Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 14, 1877, Image 3

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The Herald sold 40 extras List
week and could have sold more.
Grand display of fireworks, and bal
loon ascension on the 4th of July, at
the P. O. News Depot. it
GKIFFITH-TIF.BY Married June loth. 1877.
at Hunker Hill. Kansas, Mu, C. IC tiuiKFlTH
to Mim Nannie E. Tiisby.
Slippers for 3cts at Merges'. 12tf
Strawberry festival at the M. E.
Church Wednesday evening next.
Custom made plow boots at $1.7.3,
at .Stadeluiann's. 1212
11m programme in full of the
exhibition on Friday the 22d will be
given next week.
biippers for 33 cts at Merges. 12tf
ltemember the Convention of Co.
Sup'ts. at this place 9th to 19th of July.
See Bro. Pollock for further informa
tion. Sage Bros, have a fine article of wire
netting for sale, at only 6 cents per
square foot. 12tf
If C1. Vanatta don't quit playing
jokes on his son-in-laws there'll be a
funeral round here some day, at least
that's what Billy Stadelman says.
Slippers for 35 cts. at Merges". 12tf
W T. Eaton of Hastings, Iowa, is
spending a few days in town. He re
ports the grain business as having
been immense this season at Hastings.
new styles! new goods!
Pull supply of all kinds of
just received and coming at Weck
bach's. H
Kuffner & Iilack have sold upwards
of sixty cultivators, and have a few
left yet. The reaper trade has opened.
It. fc II. sold their first last week.
Pine Soring Suits lower than ever,
Stadeliia nn's.
The Fourth of July.
Look out for the Pourtlr of July,
fireworks, 101 euns. Ball in the evening
Ac Full programme next week.
Com. of Akuanglmem's.
Large lot of ladles' ami children's
hoes all varieties, at h ss than half
wholesale prices, must be sold at Siad
elnianu's mammoth clothing store.
Dr. Child's History of Cass County
and an appendix containing the records
and Mss. of the Pioneer Association cf
Cass County will be for sale soon, price
'') cts. Every one in Cass Co. needs a
Ilea:!, Head.
Fine calf boots made to order for
Sewed boots for $0.00;
Men's Alexis buckled shoes 4.00;
Repairing ami every thing in propor
tion at Merges. 12-tf
We call attention to the Meteor
ological records published monthly in
the Herald; they are of great value,
and should be cut out and preserved
by all those who do not file the paper.
Buy yi.ur smoking and chewing to
bac"U at the P. O. Xews Depot. Where
you can get the best for the least mon
iv. It
Dovey, our Dovey, the original Do
vey is coming out. Xew wagon, new
store, new matched team, what next,
(io and see Dovey's handsome, elegant
new quarters next to Frank White up
The 'Forest Tar soap is the cleanest
nicest and best for the toilet.
Strawberry Festival.
At the M.E. Church, next Wednes
day evening by the Ladies of the
church for the purposo of raising funds
for paying a debt on the church. The
purpose is laudable and they desire
a good turn out and ready sal's for
cream. Speaking and music will be
called in to help make the evening one
to be enjoyed.
The Boss 5c cigar at the P. O. Xews
Depot try them. It
The grasshopper committee ap
pointed by the Co. Com'rs. met at Sny
der's school house Saturday June 9th;
only one machine, Mr. Skirviu's, was
brought out. Two plans of nets were
exhibited. The committee did not
think that any machine they saw ex
actly covered the ground called for
by the resolution they acted under;
but considering the trouble and ex
lense Mr. Skirvin had been too, they
recommended the payment of S-iO to
said Skirvin.
Signed by Samuel Richardson and
L. Patterson.
Carter's Combined Writing and Copy
ing Iuks, the best in the market at
the P. O. News Depot. 1 1
Dr. Charles of Omaha, is the oldest
dentist in Omaha, having been in the
business eleven years, and there are
thousands in Nebraska who can testi
ly to his skill and the excellence of his
He has two offices, one No. 232 Farn
ham st and the other at 23G. The of
fice at 236 is to be used for mechanic
al work, and 232 are his parlors for re
ception of patrons. His advertisement
will be found elsewhere in this paper.
Fourth of July is corning, and so ia
a large stock of Creworka, flags, bal
loons, fire crackers,, torpedoes, and a
large assortment of other 4th of July
goods, to be opened out at the P. O.
