II ( t i't I I I I 1 TilK HERALD. II & M. R. R. Time Table. Cvrrt-tc'l Sunday, April 1st, 1S77. Fes OilAUA FIlOiTl'LATTSMOVTn. L-. j-i a 5 :t. in. Arrives 8 S-n a. in. 2 :. p. m. 3 p. ia. FFOXt Oil A 11 A FUIi FFaTTS-IOLTII. Leaves 9 a. in. Armes 10 :24 a. in. i :j) p. in. 7 :A3 1. ia. I'Oi: THE V.FST. Lea v3 Flattsinonth 9 a- m. Arrives 17m ooi'i, j ij j. i. ; Arrives Kearney, :oo p. m. Freight lctaves-7 :lo a. m. Ar. Lincoln II ui3i.m. 1T.OM THE WEST, leaves Kearney. G -.10 a. in. leaves IJnco'ii. :4i p. nu Arrive Flattsmouth.. 3 :15 p. m Fr.irrlit leaves Lincoln 11 :15 a. m. Arrives Flaltaiiiouth, 4 :l p. m. GOING EAST. Kip-ess. 6 -AT, st. m. Fas-cnger. ttrain eiich day 3 :Vi p. in., except Kati-rday. Every third Saturday a train con-iif.-ta at the usual time. A UriV'AI, AND PKFAF -4- MOfTH MAIL. .TL'liE OF FLATTS- 1 A.-Tf.i:Jf, XOKTIIEKS &. SOl'THKEN Dep-rt st - . :rvi a. ni. Air.ir ::t - s :.Tf a. m. I OMAHA VIA IS. & M. Ar:- e ::t lo :20 a. 111. I iK-part at m EST LEX VIA B. M. o :uu p. in. 2 :13 p. 1:1. c :oo a. m. Arm e Anne m 3 :ij p. in. 1 Depart at WTKmfi WATER. 12 :0u in. I Depart at - 2 :00 p. m. n-.K m.rrFs & rxiox mills. w at 12 :oo in. I Depart at - 1 :00 p. in. J. YV. MAF.SUALL, p. m. LOC A L A 1 1 V C KTI S EM E NTS. 1 ! '.: r! -itT' r '".-Tt4j a 1 i 1 1 lfrmlnr nrivenis- ers. i j I't-iii, per line. No advertisement iasurt- j ft 1 lor lew tu:ui 2 tents. t J- !ioiie" at Statute r.t. . - . .. . . . .v.i i ... : i i. ....t.i I i . -;i i.i ) s alia uiucei s i;;e ia v i.i ue uriu r-.;u nsiine Kr all leita! notices they haiid iii, : :m parties rieinaini njr .a proof of puMica- ti.ii. '. anv lKnice wil be Leld tor the pablica- liu-.t tee auc'a riotice. fOMlIV.MCATIuN'H. .:r "pace is limited, ell corumunU-a'tons iV!t ; brief and to tae point, with no waste u. ils. - i"nc pn;x-r is r"tiisible for tlie corretness i-.i i I'luii.: to C'py i pi.d luaiter and paid Ee or.iy. 1. Arv person v.-lio t:rke the papT regularly tP'.in t.e p'j'-o:".ee, whether iir''.ed to his iiaine, or win ther he is a subscriber or not Is rcpv'iib'.e for the puy. if any person oraetn his paper I' sontin Ucl, lie nir.-i pjy all arrear.tes, or t! .e pnliiisii ri.ny continue to nnd it until piyincnt is i ;;:e.":;itl t'oi!"et the whole amount. "whether t!.e p.irT is l iken from the o"iee or not. 3. li e courts have deeidefi that refusing to t ike itw.suairs and periodicals from the post rr.zr or removing and I-avin;r tiieiu unealled for. is )in.na -uii evidence cf ixtemional i'.-'.i'. LOCAL XEWS lie-member Hon. J. . Sterling Mor ton will deliver the agricultural ad dress, at the Cass Co., Fair on the third d:.y of the fair Thursday Sept. Gth, Look out for a big stock of hats, caps tlothii.g and furnishing goods, in ahoutf a week, at Wm. Stadelmann's clothing tii'uotkim. 2112 Billy Studh manii tells us that he has opened a stone quarry with layers? 20 i.-et Hi irk from which the U-?ers are l;:ri.is'.iiug fli.-t clays stcne fur the buildings at Omaha. M.-i is' heavy boots, full :a i'iemitsg it llace'a. fUj. : . ! Prof. A-a-hov has examined the 1 s-o:ie u.irrv late opened bv Wm. Stad- ; , r ,"..! b.-',.i n.p int. TT .:4iM:i, aUu ie.si.e.1 Tiie sone. lie i : troi:ourr i it the t est nuarrv vet open- -- l-A in the st.t:e for biiildini i-nrr-oses. C:.i.iu Meeting is ove The geiural maou-tci c.iuie iu M j.id iv night, well j voided oil l v an attack of some of those ! JoVi s" nv f rs? wo t favored with, ; Uports g'.,"t siici'e... reads l'cr a re -t. and i.i lULld Ll:v, I'L I liitwiu.- i persons running raowtri will do well to read the notice 1 -brother I ox. our only excuse for which j we venture to promise him a continu iii thi paper of Mr. li. Siebold, who is ' Uiis t,ie quantity of work necessarily ! ed and iumense success with our piep tied to furnish the patent sickle I condensed into the days of 10 hours, ! American Sunday Magazine. which are said to be an cx-! fe-ri u .::: s VclleCt thll'g. li: -t flrand liaby Show at the es Coiinl v Fair on the third dav of air. Thursday Sep Cth. Premiums vu'i .K'd at S13, 610, ?"3, open to j i r t-r ten and under 1? months i i Fhii, it.ir A. Face have received the lineal sitK-k of boots and shoes ever ! brou;-lit to Cass county, which they ; pioj,.,-t lti K-tl eneaper man ever. ;uo 1 : I:, view r.f the fact that the Hien- j nial examinations of U. S., Pensioners. ! ...ecu: ; next month, we call attention j to thi-?ard of Dr. Livingston, who is ! I. . legion examiner at this point ! for N6raska. Krllxdoiis Notice. Fide K. C Farrows, the Christian Kva!:giUt, of the State of "Nebraska v, ill pmch at the Christian Church f:'f the clt of Plattsmouth on Saturday Aug. 2th, 177, at 7 :t0 o'clock p. in., r.nd o.T Sundaj-. All are invit;d' Sick.e Grinders. The mdersigned having made ar- j raugoTuiis lor supplying sicKie gnnd- i t-is .iMrina s;oues id persons vn I their c i.rs w itb me or J. W. Marshall. ! s-j liiusu'c-ompaiiy tbe order, which 1 1 i ii- . w ui . - ;-eeip:e.i ior, ami on Ueiiv- ery 1 1 ti machine. B. Sifbold. ri.ittv..uth. An-, isth, is::. 2-n3 m mi 1 "-u ci &-i-im The FFbars of the annual Confer- ..... ...... -nte or t L mtea lireiiieren in c hrist. j - .x..i.. iK-rby tiler thanks to the fiien Js of j 7 The cIliek('ns v-'ere very ahua- J.iherty japcl by whom they have ! dent ra-ny.covies consisting of only l..-f-u w Lily entertained during t-.e j the old hen and two or three youn recent sio'n ot the conference for ones but tLe lrties mima-ed to bag th'-ir ireious hospitality. U"X'Ut hundred and fifty birds. Uykon EfaLL, Conf. Sec. LlldnsS 't of them about 23 Uadthe progressive eye of onr 1"'' lricna. x . su. naue, xue j Shell wc ike of iu our last ioiue, has : Nssu-jie I tneh more presentable cp- j DCZ lhli Vi , , , v & eC1'eek Fnink will be ful there tit Lis oCce. ready to bay rj farulih coal, and almost It' ih Eutjkka, the patent seainlef-3 kick hhoe. the bass shoe of America, it tits the lest, w tnra the best, is made of the beat material by experienced workmen, and warranted by C. M. Henderson ;ind Fleming iVIlace. x'lt3. Mr. Fitzgerald is making extensive improvements, putting his numerous houses in apple-pie order for renters, taking away old buildings &c, lie is cow putting a new face n ail on the east side of his lot, which is to be sur mounted by a fence. Uusiness is loom ing up, no houses to let. Now for a bridge across the Platte. A Great Ilanraiu. I have a fine 12 stop Mason &. Ham lin organ on exhibition, for the balance of this week, at Dr. Chapman's drug store, that I will sell at a bargain the hrest reed instrument ever brought to this county. With M. & II's. new pat ent action that takes the le.id in im provements in l!eed Organs. Call and see it. To see is to believe. Ja3ies Tettee, Agent. We have to acknowledge the re ceipt of Complimentary to the Inter national Exhibition at Philadelphia through the kindnes. of Charles W. Green Esq., and special invitation to the Reception Ceremonies given to the governors of the United St;its Aug.. SOth, in Exhibition Building Centennial Grounds Phildelphia, as noticed in another place in this issue. ( j ; NEW STYLE 210 3IAS0N & 1IA3H.IN OR GAN. Who'il have the next one, don't all speak at once, but come and see them. The finest organ ever oflcred for the price, admitted by all. Beautiful tones fine combination, in an elegant case. jAilES I'ETTEE. agt. l'iattsmouth. J. P. Young's special premium at the Cass Co.. Fair. For best specimen cf Penmanship executed by any girl or boy, residing in Cass County Nebraska, 15 years old or under, properly certi fied as having been executed by the ex hibitor. 