THE HERALD, B. & M. R. R. Time Table. Corrcvttd Sunday, April ist, 1877. FOK OMAHA FsI)MPI.ATTSMOi;iH. 'iU? J -45 a. m. A I rives H reO a. in. 2 :.'KI i. in. ' 3 p. 111. 1'iiOll OMAHA Fdfi PLaTTSMOCTH. Leaves a jr. :t. in. Arrives 10 :24 a. in. ' 6 :00 p. 7 :15 p. in. FOR T11K WEST. Leaves PlaStsmoutli 9 :4' a. in. Arrives Lin e;n, 12 13 p. in. ; Arrives Kearney, 8 :o0 p. in. t'i tight leaves 7 :io a. in. Ar. Uneu!n 12 :25 p.m. FROM T11K WEST. L-avt-s Kearney, 6 :10 a. ni. leaves Lincoln, 12 :-i3 p. in. Arrives Hattsimmtn. 3 :15 p. n F.ight h aves Lincoln 11 a. in. Arrives Piultsn.uulh, I :12 p. in. GOING EAST. Express, f. :ir, a. rn. Fnv.eiiger, (train each day I 3 :"0 p. m., except Saturday. Every third .Saturday a train eou-UeC-: at the usual time. A KKIVAL AM) DKFA H 1 1 KE ( F FLATXS MOUTH MAILS. i:sTm.v, NOitruFRi &. h;iiiikk.v A 1 1 iv r at - 'j a. ni. Depart at - " :TU a. hi. i :00 p. in. OMAHA VIA B. t M. Ariive at 10 :;:o a. in. Depart at WESTERN VIA H. M. Arrive at - 3 :j p. m. (iRpartat 2 :15 p. iu. 3 :K) a. in. 2 :00 p. l.i. Arrive tit 12 :x) in. i Depart at - 2 E-K K HI.l"KF. & UNION MILLS. Arrive at Z : o m. Depart at - 1 :on p. in J. W. MARSHALL. T. M. L C A LA DVEKTISEM ENTS. Iran-lent. 2.1 cents a line. Kegular foveais rs, tiiet'iits per line. N ad vertiscuicul iusel t e 1 lor less than 2" cents. Legal indices :;t StaPlte rates. .Attorneys and officers ,f the law will be odd r-jpousiliie for all b'g;d notices they hand in, and all pai tics demanding .a proof of publica 1 inn of anv notice w ill te. held lor the uublica tion fee i i jt: h notice. CDM.M U NICATIO X S. As our splice is limited, all coiiiii:inic.i,'ons -ji:;-t be b; lef and to tin-jioint, with no ua-le of winds. The paper H ivionsible fur the correctness according to copy of paid matter ami paid Le gils, only. 1. Any person who takes the paper regularly from the" pos'.-ollice, whether itiec;ed to his eame, or w netber he Is a subs'.:' ner or not i.s rcwponsible for tlie pav. 2. Jf any person nrtlcis bin paper discontin ued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publish ci may continue to send li until pa incut is made.' and collect the whole amount. 'whether the paper is ta'-n trout the n:Hee or not. 3. lite cents have decided that refusing to t ike newspapers and periodicals from the post tdhce, or removing and h aving them itneailed Ijr, is pr'.a-i facie evidence of ls rKXHOXAL IKAl'U. LOCAL XEWS Fireworks and cannonading on the It h here. Slippers for 35 els at Merges'. 12tf See Dovey's new 'j col about his new store. Ad. All Sage Bros, have a tine article of wire netting for sale, at only G cents per square foot. I2tf -Go and see Dovey's new .stove new roods They all smile all over. 35 ets at Merges. 12 tf Thomas Wiles wind mill was blown to pieces in hist week's gale. Fine white rose and maple syrup at W.iUachV. Try them. 1H3 - 11 aU fare for the fourth on the B. A; M. Go and see t'..,- fun. Fine boots for i?.;.0M Fine Sewed boo:s -S7.0 Alexis buckles S-L-Y at Robert Sherwood's. lltf What a handsome new wagon May ; r Johnson drove by here the other day. Choice lot of Hungarian Seed for ale by Mil. Ru fen eh & Black. Ma-'oy Lodge meets on Fiiday evening July Oth in regular communi cation. A full attendance of members is reipitsted. By order W. M. Slippers for 35 ets. ut Merges. 1-tf John O'R-varke h is berronis on? of the proprietors of the Beatrice Cour ier. Every fashionable shade of silk for trimmings, and also every fashionable -hape of hat, can be seen at Solomon & Nathan's emporium. 5tf Fourth of July at Weeping Water that appeared in last week's IIekald will not come off as there is nothing at W. V.'. at all. M. Wart. Try the Pearl white Drip syrup at U-tJ Weckp.ach'.s B. Siebold has been appointed Coun ty Deputy for the patrons of husband ry, and will attend to all business that it may be ncees-sary to transact iu this capacity, promptly and faithfully. Address Plattsmoutb, Neb. The best line of syrups in town at 14-1:;. Weckisacii's. Why will ye thirst, when you can get Ice cold Soda Water ginger ale and .Peruvian beer drawn from Tuft's Pat. Arctic Soda Fountain at the P. O. N. D. for only octs a glass. Read, Read. Fine calf boots made to order for 61.50. Sewed boots for 86.00; Men's Alexis buckled shoes 4.00; Repairing and every thing in propor tion at Merges. 12-tf. County Commissioners Meeting. The Co. Commissioners of this County will hold their regular meeting on Monday next being the 2d day of July, 1S77. Remember, ladies, you can get the best and latest styles of ladies and childrens' shoes of all varieties, at 13t3 Stadelman's. Notice. The Fourth of July notice that ap peared in the Herald will not come off as there is to be no celebration on the 4th this year at WeepingWater. 