Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 09, 1877, Image 3

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    S- ---S" - -
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TT 1 TT l 1) t 1 Ik
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E. & M. R. R. Time Table.
Corrected Sunday, April 1st, 1877.
leaves 5 4.1 a. ra. Arrives 8 iV a. m.
" 2 ujo p. hi. 3 M6 p. u.
riioii umaqa roit n-TrsMOUTn.
i-eav.-s .-. a. iii. ArrNes 10 2 x hk
MO p. in. 7 :43 p. m.
rou Tin; west.
Lenvrs n.-ttsmouth 9 :' 1- Arrives IJn
eoin. iu 1 5 1 1. in. ; Arrives Kearney, 8 ;00 p. TO.
rielgbt leaves" :'0 a. iil. Ar. Lincoln 1 3 p.m.
ves Kearney. 6 '() a. m. leaves Lincoln,
H :-W . in. Ann v" I'latlsmoulb. 3 :13 p. m
Kmight leaves Lini)ln 11 :15 a. m. Arrives
flnttsiuwuth, 4 :12 p. in.
l.xpr. ", :15 a. 1:1.
Pisvnger, (trivia each day) 3 iV p. m.. except
Saturday. Every third Saturday a train con
nects at the tin.e.
. . .1,.. .. I Depart at - 6 :M a. U.
Arnveat - j . :00 p. in.
Arrive at 10 :'M a. ia. Depart at - 2 :15 p. m.
Arrive at - 3 :15 p. in. I Depart at S :00 a. ui.
Arrive at VI -.on in. leart at - 2 .-00 p. in.
I!4i-K HI.I V FS & UNION MI 1.1.8.
Arrive at 1 :W ni. Depart at - I :0rt p. in.
J. W. MARSHALL, V. 31.
1 rnab-nr. n em's a line. Kegular advertis
ers, ut rents per line. No advertisement insert-
i i'ur less than 2- cents.
I.c'al notices at Statute rates.
Allot to vi ami officers of the law w ill be neld
rrMX'i.MU'e for all legal notice they hand in,
ami all parties fifiTiatidiiiK ,a proof of publica
ii.vii of iuv notice wiil be held fur the publica
tion fee ui sujIi notice.
A our snaee is limited, all coniniuniea'ions
rawM-Uriel and to tbc point, with no waste
vt words.
The paper l responsible for the correctness
Mcormng to copy t.f paid matter and paid Le
tU. ouly.
1. Any p rson who takes the paper regularly
lnKn tt!- tH,-)(ffe, whether direeied to hU
.iui '. r vrrtVr he I a subs-.-.ibcr or not ts
ifr, i-il b irr the pay
. 'I i'.fv veisor. oroeiH his paper discontin
ei. he in!i-i pav all arrearage, or the publish
er may continue to wnd it until payment is
i iade. :i:id e-dieet the whole amount, whether
the pa:er is t jk'.Mi from tne nfhee or not.
x j ne eourt have decided that refusing to
T'ike iipwsiraiicnt and periodicals from the post
nice. or removing and leaving them uncalled
It, i L-rima facie evidence of i.ntk.miosal
Iook Jit
New add.
"olumuii & Nathan's
it. B. !: ronic out with a
.i new aJvertidemcnt. Cca it well, it
limy bo tf service to you.
II j.v t'i rible iuail a man can set
j-uiiif tim'' Pur furtiier particulars
It 'inember the Oass County Fair
v jit. 4th, .V.h. Gl'i. an 1 7th. S-e No
she in another eoiumti. 9-t
N.dke ir hereby give.!, that persons
ishhiif 1ooih privileges o:i the Ctss
i"ii'.ty F;ir (iron. id, during the Fair,!
.-Ir. 4th. n!i. 6th and 7th, 1S77, can i
t t-.'i'uib', vtJ., bv apjiliin; to
vutJ J. 1., Secret i ry.
T.H-i!? is a HKti'oility ui" trouble be
tween our city authorities and some of
fiur citizens who are in tiie liahit of
f ist driving on Main street. Fix it
;.iiiu vo i gentlemen, we h:ivent any horses to drive, or any children to
1 e run oer by other gentlemen.
TLid portion of the 'foot-stool
u visitwliiy fine re freshing show
ers t.!t Sunday uioinin. and evening
which did much good for the growing
crop as well as the health and cum
t jii of all the community.
- 0;r friend Julius IVpperburg is
i his iort, Single yet, not only in re
L.aid fo matriruony hut also w'th an
e siiijr'e to business, turning off
-I.4 n.-i. a Xo. 1 article as fast as four
w arid a ley can tfo it.
I ie grandest bargains ever known
in this town can be had for the next GO
days in clothing, lioots and shoes in
cluding a superb stoek of ladies and
chil Iretis shoes, which will he sold clear
low n for cash. Such bargiins were
never known before, at Sta del in ui's
i iotliing emporium. 20if
K'.iun Parmele.our live, livery man
T.a.- got some fine first-class buggies
-uniiig and says he is not to be out
lono by any livery outfit in this coni
i! unity, and we know ti.:'t E!am will
'.j up '.rith t?,c t:m-. (live him a
jii vhen jou want a com fort able ride,
..!id the wortli of voni aio.iev.
Mr. Joe Connor our indomitable
.; Merchant has extended his busi
is. lie has put up a large warehouse
; t Vol k, the timbers alone filled two
i.ur BMilJing 18 by 90 ft, will hold
TO ;.;'.s of wheat. The largest
wA-ehruse out of Omaha. Success to
.ji.r enterprise Mr. Connor.
The track outon the fair ground is
being smoothed oil and put in condi
tion lor training horses, and we under
rt:ir.d there are several in this vicinity
training preparatory to entrance as
utters at our County Fair next
At the regular session of the City
C-juacil on last Saturday evening there
vasr.ot any new business transacted of
lipevial importance, and as our edi
t: rial staff is rather slim just at this
t ia:?. and our space limited, the Cour.
c'A Proceedings are not published this
v. ti-k
Sthowl 15oks, Ae
I wish to inform the citizens of
inttsreauth ami Cass county, tliat I
v ill have a full line of school books, in
time for the Fall term f school, also
oil other materials used in the school
j ooio. Trusting that all persons wish
ing school books, etc. will give me a
Mitral portion of their patronage, for
which I shall be thankful, I remain.
Respectfully, J. P.Youxo.
- Ul Qc 2vr Jern 3&t 3
Our section has taken i "new de
Iiartnre this season, a few weeks ago
we were favored with a young torn.ido
that used very little discretion, over
turning buildings, blowing down grain
&c. Sunday evening tha prospect was
good for another, for a few minutes
the wind lifting things around very car
lesaly, it blew over however without
an; damage.
Any one wanting a No. 1 musical in
strument will find It to their advan
tage to examine the fine Mason & Ilam
lia Organs we have lately delivered
here. I have also the agency for the
best piano made, "The Weber." which
was awarded the highest premium at
the Centenial. Give me a call, and I
will be happy to impart any informa
tion you wish.
James Pettee. Agt
tf. Plattsmouth, Neb.,
We have received from J. T. Im
brie. Secretary of the St. Joseph Indus
trial and Agricultural j:.xposi:ion
a Complimentary ticket and invita
tion to ;.lteml tho Kxoosilion
which is to be held at St. Joseph, Mo.
from Sept. 10th. to 15th. No doubt
this will be a very elegant fair and
will well repay any one for the trou
ble of a visit.
