o 4 - T J' t 1 T II E II E K A L I). LOCAL ..XEWfc COL' MY NEWS. On Friday List Mr. M. L. "White re signed as County Commissioner, ami oui: nkw m-iilm locals. LL AL- NOTK'IH Re;r:?t!v.r s -Holioe. i'i-OFFSSiONAL CARDS I local advicutiskmkn is. ATr fa 1 1 ..vv i.f ! Lis n! ,. ... vvta i i i ' " - ' ; ) ;"-i s of ' ted -i " - pointed in his stead. We hclitrve Mr. ,,. Dovey will iiial a good Com'r., and :i stn'd;-. and a v.; 11 id' ' H'lb'. : i ";.) ' r . of n I.f-:: .are ..,!.'.:..:) !. i.l ..tr'r (.! 4. 4, . J.'. '-. 4 - . I 1, ! I i,-. f ,rTrn the a..r. Ai,-.', 4, . d ycnr- : i..d for ..- ih.iii -" i-.-nts. ; - - I timber e.us ..! .;l .. , Mr. C. Mahony died last week. .Mt ). ii. Wii::;..:: .1 f x 1 ....... V -. .-4 nf lil'itl.t.. r.t'S vu'.niVvi .V'T-i ( the law will lw hi I.I . . - . TitHMi"iiie r'r hii i --i iion.-. s ii..-v hand in, j Julia Martins is happy: It is a girl tun! a n.ini" in-in.t.4.414. ........... . Inn of. tuiv woli.-e will be ln-lj for the o..;,ii.;.i LUu feu o kucU uotiee. COM ML" N 'iCATIOS. A4ir is limited. :11 coinmunh-at ions MHll brief siiiU u ttie iKiiul. with un KEWSPAVEIl DECISIONS. i Any iiersoii wh. t.!i.- tlif ii-r n-.ru'.arly tlif p-iM...!!. ". T.'lii-::i',r .lir.-rl.-il to his aiue. or wiiHiiwr h- is :i siitscrilT or not is wiu'iili.' tor t!n I'iiy. i If :mv o rioii oitl'-rs Ins p :ti-r (lisc-onttn-Bti. must pay aM ;i:Ti'ar-i"t, ..r tlu- puliiisli r miy coti!i:i'M-t s,-inl it until ii.tymfiit is tide, ami -oUi--t t!t' v!i .!? ;tin)iiut. vlicthT tM i'-'iimm- is t;ik'M) troii t !) oli!M- r not. Tii c'.url- iijvc t lint n-liis'm to Ul ne As;i;i;'i-r, ami )h-i iii'livls f rom llii" s WYvA -..ts V.'i::.--. I.! ; Ciirars --..::lanliv ;.i ;is i:i - at .!. A. A. I.uverty. Kale, tiikeatho Heu- ! Kt'cnanV, att.l a i.ttp- anL.-.tnt .. , Ktt:K? d-.-.:t;-t::i ' d i-.-.v. t;i .f.j;::i. AL1 III his II. , ." f - .il" .f i i t if ..- . :jm- . K: . ;'..:....:., i i-i.:.- i :. : i i ii. . hi".. !. ' ' '" ),.. r .. i n ; . i! : ; :' i"i 1 i.v . . . ..i ......ii r; 4.' 1 . r- ::. ;t. v. i'iiui.;:;, . m i ;i,i.i i'i ia'si !r :;t I aw. V- :i J . .; . - i '.:. ! ;' s i::iu ; and s,e- j .? .! ;:!; .: i i i". 1 iul-Mii'.'t!t. :C l 4 -rr-c- t-ttj ft i.t Head A. XV. Wliite's new ad. '. i il i'liv I .' . v. v. i:. . ,.1 f i".-.-!'-; :C .i'.-i r. j' . K;.," I ! i..- si r... i.f . :!:! T.i..x ti i u o Come to heli jay our taxes some say. A 10 pounder at V. (I. Herolu'.s. REPUBLICAN .M A I E CONVENTIU.N ed liili-S ol' -' C.s.d a:i l .l . -k , .Stovis, vlii !i will l--e on -i!iti". to- ; inoiro'.v. (!u and ta!;e a l.-ok at'lhej inHroveiin-nts :tta-!ie(! to the::'' i rt;.: i.::i n. VVM. 11. NK'.Vi': I.. ; rri i:th. ti."!;. ;a-:.i . .1 .:!.. ... i i-: ::-.v A-s, J A." i.. "H.... i i ii.ii. I .'.tti 4 -i- i. ::. j-:. ?; .a.ti ; .lit!; Il I -, 4 i. VINO i tl.4- i istr.a'.s Al'i':;::. .V .. X .,:Uitorl fli.in. i '. iv. ii .:. i-ia I i:.i-r:ii's llio-.-U, PUiitunimtli. N....-:s:.:,. " V ! 'TT. j ;, .. : A 'iv. No- ! . i. ! ..:. . a is, i p j . . ' i z i a . . !'i!V:;!!'IAV-', S'llills'. I Ins las JTo- f !. ! : i: i- ; 'i'li i 4i" i; ! .-ai.ty. . i'l .j. ' -j .n-r r-: .i!i .:ni ( - k s:s. ; : - ; i " T : : : . si : ; , : . ; . . s -t of Mivtti, ' ".:: 4Mni,i!;h. .t l l:i-i-.:i. i.Tc; Nat. Convt'iai'jn. (Ju:n lllln, t laiitiiiiult ran- didatf for l'if-.il'iit ami Vii-e I'ivsi. lf.it nf Ilia l". S.. C;is County lias U dfk'L'atfs to this i'ihi- mst.c. orri'iiiovina an-! If ivin-: lii'-m iiiicalifd . veiition. fur. n iima facu cvi.ifaoe uf iktkmiu.nai. , xiie coauuittce alio select tli"2r,t'j J.iv of S.-i- t."l'. I ,. , i ... .. i i, i,. . .... ii,. .i ,4 ti... &VII44I4.I,I&L L.II4'. 