'-MM Hi rl u i' LOCAL NLW: art-; local a. vlkiisfments. Vr.uiM':it. 2A er.ts rk line. Hcvu! ir :idvvrtl:i- i. iu cent imt iln. No ail'f rtiinriit lunert wii K-r.lyji thai. 2ti vet.t. I earnestly request that the citizens I Lyoiis";i:t!w:ik:i ;.-!-twr.:.S j of Cass County who have-not leeeived ! r l " 'c , piviimiin lists fes" 1876. of Countv I": r. lit if Ii l.f I. ii-. COM H V I C ATI ; J v Atton.t-s uu.i oUiirr ct the i:$w win be held r lir. ii call hr or send to my office l-.tuotirlti.t- lor .VI h ir.il IivIhcS ttlty hand it), I for ,1 . . i T7.,, . ixidLl purtlr .icii.i.t.dir.g , i.toof of put.lica- iOF 110 Uie. R. R. WINDHAM, a! v r.otice will I f h. 'd for th putltca- 2t Snrf.trtt j . PAIR .NOTICE. ! The Cass County Fair will be held i on the :5. J, 5. C of October, instead of j j on 13, 14, 13, 10 as appears on some of ! The Sroith Ar.icrican Organ ia en-j dorsed bv the best musicians andisun- ; excelled. PRESCOTT it HILL, . Clou"! ag't. Columbus, Keb. Dr. Cjiap.vax, Air't. for Plattsincuth. .lir .n.o! U ii.'iiU-a, ail v.-tiiriu:iiistiUH iwr tvr r.l t the point. witU w vau ii:i:sonal. J uliuo I'epi'erbcrg left for New York l Aiiy i-rsuti Uo takes thr p;ipvr r'-alHiy ; .j . ... ...,, . n v Philadelphia and Boston on Saturday Jv-mit.- -'-.:Kce. wlit-tlier .llK-.tt-d u l.:s : 1 110 I" -'ilUin lists, !t!l l winch is an cr-1 . umuf . 'r nhfttii-r He 1 a s.ibsuribtT or is ; lor Gti ' last, to see the Sights, get a new StOCK, ,eJlKTr-h;;VL v,pi-r mcr.Ptln- I . t ' Und enjoy himself generally. Good h,-i:.;'i-t pav u urr.-:u:i2. s. ..1 the pubu-ii- ; me Imvs hiiil u very fine guiihereoii i i.u.k to vou mv jj0V- You're one of - I mu ou:i:ium to -iu it until p:tyiii-ui N hi 4()i i v.Mi'.ir ) ,,ut..v .,1,1- ; ' .c:id-;!ifiJ collect tl.e vi..,! amount. Hliether i 1111 4ln a tUiAr blister, Shook US UU i ours it. pa;.er!-4ikvn troin tiii; .tr..ri;.i. unv wav, knocked all the plastering j. 1 li: coviit- h;ive ilf-i'l.l Hint rfuiiiiiC to! t"t"-,- '"o 'i-.rte n.-vv.ppra aiul iieriO'ii-;ii.s from t tit- po-t j down It has been stolen, under cover .'t, n jirinvi jtieu evuienee of intemkjnal i ol the excitement of the 4th, and the Great American and Royal erman It l !. B. & M. R. R. Time Table. fatigue of the niht succeeding, the sun disappeared. "Wha Kens?! Ull OMAHA ri:u.M rLATTSMOCTII. l..:..vi 3 AnlTtn 9 :.V) a. in. Z :JO p. in. " 3 p. u.. ! l:O.M OMAHA KOI: 1'L TTMOt"llI. I.. ..c3 ' -j - :i. 111. Arrives 10 :.' a. m. 4 i.'i p. :w. 'jy j). in. fr'olt THE WEST, fiall-iiuoiith tt :) :i. tn. AiiiM-i Lin-.-;u. - -li p in. : Arrives Kf;ruey, t :vu j. til. Si. IjiIH EJ!:l-s--- l.ciivs l"Iattr!iiHitb, 4 p. m. Ai TiViri. I.'iiu-o'.n. e :)0 p. l:i. i -i t 1.-.IV.-.4 7 :tt A. ill. Ar. L'.nc-o'.: li :2.' pan. Perry Walker has returned from the Centennial. Wonderful! wonderful! is all he can say. Mr. Jno. Buck and family have come i back. Big thing Centennial, so saya , Mr. B. j A. W. White has been very sick, some sort of fever. He is better now, : ! ,-The ALLUSD SHOWS! i&?&$$g!0iJDozLbla Menagerie, and. Circixs riMWj0&& Museum, Hippodrome, Aviary, Caravan, and CENTENNIAL GAmUVAL MEANT!!! i p. in. :Y p. 111. Frank White Sr., has a new receipt fir tho dumb ague, egg, milk, etc. : Frank says he got it from a doctor's ; wife and lie knows it must be good, j for vv'uieh the Herald is truly glad Davidson and some of the boys have j tried it and say it don't work worth a : ; c eut.and they tell a coffee joke on Frank j ! too, but the IIekai.d does not believe j I these bad boys, we stick by White and j 1 ul, -ill Ira ... r-r.. 1..-.f I j - H j Hurrah for a good crop. liijp. m. " 3:':t in ; v, e liad nopotl to get news from all uumm uimu r.. i-nsn uim . MOM THE west. i the localities in the countv where they i Monday, and well, we've got a quar- celebraled the 4th, ere this, but have tcr of it left. net as yet. If any important transac- i Owing to lack of space hist week we White & Darrah have dissolved partnership, and Frank L White goes it alone now, we mean in the grain business. Billy Darrah makes a doub le splice and hitches on to Thatcher. 