Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 29, 1877, Image 3

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    r- r V
Transient. i" cents a Hue. Reguhtr ad vert is-
rs(t ceuts per hue. No advcrtLTcment insert -
lor less than ii cents.
Legal notif cs at Statute rates.
Attorney :inl officers of tlie law will bo neltl
r- six-nsi!.!.- f,.r U iiotits-s thcv hand lu.
iili parties tlminiiding .a proof of publics
nun of any notice will be held I
. fur Ibe publica-
tee of such notice.
A j -...- in limit oil . all oiiumiiiiea:ms
101 ! ii.-i and to the point, with no vaslo
u a i .is.
L. A.v piion who take the paper regularly
fn.ui ( -office, whether rtirt-'tefl to his
Nriif. a-w neiher he Is a subscriber or nol-i
,--o- alible for the pay.
11 any person ordeis bis paier discontin-
t J. lu must pay ail arrearages, or the publish
er may runlinuu to send it until payment is
rr aUc. and collect the whole amount, whether
U.e paiH-r is t,ik"n from the office or not.
X 1 u courts have decided that refusing to
take uAvaoayvrs and periodicals from the post
. JUue, or removing and having them uncalled
i. r, s !rimi facie evidence of itk.ntiokil
B. &. M. R. R. Time Table.
Corrected Tuesday. February Cti, 1377.
leaves 5 Ur a. tn. Arrives S 50 i. m.
2 :30 p. lu. " 3:iop. m.
"Leaves 9 a) .v m. Arrives 10 :?4 a. m.
4 AM) p. m. " 5 :0.". p. lu.
C p. m. 7 :4Z p. m.
FOR THE WEST. Ilattsmoutli 8 :V) a. m. Arrives Lin
N.ln. I- 10 p. in. ; Arrives Kearney, e :UU p. m.
Sr. Iritis ExrttKva leaves 1'lHtUinouth,
Zi p. m. Arrives, Lincoln, 6 :H p. in.
freight leaves 7 -.10 a. tn. Ar. Lincoln 17 :25 p.m.
Leaves Kearney, ij :W) a. ni. I-eave Lincoln,
'2 :t.r p. in. Arrives I'lattsinonlh. 3 P. m
t. Lorr Kxi-kkhs Leave Lincoln, 7 :'J0 a.
rrive Plattsmouth. to :21 a. in.
i---ig!it li'avM Lineoln 11 ;" a. in. Arrives
'.at .inuth, t :Vl p. i.
i--. ss. 6 :oi) a. in.
Pa .!. jer, (train each day) 3 :!0 p. m.
Depart at - 5 :ao a. m.
" - 3 :00 p. di.
. at - 9 :"o a. m.
10 :M a. in. 1 Depart at - 1 :1S p. m.
,riive at
Siriveat - J :15 p. m. Depart at - 8 K a. ni.
nive at
Arrivo at
11 :no m. I Depart at - 3 :W p. m.
-k ni.frw & imox mii.i.
12 :00 di. Depart at - 1 :00 p. m.
J. W. M AUS II ALL. r. M.
We have a 640 half .scholarship w;tr-:-snt
on 5aylits Mercantile College
-vhk'h wo will sell vi-ry cheap. ff.
For cheap and neat repairing go to
V.e Centennial t tore. 50t4.
Have you soon the Centennial Panel
i-;--ees. painted by Frank Stadter, and
... exhibition at Carruth'a? -lotf.
Team of larp:! horses, harness and
v. .tcjon for sale at a bargian. Enquire
:t SACii: linos.
Wanted! a Mechanical candidate to
ran the press this morning.
Thy had a little small wee chunk
: a fire at the old Herald office last
.'. eek.
What a pretty, new wagon our Hotel
:s got. Ten times as sensible as that
1 lumbering ' bus."
;irdy, our Jonah. lr caught an
rmotts fish, weight 175 lbs., and has
. t lariated out in the Missouri river
r. il the market for cat goea up.
il.imge the big tailor of Omaha sends
;s his "pictur" again. -Jako" cat:
;st beat anybody innking fine clothes,
i Id can't lit you, you are hard to suit
n 1 must be a man of bad habits.
Hon. Joo Gilmour got a little chaw
ed up by his famous old stallion the
:lK-rday. Ths old chap caught Joe
in the side and shook him and then
t- ie 1 to kneel down and say his pray
ers on Joe. Joo couldn't even say
'; ny dleu." but larruped the old chap
ti'd he found ho h id a broken rib when
h. crawled to the house and gave it up
f r that day.
Marbles and Fishing Tackles at th?
. O. Xews Depot.
(iOOD bargains!
for St. 75 at
Repairing at the home manufactory
f Hob Sherwood. Centennial Home
The old, long established, and relia
ble Wacksmith and Wagon Shop of
Kobt. Donnelly is the placo to go for
work of all descriptions in that line,
his connection with Mr. Kinzer has
jjven him the use of a No. 1 Lathe and
Turner, which enables him to do all
sorts of machine work to the satisfac
tion of his customers, his arrangements
are complete for sharpening ploughs
repairing wagons and buggies, shoeing
horses, and all sorts of blaclt and white
smithing. 52t3
Messrs. Streight & Miller wish to
call the attention of their customers
to the fact that it is customary to close
up accounts at the commencement of
the year. As they are expected to pay
iheir bills it follows that they must
have funds to par with. They would
therefore notify their customers who
have been accommodated to harness
and other goods, that they will be ex
pected, to call and settle their acccounts
at their earliest convenience. Their
stock of harness and other goods in
that line is complete, and all wanting
anything in their line will find it to
t'.eir advantage to give them a call. A
all stock of groceries also kept con
stantly on hand. 45tf
Samuel Lng Esq., gave the Her
ald a very pleasant whirl behind his
famous grey mare "Xellie." She's a
iieauty to go does it just as easy as
rolling off a log on a hot summer day.
Rockwell, of Louisville, keeps one
of the best i?ul?y Plows, the Skinner
make. That is the verdict of the farm
ers,and sells them" for o3.00 cash.or o
time to good reliable parties for
"We glean from the Xew York Oo--?rcer,
that it appears according to the
statistics of Messrs.Moody ami Sankey,
the world renowned reYivalisfs.dnring
their mission through the United
States and European countries, that
the well known cabinet organ made by
Messrs. Mason & Hamlin are almost
rtniversally in use in all the first-class
rhurches and places of amusements,
here Prst-elas music is desired.
