McWiv.iHMIty-EHMIMl.).IJIIII JAWU1.1 THE HERALD. 1 tfMKOWMMlHPwawaiam LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Transient. 20 ffnU a line. Regular advcrus r, K Mints per liny. No RdverUKerueut Insert- ti tor k-KS t'A.Ul i CCIItS. La Dot'rcos at Statute rates. At coneys and officers of ttio law will be neld fcn-onsihie for all legal notices they hnnd In, uiikll y.'irlies demanding a proof of publica tion of any notice will Ins held for the publica tion fv cf such notice. COM M U MC ATTO N. oar tuioe H limit!, all communications vrwt kj lief and to the point, wtl no Wuste uX word. T-rwlcnt, 25 cents aline. Regular advertis ers 10 rt-t.ta per line. No advert;-:iB'Dt insert ed for;les thu 25 cents. L Ary person who takes the paper re-.darly trvtn tlm post-office, whether directed to his tmme. r whether lie Is at subsorioer or not is responsible for the pay. a. U any person ordeis his paper discontin ued. Ins raus p:iy all arrearages, or the publish er may continue to send it until payment is nmde. and collect the whole a mount. 'whether tie pa;rr is t-ik"?n from the nflice or not. a. lne eourt have decided that refusing to Viae uswsuipers and periodiuals from the post oidce, or removing and leaving tliem uncalled U-r, in prim facie evidence of intentional mvo. B. & U. R. R. Time Table. ?wrWi Sunday, January 20th, 187G. FOX OMAHA FROM FLATTSMOCTH. LeavtM 5 t5 a. in. Arrlve-s 8 -Vi a. in. 2ip. ia. 3 -.-15 p. ra. FROM OMAHA FOR FLaTTSMOUTII. Leaves ft :a a. m. Arr!v9s 10 :24 a. m. 4 aX p. in. " :05 p. ia. soo p. ia. ' 7 :1S p. m. FOR TIPS EST. Iw Flattsinouth 9 :V m. Arrive Lln oln.lx 15 p. i. ; Arrives Kearney, 8 :00 p. ui. Ht. Loci ExritRvs Leaves Pi;)tt.sinouUi, 3f5 ;. in. Arrives, Lincoln, 6 :40 p. in. freight leaven 7 :!0 a. in. Ar. Lincoln 12 :V p.m. " ll;i-jp. in. ' 3:Wa.ui. FROM Tlli: WEST. L aTi Kearney. 5 a. m. leaves Lincoln, 12 :46 p. n. Arrive Plattdinouth, S :15 p. m. Si. Locijj KxPEKfeS LeavM Lincoln, 7 :20 a. lu. Arrives Ilattsmoutk. 10 :24 a. in. Fitdgnt leavs Llnoola 11:15 a. m. Arrives Platuuuuuth, 4 :U p. w. Verne Liiicola 7 :l p. m. Arrives Flatts moKth, 11 :10 p. in. GOING EAST. Esj:vs, 6 :C0 a. m. Passenger, (.train ach day) 3 :90 p. ra. A RRIY At. AND DEPARTURE OF FLATTiS XOU'l'H 11 AILS. xisrrr.z, northern a Bouthkrx Arriv. at - M a. m. I D"P?rt ?. f J OMAHA VTA B. & M. Arrivn at iooa.m. Depart at 1:1 p. m. VkifTERN via b. & II. Axrire at - S J5 p. m. I Dcpert at 8 :00 a. tn. WKKPIM WATFR. ArIt at K :"o ru. I Iepart Bt -" 2 :00 p. m. i9rK ct.crps ft rsiox mills. Acri7 at 12 9 ia. Depart at - 1 :00 p. i. J. W. MARSHALL. P. M. LOCAL NEWS, T!.cre will be spelling school to-night nt tlio Snyder school house. A trw Ctty orders lor sal. Sleighing id 'most over, but we've luvi lots of fun oat ot it. Haven't Ave" Pencing, Joist and Scnntling, $20.00, tJ. Waterman's. 29tf HMer C. L. Muctzs will preach at tho Court Il juae, on next Sunday, Jan. USUI, ut 7 o'clock p. m. Ilj ported lor.ver for overcoats and ilcHksi, in stock, cheap at S. & G's. Hiiea Crocker and Bennett started for Atcliison, Kitnsus, on a visit, lust Saturday, and will return in time for the spring business. FeLtr Merg( has a large and well aborted stoek of glovw, collars, cufTs, At'.. &. The "Forest Tur Soap" removes pim p'.es end Eruptions, and cured chapped hands. Ready Made WINTER CLOTIIIXG, at cost, at SCIINA-sSE & GKAMBERG'S. If the person who borrowed the bucket, dipper and broom from the jhool housa in Diat. No. 45, known as ttie Synder echool house, will bring thern nothing further will be said. Teacher. Go to J. V. WECKUACXIfl for the celebrated UARUISON ATAGON", the best in use. 42if List Wednesday night, after tiiei cloic oithe Firemen's Dance, a sleigh load of th3 dancers from the country r.ime near meeting with a serious ac the sleigh sliding oil a bridge. The sleigh was badly broken, but, for tunately, none of the occupants were injured, with the xciiption of a few slight bruises. FA!: 51 TO RENT. A of about 1CD acres, with a yujd Iiousa well and stable, to rent on reasonable terms. A pply to Wm. Wet tiikauip, Plattsmouth. U9 tf On l..3t Snnday morning as the St. Ij-.iii Et;)u v.u coining from Lin coln, it ran iat-J th? end of the construction train which w.u standing a tha track at Ashl.n 1. The eagi n2r of the construction train, Mika Djjnelly, was engigid in oupling when tha express struck the rear end wf th- train forcing the car3 together a:i.l squeezing him between them un til ho was sensj'e3s and was picked up for dead. A physician was immedi atily ci'IiiJ. au'l hs is now expected t- recover. Xo oth?r p?ison was hurt, although the exprej3 was loaded with pa-.sengeri. Winter stock of DRY GOODS, at Irmutntdy IteJuzed Prixt, It at Weckbach's. STATE HOSTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Lincoln. Nob., January 13, 1S77. Th? winter meeting of the Nebras ka State Horticultural Society adjourn ed to meet again at Lincoln, February 7th, 1877, at two o'clock. This meet ing will be devoted to discussions of fruits best adapted to our soil and cli mate, insects and other ills detrimen tal to fruit culture; fruit and forest tree hedge planting, and