s f v ;T H E H R A L l. L (,i s LOCAL A. VLHr.tSEMF.NTH. fr.'t.eht. Si", cents :t Hue. Iteirular adfcrtW ?:) r-nii per lln. No idver'.'i cui er.t Inn rt i than 'Si cent ? ft) utnire nt Hraruie- r.trt. Anneey and 'fTt'jer Ot U. law will t e held -.-Li.e-nMc for icral nolle-- i'tey hand in, ...i n'l ai l: -i dciii.tudin j j.:ef it putiiica M t; f - .nv ri.an r ili t IkU (or the publica li . f- o . St lii ;lv.. THE Hit? 9CUIKL EN T 111 A I N 51 Ka' T. (:. i.toi, iVit uiJty evening v ad a mer ited success. Wo liiive nevortsten Fitz gerald Hall so full -in:e wo hav lived j li:C-V SIV. 1"UV.' ('a VOL! Lift. St.''' t .Kit y C !1 WeTC tlie lutk' OU.-rf C'.l ill'.- :.'.;- ' (frienda and iokuivoi io ihsi oX vou) i a great ir.jitslioo by making such a noise, ! Uifv -.mlil r.nlv lift li:ilf he:ir lifter I ' ... 1 Legal Notice. i - - i In the District Court of Cass County. Nebrw- i h-ie. Prof. Wihtuutn deserves great they had taken so much pains to study j jMcConilK.u VaWtirr. T s. k. M-r- , credit for tl sirranirment f the nr0. : up these pieces for your pleasure. And i uya-i. rteieuiit. 11 l -"" B1 l"" , 1 ' ' i Tao abtire n;inia defendant h hereny noti- sramrne whic h gave us each pleasure, can t you further see that parents who . tied tirer-The strove ncmed piaiatiir did ou the j The teacher also, who dulled thescLol- come there to hear what their children rkitJliSueiiu SU'id ! s. i ri i I.. j.i 1iMvr.ml i 1 UrA ii1i.it to wi-i'P dc f end an t . sett i ii if t oi l ti t hat he is t lut o w ner ol ! uif, inu.n nave pam yie.n uiieiiuo.'i iu , .v.., ..v.. ( ttie foll-win;; tii-scribed l:nd in i':uss Cutinly, i their dutie,. and have shown an apti- ( rtelrauJ.a or tneir rig its ana cneateu . ra.to-w,t: uoHhsl ,jua,,er tude iu inakin ' wise seleetiona to fill j of their money 3 worth, by talking ana (nwU) i s-ect.on iniini . i liiiity-cne. t:n; town- imrig about and stamping. I lease t ,u vas, ulltl oi.,t j-au .K-fni.ia.it .r-t.-i.ds u. ! IMXJNU-a. ; j the dilTerent places, thai might well be j running f mutated by li .olincians and iople , Una oi taese tinu. UxS nine, ; " - - -- , " " . ' " ; J ! 1 1.1' rr' J.f. t J't.i: .. . .1:: ii J '.t:iie i " ........ .... - - land In- oiiitlr-.I m plain! ill 1 An- a -:m tv- P '." r nx-i-apy Irrm tn .-n -. -!. !.' .. a :::' ;.! t l T r r tifiiiT ii 1 : oii.-'i'. i.-i r "1 not i ..i-.ii,!.- tr 'Mi I'M. ,. , - ' Jf hijv r.i.Tja oft.-r.-? I a ;'" Jimn-nrjp-;i iu.'.i i aJ. ur.v...,tv. Lie I'li!.,:..: ,.; ,.v i'l.i.ilrm- n ti iti.nl W J-:."" -u l i.i.e v ;.; .uti'Uia. wUi tbcr T.rr. .' n t iK -.. (r..-.: r:.r r':: . ;.r:'t i .... i..-. , . mf..in .t i i courii .i - 1.41.1 i."1" t wi- .pvviit.iii.TS am', j-nvmir.ils ii-.iia tin: t . ; or iviiiovi:.tf :u.d U-iU'nr thflrt Uiicjtild ?.;',.s'Klx;a"it -.viiuff: : jxientiusal u ii. important lositions of trust. The parents of children there, ought Pit of these teachers being ladies, it to have exercised some control ever j iX'rti'V"i' a feather in their rap, showing that them, and one or two persons who were j 0. & M. R. R.Time Table. fi rri'jfpii :SiTidtt, Jantuiry ZOth, 1876. OK OMAHA K?."o.TT:.ATTSMot:'rii. i..-3vph i 4' n. A rrl- s M a. in. 2 ...J p. Ii!. " " ,n" VUOH OMAHA ri-ATTSMOlTTII. 'J :0. a. ii. Arrive 10 :H u. in. p. ii; .":( p. 111. . (o m. .; ' 7 :1 1 Ti; V, i"ST. ; o v l'li.t ssm.T.na 1 i i. n. Arrive Liu , ' V.M v p. i". ; A rr. -.:' Ivarn.-y. h m p. m. e- 'mis v.i:fx- l.mvfs riattsinoutli, -. " j..m. Arrive, Lincoln. B :!. in- 1r'itl.?tn;:Kin.M. A r. Lincoln 12 :25 p.m. ' ' ' 11-..H. p. Ii'.. - " S::u.la. I T.OM 1 UK WL-T : ... .-..j I.- .r.:.. . . I, : .'l :t. III. Li'iVt-.H Lin "" O'.Tl, .:. :, p. I... r.ts riat;s:iuu:b. Z :Sj V- ni. .w.. - n.i.tMii"!-.! Ml leaves L:nco'.n, 7 :'M a. J', in r.i a. iu. ii ;i 11 -.5 a. in. ArilvM i.iouili. 4 :V2 p. in. U :tM' X.iuv!i- i"' i- Arri.r FUttS .. (!. 11 :1') r- 'r- iOIV KASiT. V . nr. f. Ml a. 111. l'H..'ii '"r. rtr.un d iv3 :i p. n- A few Civ cidi-.s i'T sale. :..lct 'r:it-u:ri i A ..d riaTit--i :-.-.lr. 3) 'i; :i .X.I tit t -i.tc-.ir.'