Trerpjcut hueing or cultivating pro molts the health of plants, because the more thoroughly the soil is pulvcr izdtlie greater its power of absorption. The action of the hoe increases the attraction for moisture, encourages the circulation of atmospheric and nutri tive gases, and thus adds to the fertili ty of the soil. For tho family is Hie foundation aud n,ot of all good government; and from the interest of the good, iuteligent father and mother in their children springs their interest in education, in good government, aud all those things which are to influence their future. Harried women ought, therefore, to study foods and their methods of pre paration, with 1 eferenceto health ; dress, from the tastf ul and economical point of view; house-keeping in all i!s de tails with reference to the saving of labor and the achievement of the best results; maternity and the treatment wf children and lastly the social aspects of the neighborhood in which they live and it could be improved. These questions, with tho readings and discussions which they would nat urally, stimulate, would form the basis for useful woman's societies, one of which should exist in every town and viliage in the United States where there are any Avomen, for change, and mutual help and encouragement. But ask for no sympathy or sentiment. "Women need more than anything to hav their duties plainly set before them and be excited to their perfor mance. Not the duty of staying at home; but the duty of going out, and finding out what she can best do w hen she is at home. They want to find out how to be well and stay well; how to have healthy, happy childien and how to keep them healthy and happy; how to keep young and fresh instead of grow ing old and worn. And they will find that the key to all these . things is in themselves and in the knowledge which they acquire and ap ply of what is going on about then. Ehrich's Fashion Quarterly. FROM OLD SETTLEKS lUXOHD. For the information of an Englsh correspondent who writes for a de scription of the grasshopper, we sub mit the following pen photograph, ta ken on the spot by our illustrated ar tist: A grasshopper is a cross between the grizzly bear and a tarantula, or great American spider. He is some thing less than six feet in height, and many of him will way a ton. His body is like unto a black-jack railroad tie, with legs of clock spring wire, and head similar to a Missouri river cat-fish. Gregarious in habit, he his prey in his capacious paws, swallows it whole, and then retires to the woods to rest. Railroad trains have been stop ped and robbed, and the passengers de voured by these monsters; the engi neer, fireman, and conductor, generally manage to escane by crawling into the boiler. The grasshopper will chew up everything he comes across from a pen ny nail to a saw mill, and takes his victuals raw, cooked, or on the half shell. He comes in the fall, bores the ground full of holes with his little girablet, and then fills each hole with about 700Jl9,444,222 eggs, which hatch out when the (lowers begin to bloom. Each of these eggs are as large as os trich eggs, if not larger, and when cooked have the flavor of doughnuts. A large traflic is annually done in grasshopper eggs in this vicinity in the spring time, gentle Annie, thou sands of packages being shipped daily to the East and to Europe, where they go by the name of egg plant probably because the hoppers plant 'em. They are very numerous when they come in droves, and are remarkable M-arce when they have disappeared. Feeding at a distance on the prairie, they look like a herd of buffalo. The grasshop per bulls are hardly distinguishable fro.r the cows and are very docile This is all we can tell about the. grass hopper at present. There was a man who wanted to know whether the mouth of the Dan ube will be closed on Sundays. Mr. James Russel Lowel will enter tain the Harvard Senior Class at break fast on Corporation Day, which is to take the place of Class Day. Louisville Courier-Journal "I got along well enough in the cavalry, but somehow this infantry, with its holler squares and things, get me. F. II. Sheridan. One of the Southern newspapers tells of a man whose life was saved by a plug of tobacco carried in his pocket. A pistol bullet fired at him lodged in the tobacco, and the man was unharm ed. Moral If you will use tobacco, don t take it out of your pocket. Instructor in