The freights are beginning to roll
over the B. & M. railroad at such an
unprecedented rate as to com pell the
Transfer Company to run on Sunday
last, and to fire up the President Mon
day morning -and put both boats to
transfering cars. But let them come;
shippers will find there will be no
blockade occur at this point for the
Transfer are capable of taking over 40
cars an hour, or 400 in a day each
Cass Coanty Fair.
The attention of the citizens of Cass
County, Nebraska, and adjoining coun
ties, is called to the fact that the Elev
enth Annnal Exhibition of the Cass
County Agricultural Society, will be
held on the "Old Fair Grounds," south
west of Plattsmouth, on Sept. 4th,Mh,
CLh and 7th, 1877.
This will be the best Fair ever held
in Cass County, and no one should fail
to attend it.
The most interesting attraction dur
ing the Fair will be the First Grand
Public Baby SJiow ever held in Cass
county. Base ball matches, horse races,
foot races, and many other attractions.
Remember the dates. Persons not hav
ing Freuiium Lists can get some by
applying to J. P. Yorxo.
?0t3 Secretary.
Mark Ay res Esq, Manager of the
Mason & Hamlin Organ Co. Chicago,
has been spending nearly a week in this
city attending the arbitration of suit
of the company against E. II. Eaton.
Judgement has a! ready been rendered
by the jnry in the lower court against
Mr. Eaton. The latter not being satis
fied with the verdict however, the case
is now in the hands of 5 arbitrators
chosen from the ranks of our solid busi
ness men. Evidence is all in and tho
arguments were to been made
Tuesday evening but as one of the ar
bitrators .was unable to attend, they
therefore adjourned to noxt Tues
day at one o'clock p. m. "Mr. Avers
is a gentleman of culture and No. 1
business qualifications and hy his gen
ial manners and pleasing address h;is
made many friends. lie left for Chi
cago Wednesday morning; we wish
him a pleasant journey and safe return
to hf? family and business. Mr. A.
expressed himself as highly' pleased
with our state as far as he had oppor
tunity to see it and also his intention
of visiting it at no very distant day for
a more extended tour.
Mrs. Davis, the motherof Mrs. B.
Spnrlock, and formerly, with her fami
ly, one of the earliest settlers of Cass
County, after a few hours illness, died
on the Camp Ground at Mt. Pleasant,
on Iat Saturday morning.
The funeral services took place on
the grounds at 2 o'clock, Sabbath after
noon, rro:n .wnence uie corpse was i
brought to PlattsTnouth and started or
the Monday morning train for Marys
ville, Missouri, her home at the time of
death, she. being here on a visit to her
daughters Mrs. Spnrlock and Mrs. Wise
well. The absent children were telegraphed
the intelligence, and er son George
arrived a few hours before the funeral
ceremonies, and returned with the re
mains to Missouri. B. Windham, a
brother of the deceased, and father of
our fellow-townsman R. B. Windham,
arrived on Sabbath morning to pay his
last sad respects to an only sister.
Thi3 is tbe third member of ?. fami
ly of eight that have died within two
yeais; the others being the father and
B. K. Davis, who was a prominent at
torney of Missouri.
A Citizen's Views.
Horse-back riding h:is been all the
rage among the young foltcs here for
sometime past; and these lovely even
bigs we are now having. thy are rid
ing more thin ever. We have heaid
of but one accident and that was a
young lady being thrown, caused by
racing which was not at all serious
A great m my ride very fast and care
lessly and is a wonder that we hear of
no more accidents than we do.
The party of young folks who were
out serenading a short time ago sang
very sweetly and well. These lovely
evenings we are having are just suited
for tb:ft purpose. "Call again."
Our fisherman, Mr. Purdy caught a
monstrous fish last week weighing
nearly 200 lbs. He understands catch
ing them, as he has caught quite a num
ber of large ones lately.
Ia addition to our side-walks the
bridges are all. with the exception of
two or three in our city so bndly cut
ef order, tli at it is impossible togo over 1
tbera without endangering lifev gfryj.
don't the Council see to these bef ore
some person l dausprouslT injured, if j
itkUl&. A Citizen, j
In the case of Mason & Hamlin va
E. H. Eaton, ju3t concluded, the five
arbitrators ex tinincd the evidence with
great care, and deserve great credit for
the patience with which they waded
through the mass of evidence present
ed. The lawyers for the defence. Judge
Sprague and Mr. Pottenger, labored un
der difficulties it was impossibles to sur
mount, but put a good face on the mat
ter, and brought out every point there
was in their side of the case. W o di.l
not hear Lawyer Windham's ple:, al
though we saw considerable of his man
agement of the case, and have no doubt
he handled it with his well known us
ual ability.
On Plattsmouth.
The following is an extract from a
private letter, but shows so clearly that
we at home do not appreciate our great
natural beauties, that we take the lib
erly of printing the same.
"As I look back over my visit to P.
I cannot help but feel a lingering
sensation of pleasure. It was one of
the most enjoyable visits of my life.
From the very first I was charmed with
the natural beauty of the place, and a3
I sit here this morning with the twin
ges of experience shifting in my minds
eye the scenery of life; and with the
shadows of discontent Hying across my
mind, I can imagine that I stand in
the front window of the High School
Building, at Plattsmouth, looking away
in rapture as I often did, over the broad
and beautiful panorama that stretches
to the east, south and north. What
grand picture it is, what a vast amphi
theatre of hill and vallev. forest and
,.;v-iiw.ti., VMI
sir. Plattsmouth with her wealth Of
natural beautv, is one Of the most
ch.arming, and picturesque cities it has
ever been my fortune to visit. But if
this were all there would be at least
one thing lacking. But I shall not
soon forget the many charming people
that it was my good fortune to meet
Mr. E. T. Duke, of Omaha, one of our
old citizens and business men, came
down last Friday and staid over Sun
day. Chas. II. Marsh, representing W. T.
Seaman Paper Dealer. Oiu iha, has
been in town for the past day or two,
taking orders for everything in ihe pa
per line.
Mrs. J. A. Con"or who lni3 been east
for some time past, returned home last
Sunday, and Joseph looks so pleased
tills week that we expect grain will go
up.about five cents a bushel.
Capt. II. E. Palmer and family left
last Saturday for an extended trip
through Colorado and Wyoming, com
bining a business and pleasure excur
sion. ' The Captain never neglects busir
nrss for pleasure.
Mr. Henry Davis from down on the
Weeping Water gave us a pleasant call
Tuesday. Henry was an old time
friend, and spent the time in talking
over the incidents of early life in Ne
braska much to our gratification.
Miss M. ButterSeld. formerly a teach
er in the Plattsmouth High School,
lias been spending the last few weeks
among her hol of friends in Plaits
month and leaves to-day for a couple of
weeks sojourn with friends in Omaha,
after which she returns to her school
at Grand Island.
Miss M. Ruby, who has been one our
most successful teacheis in the High
School of tins city for the past three
years, left for a visit to Denver, Col,
where she proposes to recreate for a
few weeks, and if a good opening
should present, may conclude to teach
the "young idea how to shoot" in Col
orado. Miss R. is compettnt and de
serving of success.
Hon. L. Cl.eldon gave the Herald
a pleasant call lat Friday, and sas
his injuries by ahorse, noted last week,
were not very s?rious, though causing
some soreness and uis omfort. Mr. "S.
thinks the present crop prospects are
fully up to the average for Nebraska
ami as he has had twenty-one years ex
perience in this county we consider
him excellent authority on such ques
tions. ms:s.