.ji Sf" e ii-:f. A new let I slippers it Morgvs' ?.:.:.? str. for :'S rent.. r.i 11 MK tlii A TTEyTIUS ! J I'.liu i r-'.Te'.V-rs.', t'igar Mar.ufac ai;er. on M.'in .t.. 'i'lattmontli. Xfb. 'Jig:ii" i 'iinpiti'"5 Spani.-'. a;:d Amer;- T, I ...j ". ,i- iii. .';!' t'iirtlOSi'3. Oiacials, timtuitU-euieu and persons to ; nou or any ouier 1'uuiu: pcuonuii.:. !il !!. J3 lhev recognize true merit and are will ing to give it a place, full better than the men who claim sometimes to mo nopolize all the good sense there is ly ing round loose in this world. THE KXHIBITIO.V was held in Fitzgerald. Hall, which was filled to overflowing, not less than COO persons, adults and children, being present. After some very pleasant recitations I by .scholars a great and glorious pyra mid of beautiful young misses appear ed iis the curtain rolled up. From the base of the apex, as high as the stage would admit of, 2ti feet, a galaxy of smiling, innocent and beautiful girl fa ces greeted the admiring audience. Then some recitations, tableaux, and the "SCHOOL committee" burst upon us. A very happy dialogue in "which the absurdity of the ordinary mode of judging the qualifications of a teacher was most happily shown up. One young la ly ("inspeetressdnsisted on the poor blushing, modest damsel of a school teacher, who was an appli cant, having a thorough knowledge of Latin because her husband's cousin Dr. Livingston thought that a. sine qui non to every good education. Another insisted on Algebra because she had studied it two weeks and al most became mistress of its mysteries, and still another allowed that super ficial attainments might do for Boston Omaha and siu h place?, but here in riattsmoulh nothing but the highest attainments and the loftiest scholar- accustomed to exercise authority should have been placed in the rear of the hall to keep order there. However, a3 the hall was much full er than anybody expected, and we all got a great deal more than 10 cents worth of pleasure in spite of the noise, the Herald thanks all the good boys and hopes the noisy encs will think of these things and do better. We know it was thoughtlessness and youth's rest lessness with many of you aud not in tentional wrong doing. At least we would fain hope so. On the whole we consider it the best school entertain ment we have ever had here, there was more character about it than generally appears in these exercises. Mcii's scrc shoes onlv ijl.iio anil slippers only 30, at the Centennial sfine store. ISHKKWnOl' & STAIlELMAX.V. iVn.i sunt iif it'iulanl Is heiebv noliflt'd to plead answer or demur to said petition so tiled in said coiii t on or before Monday. August llio lt. i .".. or sh m pennon win ne ihkcii as coniesseu uereu t Hereon. .J. L. MI rCHKLL. Attorney for plaintiff. pr. j-. 'fc. k . -1 " . -r . - . ? . .. . . . -: . . I Manufacturing nnd repalrttig elieappr than the cheapest, and of the bcs'. fiutorial and vorii at Alergt-s shoe store. SheriiTs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued t.y C. P. Miioie. Clei k, (by Win. 1.. Welin. deputy I with in Olid for Ca-vt county. Nebraska, and to ine dii ceted. I will on t he 1 1 1 h day ot.luly. A. 1. ls., at to oVlocii a. iu. of said day. at the south door of the Court II. use in the City of J'lalts inouth. in said county, sell at public i.ucimu tlie tollowini: real t-Htate t-uit : The west half '., of tlie nol eft quarter (nws,) ;tiid the west halt' (.w !i) oi tne hcmh west quarter sw'...) and three (.j) iieres oil of the west side of tuo lioit!iest ijiiditer (iie'4) of the soiilhwist quarter isw'iadof the above de-s.-j il.ed hmu beinir in seel inn number scv. n. ') fkiwnship numt.er twelve i.l north of r.-uifre nunii'er twelve (12) east of the sixth principal meridian ; aiid also ti.ft east hail v' . i of the .;Uhe:lst q'larter (se'4) of s ili.iu "uuiiiber twelve (12) I'xcepti!!'' ten aeres iayin in the southeast eorner of !he sout'ieast quarter issj i of sr.ld seeiio'i uiiitibel t w elve (12) in town.sii'p niiiiiix'i- twelve (!: i.orth i-f raime nuu.l.er eleven (Hi east of tlie sixth prineipiil mi lidiiUi in Cass county. Nebraska. The same beii, levied upon and taken ss the property of .M. L. White und r.ol:l White, de fendants, to nalisfy a judgment of said court, lecovered by John fit.eruld, plaintill. riatUsmouth, 'eb.. J uiie 7th, A. I). IST.i. M. 15. CL'Ti.Li;. 