; ; ' - .(!..- -Al-r."i A - Til E H E IU.LD.' LOCAL XENWS Hon. S. !4. Chapman went to Lin coln, Monday. " 'V Oiir Politicians have deserted the citj" at.-d '.: r.c to Lincoln. iliss Florence Richardson has the IIki:ai.i si t.t to her at IVru, where he is r.ttendinir. the fctate Nori:i?.l School. Wh hope she will have a pleas ant time t litre. (lo and sen the "Western Pets" at the I'. O. News Depot. Remember the. Firemen's Ball, Fri day ni'ht, Oct. Oth. hod muMC li.i Le?n er.jt'p'od for th oeca.ion, and :.ll who participate will have a yoo.l tunc. Turn ut and help the hoys. Fresh leinoiu at the I O. News De pot. m mi - - - - A few City order !r sa'.e. IIDHIUS. on. work at hliciuood & Nttidel- Country prodii- c takfen at the hiirh--t market prices, at ."-.ehiia.s.se (Jiam berg's in exchange for goods. tf J. Mcl Unyz d mad the Hkkai.d happy on Monday. Mr. II. was on his way to Lincoln to attend tin fctate Fair. A K'kkI Piano to trade fora. team At IlKiiAl.n Ok kick. Messrs. Valiery & Jluffner will come out next week in a big "ad." One or two more of thosa fine t nil blood Houdau cocks left. Who's the next customer? A party consisting of Hon. L. Shel don, Isiac Pollr.vd and others start this weak for the Centennial. New Styles of clothing arriving con stantly. Now is the time to buy at AVm. Stadklmanx's great clothing emporium. Will never be n:;-! -i obl in u:ility and ;ii-j of liont and Shoe- :it Ver.re' slioc "store, I'.iil. examlni- fiiii-cs and j iilv for cuivi'lf. i ;-:t Now Prunes 11 pounds for $1.0 at S. Si Cl's. tf Turn out to the Firemen's dance. Fi i day, Oct. Gth, the last day of the Fair. All arc invited. The County Fair ought to be well attended next week. The Firemen w ill give a (Irand Uall, the lat night of the Fair, at Fitzgerald Hall, which we have no doubt will be wll attended. Mainif.icinrin;: and repairing r.t Sher..-nod & Nladclniaiin's. tf Wanted, at this ollice, on subscrii tim, a load of corn at highest market price. Hon. S. M. Kitkpatrirk visited the t it y on Monday on his way to attend the convention at Lincoln, of which ho is a delegate. "Woman's ilf sh.-es iii i'I" to order for -S'lA) . and no-n's best French calf boots for .-.nl, at P. Me-gcs. Wai rantcd the best. A Waildsonij piano !.; lrvinlre at ttie rli i; ' i !i-';, or to 1 t chimney cbiiAMNw. (.'barley Hnuvn hereby gives notice that he is prep aved to clean chimneys, bbi'-k stoves, etc., cheap for cash. Leave orders at .1. Ho ;." burlier shop Dr. Win. Wintr isti in. City Treasu rer, left last Mo.idav for Philadelphia. Judge Dcspain will attend to th.e col lection of taxes i:i his absence. .v; line of Clrldres Alisses' and Ladies' Hose, a'i kinds, styles and pri es at .1. V. WV. 1,0)1 pounds of lirst class batter wanted at highest market pines, at tf S iivassi: it (ii:AMiu:i:ii's. Ll RMERS ATTENTION! Julius Pepperberg, Cigar Manufac turer. o;i Main St.. Platisinouth, Neb. Ci;?ar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tol .;ireo-, for siutkiug purposes. Fur llest ijualiiie.T of plag-sniok- itig tobacco aiwnys on h.ind. J'i-tf. o:k ::. Taken from my oilice on Saturday, Sept. CM, aPoscv.a.al Ctne. A one aruifd tramp was seen to have it on that day. Whoever will return it will be liberally rewarded. It. 15. Windham. Our Florist and Vegetable dealer, i , ;.,.ir..' Tfc.r hn o-onf t.i'PWWTPHHTAT V V DilQ T?T .11V IMU-.JULUUMC . r , UlJlt lJLlilllinjJ 1J&1 UUli Lincoln with 4,000 pounds of plants j Qp CASS COUNTY. for exhibition at the State 1- air. s:.i r .v.:. 1U . . riiatt the Butcher A i r ,r(!n vhil.it a set of i PiiOfJIlAMML: - - i Fine Carriage Harms stud a set of j Farm Harness at the County Fair. He ; ' tvf.-day, h ror.i::: LM. defies competion. .-. j This day v ill b-.on.u.u-d in m ak- - irig entries and arranging artic le; for K. Donnelly is prepared to do gener- exhibition. l;j not fail to make v air al blacksmithing in all its details. I !..,,..., tllii ,,.,v if ,,ii;,!.. also have a No. 1 .va-'on maker arid . . warrant satisfaction in every case. I All the officers will be. found on the Come and gr-t work done with prompt- j fair grounds and designated by their ness and dispatcii. 2T-4t ; scarfs. scarfs. WliUXKSDAV, (.M'TOBEIt 1th. At 10 o'clock IJoys Fiuestrianshi:'. At 11 o'clock J Joys' Foot Pace. uin.m;u. We learn that ("apt. O'lbmrke is the i happy father of a nice little girl, born j Sept. 22d. So much happiness at once ; is dangerous. We trut the Cant, will survive. i . . ..JO..- 1 ! t i -.1 ' ,M . I. V . f... iri..j...'. ! n I . Oil ee, l (MS, i!E; li s aim y nip luw- ; .vi -j'.t o i:nn i. oiiu-ml ioi " r trl " 1 kl' vv t .i lt t !;; i'e i s er than the l;we.st, at S. V (J. tf ' premium for lest ilat-l'outed walk- ! i:ear thai pla- -. I "- - i.i- . , j,t i, i. i- r t',,.. it in IHIlSI'. 