H E II E II A L I). I-oCA LA D V E HTl ? EME N TS. ' Transient, 25cents a line. Kegular advertis rs, im cents -r line. No advertisement iusert ?J for lew than V cents. Lesal notice at Statute rate. Attorneys and otltecr .f the law ri iil be nchl fejoiensiblc for aWleifal notices they lutml ill, situ! sill parties demanding .si proof of publica tion ot any notice will be Isciu for the V'Ubhc.t- tlon foe of such notice. COMM V N IC ATIONS. A nr.r space Is limited, eoinmunieaCtuns nust be brief said to the .,iiu, wltli no warde WOrilft. The pafer n re spsMisible for the correctness according to copy of psiid matter ami jjuiI Le gal. only. 1. Any person who takes the paper regularly from the s'-oitice. whether din ;ed to his name, or whether tic Is a sub-Hriber or not-is resixmsihlo for tfce pav. 2. If ray person ordeis his p;iier discontin ued, lie ia-ist p:iv ll sirrefirases, or the publish er may ci.ntimie to tPinl it until pnvmcnt is made, and collect the whole amount, whether the p.ip-T is taken from the ohies or not. 3. I ie com ts have decided that refusing to t. iivv-.i:per and iodicals from tiie mxt p:Iu c. or ivm.v h!4 ami having them cm-atled for. i )Tit,n t-jcic cv i .l- ucc i t imi:m i". i. m.UU. 13. & M. R.R.Timo Table. i.'unnttd Xumlay, April 1st, 1877. HlU OMAHA FKOM I'LATTSMOCTH. Ltavt-t .", :' a. M. Arrives 8 a. in. -2 :JO p. 111. " 3 :Vi p. m. I KOM OMAHA I'Oi: PLaTTSMOETH . Lea-, es 9 nl a. in. An i e 10 :24 a. tn. t :W p. in. T : l- roK jm: wKsr. Leaves Plstttsmo 1M1 :ia n. 111. Arrives Lin VC'.li.U l." p. ill. ; Arrives Kearney. : ') p. tn. i"r--.'fcht le.ivsT :M:i. la. Ar. Lincoln ii :-l.in. i :.t rm: west. .-e.avos K t -ii 'n -v. i : ' a. m. Lcives Lincoln, J.t :io p. in. Arrives i "l. 1 1 1 111 : 1 1 1 . 'i :1." l. m KrIht leaves Lincoln 11 :r, a. in. Arrives rilif.siii'ju'.ii. 4 AS p. lit. 170IN'.. LAST. Express. C :) ;l. in. r:i-nK r, itiaia each day) -i :' p. in. i;i(iVA(. am iirrAK'n hi: or pi.atts- JIOl III MAILS. i.i.th:m, xokturkx k soi niKi:N Arrive at - 9 :"! a. 111. Popart fit - 5 r:w r. m. - :o.i p. in. OMAHA VIA K. .t M. Arii-.e at 10 C a. in. I Depart at - 2 :15 p. in. VCSTF,:iN VH !'.. Sc M. .rrie at - ? :j p. 111. I Depart at - 0 :( a. in. VVK.I- riN't: WiT'f!!. Ariivr at 1.' :i o in. i Depart at - '.' :"i p. in. U- Civ I'.I.l Ft S rXIllX MILLS. Arrive ar. u n -i :u. 1 Depart sit - 1 :' r- "i. J. W. MA US II A LL. V. M. LOCAL XEWfi P. .ill to-night, at I'itzgerahl Hall. L";;;e stock of D.ied Ik'ef, canvassed at W'-ckbach's. Coot', wool hats for els. ;-.t Sti'.d ci man's. Mitaical Concert to-r.ight, a'. Pilz g -raid Hall. No 1 Sugar Cured Haius canvassed at Weckbaeh's. tit... d pair plough boots for c'2.00 at St.tdclnmu's. tf. -OuH-cit ;md Jkill to-night go ar.d har, and ee. and dance. ir want a No. 1 cheap suit for -0. so to t.iue'itiian's. If. As wo are all sefSil. now, k-t v.s v.-bat we si re .v -rh. .uo-l pair ovcrar.'.s for 40 cts at :-ra!-t Iioais's. tt- -No ivnu'dy can compare with "For est Tar Salve" for curing Piles. Hats A Hat One Hat sit Stalel luau's -J") to r,D ct-; S to 7. Apr 11). Eli Plummer. the Merchant h;is gone cast fur a new stock of general mt r fhandise Ioik out l-v his add next week. -t-1- There is a horso race reported at Hock Dluffs on Tuesday . bit ween a horse owned by Sharp and one by C raves. anted. Mr. Noniiio.fs Politics for Young America. Who's got him? rull.toek of extra groceries at Wcckb ich's. plow r-nor.s only 03 cents at Merges shoe store. It Tii! number of inhabitants in Cass County, according to last census is 11. 22 . The Saunders House is doing a gou-1 b-asines evidently, from the ap pearance of the Ih gisstcr. Mrs. Johnson and Miss Sweeney keep n hand a stock of gloves, ties, Alc, of standard brands ami styles. 4r,' Messrs. E.G.Dovey and Henry Doeck have trailed business houses. Well, rny lliiiig to make business lively. It l'resh stock canned goods, oranges, lemons, raisins, tigs, dates, cocoa nuts, apples by the barrel, etc, at the P. O. News Depot. o-U Every fashionable sliade of silk for trimmings, and also every fashionable shape of hat, can be seen at Solomon & Nathan's emporium. 5tf Frank Guthiuan says (that is he thought he said) that some of the big men of Plattsniouth have shown a great ileal of cf.lcial debility lately. Don't fail to try the Diamond Crown Fine Cut, the "boss" chewing tobacco iu the market, for sale by J. P. Young at the Post Otlico News Depot. 3-tl Mrs. Johnson & Miss Sweeney are agents for Dutterick's patterns, and are constantly getting in new styles. 4.2 Where's that chap what wanted to know the length of our cookies? stove four or five weeks ago. We want some nice dry cqttonwood, "cut up," about TiOW. Our lady trimmer is an experienced artiite and can trim in any style desir td. 3-tf. S'OLOMOK & Xathax. Dr. Sehild knecht came home last night with a buggy full of geese and the Herald well the- Hesald will have goose for dinner. Ve learn that the Presbytery of Oma ha, at its late session at Papillion, elec ted Chaplain Wright a commissioner to the General Assembly, which meets in Chicago on the 17th proximo. A new and varied stock of SPUING AND SUMMEli GOODS at SCIINAS.SE & GUAMBKKO'S, See their new alvertiseinent in another column. The Onialia Musical Concert will give an entertainment in this place, on Thursday evening, (April 20th). under the leadership of Prof. Dueler. Tho admission is Q cents. Thure will be a ball after the Concert, admission also 1'or Sal?. One Jack, four years lu, sound and kind. Inquire at this o!li.;e, or of LjAwklnci: Smith. near Pock Dluffs. 