1U5 Sher'.if. Ci-.s i'o.. Nebraska. a S Ii Or oan The Olilest 'onjpnu ! Tiie iei.t ((can. Xrnrly VX.ftOO in l"ie. Eiutried by Hie Ilest inwie!sii and fc'uily '.Vai'i-'.utiil. Don': IV.il to Try KtuItU Ainerlenii Oi-gan if you IStv. PRESCOTT & HILL, general JcntH, 19 it. ill.Li'.iI.i.v, Parent, 0 For PLATTSilOUTH, NEJi. COLUMBUS, NEH. mtemiiial. 00T A lND SHOE STORE Summer as well as winter has its changes, and sulTerers of lung, throat and chest diseases should always be on their guard. Dr. (ireens Kxpoetor aut will relieve Coughs and all irrita tion and prevent Consumption and Typhoid Fever. Go to Siadelii).inia for a new spring clothes. suit of ; -r S,:!r. liest nualitiei? of phig-smoi- j sj. couli a certificate : tobacco always on hand. ?0-tt. j Eya iIarslandt a vt.ry sm;1 NOTICE. All parlies indebted to the under- ill lady re cited her piece in a charming manner, spe iking clearly and distinctly. Little Miss Hoffman gave us r.IDIN'O ON THE HAIL in the very happiest vein that any lit tle Miss could do it, and when she said -igtied will please settle as soon as pos sible. Call, at L. folding's clothing . :oie, v. bote fcttltment can be nvide . . . . .! Till: mm or injeeu. the baby squalled, the baby did squall ' ' .M' (;rambfro- down in the audience in dead earnest, M E2i D.UEX'r 7'" C sXSTITUI'IOX ! ani the:: s!:c laughed and we all laugh jF OI I tiET'lLEllS .iOrlETY. j e l. i'iease get Dr. Chapman's terms and prices on Organs and Pianos. The Smith American Organ is en dorsed bv the best musicians and is un excelled.' Fit K.SCOTT .S. HILL. Oen'l ag'ts. Columbus, Xeb. Dr.. Chai-man, Ag't. for Flattsmouth. LOST! A Gold Watch on Wednesday. A suitable reward will be given if returned to Vv T. Fi.k.mino, Telegraph Office, Flattsmouth. A man is reported killed by lightning Tuesday night at Ashland. Colorado has ratified her constitution by a large majority. She will now have an opportunity to vote for Pi evi dent this year. ir.o. A. Mae3lurphy moved that ar-, c Aur.-i Livingtou spoke very !e. 10 bo amended so as to rend -prior j ek;!ly an i it was net necessary to . . ..... ..!.... ..1. . 1 - .1. ... -, 9 and during !)'. whirh uivtion w.t3 j v .. .... v...ya....u d : ti;. ted for one i wouni uuo ueeii earnea in ine nega tive at once. lorded and o.-.leie.l pt i lor.th iu ti Nebraska Heuald. On inotior.. following proposed amendment was offervd and ordered -abliihed for on? EUOi.ih in the Xeb. ill.RALD. Rcs:Utd That froiion 4 of the Bye Laws be amended by sti iking out the r'gure and word (5) "five in the 4th line v.t" said section, and inserting the figure and word ('') t!;ree. SENSIBLE ADVICE You ait ..fke.1 every day throgh the . oUiinn- ' i newspapers an t by your Druggist to Us.-, something tor Dyspep sia and I iver Complaint that you know i othir.g about, you get discouraged spending money with but little success. ?OY7 to give you satisfactory proof that 'Ji'.kkn's AforsT Flower will cure i-tm of Dyspepsia and Liver Comlaint w ith all its effects, such as .Sour .stom Sick Iieadacho, lial.itual Costive ;a's.s. palpitation of the Heart, Heart burn, Water brash, coming up of food idler eating, low spirits, .vc.. we ask you to goto your Druggists, Chapman V (Ila-s and get ;i Sam pie Bottle of ' ; keen's A t o est Flower for 10 cents .-ind try it, or a Regular Size for 75 cents, two doses will relieve you. 52yl C02IE AM) BI S' :A?A Pick StrviTht w.m!d respeetfriliv Inform the eitizTS of I'l.itrsioi-i.ith tiiat he is ruimlng a jiiiss hr r. ard from fie Depot ::ivt to ail i..rts f-i :'.e ( -ity. orders iefi at the Saunders House p'ono t'iv attended to. l"J-4t. WOOD.' 20 oords of pood Hard and Soft Wood for HRle Y, E. I5C IT Eli Y. '.3ti Fred Kroehlr is painting up his of f!ce in fine 'en'.or'.r.i.il shape. HAIlTvToKfv. Nf rs. Jvuee would respectfully solicit the patronage of those in need of hair work of any sort or kind. Her prices will be reasonable, and she will endeav or to give satisfaction. Orders may bo left at Mrs. Kennedy's until further notice. J'ptSONAL. Mnjor J. W. StinchcoinbofTsiW formerly of this pi.