News Depot in a few days. ' . 12t2
Uncle Schlegel and Mike Schnellbach
er got a tumble the other day that
neither of them will forget for some
time. Uncle Schlegel had been engag
ed moving away some Cottage Organs
from the Catholic Church, where they
had been competing for a position, he
got the organs away to the depot and
went back for the boxes, with Mike to
help load, they hail loaded up and Unc'e
had taken the lines and said get up, but
as he turned the wheel on the lower
side settled in a hole, the fore wheel
on the upper side striking the box at
the same time turned the wagon over
and sent Uncle Schlegel and Mike down
among the horses heels, where we ex
pect times seemed lively to them for
a minute. Each carry severe marks of
the horses heels about their heads, but
will live through -it with good care.
Uncle Schlegel says he don't want to
move any more Mendota organ boxes
if they all serve him that way.
Fine calf boots made to order at
Merges for $4.50. Sewed a.C0. Men's
Alexis 84.00. All eastern goods at pro
portionate GllASSIIOPrEU PRICES.
Dr. Schildknecht has just received
from the Factory of the Mason &
Hamlin Organ Co., a fine Cabinet Or
gan with the improved Piano Harp at
tachment. It is pronounced a beauti
ful Instrument. James Pettee,
Local Agt.
If you want a good job of blacksmith
ing. a machine of any kind repaired, a
pair of horses well shod, or any other
job of blacksmithing or whitesmith
ing done in a complete and artistic
manner; if you want a No. 1 wagon
made or a fine buggy built in a satis
factory manner, go to a first class me
chanic. You will find one in the per
son of Robt. Donnelly Esq., Cth St., op
posite Streight's Stable. 10t3.
Joseph A. Connor one of the grain
men of our place is pushing his busi
ness very rapidly. He has had several
immense cribs of corn threshed out
and sold this winter and is now trying
to corner the rest of mankind in govern
ment contracts. Joe gets a big one
every now and then, and whoops it up
lively to the boys, and the farmers too
for that matter, in good prices for their
grain. One of Joe's Warehouses at
Ashland is reported blown down, he
says it was empty and so long as it did
not serve him like "Thatch's", and
fall on somebody and make him pay
damages he doesn't care. One of
Thatcher's cribs blew over and broke
a man's machine all to little bits and
Thatch had to pay for "de masheen."
Robert Mierwo id' Price List.
Fine boots for $5.00,
Fine sewed boots for 7.00
Alexis buckle shoes .1.53
Ladies Calf Shoes for $2.23
Repairing equally cheap. 11-tf
Meet me at 7 o'clock in the morning
says Bro. Rams-y and at 7 o'clock
where, oh, where was Basil? Gone to
meet the early train. Oh why was this
Fine boots for $3.00
Fine Sewed boots ST. 00
Alexis buckles shoes 34.50
at Robert Sherwood's. lltf
What is the matter with Commis
sioner Ramsey? why did he go home so
early last week and leave his brother
Commisioners in doubt as to his where
abouts ?
Down, Down.
The foot gearing at Merges' Grass
hopper prices.
The old Muddy is on her annual ben
der and is bank full. Yesterday she
registered 14 feet. At Omaha they are
afraid she will do damage to the smelt
ing works, the machine shops and
bridge. At Kansas City the R. R. tracks
leading in there are almost all under
water for a greater or less distance.
Every fashionable shade of silk for
trimmings, and also every fashionable
hape of hat, can be seen at Solomon &
Nathan's emporium. 5tf
The Tornado of the 13th.
From different sources we learn that
the high wind last week, Wednesday,
did considerable damage. At Omaha
it blew down the fair ground buildings,
unroofed houses and raised Cain gen
erally. At Lincoln, a number of small
buildings were damaged, and the roof
of the penitentiary blown off. It will
take $3,000 to repair the damage to this
At home in Cass County, the brick
school house, near Hon. Jos. Gilmore's,
known as the Pleasant Ridge, or Sha
fer's school house, was unroofed and
three sides torn down or rendered val
ueless, in short, they will have to build
a new building. A frame shed attach
ed was literally blown to atoms; the
circular sinuous current must have lift
ed it, wrenched the boards to bits, and
then as suddenly lulled and let the
splinters drop from some heighth. a3
pieces of all sizes were sticking up
right in the ground, as if driven there
for a calf or chicken pasture.
