent our readers this week with a club list of papers which ean be taken with the IIeu ai.i. In thin way you can get two papers or magazines for little more than the price of one. We would also like new subscribers to the Herald, and ail who propose taking it for another yeai to come forward now. The flrst of the year is a good time to commence subscrip tion to all papers, and we can only get these elub rates about the first of the year. Subscribers to any of these paper, Ac., who wish to renew, will also get tham much more prom ptly by renewing their subscriptions before their name Is stricken from the present year's list. The Herald and Harper's Hazar, Weekly , or Magazine $4.90 " and Inter-Ocean, weekly... 2.80 " " - eemi-weekly 4.00 Chicago Tribune 2.M " Post & Mail, weekly.... 2.30 - - - - daily 6.05 w - M rrairfe Farmer 3.30 "LouiYle Courier lournl 3.05 ' Scribncrs.Monthly 4.85 " " St. Nicholas 4.10 " " American Agriculturist 2.70 " Demorest'sMoiitlily Mag 3.65 - " Scientific American 4.35 - - - Xew York Suu 2.C5 " observer..... 4.80 Eclectic Magazine 5.75 m w Neb. Farmer, (monthly).. 2.65 "Glob -Democrat St Louis 2.90 " "Leslies III. Newpaer... 4.15 We can also send for the Inter-Ocean and the premium books offered by it at special rates for our subscribers, which rates they can learn up on application at this office. 1IURRAH FOR THE HERALD MICH LIST! PRE- To every man, woman and child In county the a chance is offered to obtain one or more valuable articles in addition to a copy of THE NEBRASKA HERALD for one year. To every new subscriber to the Ne braska Herald for one year, who pays us two dollars, or to eyery old subscriber who pays up past arrearages and one year in advance we will give bis or her choice of the following books The Home Gctide. a cook book compiled from receipts contributed to the Home Department of the Chicago Tribune. It is a volume cf 1C0 pages. and gives fully as much information as do the $1.50 and 62.00 cook books. besides being the practical experiences of practical houseJceepers. or a work on farming one of small fruit raising and one on the care of horses the names of which will appear next week. For every cash subscriber for 1873, who will send us one additional name, or in other word3 for two "cash" names we will send a copy of the Nebraska Farmer for a year; or three "Domes tic" Paper Patterns, to be selected from the catalogue by the subscriber. For every cash subscriber for 1878, who will send us two additional cash names.or in other words, for three cash names we will give a medical work by Dr. E. B. Foote, entitled Plain Home Talk and Medical- Common Sense, a book of over 000 pages, containing most excellent advice on hygienic sub jects; or a SMITIIOGKAni, WITH COM plete outfit. The Smithograph is an apparatus by which any one can copy pictures.patterns.or designs of any kind, either the siae of original pattern or enlarged as many times a3 they may wish. It is a most fascinating little instrument. For every five cash names we will give a set of silver plated forksi which retail at four or five dollars per set. For every ten cash names we will give one of Barnes Foot Power Scroll Saws, which retail at fifteen dollars. These saws will do any kind of ornamental work in wood, shell, metal, bone or ivory, such as brackets, frames, work. boxe3, wall-pockets, cor nices, &c. For every fifteen cash name3 we will give a knitting machine valued at twenty dollars. For every twenty-five names we w ill give a new sewing jiachine valued at fifty-five dollars, and such as have re cently sold at seventy-five dollars. Each subscriber in these clubs will receive one of the single premiums, whichever he may choose. Subscribers who take the Nebraska Herald at club rates with some other paper or magazine can have the single premium by payment of twenty five cents in addition to'the rates given in our clubbing prospectus. The Inter Ocean has adopted a new style, the leaves are all cut, and the pa per becomes a neat eight page pamnh let. Hon. E. II. Buckingham, Disk At torney, 3d Judicial District, died at Omaha on the 28th of Nov., of heart disease. The called Session of Congress ex pired Monday the 3d and the regular Session of the 4Gth Congress commenc ed at noon of the Same day. The Watchman man went out to dinner Thanksgiving day; We'll never tell you where, but you ought to have beard hiin spread on that dinner. All those ladies whose plants are frozen will meet at the Court house Saturday to mourn, and promise never gain to try and keep plants through winter with a wood stove. We call attention to- the premi