Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 24, 1877, Image 3

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Transient. 25 cents a line. Ke:uJar advenis
rv m events it lino. 'o adveilhremeiit tusert
3 lor lew than 2" cents.
Leijal notices fit Statute rates.
Attorneys and oihcers of the law will be neld
re.roiislbi"e for nU !e;ral notices they hand in,
sunt all parties demanding a proof of publica
tion of any notice will be held lur tliu vublica
tion foe oi sach notice.
Asnnrsp.U'C is limited, all eoi.imiinieii'lons
-mm be brief and to the ioiut, with no m jiaIu
irf winds.
The paper is refpousib'e for the correctness
according to copy of paid matter and paid Le
gals, only.
1. Any person who take the paper regularly
from the nos' -office, whether uree'ed to his
immc, or whether lie is a subscriber or not is
responsible for the pav.
Z. If any person oriieis his paper discontin
ued, he miisi pay nil arrearages, or the punlisli
er may continue to send it until payment is
m.ulo.Aiid coilect I lit whole amount, whether
the paier is tnVi"ii from the nhice or not.
.'5. the courts have derided ttiat refusing to
take newsnaiMTs and ierioilieals from the post
othce, or removim; and b .iviinr them uncalled
for. is Jacic, evidence of lSTEXiio-NAt.
B. & M. R.'R. Time Table.
dt reeled Sunday, April 1st, 1377.
Leaves o :Ar, a. m. Arrives 8 :.V a. m.
" l' :M p. in. " t :C p. in.
Leaves '. : a. m. Arrives 10 :?1 a. m.
0 :) p. in. ' T :tj p.
Leases Plattsmouth 9 : to a. m. Arrives Lin
voin, 12 -10 p. in. ; Arrives Kearney, 8 :( p. m.
Freight leaves 7 :10 a. m. Ar. Lincoln 12 :'J5 p.m.
Leaves Kearnev. :!0 a. ni. Leaves Lincoln,
12 :!. p. in. Arrives rialtsinoiith. 3 p. m
Freight leaves Lincoln 11 :'.r, a. m. Arrives
i'luttsiiionth, t :1- 1. lib
V.x press. G a. in.
Passenger, Uraia each day; 3 :.V i. in., except
Saturday. Kvery third Saturday a train con
nects l the usual time.
Arrive at - 0 :.T0 a. ia.
Depart at - ::mi a. m.
a :uo p. in.
2 :15 p. in.
0 :00 a. in.
2 :00 p. in.
Ai rive at 10 :30 a. in. Depart at
Arrive at - 3 :15 p. m. 1 Depart at
Arrive at 12 :oo m. i Depart at -
Arrive at 12 :iK m. i Depart at - 1 :00 l. m
Go to Sell nd Teacher's for horse
shoeing, a few less than C.000 horses
shod every day now.
It. Poniicdly is one of tlie best black
smiths in the country, and his shop is
al wars full of customers.
Another new supply of fine .Salt at
y-:t J. v. w's.
Young's New Foaatala.
J. Pli. Young, PosfOmce book Store
has opened a bran new Soda Fountain.
The most sparkling of drinks, free
from all harm only cents a glass,
Ladies" Suits, warranted all Linen,
liidn -X'0 up, at
i--t J. V. V,"s.
The 1': oncer rfoeity of Cass County
will hold their semi-annual meeting in
the Court House, at one. tl) p. in., next
Saturday. May 20t!i. A full Rttend
anee is retpicsted.
J. A. MacMi iu-hv,
Bass' Bottled Ale al
KKF.NAX & (JitACi.'s
Families supplied by the dozen or
;aiv other (juantity.
Fine Liouors Vholesale and Betail.
y ot.
Faint your houses with cottage col
ors kept by Chapman and Glas.
Get your Tobacco and Cigars of
CiiAr.MAN Glass.
y t- They keep the best.
A full line of
all 'colors, just received at
y-Jt. J. V- W's
Fine calf boot mado to order for the
low price of .'J.-jO at Merges.
I would inform the public that I
have purchased this stand and that I
will kvep the best of Liquors. J Jeer,
and Cigars constantly on hand.
Gi:o. Fd(;ki:tox
Call and set; the Gents line French
calf Shoes of the latest styles made to
order for i.!0,at.
tf. MEKUKs.
Flesh Miiavavkli: Bleu,
and other refits".. monts at
Kore Clothing.
In older to sell the stock on hand
.Hi J. to help close out another stock of
goods at the same time, Stadelmann
will receive this week about S",000 of
new clothing, suitable for spring and
summer wear. The whole stock must
be sold, and now is the time to pur
chase cheap suits.
Messrs. Streight & Miller wish to
call the attention of their customers
to the fact that it is customary to close
tip accounts at the commencement of
the year. As they aiv expected to pay
their bills it follows that they must
have funds to pay with. They would
therefore notify their customers who
have been accommodated to harness
and other goods, that they will be ex
pected to call and settle their aeecounts
at their earliest convenience. Their
stock of harness and other goods in
that line is complete, and all wanting
anything in their line will find it to
their ad vantage, to give them a. call. A
full stock of groceries also kept con
stantly on hand. 4otf
Here's Your Chance.
For liiee furniture, must be sold to
make room for more, come now and
get your house furnished at low rates.
And Bed room sets at low figures.
Now cr never.
II. B.r;0k.
The miners iu 'Buttery Gulch."
lire still enthusiastic over "Josephine."
See Dr. Black's notice about Grange
note and grange plows for sale.
Old Settlers meeting next Saturday
at 1 p. m.
