Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 15, 1877, Image 3

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T II i: U ERA LI).
B. & M. U. KJCime Table;
Corr-'ted Wednesday, October 31, 1877
Ler.ves b :i - a. i. Arrives 8 & a. m.
p. in. 3:16 p. m.
I.mvcs 9 t0. a. m. Arrives 10 :-i a. in.
C r.00 p. in. 7 :15 p. lu.
leaves njtitsmo!itIi 9 :i0 ti. m. Arrives Lin
coln. Iii r p. in. ; Arrives Kearney, 8 :21 p. m.
lii i-!it le.tveift :lo a. in. Ar. Lincoln I :20 p.m.
le aves Kearney, 6 :40 i. in. Thrives Lincoln,
12 Z !. in. Arrives 3 :10 p. in
r : i Lincoln 11 :U5 a. in. Arrives
1 1 it: -.u .u!i, 1 :tt5 p. ni.
I'th r, :ir a. in.
1 ; r. i train each day) 3 :" p. m., except
S-iti i -.-v. I very lliinl Salunlav a train con
torts al !!.!- usual time. -
Any man mac can t nut u littl !
simple block together, we have our
opinion of.
Macoy Lodge meets Friday Eve
ning (to-morrow) and a full attendance
is requested as matters of importance
will be brought up.
Mr. Henry Kirkliain offers his farm
for bale, near Eight Mile Grove. It is
a good farm and can no doubt be bought
cheap. We hope Mr. K. may find a
good purchaser. lie needs it.
Fancj Dress Sociable.
The Ladies of St.Luke'3 Guild, Epis
copal, will give a sociable at the house
of Mrs. A. F. Skinner on Thursday,
Xov. 22, when as many as can are re
quested to appear in fancy dress. Kec
itations will also be given in costume,
and an effort made to render the eve
ning a pleasant one.
ThankssiTingEall. I aw b.u Hgrala j QhorifTo Q-nla
There will be a Thanksgiving Bull ' :u,f rfa'3.v Pt up aid tl uk stoves ' CUwllu
triven at T'il -.ri M T r-11 r,n Tim-t-c ; .liul Clean Cum-.aeys and do it all ill - Fy virtue or ii order of sale Issti-.I In-Wr.). L.
gntnat l I1...I on Idlf-v the very ,)psl aml satisfactory """ "'"tnr-t :;n. within and
day Evening. Xov. 23th. 1S17. ma.iner.- Trice, 50 cents a story. ' iK'i''llr'V::
(granfc) (0f;enb(g! AM. Aawwtoti8iek:
v-vJ ' ' J, ft"K",,,-UI . l,i y-.u w..m ., ,,..i.fv th j vst-!i.?
A-Ap App-Appl-Apple-Apples at
1 on can save a laie ptr cent of
your corn crop by reading "Three Wind
Mice," and following advice. SI t f
L A it T II (U A K E!
Choice and fresh cocoanuts, chest
nuts, Messina lemons, raisins, figs. &c.
! at the P. O. News Depot.
scare at the High School!
The Hank rather Mink)!
c slop tl:c j ie?s to announce the
si . i .i ' an cai tliquake to-day, a few
i.: i.'.f i! s b.'l'uic ni. It was" felt tiie
-t::i..- 1 h of Main Street, rattled up
tli i( !.t iv in stores and shook the
l oii.i s ii.'.itiii in the drug stores.
'i '):( ! a:,k building, the Watchman
::i , ai'd ih. High School building
v.ric .t!I s!::;kc:i violently.. The Kfliol
ais ..t tin- High Si liuol crowded to the
dooi s. and many were scratched more
r 1 in trying to get out. Mr. Mc
Latighlin and Mr. Cushing thought the
ban!: !;iiiMi!ig was cuming down over
t In i r J.i :;:!. Can. O'Rourke, being an
'M - I li'-r. lan'!i 1 at tlie boys and
; ' ' jii'in.d. 'I lie High School
bii-i is repoited cracked two stor-
s. i;i. V, lvker says we must repent
of !;:- sins lu re. Do says it's owing
to tin-l tt' iler.ioci a'.ic victories. The
1I::::a.i tliinks i!s an Independent
move v. lift her allied to the (Ireenback
wave or not, the shock did not develop.
A good s'out boy with a fa:r edu
tati.;i and goo 1 common sense. to
lvi:n the I. i inters' tiade at this oflice.
I have secured the sale of the mag
nificent Geo. Steck Co. piano, and al-
Ilorse Thieves.
A horse thief stole one of Mr. Gold
ing's horses Tuesday night. The ani
mal was in charge of C. Ileisel, who was
working him, and is a sorrel mare, 4
years old, white slip in faee, and whit
ish spots on right side. We hope the
thief may be caught and dealt with ac
cording to his deserts.
Ilobert Sherwood is getting up
quite a reputation as a boot maker.
Several pairs of new, handsome, wide
soled, broad-toed "fellows" have been
turned out of his shop this fall that
are just stunners. They do say that
when Harvey Sage conies along with
his new, broad toes, small folk had bet-
JIEXTS. John Fitzgerald, M. O'Conner,
P. H. Mahoney, Win. Neville.
11. R. Livingston, J. W. Marshall,
-Tohn O'Kourke. J. P. Young,
W. L. Wells, Jius. Grace.
Ilefreshments will be served at the
First National liakery, for all persons
wishing t lie same.
Best of Music engaged for this snoc-
c-ial occasion. A general invitation is
extended to all. '
CilABLEX Duowx.
at one oYInfk p. hi. of tiav. at the ii;:',i !
ll'inrnf t'jcri.iiri Hiw, iiillu'Viv . l'ittt-;- I
. I'M'Ut in s:m t'.i,;:iv, wii at,; nii'-.rri
I lis? ;:litiv :::t re it ,-.;aii.. m-y. i: : ' tie a.t Ji.:f j
x or gianuc.M Oai'gaiilS ever known oe n..;ui-easi .jtftru'i- tTit-'ilor sectieii
in this town can be had for the next (i0 VtfXWW
UaS III CiOthing. Jjoots and shoos in- tuken as tiie nnij.. it uf tiiailcs H. Waiui iji; I
Cludillg a Sllperli Stock of la.lie. and E. L.-ine, deleuaaiits ; to saUsiy a jji.i.-.iut-i.t !
,.l.;i.I,...o .1..: i.:,.. 7. l1"' rn-oenu uy C':ai.-s 1.. lieck. I
-' o ruor w men in :e sold clear pia!: i:Li.
nowi) fur o:is!i. Such bargain er. I'iatioinyutls, Neb.. Nov. i. A. I), l
L'ever known before, at adelm tn's
clothing emporium.
1. P.., Sheritf.
Nothing short of unmistakable benc-
Slierilfs Sale.
A yFifiiiAiua
On Vint UMnl 1. 1 Li t rlil of hi. irmwiirtr. ?
lo you unlit s la.ctl.liiji t tret.t:.Mi your
! lo yon m a -.d apjj'tlie?
