4 i J III IWI I I II II ! Til E HE HA LI). HOW 1 HE VOTK SHALL IJKCOUM'Ll1 The New York Tims h..3 maile a careful review oT pree-le nts. anl from nil hiitory iipun the subject deinon eiratts that tho I'lesitlent of the sen ate lias to perform tlie simple duty of eouuliiiK the votes us received, :u;d an-nuurK-iug Hie result t tlie two Houses in joint session. At th lirst election ef President under the present Consti tution, the- following is a copy of the record: Mr. Malison, from lite House of lnrrert t'.vt", I!:iim H't'lr"-"-.! t.i" tv-u.-r.e : "'-ir. !';; : I an; tli.-vctc.i ly the ili.uvooj '.r i--.i-t:itsvs to iniorrn il.e M-iiaff ll.i.l Hie ill use bY- agreed thru the not i'iciici s 'f the !: tiou ol the iYe-iili'ut and ice 1'ic: iir::t of .4;e United M-itrs should l.e tmi'Ie I'v mum rm, e.-iJ .i f-iclt nuiiner, ai (.':; .Se..".:Js"i.( iH.j.l.ar ed Of uii tcL" At the second election of Washing ton, John Adams as tia )re;.idii!. ofueur of the Senate, and announced Im-j own election as Vice President, wliiii four years Inter he counted and Announced the vote by which luui-i eit was elected Preside!!', of Ihe. Unit- j ed SLjia-s in one ot tne closest conu sis that has ever taken place. At lh fourth countin? of ,;ng of votf3 j Jefferson and j tlieri! was a tie between Jimr, and aitimnn toe lormer w;.s Vice Pre i; ii'ii t and oise of :h-3 candi dates, no attempt was made to prevent hiin from counting and the announc ing the vote. This is a Deiaoeiatic precedent that we. fancy the party would not like to treat with disdain. When Monroe was elected in lyiT, an incident tccurred which in the ac tion of the joint assembly proves that the excle.she business is to hear the announcement of the vote as counted hv the President of the Senate. It was a3 follows: AVialf ti comt rrof-eeu'n';. "r. Taylor, of Now Ycrk.:fie ami, ii;I"Ircsv;!i-4 1'.-v SfTKer of f l.e Iln-if. obj, (!! tlif vi'.t of ll"i!.:n:' bf iui rta'l xn! rj-i'Hi v'i!, tiie (cr;:n.l tii;L Ci v;L-;uot .t s:.'.i.i !! ill Ui.i.Mi. " j.a. tt i-n:mi'y ii!'n.it?a J!r. 'i'.yl-r tn:;t l.r v.:- out o! ttrtltr ; tii.il t:if two lini i v 11I to be prcria at the c:n:ii:;i:4 ;t tl'.o e'.M !. rl vote. ;tini tiiur v!iii .s- ai ti:i;: 1:1 ji.i::t nn'ft tn tt:fV culiciiiisS'l'r 110 firojiUoii n:ir jn-r-fom :tiiy fcu"ii! -:sa l irc:HTi'.:Oil by the t'we Litutiou. -Mr. i'ay!r Xie:i:-J .hpiI to t'i-,i ! mi his jni::r. a S'-nnl'd-prup'ioii ill t: t!ie 8n.itrflthtJni'.v la orilvr t pv--1 n fln:-.i- -piinu.niv ir co;isu!T;ii ititi. 't he U'i:-e a-'il-HiVy niifer, .".11 : tit-- ret-i; ( ih.t e.:fiT-riic- rat a i:n;ii"i to ! j.-:i.i.r -; y )-! ji:ii l!r. Tay!r's r-ili;:iii w:is aj.rI i ;i:niifC M:iiirili:'u!.v." J-'it:t ic:vi-rii i': ro:"ia- t'e.l. ti" ooii:it r-io'-f lioii. aii!i in vi'I tf 1 't. i a:m eouiite.l by t!; i'rs'.ii-.it of tiie :iat', asi l tt: r-N::lt. :i iiMiitl. ileciUic.S by lam, cai fui t!-T int-rru'iiii). In 16a a question aro?e as to tlie le gal iiy of the votes of live ulet tors who were deputy postmasters. The joint committee of ths House and Senate,. composed of M'ssrs. Thomas, C'a'.nbre leng, II"ed, Conner, an I i.yoiis of the House, and Messrs. fJrun ly, Clay, and "Wright of th? Senate, reported that thiy did not fetl themselves author ised to recottnnend the rej-cion of t!ie t-littoral votes, of tive eiettors who were Deputy Postmustcis. "the ch'n f re iso n Wing that it w ould be a very dclieuto power to be exercised li tlie part of Congress to determine upon the qualifications of electors of Presi dent and Vice President of tuw Unittd states." The committee distinctly intimated that it "belonged to the Electoral Col lege itself to judge of tfieqnaliwCations vi ils own members." At later elections we 2nd th.T Demo cratic, leaders to be strong advocates of what tSieir successors are no w clam oring to set aside to aecompa-h revo lution. Tlri following is a specimen: At tli- !"-t inPftiii of t,-zr" t' .:., t t'i xi:e. i; !!.; Hta tl j.V f iVin nary. .I-.-.Ut-livis li:v;vii-fi' to b." t-l!.T 0:1 t y.'Vt ! fir Si ii.ite, !. rj- M. li.i'bts. VI- I . 