ii - f h C : C a tl ll & II U ni I .53 At J it u: fa ti in T Ii K U E It A LI). J. A. MACMURPIIY KivtxoR Epitome of ?h2 week. F0RT1 -FOURTH CONGRESS. HOUSEHOLD COLUMN. ! Afl-r :i!a.i d.-oate theSen ile tl.vh!- E to r:--Tr.r.Y vi:::m:n. A heast-ktvp. r sav?. in in ! ed to pay linehba,-k the amount ..Lio chi;.., j'yfc! i'oIT.t tin-"foiYowing ; him as Louisiana Senator uj to tiic sirnf,e. ?hMp and tlfective remedy;; date when his case was dec-ideJ. The j (.'ormsive snhlimato, one ounce; mini- sum amounts to about 17,000. ?i i 3 N -JED ILL JIUl'.nC NEWS July Oth. An autograph Utter of tonratulation was srnt y KiupiTur William of Cermany to tho President of th I'niU-d Mates, upon the 100th anniversary of oar Independence. The village of Rockdale, Iowa, three ii.iles from Dubuque, was swept away last niiit by a tlood. The town con sists of twelve or fifteen houses, situa ted at tin junction of two creeks, and surrounded by high hills. The rain be j;;i!t a!uiit 5i:So and constantly increas ed in violence until the streams swoll en to prodigious proportions entirely rut oft r-dn-at. and the buildings were all demolished and carried off. Forty one "'iii'.s were killed, of whom tliir-t-lhree have lx-eu found. Only one family and a young man were saved. Immense damage was also done in Dubuque and Dunleith. Houses were moved from their foundation and miles if fences swept away. The railroad traek west lias been destroyed for sev eral miles. New York July 0. The diamond u-cklai e and earrings sent by the Khe dive of Kypt to Mrs. Minnie Sherman Fitch have been taken from the vaults of the United Slates Treasury and sent to the acting Secretary of the Treasury at Washington, who will deliver them to (leneral Sherman, in accordance with the resolution of Congio.-i.s. A younic man named Freda Jeffery, suicided at the Palmer 1 louse, Chicago, on the evening of the Kb, by shooting. han.,'.n.j. taking poi.--.on, and cutting his throat, all together. A piiato Utter re-eeived from Hock P.riilge, Aliiui Springs, says Speaker Kerr is impro ini; decidedly, and is now piite hopeful of recovery. He does net expect to resume his place as Speaker this session. The fJoveruor of the Dutch Fast In ties confirms the report t th loss of :he steamer Lieutenant (leneral Kroe ..(ii. in the Straits of Sunda. Two hun .ired and thirty persons were drowned. Aiuista Mi:., July 0. lilaine has now been at his home eijjht days, and there has been no special change in his ease. Nervous prostration is still the marked characteristic of his illness. Ile is not able to leave his room and al most entirely confined to his bed. His pliv'iu-i in thinks it will be many weeks before he will resume active work. A Kuropean trip is strongly recommend ed as soon as his strength is sufficient. Philadelphia, July 7. The United States commission has decided, by a vote of 2!J to 10, tQ keep the exhibition closed on Sunday. Reports from central Iowa add to list of disasters by the recent tornado. Ketween "Winterset and Norwalk, . lever persons werekdled.sevcn drown ed and four struck by ii-htning. Reports from other parts of "Warren county show that the storm was gener al a;;d disastrous. About fifty houses were blown awav and their inmates killed or badly hurt. v daring railroad robbery took place on the Mo. Pacific road last night, near Ottcrviile, Mo., by fifteen men, who stopped the train by a false signal and took some i?J 0,000 of express matter, keeping the passengers in subjection meantime by firing pistols, yelling and screaminsr. No trace has been discov ered of the robbers although several parties have gone in pursuit of them. A r'.t sT.v. Maine, July s. Ex-Speaker l'.laine lias formally accepted the United Stales sen.Uor.hip tendered him by Unv. Connor. The vacancy thus created in the house of representatives will not be tilled until the regular state election in September. Washington. July S.