4U The corninunicition in regard to School districts, in another place, is published because the writer's name is signed to it, and the 1 1 i:hali presumes lie knows what lie is writing about. It is a matter, of course, of which we could know l.otliing alTout the facts. Mrs. Johnson & Miss Sweeney have blocks for shaping over old hats, into all the latest styles. Go and they'll make your old hat look"amaist as wiel's the new." 4t2 The hoppers are hatching out in patches all over and their hum as you drive them up sounds like the whir of woodcock or quail. Can't the State Spvirtsmans' Association offer a prize for s;!v)oti:ig them. How would hot mush lo, sent from a mortar, say, and spread over a lively patch of-hoppers. Do something for us yeXimrods. LOST. A note for 800, dated about the Cth of April. Tlie note was signed by Sid ney Miner and J. C. Norris and Ander son lioot endorsers. Any party find ing the same wiil please return to J. Stroud at Plat tsinouth, Neb., and oblige ")-tl J. Stloud. Will the per.-ou who borrov.'ed our Noidiiou's Politics for Young Ameri ca, be kind enough to return the same to the IIluald oilice. K')!)T AND MJOK KACTOr.V. "We have no 20 years exieriencs jji the booL and s'uoa manufactory, and !i:ive already learnt it to perfection. Coed tlil'J caif hoots ma Da To oudl'.iYo:: .SJG.50, at. Xt rj'iS shoe stcr. 5tl We u:i Icrstaii-l from Mr. Drummon-.l, that th.'-re ; boa Lite.stry Soci-jly rt.trted in c-'r.uce.tou with t lie school, to be held in the High School huilding. and the iirst mc-etinj vill J. e 0:1 Friday eveni!1., at 7;.'10 sharp. P. S. V, 'itite has just received a lot of Uriisr-ells, ingrain, and oil cloth car pets, also a hL of new style carpeting, ranging from 20 els. per yd. up. If you wai't a I;trgai:i in carpets for cash give him a call. o-ii - Ki.te Chfiton appeared in .Lincoln as an orphan, an I strange to say, escap ed unburnt and unharmed by lire. Xo l!ani"s bigger than those iu the grate leaped after her this time. The millinery department of Messrs. Solomon it Nathan, is particularly full and complete this season. Their con nection with their wholesale house at St. Joi! gives them advantage over all smaller dealers. They propose furnish ing that elas; of goods iu greater vari ety, and at lower prices, than siuy house on this side ox the Missouri Hiv er. otf We lind "The Ladies of the White IIousv" in Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for April succeeded in tho May number by "The Presidents at Home." by Benson J. Lossing, LL. D. Tlie article is illustrated with 17 fine engravings, showing places of interest in the history of our Presidents from Washington down. The May number is replete with choice literature, em bracing short stories, incidents of trav el, anecdotes, poetry, art science, etc. It has some 70 illustrations among its 10J pages, concerning Penjamin Frank lin, Santiago de Cuba, Elephant-Kap-ping in Ceylon, Charcoal-burning, etc., etc. It is indeed up to its best stan dard, and well worth its price for one year. Send to Frank Leslie oil Pearl Street, New York. closing out:: The most elegant and best line of LOOTS AMD SHOES, of all grades, including a most beauti ful assortment of ITIILDREXS SHOES, of different colors in tho market. To be closed out for cash. Hcaon, change of business. (-Uf) P. Meitgcs. A i;ras!i:p;K?r llemedy. A S.dinss, Kans-is, correspondent of the Kansas City Jourail gives the following 'hopper remedy. We have li Ad the grasshoppers hatch iug out here for some time past very numerously, but the pests are begining to be things of the past. We have got the upper hand of them. It is very simple and easily managed, and we are killing millions of them. Take a piece of sheet iron, say 10 feet long and 2 or 3 fc-et wide; saturate a piece of cloth (calico, or anything) with coal oil and place it on tho sheet iron; place the iron on the ground, and two boys can draw it. The 'hop pers will jump onto it as it is drawn along. They touch the coal oil and it kills them almost instantly. Cl'Uui;i oL-i u; v '.: -'. " " S-1.00 ami S3.00, at tho It Oihce ' jwi Depot. s .1 The debate before the JLiteary Society on Saturday (the 29th) light will be on the question of tho opjres ion of Ireland vs Poland and Joe on ner and Frank Stater will take. a l inil and may be a foot in the melee. The following are the leba 01s on each side. Affirmative. Negative. Wooley. Conner. Fairfield. Drummonl. Fry. Nichols. Morrison. "Way man. Wells. O'Neill McDonagh. MacMurph . Windham. Cashing. Excelsior Humes Shop. Any thing in tlie line of Hames or Harness trimming in any style at 1 ry an and Chambers. 5-ti Wishavfj made arrangements tohve Magazines, Medical and Law repc-is, and other pamphlets bound. Aply at the Hekald oihce. t! To the executive committee and board of directors, of the Cass County Agricultural Society. There will be a meeting of the 020 utive committee and board of direct rs, of the Cass County Agricultural Sode ty, in the Court House, in Plattsmoi ;li, Xeb.. on Tuesday May 1st, 1S77, ai 2 o'clock p. in., to take action on reput from committee on Premium List, ; ad all other business that will comcbef ve said meeting, all members of said cc 11 mittee, and board of directors, are ht:! by requested to be present. Jiy order of the President. 412 J. P. Yol'xg, See'y Oid newspapers for sale at the Hik ALD oilice, 7,1c per hundred. Dkess-Makixg. I would respectfully announce to tie Ladies of Plattsmouth, that I am p e pared to do dressmaking iu ail the l. t est and most approved styles. Yoir patronage is kindly solicited. Cutti ig and fitting a speciality. Corner Main and Sixth Sts. 6-tl. Miss Despaix. ' closixc; OUT. The best and largest stock of LOOTS AXD SHOES in the county, bound to be sold out f r cash. (4tf) Petf.i: Meuges. . CoraIr.gr Daily. Xew supplies of millinery goods, it t,.i.., c. 1 ;.. . ; ............... ..Mil-. j J113. ) iMjuffu.i cv .