Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 06, 1877, Image 3

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B. &M. R. R. Time Table.
Corrected Sunday, April 1st, 1S77.
leaves r. :4" a. in. Arrives 8 a. m.
' 2:30 p.m. " 3:15 p.m.
Leaves 9 -0 n. in. Arrives 10 24 a. m.
" 8 :00 p. hi. ' 1 :45 p. m.
Leaves rintsniouth 9 :40 a. m. Arrives Lin
coln. 15 p. m. ; Arrives Kearney, 8 :00 p. m.
Freight leaves 7 :I0 a. m. Ar. Lincoln 12 :23 p.m.
Leaves Kearney. 6 :40 a. in. Leaves Lincoln,
12 -.16 p. in. Arrives Hattsmouth. 3 :15 p. in
Freight loaves Lincoln 11 :15 a. in. Arrives
tfattsuiouth, 4 :U p. in.
Express. 6 :15 a. in.
Fa-vwnger, uruin each day) 3 0 p. m.. except
Saturday. Every third Saturday a train con
nects at the usual time.
Arrive at - 3 -.30 a. m.
I Depart At - 6 :30 a. m.
I " " - 8 :00 p. m.
Arrive at 10 -.30 a. in. Depart at - 2 :15 p. m.
Arrive at - 3 -.15 p. in. Depart at - C :00 a. m.
Arrive at 12 :00 in. 1 Depart at - 2 :00 p. tn.
Arrive tit I2)m. Depart at - 1 :oo p. rn.
Transient. 25 cents a line. Regular advertis
er , to cents per line. No advertisement Insert -1
for v.a than 25 cents.
Lrvj notices at Statute rates.
At lorneys and ofllcers of the law v. ill be neld
fo-MvuiHi Me for uU legal notices they hand in,
bful a", parties demanding a pnuf of publica
tion of anv notice will be held for the publica
tion lee of such notice.
As our "pace is limited, sill conimunicaMons
m aat he brief and to th point, with no waste
f words.
The piper Is rfponsib;e for the correctness
according to copy of paid matter and paid Le
gals. yuly.
1. Any person who takes the paper rularly
from tne pov-offlce, whether directed to his
oiur.e. or wnether ne W a subscriber or not is
responsible for the pav.
2. H aiiv person ordeis hl3 paper discontin
ued, he nvisi pay all airearnes. or the publish
er may continue to pend it until payment is
ma.le. and coilect the whole amount, whether
the paper is taken from the office or not.
3. the courts Have decided that refusing to
taae newspapers and periouicaU from the post
oi'Jre. or removing and leaving them uncalled
lor. Is prw.i-.t facie evidence of ixtestiosal
"To and from the Fair Grounds'
is all the crv now.
1 his is the mouth of fairs. All
Ihe p.iera come to band fair to mid
dling. O. F. Johnson, Esq., has been ab
sent fri.iu business this week, caused
bv sickness.
The County CVmiiiissioners met
Tuesday and remained in session un
till this mornin?.
Our friend Stone ha3 been writing
back to Wisconsin about the beauties
of Nebraska soil and climate.
M. L. White, E?qr., and a Mr. Ken
nedy have purchased a new 20 stamp
mill, and will take the same to the
Hills soon.
Mr. Austin's team took a holiday
yesterday and made time lively up Clh
street. Beat all the double pole driv
ing on the trad: ; fortunately no dain
iige was done.
We are sorry to hear that Dr. Jones
tho Livery ran is quite under the
weather. Hope "William will soon be
about nain as frisKy a3 that new goat
tl;?v have over theie.
We received the premium list of
the 3rh annual exhibition of the Adams
Countv Agricultural Society, held Oc
tober 2X SJ and 4th. Printed by A. L.
Wigtou & Co., Hastings.
The Omaha Republican contains .1
notice of the death of Col. J. II. Note
ware, who died suddenly at North Bend.
He was an old resident of Nebraska,
tied Sup't. of Immigration at one time.
While the trains of all Iowa, are
rnnin through here, it is pleasant to
tirop down to the depot and see old
friend j as they go through. Last week
the Herald had the pleasure of talk
ing with Judge Wakely, Lawyer Am
brose. Mr. Yost, of Omaha, and hosts
of others.
II. 9. Montgomery, of the Nebraska
Farmer, is in town. We found the
Farmer even in Wis., and they thought
it was a pretty good paper there along
side of their Eastern papers. We feel i
a personal and State pride in the Farm
er end wish it still greater success in
the future.
We see by the Malvern Leader
that Mr. L. P. McClaren - of the
Ltnder oilice " it says was married to
Miss Ella Bennett, of Lake City, Minn,
ami further " the neat appearance of
tlio bride, and the cairn appearance of
the groom, told of a happy lite before
the young couple." So!!
On Friday there will he some fine
trotting at the fair grounds Judge
Kinney, of Neb. City will have his
three famous horses there, viz., Alarm
Yankee Boy, and Vermont Pilot. There
will also be othei hoi9es from abroad;
enough to make it interesting. All
want to urn out and see these races.
The rush and crowd continues at the
foot of Main 3treet. Four or five pas
senger trains a day and a constant pro
cession of freight cars, truly, make
tbing3 lively in Plattsmouth. If we
could only induce the B. &, M. in Iowa
to continue their business on this side,
ve fesl that they would profit in the
!or.g run by so djing and it would be a
great convenience to us.
The following report of the number
f cars actually trr nsfered at this point
'o the fcrst of the month, will give
-some idea of the bivsiness done here
west. EAST.
Aug. 9 iSi 123
" 60 24e and 2 eng. 158
" SI 201 101
3-gt. 1 2 i?7
And the horsemen on the Fair
Grounds are in trouble, yea. even as the
war horse snorteth, go snorts the double-team
driver of fast horses. Sorry
for you boys, but the pace is too good ;
you must try another gait and lope
over these small flyers that bar the way
to a permanent home stretch. Try a
grand stand and double upon the quar
ters; reduce the heats and distance all
outsiders next time.
