Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 19, 1877, Image 3

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    m TIM TT TT1 II I T T1
1 ii 1!j II i!j 11 A LilJ.
Transient, '. Cents a lhie. Ife-nlar jt'l verii".
r is, t cents ,t..r In N. al i i li-"i'i:n nl iurn.-rt-c
1 for iv than s ci ids.
I.e-;a! no'scfs at Statute ra'ei.
A! .ri:fi and oibcers .( the law will ! m-hl
r'--iis;(.. for all le"--l p.niice they limul in,
laid all parlies i1"!.'t:M:d:n;- a prouf ef '. . t U-tv-li'in
.it any meicc will be held lor liit; Vindica
tion fee ft Stith Notice.
As our pnc2 is limited, all communicn'ioTis
n:st lx- Inici ami In tl." pt int. Willi nu Waste.
vf v. in. Is.
1 he piipor is i";i.iniil):c for the correctness
pconl'im; to copy of paid matter arid paid Le
yiilt, oniy.
1. Any person who takes the t.-'j rr rc'rahtrly
from the po-a ;ii"o, whether diie'-;cd to Iii's
r:m: or win't'.iT lie is a. sute:-ber or not is
ilde (or tin: ;av.
2. I f anv pos-son 'i!fn his paper discontin
ue 1. he mii-t pay all an eai .czcs. or tin? pabli-di-or
may continue to m m I it until payment is
l'.iaU'-. and collect t he v;n)'i" nam;:. it. v.helktr
til" :ti-r is l ik"il Irom t li" o'lie" or not.
.'!. i :..; colli is Have len!.."l If.t refits'iur to
t(iU ncv-m .oi'is and tx'iiii Urals from 111-; post
-!;--. r-'r'i'm in:; ami I'-aviii-T th'-m uncalled
li-r. 14 lu-iufi. J-ieic evi leucc of ivrRNTloN'Ai.
h'ir.M :.
13. & M. R. R. Time Table.
( ":' .'l Sutvlny, April 1st, 1S7T.
v-.iii Omaha f::m.u PI.ATTSjMOt'TlI.
t.-:: r. :: a. in. Arrives :."" a. in.
J i. in. " 3 :V, p. 111.
Leaves : :!." a. m. Ai l ive- h) ;'t a. m.
0 :" p. in. ' : ' P-
Poll Til!-: V.TST.
I .-av.-- ITiMvnni.ih . :' - m. Arrivi"'
.:a. U -t", p. in. ; .Mi.- K'-' !'
Fit :';'.: t '.-.ivi-s 7 :!' a. :.i. Ar. f.''l-"ln 1 - :'-' ;.l;l.
f:;o.m tm;: v. r.
I.c-vfs K-:.rii'y. c, :;-t i. ri. I. -:ivrs :.iiiMi,
IJ :"!. in. Arrives i'ritl i!no.'.!'i. . :!" ?.
Frvi-''.it av.-s T.bicolu !l :!"a. in. Anivi-s
1 iaUinnala, 1 i. ut.
;oin: FAST,
r jmi s. 6 n. in.
I'.-. - sc i train va-'h 1 ! y ) 3 :'.-) p. :i-
i;u i. and i::i'Ai:T!-in; of i i.atts-
-v M Jl i ll .'I A U.S.
IM'TtTX, X(p:THKt:f f 'iT'Tll I V.S
Arrive ::t - !) :"0 :i. Hi. j
!. ;.. :it : t -
i :' i. in.
fM 111.1 I 11. ''I.
.i.ive :,t 1l a. !;i. ! I ".-u L at - 2 :1" ,. m.
v. r.vr e:n vi v r.. & '-f.
Anil at - 3 :15 i. in. Ixpai-t at - C -. a. in.
V ' KVlN.'i WATCH.
An!'."it l- ;:) ni. , l' :.t - C:'"ir-'!1-
-. K lil.riTHf.- I Nl'iS 1!1I.I.
A; iv- a l IZ in. i li.-p-.rt at - 1 : " !. m.
J. W. M A iT-S J I A I.I ., V.
A Tito of fu'.'-Uo ded IIouhiMS for
l.i rw;' ).;, R i- ' it, Ib-'s the man.
Nrw pl.t'.-f, I5oo'.sand ?hov.5 ?; and so
Oh mv! what a pap-.-r tho ITi:i:at.i
-( .k. Di I von read it?
SUve.strr Fr-ethinker, s-tys that
j. hiving lusil-cli: i a verry poor biznes.
-The Kearney Tiin-s has s'artr-d a
I J.iilv again, a nice littl column
iM-r. Jlopolhr-y can keen up.
V, have a half pchohtrship war
rant. .n li :;. 'i. Mvr:'U'ti!e C.-l'ege
vi'-.i'-'i w will Si'U v-ry cheap. ff.
I.:i-t w-.-ek we -'iveilie cily Treav
uri-r's report. T!i" County ilnanehal re-pi.-.t
ami lots of other n-.i ling matter
bv'-: I--. Buy tho fl;:;; y.n.
(Jo to Mrs. I.. B. Cr ,-k--r and C.i's.
and :;v.e t!.e l ia r-t sty'i.-s in hats. 4-:Jt
Tlieiv will be a "Moral and In!d-U-etu
: Bntorbiinmtnt" at the. M. I'.
Church on Saturday Fuelling, I In; 521st,
vi :ws of Holy L m 1 scon---, music &f.
-'it' r'.be for ih3 IIkhai.o and
k ep a g .-! p ip -r g ing in yoar C-vm-tv
we want to give home news Coiin
iy pro-ee lings icvf.. c. '.n't do it unless w
h.tvo your united supp ut.
It-raine-1 very hard h-rcr on Mon
lay afU-r noon, a:i I again daring the
night, acconjp.vai-1 by slight hail.
Four mi'.os west an I south of here the
hail was very severe we learn. It is
Jp-'P-d that t ".lis rain his destroyed
:-ovoa hoppers anyway.
Frank Leslies. Vhlmm-'j Corwr is
publishing the se-pud to "Helens Ba--r
Th-dtdi-Thtf:j' littlo story by
Jno. II ibberlon, wlii 'a had such a
wonderful sale lately.
H n. Jos. B.'.irdsiey and Mr. R ice of
the trail of Fleming & Race, of Weep
ing Water, were in town Monday and
promised to come and sc the NKUALn,
but fade 1 to put an appearance. Gue-s
they hailed homa Men lay night.
Will our friends mid patrons try
and remember th it th; paper ii sup
.s;dtogo to Press early Thursday
morning and that all m itb-r .should be
got in early in tho week, and n me later
than Wednesday no-m. We must get
our mails in on Thai s I iv m r:iing and
cannot take notices, nri I esneehdiy un
paid one-, after We Tuesday imn.
po,e,;o fr ,;n thr-.whig things in th-J I
g.itt-rs,Oth street i-? a long street and J
it soon gainers enough to stop any cr.l-
verts that cm be male at the lower
end. Even well informed people do
this trick. The IIhuald picked up
limbs and branches of evergreens
the other d.iy and carrie 1 them out of
the way.
