THE HERALD. THE HERALD. I nniLISIIED l-VtUY THL'l'SD.VY A:Vi.tlTlSIXU ISaTI J. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA M Sl'ACK. 1 V. 1 It'll-. . . .1 IVl' s4rs. . ; i .- 3 s irs . i a lot ' col . .'. (O ' ul..! Run, 1 dl . .. ' 1.1 (Ht -' w. n v. l in. 3 in. i f. in. ( ! yr. . I .' I tiMHi .e, ;.'i no ( i ft T( - ro 2 ;s a l-.t taeo m or ? 7S5i 4(H) K.i I.I 11 i.' ii, s (hi in no J2 vi vjirio t'Sini: ,V: 't IV. If! l.'lWI I S (l!l IIHHI M'0 I HIM ! .t. 2511. llm't Mi I 'I- ,l. t OFFICE: On Vine St., or.e Block. Norm of Min, Corner of Fifili Street. JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor.) PEKSEVEKANCE COXOUEP.S. ?5 TERMS: $2.00 a Year. ;t?Al! Ai!verii.-iiin tills line in:iitoi ly. ; y-Tnii;sIcr5t advutiieiiu tits must lie iiald fur iu mtvnisve. L.VBIJKST ('IWri'MTMIV OK AM i,a,:ki.' cam titv. Terms, in Advance: one copy, due year One cnov, sir months One copy, three months.. ..?2.oo .. l.oo .. .50 VOLUME XIII. S PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, TIIURSDAT, NOVEMBER 15, 1877, -J XUMBEH 31. Ht!-J . pics if the Il'KAI.I f.irsjile l.y .1 J'. 0u114. roM iM. o t,,.,-.s . F. J"llIl SOIJ,001-!UT Ol iMllill Hint I-'illh SO, els iTtL National Bank OF 1'l.A.TTSMOT'TII. NEE-EASKA. MirESSOIt TO TOOT!,!; IIAXXA A CI. A KM .Toiin Fit-!KRAI.i President i.yZTv VicH' t ' .!. h in; 11 :iuk Assistant Ca-shic-r. j This Eaik W now open for l.usiness at their itw 1 i ti . comer Main aiei Sil!i fcticets, suid ii pre aid! to tr.;tta't si gent-rul BANKING BUSINESS. StocWs, Bonds. G-IJ. GovernmenJ and Local Securities r.lU'CHT AM SOU). L-prslls Rewired and Interest Allow ed 011 Tim? Certijuatex. Available in nnv part or the t'nited St:its and In all tlie 1'rnic-i i:l Towns aail OiLK.a of Europe. a u i:ts ro:i Tim CEEEB'tAT ED Indian Liiie and Allan Line V K.T V. A 15 KICH. IVr-nM v. ili!ii;; to lii '-i; i:t tlu ir frioiuts l.'.iioi.e 11 I-L'HCIIASK TI'-Til'.T-T ri'.OM vs T 1. r o u z h to I' 1 h 1 1 111 o 11 1 '1 . o ifi o O) j ? o o o o "S3 W r 0 E3 s is O V.- r-j o 5 O w o a o CJ o p o C3 525 Excelsior Barber Shop. J. C. BOONE, HA1R-CUTTIKG, Mi-ay;:;;? nv.i'. l.z.iotr.'i. I'!-C!M, TTKNTloX CI YEN To t uiJ;.r - iii.r ;s :i:;:I S.itlvN .:;: si:;; udon::, (.e.vt.s. Ar.,1 !:"t a V.s;i.' -CliEAX; EHAVH. r i i-i:'; i. : r. !t" PALACE BILLIARD U ALL. . ., w. e , f 1 'i-,t t ! ...-,-. ,-". --3 -e-T I i.-..!.!" s.i - Al. 1 my i- -: 1 sl-.-;-i f-:i wn-tf "in ic I , , . . , . , . , 1 ET?QT YVTN f.lOTTOHS i Li E E i" , c T . ETC. t.'yl o i" e ti rt.NI' -rv. 7, C7, ; bZili;iijLKiJ, iiW ! rr.ATTSM'UT.t. NTH., Rrj;iir:r of filet i.-i Rn-.jints, Rollers, Sun and Ui it Jfili ; 1 am ts;a3I fsttsi:;k. AY- : ' ' 1 Pip--. Fore.-- and Eif; riM.Sraii! -af-'t v- A'a'.v (.overoors. and all Kinds of Itrass 1'ierii.e l"ii : ins. icji-jiircii on short iioli-c K A i'. M M A C 1 1 I N E IO Jlei i-.r.-d n S.'.i. 1! N :.. E'M "YO U X G '." 1 4 2 O p ! n 3 Can air f-t in I YOCNO fliv c- t'ro lie. 't --.i: G l '.J-'. rijis he f jttp.d at Halt's Old . n-udy to Sell Rue bast Jlen!. Inivs fre-b f it-cattle, sbee-.i. 1iol-.'Vc ni the farnuTs every day, and bis i :;i a :ooii . risi), axd row., a SAGE BROTHERS, Eea'.trs in 1 jirjJy ETC.. ETC., ETC. i iu; E;.st ef the lV-t-OuK-e, l"..s !.!i;onth. Neliaka. ... : (I ; rrr.ctical AA'orkeis in SHEET IROX, ZISC, TIX, BRA ZIER Y, d c, t.v;:e .i-sori".:";t of Hard ana Soft COAL STOYES, Wood a nil Coal Stoves for 1IEATIS(S OK C00K1X(S. Ahv:.js on H:i:ii. fv.iv vaiUtv or Tin. SV-eet Iron, raid Zinc AYolk. kep; 1.1 Slock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on Short Notice. ; ifEVKn vTurxo rAi:::A sted : :s I'ltlfK I-OW SOWX. SAGE BROS. ;o TO THE Herald Office ran your O ii Ti I pi:OFE.SSIOXAL CARDS CI!A?.iM & HVKAiilt'., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ! Ami Solicitors in Chancery. O.Tce iu I i'tzer- lll'l l.lUCfv, l!vl rLATTSMOVTII. NEE. i. II. WIIKKI-KH & CO. LAW (II'FK'K. Ileal Il;ilc. Fire and I.ifeln sur;t!i'-e Av'f-its. 1-iattsnioiiih. Ne'iraska. Co- l-cto,s. tax-payers. Have a coirptetc attract Uar.s. &e. i- It. It. IYXt'II. ATTORN EY AND CO!'NE?.T.OK AT EA Otlicc in Kitt-fiilJ liim-k, riaitsitioutii, Nt'li. r-ly jam:: v.. noiiiiisox. ATTOUNEY AT E V. Will jirarrloe in C:in and iiiHtiiniii t'o-.mtii'H : ci v- j'kviI to Poil-t-tiin.- :uit :ilitra-liif title. Oifn-e wit h ;-. s. Smith, I'itzcralil i:!