Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, December 07, 1876, Image 3

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llAli M.
Mi. Tr i i
, Beat custom work it Sherwood & Stadel
na.nn's. 2Jtf
Pater Merges has a large and well
assorted stock of gloves, collars, culls,
imported beaver for overcoats and
tloaks, in stock, cheap at S. & G8.
Frank Stadter, our unapproachable
ixrtist, has re-opened bi3 studio in Stad
elmann's building, and ia prepared to
taint portraits from photographs or
sittings, in oil or crayon. Give him a
call. SCtf
I will pay more in cash or goods for
bides and furs than any other man.
S02t A. W. White.
A few pairs Full Blood Berk
shire Fios for sale. Enquire at this
office. 33-tf.
Fred. Stadelmann will have the lar
gest and best selected stock ef Confec
tlonaries ever brought to this market
ready, in a few-days, for distribution.
Miss Cora Wells has just recovered
from an attack of diptheria. Her lit
tle brother . Ernest is now suffering
under a slight attack of the same dis
ease. The Sociable of the Ladies Aid So
ciety of St. Luke's Episcopal Church
will meet at the house ef Mrs. Walter
White this (Thursday) evening. A
cerdial invitation is extended to all.
Mr. J. M. Brantner was thrown from
a horse last Wednesday and had two
riba broken. On Tuesday he was suf
fering severely and it was thought
the termination might be fatal.
Oar old friend Frank Stadter has
settled down to business again. A fact
we discovered by a short visit to his
studio in Mr. Stadelmann's building.
He will tell you about it next week.
We thought we knew something
about thirteen year old girls, but Ben.
Ileniple beats U3 all. His daughter, 13
years old, is a good musician, lias made
aoine very fine hir work besides, all
ef which can be seen and heard by
calling on Ben. at the old "Oyster
Cash paid for Pork by
37tl. E. G. Dovet & Sox.
English. Breakfast Tea just received
by J. V. AV. 87t2
Large Missouri Hickory Nuts at 81,
50 per bushel, at the P. O. News De
pot. The best of fine French Calf boots made at
Merge shoe store. Repairing done, nice and
Assortment of ladies' cloaks cheap
at si. &. G's. 32tf
The beat and finest French Calf
Boots that can be made in town for
S3.00. I received the first Premium at
the Fair, and can make the best in the
market, I do repairing cheap and
2D-tf Peter merges.
Chapman & Glas are in receipt of a
Bplfudid lot of glass and china toys, ci
gar setts, tobacco setts, fancy wine
iett?. tea and coffee, moustache cups,
and saucers. From the appearance of
tlie first installment they will have the
2nest stock of toys of the class ever
Drought to this market. Also a splen
did lot of lamps and lanterns for sale
ohenp. It
Our old reliable Blacksmiths, Mike
SehnollbacLer and Billy Hassler. with
their hands, are turning off work to
order. Our farmers and livery men
ahow their appreciation of their work
by patronizing them. They are fur
nishing Buggies. Wagons, and all sorts
of blacksmith work with promptness
and to the satisfaction of their numer
ous, old aud new. customers. First
c!;v-3 horse shoeing done at all times.
For Chapped Hands, Salt Rhuem
and Skin diseases "Forest Tar Soap" is
.-oanasse & Gramberg are always
busy, and keep one of the best stocks
Rnd cleanest stoi es in Plattsmonth.
Everything looks clean and neat and
their clerks are always obliging, cour
teous, and clever. Those are tin kind
of men to deal with.
Tho Pat. Wood box Shoe Blacking,
Advertised in another column is the
best novelty yet introduced for the
The B. & M. R. It. received 730 load
ed cars during the month of Novem
ber and sent east in all 1140. This
-would seem to show that business is
looking up some and also that we
were not entirely grasshoppered last
year. If our interests south of the
Platte are properly looked after this
winter the above account will increase
greatly every :year, and many other
new enterprises be commenced that
add to her wealth and prosperity.
Try the Eight O'clock Breakfast Cof
fee at J. V. W. ' 37t3
Joseph Schlater has on hand and is
receiving weekly additions to his stock
of toys for the Holidays, in addition to
bis splendid stock of Jewelry, Watch
es, Clock, etc.
