r I THE UEIIA LI). S. A. MACMUllPIir.. . . .Editor. PLATTSMOUTir, Al'KIL 2C, 1877. Our Platform. An- early National Constitutional , Convention to consider, among other 'liings, the following items: Six years for President, and no re flection for one term, at least. Elect the President and Vie? Presi dent as nearly ly a direct vote of the peci'Io as possible. Elect U. S. Senator by a direct vote of the people. Civil Service rules: Appointments for merit and fitness, (as a rule from the party in power), no removal during time of commission- except for deitlic tion of duty. STATE AMEXUMLNTS. Longer terms for State and County Otficials, fair salaries, and no re-elec tion. Judge to be created by appointment and for long terms, only removable for corrupt practices or incompetency. "We believe the country needs the above changes in her organic laws, and we shall, from time to time, urge the same ujwm our people. Until we have more light this is our platform. Help it along. The St. Louis Globe is at last satis lied that Packard has been "abandoned' by the President, at least it heads its reports ihusly. Theodore Tiltox lectured in Lin coln on Monday evening. lie is on his way to the Paciiic coast and ac companied by his daughter Florence. Frank: Leslil: and wife with a orps of Iieportcrs and Artists passed through Omaha last week ia a special car on their way to San Francisco. The troops have left the State House in New Orleans, and our rebel breth ren are firing guns and showing rings over a restored Union? The total sales of the 15. & M. Land I ept. for March were 202G3 acres for which they received over 3100,000. Emigration keeps coming in spite of grasshoppers and hard times. We expect in next week's Herald to set a definite day for the departure of the Xebrnska Editorial Association to the "West, to the "West, the land we will see. They are making desperate attempts to organize a Territory out of the Black Hills. Who'll be Governor? Don't all speak at once. There are a number of Nebraska gentlemen out cf "sits." We "vant a new territory, of course. The City of Plattsmouth is built on forty hills (or less) and: we have Gos pel Hill, Catholic Hill, Episcopal Hill, School House Hill, and so on, but Sioux City o'er tops us in names, they have a "Codfish Hill" there, so says an ei change. Thk B. & SI. are about to extend their road (the Midland) from Seward to York, 2 j miles, and Charley AIcEn tec is sharpening scrapers and straight ening mule harness out for the work. So far so good; we want some more Rail Road in ours. Wheat is $1.C in Chicago. If the prospect of a general war in Europe continues it will be i?l.3 here before long. Corn, too, has jumped up sever al cents per bushel. If the Hoppers leave us half or quarter of a crop and it brings these prices we slnll be far fro;a a ruined community next spring. OIj, Brooks! The administration has got a Pinch back, the Republican party has got a pull-back, and the colored people have got a set-back in Louisiana: and, in fact, there seems to be a general ten dency to take the back side cf every thing the re. Il 2 u blica n . Keith & Barton, own. rs of a largo herd of cattle near North Platte, have sold a third interest for 10,000. These nien commenced tight years ago with 10') head, and havo sold each year since huge numbers, clearing in late years ..0,000. That's business, grasshoppers can't tJt iatt!o no for sure. The II.kuald had the pleasure of meeting Senator Saunders at Omaha the other day, for a few moments. The ortice hunters were after him thick, and btiii3 modest, and not after anything, we stepped aside and let them bore away to their heart's content. How the Seuator stands it we forgot to ask. Wk recommend the report of the Committee on Plows. &c, on the inside. We always thought liro. Wheeler had a little of -the Well, pull in hiTu, ai.d now we know it. As for Hastings and Granger Dunham; its natural for them to play horse and plow and soon. They're used to spectacular shows. Youxo hoppers, young hoppers, they hop everywhere; Old farmers, old farmers, look on with a scai e; There are bright days a'coniing, the hoppers must leave, And Nebraska, our 'braska, have for years a reprieve. "So mote it be." A wop.D in all kindness to the Presi dent: In bis next public letter or doc ument, will he be kind enough to omit the announcement that what he is idxiut to do is in accordance with the principles announced when he entered upon the duties of the Presidenc"? "We have read this sentence about tix limes in as many difTerent letters, or- uers and interviews In the past month, ! &tA Ye are reluetantlv reminded bv it of the "ray-policy" phrase which per meated the utterances of Mr. Johnson. It is quite possible for a thing to be right without having been announced by Air. Hayes when he entered upon the duties of the Presidency, and it is quite possible for a thing to be wrong even inougu sanctioned on Inaugura- tion day from the eat front of the Cap- itol.