.-rZ r THE HERALD. OFt'M'I AL. IIIKi:TOKY. rONCUKSSHiNA L. Sf.NATOrs-A. S. Paddock, Beatrice ; P. W. Hitchcock. Omaha. Kki-kkkksiatuk-I.. Crounse. Ft. CallMiiin. ST ATK. kVKUNOit -Silas Garbrr. Lincoln. E-witKT.vKV Bruno Tzschuck. Lincoln. TitKAJti ttKii r. G. McKride. Li matin. Aritnon .1. 15. Weston. Lincoln. ATTnitsKV Cenekai--G. H. Roberts, I. in- suit, la iii.i'j IxsTKrmox J. M. MfKcn zie, Lincoln. LEGISLATIVE. Sr.N ati.r, -"tli Distkict Sain. M. Chapman, I'b'ittsviouth. KM'lir.sKNTATlVKS. 2." til D'sTniiT Juo. V. Barnes, Plattsmouth ; Jno. K1111.11, Greenwood. JUDICIAL. Sitkemk .Ii-hoks Geo. 1".. Lak. Omaha : lunil Gantt, Brownville; fcaniuel Maxwell, Kri-iHout. corxTY. CMtK-C. I. Moore. PlatNniotith. T KK.vsr u kk .1 . ( '. Cuvumiux. ri.ittsmoutu. SllKlllKK M. It. Cutler, I'l.lttNinolltll. Com i is-sit k.hs K. G. Dovcv. Plattsmouth ; YY. It. Arnold, Greenwood ; K. S. Ramsey, Ixmitville. Co lots Kit R. F. Reed. Rock Illult.s. CITY. Mayoi--R. It. Livingston. TKKAiUr.KR Win. W inurstein. Ci.wik'-W. F. I'.ennctt. :! N-ru.MKN, 1st Waki J. Fcpiterberjf. Neville. (iilMil,MKN,2(lVAUI-r. I.. Wise, J. . Yim luirli. Cm il.mex, 3i "Waril Win. I- Wells, K. IonncllV. I'm 5i ilmtx, 4th Vaim F. U. Gutlimaii, J. Hi-finer. MEKTIMJ OF HAYES & WHEELFU CLL'n. . B. & M. R. R. Time Table. Curni-tfd Sunday, January ZOtfi, 1ST6. CMC OMAHA FROM I'LATTSM Ol'TII. Uxivcs 5 :"-' a. in. Arrives 8 a. in. - 1 -an p. in. " 3 : I- " FlUlM OMAHA FO It FLaTTSMOFTH. leaves M - a. in. Arrives 10 :1i a. m. 4 srti p. m. " S :u p. m. " (M. ni. 7 :46 ). in. FOR THE WEST. I.r;rves Plattsmonth :M a. in. Arrive- Liu iIm, vi -15 p. in. ; Arrives Kearney. :00 . m. tT. I-ouih KxruK.li Leaves nattsinouth. m. Ai-rivc, Lincoln. 6 :40 p. in. Kn-Jghl lcvr7 :10 a. Di. Ar. Lincoln li :25p.m. - ll .Mi.m. " " 3 ::) a.m. FROM TIIK WEST. IcnvM Kenraey. 6:s. in. Leaves Lincoln, W p. m. Arrive Flatlsinouth. 3 p. rn. Kt. Uii-l K x piirsh leaves Lincoln, 7 :20 a. in. Arrive rUltmnoutli. 10 :34 a. m. V'rei;ht leave Lincoln 11 -.15 a. ni. Arrives rUlUinoulh, 4 :W p. Hi. l-ari Lincoln 7 :0 p. m. Arrive Flatti sunutri, 11 :lo p. ni. GOINU EAST. Errca. ( 40 . m. ta.uMrn(tr. (traiu each day) 3 : p. m. Vlt RIVAL AN D DICPARTl'KK OK I'LATTS MOI TII MAILS. JCASTl'llK, M'KTIIKliN A KOI Til T.HS . , . I Ii.-part at - 5 :.m a. ni. OMAHA VIA P.. Si M. Arrive fct 10 :.T0 a. ni. Depart at - 2 :13 p. ni. WKSTKKN VIA II. A. M. Arrlvu nt - S :15 l. m. D. part at - 9 :M a. in. Karn.Sli WATF.lt. Arrive at 12 :00 m. Ix part at - 2 :V p. ni. IK II li I;;,I FKSA I NION MILLS. Arrive at Vi :tw in. Hep.irt at - 1 :00 p. in. J. W. MA LSI I ALL. I'. M. LOCAL XEWS J. Cil-soii Ks-., takes a C'.i:ni);iigii 1 1 UK A LI. A few City orlcn for !('. Look in :it t lie only Dry (loods House in town now, Solomon & Nathan. A noou ri.-iuo to trade fora twain At If f.kai.d timet:. Mr. Ileoclier lectures for I'.aylies mer cantile College this fall, at $500 icr I.oture. At Court Hoiie on Sainrl.iy Evening Ar.g-ust ."th. 1Z. (1. Dovey was called to the chair ami MacMurphy elected sec'y. Moved and seconded that a commit tee of three he ajpo;nted to sec about a 1 1 all. Carried. Jos. Johnson, W. L.. Tucker, and Dor rington were apiointel ;is such com. Gen. Cunningham reports on flag, 10 raised. Com. on flag instructed to send for ting. Com. on music to have further time. Sec'y requested to have roll signed by all those claiming membership. Sheriff Cutler authorized to employ a janitor for hall, wherever the club may decide to hold meetings. Adjourned to meet two weeks from to-night. J. A. MAcXIniniv, Sec'y pro tern. Alf Harnett is coming here again lie fore long, with a new toupe. So says Mr. Murphy. FOR SALE. A SfCrtinl liaml Victor Sewiirr Maolimi. war ranted in -;o"l runiiinn order. J "nee ?'-'". Alsoaneiv Wilson Sew 1114 Machine. 1'i'iee S Inquire at tin: 11 F.KAI.D olliee. 4ii-tf A now lut of s;i'.M-is at lK'rp;o."i!ior sl-ire, for S5 mil". Candidates are getting thicker than blackberries in this county. Next week we shall give a list. A fine full blooded Iloudan cck for sale. Also, one or two cockerels' of the Kline breed. Apply at IIkkalu Office. K. I'arniele has some hamlsome new buggies and carriages for sale or to let. Also .1 car load of horses for sale. FA JIM E IIS ATTFXTIOX! Julius Pepperberg. Cigar Manufac turer, on Main St., l'l.tttsinoutli. Neb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tobaecoes for smoking purposes. For Sale. 1 Jest qualities of plug-smoking tobacco always on hand. 20-tf. The IIf.kali is indebted to Cap. r.ennett, Mr. Holdrege, Sam Chapman, and others, for a nice mess of prairie ch ickciis. A lianiNoiue pinnofor vile rliuap, or to let Inquire at the llnt.M.K ofiice. Among the new State papers we re ceive this week are The I'royress, Dem., West I'oint; Netr.t, Hep., Crete; Eayle, Dem Dakota. l'lense get Dr. Chapman's terms and prices on Organs and I'ianos. There will be a Lecture liere on Monday Evening, the 14th, by Prof. Schults, on thn .Mysteries of Mormon isin. Wheu!!! Maniif.ietiiria and repairing che.ipiT than the cheapest, and of the lel 111. aerial and work at Men; iho store. Miss Ella Crocker arrived from Chi cago last Tuesday to make a short vis it to her friends and relations in Pl.