'SMS T 11 E HERALD. LOCAL XES B. & M. R. R. Time Table. CcrrtcUl Sunday, January 30?,, 1STG. OB OMni FKOM PLATTSMOLTII. Lavee Z a. m. Arrives 8 -50 a. in. I :30 p. m- " 3 :15 p. in. FltOM OHAHA POK PLaTTSMOCTH. Lmtm V a. a- Arrive! 10 :2I a. m. - 4 :Q p. m. " & :03 p. ru. p. la. T:i3p. IU. FOH THE WEST. UafM riatumiuth 9 :40 a. m. Arrives "Lln oly. 12 -15 p. w. ; Arrives Kearney, 8 :00 p. m. Br. Loris KsrF.S! leaves Plattsuioutli, 4 -"?5 ui. Arrives, Lincoln, 6 -.40 p. in. Fre iUl ' 7 :I0 a. m. Ar. Lincoln 11 :25 p.m. - ll:5op. m. " " FKOVC THE WEST. Utm Kearney. 6 :to a. in. Leaves Lincoln, 14 jlJ p. m a rrives Platts:no:ith. 3 :15 p. in. Lci EirRM- Leives Lincoln, 7 :J0 a a. Arr;v Plattsniouth. 10 -'4 a. ni. rrtlj'il laves laacolu, 11 :15 a. at. Arrives r.a:uiaoJt5, 4 :i: p. m. !. LlnColu T A9 p. mjU. 11 J p. Ul. CU1NU kaST. tlrtni, 6 0 a. Ul. fMi-a-r, ttiaig each day) 1 :S0 p. m. J M V 1. A 1 V E 1 1 T I s K M K M S. Transient. 2 . cent a. lino. K ail.ir advertl-i-rs. 1 J vcut per Ii if. No advertisement iuser kw lt it m than J-'j era Is. Lel Sot.r.-, at Statute rates. A turners an-1 ,!!. -els .11 t lie law w ill be held f"jHu5.' '-'T ail li-ial notices ihcy hind in. a,. (n , ess demanding a proof of ;uli!iiM (Wiu of iu notice will be he id for the puol;i a-U-ju Itu- of sjej nutiri'. CKI Vf l'MC ATIOS. as our v.:ee is limited, all communications Arrive riatts- John Dillon a Pemlrton Pembroke 1 CABBLTirS NEW JEWI.LRY STAND. baa added ujv honors to his already great reputation. Chicago Times. DIED. What Uuinc, Tact, lVrsoTerance and Enterprise Docs. Our attention lias been called this LINCH Edmimi ;. him .f W.J. and Flizabcth Lincii. on I huixlay. March 3iJi. ls;t.of Me 111- i , , , . fr Fi-tiiL- P-ir- i.iauou. croup, a-cd 7 years. mouth and J6 , wee to the t.ict that Mr. 1 rank Lar-'- . rutli, one of our best known jewelers, Just received. (SO sheets of sheet niu- as just moved into Ins own building l'EKSONAL. Lcasley has neas up. Azro Smith cornea out heavy on caV bages. Lawyer Stevenson, Xeb. City, is on hand tliis court. And Uro. Droady.our new Dist. Atty. turns up again, at court tliis week, so sic. very latest and choice, at Dr. Chap- I on Main street, in this place. T lie prem- ' does Mr. Tollea short-cut reporter. man s. 3-2t. bl .rl autl t Hit-' puiut wiiii no watte Any who til tlie .ti.T rrjrtil.-iHy llir pKtoii:cf. wnciiif-r iinrni'ii i un aiu. or w ii-l!)'T in' M a huiiiiimt or nui-i' ejusi:lr- f'ir tin- )i;iv. 1 it aii i.r-i:i ": irs ills n:ii'r ilininf in-lit- :uii-t ii.iv arrcani's. m llic p'llilitU r nii f-i ! : 1 1 : 1 1 : to -.ml it until payment U (!. nid colli i l tin- uti'de aiii'Mint. wln lluT t ;.j;yi" is :akr;i froi'.i t Ii' o.'V:i-" r mf. a I ! i -.'urts li.ivr- dfcl.lcil Hint rftu-'ins t lf ii o, i -. it na n-rioli.iis from il.f miM -or r movl iy SM't Iravini; tliPin nnrnllnl for, i fn iia ii4. evideu-e of it. I k.. rin.SAi rAi a. AMISEMENT. arll n Jolsa Dillon's (.'-oTnedy Trou(i. lJfci.- l.U. O. r. I !etia.io:i aud Hall. Treah liuse at Graiulrg'a. rift--n citr lu.ids of ?tok wer- hii rtviti I'lattsiuautli tn Monday. !e streight's dcw store. Jn the O'jli pfii i!i4. octet-bouks, auil boi paper at Dr. Chapman 3. Now Hank is fixed. Store and Tav .n both that's the old fashioned way! The haveapiod joke on rannele. Ti.ii loys say lit is haYin? out St. CUir'a tickets now, times are so hard. .e Ccnnor has turned farmer, hav ! t-'Uht a j;;,'J acre farm in Cass Co.. v, Jiirh hp in fj )in to Improve and run 'i , to thr ha:: lh. J. D. Martin dale, a former resident ;? Plait iLU Jut!:, and one of the l est '. rs In tte county, j.aid us a visit .:' -'ui day. ';ut. oil. K'as. varnish, bru!ies. p;',:;, i -., at Dr. ("a.ipmau'd. 2t And behold Spring has cm at last, and everytKMly is kal to see the young gentleman. Such a pounding, sawing cutting and carving; such a tree plant ing, feuce tixing and general overhaul ing I'lattsmouth never got before. ;:frVeckhl;u-h h;is sold one Ilog head of prunes in a month, and lias another still on hand, to dispose of during the coming mouth. 