4IJ4I. LIICU.IJ Oil nilMll 11147 Keiubiioan Cuiivf ntio:i will niit to nominate State ollici rs. Sains Cmaity rei-n sentalioii. John Martins, at Uatl's old biitt lu r shop, keeps the place up and is Krowinjr every ilay in popularity, and trade. The business is increasing every week ; but still we want new and fc-ood eus toniets. Here's your fresh beef steaks and mutton chops come on. 4'J-4t 2-tF. ?f. Younx ii is smrn iu .1 iu ' j:l I (i! ;i r Ids I-'e 1 1 : ni . i s il )iii,r a s'.I.mi. . will nic-'t at l-scna.iu on the C2d ! of My. t : ,?is hlljn4.Ss, and intend 'M-.thAii:. - ' l-elork.t.)el..,-tU.-leMt.-S ! th,-, ii.-puhli.-ail ,ljs st;tv j,, p-. ( t S!!li a t 1 1 di:ri.. ,ti:e ' f--4'. l : : '-. of .Tit.i !-.:i!i-.;'r, !: ii ii :. . 1 i-.:a: v J .:.::, ';!; . .. , .!. '!!( !.:nt. A-i:! fv.- :f:-;.--'i. - !:::' ,.( .;..,i.;::r ...i t - 1 o; i ;i . . ..;, i, ,- I ;., . ii.u.-. '! ii;:.::.: :-. i::- V (.; i o'-j'-'-i . a 1 :.. : rf -:iit-n' J t .-. ' :. -! ' - ii i. . i :' 4 f t r ,.! . t .' ! 'l-' (1- : V1. ) . N. i -;' ; - . ATJ'OitNLV AT LAW.-in-l Ufa! lNl it.-l.io-! ,. ,":'.! ;l !((. i ivn to .'Ir.-tions :t;-t: isit i.i r .aVcta--; t':..- lil'i' I.1 rt-;i! estate. ( . l-.I .. i r, vi'i F'.iv; I Cuff, r!.iClNimnt!i, Vf .-i ":a. 4 I. B. & LI. It. R. Time Table. Crru-tfd Sunday, January SOA, 1870. voir oifAUA rituii I'Lattsmulth. Uin 6 A' a. til. Arrives 3 -.59 a. la. " Z :ii p. 111. " 3 . in. "UOU OU AHA FOU i'L TTSUOUTH. La 9 :tl'- a. lu. An ivcJ V) :- 1 u. in. " 4 :rJj'i- ai. " 6 :0" p. Ul. " :wJ p. iu. T p. IU. i on the vrnvr. lv8 Hailsfo i r.ii i :tl a. m. Arrives I.lu vla.U -li p. y:- : Arri.i-s Jii-arm-y, 8 :'jo p. m. 8r. La'i rj: f-ti l,n-s 1'Iuttsmoutli. H p. lu. A . riv -s, I.::i..-o!n, C :t-i p in. f r''Ul lJi 7 :' I a. I i. Ar. Lai'ylu 12 :-25 pan. ii:u(. iu. " " S.Ma.ui. ri:-)j Til" west. Lr f arripy. 6 : V) a. in. I."nes I.iijeo.n, t .13 U. Arriv.'s P! t!si:.:i,u!i. 3 :!.- p. in. Ar. bona ."xi-r;;' - iv -s l.ia'-oln, T :o a. v. ArriT. s Pl.sitsmoi.nh, in a. ui. Kiel'it Ir ivcs I.l.io'.a 11:15 a. ui. Arrives P!altnioulh. 4 :12 ;". m. I:t? Litx-.i!i 7 :U p. u;. Anivr 1'Iatts- KvJiii. :i .to p. GUlSa K AST. Iip.-n. tUil. in. r"irr. (train ea.-li 1ay" S :V p. m. VILE. THIS COI'Y OF IIF.IIALI). coming sir.iiiner, and u; ..11 ; 'i.' .'.'."';,.".."..,';':,-' kinds of Fres!i Meats. Fi-a. Fowls, and - o. ..'' " in l'act evi-iy lid:'- thut is to be found : .Za'-.y in a lirst-class JIalcI.er .Sh;.p. Ail4 1 i j i ,-- y. : . ., ..j..f, ;,, t4tvv-ii where . 'v.: a full liu- of Jioton C-):!fe-.i.-:iry. ' California Oranges and Lf ni-:!-. New , r.". a. i"tM:xi.t;i, vT'iMN! V aix? C- ' n .elorat I.jav,iiiiI Notr.ry v : 4 .; ; :l: j. ,. i.i ; ,f t...t-s i-arvfulty at- ! '!:;. .1 To. York Citv Tobaeeocs, of ever rip tion. hot tea an 1 coffee at all hours, and uah, ; !.. v. !.j .. . i i t ! . i 1. .' '.-'l t:i. I,- T -i a The I'ffriby terian Sociable will meet at the resident of Mrs. I'armele on Thuradav evening of next week. I desire to ann.juncv that I will Ik- a c:j.1id.ite for City Mar.ih;d, at this ?priiif,-rf City election. iil-lt William V. lI(t:nu-os. J1 HfL'l A TIE XT I OX ! Julias I'eppci-bero;. Ciar Manufac turer, on Main St., i'l.ittsnloutli, Xei. Cijrar Clipping of Spanish and Ameri can Tob.iccucs for Miiokintx jmrposes. Foi S'llr. Dcst qualities ol phi-smok-ing tobacco always on hand. -iU-tf. I f you want a iiii.-ture c ill at Leon ard's Calhry. I ?i VI) ll'Y A N'FA NN I N( il ;1 LM I.yo.n's, uebt of Soloiuon N..tha.n's. NOUTil s.d::: I'ZrIf you want a frame in any :t 1 ffo to Leonard's a .'C.vr"i c 7 : n :pa n; .'. 4. 4. 4 W O . i t . i j 1 JL ment. 1 : i, . i :. "; ; .st flric.". ?: 'an: r..v,z:. .: O ;"!( on !..t-i v;jcef. I".: !ttn.at !i. Xcli., tw.i v - ! i.-!.t o: ;i i;ia .:.. (. r.i.iiiess li.uus !:, .ii .-' .4. i.i. ; Aj: .-.aa-ty t"i-.itn-ss iisii- a' ; : . - l-' i.-r: ; .IiisIci -f i he Peaee .'