Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 01, 1877, Image 4
THE. HERALD. A BILL FOR AN ACT TO PROY1DE FOB TOTTSSniP ORGANIZA TION. Introduced bj Sir. Colby. ' Be it enacted by the Legislature of t?ie State of Nebraska : ARTICLE I. TOWKSHIP ORGANIZATION HOW IT MAT BE ADOPTED. Sectiox 1. At ay general election that may be held in the several coun ties of the State, the qualified voters in any county may vote' for or against township organization in such county. Sec. 2. The county commissioners on petition of fifty legal voters, shall cause to be submitted to the voters of the county, the question of township organization under this act, by ballot, to be written or printed, or partly writ ten and partly printed, "for township organization," or "against township or ganization," the votes to ix canvassed and returned in like manner us votes for State and county officers. Sec. 3. If it shall appear by the re turns of said election that a majority of the legal voters of said county vot ing at said election are for township organization, then the county so voting in favor of its adoption, shall be gov erned by, and subject to the provisions of this act, on and after the first day of January next succeeding. Sec. 4. The board of county Com missioners of such county shall at their next meeting, proceed to divide said county intw towns or townships, making them conform .as Bear as prac ticable to townships according to the government survey. When fractions of townships are caused by the Co, lines not being in accordance with the sur veyed townships, then the commission ers may attach such fractions toad joining towns wken the number of in habitants; or the anount of territory shall sot be sufficient for a separate town. When a -surveyed township shall have too few inhabitants for a separate organization, then such town ship may be added to some adjoining town, or such township may be divided between two or more towns,for the time being; and when creeks or rivers so divide a township as to make it incon venient for transacting town business, then such creek or river may be made the town boundary, and the town frac tions so formed may be disposed of as fractions formed by county lines. No city of the first or second class shall be included within the corporate limits of any township organized under this act, but the territory occupied by such city shall constitute a town by the name of such city for the purposes of town elec tion and-organization a3 hereinafter provided. Sec. 5. The board of county com missioners shall designate the name of each town, aad may change the name of any town, upon petition of a major ity of the voters ef said town. Sec. 6. The county clerk shall re cord in a book provided for that pur pose the names and boundaries of each town,' as designated by the county board, and shall forthwith ferward an abstract thereof to the auditor of pub lic accounts of this State, who shall make a record of the same. Sec. 7. The county board shall, at least twenty days before the first Tues day in April next after adoption of township organization, designate some central and convenient place in each town, for the holding of the 'first town election, and shall also appoint three suitable electors of the town, as judges of the election. Sec. 8. The county clerk shall thereupon make out noticws, stating the time, which shall be the first Tues day in April thereafter, and place for holding the first election, names of the judges of election so appointed, and deliver the same to the sheriff, who shall cause the same to be posted in some public place in said town, at least fifteen days before the holding of such election. - Kec. 9. The first town election shall be conducted in the same manner as other town elections hereinafter pro vided for. ARTICLE II. - COKFOKATK POWERS AND RIGHTS OF TOWNS. Section 1. The corporate name of each town shall be "The town of (name of town)" and all acts done by the town, and all actions by or against the town shall be in its corporate name. Sec. 2. Every town shall have cor porate capacity t exercise the powers granted thereto, or necessarly implied, and ne others. It shall have power: Fir$t To sue and be sud. Second To - acquire by