Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 09, 1876, Image 4

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sC i mmm wyim
(From tlie Omaha puMicrtn.
ritoF. iulky'h views.
In closing our report of the confer
ence in this city upon the Rrasahopeit
question, the riewa of Prof. C. V. Jli
ley, state entomologist of Missouri,
who undoubtedly stand at the licadof
the list in" scientific rt search in t!ie in
ecct kingdom, in this country, will be
of general interest. The representative
of the Republican called on this gentle
man after the session was ended, from
whom we obtained the follawh: syn
opsis of auestion3 made in his eighth
annual report:
The means to be employed ngalrist
the ravages of this insect in the more
fertile country subject to its periodical
visitation, but i:i which U i n;- in
genous, may Ce classed undr iiveliea Is:
1. Natural K''encie. 2.
means of destroying the egs. 3. Such
means of destroying the unfledged
ounsr. 4. licinedies against thu m i-
i u red or winged insects. 5. Prevention
Having considered these measures last
vear. I shall treat here iriiic'pally of
the second, third and fifth, bringing to
gether the most valuable experiences
of the year. In a paper on "The Lo
cust Plague; How to avert it," read be
fore the American association for the
advancement of science, lat August, I
wrote as follows:
Artificial Mtam of Destroy iwj the
Eyys The fact that man can accom
plish most in his warfare against lo
custs by destroying the eggs has lotii
ben recognized by Kuropean and Asi-
astic governments liable to suffer from
the insects. The eggs are laid in mass
es just below the surfaccof the ground,
seldom to a greater depth than an inch :
and high, dry ground is preferred foi
that purpose. Very often the ground
is so completely filled with these eg
masses that not a spoon full of thesoii
can be turned up without exposing
them, and harrowing or shallow plow
nig will cause the surface to look quite
whitish as the masses break up ami
bleach from exposure to theatmosphert
(iieat numbers will be destroyed by
such harrowing or plowing, as they ai
not only thereby more liabf to the at
tacks of n.iturai enemies, but they lost
vitality through the bleaching amides
sicating influence of the dew, and rain
and sun. If deeply turned under l
the plow, many of them will rot.
and the young that chance to hate!
will come forth too late the next year
to do much harm providing the ground
be not re-turned so a? to bring theegg:
to the surface in the spring. Kxes.s o-'
moisture for a few days is fatal o
the eggs, and they may very easily b
destroyed where irrigation is practica
ble. Where stock can be confined am
fed upon soil tilled with such eggs, m i
ny of these wi'.l be destroyed by th
tramping. All these means are obvi
ously insufficient, however, for the rea
son that the eggs are too often place
where none of them can be destroyed
In such they should be collected am;
be destroyed by the inhabitants, an
the State should oner some inducemen
in the way of bounty for such col lee
tion and destruction. Kvery bushel o
eggs destroyed is eqi valent to a hun
dred acres of corn saved, and when wi
consider the amount of initio;
caused in some of the western State?
by tiie locust invasion of 1374. and tha:
in many sec: ions the ground wa
known to be tilled with eggs; that, ii
other words, the earth was sown witl
tha seeds of future destruction It i
surprisnig that tl.elef. idatuics of thost
States did notma've some elfort to aver
future injury by offering a liberal prir
per bushel for the eggs. A few thous
and dollars taken out of the state treas
ury for this purpose would be wel
spent and be distributed among tin
very people most in nee 1 of assistance ru-ti'jit of the Uufledyd Ynnny
As I have s'ated in the article a!
ready alluded to, heavy rolling, when
the surface of the soil is sufficient
firm and even destroys the larger por
tion of them, but is mot advantage
ously employed when - the insects an
most sluggish. They drive almost a
readily as sheep, and may be burned ii:
large quantities by being driven in.
winrows or piles of burning hay o
straw, ilut t lie experience of tlieprcs
cnt year convinces me that by far tin
most effectual way lor man to pro'ec
bis crops ami to do battle to thes
young locust armies, especially when
as in West Missouri, last spring, then
was no hay or straw to burn is b .
ditching. A ditch two feet wide a:v
two feet dee;with per; e idicular sides,
offers an effectual barrier to the younr
insects. Thev tumble into it and ac
cumulate, and die at the bottom ii
large quantities. In a few days the
stench becomes great and necessitates
the covering up of the mass. In order
to keep the main ditch open, therefore
it is best to dig pits or deeper side ditch
es at short intervals, into whuh ti e
hoppers will accumulate and may be
buried. We hear much talk about the
powerlessaess of iinti before this
mighty locust plagu-?: but I am quite
coatiJenl here we have a remedy that
is at once thorough and eifectual.