There will be a sociable nil dona
tion party at the M. E. Parsonage next
Friday evening. All afe cordially in
Arv a "laborer around this morn
ing? We want some wood sawed.
See Mr. Bushe 8 notice of lost mare
and help hunt her up.
m m
Peter Hates "Nelly" has got a new
wagon. "Wo January!"
The ladies are especially invited to
turn out to the debate next Friday ev
ening, at the Court House. A lively
discussion is expected.
The following persons have been ap
pointed by the Council to act as Judges
and Clerks at the city election Tues
day, April 3d, 1877.
First, WardJudges, Wm. Hobbs,
K.i. Huttery, T. Sexton; Clerks, A
Cunningham, "Wiley Rlack.
Second Ward -Judges, J. E. Jlarnes.
Jos. Leuchtweiss, J. Drain; Clerks, P.
L. Wise. W. B. Shryock.
Third Ward Judges, Ceo. E. Pron
gcr, P. P. Cass, W. J. Despain; Clerks,
Charles Nichols, F. M. MacDonagh.
Fourth Ward Judges, W. Mickel
wait, S. S. Billings, Geo. Kdgerton;
Clerks, E. S. Sharp, J, W. Jennings.
Choice eating and cooking apples
the Post Ollice News Depot.
Any one provided with tools for well
boring will find three wells to bore by
calling on A. L. Child, in Plattsmouth.
A few t'Uy orders for sale.
J. V. Weckbach will pay in cash or
gouris the highest market price for any
amount of potatoes. 2tf
Centennial manufactory. Gents fine
custom work warranted, at Bob Sher
wood's. GOOD bargains!
for Sl-75 at
There sfcms to be no doubt but that
the R. R. Co.,will bridge the river this
se;tson, if the work can be done within
a certain limit as to price, ami there is
a man ready to contract at their price
we understand. The plans of the now
round housu are made, and it is to be
commenced shortly. A new depot is
to be built at tho foot of Main st., if the
ground can be oUt lined reasonable, and
there ought to be no obstacle thrown
in the way of any such improvement.
Now W3 want one thing more, and we
suggest the pioriety of a committee
from the Council and of our best citi
zens to wait upon Mr. Perkins and ask
that the bridge if built be planked for
teams. That will help us more than
all tho rest put together, in one sense
of the word.
We think the company ought to do
this. They have thought us lukewarm
sometimes, and we have thought they
might do many little things to throw
trade anil travel to this town that v;u
not dine, but now the time has come
for all parties to act together.
Givo us our plank bridge whi'.e you're
at it and we'll help all laudable enter
prise?; of i'.a R. R. Co. along. "Send in
i!io ! of vour committee."
To V!y
ar k ;ivr!
a tickling cough and for
use "Forest Tar Troches."
Hoi'. -may's Pills and Ointment. We
stand aghast at t lie thousands hourly
huriied t a permature grave, victims
of having neglected the first symptoms
of disease. Whether the complaint
originates in the body, or be introduced
accidently through the system fatal
results may be warded off by a timely
recourse to one or both of these medi
cines. 23 cents per box or pot.
For Sale at a Bargain.
one block south of Main Streot
Acting "like a charm" means ruin to
the stomach. As a sure and safe retn
emedy for colds, coughs and sre lungs
take "Forest Tar." It never fails to
do good and never does any harm. 51t4.
If you want to get your chimneys
cleaned or your stove polished, call on
Chas. Brown, or leave orders at John
Boone's barber shop, at any hour of the
day or night. 50 cent3 a stove and 50
cents a flue. 42tf
F. S. White is E;tst buying goods.
Why, gracious! and they nominated
him for Mayor, too.
Ruffner & Black's Machinery Depot
is at the upper end of town, and they
propose to sell goods there too, this
summer, without shystering anybody.
The "Cut-ofT train, so called, to St .
Louis will bs discontinued after the
1st, caused by the healing of the breach
between two Mo. roads The B. & M.
will undoubtedly seek another outlet
direct. Como give us the Trunk,
Messrs B. & M. that's your truo route.
Chris. Metzger, a farmer near Cedar
Creek, met with a serious loss last
Thursday. A fine grey horse for which
he had refused 3150 became uneasy,
and threw itself in such a way as to
run the post it was tied to clear through
its body causing almost instant death.
It happened on the east side of Weck
bach's store, and a crowd gathered
around all the afternoon.
Notwithstanding the fact that Til
den wits defeated I do not intend to be
beat by any Blacksmith in Nebraska,
on anything in my line, from shoeing
a b.i s. mule or cow to mending a cast
iron stoe or building a wagon or bug-r-y,
putting a plough in order orrepair
ing any kind of a break in machinery.
The best of timber constantly on hand
for working into buggies, sulkeys, Sec.
A No. I Painter competent to do any
thirig in the I?ne of painting btiggie?"
or wagons.
T'lifinlrfitl for r.ncf. f'lvnva T
a- va j'lifci v vs 4 J M. at:
to be forgiven for mS Ms?fe'!.
will emneaoT ' td gift iiilisixctitiii ill ttU
M. ScHNEt.nXcnKR,'
5V-4 RriH "Frft h' Sfreet:
Doc Schildknecht's famous dorg
4Bob" as old as the town and as well
known as the picture of Geo. Wash
ington was 'pisened' Sunday, two weeks
ago. The doctor in-cur-retl costly and
elaborate funeral expenses for Bob.
The ashes of his cremated dogship re
pose in a cat glass bark of doggoned
beauty while the tears of the family
shed at the ceremony are preserves in
a canine shaped w(h)ine bottle of blue
ethereal silica with a sprig of accasia
left wagging from the cork. Sic!
When "White cets home won't the
goods fly, and the fur. too when he
goes for the Laborers and Mschanics,
John Fitzgerald, the great railroad
contractor, is in tho city. AVe are
lookiuir anxiously for the day when
Mi . Fitzgerald will make his perma
nent home with us. lie already owns
larjre interests in Lincoln. Lincoln
Just hold yotir breath until John
Fitzgerald pcrmanentizes in Lincoln,
will you?
Buy vour base balls and bats at the
Post Office News Depot.
