Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 03, 1877, Image 3

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I I i J1 T 4 ni riiTr..,. . 1
TriOMnt. 2.1 emits a line. Eecnlnr advertls-
ia ren,s '"'r lir"- -No advenWmrut insert -ti
tor less tlui:i 2 cents.
I.evAl tiotiees :t Statute rite".
Attorney? ar.d oty,cer M the law v ill be neld
responsible fur iiU leeral notion thev h;md in,
and nil parties deniandinx" a proof of publica
tion of anv notke will Le held for the publica
tion tee cfsueh notice.
COM ill! M C ATIO X S .
A our pnce it limited, all corninunloa'ioni
Oiust tf r.ict atitt t the jtoint, with no 'waste
&t words.
The paper Is responsible for the correetness
accord in t; to coj y of paid matter and paid ije
ga'.3, ouly.
1. Any person who take the paper r;rilarly
from the pos -office, whether directed to his
name, or whether ne is a subscriber or not is
responsible for t lie pav.
2. If any pcr.on orders his paper discontin
ued, h? nui.'t pay all arrearages, or the publish
er may continue to send it until payment Is
made, and collect inn whole amount, whether
the paper is taken troin the o'lice or not.
3. 1 ne courts have dccide.l that refusing to
take iievsi;ters and periodicals from the post
ofnc". or remwviii and It-avint; them uncalled
for. is prtrnn Jaric evidence of i.ntkstional
B. & M. R. It. Time Table.
Corrected Sunday, April 1st, 1S77.
Lepves 3 :l." a. m. A rrive 8 -S,o a. ni.
' 2 :.W p. in. " .1 :15 p. m.
I eaves n rn a. m. Arrives 10 a. m.
0 :00 p. in. " 7 :45 p. 111.
Ir. s Platismouth 9 :40 3. in. Arilves Lin
coln, Z i: p. ni. ; Arrives Kearney, -.on p. in.
Freight leaves 7 :10 a. n. Ar. Lincoln 12 :i" p.m.
I-enves Kearnev, 6 : ') :. m. Leaves Lincoln,
1'J :4.5 i. m. Arrives Fiattsinotith. 3 :15 p. in
Frtdzht leave Lincoln ll:15a. in. Arrives
Flatts'tiwuth, :1-' p. m.
Express. G :no a. ni.
Passenger, drain each day) .". :.V p. ni.
Arrive at - 9 :."V a. m.
Depart at - 5 a. m.
Arrive at 10 a. m. I Depart at
Arrive at - 3 :1j p. in. i Depart at
3 -.00 p. m.
2 -.15 p. n.
0 :f0 a. m.
Arrive at 10 :t) m. I Depart at - 2 :c' p. m.
Arrive at 12 :o m. I Depart at - 1 :0O p. in.
Mr. James Dick and his highly ac
complished bmle will be home in a few
We see Mr. Bod in e Itaa returned from
Sidney making glad the heart of Mr.
For Boys full stock riough Shoes
HO ct., j.r-r p;iir
at Stadllmans.
Sam Thomas came to town with a
trained Devon animal in ths shafts,
the other d;iy.
A stylish Nat for 23 to 53 cts.,
at Stadrlmans.
Wh-n are the grasshopper Ma
ciiii.e Cum. ging to announce the time
an 1 place of trial?
For Bargains in J-.adis Shoos go to
Ssadelman's. he'll sell them at prices
that will make you wonder.
An extra f.r.e lot of ginghams; cheap
er than calico in the long run; all
styles at
6:2 .T. V. Vw kracii's.
If you want anything in the line of
clothing and gmts furnishing goods at
go to Stadf.lman's.
-The ave'-agc weight of hogs brought
to this market is '.'50 lbs and the aver
age of steers 1450 lbs.
Capt. l'ahncr, of Insurance fame
returned home from a grasshopper raid
down cn the Solomon and e'sewheu?.
paid for
' Ctl at Sciixassi; & Gramrkrg'S.
The Literary Society of the High
School will meet on Friday Evening.
All interested are particularly reques
ted to attend.
The largest and best assortment of
at Xew York prices
Ctt. at Sciixassi; & Gramrero's.
Mr. A. G. Ilatt is ornamenting bis
bouse with fancy lattice work showing
himself a wood as well as cattle butch
12 14 & 1G yds., for SI
Gt4. at SCHNASSE & Gkamberg's.
Bill Bryan may be seen any sunny
day sitting in the window of his har
ness shop practicing that good old mot
to of economy, "A stitch in time
paves nine."'
SALTS2 25 per bbl., at
6t l. at Soinasse & Gkamberg's.
A River Steamer supposed to be
the James 12. Rankin passed here on
her way from St. Louis to the Yollow
Stone on Tuesday the 1st.
Best assortment of
in the City cheap as the cheapest
6t4. at Schxasse & Gkamberg's
The Saunders House under the
edicient management of Mr. Gregory is
getting to be the most hospitable house
in the countv.
Mr. P. T. Beaver, one of Cass Coun
ty's oldest citizens leaves for the Black
Ilillji next week. Mr. B. will take a
steam saw mill out there and we opine
there is plenty of work for all of them
from accounts.
The "Forest, Tar Soap" Is the purest,
softest and best for the toilet, and nursery.
Jos. A. Connor is bnyinj corn yet,
to fill that European contract.
Rain! Rain! Rain! for three days,
and on Saturday morning, April 2Sth,
it snowed and kept snowinp, more or
less, all day, with cold wind from north
west. Hurrah for April showers that
bring May flowers and kill the hoppers,
The Musical Concert and ball of
Thursday evening last proved a rare
treat and a great enjoyment to all who
attended. The band was praised by
every body and Prof. Tiueler was pre
sented with a magnificent boqtiet of
real flowers. We hope the "City Dand"
will come again to our place.
