Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 16, 1876, Image 2

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J. A. MACMUUWIY.. Eiiitor.-.
.-rjrr.-.:.z i Iih wn tentorial ambitions or his par-
woejw for tin; tax payers, but pays an
average of .-310 per year himsdf, while
hv h-:uU a tlumsarnl or i i i' t v 1 1 hundred
dollars on the poor tax pavers to help
rLATtfSMOCTII, MAI? ('I, 16, 1S7G,! 7 rnterest; of which see Itam.irys hi.s-
- tOFV, j
tvnxT KVn.MTinv i7n . Tleft part of the petition was juSt-;
....... . ...... --v. ; jy overruieu uy me county coiui on ne-
luLlULMl. i count of exnense. the l ittrr n u t was
right enough and. was done as tlitf re
quest called for.
This didn't suit Todd, Kamsay & Co.
bo they pot up an inTestiation . com
mittee and started the limine howl.
Tcr nMouiiding development of Uy coming beforethe Com'rs. w ith long
check in close proximity to amazing ! speeches and petitions they obstructed
S ..::.! . i.vJ 1.
V'-!:;. .
SI. .U11 t
I , i a.
(..;. 1 1
A.i ..ho-r :
on. ",
i -. :
ami !
' v.
. : t
- I . I . A )
, ;.S toiVU
: to the
I "A
-' : '. I M I ' 1 1 i !
n't w.iri'a::
' '-nse;. s an
a: al r,
I'll! '.i'V!'.
una n-
To::.! ;
Toil Koltlracfi.
rz& TATd t:ie taxes?
thinness of intellect recommend us to
Todd Co when they get on their "pe
tition hobby h.rse.
ISouic time last summer the follow
ing I ttition, larguy signed, wan hand
ed to the com 'is. We ask that it be attentively.
'c..- IT... I ...... 1 '.. . . . Cr
The underrdned -iiizeiis of tie; County sifore
utid, ben leave very rcsiiecUiilly In petition your
HouoiHiile pruvin arnclly an-l Jrrrtnt
Ij that you will" witikpii' hki.av, caused to he
jiiililis'ifil a fi!I .statement uf the lery n Mcli
liuid in the yens le73 ami " t'i tin .- with u
klHtt'iiK.-iit ! tin? iuouitlt Oiillt'i-u-'l on e:i-li of
ail Juails tor ':trii of aUv y-r-i. anl your
iticrimruli-t- wmilii a!so pray your bnralle
lioJv to pultiitli a df t;iil-:l st.itMiH'iit 4t all e-j't-nilituie
iuaie by orJt-r of your honorable
bod v, s!iovviiiK' tbc nauie of jiersou to v. iiom j)ail.
the "nature of the M-rvier r timtcrtal mi1 lor.
tiic l:it" of pjiyinesit and amount of Kami-, fur
tlie forciroiu yi-ar-i :tiil up to lat. ami your
iiiPtitoriali'tH would respcel fully aik that tlie
Bald statfinoiit ila . 'iot ciitt-r into iltails ia the
inalK-r of e prnv iiirurrcd by tiie reason of
rlcetioa :t:id registration expeuses lur expeuses
lin-urre.1 by re;L-ton of the si-smoiis of l!ie ihstrh't
I'mirt but tliutthe stine clvea in vrtos under
Iropr headiuu. Your meiutiriHiists would far
mer trav vour honorable body to eaUse to bi?
pablisho'd anv i H all contracts liieli your hon-oral-le
body uiav h:ive made in the years sp,-ci-tied
nd up to il'ite and we would respectfully
:;-jiid tot.O : ;
Laa l imt .?".."'. 'i: v'.-, :.ot p:iie 4J. .,;:! ;.:.-:
th:tu J12. (so!. I s.;a of t'l ::a iof? j.'o ; I'ie sin :
are so iaiall wo w ja'i s'o :.r t aT.i ; s .i. " l.
WiiRiiu ; on! y .- in a . l.oi :a 12 ! 1 y
of l;.iri wori-:, only h is .;. i ov.t !: : :.' '
.love-iioot t- .i- .r'Si t 1. .;:td ::! :!irs ( J.A.
V i i I
o.c" io.'iii, ,i:Vl fl:;n!' i.or their
".'' i n! s!,a )i ? f i an )r i-iiu-.Hi ".,
rf-." A nd it is a i .s 1 1 !'i t Id a i ways ihi
:i.4Hui t even i 'pu!;..-iii or i vi ry
iu'iiioci..t is a iu ;n". 'i.iu" decs nut
li Wt'll li p;i!LK L.-.MU-f tu.o. ;!( U'-
tu-:, luT la i.wa ; rem. t!u' in-long to
Ui-; j'arty or the oT..;cr. Tiivre aro Jiou-
ooi;iy) !
i .: ' 1
d I l
y .i:i.:
me regular tMMines.i or mr rouri ani st,-.v t
added to tlie length of the proceedings j !-.:t it was l-i HTi i .e
and caused laore work, so that both the piuh'uhh.s. ,iv -Clerk's
bills and the printing bills were by tho a;iu- i:a.-a, r.a 1 .:::-.
heavily increased, tlie minute running ! h.tzid lii.ou-a i!;e coaio-y-:
lllft tik t'i P.jtimtiu ;J?i! UtimfitlYLX (iV- t WTItl O.'VS t.Il! L.lAi'S :'.i''.l.!
er instead of a column or half column
as at first.
of examination was then called for in
tlie hopes that it would make a fat place
for some of their friends. The Com 'is.
unwisely appointed the committee ow
ing to the constant pressure these peo
ple were making. The extra expenses
of the proceeding's, the pay for the in
spection of th(e bridges and the la.w
suits that will grow out of lJamsa's
action on Moire's bill and other follies
since he has become a Com'r. will cost
us (tee trh'j p iy Hie taxtx)
to gratify the ambition of a few de
signing men.
So much for that part and now for
pray ll'at her:ifter you cause to fct? published ; petition Xo. '2. of wilich WK Will treat
111 it. .Til VAW.u iii llm Couuty.and knoxvi. as I . , .,,, it .ir-f.,i.
and l (ilctiin'iii ai.i. ifrticre'ttnij.i i v vt- . . . ...
tlie U LKALU
ou ma v liereafler have at any and all meetings
of your'hom rable body, so thai your memorial
ists may be advised ul the nuiaie and extent of
the jiuiin.
IZ. T. Hates ; p.. Pitmiin; It. Pilm :n; I). L'nn
U. lr", llrll : J. I. inn : K. W. li.trnuni ; .I. N.
App1e:ite ; h. M. 1I 15 K l'A 1 men. ; 1.. '. I'i.I.- ; rpier limber ; A. l H't.itwi; II. C. Vau
iforu ; :id many uthei .
It is said there were 000 signers t
tliis petition. There were 41) names on
the one from which we print this copy,
and we have counted '. on others now
in the Clerk's ollice. It seems to have
It sets forth three tilings, viz: reduc
tion of expenses. (A mere blind for
what follows; on account of "onerous"
taxes it asks to discontinue publishing
the "proceedings," and requests that the
county printing be lettothelowest bid
der. LOOK AT Till: I'ilKEK Or IT.
As Le fare they have roped some hon
est men in to sign the petition. we at e
v.'1'j.l!!. and ica. Vij:. J us
l:iid. or f.'o:.i what - i:
derives lis rev :
AHUUNTS I'Af ! i.V Iiii'Ti-'ULN
ta 1 7i.
Silas '
Jao. ('. ii iii.iias :uve-j
licia-y l.'.''ii: -:i y. (o ;-.r.j' ,,i
laeai. A :i:itis. aa.l mci i
l- ,.',) over)
S t i: M I ll:ln.l.ul
.J. If. .'.I li.ii.: ;-J r.ercs)
i 7 1.
