Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 01, 1877, Image 3

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1 II i!i XI Jt2i it il. iJ H,
Tiausieat, 23 cents a line. Repul.-H- advertis
fa,lo uents per line. No advertisement iusert-
1 lu leas than 2i ceuu.
IsCfsA aotsoos ft Statnta rates.
Attorneys and officers of the law trill be field
reinoosILle for all IckjJ notices they band In,
and all parties demanding .a proof of publica
tion of n7 notice will be LeM (or ILe publica
tion fc of sueta notloe.
Asom'spaoe Is li raited, all communion 'oris
snnt he lilef arid to the faint, with no vast
aB WorU. -
Trak?nt. 2 cents a l!ue. Eesular advertis
ers lu cents tx-r Mno. No adrertlsia'nt insert
ed for leas tuan i ct-nw.
L Aay person who take tbe paper resalarty
frttatta pv.- file, whether directed to iiis
rxvw, or waCer tie U a subscriber or not is
responsible lor the pay.
A. If any person ordei cis paper discontin
ue b nnn pv all arrearages, or the publish
er way continue 'o send U until payment is
cmue. aad collect the whole amount, whether
tbe paper is taken from the office or not.
S. ne eourts nave decided that refusing to
taaa wipart aud neriodlcaU from tho post
j, or remvtjTc and leavine them nncailed
Xpc, to prtmm fatie evidence of itextioml
caAW. .
B. &M. R. Fw. Time Table.
"Corrected Tuesday, February Cth, 1877.
Lea re AS a. m. Arrived 8 0 a. m.
- J -JM p. u. " 3 :4o p. a.
Leaves 9 a)s a. ni. Airl vss 10 4 . m.
4p. . " :06p.ra.
S auO p. m. I :4 p. W.
199 riattmoutht:Ma-m. Arrlres Lin
Un. U -ia p. in. ; Arrives Keaxny, 8 aX) p. m.
St. Loci ExrKK Leaves" riattsmouth, Arrives, Lincoln. 6 :4u p.
riat leaves T :I0 a. m. Ar. IJncoln 11 :28 p.m.
Lsavs Kearney, o :40 a. ru. Leaves Lincoln,
lj 44 p. in. Arrives Plattsmouth. 3 :1 p. in
St. Lnci3 Exprf-ss Leaves Lineoln, T.
m- Arrives FlMUuiouth. to :Zi a. in.
r"ria&t leaves Lincoln XI :16 a. m. Arrives
rutMtiaouUi, 4 At p. -
Itapress. 6 M a- ni.
Paiacnger, (traiu saeh day) 3 :80 p. m.
: Denart at - :30 a. w.
Axrrrs at - t a. m
S :00 p. tu.
OJflllA VIA B. A M.
Arrlv at 10 JO a. m. ( Depart at - 2 :1 p. w.
Arrive at - 3 ii p. m. Depart at - S a. ta.
WKKriX water.
AirtT at l :00 n. I Depart at - 3 ;M p. in.
Atrlrs at 13 9 in. I Depart at - 1 p. m.
We learn that Mr. Jacob Vallery's
folk are sadly afflicted in tho way of
icknesa. It is with rejret wo notice
the same.
" Bryan & Chambers sold o?i hundred
dollars worth f harness in one day
not lcT.g inie, and got tba money for
it. Who says Plattsraouth Is not a
od town to do business in.
All turn out on Saturday night to
tii last meeting of musicians, to com
pltte Arrangements for tho musical
50cTention, to commence Tuesday at
10 o'clock a. m. Meeting Saturday
night ht the Methodist Church 1
k iru Per erdsr Executiro Com.
Guns plows. Bulky plows. Weir plows,
Ac, by the car load, arrived and coming,
at BufErier & Black's.
Touring, Joist and Soautling, S30.00,
i Whtermaa's. 29tf
Have you seen the Centennial Panel
pieces, painted by Frank Stadter, and
ca exhibition at CArruLh'?? - 43tf.
for 61.73 at
at cost, at -fCnXASSE
Geo Shafer still there. Geo. has
h vl bad luck but is not discouragad.