1 i -dciit t.f tlie United Sm:. Wiion two 1 1 ..-- cs had :ue'n'oi.'il, Mr. Uulias u-m:i1 this s:u;3 e:r t 1:i!i'r:::".'0 : 'In nlM-tCeni'p to !,w, tti" in ' r.ivl l'-;'e of Kf" .ri"tpni.;ilivi's liuve a-;- eoi i:'d cm t!:e pri-s-nt iHv.viivi. so t'litt I m;iv tiiliUi tip ti'iiy e;i J.ie.cil iivi hie by t!ic t'"ii-i;i u-:ti. ' In .irisn c r to a suites' rn in M Mr, s;e;tnr.' aho;i: :(lif.li:ii th rt-Milium ol llif tvtaln-. tin- iff i-fiii'-iit tuictl I's.it iivi tii.iiion w is in r dsr. ati l t.oa ! ot.'iiT mo of ;.in'fM 1- be a lci,'- l hut tli.it poiiiJfU out oy tlis Cv.isril .;i.n of the l'.il'i'l M iti'-. As if to put a final nail in cofTi x of those Democratic pretend-rs as to the power of the House to interff-re against the rulings of the presiding tf iicer of the S'-nate, we have Sunset Cox as authority for the following: Su.itir Wa'Ie !iov-a to ilis '-ns with t!i? r;id;ii4 (f ev.'i-yt!t:nz in tiie :;::":.- it i f li.fl Eli-cnn.-;. e-cjit !'. re;t!t of the r ::. at tiiu Ja.ut intn li 1 of Co:j-'ri's- in 11 bn: 5Ir. S. S. l"o.X r'-iiiin.'l-'il Mr. v ;ij J t iie (."nnir that it whs not rorn;eient for ilii- Joi-.t eon v!r. in:i 10 h:ivp ?tiy melton sti:tiii:te.l, hi wl.ii.-li oiu'ou tlu Chuir i.t otn-e ctiii-iii red. It is thus beyond qii-'stiort that the history of such proceedings under our Constitution is conclusively to the ef fect that the President of the Senate counts tlie votes as received, an.? an nounces the result to the jint conven tion of the two Houses, and if any can didate has received a majority of a'.', the votes he has been declared elected. Mid has been inaugurated accordingly. China jo Post. HOSBI JOINS SilELBY. The Ex-Con Merate (Jaen iiia Chteftain STill Fight Tor Hayes N; !bpe of Peace f r the Nontii l'n Jer Tiilea. ITrotn the New Ytrk H:rrCn. Wasiiixcito:-. Doietn'oer, 20. "If," p?.td Col. John S. Mosby to a reprcsen tive of the Herald, who call's 1 to get iews of the crisis, there shall be n.ny lighting as the result of all this politi cal business. I shall bj be found on the side of Cren. Grant atid th? Ailniin 'stration. I have read what (len. Miel by sai l to one of th;: Herd I corrrs jiondents in St. Louis, and I .stand pre cisely where lie stands. He? proniis s to raisn a regiment in Missouri tt sus tain Gen. Grant if lie tdi.ill inaugurate Gov. Hayes (tliat i3.if it shall b- ncees sary to do so), and I will undertake to do the same thing in Virginia in less than twenty-four hours." Col. Mosby was entirely unprepared for the cueslions to v ditch t:e above answers were given, and he spoke with n readirtess and emphasis winch cer tainly carried with them the convic tion of his sincerity. He was sitting in hid odice at the tiuio an hum'de little otnee looking out upon Judiciary Square and the City Hall aud inartistic fltatue ot" Abraham L,ii;coln in this city. The distinguished ex-Confederate practices law in this city now. bat does not seeut to have rn re business tha i ho can attend to. I mention ltd. because there aie a large number of people who believe that his devo tion to Gen. Grant has brought him fortune a? weli as fame. Such i3 not the fact. Mosby is a g -od talker; not very iluent. i erhaps, but what he says is generally worthy of attention. His intelligence is far above the average of what may be found in Congress, which is not, al ter all. much afa compliment. The conversation continued as foi lovrs: -What, Colonel, do yon think of the pres'-nt.condition of affairs?" "Well there is a great deal of Demo cratic bluster, but that is all u use." -IIow many are there like youiself in Vircinia who would support GenerT al Grant in the event of trouble grow ing out of tiie inauguration of Hayes?" "There are a large number in Vir gin Li who would support Hayes. I do not know anybody th"re who wants to tight on the Democratic s:d;. I think Daves is fairly elected, and I could not Truthout stultifying myself, refuso to support lata by fighting, if necessary, to uo so." Th conversation