IIINKLE In thix cltv at a. m.. Aiit. nth. 1S77.
EII I'H. infant daughter of Sir. and Mr. Sam
uel . Hinkle. aueil in inoutlis and L't il.iy-1. of
a species of bioueliilis. Funeral service at
I heir residence, corner of O.ik and Seventh
fct.. 'luesdav. An?. 7th. at 2 p. in I'ev. II. B.
luucss kindly consented to read the New
Chinch Service.
The bereaved family have our sin
cere sympathy, and notwithstanding
their great bereavement, try to be re
signed to the will of their Heavenly
Father, who says, "Suffer little children
to come unto me, and forbid them not.
for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.''
The little one was lautiztd into the
New Church, by the Rev. T.F. Wright
of Brhlgewater Mass. on the occasion
of his visit with us, less than a year
ago, which is a source of gratification
to us all, and particularly to the fami
ly who feel that she. was thereby In
troduced paiticulariy to the society of
the angels, who will now take pleasure
in caring for and intluen ing the growth
of her spiritual mind in the heavenly
world to which she has been called by
the kind rather f es all, "who does
not let a sparrow fall to the ground
without his knowls-tige. Rev. II. B.
Burgess of St. Paul's Episcopal Church,
kindly consented to officiate, and t o t lie
great comfort of the family, who are
devoted members ot the Lord's New
Church, to real the New Cliurch Serv
ice for ourial of. infants and children,
entire, including the address of instruc
tion. Members of the Episcopal and
Methodist Choirs assisted us in render
ing the beautiful chants connected
with the Service, for which they have
our sincere thanks. After the service!
I at the-house, which was quite fully at
tended-,, the choir and quite a larse mw
IwtfTias attended; the remains to,
the cemetery, where the f.ervice was
concluded with a chant, some passage
from the Word and the prayer. "
Tl3 long continued ami oft repeat- j
ed contest bstween the Mason & Ham
lin O.-g ui Co., for a belt!' of ac
counts iVts finally been decided by five
arbitrators, good solid business mv:i,
by a verdict for the company of $3 Id.
The very geutlem inly and genial man
ager of the Company in Chisago, Mark
Avers, Esq., spent a week here while
the case was being taken, m iking hosts
of friends. Mr. Avers was fortunate
getting through ou the lost train that
was not disturbed, th? next train was
mobbed and ditched by the strikers.
Mr. Ayers expressed himself so much
pleased with our state as far as he saw
it, and he intends bringing his wife
out for an extended trip litre. We
shall be glad to welcome them to the
best our State affords.
$4.50 FOR
made to order at
I wish to start east the 15Lhof Aug..
and wid sell all summer goods at cost
until that time, to make room for a
Fall and Winter stock. 19t2
J. A". Weckbach.
Messrs. Keenan & Grace wish to call
the attention of their customers and
the public to their fine stock of
an 1 a great variety of bottled ale. &c,
: . . .1 .. . i . .. . i,..' ...I.:,... ..ill null
I f IllVitlUllI IJ.ISD . YIJtlII llitrj HIM ntri!
at satisfactory prices. loU
All nervous, exliausting. and painful diseases
' speedily yield to the curative Influences of Pul-
j vennacliei's Electric Belts and Bauds. They
I are safe, simple, aud effective, and call be eiisi-
' ' "d v tI,e ,,u"t bI,u19C1!(' Bo';
full n-iitiniibiec iiimi it. fena 1 d.ll'fiiia Pl'l TD.
MACiiF.n Galnamc Co., Cincinnati. Ohio.
A pocket book between Rock Bluffs
and Plattsmouth, containing a small
amount of money, a ring and some
sh-eve buttons. The ring and buttons
wanted, the money mav be kept al'ier
paving for this advertisement. Re. urn
to the Herald Office. l'J.2.
I would give notice that I am now
prepared to furnish Warm Meals at all
hours, in my new location. A good
assortment of groceries, confectionery,
tobacco and cigars constantly on hand,
Countrv produce taken in exchange for
goods, at C. A. Montgomery's.
Opposite-Platte Vallev House. 18t3
Wedding Bristol card board at the
Herald office.
New cake pan, enquire at the Her
ald office. '4t.
Read, Read.
Fine calf boots made to order for
Sewed boots for S3.00;
Men's Alexis buckled shoes $1.00;
i Repairing and every thing in propor
tion at Merges. 12-tf
Slippers for 23 cts at Merges'. 12tf
Dick S'.reight has got some carriages
and wagons lose!!. Call and sec them.
Slippers for 35 cts at Merges. 12tf
For Sale.
N. W. 24, 12. 12 situated about six
miles from Plattsmouth good land t0
to 40 acres under plow, plenty of wa
ter, house and other improvements
wid sell for one six;h down balance in
equal payments 1 2 a 4 and 5 years, ten
per cent int. auua'.ly. Inquire of D.
Remiek of Pawnee Citv, Nth., or M;tj.
D. II Wheeler. Plattsmouth, Neb.
Julv 9th 1877. rJ-m2
J A 1J ES K. "51 Kit I. SOW
ATTORNEY ATI. VV. Will practice In Cass
and adjoining Counties ; Kivei special ittenti.m
fo collections ami;s of title. O.hcewilh
lien. S. Smith, Fitzgerald Block. I'iatt.noiitli.
Nebraska. lTyl
Administrator's Sale.
I vr-'.l offer nt p-tMio s.i!e. on Thursday. Aim.
3 :!i.;it 1 'ci"i- a. in., on t lie farm belonging
to the e.iooe of M:rti. i I'riehafd. deceased, near.
Ml. I'liMS-nt, t'as Co.. eb.. the personal propi'
ei ty i"!o ljilaj to .said v-t ite. consist ingot three
ui.ires ; one ccidilei ; two old fiiiey ; one
wagon and harness : also, cuw.s. young n.ic!.
Ihu", fainiam mill, corn tnicllcr and other farm
ing implements.
J'eit.vis ok s alk : Nine mo t lis credit with
10 (vrcent iuiere- t and goo.', secut it v Sums of
i"j.a:id under, ca- h in hand. II. i'.em-H.
Julius Peppti berg. Cigar Manufac
turer, on Main St, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri
can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes.
Fat Hale. Best qualities of plug-smok-"ng
tonaeeo always on hand. 20-tf.
Fine boots for 85.00
Fine Sewed boots S7.00
Alexis buckles shoes 4.50
at Robert Sherwood's.
Looking out of our sanctum on Monday morn
ing we discovered water coming out .f the end
oi a hose, f-iKiic 30 to 4(i feer from Ihe tp of the
Saunders House. I'poti going over to investi
gate tne mystery we found t he other end of the
hose attached to the pump spout that is used
for the Hotel kitchen, and onlv one man work
ing tne lever. iir. Gregory is offei-insc these
pnmpi in the market at verv ..w prices. This
pump is ackiiow leaded to lie the host force pump
l . t lie world. It is strong and durable, no some
jars and le ithei valves t get out ef order, and
pilinp; so easy that a child can wcrk it. One
wiii oe put up in a public well on .Main street
soon, rariies wishing pump 'or aeep or shal
low well, siiicihl examine tiiis one betore pur
chasing elsewheie. d. S. Uki.i;okv.
ltilf Saunders House. liatfmouth. Neb.
Fine Boo s for 85.00.
Fine sewed boots for 87.00
Alexis Buckle shoes for 84.50
Sherwood's boot & shoe,
Plattsniou.ii, Neb. 11-tf.