other kindred subjects that may suggest themselves. Also to reception and reading reports from counties, and a revision of our fruit list. It is hoped there will be a general attendance, and full reports from counties. Daniel H. Wheeler. Neb. tnt Horticultural Society. TO THE GRANGES OF CASS COUNTY. Tho M.ers and past masters P. of II., and their wives are requested to mpet at Eight Mile Grove, on Thursday, Feb. 1st, 1877, at 1 o'clock p. ra for the purpose of recommending some one for County Deputy, and to discuss other matters of importance. By request of the State Master, per Ii. Siebold. Church IIowe. January 22d, 1877. . The best of fine French Calf boou made at Merges slio store. Repairing done nice and promptly. We dropped into Ilatt's butcher shop the other day and saw a line array of beef hanging up against the walla. 1300 lbs and over of dressed lusci ous streaks of red and white that would make an anchorite's moutli water.' Att halso 'ad some eavy ' for sale. Assortment of ladies cloaks cheap at S. &. G'a. S2tf Here's what the Bee says about Sam Chapman at the late election for Sena tor : Sam Chapman created the sensation of the day. If he should live a thous and years, he could not succeed in mak ing a more complete surprise, nor stir the multitude to that depth of feeling, which his vote created to-day, for a moment after he had spoken the name of Saunders. A few pairs Full Blood Berk shire Figs for sale Enquire at this office 33-tf. .MARRIED. COX Gl LMORE Married at the residence of John Gllmore, in ML Pleasant precinct, Cass County, Neb, ou tUe 13tl Inst., by A. N. Sulli van, Justice of the Peace, Mr. A. P. Cox to Mauy E, Cilmokb. Tho most harassing symptoms of Bronchitis and Consumption, are pal liated and relieved by inhaling the hot vapors of tho Solution of "Forest Tar." It cures Catarrh. 12-t4. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. N. Shera, Rock Blulfs, had a son born to them on the 13th inst. Mr. Shera U a brother to Jos. Shera, the well known merchant and Miller there. J.Y. Weckbach will pay in cash or goods the highest market price for any amount of potatoes. 29tf Everybody Lj hatching out grasshop pers in a bottle now. Good Standard Prints 16 yards for 51.00, at 33-tf SCHXASSE & GRAMBERG'S. IN A SNOW DRIFT. On last Friday night a party consist ing of two young men and their ladies who resided south of here started in a sleigh en route for a spelling school held at school house. All went weli for about two miles, when lo! the horses stopptd suddenly and the party, to their chagrin, found that they were in a snow drift about five feet de-sp, and the horses unable to pull them oat. What a dMemrna! One of the young men jumprd out and carried the young ladies to terra firma, and he must have been very much exhausted from the way he breathed. The sleigh was fin ally freed from its snowy bed, and the young folks, once more seated, pro ceeded toward their destination, a;:d all went happy as a marriage bell. X. Th time of year for general settle ment is upon us. and as I endeavor to meet all my bills promptly, I desire those indebted to me to come in and settle their accounts. I am always on hand prepared to do such work in the blacksmithing line as my patrons fa vor me with, am also prepared to fur nish wagons, cutters, &c, to order, on the best of terms. 42t3 - Il.J)OXXELLY. DIED. TYSOX Died, at hU residence near Weeping Water, on Saturday, Jan. 20th, Mr. Matiiia Tyson. In theTOth year of his age. Mr. T. was born in Virginia, moved from there t Ohio, from there to In diana, then to Illinois, thence to Mis souri, and afterward to Texas, thus keeping in advance of civilization all his life. From Texas lie came to Ne braska in 1855, and settled near Weep ing Water, making him one of the old est settlers in Cass County. He was father-in-law to Mr. John Stine, living near the same place. ' FARMERS ATTENTION! Julius Pepperberg, Cigar Manufac turer, on Main StM Plattsmouth, Xeb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes. For Hale. Bost qualities of plug-smok-:ng tobacco always on hand. 20-tf. A SEVERE FALL. Miss Sarah Lecsley met with a most unfortunate accident the other even ing. In attempting to cross from the east side of sixth street to Mr, F. S. White's house she slipped on a smooth place where the boys had been sliding and fell in such a manner as to break her arm near the shoulder a severe fracture. Farmers take Notice! SALT CHEAP AXI PLENTY. only 82.10 per barrel. It at Weckbach's. Young, the batcher that keeps Fiih, killed a cow this week that weigh ed 1490 lbs., beat that ye butchers. It was the fattest beef we ever saw. That's the kind Young always keeps. Dried California Fruits, grapes and apricots, at J. V. Weckbach's. tf The Pat. Wood Box Stove Polish Paste and the Pat. Wood Box Shoe Blacking have only to be once used to be appreciated. See cut of them in an other column. For sa'e by A. W. White. IIollways Pills are a sure remedy for all sexual complaints and may be taken by females of all ages, who are suffering from a disorganized system or those distressing diseases in partic ular which frequently occur (from in attention at the turn of life.) They are so mild that the most delicate female may take them with perfect safety. 