then drift?! into Mosby'a nttitude toward the Admims Jdrrition during the lust three or four years. "I first met Gen. Grant." said he, "in 17? II v treated raw very kindlv. I have always been a war'in admirer of his ever since the close of the war, and I think the tight made on him by the Southern white men has been the great blunder of our Southern politics. I have had many conversations with him, and I know that ho was able and willing to do more for the Southern people than any man in the" Uni ted States, if the .Southern politicians would have permitted him to have dune it." "What was your idea in j'our coarse toward the Administration?" "My idea was to build up a party in the South opjvosedjo tin s?cti -mal dis union Democracy. Tiie South for the last ten years h is suffered und-?r rainy vi!s and grievances, and the cans? of it ail ha been a 'a ii I South' or, rath er, the attempt, to make a solid South. I think that is tue cause oi ;;JI tin mis rule and misery And for this reason: ! It has driven the white nun of the S-mth inta one p.;liii:ti p;ri y. in aih antvi with the Xirllun,(,,P?' mot-racy, and it lias solidilied the negroes 0:1 the other hand and given that element a i)nin:inei.c iu oar tn-iiiics wincn u nVer would have hud otlirnyh Ajruin the solid so'tilli idea has aotn:-dly ; combed tiie negiue m States sui t districi'3 where thev were in a majority to lid;? possession of the Government; ,;t oniy that, it lias compelled the Ad ministration to he on th3 sidy of the negro, and thus given color to thy idea that (Jen. (iran ? was attempting to ele vate the negro over the white man, when h never had any such purpose." Col. Musby then went on to speak of the policy of ths Southern white lead ers.. The"poveniing idea of the Southern politicians," said he, "is revencp. They would not be willing to accept anv leneiits from th Republican par ty." They have the idea that the Dem ocratic party, if it comes into power, w ill play toe part of an avenging Ne mesis; that through it they w.-ll get indemnity for the past :n well as se curity for the future." "Supps se the Democracy comes into power, whttj advantage will it be to the South Idorot think it would 1-r? of any advantage in the end. There would be. it reaction i;the N.'.nth against the North, juid in the North against the South, which would biing b;i. -k all lie old troubles, itnd for the ne.it ve or six years we should be lighting c it ad the old butties. I think that tinder Hayes, en i!h basis of a:i honest ac ceptance of the war, the .outli would get eve ry thing to which .she is fairly tiiiiihd." i"ou believe in driving the carpet Intggfrs from power anil living tiie ot tievs to the white people?' "'es," but af tiie present time the Dtinocratic politicians are in favor of the c:ii"pft-b.gt-is. To. greatest oi-l'enct- (ijn- (.ti.iul can c:n:n:t in th(.-ir evesislogixe a .nit'uviu gentleman il.i ollice, becttiMe it th piives theta of all ground of coiirpluint. Cat p.-t-ueg- l I gery would nave uis;i; pe;ti ed l.oni me Sou-.h loiij; a'o unui-r tii'ant lu!- lor Ltie w o.it ... i .. : . . f ; ... . oiiice under him he wa.. ustracizel so- ciaily aiul every otiier way. lie be ciue tin ikuthvw in soeiaty. The South ern politicians have been acting ever ?iuce the war exactly its the c.aiiet haers v.'ouUl liiivo them act, mid keening up this war." t hen you, is a Souiiiern man, have more h;e umii-r Haves than under TihhnV" 't'ei tainly I have. Under Tildc-n I look for four Years of confusion, dis cord and strife." 'Vhat h tit temper of tho Southern peonla ttivvnrd you?"' Very I itter'aml vindictive. As :;n evidenee of it, here i.s an editorial from a Dein.jcr.iti'j nap.-r in Culni t.-r, tii Ulati c: r. which was sei.t i-j iue to-day. -Tiie Warivntun )eiiJe are d;wn on all Itadic.ild. Col. Jofi.-i S. Mosh- ha.- rem vel I i; lamiiv to v. a.