h TitE HERALD. . local at?vsexisemi:nts. Ttja'lJtuJ. V cea:.i a It lit .jtilar an;. irus i vjtim pe- t.ue X J advertisement insert -ti lot tea Um i uU CAL1C01 OYSTEttSl CALICOl 15 Jre and oCw-Jr X tt ! Hd qocs a feotioe they i-d la. ttoa t oiMMii ootloe. AitanM Is UmKod. all cornmnnta:ofM at vuui. Tnutr Vaci. JV e.-ms. Uno. Reg ,il.r ad vertU ers .3 eeaw rr Une. No aJr.rt.s!'i.-n ..isrrt d. !. k'ksui at. v A4T pf-ntua who Vk the paper rezularly trow tao po'-oflc. whether dir.ed to his nam, or wbther lie U a iibs;riter or not is rw'iJO'iible tar tba ;. all soy iinnuB or.leis his paper discontln zimL 1 must pay all aiTe;u-agei, or tUe publish -vrm.nr eontloua to send St until payment ! uari. and coUect the whole amount, whetne. Um paper k takea Iron the office or not. X vna eourw have Uactded that refusing to aewspaver and periodicals from the post ofcioe. ar rem.ru and Waving them tor. h prtat urw evident of istentiokai. , 21 A K Hi LI?. 8WlSDLC-riHLBY-Marrio at ther ic.:e vl t-e brldf's p.ircnts in Eight Ml!. Cm.c, March 4th. A. D. 18T7. by Situ ici .r.l.n.n, x:r it M. Swixalk to Mot Mi( i'iin.ii all of Cass County. HILL Man led ou the day of t n-fh lorr at tne residence 01 u. iv. liarr. Cieeuwood. Mr. Exoch COBUBjr mad Miss Emma Hill. Hon. D. K. Bair officiating. SPECIAL, notices. Legal tlctiee. The if'i of Eight Mile Grove wilt jiiv :i Taiit:. Party and a giant Oyster j Kinu. ii. ti.. B.t;-Ht Church on ilou- j .!.., M:.r-..i lath, 1H77. the pro- COBURN cpr-'iis U tint ''Ti' tit of SifV.J. A.IIud The weather being; so unfavora- ble on the emung or me . FILf Y0UR PApEUg. - ' , We re trivinff the County Organic Taction, ana icereior ti e v.i - - . - tlon Bill In instalment in the IIer- a imn i I ald. It is very lone.. When fmir.hed Come one, come an. n - - C, -fimf. i-.th old an.l we shall comment thereon. t"AJCtlCVl. VIlint'"v"l youri, brins your lilies; the calico nnmr, nn.l nt ckUes will be the excice- ins.r.r '.iiriiiD-the evenms. ana uie com mittee will spare no pains to make you ill liannr. 1 Remember tho time and place. limUv evenintr. March 12 h, 1877, in the Baptist church, Eight Mile Grove. By order of lujmmuiee. Everyone ought to read it carefully. See Slier woods new Ads. Agricultural Society meeting on the 24th at 2 P. M. B. & M. R. R. Time Table. Corrected Tuesday. February Gth, 1577. FOB OMAHA. rttO MF LA TTS MO CTH. ' J 10 P- IA. 3 : THOU OUAJ1 FOU PLATT3MOUTn. Lcra Ild. ArriTW 10 :M a. ra. itp.a. 5:0p.M. " aH p. aa. T : p. ni. FOE THK WEST. 1atm Fl&ttsnioutfc :V a. m. ArriT Lln olu, 11 -IS p. m-; Arrires Keamy. p. u r I ...ma FirtKM - I-fae PUtUuiouth, ArriTet. unco.n. p. A few City wilen for aie. See Stadelman'a notice of re-opening and appointment of sale, &c Vaw Rttclc of sDrinz coods coming in tliis week at Va lery & urew a. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The Arm kno u a Hubbard Si Tewlatmry Is fuis day dlssolTed and J. S. Tewksbnry U au thorized to ettie aU outstanding aceoonts. J.S TKWKSBCTtY. Weeping Water, Maroh 1st, 1877. ' ' PROCLAMATION. . . xsm htulelmann haviaz been appoiutad by .'the U. 9. Marshal for this State a Collector of .... ii . nrki' flt.HlrQSLnn IDC OUISIMIUIU RCiUUUl V. 1 . ..... - and of Sherwood A tadelmahn..'. '. AlI otrlD, tnese concerns are nrrcuj cuicu pe;ir at the ore er the saia wm. waanHiuo, in'thecityof flatumouth, County of Cass,' on or befoie the I5ih day of April 1877. for the et tlciuent of said accounts, or said accounts will be transferred to the hand of. the lawyer ih the ease for eollection with costs.- 3a cost? and come forward. Wm. TAri.MKX. ttfucuvt.;' Plattsuiouth, March 6, 1877. 'i ..v.. , NOTICE. ; Jr 1 Greenwood. Feb. 24th. 177. Notice is hereby zUen to idi jiersons whomso ever. Top corn and hickory nuts at the P. O. News Depot. For fine fresh smoked ham and fish J. V. Weckbach will pay in cash or goods the highest market price tor OLUVUUW w. t n..,trni ii man n fact orv. Gents fine V !.. custom w rk wairan'e 1. at Bol Shi'i- wocd's. ihs fi m4 f.i - II it s aul Wheeler wcie nml h- re Monday night. 500 Barrels BEST NEW SALT, ut at SCIINASSE & GUAM BERG'S. FARMERS ATTENTION! T..i;.iti TMiwrlprT CAirAr Manufac turer rn Miiin St Plattsmouth. Xeb. Cicar Clippings of Spanish and Amen- .