THE HERALD. LOCAL NEWS, Les;al notices at Statute i-tt". Attorneys and ntlicers of the law will be ncld responsible fur nU legal notices they hand in, and all parties deniamlinK .a. proof of publica tion o any not ice will be held lor tUe publica tion fee of such notice. . COMMUNICATION. As our space is limited, all communications must he brief and to th point, with no waste of word. Transient, 25 cents a line. Regular advertis ers 10 cents per line. No advertisement insert ed for.fes tkiui 25 cent. 1. Any person who takes the ii?flcr regularly from the pos?-omce, whether directed to his uume, or w hether he Is a subscriber or not Is resjKjnsiblo for the pay. 2. It anv oerson onfers his paper discontin ued, he must pay ail arreirapres, or the publish er may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole, amount, whether tl paper 's tdk: from the office or not. 3. The courts have derided that refusing to take liewguapers and!oii',als fronvtlPJ io8t ottiee.or removing und ilnx tlicm uncalled for, 1 jtrimt fvcie evidence of l" ricNTlOJf AL THAUII. Ee-st rikjtom work f t Sherwood & Stailcl mann's. 23tf Vior Merges has a large and well 'assorted stock of gloves, collars, cults, A., &c. Mannfaclnricg aiid repairing at Sherwood Si Staiiclmanu's. '-Zl'-t The beHt ami finest boots are made at Merees Shee Store. He received the premium at the .fair. Imported beaver for overcoats and cloaks, in stock, cheap at S. & G"s. Go to Julius l'opprberg for good ci gars, plug and fine cut tobacco. Eoril lard & Co's. 29tf Mr. Asa Core, of Glendale, has gone to Virginia, lie will bo absent about three weeks. Pleasant trip Mr. Core. To allay a tickling cough, and to render the voice clear, take "Forest Tar Troches." The Tatent AVood Box Stove Polish advertised in. auother colum is the latest and best thing out in its line. The new Machine Shops are progres sing rapidly and are a great ornament to the city. The outside is finished and nainted and rn:ike3 a fine show. Frank Stadter, our unapproachable artist, has re-opencd bis studio in Stad elmann'! building, and is prepared to paint portraits from photographs or sittings, in oil or crayon. Give him a call. Jtf Maple Syrup at J. V. Weckbach's. I -will pay more in cash or goods for hides and furs than any other man. 3C2t A. W. White. A few pairs Fill Blood Eerk f Turk FiG5 for sale I u qui re at this -cilice. o3-tf. The best of fine French Ca!f Loot made at .Jlerws shoe store. Retailing done nice and lro;.ipUy. Assortment of ladies' cloaks cheap at S. &. (i's. 32tf DIPLOMA I Tin; best and finest French Calf Boots can be made in town for i??.oo. I received the first Premium at the Fair and can make the best in the market, I do repairing cheap and 2D-tf Peter HERGES. 'Sher.vo.vl St Ht:idli:iana keep the b-t. sell the i'h t.;i.',st, and have tat" best variety of boots j.nt shoes hi town. We :!! foicssii. anil there fore can't bo uudvrsold. Sherwood & Stadel iiKiuu. The Heuald is going off to spend Thanksgiving. If they elect a Presi dent whi'e we are gone, the patent boss we leave here will tell. you all about it. We Avould call attention to the ad of J. P. Young in another column. Mr. Young has a fine assortment of toys for the Holidays,' which he will dispose of cheap for cash. His stock of confec tionery is unexcelled m the west. lie also ha on hand books of travel and adventure, pjttry, etc., and all the standard periodicals of the day. The work of refitting the Methodist Church is going on favorably. It was intended to have it opened for service on next .Sabbath, but delays will pre vent. It is intended to have it readr for occupancy on Sunday after ncxt,'of which notice will be given next week. New Orleans at J. V. Weckbach's. I am ready to make contracts for ice for the next season. Give me a call. F. S. White. Oar friend Chambers has just recov ered from a severe attack, and is now at his post ready to wait uion custom ers with his usual affability. Harness, Saddles, Bridles etc.. constantly on hand, and for sali cheap at Martin's Harness Shop. It Country produce taken at the highest market prices, at Schnasse & Gram berg's in exchange for goods. tf Sherwood & Stadelmann wi-h to inform the Ladiits of Plattsmomli and vieinity that we have commenced manufacturing Lu'lie fine hoes in nil ft vie. Such as have never been made here, before. We wi-di it thoroughly understood that we do not end east for the tops, hut manufac ture the upper ourselves, at the Centennial Shoe Store, in nil the latest f;v.