s J t t : V 'V XT ?. rr r-. x . . 1 il l'j tl 1 It A 1j J ), 11 fcf T p TiVio Toh'n , xj. iv. XV. lllllc itlUiC . I Curru-ird Weiltifvltii, 0--iol'r HI, 177 ' . ro;: omaiia ririMl-L.vTT.sM)i;TU. I ' "es ' :i" i. l i. An i v- :'' a. tn. - p. in. - :; -A.'i p. iij. ri:oM o:.!aha fob. fi.attsmoith. Luros '.' :)-. :i. Anivt s M a. in. 0 :J0 j:. - 7 I'. In. I .:. -s r!:.tt-not:th :'.. -1.1.' Aniv- U:,. ! r !- '" : Arnves Kt:.ni'y, :- .. la. ; I r-'ilit K-.i os Hi :-ji .1. 1:1. Ar. l.inc'jln 3 11.111. ! 1 1 f i:m Tin-: wrsr. ! J p. 111. Am''- 1 latlsinutitli. a j. 11. Froiijlit l'-nve-t Lincoln 11 Ui a. in. Aiiivcs riaUMiiOiuli, p. in. i;oiX(i EAST. I"pt'-s. 0 :!." a. in. rasst-n-icr. m-iiin eu:h day) 3 :.V j. m-. ; t i iir.l.iV. Fvcrv ll.ird S.itiir.Ia v a tr;iia ns!i- l.C' t-i at Hie ni;;;l t'.iiie. RHIVAl. AM) Iii:i-AI:TL lii: ;f FLATTrJ J ill .MAILS. I.ASTKISN. .Vfil'.'fll F.'.IS SilTIII-nX I ic-iart at r. :.".'i a. in. 1 ;.r:;vc :.t ::".o a. in. I'M . in. 2 A'i I. la. 0 :' 0 a. in. 'j p. in. OMAHA '1A 11. & "M. Ani at 10 a. in. l-;)aitat YVKNTUIN- VIA I!. M. r.-iv..' at Arrive at 3 :15 I', tn. I l'cpai t at V'KKI'l NO WAT Kit. 12 in. I I). part at II-.CK l:l.rK S,: rl.,s Mll.I.s. 1 uriveat. i-m. i.1' J P--j . ,..-n--UJJ-.iJ...l- 'V,.-. j 1 . : a 1 - a 1 v 1: i r . s i: m i : x rs. Trati'-iciK. 2". en's a line. Keidar advenis-e-s. 10 (!! t . -r 1. 1..-. N.t advcrii-caici.t iu-,eti-t 1 forh-ss :lu m e'e,;its. I " ' li lKic.s at Statute r..t-. Aii'.rn. , and otiicers of t hi' lew w:;i be neid j LiLei i'.rv Society. Subject: " "i v il iza-r-.-;..ii--;l.!e li.r ah Iced iietici.-. H-y !t; :.. in,! ' " ... .-. t.l i.'-l .aiti.-.d.-ia:i.idlt;.:.a proof ..; '.-it.c.ea- tldl IieVl l" g 'CS back Will'ds. 1 ...1 1 ! ai.v cti.-e v. i.l I..- h.i.l tor the vnli.ic.i- lion lee oi r-'lcll COMMl'NICATIoX.S. j , - oi.r si ace is limited.. ;.'l c.i'.inr,iiii.-:i,,ons ! 3-eisf l.t It.'icJ a'l-l to tiie point, unii Was.u i ..; v.ot-d ,. i The paper is v.-p.eisit.:.' f..r t!:e"co;r; (!::; ; .'...if.!!:".' t-.) coj-y of paid matter and paid l.c- j e-vi ;. oi.ly. I 1. AtiV per-.n v. ho t:ike- ll'.e -iptr v; t!nr!y j f:oni!:ie' p..-.. -..nice. . in I r i;.i"';' Ins 1. i:uc. or nether lie is a s-jl-'riYnvr ' ot is , S,. ,;-.hie tortile p:,V . '. I a ii I ci m 0. .ft s ii is 1.1 u . 1 . 1 1.1 11-d. h- i.n':. p;y ail r.rn-.ira-ifs. ..rth- s i.ldidi- . ,- ll.aV eoaiil.e... to .-e;... c.oo y i it I. :.;.i c.i.h-i t the wie.l" : nenn.t. v, :h th. 1 r .s ; u 1 . l. :i t iiat re 1 Hi- enu I . Ii.e. . r.f v. -e.ipers :iie a - to ! ic -Js i'ro'ei : ne p. liiir thil l nncall :...!. ttr t. 1.1' :ii',' : ' I T. i "".;.( . 'ii' c i ii 11 1'. 1 I of j.vrKMiN.i. j LO I'se "e'cistt.-iiiii-i1. il j.: :ter:ninator. Phil Young has got the jiandsom- ! t lot of babies v. e cut' saw of the j The s 1. Thursday 1 affair and abb at Mrs. Skinners last enb'g. a very pleasant rv well at ten led. o o'l :::; and n.-k him colors ar.soi led-1 :n;ng. 1 o t'l :s ' a. i' is 1 1 to i,'o Joe. Lbyd. more .-.; :;'.'. the stitets, in ;i eh iie.pfwVed co'.e.Iit(.!i. a mi -se-.vir.g M. 1 l W t..l s. l'.O W. 1 a .each!, to oi". .'hlU'-S re i aoi r.x F. A. ail cd. far any machint MCI.sNT.U. --Mr. Peter elai.,1 ('f Ibi-ti: 1:1 . d oil li e HggAl.D i.. -t !aiei it.-ili: sttai tun fv fa.uiiiar to tle Ldi- tols co:n:: y, c.;h. Mid'. Mr Lve! name s -.ii.ds ve; u..r of t Ids paper A communication irom i.:a .1 .1 iind some lo-al matter inu-t li over until iuc.t we.-k, as we go to Pies;.; '.Ve ht-.-sday af .eriiooa. in or ha- t- let the Printers have a good home Thanks- giving ! t . a.ier. We would like the Editor of Ha Watchman to show us the authority 1 lor using any such word as "heartfelt- ! .Iiy. or a proic-sor 111 t.i.t..:M.... Mae I'toos ur-e some astoroa.iii.g woia.a. , I t -.- wa.i,i, .,,V! healed 011 ' .1 . 1. Il...'.l. ' ..v-w - . ti.lt iu ipiantitv, .piiiliiy anu puce.. Will not be undersold. -Ttf j i ..j ......a ,,i i:-ii . tn., nt ii .Vlr ittl-..Ili v,'vv, 1 ,. , , :;:at, licnry ..;csi;iivio v. as muh -ioi billed in th" F.bick Hills. We can no! vouch for its truth. The Annual Festival of the Wo- j ta in's For ign Missionary Society, held j n i'ar...ele Hall, Friday Evening, was j . , . . . i i . , i ..... - ...,. Vi'i v v. e.i ;-.Lt"n'.:eo, macs le'.tt-i t.i.ui ; we. anticipated, tiie music, was excel V and thf enjoyment immens-?. . i Any person not receiving their cor- j ideate of election prompt iy will please i edify the County Clerk, at once giv ..g their full uame aud lb O. address, t is impossible to know the address of ,11 tho candidates elected. C. P. Mooo.e, Co., Clerk. j press, d jiiy.se! f a i epp sed to the third A St. Lot is paper says: "A lawyer ; le ru, that I had no thought Hat my by the name of Ohost is practicing in name would ngtlti ns-il iu conitec Idncoln, Xcb., and :m cx' baag" wants turn with lh i- otibv bur, to my $a- at to know how he can ever 'sp.-ctor sue- j ee.-d. He will doubtless demon;tratc ; -il.ililv :it ":i!,!iii ii : tti:" foes aod : - i thva reach the -houl of his ambition. I . Oh Dear! We fear our boasted Ital- m Skies have left us for aye. There! ave been more raiuy, cloudy, muggy i ..VS this fall tUati we ever saw in ' 0 , , . , l -rciri"-d7:i before. If planting trees a:;d 1 .... , ,. -, , ' " ... j uiidmgs and a.lro.m., dots all this j e"ll have to quit setting out any more i t erests, and voting bonds to Itailroads, .,e can't en line such weather long iu i r pretty state. Mr. Wm. llodc-n, living near Eight V:! Crove, this county, receive;! i tt l uam Mond.tv from Corinne, Utah, at a son of his, who has been in tlct untry lor the past nve years, was ot aud kid d no particulars given) l n-l-iiiT tel. -if ul.iil.l ,l,va n ito .......... ........ AA.j.MA.m - ...-.1 , : . -. . . 1 . . it- 1 - .-1-.. .' :,i..ju. oiu wai liiiiiiei.i.ittij K'Jll, -k to send th btdy on here. ?.Ir. I. ! i trothci-in-mw of Xr. Jos. Lloyd. , . . - t if.un h mi u.u rcia-si sorww ; mat .nr. .toman, ul BtOiiiavdie, lias lost umu vye, cm; oi . unavoidable afc'ilf.i 'j lh it- hitmen i 1 "'e a. (..(..., ui.it napp n f'Vf' - T MO'tV nti'1 then. Having already , !?st a K ihi deprivation on- j ; l,llvs u' l!l "truest, sympauiv vi ! II ! ! tiit; enure community. John Way man is building, casting, niakina !iHv iron front for (Juthinan's and ;,ia.sonic IJ!..cl:, this will b- a 'tvat - , ,,. . ... ,, 1 in jro vi'iiL'W I . v iivn.an is always u , , , , , Harlan's li-nturo, Momlay Dec, 3d; -Adriiission 2 cts; Tiie usual musical - j,t;'l t U!iiu"!it of f.i- .Sofictv will i ! givin with th Lfttmc 'n .crA. Don't wait until the h liiniute ! fore sfh'ctio' votir tovs and hoi id.. ioods a! the P. O. News Depot. ;1 Hai.l Da! W;iit am! se what the ladies of the Pics': yterian CJmrch are getting up in i 1 ine v..i o! i;i,.