-..m TfiiiMi'ciiM for smokins Durposes. Foi Hale. Best qualities oi piug-snioK.- ;,.ir tMun"n fllwHTa on haud. -U-ll, that an artit-le of separatum h: this oay lweu uivpn letween I. A. Kiiijtnnm.coean.iHs. . . i L'in. i. r..ii.m ant una nil hruus from liarlHiring her or srllln lier ,.....!. mi mv piiviiw. 11 h I will mi none oi her bllla alter this date. (43l 1.A.KISO. DISSOLUTION nOTICE. Ti.a r.u innwn 99 Rwnlrr & La7nbv hare . . t ,: i .... I.v inn!ll-lf 1 PT,. ment. all accounts ill Imi colietted and debU uaumra oy ?ir.jiteripr. l laiismouiu. rri. io.. In the District Court of the Kocou3 uAijtal nial rict In and fur flu CoolT. ' ebr&SKa. Jerome I. Case and Stephen BuU,ccir,po!o?Uo M. Carrllv AlerU CrrtU. Joim V. CwtcU and aobu Cjirreil, deieudauta. i luocifes Ul iuc o w va . v'i owaw - . i tliiU tU irUiuUili. abov named, ox tne state oi D. 1877, file the r petitiou in the Oistrict Cwirt of the K-oond Judicial District, iu and for Caw i . k i - n ...... , l . n ; .4 ItVanMa M Carrell. Alzrna Carreli. John Vv. Carrell and , jonn uarrcii, aeienaaui. wiuDh' .i . . . . . . . n B.u tli. a,M 1 nut. cU M. Carrell, and AUeria Carrell. o the.aatd I J. I. Case ft Co.. ontbeeaHt half (ett bf the outh-weMt quarter (swK of aectlon twenty (20) anu our t jicrc ait iu owi nnru f .. fourteen (14) and the' w haU of the north'-weat ..u of .iu.lli.1. ti.l v.nini. 11 tOWU eleven (it) ranee fourt en (14). in Cas county, NcbravKa, to secure tlie payment f i64S.ai, ac cordlnir to a certain promissory' notf. meuuoned . . . .. ! i - . ..... . ....4 rliut .i.l.iAtllH trivllll olsaid niortfiaite, tue aid Jolin.Carreb claims some interet. in uie sati i"i uiii--i n.c that aji account mav be taken, of the amount Hn tliornm that DiuntiSa also b allowed a I reasonable attorney's fee, and that the said in- ifri rn ul ti.tr !imu w v.. 1, v. 1 v .. k. . r rlor to mat 01 planum . anu inai uic kiu 1 .... f.. . ..r.. .l .. in,f ffd ..(.jlin nil. Iuju Ti.a u'i mi 1 ..11,1 w '.1 ri j mi. ii r mi.iru , i rell pav aaid sum interest and cotU b- a day to ba named by the Court, aud the aaid Francis I1. tiirrri auiu nucim v. v.. - j - that they are requested to appear and answer A. l. 1877, or the tacts therein act forth will be tuki-n m true, and ludcment rendered atcalnst vou. - J. 1. CA6 ti jo., oy -s i (5 j) 7K, B. Windham, their Atfy. Legal Notice. (lit to Robert Sherwood for the most Mo nf Riif sawed boots. Can not be equalled in Nebraska far prices, nualit und durability. One door west trwiht iiu7 -io a- ra. at. uiu um - 'i- , . . - . - a . I IjlKtlltJ nuu ui.un""v " fijom the west. j wheeler.- t it bad 3iue glass f stadelmann's clothing store. 'IJZ.tuia ta .tm,i4li.r.rin.iiie or two 5 hours Vi :a p. in. Amcii''" - j ' - hi. Loui Exeitaas- I-eares Uneola,7 a. . y rv aHy, Bi. Arrive Plattamouth. 10 4 a. m. J , r Freiftht leavos Uncoln 11 :i a. m. am VRESSHAKINO. i w ri.i..i.j w u Vi.llt Sliort have ron i..... ,i Linn Iiiumimi and would be pleased to have those in want of work in their line to call ami sre mem n.j """' V " Elster, one uoor west oi mo aiumu. House. MutisfacUon ituaranteed and charges tvderate. Large stock WINTER SIIAWI, at cost, at SCIINASSE & GUAMBEH VS. FbUtauoath, 4 :13 p. tm. GOINO EAST. Kxpreas. ()tin. . Fiaeacr. (train each day) S JO P- A RRIVA L AM) DKl-ABTCKE 0V 1TL.VTTS--O- Mil CTU MAlLti- BAA1XXS, VOETUERX A 80t.TltFKX i Depart at - : a. wi. Aartvt ai - - a. ni. j - a ;oo p. in. OMAHA VIA It. At M. Arrtva at ! a. m. 1 Depart at - 1 M P- WESTfltX VIA . r . AziV4 at J5 P. ni I Depart M 8 0 a. m. wricriKa watfr. Ajctve a M o m. i Depait at - J)p.m. itocit ' rrrs A rrxiox mills. AjtIv at s . I Depart at - 1 0 p. m. J. W. MAKSHALU V. M. LOCAI. NEWS We bavYe a S40 half scholarship war rant en Baylies Merc"tile College avhlch we will sell very cheap. f f. JL fine lot of fat cattle, 3 head, transferred from Mr. Oldham to Mr. Mcpherson on Friday last. The Her. Mr. Church of Neb. Uni versity "Unitarian" will preach in lhe Court House on SuiuLir March 11th at 11 cVoek A. All art m liallr invited. The Cas Cu ity Aric:" ur il Soci ety mt onJS tt-ir l v ia-t and re-cin-.'l the action of 'a ? V-A. lOd'. mnt-'i y th rtir 'I'tun Is to On fr Precinct anl ttppjinteJ meivin two wetki from the coining Saturday (24th) for a sener.il taking at the Court IIou3e to decide oa re-leasin or re-locating of grounds. Particulars next week. Fresh Cocoa Nut at the P. O. News Depot. Chapped hands are cnred.every time, ky using the "Forest Tar Soap." For cheap an I neat rep tiring rro to the Cntnnial itore. 