1st, premium writingdesk valued at -S5 2nd, premium gold pen valued at 82.50 The committee to consist of J. X. Wise, W. II. Pool, O. F. Johnson, Premiums can be seen by calling on J. P. Young, at the Post OHice Xews Depot, Platts mouth Neb. Ladies', Misses', and Childrens' shoe in Serge, Kid, Foxed Goat. Patent Goat, Calf and Buff, at Fleming & Itaces. Mrs. Johnson and Mis3 Sweeney have gone east to lay in a new stock and will return in a few days, and open a full line cf millinery geods. Farmer's Attention. Beopenii:g of Harness Shop; The lirir' l..-:-t i t .t;. .unfit that he has reo; t ned his harii ss sho; nt tLe dt s.aiMi, jjojoitiiiig the IJaro ware htore of Mr. Mallow's and is now ready to supply thoe w ho will favor him with their patronage, iU tht , .... ..... class w ni'K in his line, to-w it : nrriaire, ii.- ,,i Te.r- u. w...i i i'iPr,ttt (Hi'j iiuu innir??, o.i'i :if?, nil- . lavs, bridlen. halrers. whhw. ; pairing done on short notice. Please -dve me a call. llesnectf uli v. i 2'Jti Jno. Sciihtei:. ! I Plattsmouth, Arg. 21st, 177. i Our worthy Contemporary of the and everybody j Juisville Chronicle calls our atteii I tion to a slight error in o:ir report of i Commissioner's Proceedings in a for- iffi.r. n c icaiov ieuge our rrror ; . rt M ...I .....J...1 . . cacjl wsncSi our bovs had to through with at that time. You must have been ar:xious to find some little mistake, spending the time to hunt one up in.thp old files. We read the Chronicle and trust that we may learn to be more correct in time by the per rual of iis model columns. Fmr! lair! Xotice to exibitors at the Cass Coua- ty Fair, j pt. -llh, 5th, Cth, and 7th, iS77. The entry b wks of the societv are now open at my otlice in Platts- , .i . - ' 1, s."r.l . .. i . . 1 ' lK" r-ms -.Msinng : to make entries for the Fair, can do so ! by calling on me personally, and those ! living at a distance can if they prefer make their entries by letter addressed to the Secretary, stating the articles i and class in which they wish to com- pete; and by doing so, greatly oblige, i Respectfully, J. P. Young, Sec'y 21-tf. ChildrefltV boots and shoes, silver tipped u.ud raw hided, at Fleming & Face's. oia Prairie Chickens. Several of the members of our Club went over to Glen wood to eniov a good hunt after chicken? in Iowa. Ther left here Tu.-s lay List a-; 1 1 ! ' !s:-tsuc i: t':, ir ; Frid .v. Tle-v are cnt: n-es oi t.vr cur.esies ;uiJ lioiital- ji;hs i-xt.'i.rle.l to thvia t'., gen- 1 l.t-tit.iu ot Liie liieir.voj 1 Cidh. '-b ssrs ! u ,i ,,-..., wiin. r .. I r-V.""1- l lu ''-' rr,eJ' :ue ; spoKfii oi ir. tor:;' ; of w;ir:n; st grati- t (,.;,.. pfcialiy arc ll- thatikful to ill- . n ;u. nale. Woo set-m?J to int:.vt.itp Woo seem-' ery v.'f.iit and even wish of oar 1 "I.-itrfi.-ii,f l -f.-;...! . mues nor.'i cast of Gk-i-wood, ia the i eastern T.r.rt. of T- .t. , -.,, ..- j -l',,u"c vouiii. ue can assure the shooti;ts of Glen- j j wood, that our boys will h wooa, mat our boys will lay them- ! selves out to rjlase llipm in u',tv ,v .v- ! and at any time they are called tm. I AI1 hand3 enthusiastically of the ! cr0pS ln MiIls Co" aal f'rne home rag- ged and heaitv. tVe Leliev,. uOT. i ! no healthier exercise than tw. iTr. I : td by tho v.-e cf the Thxl .-U'.-.l t! I ie -run. Corrtil irrccr4!ng3. Ar.gnst 18th, 1977. Present J. V. Johnson Mayor. Councilman J. I'epperbcrg, E. G. Do vey. J. Vail' ry. W. I.. Wells, It. C Gushing, and F. It. Guthman. The following claims were presented and same referred to finance committee, J. II. Buttery, for sledge S 3 00 G. E. l'ronger, fixing side walk O. M. Streight, 4,'jj' days work on street with team J no. Bons, boarding men. J. P. Young, rule and eraser for Clerks office W. J. Despain, Police Judge fees Aug. 2nd, 1ST7, 1 (yi 13 50 15 00 l 15 Finance Committee reports back the following Bills and recommend pay ment out of general fund. W. J. Despain, police Judge fees 13 30 J. P. Young, rule and eraser 1 30 .T. II. Buttery, sledge 3 00 Also the following bills on improve ment fund. O. M. $treight,4. days work with team on street 13 50 G. E. l'ronger, fixing side walk o:i Gth street 1 00 John Bons, boarding men 15 00 The rommi.tee recommend thai the above claim be referred to the Hon. ; Board of Countv Commissioners for ! pavment.. Personal. We met our old townsman W. T. Eaton now of Hastings Iowa on Tues day he reports business lively at that point. S;im Cannon called Saturday, to pay his respects and Subscription to the IlEitALD; both of which were thank fully received. Walter Jenkins dropped in on Mon day and replenished our treasury with "green bax," and ou' spirits with his genial countenance. Through an oversight, or careless ness, we failed last week to notice the return home of Geo. S. Smith Esq.. and family from an extended tour through California, where they have been visi ting friends for the past month. Geo. s:'.: s they had an excellent time, and we should judge so.from their refreshed appearance. Xow come on with your legal business, and criminals look a -ledle out." Frak Leslie's Sunday ilngazine for September is already to be had, and it comes fresh and lively as a Spring morning. It contains a large variety of choice reading matter, instructive, cheering, encouraging and amusing. Of the many titles of interesting arti cles, etc., we will quote "The Xew York Aquarium and its Contempor aries," "The Tower of London," "stor ies from the Talmud," "The Christmas Turkey." The his: story from the pen of J. S. C-. Abbott. "Home Pulpit," 'A Time to Laugh," etc., et . Each num ber has 100 Illustrations and 123 pages. Parties desirierr to subscribe should . I .send S3, w hich is one vears siibseriu- tion price for the Magazine, p ostpaid, to the Frank Leslie's Publishing House Z-il Pearl Street Xew York. Of all it 11- r'A'" '.-' "1;i;)y pubneatm this is the most va'u ih".' one. the only S in AiU"i ii-a. value the ,i and it certainly excels in S"nJay magazines of the old Country. When it first appeared its merits were at once recognized and gained for it. universal approval and a very large circulation, whi.