purchase, gift, or devise, and to hold property. ioth real and personal, for the use of its inhabitants, and again to sell aad convey the same. ... Thirtl To make all such contracts as may be necesaary in tho exercise of the powers of the town. Sec. 3. The electors present at the annual town meetings shall have pow-, cr: First To make all orders for the sale, conveyance, regulation, or use of the corporate property of the town that may be deemed conducive to the interests of its inhabitants. Second To take all necessary meas ures and give directions for the exer cise of their corporate powers: Third To provide tor the institu tion, defense, or disposition, of suits at law, or in equity, in all controversies between the town and any other town, or any individual or corporation, in which the town is interested. Fourth To take such action ns shall induce the planting and cultivating of trees along the highways in such towns, and to protect and preserve trees standing along er on highways. Fifth To take such action as may bo necessary for the i destruction of worms, of migratory locust?, -or other injurious insects, and eggs deposited by them. C, " Sixth To guard against the des truction of property in said town by prairie fires. Seventh To establish and maintain pounds at such places within the town as may be deemed necessary and con venient, and to discontinue any pounds therein, to determine the number of pound masters, to prescribe - their du ties, and regulate their fees, and to elect poundmasters in such manner as they may see fit. ; Eighth To restrain, regulatc.or pro hibit the running at large of cattle, horses, mules, asses, swine, sheep, and goats, and to determine when such an imals may go at larger Trovided, that all votes thereupon, or upon any by-law regulating the same, shall be taken by ballot, and canvassed in the same man ner as provided for the election of su pervisors of said town. Ninth To authorize the distraining, impounding, and sale of cattle, horses, mules, asses, sheep, goats, and swine, for penalties incurred, and costs of rro ceedings: Provided, That the owner of such anima's! have the right to riecm the same from the purchaser thereof at any time within one month from the day of sale, by paying the amount of the purchaser's bid with reiisonable costs for their keepiug, and interest upon the amount bid at the rate of ten per cent per annum. Tenth To construct and keep in re pair public wolls, and to regulate the use thereof. I " Eleventh To prevent the exposure or deposit of offensive or injurious substances within the limits of the town. , Twelfth To make such by-laws, rules, and regulations as may be deem ed necessary to carry into effect the powers herein granted, and impose such fines or penalties, not exceeding 820.00 for one offense, a3 shall be deem ed proper, except when a fine or pen alty is already allowed by law, such fine or penalty to be recovered before any justice of peace for the town where the offense shall have been committed. Thirteenth To direct the raising of money by taxation for the following purposes: First For constructing or repairing roads, bridges, or causeways within the town, not exceeding five mills on the dollar of the assessed value of all tax able property in the town. Second For the prosecution or ; de fense of suit by or against the town, or in which it is interested. Third For any other purpose re quired by law. Fourth -For the purpose of build ing or repairing bridges over streams divding said town from any other town. Fifth For the support of the poor within the town: Frovided, That when . the County Board of any county shall have established a poor house, under any statute law of the State, the support of the poor shall be provided for by the County Board, and no taxes for that purpose shall be voted by the electors-at town meetings. Sixtli For the compensation of town officers at the rates allowed by law, and when no rate is fixed, for such amount as the electors may direct. Sec. 4. !None of the previsions of this article shall apply to toVns whose limit3 are co-extensive with cities of the first and second class, but such cities and the inhabitants thereof shall continue to be governed by their or ganic