-ninton, his foilisli and unwise course -1V11. caused ad itis sl 1 11 ieu ls to give him the cold shoulder. It is well to say that his family were much beloved an in.ercslin lot ot children, ignorant ed" their father's course. The "War ren ton people are not unkind. If a man is a Itepublican const icii' iously for instance a Northern man who set tles there and is disposed to go about his business qnietty atid act tiie ent.e man he io coutteously and kindly treated. IJut for these Southern Rad icals who Siave al ways professed to be with their own peophi and then turn round and co with the Radical puny, such individuals are. held in contempt and ignored almost entirely, 'which is proper treatment, uu-l is Itiuj Jjuz all ortr th" South." CV1. Mosby hi! 1 deep stress upon the italicized words of the above extraet. "Tlie social ostracism of the South," said he, -is the. terrible u capon itied axrtinst Republicanism. You will not see it or feel it whilo makiuLT a thing trip through the country, but it exists, and even few br-iva men ran ?tand against it.. To f,ivt you air illustra tion: About ten diss ago a young man in Richmond, who was one of my officers, a brave, gal'au. fellow, asked mo to get him a place under he gov ernment; I hat he was alui..s in dis tress. I o!ta:iitl u position for him in riuUiy:td. Iiy wrote hack tiiat he could not tak it ;ind Jive there. That is the spi i it -of the tfou it. To say so will m;;k them howl in Vir ginia, but let them howl.'' Conjresiinicn iiuddie. Interlow ia t':c New "Voik Iltrxd. "First, the in ve itTgatiag eo:etnitties vill present SMeha n-jiort that tho re publican leaders v.iil 1.1 ike no luitlier opposr.ion and allow 3ir. Tiiu?n to be inaugurated ; r. second, they wiil pre.-; sent such a report, that the moderate j democrats will oncwl. ihe flection of ! Haj es a:t.i cllmv hiui to he in.tugurttt- j ed : or third (and laid i- ihe most i prohalle course), the committees wiil present opposing reports with ie3-.i-inor.y so voluiuiiioi; that not even congress will luve time to digest it. and we shall have u propositi m to re fer the question to .-oaie outside .tri'.. ti ll d. That proiH.iion will fall, hist, because there i.s no provision n th constituuun or pvcc?d''nt for it, and second, because in the struggle of par tics for advantage iu the composition of the tribunal an ngre-'ir.i'nt .vould be iaipo.s:;";!. !e. 'I";ji3 being the situation, t he senate and ht.-use wiil racer, ;:nd the president of t!: sena wiil count tha voto and drclar? Hayes elected. The r. luiitiistration will sre that lt is inaugurated. There will be no t rouble, r-vo!uf io i,no war.and tor t hese reasi.-!is : TIu dn.rocr.ui- tirtv i3 a Ntri ii, 'una it)iifti J:ii 'iic ;v vo'p, ;inl h.t-s s many vtint.is in its favor, tluit its tiii'tiijih four ye.-trs Iicnf" is :is rrrt:iin r. tvrr ;:nythiacr will In?. The li:a.kT3 of the party will not le likely to to do anything which .vouM throw them back iiito t!iir old c ;idi!io:i ef a. hope less inhtnrity, by inaiujuiMtiiit? rebl li':i. Tho South will be traitijuil bo cai:;o i-. know wry well that ti e in evitablr ev.d of a resort to fore1 would bo :i rouniitl norih. T-jon nqiiin. Til dea's t'!iiiH'itors in his party will not ba very sorry to st-n him btatVn for Ids suc-cess now would nu an lus success four years lien. Abv all dmncrata are not mot e tinxious to liavo tiu ir ! sons ahot down than are rpuh'liean3. j All trie interests ot" tin country lie in the direction of peace. "II can No." ."White the 3ioux murderers were here litis week, one of them strangled into Miller & Holmes' planing mill. He stood in the door a few minutes traziug on the bustling seme, and wondering, doubtless, -whether the government; would issue such a mill to each uf his band. At length hi3 curiosity got the better of him, and the gentle savage approached a circular saw that hap pened to be running Pt that moment at the rate of seven thousand revolutions per minute, and as noiseless as all Hie sewinir machines combined. lie saw but a piecj !' bright steel, and ins un- tutored brain giaped at the enigma as to hti'.v 111 tny ki:iv(3, ai ow-head and brenstpiittt s th I'-i-e or in igut F.ieri ;t.sisi hi 5 i rain in W'OUiil make. To . solving the eo-urrlr!:i, t! p. ac; a'.!t-s cptivesaw. deft lingers rf;si"-" tin t! to see how ;hh:k it w is n;-o:,;;hl an i Ji-avy. The. iiilerview was very brief. It didn't crowd a half minnt- c;' sec ond. There was a ru-th. a thadow as of a ilejiartiug child of th;? forest, a blanket, the instantaneous fia'h of a pair of moccasins, and all t.he 1'ng'ish tht was heard was tied up in the sen tentious -"Heap no." .Our rpporter picke-1 u the three fin gers, about two inches in length, and they are new on exhibition cr for sale at the Sidney 2V7 'yrapli olnce. My, but won't that red devil have a lime ex plaining to his s;i;nw3 how he man aged to miss those digits. Ivak Amateurs. It wai the Abo Ilivve, the. famous librarian to th Du're de l:i Valliirrc, who mad the f .-1 lowing cla'isS.Vatio.a: A lliUio-iu'iy.tn is one knowing in title pajvs and colophon."., n l in c.Ii-tit-n-s, when and where juinted. The pre. s. s whence issued, and all the uii nul ue rf a book. A Ilihfb i:rajn is a deei iber of books a;id other literary arran-ments. A JiiiUsri:i -tn? is an iinlim hamate accumulator, who blunders fa mer than he buys, cock-brained and purse-heavy. A Jii'oIl'itH?, the lover of books, is the only ono in tho class who appears to read them for his own n'ea-ure. A Islhl'fi!cp7ie buiies his l ooks, by keeping th- in undt r lock, or framing them in glas-s c aes. A Natchez etli or gi)t so personal that, ihe ci;i::e:n had to shoot him and appoint a new on". To remove grease spo s in books cr paper, place a piece ,ot blotting j;'-r on the under pare 'of tlie leaf of the ljt.-i or paper, sp.inge or woo and. with a pn.ee ol U cloth -rub on the grea.-e s;.ot a smad quantity or ben zine, and the grc ase w;.l-tii import an-.- h'.ge or country wh. re pnbi Lined can not be estimated. The lioiiio m-'as is s::nev:i;!g tha; people cannot tlis;.e:;.i3 v, ith :ai 1 whk'h they cannot buy -.e-where. An exc.'ir.ne thus fairly pre- hientH the quest ion: T.-r variou.; iva- news at quite low rate. Families can he luruir.hcd with a knowled of all tho world for two dollars a year and postage Hut there is soruethinir they cannot buy in New York or JJordon local mailer out of which home int?r-e-t and enterj-ris? crows; it is the lo cal nevvspijver which gfus at thvT knowl edjtf of particular necessities to the value individual persons nl mean?. All the improvement: l.-eia in our small cr-nters become important for ces by personal :i;;Iic ttioti, and of public Vitliii- )y fos!erin;r eare and attention tif the h-:d jues-s. Then the local press is such at individual power as canuot'bi' easilv swun into line to j the help of .'l;ih otitiue purposes. A j town's interest arc ail closely inter- woven with those .f these home or i jLtans of individual expression and r. ii... l .r lect ti ese iv. I til ll tit. dailies are like the housewife who neg lects her own tires ide for the cares of other people." -J p 1 1)4 i. O i i . II E PEOPLES XL IVSPAPEP. r:T-r A. pTPT ami nBZ-S'Z.'". UEl'VJiLWAX In rOLIK-S! A Popular Xcwwptr, a d'. i'or iu Lctiy iion-, tr r.ut:h 'f c.-i':: ic Vis- : a t 'tat :i' f ta i' i i.-il i l,.t- 1 js kiiK-.vii It, ti.p : iii" it;.--.i.;j'nii-;s;i.i I i i:a.' of t;ir V'.; l i.t I . IV! -ti:-' ite I' ai.r.-.s u.-tftali-r . t:.e 1 it. Ii l.hS. (Ilil ta' t!u; p;r-.t I liU I Vi-Iits t' ii. a- .::m.ir Sf ll -l- til-? ti'i 1 ;U ill t. i t : . :.i,:i o . iuntii a .ili iii .. n it it lias gained for it thou.ttH'!it of Erknds iu the Lo'jal P to p It of tlit Xvi tliirt. Ii s:uv!r:.t.ei! tit' sm-ct'ss o ttiC - HEPUJiLICAN PARTY Pi:t at ti!'- s-i;ar lint i' !ibs at 1,0 :ij:iiior t'X-t-i::ia:.rtt ;tt ta.'.:, or i-;t" v ol linoo .i;I:ia X'.i.ii ;.:: i y 1 .- f ov;-:---:u;r t or tr;iii r:-s-;o;i. ii i:is '.u-v:- Ii ine.l ; siiV ii- m vvUsa it ot-ilct'd t' ! t:a- p.-tU 'ttiiry. nor :o i.-l it i-..:,cis ui i :!" (i A .i.ir.i'!-'.-: ..o in t.;-j t'.itU.f, l'ft wii l.e it'll;, in jioaiii-.j iu Vror f v:rryio; t ut In th?