Messrs E. G. Dovey & Son have mov
ed their stock temporarily into the
Erick (formerly occupied by E. T.
Duke,) opposite their old stand, where
they cordially invite their customers.
They have a full stock of all classes of
goods which their gentlemanly clerks
will take pleasure in showing. As
thoy have ample room no one need
stay away. G-2
Many persons have an idea that a
meeting of the State Sportsmen's Asso
ciation is simply to have a good shoot
ing match. This is not so, we under
stand, but the object of the State Meet
ing is to protect the game birds and all
others of the State, in the most effect
ive manner by preserving their num
bers from w.mton destruction. The lo
cal clubs give the shoot generally.
Mr. Chilson from Centre, this Co.
was in town on Monday lie reports
plenty of grasshoppers in his vicinity
also a good deal of sickness; one of his
neighbors wive's whose child had died
with measles, although sick with meas
les insisted on going from her room
to the funeral, took cold and went
crazy, at last accounts she was getting
Frank Stadter has developed quite
a new branch of business for this coun
try, viz; wall painting and decorating.
Ne has just painted the dining room
at Stadelmaii'.s and it looks very hand
some. When we build a better class
of houses and money becomes plentier
Frank ought to do well at this as this
style of finish is healthier and vastly
more durable than paper and daubs.
It is with pleasure we refer to the
establishment of our esteemed towns
man It. Donelly Fsq., Blacksmith, Gth
street opposite Strelght's Stable. A
partial examination of his capacity for
business convinces us he is thoroughly
prepared for any kind of wagon and
buggy manufacturing, repairing nil
kinds of machinery, and his connection
with Mr. Kinser whose shop is close
lv also gives him the advantage of a
Xo. 1 lathe which puts the finishing
touch to Jus arrangements for a com
pV.e Black and White Smithing estab
lishment. 0.3.
Joseph A. Connor has bought the
Osborn Property for 81.500. an 1 will
refit furnish and move into it this
spring. Mr. Connor is a stirring ener
getic man and is doing an enormous
business in grain. We saw bills of
160 cars of corn shipped from Ashb n 1.
It is reported he has made SI 0,0 'JO,
on corn alone this spring and wo have
no reason to doubt it. Farmers bring
in your corn, wheat and bailey, Mr.
Connor will buy it.
The time is arrived when the Chica
go man summons up all his manhood
to cany the stove up to the garret,
takes a second thought, goes down town
resolved to yank it up the verv next
day. Ex.
We sent for the "devil," the foreman,
' Charlev Brown and another man and
then left for Omaha, and let the women
and the boys have it out. X. B. The
stove's a wreck.
A Talk With A Hinglishman.
I ta'ked with a minion from her
Majesty's tlomiuions:
Says I, 'Where are you going?
Says he, 'To hide a hoe.
Says I, .What are you going to hide a
hoe for?'
Says he, I didn't; say hide a hoe, I
said hide a hoe.'
Says I, 'Spell it.'
Says he, 'I-d-a-h-o.'
Oh!' says I, 'Idaho.'
'Yes, sa-s he, 'Hide a hoe.' Ex.
-Dr. B-
of Plattsmouth, is well
known all over the State as a celebrat
ed doctor and a good shot very fond
of hunting is the doctor.
Sam C is equally as well known
as a prominent lawyer and a famous
shootist. Xow these two eminent
sportsmen went out duck and goose
hunting not long since. The doctor
was in good trim and hit time after
tune. Sam on the contrary was out of
luck, bad, and misse.l several times, at
which the doctor chuckled, at last the
lawyer missed a good chance, and the
doctor chuckled, "Why, Sam, you caa't
kill anything to-day.
-Humph.'' retorted Sim, l can't kill
like you, I don't load witli prescrip
tions." Fort lie Xeii:ska Herai-o.
Meteorological Suraniarj of the Z.IoutI:s
of March and April, 1S77.
Iligtipst l-aro:ncter, March 5t'a. 30.413. April
2d, 3(i.4 x.
Lowest barometer, March Cist. 29.223. April
l!ll. 2'i.:o9.
Mean l-arometnr, Mp.rch. v.'Tt. April "O ST0
HiKlwst therinoiueur. March 01. 75 -."April
lowest thermometer. March 7 and 8, zero.
April 2d. 22-.
Mean thermometer, Marrh. 32 40". April 40 2T;
-,'iin tl'TTiiometer of many year-, tor March,
o3.22 . I or April. 4-J.M-.
Total rain aud melted snow, March, t.01 in.
April, r,.ss In.
t otal snow. March. 6.23 in.
Frevailinjr w ind, March, n. e. and then n. w.
April, n. w. and then ii. e.
Maximum velocity. March 30 to 40 niiies per
hour, April 1st. 33 miles per hour.
Nuinoer of day on which, rain or snow tell.
M.-iich o and April 11.
dumber o days on w hich cloudiness avcrascd
.8 or more, March 8 and April 6.
Dates of ttmnder storms, (one.) March 30, aad
Ar-nl ie and 23d.
Winds followed by rams id April, c. e. and o.
The officers and directors of the Cass
Co. Agricultural Society, met in the
Court IIouso cn May 1st. Present.
Wheeler, President; Young, Secretary,
.MI. Gilmore, S. Thomas, A. Todd, Mr.
Shafer, M. B. Murphy, MacDonagh and
others. The business of the meeting
was to fix premium list and receive
propositions on location of the Fair
Special premiums were then brought
up and the following Committee on
Babies was appointed to raise a premi
um for the prettiest babies: Capt
Marshall, Frank Stadter and Frank Car
ruth. The Com. on Location of Grounds
not being ready the matter was laid
over to a called meeting.