Jones & Stroud, livery men. have
really got a handsorne and stylish line
of Vehicles and horses in their stable.
The Herald has seen some very fine
horses lately and visited several large
carriage making establishments within
the past few weeks, but in no place
have we seen finer rigs than they turn
out. Several of their team3 are. very
good steppers and style up in good
shape. Their barn is one of the best
in the West and tiny are prepared to
accomodate customers with feed, Liv
ery, and most any thing called for in
their line.
F. Carruth, the enterprising jew
eler of Plattsmouth, enters upon a new
plan of increasing his trade this fall.
He ha3 had built a handsome new wa
gon just a tip-top wagon for the busi
ness and with a fine span of large
grey horses, he proposes to visit every
man's place in Cass county and put up
a clock for him, if he hasn't one al
ready. Besides this he will carry a
variety of other goods such as specta
cles', jewelry, sewing machines, takes
orders for pictures from photographs,
and soon. We wish Frank unbounded
success in his new enterprise. He de
serves it a3 he always pushes business
.ahead of him, instead of letting the
business push tim out of his store on
the street, as we have seen men allow
themselves to be pushed. Mr. Nichols
will travel for Carruth.
Frank Morrison wants to get fa.
We have just heard of a way. A New
York chap who had tried every way to
fat up was finally advised by a friend
to hiie a stall, tie himself up and be
fed like an ox. He went to it livery
barn, got a clean wide stall, well-filled
with straw, put on a halter and had
plenty of slop brought in. By the way
he had been a butcher, and a cook and
drank beer and ate oil cake and all
those sort of things before. This time
he seemed in a fair way to make it.
The second night, however, after he
had gone to sleep in his stall, an old
mare that had got loose came along
and laid down there too. Half waking
up he thought it was a butcher with
whom he sometimes slept. " Lay over
John," says he, " you, you're crowd
ing." She didn't move and he gave a
kick next. In a second he was lying
over in anoiker stall busted. He
gave up the stall-fed process.
Sai Accident.
Mrs. Phoebe Hogeboom, one of the
oldest residents in Sarpy county, wife
of Richard Hogeboom, met with a sad
death last week. She was an aged lady
and fell asleep in her chair. Somehow
she knocked the lamp over and her
clothes caught fire and burned her tlesli
to a crisp. She lingered several hours
in great pain.
Oar Fair.
Bids fair to be the best in many
years. The Secretary tells us there are
more entries than were ever made be
fore; the grounds are in most excellent
condition; the weather favors U3 and
we seem for once to be placed above
the possibility of grumbling. Thtre
arc more stands on the ground than
ever before ; more goods displayed in
the building and better stock, so far.
Of coarse, at this writing we can only
give an estimate of what the fair is
going to be, and urge those whom this
paper may reach before Friday, to turn
out and see, if they have not helped to
get the same up. Next week we hope
to give our readers a full account of
the Fair doings.
Nebraska Cheese.
Mr. John II. Davis, living five miles
southeast of Weeping Water, in Avoca
precinct, left us a sample of Cass coun
ty cheese that compares very favorably
with any we have just seen in Wiscon
sin. We are very glad to know that
Mr. Davis has entered on this branch
of industry. The Editor of this papsr
has just been through the great dairy
district of Wisconsin, where they are
making cheese that grades with that of
Herkimer county N. Y, and are ship
ping it direct to England. We shall
write a description of the same soon,
and show the advantages of a more
varied system of farming for this
country. We had intended to bring
this very muter before our people and
demonstrate its practicability and pro
fits. We shall visit Mr. Davis' place
at our earliest leisure.
Mr. D. makes from 1,800 to 2.000
pounds of cheese per mnitli; has 40
cows and he sold 1,03;) pounds here on
Monday, being the first lie litis been
able to induce our folks to buy. We
can only add always aid horn? man
ufactures when opsil.!e.
Here I am A-jain,
ready for business. I will par the
for Good Wheat, at Cedar Creek Mills.
I have most thoroughly refuted
my Mill with aU the latest improved
Machinery nd am now prepared to
make the best quality of
Believing I can satisfy all my old
customers I respectfully ask for a
continuance of their patronage, and of
new ones a trial. C. Sciiluxtz.
And Now Comes Dr. Chapmax
and informs the people of Cas3 county
that thy are better prepared to
furnish Dru?s, Medicines. kc, than
ever before and have the
largest stock of scnoot- BOOKS
now opened and readv for sale. Every
book covered tree of charge and sold
Pencils, pens, inks, sponges, at
prices to suit.
COME axi be coNTvrxcrr at
Chapmax & Glas
Try those leading half dime cigtra
G. A. Beaver, Concord dropped in on
us Monday.
Sam Long lias been over in Iowa
shooting chickens; lots of fun, host3
of chickens, Sam says.
The family of Mr. Conn was increas
ed by 12 lbs., solid gain, on Saturday
last. Con(n) dese things be.
Col. Dan Johnson is m iking things
lively on our streets and about the
Fair Grounds for a day or two.
Charlie Yates boss telegraph man, B.
& M. from Lincoln, had to come and
see U3 just 'For Auld Lang Syne last
week. .
Our old friend Capt Hoover has met
with severe loss in our absence. Two
children died within 3 days of each
John Barnhart, from Mt. Joy, Ta.,
called on the Herald last weeK, on
his way to Sterling, to help start a new
Geo. W. Holdrege, Assistant Sup't.
B. & M. and one of the best looking
men of the age visits us most every
day now.
Chaplain Wright gave us some beau
tiful clusters or grapes, from his vines,
yesterday, accompanied by a promise
of more on certain conditions.
Mr. Hugh McMahon, of Columbus,
Wis., called to see us yesterday. Mr.