11. Wart. They had what is called .VCbivnree" out at Bob Wilburna the night of the storm, on the occasion of tho marriage of Mrs'. Wilbsirn an oM lady of 53 to .1 gentlemen 50 years old. The boy 3 were too rough, and damaged the house eonsidera My. CHEAP, CilEAI'KR, CHEAPEST. Fine calf boots made to order at Merges for 81.50. Sewed 36.00. Men's Alexis 51.00. All eastern goods at pro portionate GRASSHOPPER PRICES. Fourth in Platlsruonth. There will be an elegant display of Firev oiks in Piattsmoutb on the even ing of the 4th. 101 gnus will be lircd, and $101 worth of Fireworks shot off from HUh School Hill. Collection Malice. Mike SehneUbather & "Win. llassler desire to give notice that they want every person owing them to make an endeavor to I'AV UP at once, as they have been badly dam aged by tlie storm, having to rebuild their shop, and nee l the money at once. Please come forward and settle, all of you, and greatly oblige the undersign ed. SCllNELLJJACIIEi: fc IlASSLEIt.. 13t2 I'oartli of July at Loci-mile. Trains wid be run at half fare on the 15. & M. It. for the Fourth of July. One fare round trip tickets for L.ouis ville and else when; good from the 3d to the 5tli will be 3old at all the prin cipal stations on the road. (let your Magazines bound. Xow is your time. At the IIekald oQk-e. tf. Everybody celebrates the 101st ani- vcrsary of our American Independence j and J. P. Young at the P. O. News De- j !ot has the largest stock of choice con fectionary, nuts, oranges, lemons and Fourth of July goods, in Plattsmoutb. Give him a call when in the city, and he will sell you goods cheap. We are not the only people visited by hurricanes this season. The next Saturday alter our big blow St. Joseph, Mo., caught it heavy. Walls cracked liked nut shells, roofs sailed off into space. A beautiful new Court House they were building was partially de stroyed, and pedestrians hustled round lively. Any one wanting a No. 1 musical in strument will tiud it to their advan tage to examine the tine Mason & Ham lin Organs we have lately delivered here. 1 have also the agency for the best piano made, "The Weber," which was awarded tlie highest premium at the Centennial. Give me a call, and I wiil be happy to impart any informa tion jo it wish. J ami P e r t e ;:, A crt Plattsmoiith, Neb. I'ottenger and two other dutehrneu got caught in a pen yesterday with the door locked, and no mo le of transit on ly through the iransome. One of the men being smaller than 'Putt" thought he'd try the t ransom e and see if he could not find a key and let his com rades out. To use his own words'they booskted me oop like a squirrel, and I dropped me down like a frog, and den deui two fellers sthay dere until I find dem keys, dots a goot vile, you bet." Query. What was "Pott" doing shut up in another mans oniee? That's what we want to know. Joseph Lloyd, who has lately been working on the Railroad va severely injured last Monday by the backing of a train over him. He tried to pass over the track as the train backed and having on rubber boots, slipped on the wet iron, before he could recover bis footing tho cais were on him. He was rolled over and over under the train Gears going over him before they could be stopped, but almost miraculously he escaped with a broken thigh and a badly cracked ankle. Bad enough as it is, but Joe is worth a dozen dead men yet, and says he'll hoe corn next year and let some one else do tho rail roading. Henry Beck, our old and reliable furniture man, has been getting on new goods all the time. Such easy chairs, such beautiful bed room sets, such ele gant mirrors, wh it nots and brackets, it is a pleasure to go there and see what he has. V.-1 RE MATTREsSES, hail and husk mattresses worked over, new all English wool mattresses. Mr. Beck has completely soi l out one lot of goods since moving into his new store, and has replaced the same with new styles and new things. Now is the time to buy cheap, as he is bound to push his trade for all it is worth. His building is 107 feet long instead of yo, as the Herald stated last week, and it is chuck full of goods, which must l a sold, so come along and buy them as fast as you need anything, farmers and all. Ilijh School Latertairsuioiit. Fitzgerald Hall was packed last Fri day evening, as we never saw it before, to witness the closing exercises of the Platlsmouth School children for this jear. There must have been 700 peo ple present, and many left the doors because they could not get in. It was very long, but by all odds the best performance of the kind ever giv en in Plaltsmouth. The patience of both children and audience cannot be praised too highly. In the space we have litre we cannot notice every one that took part, and where they all did so well it would be uujust to notice a few. The children behaved splendidly, the teachers deserve great credit for their drill and the correctness with which they rendered their parts. Prof. Drumruond, has taken great xains in the exhibition and deserves the thanks of the people of this place for his care and devotion to the interest of the school. Fhank Leslik's Popular Month ly for July is on-3 of the tt -l nuiuUra of the work yet issued. It3 articles, beautifully and liberally illustrated, aro timely, highly interesting and instruc tive, especially '-Russia and Turkey, their War Strength, Sovereigns, etc.,by Win. Staughton Chasa;"The West End of Paris;" "Malta' "Mrs (ieneral Gaines;" "The great Grain Movement," etc., etc. In addition it contains innu merable paragraphs on various interes ting subjects something for everybody besides the usual number of short select stories