-The president nominated Win. I. Wright, of Maryland, consul at Santo, F.ra.M; Tims. W. Proseh. postmaster, S.-attle, Washing ton territory; John J. Irossman, agent lor the Yankton Sioux Indians of Da Kola. A TKiIRi lLE INSTKl'MF.NT. Friday afternoon, at the request of t lie Japanese Consul, Samro Takaki, the new gun patented by Leonard and De Vry, and christened "Peace Conserva toi" was exhibited at the Pacific Iron works. Tim prompt action of the in strument, delivering seventy shots in four seconds, ami 1.000 shots in one minute, through a thick oak barricade, proves that it is one of the most terri ble death dealing invention i ever known. The machinery is simple. eas ily worked, requiring but few atten dants, who are perfectly protected from their adversary's bullets.and can 1 e ? rau sported wit Ii much greater ease than an ordinary six pounder. The bullets from this tenible machine will, it is claimed, diverge :;00 feet in 1,000 yards the distance claimed that it will ef fectually deliver shots and can be easily worked by one person in any di rection, or made to shoot almost solid. For narrow defiles it is proposed to be equal to :J,000 infantry, and for com bat on the battle field equal to three batteries of regular artillery. The Jap anese Consul and other invited guests expressed their astonishment at the rapidity and ease with wnicu tlie ma chine was worked, and highly compli mented the inventors ami machinists who had brought to a successful com pletion the "Peace Conservator." San Fro 'vV'j C'li fin irlc. Parental Resignation. The other evening, says M. Quad, a carriage being driven up Maple street had to come to a dead halt to prevent running over a child three or four years old who was seated in the center of the street. "Is that your child?" asked the driv er of a man who lounged forward and beckoned to the dust-covered offspring. "(luess he is," was the slowly-spoken answer. "Arn't you afraid he'll bo run over some day V. "lie may be. Ilis brother was run over last year about this time, and the folks made up a purse of ?100 for me. Perhaps the memory of that purse had nothing to do with the other child being in the road. both in one pint of water; apply to all c: The section in the post oCice appro cracks in wall, floor, beds, and spring?. nidation bill in relation to third class with a feather. mail matter provides that all printed i Perfect success I have used this with - & . "i-'.N. Vhen I moved into j my juvsent house one year ago I learn- , . - . . . r a i it'.. 1 . - L matcM oi me uuu caa. v. i.i ..