-h has continued to in crease. We congrat ulate Mr. Leslie on t:.i.. , i.- . ma uappv aim timeiy enterprise, anu Ordinance a. An Ordinal wc to restrain Stein from ruuninj at larji in the Citj of 1'lattd iiuuth, Stb. He it ordained by the Mayor and Com mon Council of the City of Platts mouth. fc'nc. 1. That it shall be unlaw ul for any person or persons to permit ain- hogs or svviije to run at lar in the incorporate limits of the said" City of Platt.-inouth, at any time between the first day of March and Xovemler, Th., i.....r.., "in uv: lil llllll ill Ul the duty of the Citv Marshal of said City, to take up and co:imlt in a ivn 1' Found, any sw ine or hogs that mav le lound ruumip' at lartre in said Citv of Plattsmoutli, and thereupon thesaid Marshal shall notify the said owner or owners in writing, if known, and if not known by posting up notices in three conspicuous places in said City, that he will proceed to sell the hogs, describing the same, at public auction, at an hour therein named, the time not to be less than three days after giving the said notice1, and open said sale, the person offering the highest hid for the same in cash, shall be deemed the purchaser, which shall vest all the title in and to said hog or hogs in said purchaser. Skc. y. The Marshal shall secure the following fees for taking up and sell ing as aforesaid. For taking up each hog, fifty cents; for selling each hog. Mty cents; lor leedtng and taking care f-.r,,.,. ' , . . " ; vLsJchjin Sri: puiti ol, of tie m,lev :ir;si,lff fronl the ! provisions of this ordinance, and from no other fund. Sec. 4. The ower or owners of any ho?s so taken tin can redeem and take their Iios at anv time before sale by p iying to the City Marshal Jill his law ful fees and expenses up to the time of taking them away. MX. 5 All money iirising from each sale after payii.g the costs and expens es of making the Mime, shall lie paid to the Cuy Treasurer, and kept bv him for six months, when, if !iy that time an owner does not jmsiear mm.i m-iim satisfactory pi-oof of l.i3 owmrsi.iu i then it is to he paid to tb f:(..n.r".i ; Fund ol saiii ( ity. Uut if in siv moiiths from said sale the owner of said 1k or lios shall make silisfacto- uii.ec.i;erinerH.t at tht. t!me of Slu.n j., tlie sai(, Tre;isurer shall pay the auiount to the 1'f rn or pt-rsoas. less ten jier cent. "-vhich said Treasurer mav retain as his UV' r -rt m , , , fectYele;:'; & passage and publication as required bv ! ' - ' I , -lrt: J. W. Jgussox. i.'C- Muvor i M ' 0f- I I I 1 v , t- A'. . . J - - - ... ... , Clci! C ,. , . . An Ordinance pT&teriltWth'. duties and cvmpt-rutation rtf City Officers, and iu tiifizjui oei iH tt- uj vrvLinuiux ii w. i 43. i "Be it ordained bv the M ivor and Com- , :: r ti .... iiiuu ivuuinu ui lus vitjf oi x ini. nt li , " . i oec i. x mil section ten 01 uruiiiuiict: Xo. 43. be and the same is hereby i aiiieuueu, uv Miiikii: out tut wurus t 1... . . I 1 !... 1 . iuf uuu uw.iuj uuiiti3 uiu uiaciuui: Liiu words one and 50.100 dollars. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publica tion as required by Law. Passed Aug. ISth. 1377. Attest: J. W. Johx-ont, J. I). Sijifson-, Mayor. Clerk. IJKAXTNEU Oil Satnrda evening, Autmst S. ff consuiiiitiou. lii.iZAKFTii M., wile tf J. W. r.rantner. iifred '11 years and G months, p-uneral services were held at the M. J'. Church on Monday. August 21th. at ! a. in. ; after which the body was taken to Liirht Mile (irove for iiiterrment. Mr llrantuer ieft a husband and two small children to mourn her loss. SPECIAL NOTICES. Just opened at SCIINASSE & GKAMBEIIG'S, a fine large stock of Custom madt clothing. 22-t2 IlriJge Contractars will do well to get ray prices of bolts before ordering elsewhere. John Watjiax. Plattsmouth, Foundry and Machine Shops. 2-tl .llules far Sale. One cheap. span of large mules for sale Enquire of Jos. Schlatei:, ! PlattsmouLh. ' Eye, Ear an! deformities. One or more of the S trgeons of the Cent lal Surgical Inlii inary, of Indi.HU apoiis. Ind., will visit Plattsmoutli pro-fe-sionahy, at the Platte Valley House. Thursday and Friday Sept.. C and 7, Lincoln, Sa: unlay and Monday, Sept., 8 and 10, and Xebraska City, Thursday and Friday, Sept., 13 and 14, at Cen tral lintel All afilieted with any disease of the Eye or Ear, Catarrh. Cross Eyes, Club Foot, Spinal Curvature, Fistula in Ano, Piles, Epilepsy and Chronic Dis eases can consult them free of charge. Artificial Eves inserted. Ilemeinhcr the dates. " 22 w2 For Sale. A good s-cond hand cook stovi:. but little used. Eibjuire at the 22U IIekald Office. Come yo, come ye. Farmer?, Machine men, bring your dull ploivs and get tliem sharpened, bring your Threshing machines or any part of th'm needing repairs and have them pa in order. Hubert Donnelly can do it and more j than that he will do it and to your sat isfaction, for reasonable prices. The j H'iini shop under the personal manip u'ation of P-ter Hauen, is als rolling ! tint new waoas v'vnsS,autly, t liey show their vain? by the short time they re main at the shop afa r they are finish ed. Give these ger.tlemen'a c.dh 2it"J J. V. WECKEACIv has gone oast for his FALL ANI AVINTCIt STOCK "f dry 'j"nis gro;iri:-s and general merchandise, hold your horses a w eek or t w o and he will have in a bran i.ew outfit at bottom prices. 2212 IR. CM. I5LACK atfpiids to c.:iis ia the country as well as eitv. O.iiee at .1. 11. IHitfery'sdrnirstiire. Chronicdi tieascs made a specialty. Kheumatii-m eured. 22iiiu Just IIective.1. A tremendeous stock of clothing. latest styles which I will sell cheaper than ever. Wm. Stadllmaxn. 22t2 Itobert S.'.!?rw:;.l Price List. Fine boots for 85.0!, Fine sewed boots for 87.00 Alexis buckle shoes 84.50 Ladies Calf Shoes for 82.23 llepaiiing equally cheap. 11-tf TlMF AND SEASON'. Best grades of all kinds of FOOT-WARE lGtf for the warm days at Mefcfs'. Ask Yoarself these Ouestious. Are you a despondent sufferer from Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness. Palpitation of the Heart? Have you Dizziness of the head? Is your Xerv cus Sys.em depressed? Does your blood circulate badlv? Have vou a j Cough? Loo Spirits? Coming up ((f ! tiie tood alter Fating? Are., A:. All! of these and much more are the di- j rect results of Dvsiiepsia, Liver Com-' plaint, and Indigestion. Gueex's Ar (irsT Flowei: is now acknowlegcd I13 ail Druggists to le a positive cure. 2,400,000 bottles were given away in the V. S. through Druggists to the 'people as a trial. Two doses will satisfy anv person of its wonderful quality in cur ing all forms of indigestion. " Sample bottles lOcts. lingular size 73cts. Sol d positively by all first-cliss Druggists in the U. S. 11-tf-ali. j If you want a pair of ooon boots ! i go to i leuiiiig c nace. ami j-.sk lor II. i uo in x irniiii-t. nac-f. ii:ui j;sk ior It. M 's Chicago uaxd made GOODS. 