-k. l'latt-montli, Nebraska. Uyl if.O. . NIITII. ATTOKNEY AT I. VW anil Uc::l It tc liro- L-f SnPfi-il ?ltt.t :f.i i'iv't'11 to I -llltl'l't illllH I 1 .,11 .,Mt..r ?iTf..rii" th ti:f In ri:il put.liP. i :'' on il Hour. iv r l'ost On-cf". I'latLstiiout li, Nfin-askit. -tn) :. .JH!V X. II A IX i .trsTii-i: of T.ME r i: i:. ami -oiifctor f drlits. i-oib i-i ions li);"'.!1 ti om o;! i)o!!ar to ;.! :li.i:s:!nii do 1 us. Moit:;:i'-. lf"--. n'.fi Mu rr in-Jt 1 iiiiu n:.; dr:sv. ::. ;.nd :'.! m ;.:;. t'M- i-n-.s iisuaMv lri!ii'.a-l,l Imoi a .1 ns.i I in; I Va -"(.. Ht"it of ri'fi-ivrci L'ivi-:i if ri-iiuir 1. OlVrt on Main street. West of Cniirt TIon. 4i-yl .liUS V. II .VINES. I. II. WHKKKF., K. O. STONK. WEEP LEK & TONE, ATTORX EYS AT LAW, I'lattiNir.onth Xifliraika. II H I.IVISTO, rilYSICIAN & Sri:r,E')N. toidr UN T"o f'.inii.:l serviees In llie eitiiM.s 111 I'as- county. Koiili ii'-i1 si;,;licat corner Sixt'.i and Onk s's. ; otlicc on Main street, two iloors we:,t of Slxtti, I'iatt'inomli. Nebrask:!. itit. 11. ui ii a'iei.ils to f::l! in the country as; fin city. o;'ice at .1. II. lli-.ttery's lironii-dis-i-iiMi- ma a Mieci.ilty. KiicuiiiaMsm cured. t. J. 31. Y. ATKSEn'AX. Pliysio Hedical Prdctiticnor. .-: Vri'i -. Vrs.- Co., ?... ; "A'v.hs at tie' flic" mi Saturdays. 4-yl O. K. S A LOOM. I keT on Land Host's 3IilVi.uKco IJrcr. w r;i.n lip b;id fit nc otlier PLACE IN THE CiTY. A 'so t'!'- b -r of irY7- LTlr'r.:. AXD CIG.iTl. F.J. Ilnsoirjanm. LzxiLOFF .: ;;cj.v.y.?, O : 1',, -r '-r.t nf t" i-rder- Il;ji;se. V'e i.eeji 1 ae Lot of Beer, Wines, Liquors ?z Cigars. :; !,; Const a r t!y 1 .1; II: n.l. AGENTS! :mm LY-ril!('i-'.S mh:1 V ST-tii;l.L!S; AK ..u,,,.,.,,,.;- nuKT. .n i-i 11 a H vn-niax iTiox i E-VTS'J bv saiuj.I-.. ' .. bindi:--s. i ili.s: r:i - i:n:, etc. I'liev are vii".!r w ir-is it every Kind. i.n.J rr for CHvasM-m. All t.H- U.oiv u i-biiisi erne'-. ,oncn. and 10 t. i-r.s. atldKfS a:i.S St VMMEI.E&CO.Si. Em is. Mo. J. G- CHAMBERS, ".n:uf. cf.irer of and Dealer in rcTf rn rr?.? T? atii'W l " i tTi.wr Cin.w 4 I .-JADJ-I.KS. coll a ny. HALTERS. i-;rro r.TC, ETC, ETC. IlVJPAiaiNG Dji)9 with Naati;3s Lis pitch The J:;.i'v 1:1 t-e.-r wlieu "Tmli v's iiat-l-lit seil a ljii.l.i! ie liOie eo'lars ale cold.'' 4:i;i:tj E. PARMELE, SALE. FRED d- LIVERY ST A RLE. a Ma-n street ncaily opjiosite the Court IhiL-L', l'i;it tr liu ui!l, eb. HorsES For Sale. Tbe bin in and sr-Ilinx of irrmd inaue :be specialty o the liuiii's. Hsw Horses H Carriages, ar.d pTtt'.e horses, for E:i.!i:.-s to drive aia k'jt at this Sia'ile. Also a o.irry all. which runs to thp depot, and v. ill rurrv p;tst ni is 1:1 111 ai.v pl.:ee in li on call. FARJERS CALL AXD E A AMINE JIT STOCK FOR SALE. Svl E. TARMELE. DICK STR EIGHT'S . LIYEBY, Feed and Sale Stables Corner Cth and IVarl Sts. IiOl:Si.S 1;i.I)KI l-.Y TIIK HORSES BOUGHT. SOLI) Oil TIIADEI), For h Fa!r Ciinui:ien. TEAMS AT ALL UOTJIIS. I'a .euhsr at:e:iiior. nr.i.l to Braving and i raining T51(TTt; STOC K. -A Iieare f .ii!::s!:ei! ,'.!cn ':.!!ed for. A !! INVENTIONS h PATENTS. T. C. TC9IWAIU, Attorney ani Counsellor at Law, Wi eth St.. N. AY.. 1 1 . O. Lock Cox 171). ' AYasliinton. D. C. Late Evaminer-ia-Chief Cnitcd States Patent OiiW : Member of tin Ear Supreme Court of the United Mates. Patent Lair Prar-tirs in the Patent Of fice anil the Courts a Specialty. tatknts ortaivfo ix tiik l'nitfi statfs. Ca::apa. Ex;lam. Fkaxck. iki;maxv, Eissi a, 15kl:ii-m. Italy. &r. ErFFPEi CKs : Hon. AV. I;. Allison. V S. Sen ator: iov. iv J. liirkwiMid. V. S. Senator; .luitp AY in. lAiimhride, t-E C: Justice Sam'; Miller. (". S. Supreme Cons t : Hoi . ,1a-. IIarl.111, Ex-Secretary Interior. Justice J. F. Dillon. V. S. Circuit Court: .ImE-e E. E. U. I Clarke. Chairman Appeal Hoard. Extent Oiliee ; Col. T. M. Yail. Sup. Kaiiwav Mill Service: "rn. .1. .i. iieoricK. r.-suii r. inter, licv. ; ' Judfie E. S. Sanipxm. C C. : Hon. Oco. AY. ie- Cra ry. Secretary ot AYar ; Col. L. D. limersoll, . Cliicao J'ojt. -.'jinrtoc "VEGSTIITE," .says a Hoston plivsi'-ian. has do -(jn:-.l as a blood purifier. Ilearini; of its mativ wonderful cures after all other it-medics had failed. I visited the laboratory, and convinced myself of it genu ine merit, it is prepared froni bark1, root .s. a- d hi-ibs. each of wliidi is h i-rlil v eifciive. au-1 they are i-ompo-iiiiied in su-h a manner as to produce a.tonisliiflK results." Te get l ac If the great K'.ood I'urifier. Tegetlae - AYil! cure the worst ease of Scrofula. Yegetiae IsreconiinenUed by physicians and apotliecarie.s Yegetiae' II-is effecled some marvelous cities in cases of Cancer. Yegetiae ' Cure the worst cases of Canker. Vesetlcie Meets with wonderful sueces i:i Mercurial dis ejuscs. derf ul sueces : i:i Veptinu Will eradii-aie Salt Khetiin fruni Cue bysleui. Kemoves rintpit-s and iln ::o:s f;-o:a the face. V8J60R3 Cures Co:iti:i::tlo:i am! ret;u!,i;os the bowels. Io a vaiiiable r.