-ttts mouth. All will be glad to see her. Dr. Chapman is agent for the great Smith American Orcran. ami eaii do better in Organs or Phuios, than any one in the countv can or will do. KMIOt. We learn that Schnasse & Gram berg have rented the store in Fitzgerald's Hloi-k next to the Hank and will open with a new stock of goods about Sep- lt. JiEST IN THE WOIi LP. 11. Sanser. Kurt, and Ilanan & UeddisVs Loots and shoe at Merj;es' dio store. yir. Fitzgerald has the grading for the new depot grounds, and commenc es to-day. We believe all ptrties mean business now, ant that l'lattsmouth is going to take a new start. Mike Murphy and family have just returned from a visit east. Mike is getting fatter every day. Jos. Huttery has some very fine fruit on display at his drug store, raised about here. Shannon, Leasley, Moore, Charley Illack, and Huttery himself, are represented in the display. ATTENTION 1 TEACH EUS ! Wf.i-.imxg Watf.k, Aug. 1st, 1S7C. There will be no examination of Teachers at my oiiice the Lust Friday ami Saturday of August, nor at Platts mouth the first Friday and Saturday of September. I hope all the Teachers wiil be at the Normal Institute at Peru, commencing August 15th, and continuing three weeks. 10 .Jt G. H. CKltTEN, Co. Sup't. AVe hear that Mr. Schnasse and Mr. Gramberg arc going into business to gether. We hope it is so. I am constantly in receipt of fresh Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Canned Fruits, Salmon, Sardines, fcc, at the P. O. News Dr pot. J. 1. Yorxci. We wonder w here all our granger friends are that resoluted they would not support men for office who asked for it ; that the oflice must seek the man and not the man the office. All the fellows we have seen, however, say their friends( ?) insist on their running, they don't want it, &c run lxys run. Solomon & Nathan are getiag ready for a big fall trade. NOTICE. Those w ho are indebted to me are hereby notified to call and settle with ine soon as convenient after harvest, j for I must pa- my creditors, and you j will much oblige Your sincere friend it Eight Mile Grove. August 1st, 17;. Yi--Z A. I. Hoot, M. D. County Correspondence. Glespale, Xf.b., ( July .'Jlst, 1877. J Va). Herald -Not having seen any thing in your columns from this place for some time, I drop a few lines toen lighten you on Glendale matters. The first and principal item for which Glen dale is noted, is her school, of w hich she may justly boast. Two years ago the district was oyer two hundred dol lars in debt, yet besides paying out Syis.OO for teachers the district i3 now out of debt and has live hundred dol lars in the treasury. 01 scholar's are ennumerated, yet it is a fact to be re gretted that but little over half that number regularly attend school. The school last winter was ably con ducted by J. G. Polk, Esq., undoubted ly one of the most successful teachers in the State; to him, not only as a teach er, but as an active member of the board is the Glendale school largely indebted for its present prosperity. The sum mer term (just closed) was taught by Mr. W. C. Showaltcr, to the satisfaction of all concerned. Mr. S. is peculiarly fitted for tha position of teacher, and it is to be hoped the district may be able to secure his services for the win ter term. Politics are rather lively considering the fact that this is only the beginning. The "sham reformers" already begin to look despondent. The farmers are done harvesting. Wheat about half a crop. Harley fair. Corn good. Oats almost worthless. Yours C. .S. Nearly or quite two years ago Stieight & Jones, livery men. then in partner ship here, lost a horse by the hands of 1 m.Mi called Dr. Roberts. Neither man nor horse were heard from until last week, when Dick Stieight spotted him at Omaha, and had him arrested and brought down here. Roberts claims he had to cross the Platte and sent the horse home by another man. Dick wants to see that other man or have Robert? produce the horse, and wo guess he'll have to do it or go to prison. Justice may be slow but she's sure. in this county on horse thieves. Rr member that boys, when you fasten on to one end of a halter with a horse it the other. FROM WEEPING WATER AND VICINITY, July 31st, 187C. Mil Eoitok. Since our last we have visited the country west of Weeping Water, and found, the farmers busily engaged in harvesting their grain. The majority of them will complete it this week. Small grain in this part of the countv is rather light. The average yield of wheat will not be more than ten bushels per acre. Farmers are somewhat discouraged; but they ought not to be when the beautiful fields of dark, green corn promise to them such a bountiful reward for their summers toil. There are some of the finest farms iu this section of the county that we have ever beheld since our stay in Nebraska. Fai niers who have been on their land only a few years, have it or namented with large cotton