-i n.i o i .ivj d.i 11 . newest shapes 111 hats, .Normandy, 1j1 ton, hats turned down, hats turned ip on on" side, hats turned up in front, hats of chip.of straw, black Ilus, white hat , brown hats, cream-colored hats. Then the trimmings; handsome French fiowers, cheaper American flowers, bi:t just as handsome, in cream color, ia sulphur odor, in mandarin, the ex tremely l'ashionahle color, and in any iliinj von m av call for. Go and look at tbetiL 4bJ Coiacll Proccetlir-j-s. Council Chamiie:;, April 21. Mayer Johnson in the chair, and Clerk call.-1 the roll. Preset, Mayor, Marshal, Clrk, s:nd Co-:ncilme:i Wells. Icrri::g!".n. j ,VPV-t Pepporberg. and Guthiuan. Ah-u-nt -Cushhig, Plum mer and Yallery. Minutes of !at meet ing read and approved. Minute? of board of equalization re;td, and, aft'-;r certain corrections in min utes 1:1 regard to assessment of C. IT. Parmele, were then approved. Councilman Welhi ollcred a resolu tion requiring Clerk to cuter all City Ordinances heretofore passed in the mi'iute hook, indexing same passed. He-port of City Marshal ending April 1-j. Reported two prisoners arrested and placed in jail, and lined S" each. Committee on fire and water asked for permission to fix up pump, at the well of the old Piatto Valley House, and any other wells on Main street, and keep them in repair to be iu readi ness in case of tire passed. On motion, reading minutes of board of health was deferred until next meet ing. Moved that the old board of health bo re-elected, with the exception of J. M Patterson, in whose stead Dr. ft. H. Livingston was placed carried. John E. Parties was appointed by the Mayor, and confirmed by the Coun cil, as sexton. Mayor appointed City Marshal to act as Street Commissioner, which appoint ment was confirmed by tho Council. Mayor called the attention of. the Council to several matters, such as jo'o bing wagons on the street should pay license, &e. ; further stated tha "he has in his possession about 623,000 iu fund ing bonds, turned over by Mayor Liv ington. Mayor informed the Council, that he had as the opinion of Judge Lake, that city dare not draw more than 90 per cent, of our levy. Moved that the disposition of tlie funding bonds be made a special order for next meeting carried. Councilman Dorrington offered a res olution authorizing the Street Commis sioner to employ teams, tcand remove th loose dirt from the wall of the cut on Pearl street carried. Pills of O. H. Pl.uk, F. M. Young, W. F. Dennett, J. H. Johnson. W. F. Morrison, and others, were presentel, and passed into tho hands of the finance committee. Resolution oiYered by Councilman Pepperberg, re luiring City Treasurer to piess the collecting of all delinquent city taxes carried. Resolution, by Councilman Pepper berg. commendatory of tlie late Mayor, P.. II. Livingston, ia the discharges of his ofiichd duties, was read, and on mo tion of Mi. Pepperberg, was passed. Moved that Ordinance Xo. be made special order for next meeting carried. Moved, that the applications for li cense bo made a special order for next meeting carried. On motion. Council then adjourned until next regular meeting. ';:! i tut cole . L j , , i. 1 ; cc 1 . ' ' 1 -Drew will please come forward ami settle at once as the books must be close dnow Remember this. To be found at the old store, now occupied by Eli Plummer, Plattsmouth April 13th. A. Deew. Elegant new fiowers in all the latest shades, till ul green, iri'itisJaria and sulphur color, silks to mutch, stud Mis. L. IJ. Crocker. & Co.- will put them to gether to form a hut after the latest style and to suit everyone, at a moder ate price. - 4-3t Commissioner's Proceedings. Plattsmouth, April 3d, 1877. Board met at 1 o'clock p. m. Pres ent Arnold Ramsey and Wolfe, Com'rs, W. L. Wells, deputy clerk. Petition for appointment of A. A. Laverty supervisor of District Xo. 30, was granted. Order allowed G. M. Flower, super visor Dist. Xo. 32, for $10. The following accounts were allow ed on general fund: J C Xew berry justice's docket. . II J Streight. paper fastener, etc. P L Wise, making abstract en tered lands O F Johnson sundries per bill. . W Ii Wells cash paid for seal of district court F. E. White, coal for use of Co... S3 2 50 Go 13 03 3 33 13 SO The following accounts were allow ed on poor f mid : J. C. Eikenberry for keeping, pau pers at poor farm 38 00 Clapp&Greenslat. goods for pau pers per order of com'rs G. II. lilack, salary Co. physician quarter ending April 1st, 1877. Henry 13 eck, 2 coffins for paupers 20 00 30 00 14 00 The following was submitted to Judge Sprague for his opinio.n: "Does the money received by Cass county on redemption of tax sales belong to the general fund, and should tho same be added to amount of levy undrawn and drawn against ?" Ordered that assessors' claims lie ov er until next meeting of the board. The claim of Elsie Miller for care of Mrs. Engle was rejected. The following claims were allowed: P. J. Snook, cutting and storing wood 11 C8 M. P. Cutler, boarding prisoners, jailors fees, etc 104 30 J.C.Cummin, sundries as per bill 10 00 C.P.Moore, clerk for enteriugset- tlement of Treas., postage etc.. J. II. Puttery, sundries as per bill 12 00 0 03 Ne:;. Hkkald, sundry printing per bill ... 