-t'-.e and PUtUmouih, has been appointed a Justice of the Feaco in his precinct. Journal. Oh Mo;es! Major hr.s it come to this? Cc:ae homo to Flattsmouth. We'll send you to the Legislature next Centennial. 11. B. Windham is home from the Centennial, fresh, fat. and hearty, and all the girls well, Mrs. Marshall says the receipts on postage stamps has fal len off already. . W. W. Conner, out at Cedar Creek, " comes to town now and then ; he says the IIerali is the best paper publish ed in America, nnd just suits him. Hurrah for Connor; and its all pub-lished-at home too. Glorious for Con nor yat us some mora subscribers, Ccnnor aEd we'ii make two papers at Iionn. '"Uncle Schlegei s wears he won't more HTiy liroie school inarms with dog ken trunks, for lie's a dutchman, and they :dl bother him so. Sol Mr. Fred Xye, cf the Fremont Trib une, i3 'oand lecturing on what he knows 'about Horace Oreeley. Al though a very young man, he wa,s inti mately acquainted with Horace, and TLen came the drama of riVE CENTURIES, n historical piece representing by tab leaux, spoken pieces and pantomime, the record of the centuries since Col umbus discovered America. It waa very well executed througk out. The speaking of the Declaration of Independence was particularly appro priate at this time and was particular ly well done, every lad taking up his part here and there, wherever he might be in the audience, at just the right time and place, and as their clear, hon est young voices rang out the great and solemn truths, enunciated in that won derful piece of composition, we feftl that they are being properly prepared to take part iu the real drama of life in a few yeirs and that they will enlist heart and soul under the banner of truth, liberty and equality. Gen. Gage and the Boston Boys was very good. The funny little German piece by Sammy II inkle, the capture of Major Andre, the Fugitive Slave were all well rendered and received a due amount of applause. THE ILLUSTRATED history of the forming of the States, one af teranother, represented by young ladies dressed in appropriate costume, was very fine and was pronounced by some as the masterpiece of the evening. Poor Kansas looked rather doleful Nebraska looked plump and round and laughing, as we all hope sJic is, will be now and evermore. These various exercises occupied so much time that the programme was cut short at "Decoration Day." We are informed that two more fig urative and emblematic displays as fine as any given were thus per force omitted. . We were very much please, civtlia bright anJ.l-;.geht manner in which the scholars who came before the audience acted their parts. It 13 the hardest thing in the world generally to get childien to "ipeak up" as it is call ed, here they did, from little Miss French to tho largest scholar there. Somebody deserves great credit for their drilling, and they themselves de serve the approbation of parents, teach ers and audience for diligence in com mitting their part.", aud obedience to in structions in speaking them. It is the duty and right of a newspa per to some extent to criticise, correct and award praise or blame. An over dose of either does no good. Fulsome adulation or indiscriminate blame never encourage to better efforts or check wrong doing. We express our honest opinion above on the well doing of those who acted and while acting,- but we shall speak equally as plaiu in condemnation of the disorder ly conduct of many in the room and some of those on the stage when their parts were over. Tlie rerun was po noisy that many of the best points in all the pieces were lost by the greater part of the audience Cannot the young people