wood groves while orchards are almost wholly want ing, but we arc certain thej will have them as soon as possible; because they are a set of stirring men. IX TOWX, business is dull, merchants occupying the long monotonous hours by loung ing on goods boxes, and spinning a few long yarns, all are hoping soon to see business revive. AH THE HEAT, mercury ranging between SO and !0 in the shade. Heavy showers of rain quite frequent ; but after the showers old Sol shines out as hot a.i ever. Notwithstanding the heat and rain we have stopping with us a gentleman from California, who brings with him good reports concerning the crops of that State. Wheat there i threshed and being shipped to Europe. Pr'n-e 70 cents per bnhel. The gentleman. Mr. Uuson. says if a man has a farm in Ne braska, or if he is only making a good living here by working out by the month, ho would advise him to remain here. Either a very high opinion of Nebraska or a very low one of Califor nia. Hkfxo. Friend Dovey is coming out on Wag ons this wtfsk. KEMOYAI- We omitted last week to speak of i Judge Sprague's removal to Ashland. Mr. Sprague has been the law partner of Hon. Sain Chapman for two years and removes to his old home in Ash land on account of owning property there and other business relations. We are sorry to lose the Judge. He is a good citizen and lawyer, and Flatts tnoutli can ill afford to lose such, but we suppose he must look after his own interests just as the Herald or any one else does. Success to him any way wherever he goes. If you want a wagon, you know where to get one now At Dovey's. Uuy the "Cherry Sweet," "Our Fritz," "Seal of North Carolina." and "Three Rlack Crows," Smoking Tobacco, at the. P. O. News Depot, brands in stock. Also other good READ ONE, READ ALL, If you want good No. 1 Osage Orange and Honey Locust Hedge plants. Sec, this fall, try Hrookhart Rros., Weep ing Water, Cass county, Neb. 18-2t The Smith American Organ is en dorsed by the best musicians and is un excelled. PRESCOTT & 1IIEE, Ceu'l ag'ts. Columbus, Neb. Dr. Chafmax, Ag't. for Plattsmouth. TO SELL OR TO LEASE the IIekald office. The present edi tor having had six years of severe men tal work, needs a rest, and will sell this o.'Ice or lease the same for one year on suitable terms to responsible parties. Will uever tie undersold in 'I'.l.tlity and price f boot" a?!d !i '. M t -. 1 1 f ;i t-1 :n :r. :;nd p-jcir-hj ::t M !ioe :.:--. Amendments to the constitution of the riOXEF.KS ASS'X OF CASS COUNTY. Moved and carried that section 12 of the Constitution and section 8 of the Hy-Laws be so amended as to read by Ci) two thirds vote of the members present at any regular or adjourned meeting, provided, tint all r.mendmenls offered shall lie over for at lenst one rn eeting. Also, that a Com. of three W. appoint ed to revise the Constitution and Hy Laws and report at the next regular tlK't'l!!. "i'Mt. PRO RATA. This subject has nad some little at tention bestowed on it ; but its impor tance and the justice of the case de mand much more from every citizen of Nebraska. In tne "act of Congress" approved July 1st, l$2, the 1-ith section places the power of making connections with the U. P. 11. R. main line, "At such pla ces and upon such just and equitable terms as the President of the U.S. may prescribe." Now it is a notorious fact that if a farmer of Cass county ships a car load of produce or stock to Cheyenne or any other point on the U. P. R. R. west of Fort Kearney, and sends that car load over the H. & M. It. R. to Kearney, in the hope of its going forward to its destination, he will be charged as much by the U. P. R. R. from Kearney to the point his car is billed to as though he had shipped it from Omaha, besides having to pay the H. & M. R. R. for the transportation over their road. In oth er words any Railroad south of Platte River that has a means of connecting with the U. P. at Kearney is practical ly shut out of the carrying trade west by an outrageous discrimination in fa vor of Omaha and the U. P. R. R. The same rule holds good as to passengers, and the unlucky fellow who gets off the H. & M. train at Kearney and takes the U. P. for the west will be charged the same fare by the U. P. as he would have to pay from Omaha thereby mak ing the money paid for passage on the H. & M. a dead loss to traveler and forc ing passengers to buy their tickets and take their passage at Omaha. How long will the populous South Platte coun try submit to this enormity? How long will they permit the markets of the west to be shut off from them by ! this great injustice. We are proud of j Omaha and have no word of fault to I find with any fair means used to in- crease its growth, but in all candor ! shall that growth continue to be at the j expense of the whole South Platte? I Will the residents and voters of South j Platte tamely submit to this injustice, ; or will they move in the matter and i compel Congress to give them relief ! from this oppressive discrimination against them. Iet us go to the popular branch of : Congress with our appeal for