! : 4- i. . . e a ;.. A". it-lo-ial e.f'leeinr of ..i .''.. i IJ .1. V. ll.vl.NKS. 1. , 1 ' , ,,, .. ...... . : i a i .- !.-::' . .u,, o; ... i :i a - i -s. ;. .:y. r JJ.s-!:.- i i N -.a. j , ,, ' ;; To we.-.! i r v.av cm'uv : t :al j.i-e.-4.i.-.., :f-The best place for d-.y board to- Xt tlLoi I 'T lav i: .tt the ,Kilt l r-i JJuit.-.-e. (hthl : I is at-:--.-..:!-a-ni a-. :-s- . of l'. -- -.;.tt- of , ir-r nu-i-h. ."iJ-et. ' ivv..-.'..:.k .v ;o..:-v, f As;-.iaiel. in ih- c-aay 4 I A- a o t -. oe DR. SCIIILDKNECIIT. ... ' s i Kclcriic tv I?)i'oiatIiic ' . . . V i . MAi:yn;rr. ft M.-ot.r.. Aifs Pi 'if. .f 1- I ' i '.! : 1 1. i.i war i v .-re. t a l-CTL. Ool.lini; intends ren:aiid:;:: at 1 :';: !' .'.:,'- f:,,,t ,'V',ni'.,'-v- l.; T i l ...... i ... ., :.. . j I. Laai i...r.i. 4. i.o ;i l.i- ; . . ni." i'i.1 i4i.ii4, 44I..I . .-ill ni.t- r-. . 1 1 : 4 1 u; ul . I. lM.'a-i- ! f i.. :.i ; ('.pyiii Ilasiaess. If you have an old and valued pic ture of a deceased friend or relative, you can have the same topied, enlarg ed and colorvd iu a style hitherto un upproaehed, and at moderate e.e:ise. Also, all styles of pictures from life, at Leonard's Art and J'iiotoyrujdi (ial lery. .'iO-tf. 1 .. P. v Clothing', and Ktirnisfiinv: ll-.'o is as j usual, and sells cheap lo-r Cash. oniv. i,t;r i -'- -'- '"Martin. the Harness niau, keeps ; evervtliinur in tin- leather li;." almost. : p.v va-c. . r . a Come an. I see. Whips, sa.hl!. s. bri.!h-s, ; ';v v--' ' bits, buckles, riet:-. traveim?: nans sui cino'.es, and all kinds of horse ii'-;- t..nd. t'-f u.i .;. V A. J. . i!. 1 I 1 I.i C f t-.-o i -... ,:,..!. , . i e"-;ci I,, -i-lcne" 'i -i.-f s.." aii asi.l Vino i . : s. PLut.suioi.ih. l. fails ut tended at j i.o'.c's. ri'yi. ! LU:. .J. Til. Vi .l'fsillA, ! Fhvsio IJcdical Practitioner. :: -1 ' ;. C. -; . i .- i i.'.-rii.V, 'at Vi.. .Y "Aiv.:;s j-t '.!;. e.'Vn-.' on S.it-.irdavs. toy 1 A. WTWHITE, DP, ALE II IX mum, mmmm$j .isrx) goods. Ltrdic's Ftlrnishin (tcmkIh, Diess (oo;ls, IVrfumcry, Hair Oil, Soap, 'IapcT, Col lard, Ladies and Gouts lloirv, Queonswaro, Flower Seed, Glassware, etc. LATEST IZVTO-VEIID COAL-OIL LAMPS, SAFETY BURNER. Flo'tfr, Con! Meal and Hiiekwheat Flour. We aim to kv.c.p voviui an ordinary household needs, arid will sell yon goods at such prices that you cannot com plain of hard t imes any more i s :'. -i v; ' a .i a. i ! I. .. t I i vi a-:; I.m- .ail .lay of AiirU. A. I. j:l ; 11 !oc': ::. i.i. ol s : ; t . i ii,iv ; a ' 'i ... i f ' 1- a.; if. i- : ", ; v f I ! a I ; s: a. '. ; . rr.a. .. a s..: ,. i r. 1 "", f 1, 7. ? SAUXl?LilS UOUSK! 'ITS MU Til. - - - II. J. STiiEiGiiT, Prop. ...;,...... ,..4.....!. I..,.-,.,- . rLATT.MoUT1L . . . XEli. 1 i . a . : : . t u res. l:t: 'r-Josej-.U Schlater. dealer in all ;.,';.:';' kinds of watches, clocks. j-wel ry. pock- . .j-; et and table cutlery, and l he ct-lehr..t d ' pip. -stem razors, al-o the h 't 'ju:dit.y ;. ' of phitcd ware, toys Kiid f ine;, '-n-.s, ; .' music, d instruments, i ci! : , ,. .cc. is still at the ni l I. car. Jfaiu ... and 4th St., i pp. i'Jalte Yi'.l:-y II ... ; a s i ; ; . i i : i- i -a I'. a" .. ; ..a. i. ; ioa ('.-.. a. : a '.'a . a - I .a:-i:. .y of . iii-:.-:. .:, . :i.i. .u ot 1 1 . . i . .. ie. ... ,, i-; , ,,4.v ('.. i.t i N a -a. I ft fa.. i-I, a.;' ' : ; , ; '-"! :::;m,4 -,,-r .i. v. ontv Fiist-eiass i . :l. .-e.-ia .'.. Viareh. ii. A. 1' :i r e . , a - c-4 a '. . Ji?" Hotel kerpars. b Ktrditi:' ho: and in fact c c l i ..... v will d well NOTICE. I LsiTr moved my books to .Sam. M. Chapman' ollice, iminediately above 1 call on .7. V. il.'.il.i-; befov bin ;:e. th TiiKt Nat. lktnk. where I will be their meat elr-,evi:eie. 1'. -lite atreu- plea.vd to receive calls from mv friends I slu:!il ,il,'',s- I:'sl :it ('"'" . ' ters in the west. Swepi. in-.-ai, cl.