1 1 1 1 f OI LliOililT. i I'.iuiY 'i ii I m our hu,t ..sue. .w, ?pok, of an ap- AX ! pe.u-ance of a grave on the hill near 2 e;u-x, 7 mimtiis. and 11 days. t ., . , ... , rr .. t Shp slooi s iii Jesus, awaiting tin? ca'il of the the Lpiscopal C hurch. Thursday, , ... vom Ser.t. 21, the body was exhumed by the ' uie land of tin; enemy. vv. n. t. Marshal, Drs. Livingston, Scbildnicht, McCrea and Pout, examined tlio ; ieaaiiis but could not exactly agi ce : whether they were the bones of a man ' or woman. Old settlers know of a ' woman buried in bs0 and a man in ! is.4. ' The following letter gives, we think, : a ivliabi account of tlf aft:iir: I 1 ' !k'"kxwooi, Xeh., ) September 2'5, 1S75. F.IUT011 Hkk.u.1): Slii I see Ly the Hi:i:ald of the 21st, that as a te:un Grand Ball ! !, To be given by the PMlionili Fire Ml. In Fitzgerald Hall, FRIDAY EVEN'G OCT. G, 70. All are invited to attend. : lius once more t;;hen t'iw fl.-T.t aiul ofT.-rs Ms sim Aire to thf jiuMio in his UIJ st;uid, prepared to tui uisli the bort of 5S iS5 At 2 o'clock Contest for premium on I l-assing up the hill near Mr. E. U. i Lewis' tho wticels brokt through ihe K ioijiiet. Will r.cvrr be iindi-! sold In nuaMty :nl r!c il Loo's a:iJ nil 4. .tlaYuIut-luiluj; anl iev:tii liii at ileiti s slim stoiv. Shafer is remodeling his eating house and saloon, and making a tine appear ance. Farmers w ill do well to call on me, for meals at all hours. Peer con stantly on hand. 7t3 .1 (JOOU BARGAIN. Must le ISohl ; ."SO Lots in I 'la tlx mouth for$m. tf Jt. It. V IN DII Ail. You will save money bybuyingyour slates, pencils, stationery, ink, notions, &.c. at the P. O. News Depot. 31. S. ,V 15. II. O'.t looking through the establish ment of Mike Schnellbacher, we lit id he is doing a general manufacturing business, in addil io'i to his unlimited capacity for all branches of blacksmith ing, he has added to his ! nisi lies a first class liturgy and wagon maker, and is prepaia d to f urnih anything from T st lish lmgy or cutter to a good sub stantial farm wagon. Everything war ranted complete. 2t5-ot. Largest stock of latest stlesof prints ever brought to this market at S. fc G. C.J. Hoffman, the farmer' blacksmith is always ready to repair your wagons," sharpen your ploughs and do anything and everything in his line. Plow and machine re; tiring a specialty Sewing machines particularly. 27-4t. discovered. I i grav e soiue'.vliere w:;s livi::-; 0:1 the . li ou. 1 iler in tin Coin, of n!i:r?;!s. .1. I'. OlMi, W. 11. Si! I; i i H. W. S(iK. W . N i: i : i i:, o. M si i.i lour, .M. ( -. m i:. VIA r fanairf i i. ,ls'o. FlTZOKlTAI.H. .1. W. A V.ll Al.I., .1. : Vor.N'J. V. i'.. Sh i: i .i K, . ions' 11. V. Sai.i,. ETC. GAME. FISH, & FOWL, J.V SKASOX. At 1 o'( - Aden's foot race. viarsof i.-.V) and li!. In I? 50 all or nearly all lh" emiuiatioa j.is-ed up ' i the east side of the Platte Wivor and a j At 10 o'clock will coicinoncre the ex- ; lartre num her of them cros.sed tlie Mis- amination of articles and isnurillivor at your place. In fact all i in the Kstatv of K.Mu-y Myers, .t.'e.-asf.t, if.re ot preiriuims. awaninig ; ;!; Mormons crossed there. ow t ti if ij:gal notices. Leai Notice. Jadire, ill il.id lor i- irsi, i lass o stconu, c iass -i iois grave 1 which I fpeak was made in i Oar eftb-ient postmaster, Capt. Mar shall, met with a severe accident Fri day morning. He made a misstep as he wa- going down stairs and fell heavily against the brick wall injuring his shoulder badly. Fortunately no bones were broken and we hope he will soon recover and be able to attend to business with his accustomed ur banity. I.-idir-' ii!f sliocs iiki'Ii' to order, for ;;.."). at the centennial li.mt and !um slor". ' 1, 2 and :J. Class 1 Lot 1, 2, n.'and 4 respectively, also lots 0 and 7. Class 2 Lots 1, 2, :$ and 4. DiN"M:n. Commencing at 1JS' o'clock premiums w ill be awarded uuder Class 5; Lots 1 and 2. Class 0 Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4. Class 7 Lots 1 and 2. Class S Lots 1 and 2. Class 8 Lots 1, 2 and 3. Class 10 Class 11 Class 12 At o o'clock will be the exhibition of Misses' lviuestrianship. At 4 o'clock Old men's walking race. Premium s?0.00. At i a o'clock Pacing match, host 2 in 3. Premium Sl'i.00 and 63.00. A first-class band will furnish music during the day. VKIDAY, OCTOBER Otll. At 10 o'clock Trotting race by sp'an of horses. Premium and -S 1 ' i ! At 11 o'clock (irand exhibition in the arena, of all stock entered. di.vxki:. At l'i o'clock Address bv Hon. J. L. Webster. At 3 o'clock Lady lviuestrianship. At 4 o'clock Trotting match; single horseor mare Premium S 10.00 and 620.oo. The best of mu'-.ie during the day by the brass baud. P. 15. Winihm. Isaac; Wilks, Secretary. 1'resident. 