ums offered to subscriber to the Inter Ocean ;see their ad vertisoient this week. A rr augments can be made at this Of fice for all those who desirg to. sub scribe under these rules t We call attention to the .advertise ment of Agents wanted by ScammoII & Co-St Louis, Mo, to sell the 150 books in their complete "Combination Prospectus." That seems to be a good chance for some enterprising man.. If there are any farmers in Cass Co., who are keeping sheep, or who think of doing so, we should bo pleased to have them send their address to Hie Herald office. Mr. C. J. Green has been appoint ed District Attorney second District, n place of Mr. Buckingham, deceased ; Mr. Green was the law partner of Mr. Buckingham and it is a very appropri ate appointment. Gen. Vifquain, our Democratic friend from Crete, is going to take a European "tower," and invites us all to go along at $350 a piece ; in short, an excursion to the Paris Exposition next year. After one of the most protracted i sittings, of the Senate ever known. KelloKcr. of Louisiana, Rep; and Butler, of South Carolina, Dem: were admitted to seats. Patterson, of S. C, Rep; & Conover, of Florida, Itep. voting with the solid democracy for their admission. So ends the long fight. Practically, the senate stands the same TnEY do say that Father Martin, of Dacota City, is going into the newspa per business and the W. P. Rep. man, advises his opponent, Mr. Spencer, to chew and digest the whole of Webster unabridged, in order to cope with Fath er Martin's well known flow of lan guage. Having been a constant appli cant aid the holder of an important government office under Republican rule, Mr. Martin is fully prepared to run a Democratic paper now. 1IE1. MoCORD On Wednesday evening, Nov. 2s. at 8 :05 p. ni., .MISS kkijk aiccord, eldest aaugnur oi Airs. a. v. Aicuoru. We copy the above from the Burling ton Hawkeye, handed us by Dr. Liv ingston. The father of th9 young lady. now deceased, wa Col. of the 1st Neb. Regiment, and Sheriff of this county in an early day. It was expected that he would become the Republican candi date for congress, but he was unfortu nately drowned coming up the river. Senator Paddock's day to be abus ed has arrived. We have seen it com ing for some time. Being elected from the South Platte, of course he is expect- eu to iook alter our interests, and es pecially in the Pro Rata matter. He says a few words, and behold, the Oma ha Hprald and all the little fellows on that side of the house are after him. Speak your mind out, Mr. Senator, you've got lots of friends left about here. They are Republicans, too", re member that. Senator Saunders has made his speech in pro rata and rather sat down on Chaffee. The Senator takes strong and te:;ab e ground that this matter should be settled in the courts. They have full power to decide which roads are entitled to come under the grant and enjoy the immunities of Union Pacific road3 ; also whether any or all are being operated illegally. This was our potlLion all last season when an attempt was made to force this issue into our state politics. The President's message to the new Congress has been received, too late A. t.1 1 It m -wrv . io puuusu in is weeic we suan give a synopsis next week. It is the longest m sixteen years. It is devoted first to a brief argument in favor of the south ern policy. Is hard money to the core. though advocates silver remonetiza tion for purposes of currency. On the whole it is an able and exhaustive statement of the situation from Pres- dent Hayes' point of view. A Chicago clergyman said last Sun .1 J J A uay mat no true woman wouia ever let a man put on her shoe. We don't know about that, but we do know that a v oman wno can c put on ner own shoe had ought to go barefoot. St. Joe Herald. The Bee dissents. It is an establish ed fact that the averaee Chicazo wo man has a foot of such ponderous pro portions that it takes a man with a jackscrew to put it into the most com modious shoe that is made. It would be both cruel and wicked to punish Chicago women for beinsr born with big feet by compelling them to go bare- toot. ve protest. Omaha Bee. This may be so on the average, but we know one woman in Chicago who has small feet, both of 'em, and they'll average too, and she isn't so little eith er. Military Reception. The Military Reception given on Fri day eve, Nov. 23d, in Palladian Hall by the Entre-Notis Society, composed of Cadets, was the best and most enjoya ble entertainment of the kind ever giv en in the University. Palladian Hall was finely decorated with flags, trim mings, guns, swords, and various