.e i;::.t-s x..
- :..;;( : i :
-aad k-f n a.-;
t i:-.. ir ; r
I il::; i uii!.;; tu
o ll.o ivt,.:.v
.n io I'i.iii-:r. tit :i p
S-J.c J .ai.; tin u I'.'-n'i i-ay vn u
i i r i i w!:.:l t iiey ou at t. v.
:ue wortii, -ill l'i:: l.- (
r-ii . ii.ei p'.l.v?; i4,o.i.j. l'
i.. Co.lll.'y '.'li
Tkis (ii -po:''s hi y .. lid c-.eti:t in
li:e p jt i t :-.:i as to wr.ere tue ta.xe.; it
been o?i! i;.;;s ao 1 .. t pay.-; ih j pri'.it
ing and other bills.
i i
( e!
1 1
I 1M (S
Tacts HI
niec;iaiiC io
In .ii.'-rt, t
tfiw n. the Muailer-t i.: ! "c!l.' :: t ,
in- j poorest u.:y I . r " on a ;;.r.:i
inoie taxes i;i ;nip;-;i m t!:f;i
I Sheldon K.;i:;s" ic Co., lor I!.
i ... ", .
iiUN ro:: j none ioi:'..iy. :.!i : ca? i s i'-J r.oi:::s!
to g. t ai: oiiii'e, a:iu i . S. a:i i t..;
oul v e;
:-' i a-, tlfey ca:
., ! hoi;i'st.h:;U
. I Tiie fari.v-T OMt !!i lt;e wt
,,' b'.r. i c
v ..e a
li' :
,:,(:.'.-; .:.'i i. ;: :;
1 ea 1 this a: li -I a il i .
the qa-.-.nio:i, a:.J t;;c:i
a W ' i i iv'.
;iu. ;;.mi:v
Will i a' iv eiai..:
sw t i'inj ariiei- ;:i th
rnary 1 H :i.
rei'u : i ;. i.ij!.i;o:i t i the
I '
.' 1.
e is a;.
i 1 ;.::. .i
.: r .
LI. llalha
a .ui lofonta.'i.
! ro n k p l it'. N.s :
Ijen.iemen, we did iel make t!i:
pinitiiig cusLuius ot tiiis day. We
would iinieh rather you pai.i us t"f
our v.oik, I'V a iitial lor thai jniiyose.
We don't caie how jmi raise it, but we
cannot run you a party paper for fun.
I I llel'n IS no bl s tiav in tli w.n-1.- wo
We vld..:a boiieil at it, and only , ,llVtt .j.ine. The mil v count v i.Mi.tit..r
i wo eu.-s
Hid JM t pi.CJ .11 i.S i lill.l US b.x'U
i u all l..e vv o: k u.i.i" i ii" tne i"Oii!Hy,
by .i I II in i ie out by 11. 1). llath.iway
an i lei'i in the o!!iee.
8se? Head! Look!!'-
i::va io cr -i-urn to
i- i r v.'t : ci.e.t;K-r.
t. i. t r 1 . V ,
rates us ;ao.
he ,
and then l.vr 1
.- 1
! ler. l;ar:..-:-y .
a a vr o;r :i.a;-. ..
l era ; ing tii..t v. e
pr.v;;:cu ...-d ;:d oVt r tip C. t.:'ii his 1 men.i ' n'-
c" :.n acre laiid u::J three or i'o:; i. ': e.i one mil b, t
;i' cattle ui:d horses pay s the's .,; .o::.. he claim,
tlie count v. ' i T:;i.:l:i.ig lids
..;.;iiiei ji:iy. aiove i icei., i. :o.-
''. J. .-.lo.ll ! ' i7)
I '!;;ss. I..i.t iriy t! aiel ioi;
I: W. S-.irvocA i-:
.1. N. W I-" b:
i;. 'i. lovey -
C. If. raiMn-ie i.n'l Kuov.- ln,v
luue'a nun.-) :.7
- Dr. .hoi. n: te.;
.In. I. I' I.' .-
il. i:. r amor t.;
I'.-rrv Wal.irr .-.
1. Jl. v ii-.-l-r i '
U. II. Win ckT Co
1. Sl.iclt!l!l -.i
I. i'olhird (paid i-Ji laelu.:.!. peaaiiy,
;. t:;'k!.-s iniout "-' J
S. M. Uinipatli.-k -'
i.. io.iu -w.
In '74 Slieiden listed S'.' J acres at ty.
4SJ. less than per acre ag.iiu,
i: i
. 4 :U j
0. f-i j
-i i
'.as been
:A!.! ':.-.
1 1. a.
. - , I
; .. i ... .
ha ve
t iif.ii ;o
U i.ia-ie
leaiiy Wortii any thing Uhe tax list) iias
liolid to Lht' il tilri urn II tin iw.i vimi;
:i-o. on a;, taese o.ns, win. iKe lv.unsey, we object to the law. in
Delil -.-r.'.t aii'l tio- .-:!! ol a ti,iSt a:,.i asw y(U, u Jlm.,v it 'oU
k.-f j.s !;i..t a:a makes ; ,IlllL , itiit r pay us lor our political
. .- oa saeh vo:k. and w? , vvork direct or voa see that we
e..le;e.i la -m exeepi lo cut
ail 1 have
.21 as eie;'.
or thai.
1 !
The hai I wor!:it:g l'arm;-r .
: i v
. -. .
t-i l i !
i -; and
-' i:-C .-p
: cL'ing in
' e-t
! t :.;.
: '"
' the
; W :!
: tin-.-,
! ji'ait:
.'' e
: t".
' or
i r s, -e
i's. i1:,:
:::. m .'.;..'. w.
; ic-d at Li,) a
' ti.: in i. ag- i
V.:. :'!.,:; i !!.::!- 1 '
i his :
Ins. e
mi a
:! Vllit!,', i
an w:...;
.d i;, ioi:
p.-.or in
i.i;a.. a., i
: at and
Ikhii signed irresective of politics, and 1 not after them hut look at the cheek
from all parts of the county, the assess- J of it, for Todd. Ilaisav, Pollard & Co.
wis in each precinct having been aslied
-by iome one-to circulate them.
tiuu O'J.V.J personal, lie pan
(as abu (.') o'' j . '
I'oliard li.tcl hii ieres at $f) pr i
acre had tf-'.oaJ pcr.-.onal paid (as j
above.) swi, C:ai l-i-) ht:t 1 ol caiiiej
v'l.oa'i, uiai ;ui pia. tinea iilCi ; :-.
Todd listed C )' a aes j.t tni.Oj.i,
; . r. i .
w t.'i : -
. r v-.i it
:. huh -,t
tin a A:
:'.; C.
! :
a :.;
.1 v e a
d I'.'oil 111,
:na:i au
a ; t..?
hif-:i; i:i;'e.'t.
'. Yf-ii liae
. 'i ia - e
h n. ,f.
. Aid t. .1 ;-: a
I i!....:.i, an
and v--t p..
ilJIU'jL pi lee
-Z ail .
eni was lait.
.is an. I m-'
; v, ;t.i t l.t ! . a
j !-!'.?, as 1 he h".i.
1 US a letter 0 )i.5
j staia tijoht.-- ... - a l
I our bi'.i... t hat we
e ( ;:;.. i;.s. rial
-.;' :-! iite.t iii::i.
.iVi'se it wta Vtr ;-ai
d he .s iid "iias: " Work,
pen rile, but willing t
..I', we told him to bring
uiswvr to oar articie
iy a.tdtrsNid to edit-
cut net our sh.klV of the conntv iiiinliir. .v. t,.'-; I.;.-. . .. ..... .. . - . . - . 1 .