-hioiis. Congress, Putton, Side Lace, Front Lace. IIOtfE 2IAXUFACTUKE. I would bo pleaded to inform the public in our vicinity that 1 ha've a workman now that is ca pable of uiakins; the finest, most tasty, and du rable Ladies Shoes and (ieuiletnans' lioots in the County, which urevents me from sending east lor the tops as in former days. I received the premium at the Fair for lil.s fine work and neat design. 1 warrant fits and satisfaction. PKTKlt JlKKiiFA xId. Herald: We were pleased t notice that a lady had the courage to acknowledge in print the satisfactory manner the millinery branch $ repre sented in Plattsmouth. We are the more obliged to her, as it gives us an opportunity to acknowledge merits never before rewarded save with our patronage. A few short years ago PI ittsmouth had but few advantages until this most enterprising establish ment made its appearance, and to it we owe much for the many chances it has given us to gratify our natural de sire for beauty and fashion, to consult thh most experienced modistes as to taste and style, and being of like grate ful disposition we follow the lady's ex ample in recommending to the fashion world t lie well known establishment f Solomon & Nathan and their skill ful Ilaf trimmer, assuring them through the medium of your Journal pur patronage to the fullest extent. M.vxv La dii:. Go to Am. Lazenby's for tho bests cent cigar in the market. J PERSONAL. L. P. Reed, agent for J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell Mass., aalled on us last week. He is a lively chap and" gave the Herald an advertisement for Dr. Ayers celebrated medicines, which will be found in another column. Mr J. H. Tucker of Dresdon, called on tho Hfkald yesterda)-. A Tair of Bob Sleds for sale cheap or to trade for wood. Call oa James Pettee or at the Herald office. -. : There will be preaching in German next Sunday, ia tho German School House, at half past tenjn the forenoon, by Rev. F. C. Schwartz. Sabbath School commences at half past nine. Silver Drip Syrup at Weckbach's. For fancy cand'es and choice confec- tionaries tor the holidays, go to A. W. Whites. SC-St LYONS patent heel stlfTeuers. to prevent boots frpm runnin;r over, to be jrot at Sherwood & Stadelmann's Centennial Shoe Store. Stadelmann has just got home that is before elf ction. He voted. He also bought a big stock of Winter Clothing. He means Luaiuess. This Clothing must be sold, This Clothing will be sold, It will be sold cheap, It will be sold for cash. Billy Stadelmann says so, Billy Stadelmann does what he says. Come and buy. Come and look. If you don't buy he'll make you feel sorry you hav'nt the money anyway. If you do buy you'll go home so hap py you'll dance fishers' hornpipes for two days. ' J. Schlater is receiving almost daily goods for the Holidays. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Sti intra and Toys of every description. Call and see him and find out what he has got. 33-tf Frames and Albums always on hand at Frank Carruth's Photograph and Jewelry place on Main St. We call attention to the advertise ment of Ben Hempel in this issue. He has disposed of his stock of liquor and refitted his place as a restaurant and oyster saloon. Meals at all hours. Oysters cooked in every style. (ioosl Neighborhood. A person who was looking at a house the other day said he couldn't afford to pay so much rent. ""Well, look at the neighborhood," replied the woman. "You can borrow flat-irons next door, flour and sugar on the cornar, and there's a big pile of wood belonging to the school house right across the alley. IMek Cashing says folks raus'nt borrow any more things 'round his hous-r. OUAIIA, Nov. 24, 1870. The undersigned, being the largest retailers of Boots nnd Shoes in the West desire to call your attention to the eas3 with which you can supply yourself from their stock. In sending orders, state'pi Ice, quali ity and size desired, also whether wide or narrow, as our shoes are made in several widths. It cost3 but 10 cents a pound to send shoes to any part of the U. 8. W. 13. Lokixo & Co. FALL IN DRESS GOODS. Cashmeres, delaines and other .dress goods at greatly reduced rates at Schnasse & Graraberg's. tf Juft received, a lanze stock of wool lined and rubber Koods. Very cheap for cash. Sherwood ft Stadelmann, Centennial Store. Imported Beaver, for Ladies Cloaks, very cheap at