other implements of war, which gave it a de cided military air. The Cadets were in full dress uniform, which added very much to the general brilliant ef feet. All of the rooms secured for the evening were completely filled and .the halls were crowded during" the entire evening by the happy couples, who en joyeu promenading, lhe programme consisted of the following exercises. "Tramp, Tramp. Tramp, the Boys are Marching, which was sung by a choir, while singing the last verse the Cadets marched in to the music of the fife and inn filed drum, they then went through the manual or arms, in a manner high ly creditable to themselves and worthy of the praise showered upon them So lo MissJIIumphrey Instrumental Trio. E. A, Hart, F. W. Hohman Jr. JJ. II Wheeler Jr. Duet, Miss Ransom and Mr. Harrington Chorus, Red White and Blue by choir Solo, Miss Gillette Select Reading, Prof Palmer Duet, Messrs Iloff and Finigan after which refreshments were served. Everything passed off remarkably well and wa3 an en joy ably evening for all. - D. H. Wheeler Jr. i At the next Nebraska state conven tion to be held in the fall of 1378, the apportionment of delegates will be made on the basis of the highest" vote cast this fall for the head of "the Re publican ticket, Judge I,ake. Howthe astern part of the state ;. will ! growl! How Douglas and Lancaster coun ties will whine! How Gere (the apolo gist) will pipe his rheumy eyes and blast his toplights! C. C. Courier. If you please, the Republican party in these eastern Counties has suffered for the sins of Omission and Commiss ion of its Western Legislators, and we think it will have something to say about that convention for all. Better not push that subject too far, it might reveal unpleasant facts. " A School for ladies has been open ed in Berlin on a plan decidedly novel,' but very practical. The building con tains lodging rooms for forty girls, school rooms, working rooms, and an immense kitchen, and a permanent bazaar. . In the school rooms, every branch that will fit the girls for situa tion in baking, commercial or mercan tile establishments is taught. Various tradesthat lalie3 can follow are examp lined by skillful operatives. The kitchen is, perhaps, the chief school room, for all the work done there is done by the girls, under the supervision of one of the best cooks in the city. This fea ture has become so popular, from . the large number of betrothed maidens who flock hither to obtain good dom estic educations, that the managers have begun to charge for instructions in cookery, and the receipts generally pay the expenses of the other depart ments. Clippings. The State of Iowa is estimating its this year's crop of hogs at one million five hundred thousand head. This will not only fill the mouths of the people of that prosperous common wealth, but, with the vast amount of grain raised, will fill every pocket. Texas bids fair to be the greatest among the grain-growing States, the yield to the acre in wheat being much larger than in California, which is re garded as the finest wheat-growihg country in the world. - - England tends to become les3 and less a land of wheat-growers and more and more a fruit-bearing country. It is noticed by Mr. Giffen, in his report to the Board of Trade, that in one year the orchards of Great Britain have in creased to the extent of bouo acres whereas the wheat grown in 1877 was. though more than last year, still much below the ordinary average. The de cline is about eight per cent. The stock of horses in the country is in creasing, while horned cattlo are de creasing, thanks to the cattle plague, foot and mouth disease, and .scarcity of fodder, and which makes grazin an exceedingly risky business and threatens to make it a very unpopular one. New York's richest millionaires are rated as follows: William II. Vander- bilt, 375,000,000; John Jacob Astor, SCO.000,000; William Astor, 30,000,- 000; Peter Goelet (estate), 25,000,000; Russel Sage, 12,000,000; Moses Taylor, Judge Halton, Frederick Stevens, and Catherine wolfe, each, $10,000,000. The first shipment of fresh meat from this country to France, was taken out by steamer to Havre, Oct. 17 consisting of fifty carcasses of beef, fifty sheep, eighty-one hogs, and two hojrshead3 of saddle-rock oysters. - If well received in that country, the trade will undoubtedly spring to large proportions. THE INTER OCEAN. 