THE HERALD. J. A. MACM17RPHY,. ... . . . .Editor. Trip ia Nebraska and to the East. CHATTER SECOND. New MiLFOnri, Conn., ) Sept. 17Ui, 1877. J Friend Herald : I shall now make 'an effort to finish my trip letter from the Taradise of the west. "We left Chi cago at 5:13 p. ni., on the Atlantic Ex - press via Michigan Central, for Detroit, where we arrived at 3:33 a. m. As we traveled through Michigan by night I cannot say much more than that the country is a rolling prairie, with some wood through that part traversed by the Michigan Central. The distance from Chicago to Detroit by rail i3 291 miles. Here we were transferred across the liiver without change of cars, leaving Detroit at 4 a. m. for the Queen's Dominion. Scndat, Aug. 20. Vind.5or is pleasantly situated on the Canada side of the Detroit liiver, one mile from Detroit. Leaving "Wind sor at 5 a. m., via Great Western It. Tt., for the Suspension Bridge, a distance from Chicago of 513 miles, and 223 from Detroit. "We arrived at the Bridge at 1 :20 p. m. "Whilst crossing this bridge the train runs very slow, which gives an opportunity to see the Falls in their great splendor, also the rapid whirling and running of the wa ter below the bridge, besides the double track railway up and down the banks of the river at the celebrated whirl pool. CANADA A"ND SOME OF TIER RESOURCES. Part of the land laying on either side bf the It. It. is quite level and requires to be plowed in small lands, say two rods wide, and leaving the center fur row cleaned out for water drainage. The fitld3 are generally fenced into small lots which would cost more than the land could be sold for itv Nebraska. Some of the land is quite poor, and some very good, but would not com pare with Eastern Nebraska. There are numerous large towns along the line of IL It. which indicates wealth. The wheat was all harvested and some threshed, as you could see a little straw pile at most of the barns. Some of the oats were still in the field, and they Ij'okod very good, corn quite good for the kind, but little planted. The hogs on many a farm in Nebraska would consume more corn than could be seen in traveling ten miles. Beans quite plen ty, and looks as though the people eith er lived on bean porridge or else raised them for the American market. Leav ing Suspension Bridge at 2 p. m., we traveled through country whic'i does not differ much from Canada, either in surface or products. Arrived at Syr acuse at 7:50 p. m. Syracuse is G69 inile3 from Chicago, and lot from Sus pension Bridge. Thi3 road runs through many large towns and cities, which counts much for the wealth of the State. Monday, August 27. Arrived at Albany at 1 :40 a. m., at which place we were compelled to lay over until C:40 a.m. Albany is 817 miles from Chicago by rail. Wife had become so completely overdone by so continuous a journey without rest or sleep, that she was under a higli fever all through Canada, and continued so for some days rtfter reaching our place of destination, which was New Mil ford, Connecticut, on the Housatonic II. It This place was reached at 10:50 a. m. At this time of writing we have called on only part of our friends, find them all well so far, and happy to see tho returning friends. Connecticut looks hard and rough. Everybody has tho word "hard times" in their mouths. Yet part of thesu times are caused by extravagance created by keeping New York boarders a few months in sum mer. Farm wages are about -SIS and board per month, for G and 7 months. Work by the day in Villages and Cities Sl.50 and board yourself. Board by the week, $3 and up. The weather hero is very warm, and the ground dry, crop3 generally good, except hay, which is light. Your3 truh', Bennett "W. Pierce. Didn't Want His Name in the Taper. Adolph Plate, of New York, 13 at the Grand Central. Mr. Plate travels for a big New York tobacco house, the name of which we can't spell, because we've lost the card. Mr. Plate is a gen tleman we met one night last year in company with Mr. George Newman, of Chicago and Mr. Hank Hornberger of Omaha. We made extended men tion of him in this column p.t the time. He was afraid yesterday we would make some more extended mention of him, and when we saw him on the streets in the afternoon he skipped up an alley when he thought wo were not looking. That's where he got fooled, but it vamt his fault; people general ly can't t j!I wharo wo arc looking. "We saw Mr. Plato hence this mantion. He u.