We learn from Mr. Sam'l Blchardsou
that Mrs. Carey, a daugthtef of Lr.
Boot of Fight Mile Grove, died of
measles and was buried there on Mon
day last.
John Boone, the Barber, has got
;r very handsome new chromo. "The
old Kentucky Home." It looks very
natural and represents scenes fast pass
ing awav.
The following named gentlemen,
members of the Lincoln Sportsmen
Clul , attended the state tournament:
F. Ilaliett, Gc:i. J. C. Mo-Bride as dele
gates. Mr. Linch of Mt. Pleasant was in
Monday. He reporta the hoppers as
taking fast out there, and thinks had
they sown small small grain for them
to eat they would have saved the corn.
"; Hull.
The match game of Base Ball for the
prize of a fine ball, as advertised last
week, was played on Saturday after
noon ou the grounds near the high
school, and resulted in the Bliy?
St.,rs making ly runs, and the Quick
Steps making 77 runs, thereby carrying
off the prize from their less fortunate,
but equally plucky competitors.
Ourntighlor town Louisville hrs
a man who will furnish you with a No.
1 wagon "The Bain" cheap. He also
keeps a full stock of dry and fancy
groceries and general mechaudize.
S. F. Bock well is the man,
Call and see him when you can.
The meeting of the committee to
test grasshopper machines at Eight
Mile Grove on Saturday hist was not
successful owing to the stormy weath
er. The committee have consequently
appointed Saturday the 0th of June
for a further trial.
Grasshopper Meeting.
Owing to the unfavorable weather
the meeting appointed at Eight Mile
Grove on Suturdey last for the trial of
grasshopper machines is postponed
until three weeks from that time, or
the 'Jth of June, when a more com
plete trial will be made.
We stopped into Dovey's the other
day and George wasjujt as happy down
town as could bp. Says they will move
up into the new store in about two
We thank the gentlemen of the
sportsmen's club for a very kind invi
tation to meet with them o:i Tuesday
evening and regret exceedingly that
sickness alone prevented our accepting
the in vital ion.
Our acknowledgements are due to
our live agricultural machine men
Messrs Buffner & Black and also Fred
Gorder for promptly coining to our as
sistance in our time of need financially,
success to them.
We le 'i n that Messrs J. A. Conner,
Frank White, Jr., and Wm. D.irrah
have organized for the purpose of
opening a grain trade with the Black
Hills and -will immediately ship a
number of cars loaded with grain.
Frank will attend to the B. II. end.
Success to your enterprise, boys.
The Ladies of the Catholic Church
opened their festival in the Fitzgerald
hall on Tuesday evening. Wo are told
the first night opened bravely. Will
give report in our next.
Our city was favored cn Monday
evening with a first class musical treat,
by the Orchestra, under the direction
of Prof. Hoffman, of Omaha, assisted
ly Mrs. D.W.Griffey of Council Bluffs.
Mrs. J. E. Edwards of Omaha, wife of
the business manager of the troupe
was unfortunately unable to sing, and
we can assure our people they missed
a treat, as we had the pleasure of hear
ing her at rehearsal in the afternoon.
The whole entertainment was unexcejH
tior.aule. The selections by the orches
tra were of a high order and rendered
with a nicety of expression that defies
criticism. Prof. Hoffman's violin solos
w ere executed with fine expression and
remarkable skill. Mrs Griffey's Tacea
La ZIotte Pku ida was greatly applaud
ed, and for an encore she sang the beau
tiful old Scotch ballad ' Coming Thro'
the Bye" in a very pleasing manner,
Mrs. G's. "Ecstacy Waltz" was also en
cored, and she gave in a very effective
and artistic manner "Tlie Nightingales'
Trill." Our music loving citizens lost
a treat in not turning out en masse to
such an entertainment. The audience,
though not as large as could have been
wL.hed, was highly appreciative, and
hope the Professor may some time give
us another concert.
Oii Settlers Society.
The semi-annual meeting of the Pio
neers of Cass County takes place next
Saturday, in the Court House, at 1 p.
m. It is very important that this meet
ing should be well attended. In addi
tion to the regular busiuess of the soci
ety another matter will come up. Judge
Childs is now having printed, at the
Hf-KALD office the Centennial History
of Plattsmouth and Cass County; it is
proposed to add the records of the Old
Settlers Society also, as the binding and
other expenses, (type setting excepted)
will be but little more. There are
about half funds enough now in hand
to do this. Those who feel interested
ought to come out Saturday and fix
this matter at once.
Ladies Attention.
All kind of hair work done ia the
latest style. Cuttings 20 cts. an ounce.
Combings 50 cts. an ounce. Vi'oik
! guaranteed to give satisfaction.
I 'Jtl Axxa CnociCEit
Saunders House, Flatlsiaouth, Neb.
New Furniture! New Furniture!
At Henry Boeck's down town, Ite
member the place (Dovey's old stand.)
Back is prepared to sell furniture very
low for cash. In his new place he is
determined to push trade, and only
wants a chance to sell and no one will
go away dissatisfied.
The Herald was complaining of
Ilheumatism the other day and an Ohio
man asked us, "Did you ever wear a
Buck-eye, they are good for the health."
That mnst be what President Hayes
is after in his Civil Service rules. If
Buck-eyes are good for the health they
ought to bs terribly healthy about
"Washington just now.
SoLi Water! Soda Water!