Country produce taken at the highest
tcaiket prices, at Schnasse & Gram
bzrgs in exchange for goods. tf
Slvrwod & Stadelmann vrlrh to inform the
I..-ulies ol l'lattsmnuth ami vicinity that we have
c need manufacturing Ladies fine shoes ia
ail t vie. Such as have never been made here
bsfore. We wieh it thoroughly understood that
tl- 'jot iend east for the tow, hut manufac the u:.iers ourselves, at the Centennial
M:o -core. in all the latent fashions. Congress,
I'ot:i!i, Side Lace, Front Laee.
T v. rr.ild be pleased to inform the public in our
.ml? that 1 nave a workman now that Is rail.-
of niakinf the finest, most tasty, and du
k Ladies Shoes and ;entiemaus' Boots iu
County, which prevents me from sending
l he
t fir the tops as in iorruer uays. 1 received
i.ri::tiu;ii at the Fair for his flue work and
t desijni. I warrant fits and satisfaction.
I'rrEB Merges.
I a in ready to make contracts for ice
f.-.r tho next season. Give me a call.
u r. s. vrnxm.
There will be a Pound Sociable at
the residence of Mrs. P. E. Ruffner, on
Tuesday evening next, the 12th inst.
A good time is expected. All are invited.
We are happy to learn from Mr. Ab
bott of tiie Saunders House, that he
will probably remain here until after
the Holidays. He has a good share of
patronage, and makes a good citizen.
We shall hope arrangements may be
made to keep him here permanently.
The Methodist Church has been com
pletely renovated and papered in an
artistic manner, and will be open for
regular services on next Sabbath. We
congratulate our friends on the greatly
improved appearance of their place of
worship, and hope they may receive
great benefit from the teachings of the
Gospel through the instrumentality of
their new minister, Bev. Mr. Hart.
If you want a No. 1 cup of English
Breakfast Tea, go to J. V. Weckbach's
and get a pound on trial.' 37t2
For fancy cand'es and choice confec
tionariea tor the holidays, go to A. W.
Whites. 36-5
LYONS patent heel stifTeners, to prevent
boots frrm running over, to he got at Sherwood
Si Stadelniauu's Centennial Shoe Store.
Frames and Albums always on hand
at Frank Carruth's Photograph and
Jewelry place on Main St.
Cashmeres, delaines and other dress
goods at greatly reduced rates at
Schnasse Gramberg's. . tf
If you prescribe remedies yourself,
see that they are effective and will do
no harm. "Forest Tar" prepaiations
are of this character, for the Throat
and Lungs. 37t5
Notwithstanding the number of
blacksmiths in the city, R. Donnelly
and his efficient corps of white and
blacksmiths are crowding every nerve.
The amount of work they turn off is
almost wonderful and shows well for
the energy and untiring industry of
the proprietor, who is, we are happy
to acknowledge, one of our best citi
zens. Wagons and Buggies made and
repaired on the most reasonable terms.
W. L. Tucker takes turn and turn
about with his wife. Week before last
she sprained her ankle, and now W. L.
falls down and sprains his wrist. We
are sorry for Tucker, so many sprains
will cause some strains on his excheq
uer this winter, we fear.
Geo. Donovan, our junior editor, tried
to blow himself up on Thursday. He
had put some fine coal dust in the stove
and on opening the door and giving
the stuff a stir with the poker it flash
ed out in his face, burning him severe
ly. If George only waits until he is
married he can get blown up easier,
and some one else may use the poker,
remaining In the Tost Otnce, at riaf tsmouth,
Cass Co.. Neb., Dec. 1st, loTG :
Burden Miss Betty A MeCuIlack M J
Bradv Miss Bell Miller N
Beacham Miss S Power Mike
Ballard C C Overman Chas R
Brown Mr. of Indiana Phillips Dr C O
Bricker Miss Emma I'riuce Chas W
Bradstreet A F Osborn Maggie
Caey Mlfs Mary lteed John
CafTrey A K Runyan Ruth
CrankwhiteWO Kay Johnny
1)111 Mis Mary A Riley J W 2
Gray Will L Kicky Laura
Hall FM2 Ryan Mary
Hansen A Stephenson Wm
Howland R A Svlveatcr BenJ 2
Holland B B Paulpaugh Jas
Johnson M L Tuttle Mrs H II 2
Johnson Reinard Waugh W J
Kidd A "Warren Dan 3
Kelly A E WilseyJas
Lumdie B F Wheaton Mary
Law heed Jas.