acts. ARTICLE III. ALTERATION, DIVISION AND BOUNDA RIES OF TOWNS. Section 1.. Tho board of supervi sors of each county shall have full and complete power to alter the bounda ries of towns, except such towns as are also cities of the first or second class, to divide, to enlarge, and to create new towns, in their respective counties to suit the convenience of the inhabi tants residing therein; but no new towns shall be created under the pro visions of this act, unless there shall be at least twenty-five legal voters re siding in such new town, nor unless at least fifteen of said legal voters of said town shall petition for suck alter ation ; nor shall any new town be here after created, or any town divided, or the boundaries thereof changed by the board of supervisors without at least sixty days' notice thereof has been given before the presentation of the petition therefor, by posting up not less than five notices in the most public places of the town or towns interested and by also publishing such notices at least once in some newspaper published in the county wherein such towns are situated, if auy shall be published therein. Sec. 2. Iu case any town In any county wherein township organization has been, or may be adopted, shall re fuse or neglect to organize and elect town officers at the time fixed by law for holding annual meetings, it shall be lawful for twelve freeholders of the town to call a town meeting for the purposes aforesaid, by posting up no tices in six public places in such town, giving at least ten days' notice of such meeting, which notice shall set forth the time, place and object of such meet ing; and the electors, when assembled by virtue of such notice, shall possess all the powers conferred upon them by this act at the annual town meeting. In case no such notice shall be given as aforesaid within thirty days after the time for hold-ng the annual town meet ing, the board of supervisors of the county shall, upon the affidavit of any freeholder, resident of said town, filed in the office of the county clerk, setting forth the facts, proceed at any regular or special meeting of the board and appoint the necessary town offi cers for such town, and the person so appointed shall hold their respective offices until others are chosen or ap pointed in their places, and shall have the same power, and be subject t the same duties and penalties as if they had been duly chosen by the electors of the town. Sec. 3. Whenever it shall be made to appear to the board of supervisois that tl.e town officers appointed by them, or by any preceding board, as provided in the foregoing sections shall, have failed to qualify as required by law, so that such town connot become organized, the board of 'supervisors may annex such town to any adjoin ing town, and the said town so annex ed shall thereafter form and constitute a part of such adjoining town. Sec. 4. f When a town seized of real estate, or possessed of rights,, credits, or other personal real estate, shall be divided into two or more towns, the supervisors and assessors of the sev eral towns constituted by sueh divi sion, shall meet as soon as nmy be af ter the first town meetings subsequent ly held in such towns, and when so met shall have power to make such agreement concerning the disposition to be made of such town property, and the apportionment of the proceeds thereof as shall be equitable,and to take all measures, and execute all convey ances, which may be necessary to carry such agreement into effect. Sec. 5. When any such town shall be altered in its limits by the annex ing of a part of its territory to other town or towns, the supervisors and as sessors of the town "affected by such change, shall, as soon as may be there after, meet for the purpose, and poss ess the powers provided in the last pre ceding section. Sec. 6. Wlwnever a meeting of the supervisors & assessors of two or more towns shall be required in order to carry into effect the provisions aforesaiduch meeting may; be called by either of said supervisors by giving at least three days's notice in writing to all the other officers of the time and place at which such a meeting is to be held. Sec. 7. The preceding sections shall not apply to any cemetery