N . 1 1 Ii O T H E- HE RALD. OCR FJIONTIEtt CO. LETTER. Afton, Frontier Co., Keb., ) r '- December 13th, 1878. - J Kd. IInAi: I arrived safel j homo on the 10th ult., after nine days travel, found all things (except corn piles, po tato bins, &c, &c,) looking lovely. Oar cattle have not been fed a mouth full yet, and are almost without excep tion, sleeked fat, how does that com pare:.with afEaira ia Cass County? There stock has been- fed probably 3 months, and' very many that I law, looked poor and shabby. "We find It rather plea3ant too, to have plenty of fuel, tl that of the best, although we have little use for fires, except for cooking, as the weath er is very warm and pleasant. - Found aome new settlers, and good prosptct of more. There seems to be a general desire and determination, to "give the hop pers one more crop.". We have strouj hopes of raising a crop of corn next year, as we have secured seed of the gquaw - corn, : which is nearly proof against them. Some people confonnd this with the Sanford, Yankee, King Phillips, and other early varieties, but .it is very different, there are two pure varieties, the white, and the blue or ' black, they have very broad kernels, and small cobs, and is very productive. I bought seed about one half milo north of Juniata, in Adams Co., it has ben raised there successfully for three years, while this last summer a field of yellow field corn, some forty acre3, was all taken, this man raised a large field of squaw corn, right alongside,, only now and then finding an ear eaten in to a little. We found sever?.l others who had succeeded equally well. We expect to start our school next Monday, having engaged Mr. B.F. Ow en, brother of Prof. I. J. Owen, both of this place, to teach. We look hopeful ly forward to a brighter future for our , settlement. And remain, Yours truly, E. S. Child. A BABY SHOW IN TEXAS. The baby show took place yester day afternoon at the Pagoda on the Fair Grounds, and in the second story of it, which, by the way, reminds one ef the hurricane-deck of a steamboat, and the number and violence of the Bqualls did not go far to dispel the il lusion. In order to encourage Mr. Samuel liennett, who provided the prize perambulator, about nineteen ba bies had put in their appearances. These said babies, in the goodness of their hearts, had also brought their tnoihers alon;, and these ladies seemed te take as much interest in the show as the babies themselves. We suppose the babies brought their mothers along to keep them out of mischief. Beside the babies and the young mothers, there were quite a namoer of ladies and gentlemen present who were not babies, and had not bettn babies for some time, who came because they once had been babies, and wished to Cad out if the human race was not de teriorating. There were various styles of babies there. There was the serene, contem plative baby, that quietly devoured the landscape with its eyes. When that kind of a baby grows up he becomes a heavy taxpayer, and accumulates real estate, and is regarded, and justly, too, as highly respectable. Then theie w;i3 the disorderly bab that punches its mother in the nose, and snatches every body who comes near it baldheaded, and is as disorderly as a cage full of wildcats. In after life that style of baby climbs the ladder of fame as a po liceman or as a desperado. There we noticed, too, the smiling baby. It made friends with perfect strangers twenty yards distant. It would take an earth quake to stop that kind of a child from crowing. When th.it kind of child grows up he becomes popular, and is fleeted Justice of the Peace, or United States Senator like Gov. Coke. Then, too, there was the hungry infant that called for the bill of fare. When that child becomes fully developed, mental ly and physically, it becomes contem plative, joins the ministry and becomes a terror to spring chickens. There were several other styles of baby, but we can't devote so much space to small fry. We have uot mentioned how the female bab'es would turn out on ac count of the uncertainty f the sex. There was some difficulty in obtain ing judges to pass on the infants. Whenever a gentleman was requested to act a3 a judge he was singularly unanimous in refusing