"IVisfpT- liMl-TTpjids. Letter-Heads-
Envelopes, Pamphlets and Cards print
ed at this office. All work expedi
tiously and neatly executed.
Sound the trumpet, beat the drum,
another lot of goods has come to Peter
Merges' mammoth Boot & Shoe Store.
Old newspapers for sale at the Her
ald office, 75c per hundred.
Merges will get you up the best fits
and the finest styles of Boots or Shoes
in the country and does your repairing
good and promptly.
Tho Mechanics and Laborers' Ticket
is, we unuerstana, r . . nue, Aiajor;
F. Morrison, Marshal ; Jno. "Wayman.
Councilman 2d Ward; and Lwing
Sharp, 4th Ward. The other nomina
tions on the Citizens' Ticket were en
dorsed and the School Board left un
touched. Not as bad as it might have
be3n. Those fellows have soma sense
left "don't it."
"We are authorized by Frank E. White
to say that his father will not accept
the nomination for Mayor under the
-i 1.
circumstances; wnne very inucuuong
ed to his friends for the kiudness and
appreciation of his merits, he expressed
himself, before ho left for Chicago, as
in honor bound to support tho other
Mr." James Pettee has accepted the
agency tor tno saie 01 uie jn.a.1011
Hamlin orcran in this and Cos coun-
ties.f rom Mr. Noyes,of Louisville, who
is the state agent. He starts out this
He will also collect some, and take
a "sub", when he can get it handy, for
the Herald. Give the boy a chance.
Oregron Resources.
All about the land of never-failing
crops, and where grasshoppers, chincii
binrs. drought or hard winters are un-
Known nipaliing of course, Oregon.
Such of our readers as desire reliable
information about this truly wonder
ful countiy, will do well to send for a
copy of the. West Shore, a large sixteen
sheet, handsome iilustra ed paper, giv
ing full information regarding Govern
ment and railroad lands, expense of
coimr there, and much other valuable
information abo it the resources
of the Pacific Northwest. Sent, pos
tage paid, three months, 50 cents;
one year, 81.50. All yearly subscribers
receive the mammoth January and
July editiona free of charge. The last
January edition was an immense 44
page paper and contained fifty-six
beautiful engravings of buildings and
scenery in the Pacific Northwest, got
up at an expenso of over 63,000. Ad
dress all communications to the Pub
lisher I. Sanmel.Portland Orrgon.l-t2
Call at Merges' Shoe Shore for your
Boots and Shoes. His Charley Mar
shall is the best workman in the coun
try, is the only man in town that ever
made 't pair of Boots entire, without
eastern aid, that received a premium
at a Fair. Repairing done promptly.
Old papers for sale, 75c a hundred.
Bosch ee's German Syrup can now
be purchased right at home, it i3 the
most successful -preparation ever in
troduced to our people. It works like
a charm in all cases of consumption,
Pneumonia, Hemorrhages, Asthma,
severe coughs, Croup and other throat
aud Lung diseases. No person has ev
er used this medicine without immed
iate relief, yet there are a great many
poor, suffering, skeptical persons going
about our streets with a suspicious
cough, and the voice of consumption
coming from their lungs, that will not
try it. If you die it is yeur own fault,
as you can go to your Druggists in
Plattsmouth and get a Sample Bottle for
10 cents and try it; three doses will
relieve any case. Regular size only 75
cents. 50-tf.
The schools close to day.
Capt. Palmer has returned from
abroad again and will "wots" the citi
zens ticket entire, though a laborer and
mechanic, both.
The Roman Catholic Church will be
dedicated next Sunday, Easter Sunday.
They have been very busy the past
week, and great preparations have been
made for this event. Father Hayes
has just more than stirred the breth
ren up and tho result is a finished
church ready for occupation. So much
for work. Father Hayes believes in
watching and working as well as in
singing and praying to keep a church
up and he is right.
Julius Pepperbcrg, Cigar Manufac
turer, on Main St., Plattsmouth; Neb.
Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri
can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes.
For Sale. Best qualities of plug-smok-ng
tobacco always on hand. 20-tf.
r ,Go to Robert Sherwood for the most
fashionable of fine sewed boots. Can
fiot be equalled if .-Nebraska far prices,
quality and dniiahilitv. One doer et
6T BSletedti Nathan.
For Lome iirartfrfacturo Robert Sher
wood ran per equaled, one door of s-oTo" Nathan;
Mr. A. Drew leaves for the East this
week to purchase an entire new stock
Of gcods for his largo new store in
. Mr. Drury, of Burt Co., thinks that
Prof. McKenzie is right on tho school
Robt L. Propsc is again on our streets.
After visiting the Centennial, and his
friend:, down east he now comes to
fight grasshopiers.
II. J. Streight came down to see us
Tuesday. Hank had alaw-suit. "When
the thing was done the Herald went
off and climbed on a fence,
each side. We called the east side Ab
bott, and the West side Streight, and
sat there thinking which side to get
down on for more than an hour. Squire
Haines then brought us out the Judge's
decision, when we walked a rail to the
end of the fence and jumped off the
post to hurry home and write some
Mr. Calvert, engineer of tho B. & M.
is here laying out and making plans
for the new round-house.
Our old friend Sidenstriker has been
and gone and got married and he looks
ten years younger.
Fred Black, Tom Skinner, and B.
Heudrickson pullud out of here for the
Black Hills on Monday. They had a
No. 1 outfit, nicest mules, finest wagon,
(called '-Sooner,") sooner go there
than stay here and lots of ham fat
and good things to cat. We expect
them all home soon trillionares. The
Indians c:tn't raise much hair from
Fred Black that's the only consolation
Dr. George has left.
. Gen. Clark has been fixing up over
bading things about the New Survey-
er General's ollrce.
Capt. Bennett, John Barnes, and Mr.
Leonard are just more than happy in
tho Ebony Hills. Their letters are
cohur de rose (yellow rose,) sure
Bennett is prospecting and buying
claims, Barnes has opened a real estate
office (mining claims), and Leonard a
Photograph Room.
H. Eikenberry, one of the Herald's
old standbys, just did the handsome by
us this week, again.
Mike Williams was kicked on the
knee la3t Thursday and seriously bruis
ed up. He is just able to walk 'round
Ed Cooler, at Glendale, was cutting
two weeks ago, when he missed the
wood pile and split his foot in two parts
making a frightful wound. He can
3u3t hobble about again at this writing.
