. .... . THE HERALD. THE HERALD, It FVJBLISHEI) f.VERY THUTWDAY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA ADVEJSTXSIXU BATKH. . J. TKT1 i t?3 IA P:i S'V 1 til . S m. 1 JT. Srl$12U0 10 0! IS iv OFFICE: On VlriA St., Or-e Blool North of Min, Cornr of l-ifth Street. IS oo 28 00 40 0O 35 0 COO tiTAll Advertising bUls fine CBftef?3r. . tWTrxiudeot ftflrerttsernerts turat fce (or in advance . . JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. ) TfiUSEVER AXCE COXQIT ERS." (TERMS: $2.00 a Year. OFFICIAL PlI'F.it OF CAM COI:.TY. - Terms, in Advnc : One copy, one y&r. . . pue copy, sIk months Clue copy, tUree montlia f2.r- VOLUME XII. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1877. NUMBER 51. Estre rr'w f the Herald for m! . Youiip. pontoClce r, 1erot. nU O. r. Jctn sou,oomer of. iUla aad Fifth Streets. . PACK. 1 w. 2 w. 3W. I TO. ID. laqr... Si 00 ;iia'ioo $2 CO $ao 2irs.. 150 io 2?? 3tf f" 3sjrs. IOO 2 7W 4 00 4T5 8 U Hvol.. 6 00 SOt) lit 00 12 00 20 00 H 8 00 1200 16(10 180 2500 1 col ... 16 ow 18 00 21 00 25 H 40 00 . IF" X .R. 3 Nnti Tl I OF f'LAT SMC "J"! ? '. N:-:i".A-KA. - iOJi TO TKYiL:;,' & CLAUK, Jtnr r"i-rzEjiu .. Present. &U.&OTicr Vice President. A- W. McUdoruit Cashier. J(W0'iio'jEK Assistant Cashier. ..np.jniiirawnpn. i-ir ipiiicw at rneir new rowiu. corner M.iin htM Sixih uceu. nad BANKING BUSINESS. SitdcLe, 3cnif, G id, wvrni:: ami Lc:l Securities HOL'GHT jM) SOLI. iK-inisitt Jietxired nd Inf 'rrH Allow- f . .. .... . t l on Liin' l.eriiJli-.iliS. . , .rT. -i -A-X Xj JJj.i-iVvViN , Avail-b'pm.U'WTi' - i caten and i:i ail t!- i'l ' . ' j i .s 'J O.tles , ct.l:kkvtf.i ZHMAii I..IN3 AND ALLAN LINE : OF tiTKAlirRK. rrxn "isluiig to bi'j; oi:t V.tt.ir f: !s .rom T r O f. p: to I s :;:.- t h . leming Sac rEAI.KKH IN DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, 2J,X)TS, ' -i'TtONis. .. : . is ur vAi New. w sell t'ueiM CHEAP. TRY US ONCE, A'-DSEE! (40yl WEFVT(t W ITER. yEJi Excelsior i.arbzr Shon. "7 "'" "-- IT YT.e iJ lit H- '!'. FM-E."!AL V n E.N Tit .V iVK : TO sest c?tocKs GR 3 r' c-i, r n . i L IN TOWN 4cyl fROPRIETOH OF PALACE BILLIARD HALL. iMala St.. uadar First Nat. BarA.) PL1VTS.MOITH, ... XEf! mt bai: is surrLiEn with ttif. EliST WINES. UQUOitS. b 5" , s v . t- r r. xi 1 -4 1 ri i i 'iot v .1. " b . ."?2a ';- o Strain Enyiites, Boilers .Saw and (Jrwf 3 fills. Ati A.l HTKAJI FITTIXl;S. WriMUht Inn Pipe. Forcn and Lift llpes. Steam lancs, Safetv-Valve C.ovrnor. and all kinds of flrass Kuiiine Ftltias. rejiaircd on tiort notl .e. FARM MACHINEK SepjJrl 01 hort Notice. loyl mH. 2LLa f;vd fresh milk DELIVER 3D DAILY ! AT ErUJZTPODT'S IW-VXlXrLATTSirGCTM tr THEY WAXT IT, BT J. F. BC tl'SIEISTEll. xn IK VOVBORPrS" AS!) I WILL TItT AJD GIVE TC xje milz: 4flyl aud serv yon repnlarly. SAG?: BROTHERS, Healers in EIIHT-lJ&r &SSp;s2-:v iioakdisg house ETC.. ETC., ETC. 0M Door East ef the Post-OfCee, FlatUmoutli, Nebraska. ... : o : Practical Workers in SHSST IROyr, ZI.SC, TIN. BRA- ZIERY, d-c, d.c. Lrg8 assortment of ItArd ano Soft COAL Sn?0"V"El i v ' Woo l Eiid t o..! ; -(.., r HEATING 0U COOKING Always on Hand. Erery variety of Tin. Sheet Iron, end Zinc Work, kept in Stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on Short No!i. I YZ.n TTHIXO 1VA HTt.i X TED :! FHICE LOW IMI1VX. - SAGE BROS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I4. IS styles with name ist paid. .1. It. tlusted.Nas&iU. U-n. CoN. Y. 4ttt4 "A LUUiiATlVifi BUSINESS. :5F l7 "toanf 600 more first-class Sewing Machine Agtnts, end 500 men Of energy and ability to learn the busi ness of Selling Setcinj Ha-iJiines. Com pensation Liberal, but vary in.' arourd- iin-itn AhJit it f'hitrtitt.er aiui. Otistli.ft- - - ,j , -' - - c - - canons or me -I 'eui. ror jhii iicuium, , ij,;t, wi!?:: SEwiss mui C3,ciicm rAGl"S WANTED FOR HISTORY ft I OEflTEfl'L EXHIBITION , " . ' ' : w'--t i.;"" : r;"';V'r'"i ?.-. -;i i,i l .rc;tl hxml.liK.i aiul N the OU.y :auh. r.:i mid f..nn..eti- history iulilUlied. it i u.!itts ..f ti-. srr.nd tui'riliifc-. wondorful exhih- M,. c.iri -siti''., iert-at eveats, etc. Very cheap ' u,t '"" at SiR-it. om; '.uenl so!j48roi- iPt I.) one day .