21t3 Fine Boots for 5j.00. Fine sewed boots for $7.03 Alexis IJ-.ickle shoes for 84.50 Sil F II WOOD'S FOOT & SUOF EilFoFIUM, Plattsmotitii, Xeb. 11-tf. Our lady trimmer is an experienced irtiste and can trim in any style desir- ; ed. -tf. Solomon & Nathan. T. V. Weckhach will p;ir in cash or ";i""! t!ie highest market price for any u1't - l'j:u r potatoes. 2&tf FAR If FOR SALE. 2 W acres la section at;, town twelve, ran-eelev i eu. s mile south-east of Louisville station. F. & m. it. it. Cass County, Nebraska- : ISO Acres E'nder Cultivation, I . . , : wi:h bouse and barn, orchard and forest tree, P.eiiry of ppriui; water. Will be sold i., so acre S lfZi -'j"e.Schiater jew- c.MiaUsmoath.Neb. llnui V..H u r.. , - , , . ! . " r t - ri- ,V,w,m!,H"1Si1' 41 A a. A- T - . . "f, f ' A ' ckbilcll ieh his fZKL ire d,f1PenSlnf 113 tasl as the can band over the goods. tf. i -k "WT' I MANY WHO ARK SI' FFI1! I XI.' fi:n the e.Tec:; ot warm we.ither a:id are tJo i.uuated. nro atvis.-a by puyieians to take I moderate amounts or whisky two or throe times during me day. iu a little whilu thuMe who j ad'pt this advice frejuen:ly Increase the nuni- ber of "driUts" and in time Lee-nie c:.Cr..iea ir.el. nates. A beverage waicu will not create tii:rst tor intox-.ealm-u.j.uni. iid w.in ii is :u- , ' ti-uued ecieei:il!v lor the benefit, of lHliilitjtred I I persons, whether at liome or abroad, is Dr. M-ucuri; rea neca lome d Tome. Containing the ' J1"1" ol ,1,u"' ",,t" itinal herbs, thi lirepara- an appetite for the n.toxi- catny: tru'. Ihe nourifhia.'i Mild ttie life-sup- "'": .lun. X4,uxm j productions eoutained in it and weil km n n to niedical ineii have a most i-treii' tlienioL' inflii- ; cue, a simile bo:ti of t lie ionic wm iiemou- ; strate its valuable qualities. For debility an' ! ina troiu sickness, over exertion or from anv cause whatever, a w .aejus-tul of Sim Weed Tonic taken after inrals will trei-rhen tne stomach and create an appetite for wholesome food. To all who are about lea vim: their homes, we dec ire to say that the txeelient e!Tots of lr. Scliem-k's seasonable remedies. Sea Weed Ton ic, and Mandrake Tills, are par.icnkirly evident when taken bv those who are injurious!-affect- should leave home without taking; a supply of these safeguards alou. For sale by all irug Kists. lyti Xew cake pan, enquire at the Her ald otlice. 24t. Bead, Bead. Fine calf boots made to order for 84.50. Sewed boots for 83.00; . Men's Alexis buckled shoes $1.00; Bepairing and every thing in propor tion at Meuges. 12-tf Slippers for S3 cts at Merges'. 12tf Die! Streight has got some carriages and wagons to sell. Call and see them. 17tf For Sale. X. W. 24, 12, 12 situated about six miles from Plattsmouth good land 30 to 40 acres under plow, plenty of wa ter, house and other improvements will sell for one sixth down balance in equal payments 1 2 tl 4 and 5 years, ten per cent int. auua'.ly. Inquire of D. llemick of Pawnee Citv, Xtb., or Maj. ly. II. Wheeler. Plattsmouth, Xeh. Julv 9th 1877. lG-m2 Administrator's Sale. T will offer at public sale, on Thursday. An?. 3 llh. at l.i o'clock a. m.. on the farm belonjiiu to liie estate of Martin I'nehanl. deceased, near Mt. I'leasaut. Cas Co.. Neb., thepeisoual prop erty beiouiu,; to said estate, consist iuof three mares ; one yeldin ; two year old iiiiey ; one wa!?:ni and harness; also, cows, jounc, Mock. host", f. tuning mill, corn shelter anil other fann lliU' iliipleiueiils. I kk.ms of Sale : Nine i!o:.ths credit with 10 per cent interest and trooj security Sums of and under, cx-h in hand. II. hrism. J.vj Administrator. FA 11MER.S A T TEST I OX .' Julius Pepperberg. Cigar Manufac turer, on Main St., Plattsmouth, Xeb. t'igar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tobaceoes for smoking jmrposes. Foi Sale. Jlest qualities of plug-smok-;ng tooacco alwavs on hand. 2U-'tf. Fine boots for $3.00 Fine Sewed boots 87.00 Alexis buckles shoes ?4.50 it Itobert Sherwood's. lltf The grandest bargains ever known in this town can be had for the next CO days in clothing. JJoots and shoes in cluding a superb stock of ladies and childrens shoes, which will be sold clear nown for cash. Such bargains were Cever known before, at Siadelman's clothing emporium. 2!Jtf The boss shoes, El'RltKA, in all sizes, for Misses and young ladies, at Flem ing & Hace's, 2113 Notice. Xotice is hereby given, that ersrns wishing booth privileges on the Cass Countv Fair (.1 round, iluringr tiie Fair. ! Sept. 4th, oth, Gth and 7th,' 167, can J j;et terms, .fcc.. bv applying to 20l3 J. P. Yor'-Nc:, Secret rrv. Large of dolls, doll heads, and ! mdies. harmonicas, vases, alliums and toys at the Post Otlice Xews Depot. P a taps. Lo.)ki:.2 out of o::r sanctum on M inday morn ia we discovered water nimiw out of the end oi a hose. oine 3D to u feet from tiie top of t ie Saunders Ibuise. t'pon f:o:ii n er lo invesii i; ne the mystery we b.;i..d lue oilier end of the hose alt :ul;ei to t he pump ppoiu that is u-ed for I he Hotel kFchcn. and only one man work ing tiie lever. .ir. (inv'iny is oilerio!; tnese pumps in the mark et at erv low price'!!. This pump is uci:i:owiedi.'ed to the bet force pump d t lie world. It is strong ami dura Me, no si one jars and leather valves to uet out of order, and pumps so easy that a chiid can wink it. cine w;ll he put nj) in a public well on .Main p;reet soon, fan ies wi!uu piiiiijis 'nr deep or slial low etis ilionld examine this one beiore pur chasiii eisewheie. J. S. (ini.uuliv, liaf Saunders llou e. Flallr-tuouth, Nch. Slippers for 35 cts at Merges'. 12tf Slippers for 33-cts. at Merges'. 12tf Fvery fashionable shade of silk for trimmings, and also every fashionable diape of hat, can be seeu at Solomon & Xat hun's emporium. otf 1 lio Centaur Linimants H,lslv nah am. subdue sve'.liiiy:s. heal burns and will cure Khcu iitatis:ii. Spavin. :md an fles'.i, bone or muscle aihneat. The White Wr.ipp.-r is for family use. the Ve'low Wrapper for animals. A list of th- iiiivdieats are eoiitaine.l aound each bottle They ate cheap, speedy and certain. TSa novtaiti j lilw teridlil . p-eu.yad harmless remedy for cbildren, is Fitc'.ier's Castoria. It is as jdeasant to take as lioucy and as certain in it effecls ;i Cantor Oil. For Wind Colic, Worms. :Vur Stomach, and Disordered Bowels, there is riot Ling like Castoiia. lit 13 The millinery department of Messrs. Solomon & "N'lithaii, is particularly full iind complete this season. Their con nection with their wholesale house at .St. Joe gives them udvttntage over all smaller dealers. They propose furnish- h'S that class of goods in greater vari- ieij, anu ;ii lower prices, man anv house on this side of he Missouri mv'- j er- . -f ery, ana ai lower prices, man anv Boots and Shoes. Call and examine the low down lGtf. rnicFS at Mfi-ges. Various cjiuses advancing years care, sickness, disappointment. Jin her- ediiary disposition all operate to turn the hair, and either of them in clines it to shed permanently. Avef's Haii: Vioon will restore faded or grey, light and red hair to a rich or deep black as may be desired. It sol tens and cleanses the scalp, givingit a healthy Jiction. and removes and cures dandruff and humors. By its use fall ing hair is checked, and a new growth Will be produced in all cases where thf follicles are not destroyed or glands decayed. Its effects ;i"re beautifully s!)