All persons knowing themselves
indebted to Vallery & Drew or to A.
J)-v vill please come forward and
. v. tut once as the books must be
close dnow Remember this. To
l, found at the old store, now occupied
bv Fli Plummer. Piattsmouth April j
pith. Hr.F.W.
Quite a number of people are fixing
up. Mr. Frank Johnson is building a
very pretty fence on his lot in "Wash
ington Avenue. Davidson is sodding
and planting trees out all round the old
Griggs house. Mr. Parmele is invest
ing in sod and Mr. Fitzgerald still keeps
planting trees, and podding and im
proving things.
Hats A Hat One Hat at Stadel
in tn's 23 to 50 ct; to 7. Apr 10.
Winter wheat Hour at I'.S.Wliite's.
J.imling done at the IIi:nAi.i) ofiloo.
-Tall wheat at F. S. White's.
See the new Cos J3 at fc
Tor cheap al para's, serges, casli
ititcs ltii to F. S. White's.
-New Dress pood.?, fresh groceries, am3
a heap lot.s of new and cheap things
to sell cheap for cash at F. S. White's.
Cet your laazines IiouipI. Xow is
your time. At the IIfuald oiTino. tf. Lnys for two stores nnl
keeps poods enoii.Ii for four. And
thev u!I "want pilinsr."
At l'luminers they are selling
gooils so low that even the grasshoppers
came in to look and wondeii
Remember the circus Mailino to
ribt. Schnasso and Mr. I iodine have gone
to Omaha to superintend shipping
poods to Mr. (Iramberg, at the lllack
MikeMcGuire has sent his saw
mill to the Black Hills. On? by one
the traps of the Country F migrate
westward towards the setting sun. -
A new and varied stoek of
at SruxA--:: wrc Gn VMnxno's.
S-"e their nw advertisement
The boards of erp' ion have
been in sssmn the past week for both
the County and the City. Quite a
number of changes in assessment were
asked for and some granted in both
For Sal?.
One .Tack, four years old, sound and
kind. Inoiihe at this ofTice. or of
F.vw::r:Nci: Smith,
imv Rock Bluffs. -lt-i
at Pttcr M- r'j's
Thrt'bet and largest rtock of
r.ooTs and sriors
in the county, bound to be sold out for
cash. ritf.) I'FTFr. Mi:t:;fs.
An old fiiend, A. Rockwell Esq.,
of Blair sends the HrnATr) a photo
graph of a patent prasshopper ma
chine. It has wings and a hopper its
self, the thing lias, .mil looks as if it
might scoop hoppers under it, Iiock
woM is coming down to compete for
that :"?.-'0.
I shall continue to keep the best of
workmen in my manufacturing and re
pairing department, as heretofore.
4tf r;:x::u Mt:i:r.r.3.
1"(rriiif now e vA-ors in rill the lairs'
shades. tiUml rrreen. niawhtrhi and
sulnhur color, sil'-q to match, and Mrs.
L. B. Crocker'ix. Co. will nut them to
gether to form a hat after the latent
stvl? and to suit everyone, at a inoder
a e price. --t
Fd Rosenba-im is fixing up in fine
style has a splendid new sign and is
repairing and furnishing generally.
The phioo to get the genuine Milwau
kee Beer. ' ' 4-t 1
Full line of every kind of poods at
the store of J. V. Weckbach. which Ids
army of clerks are dispensing as fat as
they can hand over the goods. tf.
Tho Rt. Rev. R. I. Clarkson.D. D.,
will make his annual visitation to St.
Luke's Parish, on Thursday. April 10th.
There will be divine services at 7:l
p. m.
Mrs. .Tohnson and Miss Sweeney keep
on hand a slock of gloves, ties, Ac., of
standard brands and stvles. 4t2
The most elegant and bct line of
of all grades, including a most beauti
ful assortment of
( : i ii. ii i fn s' s no i:s.
of different color in the market.
To be closed out for cash. Reason,
change of business, (ttf) P. Meucfs.
Mrs. Johnson & Miss Sweeney are
agents for Butter!' k's patte: r.s, and are
constantly getting in new styles. -1 2
Court Ad jjr.rr.ed.
Owing to the illness cf Judge
Pound, ami the report that there
was a ca-e of .-mall pox in town, Court
adjourned until the fourth of June,
next; when wo hone no obstacles will !
prevent a term of court being he'd in
thid Countv.
I .shall con! inue to keep the best of
workmen in my m annf.r-tui ingand re
pairing department, as heretofore.
ltf It.ti-u Mi:ki;f.s.
--Omaha prices beaten in l'latts-i
mouth. Mrs. Johnson S: Miss Sweeney
will warrant their goods cheaper than
the Sim" can be obtained in Omaha,
and. they have a large and handsouio
The most elegant and best line of
of all grades, including a most beauti
ful assortment of
c :iiliki:ns' shofs,
of different colors in tho market.
To be closed out for cash. Reason,
Chang? of busincse. (-itf) P. Mckgfs.
Mrs. Johnson fc Miss Sweeney have
blocks for shaping over old hats, into
all the latest styles. Go and they'll
make your old hat look "amaistaa wiel's
the new. 4t3
City marshal Morrison had a con
test with some quarry men Thursday
ami shot at one chap who undertook
to avoid his turn in the lockup.
On the lot north of the IIi:it.M.D Of-
fice in a space of 20 ft. square the hoji-
t, , i
por were as thick as sands on the
seashore." Xearly all tlie e-s for some
six or tiht lots around seemed to be
deposited here.
Thf honners were uneij v. nen uie iatu
came. J ust werehey were the thick-
est, the wa'er broke over the putter
and swept across the lot?, now all those
festive little jumpers are pone pone
to meet
the mighty jMissouri, we
WnhavG made arrangements to have
Magazines, Medical and Law reporis.
and other pamphlets bound. Apply
at the IIkuald olhce. tf
Mrs. L.B.Crocker has just returned
from a long visit east and elsewhere,
and has again opened her well known
millin?ry toro, on Main st., next to
Merges shoe store.
Miss Bmnett and Miss Crocker have
also returned from a prolonged stay in
Kansas City. We welcome them all
home, and hope they may have a pros
perous summer's business.
To the executive committee and
board of directors, of the Cass County
Agricultural Society.
There will be a meeting of the exec
utive committee and board of directors,
of the Cass County Agricultural Socie
ty, in the Court House, in riattsmouth,
JTeb.. on Tuesday May 1st, 1S77, at 2
o'clock ji. m., to take action on repoit
from committee on Premium List, and
all other business that will come before
said meeting, all members of said com
mittee, and board of directors, are here
by requested to be present.
By order of the President.
-It 2 J. P. You:o, Sw'e'y.
The best and largest stock of
in the county, bound to be sold out for
cash. (It I) l'FTF.n Mr.i:ci:s.