........... ....... j, ( leaner, at iair or legal rates.
i a -i tk (
V.'il AV .'Ilk.iiT HAVi; Kiiit
If Hr. it. iiad rated th
j asic no more and never charged more,
i We have no seciV.s annul, this or any
1 other business wo ever do. Our
books are. open, our oiiiee open, our
! i.. , '. ... ii
and earn- up and talked Uese things i """-7 ' uue oi an,
over, we would have told him all these . yon like and want
things and gone over the biHs and cut j (;- f ,oi tllose ,ku'd "f l;;-
Ihem down il we could, lor We have 'le t,,!l,t ll,keMto be "m-sti-ated. Iho
s'.o dt -ire to chaise the tv.mty one uu- ln''ri' t!'e .better- II,,,u'st W lm '".'
:., .)( (V1.t est work is our motto, and il you don t
"k-A Ve must make a little, more ! l,ke the P'ent custom, pay us some
t-i waste a iv ni.ii
c.'.-.p.iot di: in.;ni-.:i right l'ro.u wi
ll. it W'tat i.e Sti.a-s;
not e "".it-e on" : ti
;; i, C n o ' ( l eap capital, so h tl.e City I ot '' way. but pay us you must or you
sV.w4 pl '' uo to tell the IIkuaI.d to et no partisan paper this all. Ke : . I c .aie down to tlie Cotmlv House,- ami U' ''" f shall always, be.
; .:..,..VS I fa re in-jmblie. where a gaping crowd fm- notlrmg tor any party we
-'v i -ii'iefu'- could heAr his wise saws ahoi't ecu- ,v,1n,,t-4 ,U l nut ,1,,"lst- "'ebo.jy
Via , n'- .o V wh ' o.uv .and after tite bin- were allowed Sl,ll'.r i'?' every hour f unpaid
"'lift V41711T 111 fclitiS ITUUI1.
v. no i-'.r
ih:::.-ev i.
p: .;t ions i i' li'- publish
we s.i a it.
We have hat the hdt
:!eg. i 1
for , r
at Ie
two Couimi -sinners)- he asked us to
d'.:ee t ie-un Tliis fact aloae shows
i.- hot ie iuetion of expenses so ui,uch
s eh'valioa of ilamsev j.v is alter.
r here.or eoars'
a .d
S-hlT-i pr-rsoiiai. ja:d ih
Uut the ass.-.;s,)i" wiate
hies it to sav tiiat Todd
Such a petition signed in such a maw
ner no C'om'rs ought to disregard. You
observe they "earnestly and fervently
pray," &e. The Coin's made a careful
computation of the cost of granting
this petition in full, and found that if
a letter and
id other i . tr-
(tUcy have taken another partucr in su -rn iiaVe contracted their hog., and
lately.) ! .. p. ie-ujie tiie iirsL of 'larch, an I re-
want I f,,,:. ... !"a I I. :.! 1 I I !.o O. i.! ' v is !.
:.! .
: i : ! t-.-. I
-.1 fot
t '
h- .
After thev have got all they
irom the pro-eeiings, goi ao me in d;;e j,, . thousands of
bills published and ail tiie doings of a j i-aVs what u do.
in I renuh lean imam or loin is. s nreaa : ,.r.,..,tt!
out before tlie people, as soon as Kani- i Kirk
sey conies in they iont want them iih-
i e 1. 1 v
mack listed
:y is
1 :. id '.' i
acr-s at C-i
r . . 1 1 ... i re,
n: nti
i ,'k we will
i ety ;t;;d cost of in
' or anv other wo.k
r wori: no -m '.
to Ih-- i ;-r
that's a I hiia.iiih,
1 1 o.
a:: -.s t io pre
ng Ha- print-
i Oi t e
and tna.-t ne par.'.'
t ;e ex.; t i tn-tha-re. Alter a
ing preanible lie states about
Tnat tin iIi:::A!.: citargeil a
1 !i
,')t :
dred f-.u ' S a nimbus,
I he le.h of Deceia'ner
January, or .'l) per
blanks that he could g
- j Jouru ;! and Omaha
i .a ' per nsn-.i ea o: .
l o.-tWr.-h
th'a!i in i
: a
j ana .si.l.i personal, paid "J a
I yi. L. White listed in l.a'.iisvi.
"e. a..d
L Cs
to a n
legal rates were charged for making lislied. They don't want the people to
out and publishing these reports, it see what their man is going to do; or
would cost 31,500. Of course, if they j else how big a fool h? as makingof him
ordeml this done, (and on the strength self.
of this petition they hail a perfect right If that isn't cheek and gaur.ecotnbin
to do so.) any one performing the work ! rd we never Raw any. It won't work,
would have the right to charge legal ! we imiiitf.-t Todd, in the name of ev-
rates. They sent for the IIi:kali and j ery Republican in the county, and all , jjU!,. ii:KAU ,,lyl ..j vi !.;; h ; . -,
al ia
ie.a. .
; t
property a: i.-:;.i:w; pers-.aat
?s. He lia-l oiiier lots and huids.but
badlv s -attere 1 thai we c-etild hut
iUnioiiO.ei", the II:::tAi.: Inn; :
i cnaval in tliese tnaU. is, and when ''
o reform a: ;..ea" lo 'ro. lo 1 ea
i t ..1 let 11 mU iK" ,";-
. :s at" i.-r.v ; i .g..
i:.'h a::d we ,:.-"id :
"iji IVot-.i i. :."..'
a or ioe.
manv of
.ii v; the.v-
. a t :
: ' V i
or m.
endeavors to
iind them readily.
And Jm. A. j.u.Mi-i:!'::v, for
we stated that if the party making ; honcbt democrats.
out the "copy was willing to won; lor The game is deeper yet.
d t;
enlarging j Mu ij p;;;uin otiic
w efi
nothing for the good of the county, we fraud they hope to elect another com
would too as far as our time w as con- mission?!' soon, of the Fains way of I a ,.
veined, and would only charge foraetu-i thinking as T. II. I'. ei; Co., and then as j ( r;it ;((
. t. ... ..i..i. .r !... l...... It
41 money paiu out. io pnnieis. cicik j iney win nave a inaj'-iuy oi uif o.iaio
Wells and the editor of the HititAkU i thev can steal all they want. They
the j
the i
on. !
r.i t . :
. .il .
reader into believith;
at t'.ie late of 01 i p
kin i ui" bian'..', e.'d :
V. e da 11. v ti.,
t: im
,1 :
think to jirepare the public mind for
discontinuing the proceedings, so that untvr t;.t. himii.H
when they come m power uk re win u-- i )ts.
no check on their actions or lianas, us ,,a -1 :i;ii.i v(
you like it.
Vv ell if that wasu t as preuy a game t j, v lA
as was ever put uo who invrini'il it
Todd no he ain't sharp enough. We
then made another calculation, and
said they wwuld do the writing (copy
ing) and printing for about 450.
The Com' rs still thought this was too
Jarge a bill for the tax-payers, aud fin
ally refused to order the past records
printed; tut, in obedience to the latter
part of the petition, (because Mr. Hall
arid the honest ones who signed it said
this was the most important p u t.) they
did isrdtr the proceedings after that
time to be printed in "both papers" as
the petition called for.
The newspapers agreed to publish
the proceedings in full for i? per col
umn, being less than the Chicago price
for setting the type.
