Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 17, 1876, Image 2

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    THE ITER A 11).
X MACAIUEPIIT., ... .Editor.
Tha Sahuyler iSun la certaiuly a Tery
Tradable paper.
rQPi-'ria Burt County, "writes a
Yry cute letter to the Surtonian,
To use a school-girl phrase, wo Just
t Link -Zackaxiaa' ln. t3icJditerrQceaiihijxi.
ia splendid!
It certainly looks aa if ! wa were going
to get our Trunk road built fat last.
We understand that-tlan'to proposi
tions havo been m 1.I3 to Gen. Living
ston, as chairman of It. It, Committer ,
by Dr. Convenebacked by the-II. I,
RoaJ staling that if a certain am. mat
of stock can bj taken ia PUtUiuJuth,
and from other parti of the County in
terested in the paihling of the ro il, it
will ba built in less than one hundred
The Blair Pilot pays ourself and bet
ter half a very handsome compliment.
It makes us blush.
Xebraska City is still harping on
that road from Avoca through Iowa,
to join the M. P. at their place..
The Fremont Herald and Omaha
Herald do not agree very well. . Is
there something in the name of Her
alds' or what is the reason the Doctor
geta it sj from his namesakes.
"We received two .St Louis Globes ia
one mail, one dated the 6th, and the
other the lith and we frequently re
ceive two or three togethor; what's
ths trouble? '
Genl Bibcock, the President's pri
at Secretary, is now being tried at
8t. liOiiis for complicity in the Whis
key frauds. to far they have not pro-
Tfca much against him,
T,he Lincoln Journal has a very sen
sible article'on the extension of the M.
1. Railway (our Trunk road,) through
Cass County, and favors it. We are
glad to sea this spirit from Lincoln.
Prof. Wir, The Cjunty School. Su
perintendent of Cass county, publishes
iuite a lengthy report ia the Platts
mouth Herald, which sliows that the
public Bchools of that county are in
a good condition and constantly im
proving. Saunders Co. Republican.
It we were editing a big daily news
paper, and boasted of all the brains in
the couutry. and the leadership of a
once grand party, and couldn't do any
thing better or nobler, than to bawl
"drunk" wo would give the paper away
and go bury ourself in some gopher
hole on the prairie, jawwy from the face
-of man, and draw the hole ia after us,
The Bee has over two columns on the
feeling of the. State Press about rail
xoad matters. It heads them "Voice of
Chelate Press, Thunder Claps from
Various Quarters, Senatorial and Con
gressional Aspirators, Tho L P. Bridge
and the ftate of Omaha." - Many of
them are very severe on both Omaha
and the course of a portion of the Press
thfc-re. Mr. Kosewater has shown good
newipaper sense la Lis 1 treatment Of
this bUfcUU'SS.
Xo attempt at voting bonds, or ask
ing precinct aid wili bo made. The
proposition is something like this: The
stock books of the M. P. Railway Co.
will be sent here, and all interested can"
subscribe for such an amount of stock
as they are willing to take, in money,
or in work, com, hay, or wood, or part
money, and the rest in any of the above
things that can be used. If sullicient
stock is thus subscribed, a contract will
be entered into at once to complete the
road from here to Xeb. City.
If this plan can be accomplished,
and we see nothing to hinder it, we
may exiect to see tae dirt Hying on the
Trunk Road this spring. It would be
useless for the IIi:nALi to go over the
ground we have so often before, show
ing that this road will benefit the
whole county, the whole eastern part
of tha state for that matter. We be
lieve it to be as the Omaha Republican
has said "the back bone of the Rail
Road system of Nebraska."
Without any prejudice against any
other Company or Road, and with no
hard feelings towards any existing
Rail Road Co.. we think the state and
county needs this line, no matter by
what Company it happens to be built.
The house-was called to order by Jno.'