astronomy "And now young gontlemen, which of you can tell me the name of the greatest of the plannets the champion planet, so to speak of our solor system V" Student I can, Sir; it s Saturn." Instructor, hesitatingly "And how's that, pray ?" Student "Why, because he carries the belt. Instructor dismisses the class without further comment. A good story is told of Berkley Cra ven and Lord Alvanly, when an acci uen. Happened to their carriage. The former getting out to thrash the foot man, saw he was an old fellow. an said: "Your age protects you;" while . .ivaniy, who had advanced towan the postillion with the same intention seeing he was an athletic yoiiii" fel low, turned to him, saying in bis wag gish way, "1 our yoiuh protecis you." The last Arkansas traveler tells story of a citizen of the State who, while or. board a steamer on the Mississippi, was asked by a gentleman "whether the raising of stock in Ar kansas was attended with much difli culty or expense" "Oh, yes, stranger they suffer much from insects." "In sects! Why what kind of insects, pray ?"' "Why, bears catamounts, wolves, and sieh like insects." Thf sl-:uv.yr sf j.-d IwiUu'i inquiry. In Dr. Child's History of Cass County. We give below one. of the selections from the Old Settler's Record, incor porated with Dr. Child's History of Cass County. The article is called Early Days in Nebraska, though the scenes are not in Cass county, they are applica ble to early Nebraska all over. This forms the last two pages of the book. We had intended to give extracts from the body of the work ere this, but have not been able for want of type, having to use all we had constantly in the works going on in the office at the same time. The Doctor's book will be ready for sale next week, and will be found very interesting. Ed. "Wc "baclis" continued to sleep in the Chase mansion, but ate over at Thompson's.' Poor Mrs. Thompson, how I have pitied her, since I have mown older, and know what must have been her trials, her fears, and her utter loneliness then. First the Indians annoyed her; at that time they had not the most re motest idea of jricary, or the sanctity of a man's own dwelling. All the houses they had seen belonging to white men, were trading jiosts open to all, and their own wigwams contain from eight to ten families, and all are more or less common property, so hy habit aud usage they thought they had a right to inarch plump into any house, and squat down on the lloor to smoke if they chose to. Then all oar ways and habits were a curiosity, they would pick up every cooking utensil, examine her clothes, and if she shut the door, would flatten their noses against the window panes for hours and watch her work. The squaws were the worst for this, and generally kept guard over all of us during meal times to see how we ate. We eight, big, strong men roamed over the prairies and came home with such appetites as completely overpowered our meek little landlady. Our fare was mostly potatoes and bread; more and more had she cook ed, and yet we cleaned the platter and looked hungry. One day she cried 1113' heart bleeds for her noir, and I believe I helped her cry then bitter tears over it, and said so dolefully: "If I could only cook potatoes enough for than men once, I would die happy." She is dead now, and 1 sincerely hope has no more potatoes to boil. THE '"CLAIM CLUBS. The land entered upon by these settlers at this time was yet unsur veyed, no State or county officers existed, and from this resulted a curious t-tate of facts. People cannot exist without some form of law, and they soon organized themselves into a sort of "vigilance committee'' for protec tion and other purposes, but as internal troubles grew almost together out of disputes about land boundaries, and rights, they were called "Claim Clubs." They chose a "Captain" or Chief, Secretary, and some minor officers, and being grasping of land power, thej- laid down a rule, that under their law men could hold 320 acres of land, and there was a strong hope in the minds of many that they could induce the General Government to consent to this, and make it legal, when the land came to be surveyed. It was to tally unjust, illegal, and useless, but was law for the time that had to be obeyed, and many bitter quarrels never healed, and many a life lost was the product of the old "Claim Laws" of Kansas and Nebraska. Men would come in knowing the real