McM. is looking for a place to locate in
Neb. We advise Cass County.
Capt. Palmer and family returned
from a vacation trip out West on Mon
day morning. They are all pleased
with Colorado, that is the climate.
Mr. Trueman Hall, of Louisville,
harness maker, an old friend from
Burt, gave us a call yesterday, his first
visit to Plattsmouth; thinks we have
quite a village.
Mr. Jas. II. Kiser, living near Eight"
mile Grove, called on the Herald last
week. He moved to Eight-mile last
fall and seems a very sensible, well in
formed farmer.
Ed Buttery, Esq., our worthy coro
ner being short of cases again, tried to
make himself a case for somebody by
falling through a culvert left open on
the R. R. track last week.
Prof. Simon3, of Albany, N. Y. elect
ed to take charge of two of the depart
ments in our High School visited the
Herald Ouice accompanied by Mr.
Waterman one of the board of Educa
tion. Wm. Bryant has returned from the
regions of fever'nagur and reports him
self worth 10 or 12 dead men yet.
though he has been accounted for as
killed by a R. R. accident and near be
ing swamped by fever.
Hon. J. C. Cummin, our Coun'y
Treasurer, returned from Cleveland.
Monday, where lie had been attending
the great enc irnp:n?nt of Sir Knights,
as a delegate. lie reports Dr. Jno.
Black and lion. Ja.;. Patterson as still
on a "tower" through Ohio and Inji-
D. II. Wheeler, President of the Cass
County Agricultural Society. Secretary
of State Bd.of Agriculture and Knight
Templar at largo, (.that is he lias been
at large lately), returned from Cleve
land on Monday in order to Si Jp put
the County fair through in al.ip shape
E. L. Reed of the well known firm
of Reed Bros., Weeping W i er, went
east this week I t purchase a f ill stock.
Reed Bros, me aunng our most enter
prising and reliable merchant always
attending to business promptly and
dealing honorably with all p tsous, be
sides being first rate fellows personal-
Farmer Winsbv.v (old fashioned
dern.) and Hon. S. M. Kirkpatrick
(straight out Rep."), came to town Mon
day together, and ths Herald had the
pleasure of interviewing both gentle
men on cr.;, polities, the weather, &e.
They went home on o:? spring seat as
cosy as could be, spite of Greenbacks,
bonds or specie payments.
Th' Unirerslty.
We are informed by Chancellor Fair
field that the University building is to
be re-opened in October, competent
architects having declared that by put
ting a new foundation under the build
ing it can be made perfectly safe. For
further particulars see circular fol
lowing: EXPENSES.
Tuition is absolutely free to all.
Each student upon entering pays a
Matriunlntion Fte of 8-j.OO. This is
paid but once.
Kacli student also pays S2 0') a term
for incidental expenses. This is only
two-fifths of will" is charged in the
Universities of Minnesota, Iowa, and
Kansas, and but two-tenths of what is
charged in some institutions.
Board m.iy be li.t.l in private fami
lies at from 8-J.OO to 84.00 a week.
Students may board themselves at a
much less expense.
All books may h purchased here at
a liberal discount from regular prices.
The University is provided Aith a
valuable library, apparatus, smd cabi
net. The Academical Year is divided into
three terms, as follows; Fall term
opens September 10. 187 7, and closes
December 21 ; winter term opens Jan
uary 2. and c reS March 10. The
spring term opens March 27. and closes
on the first Wednesday of .line, the
day of the annual commencement.
Students may be admitted at anv
time; but it is generally desirable that
they should be present at the opening
of the term.
Catalogues may be had upon applica
tion tf the Chancellor, or any member
of the Fiicul y.
For Sale.
N. W. 24, 12, 12 situate! alnmt six
milt f r m Plattsnioirth goo.1 laud SO
to 43 atrt under plow, plenty of va-tp-r,
bmse and other improvements
wii'J Sf' te ":h down balance in
equal paac-s.KSi 12 3 4 and 5 years. ten
per writ int. anutlly. Injure of D.
Re.niei? of PV'M Cit v, Xabu. or Maj.
1- II. YTheeW, inattsuiii-iali,Srb,
JulJ fcth ViTt. Zirai
Died Rt Greenwood. Aup. 23. t77, Sarah, wife
vt W illiain Athuiton. of Consumption, in her
33d year.
Two car loads of Fine Salt just re
ceived and for sale at
24t3 J. V. WECKflACIl'S.
Males far Sale.
One span of large mule3 for sale
cheap. Enquire of Jos.Sciilater.
22m3 Plattsmouth.
84.50 for
made to order at
particulars see another column. 23t3
For sale, cheap, 150 Desirable build
ing, lots in the city of Plattsmouth,
Title perfect. Taxes all paid hp. Terms
easv. Applv to A. W. McLaughlin
Cashier 1st National Bank. 23lf
All kinds of Fall and Winter Goods
are in and will be sold at prices to
suit the times. Please call and exam
ine mv goods and prices.
24 13 J. V. Weckbacii.
GAN. only S1G3. 27 months time without
interest. Correspondingly lower for
Morning Dew Saloon !
One door east of the Saunders House. We
keep the best of
Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars.
Coustanuy ou inina.
Ask Yourself these 'Questions.
Are you a despondent sufferer from
Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness.
Palpitation of the Heart ? Have you
Dizziness of the head? Is your Nerv
ous System depressed? Does your
blood circulate badly? Have you a
cough? Lor Spirits? Coming up of
the food after Eating? &e, &. All
of these and much more are the di
rect results of Dyspepsia, Liver Com
plaint, and Indigestion. Green's Au
gust Flower is now acknowleged by
all Druggists to be a positive cure.