wheivby the people of some of the
Sta'es, at le.iit, may avert in future
sulIi evil a- that which befel them this
spring. TiV'ie have been a number of
partial aUemp.s at ditching l y simply
turning a couple ,f furrows with the
plu.v. Even these will often divert
the encroaching hide's from their
course; but they can never be relied
on, ami you may rest assured that when
ever you hoar a man declare that ditch
ing is no protection, he refers to such
slovenly, half-made ditches. No in
stance has come to my knowledge
where a ditch, such as I first describ
ed, has failed to keep off the insects.
Made around a fc Id about hatching
time, few hoppers will get into that
fa-Id until they acquire wings, and by
that time the danger is over
and the insects are fast disappcit iug.
If any should hatch within the end i
ure. they are easily driven into the
ditches dug in rent parts of the
sls;estions as to r inventive mea-f-rn.Es.
The measures so -far recommended
have in view the destruction of t !;.- in
sects when once they aie upon us. The
question very nautrdly aises. "can
something not b- done to prevent the
incursions of the species into the more
fertile states ia winch it is not indige
nous?" In the previous quoted paper
read at Detroit, I gave it as my opin
ion that "the proper way to deal with
this iusect is to attack it in its native
breeding places. It is a facl that does
not speak well for some of the coun
tries of the old world subject to locust
injuries, that it istotliisday not known
whence many of the devastating
swarms have their origin. Hut because
European nations have hitherto shown i
lethargy on the subject, it is no reason
why we should. Let us rather in this,
as we have in many things, :et an ex- j
ample which they wrtl be glad to fol- i
low. Our efforts should be con-1
fined to the restriction of the species j
The most important results are liKe
ly to flow from a thorough study of
the Hocky Mountain locust in its na
tive haunts and breeding places. l!y
learning just wheii and how to strike
the insect, so as to prevent its undue
multiplication there whether by some
more extensive system of irrigation.
b;ised on improved knowledge of the
topography and water supply wf the
county, or by other means of destroy
ing the eggs we may hope to protect
the fertile states to the east from future
One of the best means of checking
the increase of the species in its native
haunts, will be found in the encourage
ment and increase of its natural ene
mies, especially the game birds, and the
example of Kansa3 should be followed
in enacting stringent laws for their
protection. The introduction of the
Knglish sparrow lias been advised.
From what I know of the bird both
here and in its native country, I should
expect little aid from it in this line,
an l if i; can thrive to the nonhwes
it will roon spread there, as it is rapid
ly multiplying at several points along
the Mississippi. We iniy expect more
good from tlieencour.tgeuientof native
locut-feeding species. Prof. Thomas
h is suggested that inducements be of
fered to the Indians to destroy the egs:s
m l young along the west side of the
plains. Some system of preventing the
extensive prairie fires in the fall that
are common in the country where the
insect naturally breeds, and then sub
sequently firing the country i:i the
spring, the young ha eh. and be
fore the young grass gets too rank,
might also be adopted. J Jut whatever
the means employed, they must be car
ried on systematically and on a suffi
ciently extended and comprehensive
Affairs in Cuba. Crop Statistics, etc.
St. Pet::rbuR'i, Nov. 2.
An official telegram received here
from General IgnalicU, announces that
the Porte has accepted a two liR'iiths'
armistice, beginning Nov. 1, and has
ordered immediate cessation of ho.-lil-.lies.
Uelghade, Nov. 2.
It is officially announced that both
armies will retain the positions they
now hold.
Losuox, Nov. 3.
The Post publishes in an official form
Jie following paragraph: "Turkey hav
.ng accepted the armistice, we under
stand Itussia has taken iinmeuiat
iteps to press forward negotiations fo.
arrangement of all pending ques
tions on the basis of the English pro
posals." The Post also states that official in-
v stigation shows that only y,100 per
ons were killed by the Turks in iJul
ga ia.
A telegram from ConstantinopU
-.ays it is believed that a conference
iVill assemble shortly.