Persons calling for the above named letters
will please say "advertised."
J. W. Marshall, Tost Master.
Eight O'clock Breakfast Coffee just
received by J. V. Weckbach. 37t2
Just received, a largo stock of wool lined and
rubber rwwIs. Very nhean for cash. Sherwood
& Stadclmai n, Centennial Store.
Sam. Chandler and another man had
a tussle yesterday and the sidewalk
flew up and hit somebody.
One of the members of a colored
family living on Washington Avenue
met with quite an accident Sunday.
In trying soma feats of strength with
a flat-iron, one of the women let the
flat-iron slp while extended over her
head and it mashed her skull badly.
Genuine English Bass' Ale on
draught, at "Headquarters."
Mannfactnrinj and repairing at Sherwood &
8ta4lmaaa's. 23tf
Ed. Herald: "Many Ladies" take
the opportunity to express their pleas
ure a tho "satisfactory manner the
Millinery branch is represented in
Plattsmouth, &a," last week.
This is true, but it is largely owing
to the fact that most excellent modiste
and pleasant lady, Miss Sweeney, has
introduced to this community, con
stantly, the latest styles, and afforded
us the chance to see and examine the
effect of various trimmings, and modes
of expressing beauty and style. Being
her own hat trimmer she excels all oth
ers in knowing just what suits and how
to suit all Yours, More Ladies.
Sherwood & Stadelmann keep the best, sell
the cheapest, and have the best variety of boots
and shoes in town. We sell forcash, aud there
fore can't be undersold. Sherwood & Stadel
mann. The best and finest boots arc made at Merees
Shoe Store. He received the premium at the
Tremendous Slaughter of Dry Goods,
Clothing, Boots, shoes, Etc., Etc.
The times are hard, the winter with
his iron grip is upon us. People must
be clothed and kept warm, so come to
the Philadelphia Store and suit your
self. Owing to the fact of the hard
times goods of all kinds have depreci
ated, and having availed ourselves of
the opportunity in buying for cash, we
offer now to our customers and pat
rons the whole advantage of low prices.
Come and examine our new stock of
Ladies Cloaks and Dress Goods.
We also embrace in our offer of low
prices all goods suitable for Christmas
presents such as gold watches, chains,
and like articles which are not gold,
but look as well, all kinds of jewelry,
bracelets, rings, studs, sleeve buttons
with monograms, furs of all kinds.
i shawls, woolen and silk, c.
Julius Pepperberg, Cigar Manufac
turer,' on Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb.
Ciar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri
can Tobaccoes for smoking, purposes.
For Sale. Best qualities of plug-smoking
tobacco alwavs on hand. 20-tf.
The Centennial Shoe Store w the place for the
flneet custom work lu Cass county, cherwood
& Studelraaun.
Bed ticks filled with straw at 33c
each. -Address box 384, Post Office,
Plattsmouth. ' - - - -
I bought a large job lot of
and sell them
beore they are all gone.
Petkr Merges.
Money to loan on lone time, on lmnroved
farms in Cass Co.. Neb. Office over F. W. liott
nian's Store, Main street. .Neb. City.
353m R. H. & J. 8. MlLLKR.
A. Card to the Public
For many years we have made two
medicines suited to the ailments of a
vast class of sufferers. Thousands of
cures have been made by them, and, in
fact, the word failure could not be
coupled with them. But within the
last two years counterfeits of our med
icine have sprung up, dangerous in
their close imitation of our Trade Mark.
To secure the people we have placed
upon each genuine box of Holloway's
Ointment the fac simile of the signa
ture of our agent, Mr. Jos. Havdock.
To counterfeit is felony. We shall re
lentlessly pursue any one who imitates
this with the utmost vigor of the law.
We most earnestly beg that the great
mass of the American people will aid
us in our efforts to protect their health,
and help us in our task of bringing
these most unprincipled men to the bar
of justice. Uniformly refuse to pur
chase Medicines purporting to be ours
unless Mr. Jos. Ilaydock's signature is
attached to each box of PilU or pot of
Ointment and the end will soon be
The public's obedient servants,
Mr. J. II. McKinnon favored the
Herald with a most substantial call
this week. He informs us that he and
his wife will start for a visit to Ohio
next week remaii mg until March. We
wish them a pleasant visit and a safe
journey homeward again.