J. V. Weckbach's. Uncle Billy Stadelmann says he's not dead yet, but is prepared to compete with the west in quantity' and quality of clothing, which he will sell cheaper than the cheapest. o-32t Messrs. Strcight &Miller are running a full team, turning off harness work in quanluy. We were surprised to see the amount of work thev are making and selling. Good work and genial manners will count. Give them a call and thev will fit vou out to your satis faction." " 30tf LlTIiAS SOCIETY. Meeting called to order by Gen'l. E. E. Cunningham being called to the chair, Jos. A. Connor, secretary. Mov ed by J. N. Wise, that a committee be appointed by the chair, that said com mittee ascertain the sense of this com munity in reference to the organization of a Literary Society and Circulation Library, and report to adjourned meet ing. committee. U. W. Wise, Joseph A. Conner.F. E. Cunningham, Mrs. J. X. Wise, Mrs. J, A. MacMurphy, Miss Eva Shelton. All persons who are interested in this movement are -requested to meet next Friday at 7 o'clock sharp, at Ii. Baxter Windham's office. Miss Sweeney is in constant receipt of fine millinery goods, and can supply the finest feathers and trimmings of all kinds in the market. We are the only firm in the city that shape and pres3 hats. Dressmaking done with promptness and dispatch. Call aud see our stock. SG-2t The Country is safe ! A President is or ' will be elected, and Christmas is cora- These being the facts, the undersign ed take occasion to inform the ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity that they have at last been prevailed upon to un cover the fountain of fashion for this season, which lias been carefully se lected aud imported especially for them and for the benefit of their patrons, and the pleasure of art loving visitors, con tained in an endless variety of Plumes Flowers, Silks and nats trimmed by the most skillful milliner in this coun ty. A visit is respectfully solicited. The mammoth display of the Millinery department is sure to recompense the art-loving populace from furthest parts and as the prices are 50 per cent less than anywhere elss no one need be disappointed, as all cat bs suited. Come on, come all, it will pay you to do so. Soi.omo; & Xattiax, Philadelphia Store. . Joseph Alexander Connor gets a fine Tot' cr- grain' receipts' printed at the L Herald oflicc this week; over 8,000, which shows that Joseph means to do a slashing business thi3 winter, as he generally does. Ho is' now laying in corn to feed the horses of the Russian .Cavalry next summer, and expects a big order from .Prince Bismark soon, to help make Europe hop if there comes another war there. , ' Prof. Church delivered a sermon at the Court Ilousa last Sunttay, Nov. SO, to a full and attentive audience. He took for the subject of his discourse the 1'IIistory of Unitariani3ra In" liui United States." Ho traced his subject, through its various ramifications, from the days of the Puritans, with their narrow contracted ideas, until the pres ent time with it3 liberal, broal-gaage reasoning. The Prof, is a vary able speaker, and held his audience unwea ried for over an hour, presenting his view on the subject in a plausible man ner. The Centennial Shoe Store is the place for the finest custom work in Cass county,; herwood & Stadelmann. A nice line of cassimercs, merlnoes,. poplins and delaines, all the latest col ors at J. V. -Weckbach's. Bed ticks filled with straw at 35c each. Address box 334, Post Offiqe, Plattsmouth. - J. P. Young has - just received; and will be receiving new toys for the hol idays, such as Dolls, Rocking Horses, Sleighs, Wagons, Trumpets, Carriages, etc., etc. Also line stock of Writing Desks, Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Books and Confectionery. If you want any thing in my line give me a call. It GREAT BARGAINS! I bought a largo job lot of BOOTS - and sell thein BELOW WHOLESALE PRICES. NOW IS YOUR TIME, before they are all yone. CALL AND SAVE MONEY. Peter Merges. Mr. Thatcher, an old grain buyer of this town, and partner at present, of Mr. Wm. Darrah, returned to his old love (Plattsmouth) last, week and will soon settle down among us again for the winter. "Thatch" and Connor used to make a lively team on a Sat urday afternoon on Main street, but since Connor has got married he has become so good natured and pious that "Thatch" says he can't get a "cuss" out of him, and there's no fun left buying grain