At that time ami generally the "pro
ceedings" would not, average a column
a month: all the facts necessary to be
known to the public could have been
condensed in half a column. Jf one
...iniiiii !i ii.I mil i! itiel i n one miner ias
thev would have been but for this ne- tax payers of this county, how do you
aud paid si m i ooi
KIiillT I'ltNTS oil it.
goin to duplicate it the ether i
for r-J. ). ah I an old ho.:-,.- .mi j
hci ill's sai m f ir :.a; j ), !
15 s h id Til IT V- I
all t he pr; perty I
I :-:o! ii vV.n:'.! MiT have
; for -.o') ). or at j
or over i-'j,? i ). t ie:-: n-s 1 .us j
. . 1
ci . i i a.... '-3, m i; w n '; ;
."51 -'." of tax.- to (.'.:; e-ai:.ty en i ;
citv in rl. Do V'.i.i Won : i" we imu-e a i
-i .
in V V N
h ) I
an; ' n
ce,ii e.a
t ,e)M: '-S'
.n.i er ;
i tho ".e
e i'i ' : ! e".
of blah
l.-.t and
to s'n v
) !V lavs H liab!
ions siandei", i....-
mi.s! -ad tin
that we i! ge
thons .h i far uh;
ate ! hliiie.
o k 1" ' ; i . "
Republican oliieiah", this is the age
of investigation. We want von to set
.tppose tiie bills are high, who pay s j your house in order and throw your
most for them, .7 no. A. MacMurphy doors open. If you have rrer been
or K.thisy, and who has caused tiie crooked, straighten it up, for we shall
eiemiy the most. L t us figure that. . I not defend you in anything wrong.
In l -r 7 J ;tahiey paid t; -.'.) taxes; in j We believe we can always reform
I&V4, iyii.-Zl: 1 u '7-' MacMurpliy paid j within our own party, and we a.-k ev
th: comity uhty,; in '74 i cry man to set the example. You need
e en.i;. . , '.hs (( ity, s-,; j not think every democrat is a rasc'f
'I nehdilt. oi j 'els tois.v-110. The i either. We won't agree there. .
whale of printing, an I it will
la-il '.lie ciu i?v Years, if thev don't LY
change t; e law. is a'. o'.it ;:.'. If one I Com rs Dovey and Arnold, to you
1. df w; ptad::, wide. i is Kamsev a he- ! t' county looks for am honest and
Ci IMl'l ) ! i sl".i. .-.iiieiij ihmi.ii.hiu- eeuillilliv ill olll
The Compliments of the season all
our customern. from
Qloniou I Nathan
I'or the increase in our trade und
the large business we have done tho
last year, we desire to thank our num
erous friends and hope they may con
tinue thr-same as we expect to offer
better and better inducements for
them to do so.
We hope to see you at the old stand,
the ensuing year, w here we are prepar
ed to do a large wholesale and retail
We have just received
stock of goods.
lre; ntr
i O:- -
aie ii' we had h:d cvod luck
ought to have m.ade 40 or in
mount ;.t lair rat?s. As A was
i i
1 o no
s. hnt the.
.-' wt-re
rihtcd ! .
a-ao;y l.-;.
V t lleV V, e
.1 :h
i e-
li l.i.i.I ,
'. iri'i.I. .
fit. the
that i:n
i iiiii.'iviii r. i ;
; oh ilifu rent :-
. o.
if th-re
.l 'i
y I o
4 ii , :
i .i i ;
an. 1
paper, aii.t oi
-iMnents on ti
taxes and tried lo limit them.-'
Of tliis a'. lout e'-TJ was p e; -on al
how t.::::v
it is well k
hi s a par! led
i a" .-e. ::!.-:.
ti n. bv ,1 nd
nu-nt nnnle ;
i.'ami: to n:: PhiNT.:;).
ii is di-hbt ful if we made much on the
w; 1" j-di.j
V 1 1 AT PAMvi.y HAS C T Till; l Ol'NTY
.Mr. II. w;ts largely instrumental in
-r. i; i m r up that investigatiup; Com.,
was a mehib-r; then he iias refused to
allow other btll.s collectable by law, and
i i various ways, and egged tin by oth
ers, purely for political purijses. i;i-ci".-
i.-a-d.aar expenses, .-ine;; he became
a 'oiiimissioiier." Iet us see how he
.--tatid-s with Cuss County;
i tii
1 C:
iiriin' i e
give it up, but the Ibepuolictins of tins j ;s ft,r Pn.,. t;,x i.,ar s.ii-.iv end -.-tk-county
don't propose to give up the j 01 ()l u p,,i:!d ta v vo" ij-iore we
printtil minutes yet, ami you can't get i jim a;,.j which w - aic inhi oent en.
one of your commissioners in thii fall. ! That ye at- Sheld :! o:dv ji.rld .-".i'll.l-i
r t it. ..i..-
e. .sonai; l o..a.".i i
i IL
i c
a i
, . i
was xj
dianv- ti
.-t i l hi to, ;.
Ta !;;es h-l
to ;;.vir:i ;
;etil da nil.
ted dr.
t'.siii ui! in;
-....d. in..
mi; L i
old t
an i
: v 11
management of county affairs. In be
half of our republican friends and tax
payers, we itsk you to do votir dutv
i He la "otd set of rollers and i without fear or favor, but stop mak-
he win k in such a wav that i iiseu-.s expense, necause son-neaus
;tnd chronic growlers howl fraud. e
won't stand this any longer; we help
pay these taxes, and we shall hold you
responsible alter this.
As for Mr. Itamsey. he must either
take his seat and si'jn reasonable and
legal bills or .step dlown and out. We
will not pay a Com'r a day to sit
there and cavil and snarl ami try to
make political capital by shirking his
i'kviii duty in signing bills and ac
counts. If two Com'rs can run this
county, we'll pay two. If we pay three
we want the third to earn his money.
1)) this gentlemen, Ijr ihoruH'jhty
0), but be jiisf.'iuul the IIkkaM)
will defend you with all tho w ill and
power and brains that (iod has given
Hithi; s TitK r.i i.j. :
i:,e:-,:v to i as-vcov-.ntv lit:,
iii.tko ex i.i ii:-;. 'Ci I ui s hii! on
.- ... i
a-.i . i .
.1 i-l. c,
''' V "bi-
TUT, LAST STr.I'. i 1
iicm ma i.;iic- jii, ii i"'j ....... . ., i , . ..
-!o,.f .mm tl.MV w.-.nhl then have I la . a.s ..s
i. , ..... i; i .01 I anv ot these (
an lae c oum v pi luiiua, i.a. i ii .i.iu .ti i . -
f .if JL f r.e. thires as lUiieu aeeoi
anil one ui ii.rre- iioiie-sL iiuuh j m
k. . i ;
Oar ci:
tans la tl-'i
, r? C
heard to say that the tax li.-t alone j
would iui a dtmo;rtti'! pcrer f.r i
month ft.
it. t. ...... .. ...f Ti-.u.,i. i t ineic v on v- ..i. ini ii.1 i' .
meal of that petition? Republicans, t !;1
v.'ortii of tin; properly la.
In '7a we paid eiiy .'si'i
tv ;Mt.od; total r.hM.a-S.
y and ceaitHy
h a; ;dkio.-i
!ars, aa t t ;
to the teal
."it and cj'.iit-
i";v i o;
i : ;: 1.
.... i
::l e a i :
hit v w.
i". i
;. cm ;.
an: a
l 1 !IS
a ;a
-ii",s ey
70 0J
&.!'.) UI
iii i s
i 1. 1 in Ui dli
a -a i. r ii ot
; i..i
;:)Mi; .maukim.v
iireoiiiarn hvwiiitz & iokkad.
j me: i"
i I.
. 1 1 i . I
S. ltatuse-v paid a total tax of o
.s I I
draw to help run this new uem. ma
chine. This for cutting down expenses.
tition.) it would have cost the fr-j lay
ers tOJ pr year, and if only averaging
half a column. 8";); surely no extraor
dinary or unwarranted sum.