2,400,000 bottles were given away in I lie
U. S. through Druggists to the people
as a trial. Two doses will satisfy any
person of its wonderful quality in cur
ing all forms of indigestion. Sample
bottles lOc ts. Regular size ."cts. Sold
positively bv all first-class Druggists in
the U.S. ' 11-tf-alt.
particulars see another column. 23t2
particulars see another column. 23t2
University of Nebraska.
Opening of Fall Term postponed un
til Tuesday, Oct. 2d. By that time the
building will be thoroughly repaired
and refitted.
Instruction given in all the branches
of a liberal education.
The University is furnished with an
ample 1 brary, an extensive cabinet,
and the most approved apparatus.
Tuition absolutely free to all.
Incidental Expenses i?2 a term.
Board from to a week. Stu
dents may board themselves at a much
hs . expense.
Catalogues sent on application to
E. B. Fairfield.
2.1 A Chancellor.
There will be a Grand Bill given at
Fit?gerald Hall, on Thursday evening,
Sept. Gth, 1377.
Commiite of general arrangements
Wm. Neville, J. P Young,
Floor Manageis John Fitzgerald,
D. II. Wheeler, W. L. Wells, Wm.Stad
elmann. TICKETS TO BALL, 01,2").
Refreshments served in the Hall
Good music engaged for the occasion.
TO ALL. 23t2
Come ye, come ye. Farmer?, Mac hine
men, bring your dull p'.o .vs and get
them sharp-ned. bring your-Threshing
machines or any pail of them needing
repairs and have them put in order,
Hubert Donnelly can do it and more
than that he will do it and to your sat
isfaction, for reasonable prices. The
wagon slum under the personal manip
!nt:tion of P-ter Ranen. is also rolling
out new wagons constantly, they show
i heir value by the short time they re
main at the shop after they are finish
ed. Give these gentlemen a call. 22t3
Bouts and Shoes.
Call and examine the low down
10. f. Prices at Merges.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re
newer is a scientific combination of
some of the most powerful restorative
agents in the vegetable kingdom. It
res. ores grey hair to its original color.
It makes ihe scalp whi.e and clean. It
cures dandruff and humors, and fal
ling out of the hair. It furnishes the
nutritive principle by which tie hair
is nourished and supported. It makes
the hair moist, soft and glossy, and is
unsurpassed as a hair-dressing. It is
the nmst economical preparation ever
offered to the public, as its effects re
main a long time, making only an oc
casional application necessary. It is
recommended and used by eminent
medical men. Mid officially endorsed
by the State ssayei of Massachusetts.
The popularity of Halls Hair Renew
tr has increased with the test of many
years, lioth in this country and in for
eign lands, and it is now known and
used in i-il civilized countries of the
world. For Sale by all dealers.
The millinery department of Messrs.
Solomon & Nathan, is particularly full
ami complete this season. Their con
nection with their wholesale house at
St. Joe gives them advantage over all
smaller dealers.; They propose f urnish
ing that class of goods in greater vari
ety, and at lower prices, than any
house on this side of the Missouri Riv
er. 5tf
J ullus Pepperberg, Cigar Manufac
turer, on Main St Plattsmouth, Neb.
Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri
can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes.
Fan Sale, Best qualities of plug-smok-rtg
tooaoco always on hand. 20-tf.
from the effects of warm weather and are de
btlitated. are advised by physicians to takfr
moderate amotints of whisky twoorthree tinted
during the day. In a Utile while those who
adopt this adrice trequeiitly increase the num
ber nf "drinks" ami in time become confirmed
inebriates. A beverajre whieh will not create
thirst for intoxicating liquor. ,.nd which is in
tended especially lor the benefit f l-l)ilitate d
gersons, whether at home or abroad, is Dr.
chencU's Sea Weed Tonic. Containing the
juices of many medicinal herbs, this prepara
tion does not create an appetite for the mtoxi
catinj? cup. The iiourishl.itf and the life-supporting
properties of many valuable natural
production contained in it and well knt-wn to
medical m?n have a most 'treiiL.ihcniiig Influ
ence. A shiirle bottle of the Tonic will demon
strate Its valuable qualities. For debility aris
ing from sickness, o'.er exertion or from any
cause whatever, a whit-glassful of Sea Weed
Tonic taken after ni.-als will wlrengthen tne
stomach and create an appetite for wholesome
food. To all who arc about leavlngtheirhonu-s,
we detdre to say that the excellent effects of Dr.
Sehenck's seasonable remedies. Sea Weed Ton
ic, and Mandrake Tills, are particularly evident
when taken by those whoare injuriously alfect
ed bv a change of water and diet. No person
should leaveliome-uiihout taking a supply of
these safeguards along. For sale by all Drug
gists. l'Jtj
A (ireat Bargain.
I have a fine 13 stop Mason fc Ham
lin organ on exhibition, for the balance
of this week, at Dr. Chapman's drug
stole, that I will sell at a bargain the
finest teed instrument ever brought to
this county. With M. & IPs. new pat
ent action that takes the lead in im
provements in Reed Organs. Call and
see it. To see is to believe.
James Pettee, Agt.
Read, Read.
Fine calf boots made t) order for
Sewed boots for 80.00;
Men's Alexis buckled shoes 84.90;
Repairing and every thing in propor
tion at Merges'. 12-tf
Slippers for 33 cts at Merges'. 12tf
Dick Streight has got some carriages
and wagons to sell. Call and see them.
Fine boots for S5.00
Fine Sewed boots S7.00
Alexis buckles shoes $4.30
at Robert Sherwood's.