0l" IKPS i-iLHTT F. K. 1""0; a lady died of cholera and was buried there. My idea of it always I has been that it was just in front of the place where Dr. Donelan lives, but I mav be that much mistaken. I expect that I am the only one in the Win. 11. Newell. ColililV Cas County, Nebraska : To nViiTn i:i;i; Concern: Noliee is hendiy iriven that J. 1. l'urjreson. Adiniiii-o-tor td'the c-iate t:f linrv M is.le-eea-i-d. Ii:- made :ipidi-;.t nm lor !in::l sctlle inent. and that -aid eanne is set for lie-irin;r at tn y oCi'ee ill rial tstno'iljl. Neb., 0:1 the lntti day ol" (etolier, lsTil, at 1 o'eloek t. in. at which time and place anv iiernon interested may !e piospnt and evaiiime sani iiecouniH. ::t:; County Jude. county that knows antlring about it i'lutt-nioicji, Nei., Sept. -jr-th. is?ii. ,,:,lo:J if ,., -v l ti. lf Mr I ll.KiJ I W.M. II. NKWU.I., llllli .! Ik 11 II J illltb A VCiaHkJ , O'N'eill remembers it. The lady was i going toCaliforniaor Salt Lake, 1 have forgotten which. Or.i SKTTi.r.n. Miks. Li:ksi.i:v Olivei: have the sole right to the manufacture and sale SherilFs Sale. l!y virtue of an order of Sale is-ne l l.y C. r. Moore, Clerk. y Wm. I.. W ells, I icputy, v itliiu and for 'a-s ( 'e'aT:! v. Nelna1-!'.:!. and to ne3 d! leeied. I V. iil en the lvtlt dav I'f (etolier. A. 1. l7ii. :it 1! o'eloek. A. M., of said day. al the f rosil d.'or of i lie (Neiit lloi;s. i;i he city of Phitisiaoiiih. ill said ( oiintv.sellat Public Aue- of JoTINSON" Si W I I.IUC'S FKKI) i tnn t!ie f.d!oWi;nr real e.-tale to-v!t : The , . south nail is'.; on i lie nor.n-west .;:iaru ri r.w ; t Cookkr, and are prepared to furnish 3 J ,,f i..n No. ten .'. township eleven mi, . . . : iioi-i It n r:ni-'.' lonelier !rn 1 eas' of The i;;!i di,er, iituiva ai;u ,v u,iun, oil tri jiveieipal inerii'i e.i off the carriage. The proprietors will I Xe.fX I a-s t oimty. N ehraska. I upon and taken ;is tl i. Sham and Amanda to jati-fy a judnieiit of 1C. A. i;;enlH)l'li, ovtiibit. tlioir Cnnki-N :it. fbft f.oiiutv ! Shalii. deli-nidanl ' . . .. , , . I said Court, recovered I Fair, and the Farmers and stock rais- ; niaintiif. c ... , ... . , . I'latlsinoutli, Nebraska, Sepi. Ilh.A. I. IsTO. ers of ( ass county will do well to ex- .M-t m. u. c lti kk. moiii.i 'iiwl mii'li'iu' int rf i t r. u -rru i N 1 t if. the use of tho cooker will reduce the cost of pork nearly owe half. This Cooker took tlie lirst prtmiutn j at the Keokuk Iowu Fair, and is said j to be the best Cooker in the market. 27-2t Le.2:al Notice. Our town is looking up, business iin 1 I . . . I 4.... . ii i , proving, nouses scarce ami ie uo lent. snoupi aiways oe The 11. & M. Ib Road is doing a heavy j business, averaging about one hundred cars per day each way. Last Friday lie fore Win. II. Newell, County .L:d0e, in and for (,'a-s County, Nebraska. In t!i(" mat ler of tin? estate of Joseph Vaiillnrn, deceased. Tu Whma it ifi .'; ':. cm: Take uotii-e that Henry C. VanFfoni lias filed his application hi the County tour in ami lor . M , r . I Cass Coin;' v. Ncltra .l:a . !) be appointed adniiii- ,,r . ,. ,. ... , , -I itia!'-:-oi the e-tab- of ,li-,epii a a I lorn, ile- Latest Novelty Out New Drawing . ceased, audi hat sal.t cause i -,t for lie;.ri:i' on Shite Desks at the P. O. News Peput. tin-s.th i.ah) ,h.y of iietol.er. Puy them for your children, they are j ,V, .''"'f ecu! ay both amusing and instructive for chil- . in i luiisiuouth. .ei.ra-k l at which time mm ji.-p,. ' i da -e all persons jMlere-'-ed may app -ar and I show calico il any the hae, why the sai l " j Jlenrv C. auiloiii siiali not be appointed such Ioth men and beasts are liable to : aiisuihistnaor, ::eeor:iii to the prayer of said accident; a prompt remedy um-iI at the , !" w;tls 111V .,., thi ,tb (i,v of Sop. right tune otten saves weeks and i tembi.-r, istu." w i. h. m;vi:i.i.. months of pain. Dr. Creen's Crimean! -,!,: cmiaty .hide. i 1 1 1 ,i 1 1 1 1. : i l iiim iaoi iinu -viie i 111a , -. o - 1 - 1 OIlCX ill O OtllC. i j rv virii'.e of an order of sale i.ssu d hv C. P. : .Moore. K otiiay SerK. i My w in. I.. i en. ins ie- ;p;.lvi, i: ie.i'ii?!.! for t ;i-s Couety. Nrlnaska. Hi nrv Uoeck keeps the finest assort- ;li a' to ne- dire -i, ,1. I vi'.i on the x:l d iv of iv- ,:.i i'r. . . Ii. 1 -:, ii. ill in o I..OCK ::. in., oi sani iay 111 Hie Tlikiikfut for pj-a pa'roni'ire. X snMcit h eoti laiauee of the .same. ( ipnoM! : J "linsou's 1 u uj; j stole, suuth iUlo Main street, f ial tiao iH . Ne- r-K'.s!n. ! i!y A. ti. SI ATT. tiood fresh milk DELIVERED DAILY! K YEIi YTJOl) Y'S HOM -'J.V VIl TTSMUL'TH IF THHV tt l.Nf IT, li V J. F. niiAr.IKIKTFK. SKND IN YOCHOKIiKliS rr I Wtl.t. TKV AXD lilVK VOL" 4i i y t and serve you regularly. liOIl E III' DoNitELLY'X AND 1SLACKS3UT1I Waijoti, lluyijy, jlitclthtfl miht l'low re pairing, and yencntl johhinj. PETE II II a" 17 EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of