--iiti Kir our -x.wa i-iins to dii-s- National rviti.isiiiNo ('.. riiilad.1! I'a.. t'l.ii-an. 1 !1.. tr S:. liiis. Mo. '(ATlin-l Lnr 'JiiUilU:!; on iiie Extiihiiion are bclnu cir- i nrfiiaiii ana unnniMs kookm ciil.Ci'ii. l?o not iw d'--ived. See that the lo ;!' vd;. huy cuutuiiis t7 1 lage and S3J flue en- KlMVi'V-5. ;:B:t s"a Vc. .si sMMof tint CENTRNNIAL EXPOSITION LS-ZSi-iriBEI ANI ILLl STK.V'I ED. .s M i-i GC5 dsy. It bfiiiii the only "om yle e Vtw pried "or.'i7 70i(7e-oiil- SO) tr--it"'i, ot tht- eiUirr hr , grand builiing ..xn'O-t . r'o.iie, rost davs, etc.; i ri, 1 1 fh-'iiier than any other: i-it-it-i i'. One new iKent cleared ". To 'li-3.O0O l(i ti IVant . t rl;(! !,ei:ljj !r J-RiHl!" or f,J(OI'C, oiiiiiinn f.f edit 1 -ih .;Ii-rj; . a .id f, s-Mnple liav'tfs, full li- i-: ( ck i; r: ti:ms. IR'B Alil f.n: ).-'... i'a'jii.s.iers, .No. 3i LaSelle Si ieei. I !' " " ii .-.. !.i! iy -Viiinel orll' ial and F2?i Eg CwfV 'T Milton Cold j Vi WS '4 tUrJ-i"11 '".t- -t- 2tJ53 - ;J in;r r n eiegr'nt lJ55V fl &.tir..I..di.- ViW--jrA l"3f f?S !.:;ii;lsoiiirt bror.;!i. U e "" lr"l- P;i,r ir I'v" elegant pld st. Mic -S-.yf tTS V-si.- ve lut;ojs. se: -V t.:y i-fl 3 ttr-'vr-V iral8tnd. collar . 'Ip;'m V Imtlon. heavy plain w-i.:!f!g ri'.ri. "n;! yen's "Vrisian diamond pin. above .ir:'c!"S jent. po-t-p '.;t for SO t. iiav-." Iff a r- 1 Tcjr d R -i:kr i'- t sior! ;ir must l)c s ; f. '' l!:;..n '. ', : V,ith 1 -..rli. .r ;!'a. v !;; -. r u-.i i!i:i-r f.,..,. 1 . .ii-.'!- ' . - j.-- . c'nl;i ;;. d.- ' ." J'-j !.:itP. f.l'r ' : ' I ' ir j 1:.. I ; V .: i .. ' a .-.V i'.; ; '... "' :7(i -. a ;r am :ki. a f Aa. I STl ii 1 N. 7 jf i . K'.V YORK. - RESH MEAT Come Here Roast BeeL In 3J uttois Chops. rrAZ.7. AT .. i . 1 : -JUrrG'S butcher Shop, PL ATT?JCUTU, XL'J!., i.i.v.rn.'iAiN st., - - - s ;rrii :.u!.i-i HO FOHTHrl iBIaoli: Mills ! IN PL A TI'S 210 UTH. am c-zkak sTont. -o r- M,-;r!:rs o'.a stand itill kept pen by 'J Id A His. TOJiACCOS.&C WHOLE SALE d- RETAIL. ww KF.rr- cod G:3?Js, .Buy Largely Ar.d invite tiai" to call atid exaniina. ltf FOK YOUR H -i v i 1 raH ou Uft HempeL iiE'ij Tiir: MAN. a :.r ,i s TtTXTr rrnrTon ON LOWEK MAIN SIT.EET, PLATTSMOUTII, - - - - JVi?2. Meals at all Hours. 40-;yl iV. HE 21 PEL, Prop. H. A. VATERMAN & SON, Yt'bolsuig and Retail LValcts in Pine Lumber, Si " SHINGLES, Sash, Doors, Blinds, me ETC., ETC. t:rcel Corner of Tilth. PLATTSMOUTII. - - - NEB. ! Still Bettor Rates for Lumber. Jut opened by F I v XVJL V OUNG, ox secoxd .sr.. jve.yt iooz ro s. LT. Ojio.ite Old Machine Shop. i Good Board by the Day cr Week. I cordially invite my friends from the comi- try to the a caM.-c.niwletit that I 40 ro3 c.iil pfeae them Can't be in:td. by every nrcnt every month in the biiNi'ness we inriiish. hut those willing to work can easily earn a nzen dollars a day riirht In theii own localitic-s. I Have no room to explain here. Business pipas ai.t aud honorable. Women, boys and pirls do I as w.-ll r.s men. We will funiih you a complete j outfit free. The business pay better than any thirty else. We will bear expeuse of strliulj you. Particulars free. Write aud se. Farm- I ers kikI mechanics. Iheir sons and daturhtcrs. and nil clause in need of paying work at home, j should write to us and learn all about the work at oucc. wiow is the time. Don't delav. Ad- drr '.vrt..AiTm. Mtne. I '.I.rcf $999 PROFESSIONAL CARDS H. 2S. U IXIMIAoL, ATTORNEY and Counselor at Law. Ia estate bought and sold. Taxes paid : and spe cial attention given to collections. Office over Or. Chapman's Drug Store, I'LUUinoulh. a7yl 8111 91 CUAPUAK. ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor In Chan crrv. Offle in Fitzgerald's Block, Phittsmouth, Nrdraska. WIII'.KI.tlt & JIt'JCXKTT, KE-VT. ESI ATE nd Tax raylnp Aeentu, o- turiuo I'ii V 1 1 Ui C i m .. .i A I tr ln(,,..,llin 1 n.nta I'taiisiuontn. .NeDrasKa. . R Tt LIYIVU8TOX. I'HTSICIAN & SURNE'IN. tenders his pro-";-.-iionai services to the citizens ot Cass county, lidence southeast corner Sixth nd Oak sts. ; "on Main street, two doors west of. Sixth, .. asmoutU. Nebraska. UFO. m. SMITU. AlTORNKY AT LAW and Real Estate Bro ker. S4jecial attention Biven to Collections and all matters HfTectinir the title to real estate. Office on I'd tioor, over 1 ost Oflice, l'latlsniouth, br.ka. 40 1. rilAiPl. II.TIIOtJI'SOX. M. I. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Thirty yca.w practice hs made the lr. familiar with nearly sill diseases, and iheir cure. OftU-e : Cor. St li & Mala Sis., over Johnson's Drug Store. 