-cd to be president of the New York Fat Mn's Association. He weighed yesterday morning "just 301 pounds. That was before dinner. In the after noon he was eleven pounds heavier. He don't want us to put his name in the paper, and we wouldn't do so only that we wish to remark that the cigars his houso sells to ths wholesale trade are excellent ones, to which part we can attest after Plate gives U3 some to try. -Cuddy," of the Omaha Republican, did that, and if we were Mr. Plate we'd pu'v a new and better looking head on Mr. Cuddy the next time wo came to Omaha. The Art ox Advertising-. The time has come when a know ledge of this art is an essential part of the education of every business man. To bo successful in business they should understand how to advertise. It is only necessary to illustrate tho truth of this statement, to call atten tion to tho most successsul merchants and manufacturers of any large city, or small village in the United States. Theyknow just what to say to the public, when to say it, how to say it, and the medium to employ to say it. They havo made the samo careful study of thi3 as of .any other branch of their business. They don't insert a sin gle begarly little ad. in an obscure cor ner of some paper, out of favor of the publisher, to support a party organ, and then endeavor to make the propri etor of the paper sensible of the value of their patronage by growling when asked to pay for the advertisement, and vowing that it'never did them any good, but was just put in out of char ity. They are not content with an old stale advertisement that repeats the same old story at all season3 of the year, offering the same bargains, and the same full supply of goods "just re ceived" at all times of the year, when their stock has run down so low that they arescarcly able to fill the orders of one customer, as when their houses are filled with the most seasonable and at tractive commodities. They never al low the public to remain in ignorance of the fact that they have a good thing to sell. They know how to make their constant appeals in a manner that will prove attractive. They are always de vising new and striking methods for presenting their wares to the public notice, by the use of printer's ink. They are always careful to advertise what they Ijave, not what they had Last winter, nor what Jon s, Brown or Smith, or some one else has now. They advertise honestly and liberally, and their customers learn to believe the promises publicly made through the newspapers. Their advertisements are studied with interest by everyone who expects to become a perchaser. It is as important that a man about to engage in mere intile pursuits should know how to advertise a3 to kenw how to buy judiciously, or to sell at a living profit. Chicago Specimen. Pidjeon's Irreparable Loss. From the Philadelphia Bulletin. "We had been out to the graveyard to bury Mrs. Tidgeon, and we were riding home in the carriage with the bereaved widower. While he sopped his eyes with his handkerchief, he told us about her: "In one respect I never saw her equal. She was a manager. I've know'd that woman that's lying out there in the tomb to take an old pair of my trousers and cut them up for the boys. She'd make a splendid suit of clothes for both of them out of them old pants, get out stuff enough for a coat for the baby and a cap for -Johnny, and have some left over for rag-carpet, besides making handker chiefs out of the pockets, and a bustle for herself out of the other linings. Give her any old garment and it was as good a3 a gold mine. Why, she'd take a worn-out sock and make a brand-new overcoat out of it, I believe. She had a turn for that