The Mt. Hope School House, six
miles south-west from Weeping Water,
a frame, building was also completely
demolished and rendered useless.
Capt. Wiles has caught 40 bush
els of grasshoppers this Season. In
two trenches he caught 7 bushels, from
a timothy patch, on wheat 5 bushels
in two days.
We think his machine the most prac
ticable and feasible of any Ave have
heard of. Had all the Captains, neigh
bors done as well no damage would
have occured to crops anvwhere about
From a private letter we learn of
the welfare of Mr. Chas. Lazenby and
family. Mr. Lazenby's health is much
improved by the change to Colorado
climate and rauche life. The rest of
the family are well.
Wm. Irving has been elected Su
perintendent of the Neb Railway Co.,
ria Dr. Converse, resigned and the
Brownvillans and Falls City Chaps
hope that the trunk road will soon be
The Hon. Co. Commissionprs met
in session Tuesday the 5th. In regard
to refunding of taxes on certain school
lauds, for good and sufficient reasons
the whole matter was indefinitely
S. A. Davis of Mt. Pleasant called on
the Herald Saturday. He reports
the Sunday School Convention as very
encouraging and Grasshoppers nearly
played out in that region.
We were pained to learn from Mr.
Murphy as we passed Grand Island,
that they have lost their little boy since
moving there.
Mrs. H. B. Burgess left Plattsmouth
last week Wednesday for a short visit
to her parents in Kansas. We are sor
ry to learn that on her arrival there
she found her mother very ill.
Mrs French made Plattsmouth a fly
ing visit last week and the first of this.
We neglected to chronicle the depar
ture last week of Mr. Hatt for Florida.
Mr. Gaston, from Plummer Hill call
ed on the Herald Tuesday.
The High School Literary Society
met Friday evening and although the
weather was threatening the house
was filled.
The entertainment wagood through
out, in fact the best one yet. The
young orators were much better pre
pared and required very little prompt
ing. The selections were very appro
priate. The Dialogues were a new
feature and a good one, and were both
well rendered. The singers "and a lit
tle preparation and were consequently
better prepared for their part of the
exercises. Next Friday will be the
last meeting of the society and all will
do their best.
Citizens should a'l turn out. Fath
ers, mothers, aunts, uncles, guardians
and every body else all turn out and
help make a grand winding up of the
summer, of an enterprise organized
and attended to in all its details by
our efficient principal, Mr. Drurnmond.
The order, thanks to the worthy
I'res. and Vice Pres. Capt. Marshall
and Mr. Morrison was the best we ev
er saw at an entertainment in this city.
Come out ntxt Friday and be enter
tained. District Court.
Alice Tojmey vs Mary E. Taylor et
al. Dismissed for want of prosecution
at cost of Plaintiff.
Margaret Robinson vs D. Schnasse.
Dismissed at cost of Plaintiff.
C. M. Andrews vs R. R. Livingston.
Continued generally.
Henrietta Bryson vs Roseau Decker
and Rudolph Decker, executors of the
estate of Jefferson Decker deceased.
Continued under former order of refer
ence. Birdsell Sons & Co. vs J. M. and W
J. Carter. Continued generally.
Levi Golding vs Sarah J. Wisewell
and J. C. Wisewell. Exception taken
and 40 days given to reduce exceptions
to trial.
S. Pulsifcr & Co. vs Peter Dowers
and Lavina Dowers. Verdict render
ed as follows: "We the jury, duly im
pannelled and sworn in the abovo en
titled cause to try the issues joined in
the above cause do find tho issues in
favor of the defendant, and do find for
the defendant. J. F. Polk, Foreman."
Whereupon plaintiff gave notice of a
motion for new trial. Motion for new
trial overruled. Judgment on verdict.
August F. Arndt vs John Inhelder.
Dismissed at cost of defendant.
B. &. M. R. R. Co. in Neb. vs Board
of Co. Corn's of Cass Co. and J. C.
Cummins. Continued generally.
J. F. Drath vs Wm. Bigelow. Judg
ment in favor of plaintiff to the
amount of one cent and costs of suit.
J. P. Amick and L. Latteer vs Thos.
L. Barry. Judgment in favor of plain
tiff for S50.