23 cents per box or pot. GREAT BARGAINS ! I bought a large job lot of BOOTS and sell them BELOW WHOLESALE TRICES. NOW IS YOUR TIME, before Viey are all gone. CALL AND SAVE "MONEY. Pr.TER MrR.CE. NOTICE. On Saturday, the 10th day of Febru ary, 1877, at 12J o'clock p. m., there will be another meeting of the Cass Countv Arrricult-ural Societv. at tlit of- ; lice of the Secretary, over Dr. Chap man s drug store, tor the purpose of taking into further consideration the future interest of the Society. Isaac Wiles. R. B. Windham, President. Secretary. In connection with the above notice, I desire to state in answer to the many questions put to me, by letter and oth erwise, that the five years for which we leased the present Fair Grounds has expired, and that other arrange ments must be made. Propositions to secure tl.e Fair Ground", from any part of the county, will be received in a fa vorable light by the Society the prop er way to present your claims would be by sending a committee. A major ity of votes will control the location of tlio grounds. Committees should be deiinite in their propositions, and pre sent something tangible. The Society i3 an institution of the county, in which all may have a voice and vote by becom ing a member. Don't forget the day, Feb. 10th, 1S77, at 12 o'clock. R. B. Windham. 500 Barrels BEST NEW SALT, at $2.23, at SCIINASSE & GRAMBERG'S. Our Artist Frank Stadder showed us some fine oil Miniatures, they are very true to nature. Go to Murphy's or Frank Carruth's and see some of those elegant glass oil portraits, finislted in Parisian style, by Franks aittr. 44t2 One of our Doctors wa3 called upon by .1 seamstress who felt indisposed. He inquired as to her health, and she responded very appropriately, "We'd it's about sew sew, doctor, but seams worse to-day, and I have frequent stitche3 in the side." The doctor hem med as he felt her pulse, said she would mend soon, and left a prescrip tion. Country produce taken at the highest market prices, at Schnasse & Gram berg's in exchange for goods. tf Tho Presbyterian Sociable will be held at the residence of Mrs P. L. Wise, on Tuesday evening, Jan. 30th. A gen eral invitation is given. By order of Committee. MANUFACTURE. I would be pleased to inform the public in our vicinity that I have a workman now that is ca pable of niaitiiix the finest, most tasty, and du rable L-idies Shoes and Gentleman' Boots ' n tlu County, which ire vents me from sndins cast for the tops as in former daw. I received the premium at the Fair for his fine work and neat design. 1 warrant Cis and satisfaction. l'KTElt Mkkok. OIL AND CRAYON PORTRAITS, ALL SIZES. AFTER PHOTO GRAPHS, DONE IN FIRST CLASS STYLE, BY FRANK STADTER. SAMPLES CAN BE SEEN IN . CARRUTH'S ART GALLERY. Summer a.s well as winter has iU changes, and sufferers of lung, throat and chest diseases should always be on their guard. Dr. Greens Expector ant will relieve Coughs and all irrita tion and prevent Consumption and Typhoid Fever. SEND IN YOUR JOB WORK. Posters Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Envelopes, Pamphlets and Cards print ed at this office. All work expedi tiously and neatly executed. Rclx-ris razor steel scissors, sold on ly at Weckbach's. 42tf The bcid and finest boots are made at MVrccs She Store. He received the premium at the Fair. IJltlNU IT IN. Some wood, corn or potatoes will be taken on subscription at this office. Two car loads ot line salt just re ceived from Mackinaw, bought before the rise, at J. V. Weckbach's. RECEIVED TUB for the Cnest exhibition of leather t the Fair, consist in;; of Congress and AlU'itor skins. Mo rocco, and tha linest French Kid, Patent Leath er, and French CaU-skins. and I always keep them on hand to manufacture into Ladies Shoes, Button or Lace, an'l (Jents' Boots and Shoes in th most complete and artistic in an ncr. 1.3 j j FisrEit Mekoes. Lwrce stock WINTER SHAWLS, at cost. 'at SCIINASSE & GRAMBERG'S. Messrs. Slreight & Miller are running a full team, turning off harness work in quantify. We were surprised to see the amount of work thev are making and selling. Good work and genial manners "will count. Give them a call and thev will tit you out to Your satis faction. V 30tf Many thousands of dollars have been spent in distributing, free of charge, Sample Bottles of Bosch EE's German Surcp to all parts of this country, to those suffering from Coughs, Asthma, Hemorages, Consumption, and othtr Throat and Lung Diseases, that the aitlicted might satisfy themselves, that this remedy would save from those fatal diseases. No person hits ever used this medicine without getting immediate relief, yet there are a great many poor, suffering, skeptical persons coing about our streets with a suspicious cough, and the voice of consumption coming from their lungs, that will not try it. If you die, it is your own fault, as you can go to your Druggists, Chapman & Glas, and get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it; three doses will re lieve any case. Regular size only 75 cents. Finest