--.SY. Louix Globe. We have abandoned the South, there is no rubbing that out. We have agreed to trust the rights of the freed laen to the promises of the men from whom Ave lately conquered a peace. It is called a "policy," we won't say whose at present; we shall try as In gersoll advises, to wait with what pa tience we may, because there is noth ing else to do now, but wo betide the men and the party which may uphold them if these fair promises are not kept. It seems? rather hard that Republi cans must always do all the conciliat ing, all the giving up, but then modesty is a rarer virtuo than cheek. Perhaps we arc laying up treasures in Heaven, who knows? Tin-: Cau thinks his patience is ex hausted, and his grievances too numer ous to be borne, so he has ordered his troops across the frontier ; invoking the blessing of God for his success, he shouts, let loose the dogs of war, and we suppose they are loose. On the 21th the lirst corps of Sappers and Miners crossed the frontier of Russia at Biste nack 10,000 strong, bound for the blue Danube. On the 25t'i 17,000 more troops followed, and at Pruth o0,000, one half cavalry and one half infantry. Turkey stands by her guns, and it is said England must back her, having loaned her so much money, or rather assumed so much of her debt that she cannot afford to have her Turkey caught in the paws of the Russian Rear. The European W ar is a fact, of its du ration and effect on the history of Eu rope no man can correctly judge. UIU FIKE IN OMAHA. Two Large Stores Burned. sights and scenes. The largest tire that Omaha h;s ex perienced in six years took place on Sunday evening. The full particulars will be found b'dow. The circumstan ces of the fire and the scenes accompa nying it were the most picturesque which it would be possible to conceive. About the time the fatal spark was kindled, a heavy rain-storm came up, the wind having, about 10 o'clock, changed from the south (where it had been two or three' days) to the north west, bringing up masses of swift black clouds. The rain, which began gently, increased to ;i deluge by the time the fire was well under way, and it was ac companied by the most brilliant Mash es of lightning and peals of thunder the one now and then irradiating even the name i of the fire, and the other stilling the sullenjroars of the names. details of the fikk. The lire caught in a large frame building in the rear of Goodman's drug store, used for storingnrugs, chemicals, paints, eti. The alarm was given at about midnight from box 5, No 2 en gine house, on Tenth street, and a few minutes later from box 12, Douglas and Thirteenth streets. The second alarm, sounded so soon after the first and from another box, too, aroused every fireman and property owner within the sound of tUe bell, for it was evident that the cause of the alarm was no common one. The stores of Goodman, Lehman and Simpson, were totally destroyed. The names were stopped on the cast by Creighton Hall, the west windows be ing provided with iron shutters, which j alone saved the large building from de struction. On the wst, the lire finally communicated into l II. Sharp's whole sale leather store, but before the build ing was entirely destroyed the firemen had the flames under control. losses. The stock in Goodman's store was a total loss, only a very few articles be ing. saved, 'i he show-cases in Lehman's pawn shop were removed to places of safety. A lot of valuable jewels, and a large amount of money, was taken by Mr. Lehman out of his safe when he t- , . , . . , - , . .. , , .v,..... .j ........ - ....... ..jv f eh,- rr.,,-.!,,! p..,ti..b...i I a inn iiiur iii ii::ii.inirr v ;i 1 in ii;r I Y V 7 1 information yestenlay that an enamel- j ed walnut box, containing 840,003 ; worth of ili.'iiMMids! . ifwclrv. .viv. that - ' ' ! Mr. Lehman had taken to bed with him j . . . , . .,. ami had secre.ed under his pulow, was ! missing, and could not bo found any-; wi.ere. aiinougn most Hiu-f-nt searco ; had been made. The gr.-ater portion ,fsi,,nW.swi-.,r ,- v'.i.v-.-, of Simpson, stock of cig.u., s,o A-ca,- es, and a valuable pier-glass, A;c, were : all removed to places of safety. Max Clever V '., and MeKelbgongot readv o r.