Joseph Nesbitt vs Estate of II. Am
ison. Continued generally,
Franz R Guthman vs the B & M R
R Co in Neb. Plaintiff to recover the
sum of $50 and costs of court.
J II Coleman vs Wm II Jones et al.
Account allowed plaintiff to the am't
of S36.C2 at 13 per cent per annum,
with eosts of suit.
T M Marquett vs Jno C Rakes. Pl'tf
to recover the sum of $30 and costs.
Margaret Cupp vs Isaac Cupp. Mar
riage relation set aside and plaintiff
to assume her former name and pay
costs of suit within ten days.
W C Shafer vs S N Merriam. Con
tinued. John Indelder vs August F Arndt.
Continued by consent of parties.
E II Eaton vs Jacob Vallery and P
E Ruffner, partners &c. Plaintiff re
covers the sura of $17.33.
E II Eaton vs Henry DuBois. Con
tin ued generally.
E II Eaton vs W B Reynolds and M
II Shumaker. Continued generally.
E II Eaton vs R U Livingston. Con
tinued by consent of parties.
August F Arndt vs Jno Indelder.
Continued by consent of parties.
W S La',ta vs S M Merriam. Con
tinued generally.
Joseph Nesbitt vs Jna W Shannon,
Adm'r Estate of II Amison deceased.
Continued generally.
Wm B Porter vs 31 B Cutler. Dis
missed at cost of plaintiff, to which
defendant excepted.
Jno McCormick vs S N Merriam.
Continued generally.
Continued next week.
Mrs. Beocher's Coalirmatioa.
If success may be considered a cri
terion of merit, the Home Cook Book
can properly be considered one of the
mst meritorious works published of
late years. It has been wonderfully
successful. Edition after edition has
been issued, (20,000 copies) and still the
demand seems to be unsatisfied. It con
sists of 394 handsomely printed pag
es, and contains one thousand or more
practical, common sense receipts, which
have lieen tried, tested, aDd found to
be "just the thing." Contributed by
ladies of influence and good judgment,
in Chicago and other cities and towns,
with permission to use name. We
know of no lady of our aquaintance,
who would publicly endorse a recipe
unless it was the very best she knew.
There could be no better guide book
for that portio.i of woman's kingdom
which relates to'the cuisine than the
Home Cook Book. It is on sale at all
bookstores? price $1.50. A "pocket
Edition will be sent free, by publisher
on receipt of a two cent stamp. The
following letter from Mrs. Henry
Ward Beecher. conGrms our good opin
ion: J. Fred Waggoner, Publisher, Chi
cago. Dear Sir: As I am not keeping
house, I have not an opportunity to
examine the Home Cook Book as I like
to examine everything I recommend.
But by instinct an old housekeeper can
form a tolerably accurate judgment of
all that is usually found in cook books,
and if you will accept of an instinctive
estimate of the merits of your word, I
can truthfully say that I am greatly
pleased with it.
I like the recipes; most of them are
familiar, some slightly different from
the old, well established recipes and I
think they will be improved by the
But much that is more important
than recipes is found in it, with which
I have bfen greatly pleased and instruc
ted; I refer to rules for "Dinner Eti
quette," "Social Observances," "Table
Talk," "Bills of Fare," etc., and many
other things, brought together very
skillfully and caculated to be of great
service to house keepers, young and
old. Respectfully yours,
Mrs. II. W. Beecher.
Mandarin, Fla., March 3d, 1877.
DENTIST. 2.12 and 226 Farnham St., between
14th ami 15tli. Preservation of the natural
Teeth made a specialty. Oldest practicing Den
tist In the e il y.
Our gunsmith. Mr. Kinser, is an in
ventive genius, he has not only invent
ed and made every part of a rifle that
will throw three balls i.t once in three
different directions, but lie has just in
vented an emery rod. that attached to
his lathe will put as fine a polish on the
inside of the barrel as can be done in
London. 1U3
Early Seed.
The Early San ford Seed corn for
sale at Ruffner & Black's this corn will
mature if planted early in July and
yields equal to the old dent. 8t7.
Ihe Centaur Liniments aUny paia.
subdue swellings, heal burns and will cure Rheu
matism. Spavin, and any flosli. bone or muscle
ailment. The White Wrapper ia for family use.
the YeHow Wrapper for animals. A list of thn
ingredients are contained around each bottle
They are cheap, speedy and certain.