50t4. II are yeu seen the Centennial Panel piec., p"mtfd by Frank Stadter. and on exhibition at . Carrulh'a? 45tf. Team of large. h'rs'8. harness and MUSICAL CDNVEN 1'ION. The Musical Convention now in sess ion at the Methodist Church is hard at work under the efficient and thorough baton of Prof. Geer. Nearly forty singers are taking advantage of the op- Eitrhty car loads of freight for Emi- irrants coming to Nebraska have cross- the transfer of the B. and M. here this spring. The Concert given by the Musical Convention on Friday night at the Methodist Church will be a rich treat singers are lading auv.t,itC ua music portuni y and improving rapidly uiTder . , his directions. The Convention will close With a r.,n- m TTriiiiv ovenincr. when a VU1ULI b v, a. .- C trood nroersmme of Vocal and Instru mental Music will be given by our best talent, assisted by two lady vocalists from Tabor, Iowa. F. S. White goes east for goois. See his notices. good bargains! SIDE LACE SHOES, fur 81.73 at jIERGES'&IIOE STORE. tr,..-eN SfifiTlit .fc Afiller wish to call the attention of their customers ti tlita f.mr, that it is customary to close up accounts ;tt the commencement of the vear. As they are expecteu to pay tf.ir l.i Is it follows that they must have funds to pay with. They would therefore notify their customers who havo been sicrrominodated to harae-js and other go-ds, that they will be ex pected lit cull and settle their ucccounts at their eailiest convenience. Their stock of hiirness and olht-r poods in t!-f line is e.):ii.lvt, and all wanting il...;.. T...r. ...ill f!...l i In i ilTiVlIllIll; III l!H"li li.lf ii i. their advantage t give them a call. A full a o,-k of groceries also k-pt con st.mtlv on hand. -15tf ThaSidnev TeleoraDh has a most wonderful notice of the arrival of Cap. Bennett and Messrs Leonard ana itamo in tiipirftitv on the way to the Black Hills. We are authorized by the School Board to state that the city schools will be re-opened on Monday morning next, the 12th Inst, to complete the remainder of the term. At the Methodist Church on Friday evening the Musical Convention now in session wil; co.iclu.le their labors. ;md (nr people should turn out en masac nr.d show their appreciation of home effoits. Whether intended for the IIcrald man himself or for younger and fairer members of the. family the Herald enjoyed a must melodious seranade one evening last week, right under the window M.i id. Our only regrets are that we could not at the time oby the kind requests of the lovely .insers. They asked us or somebody to -Peep through the lattice, dear." The fac s are that our Sunday pants were at the tailor's and our only other lot out on the line after a cleansing and we cou'd not peep. Besidt-s well, it is'nt bet to say anything about the appear ance of those that did peep. Wf wish wagon for sale at a bargian. Enquire j sonaebo It w l 1 writ a v wt ci at Sage Bros, j quelle on prop r stv.e for appear- CESTENMAL STORE. For home manufacture Robert Sher- vr Oi m l c;intif)t be enualed. at the olu store of Sherwood & Stadelinan. GREAT BARGAINS! I bought a large job lot of BOOTS fiii'l sell them BELOW WI.OLKSALE TRICES. NOW IS YOUR TIM E, before they are all gone. CALL AND SAVE MONEY. Peter Merges. The Centaur Liniments are the rrpatcst remedies ever discovered for all flesh. hone, and muscle ailments Bites. Bruises, Swellings, Burns, Rheumatism, sun joints, a. wimt the White Liniment does for the human famiiv. the Yellow Liniment does for horses and aniiuali. They are cheap, they are conven ient, and they are certain in their effects. . Children ery for PIteUer's Castoria. Tt i measant to take as honey It contains no morDhine or other deleterious iugredient. ; and