by popular and gifted au thors, and which are really captivating. This magazine of 128 pages and 100 il lustrations must, in view of its actual ly being the cheapest" publication of the kind in existence and at the same time one of the most select and univer sally welcome, continue to increase in public favor, and rank with the pub lisher's Sunday Magazine, the high est among all our American month lies. The Popular Monthly may De obtained for $2.50, and the Sunday Magazine for 3. for one year, lost paid, from Fraxk Leslie's Publish ing House, 537 Pearl Street, 2s"ew York. The Storm of Last Week. In addition to the particulars given last week, we learn that the severe wind of the 20th did great damage all over the count)'. at weeping water, it blew several small buildings over, and mashed in Reed R103. glass front. Wood's store, the hotel and a shop or two were damaged badlv. AT SOUTH BEND, they seem to have caught it the worst. All the buildings in the town but three were blown oven Henry Streight's house was blown off the foundation. hU liule i,oy Rot out of the house ai)(1 wa3 blown awav and lost for n time, causing the parents great fear for his safety. Providentially he came back after the storm, all right. Tlie li. & M. wind mill was blown over, and the German M. E. Church blown off its foundation. AT GREENWOOD the R. It. wind mill was tore down, two houses blown over and one man pinch ed. At Louisville they estimate the dam age at 2,0'J0. Win. B. Hicks, house, near Concord, was torn all to pieces, his arm broken, he bruised badly generally. Mr. Young, on Dovey's place, had all his out build ing blown down, himself and son were out in the storm and both were knock ed down by Hying boards. So says Mr. Young. A. N. Sullivan tells us in his neigh borhood the storm lasted t wo hours. Mew the houses of Mr. Blanckard and Mr. Harris down, blew Jno. Gilmore out of his wagon and broke the wagjn up, injuring him ; blew the school house near them over. One of L. Sheldons tenant houses turned over three times with the people in it. It blew a reap er half a mile andr tore a cornplanter all to smithereens. In fact we could fill the papr with minor accidents, blow a ways and bruises. The r.iin storm of Saturday washed crops and land badly in places. Married. WILLIS W ELISOR V at the iVMdence of Roll er! V,V;:- i-n. ner 1'i t'tsmoalli. Ne!., June l-77. hv Wi:i. II. Newell. Comity Judjje. Mil. HnrrroN YS :i. Lis to Jilts. Nancy L. Wkl i:oi;n. Persoaal. Capt. Palmer was appointed Grand Marshall by Grand Master Liniger. The Fairmont Bulletin has changed hands G. W. Wiedel being the new pro prietor. L. G. Todd, our old farmer friend nods cheerfully at the Herald now and then ; that's right. We see by some of the exchanges that the Falls City Globe Journal has passed from Ed. Howe's hands. A step-son of Mr. A. G. Ilatt's had a watch stolen from him ou the train near Atchison by some roughs. The Peru Herald, Edited by W. B. Ferree, readies us. Good luck, William but its hard times to start new papers. Hon. Geo. S. Smith left for Santa Ros;, Cal. on Tuesday, jo bring Mrs. Smith and thelessei Smiths home once more. Mrs. Win. L. Wells and her children leave us to-morrow morning on a short visit to her father and family, in Mills Co., Iowa. Wni. Rose, of Nebraska, called in to Fee us on Tuesdaj-. He talks sensibly and encouragingly about farming in Nebraska. Wiley Black, of the llrm of RufTner & Black, is getting to be one of our most driving business men. Wiley '11 come out at the head of the heap one of these days. We met at Omaha last week. Judge Sweet, Hon. Lee Love, Judge Valen tine, 1 Ion. Frank Welch, Hon. L. W. Os borne, and a host of old up Country friends, brother editors and " sieh." Mr. B. Spurlock, an old resident of Plattsmouth who lias been living iu Falls City lately has returned to stay with us and maybe found at Mr. I)o veyis new store. Glad to welcome Mr. S. back. Daniel Wheeler, Jr., and Mrs. D. II. Wheeler returned last week from a long trip to Michigan visiting old friends; Dannie hits moved his Express office into Duke's old store building and is buckling down to work again. Anthony G.IIatt, our esteemed re turned Black Hills friend has given up gold diggin' fcr the present and is del ving in hi3 well furnished and grow ing garden, from which he extracted the lirst new potatoes of the season last Monday and divided with the Herald. We'll try our Quartz Mill on 'em to day and see how the "11 pan out. r.i 1- - '--,-. J 1 r Grand 4th of July Celebration. To take place at the P. (). News De pot in Plattsmoutb. Neb., where I have just received a large stock of Fire works Flags, Fire crackers, Torpedoes, Toy Pistols and Paper eaps Ualloons, Lanterns etc., to be sold cheap for the 101st anniversary of our American In dependence. A grand Display of Fire works and Balloon ascension will take place in front of the P .O. News Depot. 