H THE HERALD Our County JPair. We print tselow the Premium List of tlie County Fair" this year. It Is a carefully pre pared lint and offers many new features. The Board of Managers earnestly desire a full at tendance from fill parts of the county. Hitherto bnt few precincts In the eastern portion of the County have made any display at our County Fair. In order to obviate this and induce other precincts to co-operate, the Board has offered distinct and separate premiums to theae pre cincts, all of which is, and has been, set forth from time to time in this newspaper. Several special premiums are also offered outside of the regular list, and more may b added beforo fair time It is higly important to the welfare of the county and the State that a careful display ef our products be made this fall. With the western counties somewhat injured by grass hoppers, it is our duty (should we be spared) to how the world what can be done and has been raised in our part of the State. Let us all turn ut this fall and make the largest County Fair we have ever held. display of rami machinery xnj lihpleratfhia by one exhibitor V, .. LOT 2 MI8CET.LANFCTTT9. it farm gte portable fence churn i warning machine clothes dryer .school tlexk. cheese press cider mill amd press e:ute mill j apon tor pump, or water raiser, well r cistern . hedge trimmer, te-xwer portiihle u mill portaM? gnst mili portable engine, set up for use cattle scale a-sHortniLnt of scales brick machine potato dijtirer leelilv, without bee ODe-huif dozen brooms .Dtp. UP. ALL . .Hip 8 2 00 :o:- C CASS Tf . TLOWS, WAGONS, FURNITURE, Ac. SujyerlntendentJ. L. THOMAS. LOT 1. PLOWS. .Dip PREMIUM LIST OF THE TENTH ANNUAL FAIR OE THE CASS COUNT? AGRICULTU RAL SOCIETY, TO BE HELD AT PLATTS- 3I0LT1I, NED., OCT. 3, 4,5 6, 1876. OFFICERS: President ISAAC WILES, Plattsmouth. V. President 3. C. RILMORE, Plattsmouth. Secretary R. II. WINDHAM. Plattsmouth. Treasurer TIIOS. WILES, Plattsmouth. CLASS I. HORSES AND MULES. Superinttndeni J OS. W. JOHXSOJT. LOT 1. THOROUGHBREDS. Rest stallion. Best mare... LOT 2. KOAPSTEK3. 21. UA. $16 00 $ 8 00 . 15 00 8 00 Kest stallion Hest mare Best pair of mares or horses, owned by person Best single horse, mare or geliiins Best stallion, 2 years, and under 3 Best in axe. " $ 8 oo 8 00 one 8 oo 6 oo 5 oo 5 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 LOT 3. FAMILY CARRIAGE TEAM. Best family earriaKe team matched $ 8 00 " gelding son " it.are 6 (XI buggy matched team 8 00 Tne same animal or animals may be shown both double Hd single. Thistlass Is intended espeially for family norses. aim lonn, style, docility, size, and a good match ic me retui-iM"s. uoi sj'eeu. -pi MiiuHi as a matcn. Best two-horse plow one norse plow ' double shovel Mow 1 plow for old ground ' breaking plow ?:ang plow ron beim ulow for old eTounds 1 stirring plow made iu State 5 00 out ot state Dip LOT 2 WAGONS. BUGGIES, &c. Best two-horse wagon Dip ne-nore watcoa wagon or carriage brake " two-horse carriage " one-horse carriage family carriage : ' top bupgy ' open bugjry " trotting wagon or sulky " two-horse sleigh one-horse sleigh " double wagon, of Nebraska manufacture Dip St $7 00 spring wagon, open buggy, " ' covered buggr " wagon, made outside of State Dip. spring wagon. open wagon. " covered wagon. " , LOT3-TOOLS, FURNITURE AND STOVES. Best display! tools and cutlery $5 00 assortment caoinet furniture 7 00 set of chairs... Dip. saddle and bridle " set farm harness Dip. & $7 00 set carriage harness Dip. ft 7 00 assortment tin and copper ware coal stove for cooking wood stove for cooking combined wood and coal cooking stove parlor stove for heating LOT 4. Best assortment of leather collection of potters' ware pr. gents' dress boots " ladies' walking shoes lot of 50 brick specimen of carpenter work cooperage . . . r specimen of blacksmith's work set of horse shoes : o : CLASS VII. FLOWERe. fuiM-rlrdcndcnt- MRS. XOAB CLEMMOA'S. Bot Collection of cultivated flowers $2 00 Beet collection of grecn-houe plant JUid flow ers, tn pots, 6u Vi1eitc 0 00 " snd most taslefuily arr'gd pair of boqnets 100 " collection ol phloxes " " roses " " da;;li.is " " veivcnas " gl:idolU " " innias ' " " asters " " nursery stock " 1 00 2 0 :o: CLAM XII FARM PRODUCTS. Superintendent J. VALLERV, Best 5 squashes 3 pumpkins ...... " fail wheat, half bushel spring wheat, half bushel " barley " oats rye Sr. . 