Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 08, 1877, Image 4

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r , TIOS. i
Introduced b Mr. Colbj.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of NtbrasTia :
Sec. 1. If any. person offering to
vote at any election, or upon any qaes-
Hon arising at such town meeting, shall
be challenged as an, unqualified voter,
the presiding officer shall proceed there
upon ia like manner aa the judges at
general elections are - required to do,
adapting the oath to the circumstances
of the to:vn meeting, and the laws in
force in r gard to false swearing and
illegal voiing at general elections shall
apply to false swearing and illegal vot
ing ut town meetings.
Sec. 14. Town meetings shall be
tspt open from the time of opening in
the morning until six o'clock in the af
ternoon unless the vsters present, by
vote, adjourn one boar from twelve to
one o'clock. - .
Sec. 15. The minutes of the proceed
ings of every town meeting, subscribed
by the moderator and-" clerk of such
meeting, shall be filed in the office of
tfie town clerk within two days after
such town meeting.
Sec. 16. Before the electors shall
- proceed to elect any town officer, pro
clamation shall be made of the opening
of the polls by the town clerk; and pro J
clamation shall in like manner be made
of each adjournment, and of the open
ing and closing' of the polls, until the
election is ended.
Src. 17. The supervisor, town clerk,
assessor, town treasurer, overseers of
highways, constables, and justices of
the peace, shall be chosen by ballot; all
other officers shall be choen as the
electors of the meeting may determine.
When the sleetors vo:e by ballot all
the officer? voted for shall be named
in one ballot, which shall contain the
name3 of the persons voted for, and
the offices to which such persons are
intended to be chesen, and shall be de
livered' to the presiding officer so folded
a3 to conceal the contents, and the pre
siding oScer shall deposit the ballots
in a. box provided for that purpose.
Sec. Id.-; When the election is by
ballot, a poll list shall be kept by the
clerk of the meeting, on which shall be
entered the name of each person whose
Tote shall be received."
Seo. 19. If any moderator shall at
any. town meeting before the poll is
closed read or examine, or permity any
person to read or examine the
qt any voter's ballot, with the view uf
ascertaining any candidate voted for,
such moderator shall forfeit to the use
of the town the sum of twenty-five dol
lars. ceo. 20.' At the close of every elec- j
tioa by udlot, the presiding officer shall j
proceed publicly to canvass the voies
in tho same manners as provided by
law for canvassing votes at a general
Sec. 21. The canvass being complet
ed, such person as shall have the great
est number oi votes shall be declared
to be elected, and a statement of the
result shall be entered at length by the
clerk of the meeting in the minutes of
its proceedings, to be kept by liim as
before required, which shall be public
ly read by him to the meeting. In case
two or more parsons shall have an
equal numoer of votes for the sama of
fice, the question of which shall be en
titled tdthe'ffice shall be decided by
lot under the direction of the town
clerk, each party having notice of the
time and place of drawing lots.
Sec. 2-.. Tho clerk of every town
meeting, within ten days thereafter
shall transmit to each person elected
to any town office, a notice of his elec
tion; and the town clerk shall tile in
the office of the county clerk, within
said time, a list of the names of all oili
cers elected at such town meeting.
to them, accept the resignation of any f enfoic any roles and regulations tend-
Sec. 1. No person shall be eligible
to any town office unless he shall have
been a resident of such town lor the
period of six months next preceding
his election. .
SiiC Every person chosen or ap
pointed to the ojnee of 'supervisor, town
clerk, assessor, town treasurer, or over
seer of highways, before he enters upon
the duties of his oftice, and within ten
days after he .shall be notified of Lis
election or appointment, take and
subscribe, before some person author
ized, an oath or affirmation to faithful
ly and impartially perform the duties
of las office as prescribed by 1 iv, and
shall cause a certificate- of the same to
be tiled in the office of the town clerk.
Skc. 3. ;"If any person chosen or ap
pointed to either or unv of tut town of
fices shall negitjetto take and subscriue
such oath, and cause aeertiticat3there
town 'officer of their town, but shall
immediately after the acceptance of
such resignation report the same to the
town 'clerk.
Section 1. The supervisor of each
town 8h all sign all warrants on the
town treasurer. Said supervisor shall
give bond to the town with one or more
sureties, conditioned for the faithful
d'scharge of his duties, such bond to
be approved by the town clerk, and to
be filed in his office with Ids approval
endorsed thereon.