A Mac Murphy, who nominated Isaac
P L A TTS MOT7T 1 1 .FAX. 23, 1 8 7C. -
t.J.'tvyS?!4-A V j. Wiles for chairman, on motion Geo.jS... TotJielloiiJs.JLj'dnndr. Judye pecotul j
Last Friday we had tLa pleasure of i Smith was elected S -c. v. General Liv- ; juaictai nwri-i. ,
accompanying Prof. Augae, of the ' ingston was called upon to state the) Agreealuy to the instructions of the ;
State" University, on anFt 'rip obJccta the mcctrng. who made a j court .t he G rand .Jury of this county ,
down in Cass county, in search of coal. s'.ecinet statementof all the, facts in ; bae this day visited the county jail of ;
We reached Rock BlufTs.saven utiles i ,lis posession relative tocorrespondc-uoe ; J1', J" - leave to i
below here on the river bank about ! negotiations with Dr. Converse in , nue t he fo low i ng rep, t ,
Zoning, in tending to rpi:anl to our railroail JntM-earsJ ' J t ". couny 4,ne of the oldest aud richest j
8ome one from Louisville sends the
Ilr.PvALO the beginning of our last
week's editorial on County affairs, fol
lowed by a pasted slip from the Oma
ha Republican, we bi-lieve, showing tho
folly of nominating and electing demo-, for spite or in fun. We don't
exactly understand the 'pint." Xo one
has surely stood sijuarer for a straight
out party ticket than the Hi:rali, nor
pointed out the folly o auy other
-course, ofteaer.
We must record the pleasure with
"which we met an old friend, Mr. Hen
ry Fonteneile, on the cars from Blair.
We have not seen Henry for years; he
Is a sen of tho well known trader of
errly years by that same, and was ed
ucated in Kentucky.
lie is tne of the most intelligent
and sensible iersona with Indian
blood in his veins that we ever
anet. Henry is now petitioning the
Government to set hie land off, to him
self. In fee simple and to make him a
full citizen of the United States.
We deprecate any feeliag in our com
munity which would undervalue the
real benefit that the B. & M. has been
to this county and the State. We cau
urge our claims to have another rail
road if we can get it, without making
any unjust charges"agaiust the B. & M.
The B. & M. R. R. Co. has treated us as
well as the exigencies of a sharp com
petition among railroads would admit.
Keither have we any quarrel with
the U. P. folks, nor the people of Oma
ha. Let the railroad managers light
out their rivalries as all strong men
and corporations are bound to do
If Cass county thiuks she can better
herself by aiding the building of more
railroads through her borders, she has
the right. If the pro-rata bill benefits
the whole State we have the right to
urge Its j passage manfully, fearlessly,
but without any hard names or hard
felings towards any town, railroad
company or individual.
six o'clock in the evening
stay there all night so as to get an
early'sfart" liext'mofinng "for "Van
Horn's minej further' down the river
that being the real aaiiiiui (as Father
Martin used to say,) of our journey. At
Rock Bluffs we found everybody coal
crazy. Mr. Jos. Shera had gone to Xeb.
City to get a coal-stove to see what the
blasted thing would do in a stove.
Henry Sliem an 1 Mrs. Jos. Shera
ceived'us very cordially, and in a short
time Dr. Reed, Mr. Allen, Dr. Bradford
and several citizens caraii over to wel
come the Proesfsor and talk coal.
we tramped down to the "mine," and
as by this time word bad spread that a
great geologist had come to examine
the wonderful mine, we were followed
by all the boys in town, and for some
distance around ia the country.
The "mine" is simply a drift in the
point of bluffs' just north of town,
aboui a quarter of a mile above the
main street. It opens just where the
bluffs approach the river closest, the
same as at our point here. The mouth
is about 100 feet from the water and
about 20 feet above water level. It
has been opened by a miner named
Win. Black, who says he was busted,
and robbed in the Black Hills, and
coming down here, accidentally dis
covered this outcropping. '
Xow you may all laugh, but it isn't
It&tiona! Medication.