Our lady trimmer is an experienced
artiste and can trim in any stvle desir
ed. 5-tf. Solomon & Nathan.
J. V. Weckbach will pay in cash or
goods the highest market price for any
amount of potatoes. 20tf
240 acres in section as, town twelve, rauge clev
en. 3 miles south-enst of Louisville e Cation, B. &
M. Ii. U. C.iis County, Nebraska.
ISO Acres Vntler Cultivation,
wiih house and barn, orchard and forest tree,
plenty of spring water. Will lie sold ia 80 acre
tracts If dcired. Enquire oi Jos. Sehlater. Jew
eler, l'l attJiiiOUlh. Neb. Unio
Full line of every kind? of goods at
the Store of J. V. Weckbach, which his
irmy of clerks are dispensing as fast as
they can handover the goods.. tf.
from t.'.e effects cf rr-rnv vvu'ut atut art- 'c
bili.'ated. are advised by phyoiclans to taW
r.nider.tiu :iai..i.,Uii( .v'.is..y ..v ,rl'i:ve Mm
during the d ly. In a Utile whPo ll:"..e win
ad pt thi-i advice lre-;ueniiy Increase the tfaiii
ber of "diinks" and h time boco ee co.jhr c.l
inebriate. A b-.-ver-ige v.-.b-:i voil n'. create
t ntrst for intoxic ttin hqaora. ...i 1 w i::;h is
t.'ii ied e;'eci illy to toe i--nei:i. of ilctaiir.iie.l
persons, whet!ver at lni;ae or is Ir.
Seheuc!.'A :. Weed Tonic. Containing tho
jnicef of tuany tac(Ji :Ki.d h-ris, tui s.:e; tra
li.m riocs not etcafe an appetite for the n:t.!
ea;n:g cup. Tl? imuruhi;.g d the lifo-sup-pnrtttm
properties ( many va!u;.b!e natural
production ei titaii-vd hi it ali.l w:-!i Ktu wn to
medi'cal men h.i.'a a nios. re-iii.ttieniuj tnftu
cntfH. A single txittlu o tiie 'Ionic wrll dcnioti
stratn iw valuable cpnililies. For debility aris
ing from sickness, over exertion or from any
cause whatever,- n vineg:i.sefiii of Sea Weed
Tonio taken after mals will utrcngthen to
stomach and create u ap)etite for wholesome
food. I n all who are about leaving their hoin-,
we desire to sav that the exeelient clT;cts of Dr.
ScheliCK's seasonable lemedies. Sea Weed Ton
ic, and Mandrake Pills, tire pari ieaiarly eviilcut
when taken by those who art? iijario.niy affect
ed by a change f wafer and tu'-t. No person
should leave home without taking a snpnty of
these safeguards along. For sale by all Irug
gists. 10ti
In the whole history of medicine, no
preparation has ever performed such
marvellous cures, or maintained so
wide a reiHita-lion, as Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, which is recognized as the
world's remedy for all diseases of the
throat and lungs. Its long-continued
series of wonderful cures in all cli
mates has made It universally known
as a sate and reliable agent to employ.
Against ordinary colds, which are the
forerunners of more serious disorders,
it acts speedily and surely, always re
lieving suffering, and often saving
life. The protection it affords, by its
timel; use in the throat and lung dis
orders of children, makes it ph invalu
able remedy to be kept always on hand
in every home. No person can afford
to te without it, and those who have
once used it never will. From their
knowledge of its composition and
effects. Physicians use the Cherry Pec
toral extensively in their practice, and
Clergymen recommend it It is abso
lutely certain in its remedial effects,
and will always cute when cutes are
possible. For sale by all Dealers.
Ask Yourself these (Jaestious.
Are you a despondent sufferer from
Sbt Headache, Habitual O'stiveness.
Palpitation of the Heart? Have you
Dizziness of the head? Is your Nerv
etis System depressed? Does your
blood circulate badly? Have you a
cough? Lo? Spirits? Coming up of
the food after Eating? &e, &. All
of these and much more are the di
rect results of Dyspepsia, Liver Com
plaint, and Indigestion. Green's Au
gust Flo aver is now acknowleged by
till Druggists to be a positive cure.
2.400,000 bottles were given away in the
U. S. through Druggists to the people
as a trial. Two doses will satisfy any
person of its wonderful quality in cur
ing all forms of indigestion. Sample
bottles lOets. Regular size 75cts. Sold
positively by all first-class Druggists in
the U.S. 11-tf-alt.
Time and Season.
Best grades of all kinds of
lGtf for the warm davs nt Merges.
Slippers for 35 cts. at Merges'. 12tf
Robert Slierwaad' Price List.
Fine boots for 85.00,
Fine sewed boots for 7.00
Alexis buckle shoes Sl.oO
Ladies Calf Shoes for f?2.2
Repairing eqiially cheap.
Every fashionable shade of silk for
trimmings, and also every fashionable
hape of hat, can be seen at Solomon &
Nathan's emporium. Otf
The firm known a 5. Oha-.n";ers have this
day i isswlved partnership by mutual consent.
The business of the Cria will be conducted in the
future by J. It. C!i tin'oers. All accounts due
the linu'tuust he paid to vaid Chambers, and till
detits owing b the firm wii! be paid Lv him.
l'latlsaiouth, Jnlj 7ih, IS".
lots J. CJ. chambers.
1 ho Centaur Liaiaonts palll.
sub J ue swellings, heal barns anl win cure Rheu
matism, Spavin, and an'i, boue or muscle
ailment. The While Wrapper is for family use,
the Yellow Wrapper for animals. A list of the
ingredients are contained around eacll Lottie
l'hey are cheap, speedy aud certain.
Th.3 certain, sp3edyallulla,,11,e,s
remedy for children, is Pitcher's CVstoria. It is
as pleasant to take as honey and as certain in
it effects a Castor Oil. For Wind Colic,
Worms. Sour Stomach, and Disordered Bowels,
there i.i nothing like Castoiia, 12113
The millinery department of Messrs.
Solomon-& .Nathan, is particularly full
and complete this season. Their con
nection with their wholesale house sit
St. Joe gives thein advantage over all
smaller dealers. They propose furnish
ing that class of goods in greater vari
ety, and at lower prices, than any
house on this side of the Missouri Riv
er, otf
Roots cm! Shoes.
Call and examine the low down
lG.f. prices at Merges.
Legal Notice.
In the CaM Co-.siity Oistricl Cntir: of the Sec
ond Judicial District ol Nebraska.
John Black. plnaiU.T. vs James II. Di?k and
Margaret A. Dick, defendants.
Tlhr.tefewliUl,Jame H. Dlt h ti.i Zlargi-
nt A. Dick, abrtit turn: I rant-resident itefciiU-
Yoa. and each of you will take notice that
John 'lacs, ot the County of Cass and State of
Nebraska, did on the 3d day of August, 1877. file
tits i-e.nj,. ii ia the Cas County District Court,
within and for tiie Coanty of Cas in said State
of -e..ras.s.a, stgaiust the said Jam;s II. Dick
and Margaret A. D;ck, defendants, settin-fori li
t iit the said James II. Dick did or. on lh" tat!i
day ot : Niiv, isrti. give to the said John Bbkck.
hi.-i. the Said James II. Dick's promisory iule,
for the sum of forty dollars, and thereby proni-.
ised lo pay th- uaid John Black, sixty days from
the nate thereof, the said sum of fony aoliitrs,
with interest at 12 per cent per annum, interest
payable seuii-aii.iu.illy. which lime lias Irfug
since passed, and yet he has not paid said sum
nor any pari thereof, but lln s reiuaitih due
and unpaid, aud In order to collect the
same, sa'id Join BiaeK lias commenced
a suit in attachment. You me hereby
notified to appear and answersaid totitlon Scp
temher 17. Is;;, acx-orditm to law. mid the rules
of sattl Court, or judgment Will be eniered
against you bv default, anil your property sold
ti satisfy the same. ('Mi) John Buck.