A dispatch to the Standard from
i'aris and one to the Daily Tthyiai.,
.'roiu Constantinople aiso state that a
outereuce will be held, and add lu.-.l
i representative of the Poite witl be
idmittc'd to it by some such coinpro
nise as that described by the l.oiidot.
P'tst of Oct. '-'A, according to which
he six powers will deliberate on ic
.'onus, and tlu Turkish representalive--till
only take a seat when results are
,j be declared.
Havana, Nov. 2.
.V battalion of troops, 1,0-JJ strong
irrived from Spain t .-tei day."- Ac;
de dispatch from Barcelona Spain, t.
Japtain (ic.ueral Jovelhir, announce,
.lie establishment there of a coloni.i
iank, which promise.-, ail the necessar.
iuaucial resources 'or suppressing th
. nsui lection.
Inundations in the interior of th
stand are repoied, which have cause
iieat damage in some of the riciie
listricts. Lomjn, Nov. :J.
A Vienna cjrrespoijdeiit of the Tim
mnounces that' Montenegro has ci -repted
armistice on the .wne terms ..
Washington. Nov. o.
The digest of crop returns for O.-i. -oer,
as prepared at the uep.n loieiit
.iriculture, indicates a reduction i
toe yield of the wheat crop of ne r
oiie-ixth, while the quality i- ii.
-vhat superior. Every section of tin
anion indicates a reduced produi-L c
,:ept the middle states. Figures p.:
to a yield of two hundred and f ;;
dve millions bushels. Rye is reporter
per cent, less than in 137-, but to
quality is better. IJ.irlcy, 0 per ceii
icss than last year. Buckwheat, full
average. () a s show a falling olf of 2-.
per cent. F.ery section of the union
.s deficient. 'I ne corn crop is deikien,
'out figures are not yet obtained. To
cotton crop will be large, and likely t.
approach the heavy yield of 1373.
Salt Lake, Utah. Nov. 2.
A report from Camp Stambaugh,
Wyoming, says a village of ) lodges
of Shoshones was attacked, Oct. oOili.
by a large Sioux war party, estimated
at 1.200 lodges, at Painted Rock, neai
the scene of C ipt. Rates' tight in July.
174. and about ninety miles from
Camp Slaml ii'igh. As far as learned
only one hosiione. by th' name oi
"Humpy," escaped. II" was the In
dian that saved the iife of Cuptaiu
Henry, in Crook's second fight this
The Ofik'ial Ridui as m olwra J;.
We have from t tie Denver ''rii,r,u
particulars of the re.iiilts of the ofii ia.
canvas by the state board, conshtin
of S i 'ietary Taffc, Mr. L (. Charles, and
Mr. F. Z. Solomon. The board exam
ined thelites passed for represent at iv
in congros. for judges of tie supreme
court, tor district judges an 1 attorney ,
and for btii houses of the Legislature.
Tue democrats h ive ev n mem.ieis of
senate and th" republicans nineteen;
the house lias thirty-one repuolicans
a id eighteen democrats, making on
joint ballot fifty republicans and twee-t.-iive
democrats. The totl vote f in
state senators was 2S.492. f these lo.
213 were republican and l:!,2S ) demo
cratic; republican majority l,!)2 J. This
may be taken as a representative vote.
Judge Be ford's majority over Pat er
son for the forty-fourth congress was
l,0:js. For the fortv-f-flh it was to:.
f "":ert ie .im-le .1.. evi-i .-iir'-nt every
(J ninth iii !!n- l;i-iai'-s we luniisli. Inii
ij ii.i-e wj!Uii4 t '.vurk can eaaly ear.i :i
.1 .!. t m:::irt :i t;.i- runt 1:1 : 1 1 - -1 1 iwn im-ii : it
lhivr 111 rer.f.l til expl-on li -ie.'is Jiie.t-i-arit
a'i'l Imn-iralil.-. W-.micii. Iv ;niil irii it"
;.s well iis nii'ii. We will nu ne )l yon :i roinpli-te free. Tlu- t.irsi:i.-ss p.iy - liet : or t lian .my
IliiliiJ i-Nr. We Mill it-ii- exjx. :ii of stiirliuu
you. I'arl :-iil:iis f :. Write ami see. K-irui-;--
r:-i liau! -s. l!ieir .m- aiiit li.i! 'IU.-r.
i-.i-i :ni -l:i-i.-, Ci lie.-d ef iay:;z wtirk Al Iihiiih. j
s'ae i'-l wr'e In in U' ini a' li e work j
Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup for the rure of Con-
j (u.-mption, CjuqH and Colds
I T!ie pri'.it virtiu' nf tliin niriliciiie fs t!iat It '
' lllM-le Uie m.illi'l' and llirnws it nut if l!iess- :
I em, purities the iiiund, ami thus elTeets a cure.