Von will liear in mind the 1Il!:ai.i
did not ask for this printing aud charg
ed the bare cost of setting the type,
readingthe proof, correcting, and use
of tlie paper being thrown in.
The other day the valiant Todd, with
reat rhetorical flourish, brought an
other petition, and here it is:
To the Hw. IlvitrJ of 'omii.-n"oii( rn. f'n (.
Tile undersigned jiet it ioii. rs. resiileuts am!
tai piversnf (hiss l'o.. No!)., rrsjN'ei fully reerr
fctait to your honorable, t.o ird for several and especially for tlie year !M. t a. ir iat
have been oiieroii7.!y beav y aiel niii.lM more
thtlii-ult to Lettr by ttn-ir eri(i.:ed hidustrie.
ciis.-d by tlie ilfstriii-rioii of their eroiis. au.l
reeo-anitaa i'i" n.-eisity of retrenchment und
rn'i'i in in order that labor may l- icrlilly l.ur
1n.l and our enemies not overt:i'l. earnest -
pray your honorable .! to curtail e !ieues
iierever siile so to do : and In unli-r to ia
iroduee reform and retrenchment Pi the oxpen
es of our count v. your jieli'i.e.i.-rs pray that the
rderif vour Ii.mIv mirlioriiii-i t!i- j.:ivin?!il of
ti p.'r cohiinn lor piiblishiiii; the proeeedai js of
voar Imnorable court may be re -iuiled. :nel be
lieving that our intere-ts are best s;:bs.-rved by
purchasing supplies where they can be procured
cheapest, prav your lumoranf boiiy to l. t all
I'oii'itv printiiiii. umier t aiiirol ef u.nly, to
tm lowest binder.
1- ti. Todd : I-. C. Tot-LAUD : s. M. K l rkiwt
BICK ; D. S. Ir:l-r: .1. S. I pton : J;ii:ies II.
Turner : .Ino. F. I'.nrk : IJ. Aibin : l !ieo. I!:i.-k :
ti. W.l'tlllV.l'. I.hiviile; il. 1. II. ( li.tlfint;
II. F. T;ivl'r ; H. Iu!iois ; S M. Iivd an I oth
ern ; there are 3 n imes in all.
T one is onlv sisrne.l bv " j persons
and vou will observe they are mostly!
" e i 1 . . . ...I
irom one nine secnou oi iiib couni v , .. .. i vi-ai -os. .
Instead of all over as the first one was. ' Kx.-es-of iaiproveiiient
1 All oilier P! inierij noi exeiiipi
, and o
C'enlieiiieh, we (
to ansa i I the taxc"
we do.
ly i-?l:2i in '7-1.
iahi! T he hi st rig
of this cottntv, a:
a i t
i .
! ! i
like that? Are you truing to stand it
or will you help the IIki:ai.i protest.
It will hurt von more than us, we have not onlv ma:;:.
lived before we saw a newspaper and j i,,,. ..ij ovt.r L;;3 stab"
we can again, unu jun usi um.u- i l - ,in
in.:! i-
:an i ue
-1 . .
... t..
t )',':
up pa:
nr. '! hi oa-'
ting of i h-' v
; -w Court w.
' Ill's,
, -in ;, v.
, j i'i.ix Sent.. .
" sliorL months i '-'a'ie
. il') mi
. . 1. '..).'
.' ii.- (, 1
v. a ry
an :
in h .
ie to
e' t aim e.a i. .-! ?dih d lo the i
ya rs to save i Jl and make
i for an opposition Com'r. When
v-s iit with Moore is over (if
th'-y don't allow his billi it will sis we
.said, over be Jj?1e.U.
Now of tiiis amount, for every dollar
4 -a:.',
W' '.!')
'Jll '. Ill
.1 ''( M .HI
.(' (.o-.a'i 'Si
:,' O'O'.i no
ti-..' !
a v'iiie.
etl if this scheme could be carried out ! ..!.. .. ... en.ho -.i on
you wouiu oe laxeu ior i om r. pioeeeu- i ,m.nt uf (.u!,ital, a clog to ti." la' o.
ings, tax list, blanks and all that would j ., uisgra.v to th- manlmj l of .
i.ens'iip, and a shame to ti:
religion; far many of ih.s
professed christians who he
hands and swear to there ii
e men
Id no t!
is 1 1 . 1
O .'.! fl
pre in i -
corxi'v. AXVIIOW?
Let's look into that. This petition
of Todd & Co's. bases this appeal on
the heavy taxes, which burdens them ; 1 ", :
nerously." Does it. let us examine? ! v";
i-i "..I- .i. i;.,!H.. l ... ...l. ..,..! ' i ' X i. i
j lit y v. .tiie i.tnui niiii,t..
Whose laiior? only t'neirs. no one c-hse
is counted in. The workinainan. the
nu ch.iiiie. tiie profes.-.i.:i.d m an uu.-t
be burdened to lighten th" taxes and
"( :.; pa
nd onerous,
hall lo! the
h.'.-o.h's a hi", op
too, I ri this '
reader n.o-llv
hi v: a
1 '.
o (
; l I w .
have hotnlng io
rii-'.i he'll pay no' :
for they' '!.;
hard-wui king i iii.'.
show c
s urg-i h !'
no ta'-'os, -.
: the in!.
nr. ' i-.i: '
I the indu
i, who i.s it
oi :i
iii t
in i : i ii.
. ihi- V..
r MeV.
1" i: I I!
e'. i :
y ,,( j Ramsey is taxed. MacMurphy pays al
,;,.(. j most ;"'4 (titkieu '""-t as a basis) anil
i every hard working tanner una me
! ci: ihie :;i the comity in the same, pro
portion both as to Ramsey and Tdd x;
j Co., wiio U'e argiug hi:n on.
! Look at tii" utter stupidity of the
i in in. lieiv is his oojecLiou to Crl.
: vio-u'e's bill spread on the records:
"I do not object to the allowance of
his ciaan. but object to the law that :d-
k such an amount for
Ni-.vv Y.iiiii. .March ifi.
Money ii'i'l
(io'al.r 91 M i
0 i
1 . 1 VY
a ii
l .
; t e '"
111- !
e m l o
. I !
CiiicA.:.). Marcii h".
I'imir l, no
Wheat. 1 0J
Com 41 :u
Itye n-i'i
15-trl -y, HP i
Wots,' 7 'X-C-fn 111
Hie 5 iK)...'.5
l"..r Throul . I.nnixs. Asthmu, Kidnrys.
Forest Tar Solution,
for Iiih.iliii for ('nt.urli. ('oii.siiinpiii:it I'.ron
c'lilis, and Asthma.
Forest Tar Troches,
al bill, and 1 lea" Soie thron. Tlnoaiir c'duum. Iluarsefif ss.
;v:ii i nr . n i;i en- i.rotu.
That's the Hods" tnuh. gentlemen.
liAi Till" riontKs :
To show vv!io i.iys for all tii '-e expens.'i t!i.v
are liea;;a ; o'l us. we .;ive t '! .v. fr.i;a 1 he ' Ai.
bj.iks. tie' tru H-c'-s.ii.'nC list of :.n.ii-. of t!ie-e
pjirtie-. an 1 s'.iiel camp iiv ta a vh!i t ie p -.r
men of tlie eouaty :
i.. r.. todd's'.') pii.ii'Krt r r f.:: IS
IVrsou:il uroii- ity
! .. ..
f o r a i i o n i .