1 14 ASSESSED VALUATION OF PLATTS MOLTH CITY. l'er6onal property $103.!63 Ileal Estate 84,000 It only falls short about 840,000 of last year, owing to some new improve ments though. Property on the whole waa taken less. It is too small though, and gives us a ridiculous appearance, a 4 every one knows we have 5 times that amount at fair raluations. HIGHEST AWARD. I received the diploma for fine dress boots at the State Fair, and continue to i make the best and nicest tits. (Jive me a call. (4'J-tf) I. Ml-:i:i:s. BOOK AGENCY. Mr. A. I. Woodard has taken the agency for th saleof the latent improv ed family liible that is furnished by the American Publishing Iluuse, and ih'sirrs to inform the people of Cass county that he will visit them soon to take sulttcriptions for th same. This Dible has 130 illustrations and 1700 pages, with history of the books of the bible and dictionary of all religious de nominations. An account of the dif ferent translations with Apocrypha. Concordance, I'ialms more than is found in any bible now offered to the public. Publishers, W. K. Bliss, Tole do Ohio. Gen. State agmt, W. D. Acor. Fremont. -2t. SEI'DS VL'tWL L. A. Moore ha llower need for sale fr:a Vick, o- of the most reliable of -s-i,Iu:en and ri xist. 15uv of him and hu Mill not fail to have ilowers. He s'j'ihits grei'iiliouse and bedding j lnt .'i.rs4le. 2tf- b'A 11UE11H A TT EXT I OX ! Julius Pepperberjr. Cigar Manufac turer, on Main St.. Plattsniouth. Xeb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ainiii-i-,iu Toba-ofs for smoking purposes. Fui Hal. Ji-st qualities of plug-smoking tobacco always on baud. 20-tf. If you have aore throat, hoarseness, or slight cough, the. -Forest Tar Tro ches" aie the leanest, best wnd most effective. Take them once and you will have no others. At Chapman's. The friends of Mr. XV. F. Morris m intely elerted Marsha!, in this city have prrierited him with a solid silver badge, tar ahap-a in laid with ebony letters. It beais the inscription. "W. F. Morri s )u, presented by his friends." riEs:i mss at .';uA5aitEK(;. iramberg has god fresh lime for a and will keep it on hand during the summer by the bushel or wagon i'jad. H. J. Streight is moving hi stfn k of Fancy g ods and stationery to a room .-t the Saunders House, where tw can Attend to both b u si u esses to Letter ad- ar.tagf. Uracelus Out KxUtfar. T.'i ni"r',:'. vkly lim.ilid ilot4 not iijuf but inertly "dra,'4 out existence." as lliey t :..r. it l'ii.'1'ted for tii" :u tive prruit't of anil i:n-:iiial'l.. of partaking of it- 'leaiire. I" Hlnc'l l.eriltli alulie rau Kle a 7esl ; iisin :.;! to s.Hi:tl i'lfico. n se ;u.l a Jrey to u.el a:rl.o. . t lit- .i::u.inarsli Is unl.-nl an ul.j.-rl i.; 5:tv. Ti-t t!:-: :s imtliin in Hll Ibis that rn:i"i ti" lfin.-iil 1 by that (.'-nl il itit-1 .it n e 'u-r.L-l urronc. II.isretl-r' Mouiai'li liillers. sjii 'e s i'lii ienr sl.iliiiua. bi;!'' s t!i ii"riii st.'iu. ai uuiimwh I Lose b. uti'y ir-r-i;;i'.ri;ii t v. Iik li uei ..i:4 e.iness is most frr.,-.;fii!: Attributab!.-. 1 nas.s of t be l.biuey -i i blablr. in-ix-rf.-i-t lii.si!..u ami iiti i;ne tr.'nl ai e :-rt ii" -on: fi .f debili'v. 'I beii i li.-alli ii tnevr. . .. i:u-s a nuiller .-f t''r ttii;t 'i"U IlosteitM'i S:..!;i:eli liiit.'is ar vs:ein.tr u-ailv iisi-it tor that p ;tj's'. lin-fait-te.s !: s.' a isi- .i!.ii,!n:.ii e ami jn- 'iit f r .tml i.-ip a:'il o iir .lUiiitaun 4 febii'.e eompiaints 'f a malaria! nat nr.-. Two sets of Dickens complete works jnfit sold, and one more 6et left at Dr. Chapman's. 3-2t Just nveived, a large stock of paper, envelojx's and books, at Dr. Chapman's. MASONIC. Called Communiccttioa of Platts niouth Podge N'o. C. on April 2tlth, Wednesd iy evening: work in the M. M.-. Degree; a full attendance of mem ber desiretl. All transient Brethren in the city are fraternally invited to visit. Commence I. M. sharp. ily or lei of the W. M. (J co. AY. FosTEK. Secretary. Hunting PooUi at Merges' shoe store. Call around. ises were formerly known as "Eaton's music store," and aim-jut opiosite the Saunders House. This is not till we started to say, however, w ith or without Mr. Carruth's leave we proiose to give a little history of his business in the past few years, for the benefit of the town and as an example to the chronic growler and slothful do nothing, the man who al wajs thinks his town is the poorest, the meanest place on earth, no busi ness, no money. Ac. or, if he does not think so he talks so, and often induces strangers, w ho do not know him, to be lieve that this story is true. If we have any such merchants, mechanics, business men or idlers w ho are harping as above, they may read this article with profit. Mr. Carruth came here about 5 years ago. and started in a small room up stairs over Ilerold's, as you all remem ber. It was really about tl fc beginning of our -hard times" and wo have had no really "good times" that is limes when money was plenty and trade to everybody brisk, and yet Carruth has gone on and on, upward step by step, first to a large room in the Post Oilice with Mr. Slieight, then to a nice little