1 00 4 2 00 4 1 00 white beans, one peck timothy grass seed, one peck. ..Dip. ... Dip. !!.$3 oo ... 2 00 ... 2 00 .. 2 00 ... 2 00 . . . 2 00 .. 2 00 4 00 2 60 2 SO 4 00 DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Superintendent -E. G. DOVEY. speed. wsite sexes will be ad- oo 5 oo 4 oo 8 00 5 00 f, no 8 no 8 00 ihe committee will be especially careful not to award a premium 10 any animal mat might be considered unsafe ivr lamny use. Family horses must be shown in a four wheel buggy. LOT 4. -HORSES FOR GENERAL UTILITY. Best gelding 3 years old and over $ Best gelding, 2 years and under 3 Best grilling, l year and under 2 Best stallion. 3 years old and over.. mare 3 years old and over " colt (mare or horse), 1 year old and un der 2 brood mare with colt - pair of draft horses LOT 5. TROTTING & PACING. Fastest trotting horse or mare, best 2 in 3. 1 mile $40 00 Fastest trotting span of horses, owned by one person.tw-st 2 In 3, 1 mile 20 00 Fastest pacing horse or mare, best 2 in 3, 1 mile is nn No premium awarded where time is not made in 3',i inin utes. All the races to be mile heats, best three In five : trotting to be governed by the rules of the National Trotting Asso ciation ; except tlist in all cases four entries will be re quired to fill, and two to start, and second money goes to society Instead of first horse, in case a horse is distanced or ruled out. Ten pe reent. will be required as entrance fee LOT 6. SWEEPSTAKES. Best stallion of any a?e or breed 815 00 " mare of any age or breed 15 on colt (mare or horse), under 1 year 5 oo LOT 7 DONKEYS & MULES. Best Jack, over 2 years old ' Jennet over 2 years old mule colt, under one vear old . . . pair of mules of any age 2 50 2 50 2 00 4 Otl 3 00 2 60 4 00 3 00 $20 00 10 00 8 00 $3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 50 1 00 to i oo r to 25 50 25 to 25 to 25 50 25 1 00 5 1 oo to 1 00 50 1 00 50 2 no 1 on 2 00 1 HI 2 no 1 oo 5 no 2 to 2 50 5 00 2 oo 1 00 1 no 2 00 -:o: CLASS II. CATTLE. SuperintottdentJ. S. VPTOX. LOT 1 SHORT HORNS. Best buU. 2 years old and over sis 00 S 8 00 mm, l year old and under 2 io oo boo bull calf c on 4 on cow over.3 years old J5 no s oo heifer, 2 years old 15 00 8 oo " heifer, 1 vear old goo 400 heifer calf 4 to 2 00 LOT 2.-DEVON'S. Best bull, 2 years old and over. 510 00 $ 5 00 bull, 1 year old and uuder 2 3 00 3 00 " bull calf 300 300 " row, over 3 years old 1000 500 " heifer 2 years old 10 on 500 heifer. 1 year old 500 2 50 " heller calf 200 loo LOT 3 GRADE. Best cow. over 3 years old $ 5 00 92 50 " heifer, 2 year old 600 2 50 " heifer, 1 year old 250 200 heifer calf 200 100 LOT 4 SWEEPSTAKES. Best bull, anv age or breed Dip. & 10 00 cow. any age or breed herd of cattle, any age or breed, com posed of not less than 5 head 19 00 " herd of grade cattle, not less than five . ''Pad jo 00 t All animals contending for a premium in Lota 1 and 2, C'las II. must show a reliable pedigree, as recorded in the American Herd Book.) :o: C l ASS III. LOT 1. Best 10 raids carpeting, home-made quill coverlet pair cotton hose, home manufacture 3 ns stocking yarn, home manufacture... pair woolen stockings pair woolen socks pair woolen mittens pair wooleu gloves rag heartb-rug bed -spread pair pants, made by lady vest, made by lady shirt, made by lady bonnet, made by lady assortment boots ana shoes displny of clothing display gents' furnishing goods Best specimen of work done by sewing machine, aone on tne grounas acts specimen silk embroidery " fiem-h needle w ork " ottoman cover " table cover, needle work " specimen of worsted work " fancy work with needle for chair ' worked cushion and back " lamp mat " ornamental shell work ornamental leather work " specimen wax flowers ' artificial flowers, " collection of furs " hein-stiteh work by hand " tatting edging. 