to bring down oh himself the wrath of the babies who might not get the perambulator. As it was absolutely certain that there would not be les3 than seventeen of those enraged cnerubs, we do not blame them so much after all. Besides. these insulted little cubs have mothers, fath ers and other relatives. No wonder there was a certain unwillingness to intrude. At last five heroic men were found to act as judges. The mothers seated themselves in a circle, with their infants on their laps, the judges made the round on trem bling limbs, gazed falteringly at each infant, and then, with blanched faces consulted hurriedly together, cast their ballots, looking over their shoulders at the determined faces of the mothers, and then hurried down the stairs and out of the pagoda, and are by this time doubtless safe in some country that has no extradition treaty with the Uni ted States. It was understood that the awards would not be called until the judges had ten minutes start. We would like to make some extend ed suggestions on this subject, but space prohibits. If we were one of the judges, no matter how rounded the limb3 of an infant might be. no matter how many dimples it sported on its chin, it might smile line a lady with a new set of false teeth, and might be able to play one of Beethoven's immor tal symphonies on a piano besides, it would never get our vete unless its father made affidavit that he had nev er walked it about at night, and it was regvilar and decorous in its behavior toward all the memb?r3 cf the family. That is the style of babv that ought to be encouraged. That's the kind of a babv that d-serves ppr-mbulators and mugs and kind words in the papers. It way have red hair and speckled com plexion, but it is nevertheless the only style of baby that is really a well spring of joy to its parents and a credit to the community. San Antonio UeralJ. The history of Sultan Murad's fourth wife is thus told. She is an English "shop-girl. Her aunt had, a store. at Pera, and summoned her niece from England to help her in her trade. The girl was pretty and attractive, and soon learned the Turkish language. One day. she went to the harem of Prince Murad to deliver some articles which . oae of his wives had ordered, aud sho nover returned. BROOK TROUT flSMNtf- The Scuppernong Springs House is now open for the accommodation of fishermen and others. This llouse is situated three miles from North Prai rie Station, Waukesha County, Wiscon sin, at the Scuppernong Trout Ponds, where is to be found the best trout fishing in the northwest. Conveyance can always be had at the station. Terms $2 per day. Trout always on the table. Dead fish, 50 cents a pound. For further information, address, H. F. DOL'SMAN, North Prairie Wis. Go it, old boy! if you won't charge us 50 cents a pound for what we can't catch, we'll com up and fish next wm mer. By the way, fish culture is something some shrewd and enterprising man ought to go into in Nebraska, It would pay big when started fairly. A Clear Case of Iutiuiidalioa. They were playing poker, and Pomp held a full hand. His eyes glistened with conscious triumph, as he put up a ten cent ante and gazed at his part ner expectantly. "I raise dat ten cents," remarked Pete. "I goes a quarter more," insinuated Pomp. "I stand you, and raise you anudder quarter," replied Pete. ' "I continue on de war path and flops down de last thirty cents,'" answered Pomp, placing six nickels on the table. 'I kivcrs the pile and calls you," re marked Pete. "Full band!" said Pomp turning his cards. "What you got?" "A pair, and de game am undecided." "What's dat? Undecided? Dis yer chile takes the pile." "Not by a long chalk. Dis case will now be referred to the returnin' board, who will examine into de partickelars. Dar's plenty more good cards in de pack, and why didn't I get em? Dar's been intimidation and fraud.and mean while de returnin' board take posses sion of de spoils," and Pete reached out his hand. Then the other side denied the right of the board to meddle, and when the reporter left the terrible demon of civ il war was dancing a wild dance in the neighborhood, and a policeman was marching up to mediate with a club. THE SAFEST IN VES1'J1E iTS. The great havoc