' Sciiknck's Sri Vi--.i.i Tonic, koii thk j
I ('lltKortlysi'Ki'SIA.l.Nlil(iHTliS.AI'. !
1 Tlie Tonie pniiliu-es ;i liealtliy aetion if tlie
: stein.icli .rpatimr an appe! ile. loriiiinj! eliyle.
a.el cuiiau; tlie inni-t il--l mate eases el luilivs-timi.
Siiikx-k's Mamiic.kk Pi lis. Koit the
('l nr. or la ki; Com r, &;.
Tliese are alterative, and produc a
lieultiiy act ion of tin- liver, without the least j
ilaimer. as llscv are tree tnnii calomel, and yet 1
Mole eitii-aeious in restori::;; a liealtliy action '
..' .1... Ii I
.11 Iii." 1IY.-I. ; , ... . ..ii . 1.... I." ...... ...
TlH-se remedies are a euro for -.!l- m ''' r' ,' ' ; '
sumption, as l!u- IMtaemie Svnip rim-iis Hie I -M V' -""I '' 'Jl V - a n ra iA v.
mat era-el imrities the 1,1 1. I'tie i andrake : baek. eaused fr.;m a s null 11 IC thai. U eo-s
CUs :i.-t 11 Hi.. liver . r. -.-.t.- :i li.-;.ill.v l.ile. a . IICIVI I ioio-.i ,.m.B o. remove all ili---as,-s nf Hie liver, oft.-n ;
e inse of ('oiisi:-Mition. Tin- Sea Weeil Toni
ten tan r
Li nirnents
fjcltrr fnun a Minister.
Win. It. IlicKeo. Kec-tor of St. Jolin's P. F..
Wliu'esale and Cetail Dealers in
r pa rr
fine Lumber
ktc ictc, irrc.
M:u.. street Corner of Tiftli,
Still Better Rates for Lumber.
Hatt the Butcher
liiis ouee ie.i re taken tli.i field and otT.-rs liis
sriviees to li1.. pi:!-iie in I. is nh! stand,
piep m il lo l'.iii.isli tho be t of
Motliers may have rest and their hal'i-vs may
have health if they w ill use Castoi ia for W ind
Code, Worms. I-Yveri-'mess. Sore Mouth. Croup
' orStoniMch complaints, it isentirely a ves;eta
j tile preparation, and contains neither Iniiiera!.
I mi-rphine, nor aleludiol. It is as pleasant to
.ike as honey, and neither irairs norgripes.
j Dr. li. Iiiinoeli. of Duiiout. I ;iio. says :
I "I am usiii' Castorla in my practice with the
j most sk-nai I'eiii lils an-l !i:ip:y res-il's. and lim
' it a p. rfei t .-iili-iit ute for I a-tor ( HI.'-
This N u har everyone says. Mot nurse" ii.
I New Vol!; u-e the Ca-toiia. It is prep-ired l.y
i Me-Is..F. II. I lose Co.. X ; ;v York, Ui-ev-sur-!
to saiuu-.-l PaeLer, M. D.
Tlinnkfii! for past tiatron-i-i-. ; i it a -mi- '
! innuMC" of t lie s:i no-. 1 ; . ; t .-. 1 : . .1 . . 1 1 1 1 1 . . 1 1 1 : 1 1 ! -t..ri'.
sou til -ie.e M'aiu si ree: . Plat t stnoiit'l, X - .
::.!v A. I! ATT
1870 Headquarters !
j .sj'.i;; or Tin: wi..t Kiutud.
i e. !:. z.t ! at n s rs.,
I P. 3. MURPHY, Proprietor.
! I Kr !: U"N '.I s A. M. T li P. ' I.
CSniceKl ".Vine". lo iuors. and
av 'i css.