Metlication is ontr successful when It Is ra ami It Is rational only wliei? it boglm at
the l.'iiminir. In other word, to cure a ni.ilu
lv., lis ruv.sti must removed. Weakness.
efti-r ci-iierat r local. Is the origin uf the jrrcat
nirii'fiilv f! diseases. Heiuforee the vital ner
4ii.:ik reflate uiacHiiuu niul secretion. ly
stivi!t:l!ifniiu' tlie organs which jmtIoiiii those
ail ii:i orutiit fui.etio s. and dysnepsi i oustl
l ttion. kiditev :'-d Madder comnhints. uterine
liUVirullies. iiuonre clrt'tiHtion. and the th.-us-an
1 and one allinciits tt hiCil are th consc-nufiit-es
of ilehiiiit. are conmletelT. and in
most eases permanently, removed. I'he lst,
safest itnd most riree:Ule tome ami alterative
that c in be employed for tliis purpo'U' Is llu
U'lter's SitMiiach Hitters. The experience of
twenty-fivv years, cluriiif: wiiieli it has out
lived peril ips (en times I hat nu'ii!er of epliem
m r st i - riiii 'rriMi.iiMiii.s niitt n i:iitr run i'-i iiiumimh-
lie was toliowed ny lion bain Li!aj- counties m the State, situated in a most jM-tiiion with ic. has i.i.ei it to he uneou iid
nrm,- L. O.-Tld. E. O. Dorey, - Me -F. unsuitable- pl-e. mler the-no! tlskle j Jjfl w,av"wJ by
Ilagoml, and G. S. Smith
i, A Committee of six was appointed to
confer with the officers of theChicagofc
R. I. II. R. Co. direct to see what could
be done in the.'matter. Said commit
tee are:
Mesir.v-R.'K. Livingstotf. cli'ii L.
G. Todd, Lawsou Sheldon, Isaac Wiles,
Joseph Shera, and Sam'l Richardson.
Meeting adjourned.
G. S. Smith,
Isaac WiJLns, Sec'y.
I of u iiune bluff, whii'h covers a larg?
I portion of the bnilding. and renders it i
i imjHissible for iho nun to reacli ti e
j buihiing at all until four o'clock iu the j
afternoon.. In short, it is nolhh.g but j
i i
a oug-out.
The lower part, which is of ston
rdampand motility, contains one com
mon reception room, for prisoners
charged with light offences, oi.e room
i: by 1.1 f'et. supposfd to be ban td and
safe to cou'iuo priaoiH'rs charged with
graver crimes, and two small, dxik, so
ca led cell rooms
The oiie we designated as the recep
t ion room is about II by l. feet, and
less than 0l2 feet high. Neither in this
nor any other room on the grmind or
basemenf lloor can there be any light
or from the rear, or "south
side. This room is supposed to be
guarded by an old rotten door and some
rusty iron grating but as far as -any
security is concerned it is a perfect
'farce. It is low, damp, badly. ventila
ted, and, when we consider the fact
that persons temporarily detained for
any purpose and who m.iy often be in
nocent of any crime.' or are i:i ill health
S98 ? Head ! Look ! !
lY'ivra rarn
k7 7
Fitzgerald Hall was crowded and we
were surprised to see how Interested
all our people were in R. R. matters.
A very large number were present from
throughout the county, and A number
of good suggestions were made by the
various speakers.
We were most surprised by onr friend
Todd's speech, L. G. we mean. Mr.
roUJ on tins eveuuui evening, to use j m- in;jrm, must necessarily be iueareer
Maik Tapiey's phrase came out strong, t ate.l liere whether or no. we unhcsUa-
excoeJiagly strong on tho rigiit lead
entirely. He appreciated this time the
real itaity and support necessary be
tween town and country, and made a
generous, public spirited speech, stat- !
ing frankly that he was a friend to
railroads under certain conditions' and
with proper rebtrictiuns ; in short wo
were very much pleased with -Todd's
speech, some parts cf it were real wit-
such a joke for a green-horn to consent , t for ic3tiuce llis ideas 8,,Mlt votillJf ! Ivt;-l l
to bury himself in the heart of a huge Md the hm of bxllUi 1L KMs ft?1 f"
1.T..CP I. - d... " iii, o..u io u is.