Canada Maple Syrup at 39-tf Schnasse & Gramberg's. By universal accord A yek's Ca' TnARTic Pills are the best of all pur gatives for family use. They are the product of long, laliorious, and success ful chemical investigation, and their exttnsive use. by Physicians in their practice, and by all civilized na tions, proves them the best and most effectual and purgative Pill that med ical science can devise. Being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use. In intrinsic valu:: and curative powers no other pill can be compared with them, and everv person, knowing their virtues, will employ them, when needed. They keep the system in ner fect order, and ma n'ain in healthy action the whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are specially adapted to the needs of the digestive, apparatus, derangements of which they prevert and cure, if timely taken. . They are the best and safest physic to employ for children and weakened constitutions, where a mild, but effectual,' cathartic is required For ale iv all Daler To AoSoSoOrs. CO. CLERK'S OFFICE, ) PLATTSMOrTfi, NEB., January 17th, 1877. ) The assessors of this County are re quested to meet at this otlice on Tues day, February Gtli at 2 o'clock p. rn., to receive blanks and copy of the -laws, and such other instructions as the com missioners may see fit to give concern ing assessments. C. P. Moore, 43t2 County Clerk. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SALE! Cheap for Cash, the following property, at the County Farm, two miles went ol riatts inouth, Nebraska : 5 head work horses. 40 head stock hogs. 3 milch cows. 1 open buggy- 1 road aso:i. 2 stirring plows. 2 cultivators. 1 mowing machine. 2 set double harness. 1 set hungry names. And other articles too numerous to mention. The above property must be sold by MarcU 1st, 1877. 13tC R. H. & S. P. VAXATTA. If you want to get your chimneys cleaned or your stave polished, call on Clias. Brown, or leave orders at John Boone's barber shop, at any hour of the da' or night. 50 cents a stove and 50 cent3 a Hue. ' 42tf A new American and a new Wi'son SEWING MACHINE for sn'.c at the Herald OiBce. AfO-VZF TO LOAX. Money to lo:m on long time, ou improved farms in Cas Co., Neb. Ofuce over F. Y . Itott man'9 Store, Main street. Neb. Citv. 353IU K. II. & J. S. MlI.LEK. DRESSMAKING. Mrs. F. Elslerand Miss Nellie Short have prone into the dressmaking business, and would be pleased to have those in want of work in their line to call and see them at the residence of Mrs. Lister, one door west of the Saunders House. Satisfaction c'larauteed and charges iisidcrat?. 7-tt WANTED! A good steady girl, to do general house-work. A good girl will receive good wages and a permanent situatior, Apply at this office, or t AY'. L. Wells. County Clerk's office. The Centaur Liniments are the greatest remedies ever discovered for all flesh, bone, and muscle ailments liitcs. Bruises, Swellings. Burns, Rheumatism, SUIT Joints, &e. What the White Liniment doe3 for the lrumau family, the Yellow Liniment does for horses and animals. . They are cheap, they are conven ient, and tlicy are certaiu in their effects. Children cry for Pitcher's Cxstorit. It is as pleasant to take as honey. It contains no morphine or other deleteriom ingredient, and is sure to expel worme, cure wind colic, reg ulate the bowels and Stom:ieh. aad overcome irritation caused by ra!i or cuttiiiii teeth. Mothers can lest and children enjoy health who use Castoria. It is harmless, it is certain, it is speedy, and it is cheap. 3tl3 Our eiterpri.sing?"nd successful mer chants, E. G. Dovey & Son, are still at their post, supplying customers with everything in the line of general mer chandise on the most reasonable terms, stock kept full and complete. SDtf TEA CIIER-1 EAA MINA TIONS. Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may offer themselves as candi dates for tca'-hers of the, common schools of this county, at ir;y n trice in the town of Weeping Water, on the last Friday and Saturday of each and eveiy month, coiiftuencing at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated this 8th day of.Iamiarr, A. V. 13". G. 1!. . KIPI'EX. 43tf Co. Sup't of Pub. Instruction. Also at the Com t House, in Plattsmoiali. on the first Friday and Saturday of each month. Ci, B. CK1PFEN. Sup't. LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriff's Sale. Dv virtue of tvo executions. Issued by C. I. Moore, Clerk ol lh- District Court, within and for Cacs County. Nebraska, tby Win. L. Weils, bis liepucy.) and to me directed, I v. ill on the 6th dav of February. A. 1. 1S77. at lo o'clock a. in. of said day. at the south floor of the Couil House, in the City of Plattsmouth, ii: said Coun ty, sell at public au-tion the;; real es tate, to-w it : Lots one (1 ). two (v), seven (7) and eiht (S) in block twelve (1) iu Voting & Hays' addition to the city of PlatU'muuth, Ca.-.s Coun ty. Nebraska. The came bcinir levied upon and taken as the property of C. Heisel, defendant : tosatis'yj iiultnienls of said Court, recoveredby Dnrtihee, McKiilop & Co., and Nclo:i . Co., plaiu;ius. l'lattsuiouth, Neb., Jan. 3 . 1ST7. 