1,000 MEN AND HORSES. .r,H :vf.:rii-v. H : V) ui. I.-:ives I.in.-o'.li. VI i . p. 1:1. ArilVfs I'Uitt-UH)i!t!i. 3 A:- p. 1:1. ; i. l-..- Ilxnti;- LfuvtM i.hit-o'.n. 7 :'-"' :i. .:. Ai;.Bi I luttsmoiilti. l'l -.-.'4 :i. in. l i t-luiil h-LiM;s I.'.n-o'.n 11 m. Arrives l'Ui!l:iiuulri. 4 :l- p. m. i.-.s.i Liuouln 7 :!0 p. ti. Arrives flatli i.io.uli. 11 .10 p. III. liOINil EA!1". j.ir.-., G tt Kl. I'.vu -Jw'er. itraifi U d.i i :5 p. Rl. tions have taken place, please inform us yet. friends will j omitied several personal notices, which i although late in the day we shall still . - " rT , i Kive space to. Among them we are S5Mot. f s'W sii:i's otilv l.'Ji ami s'.ippcii only ! B . .-.w. Kt tue Ofiitcnni;i! s(k.. ".tore. i sorry to chronicle the departure o. Air. ! Phillippi and wife to Council Bluffs, blltllWOu & SiADELMAXX. A I.- I'lly oi'lcis for Siilo. A if. oil ri.-!io to trade fora team At IlKHAl.l 1 Hi K. ! jLiufactuiin?: aii'l reiiairiiie obeaper tli.-m i although for his own sake we ought to tlie cheapen, and of t lie tje.n material and work i ,!. i :.t mu-jii-s shoe store. I rejoice as we understand it is a change ;7 7 , .' I for the better, bummer as well as winter has its , a i,,,,, .!! r.f nm- tMe'ims 1i:ive left I . - ' ipj.-.'rs only iciiU at C'entennial Sli ie i-tf. A !.: lot of "Uppers ut Mer-.-s" shoe store, for 4 .-l'.tx. t'li'i ti pr..L ,,.! m t. tf 1 m ,nr f Ii fill f an.t ehest diseases should alwavs be I and the t0WI1 ar.d-the young men on their guard. Dr. Greens Expcvtor- ; h'ok deserted. Miss Shelton and Miss ant will relieve Coughs and all irrita- j Ruby have gone to their homes in the tion and prevent Consumption and (ounty, Miss Butterfield to Omaha, Typhoid Fever. ! .... . ,," .,., t ,.:u;f .,i ;r, I : rtllU icliiiuvi l" i "Ik .UllVJ FAJ:MJ:J:.S ATTENTION! n.aPmanV terms and ! Big P.apids. Mich. Xo more grand .Julius lvpporberg. - igar Manufac- : I)licts OIl organs and Pianos. 15-26t horseback rides and gav doings for two Hirer, on ji;im si, i i,uimii"uui, : .. i ir Clippings of Spanish and Amen-: A great many of our citizens have ' 'i'obaceoes for "'n.g ;noses. conclusion that Solomon ,-'(. Bi-st p!ahti-sot plug-smok- 1 tob alwavs on band. t'0-tf. & Nathan sell goods cheaper than ever no Tin:. All p.ulb-s ttnh-btrd to tho under vi ill pb-as settle a-? ..n as pos- bibb-. C.dl at L. Gubiiiig's clothing -,!.i:t-, w'..v:e s-t th-nr. nt can be made s ith him r myself. I4.;:t W'i. C. i:am it r.r.o. months anyway. Capt. Marshall returned Tuesday, af ter a two months stay down east at Washington, Cincinnati, Philadelphia j and ' Hosting." For years ar.d years the Capt. has stuck to the post otlice 1,500 40 CAGES OF LIVING WILD AN IMALS. BIRDS and REPTILEs. j: j ! SI Ltd. ifflSk j ! J i A GRAND FREE CEN TENNIAL PAGEANT AK Tableau Carnival, nt:iiu:si:xTi. the 4th of July Celebration .A.T lb'U:lilber oelillg M-JH' i: Hayes .'.ght. Wheek-1 I der-ire toState that ourciiild, C.eor;. e ed eli.'icra Infantum and in'lam- T. W. Shryock, agent for Werder j improved patent folding tables, and ; manufacturer of Picture frames, win- ! and his mail bags as eh.'Se as ever man dow cornice.-'., office, furniture. &c, k"tc. : will also give jirompt attention to the undertaking business, repairing and varnishing neatly done at moderate rates. i hi: cor.Nri i aii:. The County Fair of C;i?s county will be held on Oct. od, 1th. "ith, and Gth. in- ; attended to bu-rin'-ss. If anybody was : entitled to a holiday he was. and he i has taken a right roy.