is sure to expel wornu, cure wind colic, reg ulate the bowels and Stomacn, ana overcome irritation caused by rah or cutUusi teeth Mothers call rest and children enjoy health I who use Castoria. It is harmless, it is Cfrtju. It is speedy, ana it is cneap. GOOD BARGAINS I SIDE LACE SHOES, for $1.75 at MERGES SHOE STORE. Tlr- imivftrsill accord AYER'S CA thartic Pills are the best of all pur- . rat a 4l.. gatives for family use. iney are me product of long, laborious, ana success ful chemical investigation, and their extensive use. by Physicians in a . their practice, ana oy an civiuzeu na tions, jiroves them the best and most effectual and purgative Pill that med ical science can devise, ming pureiy vegetable no harm can arise from their ni Tn intrinsic value and curative powers no other pill can be compared with them, and everv person, knowing their virtues, will employ them, when needed. They keep the system in per fect order, and maintain iu healthy action the whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are specially adapted to the ueeda of the digestive apparatus, derangements of which they prevert and cure, if timely taken. They are the best and safest physic to employ for children and weakened constitutions, where a mild, but effectual, cathartic is required. For sale by all Dealers. In the District Court of the Second Judicial i n-t ript in und for Caa Countr. Nebraska. Ernest Kupke, plaintiff, vs Jahauua Kupke, defendant. i i. Af .1... nu f U..lna tn tllA aioiianuii. nupur, m .uc v.i j . ... - i State of Wiscon.in, will take notice that hruest KunKe. oi ine county oi a.is, m mc ..... .li.l ,hu url, .1 v t1 Pi.irn:irV. A. 1). 111 in A. A, 1 1 11 if., it. v. tr- m. v. j - - - ' .-- . ....... ..... ..... .liti.in Ii. .1. Ikiwtrii.t f Hurt all 1"! I. IlltS UI3 1 1 .1 Lllll iu -. ,T Cass County, Nebraska. aKainnt the said Jo- liailtlia nui'ACi mrinmniii! ,... " J . ' r- lition beina to serine a divorce from the bonds , ... ... ; . i. u..l i Ti.ln.iit.-A IfllT.kp oi mail iiiiuu y witu nc aou and lor the custody of two children now in her . I . l. .. 1.1 I. .h..,i.i tWiiTiir ftfi no- 1K1TS"HI1, ttllU lllO aAlU WllAMllM . " titled that she is required to appear and answer shio pennon ou or ireiuic mc iii j A. D. l77, or Ji:d)rmeiit will lie rendered against r iH ... ..a. i . i i i. . uu a. u j .v. . . . r J t'uvniT KT'ait. bv R. B. WiVdham, his AU'y. Legal Notice. S3: State of Nebraska, Cass County. Trt A. if TUelte. You are notified that on the 26th day of March 1877. at two o'clock p. in., on the premises here in described, commissioners will (unle.s you sooner apply for same), proceed to assess the damaires accruing to you by leasoo of the ap- .... .1. Uiirlli.ortrk.i ..H Afit-Illri ItlV- liiviil Irtl luu vy iuo .'"i uu(,lv" er Kailmad Com pan v in Nebraska, for depot, machine shops, round houses, turn tables, side . i- . tf.A . I., f. .1 1 f i it ir ilnai.rilaii tlilt'KS, SWlltllcn. , .uo iwiiu..-.. ' real estate : The south (1914) nineteen hundred . . . . f . . . . . .' 1... 1 I I t b1..VUI 1 TI anu iouneen square tert m i yiti w ntOCK (bo) SlJtlJ-tllter. nnu.ii ii.uiu,u plat of riattsmouih City, Cas County, Neb. rciiiuaiv 171.1. toil. Bukungton & Missouri Kivkk ILvilroai roMrANV is jAiiiusRA. ii 4t4 T. M. Makqcett. Atfy. Legal Notice. J I w lb r'C3 L-J liAw American lind a new Wilson SEWING MACHINE for sale at the Herald Office. Our enterprising and successful nier cliants, E. G. Dovey & Son, are btiM it their post, supplying customers witli every .hing in the line of general mer chandise on the most reasonasue teiius., stock kept full and ctunplete. oJtf The case of small pox repotted here is said to turn out nothing but old fash ioned chicken scratch. Its all right now. State of Nebraska, Cass County. To John W. Shirlcv. You are notified that on the2Cth day of March ion H m ia'!...lt t, tn irni tin Tiri'iuisats here in described, commissioners will (unless you SOOIier apfliy lor samrj .i uvri-u !.. a -..oj ..... aaiiiages accruing i ou uy rcaawii c if pyopriatiou by the Burlinpton & Missouri Rir- ... i.. :l. ...l 11. ...... i. v in Xi'lir.k : lor fliMiCl.. CI Iklllt'U.t -Wlillll'l.il J ii" - ' . . , - ' . j machine shops, round houses, i urn tab' es. side tlitcKS, SWIlfliea. Ki:.. tne loiiomms ucsmucu i - I . a . iiai.limn h mill r.l allll ninety-live square feet of lot (s nine, block (49) forty-uine. as sliown on recorded plat at Platts- luoutn i;iiy, casa touniy, i-t:uiva. .. i . . . . ...I i . i.. BlTKLINtiTON A MisaOUKI RlVKR IvATLROAD l.OMfASY JJt AEBRA-JHA. fiy 4Kt4 T. M. MAKuUm, All'. L Jl J Sheriffs Sale. Another lot of fat 7-tttle. 