-iit-ly lor Iloadac'ie. IT0TJ?in AVill cure Djsjiepsi i. Eestoies tlie entire sy-K-iu to a liea.Uiiy eo'.nl' tinii. lnn'oiSiin 1? uiulillu Eeinoves the cu.i e- o; D..zii)es. VptoIN Eclievcs I' at the TT t Cures Tains in the Eact-c. E.Yecl'iaity c::.l.'.s K: la-y Conij al l 1mm Is effective in its '-.ire nf Keiiia! Weakaoi-s. Yegetine Is ttie i;r : t rf i-icdy ii.r;d la biti-y. Is ai t'.o-At.-d.-il i y a-.i c';:sies of p '.;'u- t" be 1 lo-:,..sf a:o: I j.iabtcble b.o-J'.i il.I i Her ia tiie -.vci hi. Erared iiy 12. II. KTKVIIA'S, 5Iston, 'lass. Ve&tins is M by ell Mwtii PLATTSMOUTH HULLS. I EATTSMOITTH, Xltfi. C. HEISEL, - Pi' cprietcr. Flour. Com 3Ia I . k Feed Always :i !'.:i;h and f..r-ate at 1-nvest cash pri' t '! b.e l.icliesi prices pa: ! t'r V:?eat tu.d ( i rn. Earlieiiha-atti n'ion iri veil eesio-.u v or!;. J . S. GREGORY, - - - Proprietor. Location Central. Cood Sample Eonm.. Every atteatioa paid t quests. 4:'.mr; I'LATTSMOCTII, - - - - - NKB. C0I 31 e-k(Tll hotel, I.IX OLX. NKii., J. J. I.UIIOFF, - - - Proprii tor? Tl.e best kn )V.-ii ai;d mo popular Landlord in t he State. Alw ays s;,ip a to : Coaneeicial. GRAND CEKTRA1 HOTEL, tw von i iiicufro :iil Situ S'l'.iIt'i.SCO. GEO. THRALL, OMAHA. XEU. ' r'rn o X ;i-eat Ite;liu-lin in I'ricci of GUNS, REVOLVERS, &c. El ites red'ieed from j'l to an per c -lit. Write for l'!':-t:;iieii Catalogue, wuli rcduceU prices for HT7. A-l Ire-s. CHEAT WESTERN GUN WOHK3, fd Sniitli'ield St.. 1'ittst airli. I'a. tsyl II. A. WATERMAN & SON, A'lio!e.s:;!e and Uetail Dealeis in Pine Lumber, SHINGLES, Sash, Doors, Blinds, EU' ETC.. ETC. ' Mai., street Corner of Filth. FLATTSiiOUTH, - - - - XEI3. Still Better Rates for Lumber. STUE1GIIT A 31ILIEI:, Harness r.lanufaulurers, SAll)LE: LKIDLES, COLL AER. and al! kids el harness sroek. coustaally on hand. Fruit, Con lectio i! cry, AXD Grocry Store NETS. CANDIES, TEAS COFFEES, SUUAhS, TOH VCCOES, FLOE II, l!eiueni1er i lie place opposite E. C. Dovey's on Lower tSI:iiii Street. 2 1 -1 v ST HE I OUT if- MILL Ell. love vs BY J. U. IIOAO, M. T. to ('.f with vou!" Were Ave to hec.ine ;t-fiuai;!t .l with J say i 11.4 this she ahniptly shut the the history of wl... ate tVa;itiLT ; ,i.or in his face. He went directly to down the stream of time, wo should I j,;3 niothers hnrnhle home. Th-re he learn that not a few, inst,. td of l.eii, ! nt :l ;ina eordial Aveleome de- governed hy pure affect ion. allow ilum- ; s,,ite forlorn appearance. He next selves to h influenced hy sinister mo- j ,it.Sp;.tched a note to' hi.s hetiothed, s; tives iu fonninp; matrimonial al ian- j ncitin-an interview, rei-.resentin,: tliat ces the most important step that can ; llH n.;ls jmxi,,,, to s:-e. h-r, an 1 hoped he taken in Miii world one which, per- j evon jf ;,rv)l,.r, misfortune.theirhopes haps, more than auy o;her, al'f-cts oui ! of we;liih had not been realized, it hapniness or misery, lint I set out to j would not produce si change in her relate a narrative, not to write an es- j iVeTins'toward him. To this sh sent say. I will premise, however, that t!ie j ;)n ;ml:y reply, inrormino; him that main incidents of this slory were f j si,ft vis!ied him to annoy her no more. actual occurrence, the writer h ivin.o: been furnished th'ni from an authen tic source. ('harles Denton was a native of ! ;- mil. 111 I'iiiiy nit-; in- ii. 1 i mi- in.-.nji- 1 , - - tune to los-i his father, wiio h-i't his j sjl0 wi.s-il him to uii l 'i's in 1 lii.i mother not hi affluent circums. m-e;. henceforth th"V vver- to he :h str.i:i but yet not entirely destituto. An j r;.,;. Jjs it;j i.Ki:iMt wis E5i rer liumblu cotla?e home was left unen- j jn ti.? (xtre.n-. a:i.l s!i ; v '. a l i v cumbered, nn-1 by industry an 1 ec.-mo- j fur;j, .r j,..r-,j .i ..Ue.; ,1:1 Ills p-rt. my she was enabled to rear h-r only ThU was enough. Kr a that ,i.a child respectably, p;ivin? hi;n a fair el-i ...i .,. , t ) ,;i;.i!c oi- j... slVi. ;1S ;l u-ation in the frc-f s-n ls '.vhivli h ive j lilf,n.;,M,vy .An, .Wi worn in, whose I""-' !"''"n the tf'.ory oft .at a.;-ie:it city. ,.l;ti,, j hvi W:ls f s..