- .ii and espeeiahv those owing me notes; . .,, ., , ; . . .,, no .v due, and boo : accounts. Do not siici iii's ; 'ait). c: ! ; ! in i !,. i .oa.i s.-.iin.lc liooin alwas 1 ::,!; I'.!.- Tr.iM-li'i M.-il. ll'-'yl G n A N 0 C E FR AL7 r f r--t t-v r w'.'4.-.l i t 7.i;'' ;; it U iiij : i o''o, Til 71 ALL, - - Prop. 4M. 1 1 a. net.. SH 0ES. S .;s--: I wait for written invitations. Time is ! toon. 'Frank tadteFs il Faintir.s are ; J-li.i Fn'ilMLK. j Copied and Fulatieit fnjI U :ii.V V c'.l especial attention to the no- ' ticaof SuperiuteudenL Crippen in re KrJ to exanrinat io:i of teacher.-i. at (iKKi:.wooD on the 2-lih and dth of thi? month. NtTl'ICK. Th party who borrowed a pair of Tlnimith's Sliears fron Sa g-? lin.s., is ttotiiifl that if they do not ret.irn them within 10 days. Marshal Murphy will ciH on tliein personally. It. Never undersold at the exclusive hoe store. Come and trv me. -B-?t i'ETEi: Mi-:i:o;:s. Do de:uoera;ie oilieials in this Coun ty wii k for one dollar a day or less i h m the law allows. II J I M A D EIjJI A N .N. Jest received a new stock cf Karine; cluthiiij:. Cent.nniul hats and caps.la Ut style of Ties, .Scarfs. Silk Hand kerchiefs, Collars. A new lot of spi ing Under Clothing. Also a larjje stoel; uf boots and sliocs, trunks and- valises, and tra velling Sag. Fine slippers and tiijiuy other articles too jiumeivius to re late. Give Ui a c-hI! beioie purchasing tlsev, here. W;f. Stad::lii ann. l'lattsinoath, Xeb.. Feb. 23.1, loTG. KOIiCC. C.tp? & Or,?! i;te at Lai in wood Neb. pn-rl (Jo.k-rs in ury foid.-s. groceries, and all aiiicles gciu'ialiy ket in a ojatrf itui desire to call attention to tbfcir stock just laid in thit si ascn. aa.i ak the fai iu.-iij to call and exam la oar co'o U before t'oiug away fiotu kem to lay. tAtf CLArr GliECNtiLATU. Iimend; .r the Ketrislrar "s Notices. City Lictio:i close at hand. L. J. G'i letter next week; too full now. Photograph ?J I .- r? 1'iav 'V . i- ioi.,.i..si .v : x. i. -y ;;,);, I received the diploma for line dress ! mon:!i, Ne!i. crreoty p.-, .: Cen;:'ai i-:,. rt lij. 4&i&$&-Ji-W'. - -.'I V.- .a.: aii?.A',ir!nl-x..4 rr y. r f. , i ivs . t, r;r..rj 1 7:T?u, 1 mm '- tK iuj.hu .ii. w.t -.,iitiij-4.ii.4..-'aft-..-.J.ii? . " !. '.. " 1 . J f ! 11 i V I. ; i'.iVr' a call. (VJ-tT) J. MEi:i;Es. l....i'u .1 t ! i 4 ..r-i.,, I.v,;,. ( : .. ""J4 ,41 I .14, l 'P..U4. i ,111 , lllll I I Hill liilia I'' '.".. , . , 4 , ' u i a i a i ; ;-. make tue nest ami incest lits. ' (iivc !.:e I -. ..... . .. . . '. i "u I 4 m-, I e i . i. I . j a . . . , in 44 ' i I i o I i o, : -! Ihed. Stadeliaaiin'n n--tavrint an I day Ta boarding r..-n v!i:-:-- tlo-y rr-( iej vs"':, tiii-. best a!. : en ; io;i, and w!: r.. the lie.-; - I :-. s .r ess serves up thf b.--t eating m t'. '-1 '' ' iai lii-e nptrket ai'i'v.rds. ST. VATlllVK'ti VAX. A lecture and ball will be given on St. Patrick's evening, at Fitzgerald Hall. Tickets at Streighl's. 1 -i. p. I'.a a a- a -..J a i a. I..:.-.! i..a..; a r- n a ' ta e - I Y:-v-! la;1:. A. I) M.l;. ( i n. a. !.- ea r a- i i .ve i.oiu-at i'l'.AN!," .ST A IHTIi'S !itilo stock ! -f 51 Alibi hi). MrS fltl.I N '.V ATSi X-At the .il-f .f iae i oisnr i- .1 iiJ-4,.. in Pi .tlMiioiuii. Oas, (., ,! hijNi:a. on lia'da .1 iv i.f NVin-li. !7.. Mr. (.. M.'Ni ki.i ; aa.i .V.Aia Wvtsi.n. l:!t of .s, Co. ,!,.-. .e':;;a;ka. li'y Wi.i. II. N'ev.t.:. ui,ii!v .lu.iLie. i ;-:-;rarn:ers alf:it:-M:! l-v.-o lunch j at Lenin..: J'ng'.herts :::':;;! ,j Dew," eveiy morning lr-a.:i t- 1-': .1 i , . . . . . i- I4ISO a y.io i si:.-,:.; O. , -a. i'.etl ;e ..j. Wim-s. Liouai s. and Cigars. art Legal Kotico. f V- i P. " r i a . !;ae I "V in. i i a.:'.--; ' ;:y a j ; ol sj, i I- i: : a :a ional ! .a :. :i-. ;a- I u!a-i-e:.. i . ; . 1 1 I - i .;.:!. I"- I I .a' a-s of b received at C. i. lleiohi".