redress ! and let the men of South Platte stir i this matter in every caucus and in ev j cry Grange nutil justice is granted our . rei-:i of CouuUj. Achievement of tlie Great Lightning Express. From Ocean to Ocean in 80 Hours ! WHAT IT TEACHES. OUR CENTENNIAL YEAR. The accomplishment of the extraor dinary run from New York to San Francisco in 80 hours and almost one third of theenfrfl distance over the Ft. Wayne tt Pennsylvania Railway, was a most fitting fulfillment of the prom ises made by the management of this great line that in th One Hundredth year of our existence as a Nation, a railway for the completeness of its structure, the perfection of its equip ment, the most exact experiments for speed, all modern improvements for comforts and ingenious combinations for safetv, on the face of the globe, should be the Great Ft. Wayne & Penn sylvania Read. How veil, and tiuly that promise has been kept, may be judged by the crowning triumph in the great race against time of the Janet v. Palmer special San Francisco Train, which ran from New York to Chicago in less than 21 hrs., distance 912 miles. 444 milt s between New York and Pitts burg, was run by one lornmotire, with out asinyle stop a feat entirely with out precedent in the annals of railway history, and teacher that nothing is im possible on the Great Ft. Wayne ifc Pennsylvania Railroad, and that it has outstripped the progressive railway rivals, not only of America, but the Old World. Foreign newspaper correspon dents, visiting our Centenial, overlook the great Exposition and ics world of wonders, and fill their homeward bound letters with the advanced ideas of the Pennsylvania &Ft. Wayne Rail way system, and invariably and unhes itatingly pronounce it to be the model railway of the world, and America's fitting representative of rational en gineering, shrewd official observations, and the early adoption of all ideas ad vancing the interests of its patrons. Pullman's New Palace Sleeping. Draw ing Room and Hotel Cars, are run upon all trains, and the line being miles the shortest from Chicago to New York, Philadelphia, Haltimore, and Washing ton, the advantage of low fares are in its favor. It mast borne in mind that the Ft. Wayne & Pennsylvania trains run direct to all the abovo cities, and into the Centenial grounds, low fare tickets may be purchased at the Gener al Office 33 Clark St- Chicago, or at the Depot, and information, by mail furnished. HEATHS. TowNF.K -At the residence of her father. Wm. It. Davis. Esq.. of Seward, on the 13th inst.. Mrs. Lnev Alans Towner, eonsort of McDaiiiel Towner. Em., of Butler County, .Neb., aged lb years, 4 montii.t and 3 days. See Dovey's big Wagon Ad. this week. ATTENTION, TEACH ERS. The Teachers' Institute for this dis trict will be held at West Point, to commence on Tuesday, August 1st, 187f, and continue three weeks. It will be conducted by Prof. Thomp son. Principal of the State Normal School, Prof. Wightman, of Platts mouth, I-ro f. Palmer, Editor Neb. Teacher, Prof. Nicholson, of Peru, and other abb teachers. Practical teaching for the common schools is the main work; but regular chiss work will be carried on, under competent instructors, not only in the common branches in higher English, but with special reference to the wants of those teachers who may desire to obtain First Grade State. Certificates, for which an examination will beheld. Instruction will be given in drawing and in theory and art of teaching. The membership fee for the term, is only and arrangements are made to furnish board to members at 83 per week. It is confidently believed that this Institute offers the best opportuni ties at the least expense. The teachers of Dodge county are earnestly urged to attend. II. G. WOLCOTT, lSt3 Dodge Co. Supt. PIANO FOE SALE. A very handsome I'iano for Male ehenp fnr cash ; or a $2nn loan wanted on the same. In quire at the llKitAi.o 'flic- 9-tf. TEA CHE IIS EA'A JIINA TIONS. Notice is hereby given that I will examine all persons who may offer themselves as candi dates for teachers of the common schools of lliis countv. at my otllcein the twn of Weeping Water.on the last Friday and Saturday of each and every month, eoniiiiencins at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated this Fth dav of January. A. D. 17fi. K. CKIl'I'KX. 4:!!f Co. Sup't of I'uli. Snstruetion. Also at the Couit House, in I'lattsinoiith. on the first Friday and Saturday of each month. ti. H. CKiri'KS. Sup't, You can save money by getting the Smith American Organ. 