' mm TUB HERA hi). JT.ATTSMOUTII, MAY 10, 1877. CoMJHEiS is to meet on, the loth of October, Doi.VE College is Sealed at last, and very sensibly the motto is in English. The firm of Shryock & Itowland, large Comniissipn grocers in St. Louis, X)as failed. Cause, hard tiroes. A tiitEAT number of exchanges slate that lion. X. K.Griggs w home. Tears to us vf 3 know Griggs; i.-r.'t he from be state of Beatrice? X. B. The Editorial Excursion meets at Omaha on the 23.1, and leaves the 24 th; not the 2oth as some papers have it. M-vcMrRrnv, Secy. V. T". Baunum is coming out this way soon. We know it, can't tell you the day, but he's coming, because he is sending newspapers and advertise ments all over the West. That's the way to do business. Barmim always advertises, pays for his advertisements nnd gets rich. Lookout for his new Circus and Animal show, some time this summer. War 3Iftjs. Schedler's Map of the Black Sea, Asia Minor, the Caucasus, Southern Russia, Roamania, and Eastern Turky. Engraved oa stOr.e, carefully printed and colored. Scale, 1 : 3.000,000. Size 22x23 inches. Trice, folded and in cover, 80.40. Thi3 Map is very accur ately compiled from, the latest and most complete material. It presents, at one glance, the scene of the war, hoth- in Europe and in Asia. Published by E. Steic.ek, 22 & 24 Frankfort Street, Xew York, by whom eo;ies will be promptly mailed upon receipt of price. This publisher lias l&adc preparations for bringing out additional War Maps, as soon as such may become necessary. S S. A. The annual meeting of the Nebraska State Sportsmen's Associat ion, we learn from the Lincoln Journal, will be held at riattsmouth, Tuesday, Wednesday 3nd Thursday, May 22, 2U, and 24. Programme for the first day, Tues day Prize Xo, 1. Silver goblet, to be ahot for by an agreed number of pick ed men from each cluh represented, ten single birds; 21 yards rise. Club winning prize Xo. 1 to offer it for competition at each annual meeting of ihe State Sportsmen's Association. Prize Xo. 2, will be a silver pitcher, 10 single birds, 20 yards rise, Wednes day. Prize Xo. 3, a silver cup, 20 sin gle and three double rises, Thursday. There will also be several sweepstakes on the different days, with prizes each dav. The affair will Le under the laanagcment of the Plattsmouth Sportsmen's Club, who will take pleas tire in making the tournament a source of enjoyment to all parties in atten dance. Ex. The European War. As we predicted, the European wai ts fast overshadowing all other items of !.cv, The reported downfall of Kars is prer.'.titure, but the Russian general still thinks he can succeed. The great question seems to be. now, whether England can be kept out of the conflict or not. The people of Eng te'land are divided themselves. Tlie Taass of the people, and Mr. Gladstone, would gladly espouse the side of Russia, on account of the persecutions of chris tians by the Turkish government, but the bankers and lords, with Mr. Disra eli fer financial and state reasons must almost supportTurkey. They fear the great aggrar.dii.ing power of Russia, and have already snubbed her Two engagements have taken place thus far, with considerable loss, claimed, on both side3. Meanwhile it would seem that all at oace the whole world wants to go to war. The Fenians are trying to movu ths Irish world onto more. President Hayes ha3 warned the Mexicans that outrages on the Rio Grande, (or Amer ican frontier) must cease, or there'll bo a fight; and Biiham Young's people, n i i i.i ., ' . , " 1 ' ' C , but it often happens m the divis- thrcatcn to resist bv jirtns, any attempt Afi , , . T, " , , ion of larjre school districts, some are in to arrest the Prophet ; w hi e the , v. , , 1 conveineneed bv beim? so coo'rraTiliio- eelonics of Cap? Town and Great Brit tain are at lo-rher.ds over the annex ation of the Transvaal Bepublic to England without the consent of the Colonies. Soniciiiin? about Newspapers. That the Americans are a reading i eoj'Ie is manifest by the statistics of the XF.w.