1673 1878 THREE EDITIONS: WEEKLY, SEMI-WEEKLY, AND DAILY. in mating its seventh annual an nouncement, J. he inter ocean reas sures its readers and the public gener ally of its faith in the iiepuulican par ty and its devotion to Republican prin ciples. Its record during the past year has made it more than ever before the great representative Republican paper of the country. The value of such a paper and its influence for good were never more apparent than during the electorial complications of last fall and winter. The course of The Inter Ocean during that trying period won for it the admiration and lasting friend ship of Republicans everywhere. As an exponent of true Republicanism, to which the public turned for advice and for encouragement. The Inter Ocean stood throughout the momentous struggle without a peer. There never was a time when Repub licans more needed a Journal steadfast and true than now. Never before in the history of the country, has there been a period of such political interest and inquiry as is now in the immedi ate future. Great questions are to be discussed and disposed of: embarras ing complications are to be grappled with: fundamental principles are to be defended. Republican to the core, The Inter Ocean will give all possi ble information on all political topics, and, while treating opponents with the greatest fairness, will maintain its high standing as an earnest and out spoken advocate of uncompromising and unadulterated Republicanism. While The Inter Ocean stands sec ond to no paper in the country as a po litical journal, it takes high rank as an enterprising and thoroughgoing news paper. During the past year it has eclipsed all Western papers in the ex cellence, completeness, and liability of its foreign dispatches and letters, and has had few equals in presenting in most readable shape general snd home news. In every part of the world great events are occurring, with probabilities pointing to more important ones in the future. Never before was a good news paper so important to young and old. In all that goes to make a first class Newspaper The Inter Ocean is not excelled by any publication in ,th, country. It is a national newspaper one that will be found useful and in teresting to Americans in every part of the globe, While it especially jrepre sents the great interests of the North- i west, it is national in its views and comprehensive in its new gathering. The Inter ucean mates especial claim as a famiiy paper, devoting more attention than any other political news paper to departments prepared and conducted with the wants of the home and demands of the family in Yiew. The Commercial Department is conductad with great care, and every thing possible is done to make the market reports reliable and complete. The Agricultural department is carefully edited by a gentleman of ability and experience. The Home Department is or spe cial interest to the ladies, and is devo ted to the practical and useful. To Educational Matters espe cial attention is given. Believing that the perpetuity of the republic depends upon the education oi the people, the Inter Ocean is the warm advocate of the free school system, and every thing that will improve and extend it The Woman s kingdom is a new department devoted to the interests of that large proportion or the gentle sex who, either from necessity or other wise, desire to devote themselves to some useful occupation or profession. for the purpose of earning a livelihood. It is not for the advocating of any par ticular issue, but for the general im provement and elevation of the female charactor in every department of life. The Question And Answep. Depart ment, long a special feature of The Inter Ocean, is a valuable encyclope dia of information, and covers sis much ground in the course of a year as many of the elaborate works published at such high prices. The Inter Ocean has the largest aggregate circulation of any other news paper published in the Northwest. It is sent to more than e.oOO postomces, distributed in every State and Terri tory in the United - States, in all the British provinces, and numerous for eign states and countries. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Daily Payable in Advance. By mail, per rear, postpaid 810.0 By mail, three months, postpaid 2.50 Semi-Weekly Payable in Advance, By mail, per year, postpaid 3.300 By mail, club of four postpaid . . . 12.20 By mail, club of six, postpaid. . . 17.80 By mail, club of ten, postpaid. . . 23.00 Weekay Payable in Advance. By mail, per year, postpaid 1.65 Club of four, postpaid 5.80 Club of ten, postpaid 13.00 Club of twenty, postpaid 23.00 One free copy with every club of twenty. Money can be sent by draft, money order, express, or registered letter, at our risk. . Special arrangements made with country publishers for clubbing with their publications. Sample copies sent free. Address The Inter Ocean, 119 Lake street, Chicago. THJ3 MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. REPORTED 15 F. K. WHITE. Wheat. No. 2 CO so " " 3 " releeted 18 23 18 1314 Corn, shelled Corn, ear itats Barley, iso. 2 ... 