Whenever the town clerk shall as
certain that such bond has been forfeited,-'
he shall institute suit in the
name of such town for the use of the
inhabitants thereof against the super
visor. '" ;" - -- s
. Sec. 2. The supervisor shall prose
cute in the name of his town, or other
wise as may be necessary, for all pen
alties given by law to such town or for
its use, and for which no other officer
is specially directed to prosecute. And
no person shall be disqualified from be
ing a juror in a suit by or against a
town by reason of his being an inhab
ltant of such town.
Sec. 3. The supervisor of each
town shall attend the regular meeting
or the board of supervisors of the
county and every adjourned or special
meeting of said board of which he
shall have notice.'- He shall receive all
accounts which may be presented to
him against the town, and shall lay
them before the board of town audi
tors at or before their next regular
meeting, lie shall lay before the board
of supervisors such copies of entries
concerning moneys to be raised in bis
town as shall be delivered to him by
the town clerk.
Sec. 4. The supervisor of each town
shall be ex-officio oveisoer of the poor
in hi3 town, and sh;ill act in thai ca
pacity in conjunction with the justices
of the peace therein.
Section 1. The town clerk of each
town in this State shall have I he cus
tody of all records, books, and papers
of .the town, and he shall file all cer
tificates of oaths find other papers re
quired by law to be filed in his office;
and he shall have power to administer
the oath of office to all town officers;
and it is hereby made the duty of the
town clerk to administer all oaths
which may be required in the transac
tion of any township business in the
town where he may be clerk: Provid
ed, That nothing; herein shall be so
construed as to deprive any other per
son qualified by law, from administer
ing said oaths.
Sec. 2. The town clerk shall tran
scribe in the book of records of his
town the minutes of the proceedings
of every town meeting held therein;
aid he shall enter in Lis book every or
dir or direction, and all ru'.es and re
ula ijns of any such town meeting.
frEC. 3. The town clerk shall deliver
to the supervisor before the next regu
lar meeting of the board of supervisors
of the county, certified copies of till
entries of votps for raising money
made since tho last regular meeting of
said beard.
Sec 4. Copies of all papers filed in
the office of the town clerk, and tran
scripts from the book of records. c-i-j
tided by him, shall be evidence in all
courts in like manner as if the origi-1
nals were produced
Section' 1. In each town thesuper-
visor, town clerk, and justices of the
peace of the town shall constitute a
board of auditors to examine thj ac
counts of the overseers of the poor and
overseers of the highways, for moneys
received and disbursed bv them, and
shall require all town oilk-ei s to account
to them for any and all moneys receiv
ed or disbursed by them in their offi
cial capacity, and shall examine and
audit all charges and claims againt th
town, and tha compensation of all
town officers except- the coinpena iiion
of the supervisor for county services.
In cas.'i of the absence of either or any
of said officers, or their failure to a.
tend any meeting of the board, those
attending may associate, with tl:em the
assessor of the town in place of any
absentee who shall act for the lime be-
7" st iiii n y of tho Vi:o'o world.
a;jj."tiie ; Ilo'Iov.a VIA-
anj Ict'en them in i
"1 i!t
"Your Phis arc marvpl'"'
1 wen lov another box.
t!if hoi;st."
"Dr. llo:io-.v;ty has cim-il
w is fliroulf."
"I g.-ive one of y-iar Pi'N t J mv babo for c!x;l
eri morbus. lUo titur l:ti.Io tuinjirut di m a
"My nan? of a Morr.!r. U now our-.l."
,- ur box of ilo.'lo-.v.iyV Ointment curd rat
of noiof in if. if hr :.!. 1 lubtifd come f vour
iuirin!Ht behind the cars. unit the noise ti a
Sr-n.I me 1-vo boxe ; I want one for
"1 t-ii-Ioe v i"o'!ur ; your prhv h C5 cent, bat
the ni-(i;.-iiie to worth ;l dollar."
a pour
'S'-ni! mo five luw of vour ili
'Li t ti" Iihvp thrfe boT of vou
of to be tiled aa above required, such
negiect shall be deemed a refusal to
Six 4. All town officers, except
justices of the peace and constables,
sdiall hold their o.llces for oneyear,and
until their successors are qualified.
Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of every
person retiring from a town office t
deliver to his successor in oCice all the
records, books, papers, property and
laoney belonging to such office held by
Sec. 6. Whenever, any town shall
fail to elect the proi-er number of town
officers to which such town may be en
titled by law, or when any person elect
ed to any town office shall fail to qual
ify, or whenever any .vacancy- s.i.ill
hapien in any town onicd from deaih,
resignation, removal from the town, or
other cause, it shall be lawful for the
justices of the peace of thi town, to
gether with the supervisor, and town
clerk, to fill the vacancies ocea-iioued
or occurring as above, by appointment
by warrant under their hauus an J seids;
and the persons so appointed bhall hold
their respective offices during the' un
expired term of the persons ia wliose
steal they have been appointed tind
until their successors are qualified, and
shall have the same powers, and be sub
ject tj the same duties and penalties
as if they had been duly chosen by the
Sec. 7. Whenever a vacancy shall
occur from, any cause in any or either
of the otne'es enumerated in the fore
going section, as composing tho board
of appointment of town officers in
j ing as member of se';i board,
j fci-:c. 2. Tha. i-oard .of ..auditors of
town accounts shall meet at the town
clerk's office, for the p n pose of exam
ining and auditing the town accounts,
three times in each ye:-ir, ;is follows:
On the Tuesday next preceding the an
nual town moetlnjr, and on the Tues
day next preceding each of the
regular meetings of tae board of su
pervisors of t hr; county, and at such
other times as the interests of the
town may require.
Skc. 3. The accounts so audited, and
those rejected, if any, shall he -delinked
with the certificates of the auditors
or a majority of .them, to the town
clerk to be by him kept on file for the
inspection of any of the inhabitants
of the town. They shall alio be pro
duced by the town clerk at the next
annual town meeting, and shall be
there pub'ielv read by him. Warrants
shall be drawn on tiie town treasurer
for all charges allowed by said board
of auditors, and the same shall be
signed by the supervisor, and counter
signed by the town clerk. .
Sec. 4. The board of auditors mav
require all accounts presented. t be
verified by affidavit, retting fortli that
tf same are correct and just, and un
paid. ' - -
!Si:c. .I. Said board shall make a ccr
tilk'ate to be signed by a majority of said
board specifying the value of the claim,
aad to whom 'hr; amount is allowed,
and shall caust said certificate to be
delivered to the town clerk of said
town, to be by him kept on file for the
inspection of any of the inhabitants
of the town; and a statement of the
aggregate amount shall be delivered to
the supervisor of the town, to be by
him laid before the board of supervi-!
sors at their regular annual meeting.
j The board of supervisors shail cau:; i
I the amount of said charges to be lev- !
ieil upon toe property of said town,
and collected as other taxes are levied
and collected.
Sec. G. The following shall be
deemed- town charges, to-wit; The
cornpMisation of town officers, for ser
vices rendered their respective towns.
laiii iiii:., i aii!': :t.'i-l rver. '
I liuvv '?!' 2 h)mih tc-aiitioiiial-s an tlit s?. but
want .f span- -:i;;rIi- ine to conriurlu.
i'or Cal.i:n-iiu-i .! murders,
Al'.'l o. sur.. t ' h '.':u.; . t is
twsi i:sv:ilu !!-. it i . f i- - .'. -.!. r-r -:y
;. but ii-:n-r.-- ,is ct n.;..:i'
elici ts to t:,e . , t ..! '..:.
msordci- irtfi-ij
:ii r..S'-.isos Hlti!il:.r tus-
ji-.'ir.s. h'-ta-
c: taey s tc . inurj o. '; iu;.e w:a.-, or
v.iifihtr t!iV be a'.lii-teU v.i: 1 mo;ih or i?r-f.
or v. it ai-lio: aru p;iiu ; ct".t;ei iu tn.- lomn ov
er tlie rt gioiis of tlie kiilnev.t. these .should
be tken iuvortiini; lo the pr ui-'il (Iiitv.ii.iiiK.
ami the (iitmi i ! slioiilcl I well rulii-o.i into
the M!i:ill of rhe b.u-K at. le.l tisun. i'uis trMt-i-K'iit
wi.l pivf ainnrst i.-miicuiaic leli. i m-lu-a ail
oi lit r means have failed.