se that they destroyed the effect of their own exer tions, or that of their brothers and sis- There will be preaching in German next Sunday, in the German school house, at half past ten in the morning as usual. Sabbath School commences at half past nine. In Bankruptcy. In ihe District Court of tne United States, for l:s:riet 1 1 'Nebraska. In the mutter of Nel son C. Houk. bankrupt. IT:i.m wAC r2r3I .? .v... C i iftT . wIT.., Crura, "eiriii, SOi 1375. ) To Whom it niiTj funnm: Please to take notie hereby, that a petition has been, to-wit : on the 2;'d lav t Ji:i. A. 1'. ITii. tiled in Said District Com;" by Nelson C. Ilouk. oi Uciluoui. Cas County. l:i s :id District, who hus l.t'cu ln-irtil'.'ii' duly dec;.nl li.t'.k rupt under the act of Con;ri c- cntill.-d "ah Act toestjiiiish a uinforin ys!ei,i ,,i ,,i! kruptc;. throughout the United Slates." SMipiuvcil March J. tsTo. and as amended, for a discharge and certifcate thereof, from a;l his debts, and other claiiiis provable under s:.id Aci. and that the iSKll day of July. 1.-7J. atone o'clock I'. .L. :.t tin- odice of .1. L. Webster. K-q., the keyister in Itahkruptcy for said i 'wli-ic. at Omaha in said District, is'the time and place assigned for the Iicur!u of the .same ; when and ui.e.e you may attend, and show can '.::" ' you have, why t ne pi aver of t'n said petition "should mt be granted. ATsuN 11. SMITH. Clerk of the C. S. District Court. 11:2 I Sheriffs Sale. lv virtue of two executions issued by C. V. Moore. Clerk of ti;e l ist!'. et Corn v.;:t::i aril for Cass Count v. Nebraska, by Win. L. We. Is Ids deputy, and to me dii ccted". 1 will on t he ;.lst day of Jiiiy. A. D. Is.'i. at 10 o'clock a. in., ol said day, ill the south doo.- of the Court House, m tfi" city of I'latisnioutti. in said Coi.nt. sell .it piil ii.f.uiclioii the fuMowi'm real estate, to v.'.t : Lots f-1. K. (:'.. ::K lee. lot. 1;: He, 111, 211. a:1. 2! ft. 211. 22 . :!. .".-7. X. l'.:S4. :?'.".. 3T.1. ItTiL'. "Vt. 4I(i, 4t."i. 422. iilid 124, in t ie city of l.tiisviile. in Cavs County. Nebrasku. The same beiie: levieil u:miii and" taken as the property of J. T. A. Hoover. I'lie of the defend ants ; to satisfv a jiiiUinciit of said t'oiirt, li cov eit bv Merrill. Veils & .leuett, piaitititi's ; and 1'.. O". ami .1. T. A. Hoover, are .!i Tei.d.ilits. I'lc-ti iin jUth, Ncb;a:,ka, .1 Line Lt;tii, A. D. '7'J. ll-.M M. 11. ( i l l.Kii. Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. It is reported that old man English, of Glenwood, had both hands torn off, in celebrating the Centennial, and another man one leg and one hand in jured, premature discharge of gun. Mr. Plummer brought us in some very fine specimens of cherry currant, which were almost as large as a cher ry. He said they were picked from a very small bush, of only a year or two's growth, ami that the bush was loaded. Ily -virtue of an execution issued by C. 1. Moore, Cierk of the Disiiict Court, .by Wm. L. Wells depui y i within .and for ( 'ass Could y. Ne blasKa. mid l n.e duel led. I '.Mil on the 1Mb day el -July, A. D. Is76. at ll o'clock a. m. of s;iid day. at the south door of the Court House in the city of l'lat tsiiio a Ii. in said Comily, sell at public alienor, tile follow inK 'ea.l estate, to-wit : 1 he- south half s' , i of llie south -west quarter of section twenty-seven J7 town twelve 12) i.onli of ranee twelve i:j; c;et of the Oih p. in., in Ca.ss County. Nebraska, as th" property id Win. Harlow ." and the soi th east quarter (se'ii of section No. thirty-live i.'V'i in town twelve ,l-'' i.orth ranee twelve ti-') east of i.tii 1'. M. in (.'ass County, Nebraska, as the pi";ieny ol James . ai low . The same bein.e levied upon and takni iis the property of Wm. and .Ja.ucs W. Harlow, ocfemliiiils ; "to satisfy a Judgment of aid C"i;i'. lecovcrid by Margaret C liter. Mary K. Krahl and N. J. I clmircr by ncxiflieiid I John Mni, plainiff. l latlsmouui, Aebiaska. .lane 7th. A. l. istu. 11-it 11. li. C'1'Tl.Mt. Sherifl. T. AV. Shryock, agent for Werders improved patent folding