Centanrtlal Cs at F. Stadolsian's. F.
otadtor, geiiCi al salesman. Go and
5c- rrank'ii new pictures.
ifeMrs. Tnsrd. Hennett and Jno.
Uarnfes, left for the Black Hills on
Mcmdry.- Hope they may do well and
briTvj back lots of gelt.
II. J. Streight, our old and well
.i.novra citizcu has been to ste n3 once
:r.3ie. and reports South Bend flourish
ing and lirel-. Yet n. J. says he is
A.idy McLaughlin has a brother here.
Ccra to see us ar.d stay awhile if lie
ilcp?. Tie IooaS m Trmch lik Andy
we thoGght he must le a step nephew
his vlffc's (.nd fat he's siua, .IToie
he'il sUy and like r.a and we him.
, Ladles go to V sllery (fe-Drew's. aiid
Jui;a Black will fit yon out with a fine
shwl at a rery low" figure the stock
if s.vls mu3t be sold. 43t2
All persons having grain Backs be
lonirig to the Plattsmouth Grain Co.,
ate rc-iiuested to bring them in imme
diately. - Fred Goerder.
Cats, bruises and bums, are cleansed
and healed, by the "Forest Tar Salve"
A Card to the Public ,
For many years we have made two
aedieines auitcd to the ailments of a
v.t class of sufferers. Thousands of
euros have been made by them, and, in
ffact, the word failure" uld not be
coupled with item. But within the
last two years covnterf eita of our med-
Icir.5 have sprang up, dangerous. in
th fir close ira'tiui i of our Trade Mark.
"T ?--?are tl: po :)'? we have placed
tion each giuiie box of Ifolloway's
Clhittnent the s 1mil nf th srgua-tu;-of
our agent, Mr. Jos. Havuoek.
To c-ir.trfieit is felony." We shall re
l?r.mj pursue any or.e who imitates
thu 1th the utmost vigor of the law.
. We ra3st earnestly beg that 'the' great
13333 cf the American people will aid
u? in our efforts to protect t heir health,
'an-Jh?lpU3 in our task of bringing
r - ,f? r-st i"iprincipled mpn tothebr
if -Tnifornly refuse tc puv-
.!:' i Mfliciri"? rm-porUr.g to be ours
'jij'tiss Mr. Jos. rirYdoeVs siaatuwi-j
" itched to o.ic-i bo:-; Oi Pi :1a or i
Ointment. nd Aiie -f-nd will soon b j
1 :-.e uablic's cdisnt servants, I
IIollovat & Co. !
?r-i. v-3--lt.S-if-24-3-33
BENT Died Feb. 2ist, 1877. after a short Illness
JIektik, only son of O. W. aud K. K. Bfiit. of
Greenwood, aged two years aud fi ve months.
ERIGGS rebrnary 18th, 177. near South Bond
Nebraska. of congestion of the lungs, J rsstb
F.. only daughter of Benj. M. and Jennie S.
lirlgga, aged 4 years, 11 months and 3 days.
FAETUTNG NICITOL8-t the residence of
the brides parents, in Flaltsiaouth, February
Kd. A. D. 1877, by Win. II. Newell, Mr. Jkkbv
L. FakthinO to Miss Elbik M. Nichols, all
of ITsttinoiitb.
For fine freah smoked hara and fish
go to Vallerj & Drew's, 49 12
Ask yonr Grocer or Shoe Maker for
the Pat. Wood Box Stove Polish Paste
and Pat. Wood Box Shoe Blacking and
don't let him put you off with any oth
er. Tor sale by A. W. White.
J. V. Weckbach will pay in cash or
good3 the highest market price for any
amount of notatoes. ' 29tf
H - f
If you want to see business dono
satisfuctorily call at Mike Schnellbach
er"s Blacksmith. Wagon and Buggy
Manufactory. Mike has a large circle
nf friends And natrons, and shows him
self equal to any emergency in ids line
by turning off complete, any job that
comes in. A sample of his wagons is
on exhibition at his new brick shop on
Fifth street between Main and Vine
streets. Call and examine before pur
chasing. A tew City orders for sale.
The Boston Philharmonic Band and
Orchestra under the baton of Prof.