-rAPLR Pitcssof the country, as given in the Xfavspapi:!: Dirfct oi:y foi lST7,j;ist issued by S. M. I'lt KNtiiLL A Co., the well-known Adver tising Agents of Xew York, Boston and Phildelphia. There are reported in it the names, ehar.ietpr fTHiiiti.-;!! agricultural, religious, medical, etc., and names of publishers of no less than 7S dailies, 79 tri-wer kiies, 125 semi- weeklies. G,c0C, weeklies, 1 Q2 semi-mon- j th'.ies, 771 monthlies, 1C l;i-mot!iIies aii'l ".0 quarterlies, published in the United Striff 3 ard the British Provinces. The Directory shows the number of each of these editions which are published j in f.:ir-li Sfnto Tor-i t..... t : ThebtK.k contains 370 m-0s and : finbracps an immense amount of val- ' wncu Hie smoke of battle clear away uabic information, showing pir-at la- j we shall count our wounded as they do bor and care in its collec tion and prep- 3t Kars, only tlicrc they kill Tmkc-ys aration. It ives all necessary facta ; ai'1 hf re we kill pigeons. Well, vat's for ah advertiser to know about -S,oT4 ti e difference; enoupdi pigeons will epaiato 2ublications, while it i. also I ,nake as much eat as ti Turkey. Wheth- lite resting and valuable for the gener- j ay number of shootists will ruake ,-.t reader, the str.dent of American pe- j a Turk, we cannot say, ,nd!a1 literature, and the obiierver of j -- . . At?,2ri-.!i in.stitutioiLS. The book is j Wn 0is.il attention to IIou.J. C. Cum ?r tbe low rrico of .1.00 percopv. nuns Tump Advertisemenf. Associated Press DNpatthcs. Jiotts From The Capitol. THE CABINET SESSION YESTERDAY. Washington, May 4. The cabinet was in session nearly three hours to day, and it was decided to postporne the extra session of congress until the loth of October next. This change of the original programme was made up on careful consideration of the gener al interests of the country with almost unanimous decision. The business of the community, as well as of members of congress themselves, as far as they could be consulted, seemed to argue that there should be no session of con gress this Summer. It was ascertained that, without any-immediate appropri ation, the army could be clothed and supplied with all nesccssaries, and that until the 15th of October only one reg ular pay day h;is to be passed. It was also considered that if congress meets in October it may remain in continual session and finish its business before next Summer and thus avoid the liot-J weather of next year as well as thi.--. WHAT A CABINET MEMBER SAYS. A membei of the cabinet says of the extra session that the change in the date was not in any degree caused by apprehension on the part of the admin istration as to the consetjuer.ses of ear ly congressional discussion of the pres ident's southern policy. WHO IS TO SL'EFEK. The department of justice will suf fer much inconvenience by postpoment of the extra session, as there is a defic iency of at least half a million dollars by the first of July to be provided for by congress. There is no money to pay officers of the Xavy for the months of April, May and June. The amount required is about 800,000, for which they will have to wait until the extra session. Army officers will also be considerably embarrassed as they can not receive their pay after the 1st of July until the army appropriation