1 yard " tatting Inserting, 1 yard " collection of hair work " crochet edging. 1 yard " crochet inserting " transfer work " seed work feather flowers burr and cone work " variety crochet work variety worsted crochet embroidery worsted work In frame (Articles of the above class of domestic manufacture. mast be made by the exhibitor or In his or her family. : o : clover grass seed, one peck yellow corn, one nusiiel white corn, one bushel b.ets. one-half dozen cabb;ige, six head specimen bushel Irish potatoes , assortment of potatoes, not less than 5 varieties. specimen uusnei sweet potatoes specimen bushel 01 onions six beads of celery assortment of beans six carrots 1 half bushel turnips 1 six parsnips, 1 peck of tomatoes ' three watermelons ' three niuskmelons ' throe cauliflowers ' stalks of rhubarb ' trio of chickens 1 2 00 50 4 2 00 50 00 XIII. EQUESTRIANSIIIP. Superintendent Mm. D. H. WHEELER. Ou the second day of the Fair a premium will be given for the uest laoy equestrienne over 14 years of a On the third day of the rair a premium w ne given ior me Best M iff 2d. teA. .10 00 $5 00 isses equestrienne, under 14 years old. CLASS XIV, 8 00 4 00 SHEEP. Superintendent J. F, IMJUD. Bst buck, of ;iriy ai ewe, of any age. .$ 5 00 5 00 S 2 00 2 no :o: CL ASS IV. HOGS. XuptrlnteiuicniJ. M. PATTEKSOJV. LoT 1. BLACK Berkshire. Essex. Poland. McGee. Moore and thoroughbred crosses of these breeds. Best boar, 1 year old and over $10 00 55 00 V.est Ixiar, under 1 vcarold 5 no 2 so Best sow, 1 vear old and over lo 00 5 00 Kest sow, uiider 1 year old 5 00 2 50 Iiest sow, with litter of suckling pigs, not less than 5 in number, lo show breeding qual ities of sow 8 00 LOT 2. WHITE Chester White. Suffolks. Lancastershire, and cross breed, with thoroughbred crosses of these breeds. Best boar. 1 year old and over $10 00 5 00 Bett boar, under 1 vear old 500 2 to Best sow. 1 year old and over. 10 ti 5 no Best sow, under 1 year old (, 00 250 Best sow. wit h litter of suckling pigs, not less than 5 in number, to show breeding qual ities of sow 8 00 LOT 3. SWEEPSTAKES. Best bonr, Dip. & $ 8 00 Bestsow Dip. b S 00 :o: CLASS V. FAltMIXft IMPLEMENTS. SttKrintcn,ient TAMES WOOD. LOT 1. FARM MACHINERY. Best Reaper and Mower Din " harrow ....'.."...".."." corn planter horse hay rake . . . . . . ' . " " fauning mill . . ' " cum cultivator " " riding two-horse cultivator ... walking two-horse cultivator " wnding and alklng cultivator " " two-horse roller " seed sower, drill or broadcast " " two-horse corn planter " " hav and straw cutter " corn shelter, !)rxe nower " " corn sheller. hand iower " " hay press " " hav starker " " hay fork tn use rtropier " grain harvester " engine o.r farm use, made iu State $10 00 - Wader.-.. " " . thresher and separator "..-horse power to ran machinery " " wind-power pump Tor farm e.. " corn cutter, horse-power , ' 5a!k curr " CL.ASS 111. PAINTING, DRAWING. AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Superintendent 3frs. O. S. SMITH. LOT 1-PAINTING. DRAWING, &C. Best ornamental and sign painting $2 00 pnoTograpn, plain .... j 00 photograph, vignette " ptutgr-iph, colored photograph on jKircelain " ambrotypes 1 00 display of photographer's work . . . k 5 00 monochromatic painting .. 2 00 oil or water painting 3 00 landscape painting wagon and Duggy painting ' drawing and sketching 2 00 display of chromos " specimen of penmanship, by pupil under 15 LOT 2 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. &c Best piano forte $5 iip. caitinet oigan, corasKa manuiacture.. 