; Call in :::iii see P. !'.. ::ed t a eoni 1. i" -s',
ii:-.: r.ii:iU o! tl.i celel.rated Siar p...; 1 i. r.
j 1.:; i'. .s. T.l I llrti v.
cTT- fjv-c. rr
IWr-yn. lift;;:,', Mm-ftinr nnd !'!( rc-
p-tirinj, ou-f j H'-rlj;i:iy. ;
pirn: it hacks. ;
Hie old Reliable Wa-onHciker; PALACE BILLIARD HALL
tiast iken di.trce of the wx,(tn site;.. j (tain Sr.. ei.der Piist X'al. 15;.nK.t
He is weil known as a . I AT'S'S 7.1 Cjl 2 . ... HZ.
X 1 WDI-'IVW !V ,!Alt s'.i wain lili-:
wsH; ..Hnrs to j BEST WINES, LKiUOI.S.
B E E ft
-hop on SixtJi street. i;-.-ite Streilit's Statilo.
i-iti k tot: ef
Fopest Tap,
For Throat, Lucps. Asthma, and Kidneys.
Sorest Tar Solution, Machirz
g or JnhnlKTion for Catarrh, Consaciptioa,
rorest Tar Troches,
P or Pore Throat, HoarFeaess, Tickling Couga and
a PunfyiCE Ibe BreatU.
ETC. Ii ?
I' b; . c -
Corest Tar Salve,
M or Hpalinc Indolent Sores. Ulcers, Cuts,
H ana lur Piles.
Forest Tar Soap,
or Chapeed Hands. Salt IUicum, Siln .
Uie Toilet aDd Uatli.
Cuts, Barns,
'orestTar Inhaiers,
or Inhaling forCatarrh. Consumption, Asthma.
For Sale by all Druggists.
I'LATTSMdl'l II. N V :t.,
R'pairer of Sttin TJnyinrs; IS'dl-n
fSatr and Grist Mills,
;.s .ixi) ntkaj! ntTP.i-A
Wroie.'ht Iron Pipe. For.-e t'lid I. if' Pij-i-s.S! -
Ciauues. Safe! v-Valve ( iovernors a n! ;-'!
kinds of Ilrass I11 -i-.n- Filiiii.js.
repaired on short uoti.-e.
Uepairetl on Short Notice. 1
IT i ;
r 1 1 i 5 ? i
Dealers in
Keeps one of
Largest Stocks
iV a
on 1;
w v : fi-y fv rp --v w r r.
r r;st c;
the Piea-onl-'f,
I'raeti-al W... ia
srtEL'T IU'iX. ZIXU, riX. JiliA-
I.arj;e r.soitmeut of Hard ami Soft
OHj stoves,
Wood and 'o:i Stov.-s for
- a. I HIi , J 1. t
Alw.e, s 011 Hand.
F.vci-y vaiicty Tin. Sac. I Iron, :ind 7.'.:-, -vVdi'li.
1-i-pt lit ; ; k U.
1 1, :ii- en Siiert Net iis--.
. ft:v;c:i'rin x; if.!jm.v77;;; ; ;
E'isii j w t'.vr;.
r.. SAUB Bit OS.
There is Money in if!
Eicmpt from Eiecntica, aad Kot FerishabiO.
Special Inducements to tho Trado.
Zveiywhero for tho
: ' T tarn
! f.-, U 1 -r ''r
v;' i hi f ...
tL t'. J- m . r 1
IX PL A TTsmiUTll.
'.vhomwaIiK .?;; O 51
-o F-
:.i--':.'I-::: .--oM si.eid still Kept ep-n I
tin- ai-ove.
( 'Id A :;. n.'HAecos. - '.. WlldJ.r
xai.ij ei- ni: tail.
Good Goods, Buy Largely
And iuv ite t lo ::;! :a.d. eani::;e. lif
Ki.M f'e V;.la y II.eiso.
Til -. OI.DKST
Style 3.
nntl! I coiiiinci ccl tin- use o! t i-i-Iaur .:mau'l:t.