25tf JOUX W II A IX I JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, ano collector of debts, collections made 1'roni one dollar to one thousand do lrs. Mortgages. Deeds, and oili er instruments drawn, arid ail county business usually transacted liorc a Justice of the Peace. Best of reference given if required. OtTica on Main street, Wt of Court nou. 4-yl JOHN W. HAINES. ES. J. 91. WATEKMAJT, Physio Medical Practitioner. Lvxieville, Caa Co., lVeb. taAlwaj s at the office on Saturdays. 40yl PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. ri.ATTSMOUTU, NKB. C. HEISEL, - Proprietor. Flour, Corn 3I'?al, & Feed Always on hand and fors.i! at lowest e:ish prices. Th highest prices paid for Wneat ai.d Crn. Particular attention iven custom work. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! Claries Tiiorn;ate 'I.n 'i;.t (:;it ncl a N Stoclc cf rurr.iture. r.f , . ' ! a:-.; :s ?. p:i!'d to tarnish anything in I'i-ilaie. :tt i-lattMi"t.ciili iinr.es. AVill not be iitidofsolit. Cull and ftf iny stcck. before pur- t ;';. :si:o Lu.L.:r:I House, Weepies Water, Ntl. 4)iu3 SAUNDEUS HOUSE. J.X.GKEUOnY, - - - Proprietor. 7 cmtion Co::tral. Gooil Ssnip'e Hoom.. Ki-ch Convcyicc. to snd from the Depot at HaiJ 1'iaTtsititfi'tIi, Nt;b. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Jarvsi Ai.A finest !5ot-l fce- tircts: i liivago and Sa.n k'r iticisco. UEO. THRALL. - - Prop. OMAHA. NED. O. K. SALMON. I keep constantly on hand Iests 3Iilwaukcc Beer. whicli can be had at no other PLACE IN THE CITY. Also the best of TTL.VKS. LIQUOR. AXD CZOAItS. 3t:n3 i-:a itNe:il;taui. LENIIOl'F & BONNS, Morning Dew .Saloon ! Oue door east of the Saunders House. We keep the best of Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars. Constantly on Hand. A ireat Iteductiou in Prices er GUNS, REVOLVERS, &c. Prices reduced from 20 to ,V rcr cent. Write for I!!t!str;i!ed Catalogue, with 1'trkiircd prices for 1S77. Address. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, 91 Smithflcld St.. Pittsburgh, Pa. lrfyt GOOD FRESH MILK. Delivered daily in AXT rAI'.T OF THE C1TT, BT Mumni & Co. 30m3 ROCHESTER SEEDS. Itrid'K Flornl "Trlbnfe. a book of Ot paces with Colored Pl'ilr. dencribes BOO vari eties of Flnwcr. Vftjclahie, livlb. Ae. l'rico 10 ft. Ti.is vkork with 6 pi:U. mm FRESH FLOWER SEEDS, including Vonyy and Vcrtxnn, for 2.reU. 14 Choice Varietur and The Trihttte, 30 cf.i. VeijftuLle 'ccJsut'stitutcd if preferred. W. H. KEIO, Kocliesttr, N. Y. Mention this paper. Y AM & CHAMBERS M.vnufacturers of and Dealer? in SADDLES!. COLLARS. HALTERS, WHIPS, ETC., ETC ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatnossi Dispatch: STItKiGIlT & rilLLEIT, Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES BHIDLLS. COLLARS. fcj.d a'l kinds cf harness stock, constantly ou Laud. Fruit Confectionery 4 AND Grocery Store NUTS, CANDIES, TEAS COFFEES. SUGAU8, TOACC0ES, r LOUR. Kememher the i.iw r.r,-lt V 1: nivv nn LowU iiii 'it7 cpwlte E. Dovey s AO. a, , , . 21-1. v STREIGIIT t- MILLER. Co:.'AuKus'ta, -M ihit.' ' ; the other morning A BILL F0U AN ACT TO PilOVIDB FOB TOTTKSHIP 0B0ANIZA-TI0N. fcitrodnced by Mr. Colby. Be it enacted by the Leyislatvre of the State of Nebraska : (CONTIXTJED.) ARTICLE XL COUNTIES A3 BODIES CORPORATE. Sec 1. Each county; governed by this net, shall be a body corpora and politic, and as such shall be empower ed: First To sue and be sued. Second To purchase and bold real and personal estate for the use of Hie county. Third To tell and convey any real or personal estate owned by the county. and to make ail contracts, and do all other acts in relation to the property and concerns of the county necessary to the exercise of ita corporate and ad ministrative powers. Fourth To exercise such other pow ers as may be especially conferred by law. Sec. 2. The powers of such county. as a body politic, shall be exercised by a board of supervisors, or in pursuance of a resolution by them adopted. Sec. 3 Iu all suits or proce '.lines by or against such county, the name in which the county shall sue and be su ed shall be the "Board of Supervisors of the County of ," but this provis ion shall not prevent county officers. when authorized uy law, from owning in their name of omce for the benefit of the county. - Sec. 4,, Process in action against any such county shall ba served by leaving a copy thereof , with the. county clerk, and a copy with the chairman of the board, or if there bo .no chairman, then by leaving a copy with any three n.embers of the board of supervisors. Sec. 5. On the trial of any suit