which the recent fin ancial depression.of three years'contin uance,has wrought among investments of almost every class, is attracting more and more the attention of think ers as well as of practical men. It is curious enough that, of all kinds of in vestors in this country, those which have suffered least are the only ones about whom there has been much clam or lately; the insurance companies, and especially those concerned with life in surance. These companies have a great m iny millions of dollars of the people's money put away in investments which are regarded as permanent. Now while, since September 1873, railroads have been suspending dividends by the score, and going into default on their bond3; while telegraph companies have lost half their profits; while manufac turing enterprises in general have been hovering between bare existence and utter failure, while mining corpora tions have forfeited their credit and prestige; and while private business in almost every mercantile branch has been at last decimated by bankruptcy, the whole amount of insolvency among the life insurance compiiies has involv ed less than one-sixteenth part of the business. While the aggregate mark et value of the salable -real estate of the country has actually fallen full forty per cent, the value of the invest ments of these, companies, most of which are secured upon real estate in some form, has increased, and the en tire amount of losses which they have suffered by the depression is a small and insignificant pecentage of what they Jnjva in hand. This fact deserves especial attention, inasmuch as the failure, or partial or technical failure, of the "Continental Life" of New York has given the pub lic a very different impression. It has been hastily reported that this compa ny failed because of its losses in mort gaged investments, caused by the fall in real estate, and that the same cause has largely impaired the securities of other similar companies. Neither as sertion is true. The company in ques tion failed by the grossest mismanage ment, and could not have stood if ttiere had been no fall in real estate whatev er. Its losse3 by failing mortgages have been insignificant, and even thede have been, if current report is true, such ah ought to have been avoided by them, and have been avoided by other companies. The whole secret is this: The life companies have loaned their money on land and houses, at from thirty to six ty per cent of their value. The larg est companies have never habitually loaned more than forty per cent of a low cash valuation. They loan only on improTcd property where actual rental ia ample security for taxes and interest. Thus, even the most terrible depreciation in real estate, even a pan ic which should destroy half its value, would leave their interest unharmed. N such violent fluctuations have ever been known in this country, in the val ue of land and houses, as could serious ly impair the security of these invest ments. We arc doubtless now .approaching, or have reached the end of the most trying period in our financial histors. As matters clear up and business skies brighten, there will be a gradual recov ery of every branch of industry and commerce. Hut the first to rise and the surest to advance will be those which have best endured the strain. The fact that the life insurance com panies have suffered least of all the great interests of I he country can not but direct attention to the secret of their extraordinary security. If we are not mistaken, the confidence of the pub! ic, of trustees, investors and Courts iu real estate mortgage invcstmnts. is sure to bo greatly strengthened by the experience of recent years in this coun try. Boston Journal. Detroit Currency. You can stand on any corner in San Francisco and see at least one man who has in h;R day been worth half a million dollars. Th?re ins't going to be any war in Europe. Those druggists who sud denly rushed up the price of paragoric can now rush it down again. The St. Louis Ololje-Demoerat thinks that the epitaph of a dead Csnuibiil should be: Write me down as one who loved his fellow men. Colorado has only one daily pipe-, and the owner of that paper says sle won't have any after election. lie is going