41 15 ;.I. B. Ct ix'.t. SherLT. ESTKA Y NOTICE. Taken no by the subscriber. In Rock BU;fTs Precinct. Cass County, Nebraska, on the 2d ii:;v of December, 1870, one black pony, between G ii 9 years old, about twelve hands hiirii, l:s no mark crbrands (but has been worked and as tlire is saddle and collar marks;. Signed tiiis tlth day of December, lsrfi. 4lto TiiEoDotJE D. Buck. BLACKBERRIES Are one of the most valuable of our native fruits. Cooling and as(rtn;.'ent, they form when compounded and. medicated the very best and safest remedy known for Diarrhea. "Dvsenterv, Flux, and what is commonly called. 'Summer Complaints. These are always troublesome and sometimes terribly fatal, especially anion;? chil dren ; many lives might be saved by giving them prompt attention and care. On the other hand many lives are sacrificed by the use of prepara tions containing laudanum' and other opiates. Dr. (ireen's Blackberry cordial is just what it represents to be : a pure medicated compound containing nothing injurious to t lie system, yet prompt to ciieek and cure these diseases in nu-n and women. Bein.T made without alcohol, it is the very best ai.d safest remedy for children. After this disease is cheeked the body is gen erally left worn and debilitated. A daily and moderate use of lir. Green's Bitter Tcnio will revive and build it mi. givki-r tone and viiror to the whole system, with an increased and heal thy appetite. If your druggist doea not keep Dr. Green's Family Medicines, send to the pro prietors, K.T. Hartruft & Co.. Burlington. Iowa, and they will send you trial s-uunJe.s. as well as circulars and testimanials. For sale by W. E. Donelan and O. F. -Jviinsun. 5-yl. FOR GUR Choice Wines, Liquors, BEER, ETC., ETC-, GO TO H EADOU ARTERS. THE Cheapest Place in Town. litis' Ale on drau.jht or hy the Tl t!le. Families Sup)lied ly the Do::n. C9t4 P. B. MURPHY. THUD ITetoaska Farmer. Only Agricultural Paper in Nebraska. Twenty-four page monthly : printed on heavy tinted bok paicr. Its corps of correspondents embraces the best Agricultural and Scientific writers in the State. Subscription price, per year in advance. Address McBrids & Clakk sox, Lincoln, Neb. The Nkbraska llF.itAi.D and Fanner one year for $2.65. S3.00 FOR SlTooT L1HI 'P. I I IIMIH e'ogTh All t'e crea weekly new?nij.jor of tii- fir.f ami character of i Hi-. "ltl- jfr. while 'i ai I.fc.lir;H rvstn lut Wl.OO. The Ledger Is the BK-VT Fa.rii'y Pt;r.In the United States, abty edited, hand.-.t-.v.'.-sy i.; '.nim ; containing every week clinic" -. -- i : ! . t -.-.l ries. an ir.str.llnient of an I i!:: ::i;isu:.i -d serial, and general readin J fur oi.t n .d vim;hs, for tho farmer, for the housewife. Vor nit classes. Special care is taken to n.ase it.s tone uniformly chaste and moral. Send 1. ,tad fif teen cents for postage, aud youc address to the LEDGER, CnR GO, ILT.. 13t3 CHICAGO PICTURES Cit:3 TM? AMP.n Vri A-SW 'ia. i AT fS? s'tt r;vv3 K KU '.tiir Prvr a"0 U t ! V:l L It touinlwa in c-tjo. pmci!, poxirvliier, jroltlea iJ?ti J a ti-o ol iu:.U-J e weir v. l'iaipto nm::le p.trkai;o, with rlj -nl nld-piHtdi s'-uav buttons, Rn i iii;cj f ii.iintaUo Ln.-r Sot, pin nl dn' p;.iU, 25 con".. Q packus. with Rortwl Jw- QTD; & CO.,7C0 Ercadway.N.Y e-t:c:r; It c3. Tr TJ.OV o COi: tlN AT.'OV. Tar fc npi I'eucii. I'onlio.utT i m: in, J rM-r. I't: kr!f. cmr.i n e.;-t.or, rn: t rav.i r 1 LfLcr, t-ui lu lcI,lno T'irrj. I r..u.r. i I St K. ; irTL.-iais.C'i...'.: , cS l.o"U !! Eyes. I a:.T. a-aii' 15 t. tc. fuifi rr.inr.utn iwnrU, U I tfvl !c.i.e! l. - an! w! I la r a ur,.!l.a. A-wtU r- :a:c I'-iR. y :u ..v I; !, t;,, ,,lliip nice t-::. Knr..p., 23 tix r..r R . l -i-,. r.;i:,.., v ;-oatinc- t.i Ai-un . H-nil f..r mn. 1 - - ru rnvu yjur iZlxlVLV., Bimz & CO., F..LHCii Z'jua v.yLr., coirs, cr.-jT'Z'.o.cs. i .lir!-T.?iT3 Trz.a'.v i, or:3 (-.'Jinf ifi i-r.i.'n. I arf'.-w r.'-';i ', p .- i :C: o.i ia tvt jm:ps Tiie SL Louis Fan Peep, Patent Meta! Lined. Thes3 Ptuxtria aro net ezcelled ia flnicb. cr trorkmsnsliip, and th.o Gbjoctiona to tho cori noa Y7 o o d Pump caused by tho craduel vcariric cf tha bero 13 in this pcnnp obviitcd V.rr r. mofnlltn fnrn? J tf. l-'cr Ucscrlpcica end Price. jjf- address SemplG,'Eirge & Co., BANVFACTritEPS O? AORICI'LTTTR At, TMPL3. ilii.NfiJ AJ.U bl'lClALTlLIS ISUAH-JWAiiK, 13 gonih SlnJ-a Strict, St. IonJa, 3Zo iy FltOM tato la Ut tnprr yem rcd tbia. 1.7: ' !.":AfTZTi-tc h '--cHt-'i'- ::' --A'Cs; -'CvT,y --cay I lit ULinUiiV- i I I lb Ijtr.rA'irryi t.r- if-rs'i" ni'Trf.1 illiLci.Li.J '..- ..ii.L 1 u : Litwl oufc any i iri '3 i'or capacity cr quality of -v.-orlt, cro cilcrc-.! t - Luyo?3 iJLi sr vlth eovc rI vainabia ?:-pr: r;-n-t?. ' 3c Bcrit3tiT Frr p:4r':! T;iU bo fur nice ed 0:1 ftppi'.o&fciou, fiii'i ctocl? will bo lijiX ii JLouiu ior more convtT.icr4: dt-iivory. Psr ties in Mico'u;;, ncus.s. Uottva tm IJ.uuo'ss, Tf ;:." ."i't t:tn Txr ritcvits will cc-rchpc-d witli jnoifjr .' QTPrr-- or inrto I J w j it 11. tii I ii. 1. : ,0 1 . L'J J i o Itc-fn rnsj'r "a what !t.?." yea rce Vdj r.i. v-- :.tft.:.ui. WHEELER'S PATENT THRESHERS AND GLEANERS, fKRiSHERS AND SEPARATORS, RAILWAY POWERS, f-'rriurpctvj-ed by tho "Wheeler r- ii z 11c!j Co. , I i'c-w York. ' V.v convenience and cheap--t of delivery to South tern Trade, a stock ia kept ' "i PLE.BIRQE&GO.. . r..rjr:i m.v.i street, st. iou;s, r1 c.a oricM ihcnlJ be eiJdrrased srrli'ta, rr;il ple.fe cifnt'.ri Ir 13:3 11 K 1? "cfi-vS, " 1 ''"VIM OlitlSATON fc.rTWO tJ tA - J Uroacivvsy, Ww Yc.