in which the county is interested, the in habitants thereof shall be competent witnesses and jurors, if otherwise com petent and qualified according to law. Sec. C. When a judgment shall be rendered against the board of supervis ors of any county, or against any coun ty officer in an action prosecuted by or against him in his cam of office, when the same should be paid by the county, r.o execution shall be issued oa said judgment. but the same shall be paid as other county charges, and levied and collected by tax as other taxes are lov ied and collected. ARTICLE XII. C0CSTY OFFICERS. Sec. 1. In each county adopting township organization under this act, there shall be elected at the general election provided by law, one county jut'.ge, one sheriif, one county treasurer, one county clerk, one county attorney, one county surveyor, one coroner, one county superintendent of public in struction, who shall each hold their of fices for two years, and until their suc-Cf-ssors are qualified, and perform rdl duties devolving upon their respective o&ces, in the manner provided by law in counties not under township organi zation, where the same are not incon sistent with the provisions of this act. ARTICLE XIII. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Sec. 1. The county ooards of the several counties in this state that may adopt township organization shall be composed of the supervisors of the or ganized townships thereof, and the su pervisors from cities of the first and second class; such supervisors shall hold two regular meetings in each year at the county seat in their respective counties, for the transaction of general business as a board of supervisors. They may hold special meetings at such times as they may find convenient, and shall have power to adjourn from time to tirno as they may deem necessary. They maj also hold such other meet ings as are by law provided. tEC 3. Special meetings of the board of supervisors shall be held only whrn requested by at least one-third of the members of the board, which re quest shall be in writing, addressed "to the clerk of the board, and specifying the lime and object of such meeting, upon reception of which request the cierk shall immediately notifv in writ ing each member of the board of the time and object of such meeting, and shall cause notice of such meeting to he published in some newspaper of the county, if any shall b published therein; Provided, that no business shall be transacted at any special meet ing, except such as is specified-in the call. Sec. 3. The regular meetings ef the board of supervisors in all counties having township organization, shall be held on the first Monday ia May and November of each year. Sec 4. The beard of supervisors in their first regular raeetingof each year, shall organize by choosing one of iheir number as chairman, who shall preside at all meetings of the board during the year; in case of his absence at any meeting. th members present shall choose one of their number as tempo rary chairman. Sec. 5. The supervisors shall sever ally Jay before th board of supervis ors, at the first regular meeting after election, their several certificates of election, which .shall be examined by the loard of supervisors, and if found regular, shall be filed in the ofl5ce of county clerk. Sec. 6. The board of supervisors of each eouniy in this state, shall have power to make all bucU orders concern ing the corporate property of the coun ty as they may deem expedient; to au dit all accounts chargeable against the county, and to direct the raising of such sums as may be necessr.ry t de fray the same; to audit such acconnts of town utfieers and such other persons against their respective towns as are not otherwise by law provided for. and to direct the raising of such sums as may be necessary to defray the same ; to appropriate funds to aid the con struction of roads and bridges in anv part of the county, whenever a majori ty of the whole board of the county may dm tb Tr P''ijr an jndi- ivJA a?kt:il him for a7 "sequences. Wjjtsii:.? i'r.ss. ent; to change the boundaries of towns and to create new towns as approved by law. to designate and give names thereto, aad to fix the place of holding the first town meeting therein; to change the name of any town upon the petition of a majority of the voLers of said town ; to re-locate or vacate coun tr roads as the pnblic interest