- Cil from v rn.vilI3 occuj-ant thaL she lara unsealed, is restored tothe old rate; fi;,,i to ubandon rooms to these posts. ; in other words, all transient newspa pers, magazines, books and all printed matter, with the exception of circulars unsealed, will be restored to its former rate of onr cent for every t wo ounces, while merchandise and unsealed circu lars will remain at the present rate. The bill appropriates in the aggregate for transportation of mails, lo.SoT.Sll. Senator Morrill took the oath of'office as secretary of the treasury this after noon at the executive mansion. Judge Whylie admmWeied the oath. The Alabama claims commissioners decided as follows: Win. Manuel Dan na, S in Leando, Cal., 8570; Harry f Tahiti, San Francisco, Cal., 83 12 ; Dan iel Watson, Sacramento, Cal., 8o:1.20; John Francis, San Francisco, Cal., jSol7.75; Jo".n II. Clark, San Francisco, j dismissed; Antoine Daniel, Spanish- town, Cal., dismissed. Senator Paddock introduced the fol lowing bill in the senate to day, (7th) and gave notice that he would to-morrow endeavor to call up the bill for ao tion. Re it enacted, etc,, that the president, if he deems it necessary, be, and is hereby authorized to accept the servi ces of volunteers from the state of Ne braska, and territories of "Wyoming, Colorado, Dakota or Utah, or either of them, to be employed as part of the army of the United States, against tribes of hostile Sioux in the northwest, who have for years defied the authority of the government, and by whose hands recently several hundred soldiers citizens of the United States, have been slaughieie 1. Provided that not more than live regiments of cavalry, or in fantry, or both, shall be accepted, and that the term of service shall not ex tend beyond nine mouths from date of enlistment. The Seiiatr passed Senator Uitch boek's bill to day providing for th sale of the old Fort Kearney military reservation in Nebraska, which will open up a large ami fertile tract of country to settlers. The senate bill introduced by Mr Windom continuing for ten days the act recently passed to provide tempo rarily for expenditures of the govern ment was passed. Also the bill ex tending for the same time the act au thorizing the congressional printer to continue public printing. I HF. I'oriM'H IN 1. 1 ROPE. The fourth was celebrated in Dublin by ;;o,0.')0 people. 1enea had a cham pagne luncheon and a ball. At Rerlin t lie Americans held a banquet. At Stuttgart salutes were fired, the De claration was read, and a dinner and ball followed. AT HOME. New Yoiuc, July 0. The following dispatch was received from Rome, Ita ly, yesterday, by Cardinal McCoskey: "Msgr. Chatard entertained at dinner, in the American College, Cardinal Franchi, Msgr. Roncetti, the Rector of Foreign Colleges, and a number of American visitors, who telegraph their joint congratulations to Cardinal Mc-Clo-key on tho hundredth anniversary of the nation's independence." i ENEi: A L COOI) WILL. London, July 0. AH the leading Rritish journals express good - will to ward America on th occasion of the celebration of her centenary. SAM F ML JO N ESI I Ll) EX. 1 list, I gave ihe rooms a complete cleaning, then thoroughly applied this j mixture to every crevice in the floors j rtnd vral'.s, and to all my furniture', j sprinkle the mattresses and carpets i with same. Since then I have not j found one. Rear in mind that "Lter- nal vigilance is tht) pi ice of" com-: plete success. Every we k the inut- i tresses should be examined, ami if at j ar.v time signs of the enemy are found j ! a iittle more mixture should bo used. My bottle is full and properly labeled, set away ready for usfs on demand, j Every three months the beds should be taken apart, and if any bugs are found. I then the entire room must be ( leaned again, for we all know that no matter how clean our own houses are. we are liable any day to bring them in our clothing, or