or burial ground; but the same shall belong to the town within which it may be situa ted after a division shall have been made. Sec. 8. Debts owing to a town so divided or altered shall be apportioned between the towns interested therein by the supervisors and assessors of such towns according to the amount of tax able property in the town divided cr a!tered, ts the same existed immediate ly before such division or alteration, i to be ascertained by the last assessment list of such town. And if, upon the organization of towns under this act. there be any indebtedness existing against precincts under any laws ef this state, the same shall be and remain a charfce upon the territory from which the towns are organized, and no town or part of town shall be released from the payment of its proportion of such indebtedness, such proportion to be as certained from thetamount of taxable property in such, precinct, as shown by the last assessment roll thereof, by the county board upon the adoption of this act, and the county clerk shall extend the ss me upon the tax list of such town, and the same shall be collected and dis bursed in the manner provided by law. ARTICLE IV. TOWN-MEETINGS -POWER OF ELECTORS Sec. 1. The citizens of the several towns in this state, qualified by the constitution, to vote at general elec tions, shall assemble and hold annual town metings in their respective towns on the first Tuesday of April, at such place in each town as the electors there of at their annual town meetings shall from time to time appoint; and notice of the time and place of holding . such meeting shall be given by the town clerk, by posting up written or printed notices in three of the most public pla ces of said town, at least ten days pri or to said meeting. Sec. 2. There shall be chosen at the annual town meeting, on the first Tues day in April of each year, in each town, one supervisor, one town clerk, one as sessor, one town treasurer, one overseer of highways for each road district in said town, and three judges and two clerks of election, to serve as such on Iv under the general election laws of the State. Frovided, That at the first annual town meeting in April, and ev ery two years thereafter, there shall be elected two justices of the peace, and two constables, who shall be suc cessors to precinet justices, and consta bles, and shall hold their offices for the same terms, and perform the sametlu-4 ties as justices and constables, in coun ties not under township organization ; and Provided further, That in towns whose limits are co-extensive with cit ies of the first and second class, the electors shall elect at the annual city election, one assessor, and the electors of each ward shall elect one supervisor, who shall sit in the county board, which officers shall respectively hold their of fices for one year, perform the duties, and exercise the powers conferred up on them by law. Sec. 3. The electors of each town, shall have power at their annual town meetings to elect such town officers as may be required to be chosen, to direct the institution and defense of suits at law or in equity, to which such town may be a party, to direct such sum to be raised in such town for the support and maintenance of roads and bridges, or for any other purpose provided by law, as they may deem necessary, to take measures and give directions for the exereise of their corporate powers, to impose such penalties upon persons offending against any such regulations, and to apply the same when collected in such manner as they may deem most conducive to the interests of the town, and to make all rules, regulations, and by-law, necessary to carry into effect the powers herein granted. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the town clerk, to cause all by-laws, rules and regulations, of the town, within twenty days after their adoption, to be published by posting in three public places of the town, and by inserting once in any newspaper published in the county ; but all such, by-laws, rules, and regulations, shall take effect and be in force from the date of their adop tion, unless otherwise directed by the electors of the town. Sec. 5. Special town masting shall be held when the supervisor, town clerk and Justice of the peace, or any two of them, together with at least twelve free-holder, of the town, sh vll in writ ing, file in the office of the town clerk, a statement that a special meeting is necessary to the interests of the town, setting forth the object of the meeting; and the town clerk, or, in case of his absence, the supervisor, shall post up notices in five of the most public places of tho town, giving at least ten days notice of such special meeting, setting forth the object of the meeting, as con tained in the statement filed as afore said; the place of holdiug special town meetings shall be at the place where the last annual town meeting wa3 held ; but in case such place may be inconve nient, the meeting may adjourn to the nearest convenient place; Provided, That no less than one third of the elec tors of a town shall constitute a quo rum for the transaction of business at auy special town meeting. Sec. 0. The electors at special town meetings when properly convened, shall have power to rill vacancies in any of the town offices, when the s.tme shall not have been tilled by appointment; to provide for raising money for repair ing highways, or .bni'ding or repairing bridges, in cases ef emergency, and to direct the building or repairing there of; to act upon any subject within the powers of the electors at any annual town meeting', which was postponed at the preceding annual town meeting, for want of time to be considered at a future special town meeting; but spe cial town meetings shall have no pow er to act upon any subject not embrac ed in the statement and notice calling the same. Sec. 7. The electors present at any time between the hours of nine and ten o'clock in the forenoon of the day on which there is an annual or special town meeting, shall be called to order by the town clerk, if present: if not present, then the voters may elect by acclamation, one of their number chair man; they shall then proceed tochoosa one of their number to act as modera tor of such town meeting. Sec. 8. Before the moderator of any town meeting shall enter upon the du ties of his office he shall take an oath faithfully and impartially to discharge the duties of such office, such oath to be administered by the town clerk or other proper officer. Sec. 9. The town clerk last before elected or appointed, shall be the clerk of the town meeting, and shall keep faithful minutes of its proceedings, in which he shall enter at length every order or direction, and all rules and regulations made by such meeting. Sec. 10. If the town clerk be absent then some other suitable person shall be chosen by the electors present, and shall act as clerk of the meeting. Sec. 11. All questions upon motions made at town meetings shall be deter mined by majority of the electors voting, and the presiding officer shall ascertain and declare the result of the voles upou e-ich question. Secj. 12.' 'No person' shall be a voter at any town meeting unless he shall be qualified to vote at general elections, and has beeu for the -last thirty days an actual resident of the town " where in he shall offer to vote. ... . . CONTINTED XEXT WEEK. - ' fjubscribe for the Herald. Dr.SCUFNK'S STANDARD REM EDI Eft The standard remedies for all diseases of the lunri are schenck'b pulmonic Syrup, Sohexcii'8 Sea Wfjso Tonic, and Sohenok's Mandrake Piixb, and if taken before the lungs are destroyed, a speedy cure is effected. To these three medicines Dr. J. IL Hchnnck of Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled success in the treatment of pulmonary diseases. The Pulmonio i-yrup ripens the morbid mat ter in the lungs ; nature throws it off by an easy expectoration, for when the phlegm ot matter is ripe a slight cough will throw it off. the pa tient has rest and the longs begin to heal. - To enable the pulmonic syrup to do this, Sehenek's Mandrake Pills and Sehenek's Sea Weed Tonic must be freely used to cleanse the stomach and liver. Sehenek's Mandrake , Pills act on the liver, removing aU obstructions,-relax the gall bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver is boob relieved. - Schenck.s Bea Weed Tonic is a gentle stimu lant and alterative : the alkali of which it is composed mixes with the food and prevents souring. It assists the digestion by toning up the stomach to a healthy condition, so that the food and Pulmonic Syrup wiU make good blood : then the lungs heal, and the patient will surely get well If care is taken to prevent iresh cold. AU who wish to consult l)r. Schenck, either personally or by letter, can do so at his princi pal office, corner of Sixth and Arch Sts., Phila delphia, every Monday. Sehenek's medicines are eold by all druggists throughout the country. 