tables, and manufacturer of Picture frames, win dow cornices, office furniture, &c, &c; will also give prompt attention to the undertaking business, repairing and varnishing neatly done at moderate rates, Dr. Chapman is agent for the great better in Organs er Pianos, than any one in the county can or will do. 12-26t. I i i I To tlie Warkiiiii Class. We can furnish you employment at w hieh jou can make very lare pay. in your own localities, without bciny away frim hoau- over nilo. Agents wanteil iu every tow a and count y to take subscribers for The Centennial K cord, the laiiri'st putilicatioii in the t' nited States!.; paires, lit coiunins ; hl eiiantly ti usfrated ; Tetiu onlj one dollar per year. The Record is devoted to whatevei is of interest connected with the Centennial year. The (ireat Exhibition ar I'I.i'mI p i i is t'uhy il lustr iled iil detail. Kvry body v ants it. t he whole people feel pre a if;p rest in their C lili tvy's Centennial Dirt !ida y.and want to know all Hlxttit il. An elegant pat : lot ic crayon drawing premium ivhiie is presented free to every sub scriber. It is entitled "iil I em 'tilblanee of 1 h" me Hundredth A ui.: e;--ai y of tlie lndeeend- Smith American Organ, and can do I ence d the l nit' d sia .-s. s:z , 21 by ro .s. rtllt ..lir . .1.1 .'v-'tll 11 ,s..i -.-i.i.i al.-lln. l-il but siiow ihe paper and picture, and lii.ndieus Of subscribers are easily obtained everywhere. Tlieie 1$ t:i buduess that, will pay like tiiis at present. We i ;ive luany iieiits who are mak ing as hi'h ::s jo dollais p 1 day and upward8. Now is the time : ilmi't delay. Remember it costs nothing to jcive. tlie business a trial. Send for our circulars, terms, and sample copy of the pi.per, which arc- sent flee to ai; who apply ; do it to-day. Coiiipiete outfit to those who d ride to enaire. Fiu niers and mechanics, ai d their sons ami dauluc rs make tlie very best 01 agents. Address, Tlii: CENTENNI AL RECORD. 14U3 I'oriland, Maine. Mill m t , Jf Is' J s.--i x J We have tiic Itirpest at'd best fsso-t: u-t.t store in to 11. e -,iso l;s; e I : -si 1:... n v."a, and re pair v, it i: neat : a'm i:'".-'' '" pe-ced Loots !"! Sv. t.tl l n.; d' by ('( L LRT Slate fa:r. for tine nrr boots. Now is uv.v t satislaciioii -uaraotetd. See lisi, 01 prices : l'ne dress sev.eil bee's fl !.'' ; I .a I (..,. 1 Jit ad v 1".. si ; eti-tr ru v.c.k lu vfr tl.sn any other :.o'i v. '. he: . w e 11;:. e the finest id ciiitoin "-' r.c.J sevved hoots f r 't. rilso fn1. LRWi k i , w l.o i.ot Di n.oMA to thin town fiom :;e ti-. , '.tea., cii.si.t.i made boots, oood nt aa4 Fine Silppeis. only Ladit s' seij;e Coi.rc.-s (Lniers . . Eory;hu-.l'; e!e cjuuliy i ';e;:p, Shoe More." r." Serge C,;;iters f .MS S sc: ).e t 01 :ress OaitlT t. :; j " I'.uc.l- i-i w S.ines 1.2 iH) 1 All Ca.I boots, i.tily 4.1X1 be pVssed at the "'nterinlal and s. e us. . .i iu:si sliK.EWOOD & STADEl.itANN. BEST IN TIIE WORLD. B. Sansser. Eurt. find ILinan Si Reddlsh's, boots and shoes at Merges' shoe store. CENTENNIAL SHOE STOP.E. We are tlie onlv acents for the celebrated WLitaey boots and shoes. SllF.KWOOO & STADEI.MANN'. You can save money by getting the Smith American Organ. 12-26t. SPECIAL NOTICES. FOR SALE. For sale, two improved farms of 80 acres each. One lot 011 Main St., I'lattsmouth, Neb. A resi lience of 5 rooms. Is-t3 II. E. Ellison. DRESSMAKING. Mrs. F. Elsterand Miss Nellie Short have gone Into the dressmaking business, and would ' pleased to have those in iYtrp.fdV; In their iWH.tO "2.i'.U"3ee them at tlie residence of Mrs. Elstcr. one door west of the Presbyterian Church, Satisfaction guaranteed and charges moderate. 