23 73 Allow on poor fund, Fred Goer- der, for coal 20 20 J. II. Puttery, sundries as per lull 9 03 The following claims were rejected: Jno. E. Rai nes, digging grave for 11. Garrett's child 2 00 Frank Young, boarding small pox patients 53 00 Tini remonstrance, asking the with holding of the publication of statement of financial condition of tlie county, etc., boing taken up by the board, Mr. Ramsey moved that the remonstrance lie on the table, seconded by Mr. Wolfe, upon which the aos and nays were ta ken lo-wit: Aye, Mr. Ramsey; nays, Mes.-.rs. Wolfe and Arnold motion lost. Thereupon Mr. Wolfe moved "That the publication of the llaau'-ial state ment of Treasurer be published in the Ne;;;:aska IIe::ali." Mr. Ramsey declined to second tlie motion, and re quested the clerk to note his position o.i the record, he taking the position "that the matter of tli" publication of said statement had b:eu disposed of, sind that to order it published in anj' other paper than tho Vtrouii;le would be doing an injustice to the publishers of said paper.ctc." ilr. A mold second ed the motion, when the ayes and nays were taken on the question, to-wit: aye?, Mr. Wolfe; nays, Mr. Ramsey. Mr. Arnold voted aye, and declared the question carried. It is therefore order ed that said statement be published in the Nehuaska IIeuald. Tha following claims were allowed on the general fund: G. P. Crippen services as super intendent for Feb. 1877 00 00 G. Yi. Crippen, services as super intendent for March, 1377 10S 00 G. P. Crippen, office rent, etc.. . . 23 30 The following accounts were allow ed on the land road fund: G.W.Fairfield, staking out bridg es. &c G. W. Mayfield, assisting rairiii 1.1 Adjourned. 11 00 3 00 Eor the Hkisalh. School District Affairs. Mr. Editou I have a few plain un varnished facts to offer tha readers of the Heu.ald, viz; It is a fact that a certain man drew up a petition asking for the division of a school district, which petition was signed by ilcrcti supposed legal voters. Two other names appear on the same sheet signed to separate communica tions, one of which was on the back, stating that the writer was not settled permanently, and did not wish to take any part iu the matter; the other, a non-resident stated that he owned 120 acres, and intended to build. It is a fact tint a certain county Superintendent of Public Instruction did count thirteen names as signed to said petition, and granted the same. It is : fact that before and when said Superintendent granted said peti tions he had before him a remonstrance against granting said petition, which remonstrance was signed hy twelve. le gal voters. Twelve vs. eleven eleven counts the most and wins. It is a fact that before and at the time said petition w;u granted, anoth er petition signed by twelve legal vot ers was before said Superintendent asking for tho division of the same school district on another line, having no remonstrance against it, which pe tition could not bo granted by said Superintendent, but must be and was laid over indefinitely by said Superin tendent saying he did not know as said petition was the wish of the people. The above faots are dated April, 1877 Cass County, Xebraska. Lewis Calkins. o. j:. Rush Fellows has returned from Iowa. We are afraid the letter of F. P. C. is to personal for publication. R. Ashmun, W. W. drops down on the IIkuald once more. G. T. Thomas, of Four Mile, made the Herald happy by his presence one day not long since Jas. Hall Esq., of Eight Mile Grove called on tho Hekald one day last week, It ain't corn planting lime now James. diet Smith went down to Lincoln and skated around with the yjmng la dies, oh so cute,we'll never tell who. Capt. Paine, he fell under the table and tried to grab a bench leg. The leg came off and Capt. kept on. If he'd been a big man the floor would have been no where. The grange Xctcs Ltttrr issued by the Executive Com. of the State grange, at Lincoln a very neat little paper, 1. E. Peardsley manager- comes to hand. Mrs. Marshall has just returned from a Session of the Womans For eign Missionary Society held at Lin coln. Eli Pluintner has gone east to buy a crop of goods and if wheat goes up much more he'll come back with two stores full of truck to supply the de mand. Our friend Reed at W. W., is a very pious man, lie won't work Sundays nor even pay for work done on that day. That's right, we'il read our Pible bet ter next time or old Martin Luther. Tom Stevenson, of Xeb, City, Law yer, in town Monday says hop hophop ers ca can't get out an injunction big enough to cover this country and serve it iu time to destroy all the crops. T. A. Taggart, Salesman for the fujn of Weil & Calm of St. Joe was takTa very sick at the Stadelman house on last Monday evening. Dr. Hudson at tended him and the next morning lie went on his way rejoicing. A good blooded Jack, also kept at the same place with the stallion "Ma jor", at reasonable terms. 5-t2 H. L. Skiuvix. You can get the best 3ct. cigar at the P. O. Xews Depot, a fact that cannot be disputed, which we can testify to from personal knowledge. 3-tl HerJirjr. The undersigned will keep a town herd, having rented the Platte Bottom for that purpose. We shall commence the herd on the morning of the 1st of May. All persons desiring to put cat tle in said herd must have them prompt ly on hau l at7 o'clock er.ch mornlug.and we will not be responsible for any dam age loose csittle may do after that time. We shall have eoireli at the follow ing places so ;;s to accomodate all. South of town near MicUd wait's home. One oy thr old circus ground on Washington Ave. One oil Cth street, near (.'has. Vi all's place. Cows fi per month.two hd., ?2, 3 hd., 73 cts. apiece. Li:Asi.r.Y, Oi.ivr.r., Tjiompsox. It2. 1 113 MARKETS. noiir: maukeis. i i:r 10. c. 1:. -.vni ri:. Wheat C.i! rt. . . I I lls ;; L-ariev Hons.". Caule Lackwhcat,. .... 1 JO'.-- 12i l:..'