-.r ,u-rau liz-ment. Above all, she sotisrht to instil in'.o his ! r:ltlu.r tl lM t!l(, ..nj-,y,lV.:.t of the hi-!i-yo:i:!rr mind lib' prim-iph-s of honor eJ j,oiier feeihu'.s of our nature. Vith aud integrity. Avhit:!i were cilculated in sl weck :lfter j,,,, ari.ival. lie went to as a safeguard in future lift'. j :l ijvo;-y st n th3 vicinity and se- Esther C mniiur w is ;il.s a nit ive of i ct(.a ;l siln-lil team and cinipue, Boston. Her father vas a retail gn- j ;la 1 j.jj,, the priee. si-uifil his wil cer. He was a man of wori.h and en- j jj., o become the parch aser 0:1 a joyed the coa:i lenc-of thos;i Avh know ; s!,,irl cn,.it, II-was asked what so lum best, j euri ies tiiat ho could pay for it he Charles and Esther in early life ,,,;, t ,iV(. H ; replied. "Tlie presid-vit evinced a mutual att.tfhmnt. In tlieir .,,i:i (ire;t v,-s 01 thi Fanners' and Me ciiildi.slt aiTtirs Ch ides av.u always c!ulni(.s' i x-(!W YodcCity." lie her champioa. an 1 to a. id from school j w IS to! j tll lt ,.. s!l ,-ee.dv.! an aa her c o-.npanio-i and esi-ort. As they t sxver on the dav. The Grni advaaei-d in years this preference fr j uder mh:;d to tll? bank, and were in each other in-r-.'se.!. and wlion our lie- ft,ritle 1 that he h al a b i sit -of forty ro arrived tin; ae of twenty-two they were atli iu ;e 1. and wi.h the c n s"nt of t!i-ir juretits. In leed. th it they would unite t'.e-ir (h-s'inies in a iuatrir-aoni d alliance, if their lives were spared, had for ye u s been a forej.n. conela.sion am-ir fheir friends. At Ihe ti:n of whieh we write, th i exri ement in reierenc; to the dis -ov- j ci Y of p)! 1 in Cdifarnia w.i :t its ; hei;r!.t. In c :n n n with m lay, t'ii t. j was afl'i""!o.j with the go'.d f-ver. and : untold wealth tlitted b :f-re his ima-.;1-' nation. Of ourt; this av.u :i-.n;,'! their themes of tronvrs i" i.n. After! rotraete l disea ;si ias of tll ittip id ant subject, they (1 1 j 1 to ;i'.;i l i the app aiute I we 1 li t r 1 iv. u atiMl i is. shoal 1 liave tried hi; f v a i ia this new Ii l r. la, and (if :'i.-:r r . ' ! 1 1 dream i were reali. -li r'-'ira with a co;npet?nf-. 'Yi'h fi' '-.l vow -a f cotist-tuev, toev p'.V 'l: i straucr 'i's. ail e:n I'lnf-s- -1 i and riv iti ms; s') t uj v g a- s a -t.r !. toils, t 't- so-de- hom". and build castles of ooal vi. On his arrival at- the Empire city Me euihar' ing for the golden shores he dispatched a missive to his betroth ed, informing her of his continued good Iieal tit, and that ere her eve fell upon the lines he r.ted lie would be at. the mercy of the win ' an 1 th- waves. start ed for the go il of their h r M. From tha1 tim" they were rega! ir e n rrso in dents. After a lapse of three months, he wrote her that he had one thous in 1 dollars as the reward of his toils, an 1 that-prosppfts before him were of tie most ll atterbig character. He contin ued to send her letters regular! v, !ut after Avriting the one first allub-1 to. he made no mention o!' his success, but gave her assurance of Irs continued good health. .., i.,.t i .., L 1 e r j tur-ii ..:i.k.i:.i 1 1 . 1 1. into the rmvit ocean of cternitv sinee otir hero's departure, and he turned his face homeward to the borne of his boyhood, the scenes of his early life, where dwelt his be' rot lied, whose im age ay a s enshrined in his heart of hearts, and whom he fondly hoped and believed cherished for him an undying affection, which time nor circumstanc es coull change. Daring the home ward voyage, his fellow p i.ssengers no ticed that he was extremely reticent, mingling but little with others, an I that he was dressed iu a miner's suit that had evidently seen no lit Ie sei vice. Arriving at Xew York, he found his way to the I-sinner's and Mechanic's Bank, and made si deposit of forty i i.i.m : . l i ii , :s sic lu.iiatanee vilh h ;r that s-i ; po this he took the tirst tram for ii iston. , .v ..... r .. , , . i sessed the elements ot a true woaiau. On abgatnig fro n the cars, h;; wended i , ... , , , . . . . . , ... he led her to ih-; attar, and in ide her inousauu uoii.u s iu goi.i. lHVing l me i his way at once to the home of the father of his betrothed. As he reach ed the residence, he rang the door bell, which was answered by his betrothed in person. Instead of a hearty, cordial greeting which he had si right to ex pect, she seemed dism ivt-d at his stp pesiranee; g azed sit him si moment in astonishment and exe'raimed. "Is i. possible that you sire not able to pre sent yourself in si better plight than tins! What have you du"e with sill your money ?" He replied, "I have done the best I could. Are .von not ul id to ve me eA--en if I have no m m-v?' "Xo, indeed I am not. If you have kept rne Availing ali ie--e years, hop ing and expecting to m irry a rich man, rind have rune luck a beggar. I want nothing more to do with you. Where is the thousand dollars yuti wrote to me so long ago about y" "Oh, I spent that long since. I thought you would give me a g!;i 1 aac 1 conie. whether I hstd money or not." "You Avtre grandlv mistaken. I ! Iitivt not waited tlifsc to he :i j lic'i rn ufs wife, to take tip with ;i ! poor one, an.l I will have nothing ir.oiv For years she had cherished t! hope that on his re ;urn s!i3 would hfcotue t!ie wife of a wealthy iti m, an.l enj y all the a lA'.uitaL'-.'s that riclies aiforded. an. I m ho !i. 1 i!s 1 ' r u r I . r 1.1 ) 1 : -s thous an 1 d dlars i:i their bank. They sent a mess it ta him that th-j team was a: hi- :!i , i!. H i s-at th -n word that h- had chatie-l his miii l, and did n t wisii to par . h is--. Hit. th- s'jivt of hii wealth was out. 