-d one, bet n in ' troduced to Hayes and Wheeler, seen Dorn Pedro, shook Giant, kissed Joe ! Hawley (for his mother, but don't tell ; Mi3. M.) saw Bunker Hill, went swim : miiij in Niagara Falls and up in a bal i b)on over in Canada. In short, its hard stead of ISth to 10th as published in t)ij:MC. v h,lt the Cant, has not done, la.itioa caused oy teetl.ing.aml not i a I'lcmiiiin Lit. liy so:neioly s error a or K. s:.uuld'nt left undone in his l.i!l on the i;iass. as has been stated. Piattsmouth. July P.Uh, lTD. C. J. Hoffman. S3' 29 "fc TMS COMBINED MENAGERIE Contains the largest collection of Zoological attractions ever before the public Performing Elephants, Living Sea Monsteis, Performing Lions, Tigers and Janguars, Den of PERFORMING CROCODILES! Cage of PERFORMING HYE NAS! (savage human flesh eaters), will be seen daily. Wild Beasts loose in the streets! Open Den of Performing Animals, in full public, view. Madame Leon, the Lion Tamer, sitting among them. Oi Ticket Afimits lo All M Mm MM Slows. mistake was made in printing the dates. ab?0IK.e jn Roston he saw Mrs. Hayes The Hiitak'.-: Policy" with thf I:t- b.ins is ati outrage on the people of the West, but Soionion A Nathan will goods cheaper than ever. Mis. Ei.der and Mi Sh.irt llxed the A'!i"r'iM! t: 'g for the 4th f .July, whea ; :. oth- r parties would or co-.ild f.nd t- d. the same. Many thanks, l. LU patritesses 1 1 -'- were. W tivar iiviirec.! y f r. nn the Hon. .! :!:n Barnes. ! has ar: ived at Beaver, ;tn-l Mike Murphy says tw.i t-ns of b.ole, stationery, and trap went oer li.e roa I for that Lin I (: ;e the other .l.y. tlil Ov JFIA .I(' ! A lueeting of the Executive Com mittee, th.- Fin-tnee "timmittee, tlie i 'illeiting eommittee. and all that l..i e b.'.S a ilnst the 4th f July, is t.eicliy called to ns.-et at Pollock's of-ti.i- pi-:i).n re: tFri l.iv; afternoon, at i o'clock, to f.y arid settle up the u:i ..i !it:;d TllS. we hercbv correct the same. Remem ber !ld, 4t!i. eth. and Oth of Oct. next. Mr. Ezra Plummet- brought to our office on the fith day of July ;i speci men of the largest cherries we ever saw in Nebraska. They are exiled the English. More'.lo. He states that the tree is hardy, a profuse bearer, and ! goes intii bearing young. These were ; grown by Nelson Jean, and a portion of them will be preserved in alcohol by Mr. I). II. Wle eler for exhibition at ' th" State Fair. Mr. Plummer states that ll ey really do not mature until about a week later, but owing to the , birds, were picked before perfectly : I 'i'e- Dr. Chapman is agent for the cre.it i Smith American Oii;,ui, and can !.. . better in Organs or Pianos, than any one in the countv can or will d . i ' 12-2'it. i JtEHT IN thi: WORLIK Y.. S u;i,-r. Hurts. :nd H 1:1.01 EedJ !.-!:'.-. boot ant! slie.fi at Menus' liee store. CF.MK.NMAL SWMi. STO!l. AVr are the onlv :iuei!t f -r tin c'.etir-it'-.! Whitney (ntots :;:i i .saee. MtKKW'odl) ,t TA Df.I.M A S p atlsmoulh, July Ash I and, July 24. Lincoln, July 25 i his daughter, and reports her well, well I ' pleased., and progressing finely in her i studies. With all this he conies homo jut as natural as well, us natural .as ever, ! his eye has not lost its brightness, nor 1 his strength abated ;his form still tow ers upward as of yore, end he isn't proud one bit. Long live the Captain! : Ine w as a JiMppy man to get home, and ; down then in the post orlice was a hap py Jit: Jo woman, too. all day yesterday, : the wi.'o.v Marshall no more, but Totit'g und haialsome as ever. Mr, ii'iaii.Kkel desires to nturn SEE THE GREAT STREET PROCESSION AND GRAND CENTENNIAL. FREE TOURNA MENT A MILE OF GOLDEN GLITTER. THE GREAT RAILK0A1) FHJUT. LIST OF LETTERS rcinruniri;- in the VlatMnoiitb Tost Office, Juy 1st. I-:-. : SPECIAL NOTICES. Legal Notice. FAKES REDUCED. A Grout Public IJeasfit. the iate ae rt Ml rt ill I .it ill. 1 1 ' Hays & :rt Aou-e oa -.i :y o iiiiig. re-t. at .1 y 17-lt. Tie- Coiuinit j.e.ii tirr -in i. it ion of JI.i l.eeicr , Mitirji. ee on perma es A- Wlietder - 4-! ijb will report. A fu'I atteiiaance of lb - 'ui bl leans rcoi!.-lcd. :-:r. r'.:C.,i: lily '.V. ai::l s..;.p-: HI.1 :i" '.ere. : ...tv:l:V::t A M r.RK'AN WATCHES :it greatly reduced prices at s in.ATi ii's .ntu r.i.KY stork. Please rem '.".uber my motto, -not to be und-Tsold b.y a:;yludy." 