Pryor next Tuesday night will be a
treat. The only Ladies Cornet Band
in America.
Saturday, Feb. 17th, Council in regu
lar session ; five members present.
The following report wa3 presented
to the Council by his Honor, the May
or, and tho city clerk, in accordance
with instructions of city council Xov.
18th, 1876, to be found recorded in City
Journal, page 272. wherein the mayor
and clerk were instructed to fund all
city warrants held by persons desirous
of having them so funded. Mr Jno.
Fitrgerald came forward and funded
53,000 of city indebtedness, for which
were issued to him six city funding
bonds numbered 5 to 10 inclusive for
8300 each, all of said bonds being of the
second series of those issued in 1873,
and maturing on the 1st day of Aug
ust, 1873. The interest on these bonds
will have to be levied for in July, 1877
the first coupons falling due August
1st, 1878.
To Ilia Honor the Mayor and Council
men: Your Finance Committee, to whom
was referred the following, beg leave
to report that we have carefully exam
ined the same, and recommend they be
allowed on General fund;
W. F. Bennett, 920,00
F. E. White, S25.53
Musgove & Mills 33.25
Vi. F. Morrison, 20.C0
W. F. Bennett, for making
City Tax Book, 230.00
W. F. Morrison, 30.00
" " " Boarding city
Prisoners. 25.88
F. S. White, 1.00
Allowed on Fire Dep't Fund:
J. M. Schnellbacher, 2.00
Allowed on Improvement Fund:
W. F. Morrison, 8.75
G. W. Fairfield, 2.00
GOOD bargains!
for 81.75 at
Take the sensible view. Tar cleans
es, heals and cures Catarrh. The only
method of direct application is by in
haling the the vapors of the "Solution
of Forest Tar." Catarrh is a good
thing to get rid of. 46-4t
Messrs. Streight & Miller wish to
call the attention of their customers
to the fact that it i3 customary to close
up accounts at ths commencement of
the rar. As they are expected to prty
their bills it follows that they must
have funds to pay with. They would
therefore notify their customers who
have been accommodated to harness
and other goods, that they will be ex
pected to call and settle their acccounts
at their earliest convenience. Their
stock of harness and other goods in
that line is complete, and all wanting
anything in their line will find it to
their advautag? to give them a call. A
full s'ock of groceries also kept con
star tlv on hand. " - 45tf
at Plattsmonth, Xeb., commencing
Tuesday, Mauch Gtii, at 10 a
Conducted by
E. B. Geer, Prof, of Mcsic.
Tabor College, Iowa.
I bought a large job lot of
and sell them
before they are all gone.
Peter Meroes.
To the WorUIns Class. We are now
prepared to furi:lh all closes with constant
employment at homo, the whole of the time, or
for their sp re moment.-.. Hustness cew, light,
and proQtaolw. I'ersons of either aex easily
earn from 30 cents to $5 per evening, and a pro
portioual sum bv devoting their whole time to
the business, fcnvs and girls earn nearly as
msch as men. That all who see this notice may
send their address, aud test the business
make this nnparallellel ofler; To sut-h as are
not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay
for the trouble of writing. Full particulars,
samples worth -several dollars to commence
work on, and aeopy of Home and Fireside, one
of the lanrest and best Iilutrated publications,
all ent free by mall. Reader. If you want pcr
nanenr and profitable work, address .
JEORQB Stixsox & Co.. Portland. Me.
The Concert by the Boston Philhar
monic Ladies' Cornet Band and Or
chestra on Tuesday, March 6th, bids
fair to be a very original and interest
ing affair. , As we have bad a dearth
of entertainments this winter, they will
undoubtedly draw a good house.
The new firm Bryan & Chambers,
Wng rushing
Mivir ad.
Roaiember the Donation and Oyster
Supper at Eight Mile Grove Baptist
Church fur the benefit of ltv. J. A.
Iludswa, this eveubig.
The meeiing to m.ike ttrrini-.h-'nTP
for a musical convention met p'Tsunut
to adjournment Saturday, Feb. 24th.