room over by Stadelmanu's, and now into a larger room of his own better adapted to his increased business, and the large steck of goods that he must find room to display this spring. Xow all this has been done by hard labor and attending to busines. It can be from no other cause for all around us the cry of hard times and no business has sounded. It would certainly seem that a cer tain kind of tact in business, constant attention and perseverance would over come hard times. It has in this case ami we offer it as an example to en courage us all to stop w hining so much and work more, for if a man can work up the jewelry business, in the last few years, a business the first to feel hard times, anddealin g in articles of luxury almost exclusivi ly if this can be done, tho man who deals in staples, t after all bread and butter, beef and the actual nweinitu a of life ought never to com plain and can, if he will try. do a good business all the time, if in a good plac. Let us ail see if we cannot overcome hard times somewhat in the future. In the mean time three or four jew elers have left, gone away, couldn't do business, lc. Ho it is ever, and we make the point that it is not the town, nor even the times that makes success in business possible. It is the men. Our tow n is as good as any other town. Try it and see. Judicious advertising has helped Mr. C. It will help any one, but to that you must add knowledge of your bus iness, promptness and good manners. Always keep and do what you adver tise. Stick tt it and even in I'latts mouth we mav all make a fortune yet. E. Angell's money received and the papers will be sent as pr order. The "6To?e," Lincoln, Neb., comes to hand, and asks an X. In course we will, but as we missed the first number we don't know much about you as yet. Henry Eikenberry says has beea thinking of us for some time and he l did think two dollars worth about us last week. We wish the Eikenberry family was a good deal larger than it is, if they ail thought like Henry. Ii. O. Slaughter, of the State Journal called on the Herald last week. He signs himself "Gad" when he slings ink and if he can't Slaughter a feller Gad! we'd like to know who can. Mr. J. W. Linch, of Mt. Pleasant, this county, called on the Hen a Ll Satur day and left us happy six mouths ahead. Mr. L. kas been one of the best friends the Heualu has had in Cass county, and we doubly appreciate friends dur ing these hard times. Mr. S. A. Davis, of Mt. Pleaaant, son-in-law of our old democratic friend Winslow, alled on the Herald Mon day. Very glad to see Mr. Davia, and as he is a member of Cent. Com. hope 19 see him again n Monday. Mr. Xrm. Shryock of this office, who has lately undergone a surgical opera tion at the hands of Dr. Livingston, has been confined to the house more or less for ao me days and w e are thus left short of help. Dr. J. W. Thomas of Weeping Water called on the Hep.ald yesterday, very glad to see the Doctor. Always are, in fact. Capt. Paine, city Assessor and Mr. Shryock, county assessor, have turned their lists over to the city and county board and furnish us some statistical f.icts part of which we print this week. M. L. White Esq. a gentleman who formerly acted as County Com'r. in this County, came down from Omaha to .Bee U3 Tuesday. If the Journal can Ikj be lieved White was'nt such a bad Com'r. -W-J. V. Weckhach has a splendid bran new little stock ofleady Made Clothing. U4 BOTANY (LASS. A class for the study of Botany will be organized for the accommodation of persons who are not memlers of the school. The only expense attending the matter will be the purchase of the text book. -Gray's School and Field Book of Botany." All who may desire to enter such a class will pleae call on ine sometime during the present week, so that ar rangements may be made for recita tions and other preliminaries. A. B. Wigiitman. A large assortment of patent plow shoes, something convenient and a new wrinkle to the f armers. Call and see tlietu lightiWity. Good bargains. XVM. (iTADF.LM.4XN. Jones is fairly settled itt Li new sta ble over on Vine street, talong with the IIekai.iv and has got a very nice place to do business in. IIj h.is got another new driving team, bt i.l-s Flo- la and 12'ieen. Two pretty gteys ex cellently matched both for color and gait and very nice steppers to bMt. A S'lOWEU OF FIMI. Mr. McConahan, four miles south west i f Eight Mil Grove picked up a number of tish one day last w eek, some quits large, that must have lx-en blown thrr- by some water .pout. He also captured a live Se v Gull whose wings