'Is m ithtjr 1 1 1.-' I liiai to in apparel betiltiu his ci re-aaistaiie-.s . This lv di 1. -T.i- r a .n ir .if his wt-al.h reatilir: I his for.ii . 1 1 ly 1 ve, an I s!ie i-.iiaie. li itely d .;.) it ;ti : 1 a not ? to him. iv.j i jtt:i aa iat'rvie.v, l'i v i ii him assara a v o" h u.i lyia alf ' .-tioa, a ;ki!) ':: p ir 1 a far ii ;r refasil to see hi n. a t 1 itnp'.oria? him to forgive and ov. '.-;. k ih p ist. ..s he took na u ) iej of this, she ar- rayed h V liked a i ia h attire and street in front of the win- da ,v ol ai i K.i h-!i 1? wliica h r.a ling passing it repeatedly, hoping to gain hi attention. 15 at it was sti.l j, vii;i. never raised his eyes fnp.a id. bonk, and sjeme I oblivious of her presence. ' A few weeks rolled by. Has compa ny was s night in thy most fashionable j cireb'3, but he studiously decliael to acrvpt any ol toe in vu.iLioiis lie receiv ed, lie p usaade I his mJier to dis pose of hei property, and taking her with hiia started for the young and rising State of Wisconsin. Stopping ;i't Xew York, lie dr.jvv hi m iney from Liie bank, a i l journeyed onward to his future iVesteiu ham.e. Arrived there, he piirca is-'d a large farm, erected a lai ge d welling, and se. tied down a a fanner oa a larg sc. i.e. T .v.) years pass i. a a I o ir m ia led ta rep ' ;t a l I ;.. wliose ae j a liutau-ja nj ! "; .u this time riser.; s -ale I in t ie h-o 1, .i-i euiigr i it fro.n M is ; e-ro .- i:a n of .ill i. Ah l it i ! gli ' ) r- i i . ' ; . --. He ir a. h .it I His na n-' am-; 1j -o.i II iiisM;. J his wife an I t wo y-.-.iag cai i s i.i-iu lots esi-era n aie, ia me i ! ' recupertti ug his fus- fading h-Mitli He was ji lising lawyer, whom nature had lavishly e.i lo.ved with iatelleciu sil gifts, iiat consumption had chosen him for a victim, and his fast failing health silmouished him that unless his disease was; speedily arrested, bis wife would soon be a wido.v. and his chil dren fatherless. It was all in vain. After a few months of languishing, during wliicli tim; Charles h ul been his const in. and valued friend, he ba le farewell io cart ii. In our hero, the disconsolate widow found a sympathizing friend, whose hear., hand and parse, were open to re lieve her Av.mts and c ue for her fath erless ones. Iu one year after The . desith of her hudiund. believing fro.n mistress of his home, an ' quj ;i of hi. heart. His friends appreeiati ng hi abili ties, sent him a their represent itive to the Legislature. II"re he displayed integrity, patriotism and ability, siud was re-elected almost unan imouslv. Al the close of his s eon 1 term in th.; legisl.iiur. he was honored with si sea., iu Congress. His aged mother was gathered to her Father's home o;, high, but she left behind her numerous friends who deplored their loss. Chai le's home Avas indeed a happy one; the troubles through which he ha I passed serving to qualify him io appie ciale and enjoy the blessings vouch safed him. Estiier still leads a life of "single b!essedne-s" iir her Eastern home. Xews of Charles' rising fame deepens her chagrin at the fatal mis take she made, in preferring wealth to the joys of domestic bliss in the walks of humbler life. She has become a genuine specimen of si sour, vinegar faced old maid, whose mind constant- j ly broods over v;hat "mic;ht h.iA-e bten." KLICX HILLS I'LKAS N ITHLS. Corre-i-ond'Mice Cincinnati f imuirer. C.vfp Oiuo, ISlack Hills, Sept 2 , We had to hang a man here the other day. We'd been putting it off on ac count of a lack of time and a bit of sentiment, till the morale of our small town had at last become as bad as t lease of Chicago. Thomas Y. Shoals, Avho has friends 1 fli-ccii I? i r!jn,inoin -i.i.l tvlni li'l , ' - " ' , ' "' I loon in Yijf i.l j liimiill fni- jonia Yti l!U vi in v i oav in iitoi it .7vi.iv past, entered oar town ten days j ao. lie was a whiskey-drinking, and trouble-making rouh. He brought several i:cnbli tt devices with him to Avax our hard-woi kiui people out of tlieir dust, and he hadn't" been ia camp more than two days when most of his had points came out. At the end of five days he Avas ordered to h ave, but, he boldly refused to obey the .v irii. Tkerenp m, on the morning c;' the siclh day, he was waited upon !' ten iv.'olv ers, backed by ten men, . i o": i:i.