law, and jump the squatter's odd ICO acres. In such case he was warned away by the "Club" three several times, and if he did not cease his claim then, the Club were "turned out" under their Captain, and he was forcibly ejected, even if it cost life. They were bound to do this by oath to that effect, as they had a "Constitution, ly Laws" and land offices, with "records," and places and times for "filing on" lands; all arranged Government fashion, except the 320 acre clause. Sometimes rival "Claim Clubs" came in contact on some boundary line, and then the "devil wato pay." The "Club" was once called out to put old man Miller olf. He lay behind the logs with a loaded rule, the muz zle of which could be seen through the chinks. As he didn't scare worth a centthev finally compromised. Perhaps a slight notice of one of the first traders who ever went up the Missouri River may not be amiss to people of Cass County. I allude to VETEIl A. SAKl'Y, who died here in LCG.". Sarpy kept the first trading post on the Omaha Reserve, built in the fall of The Omaha Indians received' a large an nuity then, payable every spring and fall, and at these times, Mr. Sarpy, his half breed interpreters and Frenchmen, (employees), would come up there, and for a few days it was jut about the liveliest town you ever saw. At that time t!ie Indians usually spent all the money they received in three or four days after "payment." Tiio traders stood up at their rough coun ters day and night while the trado lasted, and took in thousands of dol lars of gold. When the money was spent and the Indians gorged with fresh beef, blankets, trinkets and, sugar and tobacco, then and not till then did Mr. Trader take a high old spree. Stripped to the buff, often, with a whole bolt of calico for a "breech-cloth," your old fashioned "Indian Trader" promenaded the little village, and woe to the rash Indian or green white man who then an 1 there interfered. The spree like the tr.idj lasted sev eral days and nights continuously. Then the goods left, if any, were pack ed in wagons, the gold securely strapped about them or in a safe plac and away went the trader until another payment. Chief among these was the subject of this sketch. CLi.Mr.NT LAMP.II.T. The last of the three, was also a St. Louis cre-ole, of French extrac tion, a cousin of Sarpy'ts and at the earliest period known of, was an In dian trader, either for himself, Sarpy or "The Company." He had all the characteristics of the old French stock of "ludian men," and was, and is, a "character" as original and curious as an 3- of the abnormal growths of this country; caused by its rapid progress, and constant mixing of dif ferent nations and elements together. Lambert accompauied Fremont, as his Lieutenant, on his first expe dition to the Rocky Mountains, from whence lie obtained the name of the "path-liudcr" though Lambert thinks had it not been for u few plucky Frenchmen, the path would never have been found, Fremont to the con trary nevertheless, notwithstanding. He was cotemporary with "Kit Car son" as a guide and scout, and better known, and of wider fame at the set ting out of that expedition than even the renowned "Kit" hinislf. Lam bert's fiery temper and French disposition stoo l in the M ay of his advance ment, and the result was, that oa the return of the cavalcade to Sarpy's post, Lambert turned "Trader" again and has not been heard of, while Carson became a Government "scout" of fame, was made a Colonel in the regular army, and died Governor of New Mexico. lambeht's store. It was in his store that the early frolics were held, some of the town Councils, and around his doors the "Claim Club" gathered in force, and took a final drink before they marched to dispossess some aspirant for "ICO" acres of thcir(his) land. He claims to have built the second cabin in the town, aud well do I remember it. It was of rough Cottonwood logs, about 1Sx22, with a short counter across one end, and four rough shelves behind it. One half the space in front of the counter, in the spring of '57, was piled to the ceiling with buffalo robes, otter, mink, coon, wolf, beaver, wild cat, swift, and other furs, and tanned elk and deer skins. They smell -ed of all the various scents of the different beasts the' grew upon. The Indians and traders filled the place with smoke, the occupants ate garlic and drank whiskey. It was always crowded, always dark, al ways