-,s"i jjonies at.'S preiiv , lite w.l 01 i;i.v,sii l'.'ltics anS picny . things from Mr. Harms'. Omaha, be for j you b::y your (J!iristin:i:i pr srnts. j Pemember Hn. Tluu. Harlan's lecture on M ouday Dec. :d at t!i Iligli School bui!uir:gbofore the Piattsrnoutli Left nr couimences at 7:30 Aikiii sion 1 cents. M. Pie'.t-u.ont'i L.t Xo. 5. A. Ma.-.s will J.-.,:d th-ir A::;...:.l M i i-unic Pt-sti val on i::t'!::iri:!r r.TTif. l i'l. Furth'-r particulars will appear :: j week's j:iper. The cininiitt . . wjl0 j,uve the Festival in charge this t I year, are: .1. 1 . .J oh.'i n, J. Pe'.p -r- ; hen:, d. V !.t: so S. S. Hinkie, X. l;!aek, aiel Jo n JI n 1 rn which h - speak that everythiug-will be dont t to make '.he entei t...u:ai nL a complete , success, a:? has been th? verdict hereto- j fore. A dollar saved is a dollar earned. j Farmers, what is t!u use of buying 1 goods of a p ahller, when von can buv the same goods at Sen!. iter's Jewelry .-tore for 25 per cent less. 3U1 ! Ducks! Dji't Ihey. I Ms u-s. Jones. :-i.i;;h.Mat!.ens,Sam. i Long and 11 P. Lewis returned from ' a plea-ai'it and successful hunt over in j Iowa, last. Tiiursday, and presented the ! IlFF.AI.U i .i.i-e w 1 i iih tbree ' tie. a)(i', line duck- li ie rea.- son to think there mi-;ht m..,.v' m I . a'.mg !.. be a !eei e r j tt.an :::p-':i: ; .:i ik . j .irke 1 Jones, don ! Loeg :ays go lo Low ! t!. d iv 1 a-," ku I go o n nd jj"'.vis s ;il! ab-m i aa we rame j:r an- a m no if Ttoll V Co to the p. O. X ,- .Not: . . !. ..,.,1 l'i"y Paiar. f :' yea; ; ( a;.; a.,-: s.i i :-'. ns" . i . -. Tiu .rn 1 Ctiina ' . ' 1 . , . I .1 1 i . : 1 :l ! . . li: J I o ; : e. t . a: all pi ice.-;; IP b-.i's ceding babies i cxprca-s wag aas, !. iglis. doll perambu I latoi's, toy c ai ts, bird cages, toy l'sirni- , t:u'c, l-'d'cs, c. ,'.tr c-i.ses, m la-el all kinds : 1 I of hoii-.bsy presents, at do.va bard tl times prices. it; d f: b.'St ft'oTU ' ;n e:a kat has tains. been w-ig: lit: t o r:a town, cd v i can be foira.l ' t until i ;::u ! T - j e h.t.tl ,y. ..u,x (1..t lJlf,n mv bead ! h ., . , i;1 r(.;i, , to re: 1 ,,..,t j u..., o:,,.(. ., ; hiek tail d.-i r. I expect to have venison or other game each week hereafter during tho.oasmi o.j r. m. rorNo. i : Thank i.-a: r,-, "111 re. , - I here will be a i haaksgi vmg Pall given at Fitzgerald Hall on Tarns- t day HvitNtNu, Xov. -.''Jrn, 1S7T. P. P. Living-ten, J. W. Marshall, dVhn OTiourfce, J. P. Young, W. L. Weils, . Jas. Orace. t;c:c:;ts to ball C-i 25. the First Xutiona! Paki. ry, f.r iill persons j wishing the same. Hcst of Muaie engaged for this snec- T-tt fieees'oo A. f"ei eneral invitation is extended to all'. A Card. sick loom, Plattsmoittit, .ov. t. Devi; Hebald: After serving as Co. Assessor for two years, for Piatts mouth Caty precinct, I so freely ex- surprise, mi C. mornl;ig alter tiie l.Ue e.ectio::, (a-u !i-tv..i,' ice.-.ved the It-.,. si ; iut im.tt Ion lti.it tiiv ii aatf t. ;. i I iee n : - - placed upon the ticket, 1 was inform- I i i:.. a..:.... i . . . r . t , , . . i oy my i i o.c. an ia. it i nan reen eieci- eu assessor; not having n.e opportunity i to decline the nomination. I shall not i now after the fluttering majori.y giv- en me, resign the oir.ee. It was said by . II I.l'. H..11.1I 1111: Viiiti . 1, ii.U .HIM I'I , , , , , . ,- one -I ask no favors itiiii shrink lf.mi .. ..... , . , responsibility, and I can adopt tne litUer S!ljlum.m I feel like asking the fitvor, the co or-eriition, ittol the iissisi- anee of all ii the Work, believing tnat much time iind expense may lm saved thereby especially mav this be done- if each one would make in advance a schedti'e of househo d personal proper- j ty, thereby saving miie.ii time of the! assessor. - As I t-hall endeavor to dis- J charge th duties of ihe ottb accord- j mg to law and the la s; of my ability, j j I trust thru it rvi . b- .v,:. to the su. - ' :..c....i: '( .1 . ... .: ..:... . i3ii.uii;i ti tie-' i:-fi(. Tjiij.,ir Ul tux - ., .. . " ; H'iiOVV C!U;'.I'I..1. . I tiiV, .-. . .-.'.u(e.-t, --.tses-or iiicct. ):ir Tin-lhi-uah-H-Ia-lioiis. Mr. and Mrs. MacMurphy of the He::- ALI,ji;l.i a Tin wedding at theu house ir i -.' . ii ,onday evening, .Nov. 2 ;, and two more sri,ri.s,..i people you never saw. Wi.di- in;; to m;lky So:n:j note of th-3 filght of ti,..e orl the ly5h Anniversary of their weJ'h;(l life, and having i;o toddlers lo i s,ace oi V.v: 3 ;ars as th -;y rod. it struct theill that iL WOllld llH a 1'ood WaV VO rl . get a few of their neighbors and friends together and make merry on tin, not dreaming of tho beautiful things Ui0S3 sun 3 kin 1 nciii'ibors an J frien Is j would lay iii in store for them. J tire da' mentioned the early express be- gan to bring tliin-'s in from Chicago and abroad. The afternoon mall brought j a reuieinoeiauce from Lincoln and a j teler:1.!!! from Massac!) u setts told i tliem t!iey were not forgotten even ii ! o! 1 and far away New England. As the evening grew older, hosts of i home friends dropped in and soon the : tabhs and chairs were covered with i valuable, curious, and beautiful nrcs onls;a very iiandso:::3 spoon holder, far removed from tin except in color, an epergne ornamented with most beau- tiful '.lowers, abed room set, an exqui- ito mc.cle ilisli. Anions i its' ;u:; KO plC.vl;' (I1SII. Al!lii:i? ine cnri'-.u l were, some preyed sea moss, miVl. -,-.ain specimen, framed in tin; pie. me of Mr. and Mrs. MacMttrpiiy in street '. costume, framed elaborately in tin; A tin neck-lia twas that a hint. Pan? and ! tin studs, witli masonic emblems there- l . . , , . 1 on; A tin wat.-u .main and l);-ii;t: ooniii tin brackets and a car 1 re eaiver. ; Among tiie funny, were tin whistles till von ; mhln't rest! a hugs rtistv old i coff v boiler, done up in an acre, of j The gratidet bargains ever known p:tper and tied with rope; an t iabor- ! in this town c m be had for the next 00 ate- bundle with fortv wrapping and j li,.vs clothing. JJoou antl .sh.oes in Tr . . . , ... .. , clu.dmg a sutiei 1 stock d ladies mid m iuv In:;: A Ln-; interspersed with stic: s 1 . . , . . , . . ., ,..:M , . ,, , 1 1 co ie ' n ns .- !e es, whien w ill be sold clear of cindy around ic contained at : ov.m for cash. Such bargains were I ';t;i small tin-whistle ; several rat- j tl.-s, a complete set of 5tsh-s, tiny and dain'v: a if we ho .ran to trv to enu- ; UF.'rate; theiii all, the I f 1: .i.: would , ,. , ... nave to i)uol:-.'i .'