The election of Gen. Superintendent
was tiien gone into and A. B. Todd was
unanimously elected as such Supt.
Superintendents for the different class
es were then elected as follows: Jos.
Gilmore, of class 1, Horses, mules, Ac;
class 2 cattle, i. Thomas; class 3 sheep,
A. Holmes; class 4 Hogs, II. Bestor;
clase 3, Farming Implements, C. II.
Winslow; class 6 Plows, Furniture M.
Class 7 Domestic Manufactories, Mrs.
Jno. A. MacMurphy; class 8, Musical
Instruments, &c.; Mrs. J. W.Marshall;
class 9, IIom3 mide Articles, Mrs J. C.
Gilmour;class 10, Green Fruits E. Sage;
class 11, Flowers, Mrs. Hattie Drost;
class 12, Farm Products, J. Q. Adams;
class 13 Eiuestrianship Mrs. E. Par
mele; class 14, Discretionary and Mis
cellaneous, Samuel Richardson ; class
13, Special premiums F. M. MaoDon
agh. Adjourned Saturday at 2. P. M.
The Hkkald droped in a moment,
and judging from the earnestness of
those present we should say we
will have a good Fair this fall if
weather and other things permit.
A large brass key. The finder will
please return to this Office.
Some Statistics about Cass County.
AVe give below the population of
Cass County in detail, by precincts, al
so the number of school children in
each district, that is, persons between
5 and 21 years of age; also the native
and foreign born, and those, over 21,
who cannot read and write. It will be
observed that Cass is a very intelligent
School Children.: 672
Foreign Born or Unknown -. . loO
Xative Born 1310
Total Population 10CG
Births, Males 29, Females 41.
n.ATTSMOuTii rr.r.cixcT.
School Children 333
Foreign Born 140
Xative Born 737
Total Population 77
Four cannot read and two cannot
write in this precinct.
r.OCK 15 luffs
School Children 471
Foreign Born 73
Xative Born 1117
Total Population 1130
Five cannot read and six cannot
write; three are deaf, one insane and
one idiotic in this precinct.
School Children 40)
Foreign Born 81
Xative Born 000
Total Population 1071
Two cannot read, five cannot write;
two blind and one insane in this pro
School Children 221
Foreign B rn 87
Xative Burn 444
Total Population 331
All read and write, and there have
been 28 births, of which 14 were males
and 14 females. Xo 8 to 7 there.
School Children 128
Foreign Born 33
Native Born 2'JO
Total population 354
Six cannot read, six cannot write.
School Children 245
Foreign Born 133
Xative Born 433
Total population G03
Six cannot read, nine cannot write.
School Children 133
Foreign born 91
Xative born 344
Total population 433
One cannot read, fourfannot write.
School children 172
Foreign born 109-
Xative born 373
Total population 4Si
Two cannot read, four cannot write,
one blind and one idiotic.
Schoolchildren 214
Foreign born 68
Native born 507
Total population 575
One, cannot read, one cannot write
and one idiotic.
Schoolchildren .. 221
Foreign born 95
Native, born 478
Total population 573
School children 201
Foreign born 93
Xative born 4S3
Total population 573
Two cannot read, six cannot write,
one blind.
Schoolchildren 175
Foreign born
Native born
Total population 427
Twelve cannot read, 20 cannot write.
Schoolchildren 201
Foreign born 63
Xative born 523
Total population 585
Eight cannot read, 9 cannot write.
School children
Foreign born
Native born
Total population
School children
Foreign born
Xative born
Total population 4S1
Two cannot read, five cannot write.
Total population of County, accord
ing to this, 11,226. Total number of
school children 41G9
Thi following table exhibits the advance In
value iu the Chicago market, during the past
two weeks :
' i "St S. -A
- ? y.
& v. ro io o tc
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o cv -a
S.I O i jj j
CrC V y
- shsi
Our friend Chauncy Wiltse and his
amiable wife have not only kept the
Grand Island Eiting House up to its
former high standard, but have won a
reputation for the houso that com
mends it more than ever to the public
favor. Fremont Tribune.
We are happy to see Miss Billie
Simpson back here again, and to learn
that she will remain a portion of the
It- W. Vanatta called and ordered the
Herald sent to him out at Ashland.
Says he can't get along without it. He
reports business good at Asldand. Call
again Iloss, we're always glad to see
Mr. Leonard has sent home some
splendid views of mining scenes from
in and around Dead wood.
John Barnes our Black Hills Moun
tain friend has returned from Dead
wood and has got the Dead wood on
There's a fellow out at Louisville
who writes constantly to the Xeb. City
Xeiri and tells what mean people we
are here in Cass county. " e thought
it was Ramsay, and believe yet it is he,
but thechap rather denies this in his last.
If B. S. Ramsay dare come out and say
these articles are not his productions
and have the fellow sign his name to
them, who does write them, or sign
them himself if he is the man, the
Herald will do some "narrow headed"
and "egotistical'' talking to this chap,
that he may be won't think comes from
quite so narrow a head as his own.
Meanwhile, we only say there are
three (3) papers in this county, and a
man that has ain thing to say to the
people of this county, that is pertinent
or of value to them, or that they ought
to hear, must have a very poor stand
ing at home if he has to rush off to Xeb.
City to get it published anonymously.
We think of writing to the Pioneer,
(Knox Co..) to tell them our opinion of
Ramsay and the fellow, whoever he
may be, that he gets to write for him.
We think it would be such a good way
to let the people of Cass county know
about these things, or perhaps.the Neb.
City Pn:;s can suggest some chap in
Otoe who has a lot of dirty linen to
wash, that lie can't get done at any Lit
erary Laundry in Otoe County, and
we would run a little extra here for
him in Cass county. We do think the
Chronicle ought to give Ramsay a
chance. It's economy - to him would
save him postage.