10 on inelodeon 5 00 " " display of musical instruments " " " organ of any kind 5 00 sewing machine, for heavy work Dip. " family use - knitting machine " : o : CLASS IX. HOME MADE ARTICLES. Suiterinfendent MRS. J. C. OILMORE. LOTl-DAIRY. PANTRY AND KITCHEN. Best specimen of flonr, not less than nnltis $2 00 10ms. 01 sugar, from Chinese linphee " gallon sorghum syrup 1 00 " gnllo'i ioine-mnde vinegar fin " o iiouiids butter 2 00 Second best 5 pounds butter 1 00 Best 5 iHiunds hard soap 5n " 5 ounds honey 1 00 " half gallon soft soap 50 1 Conietitors for premiums on sugar must give mode and rule for manufacture.) LOT 2 CANNED FRUITS. Fresh fruits put up for winter use in glass Jars, not less than two quarts of each kind. Best jar raspberries $1 00 " s!rawlerries " " " cherries " " grapes " " " gooseberries " " " blackberries " " " currants : " " bottle of grape wine Nebraska manufacture " " " currant wine, " ' " Greatest variety of canned fruit s 00 LOT 3 PANTRY AND KITCHEN. Best loaf of wheat bread $1 00 " loaf of com bread " " loaf frrahara bread " light ciite " " jellv cake fruftcake " pound cake " tireatest variety of pickles 2 00 Bt grae pii'kle 1 00 sour pickles uf any kind " " sweet pickles of any kind " Greatest variety of preserves, 3 00 Best plum preserves 1 00 " grape treerves " " strawberry preserves " " apple preserves -r. ' melon preserves " " peach preserves pear preserves.. quince preserves " " tomato preserves " Greatest variety of Jellies 3 00 Best plum Jelly 1 mi apple Jelly " " grain? jelly cuiT.vnt Jelly " " rhubarb jellr gooselei ry jcUy " raspberry jam " currant Jam plum butter " " piwalilf tomato catsup :o : CLASS X. GREEN FRUITS. Superintend, ill CTfrpiain A. WRIGHT. largest collection of apples correctly named. . . 7 00 Best collection uf appia copreclly 3iatiM.d ' Bet seedling ipl -2 m -aMurMneaioi peaches : sow " csoTtmcnt of pears - . uttfinui di plum 3 on 3BKt-nMlJr of g-apw 8 00 (2 00 1 00 1 cc DISCRETIONARY AND MISCELLANEOUS Any and all articles, not otherwise provided for. mav be entered iu this claas and oreiutums will be awarded ac cording to merit. SPECIAL PREMIUMS. BRASS BANDS. A premium of Forty Dollars (Mo) is offered t the Brass Band that renders the best music on the Fair ground on the last two days of th Fair. FOOT RACING. A premium of Five Dollars ($5) is offered to the man w ho will make the best time in running one eighth of a mile. Trial tc take place on the race course at the Fair grounds. Parties entering for this race will be required to pav the sum of Twenty-five cents at the office of the Secretary. COUNTY FAIR NOTICES. best live coits snuu i iiit in.... , .. mium to be made up by the parties ex hiKting placing in the hand of the li.iiuls of the Secretary, 35.00, the suc cessful competitors taking. the whole uuiount. 2ltl To the preciuet that maked the finest exhibition a premium of 830.00; to the second Lest, ?'?o.v). Exhibition to con sist of Agricultural products and stock, There must be' at least five precincts competing, and live exhibitors from each precinct; the precincts are Elm wood, Greenwood, Salt Creek, South Bend, Weeping Water, Center, Tipton, Stove Creek, Louisville, and Avoca; the vice-presidents of the various pre cincts to be the superintendents there of, and the premium to be paid to the superintedent of the precinct to which it may be awarded; committee on award to be selected on the grounds. Sl-tf 1,. rfi Faure, the famous tenor, is a very handsome man, with a naturally ma jestic bearing and air of dignity. Richard . Connolly, ex-Comptroler of New York and Tweed's first friend, lives in luxurious style in Vevey, Switzerland. Peter 13. Sweeney is in Paris, and Tweed's son is also on the continent. The rinar has been pretty well broken, and its members are scat tered throughout the world. The Boss will be back shortly. He alor.e lias suf fered any punishment worthy of note. Chicago Daily News. Smith American Organ. The Oldest Company! The Kent Orjan. Xenrly 7S.OOO In 1'ne. Kmloined by the Bent Jlualelant