any more. It it wasn t for Buly heMJgo.back to Hastings at oru e. We did hear that Connor had joined the Church, and was going to preach soon on the wickedness of ''corners and sich." Thatch will do tho heavy (bass) singing at Connor's revivals. MONEY TO LOAX. Money to loan on long,' on hnnrovoj farms in Cass :o., Neb. ufiiee over i W. Uctt r.ian'p Store, Maia street. Neb. City. 25:i - li. H. & .1. a. MiLtni:. FARMERS ATTENTION! : Julius Pepperberg, Cigar Manufac turer, on Main St., Plattsmouth, Xeb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tobaceocs for smoking purposes. For Sale. Best qualities of pi ug-smok-;ng tobucco always on hand. 20-tt'. NOTICE. There will be a meeting of th Cas County Agricultural Society at the of fice of 1. J J. Windham, on Saturday December lCth, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. The object of this meeting is to make arrangements for re-I;asing the present Fair Grounds, or changing the locality to some more convenient place. Every person holding a family ticket is a member of the Society and can vote it is expected that all the mem bers will be present. AH persons hold ing cIh'ihh against the Society,or.havng matters which Ihey wish the Society to act upon, will present them on the occasion, all interest of vital import ance will bo taken into consideration at this time, so don't fail to come. Isaac Wiles, R. B. Windham, President. Secretary. Manufaeturini; and repairing In :.ll i branch es.done with nodtne.-s. cheapness, an;! dispatch end by first workmen. Sherwood & Stad elmann, Centennial shoe Store. It may take several days to decide the Presidential contest, and, possibly, it may not be decided until Congress meets., but., it has long been decided that Leonard takes' the'" best photo graphs in the West. Persons wanting pictures taken for Christmas presents will do well to call on him now during the unusually fine weather and not put it off till the last moment! 33 tf Our enterprising merchants, E. G. Dovey & Son, are with their usual ur banity and promptness supplying their customers with everything in the line of dry goods and groceries, boots and shoes, hardware and general merchan dise. You can find everything you want at their mammoth establishment on the most liberal, terms. Sole agents for ttndebaker wagon's. It BOOTS AMI SHOES. I have now on hand tho largest and best assortment of all kinds of foot wear that ever came to town, which will e sold at a very small profit to compare with the hard times. I got the first premium at the Fair for the best assortment of Boots and Shoes, and Boot and Shoe leather; itlso for my own manufacture of Boots. Call and try me before pur chasing elsewhere. 1 will not be un dersold. 2!-tf Peter Merges. Tremendous Slaughter or Dry Goods, Clothiiix, Baals, fchoes, Etc., Etc. The limes are hard, the winter with his iron grip is upon us. People must be clothed and kept warm, so come to the Philadelphia Store and suit your self. Owing to the fact of the hard times goods of all kinds have depreci ated, and having availed ourselves of the opportunity in buying for cash, we offer now to our customers and pat rons the whole advantage of low prices. Come and examine our new stock of Ladies' Cloaks and Dress Goods. We also embrace in our offer of low prices all goods suitable for Christmas presents such as gold watches, chains, and like articles which are not gold, but look as well, all kinds of jewelry, bracelets, rings, studs, sleeve buttons with monograms, furs of all kind?, shawl., woolen and silk, 3clienck's Puimomc Syrup for th cure of Con - sumption, Cought and Colds. The great virtue of tills medieino is that it ripens the matter and throws it out of Ute sys tern, purifies the blood, and thus eilects a cure. SniRTfCK's Ski Wekt Tovtc. tor the CL'KEOVDVSVFrsIA.lNDUiE.STIOX.