have our friends bring in. As for moths, I have been very fortunate never have been trou bled with them. The only causa I can assign for my escape is. perfect and effective sweeping and dusting and keeping my house weil open to the light not neglecting the clothes press es and closets. Moths deiight in dark and still places and if stirred up vigor ously once a wick will be apt. to seek more quiet quarters in some other house. Another Way; To destroy bed-bugs, scald thoroughly every corner and crev ice of the haunts of the despised and hated pests, then applv nugueiit um or mercurial ointment ; it can ue procur-i ed at any drug storu. Still Another. (Jetabotlie of the oil of ceilar, and with a brush paint coiils at the ee-li t holes and all the i crevices in the bedstead, and after one or two applications housekeepers will be delighted to find that ail the 1 ugs have disappeared, and theie is nothing dangerous or uupleasant in the remedy. Coekrw-fn s Says a housekeeper; It is near the hot places that they breed. I had tho hou.-e thoroughly chanc and cvrrv dav I had it cleaned drouu . i- :- ', .:;.-CS?-i ' a ;.. jam L - j r," M. ' T:i l le.t ':;; !nm.v ! by the L5eri jh AnieriiNiii Orjji'' i: -i K Jl -J a J .- y ;.';.0N i;i I nc. I".::!t!ra't; l(ci:'l i'jlil to '?!. Jl S;t'l till. CIl.iEV" 4?c". Ast iJi. For PLATT: .M;!l"i'll. N EE (J i su ral .1 MEUS. NEE. BOOT AND SHOE r rn S n - . 3m 4 -j the pipes Witsli.-tandd and soar, water an. h In lighteii cleaned sverv d.iv, so t1: weil aired. Oaln loom, j the house the kitchen was doi food h it e. Willi m it a tos treat nir will not stay with you more than o. month. M ilhs will not trouble any on if the house ha", a thorough sweeping m. nce a week, and kept light and well ! aired: and it posd le, the sun ought to shine in every room. As to bed-bugs I am never troubled. except in the seivants' room, mcdy that by varnishing the iesiiie of ! the bedstead, springs, slats a:a wood. Thy lay their eggs in the wo. d. j not the mattre-s. To Kill jf:t,'iS.T kill moths with- I r" out lislui the carpet towel, dip it in water, then wring it oat, and spread it upon the carpet, iron ii. do with a ie: iron; after which u niove and rs-peat the" process, going around thr out side of the loom. The steam thus generated, will force itself through thecarpet. ::ml kill both the moth and its egg. Th od is radical aiid sure. no i da:.s, What Leading licuiorrats Say of Him. T; oni Exiiange. With Tihlen it will be very difficult to carry New York. "Sunset" Co.x. Wo will see Tihlen in hell before we will support him. W. D. Hill, Chair man Ohio delegation. The Democrats of Indiana cannot be brought to support Tibb-n. John E. Ne!T. Indiana Secretary of State. I am opposed to Tihlen. Another candidate will be much more likely to cany New York. Fernando Wood. there was n.. t . - I : 7 fZ't&i&ttT N and I re- ! j-f tfi 1 Vv'i0ii k 5 1 i J I nil ti e i AfrttZ Vk i XhXilZ 'il-l S Wi- 1. ....... . . . . . ( t v.!:! ary .!!l.-r t..-.' ill l. mil. .'e .. I. .oi- I: ! . . I v,.- .. e I I - i.li.-f :i eust.Hit v.-.-.ii. :tii. n i...:r v. el. . . i. : . i.. i ; . .. . .. ..;- - : i. :,u., u: -.-. i . , .' :-i- i i :. . i.- .':... i' !:L'.. P. v- i oi I i i . w.-. i eia ri 1 , t I .- - . .: .. :.. 1 . e.i.l l. Hill j Eii,- .!:,-.,.; ,,!!:,.- : - - s .'. ' ; ..... '. " - . : : . ' i ' i ' 1 .-ii - ' s i.;e r.iiiLn .ie : . '.:.:;!-. 4.1 '.. UC , s. .