12-2Ct. A GOOD BARGAIN. Must be Sold; 50 Lots in Plattsmouth for S-iOO. tf It. li. WINDHAM. SENSIBLE ADVICE. You are asked every day throgh the columns of newspapers and by your Druggist to use something tor I)yspei sia and Liver Complaint that you know nothing about, you get discouraged spending money with but little success. Now to give you satisfactory proof that G keen's AiursT Flower will cure you of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint with all its effects, such as Sour Stom ach, Sick Headache, Habitual Costive ness, palpitation of the Heart, Heart burn, Water brash, coming up of food after eating, low spirits, Sec. we ask you to go to your Druggists, Chapman it Glas and get a Sample lit t tie of Green'.'' AvorsT Flower for 10 cents and try it, or a Regular Size for 75 cents, two doses will relieve you. 52yl Roots and shoes. Cheap, cheaper, Thau the cheapest, at Tierces exclusive shoe sinre. See why elsewhere. Roth men and beasts are liable to accident; a prompt remedy used at the right time often saves weeks and months of pain. Dr. Green's Crimean Linament and Liver and Ague Pills should alwavs be kept in the house. COyl flTCT t PT VO UAl'l'V KKUKF to Yoi'.n AbLiJtO ji,. ti;,,n the effect" of Errois and aliue- in enilv ote. Man TJ0 hood restored. Impediments to Marriaire itmoveil. New tt-t i nrx method id tit-atmciit New iUiVrvitlAurj ali remarkable remedies. Rooks and circulars sent free jn sealed eiuel ojx's. Address HOW AKI AOlTA'lTON..41J N. Ninth St.. Philadelphia. I'a. An Institution haviii-a hih reputation rr l!"1,,t-a!!' conduct' i: .;: i'Mi; kjl jyiv SPECIAL NOTICES. .4 WELL IMPROVED FARM FOR SALE! A Roo.l farm of over 80 acres, with fair house, and out-buildings, all improved, -rood W ater, and a nice jiiove of timber. Said farm is near Fight Mile drove, in Cass County, Neb., being n'i of se'4 of section 1, town tl, ran; '2. For further particulars apply to .1. C. Cummins, at the Court House. E. E. KING. 1813 JOS IK SCOTT. DRESSMAKING. Mrs. F. ElsSerand Miss Nellie Short have gone into the dressmaking business, and would be pleased to have those m want of work in their line to call ami seethemat the residence of Mrs. Klster. one door west of the 1'resb terian Church. Satisfaction guaranteed and charires moderate. 7-tf MONET TO LOAN. S'Jn.ooo on 2 and r. years' time. Improved Farms in Cass Countv taken a seeurit v. Apply to " K. R. WINDHAM. Att'y lit Law. rniee over Iir. Cl';qinaii's Drug Store. 4-Jtf LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an execution issued by Wm. II. Newell County Juile. within ami forCass coun ty. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the f-Jd day of August, A. D. lsTfi. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the stock yards of Harvey Car pcr. on seetions:i anil 31. in town 11, range 12, east 6 P. M. (cniniiienciii;; said sale at the Mocks on section 30) in said County, sell at public auction t he follow hit: roods and chattels. Eizht (8) slacks of wheat in said (taction thirty :', one 1 1 ) stack of wheat in said section thirty-one GU. one ( ll stack of rye in said section tlilrty one ca ). nine (91 stack's of oats in said section thirty-one (311. The same beine levied upon and taken as I he property of Harvey .and Atcness Carper, uefeinlants ; to satisfy a judgment of said Court, recovered by John Carrol, plaintiff. Ml. I'leasant 1'ieeinct. Neb., Au-r. . A. l. 176 20-2t M. R. Ccti.ek, Sheriff. Legal Notice. STATE OF NEIUtASKA. I Cass County, f ' ' To Hutu i t li. Joj'f, Grentina: Yon are hereby notified that the Rurlincton & Miktotiri KiverRail Road Company in Nebras ka has located its road o er and upon the fol lowing described Real Estate, owned by you. that said real estate is taken and appropriated by said Railroad Company lor depot, machine shops, round house, turn tables, side tracks, switches. &e., viz : lxt No. eleven (11) in block one hundred and sevrnty 1 170), I'lattsmouth City Cass County Nebraska, and you are further 110 lilied that said Raiiroad Company will, 011 Sat urday, the l'Jth day of September, A. D., lS7tj. at Hi o'clock a. 111., proceed to have the damages you may sustain by the appropriation of said Real Estate to the' use of said Rail Road C0111 panv assessed aeeordiiii; to law. Dated July 2Tith. ls7i;, TlIK Ill'liLlMITOX AMI MlSSofni RlVBK .'All. RoAP COMl'ANV, Itv T. M. MAKtjVETT. 18 4t Afty. Legal Notice. 5TATK OF NEBRASKA. I t ass County, t To James 7). MiiwhnV. Urccting: You arc hereby notified that the Rurlinjrton and Missouri River Kail Road Company in Ne braska, has located its r-.ad over and upon the followini; deseriiied real estate, owned by you, that saiil real estate is taken and appropriated by said Rail Road Company lor depot, machine shops, round house, turn table, side traeVs, switches, ni', viz : It No. eleven (1 1 ) in block one hundred and seventy-one (171), in l'lalts- inoutli city, Cass County, .Nebraska. And you are further notified that'said Kail Road Compa ny, will 011 Satnnlay the nineteenth iluth) day of September, ls7n. at in o'clock a. in. proceed to have t lie damages you may sustain by the ap- iuoiiriat ini; of said real estate to the use of said iail Road Company assessed according to law, 1'ated Julv i".th. Is7i. TlIK lil ltl.1 NOTON ,fc MlSSOVKI RlVEll Rah. ito.Mi Ciimi'a.m iir T. M. MARgUKTT. is-4t Att'y. Legal Notice. STATE OK NI'RKASKA, I Cass County. ' " To.lim IfocrimiM, Ortxtinfj. You are hereby notified that the Burlington : Missouri River Rail Road Company in Nebras ka has located its road o er and upon the fol lowing described real estate, owned by you, that said real est.