-m,M-D n,r.; ot....r.- i..,f ,. i .... , . i wore not compiled to do so. home of ! the merchants near the western line of i the fire moved out, and moved Lack again yesterday. masonic loskks. Mount Cavalry commander-, Xo. 1, Knights Templar, and Omaha Chapter X'o. 1 Itoyal Arch Masons, occupied ih upper floor of Goodman's and Lehman's buildimrs. The coniniauderv lost aliout t i lifty suits, valued at from i0 to 150 each; there was an insurance S1.000 on the furniture and jewels. The books and records were in a safe. The chap ter sustained a total loss of their effects, except their books and records, which were in another safe. ' The chapter had let their insurance run out only a short time ago. THE TIG Eli SCOItCIIIZI). The faro rooms of Dan Allen, over Simpson's store, and of Godfrey & Hig gins, over Lehman's, were burned out. The loss oT each proprietor will be about 1,000. OONIZ. This cleans out the old Pioneer Block built in '5G azzd MT, one of Omaha's old laud marks. The los-- is about 110, 000; insurance about 80,000, or. one half. 7?' vvbHi-an. TELEGRAPHIC ! N9TLS iliO-'I Till: (.'APPAL CALLS UY ALEXANDKIi II. S J-ZZYiZK-S. 1 V:ml.iti"?in :5 1 -:if.,!er j II. Stevens rode out this Liurnnjj and called at the executive mans'n and sent in his card regretting he wis too lame to leave the carriage to zu-rson-a!ly pay his respects to the pr-sjident. The president returned- an an ver he would 'call on Stevens and lid so, when Stevens said he was g!a to see the president pursuing such a course as would bring together the d:s ordant elements of the country, and t'-tt all the president had to do was to perform his duty to produce that d oiniMe result. The president said it vas his purpose as well as duty to purple the course he deemed best to serve ?io in terests and harmony of tht tntire country, thinking the time ha come when every effort should be mule to that end. He expressed plea:-ire in making the acquaintance of S evens, and that gentleman reciprocal tl this compliments. Stevens also ca' ed on Speaker Randall and Clerk Ada us. WHEN PACKARD WILL VAC. TK. Ex Governor Warmoth telegraphs that Packard will vacate the St. .Louis hotel directly after the removal t" the troops to-morrow. RED CLOUD AND Sl'OTTED TAIL AGENCIES which for some time have b. in in charge of the military, will be soon turned over to civil authorities PROCLAMATIONS IiV NICIIOL'-S. Xew Orleans. April 23. iLrning papers will contain the following proc lamation: By direction of the president f the United States, troops in the vinity of the St. Louis hotel and elscvhere within the limits of thecitv wil. Ve re moved to their usual barracks a' 12 m. this day. Th-e welfare of thestr.-es de mands, and my otlicial honor is ptlged, that the carrying out of this ord r will result in no disturbance. In further ance thereof I request and uru- citi zens of .Louisiana to pursue thei usual avocations and to abstain from congre gating in the neighborhood of tio.fzt. Louis. (Signed j Francis T. Xicno.t.s. Governor of Louisi. im. AS TO THE CALIFORNIA STOR . James G. Blaine being enquire of as to the California statement tl.lt he has prepared and intends to inti duee resolutions at the next session o con gress, expressing doubts of Air. Hay es election, and proposing ;f ne- con sideration of question by a tr'iina! to consist of the chief justices if; ail the states, says there is not the f ight est foundation fur the story. I Have already telegraphed that it : the invention of a lunatic or an idiot COfKT matters in the I- '.A'.'K hills cot writ v. Yankton, I). T., April Tl las: territorial legislature having so c ring ed the judh-ial districts as to gi e to the Blacs Hills two annual term- jf V. S. courts. United States Att rnev Pound has been informed by Att rney General Devcns that, owing t tho cmi'l or,, it J,,,. r.,.- iV,,a. . ..fil,.lIlwm-r1,lo-1,.u.,. .....,,. !. "" i i i -1 V..1.1., i uej'aicinents or justices iy me jast congress, no funds will remain fo pay ing tne expenses of the court 11 the Hills fixed for the fourth Jlond; r in May ; that the term happens to b the last one in the territory during t!. lis cal year ending J une tJOth, and lence that is the one to sfilft-r. Tlie text term wiil come in Sep. ember, v'lich will be in the Jnew fiscal year. Phis will not prevent the holding of Le;tl courts there and enforcement of rri torial laws. Judge J3ennett being iow in the Hills. European A fairs. OOXE TO TIIL SlZAT OF WAK. London-, April 25. The Timrs cor respondent with the Turkish finy states that 10.00J men from V"i den have gone to the seal of war, de.