into honey busness. Scribner's Mage z 'ne says that Mark Twain does most of his writing in a barn. The baneful hum of the horse fly ia what quickens his pulse3. "I suppose onr minister preaches well,"replied a Michigan lady, "but I'm so busy looking at the fasions that I re.tly never hear anvthiug he says." Schenclt'a Mandrake Pills Will b fmrod tojpossess those qualities neces sary to the total eradication of all billions at tacks, prompt to start the secretions of the liv er, and give a healthy tone to. the entire sys tem. Indeed, It Is no ordinarjldlscovery In medi cal science to have Indented a remedy for these stubborn complaints, which develop all the re sults produced by a heretofore free use of calo mel, a mineral Justly dreaded by mankind, and aeknowle-dgwd to bo destructive in the extreme to the hnman system. That the properties of certain vegetables comprise all the virtues of calomel without Us Injurious tendencies, is now an. admitted fact, rendered indisputable by rt'ieiilihc researches ; and those who use the Mandrake Tills will be fully satisfied that the best medicines are tlione provided bv I. at lire lu the common herbs and roots of the field. These Pills Jieu the bowels anil correct ail billions derangements without salivation or anv of the injurious effects of calomel or other ii sons. The secreitou of bile is promoted by tliesfl pills as will be sen by the altered c!or ot the stools, and disappearing of the sallow com plexion and cieaiibin of tht tongue. Ample directions for use accompany each box of pills. Prepared only by J. H. Scheiick Si Son, at theirprincipal oftk-e, corner SUth aud Arcx Street. Philadelphia, and for sale by all drug gists and dealers. Trice 25 cents per box. . 3714 1877. NEW YORK 1877. The different editions of the Sun during the next year will be the same as during the year that has just p;tssed. The daily editions will on week days be a sheet of four pafres, and on Sundays a sheet of eiaht paces, or so broad col umns ; while the weekly edition will be a sheet of ei;ht paues of the same dimensions and char acter that are already familiar to our friends. The Hun will continue to be the ctrenuous ad vocate of reform and retrenchment, and of the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom, and in tegrity for hollow pretence, imbecil. ty and fraud in the administration of public sifU'.'is. It will contend for t lie government of the people by the oeonle and lor the people, as opiosed to government by frauds in the ballot-box and iu the counting- of votes, enforced by mililar vio lence. It will endeavor to supply its readers a body now not far from a million of souls with the most careful, complete, and trustworthy ac counts of current events, and will employ for this purpose a numerous and carefully selected staff of reporters' and correspondents. Its re ports from Washington, especially, will be full accurate, and fearless ; and it will doubtless continue to deserve and enjoy the hatred of those who thrive by plundering the Treasury or by usurping what the law does not give them, while it wiil endeavor to merit the confidence of the public by defending the rights of the peo ple against the- encroachment of unjustified power. The price of the dally Sim will be 53 cents a month or t.50 a year, post paid, or with the Sunday edition 87.70 a year. The Sunday edition alone, eight pages, Sl.SO a year, post paid. Ti:e Weekly Sun, eight pages of sc broad col umns, ill be fiiir, islied during 1877 at the rate of l a year, postpaid. The benefit of this large reduction from the previous rate for the Weekly can be enjoyed by individual subscribers without the neces-ity of making up clubs. At the same time, if any of our friends choose to aid in extending our circu lation, wc sh tll be grateful to them, and every eucli person who sends us ten or more subscrib ers from one place will be entitled to one copy of the paper for himself without charge. At one dollar a year, postage paid, the expenses of paper and printing are barely repaid ; aud. con sidering tUe size of the sheet and the nualily of its contents, we are confident the people will consider the Weekly Sun the cheapest newspa per published in the world, and we trust also one of the very best. Address, ato TllE SUN', New York CUy, N. Y. 1877. ' 1877. GHICAGOPGST. THE PEOPLES NEWSPAPER. CHEAPESTXD IBIEST. REPUliLICAN IN POLITICS! A Popular Newspaper, a Welcome Vis itor in Every Home, within the reach of erery one. The managers of the t'o.