may re quire, in manner required by Jaw; to perform all other duties not inconsist ent with this act, which may be requir ed of, or enjoined upon them, by the laws of this state. fThe levying and apportioning of taxes, the settling of accounts with county officers, the sub mission of questions to the people, and borrowing of money, shall be regulat ed by the laws in force for the govern ment of counties not under township organization, where the same shall not be inconsistent with this act. Sec. 7. A majority vf the supervis ors of any county shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and all questions which shall arise at meetings shall be determined by the votes of a majority of the supervisors present, except in cases otherwise pro vided for. Sec. 8. The board of supervisors shall sit with open doors, and all per sons ra;tv attend their meet'ngs. Sb:c. 9. Every chairman of the board of supervisors shall have power to administer an oath to any pers n concerning any matter submitted to the board, or connected with their powers and duties. Sec. 10. The county clerk shall be the clerk of the board of supervisors, and his general duties shall be; to re cord in a book, provided by the county for that purpose, all the proceedings of the board, to make regular entries -of all the resolutions or decisions on all questions concerning the raising or payment of money, or for the regulat ing of affairs under their control; to record the vote of the supervisors 011 any question submitted to the board if required by any member of the board, and to tile and preserve all ac counts acted upon by the board. Sec. 11. The clerk shall receive a reasonable compensation for his ser vices, to be. fixed by the board.'' and to be paid by the county, in addition" to his fees as register of deeds. Sec. 12. The books, records, and accounts of the board of supervisors shall be deposited with the county clerk and shall be opened without re ward to tho examination of all per sons. Sec 13. It shsll be the duty of the county clerk to deliver ''to - any person who may demand it a certified copy of , any account, paper, or lecoid, in his of fice, on receiving from such person ten cents for every hundred words contain ed in such copy. Sec. 14. . It shall the duty of the several boards of supervisors, as often as it shall be necessary, to build court houses and jails, or cause Am same to be repaired in their respective counties, at the expense of such county. Sac. 15. It shall be the duty of the board of supervisors, whenever they shall deem it expedient and conducive to th public gooJ, to take charge of the poor of the county, and to provide for th.ir support in a poor house or elsewhere; Provided, that when the board of supervisors do not take such ac-ion .and provide such support, the overseers of - the poor of the several towns shall be accountable to, and their compensations and accounts shall be audited by the board of town auditors of the town having. such poor. Sec. 16. Each member of the board of supervisors shall be allowed, when actually employed, the sum of two dol lars per day, and no more, as a compen sation for his services and expenses in attending the meeLings of the board.or in attending to any other busines for the benefit of the county; Provided, That the salary of any supervisor for county services shall in no case exceed seyenty-five dellars (573.00) peraanum. Sec. 17. The clerk of the board of supervisors shall, at the close of each regular or special meeting of tho bo ird, cause a brief statement of the proceed ings thereof to be published in a news paper of the county, in which h shall set forth the name of any individual who shall have bad any account audited and allowed by said board, and the amount of such claim as allowed, and also the proceedings of said board, upon the equalization of the assess ment roll. Sec. 18. The chairman of the board shall sign all warrants on the treasury for money to be paid out of the county treasury; such warrants shall be coun tersigned by the clerk and sealed with the county seal. It shall not be lawful for any warrants to be issued for any amount exceeding in the aggregate the amount wf tax levied far the current year; and in order to guard against any such over draft, each warrant shall ex press plainly on its face the amount of tax levied for the current year; and the amount a'.ready expended. Sec. 