Geo. Ballance and wife will return
to Plattsmouth oiicb more to live. The
abolition of the "Cut-off' cut George
off from that trip.
D. I). Martindale and Mr.
of Louisville, called on the
this morning. Das is goot.
Mr. Driimm Kid has taken charge of
Miss Johnson's derartment in the High
School, and has succeeded very well,
so the board say.
Miss Gertie Johnson, long a teacher
here, received a call, as one may say,
to Kansas City, and left, srmie two
weeks ago for that place. She i3 as
sistant teacher in o".e of the higher de
partments of the public school. Miss
Johnson has been long and favorably
known as a teacher of great merit in
this county.
School examinations
you all attended.
to day, hope
Four and eight ball croquet sets, from
81 up, at the Post Office News Depot.
Friend Reed, of Weeping "Water
is both a laborer and a Mechanic
as proved by his speech at the Court
House Saturday. He labors for the
fair grounds and is architect and me
chanic of the County Scat Edifice at
W. W. all right Reed. Ready.
Eclectic Magazine.
The Eclectic for April presents an
admirably engraved portrait of "Wil
liam Black the popular novelist, and
in the letter-press tho editor gives a
brief but appreciative sketch of his
life. The literary contents of the num
ber are as follows: "Geographical and
Scientific Results of the English Arctic
Expedition;" "A New Work on Rus
sia: being a review and synopsis of
Mr Wallace's excellent book; a facina-
ting biographical sketch of "Edmund
Kean;" "Great Storms ;" "Recent Music
and Musicians," with special reference
to Mendelssohn ; a scientific examina
tion of "Mesmerism, Odylism, Table
turning and Spiritualism," by Dr. AV.
B. Carpenter; "The poet in the City;"
Inside the House of Coiflrnons:-" Hie-
mony; ' other T orlds and Other Uni
verses," by Richard A. Procter, B. A.,
F. R. S.; "Wits and Witticisms," and
"The Jews in Europe." In addition to
all these good things, there are three
chapters of Mi's. Oliphant's interesting
story of "Young Musgrave," and copi
ous editorial notes on home and for
eign literature, science and ait.
Published by E. R. Pelton, 25 Bond
Street, New York. Terms S3 per year ;
Single number, 45 cents.
A dark brown mare, about six years
old. star in forehead and little white on
left front foot, headstall and rope lead
on. rresn cut on riglit nanlc. lleason-
able expenses will be paid to any party
who returns her, or gives notice of her
whereabouts to
Frank Bushe.
At Cedar Creek, close by Schluntz's
The undersigned is prepared to bore
wells to Sny depth on short notice
one foot hole and good tubing put in.
Ripley & McDonald,
Weeping Water Cass Co., Neb.
1 bought a large job lot of
and sell them
before they are all none.
Teter Merges.
Agncw AV J
Buttery E
Black U II
liabimi-ton D E
Balance K
liiacK John
Buries U B Kev
Bennett W K
Champion J N
Cunningham Loa
Chalfant Ia.ii
Dick Jantejt
Dauuhcrt-' J S
Duke J S
FUzgefild J
Gefrier K
(iCIdini? L
Holibs AV L
Jicroid U
Livingston R K
Lempke Win
Black W
Black J N
Burke Dennis
L'unnin;iiaiii Win"
Cunningham K K
Dcnelan W K
Dirk C
Duke E
Gastou i
Ik-rold Wirt
Hohstur It 11
Lewis E B
J "Ueas J C
Mathews U V
Murphy T
Newton C
O'Rourke John
Parmele C II
I'lummer E
l'urdey W iS
i:otem J p
Schlegel C
Sexton T. in
Sage II W
Tucker James
Wise U W
..ay bright M W
Macl-Iurpliy J A
McCrea J L
Xeville Wm
Net! C
Oibtiru M
Pepperberg Julius:
l'uine I'hulps
1'aniiele K
Roberts .T M
liandie Win
Schlenel E
Stevens J
Simpson J D
Schiiiihue i
Tucker W L
Thatcher N I.
Wheeler D II
White A W
Young J P
I certify that the ahove is a correct list of the
leijal voters of thu First Ward, in the City of
Viatt-sinouth, as far as are known to me.
I will nit for correction at E. G. Dovej's store
on Saturday, March 3iit, 1.".77.
G. II. Black, Registrar.
Bryant W T
Bennett L I
Buttery J H
Beauinister John
Brown Benton
Brantner J W
Boeck Henry
Conn J W
Dovey E G
Drain John
Fairfield G W
Farthing J L
Barnes J W
Barne John E
Bryant Frauk
Bodine Theo
Brantner Samuel
Black Charles
Connor J A
Dovey G E
Darrah Wm R
Frank Geo
Fry A C
Gibson Jonathan
Glas K U
Ilohlxchuh John
Harrison Phil
Ilcnkle S 3
Johnson Frank
If roehlcr Fred
Kai ns A
Leuchtweiss Jos
Laudis Daniel
Moore Curtis
Martins Joseph
Mason B F
McMakea Henry C
Nieman Frauk
Pottenger Willett
Runner P E
Smith Herman
Smith C P
Sprague Kmmett
Shryock W B
Snyder John
Viall Charles
Wise J X
Wright A
Waterman John
Weckbach J V
White F S
Goos Fred
Grttvs John
Giberson L W
Heisel Conrai
Hebert Frank
Hartman Jerry
Hamilton Jesae
Johnson J W
Kroehlor Geomo
Knee John
Leviiiirs Geo
Landis Benj
McElwttin M
Moore Iwellyn
Mcliu-'hliu A W
Miller Henry
Nichols C
Patterson J M
Reich John
Smith (i 8
Sidenstriker Phil. Sr.
Snook P Z
Shryock T W
SampKon David
Sideujtrikcr Phil Jr.
iviau Kicliaru
White W J
Waterman II A
VViivman John
Wie P L
Windham R B
White F E
Yates C E
The above is a correct list of the voters of the
second ward as far as known to me.
I will set for correction on Saturday the 31st
day of March, 187;. at Heisel's Mill.