George Mayfield, our old campaign
friend has been quite sick and has had
sickness in the family besides. We
are sorry for George.
George Cross, P. Victoria P. O
called on the Herald and we are more
than glad to see Mr. Cross. He is a
gentleman and we want a few more ef
his sort in Cass Connty as Post Mas
ters. Mr. M. Delesdernier one of Cass
County's oldest and best settlers, call
ed on the Herald Monday. Mr .Deles
dernier is a Nova Scotian by birth,
but an American, full blooded, at heart.
He is one our most prominent public
men in this region, always appearing
at Conventions and public meetings,
a souud republican and a true man.
The Herald has hia name spelled
right too or else he don't know how to
spell the same.
D. K. Barr, of Greenwood, gave us a
call last Tuesday. He will tell the
readers of the Herald what kind of a
business man he is next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Cole and son, of Den
ver, have been visiting Mrs. Cole's sis
ter, Mrs. Chas. Lazenby, of this city,
and have taken Miss Nellie Lazenby
home with them to spend the winter.
Messrs Beach and Coon, ofWeeping
Water called and paid up back dues on
tLe Herald, a very good plan which
we commend to some more of our sub
scribers. Mr, J. S. Buck also romembered us,
and so many in one day almost over
powered us.
Hon. John Barnes arrived home
from Utah on Saturday last and left
for Lincoln Tuesday morning.
O. D. Richardson usually called Gov.
Richardson of Omaha died on Nov. 23,
and was followed by his wife on the
30th. Gov. Richardson was eighty two
and his wife 76 years , of age. Both
were buried on the 4th of Dec. It was
remarkable and yet perhaps not to be
regretted that this aged couple should
thus depart together. They were both
held in high esteem in Omaha.
Rev. Mr. Reed, of Tekama, orders
the Herald one year and sends greet
ing to his old friends in Plattsmouth
and Rock Bluffs. ' -
Ed. Herald: We were pleased to
notice that a lady had the courage to
acknowledge in print the satisfactory
manner the millinery branch is repre
sented in Plattsmouth. We are the
more obliged to her, as it gives us an
opportunity to acknowledge merits
never before rewarded save with our
patronage. A few short yeara ago
Plattsmouth had but few advantages
until this most enterprising establish
ment made its appearance, and to it
we owe much for the many chances it
has given us to gratify our natural de
sire for beauty and fashion, to consult
thh most experienced modistes as to
taste and style, and being of like grate
ful disposition we follow the lady's ex
ample in recommending to the fashion
world the well known establishment
of Solomon & Nathan and their skill
ful Hat trimmer, assuring them
through the medium of your Journal
our patronage to the fullest extent."
Many Ladies.
Far Everybody f
I am daily receiving
Stationery, fine Box Papeteries. Al
bums, Ladies' Portemonnaies, Pocket
and Bill Books, Harmonicas, Christ
mas Candles and Brackets, Bird Cages,
Rocking Horses, Doll Buggies, Wagons,
Carts, Sleighs, and Fancy Notions.
Also the largest stock of Choice and
Fresh holiday Candv, Toys and Con
fectionery, ever brought to the citizens
of Plattsmouth and vicinity, with a
good supply of Nuts, Raisins, Figi,
Canned Goods, Cigars, and Tobacco.
Pvspectfully, J. r. Yocno.
T;ike!i3up by the subscriber, on the 26th day
of October la.-t. Two nonie, one clear black
m.ire upiied to be 6 or 7 years old, the other
a K'ay or rather white. aupnoed to be 7 or 8
years old. The owner is "requested to prove
property, pay eharjre and take them away. Da
led Soy. mh 1876, Tipton precinct, or town 10,
range 9, Cass county, .Nebraska.
Always on hand, a full supply of glove kid.
patent leather, French and Spanish morocco, of
superior quality. To be got only at Sherwood
A stadelmann.