-ite is taken and appropriated by said Rail Road Company for depot, machine shops, round house, turn" tables, side tracks, switches, etc., viz: It No. thirteen 13! in block No. sixlv-four o"il) in Flattsiuoutli City, Uass County. Nebraska. And you are further notified that said Kail Koad Cornpanv will on Saturday the nmteenth (1'Jlh) day of Septem ber, A. l". 17H. at 1(1 o'clock a. la., proceed to have the damages you may sustain hy the ap propriation of said real estate to the use of said Rail Koad Company assessed according to law. iated Julv J'.tli. 17G. TlIK l'U lll.lNCTOV Jfc MfSSOCKf RfVKll Rah. Koak Company Hy T. M. MAliQVETT. is-4t Att'y. Legal Notice. STATE OF XEP.RASKA. I SS. Cass County, ) To A. H. Siiiiler, (irrctiny. You are hereby notified that the Rurlinjrton & Missouri River nail Road Company in Ne braska has located its road over ami iipon the followini; described Real Estate owned by you, that said leal estate is taken and nppropYiatcd bv said Rail Road Company for Depot. Machine Shop. Round Houses. '1 urn" Tables. .Side Tracks, Switches, etc.. viz : Lot Xo. ten (lot. Block No. forty-nine U:. in I'lattsmout It City. Cass Co., Nebraska. And you are further notified that said Rail Road Company will 011 Saturday, t he jiineteenth ' l:th 1 day of September. Is7'. at 10 o eloeK A. ,m.. proceed 10 nave ine unmakes you may sustain by the appropriation of said Real Estate to the use of said Kail Road Company assessed aeeordini; to law. Dated. Julv 2".!h. lsru. The IU ki.i noton & Missoi ui Riviut Rah. Road Company Bv T. M. MARQUE IT. l-4t Atty. Legal Notice. STATE OF NEBRASKA. 1 Cass County f ' To.S. A. MVirifim, (reeling: You are hrreby notified that the Burlington & Missouri River Rail Road Company in Ne braska has located its road over and upon the followin-r described Real Estate, owned by you, that said Real Estate Is taken and appropriat ed by said Rail Road Cornpanv. for Deiiot, .Ma chine Shops, Round Houses, 'ftirn Tables, Side Tracks. Switches, etc.. viz : It No. twelve (!) in block sixty-three (tl'l). and lot No seven (7) iu Block one hundred and seventy (170), in I'latts mouth Citv, Cass County, Nebraska. And you are forth rnotilied that said Rail Road Com- iany will on Saturday, the nineteenth (llith) lay of September. 1h7C, at 10 o'clock A. M., pro ceed to have the damages you may sustain by the appropriation of said Real Estate to the use of said Rail Road Company, assessed according to law. Dated Julv 2-Mh. 187'.. The Bt-KbiNOToN & Missouri River Rah. Road Company. By T. M. MARQCKTT. Att'y. Legal Notice. STATE OF NEBRASKA. SS. Cass County, j To Willet I'oltewjer , iireetinQ : You are hereby notified that the Burlington & Missouri River Rail Road Company in Ne braska Ine located its road over and upon the following described Real Estate owned by you, that said Real Estate is taken and appropriat ed by said Rail Road Coinpanv for Depot, Ma chine Sliojwi. Round Houses, Turn Taoles, Side Tracks. Switches, etc. viz : lt No. fourteen (Mi, It lock No. sixty-four (64), and Lot twelve (1-ii in Block one hundred and seventv-one (171) in I'lattsmout li City, Cass County. Nebraska. And you are furthe'r notified that said Kail Road Company, will 011 Saturday the nineteenth (l:t) day of Se)teniber. 1S7H, at 10 o'clock A. M. pro ceed to have the damages vou mar sustain by the appropriation of said Real h'state to the use ol saiil Rail Road Company assessed ac-- cording to law. Dated Julv 2.".th. 187C. Tun Brni-iNcTON jt Missouri Rivnt Rah. Roaii Company, Bv T." M. MAliQVETT. U-it Att'y. Legal Notice. In the District Court of Cass County, Nebras ka. September term, ISTij. John MrConniek, plaintiff, versus S. X. Mer riniaii. defendant. The above named defendant Is hereby noti fied that the abovo named plaintiff did o the 1st day of July, 1V'7U, file in the office of the Clerk of said court. Ms petition against rsnid defendant, setting forth thai lie !-the owner of the followini; described laud in Cass County, Nebraska, to-wit : The south half (s'i) of the northwest in iter (nivfji of section number thirty-one. (.11) town ship ten (tin north of range number fourteen, (14) east : and that said defendant pretends to own and hold the same under ami by virtue of a certain pretended tax deed, and praying that the sune inr.y ! set aside and the title to said land be iiiet"eil tu plaintiff. And said defendant is hereby notified to plead answer or demur to said pel ition so tiled in aid court on or before .Monday. August the 21st. ls7i;. or said petition will be taken as confessed and final decree rendered thereon. J. L. MITCHELL. :V3' A1toniey ijr plaintiff. Legal Notice. IT. 71. SchliJkncckt in. Oenrtje Fiitly" 1. Before John W. Haines, a Justice of the Peace: in and for Cass County. X'ebi.i'ka. On the 1Mb day of July, A. D. 170, said Jus tice of the l'eace issued a garnishee notice 1:1 attachment in the al'mc action for the sum of Ten Dollars. (Sim. l'l.ittsuiouth, Julv -20th. 1S7.