measured 4 feet from tip to tip. Just received, a choice lot of cro quets base balls atid bats, at Dr. Chapman's. A If 'J IT OUt SCHOOLS. At the annua! conclave of Mount Zi on Corumandery X'o. 5 of Knights Tem plar held at this place on Good Friday last, the follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing masonic year. Sir It. It. Livingston Eminent Com. J. NT. Wi-se Generalissimo. " K. M. Chapman Captain General. J. Vallery Jr Master of Finances. " D. II. Wheeler Bet-order. " Bob't. Ballauce sr. Warden. - F. E. White Junior Warden. M. B. Cutler Standard Bearer. " E. F. I-wis Sword Bearer. " Alonzo Cunningham Warder. J. W. Shannon Capt. of Guard. Rasmus Petersen 1st Guard. 44 O. Frost M Guard. 44 J. C. Cummins 3d Guard. Prof. Wight man has a few words to say very appropriatt ly about the Watchman's comments on one of our teachers. We think our friend of the other persuasion (newspaporiallyj, does not have a very happy way of introduc ing his criticisms on schools. His stylo naturally nngr-rs without doing any good. It was the s-tine in Sturgis' case. If the Watchman must go for some one, we suggest Todd, he'll jaw back and call names, right nasty, we tell you ; call you cur, son of a dog, liar, and all such pretty things. Pitch in to some one that can jaw back, old man WOXDKKFUL SUCCESS. OUR JURIES. c.uAM) .into its. Sam "1 Richardson Richard Newell. M. McFlwain Geo. E. Pronger Jos. A. Connor Wm. L. HobU A. C. VanEpps Benjamin Ilemple F.J. Todd Ed. Buttery C.Nichols. TETIT Jl-ltOKS. Thadeus Streight. Nelson SherTer W. B. Hawkins Daniel Sweeney Benjamin Jenkins NOTICE TO SFOltTSMEN. Th Sjiortsman's Club of this coun- In the name of the teachers of the city schools, and in behalf of the great majority of our citizens, who are justly snditrnant at the scurrilous attack con tained in the Yat:li)uan of last week's issue upon Miss Butterfield. we desire to state that Miss Butterfield came here a stranger, and is now in the midst of ! her first year's teaching, with ighty names on the roll in her room. While w- would invite honast criti cism upon our schools and taachers when made in a proper manner, and at a proper time, ire dj most imptuH'-tilly pnt'-st against such an uncalled lor as sault upon the character of a defence less girl. If the public press is to pandsr to the basest passions, if it is to become a pool from which a supply of tilth is to le poured upon the community at each issue, if it is to assume the char acter of a moral simoom, blasting and j destroying whatever it touches, then Samuel Mav Win. F. Bennett Edwin Davis Wm. Eikeubury Wm. R. Darrah S. B. Hobs.on X. G. Dodge J. V. Glover Alva Drew G. W. Fairfield James Clizbe D. D. Andrews Calvin Russell. II. W Farley Henry Hollenbeek Wm. Altalfer. Joseph M. Mason Phelps Paine H. E. Ellison Mc. F. Hagood. It Is reported that Boschee's German Sj ruj has, sines its introduction into the United States, reached the im merse sale of 40,000 dozen per year Over G.OoO Druggists have ordered this Medicine direct from the Factory, at Woodbury X. J., and not one have re ports 1 a single failure. But every let ter speaks of its astonishing -sucarsA in cut ing severe Coughs, Colds settled on the Breast, Consumption, or any disease of Throat and Lungs. We ad vise any person thai lias any predispo sition to weak Lungs, to go to their Druggist, Dr. G. B. Chapman, and get this Medicine, or inquire alout it. Regular size, o cents; sample bottle, 10 cents. Two doses w ill relieve any ease. Don't neglect your cough. 5-iyl PliOFKSSIOXAL CAKDS ... .. n A I'M AX. ATTORNEY AT LAW ami Solicitor In Ch'-c.-ry. (litlce in Eilnorwld's ISIim W, riutt-iinouth. WHKI.LEIt A BKXXKTT. KKAI. KS1 ATK anil Ta Paying AcfiiU. No taries Public. Fiif and Iale Insurance Agents, Plattsnionth. Nebraska. A Man's Neighbors. The Raleigh (X. C.) Xetrs reports j -- - that Rev. Dr. Pritchard, of that city B. B. wisuhah, referred in his Thanksgiving sermon to esKJ Stf co:ivcrsat!tn held some year ago ' i;.i ..itenfMn civeu to colieenon. onu-eover between Dr. Thomas E. Skinner, of Dr. ciiapaiafr's l'nu: wore, Plattsmomh. JTyi Raleigh, now of Georgia, and an anti missionaryist. Dr. Skinner, he said, was solictin? aid for foreign missions. and annlied to this gentleman, who j -Nebraska. promptly repulsed him with the reply. "I don't believe in foreign missions. I won't give anything except to home missions. I want what I give to ben efit mv neighbors.. "Well," replied Dr. Skinner, "whom do you regard as your neighbors!" -Why, thosa around me," replied the brother. "Do you mean those