I leel ii !iv ( In 1 .tut y to miorin von that liv 1
Kivcst.,.1eaiid strcuulli tot'.e stem a.-li. makes . I; . oiuloi lul elR-ct.s I am enlliely u-llcved of (
a cinl ingestion, ami enalues the organs to i'.oo. .
form :,'iml l.lood ; at il t'-us creates a liealtliy I .la". --d, 1.'. ion of liee.Pliy I'e.od. i'lie comliiiied ', This is sample of many tlnmsind tPstimoni
aelion of tiiese inedieilies. as tt;us explained, i :,U ,,-( i cd. of w ondei till cuies -riecte.l by the
Pi cure cverv case o: co:i-iiui:e ion, l taken in , ,. ... . . ,. , .....
lime, and the us,-of the medicines persevered I t ent mr i.inim.-nt. Tlie ingredients el tins .irli
in j ck-are published around eaeli l.oltlo. It con-
Dr SciiencV is professioaallv at his principal ; tains Witch ll.izel. Mentha, Arnica. Kock. Oil,
i;:iiv 1 ier sitMli and Arch St-.. Phllailelpiiia. ' . ... ,. .. .1.,, .. ..
evcrv Mondav, uie-reall let ters for advice must 1 arl.olic, and ingredients liilhcito lit tie know n.
he addressed. j It is ail indisputable fact that the t'eiitaur l.iui-
; mi-lit is periormiu more i-uies of Swellings, ;iiT
Joints, Ki uptiens, Rheumatisms, X.-ura'uia. Si-i-A
fT'MT-n life like ste') Tn- ! ftiea. t'aUcit Prca.sts. I.ock-ja-v, &e., than all
ijJ-i J. ' g vS.t-'-i of our Ir len- other I. inimeats, ICmbiocaiious, Kxtracts, Salves
. -?,AK'':. S 1 ii -" sellr pi.ily. ointment-and plasters u.uv in use.
$13 A DAYS Clv.ul'Z k,J;: toothache. i.e.
a:iu . i!;;iiiiii!n 1.1 uj; ions. 11 is aiimiiaiue. 11
ciuesburi.s and scald ithout ascar. F.xtracts
poison tri'in bites an I stints, and heaN frost
bites and chi!lb!ains. in a short time. Xt fami
ly - an afford to be without tlie jCcntaur J.ini
ineiit, w hite wrapper.
Xlse 'iitar I.iiiiment.VcIIow Wrapper
I is a la;. to tlie touli skin muscles and fle-h
j ef the animal ere it ion. 1 : elTeets ujxm severe
7 ! ca-es of Spavin, Sweeney, Wind-Call, lii-l!ead
and Poll-Fvil, are little less than marvelous.
Messrs. .1. Mci'lure & Co.. Drujrirists. cor. Elm
an l Front sis.. ('mci:iial i. O., say :
"In our nei ;'ib niiood a number of te.-im.ders
ai 11 111 r the I'etiTaur l.iniaieut. 'l'licy pro
iiounce it siijierioi to aiiytliiii thev have ever
used. We sell as hi rli ;i four or live dozen bot
tles pel iiioi.tli to these teamsters.
We have thousands of similar testimonials.
For Wounds. Calls. Scratches. Kii!;-lme, &c,
an. I for Screw orm in Sheep, it has no rival
Farmers, I.ivcry-iiien. ami sleck-rai-ers. have
ia this i.iniment a remedy which is worth alhun
drvd l hues its cost.
J-abnitory of J. IJ. Hose & Co.,
2"i-l3t -IODkv St.,Nkiv Voi;k.
farmers' luting House,
JvF.PT by
Groceries & Confeetioneries.
Nearly Opposite Court House,
2'-,t f
DEAl.Kit IN'
Druqs Medicines
All Paper Tniihnea jriee ol
a "a fibres
Stationery, Mags zincs
Latest I'ublU'ntious.
Ireepipi;ii Csircfaiiy ( 9!!i;iou!ii!r:'
hy aii Kxpfrii-iif oil Eras:;it.
liEMF.MP.Ei: T:ii-: I I.ACf:.
I'I.atis:.!of 1:1. m:p..
- it a a
.'. N I.'
WAcoN i:fpaii.:x"
A!i kill's t;f
Xtuily d- Proi.'ij d;
: 0 :
ilorse, hilctS: OxS.lificlii?;
In short, we'll slue- anythin.o; tli;tt
1'U- feet, fni.'n a Z in:i !; a (iiiat'i'e.
A!!!ie :-.J i see us.
InTIHW" shop.
on Fi til St., between M :'.: and Vii'e SHi-;-
1st acnis till-i .-i ,u r f.'i'in the M.iv i: iii;. I.I
i-. i n k
tsy" Ab our ativeruer hK4 mt nuiie hia adverting
oient ulti.iT.-t hor distinct, we will interpret cd elabo
rate it as follows :
lfi. 1. FOOTE, 3I.I.,
Author of Plain Home "Vulk, Melical Common Sen.-ie,
Scir-nce in Swirv, etc, liO Lexington Avenue (ctw.