The grandest bargains ever known
in this town can be had for the next CO
days in clothing. Boots and shoes in
cluding a superb stock of ladies and
childrens shoes, which will he sold clear
nown for cash. Such bargains were
Cever known before, at S adelhian's
clothing emporium. 20tf
Looking out of our sanct ilia on Monday morn
ing we discovered waiter coming out of the end
oi a hose, come ;50 to -to feet from the t-p of the
fvmmier House. L'pon going over to hivesii
gatc, the mystery we found the other end of the
hose attai'li-d to tliR pump i-pout that is ued
for the Hotel kllclien. and only one man work
ing ttie lever. Air. (iivgory is offering these
pumps in the hum k ct at verv !-w prices. This
pump is iicknort leilfd KJ be the best force pump
i.- the world. It is strong and durable, no si one
jars and lcathet valv.-s to iret Out of order, and
pumps so easy a child can work it. On
will be put up in a public well on Main street
soon, t'arties wishing p.iutps 'or deep or shal
low wells shonld examine this one beiore pur
chasing el-iewheie. J. H. tlKJ-.noKY.
lutf Saunders House. I'lattsmouth, .Neb.
Every fashionable shade of silk for
trimmings, and also every fashionable
hape of hat, can be seen at Solomon &
Nathan's emporium. 5tf
1 ho Centaur Liaimsnts anr,y pa!n.
subdue swellings, heal burns and will cure Rheu
matism, Spavin, and an flesh, bone or muscle
ailment. The White Wrapper is fur family use.
the Yellow Wrapper for animals. A list of th-
ingredients are conlaiae l around each Lottie
They are cheap, speedy and certain.
Tb.3 cortain, sp3sdyan,i harmless
remedy for children, is Pkehcr's Castoria. It is
as pleasant to take as honey and as certain in
it? effects as Castor Oil. For Wind Colic,
Worms, Sour Stomach, and Disordered Bowels,
there is nothing like Castoiia. 12P.3
ALL nervous, exhausting, and painful diseases
speedily yield to the curative of Pul
vermacher's Electric Kelts and Hands. They
are safe, simple, and effective, and can be easi
ly applied by the patient himself. Book, with
full particulars, niaihd free. Address I'ulvf.r
macijkk G.u..amo Co., Cincinnati. Ohio.
Time and Season.
Best grades of all kinds of
ICtf for the warm djiys at Merges.
Wedding Bristol card board at the
Herald office.
Robert Sherwood Price List.
Fine boots for -S j.Ou,
Fine sewed boots for i?7.00
Alexis buckle shoes $4.50
Ladies Calf Shoes for $2.25
Repairing equally cheap.
Fine Boots for $5.00.
Fine sewed boots for $7.00
Alexis Buckle shoes tor $4.50
Sherwood's root & siiof Emporium,
Plattsmoutn, Neb. 11-tf.
Our lady trimmer is an experienced
artiste and can trim in any style desir
ed. 5-tf. Solomon & Nathan.
J. V. Weckbach will pay in cash or
goods the highest market price for any
amount of potatoes. 29tf
210 acres In section 3G,town twelve, range elev
en. 3 miles south-east of Louisville station, B. &
M. R. R. Cass County, Nebraska.
ISO Acres Cutler Cultivation,
with house and barn, orchard and forest trees,
plenty of spring water. Will be sold in 80 acre
tracts if desired. Enquire of Jos. Schlater. jew
eler, Plattsmouth. Neb. lima
Full line of every kind of goods t
the Store of J. V. Weckbach, which his
army of clerks are dispensing as fast as
they can hand over the goods. tf.
Farmer's Attention.
Reopening of Harness Shop: The
undersigned begs leave to announce
that he has reo. ened his harness shop
at the old stand, adjoining the Hard
ware store of Mr. Mathevv's and is now
ready to supply those who will favor
him with their patronage, with first
class work in his line, to-wit: Carriage,
Buggy, and Draft Harness, Saddles, col
lars, bridles, halters, whips. &c. Re
pairing done on short notice. Please
give ine a call. Resoectfully,
22t4 Jno. Schlkter.
Plattsmouth, Aug. 21st. 1877.
Sicke Grinders.
Thr undersigned having made ar
rangements for supplying sickle grind
ers and grind stonea to persons who
wish them, can now do so by leaving
their order3 with me or J. W. Marshall.
S5 roust accompany the order, w hich
will be receipted for, and So on deliv
ery of the machine. B. Siebold.
Plattsrcoutta, Aug. IStb, 1S77. 23t3
SaTa of Common School Land.
. Notice Is hereby given that on Friday the 2l
day of Octobr, 1m7, all the school Land in ( ass
Cocuty rcijii iiiiii unsold, (except thtt which
has been leased will be oi.eivd ai pnbhcfale to
the highest bidder, at the ohice ot the couuiy
Treasurer, of said county, said sale conio-euc-ing
at lit o'clock a. in., and continuing until ail
ot said land has been ottered. Full description
and appraised value of said land will be f'jirnd
a he county Treasurer's oilice.
Dated at Lincoln, Nebraska, this 2Tth day of
Auntist. A. 1). 1877.
liv order of the Board of Educational Lantfn
and Funds. F. M. DAVIS.
U:t7 Com'r. Pub. Lands and Buildings.-
J. 0. Ct :mmis. Comity Treasurer. Agent.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued bv Wm.
LWells, Clerk of the District Court. 2d IJudici
al District, within and for Ca-s county, Nebras
ka, and to nie directed; I ill on th 1st day of
October. A. I. 1877. at Jo o'clock. :. m.. of said
day. at. the font h door of the Court House, in
the City of l'iaumonih. in aid county, sell sit
public aiieti.,n the following real estate, tf -wit :
l"he nrth eiust ipiarter (iie"-.i f t'.ie north east
quarter (ueKiof section tlilri v-tliree (ao town
eleven (it) north of r.iiijie twelve tf.) east of the
till I'. M. i'lie fame belli;; levied upon and ta
ken as the property of Cynihia llarberand John
(illniore. defendants : to satisfy a judgment of
sad Court, recovered bv H. If. (le'ger. plaintiff.
PlHttsmoulh. Neb., Am;.. VJ. A. D. 1S77.
li.-jn M. IS. Cltlki:, Sheriff.