Th9 certain, sp3edyand harness
remedy for children, is Pitcher's Caatoria. It is
as pleasant to take as honey and as certain in
its effects a Castor Oil. For Wind Colic,
Worms. Sour Stomach, and Disordered Bowels,
.here is nothing like Castoiia. 12U3
The millinery department of Messrs.
Solomon & Nathan, is particularly full
and complete this season. Their con
nection with their wholesale house at
St. Joe gives them advantage over all
smaller dealers. They propose furnish
ing that class of goods in greater vari
ety, and at lower prices, than any
house on this side of the Missouri Riv
er. 5tf
A few City orders for sale.
Ask Yourself these (Jnestions.
Are you a despondent sufferer from
Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness.
Palpitation of the Heart? Have you
Dizziness of the head? Is your Nerv
ous System depressed? Does your
blood circulate badly? Have you a
cough? Low Spirits? Coming up of
the food after Eating? &c, &. All
of these and much more are the di
rect results of Dyspepsia, Liver Cora
plaint, and Indigestion. Green's Au
gust Flower is now acknowleged by
all Druggists to be a positive cure.
2,400,000 bottles were given away in the
U. S. through Druggists to the people
svs a trial. Two doses will satisfy any
person of its wonderful quality in cur
ing all forms of indigestion. Sample
bottles lOcts. Regular size 73cts. Sold
positively by all first-class Druggists in
the U.S. 11-tf-alt.
Full line of every kind of goods at
the Store of J. V. Weckbach, which his
army of clerks are dispensing as fast as
they can hand over the goods. tf.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re
newer is a scientific combination of
some of the most powerful restorative
agents in the vegetable kingdom. It
restores grey hair to its original color.
It makes the scalp white and clean. It
cures dandruff and humors, and fal
ling out of the hair. It furnishes the
nutritive principle by which tl e hair
is nourished and supported. It makes
the hair moist, soft and glossy, and is
unsurpassed as a hair-dressing. It is
the most economical preparation ever
offered to the public, as its effects re
main a long time, making only an oc
casional application necessary. It is
recommended and used by eminent
medical men. and officially endorsed
by the State Assayerof Massachusetts.
The popularity of Halls Hair Renew
er has increased with the test of many
years, tth in this country and in for
eign lands, and it is now known and
used in all civilized countries, of the
world. For Sale by all dealers.
Fine Boots for S3.00.
Fine sewed boots for $7.00
Alexis Buckle shoes for S4.50
Sherwood's boot & shoe Emporium,
Plattsmoutn, Neb. 11-tf.
Our lady trimmer is an experienced
artiste and can trim in any stvle desir
ed. 5-tf. Solomon & Nathan.
J. V. Weckbach will pay in cash or
goods the highest market price for any
amount of potatoes. 29tf
Get your Magazines bound. Now is
your time. At the Herald office, tf.
Julius Pepperberg, Cigar Manufac
turer, on Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb.
Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri
can Tobaccoes for smeking purposes.
For Sale. Best qualities of plug-smok-!ng
tobacco always on hand. v'O-tf.
Dr. Schenck Pulmonic Sjrnp,
Ska Wkkd Tonic, and Makdkakb Pilxh.
These medicine liave undoubtedly performed1
more cures of Consumption than an? other rem
edy known to the American pnblle. They are
compounded of vegetable ingredients, and con
tain nothing which can be injurious to the lu
mau constitution. Other remedies advertised
as citrus for Consumption, probably eoiiUUu opi
um, which is a somewhat dangerous drug in al
cases, and if taken freely by consumptive pa
l ien t. it ntunt do great injury ; for its tendency
is to confine the morbid matter In the system,
which, of course, must make a cure impossible.
Schenck's pulmonic syrup is warranted not to
contain a particle of opium : it. is composed of
iMiwerful but harmless herbs, which act on the
lung", liver, stomach and blood, and thus cor
rect all morbid secretion, and expel all the di
seased matter from the body. These are the
oi-ly means by which consumption can be cured,
and as Sehenck'S Pulmonic syrup. Sea Weed
Tonic, and Mandrake Pills are the only medi
cines which operate in this way. It i obvious
they are the only genuine cure for Pulmonary
Consumption. Each bottle of this invaluable
medicine is accompanied by full directions. Dr.
Scheuck is professionally at his principal office,
corner Sixth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, ev
ery Monday, where all letters for advice must
be addressed. 1U4
Hasanic Hall Company Shares.