Sheriffs Sa'e.
By virtue of nn order of sale, issued bv AA'tn-1..
Wells Clerk of the District Court, within and
for Cass County. Nebraska, aud to tne directed,
I wid on the Inth day of September A. D. 1877.
at 0 o'clock, a. ia.. of said day, nt the South
door of t he Com t House in the ciiv of l'latts
nioiith. iu said County. Sed at Punlie Auction
the following real estate to-w it : Lots ten 1 n
and eleven (111 in Block twelve ttji in the coy
of Pialtsmo'Uli. C;iss County, Nebraska. The
same being levied npon and taken as the prop
el tv of .fa. M. O'Conncr. Administrator ot es
lateof .las. M.O'Uorram deceased, the Catholic
eliurch ofthe city of IMattniouth et al. Defen
rients : to s oisfy a judgment of said Conrt. re
covered by Peterson ac- Hanson Plaintiffs.
riAttsmouth. Neb.. August 8th. A. 1). 1S77.
-'0:3 M. BTcltlek Sheriff.
Legal Notice.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons having
claims :"gai:i-d the estate of T. A. King. deceas
ed, to tile ihe same in the office of the County
Judge, t" ';if. county. Neb., in I'latismoutii. on
or before the 2tth daj-of January. A. D. 1S7.8,
and to meet the administrator of said estate on
mid day. at one nVlack p. in., at said place for
a.1 owanee of ihe same.
July titll, 1377.
AT ii. H. yEwn-LCc. Jaie..
Loal tioiica
IV in. K. V.'oc.ris v.;d lit.c notice th;-t Al i r:
!.-.! Old on ihc.TUh ciay oi iu'y, lt77.I:K" o. too
DU'inc! Co"!v ei fnntv. Met r iska. bis p--
ti'i..:i a. i-jst Jane s M. Woo:'. M.ilda eot!.s
n-j vVhv. tv. V.' io is. for I':ic!oiiur ( f aueri
g iu'i' g'.vei: s. 1). ;..v Ja-tif :- a id Man!'! t
V (Hid's. s the e .t .:-.e h;-.'.' ') t'.e south
west hj i.iicr C-'",v ' aai lac. j -.iiii-wc- 'V 'jUui'tt ''
( .w'i in fa-; i. o-e ist ju irter of secti : i:;::-ty-.wo
t"-') v.-n t a ( i airdi of rioige tiiireen
i l.-i east, in Cass couuiv. Nenras .a. rlaiu.uls
sisku a deciee lor l.tH." v:;h lg percent l:iur.t
li-o.ii ,Ji.iv IS: Ii 11 i. with hi pr et :ai. r.. js ie- s,
i.nd lor costs of -nit. !'. nJant. Win. S. .V aods
etui pa ad to sai 1 p-ti: ion ia said Comt on or
Lefoie S.-pt. ITt.i. 1S77. b't 1
M. L. iiAVW.viti& Gf:o. S. Smith, -ptali.tiiij
Legal Notice.
To Lev is A. Hwbncr:
Ymi are hereby notified that M.mgie 8. Hueb
ner has filed her petition in the District Court
ot Cass county and state of Neb. against you,
the obieet aud praver of said petition is that she
mav h dtvor;d from yoa. she alleges as caus
es theref-or willlul absence on your part formore
than two vears. and a fai.ure to fi.ri:ish a suita
l ! .' ia linn-nance, van ave ft.iilier notiiied that
vo:i are rc.taired U answer said peliti"H on or
Ltfoie the iiUh day of A e.gus'. A. IK 1X77.
M AOO I K S. H C Kll.N K.H.
Cuapmax & SrRAL;is bohcitors. l.'tl
Sheriffs Sale,
By virtue of an order cf sale issued riy Y.'m.
L. Wells, Cierk of the Dintrict Court, 2d judicial
district within and for Cass County. Nebraska,
and to me directed, I will on the27th day of Au
gust, A, D. 1?77, at 10 :tW o'clock a. in. of said
nay, at the south diKir of the Court Hone in
the CUv of Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at
public auction the following real estate, to-wii :
Lot ten (U) in block twenty (Jo) ia the City of
Plattsmouth, Casscounty. Nebraska. The same
being lii'd upon and taken as the properly of
Drurv and Laura Oraves. Defendants ; to satis
fy a judgment of aid Court, reeover-cd by Ed
ward G.'Dovey. plaiutitf.
1 latlsniouth, Nebraska. Juiv 21th. A. IX 1i77.
Ist5 Id. B., Sheritf.
SheiiiTs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of eale issued bv AA'm.
L. Wells. Clerk of the District Court, within and
tor i.'asj county. Nebraska, and to me directed,
1 will on the 2fth day of August. A. D. 1S77, at
10 o'clock a. in., 'f said day at the south door ot
the Court House, hi the-city of Plattsmouth. in
sain county, sell at public auction the lollowing
real estate to-wit : The north east quarter
UieU) ot section live (t tu town eleven (I lj north
of range thirteen (13) east ol the ii p. m. Tiie
same being levied upon and taken as the prop
erty of Wm. II. Smith, administrator of the es
tate of John Chandler, deceased, defendants:
to satisfy a Judgment of said Ccuit, recovered
bv l.ou M. Havs. plaint iff.
Tlattsniouth. Neb., July 21. A. D. 1S77.
tsto ii. B. Cutler. Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued, by AVin.
L. Wi lis. Clerk of the Dbtrict Court of the -'d
judicial district, within and tor Cass County.
Nebraska, and to me directed. I v. iil on the 7lh
tlay of August. A. D. 1S77. at m o'clock, a. in., of
ui'd dav. ;;t the south door of the Court House
In the City of I'lattsinouth. in said County, sell
at public auction the following real estate, to
wit: The eiia! undivided one third Oil part
of the south-west nunrier tsw;4) of section fif
teen 113) town twelve north of range twelve
112) cast of the 6 p. m. The- same being levied
upon and taken as liie property of Heury Mi
singi r, defendant : to satisfy a Judgment of said
Court, recovered by William Hogg, plaintiff.
I'lattsinouth, Nebraska. Ju'v 2ld, A. D. 177.
lsti .M. B. CLT1.KU, Sheriff.
Legal Notice.
To John n-jrtman a:id Sarah IJartman:
You are hereby notified that Ernest Spelrlwr
and Charles I.. Ecrnnye did on the 31st dav oi
July, A. D. 177. tile their petition in the Dis
trict Court, within and for the County of Cas
and State of Nebraska, against you, setting
forth that von gave a mortgage to ihe paid
Charles L. lWnays (as trustee to secure the
payment of a certain promisory note given by
John H:uinian. payaole to the order i f Ernest
Spelling, far tile sum of $1.0i:0 dated Sej t. 1st,
1S70) on the smith-weft quarter of the south
west quarter of section three 13 town e'evc'i(Sl)
north of range eleven (in east of the 6th P. M.
and the south-east quarter of the
quarter ot rcction twenty-two (22) to. n twelve
(12) north of rai'Me eleven (It) east, and praying
th-it an account be taken of the amount 'due
upon said note and morti;aie. and that said
lands may be sold to pay the same, aud you are
lurther notified that you are required to'apjiear
and answer aid petition on or before the 10th
dav of September, A. D. 1877.