bills have passed. School District Affair Again. Mr. Editor: Since, in your issue of April i-'Oth, you have opened your columns to a scurrilous attack upon "a certain Superintendent of Public in struction," by Mr. Louis Calkins, you will not deny me the privilege of show ing up his "unvarnished fact." in the light of truth. I always exceedingly deprecate a conflict of this kind through the public "prints." But since I am involuntarily drawn into it, I propose 'lo fight it out on this line." Xow let us see how these "unvarnished facts" will bear the light of investigation. 1st. It Is not "a fact that a certain County Superintendent of Public In struction did count thirteen names as signed lo said petition and granted the same." Sndly. It is not "a fact that when said Superintent granted said petition he had before him a remonstrance sign ed by twice legal voters? But the facts are, that on both the said peti tion and remonstrance were at least three names, which had been on as many as Jice petitions and remon strances, and all appealed to each oth er, and consequently wire not, in my judgement, entitled to be counted on either petition or remonstrance. Af ter marking, them off both the peti tion had eight mimes left, and the re monstrance had nine. Two of these were not "legal voters" and had no bus iness on the remonstrance, which re duced it to seven, or eigltt for said pe tition and sevtn. against. As eight counts more than seven, the petition wins. Again one of the seven had sold his property in the district, and is about to leave the district and is not interested in the matter of division. 3d. Xeither is it "a fact that another petition signed by twelve legal voters asking for the division of the same school district on another line, having no remonstrance against it could not be granted by s.iid Superintendent, &c." The facts are these twelve are the iden tical twelve on the above remonstrance. Three were counted off for signing two petitions to divide the same districts on entirely different lines; two were not legal voters, and two more had been set out of the district by the di vision already made; which left but five names on the petition. Since then a remonstrance (larger than the peti tion) has readied the Superintendent against such division; which proves clearly that the "said petition" was not the wish of the people." Xow, Mr. Editor, I have no ill will toward neigh- convenienced by beino; so geographic ally located, as to be on the out edge of the new district. While neighbor C. may be somewhat discommoded in this respect. I think the change on the whole a very judicious one, and the people have acted wisely, looking for ward to the permanent organization of large district. I remain your humble servant (1. B. CnippHN, Co. Supt Public Ins. Weeping Water, May 7th, 1S77. This is business bovs, but plesso don't appeal t the editor quite so much for he does not know beans about school-district lines. Fight it out on the district line and good luck to the winning man. The State Sportmen's Association meets here on the 22d, 2Sd, and 24th of tlie month and a very powdery time is expected. Plattsmouth will un doubted! v explode herself then whether she goes off or not. There is no chance r it i. n- the town will be full (of life,) and Sad News. Mn. F. Guthman receired a letter from Germany last Sunday announcing the death of a brother about thirty years of age. He leave a wife and three children and in the last of the family in the old country, living on the old homestead where the family have resided for 2!0 years and over. About fifteen months ago Mr. Guthman learn ed of the death of his father and now the last remaining brother in the old home has gone. Some Jlore Statistics of Cass Cossty. We give this week the real and per sonal property valuation of the county and precincts, and the total valuation of cattle, horses, fee, as well as all mon eys, mortgages, &e. & '-z. fr H. 7 c . C. li t " Vs I "-: CS '-. '- l ' Z I . - I T- tc -.