In accordance with the directions of Platte
Lode No. 7, I. O. O. F., e will purchase two
hundred and eighty dollars worth of shares, is
sued to aid in the erection of Masonic and I. O.
O. F. Hall Co. building in Puutmoutii.
No shaies will be purchased unless the share
were issued to Platte Lodge No. 7, 1. O. O. F.
Bids will be received for the money until
Thursday, June 14. 1877, aud tho-a shares pur
chased from which the owner will make the
largest per cent discount from the par value of
the shares. The bids should be sealed and ad
dressed to J. W. Johnson, Treasurer Platte
Lodge No. 7, 1. .. O. F.. aud endorsed, "Bids
for sale of shares in Masonic and I. O. O. F.
Hall Co." Rids must be on Die on or before the
14ih day of June, A. 1). 1877, and the awards wl'J
be made on the evening of that day.
Signed : Johx Waymajt,
J. W. Johnson,
Mike Si hj kllbachik.
Have you seen the Centennial Panel
pieces, painted by Frank Stadter, and
on exhibition at Carruth's? 45tf.
Team of large horses, harness and
wagon for sale at a bargan. Enquire
at Sage Bros.
A new American and a new Wilson
for sale at the Herald Orlice.
Early Seed corn (Sanford) at Ruff
ner & Black's. Stl.
If you want to get your chimneys
cleaned or your stove polished, call on
Chas. Brown, or leave orders at John
Boone's barber shop, at any hour of the
day or night. 50 cents a stove and 50
cents a flue. 43tf
Old newspapers lor sale at the Her
ald office, 75c per hundred.
Binding done at the Herald office.
To loan on improved f;irms in Cass Conntv, at
low rate of interest. Applications solicited.
Plaltsnioutli, March 1877. J. N. WISE.
Wedding Bristol card board at the
Herald ollice.
New cake pan, enquire at the Her
ald office. Hit.
Legal Notice.
In the matter of the astute of T. A. King. Re
fore W. II. Newell County Judge, in uud lor
said county.
To irJwm it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that nn application has
been riled in the county Court to nave W. T.
ktheridge ssppointed administrator of the estate
of T. A. King, decease.!, and said cause is ret
for hearing at the ollice i ihe Conntv Judge, In
Plattsnmuih. on the '-full day of June. A. 1. 1S77.
at one o'clock p. in. of said day, at which time
and place all person interested ma appearand
show cause, it any they have, why the s;ud W.
T. Etheridge should not be appointed buc'i ad
ministrator ot s;iid ewtate.
Witness mv hand thi- 12th day of June, A. D.
1877. at Phutsinomti Neb.
I2t3 V. II. Newell, County Judge.
Taken up on tnv farm on the 13th day of May,
1S77. One dark liny horse 15 hands high. 9 or 10
years old. star in forehead, both hind feet white.
Farm is situated 6 miles south-west from Weep
imr Water Falls.
Weeping Water, May 30th, 1877.
Hto T. Clark.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Henry Canhart,
deceased. Before W. II. Newell I ounty Judge,
iu and for Cass county, Nebraska.
To tt hom it may concern:
Notice i hereby given that Elizabeth Oanhart
has tiled an application in the County Court, in
and for Cass County Nebraska, to be appointed
administratrix of the estate of Henry (iauhart.
deceased, pnd said caiue is set for hearii'g at
the office of said County Judge, in l'lalUniouth.
on the iT2d day of June. A. 1. 1877, at one o'clock
p. in., of said day, at which time and place all
persons interested may appear and shw cause,
if any they have, why the said Elizabeth (ian
hai t shouid not be appointed such administra
trix of said estate.
Witness mv hand at riattsmouth, Neb., this
2d day of June, A. D. 1S77.
Ilt3 Wm. II. Niwkll, Co. Judjie.
Bankrupt Notice.
In the District Court of the United States, for
the Distrit of Nebraska.
In the matter of Joseph Shcra, bankrupt.
To uliom it may concern:
The undersigned, William II. Smith, of Rock
Bluffs, iu Cass county, in said dif trict. hereby
kives notice of his appointment as assisiiee of
the estate of Joneph Shera, of Rock Bluffs, in
the county of Cass, in said iistrlct ; and who
was, to-wit : on the 7th day of April. A. I. 1S77,
adjudged bankrupt, upon the petition of his
creditors, ty J. L. Webster, register in bankrupt
cy for aid district.