tins wukoii ."hop. lie Is well known as a NO. 1 WOllIiMAN". ew A'asoiis ai! IJussie niadi to OriU-r. SATISFACTION" Cf A HA NTft K I . Simp on Six III si rent. or,;os;te sti eight's Stable. LYON'S A. H tri 0 kept in the house. COvt .Iteady made clothing at Xew York prices at S. .S: ( S's. Dr. Schildknecht wishes the iersou wlio borrowed a pitchfork from his barn to return it. - i u. ...... .v- ,. i - u v 4. v v -v. Ill 1'HI Sillll.l UOlii CI illr1 1 Ullll IIIIIIM the lransier cm.sseu one li'iuarea aim : , , . . . . ...... llf j.. ,,tlll(i. s.li(i e,,iin!v. s. iiat nuh- I Me aiii-: ion t he to! low nnr real e-i ite to-wit : i lie thirty-seven loaded cars going east. The new II. lb Shop are progressing rapidly, the contractor is working all tho men lie can put upon the walls. I ti V ANTE IK A good. live, nctiva Agent u v t r- ; liroi gans and Pianos, for Cass 'o. We will long by sixty wide. The blacksmith ; venient, comniodi jus and desiral.'!;; ad otTer better terms and inducements ; shop forty hy sixty. The round house j dition to evorv housekeepers list of than any other wholesale music oealer to contain sixay stalls, the i:-.t carpi n in the I ! ment of furniture west of the Missou- : i i : .... i l i ri river.iL can ne seen;ai nis large ware- house, nearlv opposite tin Lank. Fine i 'v''st half ;w.of the norih-w.-a ipiarter in ui i and tiie west in.lf f m 1 of l he soul h-west iiuar chamber setts flOlU 021 to .$'00 and . ter jswV, j and tinee la; acres o!f the west side upwards. ..... . , -ii- t oi an l.i'iin-easi ( i ua 1 1 1 i m ki i m ii:i siuuu- Dunug anditting room ; west .,uarier s ' 1. 1. u.ji a strip of ground six ne men lie can put upon u.e wans., mirrors The iinest stvles i ilii. uidcan 1 1 ,i.,i the uh,.!.. length of -in. i,.-v -ill 1-viV.o -l 'I,,,, ...la: ! ula-MltN A"c ll'ieL sivies . , ai.ove des.-nii -a piece or tortv acre .he ne,v s 10 is will make a one .idM- f .mJ Lr;lInbl:lt(H.s flU. li;l,!VSJ ,,a-t of -and. . am. of t:.,-ai.'ove dese,i.,ed .ami ion to our ( itV. , , , ". '"'"'S 111 sen ion No. seven ,, township No. The Main Imi'din" or machine i.. t illso Sl,le agent for Harrison s ; ivselie 1 1 !. north ot mi-e No. twelve U'. e:ot iin .iii i i li i. iii u in ii. .m . ii. i .. . . el toe si .; ,i ; e. ,i i piiueip d ineriiuati. anil also roper is one hundred and ix!v feel : patent eouuunaiion sale, the m:sr. con- , th.-e.t i:-,ii ,. ..j f s h-east ipi.-uier kilciicn furniture. I .. el .-.ec! ion N i'. I h i I ve !u : acres !-, :i la t l.e out ii- Vpply to Prescott & J ter shops are to be used this winttrand ! Hill, Columbus, N'ohraska. i be repla'-fd bv new ones in th spring. j 'nit. !),.;, t is to be- m.ued to the foot ! M U 11 i) E R V. ILL OUT. ; Coiamun'pMiion from OUndale ree'd j of M;iin street, where it should have! A few years'ago "August l'lower" was ! too Hie fr publb-ation. Will publish I been put in tho first place. discovered to be acei tTtin cure for Dvs- i i r- i t c r 1 ... I 1 . i .... ... j in. o. .".;. n.ive tnr ne.,L w.u-; su,- j p.pS;a an I Li v r complaint, a lew tmn i J ply in the Slat", they have a fall of i)js..pt ,,.s iaii0 iUl n t.nheir friends; SOHKiniNt; NEW AND USEFUL. j 8omL' i-y et irom uie spring yoine ; Rnv easily and quickly they had been .lLei l.i:.. I ia-1 iiiieiin "uu.i. " ! CUl'CIl HV US I1SC. 1 ?ll':lt 1111'ilIS Oi; next week. 111. ryeepliirj ten ast l oi uer of t t;i M Ml I !l -c:: 1 1 1 :;al'i ci" se1 , of seel ion ! Wcl ve i 1'J ; all in to, ,ls.i:; tivclve i Ui lioltll of l.ii;e No. i ii-vi :i ; : r i, e ;-.s: iif t he -ii ii i It ! 1 principai lini ridiaii, ia Cj.ss I'oiikI v. Nehraska. 1 he ;i!iii' i -i:, lev ie.l i:"iii ..lid taken a.v tai p: i . l o J ry o:' SI. I.. V.'Mlc. and iloha While, .le fead. Ill's ; to .s! V a j':.i-'ll!i ll! I : -..lid Cullit, rec.i red I iv .ii'hn 1- ii .-ifraid. pl.'.i ill i'T. rial! Mi! mil ii, N'e'o , en!. L'"! h. A. I '. !' Til. .M. 11. L I ti ki:. ..!" ShoriT. - ri " 1 1 V w. ' . W t . y m 5 6 & 'r ( 111 I i V hook keener, business man. or "'llr' i'"- caieu oy us use. i ne great me! us ot ; To t,M. vorUInc Ia.-We can famish f -...lilv ulw.nl.l .l. itlo.nt -The Instm reservoir on top oi uie Dill souill (ijtK!!X S AltilST lT.OWi;U became you emplov ment at v hieh you ran make ve.ry faaiilv should do without 1 h Instan- , f t, t, shn, one hsmhed feet i Jn-r ;lded thro;1 r!i conntrv bv one suffer- 1:ii"- pay, In your own lecaiiiies. wiihuut hein taiieOUS Ink Lxtractor. file oillv I ... ... i : i.. I l." 111 .. : awav from hoin.' overni -hi. Agents uanled ill . v. ill ii"wii i.,L- fe..... ""' " "" " ......... i-r to auoiner. U1UII Wlllioiit auverilS- i everv town ami e.nmrv to take suPsi-iiliei-s for ..'..a i ..II.. : . . F : I .l.li- 1 ! n I . . , , . . 