-k- frf. V ? -1 ': T y i -V..-vV,-, i . I it-vt.'- -r r ' ' J&i ' kil'v-.V-v 1' :- t i s iy, -. 'VX''f p l j'.-'vrr-.-------v ---i: i TIib St.Lonis Gloljo-Deniocrat PEOSPSGTTJS FOn 1877. THE FA VORITE LEADING NE PAPER OF THE WEST. Uaily. Trl-Weelily, Keuil- Weekly, and Weekly. The success of the Gbrbc Democrat Mnce the consolidation of which it is in fact and in name the product, has been such as to excite univer sal comment. Its circulation has steadily in creased since Its first iKsue.and lu general busi ness piospcrity has kept pace with it.s circu lation. Thus encouraged, its prurietors are determined that In the future no effort will le spared to keep it in the front ratikof Western Journalism. Poiitcally. the Globe-Democrat Is a supporter of the measures of the Heputiilcan party, believ ing that organization to be beft adapted by lis principles and policies to perpetuate our form of i;overnmcnt. aud to secure its administration in a manner best calculated to promote the good of the country. The popular demand n not only for an organ of opinion, but for a history of the time some thing that will come fully up to the poet's idea A map of busyife. Its fluctuations and Its vast Concern. In this respect we claim for the Globe-Democrat a reputation second to that of no Journal in the West, yielding to no rival in our efforts to obtain the :icvvs, aud to present the same iu an attractive shape. Our aim is to publish a newspaper adapted to the wants, tastes and interests of the people ol the Mississippi Valley. To this end we pay es pecial attention to events happening la Mis souri and the adjoining states to watch their progress, and to assist, in so far as wc can, in their developeujcnt. The Weekly Globe-Democrat, Now aa Enlarged Octavo of FIFTY-SIX COLUMNS, is emphatically a paper for th4 people and es sentially a Family Newspaper. Coutaiuins as it does a complete suramarry of the latent and of all th important news from ali parts of the world : a uuir.berof Editorials on current topics ; a carefully selected and interesting Miscellany ; valuable matter for the farmer, housewife, mer chant and mechanic : the latest and most relia ble Live Stock and Crop Keports ; a Financial and Commercial Column long known as com plete, and more reliable than that of anv other paper published in the West : which, with the especial attention always given to the progress and the rapid developement of resources or the Great West, can not but make the WctKly GVtite Democrat a most welcome visitor to every fire side. Rates of Subscription, Postage Prepaid. Dally, seven papers per week, per year 913 00 Club of five. Dailies, per year 55 00 Sunday Daily 2 50 Semi- Weekly .Tuesday and Friday .per yr. S 50 Semi-Weekjv, in clubs of Ave 15 00 Tii-Weekly (the Semi-Weekly and Sunday Daily), per year 6 00 Clubs of five 25 00 W KEKLY, per year 1 50 A copy of the 15X30 ST. LOUIS BRIDGK EN GKAV1NG sent (postdaid) to each subscriber to the Weekly, on receipt of the regular sub scription price, 81.50. AH Subscriptions Payable in Advance. Agents wanted at every Post OT-ce In the West. Send for circuhir, fcpecimea copies and special rates to ac.vnls. Send subscriptions, at our risk. In registered letter, or bv money orders. Address GLOBE PRINTING CO., ST. X.OTJIS, MO. Illustrated Priced Catalogue. Fifty pnjTDS r.C0 Illustrations, with Descrip tions of thousands cf the. best 'lowers and Vegetables in tho world, and . the icay to grow them all for a Two Ckxt postage stamp. Printed in German and Englisn. Violi Florai Ualde. Ouarterlv2."eavnar. Vleli! Flower and VesetRhle ;artrn tCe. In paper ; ia elegant cloth covers, $1. Address, JA.MLS v iCK. Kochcster, X. Y. Centennial Meat Market. German Sausage Factory ! GEORGE FICKLER has again opened out with a new, wholesome, clean BUTCHER SHOP! On Main St.. south side. 2 doors east of Par mele's Livery Stable. Steaks A- Sausage. iJotwf & ft'h. Chickens t Cutlets, Stem & Stuftno, Meat for Money ! 35tf All the tlme-f ome and see! E. B. FOOTE, S11.D. 120 Lexington ATenne, Cor. E. 28th St, NEW YORK, An Independent Physician, TREATS aT.T. FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE, AND HECKIVE3 Letters front all parts of the Civilized World. BT B t CXICMAL WAT CF CoiWiii a Helical Practice HB IS TRSATIXa lTumerous Patients in Europe, tho West Indies, tho Dominion of Canada,' and in every State of the Union. ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE. Tta aierenria! medicine or delelerioni drains uwll. IIn during the pant twenty yerm treated biioopkv fully nearly or quite 40,000 caamc All f JCt con nected with each oaae are cnrefnlly recorded, whet'ier thy be oommnnicated by lct'r or In person, or observed by the Doctor or hie asbociate physician. The latter are all edentifle medical oi-n. AU Inmll.ts at a distance are required to answer an extonded Iixt of plain qucrtions, which will be furnished by mail free, or at the office. A com I'leto (tystem of regi.