Called to'order by Oapt. J:W. Marshall,
temporary president. Minutes of Irst
meeting were read by secretary, who
also read letter from Prof. Gear accept
ing tho invitation to direct the Conven
tion, commencing March 6th, 1877, for
the sum of $30, also to furnish copies
of music sufficient for S3 or 40 singeo.
It was suggested to him that we would
form a club of 10 or mora to make his
price good if proceeds of concert were
insufficient after paying other necessa
ry expenses; he responded by offering
to be one of the ten if any deficiency
existed. As the proposed number were
immediately obtained that point was
Mr. Windham made a touching ap
peal in advocacy of the cause, and hop
ed an enterprise so much needed, after
making so good and favorable a com
mencement, would be carried forward
to a successful termination. The
Chairman. Capt. Marshall, made an el
oquent effort in behalf of the Conven
tion, saying, among other things, that
the city was nearly ;. dead this winter,
we had had no entertainments of any
kind, and that something was needed
to wake the people up.
Convention then proceeded to elect
permanent officers:
President Capt. J. W. Marshall.
Vice President R. B. Windham.
Sec and Treas. A. W. McLaughlin.
Executive Committee A. Frank
Skinner, R. B. Windham, A. W. Mc
Laughlin, L. Moore and James Pettee.
Com. of Invitation and Entertain
ment Mrs. Thos. Pollock, Mra. Jno. A.
MacMurphy, Mrs. J. W. Marshall, Miss
Flora B. Wise, Mrs Dr. Schildknecht,
and Mrs. James Pettee.
Ordered that copy of proceedings be
8nt Prof. Geer. Convention adjourn
ed to meet in one week, viz: Saturday
evening, March 3d, at call of Executive
The meetiug was largely and enthu
siastically attended and gives promise
of success.
James Pettee.
Secretary, pro ten.
Roberts razor steel scissors, sold on
ly at Weckbach's. 42tf
New stock pf spring goods coming
in this week at Vallery & Drew's.
500 Barrels
at 62.25. at
J uiitis Pepperber?, Cigar Manufac
turer, on Main St., P2att3mouth, Neb. Clippings of Spanish and Ameri
can Tobaccocs for smoking purposes.
For Sale. Best qualities cf plug-smok-ng
tob icco always on hand. 20-tf.
2,000 tbs FRESH BUTTER.
at Highest Market Price,
Hollowty's Fills and-Ointaient .Scrof
ula was considered incurable" until
the great discovery of "Holloway's
Pills and Ointment" dashed upon the
world. Diseases which baflle the skill
of the medical school, readily yield to
these peerless remedies. Scurvy, Ery
sipelas, Salt rheum, Itch, and all cutan
eous eruptions are curable by them. 25
cetta per box or pot.
Ordinance No. 76.
An ordinance protecting the general
health of the City, and to prevent
the spreading of contagious or in
fectious diseases.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and
Councilman of the City of Vlatts
mouth. Section 1. That whenever any con
tagious or infectious disease shall at
tack any person or persons residing
within the limits of the City of Platts
mouth, Nebraska, it shall be the duty
of the leasee, ownei or occupant of the
house where such person or persous so
attacked, by any contagious or infec
tious diseases, are, at the time of such
attack, to notify the President of the
Board of Health, of the said City of
Plattsmonth, of the name, sex, age.res
idenc', and nativity of such person,
and also the disease by which said per
son is attacked, and such notification
shall be given within ten hours of the
said lessee, owner, or occupant, being
informed or becoming cognizant there
of. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty f any
physician attending any person af
fected with a contagious or infectious
disease, within the limits of the City
of Plattsmonth, Neb., to immediately
notify the President of the Board of
Health of such disease, and that notice
provided for in this section shall con
tain the name, sex, age. residence, and
nativity of the person so affected, and
all such other information touching
the case as may enable the Board of
Health, to protect the citizens from the
Sec. 3. The President of the Board
of Health shall cause the Clerk of the
Board to" keep a record of all such cas
es as may be reported to him, on a
boak provided for the purpose.
Sec.-4. The Board or 'Health is
hereby empowered: to enforce any ruP3
and legalativns adopted by it not in
conflict-with the laws of-the State of
Nebraska for the preservation and pro
tection of the citizens of this city from
all contagious or infectious diseases.