kind of econo my. There's one of my shirts that I bought in 1847 still going about mak ing itself useful as window curtains and pantalettes and plenty of other things. Only last July our gridiron gave out, and she took it apart, and in two hours it was rigged on the side of the house as a splendid lightning rod, all except what she had made into a poker and an ice-pick. Ingenious? Why she kept our family in buttons and whistles out of the ham bones she saved, and she made fifteen princely chicken coops from her old hoop skirts and a pig-pen out of her used-up corset bones. She never wasted a solitary thing. Let a cat die around our house and the first thing you knew, Mary Jane'd have a muff and a set of furs, and I'd begin to find mincj pies on the dinner table. She'd stuff a feather bed with the feathers that she'd got off of one little bit of a rooster, and she'd even utilize the roaches" in the kitchen so's they'd run the churn had a ma chine she invented for the purpose. I've seen her cook potato parings so's you'd think they were canvas-back duck, and she had a way of doctoring up shavings so that the pig'd eat 'em and grow fat on 'em. I believe that woman could a built a four story hotel if you'd a given her a single pine board ; or a steamboat out of a wash biler; and the very last thing she said to me was to bury her in the garden so's she'd be useful down below there, helping to shove up the cabbages. I'll never see her like again." I don't believe he will, either. TELEGRAPHIC! LATEST FROM THE WAR. Death of Senator Bojy. Vaunisii for "White Woods. Dis solve three pounds of bleached shellac in one gallon of spirits of wine; and add one and a half more gallons of sp'rits. If the shellac is pure and white, this will make a beautiful, clear vci'ing for white wooden articles. Last Autumn, writes a correspon dent of The New England Farmer, while visiting in the north part of the State, my father saw a man brushing his fa led win low-blindi over with boiled linseed oil, instead of painting them, and thinking it a capital idea, came home and tried the experiment on hi3 own, a3 tiie oil wa3 all evapora ted from them, and he had expected to have to paint them before Winter; but, although badly faded, the applica tion of ono coat of oil brought them back nearly to their original bright ness and glossiness. If it had been put on in hot weather they would have looked better, as it was so cold before he found lcisuro to c!6 it, that the oil would not penetrate readily, but gath ered in occasional drops on tho lower edge of the slats and dried. Judging from the appearance of ours, I should think if one oiled their blinds over in hot, sunny weather, once every year or two, beginning of course before the color i3 rubbed oil, they could be kept looking bright a great many years without painting, ai;d this would make quite a saving, as green paint is rather expensive ami has so littlest in it that it soon evaporates and leaves nothing hut the color, which, of course, wears I oif , unless more i3 added. Cotton Crops Destroyed in Tennessee. Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 20. The large number of cases of yellow fever at Fernandina is increasing, and the increasing mortality render contribu tions in money badly needed. It is hoped the North will respond to the appeal for help. St. Louis, Sept. 20. TJ. S. Senator Lewis V. Bogy died at his residence here at eleven o'clock this forenoon. The Senator had been afflicted with ma larial fever for several months, and late ly abcess of the liiver wa3 discovered, which hastened, and perhapes directly caused hi3 death. Washington, D. C, Sept. 21. Late news from Sitting Bull, from the Brit ish territory, indicates that he will re main on British soil through alleged fear on his part of treachery. Sitting Bull's force now number 1,100, all en camped at the Horses Buttes, four miles from Wood mountain. London, Sept. 21 Tho Telegraph's Pera Correspondent sa5'3 : A telegram just received at the war office from Me hemet Ali anounces that serious fight ing began to-day (Friday). The Turks were advancing steadily when the mes sage left Shumla this morning. No other paper has anything touching the reported battle, although several have correspondents both with the czaro-' witch and Mehemet All. Mt. Washington, N. II., Sept. 21. A f uriou3 snow storm preva ils here. London, Sept. 21. A correspondent at Gorney Studen, estimates that the Russians with the the reinforcements received since the battle before Plevna must number nearly fifty thousand. The casualities on the 11th and 12th amounted to over sixty per cent. Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. 21. The entire abundant crop3 of cottoH corn and fodder in the valley of the Black Warrior, Alabama, were swept away by the river's sudden rise of 03 feet which is within two feet of the terrible freshet of June, 1S72. Plan ters had just commenced picking cot ton, and had not hauled the corn and fodder from the fields. The cotton crop destroyed is estimated at 30,000 bales. Most of the planters are ruined. It is doubtful if the actual necessaries of life can be secured now. Tuscaloo sa is about the head of the devastated section. Merchants had advanced heavily on these growing crops. How Long to Sleep. The fact is, as life becomes concen trated and its pursuits moro eager, short sleep and early rising become im possible. We take more sleep than our ancestors ; and we take more because we want mafco. Six hours sleep will do very well for a ma30u or a bricklay er, or any other man who has no ex haustion but that produced by manual labor; tho sooner he takes it after his labor is over the better. But for the man whoso labor is mental the stress of work is on his brain and nervous sj-stcm, and for him who is tired in the evening with a day of mental applica tion neither "early to bed nor early to rise" is wholsome. He keeps letting down to the level of repose. The long er the interval between the" active use of the brain and his retirement to bed, the better his chance for sleep and re freshment. To him an hour after mid night is probably as good as tw o hours before it, and even his sleep will not so quickly and completely restore him as it will his neighbor who is physically tired. He must not only go to bed la ter but lie longer. Ilis best sleep pro bably lies in the early morning hours when all the nervou3 excitement has passed away, and he is in absolute rest. poor (;reeley7 Greeley's Broken neart. Col. M. W. Tappan, of Bradford, N. II., has the following letter from Hor ace Greeley which is thought to be the last letter of confidential friendship which he ever wrote: "New York, Nov. 8, 1372. My Friends: We have been terribly beat en. I was the worst beaten man that ever ran for the office. And I have been assailed so bitterly that I hardly know whether I was running forPres identorthe penitentiary. Inthedarkest hour my long suffering wife left me none to soon, for she suffered too deep ly and too long. I laid her in the ground with hard dry eyes. Well, I am used up. I cannot see before me I have slept little for many weeks, and my eyes are still hard to close, while they soon open again. But no moro of this. You my friend went into this con test for me. You knew as I did that that we must stop fighting the rebels some time. But it is now settled that we never shall. -I need not speak of my wife. You know the whole story of her long ill ness and painless death. Her suffer ings have been so great that I rejoice that they were ended. Remember me kindly to Mrs. Tappan. I am faithful ly yours, "Horace Greeley." The asterisk? denote the omission of passages relating to public men now living, and which it thought best not to publish. While a pleasure party from Lincoln were rusticating at Milford one day last week, the members carefully spread out a tempting lunch ot pies, cakes, etc., under the cool foliage in a grove near the mill, and then went off to take a boat ride. In their absence a few cows came along, and enjoyed the feast, only leaving our Lincolnites a few crumbs to appease the;r extra sharpened appetites, and one cake with the imprint of a cows nose and a large mouthful taken out of the top. Scvr- ! aid Reporter.