Ohl Ann Eliza.
Salt Lakev April 27
The decision in the famous Ann Eli
za case against Rrigharn Young was
decided to-day by Judge Schaffer. The
decision is that the def;;ilmt and
plaintiff were married April IS, 1333,
de facto, bat not de jure ; that at the
time of ths d? facto in irriag3 the
plaintiff was competent to enter into
a valid contract of m .image' but the
defendant, was not because he had a
lawful wife then living. The person,
Sidney Rigdon, who performed the
marriage cerem my, between the defen
dant and Mary Ann Angell in Kirk
land, Ohio, in 13:31 had no license au
thorizing him to-perform such ceremo
ny ; none was needed to make the cere
mony valid ; the plaintiff and defen
dant cohabited together as man and
wife for several years after thair de
facto marriage; the defendant deserted
ill treated ami neglected the plaintiff,
but such de facto marriaga was induc
ed and effected by unlue indamca and
coercion. Conclusion the plaintiff is
not entitled to a decree of divorce;
that the alleged marriage was and is
polygamous, and therefore null and
void; that during the tims the plaint
iff was with the defendant as a poly
gamus wife, site was serving him as a
menial or servant, and would b3 enti
tled to reasonable compensation for
her services; bat having received in
this instance "the form of alimony
pen-Iente lite" more than such servi
ces are shown by the proof to be rea
sonably worth, she should go hence
without further compensation.
State Items.
A number of our exchanges declare
war in Europe thi3 week.
The North Platte NelrasJtian has
broken out with the spotted cattle fe
ver. It would appear from our exchang
es that one, Colby, probably a member
of the Legislature, must have introduc
ed a bill for a township organization,
last winter.
spring is a try ing reason. Indications of sick
ness should be at once attended to. Fatal dis
eases may be caused by allowing the bowels to
become constipated and the system to remain
in a disordered condition, until the disorder has
time to develop itself. An ounce of prevention
is worth a pound of cure, is an old and truthful
saying. Therefore we advise all who are troub
led with the complaint no'.v very prevalent
headache indigestion, disordered liver, went of
appetite, nausea, or feverie h skin, to take, with
out delay Sfhenck's Mandrake pi'.ls. We know
of no remedy so harmless and decisive in it
inltsactien. It at once strikes to the root of
the disease and produces a healthy tone to the
systemn. Feople never need suffer from any
disease arising from a disordered condition of
the liver if they would take this excellent med
icine when they feel the first indications of tne
malady. Families W-uving home for the sum
mer mouths should take three or four boxes of
these pills along with them. They have au al
most instaneous eflVct. They will lelieve the
palient of headache in one or two hours, and
will rapidly cleanse the liver of surrounding
bile, and will effectually prevent a bilious attack.
They are.sol.i by all druggists.
Oats, .
1 loirs.'.
. 110120
2s .:)
2.V J8
.4 cVtt4 50
.2 biV'Ui 00
latest xew yohk markets
New Yohk, May 2.
Chicago, May 2.
Flour, 3 2"'?J. "'j
Wheat i OS',
Corn M
Oh'.s, . 40'
live ss
Karly 70
Iloifs, 5 !"5 T"
Cattle 4 60 i 5 75
Old newspapers for sale at the IIeu
ald office, 73c per hundred.
The best and largest stock of
in the county, bound to be sold out for
cash. (4tf) Peter Mercies.
Excelsior Harness Shop.
Any thing in the line of Harness or
Harness trimming in any siyle at l)ry
an and Chambers. 0-t3
We have made arrangements to have
Magazines, Medical and Law reports,
and other pamphlets bound. Apply
at the Herald o2ieo. tf
F. S. White has just received a lot
of Rrussells, ingrain, and oil cloth car
pets, also a lot of new style carpeting,
ranging from CO c's. per yd. up. If
you want a bargain in carpets for cash
give him a call. 5-t2
The millinery department of Messrs.
Solomon & Xathan, is particularly full
and complete this season. Their con
nection with their wholesale house at
St. Joe gives them advantage over all
smaller dealers. They propose furnish
ing that class of goods in greater vari
ety, and at lower prices, than any
house on this side of the Missouri Riv
er, otf
Coming Pail'.
Xew supplies of millinery goods, at
Mrs. Johnson it Miss Sweeney's, all the
newest shapes in hats, Normandy, R re
ton, hats turned down, hats turned up
on ouo side, hats turned up in front,
hats of chip.of straw, black hats, white
hat , brown hats, cream-colored hats.
Then the t rimmings ; handsome French
flowers, cheaper American flowers, hut
just as handsome, in cream color, in
sulphur color, in mandarin, the ex
tremely fashionable color, and in any
thins vou mav call for. Co and look
at them. 4t3
Get your calling cards at the Herald
Latest styles of card board and papers.
Tosters Rill-Heads, Letter-Heads,
Envelopes, Pamphlets and Cards print
ed at this office. All work expedi
tiously and neatly executed.
Go to Mrs. L. R. Crocker and Co's,
and see the latest styles in hats. 4-b't
Wm. Stadelmann having been appointed by
the U. S. Marshal for this State as Collector of
the outstanding accounts of Wm. Htadelniann
and of Sherwood & Stadelmann. All owing
these concerns are hereby called upon to ap
pear at the store of the said Wm. Stadelmann.
in the city of Plattsmouth, County of Cass, on
or befoie the 15th day of April, 1.377. for the set
tlement of said account, or saM accounts will
be transferred to the hands of the lawyer in the
case for collection with costs. Save costs and
come forward. Wm. Stadklmaxs,
C. II. I'akjikle, . Collector.
riattsmouth, March 5. 1S77.