-t take pleasure in an nonucmir the course ol this paper iiikju enter ing its thirteenth year of existence. The foof is known to the people of the West :is the uncompromising opponent of wrong and the fearless defender 01 the richt. It tins, dur ing the presidential exeiieincni uud in the stir ring events of tii-" Fail i:i Chicago an l over the whole country, taken a posh ion which Has gained for it thousands vf Friends in the Loyal Pcnpls of the Northwest. It lias advocated the success of the REPUBLICAN PARTY But at the same time it has in no manner ex tenuated the faults or error of tho.-.e within that party guilty of oversight or transgression. It has never turned aside fr m what it believed to be the path of duty, nor misled it readers or the public. Ai in the p.ist so iu the future, the Po. will be found iu politics to Favor the carrying out to the letter the Constitutional Amendments that were the outyrowth of the war; and of such legislation as will restore this country to prosperity and financial soundness, without too suddenly or arbitrarily shocking its industrial imrsuits. It believes the Uepubiican Party is capable of doing that, and will continue to f-iippmt it while il honestly endeavors to fuilill its pledges. In all Its departments the rout wiil be em phatically A NEWSPAPER, And while being a daily rcfiex of evetits. it wiil nevei'l iielcss mamis'in it e!irac:er lor decency and good taste that will make it an acc ptabie visiior in every well-ordered home. Its col umns will he purged of every indecency, and no money ca:i or will buy any of its space lor the piiii-e of any il.cgiu'inate or immoral call ing. In order to meet the r.ccessilies of the times, the prices of the J'wf have been fixed at the fodowiiig rat? which inukew it by far the cheap est newspaper in the Northwest : DAILY. Postage raid, One Year 5".oo Sit Months,. ;5.50 Three .Mouths.. l.Vtf WEEKLY, Postage Taid. One Copy, one year 7oC. In Ciubs of Five, one year, 70e. In Clubs of Ten. one year, toe. In Club of Twenty, one year, ecc. In Clubs of Fifty, one year, DOc. These are the lowest rates ever offered in the U.S. for a first-class weekly pa tier, and leave no excuse for being without reading matter. liet vour neighbors to club with you at the re duced'rates ; if they will not. end us 75 cents, and we will send you the paper one year, post age paid. Address THE TOST, Chicago. ClIRtSTiDOKO'S rr. ti Chri:5tdoro's Hair fyc is the SAFEST and BEST; it aets instantaneously, producing the most natural shades of Hlack or Prown ; does NOl STAIN the SKIN, and is easily applied. It is a standard preparation, and a favorite up on every well appointed Toilet for Lady or Ueu t'enian. Sold by DruggM. J. C'Si:ST.-IORO. I O. Box. 1533. sytuj Xew York. ROBERT BON NELL VS AND BLACKSMITH Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing. PETER RAO EN, The old Reliable Va?on Maker Lis taken charge of Hie w;gon hup. ne Is well knorn as a NO. 1 AVOHKMAN. Vfw YY&sroiiM andl Itnlca, mn:le to rder. SATISFACTION U A K ATKET). Shop on Sixtli street. onpiite Strelght's Stable. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER,- BLJlCKSJIITli HORSE SHOEING, AND AVAGON KEPA1BIXG. All kinds of .FARM IMPLEMENTS ruemlcul Neatly Promptly :0: Horse, Mule & Ox Shoeing. ! In short, we'll slioo anything that has ; four feet, from a Zebra tn a Giraffe, j Come? and see us. JCTjETW" SHOP.. on Ki'th St.. lntween M:jn and Vine Rtrce;s. fust acitss the corner from the "KW HliU.M.l' OFMCK. b'Jl 1 13 3mmiiDnir 1876 J. V. WeMMicflB91877 PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN HEAVY & FAfVCY TTfifSW ' ff fill Of all kinds. Sheetings, Canton Flannels, Cotton Bat tings, and Woolen Goods. mi&ol3Z& a2ts, LADIES' oS33 Fine CstiiMre BBIanfe e5 IFlaBBiaelSj ISAc Fine heavy IMPORTED BE A TEU, For GROCERIES I PROVISIONS, Of all. Binds. Coffee Mocha, Java and Rio Arhuck le's Celebrated' Roasted, antl Fine Ground Coffees. Nails, Lamps, Lanterns, Lamp Chim neys, Lamp-black, Etc. The Highest Price Paid for all Country Produce, JlrJ3 HIDES. Come and Examine onr Stock Uefore jRttn Iiasinrr J. V. W'KCKBAOll. AMD S o OS BOOT m . ml mm i.