-ite assertion of the Ilussian telegra liic agency that a perfect understaniing has been arrived at between ilisia and Austria relative to eastern at! 5rs. There can be no manner of doubt 1 1 ut Austria reserves to itself absolute 2ib erty of action. The Russian telegraphic agency le gram, stated "Sunday evening, says the porte calls on Servia for leave to o co py its frontier at Jladora to irct?iit the passage of Russians. i'rom Louisiana Ilepablicaus. A LETT Eli TO THE PKESIDEXT. Xew Okleans, April 21. The lowing letter has been forwarded: J- ! To His Excelkiu-v II. 1J. Haves, res ident Honored "sir: The tinders iciod iiepuoiicans 01 joutsiaua iteem u liuji i dutv to astire vou that, although Hvy ! had hoped and" expected a different a e- j r- r ..r-. i suit would have been arrived at m lie settlement of the Louisiana quesi on yet they, are satisfied you acted :'or what in your judgement was promo ve of the best interests of tlie whole coin- trv 1- - . . I . . . . 1 I A v ;uu eoiiseiiu.'iiuy ie.Mieii to carrv out in iroo-.l tami tie sett err'tit. ! " iii -v-- ii I ilixii v u lu liic i.aui.i 1:11111 i uiiL ' ,l .,,,..l i ll. Vl,.!.,. .s., ...... . . I - - - r rec-ogiutiou and support, rely g ,,, t to carv out in good faith its pit --.s i to tliu ,,(H),T0 o tIlis stiUe. We do ot understand that you in the sligh;'St desrree. in t!.i. matter abandon re!a li- i " . . , , . . : l.zc.pies, and you desire to j - t mote th-i interests ol the repuuli in i ?.xyU , ,J(, 1(; rit iia;i:e (,nv;)iing of je ! old " whig party, through which v ci.r-ri ,n tne expectation tnat you v .ii ; !!lvo:at our internal improvement n- j terest iii government aid for lev. ;ts. I s,,n,tLriJl raiIroa,;s outict t,. ! Mississippi ltivcr, and for si ;h other public works as are necessary to ! a - "s - r ueveioping rue resources i , our siaie iiiiii Lue wnoio conuiry. s mil the whole Iviug o:i votir anl and all otiter matt rs tUl, r to produce p.Mce. ronconl ,fl prosperity in our state, we will giveco your administration our cordial s- iort. L-zjiguedj John Kay, II. M. .!ZAi: v Elukut IJaulti Louis Iks:iai:ai . Mr. E. (A. Dovey and Henry loe, .n n i ... ooiii wen kiiowii ouuesss men in iii-s t(wn tr.lJeJ buildiuga and lots m Main street, last week. Mr. Dovey ve suppose thinking he got a better lot t tion, and Mr. Doeck gets a larger bull ing and better adapted to his peculiar business as he can load and uulo tl furniture from the second story at t e rear of the old Dovey store. Pet r Hates fixes up the inside work for 2.. . Hoeck. waut to be an angel," it is just as we I to keep the preserveu pears on tae tc; ; . shelf in the pantry. - ... . o.-M if i i i V, e have iii'0 half scholarship wa - rant on Hay lies Morca-dile Collet : which we will sell vtrv cheap. ff. 1 1 - ; From the Xflaet Hills. Deadztoop, D.T.April 11, '77. The following is a list f the names of the party that left Syracuse for the Black Hills, Feb. 21st, 177. Geo. W. AleKee. as wagon master; Win. McKee, ! John T. omas, Charley Peters, James Fisk, Dick Purler, Walter Loui.vIIeu I ry Wasman, David Mour, John King, I'. M. Scott, II. Pound, Albert Thorn, Wm. Ashton, Geo. Brake, Bill Walter Woods, James Woods, and S. C. Shirley, with eleven wagons. Air. AlcICee is a ood wagon master, and Mr. ilcKee al- I 3 so had the name of having the best horse that ever started to the hills, also the best driver, the best looking, and most temperate. We were 41 days on the road, had some bad weather, al though we had a good time, the boys would pass away the time around the camp fire by smokiug and talking un til bed time, and after they went to bed by almost freezing some nights. Dead wood is a lively town, the streets are crowded from early in the morning un til late at night, by traders and specu lators. Citizens experience great in convenience on account of the demand for lumber. The two saw mills now running night and day cannot fill Hie orders, which are dated so far ahead as impossible to reckon. The hills is a good place to make money, but it is going to be overdone this summer, in fact is now. People are flocking in from all directions. I would advise all people coming to the Iliils to bring money enough to keep them awhile. S. C. S. Auotlipr Letter. Deadwood, I). T., April 13, '77. Deak Sin. I have delayed writing you for two reasons. 