No niPdieitiQ wili so e(T"i!iiH"v improve t-ie
lone of the stomach ne ihese IhiN : thev reiaove
all aeiiLi! y ownnotifil riilw by iiatiiiiirr.imc
or iiiiprotx r .ii-:. 1 ln-v rc:U'h the iiver ::i1 iv
lU': it to a her.lihy aeti'in : tliev .ire wonilei ful-
" .-i-.-T.ii in i.hi inn i
ri.'Vir f.iil in r iii-iii nr -i: I .1 sjii.1uji ..r i.u i ... . 1
- ..... ... Mi. uic'iu i mi (1117 II tlx iIJU '
f t'!;::cit. j
lior '.V'A V-riU.S rs bt oa ia
(be woriil for tiie folio'.vitit !iiv,s Atr.r, ;
A-l!:u ;i. i:!ioi!; ('oiir;i;ibts, V-l. !.-:.'; . 'i ti-f j
.-', eN. ('inFinn;'li ti, lh;t , -Druimv. I
nsulor-. Fry-iii'.:is. K.-it.-jl Irrr'xaSailtScs, !
F"At-r ofy'.i ktniN. -i.', ::,:. n.-ul i'-if. In- '
!i".ti:i, lun.ijji'iutjjon. .: .ii. I .! r Com- j
i -i.u. ii, Lii'ii;m;r'i. i ji"i, i-uoiiiji-insiii. ri'Touriiia
; unru'. Ncrofiila oi-Kind's ii. Sne 71:ni;;t-i.
.Miiif ami taavpl. Tii'-Doiiisitrt-ux. Tuinoi-,
. iceis, oiuis of all kinds, Weak;; from an v
C;: use, etc.
K.'Tie :i'f huiiip imlcsi tiic b'naUi:' f J.
IT viajcs, :ts aent for tiu Liiiie t States, sur
ruiuius e-!i box tif l'i!i, aiid Oiutnicnt. A
liaiid.-Kiaie it'."- aril v.iil be j'ivei. to :inv i:..; rfu-i-M'Hi).r
hf'o irfnr?ra!iiri r.s m;iv Jrpft'to shs tiK
ter;iim of unv fvjriv r imi tie;. oo'a.U'i .'itiri ' t!m
iil('(l:Oint.: or v(.:;c!.;1(j ih. HT.?, Ua'f.U;. - i'.it-in
l i b". Kpuriot:-.
S.M r.t- I'-.o mjtr.v'at'torv or Vof"s.'r Hor.
t.owAY & Co.. N i'ork. bvp.d rosr'ttiir,i.
diUKttiris ii-.-aitTs i:i Mfili.-inc t br'urglioui
the civiliztu! ncrla. ia bex:s ;it i-5 cenu. m o4 ti -s
and l oaclt. i
iThere U cn3ll':r.Ul: savins t"" "liicir ' i
X. i5. I'iivt'doTis for fia t-'iiJance of fat'ei.t '
ia every ui-4o:iU-r ure a.T.'.V'.l ij pm'.i Lux. ,'
Oilirp, 1 lit
case of vacancy, it shall be lawful for j contingent expenses meessai ilv incur-
111V liluuluiiiQ i-.i i.. v. . j & y ii liJ'Ullll
if ll cj & tliL?-
r,yp:i rcr.':t!:t o C-:!?ire. KeokuU. Iowa, on
!: M:i iNsirj.i. Prof. Vm. II. Millar, Ono:"ii
..:!.-;Tf-r. aictf uith v,-r. About nixty 1ol
n, ;-t.' :!! ncjC!iss. for M'-nsborsiifp. Ruurl
i (;,- ,.i ,.,;,r. ,. i; "'"jf rs. r".iiif ii. i:epr-
i-r'i.i . r; t -. roairt'ers.snrrvoi-s ani Te !! -
.- :Ji.-rorxl?:v f:p-t. Kr' lit-nor'trs fre
i f'- L vsY-'- F-rMi.t Or;-'. !.-. Frc Fcs-
. tr.-;- a: "-,-; :...! in c:.le.'i Hall. Free
; 'ar:- T-'i:r-( ' :" ,-. ..;'.la?. TH-ttraplj-!
i'i f-.-n. Sit -"f !!! writ httr fr.' ilmul Hri.
c:it'3. Man f;tni;y bonrtl. cm f;:r
a;;c.i'(. I rtoirlis" Ihh1ii", in Kioktik. Nova
r ilioa. Acbtrv4 Mnyln"nl!.-i;e. Keokuk, Iowa.