- r -1 - - r ? ' J-- ! - -i v: ".-'y'rr!'-.-i r i I f -; - i 5 tC ' 4" " l :f KZi it c- s c 1: '-- Tot.'l value of nil town lols i:i Co. ?37s.8 Amount I Uioiif in man'U'iii'tmios ,0i.2l ' ' " uii'iPli.nnJii'O C5.726 No. of nrves in County SJ;.-: No. of lioises In Co. (S.tU.T value $228. 783 No. of Uo-i in Co. 1.277 mules - " .-.-: " 'jnr.'.to " -;itllt " " l'-7.-3 " 127. l.M HhPt'p " " H " 5 swim- " ' SI .ess " M.016 " " vphi-U"i " 1,'xw ' 4.r;ir Ain't of inouovs '.M2s iiiorf naz lo-in. V13 " " stork :onl s!ijirt'! ,.'5.;r.,:t " " hce!i'i(l fiii-u..inst.,watc-Iic!'&c lOL.'.V " " Tiva'e lilirarics 'J,y.9 " " all oi her per-'l. to;. whi. h in- ohul a 2 rilin in -rihs. 2."(.23 " " nil ii. II. in;flt v VI I.T.vt j Tot:iI of a'l pii.. .f every 4Jcsc in Co. ?.;.;:! i.ltx , li I"i:Ul!iioui?i t ily alone ihoic- giveii iu to tlie Assessor Mii;icvs $!tV.l ' Moit:a'ic i'l.'nt ! Stock aii'l rI:re -j.r..')i.i M--;ili;!ni;.rt S.S7-, 1" limit i:r ..! 47 All other iirojierty 4.".:- Manufaetyries o,o '5 Now you can all figure how much is, or ought to be raised, and guess where it goes to, just as well as vour neigh oor. THE MARKETS. IIOMK MARKETS. rtr.roKTKo r. f. v. wnirr.. Whe;t C-.rn O. its le P.arley, finis." -U!!e LuL-kv. heat, -' -,; j : jti ' .':"':! . .4 1 .".) ..2 ; .:: io LATEST NEW YOHK MARKETS Ni:',v Yoisk. Liy . Money. Goid... LATEST CHICACO MAKKF.T.S. Chica'io. May 0. Flour 5 2,Y'V. T' Wheat 1 CI'. Corn M a's, five . F.arl -v, Mo-;s Cailie 4!, L- " a. -r., m 4 tot'.J lo mm an iw DAVENPORT PUMP COMPACT, llANfFACllUEb OF PAT E M T STONE FORCE PUMPS. DAVENPORT. IOWA. J, - Z. I "GtAH'SSTDNE PtiVP. ism v$ ii-i 2 't ? to ' o SJ FOR SALE E.Y J.C. CUMMINS, Plattsmouth, Neb. THIS PUMP Possesses the Folio txiny Suptrloriti(S 1. It i nev.-r affected by frost reij-iirins no tappin'i. raising of the haiidie or o! her eare. J. ii starts with the lii: ors"C"nd tnotivm rf the handle, rnrt the How- ceases the moment you slop, b'uviiie no diipji'nus to f irm mud or ice in winter, on arid ;re.nid the platform. !t thoroughly ventilates the well, ridding it I . f f . i : , 1 "III ... ...... ..... , ... i. il saves us cost ever) ear in moor ; n i tins j o eay .r . r . ,.:. ! .-. It is invaluable in case of fire an engine ever ready a t your door. j t'. I lie cylinder beimr of clone, and glazed on ; tie: in-ide. is eipial to iass. and mu'-li si ropier ; j there is no slime or H't n ev er collect in; on it. 7. The well reouircs no cleaning out after otie of tl.( se penps is set in one that is clean. : s. It combines both the atmospheric and force j principle, which asves it an coial pressure on the .vater. tiirowint' a steady -ircam. luuh v.:'.a Cue in. and down luotio 1 of tbf hand!.-. 0. Mi is pump always brings eo.d wafr from the sfjit. the water st'andiii beli.v the pUUforrn in a si one t Under. in. The buckets may be removed at any ti:j? without moving the plimp or platform. Thev w ill throw from fisty to seventy-five feet from t lie eml of :t lio-",1 Iro'ni wells up to sixty ftt deep, with one hand l'.ower. They are aNo very in -1 ui for washing curriii ges. unions, spriu.iiing lawns, &c. nVVT .TVk Tk i r V OfS-P.C : 5 V 2L JjJh. t J i w . ' Has removed to the lower part of Main street ; n what was Dover's Store. His j inHHSUSS btOClS CI J? UlUlllirw is larger than lie expected, and be WILL SELL OFF all ruvsent st'k on hand at Grealiy Reduced Prices. Lemcniber the ne ,v stantl down town. tl: FOOT STOKE. Two stories full of furniture. r,f..,o i rt h 2o tew. ... 