Signed, KRNKsr Spriking and
Ter Chapman & Sm;agi:e, their Atty's 13t5
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale. Issued by AVm.
L. Wells. Clerk of the District Court. 2.1 judical
iistricr. within and for Cass County. Nebraska,
and to me directed. I will "'i the ;7th day of
August. A. D. 177, at II o'clock a. m. of said day
at the sou; h door or the Court House, in the
City of I'lattsinouth. in said county, seli at pub
lie auction the following real estate, ton-it :
i.ots tune (J) and ten (10) in block thirty-six (wi
In I'lattsinouth City. Cass County. Nebraska.
The eame being levied uiion aud taken as the
property of A heatly and Iilisiana Miakelvvait
and E. S. and Harriet A. Sharp, defendants ; to
satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by
J. Cummins & Co., i laintiffs.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Julv 2tth. A. D. 177.
1S15 M. C. Ci'Ti.EK, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of ra issued by the
Clerk of the 2d judicial district Court, within
and tor ' 'ax- count v, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the 27th day of August, A. I).
IS77. at 11 .30 o'clock, a. in., of said day. at the
south door of the Court House, in the City of
Plaltsiaeuth. in said county, sell at public auc
tion the foilowinir real estate, to-wit: 'Ihe
west half (w'-J) of lot number two. and the east
half (e'i)o' lot number three in block thirty-four
(34) in the City ot I'lattsinouth. Casscounty, Ne
braska. Tne same being levied upon and taken
as Ho; property of E. u Vivian ant Richard
Vivian, defendants ; to satisfy a Judgment of
said Court, recovered bv John Fitzgerald,
Plattsmouth, Neb., Julv 24th. A. P. 1877.
lSti M. B., Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued bv Wm.
l.. Wells. Clerk of the f itrict Court. 2d juirtoi i!
district, wuhjii and fur Cass comity. Nebraska,
am! to tac direi re. I, 1 will on tl:e-7th day of Au
gust. A. D. 1877. a? two, o'clock, p. in., of said
day. nt the south door of tiie Court House, in
the City of I'iattsinonth, in said comity, sell at
public auction the following real estate, lo-wlt :
the north half (nl; ) of the rorth-west quarter
(nwVi) of section thirty-two (32) town eleven (.1 0
noitii of range ten (IP) east of the 0 p.m., tn
Cass county, Nebraska. The same being levied
upon anil taken as the property of Oc. McAdie.
Sarah McAdie. Elwin f. Park, et al. defendants :
to satis y a judgment of s dd Court, recovered
bv Nathan Jones, plaintiff.
"Plattsmouth, Neb., Ju'.y 2Uh. A. D. Is77.
1S15 31. B. Cvtlf.k. Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued bv AVm.
L. Wells. Clerk of the District Court. 2d judicial
district, within and for Cass county, Nebraska,
and to me directed. I will on the 27th day of All
ans', A. D. lt?77, at three o'clock, p. in., of said
day. at the south door of the Court House, in
the City of l'lattsmo ith. in said Count v. the fid
lowing real estate. to-it : The vet half (w'J)
of the north-east quarter (ne'i of section four
(li town eleven ill) north of r.iuiie nine (10) east
of the 6 p. in. The same Ir'iiiK levied upon atal
taken as the property of Mary Isalteha Bond
k ti 1 1 James A. Bond, "defendants : to Hatisty a
judgment of said Court, recovered by Jedcdinh
aiker. admini'drato of the estate tf Duncan
Cameron, deca-d. plaintiff.
Platismoiith, Neb.. July '-'Uh. A. D. 1S77.
Isto 31. B. L't'TLER, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sate tssned bv AA'm. L.
WelK, Clerk of the District Court, 2d judicial
distt'et, wit hiii and for r,is county. Nebraska,
and to me directed. I will ou the 27th day Au-iru-t.
A. D. 1S77. lit I :30 o'clock p. in., of said
day. at the south doot of the Court Hcuse, in
the t ity of Plattsmouth. tn said county, sell al
public auction the following real estate to-wit :
Commencing PSU'i feet smith of the north-east
corner of the north -we-t quarter (inv'i ) of se c
tion thirteen t l.i) and running thence south 210
feet, thmee est 3 feet, thf nee north 210 feet,
thence east at feet to the place of beginning.
All lying and being in section thirteen i tow n
twelve (12) north of range thirteen (13; east of
the 6 p. in., in Cass coanty. Nebraska. The
san e be ini: levied upon and taken as the prop
erly of Sail it? Wriuht and othtrs Infant heir of
Sabina AVright. deceased, ami I'e M. Wright
ami Robert tiullion, tlefendauts ; lo satisfv a
judgment of said Court, recovered by Edw ard
G. Dovey. plaintiff.
Plattsmouth, Neb., July 24, A. T. 1S77.
1815 M. U. Cutleii. Sheriif
Charles II. Warner, ot Los Angelos county, la
the State of California, and E. W. Lane, of the
State of Iowa, will Uke uotJrp that Charles H.
Beck of the Coe.ntv of Lancaster, in the State of
Nebraska, did on tiie dav of July, lf.77. file
ins in'tilion in the District Court of i lie Second
Judicial District, wkl'.fn and ftr Ca-s Couiuy,
Nebraska, rgainst the said Cileries H. AVarner
and E. v. .Lane defendant, sewing forth that
the said Charles li. AVarner gave a uiortg.we lo
E. W. Litne on the e:ist half of the north-east
quarter of section eighteen U8 town ten (10)
range ten tin; e-jtt. iu said County of Cass, to se
cure the payment of 429 40, according to Cer
tain mdes reterred to in s;d iihm tgaue. and ! tiat
since the giving of said mortgage, life said E. W.
Lane for value assigned, aod' tran.sfriitHl the
same to th- pl.iiiiliil, and pwuig that said.
Charles 11. Warner and E. V. Lane may pav the
sum now claimed to be due amounting lo42r. 40
and intered at 12 percent rom Ociolter 1st, 1874.
together Willi the sum of Ji.sift laxts ia saht
laud, paid tiy the platuti'.f with iuterest thereon
at ihe rate of !2 per cent per atiuuiu, from April
2sth, 17. that suid pi-emife m..y be sold to pav
the same. And the said Charles II. Warner and
E. AV. Iuie are hereby untitled that tiiev are re-
qucsted to appear and answer said peullou on
,u on
or betore the 13lh day of August. 177.
H " WZmSil iSlOi'I Ilia jLt" '"a. -5.
T.o--.1 t;
A.J. llr.dgCA ami A.
p.3T, i..t tc i tiut
Vtni. ad errf'i f voii will nlease Itike nol'ca ou tne lain tia'y of July. isf7. tl'e Union
Mutn.! LP" I u.o:r,T.iri '.. ot M tHje. tiled n tiw
-;".li-r of the t Irih t ri' Di.-VkWi Court, in and
fm Cass cout..y. N ei:: . , s pet a iin -etting
Pi! th that o. i tat 2sih il-iy of Nove ifjer, ls,"2,
Wm. Alt after and Lucivu'a E. Al;i:;'or, his wile,
executed to piaintill their iiio'.lagf deed, tose
cuin certain notes bt-aiiag cv-a da.e Vtitii sal I
iiiortg,!)','" ; :i!o ti;.t ou the 2-!h tiay pt April.