(jWn on brushy, weak, or sicklv haii to whiehafewjipplicjitions will produce the gloss and freshness of youth Harmless and sure ia its operation,' it ia incomparable as e. dressing, and is especially valued for the soft luster and richness of tone it imparts. It contains neither oil nor di-, and will vuncilllio atl Ittl: i U1J I1U1 U 1 V. (1 ! I 1 Will not soil or color white cambric ; yet it lasUi lon on the hilir nd keeps it fresh and vigorous. Tor sale bv A $i.ri tor CALF uoor.- in.uio to order at JIER'JES' FACTORY. 20tf. AM. uervous. trhau.stiiur. and painful diseases sjedl!v yield to the curative htlaeuces of ful- vcTu,ca.r-. Electric BetU and l.auds. They r-re safe, simiile. and effective, and can be easi- t r-re safe, simple, and effective, and can be easi : iv nnuHail hv rn r-,ii,.i-t iiii,uif u- 1 1 , ! , ,. .. , , , . " , .' T. ! ful1 purtu-ulars, mailed free. Address Pi ia r.li- MACKF.lt GALi.VMC Co., Ciucinuati. OSiio. lSyl-alt Wedding Bristol card board at the Hekali office. LEGAL XOTICES. Legal Notice. To Emrline lit : Ion are hereby notified that John Hess did on the blh day of Auirust. A. 1. IS file bis pe- tltiou in the District Court of Cuss CoiiHtv State of Nebraska itiTainst you. the object and, praver of said petition is tliat he may be divorc ed from oii. on the tlual hearim; of "this action, i-nd have awarded to him the cure i:ud cus'ody cf Frederick Anion lles5. i;e)r;:e finiry ilees. and Joseph Wright H"ss, minor children, and the li uit of !iis man iae witli you. Tiie cause alleged in said petition for said" On orce is will ful absence on our part for more than three yearn, and you are further untitled that vou are required to answer said pel ition on or beiore the 24 1 a day cf Seiteiuber, A. i., lsT7. John Ilrfr?. Chapman a Snuc.i K, Solicitors. 2114 Sheriff Sale. By virtu" of an execution issued by W. F. M. Iloiisen, Clerk of the Oi.striet Court of the id .Indicia! Iirtrict within and fur Otoe Countv. Nebraska, aiid to me directed. I will on tiie 27th clay of August, A. 1)., H77 at IT o'clock A. M., of e iid day. at the south dour of the ourt House in the city of J'lat tsiuout h, Cass County, sell at public auction I lie following personal iiro;rty, to-w it : One horse. The .ime beim; levied ujoii an 1 taken as the property cf It. Campbell. Defendant ; to eatbfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by Llovd & Weimer Flaintiffs. Flalti-mouth, Nebraska. August 15, A. D. 17T. il-ti M. li. I'l'TLEK, Sheriff. Notica to Contractors. Clkkk.s Okfick Cass Countv. Pi.atts- MOL'TII, Nkukaska. August 14th, H77. l" Sealed Proposals fur buih'iug the f dlowins County bridges will be received up to Tuesday the 4th day of September H77. in aci-oi dalici; with plans and specifications now on file in this Ollieu. No. l. Snjiorr'ti action of bridge over the Wt ejiiu'; Water, at Smith's crossing, on hue be tween Sections and 'M 'tv n Hi r:ua;e 13. No. Superstruetioii of bndire over the Weeiiiiif; Waier at sheldons crossing, la Sec tion 19 town 10 range 13. NoV 3 and 4. Undue over the Weeping Wa ter and bridge over Cedar Creek on line be tween sections 4 and 5 town K ranire 12. No. 5. U.'idge al S.dileel's in section 5 towa 12 raiie 12. No. o. Fridge at Frcn'er's, on line between section' 8 and 17 tow n li raue 10. Tiie Couitr.issioiiers re-erve the vizh lo reject any and all bids. F,y order of the County om-niis-ioiifrs. C. F. Mookk. Co. Clerk. ilti. Fy J. S'. jE.v.M.NiiS Iiepiuv. Sheriffs Sa'e. F.y virtup of an order of s-de. issued bv Wnr I.. Wellsl'lerk of the District Court, wiihiu and for Cass C ounty. Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on tiie 1 Jl'a d:iy;f September A. D. 1877, at i0 o'clock, a. ni.. of s.iid day, at t lie South door of the Court House in tiie citv of Flatis inourli. iu said County. Sell at Fuhlic Auction the following real estate to-wit : Lois ten (10) and eleven i 1 i i in Flock twelve ( 12 in the city of Flatlsmouih. Cass County. Nebraska. Tiie name beiii levied upon and taken a the prop erty of .las. M. ('Conner, Administrator of es tate of .las. M. O'tlorram deceased, the Catholic church of the city of l'iattiiiui:li et al. Defen dents : to satisfy a judgment of said Court, rc covcTeil by Fetcrson a- ilanson FlaintilTs. rinttsaioulU, Neb.. August s;h.A. D. 177. 2UI5 .M. Ii. C CTL.E1: Shei iir. Eankrupt Notice. All per.-oiif who r.re iadelded to tli" Estate of Jos. siiera Fattkrupt. :ire hereby notified to call and pay the same, as 1 have been ordered to collect the same as soon as possible and an early compliance with this notice in iv save o-t. Wm. II. Smith. -It.". Assignee iu Fankruptcy. Sheriffs Sa)e. F.y virtue of an order of sale issued bv Wni. L. W ells. Clerk ol Ihe idstrict Coui t. L'ud Judicial D'firict. wit 1.111 and for County Nebra.-ka. and !o me directed. 1 will cm the 17!h day ol September. A. D. 1S77. at lo o'clock, a. m..o:'said day, at the soul Ii door of the Court House, in I he cisy of Fialtsnioiith. in said County, sell at ivb lie auction the following I.'eal l.'slale to wit: Thesoulh east i;u irtcr (,S. F. ! ot the nui th west (punier (N. W. '4 ol sec tv.o town elev en (I ! i itort h of ran ire twelve ytjt east of t lie 0 p. in., i he same lieinr levied upon and taken ;-s the property of Joseph K. Jetler". liarbara Jcf fers. Hans lloeand I . V. Father's ! lefeiidenls : lo satisiy judyaiient if Said Court recovered by AiiM'li'io H. Smiui l'.ain:i:T. i'la'.t.sniou'.b, Nebraska. Amrust. 14 A. D. fSTT. -Ut M. li Cl'TLKls Slieri:!. Notice to Contractors. Ci.i-kk's OKrirF:, CassCoi-nty. Flatts- I Mot rn, Nkukaska. August nth. 177. ( Se,led prujxisals will be received at this of- Fy J. W. JtN.vi.vcs Depr ty. Legal Notice. Wm. S. 