whose land joins yours'" inquired Dr. Skinner. "Yes." -Well," said Dr. Skinner," how much land do "you own?" "About five hundred acres.' "How far down do you own." "Why, I never thought of it before, but I siipMe,e I own half way through." -Exactly," said Dr. Skinner. "I sup pose you do, I want this money for the Chinese the men whose land Joint yours on the bottom. That hardened brother had never thought of that, and gave a good sum for foreign mission. A. W." WHITE, DEALER IX mm V) 1 1 i j i ii i It. If. I.IVIM.llTO. PHYSICIAN & sritrSEON. tenders Ms pro fessional .services to the citizens i Cass county, lie sidt'iicc southeast corner Sixth and Oak Ms. ; nlu-e on Main street, two doors west of Sixth. Plattsniouth. Nebraska. SPECIAL NOTICES. $10 REWARD. Anv "rsn er imtsoiis who shall Kive Infor mation that will convict any ktsii or p.-rson.s who have destroyed windows xc, ami dainat d mv premises on lot 3. in block -Jh. in the t ity of. Plutlsmou'.Ii, will let-five the aboe reward. 3-.( J. W. IfaiNKs. esTraynoti CE. Taken up 1 the undcrsitriicd. the following: described property : one O sorrel mare col t. two C) ycais old in the spring, white s:rie in the foichc.id. ris'.t hind f.Mil white half way up to the knee. In section I-, town lo. rantfe 11. The num r iiiiisl prove property, pay charges, and take It away. Jacoii Waiit. It5 !. M. fSMITII. ATTOUN K Y AT LAW and Ileal Estate Bro ker. Special attention uiven to Collections and all matters HfTcctini; the titlo t real estate. Oftice on Jd floor, orer Post Oilice, Plattsnioulb, Nebraska. 40)1. r-vTcOHXl-JSIi. ATTORNEY and Counselor at Law, and Notary Public, tlreeiovood. Neb. Collections and paying of taxes carefully at tended to. JOB V. IIAIXKH. .ICSTICE OK THE PEACE, am! collector of debts. collections made from one dollar to one thous'tml do lars. Mortsiures. Deeds, and oth er instruments drawn, and all county business uuallv transacted before a Justice of the Peace. Best of reference pi veil If required. ottice on Main street. West of Oourt House. 0-l JOilN W. HAINES. DR. SCHILDOECHi Eclectic & Ilomcpopatliic Physician. jtrT-ofllee and residence corner Sixth and Vine streets. Plattsniouth. Neb. Calls attended at MOXEY TO loax. 3).sfn on 2 and 5 years' time. Improved Farina iti Cass County taken as security. Apply to U. II. WINDHAM. Att'y at Law. tTOfrics5 over Dr. Chapman's Druy Sioie. 4lf WIRE FEXCE FOR SALE. I offer for sale two and one half miles of w ire fence, on my farm two miles south of PUtUs mouth. enquire of A. Thurston on ih farm. leli. 12, 1ST6. 47-tf. Pamcel M axwkuu TEACHERS EJTA31IXA TIOXS. Notice isherebv ;:ivcn that I wil". examine all persons who maV oiT.'r themselves as candi dates !or teachers of t iie inin iun schools of i his count', at my ulti-e i:i tin- t.ti of Weeping ater.on "the last Friday ami S.iiurday of i jcb and every im'Ull., conauem-in;; t .o o 1.ck a. tt. Dated this 8th d.;Y of Jaimarv. A. D. 17-;. U. B l it! I'l'E . 4.;;f Co. Svin't ol I'l.1'. Snsti iietion. Also at t' c Comt House, in l'!:.f si.i;'i i o. on the first Friday aud .Saturday of e-tch r.'.sntli. j. b. cuii i ::. S:y. all hours. IK. J 40yl. M. WATKKMAM. Physio Medical Practitioner. IsntixriHr, 'as Co.. JYrh. y Always at the office on Saturdays. 40yl .LV EIGHTY ACRE FARM FOR SALE CHEAT. Five miles w est of tow n tiir Four Mile Creek ;od improvements, and under good cultivation. Also, all the tooln. stock, and farm Implements or all kinds, will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply tt -" Hsraw 0m on. FOR SALE. A eeond hand Vie?r Sewing Maehlne, war ranted in k0'J running order. Trice Si".. Also a n-'W Wilson Sew ing .MAcniue. i nc-.-.. Inquire at the HrKAt.r o5iee. 46-tf Rubler Bots at Merges' Shoe store, cheap for cash. Mrs. Jas. Dick died very suddenly last night. An inquest w ill be held on the remains t day. Mr. Clark Newton encourages the Heiiald for another vear. Thanks. We see the V. S. is against two or three barrels of whiskey here. Are we going to give up the Trunk road altogether. Is it a fact that we cannot raise the amount asked for, aud must succumb. The Delegates to the Democratic State Convention from this county: J. C. Cummins, Dr. John Black, C. II. Pinkham, J. Vallery Sr., Harrison Smith and Jas. Patterson. They met at Lincoln yesterday. No report so far. LAX D FOR SALE. A farm containing 200 Acres, with about 130 acres under cultivation ; well watered, has a pood stone house well finished, thirty feet sq. two stories hich ; has an orchard of three hun dred apple- trees Jast bef-inntngto hear, togeth er with itma'.l