Sec. 5. Any person or persons vio
lating or neglecting to carry out tfce
provisions of sections one and two of
this ordinance, shall, upon conviction
before the Police Judge, be fined not
less than ten nor more than one hun
dred dollars, together - with costs, for
each offense, and shall stand commit
ted until the fine and costs are paid.
Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and after
its passage according to law.
W. F. Bexnftt, Mavor.
Peter Merges again cemes to the
front with a big ad".
Concert by the Boston Philharmonic
Ladies Cornft Band at Fitzgerald UjJI
Tassdav, March 0th .
Ladies' Cornet Band Concert next
Tucsvl.ty night. Go and hear them.
-,:; .i.l-u Lo his other-rr.-r.wnt
v 1-
' a! ic. in jl.wuiiiery by giving
loom in his shop to a good lavhe.wbich
t prepares him for any kind of repairing.
i Farmers and others will do well to give
him a call, as ho warrants all work, and
is prepared to make his warrants good.
- - 40t4
For Sale at a Bargain.
one block south of Main Street
434U Enquire at this office.
. Both men and beasts are liable to
accident; a prompt remedy used at the
right time often saves weeks and
months of pain. Dr. Green's Crimean
Linament and Liver and Ague Pills
should alwavs be kept in the house.
, 50yl
Various causes advancing years
care, sickness, disappointment, an her
editary disposition all operate to
turn the hair, and either of them in
clines it to shed permanently.
Ayer's Hair Vioor will restore faded
or crev. lirrht and red hair to a rich
or deep black as may be desired. It
softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a
healthy action, and removes and cures
dandruff and humors. By its use fall
ing hair is checked, and a new growth
will bo produced in all cases where tho
follicles are not destroyed or glands
decayed. Its effects are beautifully
shown on brashy, weak, or sickly hair
to which a few applications will produce
the gloss and freshness of youth.
Harmless and sure in its operation,
it is incomparable as a dressing, and is
especially valued for the soft luster
and richness of tone it imparts. It
contains neither oil nor die, and will
not soil or color white cambric; yet it
lasts long on the hair and keeps it fresh
and vigorous. For sale by all dealers.
Greenwood, Feb. 24th, 18T7.
' Notice is hereby Rive a to all persons whomso
ever, that an article of separation has this day
been given between T. A. King aud CebeaKing.
his wife. And I T. A. Ring do forbid any and
all persons from harboring her or selling her
poods on my expense, as I will pay none of
her bills after this date. (49t4) T. A. Kino.
The Arm known as Goerder & Laznby
this day dissolved partnership by mutual agree
ment, all accounts will be collected aud debts
assumed by Mr. Goerder.
Flaltsmouth, Feb. 1st, 1877.
Notice is hereby given that the firm of Val
lery & Rufh'.er is this day dissolves by mutual
consent. The accounts, notes aud bookB of the
old firm will be found at the store known as
Vallery & Rufftier', and will be settled by Mr.
Runner. All persons indebted to the Ann, or
having unadjusted accounts with the same are
requestad ta cine up and settle at once, as the
firm buk'.ness must be closed.
. J. VAM.sur, Jr.
P. E. llVtFitKH.
nattsaiouth, Feb. 1st. 1877. 4Ct4
GOOD bargains!
for 81.73 at
If you want to get your chimr.oys
cleaned or your stove polished, call on
Chas. Brown, or leave orders at John
Boone's barber shop, at any hour of the
day or night. 50 cents a stove and 50
cents a Hue. 42tf
Boschee's German Syrup can now
be purchased right at homo, it is the
most successful preparation ever in
troduced to our people It works like
a charm in all cases of consumption,
Pneumonia, Hemorrhages, Asthma,
severe coughs, Croup and other throat
aud Lung diseases. No ierson has ev
er used this medicine without immed
iate relief, yet there are a great many
poor, suffering, skeptical persons going
about our streets with a suspicious
cough, and the voice of consumption
coming from their lungs, that will not
try it. If you die it is yeur own fault,
as you can go to your Druggist W. E.