-tcrinu prevente laixtnke ot confusion. Caao bouka never connIted, cxcpt by the phyaiciana of tho establishment. For free cuTisu'r.itioii aend for list of questions. A Bixty lvjge pamphlet of evUtcsccs of cecr rent f i ee alio. Address Dr. E. T3. FOOTK, Box 788, New Yr. ACE NTS WANTED. D. Footk is the author of "l!niiri Ctit to Bknsk. a lxolc that reached a .' n'atior of over 250.000 copied; aL, ..f "IXa:k Ilosi;. Talk," more recently pvblishci, which fc M-t to the exU-ntof 70.0O0 copies; also, of '-ScikN ?. IX SionT,aioh U now beinf? pnSUshsd iu scries. CONTTCSTS TAtI,F cf all, excepting tbe tirt-nipnt?i,ned worx i'liVa is out of priet), will be ecnt free ou n plira'-' n to eittier Dr. Footk, or the Ksmy Z'.V. ri' iaj C3apiS7, whose c":oe i l-'.l ilust 2t:!i Stuil. AKcntH lth men and wnni nanr-,1 t- the fi.rpjoiD3 works to horn a lilit-val r.r.'.i v,Y bo aliowcj. The beinninjrs of f,.r"'i' tave beca made in selling Ir. FocTrn j ni ' -t works. Pr.Ai)t Home Talk" i pa.ur;; .-.r.v atapted to ailuln, and " Scikkck is girai " i jtrH the Milnir for the yonnir. 8 nd for is tei.i' tariiHi and en fur jonrelv. Tin former rw a nm'tiUidi: of question which laSw. and K'lit't men feel adi-licaTTbnutaskfnjpof il-cir pl!j--u-:au There U notliing in literature at U like mth-i ef the fogins works. "EcikA-r-e Ii Stct.x' cci on'y be hai ut ar"s or of th.' Vafriii-if. riA!X Il-U iAV" is l'tbl'S,.! J- n . ek. ulx rn-i t e.iran l.aniut. Cnce utrre . ' AOrP.trR A AUOVK . ' ENGLISH I IUI IlllllUlde 'News. Boole and Job Inks. all warranted of Superior qnality. No cheap or in. f erior c-radea of Ink mad ( by us. U EXCELSIOR I i MANUFACTURERS, (Formerly of London, England), 184 & 18ft MONROE ST., CHICAGO, Aj1 13 Carclajr Street. Kew York.' II I i HI 1 a ii ii i uuu HARK THESE FACTS. The Testimony of the Whole world, "I Fiad no appetite ; Hollowa's FBU (rave me ! hciirtr one." "Your Pills are marvcl'ocs." I en4 for auovhur bux, aud keep thorn tn the house." "Lr. llollotray lias cured my huudache that was chronic. " 'I jjave one of your Pills to mv babe for chol era morbus. The dear little thi'ue got well ui a da?." fMy nausea of a morning I now cured." "Your box of llolloway's Ointment cured rno cf noise in the bend. 1 rubbed come of your Ointment behind the ears, and the uoUe lias left." "Send mo two Ijoxes ;' I Vnnt ona for a poor lamily." "I enclose a dollar ; your price Is 25 ceuts, but the medicine to me Is worth a dollar." "Send ine Ave boxes of your pills." "Let me have three boxes of your pills by re turn mail, for Chills and 1'ever.1' 1 have over 2o0 suen testimonials as thet,,but want of space compels me to conclude. For Cutaneous Oisordern, And all eruptions of the skin, this Olr.tmclit t most invaluable. It does not heal externally alone, but penetrates with the most tearchibjE effects to tue very root of tho evil. DOLLOWAY'S I'llLLS Invariably cure the following disease Disorder of the Kidneys. . In all diease afteetini? these orjrnns, wheth er they secrete too much or too little water, or whether they be afflicted with loni or gravel, or with aches and pains ttettled In the loins ov er the regions of the kidnevs, these Pills should be taken ni-cording to the printed directions, and the Oiutult lit should be weli rubbed into the small of the back at bed time. This treat ment wfd give almost immediate relief when all other means have failed. For Stomach Out of Order. K medicine will so effectually Improve fhe tone of the stomach as these Pil.s : they remove all acidity occasioned either by luteinpemnee or improper diets. They reach the livsr and re duce It to a healthy action : they are wonderful ly efhcaciou in cases of sp:ism in fact they never fail in curing all disorders of the liver and stomach. IIOLLOWAY'S PILLS ar the best kno-vn in the world for the following diseases: Ague. Asthma. Bilious Complaints, Blotches ou the Skin, IVov.els, Coiisuinpti n. iJebilitv, Dropsy, Dysentery. Erysipelas, Femsile Irregularities, Fevers of all kinds. Kits, Gout, Headache. In dltresiion. Inflammation, Jauxdire, Liver Com plaints, Lunibazo, Piles, Kheunmtism, Retention of urine. Scrofula or Ring's Evil, Sore Throats, Stone and Gravel, Tic-Doidureux. Tumors, uicers, wormsoiaii tiuas, w eakuess irom any cause, etc. IMPORTANT CAUTIOUT. None are Rcnume unless the signature of J. Hay pock, as agent for the Uniteu State, sur rounds each box of Pillx, and Ointment. A handsome reward will be given to anv ono ren dering such information as mav lexd'to the de tection of any party oruaitiescounierfiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. .So!d at the manufactory of Professor ITor.- lowav & Co., New York, and by all respectable urug'sts ami dealers in medicine throughout the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, C2 cents aud S each. fcjflThere ia considerable savins by takins the larger sizes. X. B. Directions for the guidance ol patients In every disorder are affixed to each box. OCice, 112 Liberty Ktreet, XewYork. 