State whoiv yon saw titi ndvcrtirft.'ient. ityl
rj n S.1
jW i
ing hoard to lill any vacancy or vacan
cies thus occurring.
.Sec. S. ".Then any appointment
shall bo made, ns provided in the pre
ceding sections, the officer making the
same shall causo the warrant of aj
poiutment to bo immediately filed in
the office of the town clerk, who shall
forthwith give notice thereof to each
person appointed, and shall, within ten
days thereafter, fil? with the county
clerk a list of tho persons so appointed
ana quaiited.
red for the use and ben lit of the town.
the moneys authorized by the vote
any town meeting lor auy town pm
pose, and every sum directed by law to
be raised for town purposes.
Sf.c 7. The moneys necessary to
defray the town charges of ea-li town
shall le levied on the taxable property
iri such town, in manner prescribed bv
law for raising revenue.
Sec. 8. The supervisors, assess us.
and town clerk of each township, shall
constitute a bourdof health, and on the
breaking out of any con'agious disease
.Site. 0. Tho justices of neace of the i in their town3hii or immediate vu ini-
to-rn mny, for suiSrient cause ?born . ty. V.-.rr ral I hive pwpr tv ruake ?.nd
3 WF9
For Throat, Lua?p. Astiaa.El Klilapy,' ':
"f iCorest Tar Solution. I
ir- 1 b orl!ioiifion forCafurh.CoiiBmuptlOD, .
forect Tar Troches, !
k ot b":e Thront, Hnai 8(ncss, Tickimz Cousti ui '
fi rurilr.tgtiie Iir!ia. , -1
forest Tar Salve,
JT or Hiii!ic Iniloltct fcorca. LTcera, Ca, Euroi, i
I JD lor 1'iiL-fc. ;
forest Tar Soap, !
B cr Cb?pped Hands. Salt IUienm, Skia CiseasoA,
E Ute 1 oiiet and liaia.
Coyest Tar Inhalers,
JT or Inhaling for Caltrrh. ConaunpUo. Asthma.
for Stl htf mil rryyff.
ing to check the spreading of any sneh
disease Tri thin the limits of their
township an they taay deem jproger.
Sec. 1. The following town oClcers
shall be entitled to compensation at
the following rates for each day neces
sarily devoted by them to the service
of the town in the duties of their re
spective offices, to-wit: the town clerk,
supervisor and town assessor shall re
ceive for their services $1.50 per day
when attending to town business; pro
vided, that the town clerk shall receive
fees for the following, and not a per
diem: For serving notices Of election
as required by law, twoiity-live cents I
each; filing papers, ten cents each;i
posting up nvtices required by iaw,
twenty-five cents each; for recording
any order, or instrument of writing
authorized by law, five cents for each
one hundred words; for copying any
record in his office and certifying- the
same, ten cents for each one hundred
.words, to be paid by the person apply
ing for the same; and for copying by
laws for posting or publication, five
cent3 for each one hundred words.
Sec. 2. The officers composing tho
board of appointment, in case of va
cancy, when they shall meet for that
purpose, and the officers composing the
board of health, and the officers com
posing the . board of town auditors,
shall be entitled to one dollar per day
each for their services win e a-'tuallv
engaged in their duties as m-mbers of
said board.
Sec. 3. No justice of the peace, or
town officer, shall be entitled to any
fee or compensation from any individ
ual elected or chosen to a town office
for administering to hira the oath of
Sec. 1. Whenever any controversy
or cause of action shall exUt between
any towns of this Stale, tr between
any town ad individual or corpora
tion, proceedings may be had and suits
brought, either at law or in equity, for
tlis purpose of trying and Dually set
tling such controversies. In all such
suits and proceedings, the town shall
sue and be sued by its corporate name,
except where town officers shall be au
thorized by law to su in their name of
office for tho benefit of the town.