Dated at Rock Bluffs, the 15th day of May. A.
D. 1&77. iow3. Wm. U. Smith. Assignee.
Mrs. F. Elslerand Miss Nellie Short have irons
into the dressmaking business, and would be
pleased to have those in want of work in their
line to call aud see them at the residence of Mrs.
Elster, one door west of the- Sannders
House. Satisfaction guaranteed and charges
moderate. 7-tf
On Main street nearly opposite the Court
House, PlatUmou'.h, Neb.
Horses for Sale.
The buying and sellinu of good horses made
the specialty of the business.
KewKo rses & Carriages,
and gentle horses, for Ladies to drive ar kept
al this Stable.
Also a carry all, which runs to the depot, and
will carry paiseuers froiu any place iu town on
C'.-l Z, Z, 7
Feed and bale Stables.
Corner 6th and Pearl Sts.
For a Fair Commission.
Paancular attention paid to
Driving and Training
i . Also A hearse furnished w hen callM for.
Once More!
Having opened a stock of goods at
my old stand, in Plattsmouth, again,
and having just returned from the
East, I am prepared to sell goods at
better rates thin I have ever done be
fore. O TT tt
Is just now being opened. We have a full
Hue in
Spring and Summer Dry Goode,
Bleached and Brown Domestics,
Prints and Summer Dress Goods,
Ladies anil Gents Hosiery.
A full Stock of
The best stock of Coffee ever brought to this
City ; Roasted and Greeu.
Canned Fruits in great varieties.
Sugars & Syrups in all sized packages
Foreign fc Domestic
My Intention is to do a first class trade, and
to make my Store the Emporium for the farm
er's wants. We wi'l take all Country Produce
In exchange for goods, at cash rates.
nnr l.lea in to hnv for CASH and sell for CASn
to every one, and at such rates that both buyer
and seller can live.
Xow, we want to see all our old
friends back again, an 1 we want all the
new ones Ave can get. We promise to
treat you well and send you home hap
py, with a wagon load of goods bought
for very little money.
. Next week 1 expect to fill this column with a
new list of poods, just opened. Read the offers
ana come aim iook at llie goods. i n;u is an i n
Henry Boeck
Has removed t- the lower nnrt ot Main tret
n what aa lovuv's Store. Ilia
Immense Stock of Furniture
is larger than he expected, and he
nil present stock on hand at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Remember the new stand down town, a 90.
FOOT STOKE. Two stories full of furniture.
Before I pack It away and have to baivile, it c
all over, l warn io sen on a gooo. u.eai. iow
your time to buy,
In, riattsjaoutb. Neb., on Fourth St., about the
you will find :
Corn Planters, (hand & horse)
Stirring IMows,
Sulky IMovm,
and all kinds of Farm Implements and
Shelf Hardware, Tin Ware, &c, &c.
Hungarian and Millet.
Seed for Sale
31 in
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plovj re
pairing, and general Jobbing.
I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing
of farm and other machinery, as there
is a good lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge of the wagon shop.
He is well known n ft
Xew IVacons and liugsiefc made to
Shop on Sixth street. nnnositeStrelght's Stably
Tke ld BONNER STABLES In Itattsmouth
Neb., have been leased by Ir. Jones, and be
has opened a new and handsome livery In this
well known barn. The finest and best of borsea
and carriages always ready to let.
Horses kept for Sale
or to Trade.
I desire to cive notiee that I have a large,
handsome bri'ek barn. Willi plenty of room for
horses and wagons. I ran put farmers stock
an 1 wagons, loads of grain or anything all un
der cover, iu the dry. Remember this.
Tbanklugall my U pations for their many
favors, I solicit their trad this coming year,
satisfied I can aerommodate them better and do
better by them than ever before. 3-yl.
Machinist, 4k. an old Maker and Ban
ner of Threshing Machines,
has opened a shop on Sixth Street near Mr. Don
elly's Blacksmith and Wagon Shop where he has
prepared himself to do any and all machine work
without exception. He luu a Nu. 1 Lathe can
turn in wood. iron, steel, and all other metal li
connection with inaehine work. He can do any
thing required in a gunsmith, even to making a
gun. of which we have the evidence In a Pat.
breach loader throwing one two or three balls at
once at will of the gunner.