.a oxum suuice tostv 'Vcning v.Mi a very nappy 01m ai will b.i r; mb-re 1 at the IIk::ali ln.i!i;.; as or.u of the bright marks in tiit-ir J oi.nev thiv 70 me. 1 t Lhigcne .'di-ylbM, Typo graphical en- Ineeroflhe Louisville Phronicie was i in.ti'-.vn ove r .unuay ! 1 1 on the Ifrii- ! it one 1 1 ert Weill :: ::, cai.e ALU Monday and eonmiiiy inviled 1 out to Ovstets and such, at bis house it ere eeming ito'oert, never re. ine: tue.r, 11 we can i.e.p n. Vi'hi. Snort fixed our pump nietdy last week. We gue.-'s William is a v;;l- j vy kiti'I of fellow whose suction is al ways right and no lost motion about l;im. -r ! j ih v. A. B. l !e..c. '. :! oi i i l VS! We:;.h,, ! i li. j.--.-: le I.. I O: ... .. a::'. , h.a'.i of i Tb- bride. Miss V y, is Ihe ca'.'h- J j ter oi o:e of the oldest set ti; rs in tb I County, both Dr. and Mrs. Wiley :.i known far and wide for tie-:.- I. i-pita i ity. Tiie i vioi.i. .'?r. Laa; in. is ;-'e , !'. ,f f '... oh 1 .. .!c;s in i 'ass. b" h;a j self ii . 1.1-7 i: w. though, o : Wood lbs ; e., wii re ic ha-, a cait!- I.teai. T.: 1 wed'di" ' to..k ;!.;,". at Ha m.. The:'' 1 oa !a-t, at 1 :r. ; e: Mix. lb-, y. Mi', a id ... i . . ...U 1 i- Mis. Lam 1::. naat :vv s. ." :., M'-. and D ill els. Mr-:. .---r frien Is ! c iin ef tl.e f.Oid'v la f . rsoUiii'v brown to ; ' t.:e ; . r.uALD were present. o-uir.'.e ; ..as cp.i.-.t follow- I t!:a cer. nioay uu i i tli" let ): fo'in'.e d-parted for P atts- , j month where day tcek the rail for I Chi -ag ', iind further cast in Illinois ;m . ! imhina. lies :s aoout '... lot 1 ing v..' can have down to Doc's, ol the if ::::a i.i mad the most of the j i rt unity. 1:1 stowing away ..more 1 g'.o-l things than uu.i!. From the !il.s . , tf ,, , ., W" sto.e oi. tae or'e.Ie to the !a-Jt m-Ut,i- . , .. , liiiol turkey, we t-tljoyeu OVery bit Ot : t -o.-l o'i'v 1 roe the r--t '-i-ildM-" . -. , .... i .-... l.o.n. ti... i..Au ..tiei.l.. down there will com.; around white we pre above ground yet. Mrs. Wih-y ,11. 1 not forget the print- ers. neither ir. Fa man, as a huge cake 4.t rs a', the ofTce can tes- -1 hd tify. V.l 'jg'.'.-i .v,0. Clot ul seeoiiil hands organs ami meh- leoos for sale or traite f-hein aio.lv : o James I'ettee. at .Johlr .)n's Drug Store. sim:ciai, notices. . ; arising from impurity of blood. 15y its , invigorating ell'eets it always relieves Farmers, shoot that peddler with the j aud otten eures Liver Complaints, Fe v. Iiite hoi -,.-s if he does not sell goods I male Weakness,-..; iUid I rregubti it ies, che;ip enough. t:.5t4) F. CAB.nrTll. ! andis apotent renevyerof vi.ality. For i puiaiv ing tb Blooil it li.-s no eena.l : it A good house and lot fur ah for One block north of the Court House, in Plattsmop.th, Xcb. Apply to J. W. Marshal! ; or, M. H. Mnrphy. " t! 1 t t kV: .! Fresh Cvstersl . yme frt.sh oysters will be ionnd r s. wiiites's every week during tho . . . . . . " , reason, a.mi v i'ht.' everv saiuiuav, ,.,.Ct.ivt:tl liu tri,.( t.Ve! V Satur- - - ; ,i ,y ,v express. Call ami get the amr of thing; 2Ttf F. S. Wbite. I , . i 1 cu can save a larue per eent of x,ir ...-,, t,v IV ..;:- i,r(.(. .-'-on 1 nret 1.1. iui Mice, ami following advice. Ctf . I have secure! the sale of the mag- . i iiilinont C!.... s, r. 0 1.1 nilieent Ceo. Sieek & Co. niano, and al- ! .i.i'l tl i the Ha.let & Lnmston piano, both i 'f which I can sell at very low prices. j Jamfj Pettee, Dealer in afo-'eal Ii.eir.ioieot Ceo. IL SI at ; M.uj-Sn Iowa ers ot i rn i Stilt-'i i IV e f;tl SiTV ,P..n h-.vo . Delfr-i' your holiday goods rush at the V. O. Xews Depot. ' ger. luu oi fC'-yjj rit witiio::: the rl in- : 'i ' ' '''i-1' .'e- "'e' ' '- :.. v ., : . : . o-.:.- of s . a. '.vvv, 1 IV It -r & 0, Mamir-.cttir- . -"r stryeiinine or : lrlJX i I 'yf:,J i 1 tv v .. .-iau ii.aTtir- ;.,SHn:c. (U r.-.e ihirtcen st east of ti,.- ,. i;l ; .::;,,'', 't; ! .,; , ei ' V-l' ' Tea Years Credit att 1 oarmaeeiiticals 1- ,r. ;t . i B K t , ? P'rVi-V i Cr.Ut ai ntinmves Nine. the y.,,, will reeottunend it u r r e you Better, and you ."',' ;.,,.:. i-or-saie everywhere. ; 'h;'HhV drT 'o "'r''-' ' - w.n.e i-lim levied u....n and ad Prvutlun u Messrs. E. G. Dovey it Son have a j fine stock of imWkip Louts, also a large assortment f lames side? hire, varh-tv, fvr salt- at h-Ktoni tu ices. iive tl,:tn a ,a:l for anythi.,:, in the line of ?T-.-!K-ral Hlt.-rf-haii;i:-i'. at their I.eW Ston- in ' l..-'l if '-t!.i VI vm!i -.'. "TLf ,,-,i t . il M., i-JlKil . .u , f ,. . .. ,,,. v ,T ,. ?. ..,!i',.,. .,.;., f.,h'i-:,,,!j i aui. . u ,uii iin ci u.i i.'i .iti iuijm.-j. Fanner.-and Ilousekvej ers yive tliein a call lor anything m the line ct .ei! cral mi rehandi.se. 27 tf. Organs and Pianos tuned and re 1 paired, orders left at Johnson's Drug iSlore will receive prompt attention. Jamks Pirrriti:, Dealer in Music.:! Instruments. FAJlZr FOll KALE. J! ) acres in sf.-tion .'rt.to.vn twolvcranjieelov 1. :i i.ii!i s'l.itii-east of Lttaisvii'.c tation, 15. & M. '.I. It. I'biH C'.ni.ily, Nebraska. ISO U t'i' i I p.der C't3JI3yiii ion, :ic.u-.c aa;I Ivira, orchanl aa.l forest tree-", plmly if :r:n water. U 'itj bt sold in SO acre iraris if il.' -ii cil. Fii'iuire of Jos. iSchlater, fen der. Fiaitsrnoulli. 'el.-. H111G For sale, cheap. l.V) Desirable luiilu iri4 lots in the- ci!y of -Platlsmoutli, Tiile pet fee. Taxes all paid np. Terms easy. Apply to A. W. McLaughlin P.-ibhier 1st Xational JJank. 'Silt i a;n h:u-!i iigsla ''! , 1,u xv' :UM7 V''1'"-' Sl.?v:9 and Cie:in ('oiinnevs ana do it ad m th? vt.,.y .j, lll(,st satisfactory manner! Price. 50 cents a storv. ('lf A It LEV PliOWX. Cev. r kin.wn cloti.iiig emp.r lietore, turn. ftta-lei man's 201 f I.a.i iier.' von can get Pi;. its and Shoes of all " styles, patterns and make, from Xo 1 i:astki:: imrs::s also a line stylish perfect lit of "IV O'.V.V MANTr.UTntB i fr.m t!:e iintd Fre!i.-!i Pa!f iJoois made lit ine state, -'.vu, at price;-, mat h i .;; iili;n. Ladies and Children's ;'.ioe.; a speciality. Fi;tek -.ikf.'.; to Tr. i .'. i f :.:!' rtr. Act .v.V.v. and at once procure the . . I- ..: r ..-.71. .. o 1:..:. ... 1 " '. amn ... eincii.es.. 1 1)1;. i-fTLKi:.-.; t;ii::f iATiv i;;:mi:dv p.nd Lis. f i i!!-. a inoitive. pi'rm.inent c.... v ,r-'i'..i . , 0:-,.. ! ciati Lu:ub;!-r", tiotii, pain in Hack, Head. Heart, Lin is. ; rvoits, es. ,; Fit '. ( s d.e;(;its i " I 1. id and e Pi. fell j d P.rave!. Albuaten. A! 'oi eida, rc d water, aid Mitl ":i'?. for ; ti i:on or irate", ;o -.a coi.u ,1 1 i t.-. ; tl... i"-..'.;..i ! ii-'.. s'.' ' 6r. i'V- ;'.v F tFs.-nj.