Donelan and get a Sample Bottle for
10 cents and try it; three doses will
relieve any case. Regular size only 75
cents. 46-tf.
Mrs. F. Els! cr and Miss Nellie Short have tone
Into the dressmaking business, and would be
fileascd to have those in want of work in their
ine to call aud see them at the residence ot Mrs.
Elstcr, one door west of the Saunders
House. Satisfaction guaranteed and charges
opoderate. 7-tf -
Large stock
at cost, at
The Centaur Liniments
are the
greatest remedies ever discovered for all flesh,
bone, and inuscle ailments Bites, Bruises,
Swellings, Burns, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, &c.
What the White Liniment does for the human
family, the Yellow Liniment does for horses
and animals. They are cheap, they are conven
ient, and they are certain In their effects.
Children ery for IMteher'a Cntoria.
It Is A3 pleasant to take as honey. It contains
no morphine or other deleterious ingredient,
and is sure to expel worm, cure wind colic, reg
ulate the bowels and Stomach, and overcome
Irritation caused by rah or cutting teeth.
Mothers can rest and children enjoy huaith
who use Castoria. It is harmless, it is certain,
it is speedy, and it is cheap. S8ti3
A new American and a now Wilson
for sale at the Herald Office.
Our enterprising and successful mer
chants, E. G. Dovey & Son, are still at
their post, supplying customers with
everything in the line of general' mer
chandise on the most reasonable terms,
stock kept full and complete. ' 3tf
Great Stock-Breeder's Month!.
Pablisbed at
This Great Monthly is universally acknowl
edged to be without a arrival in Us department
of Journalism. Eacli number contains 48 large
pages, three columns to the page, with a hand
some cover, and is beautifully illustrated with
eleitnnt double-plate engraving". It is the only
paper in the world devoted exclusively to live
stock and the dairy. It discusses the science
of breeding, the merits of the vsirious breeds,
the most approved methods of feeding and
handling, and everything pertaining to the suc
cessful management of livestock on the farm.
During the year 1S77. Prof. Jamea Law. the em
inent veterinarian of Cornell University, -will
contribute a series of articles upon the laws of
health and disease as applied to Domestic Ani
mals, that cannot fail to be of tfreat value to
Farmers and Stock Breeders every where. It
contains separate Departments, devoted to
Horses, Cattle, Sheep. Swine and to Dairy, and
its corps of editors are organized throughout
the entire country as the Most Thorough, Able
aud Practical writers in their aeparate Depart
ments, that can be found in America. No ex
pense i spared on the part of it-i publishers, to
make it a high-trmed, rcliahl. practical and tn
rtruet it Journal. Juat such as every intelligent
farmer and stock breeder will find worth ten
time its cost eaah year. . -
TERMS : Single copies, one year, postage
paid, S2.15; Clubs of five, postage paid. SI. SO
Clubs of ten, with an extra copy free to person
making np club, pontage paid. St. A3. I land -enntely
illustratf-d poicr mailed In cU whn tciU
gel u clul. Address letters, registering those
containing money, unless in shape of I'oetal Or
der or Draft, to
Lakeside Building. CHICAG O. ILLS.
ttTSEyp 2 Cent rn specimen Pk-.
J s
LEGAL NOTICES. ; j - "''' ... 1 f ':
Legal Notice.
In the District Ccurt of the Second Judicial
District, la aud for Cass County, Nebraska,
Jerome I. Cae and HtephenBall.compoAlngthe
nrmoi j.i.u:tAi. pia:riui-, r3 rraacs
M. CarelL Alzu?a Carre!!. Jchn Vr. Oarreti
sua Joun uarrsn, aeteiiaauid.
Francis ML Carrell and uon-r
Menu of the State of .Nebraska, wlil take notice
mat inpiainiina aoove named, oi ine b'aie oi
Wisconsin, 3id on the S3th day of January, A.
D. 1877, file their petition in tae District Court
of the second Judicial District, in aul for Cass
county ietrasKa, agaitidt t lie h-jui t rancis l.