Hillings S S
Boone J C
Burtuclt Amos
dishing R C
Crosby Geo W
Claibore R B
Despain Alh .rt
Drew Alva
Fickler Godfrey
Gver 1 F
Giistasson M W
'.raves D
Hamilton James
llassler Wui
llcrold Herman
Jennings J W
Kinser G W
Iizeuby Am
Mitehel Thos
Murphy M B
MeDona-h F M
MuEntee Charles.
Merge Peter
McKivit Tim
Beckiicr Jonathan
Chapman S M
Chapman G B
ChuUbuck II C
Despain Wm J
Donnelly Robert
Dunston W W
Fellows R O
t ickler C-eo
vss P P
Griniti John
raves D M
raves II A
Hav J G
Hod-tert Jamcj
Hoffman C J
Halt A G
Johns in L
Kenna ly E W
Ieach John
Long Sam
Morgan M W
Miller David
Mot-kenhopt C
Mai this J W
Moraii R 1)
Mann Peter
Newell W 11
O'Donahue Michael
Pailin; James
Palmer II K
Pettee James
Raueii Peter
Uudabeck A
Stadehnann Fred
Streight JaMon
Sehlater Joeeph
Sclinellbacher J M
Schildknecht W II
West W T
Weckbach A II
Pollock Thos
lronger Geo E
Raneu Valentine
Keith Frederick
Stadter Frank
Streight O M
Sehlater John
Stadehnann Wm
Short Wm
Wells W L
White F E
I, P. P. Gass, ReSistrar of the 3d Ward, la the
City of Plattsmouth, certify that the foregoing
iu a correct list of the registered voters of said
Ward, as far as is known by me. Will sat for
correcting said list on Saturday, March 3lst, 18-
77. at the office of Dr. John Black.
P. P. GASS, Registrar.
Alley Jefferson
Balance Wm
Bonn Johu
lies tor A A
Cutler G II
Child A L
Covalt Silas
Dorrington F M
Eaton E II
English Michael
Fickler George
Guthmann F K
Haines J W
Heffner John
Ilickey Pat
Hayes John
rag 5
Blunt m
Brown Charley
Cutler M B
Covey Michael
Covalt Wilson
Edgcrtou George
Henipcl Ben
Hansen George
llu-ss Henry
Johnson L F
Johnson Peter
Johnson J F
Johnson C I
Johnson O F
Jones Geo J
Johnson Andrew
Jones H" D
Jones IF H
Kennedy James
Lenhoff F I
Murphv V B
Miekel'wait W
Lyons Samuel
Moore C P
Morrison W y
Miller H M
Martin Henry
Mahoiry P '
O'Mara Thos
O'Conner M
Tetcrson Rasmus
Marshall J W .
-Mulligan Mike
Maliony C
0'Xil Elisha
O'Conner C
Owens Thomas
Pcter;on Peter
Reiuhackel Aug
Shannon J W
Sharp E N
Smith irash
Sape E II
.- tiles L 0
Tallou John
Thomas Thomas
Winterstein Wm
I hereby certify that on March 2Cth, 1877, I
registered the above names of legal voter in the
4t'i Ward of th a City of Plattsmouth. Cass Co..
Neb., for the general election of April 3d, 177.
Correction day March 3lst. 1ST7, at Sage Cro'.s.
Store. E. H. SAGE, Registrar.
In the whole history of medicine, no
preparation has ever performed such
marvellous cures, or maintained so
wide a reputation, as Aver's Cherry
Pectoral, which is recognized as the
world's remedy for all diseases of the
throat and lungs. Its long:continued
series of wonderful cures itr all cli
mates has made it universally known
as a sate and reliable agent to erpploy.
Against ordinary colds which are tile
forerunners of more sffious disorders,
it acts speedily and srrely, always re
lieving suffering, and often saving
life. The, protection it affords, by its
timely use in the throat and lung dis
orders of children, niake3 it an -invaluable
remedy to be kept always on hand
in every home. No person can afford
to be without it, and those who have
once used it never will. From their
knowledge of its composition and
effects, Physicians use the Cherry Pec
toral extensively in their practice, and
Clergymen recommend it- It is abso
lutely certain in its remedial effects,
and will always cure when cuies are
possible. For sale by. all Dealers.
Armstrong Wm
Xtrtice is heiehy given tl'.t the, firm of Val
lery Jfc Drew is t'.us d.iy dissolved f y mutual
'consent. The accounts of the firm will be ?et
tied at the store of A. Drew, who will continue
the business at the old stand.
Platteinouth, March 2utli, 1877.
. All accounts due the firm must bs closed at
once. Please come forward aud have them set
tied. '(US.) A. DREW
The flmi known as Hubbard & Tewkobnry Is
this day dissolved and J. S. Tcwksbury is au
thorized to settle nil outstanding accounts.
J. S TF.WKflil ItV.
Weeping Water, March 1st, 1877. flutl,
Wm. Stadclmann having been appointed by
the L S. Mar.-ftral for this State as Collector, of
the outstanding account of Wm. Stadeluia'in
and of Sherwood & Stadulmann. All owin
these concerns are hereby called upon to ap
pear at the stora vf the said Win. Stadclmanu,
iu the city of Plattsmouth, County of Cass, on
orbefoie the t-"l!! day of April, is77.forthe set
tlement of said accounts, or sakl accounts will
be transferred to the hands of the lawyer ill the
case for collection with costs. Save costs and
come forward. Wm. Stauelmaxs,
C. II. Pakmklk, Collector.
riattxmouth, March 5, 1877.
Mrs. F. Elsterand Miss Nellie Short have cone
into the dressmaking business, and would be
pleased t -f have those in want of work in their
line to call a.".d sep them at the residence of Mr.
Elster. one door west of the baundeis
House. Satisfaction guaranteed and charges
inveterate. 1-11
To loan on improved farms in Cass County,
low rate 01 interest. Applications solicited.
l'lattsmouth, March 1877.
The latest, greatest, am, niost re.
liable remedy ever put together by medical sci
ence for KheiimatUm. Wouui's. swellings. Burn,
Caked Breast, ke.. is the Centaur Liniment.
There are two kinds. What the While l.iiii-
ment is for the human familv.theKtronerkiinl.
which is ye'low iu cu or. i for f pavitu d. lame
and ftrained horses aud animals. Their effects
are wonderful.