1.,11, ;t i all over. I want to tc'l off a good deal your lime to buy. filfr a r T?AT f A CO ! LriE-Ar ruri tAbrl, r 5 "Mi 1 - t . s ; -.--i '1 - r He f nr'SKY KOF.CK. Centaur Li ni men Is . Ous kind for the Human I'amilv. The other for HorscM and Animals. Thf3e l.iniinr-nt." aro fimTly tlie wonder of the worKI. 'lheireSecirt arc little lets thau marvel ioirs. The "VIite Liniment i for tlie hiuiinn f.onily. It w iil drive Hli-utnailf:ii, St-iatlc:i and tiral'.ri.-i fiMtn tlie vsteii : ".;ie I.iiinliao, ( 'MlililaiiiK, I.oek-javr. rlsy. Itoli. and most cu taneous ei utitioii.-i ; it extr.ift? frost from frozen hand and ft et. and t'ie poi.-on f bites and siinir of vpikmiiou" '-pptilcs ; it sululues sweil 11);;. ami alleviates pain of every kind. When .lraiii- or hruises oeenr. it is the most potent reint'il v cv'i-discovered to lieal the inlit.'ed parts. i Ik entatir Liniim iit ij v. it u great eilica ev for sore throat. Too thro he, Caked KrentM. Ear-aelt. and Weak I?aek. 'J he fol lowii g is but a sample of numerous testimoul ali : "Indiana Home. Jkff. C'o.,Ini., May 23 '73 'T thiid it my duty to inform you that I have nii tlrrfd much with xnolirn feet Hint eliorl!. A few bottles of Centaur I.ir.imcit 1i:l donii tlie work for me. I have not, beeu Tree from these swHlinjn it eia;'t yearx. Now 1 nut nerfeetly well. Tlie Liniment onirht to be uiiplied v. ;u ni. KKXJAJI1X BUOWX." The proof is in the trial. It U reliable, it is bandy, it i- clieap. and every family should have the white Centaur Liniment. Tlie Vellow Cenlaisr l.ini mrii t is adap ted to tiie touli muscles, cords and llt-sh of horses and animals. It has performed more wonderful cures in three years of Spavin. Strain Vv iiid-ir.'.Ms, Scratches, Sweeny, and general lameness, than all other remedies in exi tenee. Uead what the great lixpressiaeu say of it : "New Voi:k, January, 171. "I'very owner of horses should give the Ckx tai'u Linimknt a trial. We eoiisitler it the best article ever need, in our stables - II. M KSTI. Supt. A. lams Kv. Stables, N. Y. K. ri'LTZ, Supt. V. S. Kx. Stable. N. Y. ALBKKT S. ULIN, Supt. Nat. Kx. Stables N Y The patrons of thN Liniment are Farriers and Veterinary Surgeon, who are continually usin some l.iniiiientr 1 1 heals lalls, WoiiiuIh. I'oll evil. removes Swelling, and is worth millions of doiiars annually to Fanners, l.iverv-men, Stock-trrower. Sheep-raisers, and those ha injj horses or cattle. What a K.-irrier cannot do for 520 the CVtnaur Liniment ill do at a ti iiliiiyr cost. These Liniments are sold bv all dealers throughout t he country. They are warranted by the proprietors. a,nd'a bottle will be tiven to auv Farrier or l'hysieiau who do.vires to lest them. Ldibratory of J. li. Itose ii Co., 4'i Dev St., Nkw Yokk. Honev. Iielier Cntri:t is a . umplete substi tute for Castor Oil. and is a pleasant to take :s Honey. It is particularly adapted to Teething and irritable children, it destroys worm, a.s s:uiiates the food, r-nlates tlie sioinach, :;nd cures wtnd colic. FeW reiiiei!;cs are :n cl'iica (Mis lor Fevcrishne8-. Croup, Worms, and Vlinn;.i;iur Coil Casioria is a scicnlilie and purely vegetable prepi:r.i:ii;i, more effect ire than Castor Ui!, and neither g.ijrs nor gripes. Co i.i; Mf. I . Conn., May 3, 1s;g. Me--Ts. ,T. F Hose & Co., X. Y. : (on! : I have ; family of eiulit children, and nave i -.1 a- much t nin ;xs anv family in ; the li:it-il Stale, f thi-ih. 1 have never found i ;nyt!iiii. ciii :) to it. .'y children have been i s.ived from a ftver veral tunes bv the use of l "ast .vi a 1 recommend its n-e for .