Nice, cool, fresh, at Buttery's old
stand. All sorts of pure syrups ami an
excellent fountain. Call and see and
Henry Boeck, the furniture man,
having got fairly moved into his per
manent, new quarters, (opposite Don
elan's Drug Store) is now prepared to
furnish everybody with household
goods at the cheapest rates ever known.
Go and see Henry and he will almost
give you bedsteads and things ho is so
happy that he is done moving.
All the new Soda Fountains in
town opened last week.
Our old friend and Soda Stand by Mr
Buttery opened up livtly.a string of
youths of both sexes thronged the door
way and filled the street. Phil Youug
opened about the same time, and the
little rogues, some of them, just pass
ed from one to tother claiming it as
"the fust time" to each until both
fountains were about empty.
Mike Schnellbacher and Bob Don
nelly must be doing a good business,
and tl.ey are the kind of men tve like
to deal with. The reason they do a
good business is because they advertise
and the reason we like them is because
we can get our money when it is due.
That's our kind of men every day in
the week.
"The Young American" came to
Ijand this week from .Lincoln; editor.
Frank Hathaway, Esq. Uncle Hatha
way looked as pleased as a new father,
and the Herald only wishes Master
Frank had put in for the editorship of
tlie excursion paper this week.
L. Patterson the grasshopper com
mittee man, has a good joko on the
IIekald. lie says we agreed last fall
to send him the Herald for 5'Jc.s.,
until Election was over and stopped
it in December. Patterson claims elec
tion was not over until the President
was electod; this spring, an I he ought
to have tin paper until inauguration
day, as nothing was certain until then.
We submit to a board of arbitration
seven from Bock Mu lis and eight from
Plattsmouth. If the eight go "agiu" us
we'll send him the paper one year, free
Tlie Black Hills.
A steamer of the above name went
up the river Monday, It looked migh
ty good to see freight unlo.i led ou the
river here once more we tell yon and
every one turned out to witness the
unusual spectacle.
Chapman and Glas, had a large bill
of goods by this boat which were un
shiped here.
Several of our townsmen leave
this morning for the Black Hills coun
try; prominent among whom are, D.
Schnasse, Gen. E. E. Cunningham, A.
Sehleigel, Win. Bennett and Alonzo
Cunningham. Fred. Dorrington starts
in a day or two, via Denver.
Doctors are plenty about Eight Mile,
we learn. Our old friend Mr. McCon
key has gone into the business lafely,
at least that's what an 8 Miler told us
'ast week.
Fred Dorrington has just got back
from Denver where he has been buy
ing Quartz) o (mills) and things.
Our Gleiidale Letter is a very pleas
ant chatty newsy letter just such as
we want and we are very much oblig
ed to the writer and need more.
D. C. Fleming, of Weeping Water,
called on the Herald last Thursday
just after we had gone toPre.
John Curry, Western Marble Works,
Lincoln, came down to see us last week.
Ho traded horses with Parmele, of
Col.JYanatta has just returned from
Iowa aud all over. The Col. is jubilant
over so much fresh water this spring.
Thinks it will kill all the hoppers.
x Julius Pepperberg, our enterprising
and enthusiastic councilman and cigar
man, is getting ready for something
this fall. We know it by his eye.
. Herman Newman, "Shorty," our old
acquaintance, looking splendid, visited
us Monday. He lives at Creston, Iowa
The Misses Kimball, of Omaha, have
been visiting Capt. and Mrs. Palmer
this city.
Chapman & Glas, received a large in
voice of goods by the "Black Hills"
Cal Moore is just the boss mushroom
hunter, beats anybody.
Captain O'Bourke hurt his eye very
seriously last week, by running a stick
from a flower pot into the ball, as he
was stooping to lift the same.
Mr. Chet Smith has gone east on bu
siness to be gone 3?veril weeks.
Those persons knowing themselves
indebted to Clark and I'iummcr and
others for what is known as the Grange
Plow will please call and settle with
! the undersigned immediately and save
costs as I have obtained sole control
of all the assets.
A few more plows in good order for
sale cheap for-cash or on approved se
curity. ' E. W. Black.
You can get all the perfumery and
fine toilet soap you want at Chapman
Council Proceedings.
Council Chamber, May 19th.
Council met in regular session. May
or in the chair. Couucilmen present,
Vallery, Dovey, Wells, Guthmann and
Dorrington, Clerk and Marshal.
Minutes of last meeting read and ap
proved. Petition of Geo. Edgerton asking for
license to sell liquors for six months
was read, and after some debate the
rules were suspended, and petition
granted, and lhvsc to issue on pay
ment of d into the treasury.
Cla:m of U. V. Mathews for 0 14.50,
Vallery for school tax St. and W. F.
Morrison were referred to finance Com
mittee. Committee on streets report that the
bridge on 2d street is in an unsafe con
dition, and offered a resolution author
izing the street commissioner to build
approaches on south side to said bridge,
and on motion the resolution was adop
ted. Councilman Dorrington urged that
the Marshal attend to the fixing of
sidewalks throughout the city.
Marshal's report read. Beported six
arrests for past month, each one work
ed out his line. Money collected for
past month, 4? 10.
On motion report was referred to fi
nance committee.
Couneilman'Dovey stated that by an
error in paying his tax for 1S75, ho had
failed to pay as much as he shovld by
about 3t;0, and wanted to know if Po
lice fund warrants would bo accepted
for said amount. On motion it was re
ferred to committee on claims.
Councilman Wells called for the read
ing of the dog Ordinance, which was
accordingly read. After a lengthy dis
cussion it was laid over.
Mayor called the attention of the
Council to the special fund, and stated
that there was no cash in that fund,
aiid some warrants standing out drawn
on said fund.