Sec. 2. In all legal proceedings
against the town by name, the first
process and all other suits or
proceedings required to be served
shall o served on the supervis
or of the town. And whenever
any suit or proceeding slmll be com
menced agaiiust a town, it shall be tha
duty of the sutervior to attend to the
dvferise thereof, and lay before the
e'ectois oi til-; town at "tha Ihst town
metiag, a full statement of Mid suits
or proceeding for their consideration
and direction.
Sec. 3. All judgments recovered
against a town, or r.gaiut town officers,
in actions prosecuted by or against
them in their name; of office, shad no,
be collected by execu inn, but shall be
a town ch::rge, and w!i-n levied and
collec.ed, shail be paid to the person ir
persons to whom the same- shall have
'-ten adjudged.
The etantlirrt remedtoa for all rttxearva - va
luria ure ycfiivNOii'a PUxaioruo SY?tn,
HcHEUCK'e Sea "Weilo Toxic, and f er.EscK's
ilAXiRARE Fili?, and if taken tefore t&o
lungs are destroyed, a speedy cure is eHecttd.
To these three nWleiues Dr. J.' H. tichencb
of Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled success la
the treatment of pulmonary diseases.
The Pulmonic .-.yrup rli-ena the m-irbld mat
ter la the luufcs ; nature tnrows It oS by an -ay
expectoration, for when the phlegm oi inattt;r
is ripe a slight eouj?h will throw it oil, the pa
tient has rest aud the lungs begin to hen!.
To enable the pulmonic syrur to do this,
Schenc&'s Mandrake hitis and SthencK'a Sea
l'r...l 'a'.ira.. ..nut I. a fruolv tiwu.i ... ;.!...,... . 41.
II till &llilf 111 ! 1IVVI.T II.U I J V II 'lllCt 111!1 I
stoinaeh and liver. Schenoks: Mandrake Pills j
not on the liver, removinjr all otvtrui iion, re- )
lax the gall bhulder, the bile starts freely, and )
the liver is soon relieved.
Schenek.w Sea Weed Tonic Is a eetitle stimu
lant and alterative ; the alkali of which it i
composed mixes with the food and prevents
souring. It ansisw the distention by to'.iing uj
th" stomaeU to a healthy condition, so tliat the
food and Pub. onie Syrup will make good biood :
tlieu the lunps heal, and the patient will surely
get well it care is taken to prevent lresh cold.
All who wish to consult lit: Selienek. either
personally or by letter, can do so at ids princi
pal oitice, corner of Mixth and Arch St3., Phila
delphia, every Monday.
St'henek's medicines are sold by all druggists
throughout the eountry. 4St9
J J ' - -. . . ,
ji bL
a -v--'j' tr'-j
i tut 11
jUT &ifii
fit will fee fwfiSofv
zsr xd
Drugs? Medicines?!
E!ia5a3 'Shfw Ladic-s Fumitehiu Good::, Dross Gools, Pcriumcry, Half
b-" i Liifei i . Oil, boap, I-aper, Collars, Ladies and Gents
&3 ZA
r ' 'rj:
Hosiery, QneGnsware, Flower Sot d
-All Frer. Trimi-ieci nco of!
Glapsv.'aru, etc.
r9!r--"ss iuiviiii viii diiii.ti kJ, iJitx l 1 aJii lill L ii.
FJour, Coin Uealand Huekwheat I'iour:
Stationery, STagnzines, j
t . I e iX'im U ficp everything an orcliisary
fc9 rl
P w
S3 S
!reserlpini Carefally Coav-ostudid
by on JlxpsiiaiiCt.-! IJtrtzZ'xt.
FOR "iOCit
Choice V"iiH'j, Liquors.
EE Eli, ETC., ETC.,
household 'needs, and will sell
you goods at such prices
that you cannot com
plain of hard times
nny more.
?, f.
Cheapest Piaco in Town.
P.its' AU mi diiunil or l. -j tie L-ulHt.
Fu mil its Supplied ( the Dozen.
33 1 4 1 B. MUJWIIY.
."si" v? T..' tt rs . hiUil a number of
Attlie old ITy.i;; Birn. iiaUily .Tries' ttaM)
in FJaftsmoutb. N?l-. "J.iil !(-;oj i-onsUntly.wn
Horses ior Sale.
i h n-'vi:-.': li'lin; t.f jpn.j horses mad'j
:rc, etc., i:c-..