-.hiidren. 1 i-ivmv to any mvlieirie 1 ii:iiw of. 1 feel it lay ii uty ti 1 1 vc ; -lis eci ;;;i-":ite n:i acciint of the hemf:ls 1 have derived by the n-e of CAstoisia. Vtrv truiv vours. TdttJ Nt)K.;iA. 1'. LITTLE. '- 41, -.,....t . -', i . . . - ii . '0 dvspepi ii's.biii.iu- .-.uf -v'c". ---;' le! i'i in iais of fever -v 'L.-,- " 7r?v a mi auue, t !;e inercu- H - rial dise.v-i'.l patient ti iio.v lliev r:t'..-,e'ed i -i i!: h, clif ci l'id spi- ,WiieW.'Ti t-11 V.U bv nit Kr..si.i.AToK. The e ifdpof. Pure-! 'tw.i l..-t HricUic in fi'j I'o?-. I. For Oy.'pepi.i, Cmu- lpat : -u. .Taundi.?e. Kil- ioih an te:... S-k IK-.ehu'i.e. (',!:. lepri- ion of Spirits. Sum- .-.;..!,,;'.! li. Heart Darn. &c.. Ve. l'iti.- unriv i:l,'.l .s.iiit'i.'r.'i K";nedy is wan.int ed i.ot to coniatn a cmpie rian i -!e id M"icury, i or any injurious oiir:er if .-un.-iaocf, tut is PURELY VEGETABLE. eoi.iainiii' tlios. S;u:t '.i-tii Koots anil Iler'is. j wiiieli an aU wi-e prov'.li-iice has placet! in i eountrie.4 where Liver I;- aes niost. jsrevail. i Jt ,;,.,,, ,ir-:.-.s tiliMtd I'U Ar,iiiWlrf j 0, ,f.., Urn. ,,,, Jiov.-.-l. i 'I ! syi;(ii.)ii!. c.! I.iver Co npl.-dnt are a Wt- terorl'i t! insie ; m.'.utn ; p-tiii in the back. !ide-- or joi its.oileii ini-tai;cn lor Kiicuianti-m ; Sour tionacli : Lo-- of Appei ite ; Kov, els idtoi -nately eotoive and 1 x ; Headache: l.o-s of meiuoi-v. v. lh a p..i:; ful -e:;.at ion td ii:tviti eit io tiTv so'ii' t'.mi'.: v. liic-u oir.-ht to have iieen dtrne ; Debility, l.nv Spirits, a tidtk yellow ap pearance of trie skin and eyes, a dry Cougn tf ten mistaken lor conrumpi ion. Somel imes many d tlr'n1 cymptoms attend the iliseasc, at .others very few". le:t the Liver, the largest organ in the body, is jreneraTly the seat of li'.e disea-e, and if not regulated iu'lime srreat siiiferiiij;, wi-etchcdness and iath will ensue. I can recommeud as an efllcu ious remedy for disease tif the Livt r. Heartburn and l)yslepia. SIMMONS'" LlVKK KKtO I.ATOfi. Lkwis ;. Vr7trFK, !':." M:i.-ter Street. Assistant Tost Master, Lhiiadelphia. "We have tested its virtues, personally, and know that for Dvspep-ia, liihiusness. ;m( i iir.ibbiiiL; Headache, it i" the bes; meilieine j ilie world ever Haw. We have trieil forty other reiiit ilcs before Simmons' Liver Keulafor. but i.one of them nave es n:ore than tcmiioi ary re lief ; hut the li'enlfitor not only relieved l ut cured lis." Ed. T Ii yri'.j)li and 3i:cnjer, Ma con, lla. J. 11.ZEIIJX & CO.. MACON, iJA., and 1UII LADEl FHIA. It contains four medical elements, never uni ted iu the fame happy proportion in any other preparation, viz : a senile cat li.irtie, a. wonder ful Tonic, an unexceptionable Alterative ml certain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Siich iti:il success has atteuded its use, that it is now regarded as the EFFEVTUA L SPECTFTC For all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. 4 a )' tnt-di) in Malarious I'evets. I'.ov. ) Complaint, Pyspep- ' sia u:ut l H'prP: -ion. i;estiessiu-.s. ,i;ni!in;ee. : Nausea. Sick Heiulaeii I iiie, t t'listipaiion and i;:iin;s!ie.-a j IT HAS xiO EQUAL CAUTION. As tliei" ure H nunil'cr n" imitations ofTered to the piibpc. -e wouid can! ion the conimtinity j lo !,cy no l'o.vders r I'rcpared Simhoxs' Ltv i k;i ! ATfiii. in.! s i:i our encravet! urap- ; per, vv'.th the trade nmrfc. Maiiifi and s-itrn;tture : uii'irol.en. None oti'.-r is er,iiiie, j J. II. ZE1L1X d- CO., , Jfdron, (.... ami I'll Had' Iphia. Your vaiiialde medieiiic Si:n con's Liver ilei; idalor. I?: i s s-tv-tl :ne many D,ic;or' bills. I u-e it for e-. .r:.: ii 'n recoiiiiiieiided. and never knew it to f :!. 