-.. jsbt V. H. St HM.DKNECHT. Legal Notice. STATE OF Nl'.HU SKA. t ss Cass County. ( ' ' ' To A. r. lU ehe. Gro tiwj: You are hereby notified that the BurliiiL'ton t Missouri Ki er Rail Road Company iu Nebras ka, has located its road over and upon the fol lowing described real estate, owned by you. that said real estate is taken and appropriated by said Kail Road Company tor depot, machine shops, round house, turn tables, fdde tracks, switches, etc. iz : Lot No. clccii (Hi in block sixty-three Oil!, i'l ittsmouth City, Cuss County Nebraska. And you are further untitled that said Kail Koad Company will on Saturday the nineteenth ilfthlday of September. A. D. Is7(, at lo o'clock a. m. proceed to have the damages you may sustain by the appropriation of said real estate to the use 01 said iiail Road Compa ny assessed according to law. Dated July .'.1th. IsTii. Tuk lii ici.incton- .t Missouri Rivkk Rah. Roaii Co.mivan y By T. M. MAKQEKTT. lS-4t Att'y. Legal Notice. STATE OF NEBRASKA, Cass Countv. t To John It. NiiiWr, Urtitiwj: You are hereby notified that the Burlington Jt Missouri River li;:il Koad Company in Ncbras ka has located its road over and ujoi the fol lowing described Real Estate, owned br you that said real estate is taken and appropriated bv said Rail Road Company for Depot. Machine sliops. Round Hoiim-s. 1 urii Tables. Side Tracks Switches, etc., viz 1 f.ot No. nine c.l) in Block forty-nine (4:). ifl riattsioouth City, Cass Co.. Nebraska. And you are further notified that saiil Rail Road Coiitpanv will on Saturday, rtie nineteen! h t pilhl day of September. Is7;," at 10 o'clock. A. M.. proceed to have the damages vou may sustain by t he appropriation f saiil Real Estate, to tlie use of said Rail Koad Comgany. assessed itceording to law. Dated. Julv .Mb, l7i'. Tuk Hi iti.iMHo.v .s.- Missouri Riyku Rail KuAi ComI'asy, By T. M. MAIWKTT. ls-4t Att'y. Legal Notice. STATE OF NEBRASKA. I ss Cass County. ) To.SaraTi J. Worlcfi, Orating: You are hereby notified that the Burlington & Missouri River Rail Road Company iu Nebras ka, has located its road over am! upon the fol lowing described real estate, owned by you. that said real estate is taken and appropriated by saiil Rail Road Company for depot, machine shops, round house, turn "tables, side tracks, switches, etc.. viz : la No. ten (Hi) iu block No. sixty-three (tu. in l'luttsmnuth City. Cass Co., Nebraska. And you are further notified that said Rail Road Coinpanv will on Saturday the nineteenth (loth) day of September, A. D. 1S7R, at loo'clock a. in., proceed to have the dama ges you may sustain by the appropriation of said Vwal estate, to the use of said Kail Koad Coinpanv. assessed according to law. Hated "Julv 2Mb. ls7G. Tiik Rim. i no rox a Missouri River Railroad Coniany Hy T. M. MARQt ETT, 18-U Att'y. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION, I'HILADELI'IIIA, FA. THIS GREAT INTERNATIONAL EXHIBI TION. DESK. NED TO COMMEMORATE THE ONE HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF AMERICAN INDEI-ENDENCK. OPKNkD MAY Kith AND WILL CLOSE NOVEMBER 10th.1S7i;. All the nations of tile world and all the States and Ten Rones of the 1'nion are par ticipating iu this wonderful demonstration, h.iingiug together the most comprehensive col lection of art treasures, mechanical invention, scientific discoveries, manufacturing achieve ments, mineral specimens, and agricultural pro ducts ever exliilult.il. The grounds devoted to the Exhibition are situated ou the line of the. I'eunsylvania Railroad and embrace four hun dred "and fifty acres of Fair-mount I'ark, all highly improved and ornamented, 0:1 which are erected the largest buildings ever constructed, live of these covering an area of fifty acres and costing Si. ooy.ew. 1 he total number of build ings erected for the purpose of the exhibiton is near two hundred. During the tliirtv days im mediatelv following the opening of the Exhibi tion a million and a iuarti-r of people visited it- The Pennsylvania Railroad, Till' GUE4T Titl'.Mi. M.C AND TLZZ ECCIZ ? 7ZZ G7iT23, is the most direct, convenient and economical wav of reaching Philadelphia and this great Exhibition from all sections of the eountrv. Its tr:iitisJto ;uid from Philadelphia will pass t li rough a OKAND CENTENNIAL DEPOT, which the Company have erected at the Main Entrance to the Exhibition O rounds for the accommodation of passemrcrs who wish to stop at or start from the numerous large hotels contiguous to this station and the Exhibition. a convenience of t he greatest value to visitors, and afforded ex-c-lusivelv bv the I'ennsvl vania Railroad, which is THE ONLY LINE lil' NN I N i DIRECT TO THE CENTENNIAL Bl'I LDINtiS. Excursion trains will also stop at the Encampment of the Patrons of Husbandry, at Elm Station, on this road. The Pennsylvania Railroad is the grandest railway organization iu the world. It controls seven thousand miles of roadway, forming con tinuous lines to Philadelphia. New York, Balti more, and Washington, Over which luxurious day and night cars are run from Chicago. St. Louis. Cincinnati. Louisville, Indianapolis. Col umbus, Toledo, Cleveland, and Erie without change. its mam line