-. an.', so-..: - -.: . a . u tii U Wii And in.-!:-:. l?n- s:aa- hy ti.ai.y new patterns. !! 1 e:c.a( i'rir.-s. S:i:iipi,-s can l.e seen at :: I DR. G. 0. CHAPMAN'S c:;.. A. . t lie imb- ADAVS-IIYNK-At th,-. Sauiah-rs I.'ensa, in I I'i'atsiu.iii: . on ; I P ti ilay of 1 ,t . A. . 1 , : 4.,- 1, . j -V- . . ,4 ,. . , .... , i t'y ... n. .-v.'4!.4 ,1. a i . ; , t . .! I. :. 4. - i . I to.n ai.a.i!-; aii.l Miss .'JAia.ii-. IIim:,;.:i el 1 ' 'J;;ia.-4 ( i.. Neil. The Jem ocratic C.mntv Centrrl ! SICK. Ur. John l'lack is very sick. l)r Doi:eIan is slowly recovering. Mrs Ik E. Cunniagham his bt-en very ill; is getting Letter. Mrs. Snyder is ery low. Ldv.in Davis is quite sick, lfr Vells is reeoVeiLig. Mr Nat hap. is still verv sick. Th.- i C!:-apcr il.rsn ever :tt th: or.-'udv sl:o store. I buy for c:'..li an I s:-'.l eaj.er than all oFa : ;s for the -ainie. ; I : I ix'J 1 i-''- t- : V."ea!-ot:tU.M','-'s!!r"ia:!a-iom..-inKtotl la-, 1 .lat v. e ill i-eiil lam t:Uciro-::ai-2 TnUlv Ware. PAIXTIXU cr PAPER-IT A XtJIXfi. Read, CaIl,See and be Convinced. Iloin the only exclusive dealer. I carry by far the Largest Jiud Hest Assortment. r -, : ! . ;-: t a A N 1 Mat i.sriicttrm i tiHrjiat cetl. i:;-et PilTlV.l Couimiitcc is called to meet at Platts u:outh. at one oVTock, S aturday March 2-3 th, 1S?C. U'm. WlXTElisTEIV. Chairman. Please save this paper. lr A feu- bushes of tied choic- seed wheat can b." had of Mr. 1 M. 1 . ., ' Dorrington at ie.-'.u : ; 1 !';!:( . A j - great amoutit was sold t v.r clt"r"v - - . last week. ! Heat, cold, and overwork reduce t'ne inusv-alar system, an.l the body needs an invigorator to ke-i it up to its reg ular work. The best article now in the market for that purpose is Dr. (..Veen's Uitter Tonic, pleasant to the taste ami healing to the body. CO-ly. The Nebraska Editorial Association will meet at Viemoat on the of May. Kegiilar notice next week. Brother P.ednvt-ll scads us good cheer from Kansas. Dob Ifavwel! was down here again last week; trading property as usual. Till! AMI-KICAN VOb'NO I 'JLkS. This is the name of a handsome monthly Hoys' end (Fills' paper, puli- I lislied at Topeka. Kansas, linelv illus trated, and offered at a price so very i I i. Lib AlO b TE AC if EES' EA'A ?tIXA TT'-'X. I ill hold aa -.ic.ni.'.ari'in ." !':; -'a, i's far J e.v!i:.i:.". .-..-.!. ..-. s o. ( a s ( t)!i"!iv. a! V. a:?-:' .; i iii.o! ;-,ai-.-, o:: la-- :i :.: a ".fii ei M;:r--ii. is- Tt5. l".ia.!u;:::iia :-. i-,i:i.:a'.-:e--- R. la o'l-'ai.a-. of j the Crs! day. 5. 15. Cuippt-.s, j MOXEY T I.OAX. j uaa.O-.T oa aa l 5 ears' Ii.i;,f..vo.l F..i his i-i t'im i'ouaty t:i!;t-'.i ::s s,..-:tri: v. :ply to il. V.T N'!;;: a::, A ay :: j . ... t vfO.V.-v e r Dr. (.-er.::i:u.' !:.:;' -': -Wlf - - ESTKAY XOTICE. Taknn :i,: i'v tl-.i- sn'i. a-i il'.-r. o.i or ITfiiif y ,.. t si ray -.-,; .v, .. !.!! f. t ''.i' '. i'a r'i'!;.. ;. v. a ii '. . .a ;: Tio- .v in i- lae- t .-...! ;.' en-'.; I . a ..- a tae- Uit- s.tiaf ;:tji v. i.i-.1). i . i .i-. 4 '. Vi . 4.,;;;:; tiruiicniai Art v,-i-ii, ! WILLIAM HEROLD ITeV j.s one. of tho Largest Stocks OF T a --si TTp.ffp iN i:;:;:at VAr:n:rv. MAX r E ACT U RED P,Y THE A. 1. :. a-, l-v a. a a; 1 .1 , Cai ei 1 - a .!... .1 i'. : a : i -;':: I-. i j a ;.. 1': i'!e-i. . I' .' a.:: I'. -..air. .eel "!:: ..i a. ' - - I i " :,'. ) I". V.'i i al ! ' .Piety v. I- a ." 4.. ti'.!"V.-;:y :.ei ' i'.;. t t. r.y i ': : tr, i.i ;. " . . : : . : . '. 1 e ', '; !. a : a.i I y e; r ...i;.- 1 I -. ' a . , :' '. ... ; . a. i ; a , :' ;. an ft Si ::., . ' ra -rr 'I aa 1...-4 i! -i ai'C-N ' a l"-.:-:.s ::! i p T. f ? A r.-i B, i r t 4- u y. y vr t ..i :..: .s.e-i Iai- a.;' , . ,'.;:(;. nc ! v. -.:.- 4 .;;i:i s, iai l-ea r:r.; i i-a ri tt r. .--j N. :-. -i : la a a- .v la T.r-: i-l'0eli i'vlciL'. . 