Legal Notice.-
liefore W. II. Newell Countv Judge. In the
matter of ihe adoption of .Mahal a 11. Fitehtr by
C. N. Tiffai y.
Notice is hereby given that application has
been made to me for the adoptiou bv C N. Tif
fany of Mahala U. DauhterOf Mirth i
I'll idler and 1 hat a hearing of said matter w ill
be h..d before me at in o'clock a. in. on this 18th
day of September A.D. 1877. at the Court House
in Platt-mouth City, Cass County Nebraska,
when all parties Interested may attend and they
shall be lienrd.
Plattsmouth. Neb.. Aujr.. 27th 1877.
ISU W. II Nkw-ll Countv JudfcC.
Legal Notic
Notice Is hereby given to all persons having
accounts against th estate of Eiias Forbes de
ceased to ftie tie- same in the oilice of tne Coun
ty .liid-e. in Pliitlsinonth. Neb.. tn or before the
lib day of March. A. 1. H7S, and to meet Hie
executors of said estate on s;!id d;iy. i.t one
o'clock, at s ill office, for sdlowanee of the same.
11 ittsuiolKh, Ni b.. Aim.-27ih. 177.
2 K3 Wjj. II. Krm.L,. Co. Judge.
Legal Notice.
To T.mclinf ITess:
You are herebv notified that John ITess did
on the 15th J iy -of Auie-t. A. I. 1877 Die his pe
tition In the District Court of Cass County.
State of Nebraska against you. the object and,
praverof said petit ion is that lie !ay be divorc
ed from you, on the final hearing of this action,
und have awarded to him the care and custody
of Frederick Amos Hess. Ceore Drury Ilees,
and Joseph Wright Hess, minor children, tiud
the f'liit of Ji is marriage with you. The cause
alleged in said petition for said divorce is will
fid absence on your part for more than three
vear-. and y m are fa ther nidified that you are
required io answer sai.l pel ition on nr beiore the
i:h dav of September, A. 1877.
Jonx Hfss.
Chapman & Spiiaoue. Solicitors. 21t4
jSheriiTs Sae.
Bv virtue of an order of sale, issued by Win' L,
Veils clerk of the District Court, within and
for Cass t ountv. Nebraska, and lo me directed,
1 will on the ljfa day of September A. D. 1877,
at o o'clock, a. m.. of s.iitl day, at the South
door of Ihe Court House in the city of Platts in said County. Sell at Puniic Auction
the following re il est. ite to-wit : Lots ten (10)
and eleven til) in nioi-k twelve 1 12) in the cily
of Plitlismoutli. Ca-ss County, Nebraska. Ihe
same bein levied upon and taken as the prop
erty of Jas. M. o'Conner, Administrator of es
tateof Jas. M. ONion-am deceased. the Catholic
church of the city of Plattfu'iuth et al. Defen
ders ; to satisfy a jud Client of said Court, re
cove red bv Peterson & 11 -.iiton Plaintiffs.
Pl.ittsnibu.tu, Neb.. August 8th. A. D. 177.
20!5 31. B. C'L'TLEJ? SlieHS.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by Wm. L.
Wells. CieiK ol the District Ct-uit. -U(I Judicial
D'tdi iet. wil l iu a. id for Cass County Nebraska,
and to me directed, l will on the 17th day of
September. A. D. 1877, at 1() o'clock, a. in., of said
ill v, at the south ooorof the Court House, in the
city of PiattsmoiUh. in said County, sell at Pub
lic auction the following Heal Lstate to wit:
The south east quarter (S. E. M) ot the north
west quarter (N. W. H)ol sec. two f2) town elev
en (11 1 north of range twelve (12) east of the 6 p.
m.. The same l-einjr levied Upon and taken as
the pr -inert v of Joseph K. .TeftVr. Barbara Jef
fers. Han i'loc and 1. V. Falker's Dcfendents :
to satisf v a judfrme'rit of Sad Court recovered
bv Am-ehuo B. Smith Plaintiff.
I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. August. 14 A. I. 1S77.
2U5 M. B Cuilkh Sherifl.
CrJ!-s f&J"' 'ofcve
c&XaApJr-- , ,
ff Ab our adreruoer Hki nt.n uauXa nis advertl
rr.ent n'tinjt-.rier distinct. w will Interpret ai-d alabft
raui it u fuliowt :
K. J J. FOOTE, 3I.D..
inthor of Plain ll'imo I!, Med!ml Common Senw,
Scioc ia P-ory. etc.. 13U Lexington Avenne (cor.
Ha-t 2Sth 8 tret t). New Ttrk, et Isdkpeni.INI
pHT-iIciAJ. tro-ta all- form of t(ni1n.; or Chronic
ris.ts?s. an 1 raooivM letters from all parta of tba
Uiv-ijzkd Would.
by I. in in-iyri'it ony ct cordr.c!ins a VTeclical rrae-Ho-.
he it Knows fnliT trent-ne nnn.eror. indent in
Kiirupc. the Went Indlcw, dominion ol
Canada, and in every pan ol the Duitd Siau-a.
Or delcf-rtou dri.fti u;ed. He hoa, tli:rin the pnm
twenty three years. tresueJ nic-eres fully ne-'rly or quit
4l.l)iiit All faet connected each ra-e tfl
carefully recorded, whether they be oominunicuied lij
letter or In perwin, or ot-rved by the Doctor or liu
av.eiate physicians. TUs latter are ah ciei-t:2t'
medical men.
Are tre ited. Ail inx-al.d at a diai:oe arc .inirr4
to ansvrer a lit of plain questions, wt.'ch e;lc.. ever
vinotom under wnit-b tne inyad.t rU'Trs. All com
munfrrxtiOHA trerile-t utrfM-j amfcUuiml. A complete
ryatem of rest tc-rmi inYent imane or coufu-ton
L'r of qnetio'ia nent free, on apnliciirii'ii. to ntiy pstn
of the world. Sixty-pase pamphlet of EnrNfM or
ISOCCEsa, also actit free. Ad thee teMiinoiiial ar
rura trios, who have oeen treated ov mail and exprea
Advick ia orncE, ob et nan mi of ceibos.