-The si.lo view of a grey bearded and
venerable looking stranger seated in a
lumber wagon calmly smoking his
pipe, attracted the attent'on of a num
ber of travelers on the sidewalk the
other day. Pleasant thoughts seemed
to Hit over t Ii e old man's face, quiet
wrinkles, indication of an easy con and inward inerr lnient.could be
sen working lu'.' toward his
ears. Anon he east hi eyes upward j
and a calm heavenly paci stoSoi o'er
the nose viow. Suddenly ho turned !
his h?a 1 and, as the crowd dispersed,
one irreverent youngster shouted.
Great gun, its Bob Doom going to
a farmer's wagon I
Co.iilog Daily.
Xew supplies of millinery goods, at
Mrs. Johnson & Miss Sweeney's, a'! the
newest shapes in hats, Normandy, Bre
ton, hats turned down, hats turned up
on one side, hsts turmd up in front,
hats of ehi;of straw, black hats, white
hat , brown hat s, cream-colored hats, j
Then the trimmings ; handsome French j
dowers, cheaper American flowers, but
bi-t as handsome, in cream Cvter, in
sulphur color, in mandarin, the ex
tremely fa.diion:b!e color, and in any
thing vou mav call for. Go and look
at t!.in. " 4tJ
rN'- xsii-.s o.iv-i.s.
Last week the following party left
for tho Ebony Elevations. Johnny
Buttery, John Cr-ig. Sou McKin, A.
Best or, Ji!. Col v in, Hayes and Son.
Also F. Kroehler, D. Graves and
F. P'bcrt. The IIf.kald saw the
above in Lincoln on Friday, .saucy, fat,
and cheeky bound for the B. II. or
Old new:
ALU ofliee,
apers for sale at the IIi:n
rc per hundred.
A German florist, in a high state
of in ita: ion, said: "I have so much
droablo mit de ladies ven dey co :n to
buy mine rose. Dey vants him hardy,
dey vants him doubles, dey vants him
fragrand, dey vants him nice golour,
dey vatits ebery tings in vusi rose. I
hopes I am not vat you call ;ri unca'
lant m m. But I have s omodimes to
s iy to dat 1 i lios: Madam. I never of
ten see de 1 a lies dat ras beautiful, dat
vas rich, dat vas young, dat vas good
temper, dat vas clever dat vas perfec
tion, in ono ladies. I see her much
This beats Ilesser all hollow.
A No.
Hat from 25 to 50 cts. at
The Burlington Ila r 7: eye in com
menting upon his recent appearance in city says:
A good house rewarded Martino hist
night, and admired his consumite
skill, marveled at the adroitness with
which he wrought as if by magic, arel
langiu"! heartily at his inimitable ven
triloquism, gathered around the foot
lights after tiie entertainment to re
ceive the handsome and valuable pres
ents he bestowed so numerously, and
went away determined to go to-night.
The entertainment is more than worth
the price of. admission, and the pres
ents are given over and above that.
This troupe will appear in Piatts
mouth Thursday, Friday and Saturday
of this wea k.
-Go to Billy Baker at Eii Plun.mcr's
lie has a message for you. 120 yds.
of calico for C cents -per yard.
To !Iy Friends ar.'i Patrons.
I wish to inform you that I have
purchased the stand formerly owned
and occupied by John Leach, on north
side of Main Street opposite Carruth's
Jewelery store, where I will sell and
keep on hand, (in connection with my
present store in the Post O.liee.) a full
stock of choice and fresh confectionery,
nuts. Foreign and Domestic fruits, Ci
gars, Tobacco, Lemonade, Notions, .tic,
which 1 will sell at the lowest cash
price. Kindly thanking my Friends
and Patrons for their past patronage
and soliciting a continuance of same,
I ask others to give me a trial. Mi.
Will Sampson is in charge of the stand
where he will very courteously wait
on all customers. Respectfully,
J. P. Yorxo.
In the secret lanixao of the
I tramps, the letter "II" on the pate post
j means that the residents will give the
ca,k,r l h;ln,Uul of rub. tJ,at )e
j,et a seat at the table; "S M" that
i he will jet a square in sal; and "tl Jh"
: Jli:lt lie Ket the "ra:id bounce.
0.V.f.r hiu jlimst.,f to hjs cate po3t :lIul
j; i Jotters deep, and that cannot be
j misunderstood, that mystic sign"G U!"
i liel't!. ,s the complete sonuion
of tho tramp problem. (Ex.
Having fed about 70 tramps this
winter, after reading above we went
out and looked at our gates with an
opera glass. Sure enough on the nigh
hind pate post at tho off si lo of the
ranch we found the magic scrawl S. M.
and rushed in for a broad axe just
then Mr. passed. "What you do
ing?" says he. We told -him "Oh
shaw! your'e a fool. I cut that there,
ii's for my gal. and means Sunday at
Meeting'. Fll be there."
S. F. Rockwell of Louisville tho
agricultural man, sells Smith's Steel
beam ploughs for 817. Iron beam 3 13
wooden beam at go to him for
Marti no slight of haul,
Lantern v-c, to-night.
Tlli Plummerhaa about sold off all
his auction goods, and has ot the
new Cold; .store in tip-top running
lie expects soon to put in a new line
of goods for Spring and Summer and
will sot ii make this store as it has al
ways been one of the most popular re
sorts for buying nice goods cheap, in
the town. All goods now on - hand
sold way down come andirv.
Fli Plummer.
wants to see you has goods to sell.
Keep the Bitches Clear.
What's all this traih in th? Alleys
Come Mr. Marshall stir 'cm up
There's plenty of sickness about with
out dirty alleys pouring filth and
steaming after every shower, jerk up a
fellow or two who throw everything
they can't use in tho gutter. One ex
ample is worth OOOOOIir.) precepts or
newspaper articles. Gutters are made
to carry water off; not as reservoirs
for limbs and tin cans and old boots
and "iiieh." Go down east and see a nice
clean village once and then come come
and shame yourselves.
Ice cold at
Look Oat Tor the Img-r.e. While the Bell
Lawyer Sam Chapman bus always
followed this rule strictly, but then
there is one he knows nothing about,
it is: Always dodge when your gun
Sam forgot to dodge the other day,
and the result was he had an aggravat
ed case of mumps tip on his cheek bone
for a day or two.
And Stroud, he dodged, but not quick
enougli.and caught one along side of the
fly trap that nearly closed his peepers,
and one side of his face the color
of wilted cabbage.
Wo can't kum down ; you must hum
The Lawyer says so sly,
We're on the town, jou must not
The prisoners meek reply.
The undersigned will keep a town
herd, having rented the Platte Bottom
for that purpose. We shall commence
the herd on the morning of the 1st of
May. All persons desiring to put cat
tle in said herd must have them prompt
ly on hand at7 o'clock each morning.and
we will not be responsible for any dam
age loose cattle may do after that time.
We shall have correls at the follow
ing places so as to accomodate all.
Soutli of town near Mickelwait's
One i iy the old circus ground on
Washington Ave.