1014. Jos. Sen i. ATI'.;:. Sidnmon & Nafh.iu are making a war on high prices as their new ";ul." will prove. CuanUs o the miiiiv frb'iid.s who b ed i-rescrvc his house ditlli: be. ;;t the machine shops; likewise. C. P. M.Mi-e and i.unily. Thii ought to Ii,ve hi en in last week, but w.ts over- i-'.-ked. We b-.trn wit it sincere regret that Mr. Hesse;-, our well hu nvn Horti culturist, is d.iugen.udy ill, although he Het-ms to be luendtng slowly at last Jos. Johnson has be... kind of under the wealher". Well, lids sort of at !uoidicie will climb over most :my chap if you give i; a chance. Ji: l;;e Haines has l:een sick. They say :t trough had .imetiiing to do with it. "Hie! si.-, pieachbi would ninko a dog sick"--Eh. how is this? A sv.ii-t ollectic.ii of personals, col lect d on the pavement in front of Ben. Il-mple s the other day. Morgan, II. i good, Mickehvaite. Capt. Paine, the v:-.: ii. vt i- !f..ir-; t .,i I'-K,!-: :.;;. 1 slit., Maiiu al Mc; sin jiIimi'. :i .j a.Vii V i -T ; I pi i'-e '.e itl.i:i an.l I i'aii- HE'.tAl.t), Hemple. and well, we Nation. Fred. A liaii'lsorne p!.:::of.ir sai.: l-.iouire nt l'u V.r.u u ! tf?..'e or !o let A shooting galb ry down n Main St. diaws t;i. rllu- of th.- town to the sh.i !v alley wliere t!ey pep away by the hour. Mr. J-iiues Pettee is an authorized agent of the 1Ii:kai.p for the campaign Mid has already sent us several sub iLiibeis for campaign IlnKAtus-fio cents from now until after election. Roll 'em up. NOTICE! AND NOTE THIS. NOVEL. INSTRUCTIVE AND OI'KrTNA I- Centerniial Feat. Rentz' Royal .'er ii:aa and Rirrr Robbins (irent Anur iean Ailb'si Slioivs. Don't forget that Saturday. July 2 Platt-auoulli, is the date of Hie e lut'ition of iliis wonderful comhinai iuii. r J' t a i anv livery in town to see the fight. c. iebrated m Europe and America, and . - combining all the features of Burr etllhd the fate of th D-irringiou Wiints to look out for that crowd. Fighting inside the limits of the town is forbid. Charley Holmes, Dr. Jones and a host of fellows want to look a lectlle oud." lb -s free from Bobbins great show, arm L. i . Kentz human Menagerie and Circus. The grand street parade will take place in 1 he forenoon between t lie hours of 'J and 11 and will furnish a rare oppor tunity for all to w itness tlie lavish out lay of maney and talent that has been expended upon this colossal enterprise. Tlie procession will be headed iy the Cutler has his own team. Miekel waite lias been to Liverpool, he knows of a man in for him. a barrel, (lo Celebrated Van Cleve hoots and shoes, at Mer ges shoe More, the only ii,:'-i;t in Cass Co. Tlie follow ing persons, officers of the . triumphal car of enterprise containing C.iss county Agricultural Society will ! Prof. Gilberts celebrated silver cornet take notice that there will be a meet All ealf boots only l and slippers ttoc, at the Centennial Shoe Store. ins -f -a id society at my office, on Sat- And now conies Bob Windham, he's band discoursing tlie choicest musical home, ami he puts a different face on tr, ;U-!;T'Mr mvMvs- ri;!Tr those stories of Chapman's-Bob savs iri this will ,. tlif mi i.tttro 14 ilen 4t 1 urday the 13th, at one o'clock do not ; iiolls an(l tirs entirely pen to public il was Sam's legs that give out in Cent. , gaze, then tlw grand Centenm.il uis- Hall, and he trieU t lay uown anil rest, i play of living statuary, illustrating but tlie policeman told bin to "take 1 r,rt,vr,,':llf Cr'"lS' ,fol!;;wiu" take thorn things back to Neb. where i this the Caravan of Elephants, Drom- , , ... i edaries. Camels, Ac, led bv their sable , tlieit? 