13t2 J. Ph. Young. Pen PhnttMortlie Editors. pCi nlral C ity Courier In looking over the cards presented j us by the different editors on the re-j cent excursion, we are pleasantly re- minded of our many new friends, whose J faces we still see in vivid imagination j and whoso voices jet echo along the corridors of our memory, idly linger- j ing over the evt-nts of the pleasant journey, refusing to yield to forget ful ness. The lirst card we picked up, is, strangely enough, that of president of the tribe J. C. MacBride, of the Nebraska Far mer, Lincoln, a dignified, matter of fact royal chief, the same at morn, noon and night. On the basis of a sparing acquaintance, we chalk him down as a fine fellow, and hope to know him bet ter hereafter. Our modesty prevents our publish ing the good words the C. C. C. says of 1 us. Sutlice it to say we. appreciate it fully, Ed. Herald. The Seward man Thomas Wolf is anything but a wolf; instead,-a rich, rare and racy chunk of a fellow, with an equal supply of ready wit and solid dignity, and we predict that his career along the highway of life will be as brilliant and succcessful as ours. Stth P. Mobley you've heard of Seth, of course. Words refuse to de scribe this knight of the pen! He is eighteen feet tall and six inches ami three-quarters wide. Full of fun and a good fellow. The way he made the dinner-basket look sick, however, as tonished tlie natives. Lou. B. Palmer, a Hastings' bird yes, we remember him, We remember how the pillows, sheets and covers tlcw around that night in our room at Og den, also but of course Lou. was sound asleep(?j. Ilosvsomever, fun is fun, and we have not met a friend in a long time whom we liked as well or had as much sport with as this genial, daring, good-looking Lou. Palmer. And don't you forget it. Geo. B. Moore, of Brownville a quiet, modest sort of a fellow, but ap parently a mighty man, even if he is hard to get acquainted wkh. He'll do, however. Lw. Ley, the Stanton Bugle blower is equal to the emergency. He weighs only one thousan 1 pounds, looks like Senator Morton, e.nd thinks it would be sweeter than maple lnobtsseu to be a Mormon with fu'ty-two wives. C. II. Toneray, Fremont, would make a splendid congressman. He is a nice chunk of probably two hundred and Gfty, gentlemanly, whole-souled and a pleasing writer. Ha says, remember ing the huge rocks and snowy peaks, that "sublime" is a tame word. How would "grauderest" do, as a sort of a wild i.-di like word? Frank E. Wellman, a Suttonite, is well named ; as a well-men he made grub look appropriately sick, however. Frank is a lengthy success, yet lean cross-ways, and as an editor is on the "home stretch." Ed. J, Hall, Ashland, is not tho fel low we had mapped out in imagination, but a reserved, bashful big boy, with a plug hat and a cute eye. Ed. once ujion a time called us a "bull pup," and we returned the compliment by call ing him a "calf." But we met, hugged and kissed, and the calf and the bull pup were exceedingly glad. L. P. McCIarren, Lincoln well, we got one little look at him, but the rest of the time he was frozen to that state room, insured in the prospective Mat rimonial Company, and the happiest mar. on board. J. F. McCartney the Omaha blonde, genial as sunshine, mild as autumn, and a jolly boy, had his heart crushed by a Salt Lake city damsel, wortli "p50 00), and consequently gave us the g. b. (grand bounce). But we'll forgive him this time. "Lot" Brown, Nebraska City, is a big lot of a little man, quiet as a kitten, beautiful :is a peach, and funny. Lot mad a lot of fuii in that Pull m m, and lot us all remember Lot with lots of pleasure. W. J. Cuddy, Omaha ha, never you mind that rich wife and beautiful hus band," dear Cuddy is the gay, clever little city editor of the Omaha Daily Republican, one of the leading journals west of Chicago. What would our vis it to Omaha have been but for friend Cuddy V We shall always love him. He can ride in our carriage if he wants to when we get one! Charles T. Bunce, of Omaha, is one of the most appropriate fellows we have ever met, a rare and shiniug light in the tribe. Clemie Chase, son of ex-Mayor Chase, of Omaha, a fine little fellow, and we hope he will be "a editor" or President of the United States whichever he likes best. Maggie T. G. Mobley is no les3 a mirth provoking, lively member of the association, than she is a dashing writer, presiding over one of our "spi ciest" exchanges. This empties our editorial card-basket, the other members forgeting to hand us their daubed paste-board. We are very sorry, as we are never happier than when so lovingly recounting the virtures of our beloved brethren.- We hope they will yet send in their cards, securely corked and sealed, by freight t "L- il 1778. In appreciation of "the grand cause of Universal Liberty, The Clan Na Gad will celebrate the lOLst Anniversary of American Independence, in FITZGERALD II ALL. PLATISMOUTH, XEB., ON Wcdiits'iay Ece.July -ith, 1877. Music, Fireworks, Balloon Ascen sions. Reading Declaration Independence by F. M. MACDONAGH. Ten minute addresses on Liberty. Patriotism and Sociability, by DR. LIVINGSTON, PROF. RUSH, of Omaha, and others. SOCIAL HOP to begin at 10 p. m. Every lover of Liberty, mule and female are invited. Refreshments at Fred. Stadelmann's. Omaha Brass and String Band on deck. 13t2 Ordinance No. 79. An ordinance to provide for the filling of vacancy in the otlices of City Clerk, Treasurer and Marshal. Whereas; there is no provision un der