M0therS WhO haVeweak and irritable
children, can secure health for the children and
re-It for themselves bv itfinir Dr. Pitcher's Ca.s-
toria. It contains no morphine or ;uivtliii)r in
jurious. It is a pleasant to take as honey, and
i certain 10 cure inti one. reguiaic me Dow
els and expel worms. For Teething chiUrcn
there i nothing like Castoria. ' 5U13
Large stock
at cost, at
GOOD bargains!
for 81.73 at
A new American and a new
for sale at the Herald Office.
Our enterprising and successful mer
chants, E. G. Dovey & Son, are still at
their post, supplying customers with
everything in the line of general mer
chandise on the most reasonable ternls,
stock kept full and complete. tiUtf
A Card t: the Public.
For many years we have made two
medicines suited to the ailments of a
vast class of sufferers Thousands of
cures have been made by them, and, in
fact, the word failure could not be
coupled with them. But within the
last two years counterfeits of our med
icine nave sprung up, dangerous in
their close imitation of our Trade Mark.
To secure the parpte we have placed
upon each gennrue box of Jfollowav s
Ointment the.fac simile of th signa
ture of our agr:nt, Mr. Jos. Havdock.
To counterfeit is felon v. We shall re
lentlessly pur3ue any one who imitates
this with the utmost vigor of the law
We most earnestly beg that the great
mass of the American people will aid
us in our efforts to protect their health.
and help us in our t;isk of bringing
these most unprincipled ltren to the bar
of justice, uniformly refuse to pur
chase Medicines purporting to be ours
unless Mr. Jos. Haydoek s signature is
attached to each box of Pills or pot of
Ointment and the end will soon be
The public's obedient servants,
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue, of an order of
sate issued ny the Clerk ot the District Court
of the Second Judicial District, w ithin and for
Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed. I
w ill on the 23th day of April, A. D. 1S77. at 10
o'clock. A. M.. of said day, at the south door of
the Court House, in tha City of Plattsmouth.
in said County, sell at public auction the follow
ing real estate, to-w it : inn east na:i(e')ot
the north-west quarter (nwfi) of section four(4)
town ten (io north of range eleven ( 11 ) east of
tut; ut li 1 . M. Ana also the south-east quarter
(se'4) of the south-wet qurter (sw) of section
thirty-three (3.1) town eleven (11) north of range
eleven ( 11) east of the 6th P. M. all in Cass Co..
eb. The same being levied unon and taken as
the property of Fred S. Frisbc and Sarah F.
Frisbc. defendants : to satisfy a decree of said
Court, recovered by 8. 15. Clark, plaintiff.
Plattmnouth, Neb.. March 2th. A. D. 1S77.
It5 M. B. Cutlkk, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of five executions issued bv the
clerk of the District Court of the tecontl'judi
ial district within and for Cxss Countv, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will on the 14th
dav of April, A. I). 1877, at 10 o'clock a. in., of
said day. at the Mill known as the Sliera Mill
in Rock Bluffs, Neb., in said county, sell at pub
lic auction the following personal property to
wit :
One lot of corn meal and one lot of mill feed
or shorts, and one lot of corn, one lot of flour
sacks new. also one etock scale, near the
residence of Joseph Sheia, in said town.
1 he same being levied upon and taken as the
property of Joseph Shera and Joeeph Sans de
hjiidanls ; to satisfy a judgment of caid court,
recovered by the First National Bank of l'latts
mouth. Nebraska, plaintiffs.
l'lattsiuouin, -eu., jviaivn isxr.
H2 JS. B. CCTLiiR, Sheriff.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Mathi:u Tyson,
neiore w. ii. eweii. ( otiiity juuge, in ana
for Cites Co.. Nebraska.
T& m horn it may ccmerm.
lake notice that .. 1 . Moore, bv his dermtv.
W. L. Wells, of said county, ha fifedjn my office
an instrument of writing, jiurporting to be the
lat w ill and testament ol Mathias Tvson. tie-
ceased aud requested that the name be. admit-
len to rronate, ana the cau-e is set for
hearing at my office in Plattsmouth, on the loth
dav of Anril. A. D. 1877. at one o'clock n. in., of
said day, at w hich time and place all persons in
terested may appear, ami content the same, anil
show cause, if auy they have, why said iin-tru-luent
should not be ailowtd as the hist will and
testament of Mathins Tvson, deceased.
Witness hit hand at Plattsmouth, Neb.. thi
2nth day of March. A. D. 1SJ7.
:2U Wm. II. Nkwei.i., Co. Judge.
Estray Notice. .
- Taken np by the pubscriber, living five mile
south of V etiumg Water, one Dun M.tre, about
tourieen bands hijrh and about eight years old,
had a headstall on-wlier taken up.
Wm. CAKilLL.
Weeping Water, Mar.-H 21, 77. 6otJ
Probate Notice:
n the matter of the estate of J;ures M. Bundy,
deceased. Before Win. 1. Newell., f.'inmty
Judge, in and for Cacs Countv, Ncbra'fctr.
Tn whom it may concern; . ...
Notice is hereby given that James Riett- has
filed an application in the County Cuuil, iti and
for Cass t ounty. Neb., to be appointed admin
istrator of the estate of James M.-Bundy,
deceased, ami said cause i set for hear
ing at the office of the County Judge in Pl.ttts
nioiilh. on the Soth dav of March, A. D. 1S77. at
ten o'clock a. m. of Kaid day. at hich time and
place all persons interested may appear and
xhow cause, if auy they have, why the said
James Rivett should mit be apjioinled such ad
ministrator of aid estate.
W itness mvJfcind this loth lav of March, A.
i.. iwi. n. -on r.Li-.
County Jurtse.
Sheriff's Sale.
Fin-t Natt'vl Bank of Plattsmouth. Nib.a 1;a
Plaintiff, vs. Joseph Sheia and Joseph San-'
Deleudantx ; also same 1'taititilTs vs. Win. L
Holibx, N. K. Holibs, Principle, and Joseph
Sliera. Jos. San, ami N. R. Hobbs, Sureties,
Defendants ; .v
By virtue of five exc-lUUns Issued by the
clerk of the District Court. ?f 'JudiciaL District
V ithin and lor t'nws County. Str.mkif, and to
me directed. 1 will on the H;l-cf April, A.