One on Gth street, near Chas. Viall's
Cows SI per month ,iwo hd., -i?, :J hd.,
75 cts. apiece.
Leasi.fy, )Livi:r., & Thompson-.
4-t 2.
The HiniALO said a few words about
the F're Limit Ordinance last week,
and it met with some strong opposition.
Now let us look at this matter calmly.
The IIfkald never meant, nor would
it approve of replacing one shanty by
another. Our idea was that good sub
stantial frame buildings were safer
and a better protection against lire
than old rotten shells.
If anything should be done "in this
matter we do not want, and nrver
should ask the Council to
repeal the present " ordinance
unless a better one could take its place.
Our plan would be to limit the con
struction of frame buildings on Main
s'. to two stories, with good chimneys,
(not mere lines), and the parties desir
ing to build must apply for such a per
mit, giving bonds to fulfil the same,
and w ith the consent of the adjoining
lot owners.
Surely this would be guarantee suffi
cient to get a better class of buildings
than we have at present.
One thing more, the Herald has the
inteiest of this town as much at heart
as any citizen in it. We do not knsw
ingly advise any foolish or risky ex
periments. We simply want to give
those who claim they will improve'the
town a chance.
Still further, as most of the opposi
tion to repval comes from the west of
Fifth st., by common consent the ordi
nance might apply only to that portion
of the street east of 3th or 4th street.
Personally we are not interested in
this. It is foi the property holders
there to speak. Our dnty ends with
calling attention to tho fact that such
a demand has been made.
odf.nwai.d iu:i:r. saloon-.
L'tstx JIHwavkuc JJcrr
constantly on hand.
Awl bst I III noli Cider. It
:;eiV goods: latest styles:
31 rs. I.. R. Crocker & C.
Mrs. Crocker has just returned from
Chicago where she attended all tho
and saw the latest and newest styles
in every branch of ilu; millinery busi
ness. Their stock was selected under her
personal supervision, and having the
benefit of a close inspection of pattern
hats in the latest Parisian designs, she
is prepared to give her customers the
benefit of the new ideas she obtained.
Their prices are much cheaper than
ever before, and their stock, so careful
ly selected, is the choicest which has
ever been brought to Piattsmouth.
They are constantly adding to their
already large stock, and invite every
one to inspect their goods and see for
themseives. 4-Jt.
We some how omitted to mention
tho return to our town of Mr William
Baker, who has mad permanent ar
rangements to stay with Mr Plummer.
Bill- Baker is one of Plattsmouth's
standbys ia tho general merchandiz
ing business,
A daughter of Col. Irish lias been
appointed Translator of languages in
the interior department at "Washing
ton. Mr. Schurz did it.
Gen. Cunningham left us for the
Black Hills, on Friday last. He will
be ths agent for the Patrick line of
stapes, and also for tho Express Com
panies. Joe Connor is about to ship corn di
rect to Europe. He expects a contract
from the Czar of Russia for 19 billion
bushels, three years delivery.
Dr. J. M. Waterman, of Louisville,
the only Physio Medical practitioner in
the county, dropped in to see us and
make us happy. It is seldom a man
likes to see tho doctor, but Dr. Water
man ami a few greenbacks were most
welcome visitors.
Mr. Skinner, of the B. & M., who was
sick some time ago, was taken wi:h a
relapse last week, and is quite low yet,
at this writing. Tiie doctor has great
hopes that lie will soon be out though.
We miss Frank and hope he will soon
be up and at his business again.
Mr. Selmasse has been quite sick the
past week, but is recovering.
Clias Hoffman Iris also been under
the weather, an 1 looks rather blue, but
guess he's coming out all O. K.
Dr. Donelan has been quite Kick
A. Lavcrty, of Eagle, called on the
IIfi:alo not long since, and we found
him a very agreeable, well informed
Mr. William Shryock, who hns acted
as foreman of the Hff.alo oihee for
i some time, hft us last week for past
j urts new, and redds that are fresher.
; Toe relations between the IIfkalo
j and Mr. Shryock have always been of
j the pVasaritest, and we sincerely hope
j "liiiiy will have the best success pos
sible, wherever his lot in life may be
cast in the future. Jake Vallery thinks the hail
storm had a special spite at him, it
knocked the windows all iqit of his
new house, on the south side, ami lie
! is now pomg it (on) L'iimi.sp lor tne
rest of his days.
K F II. At Union, Cas Co., on the l'th of Apiil.
ri :.m minutes past ." o'eac.!v. a. in. : at. or a
short ami painful lllne.-s. our dear oehivetl sou
r.n.i hi other. I n l-o;o;t K Kit., r.u 13 years, 7
months a ial 1:1 days.
Our chad has gone oeyoml ttie skies.
The d.'iihiij wait is lost to mortal umlher eyes.
In tlm dim, v:ist future's world of joy,
We hope again to meet oar darling 'dot.
Get your calling cards at the IIlu:ali
Latest styles of card board and papers.
200 Rolls of our choice paper was car
ried away last week, and still wc can
supply those in want.
o-tf Chapman & Glas.
sexd rx youji job work.
Fosters Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads,
Envelopes, Pamphlets and Cards print
id at this oi'iice. All work expedi
tiously and neatly executed.
Fred Cooler is doing a land office
business, in agricultural tools-0 su'key
and gang Ploughs sold last week, be
sides other machinery, in fact he sol 1
all he had on hand. Will have a new
invoice in directly probably before this
paper comes out. 4-tl
AVm. Stadchnaan having hoeii appointed hy
t'.ie U. S. Marshal for this State as Collector of
the outstanding acco-aits of Vt:i. Statletmann
and ff id & Stad-d nann. All owitij-'
these coiieeiie; y.ic. herehy calie.l upon t :ili-pe-ir
at t It stora of the said Win. Statleliuaiiii.
ia the city of rkiUsnmuth, Comity of f'ass, on
or 1 cf )ie tie loth day orApril. ISTT.forthe set
tieiaent of said accounts, or s lid accounts will
h? traasfi'ircd to the hands of the hi wye tti the
case for co!hj;'tiua with cost-. Save costs anil
come, forward. " Wm! Staiklmann,
C. II. Pa km in. k. Collector.
1'Iattsinoiith, March 5, 1S77.
P. IS. Owin'jt to fomnlieatioas in settling oth
er Imsiuess the time of closing oar hooks will he
extended until .May 1st. After which date :t!t
unadjusted accounts, due cither of the old firms
will positively be collected hy law.
Win. S i adki.ji AN"-, Collector. -
Various causes advancing years
care, sickness, disappointment, an her
editary disposition 11 operate to
turn the hair, and either of them in
clines it to sited permanently.
Ayek's Haiii Vigor will restore faded
or prey, light and red hair to a rich
or deep black as desired. It
softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a
healthy action, and removes and cures
dandruff and. humors. By its use fall
ing hair is checked, and a new growth
will be produced in all cases where the
follicles are not destroyed or glands
decayed. Its effects are beautifully
shown on brash y, weak, or sickly hnir
to which a few applications will produce
the gloss and freshness of youth.