Cail on or address
Ho. 120 Lexington Ave., K. Y.
ItS et
JITnted lo sett DTovits flam Jfo.-nt 7alJc
and yctiiecd Ccmmcn. Sense; Also
DrTcofes Science in Story.
FerPtirtfailars address
Harnn'Jl i ii Fubi'ishir. Company lVft FsZSr.
Dr. Bsrsr's Tosls Bowel ani file PLs.
Thate pil:are an lnf:illt'te remedy f-r const 'patioc
and idles, came t by wedtoes. or mppread -n of th
Dcrixtt-tic m.-oti of the bo-.vt-I. T.'iey ery Rent j
Incraanfl till aotivity of the inf-s'lrtal ctnal. pr
o't .tools an 1 relieve piieo at oiih. Th-n-at,u haw
been care! by them. Price 5d cents, sci.t by tntil n
re--e nt r price. Prepared only hy f. ALFi.f.1)
REICHE.vaUT. PBARMACtar, 402 Foca.H Avtuca.
Saw York City.
Dr. Birgsr's Corspoaai Flail srxirxct f
Rhubarb "and Dandsi-'ri.
The nrt eorabin iMr.n of purely Te?etah e ne rtl." A
co e-.-tirly reolace Co net or Blue Pi.l. It stimu.. 4
'a '.i -r. incr.?'.-.n the flo- of b:ic. anil thus rem
it r s torpi lity of th liver, bd 'niien an-t hat. mod
--tiim-j-m. nni the d;eAse ariin from such ai
lym:ua. "ieic head .che. Qnluhnce, etc. The tffeo
c ysnew of tins Bitract will ne p-oved. vi.ibly. at w it
:tv pitient, a one or two bottle are sufficient to
el ar th co n nexion be-mr.fullT. an I r-'mjire r.lmp'ei
li. stains cinsed ty liver txoub e. fncs 9t rer b .ttie
J b-tties, $V be sent on ree-ipt of the price
to an n-Mrea. free of cBsrue Prepared otl by
F. ALFRED HB1CHA illT. Phassiazut, UFooW
krtmvn. Smw Yobs Prr.
On Main street nearly opposite the Court
Ilouee. Plattsmouth, eb.
HorsES foR Sale.
The buying and sellhis nt aod hcrs6S mads
the specialty of the business.
New Horses & Carriages,
and gentle horses, for Ladies to drive art kept
at this Stable.
Also a carry all, which runs to tire depot, and
will carry passengers trom any place in town on
Feed and Sale Stables.
Cornorih end Pearl Ss.
z).v, wb;2:h, it vioxfii.
For a Fair CominlssiCh.
Paincular attention pahl to
Driving and Training
AtS3 A hvarse furnished when railed for.
Fresh Beer & Ale.
Bottled Beer for Family use, d-c, d-c.
08 CK
Has removed to the lower part of Main street
n what waa Dover's Store. Ills
Immense Stock of Furniture
is larger than he expected, and he
all present stocl; on hand at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
R-i;ieitr the now stand down town, a DO
Foul JS'i'OUt;. '1 wo sloiies full of furniture.
Before I p ick it away and have to handle it
all over, I want to sell o3 a uood deal. 'ow is
your time to buy,
Can't be made bv every agent every
month In the business we furnish, but
thoae willing to work can easily earn a
zen dollars a dav riirht in theli own localities.
Have no room to exphtin here.' Business pleas
ant and honorable. Women, boys and girls do
its well as men. We will furnish you a complete
out XI t free. The business pay? better th-.n sny
thing eNe. We will ber expense ml starting
you. Particulars free'. Write anif see. Funn
els and mechanics, their sons and daughters,
nnd !1 classes in need of having vork at home,
should vvri'e to ns and le uti all about the work
at once. .Now is the time. Don't rtelav. Ad
dress T'tfE A Co.. Augusta, Maine.
dilfereiiT machines with
which Builders, Cabinet
Makers, Wagon Makers
and Jobbers in miscellaneous
work can' compete as to qual
ty and pniriE with steam
power manufacturing; hIm)
Amateur's supp ies, saw
blades, fancy woods and de
sign. Sav where you read
this Hiid send for catalogue and prices, w. F
Johx 15AK.VES, Kockford. WUnebago Co.
Excelsior Copying: Cook. jJ
Made of Chemical Paper.
Quickly anv writing WIIHOVJT Water,
IKts. or BRCsft. used at home, library or of
fice. For Ladles wishing to retain copies of let
ters, everv Cosiness man. cierey men. correspon
dents, travelers it is Invaluable sells at sight.
Send : OO and wo will send a 300 pae book,
letter size. BY MAI u paid to any address. e
refer to anv Commercial Atteney. Serid stamp
for Agents' Circular. KXrllLSsIOK Ml"t
. ! IO feai-horn t., Ciile.a0. 111.
oOO'J AO" K.VTs wanted. 4n:0
All kinds of
Neatly & Promptly
Horse, Mulc& OxSIioei)ig-,
In short, we'll shoe anything that has
four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe.
Come and see us.
on Fi'th St.. between Main and Vine Streets,
just across the corner from the .vew IIEKALl'
ofhck. luy!
View o Marriage t
l&Qnidato Wedicck art4
! .-oTitidt-iitiat IrrstiM on t'ia
IJutltrf ot marrlftce BDtl tha
Iiauim that until ltr it - the se
crets of H epreduotion lud
.th JJieakr oi women.
A boo tor o'ivtr, ronsid-
la .tereaiLug- SuO pagM, piica
a itrtm
On all ijitor.lrr.ol a Private r.'alura an.inx Horn POL.