- kittr the L'ottfititutioaa! A;n?ud;:fitt$ that irtrn j o,i,;t , t; 7i' ir U'lL byjisulLoti will rr-nt-JfC UtiS :oUulf-J to 2ro-.p rUy an Lfn in:ial aouniin;", mitrntl t'u sn-i.htiy or arbitrarily ' lis iwltistriul pnrmiti. It !;.:;. t':.1 I.' ii.i::i -.-.a r.trly i c:;p:.Mf of tli-::- ; ; ;.:.. -a til ct-i'.iaa.. to Mij-'i t it itiie 1 !i i.i.i.; -i.y e!icit-:i'ii't to l't;;ii.i its iiie-ii,''- j In :.!! V. huiic.-:.y tU'pnrttiu tits th'.' TA wiil le tin- NEWSPAPER, Aiul vh;:e l-i i.-iir a rlsiiiy ri'i-x f ct iif;. It w;l! l.-v.-. ! .'.. : i:i:'.i!ii;iin :t i-ii:;; ::i-!'r li.r it- i-i-t.t y ii!i; y;o.il t: sii- that v.1,1 Mufcr ii :i:i itffv;it;.i)..' hi CV.Ty wi'il-iif.'i'l-ftl" J ')::u. Its i-.-'-ti.:;t! v.ni t? pur;:eil it evi-ry i:i Jf.'i-iii-y. ;m.l )- -li.-y i r wiii buy any tt iis .nji;i tr ta:' jiiai-v .f uuy i!.i'i;iii.i!:.t:; or Intutur&i cj.il- in rr.?!i'tn nPft t" f.cces.silii'i of !''p tinic. tiie ;i t.f th I'l&t liuvf l.-.-it it; 1 at t.if lmioi iPi; r:tt-' i-It-It t;i:tr.'(' if 1 XU ie i in' t l llr'v.l j; r iii tiie iiiV. f y : ItAIf.Y. Pi 0;;c Yertr . . :-i v M jit I:m i icf -i.Liri t',.. ....... . ; I'ai-.l. 57.10 l.TG AVKL'ivLY, lost.ix! 1'altl, Oi:' C 'T-y. . :.r.. . .'. it. !!!..' .'f 1'ivl-, :mt. yf.;u- 'i Ki'is i-f i ,"ii. i.i.e j l ur,. J-i t l!.;-- nl I'wciUy. iii:r j.ir iii t'.i;i if 1'iiiy, i.i' yi'.-.r, ';f"iejirtt t!i !-. rst rau-i t-vor offtj -.! lor ,i UiM-t i tv w.- illy' jijn r. fMr;: si i'.i !. ;i': w !! Ii-..: lt-.uilft: ln.l ...7'o. . . . ,ir. )-. . ..O.IC. . ..'.d.: tlif leave cr. :.-i v. ;:r l : i: f!lll V .Hi ll ,-.t till' r- t!n(.-t' j:n:l 1 r.K.i-s : ii t!,i'.,-.iii ;t!. pf.ii. 1 cs 7" ti-s.ts, , f .Ji-."iM;:i ii.r rut) 1)1.0 J'f.ti', iK'rt- U.,t.iA:..l. - .klluit'.NJ Til POST, t ;i?"-l 'II. STSSIGH-FS .'XV. i'ecci and bale Stables .Corner tii.iv&ntl IVarl Uts. , : . 1 ,IOI:3S RO.UtDKD' BY THE. - ' . nonsEs douoht. .? j- lj i n F.r n i-'air C'.'i.t:iilss;'i:i. MM ALL' HOURS. TUO'iTifi' sifOt'U. 1 .Vi.s-'-A liar" fi'; nisl:etl srin railed f ir. :ppear. ov T:iTers to t!;e vil- hbbMe8 rrvGPRiiToit. DEALER IX HEAVY , '-"ir -t. lrrt l i.--. y1 "t r:-i s-.-s ft i 4 r' A L" r---:?-.y r Of all Sheetings, Canton Flannels, fotton Bat tings, and Woolen Goods. jX - . . mm n-m 9 f.'-v " n;-D" r", r i f i rr. ? f j fr'? r f 'i 1 inehrcivtj IMPORT ED IJ fCA ?'&R, For GROCERIES PROVISIONS, Ui AtLi;iviS. C-.-'lVee ?5lo(iha, Java and Rio Arbuck Ic'.s Celebrated Roasted,' ami iine Ground 'OlFees. 2 f . r tt "iif.-.'.-i'i. O 1 I I 111 , J . t neys iainj)-i"n:iCiL, i'iti;. A II J i.ijiljjt i IvJ'J 1 CiiU lu -lit "i-JLiillJ J 1 luuUt, -A. IEnT T T 'O H 1 F ovie and lizainiiir ( y v O : M- ri-:.Mt 'l- "-'l- 2. Tttut. Ic-vn. on I t)ti MK.tit .;!. ('.-::". W.ti. :l. lliilt-r. f :!(v;il :.t.t:u.:.r. Mit.'t"-:t! v;ir. Airt;t MTty lt.- ! I.t:"i .' ;:M rviM't sc-:. fm- ;.T "Kdsrd i :;n 1 Si.-ii -i ry. IV ;kk viw-ri. 'eiin:i-u. r- ; t -rM. inenlnw.A ri:'; !: i-ot. 'r 3 m :i i;.t '!"-. vU - t; u'.i ;'.i!y l'i.-!-l. K :.''i;i i.lviiiir irr-e. !. J .! ty l"ii!::Oiit r.;tor. t- n u '-Vs-t ..'' -vh 1 !'r;i.v in ( V-"SU Hall. !! : lurvi'-i.fil v- nn for neU ' :.!" Tei.'t-raeit- l;eh,i :.!,. .i:ylHMir. ItHtJrnn.I f:ir ,e- a.tctrti. li itr.evsi. lt: .iin-v-; Ivf.,kiik. nvj- radon. Address Urty!iesr'lP!. KeoStut;, Xuwa. Stale where you saw tins H'tvcrtU-inent. liyi '? P'P?."J (? J.! F:i7Z) & LI VER Y ST A BLE. At thP ottl !!-,:. i:ur;,. oat,'y J,s' staUtc) -laad h n:iiii!ita' ot oorses ror sale. T1s livi:r.: .-.ua sc!!5iv; of jrnott horses made vsr7.ir .'i rTf?i t '. 1. 1 - k i X" js. i W Ji 4 ris !iars.s, for Li-sV.c to drive U kept .m s;.ta:o. FARM -V.'.S' CALL A7) D EXAMINE J1" -S'Z'C'S'A" FOR SA I,!!. 11-vl. E. PAHMELE. O. F. JOHN ON, Ii:.!.E!t IN v AND j-tifSci-. !V?:- ICl'I- & ,T.y: ' -? aiii.j'w:;;:.". ; f.'i.'.- r'- ", A! fi'y.. Cliargo. AL?0 DEAr.nii IX wr S - CcmT -V fc.S JAsb" "1 KHMn:.ir.Ka rtu: placet. C(7:. FIFTH tf- J.i 7" Y REETS Pr.ATlS.'.K.UTil. NKI1. MIKE SCIIN3LLBACIIER, IIOUSS SHOEING, and AViVt m.i AlUi.