..-..s iTi-H.SU t,..:i': .-..M :'. I Hi DJ latest new yolk make lis Xf.w Your. April 2". Money. (ioia IOC7 LATEST CHICAGO MAUJvETS. Cuicaoo, April Flour "i iV .i 7.) Wheat 1 Coin al O.es 37 live ::'! H."irL-v, ;- I loirs,". , .-. rtv-- .- sr. Cattle 4 -r SPECIAL NOTICES. Get your calling cards at the IIekald Latest styles of card board and papers. ,SEXD IX YOUli JOB WORK. Posters Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Envelopes, Pamphlets and Cards print ed at this oilice. All work expedi tiously and neatly executed. Go to Mrs. L. B. Crocker and Co's, and see the latest styles in hats. -l-3t 1 'JIOCL A 31 A TIOX. Win. Stailelmann bavins been appointed by the r. S. Marshal f r this Slate as Collector of the oiitsta;ilhi accounts of Win. Stadelinana anil of Sherwood & Stadylmann. All ovvm these concerns are hereby called upon to ap pear at the store of the said Win. Stadelinann. in the city of Mattsni.uioi, County of Cass, on or befoie tlK. I.Vih day of April, 1S77. for the set tlement of said accounts, nr s dJ acoants will be transferred to tho hands of the lawyer i!i th ease for collection with costs. Save costs and come fonvsird. Wm. Stahklmanx, C. II. VAioniLK, Collector. AssisKoe. I'latt-niiHith. March 0. l7r. V. S. Owin- to complications in settling oth er bnsine-s the time nf clo-iin our boohs will be extended until May 1st. After which date all unadjusted accounts, due either of the old linns Avid positively be collected by law. Wm. STA1H.L.MAX, Cellector. By universal accord A ye it's Ca tiiaictic Pills are the best of all pur gatives for family use. They are tlie product of long, ktLorious, and success ful chemical investigation, and their exttnsive use, by Physicians in their practice, and by sdl civilized na tions, proves them tho best and most effectual and purgative Pill that med ical science can devise, living purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use. In intrinsic value and curative powers no other pill can bo compared with them, and every person, knowing their virtues, will employ them, when needed. They keep tlie system in per fect order, and maintain in healthy action the whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are specially adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, derangements of which they prevent and cure, if limelj' tsken. They are the best and safest physic to employ for children and weakened constitutions, wher a mild, but effectual, cathartic is required. For sale by all Dealers. :.iA.muakk Lu.i.s. s;id if taken bcloiv the liners are destroyed, a spee.lv cure is i il.t ted. 'In these threw medicine Dr. .1. It. Sclienel; of I'hiladelphia. owes hts unrivalled success l.i the treatment of pulmonary iiisea--.es. The J'uliii'tiiie yrup rineiis the tuoibid mat ter in the hmtrs : nature throws it oh by .;u eay expectoration, iorwiien the plib'm i matter is ripe a slight coicrh will thio.v it o(T. the pa tient lias rest and tlie liuijrs betrin to heal. To enable the pulmonic .syrup to d.i this, SeheneX's Mandrake l'dls and Scbeiu-k's Sea Weed Tonic must be fin ly used to cleans the siouiach and liver. Scheaek's Mandrake I'iil.s a'-l en t he liver, i -etnovimi ail obstruction, re in X the -:i!l bladder, the bile stalls fretdy, and tlieliverissoe.il relieved. N-iii'in !;.s .s.-m v'eel 'l e.n'e is a jrcntle J-thnii-laiit :c.:d alterative : 1'ie alkali ef which il is composed mixes with the toed :inl prevents suuiii:. It assists tie- i-Urcstion by toi.ei ej t li" stomach to a tieai'hy eoedilio'i. so llmt t !.e food and I'ul i onie Syrun will make j.ood blood : then the liins heal, and the patcait wiil .surely get well if cue is taken to prevent liesh cold. All who w ish tauii-u!t Dr. Sehenck. either iM-rsotmlly or by letter, can do so at his ! inci pal oliiee, corner of sixth" and Arch Sts., i'hila delphia, every Monday. Selieuek's medicines" stre o!d l y all driiK tists throughout the country. " :it9 A few City orders for .sate. J. V. Weckbach will pay in cash or goods the highest market price for any amount of potatoes. " 21.'tf Centennial man u fac t o ry. custom work warranted, at wood's. Gents fine Bob Sher- Xo. 1 plow shoes for :S1.20. Xo. 1 la dies serge shoes, 81. Xo. 1 Chicago kip boots for fM.!0. Childrens shoes from 30c up. Those goods must be sold in sixty days. Those wanting bargains must call soon at the store of Wm. Stadelmann. 2t4 Notwithstanding the fact Unit Til den was defeated I do not intend to be beat by any Blacksmith in Xebraska, on anything in my line, from shoeing a horse, mule or cow to mending a cast iron stove or building a wagon or bug gy, putting a plough in order or repair ing tiny kind of a break in machinery. The best of timber constantly on hand for working into buggies, sulkeys, &c. A No. 1 Painter competent to do any thing in the line of painting buggies or wagons. Thankful for past favors I am ready to bo forgiven for my misdeeds and will endeavor to give satisfaction in till canes. . - M. ScibNELLE. ACHEE, 32-4t Prick Shop, Fifth Street. lio.sciiF.E's Geemax Svnrp can now be purchased right at home, it is tlie most successful preparation ever in tio luced to our people. It works like ;i chat t:i in till cases of consumption, Pneumonia. Hemorrhages, Asthma, severe coughs. Croup and other throat aud Lung diseases. Xo person has ev er used this medicine without immed iate relief, yet there are a great many poor, suffering, skeptical persons going idiotit our streets with a suspicious cough, stt.d the voice of consumption coming iron their lung-, that will not try it. If you die. it is your own fault, as you can go to your Druggists in Piaitsmotitli and get a Sample Dottle for 10 cents ami try it; three doses will relieve any case. Pegular size only 73 cents. " 50-tf. Wedding Bristol card board IIleald oilice. at the If you want to get your chimneys cleaned or your stove polished, call on Chas. Brown, or leave orders at John Boone's barber shop, at any hour of the day or night. 