Ea-t 4sth Street), New Yor'K, "at Indepeniik-st
1'uysicia!. tretH all forms of Lingering ttr Chronxo
UisiMscH. anil roceivoi letter from all parts of th
C-iviuzed XV'onLD.
Ity LiAoriinuJ uxiy of ponductinp Medical Prao
ti--. he is snoces-fully trent tiir nntiieroui. imticnt-i in
r:urur, the lVrt llldlen, lMiilfiin of
Cauaila, and in every part of the United dtatcH.
Or dcieti-rieu-. (In.iri tised. lie haa. .lurin the pt
twenty three years treHtcJ Kiiceeaxfully nenr-y or quits
4a.UUH c.-a. All fm-t ennnccted with each cae hr
ciinfullv nisiriled, whether they be communicated, bj
letter i rxTHon, or oo-orved by the l.ictr or bis
as-ax-iate iihysioUns. The latter re all arientifio
Diodicul uica.
Are treated. All invalids at a distance art , -iiir
to answer a lit of plain questions, which elic's everj
svinpt'im under wnich the invalid nifTrrs. Aii corn
taunuiUiori'i trtnlfit ttrietly co'tli-Utittal. A complet
vsu-!n of r-.--i-u-nn -evcnt mimaKes or confusion.
L.v of questions w-nt free, on ntielicati-in. to any part 1
of the world. Sixty pair.! pamphlet of Evidf.ncks o
Suotew. also wnt free. All the testimonials ara
from tho-ie who have ueen treaKsi by mail and express.
Advice is office, on by kail, fui.e or cuiauis.
Call oil or address j
DR. E. B. FOOTE, j
Wo. 120 Lexington Ave., K. Y.
Jiuntrd 1o sell DTvufes Plain JTomt TuVc
and A'tdicul Ccrumcft 6'ense :Iso
2r'l'cefcs Science in Story.
HrPurtfcuhws addr-ess
"hlurzxl I i iiViilli slii n Company 12 rr2.Sa.h
NE'-y Yi
Dr. Ecrjer's Tcaic Bowel and Pile Pilla.
These pill are an infalii'ile reme-ly for const 'pation
snd nil.:-, cause I by weikn-ss or i-apcrssi-.n ef t'n
,--rit 1 tie motion of tlie Ikiw.-Ib. Tti. y very g.-ntij i
inereas th- a.-tivityof the inti-Tinal -. nal. T i. id :
jft s'yoo'. and r-iieve piles at one. Tii uramn havs ,
btien care! hy them. I'r.oii 5" c-ni. sri.t hy on j
r-r-..MC fr p-iix-. t'repare.i on-y oy r. Ai.ri.LU
ItKlCilAliirr. Pharmacist, i'M Focbtij Avencic,
N?.w York Citt.
Fmilj td laudjftarinj
Ketail Price, $75.00. THEY AKE THE
Simplest, Ligbtwt Running, Beit Slade aai Mort
Reliable Sewing Machines ia the world.
(Cut tU: out and rnseiiibor It.)
iJarw ' Weed tts Hasfcisi Co.,
203 & 205 "Walasb. Atb., CWoaro, HI
In the Tow:!.
Dr. S3rger's Coaipo-ini Flaii Extract of
Bhubarb and Cand3:oa,
Theleit combination of pnreiy TetTMcakie m-dt-vtf j
to entirely repi Calomel or Blue l'ill. It Ft imu!:.:s
tn 'ir -r. ircre isiis the flow of bile, and thu ithiuva !
it i!ire torpiiiry of the liver, liilionsne and 1ih1.i-ii:iI j
?. i -tipau jn. ai l the d''-ise- arii-in froin such aj
'pin. muk U-Ad.che. fintul-nc-. i-tc. Theeileo-
::viinei-i of thu Extnrt w-ll be proved, visib'v. at ones
lo the piticnu ai one or two iK-ttk-s are autllcient to
slar the como-.-xion beantifu'lv. an l rt-auve imp'M
-id stains med l.y liver IT-jnh'.-s. Ir:i-o ? I pr I-'li!e.
biUleo. $." ":li be sent o-i ree ipt of the price
co anv ad.lrei. fr-M. .if char.-e I'rparcd ot.1v by
P. ALFRKI) UEICHAKOT. Phismuist, -iOS Foi'mxr
Avcmce, Nw Voijc Cut
a -
mi Ih American Organ!