1st, I could not get but a limited amount of postage stamps for love or money; 5M, I want ed to get thoroughly posted so as to write inieiligibly.aud knowingly. This is all kinds of a country; there is an abundance of timber (pine), the graz ing around the foot bills is good, and alonsr some of the streams fond roM .... ii , . , 1 he gold region here is calculated to a new comer; and after five weeks of close inquiry and ntrsona! ob servation, I have cl.angvd my first ini pressions considerably. Titei e is about .ix mil3 square, or one township here, With tliiS city almost centrally located in it, of very r:c!i phteer. Iind quartz intiutr. J.ei tOOt Of it IS CllHillfd twn or i!n-.'.. tinipc nvr.i- .,.. llwra it-5!l be no ei;.! to the litigation. Outside, of this district there has not i as yet been any mining diotricts of real ' value discovered, although there are ! about five hundred men on the war patli ail the while, dk tunnehn: piCKing, and variously seeking the ilkhy , , . , . . " , iucre; hut as yet nothing of note has , ' . 1 1 1 l t i.tj ,1'uuii into the IliHs. T! snow i-s 71 iiv -l 1 1 1 1'1" l-.l ' tin! i . .l - t.--.A ..: : j nan; ,i i.iii a'.viir;; n A.s uy op nion that the rich mines of the Iliils are pretly near confined to lib; above s.iid district. T!ie Iear II. dies uistricr, (silver) tut which M. I. hr.e and others were arranging to move on to its works when 1 left home), has been condemned by experts as not be- j ing of suliieient quantity and richness to insure success for a smelter. I have ! examined the district, and to me it j ioo.vs vtii, arm inu miners wotil.l mtske a green horn like myself believe that the mountains were solid silver. Uut I find that war eyes and the hun gry miners in a country like this, tire apt to deceive us. The richness of the Dead Wood vicinity is bringing thous ands of pilgrims here. But poor fel lows, unless they have money plenty to make them eonwortable and hapi-y at home, they had better not come here ; they cannot reach the smallest slice, in the prefered tit-Ids so they are scatter ed ail over the. Ilil'.s, trying to find an other Dead Vv'ood, but so far their la bors have been fruitless, for I fail to ii.m it liiiiici Lii.it iia.s iiceu tne iea.L profit in mining ivj. those Hills, out- -ji'i'w .sain uisifl 1 he Hills are now getting so full ot meinpioved men that there are moves being made to raid on the Uig Horn and , . , . , U 111(1 Hivcr cnitnes, and I tluuk an expedition will soon leave for those countries. The emigrants now be tween here and the U. I. II. K., on the two routes aieestimate.l by late arri vals at 5,00'J people say nothing of 11.. III.. .. l. ..TV i u;u .-nou. City auu r ore 1'ierre loiues j trnr, ......... o 1 ''' iwiii I'Jl lliVill llVie, ,lllil e f . n i;iev or nectssttv Iuusl co liirl ter in ' ,UI V - 1,uu,f'1 -'- tn rtiuru to tneir homes in u.sgust. S otue are already taking the latter cours'. Tha pccplii bore are holdin" . .., lt . Tr.., I'l-i.'S meetings ail turoug 1 lib 1111, S r..,Jlui,)IH suul ,u-.irori i's i l 1-- K',wu' ms "na i-MOii.i.o t . the extra se:sio:i of Congress for an ! ir.depeudant and new territorial gov- I ,.rnlncnt - v thn" for the safety or . , ? v.,rv J' -!1'1 1'ropertv ei j muca needed, Hcganls to all riatlsiaoulh friend. 3.- Let us hear from you. I am ;is ever faiibfuUy yours J W Ijrx-s UL OUil FRONT IE I! CO. L LITE I. AiTON X'rzn., April 20, 1ST7. Little news, except the pro"less of far., ing. lVtatoes, corn, cazie.-miller, j ami garden seed, have been largely j plained. . One new seitler has come in, at id three more to be here bv M.IV 1st, ! , , , , i one or t.iem ;i LttCisniith. An Iowa i man proposes to bring in a corn grind- .r nl.w. I. ia ?,i.,.t, II'ivii lr.f. ters ol inouirv even from Xew ork. . . ... v e leei mat our country is on trial, ! and hope it may win. T s: en,, i. ' J : : PL4TTE VALLEY HOUSE, " 3 JtiZIZV nozVr-i. rroprietor. j .... ,w. w , I CJood accommodations for Farmers j and the traveling public. Hoard. SI per j ! tiay. -Meals "Joe. L,ntirely refitted and I l-ii-l'lirniiilui:! fltul f n-lnnrj Mrn rciiiirit- 1 V ...1U A, ...14V.. 3 l.. V il.l-OC C.t to call illld get meals ami beI lor 1 J 6L0 - . om.3 nn T nrnr OXK xy:lT ; LUUSV 11 -11 Su I i;"- .XI ne-.v ;trtiele to lmsiiie.ss men ANOI'MIZK intide I n;i.ii -One LADY made s-JH-i mv I'-OY lieide , r--ir,hi i.ne xveek-uh.cli sl.o.vs what cau be 1 ,t.,..e h ;i ,,;iltv is energetic. uuinc.ss ee.sv and lwuial - s .voili-V-is-V 'r y,WUi: . iloom as -Xendall" ltuliaiiis;. Ims C H1C Ati., I LL. eniaur i nimenls Une Uu:l fin- t.-ii itumuii faiuilv. T!i? ot Iter for fiore and AuioiAN. Those Liniment are d'nply (lie wonder of tlie world. 1 heir cllexts are liule lt'.-s tl:au marvel Ions. The WJiIfe Liniment N fur ti;e tinman fiinily. It will drive I'iiemnatisiii, Sciatic; and ill':ii'i L flulli ll;.