-!!!.!;..:::!;. s IA I E l.M A N N. for the t" placing it: A, V ' : . . i SEWI1TO- aX'uACI-TIlTS. m 1 1 iiegoin The English Agri'.-ultural while speaking a good word HoudaH. is quite averse first in the li-d : W . .. 41.- 1 . 1 1. .1 1 .. , T ve .ii " 1 1 e lucn 1 1 .1M.01 il.u uivOi 01 pouiiry is coiisiiirici! 110 t'vst a very puzzling question to answer with out a statement of circumstances, by which we mean .-ilu.ii ion and size of run, whether eggs or chicks are the chief consideration, if beauty of plum age 01 a quiet eas -going disposition is of consequence. When iulormed on these points, it is comparatively easy to name two or threw varieties of fowls which, if properly tended, will satisfy the demand for "profitable poultry." At present there is a strong endeavor to force lloiidans to the top of the list and there leave them permanent among fowls. We are of those who dispute their right to t hat posit ion. We know, 1 rpj, " ,n"U : mid readily allow, that their mei its are j J-il 14 great, that under trying circumstances they hold their ground, and that, if considered on the table as well as pro ducers of eggs, t hey will hold t heir own. Ilardr. weighing well for their size, consequently compact and plump, qui et, with (le.sh of good color, they are in the hist class but not at the top of it. Some people admire thein in the yard or pen, otlcrs diiike their appearance, though "masked" or seen in large num bers they would please the "ye of m ;::y who are not partial to a solitary bird. Some good judgi s consid' r that no bird looks better alone in the comp-tit ion pen than a good Houd :n. That is a matter of taste and we mu.t leave everv IIS to the Merit:- .Mono. 7 N, lf-i:, ,;u!-: 'A'. EVA" C.t. tin n:intr.ij :; ,:it, : 7V ,i.l ..n-v, ).i A". !'. !' 'Tit. JEW KL f. L .1 a lie rat . ublio Upon I'r !'ll ,rj X: III'' ari'l hi ne in Ifi': irorUl. If. MAI IT. in:. .i ro urir. x e uiiahka. S Slfi't i, tJlli.llf.l, 2Vt?. A clergyman said the other day that modern young ladies wore not daugh ters of Shem and Ham. but daughters of Hem and Sham c impounds of plain sewing and make believe. She was very particular, and when ; the dealer informed her that all his ice ; was gathered winter before last, she ; wouldn't give him her order, saying lie . ro::!dn't palm off Ids stale ice on her. I 1 one to cwnsalt and p!e;e-e Ids own eye. ! Our older? now !s to resist l!ie eSVorrts I believe him least likely of any one I ot ll,iud.ui fanci is to nlace their f ivor- ites at the top of the list, while, as we have s aid, we are quite alive to their just claims upon the favor otpoultry keepers. And we have got two or three of the prettiest, full blooded. Iloudan roosters for sale you ever saw. Now's your tim, poultry mr.:i. I ii ll A a 7. ? .0 n ri o of th.e candidates named to carry New York. E.x-.I udge Ceorge F. Coinstock. I am opposing Tihlen because I have everv reason to believe that he cannot I carry New York.-EeWit C. Littlejohn. An good Democrat can carry Rrook lyn by lO.uua majoiitv. Tihlen will hiseifby 5,000.-Demas Raines, Editor A rjns. Gov. Tilden cannot command the support of the united Democracy of his own State, and duv. Seymour can. $yrii'-us'i Courier. If nominated, I think Tilden cannot carry New York. With the disposition that exists, it doesn't seem possible. E. P. Ross, State Treasurer. if. pi R, ii. 1), R R, o arid Tihlen's nomination will certainly Impair the chances of a Democratic victory in New York, and will, in all probabilitv, insure t lie part v's defeat. J. V. L. Pruyn, Chancellor. In counties of Schuyler. Steuben. Chemung, Tompkins, Yates. Ontario! and Livingston nearly ail the promin ent, active democrats are opposed to this nomination. Ceorge J. Magee. The Tilden men admit that, with Til den. we must lose Ohio and Indiana. From their own admissions, I think it foolish to take Tilden and gain nothing. tU.00 ei.oi) 2L0O 1 '5. 