1S plenty of open prairie to open fail to be present President Daac Wiles. V. President J. C. C. ilmore. Treasurer Thos. Wiles. mnr.rTor.s. Henry Wolfe, Samuel Thomas. J. A Mat-Murphy, Ja ob Vallery, Sr., D. D Johnson. J. F. Doad and James Hall. Ass't Sup't. Samuel Thomas. Ohief of Police M. B. Cutler. VICE FRLSfDENTS: C. M. Holmes. J. C. Cummins. Sam icl Bichardson. A. Holmes. Samuel ami oriental attendants. and shut 'em up on No avenue in The performance takes place in the these irroimds is wide enough. ; afternoon and evening and is given, , if Cil:ip!iuil .loesn't ; under three distinct tents, so tliat par- . . ,,. " . . , .,i . m jties wishing to visit the museum and imt yarns on him, lie 11 ted j menagerie can do so without witness- about those sewing machines, and then ing the circus perlormance, as me tents there II be a row somewhere. Sam lair- tlie Centennial be- to gt here and tell same time chaste and elc-fanL The lais on a m inam. anu now mat. . is Never in the annals of railroad his tory has there been so great induce ments offered to carry our people Eastward at rates next to nothing. Every patriotic- individual of our forty millions have, within the last year, encouraged themselves with the hope of visiting our great National Exhibi tion in Philadelphia, the immensity of which makes hope brighter and faith stronger in the perpetual existence and future of our Croat Ropuhiie. The gathering of ten millions of our coun try people in the grand legendary old citv of Philadelphia and the viewing of the traditional Ball of our first Congress, the old bell that rang out our independence, the spot wherein our firm forefathers indited that in strument which forever declared us unshackled and a free people, the broad graphic Dehiwure.i ich in history of our struggling ancestors and every thing that could tend to awaken a feeling of reverence and inspire awe is embodied within the limits of that sacred, dear old city. The prominent revolutionary events, which transpired over a century ago, are being lived over again, and the rising generation refreshed by history of our suffering brave and plucky patriots. The mo-vn-nt'tiis nfftiirs of our country's bap tism in blood is now most tit 1 v com memorated by the vast concourse of ill 1 nations who cheerfully lend their aid in celebrating most properly in Philadelphia the peace and prosperity which has been brought about within a century. Then Jet us celebrate. The magnificent Ft. Wayne A Pennsylvania Railway Centennial tickets are on sale everywhere, and this is the only line which runs its Sleeping Coaches, Hotel cars, and Drawing-room Palaces with out change, to their new Centennial Depot, on the Centennial (.rounds. It must be remembered that boarding can lie procured at from one dollar to live dollars per day, in Philadelphia, and some of the largest and most complete Hotels in the world are within live minutes walk of the grounds. The Oreat Ft. Wayne & Pennsylvania have hundreds of new and elegant coaches constructed puposely for the CentenniT and are prepared to run, additional to their throa Centennial daily trains, when required, to accommodate the multitude. This schedule has been so arranged as to make direct connections at all railway junctions. riond Miss Jessi.s Maud ('has. F. nrattesliitl It. Ii,hop II. P.aylie Jacob II. PJePe O. L Culver Cb.v.los Cros.in J. W. Crabtree John Cary Anna F.nsllsh Mary Fi-!iok David-2 ! tzer Frank (ioolsby Marion Urn Cbas. iingery W. It. (lerranl A. E. IIeniii:ii; V. Howe J. N. Iliifs Thomas IlelTeniaii Catharine Hamilton John II. lh in J. J 2 IK-nsley Isaac Malson W. C. MeCort! II. A. 2 Morrison Flia Moore Sarah A. Mantioltz Win. MeKiin S. II. Martin MKs M. E. 2 Moore Win. Oldham Sadie O'Fa'.h.n Charley Fetors J. 1V-4 Feterson Andrew (,'riinn Tiicr.ias Kay Frank Itiiey Austin F.cnner Annie M. Jlenner Mrs. Mary Smothers Hiruin Stanley Josi.ih S.juires Ctiai iey G. Stephens M:! tin Siuierald John Sutherland Salam i Stone Wi.i. Sivtl-i II. Stone Coo. Stanley Josiali Smith. C. H. Smith John 15. '1 hobroe Jennie Tracy .lames Thomas John VT. Tlol.i Sam Tl'.utton Samuel Cpton ;. s. Vrall Mary Williams C. F. Williams Emma 2 Waraian Joseph Wood John S. 5 Waitermire 15. F. Wilkinson Ceo. 1 FOR SALE. For s.V. two Improved farms of so acres each. One lot on Main St., I'lattsmouth, Neb. A resij iier.ee of & rooms. u-ia II. E. Ellison. DRESSMAKING. Mrs. F. Ulster and Miss Nellie Short have rone into the dressmaking business, and would be pleased to have those in want of work In their line to call and see them at the resilience cd Mrs. EKter, one door west of the Fresbyterian Clnavii. Sati.