Abuse. Excesses, or becret Cisobcb, wui Ilia but
don of i-urf, .'4 .rre rni;e. prici'l cl. , ,
A CLINICAL LECTD RS on the mbovr SiKtm tnfl
those ot thr Throat and Lunga, CatArrh.Hupture, U
Op nm Uabit.c. pricr 10 rt.
tiiher btxik nt pofpaidon r:e:pt of prte: or al: thn.
containing 5ti pes-., oaiittnj'.ly il.urat-d, tor 7 eta.
jadarau Ca-BOTIU, 1Q. 12 U. SUi tu SU Ixiuia, If o.
A TEAR. Agents wanted. 15usl
I nesa lefrltlmate. Particulars free .
i Addreai J. WORTH A CO.. St Looia. Bo.
d.I Mtxnhlne IIai.U;olnll)raorfroJllr
tmretl. I'alnlM.: nop loiu-tty. kbu
iut particular. Ok. Cklio.
1-J l atliiDgton bl, Clucagts IlU
.tem-a-.DUcr.F'rct- wiihevtry Older. Out
fit lree. J. B. Gay lord &. Co CUlcaso, III.
gold plater watched. rvipM
io itt kaoa aor'tl. s.MrLK m Kittfa to Aasna
Aoutuuia, A. COLLTtll CO. Caicaau, 111.
lf7 Ewt w mUntr
i too rl. Ctucffrv
lii. fr tb cure of
It Dt-t? of Private ntnm, rmul'Jrv fiom ry tbaaet
nr lnrsctlon of tihr m-mlniil Vk ne oroducir-c
KmlMlonm LoMofMpmorr. Impaired UtthU Loi
Almnhood or Impotenrj. Sertou leliiiy, perm
ncttttjr vuni ; dUvani of tr UlMider, Kidney, IJver, Aifi" CaLan-r. Mlea. ail Ciifonic L-fa.. airt IM
rhtfiOF FEMALE. yiJ io tk tftnrnt. Dr. OAa
hm hail liVlonit and curm mlm ollir fail. Ha
b a r't of Ui Wormed S- hfv!, uwa o tnttrrurr. rm tb
1 vzat orcUc io tt 17. S- LA DlEf reonlrlnf treatment with
private horn and board, rail or write. E'erv eon retiree for
p viinu. SeoJ fifty einu for Munplft of Rubber GnoU '
cular of lnpo-in. Informatioo bVxpma. alii Ox13itt
yoan and mtdrtie airrd of both Kama, on all dwaai of a pHrai
aatura. Valuala advtr to tha married and that rorttatrif laling
remalt nil, ao nm or-t. t omuiunon
aea. now u d neaury ia traiy Dpriy a im narnd ra.a
Everybody aUould get tiiia baok. Prut etalH to nj 4r
Wagon, Bnggy, Machine and Plow re
pairing, and general jobbing.
I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing
of farm tnd other machinery, as then
Is a good lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge of the wagon shop.
He is well known As a
Xew Vasoas and Bacrle nl&6 td
Sicp co Sixti street. nrpes'.t'BtrtJgtfs SUM
I ' tsf?-.
. . ' . , ...
Real Estate and Loan Office.
Title nxntnlneil ntid Vrtt rf'vti
It Is a duty every than owes fo h1m.cif uu i
those interested wtth hhu to know the coii'Jl
dition of the title to bis property. It 11 a fact
well known to the legal profession, and to roai
estate dealers, that thousands of ihe impr-ncd
and unimproved farms of this western country,
have Imperfect titles ; much expen.o and liti
gation can be saved by havlnj; your titles exu:n
lneil and parfactcd, at once, and before proper
ty reaches eastern d ,;ires iu value, when rjues
(i uab!n titles. heeoaw mo're dlffltu't to remc Jy
All persons c'.almiLg title to iacd'i should c'
tain the United State's Tatent and liav6 it re
corded, the tejai title from t"i'e GovCtnineLt is
vested ia the individual through tho paieni
and title is not perfect until the Patent Is issu
ed and recorded, and eastern capitc.lUU will sot
loan money on such security unless It Is icte
As a matter of business convenience, I havtrf
connected this department with my Law irac
tice, and ha?e placed ia cl-arsa of it 7. S. 'Vv lie.
who win, under my saperviSIon attend to 2.'.'
inntters apporiainlnf thereunto.
A ten year's residence in the State ar.d Coun
ty, with coatant hu dness experience, and rela
tions vith lnli.i''lt.intH, h:i thoroughly qujl -i2ed
nie for trausaclluif liunlnewin of the uho
mentlontd character with facility.
II. 13. WINDHAM. Atfy. at Law.
W. S. WJse. Notary PuUlc loyi
iVToney for Farmers,
have now on hand, ready for saipplsz a
Pure Bred
1 oland Chhia p!n for sa!e, at reasonablo Mt..i
Can lurnlsh in puirs not akin. These pli' - . ?
descended from the herds of Shepard & Air
der, of Illiiint-i.aiid A. C. Moore. Can pedl; . i'.
the tn-st Ih.-s at the national hog show hi (. Ii.
ciigo In I87i -
Con-e pondence promptly answered.' t
the expense of sendniu faaaher east,
I5m8 Malvern, Mills Co., Iow.
To loan on Improved farms in Cass onnt-i ,
low rate of interest. Applications solldtf-ii.
flattsinouth, March lb;;. J. N. V-'l.-i:
take pleasure in announcing.
That they are now located In
Opposite Fitzgerald BIocIc,
and ready to see their old customti;j
and as many new on3 aa xn'ay comf
Having just opfJiieu
a new assortment
ni e nt of goods
in a new,
We think we can ac
commodate the
public and
the taste of all.
Give us a cp.11 any way, and try ther
new xy town Btorf.
Herald Office
for YOUB
- - -
1 c
111 II