1 huve us-d u in c;ic nut! ( Intbbs. v, i !i my n:,:lc and hoise. ivin them about lKi'if a col '!e at i ! inie. I liave not -lost one t ;i:t i u'ive i: to. vou cm reeoiiinientl it to one tat-: ,.ViI.v 1;i. , ; ... f ,!; ...s i,..i,, t;se l.si med- icine knov.n for all complaints i ii;.; hors.'-tie.h . :,,.:,., j.- rvYlt)K ' A , , ,; ; of ,;e;)lxi:i. R . . ... , 2"iV? !'v A2-,n,ts EOlvJi-trv iov.ns. Only iiecery to she 5 "maniples to maKt; Sides and money, f n TO t'.iiiv one out oi e;ai: ymenf and (ii Bnr- - i to wm k. I -ed datiy by an iu- . Dii) Z -iiiess men. Send st i:n ii for circular, 2 6 i n prices to agents. Add res. s a 8 -it;i i i, Atis-.x-y." Krnd-ill r.udtling, Cliicago. tfy Ol'V YOLJl LK1TERSQ T:xcclior t'onj-in-jr Book, kj? Jlade of Chemlral Paper. : -nv wriiliiir WTIIIOI T Water. ! FKE'. or HIH'Sff. usetl at home, library or of- rKtSi. or ItltCSU. use.l at nome,iiorary or to liv-7 For Ladies wishing b. retain copies of let ,,.,-s evciv UN man. elergymeti i corresptjn dents, travelers it is invaluaVne s.-bs at sight I. ...i iui Mini iv e will scud a .Mm P'-me book lettcrsie HV MAIL paid to any address. He ' ,,.r to .v Conintert fa! Airencv. Send stamp f ..,.; circular. K'KLIOK 31 ... ...... . .,0 AWEATf wanton. -n.0 Subscribe for the IIkhald and Ne braska Former; only $2.G.j. LOOK HERE! week selling oi iCEXT jst : our i v v ' Viv . .. . VMl'lll.'!, ., ....I., ' ssl.lin one week v.hith allows wh;U can be i A,m if a oartv is energel ie. Husiiiess easy and honorable. i-;en. I stcmp for circular giving lull euAmtrWmiWn9. 1 1..,.- (' I'AI I) 11 1.. Once 3Iorc! ELI PLUMMER'S Having opened a stock of goods at my old stand, in Piattsmoutli, attain, and having just returned from the East, I .tin prepared to sell goods at better rates than I havvj ever done be fore. O TJ JE& MEW Is just now boiiis opened. We have a full line in Spring a?i(l Sum nit r Dry tioo-Jc, Jllcached and JJi oirn Do ;i. -at !:-, Prints and Summer Dress Goads, Ladies and G nts Hosiery. A full Rtocli of YANKEE NOTIONS, The host stock of Coffee ever brought to thi City ; Koitoted and Green. Canned Fruits in great varieties. Sugars d- Syriqs in all si:td pacJiaytt PRIED FRUITS loreiiin & Domestic My Intention is to do n ?,rt e!:is trade, and to make tny Store tne i'.nn'U-:uiu irui- i "lin er's wants. wi wi'l take an l onniry i iuuu in exchange for goods, at cash rates. On i- idea Is tobitv for C K STI and sell for ('AST! to everv oe, ar-d -,t such rates lluit both buyer and seller can live. Xow. wo want to see nil our old frionds buck ngain, an I we wunt all iho new ones we can get. We promise to treat von well and send yon homo Iimt- py, with a wagon load of good3 bought for verv little money. Next week 1 PXeet to (HI this eohimn vitii ;i now list of ponds, just oix-ned. Ke:il tiie ITer sinil eome and look i.t tlie goods. Unit is all 1 ask 7111G KH rU'-MMEK. I SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED OIsT T.nyCL.XHT STREET, Lal ot I'latte alley Ilouae. rnii oldest LIVERY STABLE In the Town. CroocZ Teams Altcays on Ifarui. Careful Drivel's ssnt with car riages if desired. Carriages scut to Depot to meet all trains whenever ordered. THE ONLY HEARSE IN TOWN. Funerals attended find carriaees furnished to friends. Address, J. W. SUA N NON, l-'-ly rilaUsuiouth. Neb. - t3 s -7. 