-v-jI .-- Isi"; i-.-'t.' 2 j$$0J lMkt, We have tin; lyiTP"t end best assortment and will .cll pasfrni worS lower th.:n :iny oilier stove in tow n. W't ulso have the lurcsi niniiuf:i'tor.v, hero vso ni:ike Hi fluost of. custo.i. work. :;r.d rcpnir with neutnen and diipntch. W iii'kc tine scw-d boots fr $1!, also fiuo if;:ired hoots for f . nnd nii-de hy KOUKIIT SHElIWlHtl). who got I:1'I.o:a to this to vu froit. iSiite fair, for fine dress hoots. So .v i Tour li;ue for cheap custom made tool. Good lit and H.u;,'.o-t'.on unyranteed. lice list of prices : rir.c dress sewi-d looti fii.oo Ijtdies' Perpe Cait-r ? pecked " 8.(0 I Wen's Sei;e t'onrc-R Ciuilrrs I.J'- l ine Siipnors. only 3' I " Muckie I'low thoo 12 Ladies' hrive Congress G.-vitcrs W) I All Call i'.oi ts. only -t.n-j Evervtliiii'i else cnnally cLeap. Call and see us. You rom' 1h ulf sI th "Cc!itnni!ii Sl:or .Store." .SHICIi W(K)ll & S fADKI.l ANN. G eat Tdcreant'lo I'olh .p. KeoUnV. Iiwa. on the Mississippi. 1'rof. VV.n. II. Miller, ;nac.-fi! Manager. Nuielocntli .ar. A!o:if sixty dol l:r .ill cxpi-iiscs, for fcnil i-s!iip. Itnnrd jiiidM;':ii'Mi-r.v. Ili kTccp!-s, rcmncii. ltepor-tei-s.UperatoiN.Arc.'iiicct.''. Surveyors r.cd Teach -irs thoroughly flite.S. Knillsh liranchr.s free. Krcv L-tur.'s lv I'niinciit. Oraturs. Kreo Keg tivaH wi:U 1 trass Pand in College Hull. Flee furnished rooms for self boar' tn. Telegraph ing free. Shcrt hand mit!:! free. Cnod it;ard ln: c'.nlis, and family lMiKrd." It-iilroad fare i!o duciod. Immense lnish:e.s. ii: Keokuk. No va cation. Adrtifv IJayli rs Colleire. Keokuk. Iowiu State where you savv this adverti. jiiient. J ty 1 Fopest Tap For Throat. Lungs, Asthma, nd Kidney. 9 Forest Tar Solution, or Inhalation for Catarrh. Consumption, Brouclmla, and AaUnna. Forest Tar Troches, or Pore Throat, noarseceas. Tickling Cough and Purifying tae lireaia. Forest Tar Salve, or Healing Indoicct &ores. Ulcers, Cats, Bnrna, aud for Pilea. Forest Tar Soap, or Chapped Hands, Bait Bheum, Siiln Ciacaaea, ine ToUet and Uata. Forest Tar Inhalers, or Ifinattnc for Catarrh. Consumption. Asthma. for Sate by alt DrvggUt: Store I Overcoats. r f X J? V Afrit tS -uJiA. U u Ctwr 9 STAR K' VJ '1 ti fc -A - i H ii m. is HERYBCFOK. VV. l-UU s 77 Tr y- if V SAFEil. CK. IRS, Lounges, -Tables, Bedsteads, yrrc, r.Tc, nc, Of AU Descriptions. METALLIC 2 Ivl AL 0 AS ? WOOD21T COITXrS Of all eties, re:, iy nr.ulc and s:.ld cl:eap Uvc e-i.-!i. With many tl'.anka for past p-tir ir.afre. I im :te iuvite all to call and examine my u.v v.i ; n stock oy Hit. rt.fVlTl 11 V, ASl) CC FITS A A. ateiiinsEl HOE ,v '' W-y.- -tj-; ; i vwJ V&p-C A?- . - i -' rr 00 t r a r Just r:..-- . j - '. 'j ill ii m ii n i ip i ' iipi)ii yty , i . ui Twwifcr-C--Jilli 95 . - A - - o?n2. abu Always Keep on uanu FOOT-GEAR FOR My few BUTTON AND SIDE-LACE, FOR CHILDREN, MISSES AND LA DIES, SEWED FRENCH CALF-SKIN BOOTS, and in fact one of the most complete assortment in the country for the LOYBST CASH PPICES possible. ESialS IBieflfi5dEsIck Sales59 Come and be Convinced. Ssly BOX OF THIS AND BOChTSTEHJr. WILL USE XO OTHER. for Printers. News. Book and Job Inks. all warranted of Superioi quality. No cheap or in ferior grades of Ink mads by cb. PRINTINO IXK CO. MANUFACTURERS, (Formerly of London, England), 184 Ac 186 PIONIiOE ST., CHICAGO, And 13 Barclay Street, New York. THE PARKE R:GUN.. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MER1DEN,CT. f- Xi our adveruar nut nukW ilia advertlsfc Client ultopeiher distinct, we will interpret and elabo rate it aa follows : K. Ii. FOOTE, 2H.T., Anthor of Plain llome Talk, Medical Common Scns Science in Story, etc., 120 Lexington Avcnne (cor. East S8th Street), New York, an IxDErKsniHH PMT3ICIAN, treats all forma of Lingarirq or Chronic Diseafw. and reeeivoi lettfld from all parta cf the Civtljzed World. By his original way of condnctinst a lledioal Piao Hob. he is Bucoes-fully treating nnmerons patients in K ii rone, the Weat ludicx, Dominion ot Canada, and in every part of the United States. NO MERCUItfAL Or deleterious drags