1 S. Owing to complication in settling oth
er business the time of closiug our books will be
extended until May lt. After which date ali
unadjusted accounts, dm? cither of the old firms
will positively be collected by law.
Wm. SrAOKi.M.vjr, Collector.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re
newer is a scientific combination of
pome of the most powerful restorative
agents in the vegetable kingdom. It
restores grey hair to its original color.
It makes the scalp white and clean. It
cures dandruff and humors, and fal
ling out of the hair. It furnishes the
nutritive principle by which tl e hair
is nourished and supported. It makes
the hair moist, soft and glossy, and is
unsurpassed as hair-dressing. It is
the most economical preparation ever
offered to the public, as its effects re
main a long time, making only an oc
casional application necessary. It is
recommended and used by eminent
medical men, and officially endorsed
by the State H.ssayerof Massachusetts.
The popularity of Halls Hair Renew
er has increased with the test of many
years, both in this country and in for
eign lands, and it is now known and
used in all civilized countries of the
world. For Sale bv all dealers.
Mrs. F. Elsterand Miss Nellie Short have cone
into the dressmaking business, and would be
pleased to have those in want of work in tb'ir
line to call and see them at tiie residence of Mrs.
F.lster, one door west of the Saunders
House. Satisfaction guaranteed aud charges
lid'r-.ite. 7-lf
The latest, greatest, and most re-
liable remedy ever put together by medical sci
ence for Kheumati'Mn. Woiim's. swellings, tiurns.
Caked P.reusi, &e is the Centaur Liniment.
There are two kinds. What the White Lini
ment is for the human family, t he Mmnger kind,
which is yellow in color, is for spavined, lame
and strained horses and animals. Their effects
are wonderful.
Mothers who have
wenk and irritable
children, can secure health for the children anil
re4t for themselves by upimi Ir. l'itcher's Ca
toria. It contains no inorplime or anything in
jurious. It is a pleasant to take as honey, and
is certain to cure Wind Colic, regulate the bow
els and expel worms. For Teething children
themis nothing like Castoria. 51 1 13
Every fashionable shade of silk for
trimmings, and also every fashionable
hape of hat. can be seen at Solomon it
Nathan's emporium. 5tf
closing out::
The most elegant and best line of
of all grades, including a most beauti
ful assortment of
of different colors in the market.
To be closed out for cash. Reason,
change of business. (4tf) P. Merges.
A good blooded Jack, also kept at
the same place with the stallion "Ma
jor", at reasonable terms.
5-t2 H. L. Skirvix.
Our lady trimmer is an experienced
artiste ami can trim in anv stvle desir
ed. 5-tf. Soeomon & Nathan.
A few City orders for sale.
J. V. Weckbach will pay in cash or
goods the highest market price for any
amount of potatoes. 20tf
Centennial manufactory. Gents fine
custom work warranted, at Rob Sher
wood's. Rosciii:e's German Syrup can now
be purchased right at home, it is the
most successful preparation ever in
troduced to our people. It works like
a charm in till cases of consumption.
Pneumonia, Hemorrhages, Asthma,
severe coughs. Croup and other throat
aud Lung diseases. No person has ev
er used this medicine without immed
iate relief, yet there are a great many
poor, suffering, skeptical persons going
about our streets with a suspicious
cough, and the voice of consumption
coming from their lungs, that will not
try it. If you die it is your own fault,
as you can go to j our Druggists in
Plattsmouth and get a Sample Rottle for
10 cents and try it; three doses will
relieve any case. Regular size only 75
cents. 50-tf.
"Wedding Rristol card board at the
Herald office.
If you want to get your chimneys
cleaned or your stove polished, call on
Chas. Rrown, or leave orders at John
Boone's barber shop, at any hour of the
day or night. 50 cents a stove ami 50
cents a flue. 4"2tf
Have yon seen the Centennial Panel
pieces, painted by Frank Stadter, and
ou exhibition at Carruih's? 45tf.
See T.J.Todd's new'cake pan. 2-ltf
Team of large horses, harness and
wagon for sale at a bargan. Rnquire
at Sage Rros.
New cake pan, enquire at the IIer
Al,i) otlice. i!4t.
Diseases of the Kidneys effect the
whole system. Should not be neg
lected a single day. Tar acts directly
and is the natural remedy. Take the
"Forest Tar;" it is a pure preparation
and cures when other remedies fail.
A new American and a new Wilson
for sale at the Herald Oifice.
Messrs. Streight & Miller wish to
call the attention of their customers
to the fact that it is customary to close
up accounts at the commencement of
the year. As they are expected to pay
their bills it follows that thej" must
have funds to pay with. They would
therefore notiry their customers who
have been accommodated 'to harness
and other goods, that they will be ex
pected t3 call and settle their accconnts
at their earliest convenience. 'Their
stock of harnrss and other goods in
that line is complete, and all wanting
anything in their line will find it to
their advantage to give them a call. A
full stock of groceries also kept con
stantly on hand. 43tf
Get your Magazines hound. Xow is
your time. At the Herald office, tf.
Julius Tepperberg. Cigar Manufac
turer, on Main St., I'lattsmouth, Xeb.
Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri
can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes.
For Sale. JJest qualities of pi ug-smok-;ng
tobacco always on hand. 20-tf.
Binding done at the IlnnALD office.
Our enterprising and successful mer
chants, E. G. Dovey & Son. are still at
their post, supplying customers with
everything in the line of general mer
chandise on the most reasonable terms,
stock kept full and complete. 39tf
Elegant new flowers in all the latest
shades, tilleul prreen, mandarin and
sulphur color, silks to match, and Mrs.
I,. D.Crocker & Co. will put them to
gether to form a hat after the latest
style and to suit everyone, at a modcr
ate price. 4-3 1
The undersigned is prepared to bore
wells to any depth on short notice
one foot hole and good tubing put in.