I'o ni v.r.rr to r'l f tierTcCSaCMlf
1 M'li wiii p.pil i'.:-;h ii-.'
I 1 'o i.:t w:t i. li?
I 1 in vim mi i 1 ' i t uit 1 i ,i vonr etii il i"f iou '.'
j I;i jn.i Viiiii a iui , .ml! ! v ; ' .! f'.olii :'
It you ik,
! T A K H
; szrni:o:isrs'
s I. i;illol). aiiiiiiiKir:itrK of lile est.toj or ,' Tvit dnnrin
11. E. Ellisiiit, deceased, !cf-iilaut ; ti satw'y a 1 iJk j vIOVvliS,
judgment of .-ai.l ( oiut, leco eft t ! 11. A. Wa
terman Son. plaiiuii.s.
l'iaatMiiimt'l, Net)., .v. i:, A. I). 1S77.
M. 15. C'Cri.b.K. Siierirf.
so the Ilallet & Cumston piano, both I ter keep clear and give him the pave
of which I can sell at very low prices.
Jam Ea Pettee,
Dealer in Musical Instruments.
Lost, on Tuesday Nov. Cth, 1877, be
tween Camp Creek and Stove Creek,
a roll of money. The finder will be
liberally rewarded by leaving it at my
residence on Camp Creek.
t-" Ciias. Hicks.
KERN near Pattrnonth. Caw Co.. Neb.. Xov.
Ci li. 1877. of typhoid fever. Wklthki;. son of
Jonathan and Mary Keuv, aged 21 year?, 7
iiioiitlis and 1 day.
Farm for Sale.
A well iiiipiove.i faihi of p;y arrei for sale.
near llinlit Mile llr.ive. Cass Coimrv. Xeli. Tlie
iiiiprovemeiit.s eon.sist f l'J5aTes uiidereulliva
tlon. uooil lumse and oiitlniildiutrs. and a line
grove of tinilier. Kor ft'.rtlier partiirular.s ;i:piy
to Willert I'otten-er. at riatt-inoiuli : or. ib-u-ry
Kirkliain, on the premise-. :;tii!3
Le.;ai Hot ice.
Vhat's the matter with the City
Marshal:' Isn't there any law or ordin
ance, or anything against turning ev
ery kind of brute known to civilization,
loose in the streets?
Here's your nice winter apples at F.
S. White's, just come in. By the cai
Mr. Fred Elster, a long time resi
dent of this place, died on Monday
morning after a long illness. An at
tack of paralysis disabled hiiii from
following his business some time ago,
and at last has carried him to his long
home. He was a soldier in the Union
Army; one by one the heroes of that
great war are passing away.
cons u m pti on run F. I).
An old p!iyL- iati retired from active praei ice.
liavitiji had placed in by bands by an Ka In
dian missionary the formula of a stni( 1c vegeta
ble remedy tot the epeedy and p'riiiaiieiit cure
of Cousuwption, Bronchitis, 'Catarrh, Asthma,
and all Throat and Lung affect bins. aii-D a posi
tive ami radical rare for General Debility and
all nervous complaints, after having tlioio::l:!y
tci-ted its wonderful curative powi i s iu thous
ands of cases, feels it bis duty to make it known
tc bis Kiiftei-injr fellows. The rt'; :pj will be sent
free of charge, to all who '.- ;e it, with full c!i
rections for preparing and . successfully i;.--iiiit.
Address with stamp, nainiat: this paper. Dr. .T,
C. Stone, 41 Noitii Niuth Street, l'MIadelpliia,
Ba. r.lmfl
Bv virtue of aa order of sale issued bv Win. L.
fits conferred upon tens of thousand : for Ci.'si County. .e!r;,-ha. and tu'iae diivcied.
of suir-rers could originate and main- I .''''l -- .-!';'viul' "r-,A-. li7'-
..!. t!. .. . , , , ! at ten o clock a. in.. t ;;d d tv. at l!ie s-nitli
tain til? leplltatlon Wnicll AykBSAU- ; .ioon f th.- four. House, ia tiie Ciiv ol l latis
SAI'AltlLLA CnjoVS. It is a compound ' "'""". Coiiuiy. m ll at j :;":!! auciion
,,r li,,, i k, i it i- -., the f.iiaiwiu leal e-tate. to-wu : l.i t h v.-n i;,
ot the best egetable alteratives, with ; ;a block but v-tim-e u) i:. the ci'y of loa
the Iodides of Potassium and Iron. and 1 moui!!. I a- Coia ty. The -am.- he
ist he eliectnal of all ! 'i-l.j;" ami lax-n as th.- property of
for scrofulous, mercurial, or blood dis
orders. Uniformly successful and cer
tain in its remedial effects, it produces
rapid a :id complete cures ot" Scrofula,
Sores, IJoils, Humors, Pimples. Erup
tions. Skin Diseases and all disorders
arising from impurity of blood. JJy its
invigorating effects it always relieves
and often cures Liver Complaints, Fe
male Weaknesses and Irregularities.
I and is a potent renewer of vbality. For
puriivmg the blood it lias no equal; it
tones up the system, restores and pre
serves tho health, and imi.irts vigor
and energy. Tor forty years it h;:s
been in extensive use. and is to-day ti e
most available medicine for the sti Hir
ing sick, everywhere.
Foe Sale bv all Dealeks.
A full line of
:-' ir.itn.iii.'' 1 r.iT E'BiillPr
TJ:o !'fiorHe "
Sole r.j i
i't'-- 'v.i'iaritrd nt U,
-firF", ' coiitai'i a sin-U. jiarti-
"-St?'' He of Mcicury.i.raiiT
i'fiU'iOii ijilm-ral swli-
l.:iuv. lint Is Pi i;r:-
rw ? , M-:nee. but H l'l lib
JCH-Vi r i:i;eta l. K
..r-li .C--' ' e.ii.i.'ii.ea: tUr-
Messrs. F (1. Dovey & Son have a
fine stoek of mens' kip boots, also ;i
large assortment of ladies side lace.
misses and children shoes, i:i gr
variety, for sab; at bn:tom prices. (live
them a ca'd for anything in the line of
general merchandise, at their new store
near bead of Main St., south side. 27tf.
Jos CJi.utde r. vt the Kt:!t- of Missouri. l:ar-
r;-aa o; 1 :.e htate of'io, aad
lili' li'-ii's ol'V .Joiia-.oli. da;i'ast'd. ill take
notice that Lea M. ii.4cs, oi'ibel ount v ot Ci.s.s. I
ia I a i- :.:! .; AebrasU'', ! id on I he -ai !i da v ol
-aoler. A. f. 1S77. ll. e i.i I' pciKieu in I tic 1K-
1 1 let Co a: t . L.I .j a. I., ia! 1 ; id . v it hi a and for I
( 1 otitay. Net,' ax.ii.. njMi '-i Win. II. Si..!t.'i j
as ail :'iia:- : : .:!"!' et I !,e csl.iIo '' !.u 'band- '
ler, ia i'.lm.-I. i'.ai i a t I'.a.r. sairaa l Cteiioijer.