- svsli.ln I'ltrt. I i:itil,-t"ii iiia.iiitti. Li-ek-jnw. r;i!y, j'-cii. ami most n' tiiiicims eruvtions ; it extracts fru.-t iim noze:i linu.is iuul fc-t, :ui(t th; j.)iJo!i of lutes an.l st of vcuoiiiwii.j vjtiles ; it sulnices swcil-iu.-!. atid alleviates jain of vcry Kiml. When t.rainn or firuise x car, it is the mo-t- j'otcnr rciite.ly evenliscoveicil to l;cal the injured p.:r:.s. The Centaur Liiiin:ei:t i- u.rti with fuei-l cn:ca ey for Mire -Oiro.it, To'ii lisii lic, Caked itrritHtM. Ear-ache, tiii-i Weaii Haek. Hu fol low i;: i but a sutaplc of numerous tcstiaioni i.ls : "Isihaxa Home. Jkkk. Co., Im., May 'Ti "I think it my duty to inform you that I have kii itcrfil iiiacii with suohi-ii feet mul -1ioi-i1h. A few bottl.i of C'eiitaur Lii:ij!ieut has ton I he work for me. I have iiot been free froai ttu'M i-wel'iius in right yearw. Now I urn pi'i frctly well. The Liuiiiieut oaglit to be applied wai ai. LIZ N JAM IN" I'.IIOWX." The proof is in the trial. It is reliable, it is handy, it i cheap, ami every family should have the white Centaur Liniment. 'I" lie Yellow Outline i.in:air;it isad.t ted to the to!iv!i ii'!scle-. (old" and tlesli of horses and animals, it has pei foi iiitd more woiidcifu! cuivs in three years uf Spavin, Si rain U iiid-Kail. Scratches. Sweeny, and general I.tuieiiess, iliau all other remedies in existence. Lead what the great IZx pre.ssaicii say ot il : "Xkw Voc.k, January. ls71. 'Every owner of horses should ive Ihe Cr.s t.u k Lim.mk.vt a trial. We consider it liie best article ever usuil in our stables. 11. MAl;s;i. Su,t. Adams Kx. Stable-, N. Y. K. IT LIZ. Supt. I . S. Kx. Stables. N. V. ALUZlt 1 S. OL1N, bu;t. Nat. En. Stabl.'S X Y Tlie patrons of this Liniment are Faniers and Vetel ia i: y S nreons, w ho are coiitimtaliy usin soiiie Liniment. It heals Cails, Wound-. 1'idi evil. removes Swollin.'js, ami is worth miilii.n of doliai-s amiaaliy lo Farmer-. Livery-ineii. St. iclv-c; rowels. Sheep-raisers, and those tiaviu lioises or eat tie. What a Lanier cannot do for 0-20 the Centum Liii'ineut win do at a tiiiihrr co.-;. These Liniiuei'ts are xo!d bv all dealers throughout t he oiiiiirv. liny :;re w ,:i ran .-d by the proprietors, and" a but tie w ill be iven to a:.v r.-urier or Physician w !io liesirco to ta.-t the::!. J-abratory of J. 1J. Ko.se & Co., lo Dkv St.. Nkv.' Vukk. JJ1 f 7 O Pitolier"." iKtr!.'t is a . oaiplete sittiti I ute for Castor il. ami is as jih-asant lo take as I t , 1 1 V ft is IKi 1"! ii"ll:t i-' - :iiIm'i!.(I in 'l".'i- 1 -. i n -r I and irriiable chiidr. n. irde.s-rov worms, as- mil;:i',s ( he food, rc-n'atcs the .'totnaeii. ami I cures vvtiii! colif. I'c.v iv!m-iii.' .ui- :l;!ca- Hons f.r l-vvciisimcH-. vrm Worms :-"! pureiy vcji'labie pr:M-nation, imov -;i. ctive thua Castor Oil, ami ucitaer gav's i;or gripes. CoLCMin V. Conn., May .!, tszo. Mcsrs. J. it. Kose & Co., X. Y. : Gent : I "nave a f.imiiv of ei.L'ut eliiMren. and ! n'isS I at.ytii;iir en:al to it. My cl.ihlr.m ive l-.ee-i , , . i'.ii:t.. I r. coir'm'-ml its u-e t'i oi r c'liidreii. . :n i irt-j -I feci it in v i ce I.. :.;iv in,. .11. -ble 1 h M..-.v",,t- i d u l- I o e t h is crt : Ii f n t o:; aee.eatit oi In ii- liis i li.ic dJliv-'-l by the i.-e i ;C.- r.'Ui.v. c i v l ; v voi:s itJ .tliL !.N 1". LITTLiZ. i T t Voi'Uinc T;vss. V,'e are row pii'i'iii cd to tiii uisii-all i !.' s-. with eonsiau: i eiiit!('-'ii.-'ltt :ir biciie. 1 s!: ot fl::i:tM. i.r i fn their spare moments, ruspiess i.ew. nh;. i aad pro'it;'l-!e. J'ci s.ijis of -i::.er s-x i cam from r,o cents to s;. vrr cM-uinr. and a pn.'- pol ,10!,;'.l Slllll ,y I.C o! ,!U I ,iei r s II , . e t . ; .: .; I o ; the bus ness. i'ovs and trir,-, earn iieariv as i m:"-'! :is m- n. 1 Im.l aii " no s-e tl.is nof;-e mav ' send t oeir adtn ss, ami .est the ,,;s; ut-s.s V. ' mn ive 1 his iinj-.trallelied idler; lo -m-h as a; In it well sai is!e-c. we wi !l sen d one t.!.ii- t ' t'.r the trouble of vvriiin-r. I'ml :;riicul.!i s samples worth se -.-ril do'lars :.i c n ii'iead o;-i OT'. mill a co ii j ; i.i' r the ! :r:;est a:; l' Lit; ! -. nl lr.-,i bv oir;i! I:h u' ami 1 .r-'stde.iijie Ir.i'ed iMib'te-iiiotis. r. if you w:ii:t Per- . ma.H id aid inof.nib.e won. Idiess O i:oia. ; i !' -UN vS. Co.. l',-rt:.iii !, Z.Ie. the reeoverei! uticsbilioiis -Mif- 5 J 4r"J : --vki-LZii:-f'-v d. i- -ill l ei-s. i.'t ims d lever f'";:i!d aitne, the mercu rial diseased eatient bow they recovered health, cheerful spiv is a'ul rood ai'i'eiiie, -.tliev will t-.'ll Vii'l bv L' -Z- ? , fr. v- n . 1 7 1 a . 