Carrell. Alzina Carroll. John YV. Carrvil.and
John Carrell, defendants, hetting forth the exe
cution of a certain mortgage by t he said Fran
cis M. Carrell, and Alziua CarreU, to the said
J. I. Oae A Co.. on the ea-tt half (oS) of the
south-west quarter (swVi) of section twenty (30)
and four (4) acres all in town eleven (It) raugo
lourveeu u ana tu w iiaii pu me norm-west
quarter (nwH) of pcolion twenty-nine (2t) town
eleven (11) range fourtveu (14), m Cass County,
reurasKa. to secure tne payment or. o4S.22, ac
cording to a certain promissory not, miiutioued
in tho said mortgage, and that since tho giving
of said mortgage, the said John Carrell claims
some lnteret in the said land under the said
Francis &t. Carrell and Alziua Carrell, prayiux
that au account may be taken of the amount
due thereon, that piaintiHa also be allowed a
reasonable attorney's fee, and that the said in
terest of the said John Carrell be declared lnfe
rior to that of plaintiff, and that the said prem
ises may ne soia to satisty piainttns claim, un
less the said John M. Carrell and Francis Car
rell pay said sum interest and cunts by a day to
os naineu Dy tne tourt, ana tne saia rancis
M. Carrel and Alzina Carrel are hereby notified
that they are requested to appear and answer
said petition on or before tae itfth day of April,
A. D. 1877, or the facts therein set forth will bo
taken as true, and judgment rendered against
you. j. l. uahb ei fJO., oy
7R, B. Windham, their Ail'y.
Legal notice.
In the District Court ot the Second Judicial
District, in and for Case County, Nebraska.
Ernest Kupke, plaintiff, vs Jihanua Kupke,
Johanna Kupke, ef tbe City of Racine, In the
State of Wisconsin, will take notice that Ernest
Kupke, of the County of Cass, in the State of
ftehiaska, did on the 9tli day of February, A. D.
1977, file his petition in the District Court ef
Cass County, Nebraska, againft the said Jo
hanna Kupke, defendant, the object of said pe
tition being to secure a divorce from the bonds
of matrimony with the said Johanna Kupke,
and for the custody of two children now in her
possession, and tho said Johanna Kupke is no
tified that she is required to appear aud answer
said petition on or before the ltilh day of April,
A. D. 1877, or Judgment will be rendered against
you as prayed for in said petition.
Ernest Kupke, by
R. B. Windham, his Att'y.
Legal Notice.
State of Nebraska, C&as County. S3 :
To A. At. JJccbe.
You are notified that on the CCth day of March
1877, at two o'clock p. m., on the premises here
in described, commissioners will (unless vou
sooner apply for same), proceed to assess the
damages accruing to you by reason of the ap
propnaiion by tne Burlington and Missouri Riv
er Railroad Company in Nebraska, for depot.
machine shops, round houees. turn tables, side
tracks, switcnes. &c. the following described
real estate : The south (1U14; nineteen hundred
and fourteen square feet of lot (11) eleven in
oioca tvij sixiy-iuree. as snown on recorded
plat of riattsmouih City, Cass Couuty, Neb.
February l'Jth. 1877.
Ecm.ixoiON & Missouri Eivek Railroad
43t4 T. M. Makquett. Att'y.
Legal Notice. ; -
State of Nebraska, Cass County.
To John IF. Shirley.
You are notified that on the 2G;'u day of March
1S77. at two o'clock p. in., on the trt nnses here
in described, commissioners wiil (unless vou
sooner apply for amc) proceed to assess the
damages accruing to you by reason of the ap
propriation bv the liurlintrion & Missouri Hir
er Railroad Company in liebraska, for depot.
maenine snops, rouna nouses, rum tat;e, side
traeks, switches. &c, tbe following described
real estate : The east O60'i)sixten hundred and
ninety-five square feet of lot 9i tiiue. block H9
forty-nine, as on recorded l-j.z at-i'ialts-
iiinuwi usiv, tjass ;oun!y, eontsKa.
February i9tli. l77.