All .work warranted for one year.
iri-i:Y & McDonald,
Weeping Water Cass Co., Xeb.
For Sale at a Hargain.
one block south of Main Street
Full line of every kind of goods at
the Store of J. V. Weckbach, which his
army of clerks are dispensing as fast as
they can hand over the goods. tf.
good bargains!
for .SI.T.j at
Btsta' Milwaukee Jleer
constantly on hand.
And best Illinois Cider.
Ice cold at
II E A DQ tT A RT E r.S.
To loan on improved farms in Cass Countv, at
low rate of interest. Applications solicited.
I'lattsmotilh, March ls77. J. N. WISE.
Old papers for sale, 73c a hundred
A Trio of full-blooded lloutians for
Herald Office
Legal Notice.
j Notice is hereby given to ral persons having
rlalms auaiiiM th'o i-.-tate of ,ohn Chandler, de
ceased, thattht-v can liie the s one in tin- olhce
of the Comity J adge. ou or before the ",th day
i-1 October. IS77, ar.d fin el the adiniiiixtrtor on
I s;tid d.ty, in the olTtee of said .fudge, for allow -j
Mire of "the ' aid accounts. Ey requct of Wm.
I H. Smith, administrator.
I'lalt.-tiiouth, Neb., Mav tst, )877.
fit.i W. II. "NEWF1.L, Co. Judge.
Legal Notice. -
Notice i hereby given to a'l persons having
claims against the estate of ll. li. Ellison, decas
ed. to file the same in the of!'n;e of the County
.fudge, I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, on or before the
Pub dav of October, A. i). ls;7, and to appear
on said dav for allowance of the same.
I'lattsmouth, Neb., Mav 1st, 1377.
;t; Wm. II. New em,. Co. Judge.
Legal Notice.
Notice Is hereby given to alt persons having
claims against the estate of .lames M. Handy,
deceased, to tile the same in the otlice of Comi
ty Judge. I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, on or before
the fttli day of OctoOer. A. 1. 1S77. and to meet
the administrator at said otlice, on said day, for
allowance 01 the same.
I'lattsmouth, NH., .Mav 1st, 177.
6;a Wm. h. Newki.i., C .Tm'g..
In Bankruptcy.
In the nistr'ct Court of the United States, for
the Diftih t of Nebraska.
Iu the mailt ritf Vnilttu t- Hufmr I'rtrknipl.
District of Nebia.ska. s ;
riils is to give notice that on the 24th dav of
April. 1877, a warrant of bankruptcy was issued
out of the District Court, of the I uiteil Mates,
for the District of Nebraska, a rainst tno estate
of Jacob V'allnry and lvter K. Rutlner. partner,
of I'lattsmouth. in the Ccunty of Cass, iu said
district, who have been adjudg d bankrupt on
their own petition, and the payment of anv
debis.and the delivery of any propertv belineing
to said bankrupt, to tliein.'or to ilieir ic,'atid
the transfer of any property by the mare4forlid
deii bv law.
That a meeting of the creditors of s.iid bank
rupts, to prove their debt" and to choose one or
more assignees of their estate, will be bel t at a
Court of f.aiikrupey to be iioMen at Omaha, in
said district, on Hie lt;th day of Mav. is," ,at four
oVIock p. m., at the otiice of J. I.. Webster, Kmj..
the Kegit-ter la Bankruptcy of said ( 'oui I.
VV i i.i.i wt Daily.
612 U. S. Marshal for said I i,trict.
Sheriff's Sale.
Ey virtue of three executions issued by the
Clerk of the District Court of the Second Jit
did tl District, within, and for Cass County.
Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on tli" 4tli
day of June A. D. 1S77. at 10 o'clock, A. M.. of
said day. at the sot it h door of he Court House,
in the City of Plaltsinotitli. in said Countv. ie!l
at public auction the follow ing real estate, to
wit :
Lots 7 & 8 ill block 1 in riattsmouth city in Ca
Co. Neb., also
w of lolss&o ' 31
sw', of lot 10 " :u "
lot h " m
lots P &! ' tifl
lots 10. II, &- 12 " 7 " '
lots 7 a: " 85 "
lots 4 & 5 " fr, ' "
lot 10 "UH ' "
lot t "72
lots I. 2, 5. fi. 7, and in block 7, in Toting .
Hayes addition to I'lattsmouth City, in said
countv. The same being levied upon andltaketi
as toe propertv oi Jacob Vallerv, jr., defendant ;
to satisfy a Imltiinerit of said Cun t, recovered
by KrancU .Marion l'ox. plaint ill.
J'liOtsiuoiitli, Net).. M:i) 2d. A. D. 1S77.
w: Ml H. Ci'ilkh, sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of two executions, issued by the
Clei k of the District Court, ot Hie Second Judi
cial District, within ami for Cass Countv. Ne
braska, and to me directed. I will on the It li dav
ot June. A. D. 1S77. af II o'clock, a. in., of said
day. at the south door of the (' sirt House, i u
the City of i'lattsmouth. bi said county. fcII at
public auction tlie ii lowing real estate, to-wit :
i'he soillh-west iiarter (sw'i of section fix oi)
in town ten (l north raicie tht,-teeii (13. east
of the 6th I. M., in Cass Co.. N - b. The sii
being levied upon and taken as the propertv ol
Vallerv & KulTner. defendants; to satisfy a
udgment of said Court, i ecov: r;'d A'eb
r A- Co.. plaintiff.
I'latt-moulh, Neb.. Mav 2t, A. D. 1?77.
C!5 M. li. l' Sheriff.