30 cents a stove and 30 cents a Hue. 42tf Have you seen tlb Centennial Panel pieces, painted by Frank Stadter, and on exhibition at Csirruth'sV 4 3tf. See T.J.Todd's new cake pan. 2-ltf Team of large horses, harness and wagon for sale at a bargain Enquire at Sage Enos. Xew cake pan, enquire at the Ili.n ALD oilice. 2 It. Diseases of the Kidneys effect the whole system. Should not be neg lected a single day. Tar acts direct ly and is the natural remedy. Take the "Forest Tar;" it is a pure preparation and cures when other remedies f.ul. 2-t3 A new American and a new Wilson SEWiN'ti MACHINE for s;de at the 1 1 Lit ald (Jtlice. Messrs. Streight & Miller wish to call the attention of their customers to the fact that it is customary to close up accounts sit the commencement of the year. A they are expected to pay their bills it follows that they must have funds, to pay with.. They would therefore notify their customers who have been accommodated to harness and other goods, that they will be ex pected to call and settle their accoounts tit their earliest convenience. Their stock of harness and other goods in that line is complete, and sill wanting anything in their lino will find it to their advantage to give them a call. A full stock of groceries also kept con stantly 0:1 hand. 43tf Get your Magazines bound. Xow is your time. At tlie IIeuald ofliee. tf. FAR HEWS A TT EXT I OX! Julius Pepperberg, Cigar Manufac turer, 011 Main St., Plattsmouth, Xeb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes. Fur Sale. Best qualities of plug-smoking tobsteco always on hand. 20-tf. Binding done at the Herald oilice. Our e"terprisi:;g and successful merchant.--, E. G. Dovey A Son, tire still at their post, supplying customers with everything in the line of general mer chandise on the most resisonable terms, stock kept full and complete. 3!itf WELLS BOH LI). The undersigned is prepared to bore wells to any depth on short notice one foot hole and good tubing put in. All work warranted for one year. Pii'LEY & McDonald, Weeping Water Cass Co., Xeb. . 32-8t. For Sale at a Bargain. OXE HOUSE AXD LOT, one block south of Main Street AL STOIiE I'.UILDiyd AXD STOCK OF G EX Ell A L 21 JSllCIl A X til SB. Full lino of every kind of goods at the Store of J. V. Wer-kbaeh, which his army of clerks are dispensing as fast as they can hand over the goods. tf. A Xo. 4tf 1 Hat from 23 to 30 cts. StadelmaxV. at GOOD KAKOAlNs! SIDE LACE SHOES, for .51.73 at M EPvGES'.SHOE STOP E. ODEXWALD EE. Ell SALOON-. Heats' Mihrniiksc. JJi-cr coitstantlv on hand-Aii-l beat lUi,ts,;s Ci'Ur. 4t l CINCINNATI BEEP. Ice cold at HEADQCARTEKS. 4ti ! line to call aad sec them at the residence of Mis. I Lister, one door west of the Saunders House. Satisfact"! Ja j;u.ir.s.ulcea and cliai-'.'cs moderate. ;-tf 31 0 N E YT 0 L 0 A X . 8100,000 To loan oa 'unmoved farms in Cass County, sit lowiaieot inlenv f. A noaoatious solicited. ! l'latt.suiouth, .Me.reh l.sr;. J. N. WISE". I The latest, greatest, :in(1 n,.. Ijaoie remedy ever rut together bv medical si I ence tor Khei.i'i it i.-m. Woni..-.. s-.t'-J'.ii!-s du ns Caked Lieast. a. is Hie Ccuta'ir Liniment, 'there an- two kinds. What the While l.lul inenl is for i he hntauti Liven-.-. t i e ; ! r.i r kind, w Inch Is yelKu" in co ol , i tor spa- i:e d. knee sind ctr.-iired horses and ;.r.iaia!s. Their rlleets sire wonderful. Mothers who haver,kail.i lnluh children. c;m secure health for the children and rest lor then. salves by nsin;: Dr. 1'itcher's Can toria. It contains iio iuorjiiu'ie or sinvthim; in jurious. U is as plenvtnt to take as honey, and is certain to care Wind Colic. iei:u!;ile the bow ¬ els and exe.-l worm-'. Tor Tcelhiii;; cliilJit-n tl,..i-.. 1 ,,..t Ii '..'...,... ;.. ...... 1 LEGAL NOTICES. Bridge Notice, "on.-- h hereby ziven that sealed bids will be received up to the lirst Tuesday in dune. S77, foi ioe huihin.u' of Cl) four hi id;es. for Cass Co., Nebraska, lb id;;c-!- to he eons; rm ted in accord ance wdh plan and mecitieations on lile in the oi'a e of County Clerk, reference Vtsiug iiad tie-ret o. Lid to state price er lineal foot (horizontal measure), in cash, and also iu warrants o:i tlie Lie if e Kuud. Kv order of the Heard. iL- C. P. .'uOi;e. Clerk. Ily V M. L. i'FI.I.-, Deputv. SfcerM'3 Sale. n- viruie i f aa execuiia-.i, is.nnvi bv the Cba ': of me Disi rict Court, yd .judicial Disira-:, v. 11 h ln and lor 1 as? Cou:;ty Ne!r;i.sU-i. aud to me di rected. I v 1:1 ,01 tte--jsi!i day ot M.iv, A. D. 1S77. ;a l'l o'eioe;, :l. :.. of s.tld day, at t he so.ltll door i the Com t House, iu the cilv ot liattsmouth, in saici C. um 1 y, sell at puMic auction the follow in real estate, to-wit :-Lot one o ) lot two co lot three (.ti ! t foui- lot live (."ji lot six (tij lot seven (7) lot ciuht .s) lot nine CO and lot ten (to) All iii section t .velve (l.M tow 11 twelve tl'2) north of rane thii tcciM 13' ea"t ot the nth I. M., as shov.ii by the pint of Wiieat I v sind Iliisnlania M.e.