19. Any warrant drawn after the amount levied for the year is ex hausted shall not be chargeable as against tl.e county, but may be collect ed by civil action from the board of su pervisors making the same or either of them. Sec. 23. A report of the receipts and expenditures of the year next preceding shall be in .d out and published by the board in some newspaper of general circulation in th county. Sec. 21. Any person aggrieved by any decision of the hoard of supervis ors may appeal therefrom to the dis trict court in the same manner as pro vided for appeal from decisions of com missioners in counties not uuder to wn ship organization. Sec. 22. The board of supervisors shall at their first regular meeting in each year prepare a lit of sixty persons possessing the qualifications prescribed for jurors in action 637 of the civil code, and they shall prenare separate tests for each term of the district court ap pointed to be held in said county dur ing the ensuing year. The county clerk shall preserve such lists and deliver the same, or a certified copy thereof, to the cleric of the district court, at least fif teen days before the commencement of any regular term of court therein. Sec. 23. In order to insurs uniform if 5 tic Venning r-.t t.'T; records jnd surt'H, other matters pertaining to the duties of town officers, it shall be tho duty of the board of supervisors to purchase for the use of the respective towns suitable books and blanks for the offi cers thereof, the cost in the first in stance to be paid by warrant upon the county treasury, and the amount to be charged to the respective towns and levied and collected with other town taxes. Sec 24. The duty of laying out and discon inuing tounty road3, shxl be vested in the board of supervisors, who shall, for that purpose, possess all the powers given by law to commission ers in counties not under township or ganization." And the general laws in force in this State governing roads and regulating the duties of supervisors of road districts, shall apply to coun ies governed by this act, except as herein otherwisw se forth; Provided, that all taxes for the improvement of roads and bridges of a town shall be levied in the respective towns only upon thaauthor i y of the electors therein voting the s.:ne; Provided further. that thedu:ies of supervisors of road districts shall devolve upon overseers of highways undir this act. except that the settle ment of their accounts shall be made with town auditors in the manner here in before provided. ARTICLE XIV. REVENUE. Sec. 1. The general provisions of the revenue law of this State shall .ap ply to counties under township organi zation, except as herein otherwise pro vided. Sec. 2. On or before the third lion- day in January of each year, the coun ty clerk shall fianish each assessor with suitable notices and biank forms 4or the assessment of property, and such assessors shall thereupon m4l:e an assessment of all property subject to taxation in their respective towns under the general revenue laW3 of the State, in the sam3 inma as precinct as sessors are required to do. On or be fore the 2d Monday in March annually, the several town assessors shall deliv er their assessment roll to the town clerks of their towns, and the assessor elected ia a town whose limits are co extensive with cities of the first and second class shall deliver such assess ment rod to the ciiy clerk. Such as- sesment roll shall be in the same form. as prescribed by law for assessments in preciucts of counties not under town ship organization, with the addition of suitable columns for the extension of taxes, as provided in Article XIV, Sec tion. 10 of this act, r . Sec. 3. The supervisor, town clerk. and assessor in e tch town, and the as sessor and supervisors elected from cit ies of the first and secor4okssy shall sit in their respective towns or cities, on the fourth Monday in March of each year, for the purpose of equalizing and correcting the assessment rolls th ititi. And for this purpose they shall possess the 3am powers devolving by law up on county commissioners in counties no; under township organization, when sitting as a board of equalization. Sec. 4. Immediately at. er such equal ization and correction of tho assess ment roll, and before the third Monday n April, the assessor shall transmit the original roll, with all connections and additions thereto, to the