00 U 1 .00 A it? .of the Chinese. They were a gushing young couple, and they were "doing" the Chinese de partment in the great exhibition. She was gazing curiously at the almond- From Plaltsmouth to Chic return .S-3.20 From Neb. Citv to Chicago and return From Omaha to Chicago and rc t urn From Chicago to N. Y. by 1-i dif fer nt routes From Chicago lo New York by Mont real From Chicago, via Niagara Falls, to New York From Chicago, via Cincinnati, to N ew 1 ot k From Chicago to Phil, direct, by nine different routes, including via the Falls lrt.00 From Chicago via N. Y.to Phila. 17.00 J Return tickets'over same routes the i same. None but round trip tickets are j sold at thee rates. These tickets will j I e sol. 1 from May 1st to October Hist, ls75, good for (io days. You can go j one way and return another. Fares va j ry but slightly over the different routes. I From here the average to Philadelphia I and return is about 807.00. There are . Ji ' .5 - - ' t 1 zK .r.d K im-m j pp. . V- ." r-.y." i ':v" . ..... -v ,. , ., .! v vi . . ' . ... ?: . MlSSOUili VALLEY hGVELTY WORKS, ST. oCSSPII, HOLE rilOl'lllEToll AX! .V .1 X f FA' 'TV li EES. Kiiraviser shir-vn M-r -;e: !ie k ii deep. S;i.iie ht iii'.v I'lnviiieit ujiii Ixianl : .;i. a Ioiili'ii Inl. leriie- ruvr tor four. On- -ili.r :ipiii:i'.l 1.1 its 'lvjl.i. n i 1 !i ii .tn k ll.HKlle. T ! l.citi ni nt l:d per. Ai-. ianu nii'.a . clu-CS 101.1 :i U '.l - pl'l'I'I J.IMlieil. e.i 1 1 li. l.ii-lieil fur c!i-.ll!l!i::. Il.e.pi-r j S;:ii.f lii iii atli I ai'.i.niii 1 1 . o; . . ; : i tT, eMia- is, t tf. ina.vers .-.ti;:.. 1 in. 2 ft. 1.) lii. - i i rut,' :. i- ii-.! -..! -I.-: iv'. 1:1 '-.: n.til..- ! in .; v 1 1 : , i.i'in.e I'V li. i.I ih. ir. : ! 0 In- .-nil ;.i 1 -. ) V ; 1 ':' Ki.i.u -r;a r t :i .1 il.in. J iliU' 'i i .1 i . '. :. I : . I ' ... I fur !: v.i!". 1 ft. s in iOi: : 1 1 ' . i:e 1 . ' .11 1 r .1 - yen names anu ne wasa.inuring tneir : u vast I1I!ul;1(.r of r.Jlli(,s t SeItM.t froI. . wounderful exhi.ets. "1 o vou know. . . . , , . . , ,. ! asked he. "that the Chinese are six j printed circulars of routes ami di-; thousand years ohlV" "Why, no." re- ! '" dions will be given at each place j turned (die w ith astonishment ; "thev 1 v here tickets are sold. I dontleok tc be over th'utv, !o thev ." ! . : l-niCS AT TfL .11 lilii-ll, pani )-.'. I. ti.i-.stil '.i el.. -. y. e. 1. Ail Wait " 1'. V.'idinit, oil Hni-Ii paiil'.l 11(1.'..! ,-ttv , .T 11. -k r;.ir:cI ai. l vainlsii. 3. !! EXE Y il, jiiaai . e:tr .1 1 .: -1 1 1-;. j lJ ,Mi . '.'II (i!l . Lit 1 l (.11 . 17 di 1 (1 . li n . Til a-rra imii?i irw, 1 1 ' ..' . " F' i -v '- A.W.WHITE DUAL EE IX AISTD O-ISrn-TEID GOODS. Ltulies Furnisliin' Goods. Dress Gooil. lVrliirnerv, lltiii Oil, Soap, Paper, Collars, Ladies and (Jonts Hosiery, Qtieenswiiiv, Flower Seed, (ilassw'are, etc. LATEST ijve:t?:r,o"vjh d COAL-OIL LAMPS, SAFETY BLRNER. Flour, Cora ZSIeal and JJuek wlteat Flour. aim to keep everything an ordinary household needs, and will sell vou goods at such prices that you cannot com plain of hard t imes any more. 7 e i -15 ty J IjC Q B 0 1 - U YlWlMy&lk cil lai .iiiaui.N.