-d tiiat fifteen ininu,e.s, City ii.ii,' ,tiiu-'., u.uM be oiven him to get oji.l shooting iiistance." He got. No one cared what became of him or wnitiier he went, and as lie passed from .sight no on expected in see him again. According to rule, we confiscated all his property except a mule, and mule and man went away together. Somewhere outside of camp, Shoals fell iu with some Texans who were on the make, and as ugly as himself, ;md the gang entered our camp, armed to the teeth, two days after .Shoals left it. The four lambs cam in on a gailop, whooping and yelling, alid as they halt ed upon the public square. Shoals sang out: "Trot out my goods, you wiiitediver- ed dust-diggers, or we'll cut every throat in camp." That meant us, you see. Same Were diit gm. some w.t. , a:,d sjine un v. were waking oti " of the Tex ins der groan up to th-- . an 1 wh ita alt ::. m : 'Harry up now, for it a all we kin do to hold onto the tiiggersof these shoot ei s. Oar old boss didn't like tluir style, for one. He was iittin a new handle to a pick, and aams at the door of shan ty X'o. 3, Avhen they rode up. Reach ing into the hosse for his two revolv ers, he rose up and Avalked out upon the gang just as the rest of us were making a rush tor our shoo. ers. "There's the old devil kill him," yelled Shoals, and the four at once be gan firing. of the Lord being on the side of the upright and the innocent. They all had si shot in before the old man gjt ready for busi ness. He put one of his bulletts be tween a Texan's tAvo eyes, his second into another's shoulder, and by that time we were all pegging away. How on earth -J or GO bul.ets could be fired at close range and only one man killed and another wounded is a conundrum for mathematicians. -The dead man fell in a heap. Shoals was dismounted and the other two got out of camp un der cover of the smoke, one of them certainly hit iu tiie shoulder. We pur sued them on foot for half a mile, and the wounded one had hard work to keep his seat. X,i. a miner had been hurt, but nearly a dozen of them hadi bullet holes through hats ami clothing and a eamp-kettie was struck no less ; li in four limes. A fter dinner the men gathered and s i iale v.-iss p i. upon hi. trial. It had -- n ;:ei " '.s.iry to bind him hand and' fo t, and when he was brought out and 1 ii i upon the grass his fury rose to the ninest p. tc!i. Hecuised everybody and every thing, ami uttered threats ihat made some ot the men grow pale. When asked if he didn't know the pen alty attached to conduct such sis his, he cried out : "I'll dare you to harm one hair of my Lead! You are a set of cowards si lack of coyotes si gang of Avhite faced babies!" It ay sis orr busy day and Ave couldn't fool away smy time. A noosed rope wits .thrown over a limb, the free end manned, sui l when the noose had been passed over the fellow's head he was asked if he had smy message to leave for friends: ' I AYii-it to tell as Lis snnkish e fif e; "I ; j mi dig the heal t o.i you li. is," he hissed, s Loked from face to . me us y friends will t i verv oiie of the crowd." lie iai4. ,i h IV peril .ps si i l-Jd S ;u ii IcccMtly, and original to the literature of -last words," but he refused the chance. His feet were un- ;ed and he was lifted up. There was not a minute between him stud eterni ty, but yet be kicked right and left like si twin mule, and was cursing God sind man when pulled oil bis feet. It's tough business, .his choking si human being to death, but it takes csue of them ever after. This Sho lis thought no more of killing si m m than some folks would of taking si chew of tobac co, .and it was a bad day for him ay hen he came among the 15 ackeyes. Last April a man named Roberts, who came out here from Delaware, was captured by the Indians near Dead wood. When they had robbed him of every tiling except shirt aul p nils, six of the seven redskins were iu favor of turning him loose and letting hiin g-t back to the city. .The seventh suvago protested against this action, and when he had to suomit to the m ijority he struck Roberts iu the mouth Avith the head of his tom:ihsiYk, smashing out several teeth and inllicrinjr other inju ries. Raherts tool; a lo.ik at ihe warrior, ind when ha was turned loose lie vowed to ret even if he ha 1 to stay out there until Darwin turned ba ;k in to a baboon. Tho mills of th-j jtjI grin I for the savage as well m for ths white mn. Roberts and others have a camp about two miles above us. Indi itt b ars and loafers came into all the camp al- most daily, and the o her day the old I top-knot who played smash with the Delaware m la's teeth enter;' the camp and wa it I to tr i le a I t of fresh ven ison for bar-leal. Roberts identified him in an instant, an I th; venison and the savage were "jerked" at ona and the same motion. All the men iu the camp knew how Roberts had been served, and when he had the right man iu his grasp, there was no one to plead the other sidj- of the case. The Indian was stake 1 down on the grass as a first move. He rec ognized Roberts, and, realizing that the hour of reckoning had come, hi Avhin ed like a dog. He offered rid ', knife,, and all else to settle the dentistry busi ness ; but the miner couldn't have been bought off for Sl'J.oa.). When lie got ready he went to work with the red man's tomahawk and deliberately knocked out every tooth he c.mid get a, an.l he didn't miss a great many. The Indian had no more grit than a boy., but yelled like si regiment of cav alry going into a tiglit. A tooth for a tooth was not enough for Roberts, and he coolly sliced off his victim's cars, working slowly and doing a lirst rate job. Then he sh ived the warrior's top knot off tiiid turned him loose to liu l his friends and receive their praises on his early assumption of fall style. The wretch didn't wait a second after being told to go didn't even ask for his ears as pocket-pieces. R ihert h i them piiuiel up a relics, wiihabijful of teeth hanging above Ihe.n, aa 1 to strangers he explains: "Tlie darned Injun who pick n.y molars with Lis Thota is-ha vk wirts to leave the c eintry on the very fi:t train, or he'll wish he'd been Lor:: a buzzard." UrJUIe IJibles- From the New York iiiuis. Formerly the lamp-chimney vexed the souls alike of the righteous and of the wicked because of its exceeding brittleness. It broke whenever a:i ef fort was ma le to clean it. and frequent ly ii Hew into pieces when no man wa- touching it. and merelv of its own wicked will. Men with small salaries Avere often brought to the brink of ruin by the constant drain upon their pockets vyhich resulted from the effort to keep two or three lamps supplied with chimneys, and it is believed that Mr. Oilman was induced to steal .S00. 000 chiefly because his pride led him to use none but unbroken lamji-chim-neys although in his pathetic and veracious confession he unaccountably fai! to mention the fact. Xow, liow cAer, ti.e invention of llaslie glass has rendered tiie chimney no longer a grief an I a burden. The new Rustle chim ney can not be broken with anything short of a sledge-hammer. It can be - ,lsei1 as :l Ibimmer wherewith to drive nails and to loosen the bungs of beer barrels, or sis si club for the siccomoiLi tion of burgl.ii-3, or for the purpose of instilling great moral lessons isito the minds of youth. Thus the lamp-chimney is cured of it brittleness, sind no longer exhausts the pocket and ruins the temper of the householder. The human baby is, of course, far more complicated in its structure than is the simple lamp-chimney, but it shares with the old fashioned type of the latter the fault of extreni ; brittle ness. It is true that the baby does not bresik in consequence of unequal expansion or contraction, and can be submitted to extremes of heat sind cold without cracking; neither doe3 it tly in pieces Avhen left to itself, even when bent stud twisted by the severest colic. Xevertheless, si baby is aim ist certain to bresik when dropped, even from a very small height. This can ba demon strated by a very simple experiment. If ive take a baby of s ay six months old, and of the weight of about thirty rounds, sind drop it from si height of four feet to the' floor, it will break into from two to eight pieces. Of course, the pieces remain attached to each oth er by clothing and pins, but that its framework is broken si very superficial inspection will show. It is th is extreme liability to break which renders care ful men so reluctant to hold babies. A man who accidentally 1 re tks a baby i;wavs finds liimse'f iu a nunpleasant position, and the baby's mother is sure to show by her'i..t that .she regsirds him sis careless and aw'kward. The worst feature of the case is that a bro ken bah can rarely be repaired s.i as to be in all respects sis strong sind beau tiful sis it originally avsis, stmf in case it is hopelessly broken, it is impossi ble to replace will prove satisfactory io its owners. Hence, the wise man carefully abstains from hand ling babies, whether he has any share in their oAvnership or not. The brit tleness of babies is, moreover, a source of much trial to nurses, and debsirs the small boy from much innocent amuse ment. Were the baby firmer and tougher jn texture, it would te very useful sts a club in drivingaway strange dog3 and objectionable children both of Avhich constantly molest nuraes in our public parkland it could a!so i.o used by the small boy precisely as a pillow is now used, sis a weapon of of fense in the deadly pi.