15 head, ing at !.ire s?: an . les. If you stop to bougktby Chas. Holmoa of Mr. C has. Swan. March 2U Heser says the eggs of grasshoppers re encasetl in a fluid similar to mercu ry, and connot be. froz-m by the coldsst 1 tmprature in this climate. The Plattsmouth Literary appeared In force Friday evening. Hon. Josep!i A. Coanor led oue side and Hon. W. L. Wells the other, and th question was that old one, whether Napoleon ought to have been an angel or not. That wasn't just the way they put it, but then it meant the same. Bro. Frye was the hero of the eve ning, and "Gad" the Slaughter-man of the Lincoln Journal who was present was so tickled that he proposes to get up a petition to Congress to have the whole society transferred to Washing ton to take the place of the Senate next tession. He thinka they are better "argufyers." ' The question next week is, Resolved, that a fellow generally walks straight because he is afraid of getting hurt, and not because he likes it. The leaders Are Mr Thos. Wiles and Mr. Wayman, and the Lyceum goers juay eip?ct t hear a good debate. OKID bargains! SIDE LACE SHOES, for S1.75 at MERG ES' S I IOE STORE. . Re tdv Made WINTER CLOTHING, at cost, at SCITNAsSE & GRAM BERG'S. trt a i voi-r t-1. ni.s ou oeiore you r peep, he singe r- ;nav bo gone. If you hurriedly spring out to ooey promptly it is just possible that the singers would be go-ie too, so quickly one couldn't say anything. What'll a body do. W havu't trot the small pox. but we've caught blue glass and a musical convention. LEGAL NOTICES. Bv v.rtuftof an order ot saJe. issued by Uie Clcik of Uie Diatriet Court, in the Second Juai- hrawka. and to me ilirected, I will on the 20th riav of March. A. I. l;;, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the south tioor of the Court House in the itv of I'lattsinouth. iu said County, sell at public auction tho following real estate to ...... ti.a ......ii. i.ir Iul'.i nf thp Hurt li-p.sl Wit . illtc -.w.ll.i i.i. a V ' I ' ... - . , , . u.w.i I.,,, taann i v (9HV in townsliiD .lUill vr-l lirrii in -r ' ."v...j -.,i - . number ten Hoi north of rauae namber ten d) Nali. Tin-came beiiig levied uhii and taken as tn-e pioperty of Willfain Quinu and lilla , ijuiuu. defendants ; to sanely a uriT'e ui mhiu uuu, i .-v. iliv j Charles M. Kellopp. plaintift. i'lattsmouth. Neb.. Feb. 2lst. A. D. 1. .. 4ttii M. B. Cutlilk, Sheriff. 1 Sheriffs Sale. LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS, all Fall and Winter goods AT COST FOR TUE NEXT THIRTY DAYS, to make room for mammoth SPRING STOCK. 50t3 F. S. White. If you want to get your chimneys cleaned or your stove polished, call on Chas. Brown, or leave orders at John Boone's barber shop, .it any hour of the day or night. 50 cents a stove and 50 cents a flue. 42tf Legal Notice. ... ... t. ... ... nAAMi. Tntilia 2imli .aill.tll .luiir. ni'iap . -.- .-- Aitie, Kiwin M. Park. Thomas Thompson, Ajt u a C. Knapp, end David J. teldn. lo Airiu-s (.'. Knupp. non-resident defendant. Von are hereby notified that Nathan Jones, plaintiff, did on the 6th day of March, A. 1. 