4919 MARK THESE PACTS- The Testimony of the Whole world. HOLLOwAl'S PILLS, "I had no appetite ; IloUoway's Pills gave ine a hearty one." "Your Pills are marvellous." "1 eend for another box, and keep them iu the house." "Dr. llolloway has cured my headache that was chronic." "I gave one of your Pills to mv babe for chol era morbus. The dear little thing got well iu a day." "My nausea of a morning i now cured." 'Your box of IloUoway's Ointment cured rhe of noise in the head. I rubbed some of your Ointment behind the ears, and the noise has left." "Send me two boxes j I want ons for a poor family. ' - "I enclose a dollar ; your price is 25 cents, but the medicine to ine is worth a dollar." "Send me five boxes of your pills." "Let me hare three boxes of vour pills by re turn mail, lor Chills and Fever!" I have over 200 sum testimonials as these, but want of space compels me to conclude. For Cutaneous Disorders, And all eruptions of the skin, this Ointment is most invaluable. It does not heal externally aioue, but penetrates with the most searching effects to the very root of the evil. :fOLLXMVAY'S P1L,L Invariably cure the following diseases Disorder ofthe Kidneys. In all diseases aftectlnz these organs, wheth er they secrete too much or too little water, or wnetner tney ne amietea with stone or gravel, or with ache and pains settled in the loins ov er the regions of the kidueys, these Pills should be taken according to the printed directions, and the Ointmtnt should be well rubbed into the small of the back at bed time. This treat ment will give almost immediate relief when all other means have failed. For Stomachs Out of Order. 2o medicine will so effectually improve the tone of the stomach as these Pills : they remove all acidity occasioned either by intemperance or improper diets. They reach the liver and re duce it to a healthy action : they are wonderful ly efficacious in c;ises of spasm in fat they never fail iu curing all disorders of the liver and stomach. HOLLOW AY'S PILLS are the best in the world for the following diseases : Ague, Asthma, Bilious Complaints, Blotches on the Skin, Bowels. Consmnpti m. Debility, Drapsy, Dysentery. Erysipelas, Female Irregularities, Fevers of all kind. Fits, Gout. Headitclie. In digestiou. Inflammation. Jaundice, Liver Com pjaints. Lumbago, Piles, Kheumatlsm. Retention of urine. Scrofula or King's Evil, Sore Throats. Stone and Gravel. Tic-Douleureux, Tumors, Ulcers, Worms of all kinds. Weakness from any cause, etc. IMPORTANT CAUTION. None are genuine unless the signature of J. IlAvncH K, jis agent for the Uuitej States, sur rounds each box of Piils, and Ointment. A handsome reward will be given to any one ren dering such information as may load to the de tection of any party or n;u ties connterfiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to he spurious. Sld at the manufactory of Trofessor IIoi. loway & Co., New York, and by all respectable druggists and dealers in medicine throughout the civilized world, in boxes at '25 cents, H2 cents and $1 each. &y"There is considerable saving bv taking the larger sizes. N. B. Directions forJUe guidance of patients iu every disorder are affixed to each box. Office, 112 Liberty Street, XewYork. 