Heat, cold, and overwork reduce the
muscular system, and the body need3
an invigorator to keep it up to its reg
ular work. The best article now in the
market for that purpose is Dr. Green's
Bitter Tonic, pleasant to the taste and
healing to the body. 50-ly.
The Centaur Liniments have cre
ated a revolution in remedies for Rheumatism,
Strains, Swellfgs. Fains, Burns, Scalds, Stings,
&c Tho Whitfc liniment Is for the human fam
ily, and the Yellow Liniment Is for horsM. They
are certain, handy and cheap.
Castoria is certain t0 operate, it
doesSiot nauseate or gripe like Castor Oil, but
is pleasant to take, digests the food, regulates
the bowels, cures wind colic, expels worms, and
causes natural sleep. It 's equally adapted to
adults and infants. It contains neither Mineral,
Morphine nor Alcohol. Children Teething may
have health, and mothers find rest, if they Use
Castoria. 25-13t.
All persons take warning; I hereby
forbid any shooting trappingorjhuating
on my land, situated miles east of
Louisville and known as my farm. , .
3S-3t. John H. Bauer.
Dolle way's P1113 and Ointment. TTe
stand aghast at the thousands hourly
hurried to a premature grave, victims
of having neglected the first symptoms
of disease. Whether the complaint
originates in the body, .or be intro
duced accidentally through the skin
fatal results may be warded off by a
timely recourse to one or both of these
medicines. 25 cents per box or pot.
Nothing short of unmistakable bene
fits conferred upon tens of thousands
of sufferers could originate and main
tain the reputation which Ayer's Sar
saparilla enjoys. It is a compound
of the best vegetable alteratives, with
the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and
is the most effectual of all remedies
for scrofulous, mercurial, or blood dis
orders. Uniformly successful and cer
tain in its remedial effects, it produces
rapid and complete cures of Scrofula,
Sores, Boils, Humers, Pimples, Erup
tions, Skin Diseases and all disorders
arising from impurity of blood. By its
invigorating effects it always relieves
and often cures Liver Complaints, Fe
male Weaknesses and Irregularities,
and is a potent renewer of vitality. For
purifying tho blood it has no eqnal; it
tones up the system, restores and pre
serves the health, and imparts vigor
and eneigy. For forty years it has
been in extensive use, and is to-day the
most available medicine for the suffer
ing sick, everywhere.
For Sale Br all Dealers.
Manufacturing and repairing in all its branch
es.done wiiit neatness, encapness, and dispatch
and by first class workmen. Sherwood & Stad
elmann, Centennial Shoe Store.
Sherifl's Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued by C P.
Moore. Clerk of the District Court within and
for Cass County, Nebraska, (by J. W. Jennings)
and to lue directed, I will on the th day of Jan
uary, A. D. 1877, at 11 o'clock A. M.. of said day
at the South Door of the Court House in the
city of Plattsmouth, in said County, sell at pub
lic auction the following real estate to-wit : The
north-east quarter (ne?i) of section three (3), in
town twelve (12), north range twelve (12) east of
the cixth (nth) principal meridian, in Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
The same being levied v.pon and taken
as l tie property oi u. r. smit i ana .;. a. tmun
two of the defendants : to satisfy a judgment of
s:iid Court, recovered by the First Js'a
Bank of Plattsmouth, Ne! plaintiffs
Plattsmouth, Neb., Dec. 6th, 1876.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an o'rder of sale In attachment,
issued by W'm. II. Newell, County Judge, with
in and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me
directed, I will on the 18t'u day of December, A.
D. 1876, at io o'clock a. m., of said day. at the
farm of Arthur Carmichael, in Weeping Water
precinct, in said County, sell at public auction
the following goods and chattels, to-wit : One
lot of ear corn, on the farm of Arthur Carmi
chael In Weeping Water precinct, Cass County,
Neb. The same being levied upon and taken as
the property of Arthur Carmlcnael, defendant :
to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered
by Vallery & RufFaer, plaintiffs.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Dec. 6th, A. D. 1876.