7-tf J. M0 BLAIR. (SUCCESSOR TO WM. (1RAMBERG.) Dealer In 2Li XT jNX S SS , Plattsmoltu, Nf.u , Op. l'lntte ValleyIIoti.se. Or. hand all kiuds of LUMBER, DOORS SASH, BLINDS, SIIINO'LfJi jf- -ALSO THE BUY THE BE8.T! NEW" AMERICAN tl 1 I .C -"'- S-. a? s, s 5 s This Machine is Oirorod to tho public Upon its Merits Alone. Its Li'jht an.1 SHU Running Q:-7?;t; Self-lUjulting 7V?.',:'v?i.v, m ;l FRANK CAR RUTH, JEWELL es. und it-? Srlf -Threading Naodle awl due Machine iti the tcorld. (' cite n;l J. IT. MAJILEP, Manajf.r. A'JENT, FLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. II W.fcrn Office, FLOWER SEE 1)3. L. A. Moore has flower seed tor sale from Vick, one of the most reliable of seedmen and florist. Ruy of him and you will not fail to have flowers. He also has greenhouse and bed ding plants for sale. 2tf. Ladles Serge Congress one. and slippers oidy 3ic at Sherwood & Stadclmann's. MONEY TO LOAN. S20.000 on 2 and r years time. Improved Farms in Cass County taken as security. Apply to It. U. W IND II A M . Att'y at Law. ri?Offlce over Dr. Chapman's Drug Store. 4'Jtf FOR SALE. A second hand Victor Sewing Machine, war ranted in good ruunim; order. I'riee f 2". Also a new W ilson Sew ing Machine. Price 5S5. Inquire at the Herald oClce. 40-tf FIANO FOR SALE. A very handsome Piano for sale cheap for cash ; or a $2no loan wanted ou the same. In iruire at the IIkuai d Office. 9-tf. Roots and shoes. Cheap, cheaper, Than tho cheapest, at Merges' exclusive shoe store. See why elsewhere. TEACHERS E A' AM I NATIONS. Notice is hereby given that I will evaniinn all persons who may offer themselves as candi dates for teachers of the common schools of this county, at my ottice in the twii of Weeping Water.011 the last Fndav an. I Saturday of each and every month, commencing at 10 o'clock u. m. Dated this Kth day of Januarv, A. D. 1876 ii. B. CKIPPHN. MouldingS, BUILDING PAPER, CEMENT, LIME, Piaster Paris, etc. AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. 13in3 Call and Examine. FIEST National Bank OF r L ATTS M O CTI I, NEBRASKA, SLCCF.SSOR TO TOOTLE, HAXXA & CLARK, JOIT.S FlT7.nrRAl.il. . E. a. Dovkv A. V. Mcl.Al fiHUN. JONH U'KotKlilt Presiderd. Vice President. Cashier. .Assistant Cashier. Safe '- "- .-. e'i:M''.-l i t' , ' , ri. 1- 1 J. ti J I -. ... This Rank is now nppn for business at their new room, corner Main and Sixtii streets, and ts prepared to transact a tttuoial B NKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bond., GrIJ, Government and Lotal Sacuritie EOrC.HT AND SOLI). Deposits Rtrtivtd anrl Interest Allow ed on Tirt,e Ctrtih-ntes. DRAFTS XDI-iAWnsT, Available in anv part of the United State and lu ad the Principal Towns and Cities ol Europe. .1 Win 1 A. W. WHITE, 7 lluir JJX-JD GjTSlTSrJZJD GOODS. Eaclies Furnitshin GihkIs, Dros (JckxIs, Iorfunurv Oil, Soaj), Paper, Collars, Ladies and Gents Hosiery, Qtieensware, Flowei- Secil. Gla-ssware, etc;, LATEST inVLI?0"V"E! ID COAL-OIL LAMPS, SAFETY BURNER. Flour, Corn Meal and Buckwheat Flour. We aim to keep everything an ordinary household needs, and will sell you goods ai such prices that you cannot com plain of hard times anv more. 'r. ' ; .' '--'' u iiin mi m 1 nn 1 OOTS & SHOES.. Read, Call, See and be Convinced. am tin exclusive dealer, and I carry by far the Largest and Hist Assortment. Slippers for only 35 cents. Men's Plow Shoes, 75c. Men's Prince Alberts, only $1.25. Slice Pacs, 75 cents. New Slock and New Slyleof Business! After careful calculation (notice i' -tires; 1 conr-lutlcl to aJuj-t tf.-esti1eT cash system, feplinp; convinced that it is t i u.-ost sat ifa-(oi y mul biofltaK'.'ei style of hnsincps in tho cnil. ror instanri-. tf i.o.io t iii n.-.l every tlrii ty i'.a at 10 per cent, tvill l.e 8200; m twelve months ,2,400; jr: (ive i-ais, V2,lrt. Tho same tnrne.l every ninety days requires an increase o. j.roi't to ;;j;r cent to nrou.ice the same result, besides, there are ahvaja iinavoiil.-ihl y ami surely a largo tunotuit of accounts lost in the credit system, which if-ducn the lar-e profit gained in good customers. All those, then, who iu'ebO t-. pay for their pooils will see the Lenefit and profit of calling u m for tin o shoe wear. While extending ray thanks to the numerous friends lb o whom I have established &o lare a trade, ti trade rqtial to tho hent in tin St.tt?, I would respectfully invite all to continue dcaJMij; v. illi me, a m cI! m all others who will call to buy cheap. PETER MERGES. 