fruits, such as grapes, cherries, strawberries, eu?. ; l.as consideraV.e timber, more than enoujli for fuel. Is situated six mi!eouth of Plattsniouth. one mile west of Bock muffs. For terms, etc.. Inquire at the I ! Mit a i.x ofli'-e. or of A. M. Holmes, Bock Bluffs. orChss. Yog, Lincoln. Neb. 44-12L rer LKUAL NOTICES. Legal Notice. In the matter c.r the estate of John R. I.lvinu ston. deceased. B 'fore W. H. Newell County .lude in nd fort :tss Co., Neb. To all whom it wvj fc.nccrn: Notice is h-reby given that applie-xtlon has been filed bv Kot-t. U. I.i vinuton. to be appoint ed administrator of the estate of John P. Liv ingston deceased. I hut said cause is set tor hear ing at Co. Judges oilice in Plattsniouth. on the Mill day of April. A. D. lTfi. at 1' o'clock a m. of said ii.iv, at which time and place any person interested" mav appear and show cause if any t!iy have, why the said Kobi. It. Livingston should not be appointed "-h administrator ac- rordimr to the oraver of said petition. . . . it r. . a Plattsniouth, ei. Apn 3-3t 1S7. Wm. II. N KWKI.U County Jude. Probate Notice. is bercbr civen to all persons havlne .... . . i , .u ii a. ecniiis :ca:usl I lie esiate oi .joiiti jiainu.-i, Not 1 c 1 ST. deceased, to tile the same in the nitice ot tne 1 omit v Judge. PiattMiioiith. 'ass county. Ne braska, on or ! fore the 4lh day of October. A. D. is;i;. and t" meet llie a.iminiutr'ors Ihere on said dav for aMouance of the same. -3 " W m. H. Nkwklu t o. Judge. Sheriffs Sale. Remembsr the Odd Fellows Ball and Festival on Wednesday evening. April 20th. It is a great anniversary of the I. O. O. F and will be a fine affair. All invited guests should make it a point to attend. tv will meet at the Council chamber in Plattstnouth. on Tuesday evening Apr. I the sooner such educating influences Coth, to elect delegate to the State As sociation and to make arrangements f jr their annual hunt. II. J. Stkciglt. Secretary. NEW lUJTCJIKUSIIOP. l'LATTSMOLTH. NkU- ( November -'Jd. loTTi. s The undersignel wish to caH the attention of the Public to his New ' Meat Market, on south side of Main! Street, two dtors east of Jones Livery j Stable. Here, gentlemen, you will find ! Beef and Pork, Mutton and Wal for cease the society. better for the good cf A. It. Wigiitman, City Sup't of Schools. I. O. O. F. next Wednesday. Wm. St:t;!elmann has got home, and following in his wake comes a huge stock of clothing, hat6, caps," and all sorts of men's furnishing goods. Cen tennial neck ties, new styles of collars, new Spring suits for everybody, and a general new outfit for the great year of ISTtJ. Come and se Stadelmaun. Court adjourned this morning at nine o'clock until Friday week. Aud the people homeward gladly go. To tend their shops, or plant and sow. We understand that W. R. Ellington has removed from Rock Bluffs to what is called John Latta'g mill on Hock cretk. We wish him good luck. Dress making at Miss Sweeney s. 4-at. And Solomon appeared also. 'We mean Solomon & Nathan. And the old man (that is old Solomon), in all his glory was not arrayed like this, our, Solomon. For the elder S. never kept a dry gxuls store and sold things so NEW 1III.EINEKY AND DRESSMAK ING ESTABLISHMENT. Mis Sweeney desires to inform her old customers and the ladies of Platts niouth generally that sho will reopen her millinery and dress making rooms, on Monday the 24th inst in the rooms above Marthis Butt her shop. She in tends keeping a general line of millin t ry goods and invites all to call and examine her stock. 4-3t. Mrs Clayton inserted in the columns of the Herald some time ago an ad vertisement in regard to weaving rag carjiets. We ca recommend Mrs. Clayton and son's weaving fr we have just brought from there a carpet which can testify that it is good, and that if there Is any virtue or beauty in rags to make carpets they w ill bring them out. Their weaving is even and close, and will stand th test of hard wear, their tasts in striping and eomhiniug colors is good and their prices are reasonable. Send in your carpets. HOI FOR THE OLD STAND RENEWED Bv vi-tue of an order of sale, issued hy C. p. Moore. Clerk ol :! District Court. (by lus lep pulv. Wm. L. Wells.) vi!hin and foi Cuss coun ty. Nebraska, ami to me directed. 1 wiil on the J.Hli dav of April. A. D. IsTo. at 10 o "clock a. in. ol said dav. at the south door of the Court Huse in ti:e ' uv of I'lattsiuout'i. In said coun t v. sell at publh auction, t be follow ing real es t ite. to-wit : Lois 1. . ;. !. 