'T tak !!' i m mi ns Li v- XSV r" Li-..ii i-Aioi;. The Ch: X'iovsf ttitd Tli'.sf Fdini!' Jlalicinc ;.! the uo, ( ?. I'ir 1 lyipcjisi i . Cua .tijiati ia. Jaundice, r.il ioiis a!ta--ks. Sick H-'.id.iclie. t olic. Ie:ne.-si an j id Spirit... Soar Sfiim.n b, Heart i!.-ra. S.c. &. T!iih cnrivalieil Soaihern ilemedy is warraid I ed tad tocoinani a sialic Jpai! u !e of M.-rcury, or any injurious mineral sub-tanee, but is PURELY VEGETABLE. containing those Soutlier i IZoois nr..l ib rlis, whieli an all wis,, p; m i I -ac lias y kieed in eo;:niiie.s whi n- Lier tbsea-es mo-t j-ivvail. JI .7' c I'm nil r.'i-' ! ciii-j ;; fi.fui-ji.nni:' o.'.'e' Licit me Iin:.( U. Hie symptoms uf Liver Co ai plain t are a -ter or bad ta:i' i i the nm-it a : pain in the i ::!. sides or j iuts,(it;cn int.. taken fm l.'heumal i-ai ; Sour Stoma i 11 : Loss of AppeO.e ; Low els i.i iel -bately cosiive and l.;x ; i leadacite ; Los if mvmoi y, with a painful r cnalio:i of havie.g fail ed to do something which out-'hl in l.uve been iloiie ; Ocbibiy, Low Spirits, a thieU -liow ap pearance ef tlie skin and eyes, a dry Coiieii of ten mi: taken lor co!is.;,iip;iuii. Si!i"!i!ii!" li'.anv of these; sv;nplo'ns :i((e:id the il i.KIV III mhi' IS VI'IV few' lilt tin liver the lar-est omaa in th" bmiy, is -;:-raMv the seat of I he ii-eae. and if not. rjiilated iii tiim treat sulteiiii, wrctchedne.' s u.mt ika:ii will fii-:!i'. 1 can rceomicer.d as an efil icious remedy for disease if the Livt r. lit artburu ami ly-pcpia. Simmons' Ltvi.it Ki-:oi-i.aiok. LkwisO. Wcsnnt, l';-'"i ."d.-.-ier Street, Assi-t:Uit Test Mai ter, i'lnlaiie.iua. "We have tested its virtues, iiersonaliy, ami !-nov t!ial fur 1 'vspepsia, r.iloiisness', and i liro'ibiir.- ilead.icbe. it is the In sf medicine i. ., ,. .-.. i . ... w.. i. ... ti. ..i r - . .i.i.,. .mi-.-,... ,tiii., l . . t l i-l , , l ! I. I remedies hrtore Mmm.-i-.s' I her i'.-eumror. but !' i win cave u i mre jnan t pn-r.ry rc- ir-i ; tun f i.e Ie -. cured '.; '." iZd. 2 '. b-.tor e. t only rclieveu but '.ad JiV.v. .(.., M;i- Zif'';!.'0"'ii 'e'ii "i'i .7. II. ZEI LIN 't CO.. MACON". OA., ;ind i'll I LA I 'IZ1 I Hi A l! co::!:;!:!- four ecdie:'.! ei.-ie'i is. cvr i" ted iii t in s.iiiic ti.!;' ," j '!; h .1 1 H'-i i:i ;:i: v . Ui-r i ,r..,r-,r.i-1 . i , ...... o -e c'h i. 1 ie i Header- 1 'V'au. cmi ; i.:.1..,i , r ii npunti of tne i....iv. f " -'1.l v.'- !b.s a'-.emicd its Xlv, Uu.ili '' JjpPEvTUAL SPECIFIC Fcr ii diseases of Tie Liver, htotiiatU r.;:.I Sli'eeil. A n .'. ,( !! i.i l;ll:ii i';i Fevc's. I'.nvvel ' 'em iilHinls. Il spei). siri. ,"eiU d I 'c'i t -.ii.n , Kest less-n-ss. ,I:iiiiMi;ce, N.':.n-":, Sick lleii'.aciie, (.Vise, foiftiiiaiU-a ulid l'ilioiisiiess IT HAS NO EQUAL. CAUTION. As tZiere ;ire a nunilier ef ir.Kf-tions nf;";red tatl.e !:i!lic. we weied c,'i;;i,):i i!:e cuiiirnenny t lmv lei r-wde;s iM' Lreivircl Si ; -,; i s s" I.iv- tot I Ski; ci. A Ton. in. U-ss j;i (),u- cieirived wr;iii- I-.r. w til the tra.le murk, oantp ;i:.d sZjjtinture . II Z El IAN & CO., Zlncon, Ga., curl PhUathh'Tibt. Vn'ir vidu.'il.'e inedieiMe NinHi-.n:;"" t.'ver ttcir e!;iiur. ii:; -s:ivt -I me mc.nv lie-,-; ni-s Idll I e-e " fur every! I m-t i; is r.-cei.e.iieieiea. :iu-l never k:-v it t f;i.i. I have used n j,, 1'nlic nnd ;r;:i)i's. 'vith i:i v.m-r !i,.is,u, tin-iu onethiitiyavi'VAfxotlca ro'nmVn'l'St'To i'verv ii".e t.;d ll.ls -tiick ;is ijciir the best ne-d i icir.e kMOva lei uli ciiai ll.i.iiiits th:it lmr-e-lle: ll IZ. T. TA Y LO It. is ie irto, Aifi iit Lr Orauui-is of G-uri.'i:v. ! 8 m i rv 1JMI)K hy Arents in cities arid cmin- C G1U t'rv town's. :dv m eessarv l slmw f, rs:,:ties j,, Iii:.kc s;i!es ami lil.iie; jj Tc iiiv une out of cimi!"i nieiit. :md " QQK f'ensed in v.i:ik. ls,ed duiiv Iy a! ml iii.incy. for i i.s- 25 r, ii li jrn es i,v icjeins. Andres. 1 im- Uir, r h jpt y , lrtrsW -FilMU'IA Ij .it.SV, Kcju.iII liiidding, Cluciigo. OEY . . j:!,k . ....... i Lxceistor top in? i') ? Matie of Clifinit'ul rapi'i". 11..:.. I.- u i- i 11. r i i iiiii i .:uer. - IIES. or r.kL SII. used lit li'une.lii'iary er of tice, 1 nr Lames wi.siiinj: U retain cieics oi iei ters. evei v i-iisices, num. clergymen. cuiTesjuin-dent-J. travelers it is ii, valuali'e sells at. si'iit. 'i i send ' ! I M-iid S.O snd i- v. HI semi a ;'it Ta-.-f ho ik. -1.v M Af J'-'i1'1."" '' aii,!n'rH: ,..'' ! ' i ctl'.Z, V o " il.i.i.ii. " . ih slI il V V .'fi ? i i " i. ' M Ch .'1-0 III Vi ?mio l 4iiui SiHH -K'- 1 uued. "" Subscribe for the Herald and Ac- J brask'i Fanu'-r; enly jJO.OI. i SSANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED CIST r.XTzT STREEI r...