351y THE PRAIRIE FARMER, (Established lMi.) The Leading American Agri cultural & Household Weekly, For Town and Country, For Old and Young. Recoznlzed authority throughout the United States and Canadas upon matters of General Agriculture, . Horticulture. Floriculture, StucK-IiaiKing, Poultry, Dees, dc. To which are added departments of General News, Kecord of the Season, Youth's Miscel lany. Household, Literature. Markets, etc. Published by TUE Prairie Farmer Company, at Chicago. 111., in handsome quarto form of Eight Jargs pages of six columi s each. Terms $li.oo year in advance. Specimen copy free to any address. Libeial cash Commission allow ed to Agents, who are wanted everywhere to organize Clubs, and to whom canvassing out fit will be furnished free upon application to PRAIKIE FARMER CO., Chicago, 111. zmziiljIk:. GOOD FRESH MILK, Delivered dally In AXT PART OF THE VlTI", BT ams Mumm & Co. BEST FARMING- LANDS, IN NEBRASKA, FOB SALE BY 176 XEDRASUA, Great Advantages to Buyers IN 1S76. Ten Years Credit at 6 p;r cent Interest. Six Years Credit at C ptr cent Interest, and 10 per cent Discount. Other Liberal nineoaut Fr Casih, Rebate on Fares and Freights, and rrriulams tor Improve ments. The loiva ind yrhratslia Farmer, containing full particulars, will be mailed free, to any part of the world on application to LAND COMMISSIONER. B. A M. R. R. loyi Lixcolx. Nebraska SjSjej To the Worltlns Clms. We are now prepared to furnish all clasfes with constant employmentat home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Business iicw, light, and profitable. Tersons of either sex e:isi!y earn from 50 cents to $5 per evening, and a pro portioual sum by devoting their whole time to the business, iioys and girls earn nearly as mich as men. That all who see Ibis notice may send their address, and test the business w' make this un parallelled offer ; To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home and Fireside, one of the largest and best Illustrated publications, all sent free by mail, leader, if you want per manent and profitable work, address George Stinsox & Co.. Portland, Me. STR EIGHT & MILLER, Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES BRIDLES, COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly on hand. Fruit Confectioiierys A-SD Grocery Store NUTS, CANDIES. TEAS COFFEES, SUGARS, TOB4.CCOE3, rLOUR. Remember the place opposite E. G. Dorey's on I-ower Main Street. 21-ly STREIGHT d- MILLER. 53 s -t - n CD -t 'I & W . O 3 S W 5' P v. .Tt "i fi W Of? 3 s y s 2 2 7t : 3 -5 2. ?5 B. e 55 5 a 35 2 3 S.2 ET CD "etti? 3 - champion Store of THE WIT. DRY GOODS, DRESS aOODS. FALL GOODS, WINTER GOODS. - . HEAVY GOODS, FANCY GOODS: Notions and Trimmings; VF ALL KINDS, TUB GRANDEST DISPLAY OF -STAPLE AND Erer sccr. In Cass County. LADIES & GENTLEMEN I Kow is your time for Bargains an1 to male a Money aud make your fainlll7i coaifortable. Al It voult bo Imposslbla for u to gfvf con; pleto list of rrices in this space, we shall onlyV i?elet a few, and assure youeverythlnff else li equally as cheap. WnATA iOLLAR i ILL! )1LL ) JOLLAR VILL GET ; 20 yards of Prints not I'.andtrd. 14 yards of Prints choice standard. 35 yards Ol Bleached Musllo, yd. wld.' H yards of Sheeting, very good. 12 yards of Bed Ticking;, good. . 12 yards of Ducking and Denims, primed 12 yards of Cheviot Shirting, ia yards of Crash Toweling, solldl" 6 yards of Table linen.. 12 yards of Canton Flannel. 12 Handkerchiefs, extra, neat. 11 pair Hose, men's, women's and chlldren'sT 8 pounds Cotton Batting. I7Xsw fisok af ths4 Fiarareat Wool Yarn, white, best ia o.arket too " colored, " s5o Felt Skirt , 750 up Balmorals ..eo np Shawls, latest styles 76 u Linscys i0 up Ladles' Shoes fi.oo up Carpets, Hemp 25c tip " Ingrain 00c up Brussels tl.lOc tip .Waterproofs, splendid 65c up Ladles' Cloth, all wool., fl.Xe up" CLOAKISGS, chinchillas; BE A VERS, BROADCLOTH,' CASSIMERE3, POLON AISE, All wool, Double width, all Rtylea, colors, qnal-" I ties and low piicos. ' Empress Cloth, All wool reduced from Kc to 60c par yard.: PLAIDS. Full lino of latest styles at 15 per yard. ' NECKTIES. Fall style, very flno, 2Sc up. Blankets, Comfort In great Tavricty, from Jl .23 op. Cottonades Heavy, ISO up. Black Velveteen,' very fine, 65 cents up. Flannels, Pure wool, 20 cents up. Ladies' Hats,- well trlrsmcd, $1 up. Gents' Clothing, AND Furnishing Goods f In great variety. Boots, 2,25 up ; Shoes, 31.25 vp; Hats; 75c up; Boys' Cetps;40cup; Socks 5c per pair tp; Linen-finish Collars, 10 cents per box up : Men's Undershirts & Drawers, 50c a set, vp." Full lines of Cloak Trimmings, Zephyrs. Can-' vass. Alpacas, Delaines, and all the latest styles and shades of goods too numer ous to enumerate. Trunks, Valises, Hand-Bagsy Big Assortment. VA LE U RES, SA TINS, TURQUOISE'' AND SILK CORDS, RUGS, AF GHANS, LAP-ROBES, ETC.' Vast assortment of SILVER WsRE, PLATED WARE $3 5,000 Worth of Fall and Winter Goods, of every dc- seriptlon, must be clod out this wesson at Hard-Pan rrices. Everybody Invited to call at tSe STOBE ; And consult the mouarchs of salesmen,' Solomon & ITatkaiv . ., riattsraoulh, X?' JTZ-Large Stock cf Kbrse Biak$vs? r