-telw;iit, 011 tile in the Coiiiity Cbaks o.hci! o! Cass county Nebraska. I shall commence w ;th lot one 1 1 ) and sell enolieh ot I hese lots to t-al isiy tin execution uicl cn-!. Each lot con tains about two acres, 'Ihe same betnjr levied upon ami ta!;eu as the properiv tif Wheatly Miekelwait. defendant : to satisfy a Judgment ids;. id Court.reeovere.l by dohu D.Tutt. plaintlT. laaltsmoulll, Act'., Ajirli . J. in77. M. jj. I'l-ttlmi, Sheriff. . Legal Notice. T. '". Weckbach vs .fob 11 Heim and Oswald Gnthmaiui vs John Heim. In Justice Court, before John V. Haines, J, 1'., iu and for Cass county. Neb. To John Hi im, uon-rexident defendant: Yon are hereby notitied ttiat on the 17th and Isth days ol April. A. D. 1S77. the Haiti jii-tice is sued orders of attachments ami garnishees iii the above entitled causes, for the sums of sii(i.l!5 in favor of J. V. e'-khaeh. and 11.45 iu- favor of Owaul Giithmanii. plaintiffs. - . l'la;t:::iiuuUl, April tMth. IS77. Joux W. Haines, J. P. J. V. V.'E'TIiACK, OslVAI.ll (jfjlllt.lS.V. r.3 Sheriff's Sale. Ly virtue of an execution, issued bv Wm. If. New-il, County Jude. within and for Cass County. Nebi aska. and to me directed. I will on the 7; ii day of May. A. D. 15-77. at HI o'clock a. 111.. 01 said Uav. at "the resident- of C. J. Mniih. in the city or I'iaitMiiouiis. in .vnd Count v. s ell sit public auction the following personal proper ty, to-wit ; o.ie uee.ver and reaper combined, one seeder, one corn plow, one pi'ow, one lot of y ood, one i midair null, one harrow, one lot of barley and oio- snovel. '1 he same he in 4 levied iiiui and t:!keu as the property of t '. p. Smith, one of the d 'feud. in is ; to si 1 i.-'iv a judgment of sai l Court, lceovered l)V Vallery & itulluer, pbnntiiL I'iattsmouth. Neb., April 24tb. A. D. 1.77. 5:-' . M. 11. Ccilkk, Sheriff. Chattel Mortgage Sale. Notice is herebT j;ive:i that by virtue of si power of .sale, contained ia a cicifte! laortirsti.'e, liiven on the 7iii day of Apia!. A. D. l-7t. uuu i:e. ordeil on the 5ih day of .I.ocii.A. D, I-', , iu book E. t Chill lei :lortsi:4 ICeeords. of Va.-S Comity. Nebraska, pa o- isi.liyl). V. MclCisinon Cotiniy Cierk, :ind records of s lid con ty by C, I'. Moore. dej,ut , hl-h same moi l irare was ex ecicel by Amrn.-t K. A null, s.smoi I iie- to A u-?-l Siali. moi !-i-ee. to M-ee,ie I he p.C. l.iciil of promissory note bearing eeii- d tie i'"i'h -v.d 1:101! .;e.;e. ;u:d made by Aipi-I i". Aladi. pay a l.le to Atiu-1 Slod or elder .v;x nioiitiis .ul'-r dale o! 1 -se suia td i i.V).ooi one: join-lied aiiil tt f ty dollars, with 12 per cent, per annum, upon wki- li said note and ini.rt:e. the ;iid A 11 vt list SloII el. tuns there is due a.id'uapaid, a! the time 01 the brst pi.bl.i'Mii.i.-i of tins notice, Ann! I'l.tli, A. D. Is77, is ( sre.e ) one hundred sind lii'tv dol l.ii -s iu -hictpiil ii Mi i 1 '."darn JUlv-l'our doll. us aud i.iiieiy-iae cents in.eivst aoial.pi ineiptil and in terest ?';. :ir. '1 his morinaue was irtiled oil the ''til d f, ot March. A. D. 1-..V, 011 piie l.js, l,ooK E. oi t 'hat tel Mori i;,i;,u record ot raid c unty, and aNo on hook 1-. p.e.ie 4r sunt 4 'i. of Chatti 1 M-'i i.' ia.- reecud of sai i count v, 011 ll.e nth diiy ot Apld Is7'i. Tee uinler- L-ned will sell ;it pati J:e unction, to th" highest bidder, i.-r ca.sii, on the 1ih d:iy of M:. v. A. D, s;7. at . I o'e'oel- a. I ! i. Ot S.lei tl.IV. it IilUeid-r Slalioo. m 'sfr Ci). Nebr-'.skti, the loiUwpi deserihed pt od 1 tv, up on v, I.:. Ii -aid niort-eiae is a lien. c -.. It :' One two story lvalue limce. ls' j by- ., leet. nicuitej on I iie uort'i si-le of the raitncid ti l..-::. ;il In tielder .-! lion, b.-ii: situatcti betwei-: the r.tii ioad track ml trie south a.-et ( e-,j:ir i. reek 0:1 tiie icon ii. s ud bi:iluiii he.iie; built td' pine lamber, and l.iteii.ied l .r a wag 01 .sl.oj), bu; not bciu' ebt irely coaij'h ted. April r.th, IS77. AUfscsT STALL, Moita-ee. E.y M. E. CCTLFtt. l.-is aent. "" 5t4 Sheriirs Sale. Lv virtue of sin execution, issued by the Clerk of the District Court, second Judicial Dsilnct. within and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on tlie llth day of May, A. D. Is77.su 11 o'clock a. 111.. of said day, at the south tloor of the Court House, in the City of I'iattsmouth in said County, sell at public auc tion the followii-ir real estate, to-wit: The north half u't d l.ds nine. ten. eleven and 1 welve c to 1 1 & l) in block ei;rhty-lour isl iu the town of Wcopii-i; Water, Cass Co. Nebraska. '1 lie same beinu levied upon and taken sis the property of E. D. Coat man now Coirswell. de fendant : to satisfy h judgment of said Court, recovered bv A. G. thirties, plain! liT. 1'UtL-inou'lh, Nebraska. April 11. A. D. 3s77. 3.0 M. E. Ccri.K.i;, Sin rid. Legal Notice. In the District Court, Csiss County, Neb. Csdvin II. l'aiinele vs Henry Siert and George Seih. To llnmi -Sic) t and (Jcorge Sicili, non-rci h id de ft ei'ila.V. Vim and each of you aie hereby notified that on the 'J-.ilh dav of August. ls.V.. f filed my petit tion in the ( thee of the Cierk of the Di.stlic Court, iu and for l as County. Nebrasksi. the object sind pravcr of which is 1.1 lecovcr judy; me;it :e.'-ii;i--i vim mioii a 'i-;ai!i proini-sory note, for I lie sum of si M.w II h t he lalere-t theie oa from the tenth day of February. 1S7J. at the ii:te id' Vi per cent per Siiinum. and c Ms of suit, and that unless von appear aad answ er said pe tit ion on or before tiie Jb-i, day 01 May. A. D. IS77. jiidinear will be ta.ieu against u"i fors:i:d sum of .d tti. iiitereM aird costs, accoidiiis to tiie prayer of said petition. C. H. EAKMELE. by Sam. M. Ciiac.m an, his AU'y. -14 Slieriifs Sale. I'.v vii tae of an older of ssil is-aed by the C cos td the Di-triet Court of the Second Judicial li-tricr. w ithm and for Cii- Count v. Nebiiisk.