The IIeiiali and wife went np in
Washington county last week and
made a most agreeable visit with old
friends at Blair.
The town has improved a great deal
In th past a years. It is simply as
tonishing; new handsome houses have
gone up. nice shade trees have been
planted out all over the streets, (they
have had sense enough to shut up stock
und beautify the town), the side walks
are set out from the fences 3 or 4 feet
and look neat and clean, no rot and
mould against the fence (or just room
enough for weeds to grow and not
enough to keep tlieui down ss we have
They have three new church build
ings, two built since we lived there,
and a large new brick steam flouring
mill just put up the past summer.
f stores all doing well, it is in the
heart of a fine county and has a good
future before it.
The Timts under Lnntry prosjers
and thrives, the Pilot just fairly under
way. is gaining strength, they light like
blazes, those papers do. but we suppose
we must endure that until the news
paper luillenium conies.
To attempt to enumerate all the kind
friends we saw, how gladly we were
welcomed would be impossible. What
a pleasant thing it is to go back to one's
old home, after all the little petty feuds
of newspaperdoui. or rivalries of busi
ness have been laid aside and forgotten.
Each party turns only the pleasant side
out and the really good qualities of
lioh are seen. The true pure diamond
of friendship shines midimmed thenmd
the memory of such times dwells long
and lovingly in the heait of man.
Jennie June," the very agreeable
pewsp iper writer aud correspondent,
refutes with some ability and good
nature the statementof aXew England
newspaper that she couldn't keep hyue
when she lived at Southbridge, twenty
years ago. f-ne no scnwmiwi"
her family who wrote to her in after
Few of the readers of the Hekald
are aware of the number and bitter
ness of the epithets that Br. Miller al
ways uses in au attack. Let us give
you a few examples in the R. R. war:
"Incorporated commercial cut-throats
public plunderers, nndserieak thieoea."
Of JulgB Crouuse, our Representative,
he s peats as a "clumsy demagogue,"
and again adv ises our Senators "to cut
tho jugulars of the throat-cutters who
would inflict a blow on Omaha."
We might fill much more space with
this style of adjectives, which he has
applied to either our Representatives,
R. R. ouiciais, or the people.
He says they aro "impersonal," don't
mean anything. Sec. Then what folly
to fill a paper with them, and what in
fluenco can they have. If he means
tbera, then are they tho bitterest and
most burning words of contempt that
the language is capable of producing,
applied to his neighbors, and his con
freres. This and this only can be our excuse
for retorting in the same vein. Many
think we are severe; we hope we are,
he needs it. It is the only language
h seems to understand.
Our Western exchanges arc filled
with well-written articles to prove the
falseness of his iositioiis; for ail of
which he cares not a pinch of snuff.
What use to waste logic on a man who
is never logical; what need to urge ar
gument to a man that never agrues.
Take the epithets, inueudoes, interrog
atories from almost any column of his
editorials, and there Is nothing but
-gibberish,"" Indeed, left.' 1
, Gov. Ilawley, of Conu.. in . a -speech
said these trne wordvof editor's duty:
bluff, by means of a little slit, that
looks as if it might close up on him
any minute. Black lit a candle, and
crawled in. The Professor followed
without fear and trembling, but then
his used to it. We pushed Allen,
who weighs 200 in before us, calcu
lating that if anything fell, it would
hit hiiu first, and we could crawl out
under his lee, somewheres. and irct
time to "holler" for help; besides we
didn't want him Irehind, choking up
the entrance, if the hole should shrink
together any.
. , , -; in wjs ao
through a low passage, so narrow we
have to almost squeeze? through, and
Allen has to go edgeways, as there is
a small chance for bay windows there.
Twenty feet of this andwc come to rock,
and the drift is widened and deepened
so that we can stand m. A little fur
ther and we strike what they call the
coal. Sometimes walking and some
time crawling, we go on for nearly
100 feet from the mouth. Black is
just drilling fur another eharge.