-i debilitated constitutions, incre.:?:,...; vtg- or. strciigthcus the s stem, tones th.; stoma.c'.i, and inerr'a-ei :ip,.'tit. A 1 e.'.ts.inL saosiiitiie lur iron, woieii e. ;:st 1 nates the ".'. is at ei oe-e roys in lh: ri'! (i'-n.'.n :i ',-,' V' t' fur Lung Pi-case.-- ting Pi-cases, lb onehi: i-g Cotighs , , r. . , . 7 ( olos. a S'lp'U'ior Com-. itsat toil nd whi I s .juichlj- nao renevt s r.api. ly. V:ir urnggi.ts. Chapman ii (Jlass are iV'-uits tor Phitlmouth. xtn-vl Ii i.; ihe duty u every per has ii..ed ie j-c:m::;'s C?-;: !.' t o let ii s v. o;r!er! ui :y all! ! s ! Who Y 1 1 E I ' ki!own i t . 1 , , roaets i.i ctii'i:icr Coiro;;nit 100, ! sev re Co:: aa Crotiji. .s.hm , Pneu- rn aoa, a:.d in fact ail threat, and lung s. r' person c a: use j. with- ' dis -as out lonue -ia e reiief. Thre it o.-es j will ri lieve aaiy cas g and we consider j 1 il liie tint v of ali j dnicgis-s to reccom- 1 iinael it ;.o t he poordyiticonsunintive, ai le.t-r to trv o;p ottk . a.s b), ) do;;- i eo . I one iiles were so!.' hi.- t v and no ise wh.-ie it failed w as report- d. sn -'i a 1 1 e'ieine us da (Jcit'IAX t-;Vtt- ff cantpi; be to widely nown. Ask our Drug.i.-t abitt it. Sample h-it-ties I.i ;iy sold a. 10 cents. Pegular Si'--! -a cents. For sale bv. I'i tf-alt XOW li LADY FOP AGENTS! .-- t o 1 1 : P U v ? O -Ta 77 v- 5 ntfrrr-' I a ISO -J: vi.L II JAO j I t l!'';! ''':' hf":i';" vi '"- .".V'.- I A '""' d"-,l'- b. y ot I.e.- c.ea.-.es aa.i tnl i.e.'; ; .M-ae-yt lee'.-o-a. raiu-oad fi.-d ahor w,e-ai i '-..r tee (vui-.try, l iv.a.v iM.rs-ris.VTf... i ViiKX '4 V.-iTi".i evec a n. ,v. T!a' 1 ''!'::: b" i,1'i"l :?''K ':'v"t; lv" ..at -.' oi . . i.a- v....- .s t -l h, , a. '. i ...1 oil.; a. r vv... ,.s. t.-.a :ae l-..t t ;,:.il ;i--, priec-:. CMlll'j Aik'a'css S t A'.DA !t ) r.'V-.iC IV" "". ST. Lotus, '.in. Xolidr.g sb.oit of unm: dak: bb-beue-il .S eou I'er: ( :I Upon teilS of thousands of sii!i'"!V!'s co;;;.' originate and main- cm tne reputation Wi.ieu .v:"B s ab s. iv. lai.l.A enjoys. It is a compound of tae nest v eg. tai-ie it it ere. 1 : vea. with . I , - . .-ti . it . the I. -times ol P. das: .Ulii iOi.l Ii'oii.itnd i is he liiOt (hi ctnal of ail relileoit s for si'Vof uliii!-:. !';i.''.':!'i o, or oioo.i tlis-ei-ssfu! and cer j orders. Fni foriuly s'.ie ! tiiin in its remedial effects, it produces rapid, and complete cures of ;-ci'of:ihi, S-uvi. Ih.il. Humors, P::e.',.!es, Erup tions. Shin Di-'iatses end all disorders tones ui. the system, restores a;..l id e- S;'rv: s ,:;" head Si, and itn parts vi ,,- reel eiiei-y. i-or lorty v.-.-r.-s ti een in extensivi; us--, an i is to- ! as i most available nr-dicim. or ta jug s;c:.g i-veryvv of re. Fon sale bv ai.i. Df.al.. " It .ei.e f t its weak, it -"r.e:s.a a.l .'. aaei 1 Fhrot.it; iiii'i paiiii'u! ,li". .-cs cried w i1'"!...:! ' ,. . , . , . , , ...... t I 'eticn... i'-e.'c.r:.' i.eils hu-I ,.. ...r :;p;ie.,ia-es. aa a a.. a: t a. an, an I now to rami, t a.- e, ;(- 1:11, c from tiie saarto'ts. Boos. wUh f-.!i 1. .-H- all p.,:"i"- ' i:i;U v. i-,.,) f- ' Galvanic; Co.. i I . .. , , ... .. ' A. '.die lu.v .v hi.ii - aeia.n.ai. O. Isyi-;gt. Air -Three F.'teet .Mice. Ttirve t h ao.s tad re. ts : Tin ee t Let. -and rats ! iii.ee in.. u -and reas ! See !:.ov they tain ; tniak vviiat they c"t .'Oi 1 01, s 10 i- i'.t. !'f-',.. 1 r . - 1 1 ',. sm-r t:.c .a -n.'.-.s wife ; 1 r. ,xt.'.!.' -'.' I';:I '"' 'iseic-s ittnle, ;;y . eH1, . ti.,.M. ,.m!..,:tl ( , .st!i ))f .,. .,. 15v giving tUrm"L'.'ntnuiaf Hat Ex- U-n.ihtatnrr th safest ami most ,-er- ; ti,,M 'at Lx-ermitiiitor m the world. it T. ! . oi coin .utuite.iiy - T f .;.! ,.,ai,.r ,JV,; j po-t fim your premises and kill them 1 as they travel, thus lea via no telltale I 'lead rat to warn others from rating ; v cllteuni.-.I Kat iAli'i'min:!-.oi'. i till 84tf Box iOO, Ft. ilaUison Iowa. Choice, l.V Selecting V ' 1' - "'T "X p-Stpabl on ! , ,el petittt.nVn .,r before Monday the o,,U . blv v, . eu... ' ' - lee.';.' .a .-. . s-.:j i-r 1 f v.-.- . -.f fh.ii.inWf i n ie. ,,oi,Uci n,..iii, :fi r-. v ' "'', de -ed. .ids ; to s.o isfy a t.id.-tiicin. . t;i mr.hh-ts and ;r-., rot now, before the T,.I;,y(. ., " I he taken as trueandjud-me.,t ren.lere.l -a, -cord- ! b. i - . - a iV 1 1 ! 0 rt" L'J -u-il"'s eeii. : v. ill mailed free Fana far Sale, A , nm.d f miI of 1J0 S1(.ro, for no.'ir hi,;ut .Vi tirov. C:-.ss Cmm.y. Sc. 1 he ' Vr,,tl,l;i;' ' k w ''v' I ' ' ; f. , t i;.. la,;:;!'? rJ t-ie J-r.w..;-. "'' I . C.')vw'T'?T ."'tV 1 T An olil pliicin rs'tiivd from active iiraci;, lavl::js l.a.l i.laeo.l la hi hauls hj a:i E:ist la- 1 ,liau iv:i.i:virv ih funm..:! .f .'iNii.!' it v';.'.t:i - i j - iiio ii:ieoy lor uu; t-peciiy ana p"iim-.iieii curt of CoLsutuj.Jioii, r.roiicl;iU.s, t'atarrli. Asthma, and all Throat aa;l hun. ar:cc;ior.s. h'.ho a tiosi t'.vc and ra'lieal -'.nt for U'i.etal Dehilily a yd a'! net vons coaip'.c.ints, a'icr having tin. roughly tci-tcd its wiaidciful curative powers in thous ands of cases, feels it Lis duty to make it known tc his suaeririij fellows. The recipe will he sent free of cli.irp, to all who desire it, iit'A oi ii ctioii.s f. r prciuiriii ' aud sueeesi-fii'.ly u-itv. Address witli fi!;:!i!, miiiiiiiL: tl.is iviper i,r r '",!. C. Stotie.-Il Nort'i Ninth Stiecf, Fhii-h-Jphhi Fa. yii.i'i T3A7AR-RH.i a In I tioofctor lOcecU I bad it 3-1 yearn; cured mysiilr ts civet, fu'l p-ir- Uculars. Dit-CK-CYKKS, 122 E. Madlsoa tt CUcao. ill. "1 Wi' FA UMEiiH ATTFXTIOX.' J ulius Pepnerberg, Cigar Manufac- turer, on Main St., Plattsinout!;. Xeo. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes, i 1 Fur i.r.'e. P.estiiuaIitie.;of piiig-smok- , , , . . . ... ;.ng tooacco aiw.tvs on hand. J-tf. :iew Go ads at Scklatera. Joseph Sclilater, tiie Jeweller, has gone into a new and extensive line of goods in addition to his usual Jewelry Stock. His stoic is I'd led with new and bear.t:fnl goods of varioiio kinds. BESIDES his new stock of Watches, Clocks iind Jewelry, Silver Ware, the la st in the market. - II." 11.. s . Spectach;, pocket knives, Purses; Chi na and Pahemiau Ware; Musical In struments, Strings and .Music Looks. Children's toy Wagons Hobby horses, &c, and a host of kitick nacks and cu rious toys for holiday presents for children's amusement; Ihrd Cages, Cent's Canes, Umbrelas and a large line of new goods in every branch of the business. (Five- him a call Jos. Sen latch. Sltf Main St. Pl.ittsmouth. LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriffs Saio. F.'-vir'.ne of an otdwr of sale it-sned ly Win. L. Velii-, Cler'K of tiie District Co.iri. 