Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 08, 1877, Image 5

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    'J :i .1; m HI KALI).
February 6th, 1877.
Board tiet pursuant to adjournment at 1
o.clock. Present. Wm. B. Arnold, B. 8. Ram
sey and Henry Wolfe. Commissioners. C. P.
Moore Cle-k. by J. W. Jennings. Dep'ty.
O W. McCliotock. Supervisor Dist. No. CO
made settlement as follows :
Received of former Sup't, $4.35, rec'd of
Co. Trcas.. $19.00 ; ain't expended in Dist.
S22.85, aiu'l due for serviae, $13.50. Order
allowed for balance due Supervisor, $14.97
Order all'd James Root, Sup. Dist. 37,
for money due bis Dist 12.C0
Ordtr allowed E. S. Cutler, Sup. Dist No.
47 for money due Dist., 20.0t
The following accouuts examined and allowei.
on General Fund ;
Chapman Gias. lamp and paper for
County Judge $
State Journal Co.. Cnat. Mortgage and
other Blanks for Co. Judge, 41.&
C..J. Hoffman, rep'g lock for Court
House l.oc
C. P. Moore. Postage, Express ch'gs, &e, 6.
P. Z. Snook, cut'g wood for Court House 7.N
J. H. Buttery, Paper and Pencils ior
Clerk's Offlce 6.T5
The following claims allowed on Poor fund ;
P. E. White, Coal for Jail and Poor
house $8 a
F. Gcerder Coal for Jail and Poor House 26.9.
J. H. Buttery, Medicine for Jail and
Foor House, 13 a
The followiug claims were allowed on Roa
Fund :
C. H. Winslow, for ansetsing damage on
road located by J. B. Moore $ 2.
S. L. Gable, Supervisor Dint. 36 made settlt
ment aa follows :
Received of Supervisor for year 1875,
$5.25. : ain't due Sup'r for services, $10.00 :
Bal. due Sup.r, for services $
Order allowed A. M. Holmes, Sup'r Diet.
No. 17 cn H. A. Waterman Si Son for 280 ft.
lumber and 5 C3 spikes.
February 7th. 1877.
The following accounts examined aud allow
ed on General Fund :
P. L. WUe, to defray expenses of mak
ing abstract $
J. C. Cu minings, sundries as per bill I'-f.-T
M. It. Cutler, jailor's fees 46..V.
E. G. Dovey & Son. Mdse., tc 7.35
K. A. Chapin. Justice Docket 4.6'
G. B. Crippen.serv. as Sup't Pub. In 108.00
W. F. Morrison, B'dg Pris's St Jail's fees, 66.55
The following accounts were examined and
allowed on Poor Fund :
E. G, Dovey & Son, indie for PKr noue
and Paupers 39.15
Henry Boeck. coffin child of Bates 12.00
Clapp & Greenslate, burying pauper,... 10.00
Justina Strowa assessing ou road
petitioned for by G. W. Young, allowed ou
RoajJFund 4.00
Tue following were allowed on several Road
Districts for Supervisors receipts cancelled :
.Lafayette Sutplien, Dist. 53
E. G. Dovey, Kec. Win. Quiun, Dist. 52..
ft it it 52..
J. C. Cummins, rec. Rich'd Rooz, " 47..
Saml Twiss Dist. 11
B. Chrlstwiser, Dist. 36
Clapp Si Greeuslate, nails furnished Sup.
Dist. 11
Saturday, Feb., loth. 1877.
The following claims were examined and al
lowed on General Fund :
Henry Wolfe, serr. as Coni'r 20.20
B. S. Ramsey. n " . " 16.80
Wm. B. Arnold. " - " 27.80
D. E. Babbington. work for Co, per bill,. 8.85
W. F. Bennett, asst settling with Treas. 6.25
J. M. Schnellbacher, work on shackles.. 2.0b
Sundries on account of coroner's Inquest :
M. B. Cutler, fees as coroaer 15.38
G. W. Doll, fees as juror 2.00
8. I. Rockwell, " " 2.00
W. A. Wilson. " " 2.00
H. Hofnrtsby " " . 2.00
N. Livingston " 2.00
B. :. Hoover. " " 2.00
A ugust Zade, Constable. 2M
8inu.. Si it's, fees as Constable 3.0l
Wm A Urwin. fees as witness l.oc
Jack Urwin, " " l.oo
J. C. Newlerry, " " J.oo
Henry Holrush, " " 1.00
Henry Leufls " 1.40
David Bowers " " 140
Simon Sites, - " 1.00
Dr. J. M. Waterman prof, fees 6.00
H. Holrush, burial expenses 7.50
The claim of J. A. MacMurphy, Herald
offlce. for blanks &c, was examined, and
the sum of 18.30 deducted and claim al
lowed, 03.60
J. K. Vailery, Sup. Dist 19, for monay
due his district 4.00
Adjourned to first Tuesday In March next.
Lailia go to Vallery & Drew's, and
June Black will fit you out with a fine
shawl at a very lew figure the stock
of shawls roust be sold. 49t2
2,000 lbs FRESH BUTTER,
it Highest Market Price,
Orangts and Lemons at the P. O.
News Depot.
Roberts razor steel scissors, sold on
ly at Weckbach's. 42tf
Mr. L. F. Johnson reivived from the
Neb. 6? of Agriculture a very
handsm- bronze medal All about his
organs. It says-
"Awarded to
TnE Johnson Organ Oompant,
On the reverse is "Nebraska State
Board of Agriculture.
remaining In the Post Office, at Plattsmouth.
Cass Co.. Neb., March 1st, 1877 :
AttflsM E. T.
Brown J. II.
Brotrlck T. M.
Barnhart Thomas
Casey Miss L.
Daniels Chas.
Davis L. P.
Gantz Joseph (2)
Gossett W. N.
Holland Mrs. A,
Holland J. E.
Harold W. W.
Hart Wm.
Johnson Geo.
Leek Jno.
Miller Mrs. II. A.
Muriay Mrs. E.
Myer H.
Moriarity Wm.
Newton L. F.
Phtlps H. E.
Perrie Mis. 3.
Perry 8.
Phillips & Peterson.
Root Miss Mary
Shannon Thos.
Strawn T. W.
Wheeler J. R.
TvVtheron I. S.
Wagner II.
Marshall L.
Persons calling for the above named letlers
will please say "advertised."
J. W. Marshall, Post Master.
Fencing, Joist and Scantling, $20.00,
at Waterman's. 29tf
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