-low-lights which lay low so many stout clocks, and gal Lint bronze statuettes. The discovery thsit the brittlenes of lamp-chimneys can be overcome ha stimulated a St. Louis parent to invep. a style of baby cart not bo readily broken. He recently tried an experi ment with si novel baby which uppeai to have established very thoroughly its remarkable toughness. The baby in question avsis of the girl pattern, and outwardly resembled all other babies of the same age and sex. It was put licly dropped from the fourth story si building on Ashley stivtt.and stru a hard stone pavement, sifter a f;dl v." at least fifty feet. Tht,se who saw ll supposed accident wore filled with Ik ror. and had not the slightest dot that the boy was smashed in a tin sand fragments. A philanthropic m -hastened to the spot with a basket,;, a coroner Avho had been hunting t . succcssf ully for corpses since thee.i dawn, gave si triumphant whoop a- proceeded to impanuel a jury with, delay. To the un mingled sis'.oni -mentof everyone and the uus;.e:, able disgust of tho coroner, the b -; was found to be unhurt, an.l aa picked up was found to be in the . of playfully swallowing ;i horse-: that happened to lie within ilsn The most thorough inspection fail, find a bruise or a break anywheri the surface or in the interior of the fant. Its toughness was denioisslru and it is hardly necessary to say t although the public and the lOCrt'j p,.t regarded the baby's fall sis an siccid. there can be little doubt it was dr . ped as sin experiment by iu confide inventor. If the proems by which this St. Le is baby was deprived of its natu brittleness proves to be applicable all infants, it will be of sti ice to mankind. The minds of t mothers will be relieved from const;, apprehensions in regard to windo and stairs. The fall of a baby fron topmost btory of an apartment I - V ingto the street l avement belo.v u 1. not create the slightest ui easiness, .-. cept, of course, iu th ; man on win new hat it may fall. and theg,ll(. whl is now placed at the lieu 1 f the Ptsi r in houses i.ufestel with infants a become entirely obsolete. It i-3 -probable that babies will ever be .. si hammers, inasmuch sis they will less convenient than tho Bastio lat . chimneys, but for heavier work, us diiving wedges into logs, or packing earth tightly around nevi set posts, a medium sized baby wb' invaluable. Confidence between smd woman will be vastly incr when the former csm handle a i ' without any fear of breaking it, san . may betaken for granted that unhr. ;.. able babies will be iu far greatt . mand than the present variety been. Thus does science by ste.idy steps ; move the obstsicles to the comfort . happiness of mankind. Xow that i. breakable infants have biren itnent. the only further - be desired is the invention of ;iu - , tic and compressible child, that : made to fit cl-dhing of any size, .ut is not probable that Ave shall have , Avait very long before this desired i ... vention is patented and brought Ufo . the public. ' Not a Mathematician. She ivas a little girl who wa.: t : , of her arithmetic. She took it into h head to read the IJible, and, b. g.n;, with the account of creation, see , along very wed for a winle, but v. denly threw the book down, sav..: "There. I don't want to rea 1 jlny of it." "Why. what's tho ... sisked her mama. ".'Jjesiuse they to study Arithmetic there," was th ply; "just hear this, 'and the , commanded them to multiply ;n face of the earth." And there wa:, : more Rible for her. Xew Iku Standard. Printing Oflice Secret. A properly conducted printi: g . is sis much a secret sis a Masonic 1 The printers are not under oath , crecy but feel themselves as ti honor bound to keep otlice se i though triple oatlied. Any em, in a printing office avIio wilfully , gards this rule in regard to j.r ofiice secrets Avoiild not only lie by bis brethren of the craft, out lose i ij pinion at once. W -this statement because someti .' h.appens si communication in si newspaper under an asstn i' ; nature which excites comincrr various parties try to find out the author. Let siM be ssiv. ; truble of questioning an em;.! the printing office. They a . nothings upon such points;:; On such points they have eyes ;;n no mouth; and if any fail to o' this rule, let them be put dov. i;.r ' honorable members of the ere.ft. 1. the same in job printing. If sir yt ". is to be printed and kept secret, b : proper notice be given of th- dsit secrecy, and you might as aavI! c uc a Sphynx sis one of the print '-i s. so ; even the secret books for l.-J,"-. printed without fear. Ex.