1877. file .is petition iu the District Court in and foi the county of Cass and State of Nebras ka iicaiiisr the said George McAdie. Sarah Mc Atiie, Kiwin M. I'ark. Thomas Ihoiupson. Ague C. Knapp. and David J. Selden. defendants. Kctting forth tliatthe said George McAdie and Santh M'-Atlie ou the 22d day of August. A. D. I87:. gave a mortgage to the said Kiwin M. I'ark .... .1... li..1f inLii nf tl. t.iirr lir.t ni 1:1 r- .1 vur ii.i. ill iimi i . I . . . v- ..... ... . ter (xwii) f section ntiiiiber thirty-two (32), ; . aIavah ntpllt m rutiiva n It I II fcflV llSklip UUIHI'CI riv'Clli HWiuiui laaib ur tru tjv-i wa mti 'A " - . . . G p in) In saiil county of Cass lo secure the pay ment ( Thirteen Hundred and rifty Hollars according to ten certain proinmaory notes re- at,. a A I a mah.....a ih-lt t Via 1 M t 1 af said totes to-wit : two hundred dollar, falling due September 1st. i74. was afterwards trauH ferred by said Elwin M. Park to this plaintiff mil o.iirrs ot 5aiu muci nric ki airiti -m .v defendants Agues C. Knapp and David J. Sel- J 'PI... ..l.r,..nnA , Hi. . .r in r la Ihflt lan UCUi I IIC BUU'IIAUID VI 1 J'l C.J . . ...w. " (-counting may be had of tha amount due this opes in Fresh canned fruits, candies, nuts raisins, figs, garden seeds, cigars, tobac co, Ac., at the P. 0. News Depot Summer complaints are always troublesome and some times fatal. i "RaniMallv umnncr f!hilrlrpn. All Phv- I sicians recommend Blacklierry Prepar ations as toe uest anu naiesw tor tne&e diseases. Dr. Green's Blackberry Cor dial will check and cure Diarrhea. Flux and all looseness of the Bowels. 50yx PERSON All We are pleased to learn from Mr. Wettenkarap that his boy who was taken to Indianapolis some timn ago is much better. J. T. Lloyd called and "saw" the Her ald last week. j S tm Barker, our Uuclo Sain," ship- pel 110 head of fat cattle to Chicago I last week. j Tito Rev. Mr. Iluusou of the Eight Mile Grove Baptist church, called on the Herald lately. Mr.-. HttL wifaof A. G. Ilatt has been very :ck we regret to learn. ' Mr. Fox of the dim of Fox and Glover i Louisville also one of the proprietors I if I I... I' ... . II ... t K Knn l a in V).IU Ullllky Avlll UlltlJIO UtV Urcll in town for several days attending the Musical Convention. Lie is a very pleasant, clever gentleman. sister and Miss Wifrht Tabor, Iowa are attending the "Once More unto the Breach. Friends!" Kind And get your Breeches and things as Lsaal. TAKE NOTICE. Wm. Stadelman has again opened his store for a short time, (see notice elsewhere), and has a large stock of eoods that must be soid in sixty days They will be sold r.t 2- pr. ct. less than cost. That hiindvn? stc,-.v of Loots and shoes just I ti 1 in lasj fall :nmt be sold also 2 p I' ivut le).iw cost. Now is the .i-ui fc ! tUiitg .v-iS in GO days for cash and v.-;is".i osiiy. 50-2t. Rv virtue of an order of sale, issued by the j-'t ...Li. i . . li;...mtl I'.inrt alf tllA Mlil.illlll .111- dicial District, within ami for Cass County, Ne . . .t r ...:il . . 1.a I :T Ii day of March. A. D. 1S77. at 11 o'clock, A. M.. faidday. ut the aouth door of the Court House in the t ltv oi rialU'iuouin. insaiowuu ... ii .. niii.iii.ri tin. fulliiaviiiir Heal rs- tiite. to-wit : The north-east quarter (ne1) of seciion seventeen, in township twelve (lif; north ... n ...v i i.r ilia i;tVi n in in I ' n County. Neb. ; also, lot elevcu ( 11 on Aavles 1- lanu in iala couniv. i ue s;uii ithib "i; on and taketi an the property of George W alradt m .la. .1 .... . .1 n til OllltllV judgment of Vail Court, recovered by Jasper tsiuweii. piaiutui. riatt-smouth. Nebraska, rebruary 7th. A.D. 1877. (4tit5) M. B. t'VTLEB, Sheriff. ROOT'S GARDENMAMAL 'UUU11I11K IIinjF l7 IiaU Id fcW Biinnui wuw " plaintiff, and that naid premises mav le sild to a tut? nine imnm am trtj, uuum eo. McAdie and Thomas Thompson pay said note interests and costs bv a day to be nanif d by the Court. And the said Agues C. Knapp Is notified that she Is requited to answer said pe- . I . . 1 IV.. 1 1. H.d .f A nril A 11. tiliuu nil ji 11. A v. i n auc aula. mj v. . ... ... 18T7. 1SATHAN JOSKS, T. B. Wilson, Attorney. a-C Sheriffs Sale. 0 lrinl rwiinrf tiiiil thtvrnunlt- und h mailer as ?i.fto hooks on For 1H77 n..l..l... li..1 ..a .lull. the sublect. Sent for inc. which will be allow ed on the nrst orur lor seetis. j. . mur. 4tia Seed Grower. Rockford, HI. 1?l . V.I..nnl 1.,nlr r.t PIltjiimoii,i. Viatim. J II n 1 iiailUlltH 1M1..M n - - - uiii ka T. Wm. L. Hobbs.N. U. Hohha. and Jos.Shera. Jos. Sans anil N. K. Hobbs, sureties. Alnosauie plaintms vs josepn nnera anu josepn nau.t. By virtue of five executions, issued by C. V. Moore. Clerk of the District Court, Second Ju dicial District, within and for Cass County, Ne braska, and to