10. It. VI. i. 14, 15, 16 17 and IS i:i blocK 4. also lo's 0, 7. M. li, II, 12, 1.5. H. is. ill. 17 and is. in Mock . also iois 4, S. ft, 7. s. y. 10 and 11. in blocl; il, also lots I. :t. 4. S. ami ti. in block 7. ais; bus 1. 2. a. and 4 in block J. also lot s 1. , o. . 5. 7. 1 i. ll.i.i.l 12. in block l'. also lots I, J. 3, 4. h. C 7. S. i'. l'. 11. 1J. 1.5. 14. 15. lii, 17. t. 1'.'. 2 and t! iu bloc!; 1:'. also lots 1, 2. 4. 5. ti. 7. s. n. in and 11 in b'ock l.'l, also lots 1 and J in Olo--!v 14. also lots 1, 2. :i. 4. S and 0 ill bio. Ii 1.,, also lots 3. 4 ;:nd ." in block is, also lots 1. ', .i, 4 .1. 7, s. 9. II ami 12 in block 1:. also lots t. 2. 3. 4. K . 14. 1'. Iti. 17. is. ly, 2". 21 and -J2 in block jn.also lot U in OIim-k 21. also lots 1. 2. 4. 5, 7. (, 9, Hi. II iin.l 12 in block 22. aNo lot : iu block 2;,al so lot 1. 2. X 4. S '. 1". 1 1 and 12 in block 27. ai so lots t. 'j, :. 4. 15. 7. . !. 1". 11. 12. 14. 1.1. lfi. is, ly and 2n iii block 2. also lots 1, 2. 5. r. 7 and H iu block Sii. all in Diiue'.s addition to Plattsniouth City. Cass Co., Nebraska. The same bcinir lev -b d upon and taken as the tnicrtv of K. T. D.:ke and I.. D. Betu-stt. executors of the estate of Siiep'ierd Duke and Lloyd l. Bennett, lU ten dants ; to s.tt.sfv a i'ldmciit of said 4'ourt. re covered by the First National Hank of Platts niouth NeUsaska. plaifitiff. PUf-sinoutii, NeWa.sk a, March r. A. D. 1S76. l-5t M. B Cctlkk. Sheiitl. SAUNDERS HOUSE! PLATTSNIOUTH, - - - XEB. H. J. Streight, Prop. jy-TFItMS ?2.oo per day. tmlv First-Class Hotel in town. Oood Sample KHm always ready lor Traveling Men. 14ylj 'GRAWD CENTRAL' HOTEL, Lnrreiit and Quest Iloltl be tween C hicago and San Ir.iiscIc-o. GEO. THRALL, - - Prop. OMAHA. NEB. "WATEpM'ST" Tiip old St:ind-hy Luinlci Yard. Fall and Winter Stock Cheap er than ever. See nd on ont:sle. i I .. r "i is- Mr- :AJ Ladies Furnishing Gouds, Dress Goods, Perfuincrr, llair Oil, Soap, Paper, Collar?, Ladies and Gents Hosiery, Queenswarc, Flower Seed, Glassware, tic. LATEST IIIvriPIOVJEJLD COAL-OIL LAMPS, SAFETY BURNER; Flour, Corn Meal and Buckwheat Flour. We aim to keep everything an ordinur household needs, and vill Sell you goods at sucli price that you cannot com plain of hard timer any more. OTS & SHOES, AT j, .. iSV M , O f i .iT ''Ky. .'.j If ; WALL paper: McElwain & Hodapp, Have bought FHANK STADTEIJ'S entire stock of Wall Fapei? I And Increased the same bv many new patterns. Keduced Prices. Samples can be seen at DR. G. B. CHAPMAN'S DIWO STORE. We also take pleasure in announcinc to the pub lic, that we still continue PAIXTIXO tt PA PER-If AXGIXG. MatiractIon tiunrnnteed. 47m 3 WILLIAM HEROLD Keeps one, of the Largest Stocks OF GROCER! IN TOWN. ES 40 vl rKOI'KI K.TR OK PALACE BILLIARD HALL. (Main St.. under First Nat. Bank.) II,4TTSMOLTII, --- SEU. tv kak is si:rri.ir.n tcitu nut BEST WINES, LIQUORS, BEER, ETC., ETC. IGr-AIRj) 401 se srr 5 r i Ce 5 CD O o -e T t . " 5 ae 5 75 -s J. - CQ -5 s 3. O ! 1 O I -3 zr CD " 3 t 5 2 2 5" S - z ,31 " ; T rr 2 Legal Notice. Vivian licTirimns once more. New stoek of millinery at Mi.s Sweeney's. Latest Styles. 4-ot. Both men and beasts are liable to Mr. Vivian the well known proeer, has laid in a new stock and proposes to sell to everyl'Otly, everything' they want. (Jroceries, vegetables, canned cotxls and fruits. Try him au'ain and see if you do not find the-old stand as fit fad ! 1IILI In the THuirirl I'.mrt of the United Statr for Uif. DixtrU-t of .WtiTiLtkii. The f nlted States s Three and one half barrels of whisky. one barrel of ion ajid one bane! of brandy. J Beit leireinbered that on te 10th day of April. U7'. nn liuojif:ition wxs filed in theoi1cj oltltelicrk of said District Court l y James Ni'vl! ivs.j.. at-, irney ot the Culled Statts for said!istrict u gainst three and one-half barre.s oi "lii-kv. one ! :rre' of irifi arnl one barrel of biamiy. aid to belor.i: to M. AlcUane t Co.. of Piattsineutii, Neb., except one half barrel -aid lo bcloLiU lo .laeob Kal.l. of ll.t-stn.s. Nebrsiva. Said Information cliarites : 1st. That the tax oil said liquors due the Uni ted. States by virtue of the InHi'i.iI IJcvenue Laws, was not i :tid at the tin"- of said fceizure. 2(1. That said lienors were removed fron the Distillery where thev were made in violation of law-, and in fraud ot lievenue. 3d. l iiat sjiid liquors were removed from dis ti'lery ar.nesaid. ..nd from Distillery warehouse wrth intent to defraud the Ctiited S"tates of the tax due fhereou. 4th. That said liquors w re falsely, andtliere fio e not properly Maiiie'1. marked and branded. 