- faetioa guaranteed and charges moderate. 7-tf Persons eallhis for the above named lette will please say "advertised." j. w. Marshall, r. m. Sherwood & Stadelniann. the only agents in town lor the renowned Hurt boots and siioe.s, Centennial shoe store. MONEY TO LOAN. $20. 0.i on 2 and 5 years' ti!;ie. Improved F.ireis ::i C.iss Counlv taken as sreurii v. Apolv to " It. V.. WIN I HI AM. Alt 'vat Law. i sVOffirc over Pr. Char-man's lrug Store. FOR SALE. A sep.uul hand Vietor Sewing Machine, war ranted in goml runninpr order. Price ''". Also :i new W'iIm.h Sew in is Machine. I'lire Impure at the Hkkalo ofliee. 4G-t f AMENDMENT TO CONSTITUTION OF OLD SETTLERS SOCIETY. Jno. A. MacMurphy moved that ar ticle 10 be amended so as to read "prior to and .luring 1800, w hich motion was adopted and ordered printed for one j month in the Nebraska Herald. j On motion, following proposed amendment was offered and ordered published for one month in the Neb. i Herald. j Resolccd That section 4 of the Bya- j Laws be amended by striking out the . figure and word (5) five in the 4th line j of said section, and inserting tlie figure j and word ) three. STRAYED OR STOLEN. On the 7th day of July ltiM. stolen or strayed from my pasture in t he "precinct of Liberty. ( ass County1 l wo young eon s. one red and while the other white. The w lute one had a poke and a rope around tlie neck and a board on the l.n-e. the red and white one had a.Ppe around the horns, and r.o bunch on the end of her tail, the cows are m -uked on the left shoulder, the let ter C upside down, any one giving information w i;I be liberal! v iw arded by t''v''i notice at Three Groves 1". O. 10-Ut. I. M. Llovh. Loots and shoes. Cheap, cheaper, Than the cheapest. at Merges' exclusive shoe store. See whv eNewhere. LEGAL NOTICES. Tn the District Court rf the Second Judicial District in and for Cass County, Nebraska. H. 1L C.eiger. plaintiff, vs. Cynthia Harbour and John Giliiioiir, defendants. Cynthia Harbour, defendant above named, v PI take notice that there is now on lile in the ofliee of the Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass County, Nebraska, a petition of foreclosure, praying for the foreclosure and sale of the fallowing described premises, t wit : The northeast (juarter (ne'i of the northeast iiuarter (tie' . of section t hil l v-three (33) town- ship eh ven UO range twelve (12) to satisfy a. claim against Said defendant and in favor of (he said plaint it! of the sum of one hundred dollars i-lnO: ami interest front the 1st day of July. 174. and that unless you appear and n swer tin or befoirt noon of the sci-ond day of the September term i f To-.ir:. next, judgment will be rendered against yon for the amount claimed and costs oi suit. K. B. WINDHAM. lti Attorney for plaintiff. ' I'lIILADFI.FIIIA, TA. ; ing inecircus periormance, as me teius mere II be a row son j are completely separated from each j jeci innw a,j (.ft ! other. The double circus performance f , , j will be startling, brilliant, and at the f'e he was icady. :.tnnon. Andrew letrt. II. . 1 -aney, collection of carnivorous animals will Tno. Ramsey, Henry Lenhoff. W. D. led during the day in the presence oi tno audience. Remember one ticket, price 50 cents,, admits a person to all he ?hcwff. C"!r ot:rf:r!f ar.d utit.'jl IV., J. W. Barr, J. S. Buck, Joe Mc- ;.;-;:;..n. j. A. Keniston. F. M. Wolrot 5," if. '. A IVfHAX ev r.. t-f:9 tj..e crf? i back we're getting the truth of these tab-s. When the IlERALDgoc to Phil., we hope we wont meet any other Ne br ask a r. 3 then fit ear. cut m r.s wt SENSIBLE A D V IC E You are asked every day throgh the columns of newspapers and by your Druggist to use something tor Dyspep sia and Liver Complaint that you know nothing about, you get discouraged spending money with but little success. Now to give yon satisfactory proof that (Jit fen's Acgcst Plov.eu will cure you of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint with all its effects, such as Sour Stom ach, Sick Headache. Habitual Costive ness. palpitation of the Heart, Heart burn, Wider brash, coming up of food after citing, low spirits, A:c., we ask you to go to your Druggists, Chapman icc tlias and get a Sample Bottle of G keen's AuorsT Floavek for 10 cents and try it, or a Regular Size for 75 cents, two does will relieve you. 52yl Buckle Flow Shoes ?'