?"otie is hereby siiven that Sealed bids will be
received up to the first Tmsiay in June, 1S77.
for the building of t4 four bridges, for Cass Cn,,
Nebraska. Iiiiilge to be constructed in accord
ance with plaint and f-pceiiications ou tile in the
otlice of County Clerk, reference being had
f.ids to state price per lineal foot (horizontal
measure i. in casli, and also in warrants on the
liridge Fund.
iiv order of the Hoard.
AttfM: C. r. Moore. Clerk.
r.y Wm. I,, k'ells. Deputy. r.pJ
Sheriff's Sale.
P!v virtue of an execution, issued by the ("'Jerk
of the District Court, 2d Judicial District, with
in and for Cass Coumy Nebraska. and to me di
rected. 1 will tin the 'ZM day of May, A. I. 1H77,
at 10 o'clock, a. m.. ol said dav. at t lie sum li door
of the Court House, iu the city of I'lattsmouth,
in said County, sell at public. iu-l ion tne follow,
ing real e-tate, to-wit : lit one d)lot two (
lot three cn lot four Ul lot five (M lot six 0'.; lot
seven (7) lot eight (Si lot nii.e (,! and lot ten (l(ti
All in section twelve (12) town twelve tl'Ji north
of range thirteen east of the ;th P.M.. as
shown by the plat of Wheatly and lllissiania
Mickehvait. on file in the Countv CP rks oftice
of Cass countv Nebraska. 1 shall commence
with lot one 1 ) and t-cll enough ot these lots to
sat isty t his execul ion and cost. Each lot con
tains aoout two acres, i ne same lieing levied
upon and taken as the property of Wheatly
Micke wait, defendant : to satisfy a iuil iiiien't
of said Court, recovered by John D.Tut I . pi.untff.
i lattsmouin, -Neo., April z-, . l. is,,.
5t5 M. li. Ci-'ni.iiic, isheriff.
Legal Notice.
J. V. 'Weckbach vs John Ileim and Oswald
litilhtnann vs John lieiui.
In Justice Court, before John W. Ilaines, J, P.,
in and tor C.iss count y, Neo.
ToJ'ihn Ifiim, iion-rexitteiit defendant:
You arc hereby notified that on the 17th and
lSrii davs ol April, A. D. 1S77. thecaid ju-lice is
sued orders of attachments and garnishees in
the above entitled causes, for the sums of 2(i..r
in favor of J. V". Weckbach. and Sll.ii in favor
of Nwaid Gut hmanii. plaintiffs.
I lai'.smoutn, April i'4tn. M. 7.
Johx W. Haixes, J. P.
T. V. AVKcxr.Acit,
Oswald (Jithmaxx. 5t3
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtu' of an execution. Issued bv Win. II.
Newell, County "trudge, within and for i'u
Countv. Nebia.ska. and to me directed, 1 will on
the Tl fi day of -May. A. I . 1S77. at 10 o'clock a.
ni., of said day. at the residence of C. 1. Smith,
in the city of I'lattsmouth, in said Comity, sell
at public auction the following personal proper
ly, to-wit : tine mower and reaper combined,
one seeder, one corn plow, one plow. i,i lot of
wood, one fanning null, one harrow, one lol of
barley and one shovel. The same Iwjtig levied
upon and taken as the property of C- 1. Smith,
one of the defendants : to satisfy a judgment of
said Court, recovered by Vallery & Kullner,
I'lattsmouth, Neb., April 24th. A. I). 177.
5t2 M. li. CtTLi-.K. Sheriff.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Notice ie hereby given that by virtue of a
power of sale, contained in a chattel Mortgage,
given on the 7th day ol April. A. D. l-l, aim re
corded on the day of March. A. D, IH7.". iu
book E. of Chattel Mortgage Kecortls. of C.'tfS
County. Nebraska, p:tge lji. !y D. W. McKinnoil
Coutuy Clerk, and records of said coil .ty by C.
f. Moore, deputy, which same mortgage was e
ectiied by August F. Arndt, as mot tgagor to Atl-gu-t
stad, mortgagee, to secure the payment of
promissory note bearing even date wph raid
mortgage, aud made by August F. Anidt. paya
ble to August Stoil or order six mouths alter
dale of the sum of ( one hundred and fif
ty dollars, with 12 per cent, per annum, upon
which said note ami mortgage, the eaid August
Stoll claims there is da:; and unpaid, at the tune
ot the first publication of this notice, April iiWh.
A. D. 1877. is (.sl.Vl.(Ki) one hundred ami fifty dol
lars principal ami yM. 1K fifty-four dollars and
ninety-live cents interest :toial. principal and in
terest tof.;5. This inortuaue was letile i m the
t;th dav of .March. A. D. 5Tj on pane 13. book
K. of Chattel Mortgage record of f-aid e ni-.ty.
and also on book I', paiie 4c.r, aud 4'Xi. of Chattel
Mortgage, record of satd count y, on the day
of April lsTo. The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction, to the highest bidder, for easii, on
the lStb dav of May. A. D. 1S77. at 11 o'clock a,
in. of Said day. at Ihlielder Station, in (';!. Co.
Nebraska, the follwwing described property, up
on w hich said mortgage is a lien, to-wit : One
two story frame house. ls'- by 2'i feet, situated
on the north side ot the railrind t-ack. fit In
bclder station, being situated between the rail
road track on the south and Cedar Creek on the
north, said building being built of pine lumber,
and intended f r a wagon shop, but uot being
entirely completed.
April 2.Hh, 177.
ArtrsT Stall, Mortgagee.
Ey M. 15. Cutler, his agent. St
Legal Notice.
In the District Court. Cass County, Neb.