30 18 " 3 " rejected 15 Kye, 35 latest NEW YORK MARKETS Nbw oisk. Dee. 5, Money.. 5f6 Gold,... 102:S LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago. Dee. 5. Flour ..4 75f?,5 75 ..1 0SK&1 09 Wheat Corn Oaw, 41 24 ityc 66 Barlev 62 ..4 73tfl5 00 Native Cattle.... Texas Cattle.. 2 5003 00 Hogs, 4 20C&.4 30 rd Of Ten Years' Duration. The Dis charges Thick, Bloody, and of Foul Odor. Senses of Smell and Taste Wholly Gone. Entirely Cured by SAHFORD'S RADICAL CURE, MessrsWeeks Totter: Grrtlemen I fee! Belled to sckooTlndfC to you the treat benefit fa ah ford's liiDiOAL. 1 rrcK I iuii been to ma. For ten years I have becn'affllctcd wit It this loathsome disease, and e&pcciully in tbu winter time bits It been most severe. Tlio llsc!inrej has been thick and bloody, emitting a ful xlur so baxl that my presence In a room with others was Ycry olfcoslva to tticm.One wrck after rov.menclnsf the ueo of Bahpokd's Radicii. O re I xr a not troubled with It at all. i5y s- iisco o f tasro and smell, which wr wholly gonv. have now fully retained, and my cenr aral health is much linrrovp1 Yours. WELUOCTtTTK H. FORD. HMort-Uanii Wrtier. Gsaxs Hapids, Mich Nor. S, lsTS. LATCa. Gentlemen : The pneknee of SAjrporra'i Cm arrived hero to-nlfrht all right. I don't know what I should have done notbet-n forthUreraotiy. I have triod Kasnl Douclu s nml every ihltiK else, and although I uavo been able to stop the offensive dis charge, 1 have not been able to recover in v senses of tasto and smell until Ilried8ANroun'Crs. Ton can refer any one yon cho--v to me, and I will cheerfully inform tTictn n (ictull a to the beneilt the remedy has leca to me. T "r. MKt-roruMi ir. roRDL GKAB9 Bakxm, Mtoh.. Suf. 15, 1S7& SAHFORD'S RADICAL CURE Hot only promptly arrests the corroding discharge In Catarrh, but, by sympathetic action. It restores to sound health ail the organs of the head that hsva become sflVete.l by it, and exhibit any of the follow lag affection: Defective Kre!jit, Inflamed smd Mattery Eyes. Painful iul Wsterjr Kypa, Loss of Hearing, Earache, Keuralgla of the Ear, Diacharecs from tbo Ear, Ringing Noise la the Head, Dizziness, Nervous Ilead atche Pains In the Temples, oaa of the) Senses of Taste and Hmcll. Elongation of the Urola, Inflammation of tlie Tonaila Putrid Bore Throat, TleUlna; or Hacking; Cona;h, Bronchitis, and Bleeding of th) IiUfa Xaeh packags contains Tr. Sunford Imprors4 Inhaling' Tube, wtih full and carefully jreMrad dV rectlous for use In all cases. Price. tL Tat aais t all wholesale and retail drainrtota and eealrf throcKhonttheUnlted Srt-saiidOnda. W BAM A POTTlCft, O-neral AguiUe sua VklaI Pnf-J COLLIHS' asm; amh Voltaic Plasters AH Eleetro-Gslrtnla Battery, combined Trltti S blxhly Medicated Plaster, forming tha sTtandest eurutivo agent in tha world of medicine. ana uiieriy surpapemg auoiuar riatwre neretoioro In nae. T the old Plasters In a whole year, liste. they coao. They hey aeromplwn more in one week than They do not pal Kclleve Affections of the Chest. Jielicve A auctions of the Lnns. Ilelicve Affections of the Heart, liellcve Affections of tlio Liver. 11 love Affection of tlio Spleen, liellcve Affections of tbo Kidneys. Relieve Affections of tlio Spine. Kelieve Affections r-f the Nerves. Relievo Affections cf the Muscles. Kelieve Affections of the Joints. Kelieve Affections of the It nes. Believe Affections of Uio Sinews. K matter what mav bo tha extent of your smTee. b. out, a fact supported by Uundrcus or testimonial in our pose ess ton. Rear In mind that the most impor tant discoveries In pharmacy date hack less than ten years, and that combinations of gtm and essences of plants and shrubs sro herein united with Elae trlcity to forat a curative Plaster, in soothlnir. hoai lzur. and strenirthenhir properties as far superior to alTother Plasters heretofore in usaaathoar Irntlfio physician Is to tua borao-toich. Price, ' 3!f Centa. Be Careful to call for COIXnrS' VOLTAIC PtAB TKJt lest yoaaet soma worthless imltatioa. Sola oy all Wholesale and BstaU Drsretou throuirbttha CoKed States and Canada, and by WXSj a fQ TJLtt. Proprietors. U ost on. Mass r one Of lovwriunn. imiuci m tnssanums (gran penin -A.T PLUMMER'S A fall line of Pry Goods, Notions. St Trimmings. Cf R O C ERIE S IN GREAT VARIETY A Splendid Display of Black Cashmeres and Alpaca Dress Goods. ALSO A GREAT VARIETY OF STYLES OF CHEAP DRESS GOODS. A Large Stock of Flannels, Jeans, Yarns, and Blankets, of all Descriptions. 