2 s V l ; ; d C " - tz & O 2- fr r-- -i z. CO -- -: i i H If cd or: sr cd a 1 i - . i. ' ", 'f. 11 c: t HENRY ECTCK. DICALKi: IN TV3 JTS TrT V $ '3 5 SAFES, CHAIRS. Lounges, Tables, Bedsteads, KIC, F.T, ETC., Of All DLacriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES r i . ' - - r . V7;':-?'"rN'."y.; VCODi:iT COFFI1TS Of a'.l sizes, ready undo and sold cheap for cash. Vhli many th:'.nks f!V7:i;:t patrotiage. I invite iiivite all to call atid examine te.y LAK',;r. STOCK OF Oreat Merea'd ile i'i!!'".re. Kenkti'r, I.rn. on 1 lie Mississippi, i'r -f. Wu;. II. Miller, General Manager. .N'ineieenlh year. l-mit sixty lil lars j-.'iv all expenses. ? r ?re:i!wrs!iip. I!ird and SI :;! iiiii'-ry. L-iokUei-rteix. l'ei:'.:ieii. I!,-;nr-t.-i-s.O j.)"r; i lor .Arrhiieei s.Mirvevei-s and Tea eh -.rs ther't-jiily lined. I'.n:: idi hr.'itfd.rs free. Free i.eetur.-s iy I'uiliteiit 'Or.-.; U's. I'ivk Fes t iv.iU uii !i l';'ii i I'.aud in C.Ii(i;e H: !1. I-'ree furnished r'in fur e!f l-.ar linjc. Tele-'raph-infrer. ;'irt lu.'iid v. riiin-i free. Good lioard- eal k;;. Address ll.tvlies C. i'ee. Keokuk, Iowa. Slate where jou saw this ndvetiucniciit. tlyl E. G. D0VEY &. SON, At tlie 01..! Stand of in FI;itt.-inoiitIi, Xebraska. Dry Goods, Grocer ies, Hats, Caps, Hoots, Shoes, Wooden and Willow Ware, IX FACT EVKUYTIIIXfi THAT A fa inn: ii on any one else need; coming ux def. the head of ENEItAL UERCHANDISEj The firm, well known as buyers on a large scale, for exclusively, and while making no ; splurge, they lire always prepared to j j se;i terms, fit not better) as : V ;.. r I anv other linn in the Count v. STAPLE DRY GOODS A SPECIALTY ! JIUSLIN RY TIIE BOLT!! CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WIN DO W HOL LA NDS, DEN I SIS ,S HE E TINGS, WD rokK I'ACK MEATS TAKE A EE K 1X1)3 OF PRODUCE, AXI) WIEE ALWAYS HE FOUND OX HAND TO BUY Oil SELL AT FAIR. rillCES, TO BOTH CUS TOMER AXI) TRA I E R . Remember the Q&D ST&NB, Oppoaite Donelan's Drug Store, oa Main Street. $r E- O, DOYLY SOX. idld fQ ii. kil 13 A ZE, G AVe are in a!inoM DRY AND FANCY GOODS, (ffti ilk k a vij which we offer our friends and the iiul-lic at U i'l-i-.-v-" to Caslnncrcs, Alpacas, Delaines, Calicos, from 12 to 1G Yards for $1.00. Muslins, from G cts. a yard upward. The finest stock of AVhUe ttc-dsp-i- . t r brotipht to the City. Buell's Cassinieres, Tweeds, Jcns, and Cottcnades in full Stock. OF A I.I. Kl .VI!-'. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Tliatikf ul forpa d f;'c:s in the yer.r j'or.e by. I rej.eef(i:!y ?-k a eot.t.'enas.ce ,f i'.e s:i:j,e. OL'AI!ANTl:t:lM! s A T I sT A t T I jS IN ALL CAfUS, and llOpil.S lliy ClloltS to jdoase Til IV Ii" I'luw j- ed w ith Miteets, I remain a.i ever, .;. v. Y. ' i.Ij.VCIf. ' EJIEJIL'ER TIIE PEACE, ONE DOOR WEST OF P. O. PL ATT, i.UOIJTH, NE URASZA. SCHNASSE & Jtust cpt ned a Q iz y V? fa AESO A NEW AND FJlE-VIl STOCK OF ft i ig l1, A complete new stock of Spring" Shawls, Dress Goods, Straw Hals, Felt Hals, Fur Hats, For Gentlemen, SCARFS, TIES. AND FANS, fi-y; A' .CT TT T- T7T?.T!G? l-l -s Iery,lTavy Blue, Cardinal Hod & Seal Brown. lusts mn Embroideries and Laces. RACK CUIIHS AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. I Satchel.-, Valises, and Ladies Hand oetis, and Eibbons ri.s: .ijisoRTjJU'T. Boys Sammer Cas'.L ierc.s Twctds. A:c, (iueenswai e, Woolen Ware, ;'ixi A I'ull Stock of i Chicago Sugar Cured Hams, Lard SALT FISH, Mackera! White Fish and Cod. HE 31 EZIB Ell A LL RINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR OOODS. BD2fi'i Wmz$ Site IPIssee, ONE DOOR EAST of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, jsjett-iioutfe. a iC'tf n b to7 il 05 IS - c ESTS T daily e i; t, of iiii u.U U lAlt st: it tie tini GRAM BERG'S Xew .Stock of it o o p f ti u IB 2 1! ; SILK NEC KERCH I &'", PARASOLS. TCI X T. T. -C'" TT A Ti TG? kw mmz$ Satchels, Toilet guilts, c, Tilter.s C'.-r- Iiiiranitrable. Two. i i i I if i' t I J i i f J I