.los. I 'haiailer. S.. i is..:i Ci'alitibT. I..'.. .;.!! i ll
i'.I o A M. I.i I e V. i.lvM ot .III;'. ! 'Ii.u.ii ,v r. lleec;i.ri',
III. iiaii lie r. aa 1 tin- heirs of .V;:i V ,lnliiivii.
deceased. .'tii. loitti tii.ti ihl ,Klin t'i.aa.i
lei Kie a iiiorUae to (be s tid I. on I'ascs.
oa t lie nor; li -cast qua: ter (' 1 1 of sect ion !';. e i :,i
in townsiii i eleven 1 1 1 1 inn i h of ratine tiirtien I
t l;P east of III" Ctli 1". M.. in said t..n i oi Ca.s.s. i
to .seen li i lie paeai 111 of :-li! 1 aa. avi-rdil; t
a ci i !.,ia iioir ii iero ,1 to i i sai''. nan ;;':;;', ::nd
I iiiil si in e t hi' vaej of said imirej ae" 'a- ot h -
! I I detf li i.i!is i laila soiiie iiiteres ei said lauds,
j lauler tie' fai l dohn t Uauuiei d a -, ase.i. and
n.-i i'a: t lial s.l',1 i-iiai laay t.- ('.aid with ii.or-
est. a' 12 per cent, from ai . !i ai h. 1 sra, or ihat
t i said pivita.-'. may ! s,.:.i t, ; .y ttieame .-and
i ni' sain .ios., nan pi, a uainlier. aivi
the heiis of Maa v .tehasoa. de-e:'-"d. .n-' n-ipar-i
d t.. a:a! -I'xver said petition oa o' ta--laie
tin.- laii: day of 1 cceialiT. m-xt.
I.ol M. YKi.
by V,"i!i:t-.l,'.:i: & iSToxE.hfT att'vs.
a roc ri fs s
About a dozen boys have been sit
ting on the side walk all the morning, nun to nue on .viasrer Attentioir Everybody.
Stewart Livingston's new nonv. Ymin"
Master Skinner has made the aw fullest The I'1'lttsmoi'th Debating Society
faces Lecause it rained and his Ma wiU ,noot at the Courfc IIouse' at G)i'
wouldn't let him out to take bis turn. 'c!oyk' llext Saturday evening, Xov.
1 th, for the purpose of re-org inizing
Fred Corder is nntth,- in I for t ho winter. Everybody invited to
have put in by the time this paper goes
to press, a handsome new U. S. Stand
ard Scales" on the east side of Week
bach's store on tjiird street. They are
laid on a solid brick foundation and
may be ielied upon a.s absolutely cor-
A iiie: Ll.p.'k pony came down
fi ; I :e. i 1 1 ; i f ho i "-r il.iv for :i iiie
li.t.ebovin P:attsmouth.ft.Ml he's lhp i ect, and likely to remain so for a long
happiest litib eont in existence.
attend and participate. Let's get to
gether and make this society both en
tertaining and instructive.
Many Citizens.
HOOK lor loce'ius Kivf s inn pax-
In I ,..-
Uculura. ijjc (.;. ii. r K.bcs
ld9 E. Madison tu, CbKiMCO. UL
SI win
Julius Pepperberg, Cigar Manufac
iurer, on Main St., Platrsniouth, Xcb.
Cigar Cliipings of Spanish and Ameii
t;;iu Tobaccoes for smoking purposes.
For SSd'.e. JJest qualities of plug-smok-;ng
tooacco alv. as on band. '0-tf.
J. A'. Weckbach has an iiiiinense
stoek of Fall and Wint. r Dry and
Fancy goods and (Jroeeries of all kinds.
Farmers and llousekoe; ers gie them
a call for anything ia the line of (ien
efal merchandise. 27tf.
-Organs and Pianos tuned a::d re-
Le.aral Notice.
In tae I'is.'i at 'on; t of t he 1 I .fiaiiejal J)is
1 in I ia eel for Cass I oaaiv, Nebraska.
S ia S:a.i !;... mil l'iaKKiil, s J. .'. luudall, Ie-
'. N. i:.:iKiral of the Slate of Iowa Y. take
not ice that ia. S!a ieino.aa of the County of i
C;es ami state of acIjiUnKii. did on ihe ::'. li day !
of Aii;- I A. I). iS7r, i.a- iiis iieiiiioo. in lue '
1:h;u;-i I 'nai t of !';!. Couul V st.U ' el Neeras-
k.l, a-aia-; i in- s aij .1. N. It linlad. .-. 'I', in if filth !
t.ial Lie saiii -I. N. Uaaaa.l. del eluian t . is ie- j
tb-btt .1 io t;.e sab! m. Si;.iU-ii.uai. Piaoitur.
A fplonilid Display of Elack
Caslimeres and Alpaca
Dress Gjcds.
T!it Hon. Tiios. Harlan, of Harlan
er ;-:fy. w iil lecture Ih fore the Young
M ti's Literary .Soeiety here, Dec. Gd. Civiiiati'jn never goes back-
ai d.
.-'ipjire (lass returned from a trip
ist lonking ntueh le'tti r than we have
! ;; hi;;; J a:--!y. aiiii ouh his visit was
ti t on- of p'-:;sMre. bur to attend the
;e.i:i; !i ' :' i.i-; i.i In r.
Mr. Calvert, engineer of B. & M.
1. R. in Neb., was married to Miss Eva
Shelton, of Weepir.g Water, last Thurs
day. The IIeuali) accidentally walk
ed into the pay car and met them as
they were going ast, and they both C1;111S wort.iy
lojked cr happy we bad a notion to
After a fellow dies what good
things they Ibid out about him. It
would almost tempt a fellow to pass
in his cheeks a little earlier after be
ing cussed through the world, just to
see what a good m in he has been. Mor
ton alive, was "bioo ly shirt Morton,"
Morton dea l, is a Statesman, Christian,
Scholar, S ddior and best of Pollti-
hy of all battalion. So
goes the world.
come right back to Plattsmouth and
get married over again. . 1
organs and tmdo
t.'e rheap apply
' -rr.s Pkttli:,
i Mr. Thos.Shryock, otir newly eleet
I etl Assessor, has been very ill and his
j life almost despaired of. His son Wil-
liatn was telegraphed for, and came j
' home, from St. .Joe. We are happy to
; state that th ; alarm" was worse than
the c'.iae.ts , and Mr. S. is getting well
finely, so that we shall soon be enabled
, to say of l:::n once :n
"wod bless the Assessor of taxes
i For he a! ways gets whatever he axes."
!'.(. X ' ;'.
ti:. I.I.