need, lie haa. during the pas twenty three years treated iraceefully nearly or qait 40,000 (wm. All facts connected with each case are carefully recorded, whether they be communicated by letter or in person, or observed by the Doctor or nil associate physicians. The latter are all acientiflo medical men. HOW INVALIDS AT A. DISTANCE Are treated. All invalids at a distance are i squlrej to answer a list of plain qncstions, which elicits every symptom under which the invalid raffcrs. AU com munJcationx treated trict!y conjliienttal. A complete system of registering prevents mistakes or confusion. List of qnestions sent free, on application, to any part of the world. 8ixty-pase pamphlet of Evidences o EcocKse, also sent free. All these testimonials are from those who have been treated by mail and express. Advice is ofpick, ob bt hail, ftikx of chabqb. Call on or address DR. E. B FOOTE, Ho. 120 Lexingtsa Ave., H. Y. WcintM io sell XTJbuies Tlafn Jrmt Talk and Medical Commcn. Senss:Also J)r I'ootes Science in Story. JcrRatfculars address ,,., MinsyinJiBiWislnng Company j29FasZ8h Sr. Berger'i Tonio Bowel and File Pilla. These pills are an infallible remedy for constipation and Hiles, causel by weAKness or suppression oi tnf pcristiltic motion of the bowels. Th- very pectij i.rxeam the activity of the intestinal c-rnal, producs soft stools and relieve piles at ono. Thwsands tavs been cured by them. Price 50 cents, seijt by mil on reocmt of price. Prepared only by . ALKEKD REICH ARDT, Puabmacist, 4U4 Fonara Avisui, New Yobk Citt. Dr. Bsrger'i Compo.nd Fluid icxtract cf Rhubarb and Da.del'oa, The best combination of pnrely vee abie mMleir to entirely replace Calomel or Bine rill. It stimalyiaj the liver, increases the Qow of bile, and thrs removev stome torpidity of tho liver, biliotiFness and hl;:-iuU n-itipatian. an 1 the disease arising from snch as gyspepsia, sick headache, flatulence, etc The effec tiveness if this Extract will be proved, visibly, at once to tin patient, as one or two bottlc-i are snfllcient to ol.ar the complexion beautifully, and remove pimp'es and stains caused by liver troubles. Pre $t per bottle. B bottles, $5 ; will be sent on reipt of the price to anv ad'ire, freo of charge. Ircpared only by V. ALFRED UBICHATIDT, PhajtmaCWT, 4U3FOI" Avcsrc New i'oa Cits. There is Money in ii! Eicji from Eiecation, and Net Perishable." Special Inducements to the Trado. iLGSNTS V7ANT2SD Style 3. Erernrfcera. for the WEED SEWHTG MACHINES. Ketail Price. 75.00. Tnrr AKE THE Eimplest, Lightest Ennaisg, Best Hade ana Maet Reliable Sewing llachk-ea in the vci! (Cut this out and reraember it.) address , f J g aa,, , C3 & -03 'Wstat. Ave., C-U!ro, HL TOE SALE ET ' TRY A AM.CMCM rr rou HENCLISHjl i u w msmm r mm ReceivedCar Load of - . - 3 : 'kZZS. JSTJD BTJBBEB GOODS. I received the Premium for tho largest and beat assortment of AXD TIIE SEST AND FITTEST OF sn ifimiBimirm me uesi oi an giaaeii ot YOUNG and OLD. My motto is: Xo trouble to show Goods. P. MiSRGBS. S. WHITE, DEALER IN ' JIFTJD 0-A.HT2STHID GOODS I : -at! ics Furnisihin'y Goods, Di Oil, Soap, Paper, Collars, Ladies and ('Joins Hosiery, Queensware, Flower Seed, Glassware, etc. LATEST HvX3POVIU D C0AL-0IL LAMPS, SAFETY BURNER. Flour, Corn Meal and Buckwheat Flour. We aim to keep everything an ordinary household needs, and will sell you goods at such prices that you cannot com plain of hard times any more. I H V lii U W SBWI1TG 3 This Machine is Oifered to the Public Upon its Merits Alone. Its Light and Still Running Qualities, mil its Self-Threading NeedU and Self -Peculating Tensions, make it the Host Desirable Machine in the world. FRANK CARRUTH, JE WELER, AGENT, PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. Oencral il'exfcrn Office, J. II. MAHLER, ' fJoujrlas Slrec, Oi;:i:lia, IVc?. Manager. THE GIES-AT1 I . T!ir 0:Io5.t Cnnpa:y! T: U.t OrgAU. Aarly J.WOO In Vfo. K.'lrct by tl Uest 3I-K-.i:is una l utiy Warr-tute.J. I;:'t Fail Try a torr.lt u Aiuerirun OrRan if you Euy. PRESCCT1 & HILL, General dgcnts, COLUMBrS, 'EP. (erg) LYOp,fv3 I rRi:vi:NT3 C;:;r r.ra 9 - es (iooK IVrl umerv, Ihiv CAM Jt ji A I XL iUi A U mUj r 1 y A S r- I y .i i 5 American Oraan D $ " t, r,i. mi Zi V h. ! i. c 6 ;c 1 t . V . ii