Mr (Jeo. W. Shrader a farmer near Rock Rlnffs
an old acquaintance of Mr. Kinser from Virgin
la can be refered to Iu regard to his fonncrcon
nectlon with the manufacture of threshing ma
chines. Giva Mr. Kinsrr a call and will insure
you satisfactory work on any part of a Thresh
ing Machine. 52-in6.
hnnnCan't be made bv every agent every
UUlJriioiitli in the business we furnish, but
(i)uUUt''ose willing to work can easily earn a
dozen dollars a day right in theii own localities.
Have no room to explain here. Business pleas
ant and honorable. Women, boys and girls do
as well as men. We will furnish you a complete
outfit free. The business pay better than any
thing else. We will hear expense mt starting
you. Particulars free. Write and see. Farm
ers and mechanics, their sons and daughters,
and all classes In need of paying work at home,
should write to us and laaru allahout the work
at once. Now in the time. Ion't delav. Ad
dress tiue a Co.. Augusta, Maine.
Farmers Improve Your StOck.
We were the first to Introduce this very wortnr Yartety of swln mf this eountrv
tested them thoroughly and we are convinced they are by xar tha most valuable breed for the
farmers of this country for the following reasons :
Early maturity, quiet disposition, good breeders, good mothers, and the very best breed ta
The w - rid to cross with the large coarse breeds, giving litem beauty of form, tcnprovliiz their
faitening mialities, and greatly improving the quality of the hams, which are not exce.Jed bv
any other breed. 1 heir color is black, the skin is perfectly smooth, and verv tain and wbito
be.nce they have no scurf or skin disease which white bogs are sure to get In a black soil coun
try, and they are not nufrjut to chiora in cnumon with other swine. They arc the largest of
the small breeds, making from three to four huudreu Jbs ia one year sometime reach too or
700 pounds and can be fatted at any age.
We have now a very choice lot of nigs from lx different Importations, and are prepared to
mate pit. properly for breeding, and warrsat every plf pure wex or no tale.
MAKUFACrunu or
y. -
Plattsmouth, Xi:b.
this op-envex3
Possesses the Following Suptriorit
1. It U nev,T affected by frost requiring iio
tapping, raising of the handle or other care.
2. it starts with lUu tlcl or second motion ot
the handle, and the now ceases the moment yoa
stop, leaving tut drimgs taforui maud or lee iu
winter, on and around the platform.
3. It thoroughly ventilats rh well, riddinc
It of foul air.
4. It eaves Its cost every year io labor ; it run
o easy
5. It Is Invaluable In ease of fire aa engiuo
e er read- at your door.
6. The cy Under being of stone, and glared ot
the liiHid. is cittu glass, and imimui stronger ;
there Is no slime or illlii ever collecting on it.
7. The well require ut clcaikiiig out alter unv
ot these pumps is set In one that Is cleau.
a. it combines both the atmospheric aud fore
principle, which gives it an equal pressure on
the water, throwing a steady Htreain. both illi
tbe up and down motion of the handle.
9. This pump al ays brings cool water from
the start, the wiiU-rstaudiiiH below the platform
in a stone cylinder.
10. The buckets may be removed at any tituo
without moving the pump or platform.
The wHl tluvw fiowi lllty W.seuty-flve feet
fcom the end of a lwse from, well up. to sixty
feet deep-, wrth onenaixt power.
They are atou very useful Ur washing carria
ges, windows, sprinkling lawns. &.r.
East of Platte Valley (louse.
In tho Town,
Good Teams AtuKiys. on Hand.
CarefQl Drivers sent with car
riages if desired.
Carriages sent to Depot to meet all train
whenever ordered.
Funerals attended and carriages furnished to
friends. Address, J. W. SHANNON.
42-ly Pllattsmouth. Neb.
O rs ft
.4 Ih
5' 2
rt- i ZT. O
o ? a 9
P 5"?
M 2
S3 t
3 CD
Lounges, Tables, Bedsteads
vie. etc., a-rc.
Of All Descriptions.
L slr A - fc. - ' . ,
Of all sizes, really made and sold cheap for cash.
With many thanks for past patronage. I lnvl t
invite, ail to call and examine ray
40tf. FlltXITI'HK AMI) corriKg.
mi' 'tii'ii