'ill .1 n.iici.d District, w itti'.n and for Cass County, Ne'.rai ka, and to ine ,li: cctcd. 1 uid .i liie 'Jp.li day ot D cctahi r, A.J). I sTt. at in o'clock, a. in., ot s:iit day, at tic s-vtili iloe.r of the Com l lioe.ve, in tiie CltJ' of I'laOsinonth, ia rfaitl county. S' t: at pulilii; miction liie following l'c.tl t s.ate,to- 11 : Lot Twelf tl-i ia IdocK c:;,'tiiec!i 1:1 the .'!'. v 01 i ii. is'iionta, Cass Ciii.tV, Nebraska. Tiie s uae Lcimr levied nnoa an 1 taken a- tiie pro;t ei 1 v 01 .lames 11. Dick ;.nd 71 .iri;ari t C. D.cc. liei'. aaaie..- : lo iatis'y a jadinetit oi .-e.e.i Ccari. ivc.vered by ..! a bie.o.;, pi.auti.;'. I'iallsinouiii, Nth., Nov. Ji-i, A. I). 1:C7. 'Til7, ' 7-5. 1: CJTI.KU. Slit lie. T.c.rvol f.Tnf ISOtlCG. In the mutter ot tho tsfit ' of S oni'.el j':iy d-cea-ed. iiei ii o Win. il. Ncv. t i', L'oiaay ati.ije in aa l for Cass Cianty. To ir'to.n it miy evrtrern: Not if .J Is lit I. iiy jei veil that Oliver S. May low 11 led an .tpp.ic.ilioli .11 itie County l.oiirt. in aitd tor c-i.-.s t Vitaty. :et.. to have V. li. 11. an . :e , .iee--t :n! ra : or of It:. e-tt.lt of . j rg.i.oK . .e. a-. .0..: :;:'' can M se. i-. r I Fi.l.t-ucuait s:t t.:e Uta i:i..' o' D -cleaeer, I-.";. 1 at ;; yh-ri p m sa'-r-i.- y, at w.aca o...c i ,o.d i-eeec ail .' is..:..- iiaeicsi -a r.av tip ir :..,.;: c;..u.-.-. ..'.;. y ln- ;...v.-. way I'i . .-aid a . .etaai.: e 1 a. or or s,.ei i.us cist e.y ot 7..0C ill (. t h, Nfi). - a Wo. re .nuer, it. i ). ti. ., .a rail Co. Sale. t j.y ;.. of f:ii coe-r ; 1" s-.t.- I- en d tiy V.'e ..ii .ct v i.ari.'.'d .. t.aic:. 1 . 1 en:;: v. :r 1 .. ... '! i i.c .--i -i e . ,ti 1; 1 : -; oVei.-:.. a. ;a . of .s.i .1 ,ae ('.a. 11 ii'.e.-e. t :. ia s-iid 1 oli.il . - i' : ,:n i . i.l 1 si .. ic, lo-v. ii I.. . I .S. I 11 i f. I i . i ..'!, V. il .1.1 t;.!.i a.r'.".l. V. 1 la. . ' . at o.c see. a d. i'ny .e' i'i:.". t Jei tl-: .. a : toil it: ' ; ii a . -1 1 o"o i ': a l 1 : i ; . 1 ! I".'. . eh 1 '. ( i ! ) ra: nice .". .!! oi iheiei! F. .-I . ia Caa !v . Ne.iie.s-. a. i:c s oae a i.e; le. t-d epa;, .eel .atati as (he . aeerty of .l.aei . ( :a..-. .-.o' '!! Case, aad it. . . i. vi-is, .1 eieia' a.::: - ; t' .ii :.."' a jial- itei; 1 oi sael Ctaaa. 1 -cytrltat by hid. J. 1. 111. tel. i'iai:si...iu'h. Nth.. Nov. 23. A. I). H77. .::a M. B. CL'iLi.t: Mit' iiT. OilOs. lit U i-vlis. Bv virt'.ie id :i exei.'iitiiai i.-.ait: I by W.11. It. Ni-'.Vtil, Ct.ii.ay .lii.i--', wuliai and" for Ca -Coa:.!v. Neiu,-.:,a. ai.i :n 'n.- .1 reel.' j.. 1 win 1 11 til" day a 1 leeelllbi f, A. 7). 177, tit 10 o'c:i"'i. a. t il. of sai l cay. at lee rei;!eee" of Jo nn: iiai. '..'.;;;. on sec! :.i;i t w: mi - i-c, in i ipi ea jia e: ii . ! . ia Said Ceiae.y. si-ii at ;.h!ie aueoaa li:e f.it'o . 'i-.i-j, per-.ia.ai prop.-i tj . to-v. il : c-ne tiio ta coin reed t.ao ia wiae taa-. iatie. iae sa t-.c b; tiip lev icil upon :.i:d I ui.t-a s tl.e piap- :ta sua ion vU.er.-tu a.u.atuan Ball and Aiii.i.1 '( OS ! U tii'letuhlt.ls ; l. satUtv jndtjale..t .i' s.,i.t cuui-i. ivcovi'.v.t by .Julia J. .U.a.ny,! lahu- in- Ur .,.,M,im,th Neb., Nov. ?a,i. A. D. 1S77. ::;c M. I', ccn.i.it. swortir. ( ,'l v ot ,i..aa: aan I.:.. :, oia- 01 tie- t.CjtS'.C.iOs T,pc-pl I'-Jo1'!?- AwSt VlutVylJ. In the matter of the est i. e of Ileni y Aniisnn. decea-e'i. -lppti.af-.ii oi tiC'tai-'-i ...i! rail ts.itj; To A li'.a A iidsou. A'a-ri Ai'it-.m. and A'.aiie Ac. is. "a, us oi the c-iet" of io:vy .'at..:.::, d 'c.-.'.scd. o ; ,oe i.e : - . y .ee ate i ta;u L'i .a .t 1 D.i ,.;v. ad.eiu. it.'.., - r ... i a; - a.- ol ! Al:.i.-i:i. le,-...is.',i. ii..a ,la a. . a e- i : l:vl' . V. " a . . . . V : - : i iiiiii. ... .......... .s.i.-i . . . . . a ,. .- t .. s.e, .. :.. ... t illilj! , a as.. t late no- t ac paym if d. o ,i -la.a..; :..'an-i vii.l i-i.'i;-. i ;i, .aal e-a-. ei yo.t ,.ie t ol died to appear b. i-.o'e Ui.-e.'.rS. '. l'ouati. .liaise ol s.ti.i Court, oft ta e.iinl tl .y of t n .liitui n v i.'iiu. A. D. 1S7S, a. tee t'ntal ilo.isc'. i:i l ilieCitvof lii.iisi.ioiii a. Ciiss I'o ii.U. Ncliras- ka, aim stacv cause v. ny s ua s;..e -.loiiid lull be made, and sai.i .lcca.;e Uiautd tee-t be tiiiiUed, i: are- t here be. E. C Do V F.Y. Administrator of the estate of Henry An. Nan, deeea-ed. by acid ,:.,. S. Smuh, his Att'y. Legal Notics. VVilliaai S. Wood-', of the Stale of Missouri, wip la ,e mo! ice Thai oa tiie Hie ii 'tli day of July, IV 1 .77. V itraltn at Itevo f'lpd Ids li-litioii Oi i iu-- D.-.'rict CMuit, il .j'udi-i:tl D,trici, in and i lor iis ouuiy, Neuraska, a-.';i::st .lames ai. ii.mia. .ii..i unit v. oour , ;:iei vt ;t: aiiii n. a ii i .- 'o in : tor: ii t lott .lames v o t.is, and -da. !l ! 'U Uni,i-tb'uve !tli!Mr,;i;'f t-i the sai-t A'era t Ilea Deyoi ii the e.t-t iiai: (go of the ct.itth- ' i euirt.-;-(' t of t i.e uor: . -,a:-t rptarter ('4) : : .-ec, 11..1 7o. i hiriv-t .vo -'i.'i to.vnsh;-. iiu'.ni.er ! t -a i'e';. re.a :e No. t::'n t", i ,1 ') ea. t o'f ttie t'th i i'i i :c; pat .Meri ii.ea. to Fecare Itie iiayni ".':! of : '-gna i.e-i acoi a 1 a to a c.-r; a:a e.it e iclerr" I to ' iu .:itt tiii'.rt'ati.i, aitd 'that Winiar.i S. Woo,'.; ' V' :'1; : si"tt'' ia'co.-s; p eg of saia iau;!. wiiit'ii acipiii-c.i since the date of pljuitots ! IM,..tu':'.ee. aad pravin ; that sai.l sum i.iav be i ad wen naei it at 1 1 per cent, ti'oui .1 ill v 1'. i 1-71. id i th' Vm. S. WoiPt may be repined lo aopear and a 1 -.ver sai l pet:!i-e,. sett nuii rttl ies t Wins, if any be mav !i..vt'. before the m:j- 01 a e.iuaty, A. 1 . l -.s. A ta: n w Iikvo, bv M. L. Haywai: I) & (Jfc-o. S. :s vutu. his iitt'vs. Legal Notice. Cleir'.'s L:i7enhy. P t'ic Setie if Colorai'a. v.-iii t tlic co. i. e tii-'t Wti'.hnti Ball, of t tie Coun ty oi Ca-.s ami Slate of N. 1 ra-.tia. .U.I on the fa h day of Hctohfr. A. I. 1-7". tiie his petition in ti-.e Di-'lrict Court of Cass County anil Seite of NcPra-ka. airaiust me A mbrose Laenoy ami tile said Charles Lacn'nv, licfcndiints. setting f-'.rtli liial the eiid .left iideeas are ie I d ted t- sai.l pi ail, fid ia the sum tf ,i.';o.oi, t .'ia. r i' .1 12 p-r e-'nt. ee crest on ttie s-eaa. f :o.a 1 he Mil day of A pr i 1-7.;. ::( trdi'.i t; f he (eiu,;- .."a certain p;-..;iii-.-nrv i.eie liiade i:i v i ii i : e t -live red on thai d ae. And red the s:. :.; ..-.' tit id caused an or ier of att'iciiaa'iii ;oi-ii:.'-,, 1 ,7 said Court, on t !ic same day aensT the:". .,- -1 V of s iid defend;' n. Charles Laen iiv, a a. I ' ie .tme w:i.s on the said at ti d 'V 01 1 't-;. 1 insly. VViiaaAM Bali.. Pl'fr. 0--'tO ty "vViLirr Fott-c rjt, bit Att'y. I nt 'I ll.l.lil.ll OALL. 1 1 1 .. I SIieriiFs Sale. By v!rl tie of as execut ion Issued hy V-m. L. " '. :;: of :he i'Mwt 'curt, -d .lav-tat i 7:'.u ,!'