Councilman Wells offered a resolu
tion authorizing City Treasurer to
transfer from various funds, the sum
of $12,0Gy to the special fund. Besolu
tion adopted.
Moved that report of judiciary com
mittee at last meeting in regard to de
struction of the bonds be taken
up carried.
Moved to indefinitely postpone fur
ther action on said report lost.
Councilman Dovey here made a tell
ing speech on the financial question,
and especially upon the bond question,
showing by statistics and figures that
the issuing of bond by this city was a
ruinous scheme. Councilman Guth
mair took the opposite side of the ques
tion, andspoke with some warmth.
Dorrington thought the city could not
issue those bonds for any other pur
pose than for paying the city indebted
ness which existed at the time of the
issuing of said bonds.
Councilman Y ells thought that the
council dare not destroy the f unding
Councilman Vallery thought that t e
bonds were no more than the note of
the Mayor and council, same as an in
dividual note is the property of the
maker while in his possession.
Wells offered as an amendment that
Mayor be authorized to detach and de
stroy all coupons now due on bonds on
hand lost.
Vote on the original motion to adopt
the report of the judiciary committee
was carried. Yeas being Dovey, Dor
rington, Pepperberg and Vallery. Nays
Wells and Gulhman.
Moved that Mr. Ariall be allowed a
license upon the same terms that other
parties had carried.
Mayor informed Council that he had
appointed Mr. Scott as a sj t cial police
man at the B. & M. depot, without pay
from the city.
Finance committee reported favora
bly ou bill of Finisher for labor, and
Vallery as trustee for school house used
for election purposes.
Moved that the account of. W. Ben
nett for clerk of this council be allow
ed carried.
Moved to adjourn till next regular
meeting carried.
CAREY At Ei-ht Mile Grove on Sunday, at 3
p. ni., Ella Carry, wife of Charles Carey.
The funeral took ilace ou Monday at 3 iu the
Deceased was the daughter of Dr., of
EiLt Mile drove. She was taken with the mea
sles in the first place, caught cold and it oon
ended in consumption.
The best and largest stock of
in the county, bound to be sold mt for
cash. (4tf) Peter Merges.
Early Seed.
The Early San ford Seed corn for
sale at Buffner & Black's this corn will
mature if planted early in July and
yields equal to the old dent. St7.
The millinery department of Messrs.
Solomon & Nathan, is particularly full
and complete this season. Their con
nection with their wholesale house at
St. Joe gives thein advantage over all
smaller dealers. They propose furnish
ing that class of goods in greater vari
ety, and at lower prices, than any
house on this side of the Missouri Riv
er. otf
A rcw C'.ty oidtis Ivf stt:c.
sprinj; i.-i a tryiiij; reason. Indieations of wi k
uosH should be at onee attended to. dis
eases may be caused by allow ln tlie bowels to
in'come constipated and tlie .system to remain
iu a disordered condition, initil the disorder lia.
time to develop itself. An or:nee of prevention
is worth a pound of euro, i.s aa old and truthful
saying. Therefore we advise all who are troub
led with the com plaint- now very prevalent
headache lud!''siioii, disordered liver, want of
appetite, nausea, or feverish skin, to take, with
out delay Seheuek's Mandrake pills. We know
of no remedy so harmless aniL decisive in its
in Its aetien. it at once strike t o the root of
the disease and produces a healthy tone to the
systenin. J'e.itile never need sniler from any
disease arising from a disordered eonditiou of
the liver if they would take this excellent med
icine when they feel the riist indications of tne
malady. Families leaving home for the sum
mer i iths should take t liree or four boxes of
these pills alomj with them. Tl.ey have an nl
lliost iiistaueoiis effect.- They wiil lelieve the
patient of headache in one or two hours, ami
will rapidly ele;o:se the liver of suiioundii'i;
bile, ami will effectually prevent a bilious attack.
They are.sol j by all di uisis.
SALT i?2 25 per bbl., at
Gti. at SeiiXA.ssi: & GnAMBEUG's!
Best assortment of
in the City cheap as the cheapest
Ct4. at Sciixasse & GitAMIlELU's
New cake pan, enquire at the Her
ald office. "it.
For Sale at a Bargain.
one block south of Main Street
Full line of every kind of goods at
tlie Store of J. V. Weckbach, which his
army of clerks are dispensing as fast as
they can hand over the goods. tf.
Nothing short of unmistakable bene
fits conferred upon tens of thousands
of sufferers could originate and main
tain the reputation wi.icli Aykk'sSak
sai'ARILLA enjoys. It is a compound
of the best vegetable alteratives, with
the Iodides of Potassium and I ron, and
is the most effectual of all remedies
for scrofulous, mercurial, or blood dis
orders. Uniformly successful and cer
tain in its remedial effects, it produces
rapid a :d complete cures of Scrulula,
Sores, Boils, Humors, Pimples, Erup
tions. Skin Diseases and all disorders
arising from impurity of blood. By its
invigorating effects it always relieves
and often cures Liver Complaints, Fe
male Weaknesses and Irregularities,
and is a potent renewer of vitality. For
purifying the blood it lias no equal; it
tones up the system, restores and pre
serves the health, and imparts vigor
and energy. For forty years it lias
been in extensive use, and is to-day the
most available medicine for the suffer
ing sick, everywhere.
For Sall: bv all Dealers.
We have made arrangements to have
Magazines, Medical and Law reports,
and oilier pamphlets bound. Apply
at the Herald oiliee. tf
12 14 & 10 yds., for 81
Ct4. tit Sciixasse & GitAMiiEno's.