smokj-, always full of the scent of "kiuneykennick," and you could smell the thing as fur as you can hear a locomotive whistle, if the door stood open. High on the top of a bluff, on the banks of the Missouri, above Decatur, a few years ago could be seen the grave of the first white man and pioneer we have any record of ia the country. It is wood's grave. He was there- before Lc wis Ar Clark's expedition up the Mis.sun; i,'v a trader and a trapper with the Indians. Wool creek is nam.' I after him, and its mouth is the initial point of the eastern terminus of the treaty line of the Indian reserve. He was buried here in a fashion, half Indian and half white man. In his blanket, with his valuable trinkets, gun, etc., by him, sitting up, with his face down the river, that he might see th? "Mat k iaaws" of the traders, as they came up the river at intervals, and brought him news of the great v. orld he had left so long and so completely. I have said that Sarpj- started the first trading post in Nebraska. I think he did. Wood was the first trader however, but his "corral" could hardly be called a post, and his solitary habits did not allow of his becom ing a large trader like Sarpy. S. T. Learning was the firtt mayor of Decatur, and Frank Welch is Mayor now (171). Mr. Wi ! h w:is the tlr-l "ity Clerk, somewhere about 9 Fred, border's Implement Emporium THIRD STREET, -SOUTH OF MAIN. Is the place to buy every kind of Agricultural Implement. SULKY GANG PLOW, of the Chicago Plow Co.; STANDARD NEW HI- . . . - rn . ht mir irnrii'in DINQ CULTIVATOR, of KocKrora, in.; -ui--, (Check Row) CORN PLANTER; CHAMPION ami other CELEBRATED HARROWS 'Harrison.' and 'Pelltz' Wagons. SINGLE ami COMBINED REAPERS and MOWERS, (New Manny, Champion, and others.) WOODS' REAPER, MOWER, AND HARVESTER, (with Self-Binding attachment.) THE VIBRATOR THRESHING MACHINE, Nicholls, Sheppard & Co. Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Sale. FKEI). G0KDE11, Office in J. V. rreckbiu'lf s Store, corne. Ualu and Third Streets. THE HEW" AMERICAN SIEXWIZsTGr machine. 0? fx OS This Machine is Offered to the Public Upon its Merits Alone. Liyht and Still Running Qualities, and its Self -Threading Needle and Stlf-Rcguhiting Tvmiuns, make it the Most Desirable Machine in the world. ERA NK CARR UTII AGENT, PL A TTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. fw en era I I) 'ester n Office D. A. KEN YON, Manager, 2 Douglas Street, Omn-sn, 7Svl. SOOT axtd SHOE TT Mia. mi -lis WMM&m so- psp mm 51 3 Mmmi Excelsior Ctspylsitr IJiik. Made of '!i-mi-.l Iajr. O'llokly copse- :mv writing WIlIlOVT Water, 1'KES.?. or RKCsH. s :l it! home, lilr:iry r of fice. Ktr 1-a.ilies wishing m ivluin copii s of let ten, every t.ii-une- man. eiemymen. eorresjioii clents, tr.ivelei-s i; is tnvulti ilile selU al sivc lit. Send :l M mid v. - will s-id ;i ti piiae l;iok. letter size. KY MA! 1. jmid t:ni;iy iiddress. We refer to :mv ' Amii-v. Rend stamp for Ajients" Circular. HXt.'KI.SIOK IFi ' . IIU Pi-arliura CIiieas- "l- .V-M-i-J AUCATS wanted. Forest TaF5 Fnr Throat. Lunes. Asthma. and Kldaeys. orest Tar Solution, CJO TO Til K IF rnrrs has come home, And he has brought the finest line of Dress Goods, Staple Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions you ever saw. r1 say iiofhiaigof gaeeiie hj the acrc9 H -4 "BW B Tl fit A hat anl caps till jou must buy Spring and Summer Goods eyer and ever so cheap. Now isyour chanco hound to sell and undersell anybody. Hurry vp. I want to go East again next month. GOODS S OLD WITHOUT ARBITRATION ! 7 to 8 or & to 7, juM as you like, and! The cah Is always massf el wt tm9 there is 1&0 lnHtiBBfiiclatioBB at the FI11 t. ra ti 1 7! b blfJMM As it is Generally our custom to criye rou our prices for goods so that you can calculate at home what you can buy for your money, we will give you prices below which will be lower than ever and 10 per cent, cheaper than you can anywhere in this City or State. We have the advantage of any merchant in this city buying direct from the manufacturers. A e have opened a holestale Store in St. Josepu Mo., wit ten will be attenueu by jur. Solomon. LOOK AT OUR PRICE LIST. 20 yards prints for one dollar. Summer Shawls, 7.1c up. Jirown and bleach muslin, one dollar, iianuKcrciiieis, lor xc. 151 ue and brown denims, one dollar. Ladies Silk Ilandkcrchier, 3"Jc each. lied ticking, one dollar. Ladies Hose, :J pair for 25c. Cheviot, one dollar. Men's Socks 5c up. Crass Cloth, one dollar. Cud's and Collars, 25c a set, and up. Malt Shades, one dollar. lied Spreads, one dollar up. Tabhj Linen, one dollar. Corsets, good, 50c up. Crash Toweling, one dollar. 