county clerk, who shf.ll keep and file the s.ime iu his office for the use of the board of supervisors, and compile from said as sessment roll the abstract required by section 23 of the revenue law, adding thereto a.iy property subject to taxa tion as certified by the state auditor under section 17 of said revenue law. Sec. 5. If in any year the assess ment roll of any town shall not be made oat and returned co the county clerk as hereinbefore provided, the board of supervisors shall, for such year, cause a tax list or assessment roll to be made out from the last assessment rolls of such town, making such additions there to and altera ions therein as they may deem j.ist and equitable, which taxli3t or roll so made out shall be acted on and enforced, and ti l taxes specified therein shall be collected in like man ner its if such roll h id been mide out and returned the same year, as provid ed by law. Skc. 6. The board of supervisors shall constitute a board of equalization in their county, and shall hold a session of at least Lwo days, commencing on the third Mond ty in April of each year. They shall examine .he assessment rolls in their county, and sha 1 ascertain whether the valuation of real nstate in each town bears a just relation or pro portion to tho valuation in all to win of the county ; and they may increase or diminish the aggregate valuation of real estate in any town as much per centum a may in their opinion be ne cessary to produce a just relation be tween all the valuations of real estate in the county, and the amount so added or deducted in esch case shall be enter ed upon their records ;but in no instance shall they reduce the aggregate valua tion of all the towns below the aggre gate thereof as made by the assessor and equalized by the town board of equalization. Sec. 7. Said county board shall al so make such alterations as may be ne cessary in the description of lands or lots upon said assessment roll. Sec. 8. Tbf county board of super visors shall me'on the second Monday in June in each year to ascertain and determine the amount of taxes necess ary to be raised by tax for all county purposes for the use of the resiective funds of said county, not exceeding tho amount allowed by law to be raised for such purposes or funds, and not includ ing taxe3 authorized herein to be vote ! by the elec-ors at town meetings, and apportion such amount, together with the amount of state taxes and school district taxes authorized and required to be raised in such county, among the several towns therein, in proportion to the vain ition of taxable property there in, for the yar, as equalized by the board ; and every such determination and apportionment shall be eatered at large upon their records. Sec. 9. Upon the correction of the assessment roll, equalization of prop erty, and levy of taxes as hereinbefore --:. I--? -mm coniessea . , liain rrilrian - -. - -. county Clerk to transmit to each town and city clerk on or before the third Monday in July, the assessment roll so corrected, with a certificate of the sev eral amounts apportioned, to bo assess ed upon th taxable property of such towns and cities, sonifying in such certificate the total amounts sep irately for state, county, aud school purposes. Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of each town and city clerk, immediately upon the receipt of the corrected assessment roll and the certificate aforesaid, to cal culate and cirry oui thereon, in col umns arranged for that pnrpose, taxes iu the following order; State general fund, in one column; all other state fund in one column;, county general fund in one column; county sinking fund in one column; and all other Co, funds In one column ; school district taxes in one column, specifying the number of the district; town, road and poll taxes each in separate columns. specifying the number of the road dis trict; setting opposite to the several sums set down, as the valuation of real and personal property, the respective sums assessed as taxes th reon, in dol lars and cents, rejecting fractious of a cent. Sec 11. On or before the second Monday in September, the said town or city clerk shall make out a faircopy of said assessment roll, when thus com pleted, in a book providel for that pur pose, ana aeiiver the earns to the town or city treasurer; but sucn copy shall not bs delivered to such town or city treasurer unless he shul