-i. and t n li'feeted. I nntheiNfh day f April. A. D. 1S77. sit 10 o'cloek. A. M.. of Niiii! day. at the south tloor of the Coi'ur House, ia llio City of ria.itsuK.uih, in said County. ell at pul-iici!ictioii tlie lobow-inirn-id e.ii.tV, to-v it : The ein-t ba!fie'j)of tlie north-west quarter tie 1 k ) of section fourtti town ten ( to. tutu of ranee eleven til) cast of the .ah p. M. Anil also the south-east quarter 1 se'-.j td' the sou ill-wee t nurte r tsvt 1 of section thin v-three i;j t) town eb-ven ill) mat 11 of late.-e eleven 1 U 1 eat of the fit il P. M. sill in Cass Co., Nei. 'i !i,- same l-e:;o.; levied upoii siral taken as tb pro;" rtv of End S. l-'risbc 10. d Sarah K. l-'risbe, detetid.oits ; s-:ti-f a d-cree of ssiid Court. neoeied bv m. I'. 1 !;i!i. plaiiiiitf. Pl.it.-mo'.lti!, Nti.. .,-;o-( h .'.di. A. D. Is77. it; li. i. i fLi.it, sheriil. Iii Bankruptcy. Ill the Distii.'tX'oui t of the I'nite.l States, for th" jitricl of Nebrakii. In Iff mutti nt' Ji,.;,ti Slf-ra, IttinUruid. Di.-t rict of Nelilaskn. i-s ; 1'iiis is to ;sve nidice I hat oa the 7th day of April. Is77. a warrant of bankruptcy was issued out of t he Di-t i id t '01:1 1. of 1 he Ciiiied stales, for the Dis'i i-t of Nebraska. ii-'ni.isL the said ! ,losep!i shera ot Jtocr; It. litis, in the County of , i . s"s. in said i.iiicr. who has been adjudged a I bankrupt un creditor petition; and the pny ! n.r nt ot any tic hts. ml tho di-lixery of any proii I erty bebne'rii; to s.ad b itikni;it. to hiui," or to 1 his "us", iiui lie' ti'isnsfer td a.- rojitrty by hiru ' s.re for.d.oleu I y iaw.' Qi'i.'f ! That a niw-tiie- of the ncklui-s of raid bauk- ra;il, to prove their tb-' .s and tf i buose one. of more jus-llf nee of ids e-tate, will he held at a Court of Hankrupcy to Ue hohleii at Omaha, in said iLruact, on the ltd tiny of May, 1-77. ;u t wo oVIock p. m.. nt the oilice "of I. L. WeL.str-r, Lt.. tho Kei.-ler tn Eankruptcv of said Court. William. Daily, 4tJ U. S. Marshal for satd District. HAUlWAKi: STORE. In I'lattsmouth, .Neb., on roiirtu St., about til'' MIDDLE OF THE It LOCK, you will find : Coin J'hHilcis, &mml hour;. Stirring fIo?v, S'nHiy IMonx, aloi M, and all kinds of Farm. Implements audi Shelf Hardware, Tin Ware, ur. ALSO, Hungarian and Millet Seed for Sale.. Sliu CM Z L .H .1 DICK STREIGHT'S Peed and Salo Stables Corner dill and l'earl ?t.i. HOlisr.s IloAntiltD HY Till! way, va:r:ihv, o:r jioxtu. HORSES BOUGHT. SOL!) Oil TliADEI), Fer u Lair CoaiinUNloii. ti:a3:s at "all iiouks. I'aiitc'.r.ar aitt-htioil paid to Driving and Training- TIH)ITn(i STOCK. Ai.?ii A hearse furnished when ended for. E. PARFIELE, SALE, FEED d'- LIVE11Y STABLE.. At the old Hyatt Uarn, (lately Jones' rablc). 111 riMtt.smoutti, Neb. Will keep co:istantiyo:i. hand u number of Horses for Sale. The btiyin? and selllnx of good linri:s ma In the specialty of the business. A new P0HY PHAETON, with ifentle horses, for La'llcs to drive is kept at the Stable. FARMERS CALL AXD BA'AJflXB MY STOCK FOR SALE. 11-j'l. E. PAPMELK. ROBERT DONNELLY'S "WAa-ou AXD I5LACKS3I1TU SHOP. Wagon, Ei"J!;, Ma-hint and Plow rt palrinj, aad tj neral j'JJAiig. I am now prepared to do all kinds of reimirisii id farm :i.d ol her machinery, sis there is a yood lathi; in my shofi. VET BR IIAUEX, The old Reliable Wagon Maker litis taken ciiurgf of the waiai .lio(. He is well known as a NO. 1 WohK.MAN. Xew Wsisoiis n! Itu;in uind lt ir:!- r. SATISFACTION (d'AHASTK ED. Shop on Sixth sl.ct t. oyp-uipj Streiht's .Stsible MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLJI VKS3IS Til HOItSi: SUUEINt;, A N it WAEON llI-rAIKIXC. All kinds cf FAKM IMPLEMENT J. mentled Xeatbj i- Prvm pit :0: Horse, 3Inlo& OxSlioeins, In short, we'll shoe anything that b;t. four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe, Come and see us. JsTEJW SZE-IOIFP. on Eiuli St.. between Main and Vine Street, just across the col lier flotu tlie NEW IIEKALV UFFH'K. lojl roil loin C!ioice Wine:, Liquors, BEER, ETC., ETC., CO TO H RADOUARTERS. THE Cheapest Place in Town. lin' A k 011 di owjhi or hi the litth: Families Supplied 6.y the Doicn. a:)tt i Ji. MURPHY. W. D. JONES' m:v li very stable, I'LATTSMOI'TH, XKK. Tlie old r.ONM-ll ST A Ftr.E's In Plat bunoutll Neb., iiiive been leased by Dr. Jones, and bi li.-n opened a new and handsome livery in this well known barn. Tiie finest and best of hones and carriages al .v:?ys ready to hd. SADDLE HOUSES CHEAT. Horses kepi for Sale or to T rade. HOUSES TRAINHD AND BROHi:. ALSO I desire to s!-e noliee that I have a larsto, handsome bin k barn, w ith plenty of r in for hoies and w serous, lean put farnnfis stock ail I vvnL'eiri, loads of grain or mythiig all Un der cover, ir the dry. Itemembcr litis. Thaiikimr :'d mv ol pati 0111 for their many fiivoi-. 1 solicit their trad this eomimt yesir. .;t -ied 1 cao ae'-oiiiliiodiite them butter and tlo better Ly them than ever before. 3-yl. Ui:0. W. KLNSEI!, liucLinlit. A mi till KaUev mid Ituu- uer or 'f!ir'f IiinK Marhin. hfis rmcned a !-ho) 1111 Sit h Street nmr Mr. Don ehv's 'I'.i.o ksiuli ii and Wiv'011 Shop where he lias prepared tiim-e'.f to il anv and sill machine work without except ion. tie has a No. 1 I it I tie can turn iu wood. .ro::. stei ie. Sind allot her metals in coni.ntition with ina- bine v.o:k Ib can th aoy thlr i-eioarcii in a uunsni't 11. even to 1 lakimc ; iiiia, i. vvhoai v... have tho evider.ee iu it l'a'. breach loader 1 lir.ovin t,ne two or three balls a i otiee pt will of the S'.n uer Mr. t.eo. W. Mnailer si tiirinei near Koci; iVotlfsan 0: aeqtu-intance of Mr. Kinder Iroio 'll IlllJ'K t Ok . A. 1.1 -T I 1.1 lefel ed to iu retrsrd to his termer lrin'.a can be i i-. unit ctiou Willi tiie rnauulai ttne Ci Thiei-hin ILn'liines. Oivo Mr. Ki -.sei a i aII aud be vad insure von satisfactory Mrk ou any part of .1 Threshing Machine. W-in n