is laid with double and third tracks of heavy steel rails upon a deep bed of broken stone ballast, and its bridges are all of Iron or stone. Its passenger trains are equipped with every known improvement for comfort and safely, ami are run at faster speed for greater distances than the trains of any line on tlie con tinent. The Company has largely increased its equipment for Centennial travel, and will be prepared to build iu its ow n shops locomotives and passenger ears at short notice sufficient to fully accommodate any extra demand. The un equalled resources at the command of the Com pany guarantee the most fperfect accommoda tions for all its patrons during the Centennial Exhibition. THE MAGNIFICENT SCENERY for which the I'eunsylvania Central is so justly celebrated presents to the traveler over its perfect road way an ever-clianging panorama of river, mountain and landscape views uneo,uaI!cd in America. THE EATINO STATIONS on this line arc unsurpassed. Meals will be furnished at suit able hours and ample time allowed for enjoy ing them. EXCURSION TICKETS, at reduced rates, will be sold at all principal Railroad Ticket Offices in the West, Northwest, and Southwest. Be sure that your tickets read via t be Great Pennsylvania Route to the Centennial. FRANK THOMPSON. U. M. BOYD, Jr., lot tieneral Managtr. Hen. Pass'r Agent. HO FOR THE I3Iacl2 mils! IN PLATTSMOUTH. Truoi.r.MALE j,iiroR AMI CHiAIt HTORE OF JA-S. KlEBIT.AlNr. I -fr-MtftCIRK'S old stand still kt open by the above. CIGARS. TOBACCOS, dC, WHOLE SALE d- RETAIL. IV t KEEP Good Goods, Buy Largely And invite trade to call and examine, itf HENRY BCECK. DEALER IN SAFES, CHAIRS, Lounges, Tables, Bedsteads, ETC., KTC. KTC, Of All Dfrij4ion. METALLIC BURIAL CASES 7 "f 4. r-5- jj (rrtt I woodeu coiFiriirsrs j Of ali fies, ready made and sold cheap fr cash. SaANNOlTS LIVERY SALE AND FEED ST'iLSeaSI!, East of Platte Valley none.-". THE OLDEST LIVERY STABLE Iu the Town Good Ttfimx Altcays on Hand. Careful Drivers sent with car riages if desired. Carrijures sent to Depot to meet all train whenever ordered. THE ONLY HEARSE IN TOWN. Fimcrals attended and cisn iages furnished to friends. Address, J, .W. SHANNON, 4--ly Plattsmouth, Neb. SILVER PLATED V ARE. Elcclro-IIaloI Tabic Ware, AND Onmmeiilnl Art IVork IN GREAT YARIEI'Y, MANUFACTURED BT THE Meriden Britannia Company, 03O Broadway New York. The best plated SPOONS and Forks are those Silter plated heaviest on the parts where no-, cessarily (he most wear comes, and bearing tbo Trade Mark. 1st? .KOt'KKK ItllOTilRKtt-Xir. X. B.--This great Improvement 'n Silver-Plats ed Spoons and Forks is appfied alike to each grade of Piute. A t, 8 and 12 07... an ordered. Tlie Process and Machinery for fnanuf.icturliitf these goods are PaU-nted. The extra or "Stan dard Plate" made by this Company is stamped . A 1, simply, .tnd is plated 2flr- per cent, heavier than the ordinary market Standard. ti'" First Premiums awarded" at all Fair where cxhibitttd, from World's Fir of. 1S.12 to American Institute Fair. 1874, inclusive. 5(ni6 WINDHAM'S B"EH A.T. 1 ESTATE AND COLLECTION AGENCY. -: O : I take pleasure in announcing to the public. 4.a ing business in the State of Nebraska, and especially in Cass County, that I have established m conne.it ion with my Legal Practice, a COLLECTOISr, AND REAL ESTATE AGENCY! A nine years' residence In State and County,' with constant business relations amoiiKtliA peo ple, have qualified ine for transacting business of this character with GREAT F AC I LIT T . All business entrusted to my care by firms) or individuals, will receive immediate at tention. Atl Moneys Collected, RK3IITTKI l'ltOMrTIV. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT & SOLD ! TAXES PAIDI fiTtufinexa JWcm A lotur red Promilly. II. II. 1VIXIIIAI, 42!y riattsmouth. Neb. j With i:i::nr thanks for past patronage. I invite invite tn call and examine my ! LARGE STOCK OF ir.s. FiRxm RL axo corny.' FOR SALE. A desirable residence five rooms, good cel lar, cistern, well, &c. Apply to It. B. Wis I'll AM. FOR SALE. A good" farm of ico acres, .-fll under cultivation, on reasonable terms. Apply t R. B.WisnnAM. FOR SALE An improved farm of H0 acres, the north half (n'i) of the north-west quart r (nw")of sectfort 32, town 10, range ll.Apply to 47tf R.I!. WtsnHAM.' FOR SALE A farm of no acres:, partly cultivated, can bo bvTught on 4 years' time. No payment reiuirel down. Apply to R. B.IWindh am H FOR SALE A valuable city residence, with valuable Im provements, and on reasonable terms. Apply to 4Ttf K. H. Windham.' FOR TRADE. I will trade a dwsirablo rekidence In Rock Bluffs for a span of good horses. A piiy to 47tf R. B. Wisunot, ORE A T It A RGA INS 1 ! Fifty (.v) lots in Plattsmouth for" sale at SWJ. Apply to R. B. Windham. O. F. JOHNSON, DEALER IN Drugs Medicines? AND JUfl All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IX Stationery, Magazines,- AND Latest Publications. Ir-4r!pt4m Carrfullj- Componirtefl ly an Kpcrieiicel rrnsst.f . REMEMBER THE I'L.U E. COR: FIFTH tf- MAIN Si BEET? Pi aTTsmofth. Niiij"