1 'Ci... . - I . I... I i.i ; . : .one in i MM- n me. .Vienna ; iuL'. ::s sale iias iieeome immense, i rug- .' " ' v v." OI in' vil ,..,.1,1 U-o ll,n Ciiv tl... I ' tm.....- ..wxtT-x- . . III th X iilt.-.l Mates-ti. ues.i,t eoluiiil.s ; t!ie same and can immediately be writ- i . V , ' " - X ' g:t.- in j. r.u 1 ion. in int: I'liimi i aiitly iilnMrat.-.l ; Terms o!y one dollar per t . ov. r ti... it t l.e i,,l or,-..l i r ,n'st ater works in the Mate. P. j states arcselling it. No person suffer- i ar. The Kecor- Ms ,i. void n. whau ve. isof tell over VMtllO'lt tlie ml. Spiralling. . n . i. i . interest co!ueced v. ill; the enteiiiil.il vear. : nnnn venvra non n i pi nnminiv i .V'1" -'--:''"." '""",.' ! Ti.eiirt Kxhii.ition a. I'uiia.leiphia is fully U- l iii ' ri i,w a r n lam I. i ii ostiveness. l'aipuation ot tlie Heart. . insirueii m ueiaii. i-.ver.vi...iy wai.ts u. in preparation that will erase ink paper without injuring the surface It also will remove fruit and ink stains from all kinds of clothing and the tin- est fahries without injuring the sain ( in tlie b at. I have the sole agency j ;!tASSH0l'i.Mt VAiUS JisnTI.NU ANi for the a hove preparation. Call at the P. O. Xeu's Depot to examine the same i and satisfy yourself. j The -above preparation is used at the ' First National I'ank and Treasurer's ! cilice with perfect satisfaction. He- j Siiectflii! v. J. P. YOL'NO. IIAR'HINC. (Jrand Opo irJanity to Save Money. indigestion, low spirits, ect. can take t 1!'1V.Vr:': V.-l'.: !'".''.':; V''";';.1'.' : f . . - i ii y vi iii'-mn.u iiimmu.i'.iIipi nam io Mion un : three Ooses Without relief, do to vour ! ai'.out n. An eienant paiiioii- c:;i.m,ii drawiiK? 1 DniggiSts CHAPMAN" & Ct.AS and get ! pn ininm picture is p.oput.-d free lo every suli- I , ... ,. , . ., scriner. It is entitled. In lemeiiiluaucw ot the , a liottie tor CClltS and try if Mill- I one Jlundredth Anniversarv of the Independ- i pie bottle 10 cents. H I Patent Metallic mmiD PREVENTS . BOOTS & SHOES E::2 Cv:r full SALE BY PETER MERGES, Manufacturer of and Dealer in all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES. Tlie largest and hest assorrment ."or the lowest Crsii j rices of any store in Cass County. CAI-I AXI) KK rOVI.('K. .S'e Agent for Platlsmonth, Ntbrnska jr.tf BEST FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA", roi: sai.i: r.v Wj:kfin Vi'AfKit. Ni:r... I Sept. -J'th, 1S7C. j " Vol I ii'::xlA: I have been watch- ant"' " i ing tin; rasslioppers ipiite cloielv, and A g ntleman or lady to work for :ne t,i;ll ((f t. t.,gs hatching, in Piattsmoulh, for larther jiarticul.us that some are rott ing, ' and that some a. i ire.ss Clarence seian, eat i oini .,ri. i.(.:n .ipvoiired hv a fiuh. The - va-snjiitii lua tiiri trt ,,,.,. it Veb r i, i. ; c.,m ! does not n.uiM'ate or ripe like Castor oil. Imt -tu- outer co.umg of the eggs !.- in some : u , , ,r- lV .... ... .....,,.,.. T IMil';t,5 rilllil IT LI : 1 1 1 1 . l i I l l.T l:' ilCI -.ill , lie inmri-., run-' imiuh I lie Centaur Liniments il;iV1M.r(.. ate.l a revolution in remedies fur iihrmnati- in, t Stn.ius, Sweliins. Pains, Hums, Scalds, Stints, I &c. Th While l iniment i- for the human fain- i!v. and the Yellow T.ininunf 1s for hordes. Tiiev ! i areccrtai:!, handy ami I'lieaji. Castoriais certain enei' of tile I nited States. Si.e, -Ji oy Mi uieli es. Any one can heroine a Mieces.il ;e'eiit. for 1, ut show t he paper and plrliin.. and hundreds of siihsi i il.ers are easily oht allied everywhere. There is no lHis:ne th;it will pay like this at present. We nave many agents v. ho are mak ing as hinh as s.'n dolla's" per day and upwards. Now is j he time : don't delay. Keinemhcr it costs not liinc to jrive the busiiiess a trial. .Send for our circulars, terms, ami sample eopy of the paper, which are sent free to all who apply ; do I it to-day. Comp!"te outfit to those whii de . j cide lo enaaKi. farmers and mechanics, and I their sous and 'laughters mak the very bc.-t of agents. Address. Till: CKN'TI-XNTAI. KKCOKI. 1'orlland. Maine. , , i .ii i-i en ic . u i.t li ili.u . r hum- r i-m, i i-f, r. ir s v. i s . . ,,l"!sf l.ailsen. m IM..1, win no an, , n.tteii ' evi.lei.tlv hiv'ier Iiopii ' 'an-'s nal ural !eep. It 's I'lproiv adaotcl t., i , r-.f- work in brick, stone or plastering, in a ; V - , .. J i, ?J u - ; n.iuits a.,a l..f..nt. I it .oi,t;n.sI.-ithir.Minrrai. IV Ap.ir RRHTH PRQ !.. i , .i .i ;,, ,; damageu by tho rains, all these signs , Mnrehi..: nr Ahn.hoi. Chihiren Teething inav i w'ftU imm W Ii J 1 11 Li il 3. pri-os. ,n ( 'ourt Ilouse II HI onT.mth "? favorable t a complete destruction '-;;'r'i-'. t. if t.,ey use Iu-ahrsi,, sixth street. 2:Jm:J Vf th.? T' W V1' f. "1:lk,'s I -v , fo3 7 T'Tf Tf2 (f 1 hearts glad. Hut this is not our oiilv ; -- V;sv (. fvf M t y (K VhvJ A new line Of Pouts at ail prices, at 1 thankfulness in these hard; SPIRAL NOTICES. I ht) iL 2 )MhQ 0 I FOR SALE. A sucoinl h.