Harmless and sure in its operation.
! it is incomparable as a dressing-, and is
! especially valued for the soft luster
j and richness ef tone it imparts. It
j contains neither oil nor die, and will
i not soil or color white cambric; yet it
j lasts long on the hair and keeps it fresh
1 and vigorous. For sale by all elealers.
A few Cltv oni.irs lor sale
What is of more benefit to frail hu
manity than out door exercise; enjoy
ing ourst Ives in a fine game of Croquet
or Base Ball. You can get Balls B its
and Croquets at most any juice.
tl-tf CnAr.MAX t!i Glas.
J. V. Weckbach will pay in cash or
goods the highest market price for any
amount of potatoes. 2Dtf
Centennial manufactory. Gents fine
custom work warranted, at Bob Sher
wood's. The winter passed and spring is
opening; 'ere long it too will bo gone,
and so with the line, collection of Wall
Paper at Chapman & Glas'. Come ear
ly for the best selection, and make
your homes look neat to compare with
the beauties cf spring. S-tf
No. 1 plow shoes for iSLCt). No. 1 la
dies serge shoes, 81. No. 1 Chicago kip
boots for 81.90. Childrens shoes from
50c up. Those goods must be sold in
sixty days. Thoe wanting bargains
must call soon
cf IVi;
Notwithstanding the fact that Til
den was defeated I do not intend to be
boat by any Blacksmith in Nebraska,
on anything in my line, from shoeing
a horse, mule or cow to mending a oast
iron stove or building a wagon or bug
gy, putting a plough in order or repair
ing any kind of a break in machinery.
The best of timber constantly on hand
for working into buggies, sulkeys, vS:c.
A No. 1 Painter competent to do any
thing in the line of painting buggies
or wagons.
Thankful for past favors I am ready
to be forgiven for my misdeeds and
will endeavor to give satisfaction iu all
M. SciiNELLiJAcmn:,
52-lt' Brick Shop, Fifth Street.
Bosohff's Gi:i:man' Svitcr can now
l-e purchased right at home, it is the
most successful preparation ever in
troduced to our people. It works like
a charm in all cases of consumption,
Pneumonia, Hemorrhages, Asthma,
severe coughs, (.'roup and other throat
and Lung diseases. No person has ev
er used this medicine without immed
iate relief, yet there are a great many
poor, suffering, skeptical persons going
about our streets with a suspicious
cough, and the voice of cousumpf ion
coming from their lungs, that will not
try it. If you die it is yoifr own fault,
as you can go to your Druggists in
Piattsmouth and get a Sample Bottle fol
io cents and try it: three doses will
relieve any case. Regular si.e only 75
cents. " 50-tf.
Wedding Bristol card board at the
IIi:i:ai.d otllce.
Choice Oranges. Lemons, eating
apr-h-s tve, at the 1. O. News Store.
If you want to get your chimneys
cleaned or your st ive polished, call on
Chas. Brown, or leave orders at John
Boone's barber shop, at any hour of the
day or night. 50 cents a stove and 00
cents a Hue. -ICtf
Have you seen the Centennial Panel
pieces, painted by Frank Stadter. and
on exhibition at Carruth's? 45tf.
See T.J.Todd's new cake pan. 21tf
Team of large horses, harness and
wagon for sale at a bargain Enquire
at Sage Bi:os.
New cake pan, enquire at the Her
ald office, x; It.
Diseases of the Kidneys effect the
whole system. Should not be neg
lected a single day. Tar acts directly
and is the natural remedy. Take the
"Forest Tar:" it is a pure preparation
and cures when other remedies fail.
Messrs. Streight tx Miller wish to
call the attention of their customers
to the fact that it is customary to close
up accounts at the commencement of
the vear. As thev are expected to pav
their bills it follows that they must
have funds to pay with. They would
therefore notify their customers who
have been accommodated to harness
and other goods, that they will be ex
pected to call and settle their aeeeounts
at their earliest convenience. Their
stock of harness and other goods in
that line is complete, and all wanting
anything in their line will find it to
their advantage to give them a call. A
full stock of groceries also kept con
stantly on hand. 43tf
Why have we no more Washinptons
and Websters? We !i;ive. and plenty
too, right here in Piattsmouth and
Cass Co. if we wiil only educate our
children. You can get all the fine and
choice books you want at Chapman S:
(Ras, also Sterling Pens, Ink, l'encils,
Slates, Marbles. Knives, Candy, Tobac
co, Cigars and choice Teas. a-tf
Julius Pepperberg. Cigar Manufac
turer, on Main St., Piattsmouth, Neb.
Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri
can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes.
. For .S"oe. Best qualities of pi ug-smok-:iig
tobacco always on hand. u-tf.
I Our enterprising and successful mer
j chants, E. O. Dovey A; Son, are still at
Uicir post, supplying customers ui.
everything in the line of general mer
chandise on the most reasonable terms,
stock kept full and complete. liOtt
The undersigned is prepared to bore
wells to any depth on short notice
one foot hole and good tubing put in.
All work warranted for one year.
Ripley w McDonald,
Weeping Water Cass Co., Neb.
Lor Sale at a Bargain.
one block south of Main Street
Mrs. F. Fist er ami Miss Nchie Short ha vc from
into l lie liressnaikimr inisint-ss. a id would he
pleased to have those in want of work in their
line to call and see t hem ,-t th residence, of M is.
Lisler. door west of the Saiiadeis
House. SatiM'actioa uaraiiteeit and char ,
ntlcrat;. - 1-ti
To loan on improved farms iuOas; County, at
lo-.v late of inU-rt-s;. Applications M-iieited.
Plat!mo;u!i, Mart 'ii 1 .". .1. N. Wl.sF.
The latpst, gieatcst, !(m, ,st re
ha'n!" remedy t-ver pat- toi,'e: h.-r )y inedii-a! sci
ence for miecmnO-m. Vt ouni's. swcltmirs. lan ns,
llrc.lsl. fte., is the Centaur Liniment.
There an two rinds. Wh.O the White l.ini
n id i is for t li- heni-e.i f uniiy, t he -tro!:;;er kind,
whali is yc lo'vin ( or. for spavia-tl. I imp
and rTraine i horse- and animal", iheir tth-cts
are w ond.-rful .
Mothers who haveVf,,k:o,d iit.
c.ii.di' ii. c-in secure health for th" chiidr- n and
lett tor : hems. .Jves by in-iia; Ir. i'it"l:e;"- Cas
t orei. it I'ont :11ns no mm ph ! :ic or any tiling ia
hirious. it i.s as p.'caant to take as hoimyt and
is eel lain to cure V iml die. regulate tur bow -eis
and expel worm-. For Toel'iin chiWicn
tliere i not ran? like Ca?toria. iltl3
Siieriii' s Sale.
i iy v-,-,;(, ()f an c vilio!t. i - sncil ly tho ( 'Icrk
i of llio i - Si net "oiirt, Sim-oilI .1 ailn ial 1 -a net.
i 1 1 '. : 1 1 1 an 1 lor l a- s t otm! v. N ;!n a.--U.t. ami to
im t'.ii i', :i-.i, I w-'U nu i n,. fa ii v of JFiy, A .