(let your calling cards at the Herald
Latest styles of card board and papers.
Get your Magazines bound.- Now is
vour time. At the Heeald office, tf.
,"J ulius Pepperberg, Cigar Manufac
turer, on Main St.. PiaitMnouth, Neb.
Cigar Clippings of Sjaiiish and Ameri
can Tobaccocs for smoking purposes.
For S'ile. Best utilities of piug-smok-;ng
tobacco always on hand. X2u-tf.
St. Louis Buck Bleu
and the genuine
Milwaukee Lager Beer
to be found at theO. K. Saloon
8to Ed Bosuxcaum, propr.
Binding done at the Herald office.
To loan on improved farms in Cass County, at
lowrateof interest. Applications solicited,
l'lattsmouth, .March 177. J. X. Wis,!
If your lungs are irritated, oppressed
and sore, no method of treatment wiil
compare with inhaling tlie lrot vapors
of Tar. The ".-dilution of Forest Tar"
with inhaler, is the only preparation
of Tar for this purpose. T-t 1
Wedding Bristol card board at the
Herald office.
Early Seed corn (Sun ford) at Buff
ner & Black's. 8tT.
If you want to get your chimneys
cleaned or your stove polished, call on
Chas. Brown, or leave orders at John
Boone's barber shop, at any hour of the
day or night. 2.0 cents a stove and 50
cents a llue. 4Ctf
Old newspapers for sale at the IIi:n
ALD ofiice. Toe per hundred.
Have you seen the Centennial Panel
pieces, painted by Frank Stadter, and
on exhibition at Carruth'sV 4itf.
Team of huge horses, harness and
wagon for sale at a bargan. Enquire
at Sage Bros.
A new American and a new AVilson
for sale at the Herald Ollice.
New goods! new goods! at Stadel
man's. See notice elsewhere. Two
stoc :s in one. Must be sold. -912
Two stocks in one, to be sold for. cash,
at Stadelmann's. 0t2
Our lady trimmer is an experienced
artiste and can trim in any stvle desir
ed. 5-tf. Solomox & Natiiax.
J. V. Weckbach will pay in cash or
goods the highest market price for any
amount of potatoes. t)tf
Bosciiee'iS German Syrup can now
be purchased right tit home, it i- the
most successful preparation ever in
tioduced to our people. It works like
a charm in all cases of consumption,
Pneumonia. Hemorrhages. Asthma,
severe coughs. Croup and other throat
aud Lung diseases. No person has ev
er used this medicine without immed
iate relief, yet there are a great many
poor, suffering, skeptical persons going
about our streets with a suspicious
cough, and the voice of consumption
coming from their lungs, that will not
try it. If you die it is your own fault,
as vou can go to your Pruists in
Plattsmouth and got a Sample Bottle for J
10 cents and try it; three doses will j
relieve anv case. Begular size oulv 73 I
cents. 30-tf.. I
The largest ami best assortment of
tit New York prices
Ct 1. at Scnx.vssi: & Gn imcer;s.
v. r.
i-l airtl Miss X:-!!f
S'loi t liav:
1 io
n:iki;iir liusiot'
and v.
'li.-H tt Hill i: lll.i-.r- 111 11.. ilk i't l 'l 1 ll I T 'i II
III... ti. .. i ..1 ...... t '. .1.. -. t 1 I ii. '.II . ..f .
Elster, one door west of Hie Saunders
House. Satisfaction giiai'aiucea and chnrsres
iritier.ite. 'i
Tll3 latHSt. glCattSt, and nmst re
liable remedy ever put together by medical .sci
ence for K lieu ui.i t ism. 01:111 swel'.iii js. Hums,
Caked 1. reast, tve.. is the Centaur i.t'iiiuent.
There ariT two kinns V. Iiat tlie While Lini
ment is for t lie liuiiian l.iiinly. t he st romrer kind,
which i.s yellow in color, i- for -pavincd. lame
and strained lioises and animals. Their tliecis
are wonderful.
Mothers wlio have eak and i it; i able
child; en. can secure healt h for the children and
re,r tor thenis.ilvcs by u-iiur I r. fitcher'i Ca-'-toria.
It. contains iio'iuorphmc or ynvt iiitiy; in
j vi 1 ions. His a pb-asant to tnlte as honey, and
is certain to cure Wind Colic, regulate the bow
els ami expel woiiii-. Eor Teoiiii-iij children
there is nothing like Casloiia. idtlJ
J'L VI TK, IKKli'K Cll I I K M.
OMAHA, Nt.t:.. May sth, 1677. I
CIEALeD JMHM'OSALS. in triplicate, under the
k- usual conditions, will be received at this of
fice oMil L' o'clock. M.. Tuesday the l'Jth day
of .Line, 177, or at the same hour, (allow im for
dilVerehce in lime i at the olliees of the ( luai ter
inasters at tlie following named stations, at
which places ami time they v id be opened ia
presence of bidders, for furnishing and iteiiveiy
of llay. diirimr the year commenciier July 1. ls
77. anil eliding .lune.iti, 17;. as may l.e ivouiivd
at O.naha Depot, Omaha liavraelcs, Kort Hart
sull. Fort Mcl'heisou. North Platte, siduev Jiar
racks. Cheyenne Depot. Fort 1. A. Russell, Fort
Sanders. Fort Fr- d Steele. Fort Ih idyer. I'ort
liall. Camp Domjhis. Fort Cameron. Camp I.'ob
inson. t amp Sheridan. Foft Laramie. Fort Fet
teinian. Cantonment Reno, Camp Stainbauh,
and Camp I'.rown.