49-11 BEST FARMING LANDS DELIVERED " DAILY ! j ,N 1' KKIIH.INKA. Great Advantages to Buyers T ' it Years Credit, at 6 ii-rwut Int--nt.. Sir Years Credit at per csnt fat-rtt. AT EVERYBODY'S UOMEIX I'l.ATT M ijC lil IF IU KV WANT . B V J. f. ri:ai '.2K5H'rs:rt. SFXD 1JJ YOCll ORKERS A l. r WXt.l. iT A?!: r.IVK Y.Ji 40yl and serve voa icaiarly. l-uor-Kir.roi: ok PALACE BILLIARD HALL. and ojier rent Dis.onnt. n utner i.inpmi OHcnniitH lor ( noli. ' Ki-hnlfs on Kure-s nnd l-'rrlyhtM, and I're uiiu m tor Improve- ne ii f ,. I'h.i r. ., , i.f WLi-.ui f-'.n-ini' .....if -.1 ii i hi (Main St., under First Nat. Itank.i J full partieulars. u:ll he m ol-.l free to any pari inm-Kiii 'i'ii . . , : of the wi.rld ou :ii.IIcn'Iii to - . -. . . . , - - - . . j MV IIAIt Is Si l l'I.IED WITH Tlllt BEST WINES, LIQUORS, BEER, ETC., ETC I UND UOMMItiSIOVKIt. jl & M. II. H. Si a- 4.iyl MISSOURI VALLEY II0VEL7Y WORKS, ST. JOSEPH, -iO., SOLE PROPRIETORS AND MANUFACTURERS. will trll you all about hirn. Weexpect hiia do?a bere shortly to enlighten us. ters whom thpy came to see and hear The S'"tte Times es, ,,n a vp 4rrl,:s ul' ,"al " 'ii-i'o n.nin. i t3tf t:o. Miptof Fub. .Si-structiT. ii.c o-it.cn iimc -.c.s.np. a verv All nnt.li.- ct,..:,kers. he lhev cliiMren Al at the Couit IKmse. iP Hati-iionth.-on jiixvt.-v .iia iiiu.suair'i t-.u.iuil ui ll'-'l own. Well mapJ-'u'-ro a bricks.- 'M-s'ii i--)' : lu-:"' i 1 ;:t've a tun au- dituce aal to nave tiieni hear what tins I"i id .v ijid :atiirdi!v c: e ich innntti. Ci. il. (. ItlPrKN. sun't. CKLEKItATED Inman Line and Allan Line. OF STEAKEHS. T"T.ori wishing to h:in- o;it their frenrts from Kurope can l'CP.ciiApn ticefts nto;i rs Thiousb to riutt Hiuouth. EnraviiiK shows p. i-speetiv..' vio-.v. Saf- stands r. :e.-i 5 . : . ; ,'ti ,- 1 1. wxc ! ft. i.i. deep Nace below piovided with shelv.-s. closed by 5 - i - '''"'- '. I 'i"'t.li Kneading board ; top. a l.iimeu int. forms cover f coine d h..;.pei : " j t- ' : t"'i'.i. ai.etit lecept.ele for flour, the sitter applied to it ai'X, i ; i-adily .. !'!' '' ' a ! uy st i. .ei t provnie.l with crank handle. Tne .,1 n.-s.-e,.; , n a i- '. :-'.:" !. w .. !-'i terir s true bottom of hopper. Accitnin'at ion of i.nl. n. .i ; '. U- rv i...:w,:M. . :ie:,.inix hoard closes into a du.st-pr..of roi''". ' t''-y Ivc c . . . 1 c. s., .i ;-e .- ..s ,,uii:M.; :i. ui., li.treaci ly detached for oleansins. llopp. r ti...d -. ; i e-i i...i-er. .: f : ov, i. lor keepiii l.m.r. Space beneath and roiu.(J h-.o;.er Uii.I-iV 1 i'- i ', e.Ui. v.-i-ier t..n... ro:::t.a f in. ,e:e.l pow der, extracts, etc. rawers sat2cint to hold a.i oo.io iry .-ipply ot .sit.'tu '.j )-., tea ana spievt. PRICES AT T.ll r.' .TOHV. No. 1, All Walnut, oil finish, paneled, moti: rti-;, at. -1 f:-' r.t, cai.:ie!;y one barn-4. . i a " " ' . 1 lined cnrl ' 2! "WaZnut, oil finish pan I'd rr.oulded frt ' 3 Oak prn!n1 and varnihed. pTri". A ' H. ' 3. " HENRY BOECK, Soh Antor PlniUmouth- edviin:!y. c.irvci .tid tia;l on I? h i i Oil' h.d . 20 00 . 00 inn . iT 15 ig f 17 bt!8 MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH 1I0S.SE SHOEING, AMD WAGON EEPAJfilNW. All kindi of FAItM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly & Promptly :0: lOjl SAGE LtM-o-as, Nkiikaska BROTHERS, 'lieaiei. In 77 Tram - S. ' V C7 ETC.. ETC., ETC. One l)ior Fast of the Prt-Offlce, FlatMiiiouth, Nebraska, Fi act leal Workers In SHEET IRON, ZINC. TIN, ZIERY, do-., if a 2f7ri- Iarge assortment of Hard and Soft COAL STOYHo, Wood and Coal Stovtsi for II A TIX(i Oil C00KIXG, Alwaya on Haud. Horse, Mule& Ox Shoeing, Evfcry vailetv of Tin, Sheet Iron, aid Zioc Liu short, we'll shoe anything that has i wor"' Kel'1 m OUM" tour leet, from a Zebra to a GiraSe. : MAKING AND REPAIKINll, Come and see us. ione on Short Notice. JSTZtHj"Vsr" fcDZHCOlE3, ItirEVEIirTIIIXO IYAKIIAXTED ' lUzl on Ft th S;.. t.e.weea :a:ii uud Vine Street, i 1'KICEH LOW IIOVTX. J'.it hioss the corner from the :;ew iiF.B ALU i Q A C1X? TJ 13 AU oirict. Ui'l Sotf 1 r i t. V