; 1 . 1 -:T. .e 1 1 o'ci m a. in., oi s.u i ilay, at tiie
I soni li iloor of t lie I omT Iloiiif. hi lln- Cuy of
j Flat in s.iiil I'ontii v. m ;l at ;. .!'.!, ;oic
' th:'i l!a: fol'.owiii!! real t'-'.a..'. to-wit: 1 lie
l orOi li.iif ui'.i oi lop; ni:.-. lui, cVvcii- ;nu
t welvo (.: I" '1 o.- !-' oi clot ,i i '. P ur i. 0 in
t'ltl lo.vii of Wfopii' IK! r, fii. Nc'i.i'oa.
'I liw sa. lie lifi'ii: U-vj'-il upon aid i a as the
property of K. I . Coal man now -. --,' . 11. !
ieihlant ; to s.d i--fy :t hpltiiciil of t.'oui!,
I eeov ernl liv A. ( f. r.aVlws. j I : i : : i
l'lattstliou'th, Nelna-ka. April II. A. IV IhTT.
3i5 M. I'.. 11 1 l.r i:. sl.i-n;).
Legal Notice.
In the l;.s!ri t Court, Cas County, ''!.
Cal. in II. F.uim'le vs Ik lay Sieit ami ;eig
To neurit S'urt in) I Oi-injc .SY.'i, ):,-i-tv.-i I, :J de
ft ii'l'iiUf;
You a.i'l oaeh of you a;e heri'v noii.h M that
on the '-".'ill ii:iv of A'.i-'ust, Is;."., I thed my petit,
lion in the fii see of the ( li-ik of ihe lhstne.
Conn, ei ami for C;is County. ebiasUa. tlie
ul'ieei aiol ii avor ol iOcii is 1 i recover jml :-lie-lit
a;aiii.:t vici up, Ml a re;-l.i:ii jiriiiii' ' ly
liote. fv,r t 'ae snal of - ! iil.w il h t lie latere -l 1 Hei v
oit from the icalh day of i'el.ra.o y. l -7..', at I Ic
l.i !e oi lj per cent, per aiini'in, ami eoi-is of suit,
an t i l:.u ia.!. s,s you appear au.l answer saol !
tiHoa toi or liefore I'.'.e .'l"t i iv of M:iy. A. I.
I.s77, ju t-meat will lie taUen against on forsaict
snei oT - 1 in, i n I el et ;v;.l cost s, ai corn i to ii,i;
iuv.vt.-rol sanl pt taica.
S.ot. M. Chapman, his Att'y. .;-tt
Equalization Notice.
Til,- hoai'I of Comity Commissioners will a-i
on Mm ile.y. t. lilt n il iv of April, as a hoar l of
i ipuui.a'.i.' w lii -li time all persons iateio e 1
ate heivhv iioiii'n'il to uppoir. 1: oriii i ot t. o.
Coininissii'iii.. rs. J. V'. .1 1 m n.;s.
Ai ling I leik.
Sheriffs Sale.
Fir-t National P.:mk of Flat hiwial h. Nehr:isk:i.
1'laiia n: -i. vs. Joseph shera ami .lofcph sans,
1 ifieielanls : also same l'iainl ills vs. W in. I.,
llohhs. N. li. Ilobhs. J'rhieiples. ami .loscpli
Miora. ,los. Sans, ami N. K. Hold's, Surctie.s,
1 lefemlants ;
F,v virtu." of five exeeii! ions issued hy the
clerk ot I lie District Conn, -d .luaa-iai lis'.: iet
within ami lor Cass f 'otmtv. Nehrask;'. and to
me directed. 1 wi:l on Hie i'ah day i I Apiil, A.
ll. is at lu'eliiek. A . M . . of said day. at tiie
soutli tioor of t iu Court Iloue in the ciiy of
Pla'.moittli, in said County. t Hat l'u'nli,' Auc
tion the Pillow inn real t--;:iie to-uil :One Faun,
know u as lilt Win I.. Jt.dcs farm, l oiiia
two handled ami titty-one acres more or lei-s,
ail ia section twt aty-.c t a ami iweniy-ciuhi iu
tint ii eleven. 1. frill rani!:' fourteen, cart of the
siMti principal metidi.'.i. in Cass county, Ne
luaska. and desenlied as follows :
Lot I r.ce -'7, containing ."a J.i-pw acres ;
Lot 2 sec "7, containing -til oi-loi acres ;
l.ot i fee l-S, container, :; i To-loo acres :
SoaFa hail o'- l.c t Ii -t ;i-1 iiai t er ( i.t 'ii of
set" ion t went y-eiy Ut c.'s) coi: i aii. in o aeict..
.South li:ill'(s't) of tin: iiiiilii-ri! tjnartp
die1,!!1!- the noi ili-cast ipiartcr inei of ee-r
tioii iweiny-eiutit co'dainiirr iieres.
'I'm norm-cast ipiartcr ln'.-e oi the norlh
u et ipi.u . er l n w !.; i of the south-east ('a, nler
ise'J of .section t'.vtai y-t'io'm iLsj utalniii'.;
in arivs.
Taken ami ota red f-jr salt as the- pivpeitv of
V.'iu. I- liochs.
And also the foil uvin r.vl t(:t:. as the
pr- p- it y of ,li.M'p!i S:!it:i, to -.'. ,t : flic -as! half
of t iit soul !l-cast jiia. tcr isi '., i cl 1 he t lie s.cit il i;iiaio r (s.e.ji oi r-enion fcvciitecii OH,
tow n e!evca 1 1 . north i r.i-i-'C foiirteea (111
I'Kfl el' the f.':ti o., I o prim tpal me: alia n. twen
ty -C acres mole or less ; A nd al-o -out !- w est
ii'iao t. r (sw of l he soul ti-ca t ijtiai ! r e-e'il ot
sect ion .eveiit.'Cli ( 17 I, t' ovn eleven (11,'. lani.'e
loiiiiceii ( 1 1 1 east of Ike si.tli c.ihi principal
in.-1 id: in. oh t y i :o acres moi or i'-is ; An J al
so jot sc. ci i i 7 in hioi k twu (i cast i 1 I he jud
i.e -;ua:e in Eoek l.oihs.
An i al-o loi -i -1 1 1 isi in h'oek on" ( I) south of
half o
s.a n :
pi:: I e la iock i..u n s.
mi ho-four ill and Iliac (-o ;,id ';st
i oi livf ami rllit isi in Mock" one . 1 1
d one 1 1 ) t-.i-i of pahiic s.(iiai e ia K ck
;Isr. nil of !'.
.: ii-, e .o no
i ami
ca-.t of pulilie si; :ia ! e in I-'oei; l'liii;;.
And alio ail ft Llock s.x (iii nmlli and live
(To east ol pel, lie somite iu Foe'; !'l,.:!t-'.