Proposals for a ouarctity less than the whole
will be received, the I bivcriimeut reserves the
riht to reject any or all proposals, and to ac
cept proposals in part if deemed advantageous
unless delivery as a whole i conn it loued in Hie
bids. A preference will be given to articles of
domestic pi od net ion. I'.lank proposals and
printed circulars staling the kind and I'stimal
ed iuanlities of May required at each station,
and tiivinc full instruct ions as to the manner of
liiduinJ?. coiidii ions to be observed by bidders,
and terms of contract and payment, will be fur
nished on application to this olnce. or the Quar
termasters at t!je various stations named.
Envelopes coniaitiiiiir the proposals should be
tn..rked. i'lopoals for Hay at " and ad
dressed to tlie iindersiened. or to the respective
I'ost and Depot tuartermastcrn.
M. I. Lviunotox,
811 Chief Ouarieriua.-iLcr.
Every fashionable shade of silk for
trimmings, and also every fashionable
shape of hat, can be seen at Solomon &
Nathan's emporhihi. otf
closing out::
The most elegant and best line of
of all grades, including a most beauti
ful assortment of
of different colors in the market.
To be closed out for cash. I'eason,
change of business. (4tf) P. Merges.
Legal Notice.
Iu the m-oier of the elate of Welhe'mine Mer
lon, decea -ed. riefore W. II. .Sewed. County
J udse. 111 and for Cas County iu'ui;
To V;o ( nii'.y conant:
Xotice is hereby tiven th'it William Men ens
has filed an application in the Coi-ntv Court, ia
and lor t a-.s t'ounty, Ni u., to have .iaeoh al
jery Sr.. appointed auminist rat or of the ehtai e
of W 1 iiielniiiie Merlens. deceased, m il said
caue si t for hearing at the ofliceof the Comi
ty Jude. in I'laltsmoiti !i, on the ltli day of
June, A. D. Is77. at 10 o'clock: a. m. of said d:iy,
at which Time1 an I place all persons iiiieresLjd
may apjs'ui and sloov cause if anv they have,
why the'saiil Jacob Vallery Sr. should not be ap
pointed such administrator of paid estate.
i; ii -ss in v inrin! at l'l:Utsiuouth, -Neb., this
2lsl tiav of .'.lay, A. D. L-,77.
W'ji. 11. XKVK.r.L,
St2 County Judjje.
Legal Notice.
In the County Com t. vt it bin and for Cass Coiiii
ty. - In the "mat ier of the estate oi" Andrew
Siiiriii, decease'.!.
To ulium il m.iy (onctrii:
Takw notice that the final report of Mathias
Spohn administrator of the estate of Andrew
Si urnl. deceased, has been liled in my ollice. ami
thai. 1 have appointed Jane tuli. A. D. is77. ai
one o'clock p. m. as the tiair and place of exam
ination of such report, at my olliet: in rhttts
iiioiith. Nebra.s';a, at wnieh lime and place all
persons interested may appear and show cause
if any they have, why'saui report should not be
ree ived and a' as and for the final report
and account of said v. .ImtHisi r.Uor, and the said
Mailii;' ? Spohn. admini- trator, he discharged.
In tesiimonv whereof 1 have hereunto set my
hand this .'1st day of U;:y, a. D. is.7.
Wsi. 11. Xk.wki.l.
M t rs Oounty Jiule.
Legal Notice.
In the matter of the estate of I. ,T. Smith, de
ceased. Rehire Win. 11. New ell. County J udge
in and for Cat's County, Xeb.
To iclunn it iihhj concern .-
Xotice is hereby friven that Daniel Smith has
tiled an application in the t'ounty 'ourt, iu and
for ' ass county, Xeb., I be appointed adminis
trator of the estate of 1. .1. Sniii ti, deceased, and
said cause is set for hearing at tne of! ice of the
County .Iud!;e, in l'ial Isieoiit h, on t lie first day
Ol'.lll ie, A. D. l.-i?7. at cue o'clock p. ia. ot said day
at which time and place ail persons interested
may appear and show cause if any they have,
W hy liie said Daniel Smith, should not be ap
pointed such administrator, as maved lor m
sanl application. Witness mv hand this Hilt
day of .May, A. D. 177, at i 'la! u. Xeb.
Vt .vi. 11. .N kwki.i.,
8t3 County J udj:e.
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the nmler-ined on the 27th day
of April A. my residence 3 miles south
of Elmwood, in Stove 4 reek Precinct in the Co.
of Cass, and sUct e of Xebraska. to w it : one steer
color white, lame id ri'.'ht fore foot, lihl car
slit, left ear cropped, ami supposed to be four
years old this spring, and of the Te.xas stock.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of two executions, issued l v th-"
Clerk of the District Court, of the Second Judi
cial District, within and lor Cas County. Xe
braska. and to it le directed. I will on tlie 4! h day
of June. A. D. ls77. at It o'clock, a. m.. of saiu
day. at the sunt h door of the Court House, i
the City of I'lattsinoatli. i:i said county, sell at
juiblie auction I lie following real estate", to-w it :
The seal Ii-west ii:irterisw i of section six fi)
in town ten (bo nort li ranu-e-ttiipteen (1.!). east
of the Oth 1. M., in C ass Co., X - b. 'l iie s.uiirt
beiri't levied upon and taken as the property of
allery it RuiTncr. defendants ; to satisfy a
ud.-cmeut of said Court, i ceo. t.vd by T. 1J. Vcl
r Co.. plaintiff.