-.n.l Victor Sewiucr Vaehin". war 1. cited in ;, .1 running onlor. Trice s'-'-'i. Also : ne Wilsmi Sr-.vii Machine. I'ui'i-sv",. Impure .-.t Ihe Hi -Kami oiV.ee. 4--tf Flue lio.its in id lo order, at S!iei ood & Staiielniann. L:;:f TilO 1 --t . c!irap--t .im! lafirest .l'Him-iil nf a. '. times. I lie low price ot goods in our t . ... . ... vow ii i m.o oi our cic.ufst oi-.-nii;.- i a f M v r.-o.ir laii.e lif -.,'l .....1 ....tt v .nr.K .... .!,- ,..1 i.ri... .,f 1 1 '( 1 1 1. 1 1 .' I V !l.llf L'OOI 1 S Call I if lOUlrill IOI' ' i-i. VJ ' 'l Roots .fid Si.oes at Merles' shoe store. : ono ,l,il!ar in our town than iuanvoth- l.ki J,,i i &ji-n vi.isrs of our ire"i'.lcii MASK 'ao,1i lalrx sell raiiidlv. will lie liannv to slimv voa ho'li. It will i o vott . . . " .-Oil' II A via,'''''l tor circular. . . t.iis Koj.I. whether yon 1 uy or imi. -JJ-tf ?V lOW'll we l oi lue iniKiuy or ai OI j ,r)i:j il UiVia-'o-.w NUll St.. I'.ox So!o:non & Nathan are in receiiit of . Jlessrs. Peed Pros, have an elegant; SALE OF E-'TRAY the lai sest and finest stock of lnillin- i stock in all the numerous lines they ei v e-,;o(!s ever brought to this market. . handle, no Hats in anv stv.h and shape. Pong their supei Ostrich Plumes, f all fashionable col- ami shoes, in addition to tlie Iienoersiai j forennou of said day. one esi ray mare eeit. t ors. Wind's and birds of all colors, and goods which t Y. ETC., ETC., ETC. One lloor East of the I'ost-( iiliee, riattsmonth, Nehraska. 1'raetieal "Workers in I the numerous lines they Notice is hTohv 'iven that I will will sell at 1 Sir 7' FT 71'OY 71 W T V 7 I aliceablT among winch is . )nhli.- nnctiou. in front of the l!u!r.ard Iloitsf "- v rV-' f- r i tiA- ior liee'of hind mid- hoots ' m,ll"",u" Weeplu-Wner. ass Co.. !,., I S 1 1: A 1 , (Iv., clc. . 1Kl,u1 !;'l'lc ',,)in i on the t-.ih day f Uctolier. at 11 i'eli('k in the I STOYEo, ..... .....i.i ..... ):.. ........ i i . i ... i I I.iiiue ."'.su . . i'i i in n, u : I r ; i v it -i -t Ii :i m i 1 1 r ; ' " i : . u ii i M'nn nhoi. v.nne uuki tho finest ami most complete ?tock of mxuy years. Ihey have a very super- .: j,v Amasn iio-kitss iuv rVod lunn ;it 4.v I CLJfJ i llowers ami ti nuinin s ever sren in this iov line of ond3, manufactured express- ; r?'t v.ms whs uken m iy .!;uoi Wart i.nl , ... . . . !i 1 1 I Ie: I ?w mii i..lr-iv n-nl ii.i'A- nilvi'HKi'il ov ' . ... ... . ... . ., ,1-.. I.. I.. 'n..: .1.. i- I.,i- .! .... .t .......,-..1 l.e' ' luMHii ano 7.io s ;u iht.'i- su"i- -ii . van euv. vv e nave a i.;ui a 1 liiiiiiei , in.it ' un.in, v.nt i non n. imv.-iim uj and i v iu.iae -.roods an.l luices l.cfore iwirchris- . ' -t , , . t i " . , t f them and whii-h thev warrant in IX .M.ItSt.VSIv A. Great Advantages to Buyers IX 1S70. Ttii Years Credit at C jnr titt Interest. Six Yeam Credit al 0 per rent Interest, and 10 per cent Pisrount. Other Liberal Iiirou;i t Fr 'ah, Itelale on Kan- unit Kri'ljehtH, mid lie in in mt for luipruvc iii cut-.. The Liirn ami Xrlirntltn Fnrmrr. containing full particulars, will he mailed free to any part of the world on application to I..VM) COMMISSIONED R. . M. K. XI. liiyl lascoLN. Nraai.vsKA CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION, j-mhADEi.riiiA, r. M CQ 1 Will lie h.ippy to show Imth. !tcz e:sew In whether you v is'.i to Iniy or not". uM-tf' '! ish Hats trimmed aft r the most n- every particular to be above the. aver Wood and Coal Stoves for me for sale according to law in such eases made i il p i fpj'V1 f I "'"WM." I "V- and provided. W ilness my hand thisth d.iv of ; filli A i 1.1 It l?Ili IVUliliSU s pie i inier, .. i. isto. a. i uask. : -I-.t .lust lee oi t he l eace. Alwavs on Hand. TE A CUE RSI EA'A MINA TIoNS. Every variety of Tin. Sheet Iron, Work, kept in Stock. and Zinc moved and fashionable stvles. We age shop made hoot and tonal to tho Koul Agent, Andy MeMaken, of hwe the celehrate I Pattern Hat, and best. i-.,.;iir i? u xviti. 1.; hII i.iiU of ori):iiii?.iiR suited to pvcrv 1 he nest Ki: ot this make and lien- ! sj. ... i m ! till- JVaiJ.V". ... : ... ... -, . m ... j , - - i i ..in".-) ,lru I l nil' CI.II'IM'- ,, , T -r XT l 1 TTT Tinn I Tn T IT I ,vii .r .vo u- i nl is int r ill om Tins I taste. Com.? one come all, and judge dersuns sold at 4.o) j per-o,, w in, ,,, ofi-r ih.-mifiM-s as eamii-! MAKiNll AhU ULFAIRING, wile gac us .1 pleasant can o.i 1 ue- ( , Ti,.. i-i,, f ti.ic i.nV ; ilates for teaelier of tho common schools of . ... .. ' i -n Ii;t..r i-i fl.iof wi i- I i en i nr o is, .i .w in ...... , . Uih county, at niv oliem llie twn oi Weepni- .a. AalliC I.Uilor i.i tniei 'ls --t re,vipt of ill'V iiml fatiev "'mils of the Henderson s sold at 4. ii ;aer.on the last Fi -May ml Saturday of each T irieoln. we had the call all to our-! r.to.t .nl.. ".,,,1 ..n...