-- Turn
lllttles. !;o
Kind i'ri :
in i
t;..; ill tie (Ilass,
V.Yet cigars, at the
, d ) not fail to trv
Geo. If. shafer &. Co., Manufactur
ers of True Pharmaceuticals. Fort
Madison. Iowa. Sitf.
a f"-.v r.i -re cows, horses,
-V''., loose on the streets,
ds. and we .shall, soon have
!s, trees or si i -walks.
:r t..'t
; ive s'u'. t ("i.i ago for an
., r. Vv'e doti't propose that
n-r vote" ill get a way with
iM', eitl.ef.
Car I-oa;l,
of apples at White's; hurry up and get
A dollar saved is a dollar earned.
Farmers, what is the us of buying
goods of a peddler, when you can buy
the same goods at Schlater's Jewelry
Store for 2 per cent less. 34tl
--" be (';;;; v:;: s of tlie vote took olace
at tae CoTiry Clerk's ollice on Sattir
d.i.v; 'f ;j I). II. Wh el u- an I F. S.
N!i tvp o i : r civ.i-ser ;. Tiie ofJi-
iel fi'tariis viii i e found i : so w here.
Go to the P. O. News Depot, and se
lect your Holiday goods, while you I Winter.
D. II. Wheeler. Jr. called Saturday
being on a visit home from the Uni
versity; Dan'l looked extremely well.
; All tlie girls said so, any way.
Theodore IJodine, a well known res
ident here left us for Juniata lately,
where he enters into busines for him
self, in connection with Mr. Wm.St.-i'l-ebnann.
They are opening up a new
clothing house there.
Mr. L'l win lb Frazier and Miss
Louisa K. Woodson wtre joined in the
bonds of in itrimiMy at Hopkins, Mo.,
Xov. C.h, 1 77.
j Geo. M'lytield, special director of the
Chronicle fortunes, down here, and
geneiaiisinio politico, Cass county O!
gives the IIkp.alo a call, a lift and
some advice, now and then.
Geo. Sediafer's new boarding bouse
is progressing lively. Lots of boarders.
And he generally gives a Itepublican
editor soma extra oysters, when he goes
in there.
A. G. Graves, of Hock Bluffs, drop
ped in the other day to see the Herald.
He goes to South Bend to leach for the
r.ebleii's Patterns.
Mr. Valentine Weckbach is the agent
here for Ikdden's Patterns, ail sorts of
Ladie's Patterns, such as Polonaises,
Basques. Chemises, Saques, etc., Skirts,
Overskirts, Drawers, etc., Misses'
and Cbilrens Patterns, such as
Wrappers, Saques, Basques, etc..
Boys'' Patterns. For Bos Coat, Vest
Jacket, Waist, or Shirt, Overcoat. Also
pants patterns of all kinds boys and
mens. Gents' Patterns, for Shirts, un
!ereb.;bes etc.
Give us a call and examine these
new and varied patterns by which any
and all persons can make their home
clothes at home.
paired, orders left at Johnson's Dri!" 1 V" account of ea.ods purchased ot Pia.i.tia' ai :
. . I ''ivi rs tunes, in the , ol Severn y-tour and I
Tioie Mm ieceie juoiupi atien-ion.
Ja::;:s 1'ltti:;:,
Dealer iu Musical lus.rumeuls.
";') aei'i in sect i
en. r, miles sout;i-
5!. 11. It. Cass Co;;
av .tcrcsi :
a i-.. town t .e! of l.oi:i-v::a
it". Ne!u.oa.
. I;:e-,'im';.'V
-tatii.a. P.. .S;
wi;:i !eei-:e and l.!i':i. oreii'tt-.t and forest trees,
p'oiily of rju-itij water. ill be soil iii M'ae.e
traels if deii 'd. Ku u:re of Jos. Sc!:l:;te.-..fevv-elr.
I'h'.ttsiuoutli. Neb. i jr,o
!:l'l -live hieiiiO ei!:s i A 0"-1nii dollars, that
s.-ial a i-oeat is just, t isat no part of U: same
has been paid and that the said J. N. Uamlall
still reluses to pay the name, and plaintill prajs
.1 ud gt tenr for S71 .t a.'i-i'.Mi wiili pi percent int.
lioni Mar'.-h 1st ls:o. And in order to collect t he t nc said Win. Sla lelmaun has eieanienced
a sail in attro-h'nent ami your property ha in cn
aii eaeil. Yon ai e lu i ehy nooiicd ;.j a;ijear
ami ai s ,vi said petition aeeordiuj; to l.r. . und
i ae rules of said Court ot Judgment uiil i,e
i aoa in r-'a:i;-i en o (le tauit anil vuui pti'p
'av s to aatist'v t!ij s.mi...
U. P.. WiM':t.:,t.
"Jio Any. foi Sladelmau.
! .17.50 .1 a RE AT VARIETY OF
y hieii all A 1 I - I lit,
I 'r. i i, ti'ii... te.c .!..
I ni ia eouatiK's l,ere l.i.ei isea:e most ..e-
a !.. ll' M il l. I I UV. Al l. t'lxr.AKI.Mi'AlSKIi HV
; vm;i:;1k. r ok i n i 1 i . i i imi,
j 1:luati:tiik t.ivi i: a.mj iarvi..T
ss::ift i.i vkic v.zitu i. '.t;i
Is en.iacai;-.- a Ta'ailv .Vr'dieine ; au. bv I Inr.'
kepi i-a ly for iu.uieihaU' le-oit lli ,ae nrni
an bore ot s;. Tei .a aaa m.uiy a dollar io lent
Had di.ctiJis i -o is.
After i vcr I'.irlv Yeavs' irl-O li w !!
Il'il 1 he en, d 'aaq.ialii' ed lesi i:noidH to Iik ll -lues
ti-e i persons ,,f the htam : t c-harctiT and
I iesp' i!n; . lanim'til pln-debtus cotiiim nd
I li a the r....:,i
! - Eis'i'rics'L'.iC. .ss-'iii'ij-it:
I -(!: cons i i'a i"ion. 1 1 1" i .c;i:-: r i;
i i it i: s'p it j.i'Ki.s, ess MihtsroM
I A( ! 1. b I I ASI i: IN liil..Mo: i H. p.H. loo
j ATlA' K, 1 ' I 1 '1 V A I ! i (I I ' I I ; K IllAltl
l'A iv IN 'Nil; l;i.;ioN or Till-: KIl;M: vs..
Di: ..poNid ( V. i:loiM AM I-Ob CM ' I )
I lil!' 11.: A LL r Will. 'II Ali! JJII:
l'l l L'l oi A piM- Al-l.l) J.IVJ'.P.
ro;,ic ix ( !iimmii:.
1" r eu l oui plaiuiuir of
I'Oi.e, hca :aeh(i. or tick stomach,
a peoalid or more will -iv
relief. ( I'ihli cn. as ell as a.iultt
e,l saai' limes too mneli supper
or eat soinet !:i;i:t hiell dues hot
ilmcid wi ll. pioiliieinMiiirsioHj
aeii, hear! burn, or I es: !e sue ,.s ;
:i u mil dni-e of I.Imt Pemilaioi
lllrr.e relief. 1 hi 4 anpllcs to
pvl'-oiis of all ntes It' is IIih
i heap-t. puie-t ; l;d l i st l'a.-.ulv
Mciii 'a.e in the uurhl .'