D. 177. at 10'eloCk. A. M , of -sai: day, at the
soirth door of.Mie 'Court Hnrs 1 r lhe city i'f
Pluttmi:uth. in aiif County. Sell t PiMje..Auc
tion.the follow ing real estate to-w it : O'ol farm,
known as the Wm L; thihs farm. coiiluSiiug
two hundred and lifty-oue :. 'J-t'x more or h',
all in section twenty-seven aiidHweiity-riulit iu
town eleven, north" range fourteen, eat of- the
sixth principal meridian, in Casn eo"Uty, Ne
braska, and described as follows :
Lot 1 nee 27, containing .V 2J-l'K) a res ;
IOt a sec 27. coutaiuiug 4ii ln-tno acres';
Lot 1 nec.JS, coulaming 3l 7il-lno acres ;
South half north-eat quarter tne'4) Of
section iweniy-eiglit (Jio containing soaciex.
South half (s1,) of the iiortu-ra.-t quarter
Oiel.i)of the noMli-eat quarter (nt Hi) ol sec
tion twenty-eight containing 2si aeres.
The north-fast quarter LiTe1 of liie north
wesv quarter tuw l4 1 of the south -cast quarter
sel of section twenty-eight containing
10 acres.
Taken and offered for sale as the property of
Wm. 1 ilobbs.
Aud alsM iie following real estate, a the
property of Joseph Sliera. to-.wit Oie east half
of the south-east quaff cr rVJ.) "f tlie the south
cast quarter (seU) of f.-ctum tcvvnteeii (IT),
tow n eleven (11 . north of range fourteen 14;
eai-t of the xi.vth itii.Ii) principal meridian, twt'ii
1' (L-o acres more or lesn ; Anil also "outii-west
quarter (sw4) of thesouth-eu't quarter (se't ot
section teveliteen ( 17.1, town eleven (11), range
fourteen (14; cast ol the sixth (titli) principal
metidian. forty (40) acres more or less : Ami al
so lot seven t.7! in block two (2) cast of the pub
lie square in Koek Bluffs.
Au.l also lot eii-'ht t) in block oue (1) couth of
public squaie in litn-k Bluffs.
And aiso lots four (4) and nine (!) and east
half (e1,) ol live t") and eiuht tsi in block one ill
south and tuie (1 j eat of public square iu Kock
And alo all of block five !) north and live (.1)
east of public square in Rock Hliilis.
And aiso all of block six (t) iioilh and five
(5) east of public souare in Kock itlulT.
. And also all block seven (7) north and five (5)
last of public square lir Bock Blutls.
:Vd also lots, one. two.-fSree, f?n, el'ven, and
twelve. U, 2 3. lo, .r 12.) in bk k six on west
one (1) fount ol public square in i.ock mulls.
Ami also lots feveii i7 aim eiirut isi in tuoek
five i-l) west of public square in Kock Bluffs, all
in Ca-ss Count w, Nebraska.
And also lhe following real estate, as the
pricrty off.N. R. Hobbs. to-wit : one farm
known as the X. It. Hobbs farm containing one
humlretl ami Hcveniy-nve (17a) acres more or
less, and deeribetl as p.llows :
The north-west quarter (nwU) of south-east
quarter ie.ii of section twenty-eight (2si town
ship eleven (11) range fourteen (14) east of sixth
principal meridian, containing 40 acres.
lhe north nan tn'i) ol me norm-east otiar-
tertnel4of the north-east quarter Ine'.,) of
section twenty-eight 12HJ township eleven (11)
range tourteen 111 c;isi of ike sixth principal
mend tan. containing 20 acre.
lhe south halt Is', ol the south-cast quarter
r.se1-. 1 of section twenty-one 1211 townctiiii elev
en ll range fourteen. ll east of M.vih princi
pal lui'iiiliaii. containing S; acres.
The south narl.of the north -vast quarter
fne'iLof the son.h-lat ouarte; Ke-;'! ef sec
tion twenty-one 211 toiishiw eleven 111! range
fourteen 1 1 1 1 cat of the sixth, principal meri
dian, containing 2s acre.
Part of the south-west quarter rwil of the
south-west quarter swj ol section twenty-
two 22J township eleven
till r
-ipal n
inge fourteen
Ill earn of the sixth principal incri.ian, con
taining 7 acres : and also
I Aft a live and idx to&iil iu block one Til south
of public square, in Kock Bluffs, Cass county.
.Neb. ; ana also
Eight and three fourth fSVneivs of land be
ing part of south-west quarter fsw'i 1 of south
east quarter (sei-j of section thirteen 111 town
twelve 112 range thirteen l.! east of the C p. in.
and described a follows : Commencing thirty
till)) rods from the som h-e;ist corner of south
west qr. Isw'. I of south-east quarter lse'1 of
said section, thence west forty-eight 4sj rods,
tlieucc north thirty rod, thence east thirty
iwrrous, tnence soiiin live L-l leel. thence
Chteeu is I rods, thence south alonir said line
to the place of beginning, all iu Cuss Countv.
And also the followlnc real estate, as the
property of Joseph Sans, to-w it :
me eiLsi nan (e'i) ol the north-west quarter
(nw.y of section seventeen (17) township eleven
(11) range fourteen (14) east of the sixth princi
ple meriuian ; aim aiso
lhe west hall (w .) ol the north-east quarter
(ne1) of section seventeen MTftovrnstriji eleven
111) range fourteen (14) east of sixth principal
meridian ; ami also
lh n qu irier tiieU of t lie south west q t:tr-
ter (w'4i of section seventeen (17) township
leven (it) north ranite fourteen ill) east of
sixth pnelpal meridian ; and also
i ne north nan tu'.) ol lhe xouin-west quar
ter (sw'i) of section seventeen 117 to.vnlii
eleven tin north ratine fourteen (14) cast of the
six i ii principal lutrnnau . auu aiso
The south-east quarter se';l of the south
west quarter (sw1-! i of section eight s town
ship eleven IUJ north range fourteen 14 east
ol sixth p. iu. ; aud -also
All of block seven 7 west of public square In
Rock Bluffs, (.'ass county, Neb. ; ami also
All of block eight 11 west of the public square
in Rock Bluffs : ana also
All of block one 1J north an.I seven 7 west
of public square in Rock Mulls ; and also
All of fractional block three L-'i south and Jive
.'. west of public square, ItocK' I.iriXs. Neb. ;
and also . . . ;
All of fractional Mock three (.1) south and nix
ft. west of the public square iu Kock Bluffs.