&C. , The Tonie produces a healthy action of the stomach creating uu appetite, forming chyle, and curing the most obstinate cases of indiges tion. SCUEVCK'lS MaXDKAKK rn.LS, FOR THE CVKTC OK LlVKR COMPLAINT, SC. These Pills are alterative, ami produce a healthy aetion of the liver, without the least danger, as they are free from' calomel, aud yet more etlieaeions in restoring a healthy action of the liver. ... . TUvs0 remedies arc a certain' cure for con sumption,' as the .Pulmonic Syrup ripens the matter mid purities the blood. Tne Mandrake 1'iils act upon the liver, create a healthy bile, nnd remove all diseases of the liver, often a cause of Consnmption. lite Sea Weed Tonic gives tone ami strength to the stomach, makes a good digestion, juiu enables tne organs to lorni uood blood : and thus creates a healthy circulation of healthy Mood. The combined action of these medicines, as thus explained, will ettre everv c ise of consumption, if taken in lime, aud tlio"i:c of the medicines persevered in. . Dr. Sclienek Is professionally at his principal office, corner Sixili and Arch Sts., Philadelphia, every Mondav, where all letters for adyice must be a"ddressed. Thanksgiving morning has opened in the real old fashioned way, cool and pleasant. - Services to be held in the Presbyterian, and Episcopal Churches, and it is hoped each will be filled with congregations thankful for the benifi- cent care of the Father of all mercies, and that? many good resolutions will bo made and kept by the good people of this city, tending to a life of usefulness fgr the future., Jurktys are being pre pared, families gathering for : the fes tive board looked for on each annual return of the good old time honored custom of Thanksgiving to the Father of all mercies fur his goodness to us all in the past year. To-night the Brass Band give a Thanksgiving Party at Fitzgerald Hall.' , Turn out and have a good time. ' The December number of St. Nicho las come to us enlarged and beautified wonderfully. A new story commences with tho number. There are other beautiful and good things for children o read, and old as the Herald edit or is he reads them with as much pleasure a3 anybody, and we consider this one of the most valuable, best, and safest children's Magazines published in the United States, and we should like to see it in the hands of all the young folks in Cass County. PIONEERS ASSOCIATION. Plattsmouth", Nov. 23, 187G. At the annual meeting of the Pio neers Association of Cass County, the meeting was called to order by the Pres ident, and A. L. Child elected secreta ry, 2ro Um. The reading of the min utes of previous meeting was dispens ed with, as the records were not pres ent. The Committee appointed at a pre vious meeting to reviss the Constitu tion and By Laws reported progress and ased further time, which wa3 grant ed. The meeting then elected J. .A. MacMurphy as Secretary, and Thomas Thomns as Treasurer of the Association for the ensuing year. .On motion Thomas Thomas wa3 ap pointed a committee of one lb take up, either the badges of the Association or the money received for them from the several members of the Association who have received the same for sale, and report the same to the next meet ing of the Association. The meeting then adjourned to meet at the Court House, Dec. 9th, at 2 p. m. A. L. Child, Sec. pro tern. SPECIAL , LOCALS. A few City orders for sale. A ood Piano to tra le for a team At Heeald Officii. A faatidsome piano for sale cheap, or to let Iaquire at the Herald office. Fencing, Joist and Scantling, $20.00, at Waterman's. 29tf J. V. Weckbach will pay in cash or goods the highest market price for any amount of potatoes. 29tf 1,000 pounds of first class butter wanted at highest market prices, at tf Schnasse & Gramberg's. Inhaling the hot vapois of Solution of "Forest Tar" for Bronchitis and Consumption, allays the cough, aids ex pectoration, restores tne appetite and promotes sleep. In the whole history of medicine, no J preparation has over periormea such marvellous cures, or maintained so wide a reputation, as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which is recognized as the world's remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Its long-continued series of wonderful cures in all cli mates has made it universally known as a sate and reliable agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, which are the forerunners of more serious disorders, it acts speedily and surely, always re lieving suffering, and often- saving life. TheJ protection it affords, by its timely use in the throat and lung dis orders of children, makes it an invalu able remedy to be kept always on hand in every home. No person can afford to he without it, and those who have once used it never will. From their knowledge of its composition and effects, Physicians use the, Cherry Pec toral extensively in their practice, and Clergymen recommend if It is abso lutely certain in its remedial effects, and will always cure when cures are possible. For sale by a.l Dealers. Our enterprising clothier, Billy Stadelmann. has returned from tlie east with an immense stock of Cloth ing and Gents ' Furnishing Goods, which he will sell at lower prices than ever were offered in this citv. 28tf There is every prospect to believe that the grasshoppers will not do much damage in the spring, and Leonard stlil takes the best pictures in the West. Go to him now and have your photo graphs taken for a Christmas gift for vour friends. ... 