Hall. -mouth. Xeb., Mav 2d, A. D. Is77.
015 M. Ii. t'l-TLKa, .Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
R- virtue of an execii'ion. issued by 1 he Clerk
of I lie Dist ri-. t 'ourt, 'Jd -f i . Disii h i. u it h
iu and lor Cass Count y Nebraska. and to me di
rected, I will on the tisih day of May, A. D. 1S77,
at In o'clock, a. m.. of sanl day. at liie south door
of the Court Hou-'e. in the city of l'lattsmouth,
in said Couniy, s. H at puolie auction the follow
in;r real estate, to-wit : Lot one ililot two cu
lot 'three CM bd four ( i lot live 101 lot six (ii) lot
seven (7) lot eb-tht (s) bt nine (' and lot ten (pi)
All in section tweive (I'J) town twelve (12) north
!of r;'.n,e thirteen ( 13) ea-i of the (ith P. .L, as
shown by the plat of W heatlyand Hhii-iama.
Mn kclwait. on file iu the County Cbrks odice
of Cass county Nebraska. I shall commence
with lot one O i and sell enough of these lots to
satisfy thi execution and cost. Each lot con
tains aboil t'.vo acres, 'liie same beiii levied
ujioti and taken as the property of Wheatly
.Mickehvait. defendant : to satisfy a jiid:;inei t
of said Court, recovered by John D.TuU. piaiiitil.
Platlshioulh, Xeb., April e-s . 1). is77.
Oir, M. It. Ccttlkis, Sheriff..
Sheriff's Sale.
Iy virtue of three executions issued by the
Cork of the 1 list net Court of the Second Ju
dicial Diflfiei. within and for Ca- Countv,
Nebraska, and to me directed. I w ill ou the iih
day tit J line A. D. 1 s77, t 10 o'clock. A. M.. of
sahrday. at toe south door of I he Court House,
in the City ot Ptattsiiiouth, iu said Coiii'ty. fell
at public Miction the follow ia real estate, to
v il :
Lots 7 A S in block 1 in l'lattsmouth city in Ca-s
ICo. Neb., also
w J of lots s.t 0 " 31 '
sw' jofiotlO - 31 ' " " '
j( tj " '! J
lots k & a . t '" -
lots !l. 11, & 12 " 7J 4
lots 7 A; 12 " s.-, ' "
i'ils4,S;a " ;V " ' "' " "
lot in -si;-, - " " " "
lot 12 '17' '
bus 1. 2. r. :. 7. in block 7, in Vomer .1
Hayes aerlilion to l'latlsmoiah ity. in said
county. The same bein levied Uoti and'takcK
as the property of Jacob Vallcrv, jr , ileleiidaht ,
to satisfy a iiidmeat of said ' uii't, recovered
bv Francis Marion Fox. plaimiif.
"PlaUsaiouUl, Xeb.. M-v 2d, A. D. 1-77.
O'j :i". i. Ctrl Kit, b::?rlf.
On or iilmut the month of Mu ch Usf i cor
f tin p.on.iso.y -.,(,. uiven by Kdw :ol'l if-'hc ami
payatdelo. Samuel l-.wi,,. both .,f ;as. eo,,ty
vlir:i h ... l r the s,.i oi l i. tidi ed ."id fitly
dollars, f !:' I A' i! i. I li. IsM. ami p.ijaide tlie ;
l-ria ei.l.ny 17-,. iieie 1- ei.'hir-cd upon I
the sai l note s.i.v;.ns. All persons are hereby i
warned against pm loh!r the -aid note : and I
any oei-son ir juoduciie :i'nl nut e w ili !
be .iocialy rewarded. Soil twisn.
l'iaUsiiunilh Mav '.'lth IsTT. !H
Henry iiceck
Has removed . the lo.ver part of M.otl s'aei t
n what was Dovey's Siore. His
Immense Stock of Furniture
is larger than lie. expected, and he
ail present ,s',ock on hand at .
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Remember the new stand down town, a !')
FOOT STt UK. Two stories full of fundi inc.
I'.cfore 1 pack it awav roid have to handle it
all over. I want to sell olf a ;:,d de..'.. Xj.v is
your time to buy.
In Pialt.!niouth, Xeb., ou Fourth St.. about the
yon will find :
Corn I:aril-j's, (Stand & horsoj
.Slillillg IIOVN,
;ind till kinds of Parm Imjdeinents and
Shelf Hardware, Tin Ware, X:e., Ac.
Hungarian and Millet.
Seed for Sale
&?7 .
Wagon. 7i ,, Miu-hinc util Plow re
pair hi j, uiti ' yaurul juUbin;;.
1 am now prepared to do a'l kinds of jcpa'ring
of farm an. 1 o! her machinery, as there
is a oe(ll lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
hastaUen charge of tlie waon shop.
He is well known as a
Xi'iv Wiiiomi id u;sie made to
Shop on Sixth s'ifecl. oy:site Streihl's Stable
Tke old 7.0NNEK STAItl.ES in Plattsmouth
Neb., have been leased by Dr. .bun s, and he
has opened a new and handsome livery in this
well known barn. The finest and best of horses
and carriages always ready to let.
Horses kept for Sale
or to Trade.
I desire to ?1ve notice that I have a lare.
handsome brick barn, with plenly of room lor
horses ami wa;rons. 1 can put farmers stock
an I wagons, loads of grain or anyth iu all un
der cover. II the drv. Heineniber Ibis.