the Statute for the rilling of vacan cies in the offices of City Clerk, Treas urer and Marsha, of cities of the sec ond class, except as contained in Sec. 20 of chapter 9, revised statutes. Therefore, More new suits of cheap cool clothes for hot weather, must be closed out, at I3t3 Stadelman's. Hubert Sherwood' Price List. Fine boots for 65.0o, Fine sewed boots for $7.00 ' Alexis buckle shoes $1.50 Ladies Calf Shoes for 82.2 5 Repairing equally cheap. ll-tf We have made arrangements to have Magazines, Medical and- Lav reports, and other pamphlets bound. Apply at the Herald office. tf SPECIAL NOTICES. IU. .IAS. DENTIST, i !2 an 1 2'.'i Farnliam St.. between Mth and lrth. Preservation of the naMral I eet h made a specially. Oldest practicing Den tist in the City. Our gunsmith, Mr. Kinser, is an in ventive genius, he has not only invent ed and made every part of a riile that will throw three b ills at once in three different directions, but he has just in vented an emery rod. that attached to his lathe will put as line a polish on the inside of tlie barrel as can be done in London. 1113 Early Seed. The Early San ford Seed corn for sale at Rulfner & Black's this corn will mature if planted early in July and yields equal to the old dent. St 7. ho Centaur Liniiaonts atiay pain. subdue .swellings, he,:! burns and w iilcuie Kheu matis'.n. Spavin, and anv flesh, bone or muscle ailment. The Whiie "Wrapper is for family use, Ihe Yellow Wrapper for animals. A !i-t of Cae iared::'!ils are contained around each I utile They re cheap, speedy ai.i certain. Alio L-.-iij . j uOU J and harnde-s remedy for children, is Piicher's Castoiia. it U as pleasant to take sis honey and as certain in i f s e.'";'-1.,;s as Castor Oil. For Wind Colic, Wi.rnis. ; -tr Stomach, am! Disordered Bowels, there U uulhiit like. Castoiia. 12113 The millinery department of Messrs. Solomon ..v Nathan, is particularly full and cr.mpleie this season. Their con nection with their wholesale house at St. Joe gives them advantage over all smaller dealers. They propose furnish ing that class of goods in greater vari ety, and at lower prices, than any house on this side of the Missouri Riv er. 5tf A few City orders for sale. Full line of every kind of goods at the Store of J. V. Weckbach, which his army of clerks are dispensing as fast as they can hand over the goods. tf. Ask Yoarself these (Jaeslions. . Are you a despondent sufferer from Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness. Palpitation of the Heart? Have you Dizziness of the head? Is your Nerv ous System depressed? Does your blood circulate badly? Have jou a cough? Lo Spirits? Coming up of the food after Eating? &c, . All of these and much more are. tho di rect results of Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, and Indigestion. Green's Ait gust Flower is now aeknowleged by till Druggists to be a positive cure. 2,-100,000 but lies were given away in the U. S. through Druggists to the people as a trial. Two doses will satisfy any person of its wonderful quality in cur ing all forms of indigestion. Sample bottles lOcts. Regular size 75cts. Sold positively by all first-class Druggists in the U.S.' 11-tf-alt. B A EXES' FOOT rOWEK M At ' 1 1 1 X Ell Y. Lfd!l;'e:enr ma(di!nei? with which lluMder, Cabinet j Makers, Wagon Makers and Jobber in miscellaneous work e: i ite as to l'At. tv am 1'iiicK with steam power manufacturing ; alo Amateur's supples, saw bindes, fancy woods and de sins. Sav "w here yon real this and send for e Ualoirue and prices. w.e. Joil.v BAHNliS, EocKlord. Winnebago Co. I'd. 132. Have yon seen the Centennial Panel pieces, painted by Frank Stacker, and on exhibition at Carruih's? 43tf. Team of large horses, harness and wagon for sale at a bargan. Enquire at Sage Bitos. A new American and a new Wilson SEWFXO MACHINE for sale at the IIekald Ollice. Early Seed corn (Sanfordi at Ruff ner fc Black's. Bt7. If you want to get your chimneys cleaned or your stove polished, call on Chas. Brown, or leave orders at John Boone's barber shop, at any hour of the day or night. 0 cents a-stove and 51) cents a flue. 42tf Old newspapers for sale at the IIek ald oilice, T5c per hundred. Fine Boots for $3.00. Fine sewed boots for 7.03 . Alexis Buckle shoes for 1.50 Shep.wood's hoot & shoe Empokium, Plaltsmouth, Neb. ll-tf. MS Our lady trimmer is an experienced artiste and can trim in any stvle desir ed. 5-tf Solomon & Nathix. Pr. SchercUs l'abio'c Synipj S k. a 7-;.rsT Ton le, am r T.I a w rm -re V i i.i s Tne-ae medicine: have undiinblodiy pcrlufn.ed nior-f cures of Consumption than any other rem edy known to the Anieiiean pnM!e. They are compounded of veelalde invedicn! s, and eon luin noiiiini; -which can be injurious to tiie im- iiii'.u constitution. Oilier remedies ;idvetii" l as cures foi Consumption, piobab'y eoniainupi- nin, which is a i-oniewhat dangerous dnu in al I cases, and If taken freely by couMimplive p- 1 lien:, it inut do pteat injury ; l"r its tendency I.s to conrtne the inorhid matter in the system, I which, id course, must make a cure iinpossjp'e. hchctick'.s imimouie Hvruu if warranted no; to i ,.,,ran .i i article of it is corniced of t powerful but harmless herbs, which