Neb. ; and also
"All of Iraclional block three 3 south ami
seven 7 west of public square in Koek Bluffs,
Neb. ; and also
All of fractional block three : south and
eight L west of public square in Rock Bluffs,
Neb. ; anil also
Ail of block two 2 south and seven 7 west
of nubile Hquare iu Rock liliills. Neb. : and also
ah or mock two -.'i south ami eight v west
of public square in
kock 1. mils ; and aiso
All of block one tU south and eight K west
ot iiuonc square in lit
ock Bluffs, t .ss county.
Antl also, as the nroncrt v of N. R. Hobbs. ir..
the north seventy-live "-" feet of lots three,
four, live and six fa, 4. : ami tij block live (fij
White's Atlditioii to the city of l'lattsmouth,
C'tss county, Nebraska..,.. , ....
All of the ;ibo-e iam;l landi aiid lot.-, are
levied upon by virtue of five cxetJiit ions issued
from said court in favor of the first National
Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, ;tid also all of
the lands and lots levied upon :u the property
of Joseph Shera and Joseph Sans are attached
by me this March 13th and 14th, 1ST7, tm an or
der of attachment issued from nanus court iu
favor of Kdmontl E. Woulsey, sublect to til's
aforenamed executions- . . :.
l'lattsmouth, Neb., Ka!?h 14th, is77.
51t5. Sheria Cass Co., Neb.
Legal Notice.
Nathan Jones vs. George McAdio, Sarah Mc
Adie, Elwin M. l'ark, Thomas Thompson, Ag
nes C. Knapp, and David J. Seltb-n.
To Agnes C. Knapp. non-resident defendant.
You are hereby notified that Nathan Jones,
plaintiff, did on the oth day of March. A. 1).
1S77. tile Vis petition iu the District Cirt iu
aud for the county of Cass and Srat'f Nebras
ka against the said George McAdi'e. Sarah Mc
Adie, Elwin M. Park, Thomas '1 hompson, Agnes
C. Knapp. and David J. Seidell, defendants,
setting forth that the said George McAtlie and
Sarah McAdie on the 22d day of August. A. D.
1&7.T, gave a mortgage to the aaid Klwiu M. l'ark
on the north hall (nVi)of the northwest quar
ter of section number thirty-two (.12),
township number eleven, north ot range num
ber ten (10) east f the sixth principal meridian
(6 p in) in said count v of Ciiss to secure the pay
ment ol thirteen Hundred and Fifty Dollars
according to ten certain promissory notes re
ferred to iu siiid mortgage, and that the first of
said r.otes to-w it : two hundred dollars falling
due September 1st. 174. was afterwards trans
ferred by said Elwin M. l'ark to this plaintiff
and others of saitl notes were transferred to the
defendants Agnes C. Knapp and David .1. Sel-
den. The substance of the uraver is. that an
account ing may be hatf of the amount due this
plaintiff, aud that sai'.l premises may lie sold to
nav the same interest and costs, unless the saitl
rieo. McAdie and Thomas T hompson pay saitl
note, interest and costs bv a dav to be named
by the Court. Anil the sa'id Agnes C. Kunpp is
notitied tKat she is requited to auswer said pe
tition on or latere the 16th dav of April. A. D.
is77. Nathan Jonks,
T. P.. Wll-soN', Attorney. &0t4.
Legal Notice.
Tn the district court second ludicial district.
in ami for Casu County. Nebraska.
E. F. Peltenglll aud J. B. Robinson, as adminis
trators of ihe estate of Martin G rover. deceas-,
cd. vs Willis J. Hortou, Paulina A. Hoitou,
Hibbard is; Spencer, C. W. Lyman & Co.. St.
Joseph Manufacturing Cwnparv, WeM&Cahu
W in. A. Weith. E. II. Eaton, EiHitce A. White
ami S. N. Merriam.
Tht ijAe of the Stoic of Xttn axka.
Willis J. Hoi ton. Paulina A. Hoi ton. Hibbard
& Spencer, C. W. Lyman a Co., St. Jos oil Man
ufacturing company. veu & talin, v in. A.
Weith and S. N. Merriam, non-resident defend
ants, will take notice that paid plaintiff's did on
the sth day of February, 1S77, liie tin petition
in the office of the Clerk of Hits district court, in
aud for CassCounty.Nebraska, TurafTMt .U non
resident defendants, and the .'itiirpsni-l i.-.r.i.rf
resident defendauls claiming a judgment against
Willis J. llorton and 1'aulma A. Iloiion, tor ih
suni of two thotfsand dollar,, w ith interest there
on ;tt the rate of ten per cent jer annum, from
July 2tith, 1871, ami a decree ol a foreclosure' of
i mortgage given to peeure sai.t sum. Sarrt note
and mortgage being given to Martin Grover, de
ceased, ol w hose eptate. plaintiffs ar? almiiii.s
tratorp. They also pray a decree ol foreclosure
against all of said defendants of saftl mortgaged
property, the same being depcrlbeiK a liiows.
Viz : The north half (u'i of th north-east
quarter, tnc'i of section thirteen flii) in tow n
ten (10) north of range eleven (tvvenst t;t ti p. tn ;
also the pouth-easl quarter (se'i) of section
twelve (12) in township ten (10 range eleven.! It)
east of (ith p. in ; aUo the north halt tn'i) of the
south-west quarter (pw '4) of section seven (7) in
town ten GO) range twelve (12) east of the tith P.
M.. all in C;iss County, State of Nebraska, and
praying that each of said lefemlaiilp be requir
ed to appear ami answer paid ix lition, and show
what, if any interest they, or auy of them may
have m the same, and also praving saitl Court
to deerie any claim saitl defendant may have
given antl 'nferred to plaint iff-, and pqch other
relief ;us eAmy may direct. You are hereby re
quired to answer such petition on or beiwre
April 2itd. 1877. it default w ill be taken against
each of you upon mvkI petition.
K. K. I'ETTENGH.I. and
A admicirtors. plaintiffs.
A. L. brBAGi E and F. B. H art, . .
5U4 Their Attorneys.
... .
P n
tm i CU.