-: ui 1'i.iUe alley House. THE OlOIZST LIVERY STABLE In the Town. Gootl 2'cuma Ahcuytt on Hmtd. Careful Drivers sent wilii car riages if desired. Cairiii;,cs snt to )eot to mett all trains v. believer ordered. " the: only hearse in town. l-'iiTieraSs atV'micJ au;l eiirriaires farnisJied to friends. Ad:lress, ,T. W. SHANNON'. . l'll.ittsiiioiith. Neb. sr EL s" ! 2" - "tj . 3 & t & i? s ? B s 1 G h 5 cn - Z I TZ3 S CD rs -3 J c E 31 23 1 rr "2. rt 7t 3 3 S -5 r 1? ir. 5 X' 3 " w j " -S i c 3 a r . If. ? Tf. T a: n;- ' 14 HENRY BCFCK, DllAI.IZK IZN ill t, UtliilrLo, Ljnaj rr , i .1 -, t? ,1 , j .1 rxc., i.iv., i:rc. Of All Iji-riptioux. HETALLIC BURIAL CASES i j 7 Uv..- f a!i i.:e-' ready in:, lo ! so'd e!;e;-p lor "a-" v i;a ;nar.y tb::i' k-. for p.-w: roti !-:-;e. I i:i ; : !ie to ea" rtn-t examine my j.Ait'j t: sim k i-F 4if. r u::;t:-5!::z a.vi csrnxs. ..i t r.-iZ C,:eat Men ; 1 lie Zdissj -,s: M:.a; '-r. N; 1-irs ;.-v all e and Mat i ic-. t'-rs. l'icr.o ! : i wc. on .'m-rai y d.ii I'.n.nil . w-ti. ii. .Mii..'r. .Kriilli vcar. Al'ni I -;i ;-.. io. i n- Zr-!.'!.;'i-siii tr ilv'i i'Jii-K . -(-l'iie.-N..Si;r Pinion, tr-m-r- ors tuid l ..!-brari'-ites fue. i .., t In rimuli ; v iii-d. Ev.'-'-i i'ree Lee!,.!, s" ! I'aiiiterf. Or ! tir.l v. in r-n "s ;:;!. I .a C r ;. 1 rei Pes - I .- i; .:!. ;-!.-, i :- ; -tod l.ca1- ! !;;o.ei fare o!-.u!:. No v.t . K. o's '- ,,wa i.omci.r. llvl i f.-.rwisu.-.l r-M.m for self b-i.;r iv.'-i Zrce. s.im-; ii-jni v. : ;' ! ii.:; c:'ds. and faiaiiy bo-i.-d. e.cte I. J i'i .ir !( !-i!s.,e s ia atio::. A i: V.r.: lies i ,ii.. late v. here J j;tvv l'i:s advi G jt W M St. Vfc S ilj At the Old Stand of 4 cr' r in 1'Iatts-moutii, Xebraska. rv Goods, Grocer-: T I les, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, ! i Wooden i i i and Willow Ware, IX FACT EVEUYTIIIXG THAT A faiimi:k on Axr oxi: else XI'I-D.i COMIXd UX- I DEI! THE HEAD OF ! GENERAL MEECHANDI TCjrd Isii-i Tup firm, well kufiu ;i as buyers on a largo settle, for r-t J7 z 1 iT j Q ( V ' 1 exclusively, and while n: splurge, they are always prepared t feiron as good terms, (it not better) as iiiiv other linn in the Countv. STAPLE DRY GOODS A SPECIALTY ! 21 US LIN EY THE P.OI.T ! ! CA.nPF.TS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW HOLLANDS, DENIJIS .SHEETINGS, . wis mwiw i i POKK PACX MEATS ! TAKE ALL KINDS OF PKODrCE, AND WILL A LAV AYS UF. FOUN'D OX HANI) TO hUY Oil SELL AT FA lit ' I'llICES, TO P.OTII CUS TOMEU AND TUA D E P. . Kctnember the "tim U'W1 7T T: (stand, 7., 1 Opposite Donelan i S Jiiu;' otun-, Alaiti Street. v.. ('.. POVKY & ox. Tori i -z -, r 'r? king no ; i 1 1 I i ijysi i Li3 i ! J. V. W ECKBACH, ! Mew 3z3.G3 Wc are In almost 3 V mm DRY AND FANCY GOODS, v.hich we offer our fricuiN nnl tiii juiblu i n n Ut plices Casliincres, Alpacas, lhIiiiiics, kv. Calicos, from 12 to 1G Yards for $1.00. Muslins, from 6 cts. a yard upward. SEBSPHEADS ! The Sliest stock t-f Vi'h:te ISeitsjir-:..!-- ever broulit to the ( ity. lis Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jean full Stock. T3 rTi n - - . - - - i VP F;3 r; ; 1 f i ' i ' I OI" ALL Country Produce taken Tl.;:rd.ftd for;.-'st L.vors in t'.e y.;irs mme I ; A i : A N i , 11 r.h -i,i cc JiEMEmi:.': tiii: place, HNASSE Just open.':1, a fi fa 5) V-' V V C3 ALSO .1 NEW AND FEES H STOCK OF m m jo t f i i ifiX ifil iilA l!J A eoni)le(o Spring Shawls, Dres Good;, OliiiVi ft 1 u I Felt Hnls, Pi 4 4 sca nr. TIE. AN! 7.' I I'v OASHJWEBnS OF -r V-f JLLmbroidenes PACK COJfES AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. "hels, Valises, and Ladies Hand fi lifb, Toib-l Qii;it.-, Ac, Tiiters, Cot ret.?, and ivibbons ItHiumerablc. j A i ivi: AsoieTMi:xT. I j Hoys Sammer Cassimeres, Tweeds. ic., Queenswarc, Wooden Ware, iwA j I A Full Stock of Chicago Sugar Cured Hams, Lard SALT FISH, Mackeral, j White Fish and Cod. UEMElIBEll ALL KINDS F COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN ! EA'CIIANGE FOIL GOODS. Bsa9a BToii'a-eft ONE DOOR EAST of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, 'J"ly Plat ltaouh. iob. Prop . r ? G 6 ft iff ri g's&BBl Styles - - IIsrS I daily receipt of to s.-.it ll-.e tii.ies. 'HO and Cottonades in . t.i lJ C i. n j,', 7 -r :c p a th s t i " ' KtNIi.;. in exchange for Gcodi. by. I JieetfnZ! ! e u ' it: I !t ii.-i.vc of the v:i,::e. lo e'.i a-.e may be rinun- . v. v. t; i; il.vf :i. 1 1c one tu; vev or p. ., rr.Arj;Mourir, .y;;am.vam. JLTJO & GRAM BERG'S Xew Stock of f5 V " V - 3 iseiv stock of For Jentlen!e!i , HILL' "ECKEIlCHIEl 's, I'ACAHOL'-. SHABBY, 11 and Laces. 'the Flace. r frt 4 Mil V V f J 6. j it A, V h i - - As