35!y m . C X S3 o -r c t, IS ri o o o o o x m o So g x CD to C O -r; o in s. CD CD 03 32 o T3 o 5 '4 'S3 55 E. PARMELE, SALE, FEED d- LIVERY STABLE. At the old Hyatt Barn, (lataly Jenes stable) in PtattsiMouth, Neb. Will keep hand a number of Horses for Sale. The buying and selllns of good horses made the specialty of the business. A new PONY PHAETON, with gentle horses, for Ladies to drlY is kept at the Stable. FARM E IIS CALL AND EJ AMINE MY STOCK FOR SALE. 11-yl. - ' : E. PARMELE. Great Mercantile College. Keokuk, Iowa, on the Mississippi, Prof. Wiiu II. Miller, (General Manager. Nineteenth vear. About sixty dol lars pay all expenses, for Membership, Hoard and Stationery. Bookkeepers. Penmen. Itepor ters,OiHTators.Arcliitect.Siirveyors and Teaeh ars thoroughly lined. English branches free. Free Lectures by Eminent Orators. Free Fes tival with Brass Band in College Hall. Free furnished rooms for self boarding. Telegraph ing free. Short hand writing freci ;od Iniard Ing clubs, and family board. Railroad fare de ducted. Immense business in Keokuk. N'ova ealion. Address Baylies College t Keokuk, Iowa. State where yon saw this advertisement. Uyt ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wagon. Buggy. Machine and Flow re- J . T .-.11 tit j, ttKt yentrui jvvuintf. I am now prepared to do'aJ! kinds of repairing of farm and other mechinerv. a there is a good lathe in my Miop. PETER RAD EH, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the wagon shop. He is well known as a" ; ' - - - ' NO. 1 WORKMAN. Xew 1Vxoas and Uug;gie mndc to Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shop ou Sixth street, opposite Streight's Stable. FoFest Tap, For Tbroat. Lungs. Asthma., and Kidneys. . Forest Tar Solution, or Inhalation for Catarrb. Consumption, . broucluiia, and Auburn. rorest Tar Troches, i or ?ore Ttiroat, Floaraeaess, Tickling Cough aad fl Puiifyog the Breath. Forest Tar Salve, : or Beating Indolent Bores. Ulceta, Cats, Bursa, ..' aud lr Plica. Forest Tar Soa p, or rapiea HantX Palt niietus. Skin Diseases, the Toilet and Bath. forest Tar inhalers, or Inhabits for Catarrh. ConBujnptlon. Asthma. o in hj W o o C3 . , - Vvr Sole by rlt 7rprr, , os.1 MM 0 rUj B&exfl O. F. JOHNSON, ' DEALER IN Drugs? Medicines: -AXD WAUL' &AFEB ------ ...... All Paper Trimmed . Free of Charge. ALSO DBA LEU IX Stationery, Magazines, AND La test Vnh ieu t ion s . Prewerlptions Carefully Compounded by an Kprrlf urrd I)ruj i ,t. KEMEaaBKK THE I'LACE. COll. FIFTH A MAIN SWEETS ri.ATTSMOrTH. NEB. FOR oli; Choice Wines, Liquors. BEER. ETC., ETC., -GO TO H E AD U A RTERS. ..THE Cheapest Place in Town. Families Supplied ly thz Vr-.ri. 33U P. B. MCRPJ1Y. MIKE SCH N EL L3 AC HER, Asr WACOX Klil'AlEINO, All kinds of VAKM IMPLEMENTS roemletl . Ncntly d- Promptly .0: Horse, Mulc& Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that h:is four feet, from a Zebra to a (iiraft. Come ud see us. . jsrm"W" shop, on Fifth St., between Maii: and Vine Stroew just across the corner from the sew HUALI OFFICK. i loy THE PARKER GUM SCND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROS WEST MERIDEN.CT. W. D. JONES' NEW LIVERY STA BLE, ' Tlattsmoutji, neij. - Tkeld rOXNER STABLES In riMfsmoiitl! Xeh.. lmre jtist been lr:ise1 j lr. Jmv. nntl be will open a new ami h;inlui livery u m after this lt. The flneit ami lst I horst-f and carriages always read? t let. - SADDLK HOKSKS CUEAIV Horses kept for Sale or to Trade. HOUSES TRAINED AND BROKE. I desire to pire notice that I have a larjre. handsome lr:ck harn, with plenty of room fr horse and wajrns. I can put fanners Mock an I waconn. load of grain or rivilii-K all un dercover, ii. the dry. liemeniber this. J hankinfr all mv ole pattons for their many faYory. I solicit their trail in th new place. ti.xfi-d I can aernmniodate them better and du I'CM'-r tiy Jlirm than t-rer lefere. "? L1.:Pm mm 3 U A ill- VM (W i it J win. this space it wall foe -fti!! of a xjl iiw vv ZLsT ID week. "Woti ET.ES!? ES YOU; ia-S&ES ! ! F. S. WHITE, DEALER IN LiJll LI Via. LfiUJJ ViJUUVil'JUUucJ Ladies Furnishing Goods, Dress Goods, jerfumery, Hair Oil, Soap, Paper, Collars, Ladies and Gents "" Hosiery, Queenswarc, Flower Seed, Glassware, etc. . LATEST. IMPBOYED . . t COAL-OIL LAMPS, SAFETY BURNER. Flour, Corn Meal and Buckwheat Flour. We aim to keep everything an ordinary household -needs, and will sell you goods at such pi ices that you cannot com plain of hard limes any more. THERE IS MONEY IN IT! xzzvtt rssu zxxcuneff, iss hot rmsHASis. Special Inducements to the Trade. AGENTS-WANTED . . Everywhere for th - 11 3 SEWING MACHINE ErtiH Price, $75.00. THT ABE THE Simplest, Llphfpst Running, Beet Made and Most EaliaUa Sewing Machines in the world. (Cut this out and remember it.) , , AdJrCM . - Weed genss'Kachi&B Co.. . 