9 Woolen Hosiery WOOLEN DRESS FRINGES, Ea&iea' and! G&ildreus MERINO UNDERCLOTH ING. GREAT VARIETY O F COTTON FLANNELS. A good soft coal stove large sizet for sale at rlummer s. "Winter Apples at Plummer's. New and fresh stock of buck mit tens and gloves . A irood stock of Winter Apples at Plummer's. by the TUEARQEST ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS EVER BROUGHT WEST OF THE MISSOURI RIVER, All to be found at ELI PLUMMER'S OLD STAND on Main Street, Platts- moutb, opposite the Saunder's House. 30yl WILIiI AM HEROLD, dealer In DliY GOODS, CLOTHS. j : BLANKETS, FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOOD3. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. large stock of BOOTS and- SHOES . ... .r ,. ... t be. , . . ... CLOSED OUT AT COST. . . -:o:- -' Notions, Queensware, and in fact everything you can call for In , the line of - General Merchandise. CASH PAID FOK HIDES AND FURS. All kinds of country produce taken In ex change for goods. 3lyl H. HEROLD, dealer in DRY GOODS, BOOTS, snos. HATS, CAPS. GLOVES, FURNISHING GOODS, GROCERIES, Ac. JEWELRY and NOTIONS. I hare n large stock of BviQk. Glove, of my own make, to be cloed out at Al kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for Main Street, Corner of Fifth, Plattsmouth. ... Ni:n 3oyl BATCHES ! JEWELRY ! ! o Itoiiiaine 4nlL. so extensively worn in Pari, wns first discovered in Isto, by the eele- brated trench .chemist. Mons. I. 15e Lamire who manufactured it into jewelry, and for live years sold it to the lendinc jewelers of Parix for Koli't ol1. In 1875, when his secret became known, ten of the iiiaiiuractiiriiu? jewelers es tablished a stock company, with a capital of, for the purpose of manufacturing Komaine 4ol4 Jrwrlry mid Untrhes With this immense capital, and the aid of im proved machinery, tliry are enabled to produce an tne laiefi pauerns oi jeweiry ar ies man one-tenth the cost of Solid Gold, and ot anual- lty and color which makes it impossible even for expertR io oereci u irom tne genuine. Vr. have hoc u red the exrliiMive nefn- ry of the I'nitetl Mtatet and Canada, for the sale of all jj,M,ds manufactured from this metal, and in order to introduce them in the most speedy manner, have put up assorted saiu ph lots :is k'vcu below, which we will sell at one-tenth the retail value tintilJann- ary lat, 17. Read the list : 50-CFAT LOT. One Gent's watch Chain retail price Si 00 One pairpiisrr'd Sleeve Huttons, retail price 75 One Stone-Set Scarf I In - " " 75 One set W Spiral Shirt Studs " 75 One impr'd shape foliar liutton " " .V) One heavy plain Wedding Ring 1 25 Total $500 For 50 cents we will send above six articles .postpaid. 3I.OO TiOT. One rwil'' Sleeve Buttons, .tone setting. One et (3) Spiral Shirt Studs. One heavy band Encasement Ring. One Set (2) Eiiftraved bracelets. One I .allies' Ionc Guard or Neck Chain. One Engraved Miniature loeket. for the above. One tie nt 'a Heavy Link Watch Chain. One Lake George Diamond Stud. $'2.00 LOT. One Ladies' Neck Chain and Charm. One Ladies' Heavy Guard Chain for Watch. One net Pin anil Ear Kingrs, Amethyst. One extra fine Miniature Locket. One Cameo Seal ttimr. One very heavy Wedding or Engagement King. ne uetu s neavy waieu i nam w.iii unarm. One pair Pearl Inlaid Sleeve Huttons. One Lake Genrjre Cluster Pin. One pair(2j heavy band Bracelets. $3.00 LOT. One Ladies' Opera Guard Chain. One Ladies' Nm k Chain and Cross. One beautiful Locket, (engraved;. One pair Hand P.raeelets. - One Gent'f Twist Unk Vest Chain and Charm. One pair Onvx Sleeve Buttons. One set 3) Onyx Shirt Studs. One new improved Collar Button. One extra cut Cameo Seal Ring. One Arizona Solitaire Stud. One set Amethyst or Topaz Fin and Ear Drops. One Ladies' Chemise Button. One plain Ring, .stamped 18 K. S5.00 LOT. One Ladies' Opera Chain, with elide and tassel, (retail price 85.00). One Gent's heavy Watch Chain, with Curb Charm, (retail price S5.0O). One Ladies' heavy long Neck Chain. One elegant Chased Miniature Locket for above. One set Cameo Med-Uion Pin and Ear Drops. One pair (2) heavy Chased Band Bracelet. One Gent's Solitaire Diamond Stud. One GetV Cluster Diamond Pin. One pair Amethyst or Onyx Sleeve Buttons. One set (3) Studs to match the above. On elegant heavv set Cameo Seal King. One Massive Band or Wedding Ring. One new " patent" Collar Button. One Ladies' Chemise Button. One Amethyst or Topaz Ring, (extra finish). The retail price of the articles