(l RO ' a e O C HOES. Read, Call, Sse and be Convinced. I am an oacIusivv deaUr. anil I carry by far Uiq Lartfost and Bvst Assarhiiout. CM ippers for only 35 cent: Mf.Vc P!f,iV Men's Frince Alberts, only $1.2-5. Shoe Facs, 75 cents. iNev Slock and New Style of Business I i After careful culeu'ation inotiro tiufrs) I ronc-lmlfil to .iJojit tlip strictly e.isli sy.stfin, fVi liiig coiiviiu'cil that it is the most satisfactory and .rofital.: s!yli.- ot luisiness in tie: oml. For in.itanrc. SV-'-r.) turnM ovoiy Unity days at 10 pr-r -.-nt. will :-.); in twelve liioiiths SiV.OO; iu iyP years, 1 2,0. 0. Tlio same tuin;-d evuy iiiie.tv days r-iiuirt-s an inrrcasc o. inolH to Sj ir cent to proi-iiec th,- s.une result. Ui-sidcs, there r.ix- always i;navoila!,ly and surrdy a large amount .f acc.'unts lost in the credit system, which reduces the lar.L-e pro lit gained in g-od customers. All those, then, who intend to pav for their goods will see the hem-fit nd profit of calling on ino for tht r shoe wear. "While extending my thanks to the numerous friends th o whom I have ostal.Ii.hed so huge a trade, a trade oq.ial to tr,e 1 est in th State, I would l espcetfully invite all to continue dealing- with me. m mpII h all others who will call to huy cheaj). r.'-v.', PETER MERGES. "7 7 W I Ml ikiJ&& iBEST FARMING LANDS ' IN NEBRASKA, DELIVERED DAILY ! j . :: .lf. h. IF THEV WANT IT. Ii V I XI. Jilt A. t Ik A. j. i3i:&r.iii:sTF.3s. i Great Advantages to Buyers Sr.Sli I S VOI'K OHI'l:i: AMI I WII.I. Till AM . i 4 ... ;ivk v.'iu l.i I JPXTIEIE "KTTT r- i'- . y. i; . .; v,r r, ut int. , f. 4"yf anil sfive you ii Kui.iily. xl f S" v r iH ttf ' i r- it luti 'ts'. w5i"M ilOtTliii OtlMi' I,-:IIIN tor .!. I'le I'll I !"i ( .ii ok "'!':,.";,M.,'",',V""J Krt-ia'ii. . . i Ji.i J I ,','Mi, it iii tur I in ii ro r fALAUlii tflLLlAKD HALL. I'LATTs.iim 'B ij, - - - i:es. in t-i III l'-l I M. Ctain St.. inn!.-:- first Nat. llank. fill! i inii-uiru-i. mII in- mail-l Ir.-c' Id at.;. i'.uiT . I l'L I. ! MilM mi ;i)i;i.i.' tl inn In l.A.vu ( OMiis.siiii:i; n x v. i:. f: IV liAR IS snTLIKIl -.Viril TI1K I01 I.1NO,-. .f:ill!hl BEST WINES, LIQUORS, SAGE BROTHERS, J ..;lIiTS ill ETC., ETC., ETC. IGABi BEER, ETC., ETC. -liivl MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, HOUSE shoeim;, A X l wa;on :i:i".ii:ini. All kinds of "A KM IMILl-:.Mi:XTS mejvlcd tj-rrofujitiffi iix TING 01. (;()()KIN(J, A'v.nvv en Jlaml. i Horse. XnIe & OxSliooinir, '.ry vu...-tv ,.r T.n. s;,.,t imn. ..i z:.,o In sh.u r. w. 'il shoe anvthing that h is Work.k.-,.t in st.,.-k. lour leer. fnnaaZehratoalJiralTe. MAKING AND REPAIRING, "mQ '"Hlsee U.S. l,n....M,ci! N-iUdV "ii i i :h i.. e. : v.-r..., M.:ie n t i iin Str't-t, i tit ;-i !' i'..rii'r !!. v v- U!"R.Lt ' Ono 1 i.x.r l':it of the ri-.t -( ;r;i-e, flaliiiiceth, N''!r;i.ka. I'rai'lii-Hl NViii ki-rs in SHEET IllOX. ZlXr, TJX. HI.'A ZIEEY,ti:,dc. I.atW- :iMm"iit nf IIhi'iI anil Soft COAL STOYES, Wood and Coal Moves loT VUti f. l.1V IOW.. SAGE BROS. 1 li 2 'J hJlIlQ C'Tl.w ,i. . ; r r-(i-vi !) X 1 'live a lltll itll- t town. Well marJu'StJu'xo a brkfcv ; dWhce aad to navt; tiiein hear what ti. ii. t ItiPrKN. sun"t. ri'Rt'HAJKTirtlTH TKOM C TUi'oush to riut t8iuoutb. h;it HENRY BOECK, Soh A'jtntfor Plnttvnout m.d vi'm-ly. IT li st: 8 on Fl th Si., fcei-ween Kula and Viue Strfe, i Just cis the corner iroia tae HT.HALD ; OFFICE. lojl j S5t( SAGE BROS. i y