act on the funx. iivt r. stomach and Mood, and thus cor rect all secretions, and expel all the di sease a matter from the body. 1 hese are the only means by which eoin-iimption can beetl ed, and as Scheiieli's Pulmonic Syrup, Sea Weed Touie, and Mandrake pills ai e the only medi cines which operate lathis way. it i- obvious they are the only genuine cure for Pulmonary Consumption. Each bottle of this invaluable medicine is accompanied by full directions. Dr. Scheuck is proles:onally at his principal office, corner Sixth and Arch .streets, Philade!u:.ia. ev ery Monday, w here ail leliers for advice must beaddie.ssed. In the whole history of medicine, no preparation has ever performed such marvellous cures, or maintained so wide a reputation, as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which is recognized as the world's remedy for all diseases of the throat aud lungs. Its long-continued series of wonderful cures in all cli mates has made it universally known as a sate and reliable agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, which are the forerunners of more serious disorders, it acts speedily and surely, always re lieving suffering, and often saving life. The. protection it affords, by its timely use in the throat and lung dis orders of children, makes it an invalu able remedy to be kept always on hand in every home. No person can afford to be without it, and those who have once used it never will. From their knowledge of its composition and effects, Physicians use tlie Cherry Pec toral extensively in iheir practice, and Clergymen recommend it It is abso lutely certain in its remedial effects, and will always cure when ernes are possible. For sale by all Dealers. J. V. Week bach will pay in cash or goods the highest market price for any amount of potatoes. 2'Jtf FAMf FOR SALE. "40 acres in sect ion town twelve, range clov en. 3 miles south-east of Louisville talion, 15. & M. R. It. Cass County,. Xcl ia.s'. a. 139 Acres I'EicJer Ci:ltiva(ioa, Willi house aud barn, orchard and forest trees, plenty of sorim; water. Will be sold iu i acre tracts If desired. Enquire of Jos. Schlater.jew cler, riaitsiaoidh, Mcb. . HtnO FA RrdERS A TTENTl ON ! Julius Pepperbcrg, Cigar Manufac turer, on Main St.. l'lattsmotith, Neb. Cigar ('iippings tit" Spanish and Ameri can i'obai-coes for smoking purposes. Foi Sa Best qualit ies of plug-smok-iig too teeo always on hand. -20-tf. LEGAL NOTICES. Loaral Notice. To Hurlwc 3T. Tuillc: You are hereby nidified that liei rietla H. Tuttie Ii:h fu -d her pe'i: ion iu the District Court of Cas- County and State of Xel ra-ka, icratust you. the object and prayer of said p' tuion is that she may be divorced from you. sl:e siliees a causes therefor. w:ll;ii! absen'ee oa your p ut for more than two yea; ;md a failu e to furnish a sir! tat do main tui nance, you are f ui ! her notified that you are required to answer sac,4. p lition on or before the tdh day of August, A.I). tsTT. II SKir.TTA II. TL'TTI.K. Chapman & SpitAiiCE, solicitors. 14U E STRAY NOTICE. Slr.iveJ from Phittniouth on Tium1:iv timru- in;r. tlie 15th day of Mav, 1st7, one bav Itoise, 10 years o'o. ami atiout 1.", 1 1 inns hlh. a alt le h;te ou one hind hoof, blind ni left eye, cannot, teil his blindness only by trying the eye. The eye appears as ;:ood. and is as full a riht eye. Any iillortnatron leading to his recovery liberally re warded. (UtJ) E. il. lliiKRl.VUTuN, Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue of an execution Issued by Wm. L Weils, clerk of District Court, second Judicial district, wit In n and for Cass County. XclTaska. ;nd to me directed. I will on the Siith day of Juiy. A. D. Is77, at 11 o'clock, a. m., .of sai l day. at the south door ol the i oint House, in lue cny of I'laiiiuoutli. in said Count v, sell at pub li;1 "auction the tollowinu real es.ate to-wit : Lots live, six, seven and eiL'ht ti, 7 & S), iu block one ( 1 , in Miekeiwaii's addition to the city of Platisniouth, Nebraska ; also lots one. two. three ami four, (1. i", a iS: 4i. in block two i2) in same addiliou ; also lots one. two, ttirei four. live. six. seven and ci-'ht. (1.2. 3. 4, D, t5, 7 & kj, iu block three (:,i. in same addition ; and also lots o:i", two. three and four, (1, 2, 3 & 41. in block four (4) in fame addition ; and lots one. two, three, four, live. six. s:jven. einht, nine aud ten, O. 2. 3. 4. r.. 6. 7, S, 9 & 10), in section twelve. il2i, town twelve (12). north l-iinire thirteen (13). cast of the sixth (f.ih iniiiciiial meridian, as shown by the plat of Wneatlcy and Illissimda .MicKeiwaii on tile in me county t ieiKsnnce of Cass County, Nebraska ; Tne same beini: lev ied unon and "taken as the property of W iiet ley Miekelwait. dffendant ; to ati-fy a judi nient of said Court, recovered by .John D. Tutt, plaintiff. Platismouth, Neb., June 27th, A. D. Is77. ii. li. CLTLEK, i4to .Sheriff. Legal Notice. Estate of Wcllielniine Mertens. deceased. Notice is hereby riven to all persons having claims against the estate of Welhelinine Mcr tens, to file the same in the ofiice of the County Judge, I'lattsuioutli. Cas Couniy, Neb., on r before the 22d dav of Dccemher, A. D. t77, and to meet the adiniui-trator of caid