IT II A VO i:l'AJ,. ,
Thoasaiols lead n.Neiable lives. sufTerir-.' firm,
dyspepsia, a disordered rlomacli ami liver, pro -itucl.!
billliii.saess. heart burn, cost i eie-s.s,
weakness ii niii.ii' atipetite. low .spu if. i l-ii:
food alter ealit:;.-. an l oflen eielinu' in fatal al
tark of f. , r. -fie know Ibev are nick, yet
yet btlie svnipaihv. 'i In- uid.iuian remedv he
pnvei:i i li.-.,. nt;;i.iotis and restore health j
hl jljlo.vii' l.l t-.u IIli.i'U lot;.
JIANLI- Ai TLt:i:il ONLV l:
I .'IlI.ADol.PMI X. I'A .
I'lin.'K. Hold by all lne'i' ts. x,y '
Legal Notice.
Thrsc i'iils are ear' eed exebisivelv of ve ;c
table ia .-re.ljeot-. ;:iei a.lilioub they eaSilelv
.- i,'-i -ce tee u-e m m.-.ciu v. ho teat 1-y
f its inj aiioui el.i'er .
Agents V.'r.utcu.
Tt introduce a new article needed in
every household. Ku'.erprisin; agents
make from S3 to S3 per day. A. Id re; s
X. M. .Stkvkns AL Co.
llox Counil 13 luffs Iowa.
'X1 Z"
Art P5Ia t i5.y 3 !;! f!s Liv. r,
and ar- a. valuable rei n dy f(1 all c i a s ef de
fa:!L'e:n nt of t int ie-; aa." fi-.'H. b iel;ic!a'.
I ;e st iu.i, a a I ,i.i .li 11 ;i .-.!
All pei-s(it;s ue hereby laitiiietl t'oa.t I will not
pay any debts contra'-icd by my wife, Cnai iiy
L. Carter, after ihis date, a.s he has left mi Utd
and board.
Avium. Neb., Oct l-th. U-77.
ii ; " John r. Ca-:t i.i:.
Sheriffs S?Jo.
sm e. iab to thi ir tree us.-.
.-t? uuuio.,1 siaaiii rs.
.Joseph Selilater, the Jeweller, r....-
pine into a new and extensive line of
ootids in audi'iou t;yiis usual Jewelry
Slack'. His si.ore is Idled with new
and beauf'fiil goixls of various kind.;.
his new stock of Watches, (r.ocks and
Jewelry, .Silver Ware, the best in the
Spectacles, pocket knives. Purses; Chi
na and Uoiiemian Ware; Musical In
struments, Strings and Music Hooks.
Children's toy Wagons Hobby horses,
c, and a host of kntck nacks and cu
rious toys for holiday presents for
children d amusement; 13ird Cages,
Gent's Canes, Umbrelas and a large
line of new goods in every branch of
the business. Give him a call
31 tf Main St. Plattsmouth.
i i:J
v iik vdy ron agi:xt.s :
Ui oat t: tt'tt I
ev cai
t :
.I'-.y lle-.v l.eet;. I V Ilea.,; , i
-' he-ieiv c-X the causes a. ..I u.r.iiiiai
i.'e;neat railroad aiei labor w.-n-ail
e.iiiatrv. FlSFl.v li.i.i stimtvi,
v, . 3. i' f. k everv v here. The
bc-t eiianee to m i ce ue :.ev ever ole-red. lie
ware ol i;.feij,,r wrks. Oct the btiiiul lowest
pried. Address
standaijz) rpjoir itorsr.
Lot'is, .Mo.
Sheriff's Sale.
P.y virtue of an order of sab-, i sued l.r Win.
L. W eils, t "."; of i ;,c Iiistii. t Court, -jd .ludi- i
cia! I i.-l ; -t. it hin and t( r Cass lieietv. Ne- I
br.s.a. and to me diiaeic.i, I w ill en life l'; ;!) !
day of November. A. O. 's, at PJ :; o'i-4'ic!; a. in. I
efsaid day at tie- s:,ata ib-.or of the loan !
I!.a;e in tne ! ity of Plat : sinout ll. in -aid Co i,i- j
: . si a ai pani.e aiu a .on ( ae i.eo; n,' icai is
I tale, to-wit : lb" soutii-easi quarter of pie
! inrili-ei-l tu u ter ol seet'oa i:iui teeu i lai i v, u
. welve ill noitii of raap" f.urteeii (in. east of
!!;e (iih P.M., also the noi a-east ipiai ler of
'. ia i ih-ea-t ipiarter the same sim ia n, (own
and rail..'-. The iiae bi-in levied upon ami ta
l;en as tiie .ioj r;y o,' . I). Minsbail. An
i''i d. .Mir;!i;!!l. S:i.ii.n p. and K. L".
M""I'c. t'.er'ei ilaats ; fa .-.'i.ti- ''y ;i judl.ienl ot
said t'oii.t. recovered by .iaei.i'i Pram. p!aa:tilT.
Piattsim ui ii. Nil). ,'.'. !".. A. 1 . 1-7,
'dti M. Ii. Cl-J I.Ka. Sh-rirr.
.1 Large StovU of Flanm Is, Jttin
YutJt.i, and ElaiJiffs, nf all
Daxript i'jux.
' 7 ,
" 1
of a I 1
s i .a ' a '.
I let i
py father
ii. '; i i iiiali t hat he is dulv
bave a large assortment to select from.
Phil makes this line a specialty. A
full line of toys to arrive about Xov.
A fancy dress sociable at Mrs. A. F.
Skinner's next week Thursday. Amus-
1, :n aikd ia lawful and legal I "g recitations and a general array of
t';;:s i; ;:; ,!) w-is issued on j mtley characters Iirotiier Jonathans
ts' birthd ;y an 1 is a legal tender ' J,inF Hulls, brigands, monks, nuns,
for Ci-Tis at IleniVs place, ad lib un- ,i,,r3s, peasants Liiinese, c:c. Come
l - . ..I . ... 1 I . . I 11. C ..1 T
further orb rs. ; e eiy uo iy cim neip me inn aiong. in
iuldition to the usual mite every one
At White's, a whole car load.
who does not appear in fancy dress
must pay a forfeit of live cents.
Janus Danly, the gentleman who
was injured iu the' railroad jam last
summer, near Ashland, was down to
see us last week. He looks pale, but is
worth about 2,000,030 dead men yet.
Phil Young has just received fifty j
bb'sYhop'o eating apples at the 1. O.
News J) pot, for his relail trade on!y,
d".rii:g the winter.
Th- first Annual Festival of the
Woman's Foreign Missionary Society,
will be given under the auspices of the
lady managers of the same, at Parme
l.'s Hall. Friday evening,
novemuli: 23, 1377.