and Fully AVnrrnnted. lont Fall to Try a Mutlth Amertraa Oricsa If yon Bay. PRESCOTT & HILL, General Jlgcnts, COLUMBUS, NED. (DcBmteflnnnfifmfl BOOT AND SHOE STORE. When rare John Phccnix whipped the editor he described the conflict thus: "l tangled my hair in his fincrerr. aDd insert eu my nose in his mouth; tnen 1 rell back on the haud-jress and pulled him down on top of me. He sat there until I took off the impres sion of the first page on the back of my snirt, nis teetn all the time iiibbliu; M rrx m ... my nose. mis is very 1 tinny, out is it any more so than the boasts of the Democrats that the fight in Maine has resulted satisfactorily? Ex. ACRE OF CORX. Competitors for the prizes below will be required to give the date of planting, with a written !tatenieiit of their mode of culture, characteristics of the soil win ther clay. aUuvial, sandy or loam nature of the subsoil, whether un derdrafned or not : also, the kind and quality of fertilizers used, with the weight of the crop when gathered. Which must be witnessed and sworn to before a justice of the peace, notary. r any other one competent to adminicter the oath. 1-t premium, $10 ; 2d, ; 3d, ?3 ; 4th, ?2. The Crete Post says the following good and true words for Senator Pad dock : "Not one of the senators who be gan actual work at the beginning of hst winter, has gained for himself a better reputation than has Mr. Paddock. He went in to the nation's highest legisla tive body pledged to no faction, inter- I est, and has steered clear of old polit ical hajks who are so generous with their advice and opinions. Hiselection was clean-handed and honorable; his official career has been brilliant aud sat- isfactorv to the whole State. P.0YS' EOUKSTKIAXSmi. Contextatit to be 12 pears old aud under. First premium ft ; second, $2. BOYS' FOOT RACE. Competitors to be under T. years old. Distance eighth of a mile. First premium. 1 ; second, S3. OLD MAN'S WALKING RACE. Contestants to be not less than lxty years old. half mile. Premium, Sti. Distance CROQUET. The fMine to be played by equal number of gentlemen and ladien. First premium, S. second. 32. Umpire to be selected by the contestants. SPECIAL PREMIUM BY D. II. WHEELER. For bet flat footed walking horse, mare, or fielding !K5 : I'd best. $1. SPECIAL PREMIUM BY II. L. SKIRVIN. For the best colt sired by my hore iu 1875, SS. VICE'S FIJJUAL PREMIUM. Mr. .Tames Yick.of Rochester", N. Y, offers forthe fluent exhibition of cut flower, ouc of his floral chrumo. 'Ihe offer is made to amateurs only. SD YEAR OF CARRVTH S SPECIAL PREMIUMS. I hereby offer for Ihe best loaf of wheat bread, made of Cass Count v wLeat. by a yo;:nir lady not exceeding lGyear of Aize, one fine L'old rlnir valued at . For the lest 51b roll of butter made by a young lady not exceeding 16 years of age. one set of Jewclrv, valued at 8. The commute to be appointed by myself 011 the Fair ground Tlie goods cu be seen at any time by calling at my Jewelry Store, on Main St., Plattsmouth. Nebraska. F. Cakkcth. On Sunday, Sept. 10th, says the West Point Rt-pnblt'tM. the " 1 ilden Reform ers" of West Point had a political meeting near the city. As thev march ed out of town they carried in front a limen tv JieiKiric.vS uanuer ami in me rear a Union flag tcith the Union down, as if to insult and disgrace the "dar old flag" in regular rebel style. Did we twelve years ago imagine that we would ever have such treasonable dem onstrations in Nebraska? Hut such is Democracy, and verily the war for our flag and country still continues. Auu this disgracful affair was on the Sa bath day, too. Ntb. Advertiser. O 0 Ml lstd r st assort nient : We have the hinreM and li mil ill .sell eastern work lower than A well-known Harney street man re cently engaged "Witch-hazel" H;tm mond to bore him a well on his place, south of the citv. on condition that Hammond should supply a certain number of gallons of water, and be sides get paid for all