12 10 4 As it is impossible to give the prices of our enormous 15re C3rc!s HepartMiet ... . . . j 1 1 1 . .i i 1 i a j??x. 1 ;.i;i it . iif we will onl' state tnac it is 1110 largest ana imest siock ever orougni 10 1111s cuy ana consisting 01 uie iouowin new stles Poplins, Douhle Silk Pongees Japanese Silks, Matelasse- Zephyr SuiMngs, Lawns, Grenadines, and Percales, at prices ranging from 12J cts. up; also a fine line of IIAMJiUKG EMIJKOIDLIIIKS from 5 cents up. LINEN EM UK OI DE 11 1 ES to match our LINEN I) II ESS COODS. -A full assortment of IJUNDLE PRINTS and everything belonging to PIEST CLASS Sla pie & Fancy Dry Goods Establishment. V.'e also keep a full line of n K &St3 y Sikihi 5.41 V from 1.50 up for whole suits. Joans Pants from 81.00 up. An unexcelled lino CENTS' FlTRXISIIINfJ COOPS. line White Shirts $1 up; Calico Shirts, 40 cts. up; Cheviot Shirts, 50 cts. up; Overalls, t.y cts. up; j'apcr i.oii.irs io-. MKN AND BOYS' MATS AND CAPS. Hats, 75c up; Cars, 10c tip; Roots, 82 per pair up; Shoos. SI p -r pair up: TRUNKS and VAId.- i:, a good as sortment. We do not keep a little of everything, from an Axe Handle to a oarrcl 01 sail, hut u na. we iocan we have in full and comnlete stock. JEWELRY, PLATED WARE, CLOCKS, TAELE and POCKET CI J LI-ll 1 . e:e. i 81 ff We would inform the ladies of 1'hittsmoulh aud vicinity that wc are in receipt of the the tinest Pattern Heads and Bonnets Direct from Paris. We have an Accomplished, Fashionble Lady Trimmer who understands the business thoroughly and can ;;vit all your tastes; also a full line of SILK TRIMMINGS, Ribbons, Flowers and Ornaments. Sash Ribbons from niic up; Ladies Tiiinmed Hats, 81 and up. We have a large and complete stock Canvass, Perforated Card Hoard, Zephyrs. Zephyr Needles, Mo. toes, and Silk Floss of all shades. Herald Office FOR YOUR or Ii.t-alntioi. for Catarrb. Consumption, forest Tar Troches, p or Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Tickling Cough and I Funfyiug the Breattu rorest Tar Salve, tfM . . . T " wd T.t.n or inaoieni ooree, uicera, v.uio, .ui.. 1 and lor l'Uts. Forest Tar Soap, fa or Chnp-(1 Hands. Salt Khenm, Situ Diseaaea, 1 ttie a oilct and Uatii. orest Tar Inhalers, or Isliali ng f or Catarrh, Consumption. Asthma. JTor Sale by mil Ztruggist. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, CKS.Ut Til HORSE SHOEING, AND WAGON EEPA1KIXG All kinds of FARM Il i'LEMEXTS mended Neatly rf- Promptly :0: Horse, 3IulecS: OxShoeini;. In short, we'll shoe anything that has four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JTBW SHOP. on Fifth St.. betwron Main an. I Vine Mr ci just iwrotvs the conior lioiu the tv lil-.l;.! 1' oouc. - HJ THE PARKER GUM. 3 SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDEN.CT. Prices Reduced. "Th3 Family Favorita" I5IPKOVEO New Model Machine. L'.SHT-R8X9ia3f KS1SEIESS, No'Gears, Wo Cams, No Spring. SEtf A3D ELEC15? STILES 0? WGCDWOHL Et tbo rxpir-.Uon cf l'Atenta untl.-r wbi h we hare txwn paing loj-liiun, e . enulilwl to mil our Sla diinca at Grsatly Bsducsd Prices, and ns lotr u thtn of any firrt-clHM m'u;hliie. SEED FOR C1RCCL.BS &KO PHXE UTTS. YTEED CSWnTCJ JSACIII1IE CO., 203 Webarfv .'-va., CV.-2Z&, HI. FCU SALC BI An immense stock of Carpets, Oil Cloths, lins and JIats. llemp Carpets 25c ier yard ; Ingrain Carpets, 50, per yard. Standard Carpet Chain, o It bundles only 131.25. Wo have also, for the accommodation of our friends, added to our already extensive assortment a large stock of Oil Window Shades in all colors. Lace Window Curtains 23 cts per yard. We present our annual price list satisfied that our customers will see that we can do better for them than ever beforeand thankful for past patronage we most respectfully ask a continuance of the same. riattsmouth, Nebraska, March 22d, 1377. SOLOMON & NATHAN. U siV Tni rl iri n rn ' A nJ&v, ! L3 LU LJ Li Li . :i pPyR jfiiP COmtt THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF LB : H 3 IJ U U LU) Li including ihe'greatcst variety of beautif"! colored shoes (or children ever brought to this market. To be closed out at r) r l shall continue to keep the best of workmen in my man ufacturing department. PETER MERGES. A y 4 4 I 1