Addresses and music by some of tht;
best t.tlent in the city.
m;ppei: twenty-five cents.
As this is the lirst occasion of the
kind in this place, it is hoped everyone
will take an interest and endeavor to
make it a .success. An invitation is
extended to all.
Huck well lb'
V. " Tep.rn from an underground tel
egram that ouresiecial friend Ilamsey,
of Louisville got sorely crushed iu his
feeiir.g-: and severely mas!ie.l in person
ly Mr. Koek well, "last Monday. It
:;rew oat of the -1th Of- July dispute
about F'i'.ne fund..
Come down to PLiUs;nv.uih, lirotlipr
Ibimsey, and we'll put some phister on
your wounds. Ibx-kwe'l had oughter
be careful bow he handle? a County
Comriiisi.:,ner carele.sslv.-
Another Accident.
The construction train, Saturday,
passed South Bend about 9:30, and two
or three miles west of that point one
of the cars jumped the track, cutting
off the bolts which holds the track to
the ties. The pay car, right behind,
passed over safely, but the freight be
ing much heavier of course, spread the
rails. The engine did not leave the
track, but tiie tender and nine cars did.
Somecontainingcattle, horses and hogs.
A car with a horse in rolled over and
over, and a hole had to be cut in the
top to get Mr. Horse out. It was Xo.
3, Con Connors, engineer. The passen
ger, east, had to transfer everything,
and did not reach here until 6:13. For
tunately no one was hurt.
of the Plattsmouth Literary Club for
Xovember lsib, 1877:
Music Duett; Messrs. Windham
and Simons.
Heading Miss Katie Ilobbs.
Declamation Mr. Wise.
Oration Mr. Windham.
Kecitation Mr. Waterman.
Mcsic Quartette; Miss Unties,
Messrs Pettee, Windham and Morrison,
Question for debate
Resolct J, That Water is a more des
tructive element than Fire.
Affirmative Drummond & Simons.
Xegative Wooley and J. E. Morrison.
Mcsic Quartctt; Messrs. Pettee,
Windham, Simons and Morrison.
F. II. Wooley, Prest.
J. E. Mokrisox, Secy.
Act wis!y, and at once procure the
following C'Kr7ZFamilv Medicines,
Dr. FiTLEii's Kiiecmatic Hemedy
and Liver Pills, a positive, permanent
specific for Xeuralgia, liheumutism.
Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, pain in Hack,
Head, Heart, Lungs. Limbs, Nervous.
I5Iood and Chronic Dieseases. Dr. Fit
t'.rf Kidnry Cordi tl removes dettosbs
ot (.1 ravel. Albumen, Alcali Acids, re
tention of mine, high colored water,
and strengthens the Uladder and Kid
neys. Vr. Fithr's CuUxaia Tonic, for
debilitated constitutions, increases vig
or, strengthens the sys'em, tones the
stomach, and increases appetite. A
1 le.tsant substitute for Iron, which
constipates the bowels and destroys the
teeth. Dr. Filler's German Pectoral
for Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Coughs
and Colds, a superior combination
which acts quickly and relieves rapid
ly. Your druggists, Chapman i Glass
tire agents for Plattmouth. 20-vl
Ry virtue of an Execution issued by Win. L.
Wed clerk :f tiie District Court witi'.ai and for
Cass County. Nebras'.;,i. and to me tlirceted, 1
" id ;i tlie tfcH. day of Xovember A. I. is;:, at
o'cloe!.:. n i oi Kai l day. at the residence
ot Win. Onilion i:i tiie town if ( eea ia
said County, s: d at public aaetion (be folb.rt
: pi i-seual ;i om rty io--.vit ; i u.i horses.
The same feia;; levied upon an I taken as ta
propi-ny nl W in. tluliion ol.e 1 I lu- ib Cereh-u: s
a heriu Jesse Li-, ii'ii-toa ct : 1 ale il 'end. ' ;
to sao-:y a j.i.t. aent of said Court, iceovei.i i
o.v M. I.. While li'aiii! id.
rialb fiautii, .ear;.ska. Xov. 7, A. I. H77.
iU-' M. R. CCTLKit, -lit
t-7J j k-c t---ci y
A Us . - ; t
rs U i'v-' '. i :: ; r ':'
Sheriff's Sale.
Itv virtue of aa eee it; ei i.-ud by Win. L.
W ehs. :.ei 1; of the i)istriet Court, wii.'iin :n.,i
for Cass Con ;!y. Xehraaka, and to m- direete 1,
i wii! on the tetli day l.iy ef December, A. D.
177. at 11 o'eloi lv. a. in, of sai-i day. at the
sunt h door of the Coir t Mouse, in tiii- Citv of
rialtsmout Ii. iu saiil Couaf. i-eil at public .auc
li"ii the foilouini; real estate. to-'A it : Pet'in
nimr al the qu. rler seclam corner, on the jior. h
side of si-etiiai seventeen 17) tow n eleven : 1
north of ratine fourteen do east of tlie Cth P.
L. thence ea-t twenty i'a) ciiiinthence sout h
twenty-foul tan chains thence west twentv pjfi)
chaiiiri lhence soalh sixteen t,) ciiaiii- llieaee
west twenty (L'.).l cliaias til'iee Ho; I li .foil y (ioi
chains thence east twenty il'Oi chains io the
place of beini'iii. aad emit dnim; !:s acres
more or less, and Known as a prut I the .Toseph
Sans farm, in Itock P.biiT- mvciiiet ia said I'oaii
ty. Tiie same bciu ; h vie.i e pm ami I i!an as
the property of ,I,)m Sans, one of the ie;e:ai -
aius in a '.ni; w::eiv;:; .rose;):, r-a raai:d ,1
N;i. are iii t. nil. oils
said Co'irt, rccovein
I'lattsaiau'ih, Xeb.. Xov. A. D. 1
i"to ei. ii. CUThs;:t, SlieriiT.
S A A 3 3
Xcir, Chan, Pint Class 31 eat Shr.p,
on ?.:ain S;n i t in Prt'd Kroeli'.er'f old -tam!
lAcryhou;. ui hand lorficsl', tender meat.
It A
In Plaf-SinoutU. Neb., on Fourth .St.. about tlie
yo i wiU find :
Good dwelling house to rent cheap,
inquire of (it) John Watmax.
A good house and lot for sale for
S200. One block north of the Court
House, in Plattsmouth, Xeb. Apply
to J. V. Marshall ; or, M. li: Murphy.
Ojstcrs! Fresh Oysters!
Fine fresh oysters will be found at
F. S. Whites's every week durin" the reVeint of 25 cents. Star Maxufac-
Air Three B'ind Mice,
Three tliiusatid rats ! Tnree thousand rats !
Three tlii.usand rats !
See how they run ; think what they eat
-Mlibons to feed.
They all run after tlie fanner's wife :
Who soon put au end to their useless strife,
Ey kiliiiij; tiie.-e constant pests of her life.
By giving themCtutennial Rat Ex
terminator," the safest and most cer
tain Hat Exterminator in the world.