-iw l.i.. lif Tin, host vo:il ivilf of thisrmik and I and every montli, eomnieueini; at lo o'eloel: selves. I.a.lie.' French e.iit vims, hand M'ue.l. f.r ! I..'. I. at .V:i. oid i; S!adeiiiiai:n's. 2 f ! next week. .S'i:.Y7) IN YOUR J Oil WORK Posters PdlMIeadi Henderson's sold at ..00 ! a. :n. Oateil this sth davof January. A. Ii. IsTo. These goods are all hand-made from ' !". uu i izx. Chicago "kiii, and are the very best 1 l :,. tho ''VarmJ.'ehlo., T oti--Ifp iil-j mane, :-i mat everv larmer mav Know tin- nr-i l rnl.iy ;.ii.t .-saii.rosy oi eacii i..omii. Ilone on Siiort Notice. ItrEYEIlYTIllXfJ WAHHAXTF.D! ntll'ES I.OIV IXUV.V. SAGE BROS. TIITSOl'FAT INTEUNA1 IONAL FXHIBI tio.v. dksi;m;i to i ommkmokate TMKONK III MiKiaUM ANMVIXSAKV (IK a m KiiiCA N iNni:ri:.M)i:N( t:, oi'enkii MAY 10th AND Wll.l. fl.OSE NOYEJUiEK lnt'ii. ISTi). All the nations of the world and nil the Stales and Territories ,, the I'nioii me par Ucitiatni' in tliis wondeifu! di'inonstratioii. !i.iini;iiiii to'.-' tlier the most eoinprehensivt col- I lection of art treasures, mechanical inventions, f seientilie discoveries, iiianufacturinir achieve- i ments. mineral spi ciniens. and a'i ieult nral pro- I ducts ever exl.ildteil. The grounds devoted to t tin Exhibition ar situated on the line iof the i rennsylvania Kai'road and cmhraee four him- i drril ": i:d fifty acres of rairinoimt I'aik. all highly improved and ornaineiiied, on which are erected t he lari-'est liuiidinus ever constructed, : five of these covering an area of ti ft v neres and eostim; s.-,,nno.fivi. The tolid uiimher of l.uild- j inus erected for the pnrpo-s yf t lie e liilnloii is : neai' two hundred. Iturin the thirty days im- j mcdiatelv following the. opening of ti e Exhibi tion a million and a 'piailer of peopk, visited it. t The Pennsylvania Railroad, Till CISBI iT TIll'Vll i.i.m: AND VIL CF 722 Z7&.ZZZ, is t!i-- most iliret. i-onvenient and economical ' way of reaeiiine l liiladelphia and this treat ' Exiiihition from all sections ofthe country. Its j trainsjto anil from Philadelphia will pass tlirouh i a OK.vND CENTENMAI. DEPOT, whi.-li the Company have erected at the Main Entrance to the Exhibition (.rounds for the accoiiaiiod itioii i of jiasentrers who wish to stop at or start from ; tile iinuieri'iis lartre hotels contiguous to this ! station and the Exhibition. a uoii venienee of I the jrreatesi value to visitors, and atforded ex- , elusivclv bv the lV?iti i .- iiihi Kailroad. v hieh . is THK'ONI.Y MNE lilNMNii DI l.'ECT TO THE CENTENNIAL I't I I.I )1 N( IS. Excursion i trains will also stop at the Encampment of the Patrons of Husbandry, at Elm Station, (in this; road. I The Pennsylvania Kailroad is the grandest i railway oruaiiration in the world. It controls Feven thousand miles ol roadway, forming con- ' tinuoiis lines to Philaibdidiia. New York. I'.alii- ! more, and Washington, oyer which 'luxurious I l'i immi ny-A -'.sT H 6J mi 03 W. D. JONES' XEW XT VERY ST A ISLE, PLATTSMO TTil, X K 15. Tlie old r.ON'M'.il STAPLES in Piattsmoulh Neb., have .iut been leased liy Dr. Jones, and lie will open a new and handsome livery on and after I his dab.'. The llnest and best, of hors and carriages always ready to let. SADDLE HOUSES CHEAP. Horses kept for Sale or to Trade. HOUSES TRAINED AND BROKE. ALSO I desire to pive notice that I have a lan:. handsome brick burn, with plenty of loom for horses and wagons. I can put "farmers stock an I watrons, loads of grain or anything all un der ran er, it. the dry. Kemembe'r this. Thank in;: all my ol i patrons lor their many favors, I solicit tlieir trade in th new place, satisfied I can accommoihrtp them better and do belter by tliein than ever before. 3 yl. Farmers' Eating House, KEPT P.Y v.iauf.o -turins an.l r-:aii i ir che aper than ; Envelopes PasnnhU-ts ami Cards print- that 8t."0 is tlu otitsid. price in should j i ed ; I tiou the divan s:. and of tlie b-.-st material and work at Merges .-.hoj store. o. CKIPPEN. Sup't, TJ A W ATPP r.T A rJ Xr ShW 1 dav and nitrl.t cars are run from Chieauo. m. " JJi. , ; l.,.is. rincinnati. I.ulsvill.-. Indiaiiaoolis Col- I Woman's calf shoes niadi to order New sign, new eoat ot'iaiiit. for J?S.tJ0 and nieua hest French calfj Loots for "?s.(m, .-a I. Mirycs.' War- 'm U1,. Un-iaii. Somethiiiff str:in- bat never-th-Kss rrh.(l Meat Ht Jones' Li verv and true i5 the fact tl.at on the wnon road i y,H d stahle. will furnish cood ris to U-twwn Hfisl's mill ami Plat U lot- ! the puhlic. For the benefit of the far- at this oiiiee. All worl: rxncdi- l-y fr a U-ot. for Heed 13ros. Kive i'e islv and ne.itiv ev.o;-uted. I I"'r -'ont- oh f this price fur oii-h, r MONEY TO LOAN. - Which urines the boot 2 cents LHioW , p-jp.i', ,.n . and .