!'" c':'(V; -!.i v ;; l", !,,,,.U;V !'J j lV a' -u? VrT.? .i I : li'.; h M l-iH.L.iih. yt y.-.-riy. s-il ;..ic. i j;;.- r.,.i..v.!!:j r.-Si c .:; I .. r - jvii: J. i:.:-. ...u.i !.,..( K o.i i.. .:( .Iv . f t:. i . ;:.(;;..- c .;i:iI V. :. i .. s O.IC L I 'in- SCVi.-l . .,,;, li-.Ucil .- S ij.C J..J. I'llV l-f 1 - , i:...n O !!;.'. i. .-icn. !::. ; L -;:;h y a ;;.! ir.-Nt f t -iia t tin t. !cMVc:i-a by i iioiii.ts l..i- - n.-ws .t r.. i.'.-i.niiT. 1 i..ii.:t;uiii, .xa., ; v. .... .. Sheriffs Sale. IV. virtue of Ut; pxrc.if ions 1-sne l l.y V. F. N. ll.-iis.n, ' rk of Ine id-trict t'ouit", wi l It i it ;id for ( ti.ic I'oimly, Xciii':A:i. and lo me tli rcc.ed, I will t.n the etii lay of Heceinlier, A. I). Istt. at 1 1 n I'i.vk. a. in., oi sai 1 day. i-t tlie 11 sid. in e of J. r.l. i 'arter, in Mi. l'lcas.uit pre-ci.-ct, ill !.! t'oe.nty. s.-ii ;;t. pninie unction t:ie f" !.!. i:;'; j I'.opcrty. t'.-.;; : Dae lot ..I - . lh.. r;.M .. . r'-r. f ,:.. . ...! ! Pico 1-V J. :.l. .U'icr. siipiH'Scil lo l.f Ci: V acres 1.. ,11c u: ic j li" ucii. ; irt c-ii n ;;n-i l '. ...:...!...;... 1 I nirei. ai'.,- :v.-c.ji.M-ry ! .1. . arter. tt.-teinl 1 s :; -I v 1 eices i t c ...it' retro 1, '. V, i. e'er. n: -.v. 1 ."at Neh . ..v. v'J. A. D. IS 77. M. 15. C; 1 i.ia;. SlieiiiT. Bhorius Scic. F.y V.rt:. of oo-!:;i!H .a:e-? hv .Via. It. Ne.vei!. County Jn.t.T. x.iltiin and for Cass C'.u:-a ;-. cu,r,tk:i. 'iml to la.' d-aeel.l, I wilt oil the 4tli day of iJ.'ceial.er A. 1. 1.--77. at'l.' n'cloek Pi., of s: i'l iiav. at lac 1 cit:ei,ce of V in. j (,,';., hi Stove. Co c pici.ic;. in said Count v. sell a pe.litic .v.ici ;,,a tin: foili.u ii.;; personal property i-w!t : Trie corn nnvii on liie l.irni ;. tio-ed I'V Win. Onniv.. and ftl-o itic corticrio- i.l land. O' It re is ...ie.ove: . iie ',;'" " "l '" ''," i;''' ": !c o, x !. i. d ni'"ii a ml tMiit'.i as I he proper: v of . 1.1 . , .;.i!i. , .n.iiirii ;i j ii' ; z. ' ; tel. of .said t'.na t. lv-overcd hy .tthti If'itzeialdiir.d e.lso Li e l.y C. . MeCiirmic!; & Co.. ptai airs, r.tnl Win. il. i;ee.t and S '.11. ie.iua aoj dcicii.t- il'!l. Ftattsiisoat li, N'c'a., Mr.v. -1. . 1. 177. S"a-' -'. Ji. (. I'Tl.t.i:, siicri.'T. Shciiffs ale. I'.y va tr.e ; f :mi cx"cn'i i!i i-::ed hv V.'m. If. Nc'.r.i, t'tiniov .lit.l to. v.i ioi :e.,i f r Ct'vs County. Nelo slet, ; n. ( 1,, me :i:'cet"tl. I wiii on t tie i'. fi da v of ! ) cciche. a. IV IS. 7. at ..'chu !; 1. 111., of s::M it :y. tl: !'.: f Wot.M. beck, in V.'p.'pir : V, ao-i ! .a 1:11 . ia a,-, i ii.i'i- tv. ..!! ai nai. ic ' : it lo.-.j.. ' ii 'isciial 1:ropert-. so--.:' : i ', : a :: i ri. aa.i the r.mi s!:i:.l:, ;'.i: 'lc t .o't 1 ' : :.e -. i'i Wei. II. Loci- , ia sai.l pi. ci..-r. 1 c ii. i.isr levied i'.;on ai.tl r : t. . : :n .tic p-'op.-iiy of Win. 11. F.eck one of toe 1 l.-iene aa '. ia ;m act Ion v teeic i i t!l sac.i '.Vat. Ii. feck aad Writ, t'aiiei are .Ii fen'i:!!i. . : t., p ag;.. n jieiue: en i o .said Caart rcceverc.i l.y ('. It. .'! ,,n..i' k x I'.t-o. j,'aia::f. iaaioaioaih, Neb., Nov. els... A. ). 177. ::.ii :i. B. CtTLKK. Siien:7. Leffal Notice. To C!nnh.4 A. Mctlrann: Von are hereby not itied tle. Ti:Ii:i A. Meat man lias filed iter petition in the District Court, ill tiie Count y t-.i I :im and State of Ncln :iK t. a'iain-t you, the oi'jt ct of caitl petiM oi bcia tiiar stt"ma v be divoi'. cd from jon. Sle? here by ,i t ctase of said snit, ilfnU tl -seriion and nb-eiice, and faiinre 10 provide for lier j.. (e -r p: .eec' iuti, iaainteiiaee and si:;i p.iit. Von arc h. i iiy noi;!jed to iin..T "aoi pelition 00 or Iicfoi'e the 'jd day of t li. .1 maarv term, A. D. Is7.i. Fot'aion .1 Nov. 17, A. 1). 177. .Il'l.! A A. M r M.MAX. u7.-U l.y J. It. MoattisoN. lier Att'v. Le.erai Notice. Sta'o of N'c'a'- s'i.a Ctss rotiitty. To John N'-u ton ;.U" i.f .said County yo'.i nr'e herehy no tifiec' 1 hat do!. a r.'.ack has this .iav filed his pe tttioa in tho District Court for" sai I Countv .i:iinu the Court for a (ic rce In sell liie la is (ha ia li.cd in a mol t - a'e ej vca hy you to him ami to see i-e'y a note t f ha lei ccconipaniie; said nior'Lraue ilea 1 I ,'at.e ulsr. Is;... yo;t are le're'-v icteieii to 1 aake a !el-nsc according !: Ihu O!o'. isnan ,,f j la' si at 11 jc oi. a dcciee vv id he ten th red bv tlciaitlt. l i aiseivia-h, Neii, Novcaiher CI-1. 1 .77. ii-ii-4 M. (Ia-Tiiv. A'toMicy for Fiaielifr. 'i l'l '" 0 i ' . til S A tlit r.y viittie tg ii'-i rder f-f :. hy Win. L. V-'.-os l '.-!:. of 1 ec Dtstri-'t Ct ii. i, v. iiiiiti ai.tl !'..!' (as- c.eeity. 7( bra .tia. ae.d t.. lie i.iireetfd I v. ill. ell ihe lull! i'; J i f Deecmlit r. A. D. Is77. ,".t. I'i i.'i'lw-' p. ic. !' a.. UI day. at the fintii door of ti. 1 Cie.trt iioii.se in tiie" city of Flatts 1 at 1 ut h in said ( o'.iai y, sc!i at public and ion the ft.Iiov.it.'x real est; t lo-v it : The sotitlt west tjiiam-ris .v ' ) ef ; he ou! e. v, tvl tpiatler is v .. 1 of s i ... t ai t 1; ta.i ia '.own 1 1 rona of r;'.ee;e 1! ta.ft ol (. '.: i.. .as.) he sol. ill e.t.-i eeai i-r . - e ' 1 -, of 1 lie son 1 Ii ea-1 i aart rr ; s e 'a 1 i.l t lo; otcltof i'e.e s...i:n wst tptart-r l.s w ')of s. c ; ae. ..-.vniv t ,. a, ,) mv. a r we I c nor. !i of ran re 1 e,,-' td ,st 1. ei., tin s..nif licin levied upon ea! t -.kea as ihept ..p-ny t.i'.lohn iiartitiiit! t'm.t Sarah I lur: an. a 'i i-inl :iti' ; t r iy a ju.lu eeaa I'i -. ia . ..orr. rece. -e-.-'l i-v r.::a s! :.ei' ie - a .1 a . . e h. a :ii;iv. i'hii 1 1 ai's. . Fiatis:...!,..:,, S. i)., Nov'. 7. A . 1 . is. -7. '.-i 5 !. ii. '. L !'L !-.!!, S'lclirT. e- v.r' if ns ! - Itcd III. II. t oe.ii cot a i:: and fo.- Chss C. iea v. Nchra-k-i. an-! to c d rcca a, I w ill . .11 t le l;.i day at D.-e-ath-r. . D. D-til tao'ceicK a. in. o! svi ! day. ;;t tie- r 'i.b'ece of .John IM-cr-ti'ti't'-r. 1 s ! eer.vi .i precinct, Cass couatv'. pu' .;.- ii..-,':i ttif f ahovv mir .: aaii prop-ny. lo-v.i:: The e-ira in t he aod ;gr;?;::u!e;S same : in'-T lev leu ii' iai a:a. la..-n as the prop c.'C fdabll Ivii'lie'rlrr. llOi'Inl.illl ; o tatity e. jua.iiieii: of said Court, recovered by C. II. .M-eCort'ik't: Bro.. plainiiii . " Fiau."' arnlh, .Vcti., Nov. vl. A. I"). U77. e".J . Tvl. Jl, Cl'TI.KK, SjitM'I'T. soorjfr.q Solo Bv vtrltif of tui orth-r of e:. i-si:ed by V: 1 L. Weds. Cteik of lh- Coin :, cd diaii- 1 cial i-i-iie a, vviiaia r.ad for Ca.vs Coai.ty, i.e:;;,K;:. ;...d to -ae il'i'i -r; a. I '' id 0:1 tiie Ctth ! i i.-ece.iier. .V. D. s.i at . 