in each sample lot amounts to exactly ten time the price we ask forthe lot ; for example, ourSLOO lot retails for 810.00 ; our 85.00 lot for 850.00. A. Solid Ilomalne Gold Hunt- Ing.Case Watch Free. To anv one sending us an order for the above lots by express to the amount of 15.00 we will send JrltKK one Solid Roniaine ;old Hunting Case Watch. Gents' or Ladies' size, warranted to keep perfect time, and look equally as well as a isold watch. By mail postpaid S15.'0. This Is our beot offer to At.K.TH. unci is worth a trial, as the watch alone will Hell or trade readily for from 2iui0 to $50.00. Gents' or Ladies' Watch alone, 87.00 or h.oo, with a heavy Gent's Gold Pattern Vest Chain and Charm, or Lalys Ojera Chain with elide and tassel. jc k.u r..tiui.K ; i iiis oner oni noms gooa until January 1. 1878. After that time we shall sell only to Jobbers and Wholesale dealers, and any one winning our goous will men nave io pay Pull retail prices. lloniaine Gold Is the best. and. in fact, the only imitation of genuine eold made, beinir the same in weight, color and finish, and all cur goods are made in the lateet gold patterns, w ill guarantee satisfaction iueveiy instance, or refuud money. SEND MONEY BY P. O. MOVE V ORDET?. OK REGISTERED LETTER. AT OCR RISK. NO GOODS SKXTC. O. D. UNLESS AT LEAST 85.00 ACCOMPANIES THE ORDER. Address plainly, W. F. Evans & Co,, Sole's U. S. and Canada. Sonth Clark St., CHICAGO, 111. jo nib Money for Farmers. I have now on hand, read v for shinninc a fine lot ot Pure Bred 1 oland China pips for sale, at reasonable rates. Can furnish in pairs not akin. These pig are descended from the herds of Suepard & Alexan der, of Illinois. and A. C. Moore. Can pedigrev to the best hogs at the national hog show iu Chi cago In 1S72. Correspondence promptly answered, bave the expense of sending farther eat. 12ms Malvern. Mill Co., Iowa. HENRY BCFOK. DEALER IN Furnifure, '" j SAFES, CHAIRS, Lounges, Tables, Bedsteads ETC., ETC., ETC., Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash. With many thanks for past patronage. I Invite invite all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF 40tf. FrKXITPHE AX1) COFFIXt. ROBERT DONNELLY'S W-A.C3-OISr AND ' BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Flow re pairing, and general jobbing. I am now prepared to do all kinds or repairing of farm and other machinery, as there is a good lathe iu my shop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the wagon shop. He is well known as a NO. t WORKMAN. Sew Yt'asons and Unsgies) made to Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shop on Sixth street, opposite Streight's Stable 82500 A TEAR. Afrents wanted. Bnsl ness legitimate. Particulars frea. Aadran J.WOBTB CO.. Bt Lonla, Ma. OPIUM and Morphine HbH kbaolotelj and tpmdVy cared. Faialavj no pabltdlr. lama KVparUcalan. Pa. Ct-To. ItSI Wafthlogioo St Chicago, DU 045 PREHIPM WATCH AW1 milt-a tem-winder.Fre with every order. Out fit Irec J. U. Gay lord & Co.. Cblcaico, 111. S3 GOLD PLATEDWATCHES. Ch.p io thr known worl.l. Sanni Witch Frii to taim, Awwa, A. COLLTKK CO, Ukuu, Iu. Dr.A.G.OLIN'S Print. HanduL 1!H ILmt Waihinr- ton St.. Cbinuro.. i 1 1. fr tK. ..4 mn m . rnrm nature, raniunr rmrn wiy ananea laft-rtloai of ttihm Memlaal U'eakaeMprodurln. Kmlwloit, Lma efMrnorf, Inpalnd taat, LmI JHaahaa4 or Jmpote.rj, Vptmi 1'rbllllj. prnna. B.nt!7cmrad; Uumo( th BluddVrt KldMva, I.W.r. AjthBM. C.utrh. nm. il C'htoaic Or FEU ALES, kld Io hi. Dr. Oil. and I1- ttm Bmu . mr-lonc .inrtcm., u.ri cord whmolnan tail. H. antrailiuuof li Kalorrmd School. um no nMrrarv. bm U lt nractic. in tb. V. 8. IA IME8 nwoiritig (raainwat with pri rate bom. and board, mil or writ, fcrarjr con ran una for patirakk Bend fifty cent, for lamp), mf Rabbtr Goods and cir cular of important Information by expnwa. ItU. OLAV8 FmU PI IK -S jww Box. Coofulution frwa. MAERIAGE GUIDE VJJ Jmnf and midril. Ktd of both Sena, on all dMaaaa of a prim, nature. Valuable advice to the married and tnote contemplating narrow.. How to he health, and truly btnny in the married rela tion. Enrrbod; ehouid JKt Ink hook. Ptui AU canu. to anv m& A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage ! rv. ysys A Quids to Wedlock: and confidential TrcatiM on Id. dutiee of marriage and th. causci thct until lor ll -. th. n. AND.. cret of Be product ion and uic jjieenses or women. A book lor uriTate, romid e at. reading. 