'Woods will take notice that Abraham Deyo did mi the :.tn: h day of July. 1R77. f le in the District Cou.l of Cass county. Nelir,i.s a, his pe tition against James M. W ood. Matilda W oods and Win. S. ". nods, for foreclosure oC a mort y.iire given taid Deyo by James M. :;-.id J.Iatilda Woods, on the east oe hall t'.l of the Houlh west ipiarter tv. !4 and ihe south-v et quarter (, -if of the ti..i:ii-e tst cpuarter of section thirty-two town t. n inn norlh of itdige thiiteen i. east, in Cass count . Nebraska. Fianuiffs aiks a. decree for -i.iKm." with 11' pi rcent interest troi n July ls.'h. 1 7t. with 10 per cc attorneys lees, and for costs of suit. IlcfeliJant. Wni. S. "Woods can plead to said petition iu said Court on or before Sept. 17th. 1S77. l!it4 M. L. IIaywahd & Geo. S. Smith, plaintiffs Atlorn.iys. Sheriffs Sale. Fv virtue of an order of sale bsued bv Wm. I- W ells, Clerk of th . District Court. I'd judicial district within and tor Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the 2."t h day of A u-U:-t. A. D. If77, at 10 :0 o'clock si. In. "of said day. al the soiit h door of the Court House iu the Civy of I'lattsinout h. in said count y, sell at pubbe aiutio'i the follow ini; real estate", to-wit : hot ten lini iu block twenty (20i in the City of Flaiisinouih. t ";.ss count y. Nebraska. The ?ame beimr levied iiptfii and taken as the property of Drury a::d L;:ui: i raves. Defendants ; to satis fy a judgment of 'aid Court, recovered by Ed ward O. Dovey. pi.uiitnf. Flattsmouth", N-iorasKa. Jmv 24th. A. D. 177. latj -M. li. Ct'TLKU, Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. Fv virtue of an order of sale issued by "Win. I.. "Veils. Cl-rk of the Di.-inct C ourt. within and lor Cass couniy. Nenraskt, and to me directed. I I will ou the -th day of August. A. I. 177, at lo o'clock a. m.. of said dav ;.t the south door ol th? Court House, iu the city of Flattsmoutn. in sain county, sell at. public auction the loiloKiiiu: real estate to-wit : Itie iiort!; -ast ijuaner (ne'4)cil section live (5i iu town eieveu (1 1 1 north of laiiiie liiiiteen (l '.i ea.-t til Hie 6 p. In. ihe same iieiiijj levied upon and taken as the prop erty of Wm. II. Sniiih. administrator oi the es tate of John Chaudier. deceased, defendants; to satisfy a judgment of said "Joint, re'-'overtd by Lou il. Hays, plaint iff. I'lattsiuouth. Neb., Jnlv 21. A. D. 1877. lst-3 Ml IS. Ci'tlkk, toheriff. Sheriffs Sale. Fy virtue of an order of sale issued by "Wm. L. Wells. Clerk of t!ie District Court of the 2d judicial district, within and lor Cas Countv. Nebraska, and to l ie directed. I wlil ou tne sih day of August, A. D 1X77. at fi o'clock, a. in., of i-aid dav. at the soma door of the Court House iu tiie City of Fiattsinouih. in said County, sell at public auc.'io!! th" foi lowing real estate, to- j wn : l he equal undivided one third t3 jixrt i of the south-went quarter s ot secuou 1:1 lei.n ll."; town tweie i. ' north of ran -re twelve ( 12) cu-i of tiie ti p. m. Tiie same b"iin; levied upon anu laaen as t he property of Henry Mi siiiKr, defendant : tosatislv a 'judgment of said Court, recovered by William lluiii!, iilaintiff. Flattsmouth, Nebrask i. Ju'v 2ist. A. 1. ;s77. litj AI. ii. CfTi-tat, "sheriC. neeupto lui-sdav Seiil. 4:h lsT7 for hiiilii-iir two r-'i Moue abi!tai.-nls forth- Sheldon brid -c his ,.eut:,.!i iw toe Cass County District Court in sec:i;.;i hi to.' u 10 lange l.i. in .-.ccordance 'itnin anu lor liie i ouiity ci t a.s in i.aii .Mjiie with pla.i and specification now on file in tris "f 'hnusKa. asaiust Hie mid James II. Dick ohiee. 1 be Commissi .uers reserve the re.-hl to ai'l .biri;ai;;l A, Dick, defendants, SfUlli-f forth r i....t ...,a i-e ..f . i... ..... 1 1 1 a t t he said J am -s II . Di i:k o id on on the l.'.th Comii.iss'io'.iei. C. I'.' "m.-;k. Cimntv ciei-l day of Nov.. ls7u. (it veto the said John Ftack Legal Notice. To John IT irtman and Siarah llarlman: You are hereby notiS-'d that Frnest Speiring and Charles i.. Feriuiys did on ihe 31st da ol July, A. 1. Is77. hie tneir petition in the dis trict C ouri. within and lor the County of Cai. :md Stale of Nebraska, aniust v..a, sejtj;1T forth tii.-it you eave a mort'ace 'to the eitia diaries L. ilvTiiuys cas trustee" to secure ihe payment of a certain pioiuisorv r.i.te jriven bv Joiiii liurtiaan. piiyable to the" order of Frnes't speirin-:, f -r t:i- sum of$l.(n dated Seit 1st :s70i on the south-west quarter of the "south west quarter of section three (3i towu eleveinll) north of ramre eleven i ii i east of the 6tli F M and the souiu-east ciuarter of the nout'u-east quarter ol tne south-west ouarter '.f pection lenty-to lo n twelve Tli north of ranee eieven (ill east. nc uayi::ff that an account be taken of the Kiuouiit due upon sid i.ote and inorlir.ti-e. and that said lands mav be sold to pay the line, and you are further'noufied that you fcre'it iiuired to appearand answer said peti tlou on or before too lota day of "September, A. 1). 177. Signed, Ernest Spkiriso and . CHA6. L. FERNATii. Per CsjlZtlz: L Z?slzzz. titl: .trs IT.Z SIiQrW's Sale. i'.V v.i-ilie ..! . i. ,. , ,,I .; j-suea I v iii. b. vVclls. li-i ni f.c I listriet 1 iMirt, 2il "Imiieal i:stricl, v. i; tna and lo' ('a.ss Cotiiiiy. Neur.iAKa, and to nie tlnecied. I v. ill on tiie Tth day ( Atipust. A. D. IrTJ.at II i-Vl.K-k a. in. of said dnv at the south door oi tl;e Court House, iu the City of rialtsmouth. i:. said.ouuiv. sell ali.no- ! ',c nueiion t ae lollo. nig rtiil estHU-. tow ii : j tiXVV VZlltViZ The name beinir levied uikhi ami taken as Hie pro pert v of Wheatlv and lilisiana Aln keiwait and E. S. and Harriet A. Sharp, defendants ; to s:itl1 v a judpni.-ut of said Curt, recovered by ! .1 4 n urn n v t ib i l:ti ii i ' rr. l'liittsiuoutli, Nebrakfi. Jur '.Mth. A. R l-77. "c-0"'"""'"- Sheriff's Sale. Fv virtue of an order of sale issued by Wm. L. Volis. Clerk of the listrict Court, id judicial district, within and tor Cuss county. Nebraska, ami to me directed, 1 w iii on the iTth day of A u tust. A. I. 177. at t wo o'clock, p. m.,"of said j uav. nt the south door of the Court House, in! ; the City of Plattsuiouth. In said county, sell at public auction the following real estate, to-vit : j The non h half li'i ol 'the rorth-west quarler I ' (nw) of section thuly-t wo i:s.'i town e.evex i.l l.i i north of raime ten (10) eaM of thGi. in., in i Cass couut , Nebraska. The same boinir levied j upon a;il taken as me property oi tf. M - uie. i Sarah McAdie. Ill win M. Fark. et al. defendants : j to satis'y a iudmcnt of said Court, recovered ! bv Nathan Jones, (liaintiif. j "I'l.-Utsaiouth, Neb., July ilth. A. Ii. lc'77. is;5 M. B. Cctlck. Sherl2. Sheriff's Sale. Bv v'r! no of an order of fate Issued bv Win. L. Wells. Clerk of the District Court, id judicial district, within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to ni" direcled. I will on the 27th day of All ans. A. 1. 1877. at three o'clock, p. m.. of taid dav. nt tiie soul h door of the Court llot:se. in the City of Fiattsmo nil. iu said County, the fol lowing real estate, to-wit : The weft naif (wu of the north-ea--t fpiaiter ine1) of secthm four (it fown eleven i i I) north of ranae nine lot east of the c p. m. The same bein levied iipjn and taken as the property of Mary Isabella Uotid and James id. Bond, defendant: to fatisfy a iudcnieut of said Cnurt. recovered bv Jeuediuh Walker, ndiaiuistrato of the estate of Duncan Cainerou. deceased, p'aintiff. Fiattsmouih, Neb.. July vltii. A. V. 1S77. lsij M. B. CCTLEE, SherifT. Sheriff's Sale. llv virtue of ai ort'er i-T sa'e issued by Wm. f.. Wells. Clerk of the District Court, -id judicial district, v.itliia and for Cass countv. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will oa the 1:7th day Au ;ust. A. 1). 1677. at i :'M o'clock . ni.. of said day. at the south uooi of the Court Ilou-e, In the c ity of Flallsinouth. In said county, sell ai public auction the following real estate to-wit : Connnenciii); 8.)"t feet south of the north east corner of the nonh-west ciuarlei uiw'jc'f s-e-tion tiiirle-n lSinud rutin iu: thence south 'JIO feet. Hit nee .vest aw feet, thence north ;iii feet, thence east MA feet to the place ot bckimnintr. All lyiiu; and bein in section thirteen (I'A) Iovmi twelve (Ui nor! h of rante thirteen (lai east of the 6 p. m.. in Cass county, Nebraska. The sarre beina levied upon and taken as the pro erty of Sallie Wrizht and others Infant heirs of Sabina V riht. deceased, and Lee J.I. W ritrht and Fobert Gullion, defendants : to batisty a Judgment of said Court, recovered by Edward G. Fovey. plaint ilf. Plattsmouth, Neb., Julv 24, A. I). 1S77. lSt.- M. B. Cvtlek. Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of nn order of sale issued by Wm. L. W eils. Clerk of the District Conn, within and for Cass countv, Nebraska, and to me directed. I wiil on the 7th day of August. A. D. 187i. at II :4." o'clock a. in., of said day, at tile south door of the Court llouee iu the City of Flattsmouth, in said county, t,ell at public unction the follow ing real estate, to-wit : The north-eat-t (juar ter uie' t.i of section eighteen (18; town eleven ( 11) north of rauire thirteen do) eaft ot tiie 6 p. m. The same beinj; levied upon and taken as the property of ileury and Jane KirKhaiii, de fendant : to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered bv Emilv Drew, plaiutilf. I'lattsmou'lh, Neb.. July 4, A. D. 1K77. lslj if. F. CfTLEit, Shei'13. Sheriffs Sale. Fy virtue of an order of sale, i-sued bv ATm. L. W ells, Clerk ol the District Court, 2d judicial district, within and for Cans county. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on t!ie-J7lh day of All gust, A. D. 's77. a! one o'clock, p. in., "of sa'd day. at the south door of the Court ioue, in the City of Flattsmouth. In said Cou'.tv. sell at public.' auction the follow iug real esale, to-.i: : Ihe north half (u'iof the no' C-east qu.'trter ( ne4 ) and the north half in1 2 ) ? lie north -west quarter uwi of section twcey-six ('0) iu to n ten (0) north of ran re thirtee'f ( l.O east Cf the Op. in., less live acres, mid the mill ntuated thereon, said r.iitl property of five acres i land and the mid thereon is V .'own an the L'Dion Mill on Weepiep: Water in sid county. And after liellla ttie above P;o acres of land. te.'S the live acres. I will m-11 the jtd live acres ot laud and mill thereon with app irteniii-es and pi ivileje. The s:rme beiuz lev.f d upon and ti-J.en as the properly of .lame- Fohleii. Sn.rali ""olden. Fled seirt h. ( 'eoruina ?.'irt h, Fred C. ! o. Catherine Tro. Nieiioias Fu'ei-sou, Feter Cii jber, and John L Farweil. defendant : to sati v a judgment cf said Court, recovered by Henrv lJubois, plaintiff. Flattjinout'.l. Neb., JuTv 2-Jt b. A. D. 1877. 1M3 M. li. '.'flXKlt. Sheriff. Legal Notice. In ' ' Cass County District Court of the Sec ond Jadtcial 1'istrici ot Nebraska. .loh j Flack, plaintift. vs James II. Dick and M:'j-,'aret A. 1'ick, defendauis. To f -if di Leii'"ii!iN, Jamr 1J. Dicl; mul nt A.. LHj!;, i:f,)i."c uaiacd noi-rescJcif d Jcud- ant. You. and each of you will take notice that .lolm i ;l:ck . ol 1 he Conor v ot I ':tss Mini srnie nf 1 Nebraska, did on the 3J day of August, 1877. file bis. the said .lames II. Du-ii's pi-oiiusory note. for the sum of fori v dollars, and thereby prom ised to pay the said John Flack, sixty days from the date i hereof, the said sum of lofty doll an, with interest ai 12 percent per annum, interest payable semi-annually, which time lias ioiij; since passed, and yet he has not paid said sum nor any part thereof, but the same remains due aud wliolly unpaid, and in order to collect the sami1. said John Fiack has commenced a suit ia attachment. You aie hereby notified to appear and answer said petition Sep-temo.-r 17. Is77. according to law. ni.d the rules of said Court, or judgment wtll be entered against yon by default, and your pi open v "-old to satisfy the iaiuc. (L'lUii John Flack. Sheriffs Sale. Fy virtue of two executions is-sued by the Clerk of tiie District Court, wi'inn and for" Cas county. Nebraska, lnt to me (tireeted, I will on the ad day of September A. D. h77. at 2 o'clock, p. m.. of said day, at t l.e south door of the Court House in the i;y of riatis.uout h. iu said Coun ty, sell at public auction t e lollow ing real ps-tateto-wit; 'Ihe north-east quarter (tie) of the south-west quarter isw' i of section six to town ten 10 1 ramre 113) east of Ihe 6 p. m., a"d the north-wei-t piartei-(nw1.t t ot the south-west quarter of section six (iii town ten (io rnne thirteen east of the li p. m.. and the south-wet quarter of s w qr of sectuon six on town ten 10) ranjre 13 : the s e fourth s e Uiscc fi, town ten. rau-e l;i. easi of the 6 p. m.. ail in Ca?s county Nebraska. The same beiu lei ied upon and ta ken as the pro pert y of Vallery Fulfiier. de fendants : to satisfy a ju lament of said Court, recovered by T. H. Weber & Co., plaintiffs. Fiatti-inouth, Neb., Julv 2Hh. A. D. Is77. Fiti M". U. CiTLEii, SherifT. Sheriffs "ale. r.y virtue of an order of sale issued bv Wm. I.. Wells. Clerk of the District Court. 2d" judicial district, within and for ("ass countv, Nebraska, and lo me directed, I will on thcartu day of Au---U'-'t. A. D. 1K77. at 3 : to o'clock p. in., of said day. at the south dm.r of the Court House, in the city of Flattsmouth. in said i-ouiitv, f-ell i:t put die ancri. n the following ral esJite to-wit ; The north half i to , i of t he north -west qu ir'ei C n w V I of section thirty :vt in town eleven dl) norlh of rane nine (a; east of the .1 p. in., in Cass coun ty. Nebraska. 