I his fau'ilv.
whole tax. Ti
braiur e.nd mn
t-rs. ( ". itii h-ho
s an--1 i n a a
1 ..:
TODD'S AS.SI-ssi'.') Pil.ii'Kit r r f.:
-lee---es. !j h'd . . 1 (7 I ...
.Ill lie. Iii ll'tl ..
.Vi!i '. s. !i"d . . .
nentioia d. Th" ,':
i ot la-' iiJij. ;., i..." i.:
.. j make h : i i. 1 1 ieh
j wiio vita i ' t lie v, e: 1
) io ' ra.!s ::;:; .I:o.N, i s.i ;
an 1 I.eWSp !p US p.e .-
t hat a re a.-ke h i o b -a
oh i roils taxes levit- 1.
i ,'t-' !..-.!
er t wo ci.
'.!. the et:
!i do a.!
life i ' .i
-. 1 i i nd i
a k-ie.-t
" - es
1 1 l r
.i.a i
i . v .
":i :
. -i ' : ot vai -,
til.'hl Will il 't l.l".'.
t pi.-'Ui'-u :n ye.;i:. ;.. i a, in ' i
ha. ; h-d i. - n pi 1 a'.. '. : '.:
s time. t: i ; i-
i . : i ' i . ' . . i e 1 1 ,. i- 1 1 i i
ami of bi.iiik w in k for C
j brh re. i ne 'o"aiiiy v..;-, ,
j v,'i,ii we ca;:." l.'-re.
; it a': h ; to cm.!" ji
j li ihis iy hiolc his it. and Is.
i oi' c.e.n -e he ii.: I f-cah 1 a i
manv n
! . 1 " 1 '
nie (a
hnnviii"- ine
Who i ver he, ml of such nonsense!
L eah-n- Itani-v does mt apiuove of
the law tie objects to :t 1
on!. tie' t hi'0. v o h n; id reds of dol lars
ex:. "a e-; ic.-Me. " We, loo. objoct to tiie i FOrCOt T&Y SalVO,
!a.v. and it was a put up job. but r.r llealim; fleei-s. Cuts, iiuni.-,. amt for
C;-l .'lo-u-e wi'. not one of tiie clerks; i'iic.
th-u j) :t it nn. and he put in a bill w.y m V--r'-l- Tot -ifn-r
o-lor!" v.- e.i th- l..,w allowed him at! OrC-it X 01 OOap.
',''.. ',, a .fi-e;it ' I'm'' I l- s I For CiiS.'l Il.-itvln. Salt, niiem. Skffl- rHssse,
1' ', "'. .. i" , .', .'.' ,'! Hie Tfiitet and l!:il'-i.
i a; w; l;a'- to wait until mevcan be .
; :;.:;- rem. -.hed We obet to the Forest Tar Inhalers.
: '
i-l V
I o' i vole, Hhd iit in
" s:i'-!i m-'ii as t. but we can't help
reive., until .1 '.'-ii-'U time comes.
i w . : :
urn h wan Is to
e.vorit:: i-xpfes.-
.-.Mil ,
1 OJ -; 0 i ;
ij') '
l -e ic"
ii " 0.1 I
ii i (i i I
am. r
i a
11 I.-.-I is.1 itere i.l 1 i.:J ; I fiiie firm, v.m ail I gi to the b'iti'i!l oi 1 1 .Is te.X
They also only "earnestly pray, not
"fi TVf ntly and earnestly" ;is the others
did; a there are many names on this
that appear on the other. in Italics in
Ho 1) and they also pray earnestly and
not fervently, it must be taken for
granted that this case is not so urgent ! Why tb.; little iiF.i:.Ly can lvj: ta..t a.: im.
or of so much importance as the other j low r
one For these, or some other reasons,' c.higer ! Imr-wi at W; v.a w uMnd i.iy?
I.m f-iin'M l.iii-H laid it over for the ! Mhie at SU-o a h-a l .--i.y ta w uy. S ca. I! i:--
.... i i- 1,.... ('.,. Tli-i- t i t. ker tin :i a ncin o-i oi
-it ia llLLiil, ite iv i-iitj i. i
w:: itAVit ho a:.
.f J.Tyion ; airainst Ill's" men. but
ar.d s-
kiuiwi;i:isMss-.l at'. not f--t;tn ie re. C, i; Ii
aerei. in all. i s hi-' . in.iin.i.i STrJt I licit Todd lb s.
swore tiiis pi;eriy wn wjrta ui Vi7 It will be o
en ni- n ih all
- r v
! r." t r.cuiil
that wc ha
ii a
.e t:
oi na
lrn r e en-
.f th -s-
Y.aa t'.o.s
. w.e.l f..e it I' : id i J'-ut l"f:;' Ihr A
CUUlt-3 ill l 3.11 . ....' i ...... t ... I,-,.
. . , . . .... . i . tt:i'.i i ;it ?4i: u i.y j..' o.o. i.i ' i.ia
ror many other gooa i:i.xi'o ..roveiaeuts. ar: l bun, o-i ;w . i.e..-.-
VOUIH.V. I IwimS itild il'it 'tlli-.T Mr JEl-'l'l V .h I. AliJe.i.M
fer.-'ht oeehp
duo. Idea
s --j.-i-s oil th! .l.'i'i S t)i
fair house an. I barn.
sonal ).!
Ihiil e.e
', !
i and p ilities.
Co. Treasurer, p
l.ii'.d, v.ith
:.:!;: din- ! is -!-
rty i : l'oii. nd p .;. c 1 : . u
with a o.ii ii t h vt d
e .
. , - 'I. ;- .. "
a i.i--.
; I .1
U 1 :i
e UO IlOl opine i.uti Oku'. -v" i"e no llloni(.s ,, he l ijs hie Uxen e.
gentlemen who signed these iK-tuions. . 0olJlt Y-h..u: this uut-cii-rn ta-
oue or ootn. nan any eiea oi ine uuaei- j vi:ie :i; : vv- c.aia m
c me? .Il
v.' at loss I
s. ii. KISiil'A'tl'.ICXs
I -so ;i.-
.11 Ilea. I
ne. 4:i ne.ui
sT.oo . i.oi..- s::j.ou;i. ihi.-kcii ca op r
tl'e i. o 1 1 .no.) of intpr.'V eineiits. an i
y- t th.- wh ile am. .'hit of taxable prop
erty la- giv.-s in is only ?! 1 .;;-.':. an-f un
ly i!,.Vi'j of taxable iinprove.-r.-mts.
j Ih hiy I'ikehin rry pays .ti-'..:il on
! ' aer: s. pcr.s.h:d, r;e., with v ry !. ..;
i erate improvi-Uit nts. S'.ehe n '';;:)-l n:j
lu71 aeirs with ) 1 improvcim-nt.s.
: iHl (dias. I.m-.i.hv, a vt rv poor man com-
4 Ikl
. ..-, l, I .)
! d :. t no
are la: :n:.i
! are t!" o i
Co'.mtv mi. s i'.s
' lie silSS the'jt.
i t!i"hl i"i !" 1 .a !
1 such thing, thai
' Olfe-I'M
i had "i;
him sin
: r.i :
print t!
' be. 1",
bl i..',- '
'. -. ! I
h i conf.!
. the
.r :in.)
ISt CO hi
and S:,b;
we have
rs ih ' lad
. in
i ;
il u
Co. c
Ih hi li
for a i.
WOt li !
can r.-:
1 "..
:t ;i bill one of
s is "Many a
C e-s C'o. would be gmd to work
;ur a nay ,
t o. i i - f ih-'i
For Inlialiai; the Solelion for rf:irrh iind r.alh
AT ( IIAI'MAN'S."i i
Wo do not pretend to par we fi?ll thti
cheapest in the irorld, neither do wn
profess to say that we kei-p every tl ng
from an axe-handle to telegr ph
matches, and from pies to bologna fan
sage as so many do
wo are tho only
Hxclusivo Dealers,
In our city ia
Staple & FANcy
In these lines, and in NOT I OX", v
lea l the tnide.