-U.. Ml i.;n,h nf mended :ltlV d- PromnWl . q . a v i 1 ft-. i 1. t t -. .. i . a , . lit s'l irt. .v""l! sho anythina tli at lias f.'r iVtt. iroi.i .1 i-br:t to a ClirafT! Ciil.H' ai.d S". v.. jsr--rav shop, I't l.iSt I..tuccn Mniii i:-..i 1 !::'.! C'- t ai-rosi the riir.iiT frt.:. ific yy.w liV.UALI prrr:. !:'t i!l just OFVJCT.. ? o Vi-zil'Sk. " 5 c& vA SCY kinds. . r e ic & TJ &3 st "3 T Overcoats. t : i. -i ; j.y ' fi t? s v. Ii" ' t.i, m t vt' " "? 5t Uip .Cbi?n- t ' oar Slock eftire - tore 1877 h b & m i- fci pt j r rr-'.i ' ?3? iz t- v-- VV-; X.: A-L 1V J?u nil a x'mfr . 7 tst ' ' 77 n tj- j w f f BCFCK. Ui-'AI-I-tR IN ! Wti h riui Am tt (s ki C IT 1. -." pit i T C L0HBg8S, iTlOlGS, jjCCiSteaaZ, 7 ' VT(. T., KJ ' ' ' Of All Descn'ptiojis. I TTPT A LL?C BIT 11 A L C'A ;: i """ ' . '" ' '' ! v v Vw-" -Li- 4 L.' j- ..J Of at! st'.es. r- ty tn.td and w.td "hef.r fe oaii. -vvitli r.i:tuyihp.:;ks for ;: p;:ri!:-j. Iinv;t. lovilf all to l-:i!1 and ex:t:i,i!!- ry : i. vitGi-; wrorx or 1 4 .uf . f r :: : t r t: : a i co r f a . ROll URT Day HELL Y'X AND C.T'."" sC i Wjytiu ,'. 3fa hto- oa-i Plow re-p-yirinj. tr! , ur-ral. jolbinj. PETER I El -JEN, iliooU1 VZi-ron JLnlcor !::.:, : -:. id tar- v. n Us tvli ta,vii a ' 'ev '.V.-t.ri'n JJ,j:iJ- h: Ol der. id tin i.jron tiix. o Shun on Sift'i m :-"i't. rmpi!tt Streiijlit's StfiliV. ' Hatt the Butcher :; o:mv tnor fiiVei' t?.;i f!r-!:l ?id iV-r liU "tftvli-ps to tli"" i'iMit in liiolil fi'ml, lif!;treil to Ft.i'i.inU Ihe t:t:et ot 7. " 6? i.4 -".. ..'v',. 3-aj 0AK15. . FI3II, & FOWL, -V ST SOX. Th'.r.Vft:' r :'tst ji.trrivat:'. T Hfllcft a rn f1n:i:.tii,j of tlit-'-iM.'. rTt-ie J'iIiihim:' lrsijs i-1 ;n, Mititti side M:dii stre;, I'iKtitiifoutd. -N- l'Vl- ,!Ar7 tw a VUV For Throat, Long. AitliniA, nd Kidney. Forest Tar Solution, or Inhalation for Catarrh. ConaumpUoa. 7 Broiicbiila, and Aettiaia. forest Tar Troches, Q or Bore Throat, HoawofU, Tlcltltng ConeB B PurifyiUB tbe BrealU. orest srarssaive, or Hyaline Indolect Sores. Ulcers, Cbu, Eorra, and tor Pilca. forest Tar Soap, or Chapped Haodn. Salt Etteiim. Bk.la Dlaeoaea. Uie Toilet, and UaUi. gorest Tar Bnhalers, IT or Inhaling for Catarrh, Consumption. At-thma. , I Jtr 5af fry afl Jrutiotat. ' it Tx V '' 9. 'Ui.-f 'f-- -.. r- -.--'."-- it-v-n-g y'-i-r j;r . : ?v3,Ii JfcT.-.T't-?.,c:, i i la M.-V I &steri2 k53i, f Boctt ais'd ffly w Anl always keep en FOOT-GEAR FOR YOUNG and OLD. BUTT OX AND SIDE-LACE, FOR CITILDUEX, HISSES AXD LA DIES. SEWED FIIENCH CALF-SKIN BOOTS, and Jn fact one of the most complete cumortment in the country for the XjO"W possibla. szticzns ii ii2kri5 J43SIlC asCRh Coins and be Convinced. Mty TRY A BOX OP Tins AND JCHESTEHJr. YOU "WILL USE NO OTUEIt. P for 'Printers. p1 mil !fSnuUsDTrriiS! M yUg V 1 lerior grtuiea of Ink n-ad EXCELSIOR fe-itJ fei IraiHpRKfTIXO ItNfC CO.. yiaL4 feJ MANUFACTURERS. (Formerly of London, England), 184 A: 180 PIONItOE ST., CHICAGO, Xad 12 Barclay Street, ri.;w Yoris. THE PARKER GUN. SEKO STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROS . VEST MERIDEN.CT. ilj .i'H. Ctv nfoii daam i v? 3 vwy "T S3 s a g.te 123 An oar bdvarUMX ia-M not nuula lus KdrertiM. Kent altoRcther riivtinct, will Interpret acd eiatn, rate it aa fullowi : 33. . rOOTE. 3r.T., Author of Plain Horm Titlk. KedicAl Common ScnfM; fc-!rno in Pturv, etc. liO Lexington Avunne (cor. Eat 88th Stieetl Kew Xork. ar iNDEpi'.SDfwr Piit.ioiaS. treU all forma of Lingering or Chronic Pis-HM, ana r-ot'ici letters from all part of tha ClTItJZKD WtlllUJ. ! By t.is original way of condnctir.fr a Medical Prao. ' ticw, he i miccen-ftillv trest'ntr unmrrena pationtu In Koronc, the YVeitt Iiidiei, Ioilnlon ot ' Canada, and in every port or t!.e umua btaua. 