.SJ at S'c"-"Ci ft St a elm a re" s. NOTICE TO FIREMEN is hereby given, that there will be a Special Meeting on Wednesday even ing, July 19th, at "! o'clock prompt, for the purpose of settling up the 4th of July bills, and other important bus ness, which Avill have to be attended to. Every member will make it a point to be present. Bv Order. JOS. W. JOHNSON, R. O. Fellows, Pres't. Sec'y. Legal Notice. in the District Court of Cass County, Nebras ka, September term. 1S75. John McCormick, plaint UI, versus S. N. Mer riman, defendant. The above named defendant is hereby noti fied that the above named plaintiff did on tlie 1st dav of July. trT'l, til- in Hie oiliee of the Clerk 'of said court. Lis petition against .said defendant, setting forth that he is tlie owner of t ne following .h-scrioeil land in Cass Comity. Nebraska, to-v it : The south halt is'2 of th" northwest iuarter ( :. w i f .cr! ion number t hii ty-coe, i:;t tow n shio ten t lo i north of rau-:e iiuml er fourteen. (141 east ; and that said defendant pretends to own and hold the same under and by virtue of a certain pretended tax deed, and praying that the s iuie may be set aside and the title to said land be quieled in piamti'l. And said defendant hereby notified to plead answer or demur to said pel it ion so tiled in said court on or before Monday. August the 21st. 1S,-). or said petition will lie taken as confessed and final decree rendered thereon. J. L. MITCHELL. tt5 Attorney for plaintiff. THIS GKEAT INTERNATIONAL EXHIBI TION. DESIGNED TO Cl'IMMKMOHAl E THE ONE HINDU EDTII AN NT V EKSA K Y F AMEItlt'AN INDEPENDENCE:. OlENrD MAY lot.'l AND WILL CLOSE NOVEM HEU li'lh. 1S7S. All the nations of the world and all t he States and Terrnorics of t he Cnioii are par ticipating in this wonderful demonstration, b.tiniilng together the most comprehensive col lection of art treasures, mechanical inventions, scientific discoveries, riiHiiufacturing achieve ments, mineral specimens, and agricultural pro ducts ever exhibited. The grounds devoted t the Exltiliitinn are situated on the line of the I'eiuis) Ivaitia lhi-ilroad and embrace four bun dled "iuid fifty acres of Fainnouut Park, all highly improved and ornainenled, on w Inch are elected the largest buildings ever constructed, five of these covering all area of fifty acres and costing s.-.,ooo.im:o. '1 lie total number of build ings erected for the purposes of the exhibifon in near two hundred. Inn ing the thirty days Im mediately following the opening of the Exhibi tion a million and a quarter of peopia visited ii The Pennsylvania Riiilroad,' TI1U CKE.4T TKIWH. I.I.E AND ja:t iMn, scr:2 Sherilf s Sale. A GOOD HA ROA IN. Must be Sold; 5(I,ot. in Pleitlvmouth orer.oo. tf R. Ii. WINDHAM. Bv virtue of two executions Issued by C. P. Moore. Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass Countv. Nebraska, by Win. L. Weils his demit v. and to nu; directed. I will on the 31st day of July, A. D. lsr6. at hi o'cloek a. in., of said day. at the south door of th" Court House, in the t'ity of riattMiiout n. iii said County, sell At public auction the following real est at p. to wn : Lots M. k-', s.'i. ;i. '..j. ion, lot, Im. no, 111, 2'VI, 201, 2iO. 211. '224. 22", 3lii. .hT, 3-".:. CM. ai, 37.1. 2. ;i.-:t. 4 10. 415. 422. 