The 01let 'oinpnn.v ! TIj RpkI Oreaii. Xoarly T.".MH Id I nf. Iiilosea
by tli Itef Musician nntl Fully Warr.-iutcil. limi t l'nll to Try H mlUi
Amei icuu Organ if jon ttuy .
fmvncral Jl gents,
it's: HT-fr.-' '--T-' cx4
We li;r.e t li- l.:l.i-i ui.t I -est iissnitniciit :t!i v. iii se'l ea-ti-ni vi.i'K tli.Mi jttjy otiicr
ti-re in i.iuii. Wi- lia e t l:e l.:r-s" i;-.:i iiiilail .1: . v. liet c ;e 111:1!. i- tin- finest nf cit.iiii
-el k . nnd iei;i i r w it !i ne. ii in- s ami ii i-l ; . i- I, m- s.-mi-iI I is f.r Ml. ;hs,i tin-
; 1! I -o, its I or -.. ;i ml l- KOIKK'l M 1 1" I: V 1 1 . :. In. :.i t iHl-l.oMA In t lr In - 11 (1 urn
-m ; ! i- fur ti in- dicss ..ii s. Sow is our I line K1' c in f".!s oui sii:a-i l.nnl.. . oinl fit n d
tisi;ietioti jilttiraliteeil. ."-ce lis ,f .1 it-.-- :
'.'iiie c!i 1 ss se-Ae.t Imots ilt.'-e ; I.P.IieV Serjj Cailera 8
I i- j:-il " e. 1 McnV S ij,-f..iii!i-csH Waiters I.?n
ii e Slipiiej-s. only .'(" " I '. 1 : 1 I'ii.w Shoes 1.2
Its' .-.!::( oiijrnss (i-ii rr.- in .Mi (ait Itoets. only 4."
Kvci vl h ini; else ciiua'I v elieaii. I'nM ;:n.l ff.-. u Vou mi s' l.c 1. lets. -i at the "I Vnt'-nti ial
In Sto'lf." ' " sIII-K'-VtMHt & STAUKLJIANS.
f9 TTf cy rjl
This Tvichino is oiiered to the Public Upon
its Itflcrita Alone.
lis Liyhl au-l HtiU Hun nitty Qu il-'ti-.i. -u I its H'-lf-Thnadiny .-.- and.
SV If-Il'-yn la finy 7V.v'.'v, mnk: it the Zl-l Ihsirnbl:- M" hine in the tea Id.
Cm cue ml nV.sVr ()V,
.. . MA II Lllil, -11 1 'Jots.iliis Sf rTl, l:iiala?.,
Ma nay- r. i
W-J Jd-X-j JlIU J. K.-P a
a--,-M I -1
W -I
5.V '7 sO
l i2fX IS.
Cooit fiesli milk
EVKr.yn'jnvs iiumf.ix vi.a tt.--.mi -crii
IF Tili V W N1 li'. P.V
S. 3 IJi:4a'3SE:i.T:iJ.
SKM IN VOl I! It:-I.l:s vs.-;, T v. I! I. THY AM'
i.ivk v.-r
FTJttin milk:
4"vt ."tit! ttc r,rs . ,-i:!;:!!y.
G'ood 2't-ams Alfriys on Ilan-l.
Careful Drivers s-nt with ca:
riages if desired.
'ar.laji''' sent to Ii.-j ot ; lm-et ;.!! Ir.nh.s
A l;.-;ievi r 1 rti- r; .i.
l"i!ti: aite.".-.! can i:itf s I"i;:iii-'..-I lo
f -ieiuN. A.J.iress, J. V.'-. SHANNON,
t". ! PT7ottin'"-ii. N'-'1.
Ladies Funii.-liiu.u: Gnosis. Dross (Joods, IVrJumory, Ila'w
Oil. S'i-;. I'apor, (iihir-. Ladies and Gouts
J lo-iory, Quoonsv.'aro. I'linvcr Sfi d,
( rlasswaro, oto.
Flour, Corn 3Ioal ;ind Iiiic kwlioat I'loin-.
Ve aim to kcop evorything an ordir:ary
household needs, and will sell
you goods at such rii!es
that you cannot com
plain of hard times
any more.