It will save millions of corn annually
It will positively exterminate the
pest from your premises and kill them
as they travel, thus leaving no telltale
dead rat to warn others from eating
Centennial ltat Exterminator. You
get rid of etery rat without the dan
ger attending the useuf strychnine or
We challenge the world for a more
profitable investment of 23 cents, and
proclaim it the greatest economizer of
the age. You will recommend it tp
your neighbors. For sale everywhere.
.v targe introductory box postpaid on
Sp:iin t Ian e,.tnr.. cv. iLi.JAU vu.
... vcicij vcjjr oaiuruay, C4tf
Look Her
vou can get Boots and Shoes of all
styles, patterns and make, from
also a fine stylish perfect fit of
from the finest French Calf Boots made
in the state, down, at prices that dejy
competition. L;ulies and Children's
shoes a speciality.
Peter Merges.
For sale, cheap, lot) Desirable build
ing lots in the city of Plattsmouth,
Title perfect. Taxes all paid up. Terms
easy. Apply to A. YV McLaughlin
Cashier 1st National Hank. 2:Jtf
Sheriff's Sale
C'csn IM;ih:c3-.v (Iun! c Siorsc)
SujL.3 EIo.t,
t. r.;.;:s. a j... !;.', .em. . f jual ttb Lifiu.sof L arm Implements and
l y L leearr i L. Woolsev, ... ,f ,T . ;. ...
- j .-shelf Hardware, Tin Y are, &c, Ac
Hungarian ani Millst.
Seed for Sale
4 W oolcn Hosiery
Ladfes' nnd
ING. i l E A T VAlilETY
TI:e l!rsl Sitoch I'ni ni In Cth i'unilty
Kor sale cry t iienp.
S;iM f;iriri euiiftiru la ) I "f 407 At KLS, 2
ill i u'!h.,lie:i ; 71) ikm's n in..:.l.i l.iml ; 1
;n re- in i:e-ime. ei-.elnsed uitli :i i.,f,il tenee,
iilel ill.iiill '.'ill ;;er.s .f 1 1 ni I ( V. TO nf wliiili 14
fhi !) ed illi a lne-t)iiaril tenee. ;imI s n-i-a us
;i lii'.rli.t.. 'liieie ;ue over l.i,"d PLAPIMl
I'lIl iT TI.'KI S. Al.-u 1 ni r iiules of In ilpe
fi'lie.-. S.'Ui l.irm is well unte.cil. im,l Ihh i.ii.hi
it it ! ClMFORTALLE MofM:, griiliitr
ies. st;p'!es, ete. etir.
T'.if f.lmve fii-TM is lointcl fi MII.I'S SdPTlT
Of I'HTTsMnnil.aml i l.ii.nvn us the ol.l
V. . L. Iliibij-s j,!aei.
Tin Ms lue-1',.'. .1 !ne;r. :in) ! il;aie- (in
"i' ye.a - tmiu. 1 or futt her p.-rtleiil.-ns : ri'-lv
SliVI'.OLT PUD's..
-v' I'latrMuontli, Net'.
:!:'.v livkhv sTAiai:.'
The (.M rttVNKi: STAP.I.l'S in PlaJl.-rie.iit:
Nell., have lieen leriseil by I r. .Imies. an l !n
h -.s i;iene l ;i i:ev rnul iiau.lsiiuie Iim i v iii Dili,
well kn' a leiru. '1 lie lines! ami lfl i.f liU'e
;Ji:U caliieues always reaily Io let.
s.U)i)i.i: noi:si:s iii:ap. ' .
Horses kept for Sale?
or. to Trade.
I desire to pive ni.tice tluit I h-.w? a larje,
haiiii-oltie hli rU hai a. With iilenl y of Mmni fn
horses ai il wakens. I ean put 'famieis 'fork
rvn 1 v:i'--i!s. leads i, j;rain or r-!ivl Utw ;U1 un-I't-r
rover, ii the dry. Peineinbei this.
Tlienk Iiir ail tav oil jiatmas f,,r ilieir iiiany
fnvois. I soiieit their liade tliis inlalliJ; year,
s ilisr'e l 1 i-.mi aer .),,;!. anlale tliem better i'hU tu
better by tiiem tiian ever before. J-yl.
ft. w r . .
By virtue of an order of snle issticJ bv Win. L.
Wells Clerk of the I'striet Court, wiUiin ainl
f ir Casi county. Xebrask;'. nail io me'.t
I will, on the bull day of lceciiiicr.- A. i. Is77
lit 1', (iVIoiK ). ill., ot saiJ (lay. :.l iiit- i-eiiiu'
door oi tlie ''ouri House in tiie eity of Piatis
inoiitii in said Ci '.mty. ssii :it pr.l.lic aueiiou M,e
follouini; real estate to-wit: '1 lie sniuli west
(piarier (s v 4) of the o!tt!i west inner s w
',i of s.v. Pi:: three a) in town ll tenili of ran -e
II e;e-t ol ; I". M ., rUso the ,-oialr east ip. alter
(s e 'tM'f the sou; h eat ijuarier i s e of the
south ol (he soutii v. est ii uteris w of sec
tion twenty two ('2.i town twelve norm of ran -e
11 east ol six 1'. M.. tiie .same bein-.r levied iij.i.u
and talrr n .is tlie prop -r:v of .loliu Uania.n; ai-il
Sarah H trtmriii 'lefeiulaiu's ; t i s;n isfv n jul
ment oi sael iiart. i-eeovered bv Krnesi sper-i'l.-
and C narles I,, llernavs Plaiutiil s.
l'latisu.ouUi. 'eb., Nov. 7, A. 1). l.s;7.
i-5 1. ii. Cl ti.k;:, Slieriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
received fresh and crisp every Satur
day, by expres3. Call and get the
hanof things.
2?t y. s. vrnrrk-'-
Box 400, Ft. ifadison Iowa.
J. V. Weckbach says he's healed on
salt in quantity, quality and price,
will not' bo undersold.' 37tr -
Astonishing Success.
It is the duty of every person who
h:is used Bosciiee's Geumax Syuup
to let its wonder! ui qualities be known
to their friends in curing Consumption,
severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneu
monia, and in fact all throat and lung
diseases. X'o person can use it with
out immediate relief. Three doses
will relieve any case, and we consider
it tin duty of all Druggists to reccoms
mend it to the poor dying consumptive,
at least to try one bottle, as 40,000 doz
en bottles were sold last year, and no
one case where it failed was reported,
such a medicine as the Gkrman csyk
up cannot be to widely known. Ask
your Druprgist about it. Sample bot
tles to try sold at 10 cents. Regular
Size 75 cents. For sale by. 18 tf-r.Jt
Ky v; of an exeonlion Issued bv Win. I..