Wo have the best assortment of tin
latest novHth s from the hist patent
needle to the most fashionable ntyle of
silk dres-:
i We sell at the lowest r. rices that run
be found let ween here am! Sari-Tran-.
cisco. Cah We think that few mr
chanf.V (.i.y cmrri'ri: wmr ux.
and to con vinee yon, wo especially K
your candid attention to tho following
list of prices:
ji'st ix rr
3 ciises of American etandard prints.
"e yards tor 1 on
1 ease cotton flannel, at 10 yards
f"r. i 00
12 cases (iornestie ginghams, at 10
yards for oo'
5 cases of muslin, best brand 13
yards for 1 CO
A very large ;issortment.of blark and
colored alpacas, double warp, the finest
in the city, from 2-r a yd. up.
A prim' lot of ladies shawls from ffl
Carpet chain, standard, 5 per.nd
package Q- 27
A new and handsome 1 it of carpet
hemp, from 7 da. up.
Ingrain, flora C."5 " '
three-ply. from . . .R. - "
New stock of h inds'iui" eriibroirln
from 12 j ctM. yd. up-
L.ulies fiishion.'ible collarets,
1 1 om ,i r:
New stoe
Irm;t n.-'inforfroirnt.
i fri:r;es.
no man is glad to i-
a d iv
no man
d write and has fair aver
colors, of rr crated
2 ; cfp. pr yd.
t Hi-ii i .ie ii;. sic;ii e:ie: i;;ii-s :t. r.iyn iw or , r , i;.- . ,.
. ... . ,- i In additi'T, to all tiics.
i..;; ii.imiii rve.t.viie oi tusoiise, nit y iieeti
prompt reiiiforceiiieiit. llenewi d vijiorls
snt-t'iliiv sii'iiined throuun llie inetiiuin of h ton-
; i iiiol.'iit , and anions medicinal resources of
w no oi in. a class, nostciicr i-ioniaca jlitters as-
siavilly iIcM-ri've a pre-eniiiiet place. We;ik
ness. whether (on-iiimitiiial or aiisin from
i i-i-iise or ov i-r-f.i! i;e-'. ciliiiol lie lelfer coin-pens-.ited
for than hv a resoit to tiiis tniine
strent helling cordial. The i-::ff eli'ed iutainl.
new goods "
very !-w" rates, we nfit r our largo gb rk
lames' A.y) fi'xr.r
ies ought to work for
"A lOI.I.ii: A DAY."
i i Cass Co. The man i cor vans-en .-ma aeii .uhi ihimmi timi that ;
, ' . '. .. . . . , i: is su led, lilimr source ol vi'or mid comfort !
onr iV:C! gels his .-i.a l ami j i!s ,.,,;; ,!(.C tonic and aler:itiv' pron.-i i ie -i al- i
a -; IV. Oalv the lowest or- s'i cushnae it an iiiv.-cuai.ii- reun-dv for in li-
Furnishing Goods i
ifty.v hum, .it
.y s r
i. k : t l -i
is hit. i"
i . i s ' p i h :
bv t: . he
(dias. I.iui-i.
p-irativi'ly, p;i
liaJ i acres of iaict at
H.irse t.".. c Ulle l-'l. s.-.iue
in en i person '.
.. ! il) ! p
I. 11 J W.i.ipiiis ;
"5 no ; r,,;)d itapi ovetn.
current of the whole thing, or really ; sui:i;test'sae!.'ai -x pi
understood what they were doing, it ; lhiin c.2
is so ommou in this country to sign
i.r. . i ..r .. tl,..f ,1., il- I
any kiuu oi a ieiii.nii iii.u " "-.
thoughtlessly. To all these men the
IlEitALn desires to sav we feel most . Neat caitl
v.:..ii.. ... i.. i... t-l.i-.. ,. -ffinr wliiv
imilj, uut it lite- nut'. vj .- j wiiK-ins
engineered both these plots, w ho have ( Xii t;7er property u
lately (through their newly elected j i-.'! '"T "" ' V";
Coiumtssiouer,) made a direct stao at
our reputation and our business, we
have a roil in pickle that will, we think
expose their vile schemes and petty weii Kirk, we'nh-t you oil there
itmbitians, aud lay bare their motives j haac roiuitu.
to the contempt of the really honest ! x. r.fhors 's. o tiead ...
men and tax-pavers of the County. 1 xvt '": 1 c Il,1
ThKOrst ietitiou wassigned by many U,-a '
honest men, but the wire workers who r. acres forest to'evex.-mpi. $y
.lyly egged it on, and the opposition to Z-
ine tiepuuiican party anuesi il .11 ji.h. j
"White, the party and I'lattsmouth. j
We have the evidence of this on ;
don't oreach to us t.'iat "there were no j
politics in it." j I and ? . f-J (tlue farm, you i.11 know It) Li,- ty are worth. :i:h
It was currently supposed bv these I lioases.i.iansi.'. i:,as,.s.;;.caiik'iiot ..uitc sn, ; each of tin se part
. . - ., i pirs a ilelkir. Km-pss of iuiproveiiieii'.s over , and cah foot hp th
yanits mat uiu run fuu""ui"" v,i '" ! ?i.(ronly $iso. (Iiarn .:.(mi-.i. liou-? .?:i.- ;
minutes would unearth some great ras- anJ ctiiekeii h.-.useor .shetis, 5i.iv, and ail oth- '
r lan
.1 poV i :
l't i .
a i:
r.t. e
nan .
c h
ri .
' H
. or nfe bled
it man ;it
ua"i a
bat d i
.p t.-,- .
:.! I ll
1 I lc-lioti. e.l ! ll.-N-. Ol llie e-i;
i '- " " i ci.u-,1 in.a ion. torenii; v of p.- a.
one dollar il I oilier irreul:li il. s n;ti I ih . :..ioi
! it :e.i iiiviilai-lile proi et-Iio.i :ii..i'
,. . Weil ;ivii.xi.-,p-:-s of t h" s! i.-.-.'-ii i
o;i CS to be a pol 1 1 1- j ..
,ur or ;-":i woriiing ma- i
iv to a 'doiiar a dav i
i ii
mi iii. -a. j
i-. ;noi .:. ,
'. a oi r ii-ic-.:
d :.. .s. '
a c
to :
a e
.;J oil s.; in-:". and
Witti no;e.i!s, u::r -
i'l'd.i pav ; ts-aa eei ,u a ai v, I;h
-L ' a t?:v !U house, t-hhi ! f,;thi an I
hi! !
we v, ei
draw-. .
-, u
is no
h is
ill ie
: 1
cho.,s ana toilers . LIVERY, FEED, AND GALE
mv.-.nt for dollar i tr3 T- A IB Ij IEj !
furnide'd a home
i-.'-l mi n who left
'; a co;tri! rv where
their i
'l I'e par: ner-hip of O. M. S; reiniit and W,
Janes, lie n;; has day ih-.-oiVeu
desire to diposf of our 11 ATA ,
v ; ca's, ojjrKs, nours i,. i
sllni;s. WUXKH il YA-
r.r.i:., mis. klasketh. Ayi'
L' M i OUT 1:1 .''.
l J and Ladies Miliineiy goods will bo r"-,-
rsoutat DEAD IxfXX, HEl EocK.
I t-
-; t ):
its Jill over ii.
Vix hry I'd-;. :i poor mechatue. pays
J. X. Wise, living on ;. sahn v.
,i h
jiays $0.i-2. I). IL Wh- e.