And also all hi. -ok s-ven (7) nanii and live (5
cast ot pulilie s-piaie i.i Koc.v i!i;lis.
And also lots one. two. t iiree. ti n. ch-ven, and
t w i-n e. 1 1 , -j. a. M. i I .v 1 '. i in lnoci; six in. vi-i.d
one i I -out ii ol puoiic s j mrc in Ik.i'k I'.liies.
And also lot , -u i 7 i au.l eilil .-i ill I. lock
Tin e i .-.i west oi pii!-!'.? s.i:i ire in iCock jllu..s, ail
in Ca ,- Ciumty, Nt-eiaska.
And also I In; toiio,it! real e-tate. as the
prtipcrty ofLs. If. Iloiil.s, to-wil: one farm
know ii its t In- N. It. 1 1 olil.s ia I in conlaiuiu one
himdred and seventy-live ti7M acres nunc tir
less, ami ileserii'cd as i o s :
'I'm north -v.est iuartcr (nv. ' kl of . atii-r-ast
qilarier (-e'4l of set tion t vt cut -el lit U'-O tow n
sliip eleven (111 ratine fourt ( I 1 1 c;isl of si x t il
prl.ieijial i-oiilainiie-; -Iu acres.
thr north half, UO-i 'f tile mn! ii -cast t;:tar
tcr i lie1., of the nor! li-i ast ipiarter Im-'ii of
e( I ion I went V-elilt L's low iiship cirvin (II)
r:ui:e tourteeii 1 1 1 1 east of t he .si ill pi inrijial
meri.liau. c.mtaoiiu; act
Tin- south half ;s'2 of i lie i-oulh-e-st luarter
se' , I ot sect ion t ucnt y-one j-1 1 tov. n.-hip i lev -i-:i
i'n i an.m: fourteen.-( 1 1 j cast ..f cixlli piim i'
pal lueridiau. coiitainiuf; so acres.
Ih" south part of tilt Inn! h j n a it r
m:1 1 j of I he Son. h-casr ipiarter sc! 1 1 of seir
tion twoiitv-one e-ij towiisiiip ell '.en 11) raii'C
loin u eii ih-1 ea-i i tiie si vtii l'l i-eipal lneli
diyii. couiaiaiii'; is acres.
Far! of the south-west tpini'tei' -iv'i of the
souin-west "lu u tvr I m- l.i I of mcoou t,eut -two
ttwn:':. i'ii vol ;11 ratic. fuurleeii
j 1 1 1 t as! of the sixth principal inci i.iiali, con
taining 7 acres ; and also
Lois five and si ijSj'.j in hlock one fl south
of paldic .square, iii Km;k illilll's, C.;s county,
Noii. ; and also
Kihl and thr -e foarlh S'lacres of laud hc
part oi soul ii-w i st oi.arit-r (sw' t of so'it ii
cast ipiarter Isi'U I ;f sect ion thirteen ( 1:5 1 t n
t el . c 1 1J I rai .ee llartuen I 1 i i ,ist ot t !o; t! p. in.
and d's. i died a., follows: Cmimea in ; thirty
l.lll; rod s uiilii I lie r-oiiih-t asl corner o! south
west ,r. sv 1 ; i of soiith-i-asl j!.,.i er 1 ) of
said section, thence '.vest folty-eilit (4sj rods,
t he ace iiOi'til thirlv l.ioj rods. I licncc cist thirty
l:M rods, tlu iicc si'uitll live i ." lect, llience cast
i iV.tecu is j rods, thence south aioii"; .said line
to t he piaco of iicianiii:, all iu Cas Couuly,
cln asKa.
And also the folhiwinR r :;1 estate, as t'.te
pr.spi 1 1 v of .Joseph Sans. to-v. it :
Tac east half (t! i I of tin nor! ii-wost tu:li tcr
(mm1.! i of sect inn seventeen (17) township eleven
(111 lauLre fourteen (Id cast of the sixth princi
ple meridian : and also
The west half iw 1 i of the north -oast ipiarter
(iic'-i) oi section seventeen ( 17i township eleven
( 1 1 ) i anu'C loiirtccn (lij cast of sixth principal
meridian ; mid also
T he no quarter ;ne?i of the south-west i iar
ter (swm of seciion sevcnlceii (17) t-ivt'i.siup
eleven (ill noil li raica fourteen (14) oast of
-sixth meridian; and also
The nortii hail (ip,! ef the south -west quar
ter (sw1,) of seeifia seventeen (17 towielup
eleven di ) north ran'e fourt ( n (T I) ca.sL of the
sixth principal ntt r'di in : and also
i iie soul Ii -east ipiHi lcr I se'i j of tla soulh
west ij uart er ( w .i i of sectio:i ciuht i! town
ship eleven ( 1 1 1 north ralija.' foian eu jUj e;ut
of si! h p. m. ; and also
All of hlock seven i7 west of puhlic square in
Kock I'.luils. Cass county, Nch. ; and al-o
All of hiock c tit sl vtestof the piilun'siptaic
in hock I'.lutfs : and also
All of hlock one 1 I north and seven f 7 wc.-i
of piildie Mpiare in Kock I'.luils ; and also
AM of fraetioca! hlock three :j -oui Ii ..nd five
.- west of puoltc s-eiare, Lock illull Neil. ;
and :ilso .
All of fractional Mock three (."a south ami hoc
'i;, west of tiie public square in Lock l.lidls,
Nci'. : and al-o
All of traciioti-il hlock t!i r c ::) south aod
seven west of ju!i;c .qii-iie ia Kock i .lulls,
Nri). : and iSn
All ot lractio!;:d hlocK three f-; south and
ciuhti,-; west of pu'olic squari in Ko.;K I'.iuIVs,
Neb. ; and also
Ail of hiocri two J smith ami seven 71 west
,f nubile eqitare ia L'ock li nt s, S'-'t. : and ;i!so
All of block two l?j soutii and ellil l- west,
of pubae square in Kock laulls : am!
All ot ic.ocii one ) 1 1 so a i n ami
ef public square in lhn-k Kiuils,
And ,ibo. as the properly of N
1 he licit O'l sc , en, V -Ii e j7 le.'l
four, live and sfx i :i. 4. ." and :1
;ht jl we-t
Cass county,
11. Ilohhs. jr.,
d o(s tlil'.-e,
block fiv. ! ::
White's Addition to the ci ; y of i iat tsiaoiuh,
Ci-s comity, Neir:ik:i.
All of tiK- aaovt loinicd lands arnl lotvare
levied upon hy virtue of live exeeu'ions issued
Irniii said coiirt inl.ivorof the Eirst National
Kaiik ef Plat tsuiou; ii, Nebi a- ka. and also all of
the hinds and lots !'. h d i:p u as the property
of Joseoil Sliera and Josciia Sans arc attached
by me this M-.-reh l.:;h am! !4th. lsT7. o.i an or
der of attachment issued from i-ame court in
favor of Ldmond '.. Woolsey, subjeit to tin
aforetinn il execiit ions.