Cl'KLIXiifOJf A MlMOVKI Rivm Hailkoad
iiii T. il. Marqcett, Att'y.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale, issued bv the
Clerk of the District Court, In the Second Judi
cial District, wiihin and for Cass County. Ne
braska, and to me directed. 1 will on the 2Cth
day of March. A. D. 1S77. at 10 o'clock a.' m. of
said day, at tho south door of the Court House,
in the City of llattsuiouth. in said County, sen
at public auction the following real estate to-
wie : me soutu nun (s) ot tne uortn-east
quarter (nei) of section twenty (.20), in township
number ten (to; north of range number ten (10)
east of the 6th P. M. in Cuss Co. Neb. The same
being levied upon and taken as the property of
William Quinn and EliaOiiiun. defendants : to
satisty a decree of said Court, recovered by
Charles M. Kellogg, plaintiff.
i lausmoum, acu rfD. xisr, a. i '. H77.
4?t5 M. B. Cutlkr, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by Win.
n. Newell County Judge, within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on
the 6th day of Murch, A. D. 1377, at one o'clock
p. tn. of said day, at the south door of the Court
House in the City of Plattsmouth. in said Coun
ty, sell at public auction the following goods
a .d chattels, to-wit : One sewing machine, fif
teen chairs, two bedsteads, one wash stand, ope
trunk and contents, one lot of dishes and lamps
one looking glass, one clock, one stove, one ta
ble, one cupboard, three stands, one flour chest
one pair of Scales. The same being levied up
on and taken as the property of Fred G. Slerth,
defendant ; to satisfy a judgment of said Court,
recovered by Law son Sheldon, plaintiff.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Feb. 21, A. D. 1877.
4312 M. B. Cutler, Sheriff.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of II. E. Ellison, de
ceased. Before W. II. Newell, County Judge,
in ind for Cass County, Nebraska.
To uhm xt may concern:
Notice is hereby given that Annie P. Ellison
has filed an application in County Court, in and
for Cass Couutv Neb., to be appointed adminis
trator of the estate of H. E. Ellison, deceased,
and said cause is set for hearing at the office of
the County Judge, in Plattsmouth, on the 1st
day of March. A. D. 1877, at ten o'clock a. m. of
said day. at which time and place all persons
interested may appear and show cause, if any
they have, why the said Annie P. Ellison should
not be appointed such administrator of said es
tate. Witness my hand this 14th day of Febru
ary, A. D. 1877, at Plattsmouth Neb.
4713 Wm. II. Newell, Co. Judgn.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale, issued by the
Clerk of the District Court, of the Second Judi
cial District, within and for Cass County, Ne
braska, and to me directed, I will on the 12th
of March, A. D. 1877. at li o'clock, a. m., of said
day, at the south door of tne Court House, iu
the City of I'lattsmouth. in said County, sell at
public auction tke following rcul estate, to-wit :
The south-west quarter (sw ) of section thirty
(30) in townstiip eleven (l I) north of range twelve
(1-2) east iu Cass Co. Neb. The same being lev
ied upon and taken as the property of Harvey
Carper, defendant ; to satisfy a judgment of
said Court, recovered by A. P. Weston, plaintiff.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, February 7tb, A. D.
1877. (46tj) M. B. Cutler, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
"Bv virtue of an order of sale, iesued by the
Clerk of the District Court, of the Second Ju
dicial District, within and for Cass County, Ne
braska. and to me directed, I will on the 12th
day of March. A. D. 1877. at 11 o'clock, A. M.,
of said dav. at the south door of the Court
Houso in the City of Plattsmonth, in said Coun
ty, sell at public auction the following Real Es
tate, to-wit : The north-east quarter (Defi) of
section seventeen, in township twelve (12) north
of range twelve (12) east of the 6th p. m., in Cass
County. Neb. ; also, lot eleven (11 ou Sayls Is
land in said countv. The same being levied up
on and tdV- en s itie property of George Walradt
and Janj WHlrruit. defendants : to sntisfy a
judgment f baid Court, recovered by Jasper
BidM ell. plaintiff.'
riattsmouth. Nebraska, February 7th. A. D.
1877. (4615) M. B. CUTLER, Sheriff
Manufacturers of and Dealers in
Done with Neatness! Dispatch.
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