Of All i:tscriji:zm:
w-th zo.tla hoi-s, for Ladlm to drive b Vpt ,
i r-r
g5 gf5 i
fz- ' F
TYjgov.:, jtuzjy, XtKhinc ;n l PIoc re
2aii'i;ij, cud ffc-.m-.-al Jobbing.
I Mill ::o.r '
i.r :"."i'ri'fi' tM d.i 1! liiiuli of rerriil'ns I Of M sue. r-avntadi andsi.M pit pan r.xS.i
i fM'r.i iV.,f-.' r-i.--.!::neiy, v tnrre i
is ii. .i. ;;.tlii- l.i r.iy siicp. j ,
i-ETEIl RAUl'lt, ' wirh n.-!iy ttsatikjirorp.-.rtrr.trorja??. I irvi:-? '
lliCUiUrvLUclOiU VuhVJ.'ixar.U j Lr,r, STOCK or - ;
h is::: t)!:.!" . tLe vr.igvn nhop.
l't. n well l.tiowu us a
e-vv T.-isor a.- ?ii4r.:. rials ta !
'Jrii.c. !
,SATrsrAf.i:o:: '-rAi"i:s:. j
02.T lrXT STXiH-JCi:,.
. Iii.t vt I'l'-ttP Vaiiry II.)U.f.
In the Town.
7&o i 7i a .is .ii's c7i Hand,
oful Drivens s-mt v?ith car-
;' riag;s if 'desired.
. ! Cjviies s -r.t to Lciot to ruvet ail traiii
vsi. - ' whesert-r orUer.-l. ' '
the: only hzakse in town.
Xi:V L1YEKY STA ISLE, I Great Advantfi-scs to buyers ' yxuu?:.,, ami ,10
rLATTSMOUTII.XCB. 1V?5. jJii! r,KUH,,rh, x,b.
j TTtON-NKKSTAnT.T in n.ttsr.u.a'b j 'J (Jre-JU nt H P,r cent IK'M. MIKfcl SUUli ELUBACHiiR,
ti wi.l Ki-oti !i nr-.v its::i h;.!: i :r. pr m sa-.? ! " - ' ' - - ,l !
fiT t i!;uk Tl;: :ir.Oi.t of lio;c OTu-jL 10 per C:T..t DL"!-'U:t. I
ii! v ji : .i:,t - .n ,-.i i . , i i j ii.
Horses keoi for
cr lo Trade,
SJ'.fr r.;!.-!.--! ;-rtr rtts I"t Css":, j
.n? 'f'.',i'r,i....?,r'!.Vi 1 rm:r. 0:f .litsin'r
j fi.l! 1: 1! -.!:: 1: .. !' :--R I.: : ;i- ! f I . (: lo.tnypHit
I vi ti.j f.i ri 1 .1.1 ;i?.,i',! '-i 'i-ii to
,' t,a:d roMMisfrovr:, v v. r. it.
ITOIWE3 TRAINED AN!) BIUL E. : H.1 .i y. kka:k.i -
I , to .irfti&l fcT , ,,,r. ' THERE IS MONEY IN IT!
nil i n:n.-'ip(i,.:;i'"i 1.! i",,.! ! j-. ;iil-
All kinds of
JTeatly Promptly
i;i;,,.;,;,trH, f;,-1'; Specid Inducements ta the Trade. , ,f . .
ILIS:- AGE1TTS V7A1TTED' I-orsc, 31nle& Ox Shoeing.
fct iter by thf m ib th h-;or - 3 yi. j mtmmm In short, we'll ho aiivthlng that has
- I
i.Ttry!jer fir tb
Prrxt 3.
A. , '1 rl
font" feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe.
Come and ee us.
jst;e7w sI3:oI.,
o D tl) St.. bftween Main end Vln Ptrn-.'
.1 i'l-.-iivi ;!;ppr,itier fr.ini the r.w IIEKAI.D
ife PcgSSl for Printers.
Pin-.plesi. Ltchfst Krjni-ip, Bet Made wad Mort
EeliuLla fk-wiug Slachiara in thn wcrid.
(Ci.f l"ii o' ojiif remoKr .) f - -5 r" "3 I j'",j iPKIJ
Tin 5:r. n
by u.
ritI.TI?iCi INK toM
Former! v of I-midnn- Knl.nd .
W " ' lfil jl 1171 mriviitfiii ;tti i ml' t