estate at one o'clock of saiJ day. at said lime and place, for the allowance of ilie same. Wm. H. Newcll, County ludcre. June 19th, 1877. i:t3 Legal Noti OP wo. Estate of Mathias Tyson, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claim against the eMate of Mat bias Tyson, de ceased, to file fhesainetn I lie ollice of the Cnuu ty Judge, Plattsmout li. Cits- County, Neb., on or before the 2tith day of December, A. D. 177, aud to meet the admieUtiator of nid estate at one o'clock of sa'nl day, at said time aud place for allowance of the same. Wm. H. N ewell, Countv Judge. June. l'.Uh, 1S77. Ut3 Legal Notice. Estate of P. J. Smith, deceased. Notice is hereby given to ;,11 persons linvln;; chains against the estate of P. J. Smith, deceas ed, to tile the same in the ofiice of -the County .) udge. Plat! Miiout b, ass Couniy. Neb., on or betore the 2lst day of December. A . 1. 1S77. and to meet the administrator of said estate :it one o'clock of said day, at said time and place, lor the allowance of the same. Wm. H. Xr.wi.Lt., Cotitity Judi;e. June luili, 177. l:u: Legal Notice. In the niati'-r if the estate of T. A. King. Ee- fore W. 11. Xcwell Couniy Judge, in and tor said county. To whom it tmty cunc:) a: Nt!ce is hereby giviui that an''c.iti,ui bps been tiled in the County Court to have W. T. Ft beridge appointed ad mi nisi ralor of the estate of T. A. King, deccasi d. a.nd said caiwe is t-et for bearii-g e.t the oh'ce f the County Ju'!e. in Plattnioiith. on the 2:!h day of June, A. D. I.s77. at one o'cltH-K p. ni. of said day, at which time and place all persons intereiv d mav njipeirand show caiiNC. il 'any t hey have, wily the said W. T. Etheridge should not be ap(ointed such ad ministrator ot said estate. Witness mv hand this p.uh day of June, A. D. 1?77. at l'latti"ii!out!i Neb. I2t3 W. H. Nkwf.ll, County Judge. ES TRA Y NOTICE. Taken up on my farm on the 13th day of May, 1S77. One dark bav Iiorse 13 bauds b;gh, 9 or 10 yexrs old. star in forehead, bolii hind feet w hite. Farm is fdttiaied 6 milea soutli -w est fioni Weep ing Water Falls. V."re(iin Water, May 301 il, 1677. lite- T. Clakk. Probate Notice. In (be matter of the estate of Henry Caribni t. deceased. Ia-fore V. H. Xeweii (. ouutv Judi;;, in aud for Cass county, Nebraska. To uh'im it may ror.;r;t: Notic- I hfirrby given that Eli.abe!h Cmibart has ".led an apjdieat iou in the County Court, in aim iiTiavi t ouniy .hi-di aKa. to lc appointed atrix of thcVsiate of "iii i,rv' .:tiihart auuiiui .i r iifcf iiwi, iimi s;ini i:;mi.s ii set for nciaii't , and said cau.e i i set for 'hei:i u.E at 1 ho nni:. of .,1,1 - ,. i,,.i ... i i -1 ., i , r. ! i, ou the ixi dav of Ju-;e. A. IKU", at on- o'H.k-K p ni ofs iid'd iv -it whic'i tin' -nid place a'l persons interested mav appearand h. v cau.c if at.v thev Inif whv the said Hiy ilx'lh in- hart should not be appointed sucil admiuist.ra trix ol said estate. iiness my hand at Piatl"inouth, Neb., thi 13Hayof June, A. D. !s.7. . Wm. M. S'c xxn I , Co. .lad-;-. fi it ,! i- i - v- r-?:-ived to tV lower p-i!t of Main street n v.iiat ivas Djvv':; Store, tlis -- 5i.,, XlllIlGI13j kJwwCil 01 iHxUlLurO ... . . ,. is larger than he expected, and he T fT" T yy I ! di O ill Lj ll VJ 1 i! ..., i,.,...! ! i i:- l'-M.-"i w Greailv Reduced Prices, s Rememlier the new st'ind down town, a 80 : FOOT STgRE. Two stories tail of lia tiilure. ss Before I pack it awy and have to Ili kIIp it all over. 1 want to sell oil a o. id deal. Mow i.s j a your time to buy, CHEAP FOR CASH, ! of HFXRY BO ECU. 13.11 HARinVARK STOKE, In FlaUsr.iJiit'i, Neb., on Fourth St., about I he MIDDLE OF TP.E BLOCK, you w ill find : Corn i'Saiiler, (hand &. Iiors?) Sti!Zy Flows, t'ul'lviitors, and ail kinds of Farm Implements and Shelf Hardware, Tin Ware, &c, A.IHjSO, Hungarian and Millet. Ssed for Sale ."mi ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. V,iyon, Bii'juy, 2livldm and Flow re- j pairniy, and giurral jobbing. I am now prepared to do all hinds of repairing ot larui mid ol iter niacl.itiery. as tiieie is a yood lathe in my shop. PETER RA U EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the -wan-on shop. He is well known as a NO. 1 WOK K MAN". tfew Wagons h?iI Pitch's u:aue to SATISFACTION fi U A RA XTEED. Shop on Sixth street, ooposite Streight's Stable H 5 AD QUARTERS. ST. LOUIS BUCK BEER, AND MILWAUKEE BEER. tVl!SOB.i:SAL,L: axu iie:taip... GEO. EDGEIiTUNT. V. D. JOKES' XVAY LIVERY STAI5LL, FLAT IMOUTH, NEB. The old tOXXEK STARLES In Phittsniniith Neb., have been icascil by Dr. Jones, and be has opened a new and hamNou'e livery iu this w ell known barn. The finest mid best of hoists and carriages always ready to let. SADDLE HORSES CHEAP. Horses kept for Sa'e or to Trade. HORSES TRAINED AND BROKE. ALSO I desire to give notice that I have a larire. haiuNome brick barn, with plenty of room for horses and wagons. I can put farmers stock :m 1 wagons, loads tif grain or ativ'.hiMi ail mi ller cover, il. the drv. Reteciuber this. Thanking all mv i;.' p.itior.s for their i.e-iiy favors. I solicit their trada Ibis coining year, sat ist) ed I can accommodate t hem totter and do better by theia than ever before. 