- Once More! ELI PLUMHER'S O TJ IR, MEW STOCK Is lust low beinsr opened. We have a full line in Spring and Summer Dry Goode, Bleached and Broicn Domestics, Prints and Summer Dress Goods, Ladies and Gents nosiery. A full Stock or YANKEE NOTIONS, '-ij -ML The host sfook of Coffee ever brought to thin City ; Roasted and Green. Canned Frit its in great rarities, Sugars c Syrvps in all sized packages DRIED FRUITS Foreign Domestic PURE SUGAR SYRUP In five gallon kegs, at Plummer's. SHOES. A few more ladies'. Misses', and chil drens' shoes to be closed out. Come and examine before purchasing, and save money. .. NAILS! cheaper than ever; another car load just received. NEW CANNED GOODS. Corned beef. Boston baked beans, orange marmalade, peach marmalade, blackberrv jam. and a variety, or oiner goods to make a meal without building a lire these hot evenings. ZIOSQ UITO NETTING ! cheaper than it was ever sold in this town before. TEA ! The best gunpowder tea in America, SALT! Salt by the car load or pound. BLEACHED cD BROWN 3IUSLINS When they are wanted, do not forget to call and see how mucli money you can save by purchasing of Eli Plummkr, Plattsmouth.Neb. Our idea, is to buy for CASH and sell for CASH to every one, and at such rates that both buyer ftad seller can live. Now, we want to see all our old friends back "again, an I we want all the new ones we can get. We promise to treat you well and send you home hap py, with a wagon lo;ul of good3 bought for very little money. Next week 1 expect to fill this column with a new list ot poixls. Just lene1. Uead the offers and come and look at the goods, that is all I ask ;ni6 ELI J?LU MM Eli. For NINETY DAYS FROM DATE , Elegant Tabic Silverware C0 fce iwiml bj al! n compliance with the f aIIowIs conditio : Th Kmtiaml SJ?tt , at..l Clpu-tnat War will ansi Ia n An WHO) rfCflVW thl IWtlCe. ft Prt Of 1 nAtihi Erf r. PlL-i ftiiVer Hdmbi. nrifi amirrmve on each fipool any desired ' initial. Yoa mrm required to oat oat the foiwin; SUwwr Coupon n-i-n.l it to ibe tbore Company, with your bum and MrM. and aW to enclose with It 75 eeota to pat &U charge, includtnf wt of engravm initial, racking, toxiur. aol exnreaa and olivred in roar haodt without farther 1 nee Pfo are furrntf to be of the best material, and e.iaal to um bcl Uver-rutc4 tVre made, a the fbligw.Df letter from the Omjny will testify : - Ornci National Silt Plattka TM Obeftmt FK. rfnaJ?TufiTa. Pa. To whom it may Conoera. The P..Hn went out under ihii arran.TTnt ire cuaranu are of bst quiity, first benviiy filaU d with pure nickel (the r-wriest while metal known), and a den tile-extra plate of pure (Vn Standard Silver e4ded on top of in nickel, thoa rendering them tl.e very best Silver-Flaunt Ware man a f bo tared. We will honor ne o'.er which !c- not contain the 61 'r or ware Coupon, aul WiH not honor t&4 CeutUA aTWT c1" from tho A t'e ef thii pr. ISifi0s4 JXiOAL t-ILVER PLATING CO., 704 Cheatnut St., Philadelphia. m enrmwm aBjr dealred InittM. n ehaws rtn pr! hw U k aa, aitd LUo &pvu& wul be UUw;U & 4ri liiialivn free of auj j Kn.vEnwAitE cocroN. CBtwt'rt ff Ms Coupon, tdr-nhrr with 75 ectJ to eor?r aTcVrw, feeTnl- frlff einrvs or ma.iin, cucravic and boxing, &reh aioc U tU to an J ad die act of oaf iur Coia Stau-ard duuble-exira plaled ui a j rents aeat nLher chirr. Good lor nlntr ?y ffwn eNe ef tfcN f mrr. rr wV.-h r1! Cnnvt t noD 70 Ctaastnut j,l, Xhiladclphf-V -Tr-WTWTTfrl-'" w-i" i ii n.,,,r Jhonld It be rire1, nnr one cf the foHowlnir err!?V will b- eot fa lien of the Spoon e n jyuwat of the fo!iuir c ha. fix aclid rtetl kaivea. Made and handle one oltJ pt?ee, host etce!. double nickel and silver plated, S3: fork, doable nickel and atlver pliud, bi els. If all thete cooli are deairod, tiwlo the total charrea, vc!t will he 75 ct. for p-M-m. ft'i for koivea, ajd U5 cts. for forks totl, l.70 thus securing for S3 7 J what would font ou much irore in nnT cts-r wv. Kemcmbcr that esoU article, except kuwc3, wiU bo eo graved Willi evuy i.uul UmtlU WaUu u.:ii cc.u IMPORTANT KOTSCS. TMe liberal offer Ttolda rood for enlr ninety flaro from date, tf)rebr It la t the lQiret of all who can eeure its bmeme t m- to it that tiir avre not Debarred by ra.