423, and 421. in the city of Louisville, in Cass County. Nebraska. Tlie same b.dng levied m. ui and taken as the property of J. T. A. Hoover, one of the defend ants : to satisfy a judgment f said court, recov ed by Merrill. Wells Jev.ctt, plaintifts ; and II. i. and J. T. A. Hoover, are defendant. I'lat'.siiiouth, Nebraska, June 2t;.h. A. D. la"6. 14-;.t M. H. ItTLEH, Sheriff. TEA CIIERS EA'A MIX A TIONS. Notice is hereby given that I will examine at! persons who may otter t heuiselvc, as c :mli dates for teachers of the common schools of this county, at my office m the twn of W c plug Water. on the last Friday f.nd Saturday oi each ar.d evcrv taoiuh, commencing at 19 o'clock a. o.i. Dated this sth dar of Januarr. A. Ii. lSTti. G. H. CKIFFEN. 4-":f Co. Sr.n't of futi. St.vtnKtion. Also at the Cotut House, ir V'.-i::.:. ,l the firjt Frl .''- 5 c -.turc: v r : : ' ':' i.. i -. ' ': ' 7 ; ." :' - . SHERIFF'S SALE. Bv virtue of fin execution Issued bv W. 71 Newell, countv Judr;e. within arid for Cass couutitv. Nebraska, f.n.1 to m directed. I will on the 2iih day July. A. D 176. Ct P o'clrck a. m.. of said day. at the residence of H. C. nard-tioi-k in liptoii Precinct, in s-.aid County. F.ell st Public AnctioTi the followhig roods jhi chut tc:s to-wit : cine tl) Marsh Harvester. The same being levied upon und t.ilien as the prop ertv of H. C. Hardto ck. defendant ; to f2!s.'y a judee.ient of s"ld Cou.. rei-i.-eri .1 by :l.e Syt ?:iio.e l.t-s;i :ir.'i iie.-- Ii-;jctur2 Ctz- is th most, direct, convenient and economical way of reaching Philadelphia and this great Exhibition fioin a!! sections of the country. Its traiti;to and from plnl-ideiphia w ill pass through a t.KAND CENTENNIAL DEPOT, which the Company have erected at the Main Entrance to the Exhibition Grounds for the accommodation of patenters w ho wish to stop at or Mart from the numerous large hotels contiguous to this station and the Exhibition, a convenience of tiie grratest value to visitors, mid afforded ex clusively bv the I'eniisvivania ltailroad. which is TH K ON L V LINE KCNNING DIliECTTO THE CENTENNIAL IU" ILDINGS Excursion trams will also stop at the Encampment of the Patrons of Hii.ibandiy, at Elm Station, on this road. The Pennsylvania ltailroad Is the grandest railway organization in tin.' world. It controls seven thousand miles ol roadw ay, forming con tinuous lines to Philadelphia. New York, Ilaltl inore. a;id Washington, over which luxurious day and nicht cars are run from Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati. Louisville. Indianapolis. Col umbus. Toledo, Cleveland, and Erie without change. Its main line is Isod with double and third track of heavy stoM rails upon a deep bed of broken stone ballast, and its bridges are all of iron or atone. Its passenger Indus are equipped with every known improvement for coinfm t and safely, and are run at faster speed for greater distances than the trains of any lineon the con tinent. Th" Company has largely increased its equipment for Centennial travel, iiud will ir prepared to build in its own Miops ;ocomotiv.-s htid passenger cars at short notice sufficient to fully accommodate any extra demand. The un equalled resources at t he command of the Com pany guarantee the most Iperfcct accommoda tions for all its patrons during the Centennial Exhibition. THE MAGNIFICENT SCENERY for which the Pennsylvania Central Is so justly eelebratud presents to t he traveler over Its perfect road way an eve r-cliHtiglng panorama of river, mountain and landscape views unequalled in America. THE EATING STATIONS on this linear unsurpassed. Meals will be furnished at suit able hours aiyd ample time allowed for enjoy tnu thro. EXCURSION TICKETS, st reduced rate will be sold at ail priminal EaUroad Tick Offices in th West. North vest, aa1 S.utt voe Fe sure that vo'ir tickets reai via tie Gre-jr Pansylvaala Route to rhCeateuHla!. FRANSLTHClMI'SOy. D M. EOTD. Jz let General Mtjsgr ia. Fass'r Aeot Ladies Serge. Coxgress c. and sllppc-1" only sec at Si.eraoid a S.ra4eLviiau'i c r . v. - : , cr 5 $ TO . . - - . .-e f t; -Sa-i 1 '-. Ci. f r.-: 1 i e 1m o o I'. i . 3 r1 . v:-.