me directed. I will on the 19th dav of March, A. D. 1877. at one o'clock p. m.. of said day, at the east ftore room In Fitzgerald's block, in the city of Plattsmouth. in said county sell at publiu auction the following personal property, to-wit : (said ale to be continued from day to day until all the goods are sold), a large lot of staple and fancy dry goods, giweries, boot' and shoes, hats and caps, ladies and gents furnishing goods, wines, liquor and cigars, and canned gotxls and other articles usually kept in a country store, alu-i fifty-two head of fat rattle and fifteen head of steers and heifers coming two years old. and two cows, and also forty liea.i of stick hogs. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Joseph Shera and Jo seph Sans, two of the defendants : to satisfvflve judgment of said Court, recovered by the First National Bank of riattsinouth Nebraska, plaint- t n . til I. I-lattsmouth, Nebraska, March 8. A. D. 1877. 50t2 M. B. Cutler, Sheriff. T ttt Warkisc Cta. We are now prepared to furnish all clashes with constant einplovmentt home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Business Lew. light, and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 60 cents to A5 per evening, and a pro portioual sum bv devoting their whole time to the business, llovs and girls earn nearly as macli as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, and test the business we make this un parallelled otter ; To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars. 1 .... . 1. an !"t I H .1 1 "1 1-11 t n 11 1 1 1 1 . ! 1 ll 11111 luilllinn, "i'i . i i-. ii. . v. . ... work on. and a copy of Home and Fireside, one of the largest and best Ulii'-trated publications. Jill sent tree nv mail jv-anrr. n yuu wan. jci- manent and profitable work, address Geo kg it Stikson & Co.. Portland, Me. nrPfin TtTin 4JS JJ LaAaiaX V iL .u. tm v ROCHESTER SEEDS. ReM's riaml Trlbote. a book of 90 pages with Colored Plafe. describes BOO vari eties of FZouwrn, Vegetable. Bulb. Ac. Price 10 ctu. Tnis work with 6 puts. REID'S FRESH FLOWER SEEDS. inelmilnir Pan-n; and erbtna, for 25 ctt. C J V UWlti an .ti- .- .- -l.a - a.i s 1 - - - W. II. KEID. Rochester, N. Meution this paper. When you call on your Grocer or Shoe Maker fr eit.-er or both the Pat, Wood Box Stove Polish Paste and the Pat. Wood Box Shoe B acking and he tells you Tie has letter or makes any excuse, you may be certain he has a stock of old kiuds and dare not- offer these until they are sold. For sale by A.W.White. Sheriffs Sale. Pure Mieiiiivi Mapla Sugar a he P. O. News Depot. " I " ..a. . 1 - Ta.nH.A n...tm riliiiv aru4inn at uie uuui" iu.uiuii.wij i - of" Bob Sherwood. Centennial llomp Prof. Gecr and 1 w .. a . i t . a.auuicvct.urjr. from HUBS.VH FOR NEW SPItlN'a GOaDS. Solomon & Xath.in are receiving J MiSS Lollis;4 ia B us ,?ir new goods, ami wi'l be m js. hap- j --. uer school having .closed last jr to show tlim. Vii?n more of them i Friiay. hrrive they will specifv pric, etc in ! M h , . f Veen- their -big ad." Thankful for p tst p it- Mr' J-hm a.i ami s.stcr. nom eep fOna?e we solicit a sh.tre of trn le from ; Z Water, ar? 1:1 town attending the Witt- Trijan.l sin."? tb miSklu mid ivilluall ; f I" ..al... .--1 i Una te us wp will i i;o1 ' Cr nifAv Jf "2T a a -vr u f Tt w TXT .11. . . . .l . 1 W uTiu bat I ro.ul. tor in 3 animeaS" i." -w t.v a a a w ' r Philadelphia Store, -j les prevented. Boschke's German Syrcp can now be purchased right at home, it is the most successful preparation ever in troduced to our people. It works like a charm in all cases of consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhages, Asthma, severe coughs. Croup and other throat aud Lung diseases. 20 person lias ev er used this medicine without immed iate relief, yet there are a great many poor, suffering, skeptical persous going about our stree.B wJi a suspu-ioiis cough, and the voice of consumption coming from their lungs, that will not try it. If you die it is yur own faul., as you can go to your Druggists iu Plattsmouth and get a Sam pie Bottle for u ceii is and try it; three tlu-.es will relieve any case. Regular etie only 75 cents. 