203 & 205 Wabash Are., Chicago, Foa Sale at - - HENRY BCFCK. DEALER IN SAFES, CHAIRS, Lounges, Tables, Bedsteads, . BTC, ETC., ETC., Of All Descriptions. 1VIETALLIC BURIAL CASES WOODEN COFFIITS O; all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for c:uh. TVith many thanks for past patronage. I iuvlte Invite all to cill and examine my LARGE STOCK OF . 40tf. FITKXITL'RK AXI COFFIXM. BEST FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA. - FOB SALE BT . . ', IX XtBIUHKA. Great Advantages to Buyers , ' .'.','.".' 1N.1S7G. Ten Years Credit at C per cent Interest. Six Years Credit at 6 per cent Interest, and 10 per cent Discount. Other I-i he ml lIteonnt Far Canh, nntl I'reiniuMiH tor Improve-. iBentt. The oim nnd Xel,rasli Firmer. roDlnlnln? full prti-iiUr. will be itMiled free to auy part ol the world on application to LAM roMMISSIOXEB. IS. A M. Ii. K. ! .ITUfcul.N. NtVKABKA fcrrxa 3. j -JmM I I I II II mm t - ' i . , : .. .. . ...3vr-! ti f I 1 r if ut r M , . : see ! SsS -u f3ZT Aa our adTcruaar haa not nania iua aOvirtt mctit altogether diatinot, w. will Interpret aad elate rate it as follow. : E. Tt, ' POOTE, MVD., Author of Plain Horn. "Balk. Medleal Cemronn ffcma Bom-hco in Story, etc., 15 Lexington Avenne (cnr. Et 98th Btrept), New York, aa Iwdipcwdwc Physician, treata all forma of Ungtrinn or Crow Dieoaei, and reneirefl letteot front ail part of tb Ctvilizkd World. By hitt original unjy of condncilnit a Medical Prea ti, he la eticcewifnlly treating namereue petirnU in Europe the Wcit Indlen. Dominion of Canada, and in every part of the United State. NO MKRCURIAIi Or drtetprions dnir nsed. He haa, dariair the pa twenty three yearn, treated raoeeesfully nearly or q trite 40,000 casn. .. All facta connected with eaoh raeat carefully recorded, whether they be eomraunlouted by letter or in person, or obeerred by the Doctor or aewciata physician.. The latter are aU erieaUao medical men. r ' HOW INVALIDS AT A DISTANCE Are treated. All invalid, at a dietanee are require to answer a list ef plain queetion. whlrti eUctte every ymptorn under which the Invalid sntfera, Ueoaa nuntMUion treated MricUr eonUtnUnl. A complete rrxem ot muttering prevent, mlatakea or coof aekw. I,iat of qnewion. aent free, on application, to any part of the world. Bixty-paire pamphlet of BviDBam o Boccrse, alao aent free. All theee tertimoniaia are from those who have been treated by mad and expre. Adtiok in omcx, oa n mail, rui ot cbakse. Ceii es or addraea SR. E. Bi POOTE, Ho. 120 Lt-xingtom Aven If. T. Wjrrfrf -to seH JTudes JPiniaKamt Talk md 2ltti'oaL Ommcn. SenstsAlsa J)r. Fcofcs Science in Story. Sr. Barger! Ionia Bowtl And File Pills. Thete pill, are an Infallible remedy far eonetipatkai ad pile, canned by weaknea. or eupprearion ot tut periataltio motion of the bowela. The very gerrUj fanreaw the activity of the lnteetinai omal, prodao eoft stool and relieve plle one. Tbwaand. have been cored by them. Price 60 eenta, -It by mall nm receipt of prioa. Prepared only by F. ALFRED RKICKAUDT. FH1MUCUT. U FOOBM Avjwcb, Kw Yobs Citt Dr. Barger'f Compound Fluid - 3xtrot of BJmbnrb and Sandal ion, The beat eombtnetien of pnrely reiretable tnedtdnel to entirely replaee Calomel or Bine PiiL It ttiraulata Um Uver, iacreaaM the flow of bile, and thu. removes at once torpidity of tht liver, biMouaneaa and li.birnal aonatipation, and the diaeaee. ariainc from men ae lyepepcia. eiok headache, flatoirnoe, eta Ta efleo kvenee. of Chi. Extract will be proved, vteiblv. at once to the patient, aa one or two bottiee are eufllcient to ataartheoompiexion beautifully, an.l remove flmp'f and ataina eaoaed by Uver nraubiea. Prioa $1 per boule. aottlee, will be aant oa receipt ot the prtca to any addreaa. free oc charire. rreparod only bf r. ALTKSO UK1CHARDT, PHaaktaeMrC, UJIW(BT AvxiruB. Hbw Toaa ClTI. . M am .i mmm an mm ENGLISH! rwaj ae a for Printers. 7 r i i Ivw Tin.. UTlA j0t. Tnka. all warraoled of Buperioc qnality. No cheap or ln ferior erode, of Ink made by ae. I J) JlXCELSIOIl I II II I I 'PBI.MTINO INK (Om i j I 1 J L.J MANUFACTURERS, (Formerly of London, KnjUud ), 184 Ac 180 nOMBOR BIT., IIICAUO, and 12 narrlBf lrat, Xw Vork., it n I ill I Ui i