7VO MEUCTJItlAL Or drtetriotis drn nse4.. He ba. dnrinir the part tweniy three yearn," troausd unceKSHfuily nearly or qr.it j 4U,(M0 ca. All fnrt connected with each ca.e ara , cart-fully recorded, whether they be onmmunicateil by Imt or in wtwin. or observed b tfce Doctor or hii asvrlmtn phynciana. The latter are all adentiflo medical ctn. - EOW INVALIDS AT X DISTASSE Are treated. All Invalids at a distance are quire to answer a li of plain qnertions, which e,tcirt every iym:U)m nnder wliich the invalid ruCTer. All com. munkiUiaa treatat mlricliy conUUtUtai. A. ctmipleta ryste.u of revfiterinte Tevenie EiWmke or eoiifnsion. List of qiietior.a sent free, on apiJication, to any part of the world. Sirty-pae pamphlet of EviDEscas ot Process, aluo aent free. All these tmaimoniaU are . from th.ise who have oeen trcmtel by Mail and expresa. . Advice in ofkiok, or bt maii, rsur or catnas. j Call on or address I DR. E. B rOOTE, ! . go. 120 Leiingtoa Ave., ff. Y. Bi .. ' lu r i ' m 1 i flurried to sift. DrIboies Tlafn Jfomt Talk and Xxdieal CvmcTcn. Sense: Also 2r Feocs Science in Story. TerTarttartars address . IuifiiilWishiniCoraiiyji9E2SaSh 1 Dr. Berar's Tonla Bowel and Pile Pills. These pills are an lafallibla rrmrdr for conatipatfem and iiU!, cause.i by weakness or aiippreiln of th peristHitic motion of the bowc'.s. Thot 7 fremjj lnnre&w the aotirity ot the intrstln&l cnnnl, prudno otc stoom and relieve piles at ono. Thousand have been cured by them. Price 50 or lit, aeut by mil on rev :.- of price. Prepured only by F. ALKKED KEICH.VRDT. Pharmacist, 404 Fotmra Avascc, Kiv York Cm. Dr. Bsrger's Compound Flaid Extract of Khabarb asd Dande;oa, The bent combination of purely TPeetab'e rnedlcit to eutlraly replace Calomel or Blue Pill. It ftlmulii the liTtfr. Incri!i the flow of bile, and thus removed at onoo torpidity of the liver, biliotvtaees and habitual ronipti'n. and the diaease arising from eneh u Jypeiisia. sic5t hffd;he, Cittulrnce, etc. The fctTeo tivmeM of tnia Extract wiil be proved, visibly, at onoa to the p itient, ai one or two bottle are sufficient to elar tho complexion bountifully, and remove pimp'es and staina cuacd by liver troubles. Pri- St per bottle, fi bottles, S5. will be aeat on rewipt of the prioa to anv aililres. freo of chsive 1-ri-pared only by F. ALFRED RBICHARDT. PaxaXAZiaT, 4C2Fo(KS Atkscb. til Yotut Citx. There is pnsy in it! Exempt from Ziecntloa, ani Net PcHshble Special Inducements to tha Trada. WANTED ETerywhere for the) WEED FaSuTj tod ZaaiLdsmg 01 ' 1 Km ir 1 in 1 n net .1LAIJJlJJMJ-jCii Eotall Prloe, $76.00. THEY AEE THE Einplest, Ugttest Knaning, BeitKade and Most tellable bewin j Hacrir.ea ia tt tot.l (Cct thl out and remember It.) addreas stifl r t I SI lUxauwv Veil 283 & 206 'Wabash At-, Ctkego, UL 70S SA.LB Y Stylo 3. - -..,(.-; ' - V, j, -: zr '1 1 Just ReceivedCar Load of -AJESTXD BUBBEB GOODS. rccelyecl the Pretnlum for the Ifcrjeet and bst MtMiittucat of AND TIIE SEST AND FINEST OF hand the best cf 5! grades cf CASS FPICES ilyuiottoia: w Xo trouble to show Coeds. P. MilG-ES. BIS S5 :Z I F. S. WHITE, DEALER IX WM DOjS jsJmTad oT,;rjDiD goods Ladies Funnhin.r Goo : --, ; '-io-xla, IVrlumery, llai Oil, Soap, Paper, ."oJmv, Ladies una Gents Ilosieiy, QiTt'en.svrai e, Flower Seed, Glasfl'.vare, etc. LATS3T IMPS;OVS ID COAL-OIL LAMPS, SAFETY 'BbRHER. Flcur, Corn !Mcal and iJuclcwhcat Flour. We aim to keep everything n ordinary hotisehold tH-ed:;. and will soil vou o'oods'at such prices that you cnmiot com plain of hard times any more. This Llachino is ou'ered to tho Public Upon its IvTcrits Alono. Its IJrfltt and Still Running QuaKtir. m l lis SEf-ThreaUny NcR: and Self-Reyulaiiuj TtivsvjiM, make it the Must Desirable Machine in the tcorld. FRANK CARRVTH, JEWELER, AGENT, PLATTSZIOUTII, NEBRASKA. iUcncral '.alcrn Office, D. A. KENTON, '212 Bouff&ae Street, CranSia, neb. liana yer. fc .'(.. -" - 1. --' --S.A. J--i -'3. .-.,-- -.' if - . j . . J'' ; ":'m i t5 A . ? . t ja 4 a A v 1, by tlie iirnt "2 ni-i:iiw ami It uli. V.'.tr zts;JM. Iii't io Try a ti American Or can if jou tluy. PEESCOTT i5c HILL, '''. - P "t f ir? 'It '"'.i1 T- 1 Slaoe Ieatlaei? LYON'S ! events . rf" j-ZZZC t7i V 1 cV.l 31? ES ! ! 0 , SJQli T 1 In GrS,S.rT1 V. r.J- A 3 Vs. - -. 'ttV.V..' " I . -. a a. j( : S . I General jjgeiit, c5 7 j COLUMISUS. XEI y j i i ii lyiim . h U s-. til Eli mm )i (j 0 I ) r TV 5. V 1 f I! Jf 1 1 1 1