1 hefe are t licrefore to satisfy n',1 persons claim. intt snid !i.iiors or knowiiii; or having anythi:ur to say why the same should not be condemned as (oriel led. and the proceeds thereof disti ibu -ted accordiiej to law and the prayer of said In formation to be and appear before sai.t District flood fresh milk DELIVERED DAILY ! AT E VEIt T BODY'S HOME .V PLA TTSXOL'TU ITTHICV WAMT IT, T.T J. F. BKAl M38:iSTETl. ITCSD I! TOIK OKOKRS A I I WILL TRT AID OIVK VOL- puke mile: 4dyl and serve you regularly. Common Sense! Read, Call, See and be Convinced. Uein? the only exclusive dealer, I carry byar tiV Largest and Dest Assortment Slippers for only 35 cents. Men's Buckle Plow Shoes, $1.75. Congress Gaiters, only $2.00 Shoe Pacs, 75 cents. New Slock and New Style of Business t After careful calculation (notice figure) I concluded to adopt thestrlrt! cash system, feeling convinced that it is the most satisfactory and profitable style of business in the end. For instance, ?2,000 turned eyery thirty days at 10 per cent, will bo 6-00; in twelve months $2,400; in tfye years, 12,000. The same turned every ninety days re-uiros an increase or profit to 30 per cent to pro. ace the same result. Besides, there are always unavoidably and surely a large amount of accounts lost in the credit system, which reduce the large profit gained in good customers. All those, then, who intend to pay for their goods will see the benefit and profit of calling on me for their shoe wear. While extending my thanks to the numerous friends through whem I have established so large a trade, a trade equal to the best in tha State, I would respectfully invite all to continue dealing with mc, as well aa all others who will call to buy cheap. 4,-i, PETER MERGES. GILES, BR0.&C0., WHOLESALE &C DETAIL1 Nos. 266 and 268 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. WE ARK SPECIAL AGENTS TOPI EL G IN I VA TCIIES, AD IIAVE A FL'LI, STOCK OJT ZE3IOWA:R,jD watches,' AND A KNDI.KSS VARIETY Or Ladies Fine Cold yVatchs, tiold Opera Chains, iobl Neck Chains. bilverVest Chains, Table Castors. Cake P.askets, Nut Picks. Card Stands. Napkin Kings V artcrs. Butter Dishes, tiold Kinys, Diamonds. ;o. Tooth Ticks. Gold Watch Keys, Coral Heads. ' Coral Necklaces. Coral Sts and Kings, lironze Ornaments, Silver Spoons, Tea Sets, Ladies' Sets, Pearl Sets, Ice Pitchers, Coffee I'rns, bvrup Dishes, Spoon Holders, Cups and Goblst. bracelets. (jo!il 1 tumble, bilver 'I tumbles Odd Ixx'kets, Shirt studs, feeal Kings, Brooches. Opera .! Western Grown Trees for Western Soil. 1870. 187(j. I have a larjre and complete stock of Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Plantsalid Vines. prow n at lev Nursery. 1 mile north -east of the Court House, hi OIciiw immI, Mills County, Iowa. 8 miles east of I'lattsmouth. Neb. for sale at less prices than Nursery Stock is sold bv eastern tree ed dlers. and 1 will warrant it HKTTKK. Give me your orders ii " and secure the Itct. Tlifoe w ishii.i: to buy m large ipiautities w ill be allow ed a I.iitKjtAi. lu;oi. r on my retail prices by appiyiii!; early. Office and Parlor Clocks of every Description. watcn Materials and lools-for Jewelers 35t2C Kvery one visit int CHIC.aGO should call at our establishment ami examine eur eoods (J 'II IK 4 IIK.llr;iX FKI ilH IN.UI It 31 OTTO. II EN It Y HOW LAM). i i h :ii 1 1 ft i i -lint i-r ill piiii'in T.-f i . s . ws ... .s.-v u. .. ........... c i :s a. a. . .i a a. a a. , l'iiimi im i i- vw ami 111 ni'ii imi laar 111:111 t - - - -- -.-. - wUtif.i innnriiin iti irivun in Tiirnntnnifr uiiiti V t l I r a , ""-I' 1 USLU,m" "rl"- --" aiciueni; a prompt reiuruy usu me- ; " " - 1 a. 111 .if the same be a dav of jurisdiction, other- ,,,, V;,- (ash I also keep on bund Turkeys. ! ,,rinv tear, ,e(.;ul5e thev h;ul no m-. - right time .pM9 wrw we d4 ever before. 1 "' t Jhv 'risdiction therean Chickens. Kggs. Vc. Vc (.1 me a " . . . , ,". ' . , . ; months of pain Dr (Jrmi's CriuKan 1 ,',,'Ln nd ,,JT to,,l tri----a-i.Mti for tn-.:nr. j ti i.ni i.tto j'liititr. as early u.; tiaev ' trial, gentlemen, and get the worth of moy t, buy See their new Ad. iu iZXUvX RfA new lot Spring Nats and I w-AV voiirmoMy.ia K44 nufjlet the Heuald this week ami go ?ry e ; i.oull a.l.wy I kept la tUe lantA. Ca for Gentlemen, just received at AI,,,Vct Court' " S ' tt?V.Va'S,ydaKe,T: aTdS j s V' A IO fJenfral Blacksmithing. "orrlajtei. ItuartrleM. nml ti ne trpulred u Nbrt Aetl ALSO IIURSIu-SIJOCIXC And all other iron w.-.rk promptly attetxt-, ed to. cheaper than liie I'Ltajieat, f u oevfc By the ulidisign..'d, H.IIOWUM). v Shop northwest Cor. of Vina tuxtt e rUtTwuttwmr s n i) nun 1