1S73, i iie s-ki J v iliiani and Luciviia E. AUaller,
execiiret! a second iuorta::e to plalmif. to s(
ciire certain other notes o same date tln s:itd
second liiortiri'ge : that btlh sail! i;n rt;'tau';s ,ue
on the lollovkiug demerit"! premiss in C- and
UkM counties, NcUriLska. to-wit :
The south-west quarter ('11 section tlrniv
slx (.Hi) in township ten tti) north, and the nonn
west quarter () of the north-wert quarter
( section em; (') in township north, k.l
in range 12 east of the i;th p.m. l'huutiJ also
Hsks a ftnding that there is due on sa'.J flrt
notes and mortgage twentv-two hundred and
fifty-five dollars and forty fonr rents, with in
terest thereon from May tiHh, Ij77, at 1- per cent.,
and on said second notes and mortgage ihe sum
of twenty-one huti'ticd and tweaty-sevn dol
lars an I 77cm. Willi interest thereon at 1 i per
cent. t. -r annum, from Ap: i! 2;;:.b. a:.d for
the costs of this fint. A! .o asking that said
finding may draw interest from tiaie till paid,
at per cent., and for an uttoiney ice f lo per
cent, of the amount of said second' iiHrrtgage.
Plaint ill" also sets fort h that subsequent to Hie
execution of Si-id mortgages to plaintiff, tliat
defendants B. U Harding. Nellie L. Harding,
William Stadelmanu, A. Jl Hodges, A. Kersling.
Buttery d- Lazcnby. George Boeck, J. McCurrol
and E. G. Do ey, claim eome interest in, or lien
on said premises, and asking that they be re
quired to set forth ttie nature, and sinount of
their ie-pcctive claims, and that the value be
declared subsequent. Junior and subject to
plahilih's mortgage lien, aud that ald mortgag
ed premise be ?old to Kill isfy the amount of
ple.inlitl's decree and far -ueral relief. take notice that unless
von appear and answer thereto on or before the
loth day of September. 177, said pctitiou will
be taken as true, ahd decree rendered thereon
as praved.
'iHEl'MoxMnrAi Life Ixsvkasce Com
pany ok Maim:.
By L. Dvo CiiAMitfTR. rTffs Att'y. I7t4
Legal Notice.
In the natter of the estate of Elias Korbe. de
ceased. Before YV. H. Newell, County Judge,
in and for Cass county.
To whim it tmtg conevrn?
Take notice tliat C. II. Winslow. of said cu:?i
tv, has filed in mv olhce an inti iimeut of writ
n'n;. purporting to be the last w ill and testament
of EliaEorbes. and made application to have
the same admitted to Probate, ;ui that said
catii'e is set for hearing at my olllcc in Platis
inouth. on Monday the ti li day of August. A. D.
Is77. at oie o'clock p. m. of said day. at wnich
time and place all persons interested may ap
pear and contest the same, and show ci'.us-e if
anvthev have, why the said instrument of writ
ing should not be allowed as the last will aud
testament ol Elias Eorbes, deceased.
July loin, ls77.
WM. II. N'E'.l ELL, Co. Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of two exejutlons Issued by the
Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass
count v. Nebraska, nd to me directed, I will ou
the td day of Septemler A. D. 1877. at 2 o'clock,
p. in., of sa.d day, at the south door of the Court
House in the City of Plattsmouth, In said Coun
ty, sell at public auction t Ve lollowing real es-tateto-wit:
The north-east qaarter (ne1.;) of
the south-west quarter tsvvV) of section six (fi)
town ten (10) range (13) eait of the 6 p. in., ad
the north-wot quai tei-Oiw'i) of thesouth-west
quarter of section six ((') town ten (to) muge
thirteen east of the U p. m.. and the pouth-wet-t
quarter of s w qr of seetiion six (6) town ten (10)
range 13 ; the s e fourth (s e li)sec 6. town ten,
range l.'l. east of the t p. in., ail in Cas county
Nebraska. The same being lev ied upon and ta
ken as the property of A'aliery & Kutfuer, de
fendants ; to satisfy a judgment of said Court,
recovered bv T. B. Wencr & Co., plaintiffs.
Plattsmouth, Neb., July 24th, A. D. li-77.
l!)tr M. B. Cctlkk, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued bv AVm. L.
AVells. Clerk of the District Court, within and
for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed.
I will on the 27th day of August. A. D. l7i. at
II -.45 o'clock a. in., of sai J day, at the south door
of the Court Ilou.-e in the Cily of I'lattsinouth,
in said county, ell at public auction the follow
ing real estate, to-wit : The iioith-eat quar
ter me1) of section eighteen (13) town eleven
111) north of range thirteen (15) ca-t of the 0 p.
m. The siime being levied upon and taken m
the property of Henry and Jane Kh-kbam, de
fendant : to satisfy a Judgment of said Court,
recovered bv Emily Drew, plaintiff.
Plattsmouth, Neb., July 24, A. D. 177.
ltj 31. B. Cctlkk, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale, issued by Win.
L. Wells. Clerk ol the District Court, 2d judicial
district, within and foFCai-s county. Nebraska,
and to tne directed, 1 will on the 27th day of Au
gust, A. D. 's77. at one o'clock, p. in., of said
day. at the south door .f the Court Houe. in
the City of l lattMnouth, in said County, sell at
public auction ihe following real estate, to-wit :
i he north hall (n')d the i.o' th-civst quarter
(ne'-iiand the north half (ti'i)of the north-west
quarter (nw1) of section t tveuty-six (2m in town
leu ( 10) north f range thirteen (U) east of the
6 p. in. .less live acres, and the mill s'taaicd
thereon, caul mill property of five acres ol land
and Ihe mill thereon is known a live Cnion Mill
on Weeping W ater in said county. And after
selling the above 100 acres of land, less the live
acres. 1 will sell the said five acre uf hind and
mill thereon with anpurtenance4nd iirivlleges.
The same being levied upon and taken as the
property of James Eolden. Sarah Eoldcn, Fred
Spirt h. Oeorgina Seirth, Fred C. Tio. Catherine
Tro. Nicholas Peterson, Peter oruber, and John
L Farwell. defendants ; to satisfy- a judgment
of said Court, recovered by Henry Dubois,
Plattsmouth. Neb., July C4"t h. A. I. 177.
1815 M. B. CVTLKit. Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale Issned by AVm. L.
AVells. Cleik of Ihe District Court, 2d judicial
district, within and for Cass county, Nebraska,
and to me directed, I will on the 27th day of A u
guct. A. D. 1877. at 3 :.'( o'clock p. m.. of said day,
at the south door of the Court House, iu the city
of Plattsmouth. iu said county, sell at public
audi' n the following real estate to-w it ; The
north half (n'J i of the north-west quarter (nw)
of section thirty tMn in town eleven (11) north of
range nine e.i) east of the ; p. m.. in Cass coun
ty. Nebraska. '1 he same being levied upon and
f:-ken as the property of John B. Case. Sarah
Case ana E. A . suvenn. defendants : to satisfy
a judgment of said Court, recuvered bv t
na Someilad. plaititrff.
Piattsmotith. Neb., July CI. A. D. 1S77.
I8t5 31. BCvtlek, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale fsned hy Win. I.