1 i-:-. ( ;v: a i- 'a ' ; . a . I 1 ;ot!j;:i;s-v5j. j a- ;; s;; i-pi:n j a -a;!- ; .";:. 1 e:-i-!i ' 1 IJ . .'. . :;s er a ie-!. a :y !',:r i-a .a:.- -- ;:;;; c.c .!. 'J aa i '. .r:i "I' "Stan 's Co.--. i. ay --Pea;;.-,. 1 i. ) per ,,f. 1 .a;.a: a : ; ,1. TOWN. wyl 4. AS :rJ7,'ff 5 b itT ma .:-: : r r. i '-a- J : v '.: - i .. ... iii a - 1' .'r PALACE BILLIARD HALL. f. Iain S!.. -.aider 1'irst Nat. P.ank.) i I..SkTTM5I OJ'TSS. - - - 5EO. ii v re: t :-i i-i-i.ir.si iv'itii tiik LiCSTVIUEo'. LIQUORS, li,.;.a.;. j-i v .. .. , ' -. - "4 - r a, I i : . J uEliD, ETC., ETC CARPET VEAYIX; RY .V .1. "At I':;.'.. N.-h. I a-ir.- t- a a-a t t; !!.?! I- - " "- j 4'ivl low that every fatnily in the land can ! 1 !l '"'' '- d a v . -s v. anon! tohavq.it. -It is a bright, healthy. yl.Z'vX.v . ,-, ,-, :. helpful paper, avoiding the sensational h a i ;.-.a n. r". l ;: n. . , , ;. - i fhaia tundslH-d v.t.eii it. si:..-,-, ('a... I t'.iii-i-.i ie s.-il !:,,;. -s. P. (J. A.i i . . .. i Mi:.--. A. t : .-. i it is n.'itli-r dull, sermonizing or pro..v. ; 4. pi .: a a !.. and bloodthirsty tras'u. tilling many pa pers for youth, and tn the other h and I llilt i'l .;:?e! il liJ.n r -. .n.l- , : . Hki:am made a mistake l.iat week 111 . ... . " , ... ... ,. .... , . , will imd ;i wee-ome visitor in the fa:n- j .,'.'.!.'. A:ng lie had oceu u: anditb-uit town. , , v. It is sent, postage, p.itd to anv ad- A I : : -id '. . .. -.- -v : Keep u: oar pluck. Natuan. , - c , . ; ! . ,- . , Mis F.argcss h is l,-:-;, id;. '" u'r fiit tl ilt5 y-''. This pa- j ; ;; ''.:,- ; ;'" ' Mr Marthis ui.s d-.wii. but is about ! 'V i"-''--""'- " ' ; ,,. ,. : t -a, , r.: v ..... ;: an, 11 r, a large, -p;ig;. t arm and i- ani- WIRE FEXCE RiiR :;ale. LIST OF 1'l.MS : 'a . ii. i - -iiii. I.:'-:. i:V AP.'y . Li i. v.- t-ivO. . 1 a ; I- -. ii-e,. i a!' i.a. .-, f.t I. EM RE!?, ;'' .V- SAsIT. RfEXPs. ."IIIX-iLE . LATE . A 1 Mo ui.dingS, PTTTT Tl T f-T O. Tf '- ! Lj yj L I Jj J.l OT i.' -A. ir i ;Hf - I" T - V i.d k iil 1 .j c-e O - t s - ?- 2 "5 J-l , c 1 1 1 Slippers for only 35 cents, Men's Buckle Plow Shoes, $1.75. Congress Gaiters,- only $2.00. Shoe Pacs, 75 cents. New Stock and New Slyleof Business! i aguiu. Ti:. iinlu; hi lUe I'i Usia a.aii I'.t Otlvv, March first. ;7o. , i!y Journal. Samile coj;ies of both pa pers sent for 10 cents. Address. i - : I I.OY-: ;T A'. V fa:; .: .1 e- ? V .T:-iS. I o.T.-r f a- - ;i. ; -.', :::! HIKE ;:CIIIijiiLLI'Atii J. K. IIl dox. Topek.i, ITan Arm-aiain:' llt-.Ti-'e. Ai:ti ;.. K. t -r.i-.. ! l!.s ti.-rjin 1:1 4'iiaiiy r.i.'i (. ii is. v. 'a;i-.i:i Frank 'one .fo'in Pileitna Mrs. Tho. iiiiii-i i -k 4 '5.is. , ; ' i.rest La-ain P.! P. . Saa.i,-'! 4'ii -.ries Ho Larson H-'..!s...:i M iry .' K :u,.-n-r .lou I-w:s V. B. J ,a.m; V i. ,i- ! i'c .Mripr Kici ilasin-aii .ii'ti-i l'aiai r W. .V. i:ro 1 ;.-.. 1. )VT,h A. Jl. Pel rv I-'- auk i'..rtr M.m-i M:s Pap .1 -ol I 4- .1 11. .1. Kilssel M !-. t Sc.-.i..l. P. ; iri-.r'. iai nr. ;.::,a r,v..i i . - i:ti:i ., i-Ti.i. :-: i. i .i ' t-i"Subf -criitioiis ri-ceived at this i r-.-a. i . utj. I Oj', I'. -4 i-Ji so:;; .1 ,o i -ea f.jiii, -i l. - 4 X j HOOTS L HIH)ES. ! Men's buckle .low shoes for l.To, i F"" ! ":: : "f v ' S 4-11 i, T .-.- L.IHCt.l 1UI , . l'OR ''ALE !;..r ;. -. ...... c 4 . : ; i .ii'. '-. : a-a :y . i i - a i' ja -.-a. . a : a 4 -. .'. .' i. il l 'Y i :: : y v, ,ii 4' ,s "da! i PLATTsJiorTII. XKP... j NiMember-J'.M. lTo. C , -1 A rH.nl ) (..r.s if-Ot PKTIii: ilKP.fili ha,. Ml V. 1 . Tli.as , r M.i'li,. Wl,. , '. r C. W. Y'i-!i';.- IL-ary AV d.i.r lid ii ir I Wait- Win. Wiiiford Me avs. Persons cjiiiir' t. r the a!-v.- idas,- sar a.!- unueisigueu Wisn lo Ciiii liiei vrt:stJ. J. w. m Aii.s:; :. . ' atti'Ution of the Public to his New I Tir.-in1!., w.; of t. -.