37t2 M. B. Cutler, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Ttv virtne of .n order of Rale fataiierf h fl. T
Afoore, (oy J. w. jenningn, nis Deputy.) cierl
of the District Court, within and for Cas Coun
ty, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the
30th dav of December. A. D. 1876. at 11 o'clock
a. m. of said day, at the south door ef the Court
House, in the City of Plattsmouth, in said Coun
ty, sell at public auction the following real es
tate, to-wit : The south half (s'4) of the north
west quarter (nw!) of section number ten (10)
township number eleven (11) north of range
number ten (10) east of 6th P. M., in Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska. The same being levied upon and
taken an the i roperty of Joseph G. Sharp and
Amanda J. Sharp, defendants ; to satisfy a
judgment of said Court, recovered by E. A. Yvig
genliorn, plaintiff.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Nov. 28. A. D. 1878.
3615 M. B. Cutljcr, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued by C. P.
Moore. Clerk oi the District Court, (by J. W.
Jennings his Deputy.) within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on
the 30th day of December, A." I). 1876, at 10
o'clock a. in., of said day, at the south door of
the Court House, ih the City of Plaltamouth. In
said County, sell at public auction the following
real estate, to-wit : Twelve (12 acres more or
less of lot two (?) in section twelve (12 in town
twelve (13) north range eleven (II) east of the
6th p. m., in Cass County, Nebraska, being all
of said lot two (2) excepting two (2) acres off of
the wost side and ten (10) acres oil ot the east
side, and that portion occupied by the Burling
ton & Missouri Itiver Kail load Company in Ne
braska, with appurtenances. And also the
south-east quarter, (se1) of the south-east
quarter (seli) of the south-east quarter se)
of section twelve (12) town (12) north range elev
en (11) east of Gth P. M.,in Cass County, Nebras
ka, containing ten (10) acres more or less The
same being levied upon and taken as the prop
erty of W. K. Flatcher, defendant, to satisfy a
Judgment of said Court, recovered by the lowa
Coal Company, plaintiff.
I-A Plattsmouth, Neb., November 23th, A. D. 187C.
36t5 M. B. CUTLKR, Sheriif.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued by Wm.
fl. Newell, County Judge, within and for Cass
county. Nebraska, and to me directed, I will
on the nth day of lecember, A. D. 1S76, at 11
o'clock a. in., of said day, at the South Door
of the Court House in the City of Plattsmouth,
in said Co., sell at public au- tion the following
estate to-wit : One grey horse, six years old ;
one grey mare, six years old; oie set double
harness for two horses ;gnne spring wagon ; one
lot of tin ; one lot of sheet iron ; one lot of tea
kettle bottoms.
The same being levied unon and taken as the
property of J. J. Boos and C.eorge Boos, defen
dants ; to satisfy a judgment of said Court, re
covered by J. M. Phillips, plaintiff.
Plattsmouth, Nov. 2Uth, 187.
36t2 M. B. Cutlkr, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of two executions, issued by Wm.
A.Sharrar. (bv A. D. Burr his deputy). Clerk ef
the District Court. 2d Judicial District, within
and for Lancaster County, Nebraska, and to me
directed, 1 will on the 23d day of December, A.
D. l7G, at one o'clock p. m., of said day, at the
south door of the Court House, in the City of
Plattsmouth, In Caes County, "ell at public auc
tion, the following real estate, to-wit : The east
half (eH) of the north-east quarter (ne o of sec
tion nineteen (19) in town twelve (12) north
range fourteen east (I4e) of the 6 p. m. in Cass
County, Nebraska. The same beinjr levied up
on ana taken as the property of James l. Min
shall, defendant ; to sattsfy two judgments of
eaid Court, recovered by Robert E. Moore.
; plaintiff.
I PJ.-m$uTMJth, Neb., r. ?ist, A. T. ir;.
34-.o 11. B. Cli-le:;, ShenE.
South Carolina and Florida,
Whieh can be obtained at the
Post Office News Depot!
The headquarters for
Tobacco, Notions, Etc.
I make fine sewed
French Calf Boots.
Fine French Calf Pegged Boots 63.00.
Repairing done neatly, and with dispatch.
Centennial Meat Market.
German Sausage Factory I
have again opened out with a new, wholesome,
On Main St., south side, 2 doors east of Far
mele's Livery Stable.
SUak Sausage,
Roast fc Itiba,
Chickens A (Mlets,
Stem A Stufflna.
Meat for Money !
3Stf All the time e)m nnd seel
I keep constantly en haud
Best's Milwaukee Beer.
which can be had at no other
Also the best of
Z3m3 Ed. Hosenbaam.