water over that amount. Hammond struct a big vein, which spouted up into the well.f urnish ish 13,000 gallous, and lie kept on bor ing just the same, being determined to obtain par for the surplus. Jle was told to stop as there was plenty of wa ter already, but he wouldn't do it. tiil the owner got out an injunction. Hammond now threatened to dig an other well not far from this one, and by his magic process draw of all the water" from the first one. The bojs tow call the owner of the well "Man- afraid-of-his-well." Bee. nnr oilier More in tow n. e also have the I;irget iiKtnulM'-tory, where we make the finest of custom work, and repair with neatness and dispatch. We make flue sewed boots fur ill. alv fne pegged boots for ?S. ami made by l: IBKKT SHERWOOD, who got Dii-jom a to this town from State fair, for fine liress boots. Sow is your time lor cheap custom made boots. Good til and satisfaction guaranteed. See list of prices : Fine dress sewed boots $ll.fxi ! Ladies' Serge Gaiters .ft't pegged " S.i'O I Men's Serge Congress Gaiters l.'. Fine Slippers, only ."Vi I " Huekle Plow Shoes 1.1: Ladies' Serge Congress Gaiters in) All Calf Boots, only 4.110 Everything else equally cheap. Call and see us. You must be plensed :it tho "Cent nnial Shoe Store." SHERWOOD & KTADELMANN. BUY THE BEST I THE "NEW" AMERICAN SJETWTZLnTG- machine. eT t- HERE YOU A. W. WHITE, o &s 5 ei 3 -I 35 Co DEALER IN '1 erf n 9 Ladies Furnishing' Goods, Dress Goods, Perlumery, llnxr Oil, Soap, I'aper, Collars, Ladies and Gents Hosiery, Queensware, Flower Seed, Glassware, etc. I,TJESO? IMPROYE D COAL-OIL LAMPS, SAFETY BLRNER. Flour, Corn Meal and .Buckwheat Flour. We aim to keep everything an ordinary honseliold needs, and will sell you goods at such prices that you cannot com plain of hard times any more. This Machine is Olfered to tho Public Upon its Merits Alone. Its LijJtf. and Still Running Qualities, and its Htlf-Thmuling Nvtdle uxd iSelf-Rtgulnting Tensions, make it the Host Desirable Machine in the world. FRANK CARRUTIf, JEWELER, AGENT, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. dencral mexicrn Office, "211 Ioti?rlas Street, Omalia, . l. J. If. MAULER. Manager. F O IT T I R T Machine Shops! I'LATTSMOL'TH. NKli., Rejmirer of Sttn.i Engines, ll'tih rs, Saw aud Grist MiUs, Al) STI'AK I ITT1X.S. Wroimlit Iron I'lpe. Force and I. its l'ip-'s. strain Oauaes. Safety-Valve On. 1 imrs. .-.nil :U K'L'ls t f Ilr iss Kugii.e filiin;:-. repaired on slmrt not ivr. FARM M A C H I N E M Tr Repaired on Sliort No; ice. iVjl WILLIAM HEROLD Keeps one of tho Largest Stocks OF GROCERIES, IN TOWN MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLSICKSJIITH j HORSE SU')EI'G, AND ! VAGOX RKP AIRING. All kinds of ARM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly t- Promptly , :0: Horse, 31 ulc& Ox Shoeing, In short, well shoe anything that has four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JNJbLi W SHOP, tn Fifth St.. between Main and Vine Streets. jut au-oss the corner fr-jrn the vtw HERALD AGENTS Style 3. l!ryi There is Money in it! Exempt from Extortion, and Sot PeristaMo. " Special Inducements to tho Trade. WANTED ETerjwLer for th WEED SEWING THEY AKE THE Slmplert, Lightest Eouiiif , t Kia aoi ISott aUbl Sris XacMsm U iU vatlX (Cot this oat ud maemker it.) Weed Utzi Kwih! Co,, 203 4 205 WLm2i Ato, CUugt, JSt O. F. JOHNSON, DEALER IN Drugsi WALXt PAPER Medicines -AND Excelsior Barber Shop. J. O. BOONE, Main Street, opposite Saunders 7ors. HAIR-CUTTING, .Mia tin? and Mm mpooiiiR. ESPECIAL AITENTION fllVEX TO Cuffing CltildrenVvarift I-illrs' Hair. All Paper Trimmed Charge. Free of CALL ANI SEK JJOONK, (', KKTS, Anl pi-l a Ikvmic in a CXjTCJLJST RTT A A7"rn, lill-ly Luteal I'llkiiCiitiOii: THE PARKER GUM. b f eri-ie-l llii.uciit Kr:.-:!IMl;K't Til'! ' . ' -COR. riFfif d MAIN .fil.EE't. PLATISMomi. NEB 1 I i I SEN0 STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRCfe WEST MERIDEN,CT. 6 6 1