50-tf. Subscribe for the Herald and -ter-Oceanf only 85.80 a year. RussU & Co. plaintiffs vs W. A. Folden. Geo. F. McMannee, Geo. S. Bailey and Wilheltny & Co. defendants. . . By virtue of an execution Issued by D. McCu ag. Clerk of the District Court, Second Judii-ial District, within and for Otoe County, Nebras ka, and to me directed. I will o : the 22d day of March. A. D. 1877. at one o'clock n. in., of said day. at the residence of Geo. F. McMamiee, in Liberty Precinct, in Cass County, sell at public auction the following personal pro-erty to-wit : One threshing machine (separator aud horse powrr csimpieicj also l uuiscs. The same being levied upon ane taken as the propertv of Geo. S. Bailey, one of the defend antsp to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recov ered by Russell & Co.. plaintiffs. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, March 8th. A. D. 1877. isnt3 M. B. Cutler. Sheriff. Estray Notice. Taken up by the subscriber, living five miles south ot Weeping Water, one Dun Mare, about fourteen hands high and about eight year old, had a headstall ou when taken up. Wm. CayciIiU Weeping Water. March 2d, 1877. 6015 Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale. Issued by tho Clirk of the District Court, of the Second Judi cial District, within and for Cass County. Ne braska, aud to roe directed. I will on the 12th r.f March, A. D, 1877. at io o'clock, a. m.. of said i:iv. at the south door of tne Court House, in the i;it v of I'lattsmouth. in said County, sell at publi: auction the following real estate, to-wit : The south-west quarter (sw!4) of section thirty (30) lit township eleven (11) north of range twelve (121 east in Cass Co. Neb. The same being lev ied upon and taken as the propertv of Harvey Carper, defendant; to saiisfy a Judgment of said Court, recovered bv A. P.Weston, plaintiff. Plattsmouth. Nebraska, February 7th, A. D. 1?T7. i4W. v 1J B CVXLK, S0r.ff. Pure Blood Is the life, but bad blood is an abomination. From it and derangement of the kidneys and urinary organs come most of the pains and aches and all diseases of the skin. Dr. Green's King Cure is a remedy that is intended to strike at the root of this trouble. It acts as a diuretic . ..... I In j.ia.a ixf 1,11111, 1 1 n 1 1 f 11 l"' 1 " 1. 1 U Tl li CTdCUaill IU 1. V.-lTO Va ii., - ' ' ", - - all diseases of the kidneys, while if acts on the stomach as a tonic. It moderately accelerates the circulation, gcntlv encourages the action of tne ooweis, anu poweniuiy uukmkmh', um uun nary secretion purifies and cleanses the blood, thus removing the cause of boils, carbuncles, scrofula, and all eruptive and cutaneous dis eases ; reduces inflaniotory, rheumatic and neu ralgic pains, and aches, allays inflamatiou of L- isnain irluml3 unl f. 1 l-tlU 1 !!' Mill) joints, softens and carries off gravel and osher calculus deposits of the urinary organs; cures Diabetes. Bright's Kidney Disease, Lucorrhea, (Female Weakness,! Scrofula and all diseases arising from disorders of the urinary organs and impure state of the blood, and especial! v adapt ed to female complaints. It is a safe and pleas ant alterative, and cures without depleting the strength of the organs or the tone of the gener al system. In other countries its reputation was no high that It gained the title of "King's fur.." a HmIIv iia of it will in tuost c.'tses. ore- vent, and in all cases mitigate the attack ot the diseases for which tt is recommended, it is beneficial for washing eruptive discharges on IlieSKlIi; UUl IW rilUUIUI! Mum, ui arirm aiiuu in the joints, use nr. Green's Crimean Linament for man and tx-ast. For sale by O. F. Jflbason and by W, . Done Ian, soyi rP tune IEastf I to ttEae Saand wBiere we huy Where a weighty toSg toeli hvM ens feaclk. 5 . aaid he'ilfl sell cheap oe dieo (SI Ds fe3 rrtY A BOX OF THIS ANL (rmc5) SSL XX Mrcco. t 0 BOCKESTEBir. j IOC TVTI.L VSi: N OTlItllt- - i i ia. . vo.. .-asra7 mmuc.- i tnctxier Tnonrrnir ana teott mTir ; . . ua a,icn inTirTrra j $i'iueucca.-TrQtirurK-.iSr - . - r !i tires. nSMnVSv?'1'11 lXnC murU- 01 nn-rwwu.ut we nave - . ' 1 '.vhee t!t'-re u't 'tiru-p.-utr- ! m- ' f ' 1 m f 1