-ton of the expiration of tne time -rqtfli All few tcra f dcricc Silverware should be atidreaecd direct to the NATIONAL SXiVIOt TLATINO CO., 27 a. 704 Chestnut Street, rHILADELPKIA. PA. BOOT jstd SZE3ZOIKI g g fed mm life- m0Smm I - tern mllM ffl.4IUMfF wa jFarzas-rs Improve Your MQcl, C " i x. , Ml V s i 1 V 5 :i mm '.-It "I,, Li-"-? - t : A r- -- -- . !3,, , L Mil; , xv 74 v ... . . x , i x- ill : SSV. J. V. WECKBACH, Prop. (Eiraimall dDjpesaaimg ? x X We wore tiie firt to introduce this very worthy varioty ofswino into tins r.nntrv have tested them thoroughly and we are convincfd they are by fur the mot valuable bretd'Ior the farmers ul this country for the following reason : Karly niatuvity, o,uict diMtsition, jiood tivetITS. frood mothers, and the very hest hreed In tho world to cross with the lai;;e cuaive breeds, fii viny them beautv of form, imm'ovin'j: tlieir fatteninj; qualities, nud j;reatly improvinf; the quality of the hamswhieli are nut excelled by any other breed. Their color is black, the skin is perfectly smooth, find very thin anil white hence they have no scurf or skin disease which white hops are sure to Ret in a black soil coun try, and they are t nxthjrrt tit cholera in common ith other swine. They ate the largest ol the Mnall breeds, making from three to four hundred lbs in one year sometimes reach W)0 or 700 pound anl can be fatted at any age. 'e have now a very choice lot of uins from Ms different importations, and are prepared to mate pigs properly for breeding, and warrant every ply pure Essex or no sale. lit! J. V. YANDOREN, Eippon, Fon Du Lac Co., Wisconsin. jfo w has come home, And he has brought the finest line of Dress Goods, Staple Goods, Fancy Goods and Notionsyou ever saw. rio say fflflaSEBg of gscea ae foy tSBeaca'ejfe aaafil lke till! ysi uuiH rest . imt$B aBBci caps till yen muse hnjo e Spring and Summer Goods eyer and ever so cheap. yore ; your vhanoo bound to sell and undrrst U anybodi;'. Hurry up. I want to go Ea-tt again acri month. B-A-ZExLO-IIIrS I AVe are In almost dally receipt of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, aaasl aiBlDElKIlJE, which we offer our friends and the public at Wholesale aaaal HSetail5 at prices to suit the times. Casluucrcs, Alpacas, Delaines, &c. Calicos, from 12 to 16 Yards for $1.00. Muslins, from 6 cts. a yard upward. BBDSPHBADS ! The finest stock of White Bedspread ever brought to the Citv, BOY'S ClaOTHIKKS-J Buell's Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, and Cottonades ir full Stock. !SiO!f anal Iie OF AT.I. KIXUS. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Thankful for past favors in the years gone by. I respectfully ask a rout inuanee of the v r,iTAiusTKKiX(i SATISFACTION' lx ALL cats, and lioph 'my efforts to p!rasr may he ri ed with fuccei-s, I remain a3 ever, ,j. . V:f'KI5ACH. REZIEZUiER TIIE PLACE, ONE DOOR WEST OF P. O., PLATTSMOUTH, NEBHA? . SCHNASSE & GRAM BERG Have just opened their large and liandsome Stock of VAlt 60058, ALSO A NEW AND FRESH STOCK OF r& m rci t IBf m IHA 3 Q To) Tf A complete new stock of Fall Dress Goods, Felt Hats, Fur Hats, For Gentlemen, SCARFS, FANS, TIES, AND SILK NECK E ECU 1 1: F, 1 PARASOLS. Hosiery.HavyBlue, Cardinal Red & Seal Brovii. Embroideries and Laces. BACK CO JIBS AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. Satchels, Valises, and Ladies Hand Satchels, Toilet Quilts, &c, Tilt'j-p r,r. sets, and Ribbon3 Innumerable. IS I5oys Samrner Cassimeres, Tweeds. &c, Queenswaro, Wooden Ware, : v A Full Stock of com I Chicago Sugar Cured Hams, lard SALT FISH, Macl:croT. White Fish and Cod. RE2IE3IBER ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE TKEX 1 EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ia9$ Forget the Place ONE DOOR EAST of THE FIRST NATI0NALBAKK T'1ntsmutU. b