1 o ce;i :;, a. in. :i .1 .r ..:' i e.e 'oiti t. 1 ileus:.. ;a lie. city of J'jAtfen.mtii. Nt-hra-ka. ::i s..id C.naay. sell :.t p.ihiic ai:c: ton .t hi fol-io-'. ice.r re.,1 e; tale to-wit: Conita. ucmi; iit a p-'k.t i -C7 O.i'l iv,'.- II-' a : it of the Soiit !i ca -it Corn er of ; le' west le if of the sen1 h we -r pi tr: er of s.. i-:ioa seven i7,i i-.e.vasi.ip iwe-ve ,pji iiorilt .f i .1: ec foai o-t n ( . i i .' a-t . v hien .oiu! Iiy actital :.:tivcy is BiCti icci ;. -' of tiie s,.at a-vwsl coru.'r of sal i .''Clin::, t acnee v. e-1 4' j p.ei 1 tie nee not ill c'ui I.l.i i'-'ei t , i'i'.' ee.-a. lei fee: Cicaee south j c'ti .'.:! feet to the ptjcs of I-, -.aaaii.w. enrajn- I iertvvo .'iCiTs i. rue or less, i in- r.aaie J.d!is ! IcVicl ue ana iaiit-n a- t.ie tiroi.sriv o- I . V Kiiij at.il il erie: Uir.,'. tleieit-i.-etts ; to s .tify.a jiniii.e.e at ot -ai.l Coiiii. i'eetver?-a oy L . il. 1 Vr liie:.... pl.t.n.ia. I'I .ti,,ii...tii. Xel.ri'.sh.-i. Nov. e;sr. A. D. 577. it a ". t t. li. Cl 'I LKlt, Slid ill'. fcherlU's Sale. Pa- vii- f :i:i t":.uti,'i: i.-u.- l bv Win. I.. ;s. .' .:;-. nt I Di-.-icl OoiiiT, v.'al.ia am! ,'. .- -, s : --eeii v. NePr-isk I. at: i io ni" di.-ected. . i,; till t he 'euii a, :y day ot De -ember, A. t. 1. 77. ; ! 11 oYioci;, a. in"., of sai day. a! the ui.ili am r el alii' 1'iiiiil i!.. use. in Hie (iiy oi I'I., 1 i - eiee. 1 a. ia s.ttti Ci'itut y. sell ;i t public auc t io.i t iie ioiiov. in j real c-late, to-w it : Bc'in- 1:111 ; ;il 1 ic ouarier -.-.aaia corner, on tin- 111. ri side of sec. i : sevei.t.-.-ti (17) town eievea (111 lan-Oi i.f ranee '..iiilecu il I' cast d the i,li p. ?! .. I lit: ice e-i - t 1 u vie y iC.o c!::-.iiis t tie nee seat 11 twen! y-foe.r ic'4 cliatrs ti.ia.ee c.csi t ve:io,' yj- i-itniii- 1 hence sain ii sit ecu 1 l.n chains t bence west twenty (Cid chains tlica.-c tiorili forty ( ID) chains thence cist twenty i.i: chains tii the piace of beid riiiin:r. aud cor.tainiiar 12s acres mole or le: s. and known as a pa it l Ihe Joseph S..ns farm, in lim k I'ttdT-. pretiuet in said Coun ty. The same beiii j a-vi.-d noon ami taken a tiie property ef Jt.-epit s..iis.iit of tiie licfenti aiils in ii i;; .vl.e'ein .I.i-a-pli S'.terannd .for-ej.ii Siii.-. are litl'eadai.t - : to sea lsy a jadeo cut of said ourt, recuvt'it-d bv itdtotiiid it. WooIhcv, piaiiuiif. la ie.iouth, Nth., 7ov. . A. D. 177. :i;;:5 M. 13. Ccriau:, siioriff. Legal Notice. Jos. Ciiani-icr, of tiie State of .Missotiri, Har iLon ( iiaie. ter. oi te,e Stale of Colorado, ai d the lfirs of M.oy .loiinsoa, deceased, wiii tatie ! i.al Lou el. I ia v e... oi U:a; otinl j of Cass, ui ill.' State of Ncbra-i.a. did 0:1 the eta dav of Vietol cr. A. D. Is77. liie her petition in thr Dis trict Court . '! Jit. tic i.i I 1 i.st 1 tit . vv i : bin and for l ass I entity, Ni-ii'iiii, !!j.;:iin:-t Win. il. Smith as a laiii'i.-', r.ilor fi t :ie t.ae of John 'liatnl-i-r, di . ea-c.l. Harriet liarr. Sanm.'l Ctiandier. fo. Ctiaaiib-r. liarosaii ('iniii'li r, Eti.ai.ieih Bvowi'. !:.;.- -.vido.v of .lohn 1 handler, d-eeased, V.hii. Cliaiiuter. and the lte!r of Mary Jidiason, decease.!. SCttU-.L' foittt that :-;lld .ioitii ( iiand ler rave a inort. - .'". to the said I.n M ii-hm on t ne 11 on h-e si (; 1 art cr i 'v of seel ion live tr.) iu lovvnsnip i-)cvcti . 1 ! 1 nori h of raiim- ihirt'-eii ! 1 13) easl of the lit-i r. .V!.. ia said Caut.ty oi Cass, to secure the payment of slii. o (.0. accortiiu to a cct !::ei lace r f-rred to in siii.': mori ;:;"rc. and tiiat sim e tiie eivtu- of said inort e.-eee. the ot!i cr detent; irits t-tai ai .sinic iai'-ret ja said hinds, under the -uid .lohn Cii.icdlerdeceas.il. aa.l praying tl'.at said mho may be paid with inter est, at 12 p. r tent, from 7.! at -It at ii. 1st.:, or that -:.; I pre 1 -i s may If sold to pay tie-sanie ;atid li;" .- -, t .1 I ....T.-U , !en pan Chandler, and Co tiei s.-i .',..: I'V .1 .(i:sil : . d .-.-Cil -t d. rtl c feij ,: ir- i a ; .. a .j - - : - i ,. .,-.. .-!- ie ;. U: ion on or l.c- :i AVK' iri ;..!t' -- - -...- ,'s O- 1 lo. O :. x a I 1 O :'L i Ki . 11 --.. -.. - . . , ji'.i.Mii'iiiij, ..t;'.i...iiv. .. iM,. -.y -i. CLn.rj, ii.:. I vv v'.r-.: of .in order i.f.f.V issiici hv Wi. U , iv..- , i i,. ,-,,( c... iiiei-i.-i. ...... i. w it ! nr. I : ' - 0..y ..f i . d-r. a. l. ; XZKl' 1, ! ... ,a .j,! v. .-il :.t .if..!i.- nuc'i.ci .,,,.;.,,.. -t . .,,t mV'II 1 7; ... ;;. vK f;,.., -,.t , ; : i;, Xlw fitv .f l'l.ill-- i . i ' ; v- N ..;,. Tin. ;..n In . i .. .. (i , , ,.. j ,, , , ,;, :l , f. j l;,,.,, ; i ). -, ,, ,,. , t y f i , ... .., J.!;.....,. ;ni ii'.mNl I :ii I ix of tlic ..-talc of ; wn.j,... . ... .i.r...,l-...i 1.. s .iii- ! ju",:.;,'.,t ..f'i..il 011:1. by II. A. Wa- kV ,, ,T: su t i ri tiLsmoatli. Neb.. -Nov. :. A. I. ISTT. M. 15. 1:. xr. tu, Sheriff. 3 G HATT, JEST OPENED AGAIN, JVeiP, Chun. Fimt Class Mail Shop, on Main street ia Fred Kro. hterN old stand. Ewi vootlv on hand for fresh, tender meat. csvl J ti NS jt,i,dW V B-7i iiAiibWA!::-: stop.k, In Fhittsrao'.ttli, Neh., on FtctrVa St.. about tiie M I I'D LIC OF TtlE BLOCK, j on will that : L'ri;i Z'iaalfi'K, ;i.srsd - Iiorsc) .vjis-rlntg IIivs, t:!livato rs, and nil kin Is of Fe.rm Implements and Shelf Hardware, Tin Ware, &c, tic. ALSO, Hungarian and Millet. Seed for Salo 3 -.til Subscribe for the IIekald and jVe Lruska Farmer; only 2.0.". Cood fresii milk DSLIVEBED DAILY ! AT k rrn rn' d r-.s j iuv !: i x pla tt.m octu IK TUICY WANT IT, I'.V j. f. i:2i,iJMa!-:ssTa:ii. SFA'tl IN YI.M'K OlillWS AMI I WILL TUV AND (iivi: vou -Idyl and serve you roau'.ariy. HE SUN. F.ZZ'JS YOUIv. lava. As tiie time approaches for the renewal of sulis. iiptioi.s. Till! SEN would remind i'.t friend- and we'd wisher' every a here, that it. is ttahi a candidal e for tiici,- consideration and support. Epon its record for lite past ten years it relies for a eont iiiuanee of the hearty sympa thy and jrenen. us co-operation which liaveliith erto l.e 01 extended to ii from every tpiarttr o the Union. The Iail.v Si:u is a f ar I'Tre-Hheet of 2s cot.enns. p: i:e by mail, po st J. .id, 7 7 cents a io".!Ii. or !5it..7t'f 'per year. Tho MriTi.Liy ei'itioti of Tin: St' is an elslit pae sheet of a, colitnins. White giving tin? news of the day. it iitso contain" a larjje of literary toid liiisceltaneotis matter sp'j ;h.t!y jire pared for it. Tiik Sl'.Mi AY Slav has met vvilh great sueces-". Best peid ei.J :. y ."ar. The 1VcH..lj tj;t:i. AViio d'jes not kao-.v The Wkkkly Sl'n? It circulates tiiro a-Cinat the I'niled State, the ! V .! Ninety tt.ousat.d f.ti.ii- Iie! greet its vvt hoaie paes weekly, and rt-pirtl it in the liuht of ahle. couasctbar. and friend. Its iiewi, editorial, arieai'tural ami literary de parlatents make It esseii; ia'.ty a joutnitl for tli family and tiie tirr a.le. Terms: 4n- Ooilnr a year. ) ist iciid. Tiit-t price, (pia'.ity consider ed, inakcj it tiie ; acapest ne .vspuper piihiislicj. For clubs of ttii, ith 10casii, vs witl .send an extra copy free. Ad. lo ss 3113 I'VBLiSIlEI, OF THE SUN, N. Y. City. O. F. JOHNSON, DEAI.EB IN Drugs? Medicines? AND WALL: PAPER, All Parcel-r.r Free ALSO 1 fV- H-! I J. Stationer;- J SdsiiK T ofne t 1? S'r'critio:i. Ca by an Itpcirt i:e.:;:m: con. FIFTH FLATlS e I hi BEST FARM IN neb; FOR SA Try, ! J"7,.