3-yl. UVA). W. KINSElt, jiaehluit. ?t an old llaker aii'l Siua net of 'I lirefliiic rtIurliiii-M, has opened asdiop on Sixth Street near Mr. Don e!!y.s'lhieksmit!i and Wagon Shop where he has prepared hnn-elf to do ar y and all machine win k w ithout eveepiiou. He ha a No. 1 Lathe can turn iu wood, iron, sleelu, and all ot her metal in connection w it h machine worn. He can do any thir.g required in a gunsmith, even to making a gun. of which we have the evidence in h Pat. breach loader throwing one two or three balls at onee at will of the gunner. Mr Hen. V. sitrader a farmer uearKock f'.luffs an edd acquaintance of Mr. Kinser from irgin ia can be refcred to in regaril to his former con nection wil li the manufacture of thresliiug ma chines. tJivrf Mr. Kinsrr a call and will insure you satisfactory work oil any part of a Thresh ing; Machine. 52-ni. l fl il n'':,n"t bemad UliUm,"!t!l i!I th ' JlJjJjjLliose willing jt'an't be made by every ngnt every efMisinesswe iuiuimi, iui : to work can easily earn a rozen (looars a nav rtgnt iiitiuit own ik-ii cs. Have no room to exolain here. iiuMiiess nlcw? at and honorable. Women, hov.s and girls no -..II .. T.ti.i. Wa ,,111 f,,r,xi. i...M,l..t. outfit free.' Tiie basin -ss nav- bi-ilcr than anv thing else. We wv.l bear expense f starting you. Particulars free. Write auix see. Farm-; I ":;::V, o:.e.VVf," ' Z ? - X'Z' should vriVe to us and learn alfab out the work it ouce. Novfisthe time. Don I ilelav. Ad - 'r'iLE & Co.. Augusta, Maine. .. . ', !i;!i!i,-! Ufl;.Ktk- -,: M v A--i : ':;.-" X -f aitOai J1 i 1 . Y Mi! 1 it R 'J-i ESSES BH. We were the first to introduce tLis very worthy varietv of swine l.;l .1 1 1 - - lta tested them thoroughly and we are convinced they are by 'far the 11101 .l;i d'le bu-td for tin . . . r . 1 1 . ... -........ I. 1 ... 1 . . - J farmers of tint conn 1 rv for the fii!o i er r"io!is : E.niy'.tity, ip ; t depn.-itio.i, goud breeders, go.e! mother, and the very best .e:l in Iho w oriii to cross witn tile b'igf. i-oi. uieeds, icisiug thera beauty ol iorui, ino.iovi.ig teii- ! fattening qualities .and greatly iiit rvAi lg t, e a'!' "Oxr ureeu. lneir eo,or is D'.ack, t he skin ! neuce nicy navt no .siau i or skui uiscase w r.icli I try. :.! J ..ey ar- ni,l r.,M,j,-rl t rnokra in eoinnioii with her swine. li.-y .are ibe la -ct i t. i t:'c s,nad br-eds. i. aKtng from three t: four huudiaU D'S ii Mie J 8ar-tiii.nt;i k.i iifu-: . ) r ' 70J pound:-t:d can be f k-td ;tt Huy age. e have leiw a very -hoie lot of nigs from mx diflereot ImporU'tloi.s. av l jre prepared t male pigs properly for g, and warrant Ull i fi5 1 Uiii i ' ' '-' -- MASUKACU'IlW on BEAN'S PATENT STONE FORCE PUMPS. n WKxro;; r. iov.'a. rw 11. 1 I . . l!i-.Ai!o.CTPNP Pi, MP 23 FOR SALE liV J. O. CU AI M INS, Fl a t ts no u th . Si ;-. THIS JPTJEH PosMsms the Foll-m'iay Sitijcriard-'- 1. It is nev.-r aff-'cted by frost-- lcptb itu; tapninn. rai-inu of the handle or oi her cat e 2. " It starts wiih the lir e or second in "h , the handie. and the tlo.v ceases t he moiui u! slop, leaving no drippings to iorui mud or ic w inter, on and a round the il..i!onu. 3. 11 throithly veiitiiafes the cll. r. : it of foul air. 4. It fcaves its cost every year iii labor ; if r. to easy 5. It Is Invaluable in cae cf lite an eni u eT ready at yotir door. C. The cyliudei lu-iiife d ulnae. s!id !a.-ed the in-i'!e. is eipial to, and much sti'-ui : tltere is no sliiae or l.'lll ever collectiie; 4-n n 7. The well requires no ' leaning out aft -i of thc-e pumps is set in one thai is clean. s. It combines both the f; principle, w liich elves it an i-iual pristue ; the water, t brow in a; a tendy strc.n n. hot h . the up and down motion of I he handle; 9. l liis pti'iip always hi b-'-s nicl n aler f the Mart, the water slat. din j d-t-lt w the i . ' in a si one cylinder. in. The buckets may be removed at any li; without moving the pump or platform. Thev will throw from fitly to scvenly-flve I- from t he end of a hose, l;i;i weilsup to ;: : feet deep, with one band power. They are alno very iisidul ior w ashing (Ml ges, windows, .sprinkling lew us. K SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEF Ea.-1 of Platte Villi: j IJx.ise. IHKdl.I-KSr LIVERY STABLE In liv Town. O'ood Teams A;r;ys i-n II' n f. Careful Drivers sjnt with c; riages if desired. Carriages sent to Depot p meet a!i tir whenevcr ordred. THi ONLY HE-iS'-E i.'t TOWN, Funerals attended ami artiaes fund bed friends. Address, .1. W. SUA N X; '. 42-ly i'ilits-I-vilh, Xe'o r-t-O o 4 C3 O . " --. S" - ' i ' t - . " s- Z. -J t fi 1 i -J- " 2. O -i 1 2 c .- C CO v- w IB r. -a I W3 "3 If.- is T HENRY BCFCK. dealt: :t in n & TI? r rT SAFES, CHAIRS, Lounges, Tables, Bedsteads etc., i.ic, Ere.. " Of All Descriptions: METALLIC BURIAL C ASES; WOODED I of aU slzcs- ",,! Hndsold . Iir.ip for ea-b. With many thanks rr p;.-! patmnage. I invli-j. invite all to call and oan in" my " LA KO E S l'OCK F 4otf. rritxiTi tr. roi'Fis. four 8i -' v vo "-- s .---,, ' '. unality ot the bauis. which hi 1.01 e. i:c,i o;. is perfectly sinooiu. ami v 1 n and ba - w hire tmgs are surij ufi in a mac s::i c - every pig puie or no sa! cou'irxisrs , .':. ;' '': J. W. VANDOREN, ibepon, i'jn In ..,- !'.).. f---ii i - r. n n 1