-; ;. - . :' . a - i -, ' ' " " , ! Meal Mai ket, on south si.le of Maiii ! ha..l iinprovenieins. :,o-; .-a .;:,;-. A large assortment of patent r'onv ; s,m.u two ,i(,ulH (..t of Jonv L5v,.rv j Ats... n!i tin-1.. a's. v... :,a- f : Shoes. .roet inns env.-ment and a new : stable. Heiv, -enth men. von will hn'l : -d kaais. n .:i .... .. .! on r . ...i- t-,:: -. wnut!e t.. tit farmers. ( all and see ; j-.f a:l j0,.k; Mutt(m and Ve:ii for -' S "'-''! it.'.,, v ;.. 4; n th.ui right away. C.,m bitrgaiBs. ' S;iU., at wholesale and retail, cheap for ' T 4 .r.,' t , SM. Si'Ai.iii.MAN.v. i Clu I also keen m hand Turkey. LA.; I i-OR SA I.E. ' C.Tickens. Kgg. Ac., e. Civ;- me a ! Afar-, -..:. -ir.-e-r -o A.--s. ivv, av.:-t.) c . -.- 4 4 i w 4 1 , .-' A. ' I ; at- I 'ill! ; 1 :.ii, c. iJi ii;C f 2 ; . ' ' rr i r - ; i" c '&' ? . ' t Ij ' : A lp I I - - - - - . -v X After careful calculation (notice figures) I concluded to rv.lopt the strictly cash system, leehng convinced that it is the inost satisfactory and pront.ablff style of business in the end. For instance. .92,000 turned oyc-ry thirty days at 10 per cent, will bo fOd; jn twelve months $2,400; iv. r1Vp yrais, i?I2,000. The same turned every ninety das reipiirw an increase 01 profit lo DO per cent to prod uce the same result. Ik-sides, there arc' always un.ivoidably and surely a large ar-uunt of accounts !6sf in the credit system, which reduce the large pTofit gained in good customers. All those, then, who intend to pay for their goods will see the benefit and profit of calling on me for their j shoe wear. While extending my thanks to the numerous friends Ihrougtr' whom I have established ro large a trade, a trade equal to the best in th .State, I would n-sp-ct t fully invite all to continue dealing with me, as well a all others Who wilt calf to buy 1 he. PETER MERGES. . r X ' - M a GILES, BR0.-& CO., . WS:031iES-A.XjDS3 & RETAIL 1 ;).! fivsii Piiik DELIVERED DAILY ! FA-r.rA'r.Y::i-i n..vh w vla ttxmocth l'lI.A" WA i'T IT, l;Y j. w mum ."ii:ist!;ii. i O I -.'a. ft ' 44 1 . t t . V . a . '. i l m. . : .v.viiisvonto::i'naAMM iriu trt asd In :':'!!', i"; 1 !a-' p.nyti.irig that lias. oVP. vol' four I'ta-t, fi'oin a 7c bra a (liralie Aal X m. a Jrfr Art A II JL . A - 1 ,.i4i:i4 111 pW4.4i ..114.. ji.-.-ijitiL r e-a-.'.v.-ui 'i : v.-.-.! "..a:-.,. -.: ; a , ' - : .-- 'V;,i !ia! '. tier: f, i-; s.;. ' !' 1 WO si ,; : . - 1 ';-;s a a i '- ; ; i , .f ' i; : ( ,-. ! , r - , I Arf 4..1- f the nevst vaiiiala.- ef oar native I 1 ' "u A J divd apid.- :.i .- .o. ... .... t : fruits. 4'.-.irni aail :.tri:ieio. tisev iona v.!i-!i i - . .. .,-,,,':. .."., .','". . , ,- eoi.nn.!i-.l an.l ns.-.li.-.te.I th leiy In-st :aiu i LEITEIJS I-'ROM niU'MilSTS. ! ,' . ' '' ', ' il ,lS ' T" ' ' '' unrest reinpiiv knov.n f..r pian ilea. Dysentery. ' : tii '..! :"it s. cc. -. j v.:t - ic-a.v. j-iu. .ii.u wnn is -oiiiiii'.n!T i-a-lf-l. Siililiner I IflPrf! IS II.) i.l5 15 f ! vMi.n!:i tiiat ' i-..r.- f i ei ! . : fa- !; P. ; ! 1 (. i. I . is. I :.- a-f- ' a '.v 1. .a. '. , ' 4 : - : sr. a ;.; i, a, .! . y ii. ... l...,v.,-. T.-.'.-,...v -;.l, ) i;. 1 1 0 .. .'n:e :'t-e t;. LT."B"V7 SHO i !:i .-.. !.. s . : .-a M .i.i .. ,1 v .:, , : . . 1 z : , : i . ..'-.!.!' 1"V I i )yl ;.i:d .serve yrm regularly. Common Sense! TllJ-S is : ll r place:,,' '."". m 4- . , 1 ; . e-icrn (ir.)v, 11 Trees lor whore i vt.n csi ! o i ;.vi ii 001 1 ! 187(5. 1S7(. Koa,!: j Greene's A ugnst Flower vh j'liot cnn-. , er ita -' a'a":,. .,f i " -iiro q,b, i t Q7(5 1 !rn ; many lives miL-lt 1... saved ' sivinir tliem i Come to the Drug Store of b 15. Chan- l''.e's. P'afis. la- l-,;::, ;;; I.a. i ' '.. T ."h ' - f-T V I? 1 AO I . lOl i;7i.nvii.v .M" ! uvuha m. i? you S!,v. '--'.;- '". ii.: :, ,,f , f, ::, c. r. ; c. .coj : ,.n;l!;!r: ,..,,,,. M(,.k (f rniit t!