Wells. Clerk of the District Court of the2d judi
cial district, within a. id for Cass county. Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will on the 27th
day oC August. A. D. 177. at 3 -.15 o'clock, p. ni.
of said day at the south door of the Court
Houe. la the City of Plattsmouth. in said coun
ty, sell at public iiucti m the foilowinir real es
tate to-wit : The south half (sS) of the north
east quarter (nef4) of section twent v-slx(2G In
town eleven (11) uoi th of raii'o nine (a; east of 0
p. in. In ('ass county. Nebraska. The same be
ing levied upon and taken a Ihe property of
Frank T. Holmes. Hannah A. Holmes, and Mi
chael E. Dove, defendants ; to e:iMsfy a judg
ment of said Court, recovered by E. A. AViggen
llii'li, plaintiff.
I'lattsinouth, Neb., July 24th. A. D. 1S77.
lt j 31. B. C'LTUcit, Sheriff.
1 rtdifferenr machines with
I which Builders, Cabinet
III Milkers, Wagon Makers
antl Jobbers la miscellaneous
work canlcoinpete as to ji;al
tv and pkick ilh steam
j oer manufacturing; also
Amateur's supp'ies, saw
blades, fancy woods and de
signs. Sav "where you read
this and sent j for cntalocrtie and prices. AV. K
JouiN Baknes, Iicckfor.d. lunebao Co.
KseeUIor Copying- Koot. 3
JIade of ChemU-al Paper.
Quickly copies any willing WIIHOCT Wilier,
l'EES.S or BKL'sil. used at home, library or of
fice. For Ladies wishing to retain copies of let
ters, every Lnisiiiee num. cienjymen. corresjson
ilents. travelers it is invaluable sells at sight.
Send J.OOand we will send a 0 page book,
letter size. BY MAI b paid to any address. AVe
refer to anv Commercial Aireney. Sent! stamp
for Agents' Circular. KXCf tLlSlOlt M F'.N" U
. HO Dearborn Ht., Ckieuea, 111.
oOOO AjiK.T!! wanted. 4:nt
All kinds of
Neatly & Promptly
Horse, 3Iule & Ox Shoeing,
In short, well shoe anything that has
lor feet, from a Zebra to a GirafEe.
Come and seus.
1 -J-" v v i.v-ju .
I ou ritth St.. between Main and VIoa St!et.
just aciosstiie cornet L'a tv iir snU-xi
1 ft I
tienry Bcbck
I fan rcno-ff to tne ;o vet p.t'.t of ?."
n what waa Dvyy S'.or... I'is
Immenss St::l: of Furniture
li rrer tb in l.e ct; ee'." l. he
a'l presv-al Uk k oil hand r.t
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Eeme n er ti.e new s.. ud ds'wa town, a
FOOT SlOat. Two stones full of lurnilurc.
Before 1 p wk tt swc nn.l lr;t e tn U:i'Jl- V
al) over. I w;un to sell wti .t g d tvtil. No. I
your nine to bay.
1 1 A P.I )V A R E a I O If K,
In Ilattstnontli. Neb., on Poitilh St.. ttboid t!ie
yon rill find :
Corn I'tanlciM, (&iind i horse
StiIUy ilovi,
Ctiltltaloi -,
and all kinds of Favif) ImplemeA's ami
.Shelf Hardware, Tin Ware, "ve., '.
Hungarian and Hillst.
Seed for Sab
31 1 U
Wagon, liugyj, lfa hitif and VVnc re
pairing, and general jobbing.
I atn now prepared to do all kinds of repahlag.
of farm and other machinery.
is a good lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge of the wagon
He is well known as a
NO. 1 WOKE 31 AN.
Mo;ods nmt Itucjlet. nmdo tw
Shop" on Slitth street, opposite Streight's iSiablc
T'e old EONNEG STABIT.S In I'latt.moulU
Neb., have bi?en leased by Dr. Jones, mid lor1
h:is ooened a new and handsome livery in this
well knovoi barn. Tho finest, ami best of liorsr
and carriages always ready to let. .
Horses kept for Sale
or lo Trade.
I desire to tlve notice that I hnv a large,
handsome brick barn, with plenty of room for
horses antl wai-otis. I can put farmers stock
an 1 wagons, loads of gram or anvth inn all un
der cover, in the drv. lb-member th.
Thanking all my oU pat ions for their many
favers, I solicit their trad this coming year,
satisfied I can accommodate them bcllorand do
better by them than ever before. S-J l.
JlarhliilKt, S. an old .lln tier mid Hiiii"
nor of Thi-eSIiic 3IaeliineM,
has opened ailop on Sixth Street near 3Ir. Don
elly's Bl.acksmith and Wagon shop where he ha
prepared himself to do any and al matin lie work
without except ion. lie ha a No. 1 I.Jithe can
turn in wood, iron, Steele, aud all oilier metal in
connection with machine work. He ran do anv
thing required in a gunsmith, evt-i to making it
irun. of w hich we have the evidence iil a l'tt.
breach loader throwiugoue t .'o or throe bailsat
once at will of the gunner.
Mr Geo. W. shrac er a farmer uearltock 1. luffs
an old acquaintance of 3lr. Kinser from Virgin
ia can be refered to hi regard to bis fonncrcon
nect ion wit h the niaioifac! lire of t lire - Mug ma
chines. Giv.i Mr. Kinser a call nii'l v.lll insure;
you atsfa"tiry worX t-'.i i.ny part tf a Tliresti
AnpinCiin't be made bv every agent every
UU II month 111 the business we furnish, but
JQU those willing lo work can easily cam a
dozen dollars a clay rteht In theb o.-n localities.
Have no room to explain here. Business pleas
ant and honorable. Women, boys and pills the
as well as men. We will fiirnih you a complete
outfit free. The biisiuess pa better than any
thing else. AVe will bear expense f starting
you. Particulars free. AVrite ami se", I hiiii-i-rs
and mechanics, their smis mii1 tlaichters,
and all classes iu need of paying work ;it home,
should wri'e to us and learn all aOont the work
at ouce. Now is the time. Don't delav. Ad
dress T"tt'E it Co.. Augusta, Maine.
Real Estate and Law Office,,
Trile Etamlavtl attr fprfceted.
It Is adnty every man ocs fy himself and tc
those interested with him lo know the coni;
dition of the title to hla property. It is a fa t
well known- to the legal prress!n, and to real
estate dealers, timt thousanrln of the mvrt;f
and unimproved farms of this western country,,
have imperfect titles ; much expense and Iff.
gat'ion can be suved by having your titles exam
ined and perfected, at once, nd before proper
ty reaches eastern fi.ures in value, when qnej
timaMe titles become more dirfleu'.t (- remedy..
Ail penons cla'.i.ilns title tolar.ils j!iott!d ob
tain the United States l'atnct have it re
corded, the legal ti'Jt from the t;.vinni',:it U
vested ia the individual tJiroutrti the patent
and title Is not perfect until the Patent i l-n -ed
and recorded, aai ewtem capWil$t il! net
loan money on such aecu.-lty unless tt ia done.
As a matter of business convergence, Ilia.
connected this department with my La Prat
tice, and have placed ia charge of It V. 5.
wlio-wlll, nnd?r my supervision, attcsi tc ul
mattci-s appertaiclr.; thereunto.
A-tea year's reideao la tho Stuta ar.i Coun
ty, witti coastar.t buainej oxpcrxLC.i.iidre:a
Coas with ! !i.hat:tir.t3, Uas tiorf -igt'.y q-tV.-iZ&X
emIoz traaiaauu: b'is.ucs-J cf the at-v
ntenlLoejed-chmactcr with facility.
P.. Er. WiyonAM. Attirtiy at La-.
u li n