1 he same being levied upon and taken as the property of John C. Case. Sarah Use find . '.V. S'evt ns. defendants ; to satisfy a judgment of said c,uit. recovered ly Christi na somerlad. plaintiff. Flattsmouth. Neb., Jnlv Tl. A. D. 1S77. ltJ M. F. Cutler. Sheriir. Sheriffs Sale. Fy virtue cf an or.'er of side issued bv Wm. F. VVel.s. Clerk c f the District Court of t!ie 2d ju';i c;:il disiiict. wiiliiu n.id for Cas cour.tv. Ne br.iskH. :ind to me directed. I will on tiie 27th day of Aujjusl. A. I). Is7;. ar 3 :15 o'clock. t. im.. oi s;iid biv nt the south door of ihe Court House. Pi "the c ity of Fiut tsinouth, ia sui:d coun ty, seii u! public aucti in th followinn ie il e. tiite to-wit : The south hnlf im of the nortii e;it rnuirler (neHt) of Keciiou twenty-six. T,) in town eleven (U) north of ruue nine'iSi e:ist of u j.. i. . in ,.iss couuiv. e..raska. The snine l.e ..I.. !..,! "v ii. I'lai'-iiii. riattsiiioath, Neb., Ju'y e4th. A. D. IT. ii. B. Ci"iLEK,"bheriff. E. PARMELE, SALE, FEED it- LIVERY STABLE. On Main wtreet nearly opposite lUe Court House. Fiatbsmouth. Neb. HorsES foR Sale. The buying and selling of good horses made llio specialty of the business. Nev Horses & Carriages, and gentle horses, for Ladies to drive nr kepi at this sstab'e. Also a carry all, w hich runs to trie depot and will carry paseuer from uiy pUce je towuaa CalL T" I T" , T" T, Ct . W . . . . ' ing levied upon and Liken a? the prop.-rtv of i1"1", rT-,"1'""- Hannah A. Holmes. au.d"Mi-c-linel L. l..ve. deSeudatits : to farisiv h Judg ment Of Sail Court, recovered hv l-- a" l i!.'.oi.. j-xuno .i,Uiyiij'jj;.VLMXew Waeua. and liu let wade u Jill. STOCK FOR SALE. t u t rr t" I C-l J. I 7 TTt -'V crr,7T?Tf-' HIT' . -I-'."-'--' -' : -r- j- ' ' T . 1 i j "V-" 1 1 - V . " i JuTw Ju y , T7I -. x -J nnrl Cnln GflxTrja j E GCQ CIlU aiC 2512.0165. .. i i ,i loi.it r ft.. ..a liH.-is. ! uouSt-S MM;li.l II TilK O.tY. WCC!i, Oil JIO.MU. HORSEb Uul. o li I . SOLI OK TItADED, ' For t i'uir ln..lMn. j TEAMS AT ALL HOUItS. Fai.ieular aliv-iniu paid l Driving and Training Al.S! A lu-srse fiin-Nbi d v. hen C illed for. HEADQUARTERS. WIXES, LIQUOR ASH CIO Alii, Fresh Beer &z Ale. iMU:r:ns. LottUd Bur fur Family U6. ic etc. GEO. EDQERTOS. Henry Bceck Has removed to the lower p.. rt of tdalx. street u what ai Dovcv's Store, ilti Iirmienss Stock cf Furnituro is larger than be expected, and Le WILL SELL OFF all 1'ieseut stiKk on li Greativ Reduced Prices. w Fenietu'-.-r I he n-w stand down town, n l FOOT SIOKF. T ao stortus full ot larnu'ie. F.efore I p ick It awav and have to hand.' It all over. 1 want to sell o2 a 'ood deal. ij your time to bu , CHEAP FOR CASH, of HFNT.Y t'JECK. P:li'f Im liib.la -, i . i t - .... ... Millionth in the business we furnish. bi.t t nose i.,ii,s to w ork can eaoily earn u, ifiizeii dollars a rlay rlirht In theb own loCdlhles. Have no room to explain liere. Fu:,mess ple-i'-ant a I'd honorable. Wonieu. bos and uirls il. as wii as iiif n. We will iiu'iibh you a complelo outfit free. T!ie business pay beiler th-'ii anv tiling else. AVe will bear expense f blurtln: you. Fartlculars tree. V.' rite and a. e. f arm er and mechanics, thofr Mirn and dautihlei.-., and Hi I classes iu need of paying work at lumn , should wrie to us a'jd learn" all aiiout the work at once. Now i th time. I'ou't dclnv. Ad dress ' u i Co.. Augusta, Maine. rjv T AFNES FOOT FOWL1." Y JJ ii ( HINFIiV. 1 n'iifferent Machuj'-" ultii J-'A I I hh h Fnild. r.. c'al.lii.-t j -J Makers. Wiorou Makers -r w Vr tfT"i wnd Jobber in luiscellaneou-, adi2i;' work cnnVompi'ic ai to ..r m.- 1 XL'I TV A-VI 1'HI'K With htei.ln . 'jl tj power manuf.n tnrm ; iil-o t-V X'iV f a Amateur's siiip ie. saw r- if' (J buides. fancy woods and ie- vs-i " fcju? sum s. hay 'w here you reed this and send lor c .ialo''ie ::ud prices. W.I" Jou' i'.Aiijt.'i, F.ocuford. NViiiUtbao Co. l.M U lOl'il LCTT2:Z1?!J( t'SE Excelsior Copying IJonk. Slacle of t'heniioal E'aper. Oulckly eopies nnv writlnp wnil.M T Wr.ter. FKFS". or r.Ft'Sil. used at home, linrarv or fice. For Laoies wishu to retain copies of let ters, every business man. e.er men. correspon dents, travelers It is invaluabiesells at s:ht, "send 'I.O and we v. iii send a liao ii;f bo"k, letter si.e. FY MAIL paid to any addles-. We refer to anv Coi.niicr'i:'l Atrencv. Send statntt fur Agents' Circular. KX L.4ll .M !". . 1IO lienrliiirii SI., Cliicao. III. 5UOU At. E."X? wunted. 4iu6 mike schnellbacher; BLACKSMITH iij.i.i'r f i r .. "WAGON FFFAIK1NU . All kinds of FAF.il IMFLFMENT3 mended Neatly di- Prompt if :0: Horse, 3Iule& OxShoein?, In short, we'll shoe anything that hai four feet, from a Zebra to si Giraffe. Home and see us. 2rTH3W SZHOIP. on Fi'lh St.. between Main and rt Stre'i". jjst across the Cwrr.tr flora tht new LIFFAI.D omcE. ityi A PHYSIOLOGICAL VieT7 of Iarriago ! fS' '" V V t"Li t ontu. t.t l In-aliMl on to ' " f": "P r TjfiS lj 'iun- fi m-rnti. ai.il li ri ii SB2m0e&mjaaa cum.-, ii,: utitii ior it : tne 'A N D' crpit of Ipprod'-ct-ic.ii anl tua uirc-a or vvomrn. A lxrfk t.r lei-.p. ronf-l 3 llrtA. A frtiv I t. MEDICAL ADVISER! On all d-onlpra oi a Private Katcre a.riaiiix Irora Sal . ibute, Ezcc"pa. or R.-cret IViaiaes, vch IL 1k4 lAjmn, of fui, 114 .9'" JV. prfAll Ct. A CLINICAL LECTURE on U.e alT ae anil fboot i hp Throkt and Lunv, CaLaxrlilupturo, ih Opun Ha.bit 4.i-. .-n ltii-i. Li'hpr book arnt pu'-paiil on ns:eipt ot prira: or li tiuee. C.n'ainina- vf . n.-aiiatu,. l. n,:ratd. .tr 74 eta. Auaresi . liUnTo, iu. a H-HA O- b- Irfona, ZlA, S280I j ATI: AIL A-rvnt3runtcl. I'.naU f nos lepltlmat. l'articnlrfn'e, ; A4ira-a J.TOaTli CO.. E: Unua.Mo. 0 B 9 fc F jd Jtorplilnp lUAit&lulnt'ly anrt eed?' mj b 5 " PI wl "Mul. ra.ulatoi l. r. i Mi.-i:y. Is-ba .ia no S E I I i'-&Ux:mtimr. '!. Ckit. . I I "bP E I I 161 a.Ua-'eu ai luu. III. 05 E. Vfcr"tii PFF"TrM WtTrUf I5KFUV-4 !rii.- .iidr. rif v iihevepVoder. OuU li t irbi J.Li. Oa ior J ot Co.. t alcao, LL S3 COLD PMTEDWATCnES. n-mwi IU IIW .toOWB C ..I. 1411.11 HiKllllllW! JL1ML, A. COLLTI.U ai CO.. CMICA4.W. L-i VrM Jlaiplijl, 197 LmI V auiins. . k. r-. . mil IHt-.-, rf Vri t Mtr utr-R. rmni ' tf r t from twif abuiktr r InlW tlon of tit'-' -x. mlnad t enliiifM fM-Mlutt, LoMorU-m9rr, lmpulrt-4 MUI. lt MmuLiJ &C- lmMitnc;, Ncrvuu l-lilitj4 nr-r T;m,vi.uf.a; .H-w.. u.tf KlAdti-, ll1fr-f. I f.-r l ints, A -'iiii. i urrK. H's. an t.n nU L 1 I r -i-! t L"iiAl.!.rs tu to ti trritnt. iT.O'fn ha bawl liCe-loE.-x -iioi.., ml caw wun ot.'jn fat. h b rwi ? of lr ltfofned S 'no?. o nrcvr. hmt th lar.-aM Dr.ti la Uit U. S, tl)tH j MaiTtri w.ui private hn n4 btwd, rm.i vr ni(. z,tr eotiwmtmtH-m iw i'.i.utif. SeDd fifty ce-tu for am of f.ajiUtr nu mutt nr "liatr of iiit-w-Aiit iiiformtukoa K? zfrm, OLXTi'M Fmi """lis. H per Iyr (nre-Jt",-. MAERIAGE GUIDE yuoy i"l n.i . m merti J br-th S,. on all A' mmm of a peti catnn. Vru.i a.i.l ip o. tr-rmM aJ time rontrtrf.iiu nitiun. Hm. ia M J.p.. i: . -.d trwy t.il'j' in tba ukI w,w Unn. h9?oodf iMuld al UJt awwu ioa aO ocuu, lo ujr ROBERT DONNELLY'S t? AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wayon, Buggy, Machine and Plow rt pairing, ut1 general joil in j. I am nwr prepared to do all kinds of rTAlrl'jj vl fur.it and other marhiner'. as ther Is a good lathe iu u:y bhop. PETER RAGEy. The old Reliable W&son Maker fcas taken ohcrss of the ,asoa utiop, HC U W t'd kCOWD 83 a vn t tvi ivm v- - " J . v orair. SATISFACTION" CrAEA""T!:El. It ii : i i! C s c