33-tf WANTED. A good, live, active Agent for Or gans and Pianos, for Cass Co. We will offer belter terms" and inducements than any other wholesale music dealer in the U. S.. Apply to Prescott & Hill, Columbus, Nebraska. WANTED. Somebody that owes us to haul a load of wood. Just . rt,-..V. 1 L23 xm tf - , - ' And always keep on band FOOT-GEAR FOR BUTTON AND SIDE-LACE; FOR wm , DIES. SEWED FRENCH CALF-SKIN ROOTS, and in act one of the most complete assortment in the country for the , .:v, Iu.s.siuif. Como and be Convinced. sly SPECIAL NOTICES. flPOT A PT TO HAPPY" KEL1 KP to V OUUg UliOiii VjijiO jieu from the effects of Errors ' and abuses in early life. Man Yt) hood restored. Impediments to Marriage removed. New Tf udduhp method of treatment New ItlArtrClAtilli-nnd remarkable remedies. Books and circulars sent free in sealed envel opes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, 419 IS. Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. An Institution having a high reputation for honorable conduct and professional skill. ltfly TEA CIIERS EJTAMINA TIONS. Notice is hereby given that I w ill examine aU persons who may offer themselves as candi dates for teachers of the common schools of this county, at mv oilicein the twn of Weeping Water, on the lastFrid.iv and Saturday of each and every mouth, cominencing at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated this Stli day of January, A. D. 1RTG. a. B. CRIPPEX. 4?tf Co. Rnp't of Pub. Snst ruction. Also at the Couit House, in Plattsmouth, on the first Friday and Saturday of each month. U.K. CKIPPEN. ' Sup't, EST RAY NOTICE. T:Lken?'ir Lv the Hubscribcr. on the 2tith day of October lai-.t. Tii ponief, one clear black mare supposed to be. c or 7 years old, the other a grav or rather white, up"ioed to be 7 or 8 years' ,'old. The owner is requested to prove property, pavcharge and take them away. Da ted Nov. liitu lsTti, Tipton precinct, or town 10, range ;), Cus county, Nebraska. Jj- 0t ASI'KEW SfKOAL. STOYESIPOLISmsl AND C1II1INCYS CLEANED. Charley Brown still continues in'tthe ohllwsiness of blacking stoves, clean ing'chimneys, &c, and gives good sat isfaction wherever he goes. Terms, fifty cents per stove, and for chimneys fifty cents per Hue. 32-if BRING IT IN. Some wood, corn or potatoes will be taken on subscription at this office. A new American and a new Wilson SEWIXO MACHINE for sale at the Herald OUice. FOR SALE A -farm of 120 acres, partly cultivated, can be bought on 4 vears' time. No payment required dow n. Apply to R. B. Windham. A few more of those celebrated Po land.China pigs for sale by Clark and Ilyefs, six miles southwest of . Weep ing Water, Cass Co. Neb. C2-2m FIRST PKE3IHJ2I. I received the first premium for the best assortment of Boots and Shoes, the best assortment of Boot and Shoe leather, and Home Made 'Boots. I do manufacturing cheaply and promptly. 29-tf . Peter-Merges. . Always on hand, a full supply of glove kid, pateut leather. French and Spanish morocco, of KUl'i ior quality. To be got only at Sherwood & stadelmann. I RECEIVED THE PREMIUM for the finest exhibition of leather at the Fair, consist tng of Congress and Aligator skins. Mo rocco, and the finest French Kid, Patent Leath er, and French Calf-skins, and I always keep them on hand to manufacture -into Ladies Shoes. Button or Lace, and Gents' Boots and Shoes in the most complete and artistic man ner. 3G Peter Merges. The Centaur Liniments have cre ated a revolution in remedies for Rheumatism, Strains, Swellvgs. Pains, Burns, Scalds, Stings, &e. The Whitb '-influent is for the human fam ily, andthe Yellow Liniment is" for horses. They are certain, handy juul ehen-p. - Castoria is certain t0 operate, it does not nauseate or gripe like Cantor Oil. but is pleasant to take, digests tho food, regulates the bowels, cures wind colic, expels worms, and causes natural sleep. It 's equally ndapted to adults and infants. It contains neither Mineral. Morphine nor Alcohol. Children Teething mav h ive he Uth, nd mothers find rest, if they , use Catoria. ' - - 25-13t. DRESSMAKING. ; Mrs. I. Elstrr indIiss Nellie Short have gone Into the dressmakint; business, and would be pleased to have those in want of work in their line to call and seethem at the residence oT Mrs. Elster, one door west of the. Saunders House. .Satisfaction guaranteed nnd. charges ii"dcrate. . - . 