Calvin II. I'anaele vs Henry .icrt and George
Td Ifcnry Sicrt and Gf.orgc cih.iwn-rciilenl de
fciiduin. You and each of yon are hereby notified that
on the i'th day of August. l:n, filed mv peti
tion in the otiice of the Clerk of ike jlistriet
Court. In and for Cass County. Nebraska, the
object and pravcr of which is to recover judg
ment against you nixm a certain promissory
not'', for the sum of no. with lite inte'vnt there
on from the tenth day of February, Ist, m the
rate of 12 per cent per annum, and ci.rts of suif.
and that unless you appear ami answer sai't pe
tition on or before the 21t dav ol May, A. D.
1S77, judgment will be takn against you foi said
sum of i4t). interest and costs, according to the
prayer of said pvtitioa.
C. n. PARMHLE, hv
Sam. M Chapman, his Att'y. y-t t
uiliii' m
Sheriff's Sale.
f.y virtue of an execution, i ftied by the Clerk
of the District Court. Second Judicial I)!tiict,
within and for Chs County. Nebraska. J.i.d 1''
mc iluccted. I will on tin- Ulii itav of May, A.
1 l K7. alii o'clock a. in., of Siitd day. at the
i south door of the Court House, jn the City of
rialtsnioiitli in said Ounl v. sell t:t public :hh
I lion the following rfiil', to-wH : '(h
noun nan m'jp 01 ioi- mm-, i. n. . .
t elve el 10 1 1 & P.M in block e'ghty-iour 4 t'l
the town of Weeping Water, Cass Co. .Nebra-ka.
The same being levied upon and taken as the
propertv of K. i. Coalman now Cogswell, de
fendant ; satisfy a judgment of satd Co'-.ri,
recovered bv A. (1. Barnes, pl'tin'lll.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska. April IE A. D. 1ST".
atd M. H. CilTLtu. SherltE
iiAKiuvAni: sronrr.
In I'!at:s:uouth, Neb., on Fourth St.. about the
you will find :
Corn Planters, (Iiuntl & IiorscO
Mirrinpr I'Iowh,
suiSi.v i;ovs.
and all kinds of Tarm Implements unil
!rhelf Ilurriwart, Tin Ware, &c, &c.
Hungarian and Millet.
Seed for Sale
JOHN rtO.VS, Iropritor.
tiii: !,: iti:s,i AEiB.;: raox m;.
Good accommodations for I-'arnifTS
and the? traveling; iiiMi Hoard 1 ier
day. Meals Entirely refitted and
re-furnished, and farmers are request
ed to call and get :5 meal nwi bed for
Sl.oo. run:
At the old Hyatt IJ.irn. ;la.cly Jones t;ih!e
in I'lattstnouth, Nth. W ill keep ensiHi:trii
hand a number of
Horses for Sale.
" The buyinsr and se!lln;r of good horses mado
the specialty of the business. A new
it!i gentle horses, for Ladies tT drive U keyt
at the Stable.
11-yl. E. P ARM ELK.
Wuyon, Bifyy, Machine and Plow re
pairiny, and general jobbing.
I am now prepared to do .ill kinds of repn rlng
of l.inu anil other machinery, hi tberu
is a good lathe iu my sbop.
The old Reliable W agon Maker
ha.staken charge of the wagon shop.
lie is well known as a
Xmv Vnconx Riiti lEiiie made in
Shop on Sixth street. ooiosite Streijtht'h Stable
wagon ri:paii:ing
All kinds of
Xeath) d Promptly
Horse, jlulc & Ox Shooing
In short, we'll shoe anything that has
four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe.
Come stud see u.s.
on Fifth St.. between Main and Vine Streets,
just across the corner from the mkw 1IKKAI.I
orrii'K. "'
FOU "iOUtt
Choice Wines, Liquors,
Cheapest Place in
Kia Ale on draught or ty th JVitlle.
Families Supplied by the Dozen.
30t4 '. B. MURPHY.
The o'd rONVF.j: STAHLES !n Plattsmouth
Veb.lmve been leased bv Ir. .Jones, and he,
iins opened a new ami handsome livery in this
well known b;irn. The OiMt and best of horsi
and earriaces always redy to let.
Horses kept for Saie
or lo tcade.
I desire to pive notice that I harp r larro.
handsome !ui k barn, with identy of room for
hordes and v.auoas. I can put "farmer stock
an 1 wajroni, loads of gndn or unythbi jtll un
der rover. ii the dry. lirmember this.
Thanking all mv ol i pati on for their mttny
favnrs. I solicit their tradtt this eomins yiar.
mtWtied I ean a"comiiiodate them better and do
bettor by them than ever before. 3-yl.
2!arhinit. A. ot:! linker and II mi
ner of 1 Iirel:li? 5IarhiiiH,
h;is opened adinp on Sijth tTeet ne;ir Mr. Dti
elly 's IjlacKsiuit h ;u:d W;i;.'ou Shop where lie h;i-
prepared iiiii.i-elf f o do ai. y and all tuaehlius work
without exception. Uk oas a No. l hit uo cmi
turn in wood. iron. Steele, anil ail "thwmwtitSs ii
coiiiieet'oo w ith machine lie can do any
1 Ihiir r'ju!i ed hi a nut.smirh, ev?n to tn;tkln'; it
tun. of which e have the evidence in a )'t.
breach -.i r thiXiwinjr one tVo or t nre l-id'.s a I
once at w ill f the guuuer .
Mr. lleo. W. Shrader a farmer near P.oc!;
r.!u(Tss.u old HeipiahiUiae.e of J!r. KiiT from .
Yirtfiuiaean he li feied to in reKard to bis former
connection with tiie munufact ure r.f Three hue
Maeinnis. (live Mr. K if. sera fill aid lie wtli
insure yon satisfactory v.urk on any rt ot n
Threshing Marhine. " ' t.2-rai
1 1 ,n