Pl.iltsniotitli, Neh., March llth. 1-77.
M. ji. C ri.KiL islierift Cas.s Co., Neh.
iSlierifFs Sale.
p.v virtue t.f an order of
sntf is-ued hy Hip C-rrk til t lie ):si rict Com t
of the S.-cond diidicla: 1 ij-ti icr, within Mini for
Cms- oimtv. Nel.i.iska, and to inc. direct. -d. I
v id on the "! h ,iay of Abril.A. I). 177. at l'
o'clo- k, .. M.. of s.iid day. at tile s.mili oor "f
the Conn lloujje. irt th-i ity of 4'la t tsmoii! h.
in said Count y. ell at pithlie km-tion t he lollow
i;nr real estate, to-v it : Th" ea-t half (.') of
1 he nortii-vvtrsi tpiari cr 1 u w 1 tif sect ion louri 1 1
town tell (Mi Kit 1 11 of ran elexeti 111.) c;.st of
tlieittli P.M. Aid also tho south-east qiinter
se'. 1 of the soni !i-wc.-t ourter isw '.. 1 of Meet ion
i t liii ty-t hree out! town eleven 'ID north of i;o'e
eii-vca ' ' 1 1 east ol t lie CI h 1. - I. nil In ass t o..
Neii. Tiie same hiair lev i"d upon and lakeri as
t he .:oM.i-iy ,if l ied S. I'i ishe ai d Sarah J
I'ltsoe. ih fi tidati'- ; to sajisfy a ie-c,-e ff .sid
Court, n-civeicd bv S. li. lj.!:. plaiut.lT.
Pla't-mouiii, Neb.. 3I.ii;-!i .'sih. A. 1). ls77.
il". M- P- I'cn-i-a:, Sherut.
Sheriffs Sale.
KvAiilue if an exfcioioa. issm-d tr.'TheCh rk
i f ttie I qs net Court d .li't'i.'ial I i.sirict, v i:
and f' r Cms-; ( oimtv , Neb: :i-::;t. i'lid to me e i
n eti d. I 1 a on Hie h,i h day of A pril, A. 1 . 1-77
In o'clot k. ii. m. d sanl das. at the farm
known 11s the C. P. Siviiii. in Liht M'hs drove
preeiin-t. In s coiiiity. si 1! at p ihli" aurtion
the follow in1-' x rsonal pro;, .-it to w it : AN of
t he ear corn in the cubs- iie;:r (he house on aid
term. The s-inie beinr le n-d upon ami taken
as the property of (' ieM in A. Smith aiid C. P
Snitt h defendants ; to satisfy .1 jiid.-m "it of said
Court, recovered bv Vaiicrv .1- Kultiier platutlll-.-
Piattsmouth. Nth.. Anril 41h. A. H. Is77.
.a. n. e tT'hK, Mier.a.
S- "Z -f m-wr fT ft .
In riails-imath, Ni h., oa rouilh St.. al o-U tho
yon will Tml :
Cora :-ia;it: rs, (luiml Imrsi-;
uISo rkir.N,
4''iv:iin ,
and all kinds of Farm Implements ami
Shelf Hardware. Tin Ware, ,S.e., ;e.
Hungarian and I-Iillot
Seed for Sale.
C.-t L L .-IT
Feed and bale Stables.
Corner Ot li :ind JV-arl Mj.
Itiil-srS IMA VI'!'!) TV 1 II W
av, x t:i:r., on
It O It S K 5 D C5 U O H T .
soli) on tilvd;:d,
I'or a l-'alr Commission.
T5-:a:.!S AT A5i, IIOUKS.
I'tiuiciilar alit'taioii p.tiJ L -
Brivinr; and Training
Ai.ho A hearse furnished when called for.
At theohl Hyatt Uarn. flat u'y Jones' stahh')
iu PhittMnoiith. Nth. Wiil kcc;i coastaiitIr(ii
hand a number of
Horses for Sale.
The lti Intf tiinl selliinr ef pmil liores liiirlft
tlie s;ei;.lty ot the business. A new
w ilh ;ri'iit'c I'otscs, for La !i'-s t tl i'i v s is Kept
at th" Stable.
11-vl. F. FARM ELF.
r'J Cs TTnT3
H'.o;;, B-i'jfjj, Machine rml Plato i .
2uii iiij, and in ml jobbing.
I am now prep ued to do all kinds of r -t - ': :i;
ol l.u :n and oi her in ichmci y, s thv:
ii a ;:mJ lath" ia my simp.
The old Reliable Wason Maker
lia!ta!;ca hare of tho waon shop..
He is wt-i: known a? a
Xeiv H'nstut nol Itnu'-.ic made to
Shop on SiNth st rrt t. oposi!. Stt c:'U's Stride
A s :i
AVAGON KFrAiuise:.
All kinds of
Neatly Prmptl:
Horse, 3Iulc& OxShocin:;.
In short, we'll shoe anything that ha
four feet, from a Zebra to a (lirafTe.
Come and see us.
on Pifth St.. lxdwecn Wain mid Vli.e StrcotA
just across the corner from ilm M-.w 11KUAI.ii
omcK. ioj i
(ii:o. w. kinsi: h,
.lifteliliiiMt, A. mi old "i:",rr l.ti-i Run
iir f 'i II rM lit 11 2f tiluehi nw.
has ope in d a hoj) on Sixth st reet nnr Mr. Don
elly's r.ia -k- liiii !i ami Waaon Shop whcie he ha '
pi epared bmi-i It to do any and all machine wot r
w iiiii'iil except ic.11. lie has a No. 1 lathi ca '
t urn in w ood . 1 run, Steele, and all ot her met als ii
con 1. eel ion w iiii 1 11: teh 1 ne wm k. J In can do an
thii. required in a uqusmitli, even to nt'iklm;
;iii. of winch we have the evidence ill a Pa'
breach loader t h rowing one two or th 1 cc halls at
iim r at di 01 ti!"-:'iiiiucr
Mr. tin'. W. Mi rath r 11 firmer t.our r.o 1,
Plullsan (dtl aeqiiaiutanee ot Mr. Min'iT Iro c
iiLi. i.i can 1." it tcretl to in it card to bis form
connect i' n wall the man'ifact ire .1 Tint i-hin.
.Medlines. iie M r. K ii-.sei a call a nil In wi'
insure von sat isf ictory wui k un any part ol e
Tiircshh.,' Machine. W-MI3
Special Indiceiients to tho Tradr..
Evcryv. U"ro fjr tint
Ettlb . TTTTT"'
l :
mm-, i
'.TT.' i: II I'!' SI
iitia rrtca, t:z.::.
SimTi!e.tit. Lifldft Lunninp, 3 ;
lUsliaUe ircwiuij JI bineii in t:t w.,. -(Cut
tltit out it td r-nir-)si
II k.A il
203 & t'OS V. alifch i
tf - ,.,-s-s.r t
K ' ;t ' sr7cir