And always keep on hand
VV MFC. Co. 4 Vv
P3 'issA bo
s , ,f. U PETER MERGES. fi CD
one of the most complete assortment in the country for the
T .
"Small EPi-6fittsl5ck Salew
Come and be Convinced.
Tie Country is safe ! A Tresi Jent is or
Mill bo elected, and Christmas is com
ing:. These being the facts, the undersign
ed take occasion to inform the ladies
of Plattsmouth and vicinity that they
have at last been prevailed upon to un
cover the fountain, of fashion for this -season,
which has been carefully se
lectedand imported especially for them
and for the benefit of their patrons, and
the pleasure of art loving visitors, con-
tained in an endless variety of Plumes
Flowers, Silks and Hats trimmed by
the most skillful milliner in this coun
ty. A visit is respectfully solicited.
The mammoth display of the Millinery
department is sure to recompense the
art-loving populace from furthest parts
and as the prices are 5a per cent les3
than any where els no one need be
disappointed, as all -can bs suited.
Come one, come all, it will pay you to
do so.
Solomon & Nathan,
Philadelphia Store.
A few more of those celebrated Po
land China pigs for sale b3' Clark and
Ilyprs, miles southwest of Weep
ing Wilt or. Ciisi Co. Neb. -2ux'
1876 JT. V. Weclklljacto, j 1877
Of all
Sheetings, Canton Flannels, Cotton Bat
tings, and Woolen Goods.
mn m mn & shoes t
IFiime (DasSnMeie, UBflaimEi13
etf, FItaime!9 IEttCo
Fine heavy IMPOR TED BE A VER,
For Orercoats.
Of all Kinds.
Coffee Mocha, Java and Rio Arbuck
le's Celebrated Roasted, and Fine
Ground Coffees.
FMa f ail HOmdl.
Nails, Lamps, Lanterns, Lamp Chim
neys, Lamp-black, Etc.
The Highest Price Paid for all Country Produce,
Come and Examine our Stock Before
ReceivedCar Load of
I reeelred tb Premium for the largeet and beet assortment of
Ml satmtinf'aMstfiHin0
the best of all grades of
No trouble to show Goods.
There is no doubt but the present
situation of all kinds of business and
industry is fearfully depressed, and it
behooves eery family to look carefully
to their expenses. Winter is coming
on when children are liable to Croup,
Whooping Cough, etc Coughs and
Colds will prevail everywhere, and
Consumption with other Throat and
Lung diseases will carry off many.
These diseases should not be neglected,
Doctor Dills are expensive, and we
would advise our people to use Bos
ciiee's Geuman Syrup. It never has
failed. One bottle for 75 cents will
keep your family well during the win
ter. Two doses will relieve and case.
Sold in all towns in the United States,
and by your Druggists Chapman &
Fencing, Joist and Scantling, $20.00,
at Waterman's. 29tf
J. V- Weckbach will pay in cash or
goods the highest market price for any
amount of potatoes. 2'Jtf -
1,000 pounds of first class butter
wanted at highest mirket prices, at
t f Sou n ass i: & G u M n 1. 1: g .
Easi5s '!fi
Messrs. Streight & Miller are running
a full team, turning oft harness work
in quantity. We were surprised to sea
the amount of work they are making
and selling. Good work and genial
manners will count. Give them a call
and they will fit you out to your satis
faction. 36tf
Miss Sweeney is in constant receipt
of fine millinery goods, and can supply
the finest feathers and trimmings of
all kinds in the market. We are the
only firm in the city that shape anl
press hats. - Dressmaking done with
promptness and dispatch. Call and
see our stock. 86-2t ,
Our enterprising clothier, Billy
Stadelmann, has returned from thft.
east with an immense stock of Cloth
ing and Gents' Furnishing Goods,
which he will sell at lower prices than
ever were offered in this city. 23tf
Charley Brown still continues fn'the
old business of blacking stoves, clean
ing chimneys, &a, and gives good sat
isfaction wherever he goes. Terms
fifty cents per stove, and for chtmneyir
fifty cents per tfue. 32-tf
s ' xOV . f
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J4(XI '
to o i1
-mi nwii im -act; i u J-,