-. jeaiV lime. I :p proved SLafer's F.atiiP? Hous. is bri-hten- atx've i.iotations. They also have a ; Kar:n's in . (,iss County t..xen ,i's;'"v;. ' I ljir, wnoit-stocu l'oot at ?J.oU; au ex- " ah V at LaW. ! eel lent one at ."'. AH lines of their : r -". Opjec ever I'r. Chapman's Dru'i 'store. "" Vi hob-sale fciij V.etail Dealers in - ne amber wiJ torn, within the disti-nce of loss thanJ'- w.ui.i s.iv we nav e t ie -est . . .... , . ..I. , , , barn in town, and I will tak the Lest IHltailllif.ineie.iiu it iv-.e-...!.!. jnoo f . . .:1,s ... btrirtts and shoes are eipaaily low, as are j ni all thir jroods. Every one should re- ,,.,... ...... F 1o Yim. I member when Imving or them, that u . uiiai axjUHi u-,,,, the etiectsof Enoi, i I they do chiinee torask you as much :vs i rnpw . '"' ;ll.'l.lsi''s '",' lif;- y'-'"- ' oaSil. ,w ........ ....... . , ... I M-n i ... ret. love. I xew ' SHIISTGrLES, !.3tf other houses for some article that even then you yet it 5 per cent, cheaper, ow in to the discount thev irive vuu of . 5 cents on e:xeh dollar. ' '" The tax collector has Vfen her the 1.. . 4, ( t X'.. Tl.... f . T.MSt. WML' l.nt ..t.-in.r hillial....! u...tfl.. , - . .. 1111 'l III 11IU 1 . . , i , o I"." 'I ' I - - . .J . . ... t.' ,... ,v, n-uc..- in?r one, two more are sinpptu , ,.,. (.i,ri,-s :1!i n. l.5 i.,-;in,ls of fine , er which rrecoeded his comim? he! top to bottom. All of w hich seem to ; cut toh.ico just received i lar'e stock made few collections. lb will k here - DRESSMAKING. have been done dunn our last storms. ; ot me ai ove. l on can et J gmni .c ;.w' r rionv Him siiitirusy n: uip Mrs. y. E:teran.l MissN. llie.s.1011 have that have leeu more or loss shattered ; rates. bv l!?htnin; 13 in a row, tlicn miss- Doors, New HT A "TJTT H CI C lilcil.o.l ol lu anaeut New i MAltltlAVjC. ;:,,,( r.,,nrkab!e i-eineli.-s. j Hooks and c:ie:il irs s.-nt free in sealed envel- . oo. Aodress IIOWAKI) ASSi l( 1 ATIUN. IIH j . S.:.ttlir I'h i:-..li.i -.I i . 1'.. ,. I...ii... i.... Il.tvlnu a bih reputation for honorable conduct ' til., til., til. ml ptole.-Moi.iil NKi-l. ls!y j Mat., street. Corner of I'il'th Blinds, FL ATTSJiO I'T 1 1, linibus, Toledo, Cleveland, and trie without 1 change. Its main line is laid with double and third Iracks of heavy ste 1 rails upon a deep bed off broken stone b:-llast . and its bridges are nil of 1 I lion orstone. I ts pa-sender t rai ns are e'iiippeil J j w ith every knwn inijiovenieut for comfort and saiety. anil are run at i.'.-ier -peeu ior inearer l ili.-tanef- ti. in I he trains of any line on the con- j tinent. The Company l as larne'y increased its . eiii-ipniept for Ci'nti n.'ii.il travel, and will be plepaied to liiulii in ilsowu shops locomotives and p .ssenper eai-s lit short notice sufficient to ; fully aeeommodate nnv etra demand.' The un- i eiia!!ed resources at the command of the Com- j p.tny truarante" the most peil. et ac-ommoda- , tions for all its patrons duisiij; the Centennial i:hib-.tlou. ; lilK MA(iNIFICi:.VT SCKNKHY for which t the l"eiiiisy a Ida Central is so justly celebrated presents lo the traveler over its pe"i feet road- ! wav an ver-eiianim panorama ot ir.er. liioiiiilain and landscape yiows une'iuallcd in America. Till: KATIN'O STATIONS on this line nr.; s-j.; utiurpa-s..,!. Meals id be furiii-lied ;.t suit " ' 1 able ho;;s and ample tinn allowed for erijov 1 irer them. K.( ! l;Sio:; Tll KKTs, at reduced r (a:ou(ii: silafkh. A I. SO KKKl'S Groceries ,fe Confectioneries. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. on main sTi:i:rT. Nearly Opposite Court House, 2olf PL A ITS MOUTH, NEB. CALL AT - j Clears for 10e. We,., in ( Ic.ol.er, ht.f anrt th, to h.t-lh--dre.-smakin;,' lmsii.c. aiol v.oiiid be gtill BfttPvRatPS fOr Llllilber ' Jl'i be sV.id :'.r ail pro. Kaiii oad TicUet Usf- assorti.i'Vil of canned fruit i 'ive pcojue another opportunity to pay p'..d j.,;;ve iiio.s.- i:t v,;t.it ot :v.. ri ia their . " " i!''''s in the -t. N..111. .-.-(. and soutin-e.-t. liou-ht' directly at the lJaltimorem.u k : ( ienuine Durhani Seal ..f North Car- without additional cot,' so il will be ' line to e.,1! and w the, a, the re-iden.v-of Mrs. , I pvS t. 1 per cent less than ever, ut.s. A . .1uih. and amty h air smt-km-,' tob wise t..r a! to call on am. lie wiJl , J,; 'i,,..,:; ! win sell li raae of Lumber - kkaxk THtMi-so.v, l. m. i:..vi. j,,., tf co. nt the Ji (.l.hce New VW. be t.AUVl at Iwl Ll"V3. a ::'C L. v . ! ir-rt. ra;,-. " " " ;.,'t ' ' Very Cheap. j ,( noneral M.mag( r. (.en. f.-.'r Atr.-nt. 1876 Headquarters ! STAR OF TUT: VET Mlniarntal.) .::. .'JO .t M M MS., P. B. MURPHY, Proprietor, KTlr-K l.l'Nf II . A. M. Tii2 V. M. lioicent Witfs. I.lqnors, anil "Isarik! AT TIIK Xi.U. : rf'a: In a;l I'. Ii. hi.ii Kf .: . ...-. in..', ft inrr drink ot tt.c celebrated Sr-.r (-.itb-.I 1 :.' j i:ni3 1. I. 311 It I'll V