-si -uf-t i.-J. 1 IX "VJtlil . 1 i Great Acl'anta; y yt 2 enst. 'in at, ,".'ill. . rtfe i lie I - ...a-..--., nit to r V1. .V.-KI .in '.l!. ll..-An . . . f - ' A, 1 . -,, --- . ' vr-.- -i '111 fV, 1 1.-. . . - - X V 4 1 r st A. i i I jiSioBni'.'J a UEET8 fi i i 1 I rinc ! 2 it iiyo : .'iuXiCai , i LA7AD OMMISSIONEE i i0yt LlSs An Address t: ii D' you .-.nt pr a ii" t s? '.' r I '. you w nai to eel l id of eie. lt'' Do on v a ul soml b mi; to rent 1):) Voit ant a i;r.,d :o.p.-n 1 '. Do you want to '.a t 1 id oi iiervvT 1 10 yon want eic.d tl'tic I ion .' Do oil want. 10 sleep v-.'cli .' Do ' '"l VV f to leldd 11 j. V rll Cat- lv viiu w :;nt ;t I tisk Mild ir'v'. 'J't. . It " t ott di, TAKE SIMMOT. LIVER J. H. ZE1L1N Side- pi o;u ictois l'liiiivdclpula. -Miiimoiin' Liva Tin- sTv sj..t .:? ,, hi V. n' V clef Mi U ,V;ctvA' . Inl'irioii- . ,-i': '.4 viancc, I X--l' - X 5?r ' iT VKi. . ;i"!L -'.s'Ail X hi- b at " I'lOXid.e. ed in co int lies where Liver Di-e:-val!. 1 r w 1 1.1. t a a: K A 1.1. lost. si iKitAoi'.Mi: r or tiik Lt 1 1: .. I.i. til l.A 1 K 1 11 I'i I.l V Hi AM) 1'ilKV CHILLS AND FF Hmi;s.w r.u ny.i.' .... Is eii.iiietdlv a Family Mc.lieine ; ; . i kept leatlv for iunn. leoe ri'mn't ; - an lni.it' of sie'i. uitfj and ni.oiy a do'. laid doctors' hiils. After over Foity Years' ti ial it i,s -iim th" most nmpial il'.e.l i.si iiniitiat-' ' t lies from persons of t lie liiifl.esl it . . icspoiiMhiiiiy. Euiiiiciil pliy.siv...:e . . il a the rau.-i, 1: r rmm : I s cs: s - ? ; FOB CONST 1 1" TIOX. UFA D ACM it 1 Tlllt SMol "I.DKIi.x DIZIM SS. mi ACi. 11 ) I AS1 K IN I lilt .i(H 1 II. . ATI AC ICS. FAI.II lATION ii ' II1K . FAIN IN TDK hECtoM F 1ME I ' D.fc ! VI 'KM V. Le)t AND 1" i K'viL: ALL OF WHICH Oi t'si'UlNit or A DiogA.iLD Ll. I. cot.if i- ii s :?ii:NJ. For cli'.lilvcit cotnplailitntf o: colic, headache, or sick slonntci 11 t e ispeou 1 ei or luoie Hiil tic. relief. Citihlreii. as w ell as aiiuli eat sometimes too luueli snppe; or eat somclhiii'i liicli does not li'rit vt'll. proibieiuy:sor,rstoHt ai h, heart tuiri, or rest 'essness a t-ood dose of Liver jiemdaloi vviie;ve relief, 'litis aiijias lo pultons of ail a;;es It is tin: chciiphit. Jiurest aiel In st i-am;)? MciliVine lit Ihe v, o -dl I IT JI.l.W 'SO V.H'A1j. Thousands lead in isei'sd.Io livs. fOvfTerful dv.sncpsia. a disorderctl rUniia -h an l li.l tlucin-4 hi'liolisiics-.. heart burn, o.nli .-' wcaivticss in cut:!, ir ajipelile, low spirits, food afler cal in,'.', and oflen emlia 111 f tac!. of fever. I '.ieyknovv they ate i-it Kid little sympatiiy. 'the iinfailiiiM ion pvev.'iit thci-e iittiietio.is Hint teslore le: ' SlMSioNa Livi:a F.ta.l LAion. S!AM"l-"Acrt'i:KI) OSI.V BV . 1I.ZEILIN d- CO FH I LA DELPHI A. I .Thick, SLoo. Sold by all Inntists. s. t- . t.- .. , .... I .. I ' . W. D. JOKES' NEW LIVELY STAIi PLATTSMoUTH, XL 15. The old r.ONNFF. STAFLES n.H: Neb., have iicen leasetl l.y Dr. .lones. - a has opened a new and handseia lively wcil known barn. The fiiict stud best o . . aiiii t ai iiai-.. .ii ui s i can y 1 1. i.-i . SADDLE HOUSES CHIMP. lorses kept for S: or to Trade. IIOLSES TI1AIXED AND 35110 ALSO I tlesire to the notice that I have . '. handsome liricK barn, w itn plenty of r. '' horses itml wnaotm. lean put fan in i an I wupitis. loads of grain or any! bin;; ... dercovir.il Ihe dry. Ueiueuuaer this. '1 hanking all my old pa! i nns for I le i . favors. I solicit tii.-ir trade t ids coiuiti satisfied I call accommodate litem beltei better hy tlu-ia than ever beh-ire. SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEET OU aVtTv-XZTsT STRTillcV Eii.st d Battle Valley House. THE OLDEST LIVERY STABLI Inthe Town. Good Teams Always on llatu. Careful Drivers soiit vith c;-. riages if desired. Canltee-; sent to Depot to meet all It,-wheiicvt-r oidcitil. THE ONLY HEARSE IN TOWN. Funerals attended and carriaires fiiniisi.fd liietids. Address, J. W. SHANNON. -12-Iy PthUt 'moutli. Net GEO. Y.YIUSSEIS, i elacliiii Jt. an ol.l tllaltfr aud Iiuu j ucr of Iliri'shlns ."lacliines, ! has opened a shop on Sixth Si rect near Mr. Don i eby's Black sniti li and W imoii Shop whei e lie h;.? jiieoaicti hi in - a to do ray anil a I! machine yvoi!: witln.iit cM'ept ion. Delia-a No. 1 Lalbe car I urn in wood, ii on. Steele, and ail 01 her 1 eta! ie connection wih ni.'irhii.c -.oi I;, lie can t !l iilf; ret nil e.l ii: ;i eiie-i" ;-1 . ' '' loai -, mill. Ol' VV !; It'll V . . ' ; , . . - , te'ee 1 1 1 at . ii each i.c-.l'T tt.i't .: :' .o.c t o or t 1: . I.e.. is at once ; e :l i.f j ac a;;u.. -r. ! r i .cm. W. Slu m. or a l::aiu-r i:'':'i !.o- I.h.lTs .an olil ac.piaiutiii.ee of Mr. in!i i i : 1 1 V nei ia can be rcfeled lo in 1 ..;:: ! 1.1 .0- fo, : 1 : ci n ncci ion with il.' in 1 11 ul... i 0 .' of 1 iT " si: , u . ti.a cliines. ( iiva Mr. K ;ie f .-a e 11 .a i .-ill insure you satisfactory W01K oe any pail ol a Tltresd 111 Machine. a-i-iuG. of; PLATTE VALLEY HOUSE j JOII.V Ii"W, Propi lelor. ! '123 1: OL 51CMACit,t: ICOlaSK.' ! Good acconimodiitions for Fe.inicrs t and the traveling public. Hoard .'?1 per day. Meals 25c. Fntirely refitted and re-furnished, and farmers are n quest ed to call and get 3 meals and Jx-d for ; SLOO. Sir.'J U w f . a - f -v For Tliroit, Ltnjc. Asthma, r.nd E iUsf a. or niiKFhuun FJ ir;iru. u... u-ii, rjuu, Iruci.iiw, unci A -iij rr-A. oiS'x-i Ttiroftt, i7c.iif.. Li.", TitLanrj CjugU eixt I'unli.ua liie ii.-tuU.. forest Tay SaSve, 8 a.n-lor l .a 1. ill fi.'-.u U r 3 ul tl'S a - ... ... ... V c-r t nswa uarc?,M,t itixtan, bla Diseases tl.e loilct enu xiiUi. forest Tas inhalers, I or InLa!ii.3 for CatarrU, Ccnua:ptIoD. Atittmi. X'or Sale by all Jiru'jlsta. J. C CHAMBERS, Mauiifactiirer of attd l". alerin Jfci -fcl icS. H ADDLE 8. COLLARS, HALTERS, ETC., ETC., ETC. REPAIRING Done with Noatnos Dkp ' ''i The only jd x" i;i t.'. A .-i where 'i'lirtet .at Cut .ec; a.lJt;t.Uib!u t.oie,e eollar Hi- ..'. ." I r i I s 0 iT6