1 Ih it.
Ttuo . Wheeh r A: Co. on! v mod-:", .tt.'-lv wealihv
o ... ,
h.:i v .1
tL -in
. - - .
!: v.-
a- of
i -.a "'
. . . i"'.-
; i . .,1"
o . : . ...
a t ti' i
i .hh
i 'ZX' of ; 1". I). JONKS. ifnch rji. nsforin,b.r
.uof'slivngSh in any ;vviil.H,e,i:u!evvMvery.ree.l.;,,..l Sa!e sntij "" 1 -J - Ladies" II,'..
th m ;i a day-
id that it is s i, Mr. It.
. 1. !., !. T. L.
!l it! I i' liVUN.on Main sine:,
Jiisi e.i-1 ol .JoiC. .i;ioli.ei s well known
."liiole. PI : -in. n:t il. Neil.
trine trimmed.
is to
Itorsm. litJS'-b-.-; A tnnia-esi, j A r 1 Am i 'j k I t) Jj . .H
to, :u le.isonai.lenaes. j 11' J T I'ltP HOOI'S, A.I LAMES'
inTi.-T-- iii i.riU'i r i' rritt-" ri i ' M-rcr '
e i
i . t.
Tot il personal
Land. I .'21 a- ies lit..
tirau-.l total- .
.. ia id , men pav ivrrv ',
fjiii i fisif acres, a bi-ner i.ou." t.nri
; el's town house, had nir ii in
' "'."id) duetive projieity evt ry way. j.
"- ' We could extend the.-e. ';.,
j ?-?"" i iudeiinitelv, but niu.-.t clo.-c.
t-auer oi ine paper ..: s jii-
: in-r
1 1.
1 get A.Z.
! c -ihi ' v
hiiiv ii.i".
' .v ."
or e
, i .
: i on-.
: t : i .
a v
am n
i!" tol
. .e
i O
TO I'hv.Of i. AT
l 1"
i w
H.i v.'.:
t ' '
-hi 1
a : : v
) :d
-SlkoZfiO ; ;!s We do w hat tin
Iran's and l
neariv haw
s a!" 'tr-ely
lest for thetn-'
rt.TOVAL Asl.,
a :
cality ef White's or James that would er property, the
divmage the parly and enable the J
lion of yeiiis of -oul
5-i.i. Fi . --.' a'-res of tiiiiU.-r lana e-
nr f in ) ti.-r acr.-, ami Onier inn i
Land in Pi.'.ltsmouth p-rt-cinct is u s- r
. U . t i
e-.s-d at i-r
.11 o.i
pr acre. -l
.t iree:: v.'oi'd
i -
' . : i I
2 - p.,"
in. is,
: : ro. ta
p ei'i i
ii'ei iii i ;
i ' u : . t o.
... : f i t 1
at. i he ; o.-k : ; a
hundred, and i, - . .
blanks were .rd heavr. r i--.;
dors--'i!! ':its on th
.'. . at i ha oi . p
- i
.ii.'i ' i -. i
..... . ; mat pays t:ies i-s i.:;tn rs. is.t , tic -. s. (- i.htait l :e sitii.e. In Lib- : i e-inr. i.j pnr...-; rve, 4a
cratic vote, to carry the county. better at irottini; the naa.hcrof fe.t in a lai.! . ; , t . , . ' ....... ' - j : a.- ,Vi
They cared nothing for the welfare I t! u VO!. . rt. nt ..H,Ur. iiX yom. tax-list cor- ; f . ' ; V1 .f . " " " c '.V -,rh. ,.,:,. ,vi , V
of the county, nor the expense they put ret.t " t,n;7 ! , - ! M7h o h . ,., ; .n '
onthera.r.4. At the head of this , fcMKrttPV., . Wry few .,f t , , hin as,-.-:--,, ie. and oh
clique was 15. S. Eamsav. who refuses J $ rv.eo ! fei'Aooii..nM i.onisv ,
W pay L-al printiW hills and ! "inVA" kMH":;"" vV'"; :"." 2;vHV $1.. jr ncro, whale 1 'ollard ?, H-ak
"i.-eir :
1 1 i . - ,
p liiads;
p lauds;
he i
:d. a 1
t -' own
.ihe - -ople
;. i
1 n
i.e : rr-e.:
.lied i.l I) ".:
: h h ii
her p. ih' r
inn . id dif
. i 1 1 ..i e. a: o i
lid. a!!.-
.if.':"- -I 1".
e 1 nil in::. hi
". eui. I have
tlie blanks
Lin. -. hi or
in o )
tax pf
!o ;!;.,
is i....:'.e
in an
I!!.'"." e
I. ICS Oil
to b.-e..k
i-it :.ntsiu
I';irti'-:i!:ir at tent ion jraM fo lri vine and tniiti
iie' loises. II. I vili ;ni t he rtieiij.-inees I shad
.. : .. .. ..... i...... .ii.- i.:-.iN ' iii. ike a particular lentii" --(. Iiiisiiie-s tin:
ui-.i i.T n.iv ,....iri-ii.,n.,i..i..,.u j jnti,,,! ,.t,Uia-- Xi .STOCK.
r t!en. i':r-.iic mends, wc mean ; . .
... .. .. r t-p.ein.; wi !1 kn
UniSSlfi lil' aoote .11- ; f:lMin-r cli.o nnsl i
U"t intend to make, the ' vae nil my fra n Js t
Vr If onset's i u "' receive;! ne.irij i w
l, no
: X t-:i II:
li li
! , i:"i'S ' ! VC.i.
i"! ne v.-r wio ;
: ' y ! u elec',
. i t . a n.iVH
. : .n besides trying 1
repioiiica:.--. 1 his is j
This v icing man Iiad j
. t fine him ; th -re nev- j
o: eiHeiino' f.r an bun- !
ie coii'if y. no
(Niroi iliy in
ni. and I hey
IJight from
and tho
;it the very lowest price ; which w
intend to sell at such rates an will -tonish
."." we say
..i s , .'.J I
i.i rv ' ' .-i ! .'.'i
i O
! : 1
If-tter " (-, "
'el. j
Ben! J
I CLOTHS, in the same catalogue,
j in suoar :
himI all articles of luxury not fdaj
vil) he Kohl wav down, to make ro n.
! for an I.SfMEXSE XEW
Spring Stock !
r ' r.
. I i o
ina.-t- r.nv :
t ';-:!. 1 e j.-ieihir-.r
C rap.iy U not r-:i-p-c'-:h
nor wo for the follies
.in ; v : ;
of it h i
p.irty of
ft! ! I -ill
l mu ! ;,rf!.y p-dit i-'.-l career. ' -pT,p AfT
If ! :.! n ( red that enfrs of- lLi&t AA --:
wPh 11. idea that he ns sent: OX LOW tilt
:....- , ; .::, ir.;, s great fraud, and : j1 LATTSMOUT!
t :
1 -
.1 eve
v r
1 Ii
.i O
, 1
z: .: z r t u c p-Op,i:- j to t .i.i.f.' io m i - -
quick for v"ar extras- J what we do and if the Jnnral, i7 x
s-3 to clnirj
living rat'
1 i Ii;l.-..l
You .-.ii;
M-:ai Wit;
on Wiii'd
i i v.
i party lad' a
m rar vi-.T-ae
Ats. Wine ,ind f
stii.ih'y. for riu 1 e.
40-1 if
Now come ahead, all cf vou: ilu-l
EIOUSE. ! to s"-'''v 'on gods, and gladder yet to "
Solomon ' Tallinn.
Plattfcmouth. Neli., Jan "y lStlu'T."'
i- NEB.
-e use1 r
fr rrp.