7-tf Summer as "-well as winter has its changes, and sufferers of lung," throat ant-diest diseases should always be on their guards Dr. Greens Expector ant will relieve Coughs and all irrita tion and prevent Consumption and Typhoid Fever. . .. . . i - MURDER WILL OUT. A few years ago '"August Flower" was discovered to be a certain cure for Dys pepsia an l Liver complaint, a few thin Dispeptics made known to their friends how easily and quickly ihey had been cured by its use. The great merits of GaEENVArorsT Flower - became heralded through country by one suffer er to another, until without advertis ing, it3 sale has become immense. Drug gists in EVERY TOWN in the United States areselling it. No person suffer ing with Sour Stomach. Sick Headache, Costiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, indigestion, low spirits, eet, can take three doses without relief. Go to your Druggists Chapman & Glas nnd get a bottle for 75 cents and try it' Sam ple bottles 10 cents. ReceivedCar :L6a ; 1. oi. v r - - li i t sr:ri ;.i i : " r -"t ;'..n;Tr-:: u';m jJSTlD RTJBBBB G-CODS. . I received the Premiutn for the largest fn1 best assortment of ,j . ' . . . . ..... .:'- ' , -- , - -r AND THE BEST AND FIN EST OF . -: . - : - ' : r i the best of all grades of - YOUNG and'OLD. CHILDREN, MISSES AND LA- '.. t muiiu is: No trouble to show Goods. P. MfiRG-ES. LEGAL ': NOTICES. : Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of Sale, issued by C. P. Moore, (Ivy J. W. Jenninc. his Deputy.) Clerk of the Di ' "itt Court, within and fcr Cas Coun ty. Nebraska, and to me lirected, I will on the 30ta day of December. A. D. I87t. at 11 o'clock a. ni.of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in th" ity of I'lattsnieutli.iri said Coun ty, sell at t'Ublie miction the following real es tate, to-wit : The south half of the north wefd quarter (n !) o section number ten (10) township number eleven (11) north of range number ten (10) east of cth 1. M.. in Caus Coun ty. Nebraska. The same being levied upon and taken as the . roperty of Joseph O. Sharp and Amanda J. Sharp, defendants; to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by E. A. Vlg gennoru, pJintiff. Plattsmouth, N. b.,, A. D. l?rn. 3'.i'.5 M. B. Cctlkk. Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. ; By virtue of pn execution issued by C. P. Moore. Cleik oi the District Court, (by J. V. Jennings his Deputy.) within aud for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on tho3oth clay of December, A. D. 187J, at 10 o'clock a. in., of said day, at the south" door of the Court House, ih the City of Plalttmiouth, tu said County, sell at public auction the following real estate," to-wit : Twelve (12) acres more or Jos of lot two (2) in section twelve (12) in town twelve (12) north range eleven (11) east of the (th p. m.. in Cass Countv. Nebraska, being all of said lot two (2) excepting two 2) neres off of the west side and ten m) acres oil ot the east side, and that portion occupied by the Burling ton & Missouri River Railroad Company in Ne braska, with appurtenances. And ulso the south-east quarter (seM) of the south-east quarter (se1.;) of the south-east quarter se) of section twelve (12) town (l2uortl range elev en (11) east of tith P. M., in Cats County, Nebras ka, containing ten (10) acres more or h-ss . The same being levied upon and taken as the prop erty of W. E. Fletcher, defendant, to satisfy a Judgment of said Court, recovered by the Iowa Coal Company, --plaintiff. t Plattsmouth, Neb., November 29th. A. D. If 7C. S'Jt3 M. B. Cutleh, Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale issued by Wm. II. Newell, County Judge, within and for Cass countv. Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the llth day of December, A. D l7u, at 11 o'clock . in., of said day, at. the South Door of the Court House in theity of Plattsmouth, ia said Co., se 1 at public au tion the following estate to-wit : One grey horse, six years old ; one grey mare, six years old; one set double harness for two horses ;one spring wagon ; one lot of tin ; one lot of sheet iron ; one lot of tea kettle bottoms. The name being levied unon and taken as the property of J. J. Boos nmfGeorge Boos, defen dants ; to satisfy a judgment of -said Court, re covered by J. M. Phillips, plaintiil. Plattsmouth, Nov. :wih, is7t;. - , 3Ct5 M. li. Cl'TLEK, Sheriff. ' " Sheriff's Sale. r Bv virtue of two execution?, issued by Wm. A. Sharrar, (v A. D. Burr his deputy). Clerk -f the District Court. 2d Judicial District, w ithin and for Lancaster Countv, Nebra ka. and to me directed, I will on the 2-id day of December, A. 1). 170. at one a 'chick p. m., of xaid day, at the rout ii door of the Court House, in the City of Plattsmouth, in Cas County, sell at public auc tion, the following real estate, to-wit : The ea.' t half (cvtl of the uorth-east quarter (neJ) of Bec tion nineteen (l'.t) in town twelve (12) north range fourteen east (l-tej of the 6 p. nl. in Caos County, Nebraska. The name being levied up on and taken as the proiterty of James D. Mint-hall, defendant ; to satisfy two judgments of Haul Court, recovered by Robert E. Moore, plaintiff. Platteniouth, Neb., Nov. 21-t. A. D. lf76. 30t5 M. B. CUTLF.n, Sheriff. SEND IN YOUR JOB WORK. Tosters Bill-Heads, Lettei-JIeads, Envelopes, Pamphlets and Cards print ed at this office. All work expedi tiously and neatly executed. THY A BOX OF THIS AND VOU VILIi USE NO OTHER. FOR TOUR ; Better you call oa dot Ben Hempel. HFS THE MAN, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. - -ON LOWER MAIN STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - - NEB. Meals at all Hours. 40-yl B. HE II PEL, Prop. Centennial Meat Market. German Sausage Factory! Mm oV rm titi ii i it ifn noT 4 GEO. FICKLER tf- THUMUGEL have again opened out with anew, wholesome, clean BUTCHER SHOP! On Main St., south side, a doors east of Par tner's Livery Stable. IliKitt .1- llib. Chicken Jt (MU, tstcwi Stuffing, Miit for Money ! 2'Al All the (ItiiecCiue and ee! of 'V ;. a. t i WHtllli Mill T M J "' LYOTi'S mm . Tr rr vtc; ! BOOTS &-S!!0Zo FROM r LENIIOFF & ENGHLERT, Morning Dew Saloon ! One door east of the Saunders House. We keep the best of Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars. ssrnO Constantly on Hand. ' I keep eontanUy on hand -, Best's Milwaukee IJecr, which can be had at no other PLACE IN THE CITY. Also the best of . WIXES, LIQUORS, -1JVZ) CIQARS. 33m3 IM. ItOHenlmuiri. C. L. MUETZE, CUSTOM BOOT f- SHOE MAKER! I make fine sewed ; French Calf Uoots. Fine French Calf Pegged Boots $8.00. ' Kepaiilng done neatly, and w ith dlf patch. ... 331113 f3 : rs " I - tn p i r . ; ' . -d 55 -s - O S to - I-! I - o d 2 1 s: P- PS o o B CO II M a. 53 05 -; i-1 s a m , o I s o & p p -j s 3 o i - K'w S: l2" E ? 5" -. 5'9 SS 56 as U s CO 1 tr CO -a J3 I li BEST FARIV1ING LANDS IN NEBRASKA, ' PXJR SALE BY ix Ni:rntAsis.A. Great Advantages to Buyers IN 187G. Ten Years Credit at 6 per cent Interest. Six 'Years Credit at 6 per cent Interest, and lOper cent Discount. Otlier Liberal IHsironnts Vmr 'ah, Itebate. cn 1'arpn and KrelcbtH, and lkreznlomM tor Irnpme meati1, The Iowa and Xcliraxka Farmer, containing full particulars, will be mailed free to any part of the world on application to LAND :OMMlSSIOXEK. li. ft M. R. K. loyl LixtoL.v, Nekkaska ST1IE10IIT & MILLER, Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES IT1ZIDLE3, COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly on hand. Fruit Confectionery, AN!) Grocery Store NUTS, CANDIES, TEAS COFFEES, SUGAtS,.. TOP.ACCOES, r LOUR, &c. Remember tlie place, oiipo Ite E. G. Dovey's on Lower Main Street. 2Uly , STREIGHT & MILLER. W D. JOKES' NEW LIVERY ST A RLE, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Tke eld P.OXXEK STAPLES in Plattsmouth Neb., have just been lea-seil by Dr. Jones, and he will open a new and livery on and after this date. The finest ami best f horses and carriages always ready to let. SADDLE HORSES CHEAP. Horses kept for Sale or to Trade. HORSES TRAINED AXI) BROKE. I desire to give notice that I have a large, handsome brick barn, with plenty of room for horses and wagons. J can put farmers stock an I wajrons, loads of gram or anything all un- lr ottvfr iv tluiliV. hit-!.oiiti.i- ihic Thaukinir all my oK patrons fir their many favors. I solicit their trade in the new place, satisfied I can aeeommodate them better and do better 1y them than ever before.' 3-vl.' 1 s -r ' 'j. in w p mill til C3 CSZZJ ' : j.' A j