Thankim; all mv o.' pations for their many
favwrs, I solicit their trade this coming year,
satisfied I can accommodate them better and do
better by tin ui tlian ever before. 3-yl.
GEO. W. KINS EH, & an old "'; n:ul ISiui
iser of 'S Li'CMliiii": rdachincM.
has opened a shop mi Sit h Street near Mr. fion
elly's ElacKsinit h and Va;iin Shop where he has
prepared himself to do any and all imrciiiiie work
wit limit exception. He has a No. 1 Lathe can
turn in wood, i rou, Steele, and all oi her metal ill
connection wirii machine work. He-can do any
tiling reiiuireit in a uuiisiuith. even to making a
;uii. of which we have Hie evidence in a Pal.
breach loader throw inn one two or tin ee balls at
once at ill of tlie truniicr.
.vlr (leo. W. Shrauer a farmer near Rock I'.luffs
an old acquaintance of Mr. Kinser from 'iri;iu
ia can be refered to in regard to his former eon
necl ion wit h the niaiiiifaei ure of thresh in;; ma
chines. (liv.i Mr. Kmsrr a call and will insure
vou satisfactory work on any part of a
i nr Machine. tJ-in:i.
Arjnp.Cah't l c laade by every a:,'eiif every
V Jjynuioiiih in liie business we Inrniib. but
tpjjjjjjtliose willing to work can easily earn a
(riieii dollars a day ri rht in thcii own bx alil ies.
Have no ro.mi to explain here. I'.u ua ss pleas
ant and honorable. W omen, hoys ami K'l'ls do
as well as men. Wr will inrni-li you a complete
outfit ft ee. The business pays belter limn any
thill;; else. We will bear expense f Martini;
vou. Pa i ticulars free. Write and see. I'arui-;.jtii! liMK'ttamcs Itietr suns mill t t.oi !i T its
and all classes in need of nayinu work at home, !
shoiinl write to us and learn ail annul tlie work
at ouce. N'o.v i.s tlie time. lon'l delay. Ad
dress '' ':l K ( H.. Augusta. Maine.
On Main street nearly op;iosito t lie Court
House, Pialtsououth, Neb.
Horses for Saje.
Tlie buyina: and seliin.- of gooil horses made
Uie specialty of the h.ishioss.
New Ho rses & Carriages,
and Kentie hoi-ses, for Ladies to drive are kept
at this Stable.
Also a carry a!!, which runs to the depot, and
w ill carry passengers uom ;uiy pla. e i. lov. n ou
CM Z. . M 7
Feed and aalc Stables.
Collier Gth and l'eallSls.
ItuRSr.S lniAUUHb tiV THK
Wtilli, till r.:o.TL'ai.
For a Pair Coiumis.sioit,
V.'.t .icuiiir .-iiiention paid to
Driving and Training
-A !ie?j-c litntisltel wben cal!
j p 8 W W - V Jl I
, j , J J 'J i- It 01
At i li- Old Stand of
-fr 'jm .iJwi.i4 JJ - ?
iu 1'iatt.stii'itith, Mi hi i. 1. i.
.ts.sot:T:.ii:. ' :'
Dry Goods, Grocer
ies, Mats, Caps,
Cools, Shouts
Wood cm i
and Willow Wans
in pact lvmbythimc that a
The firm, well known a:, buyers on a
large scale, for
exclusively, and while making m
snlure, they are always prepared t
sell on as f-ood terms, (,ii not better) ua
any other linn in tlie County.
I) E 11
Remember the
Opposite Donclan's Drii; Store, ou
Main Street.
8fl E. G. DOVEY A SOM.
ICar.l of Platte A'alley Utilise.
In tlie Town.
Good Teams Ahca'jv oh Hand.
Careful Drivers sant with car
riages if desired.
Carriages sent to Depot to meet ail train-
whenever ordered.
the: only hearse in town.
Funerals attended and cai rlaes furnished t
friends. Address, J. W. SHANNON.
4-'-ly Pllattsmoiith. Neb.
5 T, is
- X .
o o
- . rjt
7L ?
, "
' 3
v. ' :J'
c r
Lounges, Tables, Bedsteads,
IITC, KTC, inc., .
Of All Ihsr-riptttjn.-i.
Of all Mes, re.-uly made and sol J cheap for cash.
With many thanks for p.-wt iiatroaage. I in itu
invite uil to call mid examine my
LAlt'tK .VfoCK OK
4 tf. IT HMTt Ko Af.Il ( III I IXS.
- -f 8 h ircis
(In at Mereatiiile Co'!- i:e. Keokuk, Iowa, ou
the Mississippi, Prof. Win, It. Mila-r, tieneral
M.uia ier. inet-elit!i vear. About MMy did
lurs riay all expenses, for Menibei ship, "l'oard
and Stationery. Itookkecpors, Pisiitieii. ltepor
ters.l ipenitors.Arrdiitev I s.Siii'veyur and Teach
ers thoroughly fitted. I'i: li dl " !i"a'!leh"S free.
Free Lectures by llmii:' nt Or.iiors. l"re 1'es
ttvals u it h III ss p.aiid in t olhve Hail. Vrfn
furnished rooms for self boai'Uti. '1 eleL-raph-iu'frec.
Shuit hand writing free. lood board
ing clubs, ami family board. I.'aili jad Lire de
ducted, lniiuense besi;ies in Kco uk. .Nova-,
cation. Address U.a iies Cohere, lv oxiik, lov a.
State where you saw this udveiliideut. ItjA