250 page, prion - A HRIVAIE MEDICAL ADVISER! On all diiorU.'jiol a private Ualure aritins Irom Sal. Abuse. Excesses, or Secret Dineaaea, wua tha DmI foeane of cure, -1'4 large papee. price 40 eta. A CLINICAL. LECTITHE on the abor dUeier. and tnoMot theThroatand Lunga, Catarrhupture. U Opium price 10 cte. Atiher book eent poetpaidon receipt ot price ; or a 11 thxea, containing an p. gee, boaulifuliy illustrated, tor 76 cte. Addreulm. BUTTS, Jo. 12 H. tKa fit. at. Xaouia, Ka, MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLJl CKSMi TH HORSE siioeim; AND WAG ON HE PA 1 It I X t All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly & Promptly :0: Horse, Mulc& Ox Shoeing, In short, well shoe anything that has lour leet, irom a Zebra, to a Giraffe Come and see us. ISTEW SHOP. on Fifth St.. between Main ami Vine Strnets just Ht-ross the corner from tlie -kw 1IEKALI) B A. TINES' FOOT TOWER -MACIlINEKY. 13? UifTerenr m.-ieliiiicR with which Huilder. t'iibinet Makers, Wayon Makers ai'tl Jobber in miscellaneous work can compete ato yt'At TY AND 1-ltH'K with steam power iiiaiiufa;tiiriiir ; alo Amateur's 8iii!'ies. saw blades, fancy woods and de sitinc. Sav where you rend tills litHl S nil for eatalo-jne and prices. W. V John 15 AKNKS, Itocivlortl. Winnebago t'o. 13NJ Waukesha Central Medical Spring ! S. II. HARSTOIT, Prop. -o--o- The waters of this Spring have been analyzed bv Pijof. Bode, of Milwau kee, Analytical Chemist, and found to contain the same ingredients, suitstan tially, that have rendered the Iiethesda and Glenn Springs so famous. THESE WATERS CURE DIABETES. KIDNEY AND INTERNAL TROUBLES OF VARIOUS KINDS. Thfyare shipped All over th fnltrei MtaitM nnti ttieir rrnatation Im Undoubted. THE "CENTRAL" RANKS AMONG THE BEST OF THESE SPRINGS. For further particulars ap;-ly to S. II. BARSTOW, SoliiG WAUKESHA, WIS. MONEY TO LOAN. 8100,000 To loan on improved farms in Cass ounlv. at low rate oi Interest. Applications solicited. Plattsmouth. March 1877. . J N. WISE. SASII, DOORS, KLI.VUS AD 310LTLI)I.GS. GOOD GOODS, - LOW PRICES. GOSTORF & CO., Mills at S55. 257 .ft. 5 Twentieth mt, - WW M Windham's it .! - Real Estate and Loan Office, LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD, TAXES PAID, U. S. PATENTS TO LAND OBTAINED. Titles KiRnlnrd thd rei-leted LOANS NEGOTIATED. It la a duty every roan owes to hlmnelf and to those interested with hi in to know the condl ditlon of the ttfl to hi property. It is a fart well known to the legal profession, and to real estate dealers, that thousands of the imimivtd and unimproved farms of this western country, have imperfect titles; much cxpensa and -gatlon can be saved by having your titles exam ined and perfected, at once, and before proper ty reaches eastern figures In value, when ques tionable titles become more dillicult to remedy. All persons claiming title to lands should ob tain the United States Tatent and have it re corded, the legal title from the Government is vested in the individual through the patent and title is not perfect until the Patent U Issu ed and recorded, and cantern capitalists will not Umh money on such eeenrity unless It is done. As a matter of business convenience, I hav connected this department with my Law Prac tice, and have placed in charge of It V. 8. Wise, who will, under my supervision, attend to an matters appertain lni thereunto. A ten year's residence in tlie State and Coun ty, with constant buxiness experience, and rela tions with Its inhabitants, has thoroughly qual ified me for transacting business of the above mentioned character with facility. II. 15. WINDHAM. Att'y. at Law. W. S. W'lBE, Notary Public. aoyl E. G. DOVEY & SON, take pleasure in announcing, TO THE CITIZENS OF PLATTS MOUTH AND VICINITY, That they are now located in their NEW BUSINESS HOUSE, Opposite Fitzgerald Llock, and ready to see tlieir old customers and as many new ones an may come. Having just opened a new assortment of good in a new, LIGHT HANDSOME PLACE OF 1 5 US I NESS, We think we can ac commodate the public and please the taste of all. Give us a call any way, and try the new up town ston. Htf MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OS AND ojEa-.A.isrs. I can fumish the above Instruments of the best makers with FULL GUARANTEE FOR FIVE YEARS. THE MA SOX AND HAMLIN OKGANSJ victorious over ATX instruments in all the WORLD'S FAIRS, sold or rented on the best terms ever offered for FIRST CLASS INSTRUMENTS. I have secured the assistance of a competent TUNER, Mr. F. R. Mwes. who will jrive his attention to utilnc ana repMun i i pun i" iimn ,.-- .... .. Kl. tan. K:llTlit ttlKt fUfTI eil I S ttt tllA Drue stores oit' Dr. Chapnmn, on Wain street. and Dr. Johnson, ileal cor. oi .Main ami i.wi Orders left at either piace H1 be Prj:iv teifrdedtu jamas reiu-f..