-i:s 4.-tTif enin- iaieia'aici wln.r i,',. i fir tfOIil 'i.sl i veness. Sick- lie.! '..-!. "' 1 :,s- r 1 " si-i:'. ' - - -ai la . :( '.::.!-.- i 'S !'-. :ii,.l 4 ), e, a,. :. : a i 'i';-, e- l'l - a : s a iai Vi-i.. .... wn il,:ir!''.,'!',''k!,'Tr -"i'i'd is iu.,t hai ii ; Sour Stomach. Iiidl'-esti.m. Live: lem- 1 ' : .'.' '." , -"'',!: .!.:i' a! li'l.'V :'T?::""; ".: ! hr.CCCSs'.or tO i y .:--.-, i a..!--i.rii.-eS:si of i!,V .'..-at . m,j. ,4 ... . . pure I'u-n e-ai.-.i .oi.-.M.iiiia Nos. 2G3 and 268 Wabash Avenue, Chicago WE AKE SP1XTAL AGENTS FOEf EIAJIN WJITCIIE, AXI) HAVE A FULL STOCK OF HOWABD WATCHES, AND A V Ladies Fine Cold Watebe. Diamr. 4rl.i i ipera i hams. ;..!. 1 .Ne-k C hains. Siivi-r Vest 4"liain, Tahle 4 ';istor. t ake Paskets, nt ricks, (.and Siruids, iNnpkin King V ait.'rs. Ihiller Dishcc, Gold liii.jjs. Office and Parlor Clonks c Watc KveiT 4-i. e viaiiii k 'HIC -..in ... cot2 Tin; t liii.vi'i. 1 (io.l 1 VARIETT OT 4 I CoiTf L'rns, b r;ip Disho. isiioon iifi!ifr. C'ij-4 j.ikI i.obltla. r!i ii e!i-i s. 'iol.l i''imt. ra'.vf-r 1 limihlM, io:d l.oeke'4 Kit i it Mini. -'-aI Lai, J.roi-li.. Optra (iaM 1 I I it )escription. als and Tools lor Jeivelf' ( "ZVZ'l'.Vl. -E: '.T.::!t"1 ur i.o.U5 "tM I : JiOTI O, 7c t. our .Stoin.u-Ii, Iinlit-stion, Live; t.'4'H!- f'.ntainhix nethi-w i.iierioiis to the svste-'i yet l''lll;t, or lieriliigcinent 4)1 the Stoni tell i J LiJi - ' ji: ';: tryit. Two or three d,e. : ' N...i is .. a-: y -i-a I i:; . v -a;...- ,n ; thevrry l,ira,U;,H remedy for ebill-Vv,. ! Wli 'elieVe VOV.. : .'1 P'' V.' '::'' i " :' r1MvnU!'..V'Vi'"lV,,b,,,lvU ! 5'sclie:e's (Jennan Syrup fs now sold pes eaia , V'.' :V o-i t"o',a '-r,:v: VVi ,::-;V i it i.t- ti ir. t-m'h s jtn t or r.i!it' uii - ai v u a v uut.i - . ...... . . s , . ' ' ' revive an.l l.eii.l ,( u;-. ivin-tone an.l visor lo ! States. We have Hot less tltSUl live . 1 - " eaaie.-,e:.u i;; a, .... T, nul:li7-rTt ! !"i.J-e4l letters frotn Druggists, saying DateU th.s Mh d:,y . f .Ta:-.:.-, . a . d. :-a V; Dr. lirt-ns Pii-niiy M.-.ti.-i,,. t(, th it is the best lnedii ane thev ever sold; .. u 'V ' imJTJ I " Consumption. Throat or Lun-dis-! Alio t ,:,e cl?; VZZ"1 ,? l;!:.., ; .'' fircieari anit te.'ir.iinlJi.' v... L.'..' i taS4. Sillll tile hot t les; nf Ii. .f 1. 1( cents ! thif Or it Vridar and S:un!:.v f. t-.-h i e.t" I'' i V. J ii..l-1't.. I 1 D. A. 1 . ':,': V'a t ot i-'e ... i i '-I e.-a'i !' 'ai. ' , . -. a. a ... a; :aa a i . , e,' a .-.a. ..i:-:s 4. oimi v. l..v, i.s ;,iacs I as: i i PeiM-ci-cr... s .-a. fo-.-suie at less j.iiees j i'l. ill .-.i!s. ry Mar!, is Mii.l I.v .r.s.-em tr.-e (wil- i d.ieis.;.- I v.i:i v.-airaiu ii ! liTi'P. P. 4.11- lue- ! ,- i 7 y : i-.l s.-ee-e the .. -7. Th.ise i i ae e- to i,,,y ,n j ; . ia a! : I i.'s 41 l.i i-a a Hew ed ;i i.i in .; i. Di-K-oC-vr oil u:y ta tail orjoes i.v ::r-y;, -:'Vii ' : -;- : is omg to s p r o 4 ; Si!;?eU n -vef ,.. ftlsh,ff i '",'',, i'"., ' i; ' '"'',' . ! i'a : ' , la-' i ai.'la: is i.-r.'-l , v s :.ul el.4terii's. '- i' i,''"-.'- a.' " i: 'i L a -k.ir lit . 1 ! a ! ar-.- mo,-!v UI ' ild..-4-.T..:iia- j i.e..:..,..,, si-.s.,.; ;.j . . ..; nii!!?ClI 111 ail t-.aa-lSAea! Pi,t:u P-...HW, a earH Ah they 1 ' 4 ''j i..- ..... . I.. 4.a:-i,;il, j i.i.iv he waj.tet!. . " ! 1 - : isii-.-a;:; a, iS'. b., lot 'a i rt. I M. ii. i:vrr Fai. i ffrrfr. l -A.ID " 1' r f.'.riLi-r i :.rtifuV:rni1r,ss tL rromietnr , :it iUr.v...,-f. Lt.v.j. r in; a'-nt T. A. JUavxs. 4 wbo v. ili L t JtisiItMn:ourh u few !.vs. " r na fi4 xau lTPT.PrQl iTilo'.fj'C-Tnii.l-iin'- i . r urniscn. Ituirle. t.- l.etuirr! on Sihort .Vtl-c , t ALSO t 1 iior.sK.siionnr, j d all oilier ii..ii w.-.rk rron.ptly atrr 1 ,i;hei;;;d:,r1"a,''M' ? .paoi-Wsi Cor. X W? 7 - 'L.At lMOUTH. , I