h ive executed the bond hereinafter required. Sec. 12. To each tax roil so deliver ed, a warrant unler the hand of the town clerk shall be anaexed, suustanti ally as follows: "The S:a e of Nebraska, to.... town treasurer of the town of in the ounty of You are hereby com manded to collect from eaclf of the persons, and .corporations, namhiB the annexed tax?: i sr. and of the owners of real estate described therein, the taxe3 set down in such list; and in case any psrson or corporation, upon whom any such sum or tax' U imposed, shall refuse or neglect to pay the same within the time pre icribed by law, you are to levy aud codect.Jhe same by distress, and sale of the goods and chattels of the person of corpora tion so taxed ; and out of the mosey so to be co'Iected, after deducting your fees, you are first to pay to the treas ury of said county the sum of for State and county taxes; you are to pay said treasury, the sum of for school district taxes of ; and to the road supervisors of tho . proper road districts the sum of ..... . for road and poll taxes, on or before the first day of FeLruary next, by which day you are further required to make return to said county treasurer of this warrant with the tax list an nexed, together with your doiugs there on as provided by law. Given under my hand this day of Clerk of said town." Sec. 13. As soon as the 10 wn clerk shall have dedvered the tax list and warrant to the town treasurer, as afore sa'd, he shall make a memorandum or entry thereof, and charge to each tieas urer - he amount of the town and other local taxes, if any, in a book kept by ' him for that purpose. Sec. 14. The warrant for the col lection ef State and county taxes in any city of the first or second class in any county governed oy this act, shall be made out and fcigneu by the clerk of such city, and annexed by him to a copy of the assessment rolis of the re spective ward?, which he shall prepare in one book, and Iw delivered to the city treasurer, who shall proceed in the collection thereof in like manner as he is required by the acts governing such cities, to collect city taxes; and he shall make return thereof uuder oath to the county treasurer, in the like time, and in the same manner as near ly as practicable as town treasurers are required to make their returns in like cases; and taxes for city or other local purposes, may be collected with th Sta:e and county taxes, when so or-, dered by tht city council. Sec. 15. The town treasurer shall be a collector of taxes in his town, and shall giva bond in double the sum or dered to be codec. ed as taxes as s ated iu the warrant, with three or more good and sufficient sureties, worth in the aggregate the amjunt nain?d in such bond, over and above their pres- . ent indebted nes, and affidavits of the sureties showing th- value of property owned oy each, and subject to levy and sale upon execution iu this State, shall be made and a t ached to such bond. Such bond shall lie approved by the town cierk, and filed and recorded in his o-fiew. Similar bonds for the collec tion of State and county taxes in cities of the first and second class, shall be given by the city treasurer and approv ed by the city clerk. Any such officer failing to give such bond shall forfeit his office. COXTTXrED KEXT WEEK. Corn aad Hogs, From carefully conducted experi ments by different persons, it has been ascertained that one bushel of corn will make a little moro than ten pounds of pork, gross. Taking the result as a basis, the following deductions a.- made, which all our farmers would do well to lay by for a convenient refer ence, that; When corn slls at 12J cents per bushel, pork costs 1 v cents par pound. When corn costs 17 cents per bushel, pork costs 2 cents per pound. When corn costs 25 cints per bushel, pork costs 3 cents ier pound. When corn costs S3 ceais per bushel, pork costs 4 cents per pound. Whdn corn costs CO cents par bush el, pork costs 5 cents per pound. The following statement shows what the farmer realizes on his corn when,' sold on the terms of pork. When pork fells at 3 cents per pound, it brings 25 cents per bashsl in corn. When po k sells ar 4 cents per pound it brings 32 cents per b shel in corn. When pork sells at 5 cents per pound' it hr!r!g? 45 rss's p?rb,:?.ts3 ii core iO"ine murder ot ii- r jw wny mm t we nave snc'.r :u t:vJ - ; rviur Vvvr aii.'t i'ru'-uiv . ' , i. - - . ,. " A Pi