Wells. Clerk of the District Co'.m. vvitliiu ;:r..l
for Cuss County, .Ve'.nasU t. and to me dn t( te.l
I uill on the rjisl day of .Novemhei. 4. 1) is:t
at io o'cloe. a. in., of t-.ii-l day. at the resideoee
i f .Li.epli Sans, in K. eK Plulls precinct, in said
County, st li at putlic ati-tam I he follow in per-i-oiial
pio;icr;y to-uit : About one hundred and
twenty rive i liT.j acres of corn .stair-.liii in ttie
field oi.jwliai is Known as the Sans' tarm. in
s.iid precinct, also four horses, 'i be same Ix-iu-j;
levied UlKin and taken as the projieriv of .lo-eidi
Sans, one ol the d. feud wits i,i an acuon where
in Joseph S'icva aii-t .losepil Sans au- tleferal
auts ; t-isati-iv a jii i-ment of said Court, recov
ered by L. E. w'ooisev. plaintill.
Plattsmouth. .cl).,'.iiv. ;, . D 177
3''-- M. li. Ci. ri.Ki., SlieriH.
Subscribe for the IIi;i:ald and Xe
hrasha Parr.ur; only $2.G3.
a r
ne-.v article to hnsincss men AN Hi mad"
tine LADY mad" One HiY made
Mi-tin one week whnli shows what can lie
done if a party is eiicrm-tie. Itiisiness ea-v ai.d
li'inoralilc. heixl stamp (or circular uivinV full
particulars. Adlrrss,
Itoom "Ufiit!all" flnildiny;.
'"5 C1IICACU, Jl.I.
A ".rood soft coal stove
fr sale at I'lumuier's.
Vt'i nter Apples at l'luuiuier's.
X'ew and fresh stock of buck mit
tens and gloves.
A fe-ood stock of Winter Apples at
Sheriffs Sale.
, Ev virtue of an order of -n'e. issued bv Win
L ell-. Clerk of the District Court. 2d .hidieial
Diftriet. within ami for Of Count v. Nchruska
ana to me directed. I w ill on the bah day of
Novemher. A. D. H77. at 10 o'clock a. m., of Maid
d.lV. at the south door of the Court llme-e 111
the City of I'iatt-iiioiith, in said County, sell at
public unction the following real estate, to-w it :
The north ijnarter of the south west quar
ter and tUe north lialf of the south-east oaur
ter. and also the sinii Ii thirty-t vo (.12) afri-n of
the south west 011. titer of thu north-east e,a ir
terof section seventeen (IT) town eleven ill)
north of rane fourteen (in east of the cth P.
L. in ( ouuty .N'eti. The fame Peiu lev
led upon and taken in-the pn'pertv of Joseph
Sniis, in au action wherein Joseph Shtra and
Joseph .Sans aie defemlsnti : to sat isfv a judg
ment of sail Court, recjvertu y Kduiond E.
Wmi.ffv, plaintitt.
PiattHuioiith, Nelm.?k.i, Oct. A. D. 177.
5,f-- - - K B. Ct tlki;. siierir?
1 UJ-V lrJ t,," !is- u;y lieci'ssiii V to .shovr
isaiiiples to tnuKe sales oionev. tor
f TO Cany one out of employment aim' dis
1 QOC tr'cil to work. Csel'ilai!v l v all lin
S QAtrJ isiness men. Snil( stamp f'or circular,
n ij.i 11. i ci n es io a'ans. .f::i:cs.
P. A a "!'!-"i.w,.Wi!;rv.''
jvcima.i ijii.uiii.ii, inearro.
7 v7 T7 T7T
. t r . .1-1 J M
C.ood fres.i miik
j. r. us: ir.izjusTm.
sf.xd is voir ottr-r-iA .xn 1 v,-ili. t;;v nd
;ivk vnu
40yl and serve you rci;-;!;'.rly.
by the
-i '-. g J U
l.'jst cf Plane Valley lioLe.
Till: OLDLoT
In the Town.
Good T'.ain-'j Abcayu on Hand
Careful Drivers sent with cai
riag3 if desired.
Caniai s sent t ) Depot to meet ii'I tralnj
w heiH ver ordered.
I'lineraM Htfended s;i;'J r an 1 i.cs fum'saed t.
.1. W. shannon-
I'llaitsmoiith, Neb.
ner lift Iiicsliliis Jlachiiies.
l'.r;'l a chop o;r Sixth Street n-nr Mr. Don- '
cliy'.s ni i'-ksmil li aad Wn:;oii rsheji win le he hm,
pre oared him-elf to doanv ar.d all lir.'-iin w oik
wiilioiit excel I io::. He. lian a No. 1 L.,i,', can
tin 11 in u I. iron, .srei-le. ai.d all of her iiepj In
connect ion w ii h luacl.iiie w 01 k. lie can do :,n
thinu reiporedin ai-.ii:smitli, even fo m 1 kimr a
inm.of which we li, e tin" In .1 Pat.'i loader I lif ow l'r- m e I ' o or three ' ail? fct
onee ai u ill (if 1 he iuo:er.
.Mr (0 0. W. Sarc.iiei .1 t inner i.ear lior-i; LliiiT-
an oi l aco.i.'ini.iai e of .Ml. Kn.'-i r from irm
iifaii If I - fereil to in i id Io his foi in cui
i.eci ion i li t m.ianfae: in e i,f 1 1; resh ii. rn
chines. ( : ivo Mr. K rnsrr a call and will u.sui o
vou s iiii'.'.eiorj won. 0.1 anv i.ut ct a Tnresh
ln .Machine. i.'-iuB.
3 Tl
VI to ho found at'
s is S3, eoo::m, rlsxds axs
9 .1 . ......
OIHlstHt S55 ,:3.'. a33T-caiKlis motuti. opposue tin? .Saunders
JOHN' ISCWS, I'l-oju-ietoi-.
Tim orxir:r,i.4iiLi:
Clood ttccomrnodations for Fanners
and the trtivf-Jinp; public. Hoard f?l pci :
dny. Meals 2c. Entirely refitted and
rt'-furnis!i'd. iind fat iners ;u reijuest
ril to call ar.d get C meals and bod for
81. 00. . ZiS.i
(Pv & HP
For Tfcror,LotT. Att.r:.' r.iJsf y.
fG'3ct -Tar Solution J
Cr lnf.a:fion for f - rrh. t oumuj!1,.Iii-i,
il :u..c...,.. tjijii .i,it..::.
( f VJ1 . 8 CaIK L S,
H ci " 'r Tiro-. IT.-.ii-.-b.-ji, TiLkUa.- CoarjS iui-4
j u...j '.us U10 r.ut'.u.
OLD ST AXD on -Main Street, Platts-
" cr li.n'trt Inf.olftit Ulccri, C:.i--, rurw,
l J fc.ia lil Pliet.
E s". f- &r
or -!tr-n4 niartr.. Salt LLeeia. B'iia IJij. ;,
t.11 icutlitt! U:UU.
r s
: c- lahaUuj foi-Cf.iurrh,Ccf.8Vir:-ia. A; thaw.
" Te- -;fe lj fXX rrw"0
nil n