The Professor and Black hold can
dles in every nook and corner, and talk
learnedly of "seeps," and "veins," and
"coming in," and "sub-strata while
the rest of us budd.'e 'round on cold
black stones and catch more cough,
The blase has been put in and a low
doll thud is heard. The cavern is nil-
ed with spuwls and smoke, and after
waiting some time for it to clear, we
concluded to go home for the night.
Mr. Allen kindly lodges us and we
sleep the sleep of the just just out of
a coal-mine, you know.
The Prof. Measures tho depth of the
vein, the length of each different eoil
or rock the drift passes through, and
th?n goes off on the bluff hunting spec
imens the boys say he can climb like
a goat, while we stayed in the buggy
iftore as a thousand "periods," glacial
at that, and watched the boys throw
coal shale in the river.
Prof, has filled a cigar box or two, we
load up half a ton of coal, as specimens,
and set out for "Vanllorns" wherever
that may be.
Black rides ahead oa a wild mustang,
his broad hai flopping in the stiff south-
tir.giy pronounce it totally and wholly
unfit", for the purposes of a common jail.
The next room on the is about
13 Iy 15 feet, with still lower .ceiling,
so low that a tall nv-.ii must stoop coit
siderably to enter the door, and cannot
stand upright with a hat on after he
enters. It t- of course, as dark, damp,
and fin vent iiited as the other. The
door is also of wood, with rustv iron
gratings for ventilation, ;?ul the walls
themselves, musty and mouldy, are no
pivU'.-iion from escapf. Jn fact, the
st part of ti.e build-
Slope far Sale or Ml ! ! i
with orders.
We are the more happy to say these
good words' of Todd because we want
to show him that we do not write harsh
criticisms of men for fun or ni.olice,
j but because wc believe it to be. tho
j truth. When Todd came up here last
year and accused us unjustly, as we all
thought, the IIei:ali said so and now
when he speaks truth and leasou we
desire to give h:m equal ci edit for bis
good qualities.
In the rear oi tins room are
blind, daik cvll-rconis, one 4 "by 7
' We hope the committee on this R. H.
business 'will be' prompt and nelive.
aud not IK this matter of a trunk road
die out without some- definite action.
Let us have it built or forovor drop the
whole thins:.
"Teach alf the bovs'to believe that
every man who goes into public life j era breeze and the wide wings of his
ancient blue cavalry coat spreading
lias his price; that there is . no man
who enters public life anywhere that
does not look out for his own, ami is
not always scheming to do something
for himself and his friends, and Seek
ing to prolong his power, and by that
kind of talk you will ruin your coun
try." That is just what Miller has been
teaching and doing for years. Either
h-i has helped to corrupt and demoral
ize the people in this way, or else he
has no influence, an I has sold his s;:il
to every bad end for nothing. On
horn or the other must be accepted.
In return for his compliments to
ourselves we shall only answer: The
most charitable construction w e cau
put on his foolish course is to bliev
that instead of drinking his whiskey
open ami aUive board, he is ouo of
those miserable unfortunates wh kwp
a private bottle in their o;Ujc, or drink
gin out of a t'ia-pot, to midden and
destroy whatever g x I sense and jti lg-
ment their other
left them.
debaucheries have
From our Pleasant Ridge corres-
! pondent, we learn that they are hav
ing gay times out there. Two or three
dances at John Craig's have helped to
fill up the winter, besides all this they
have a well attended Literary Society
which meets at the brick school house
on Friday evening and disc.v.svjf everv
thing and everyb'vly. Oa tho evening
i of February 1 1th they g.l up an illus-
like sails over the hull of a
achiKmer. The pony yawed hither and
yon, and we gallped( ') the buggj' up
hill and down, through gulch and ra
vine, ly yawning caverns (which Black
said were filled with cord), and over
tall hazel trees for about two hours,
when our guide took iu sail and we
dropped anchor in old man Van Horn's
Mr. Fred. Dorrington of this city, is
now in Minnesota, looking np th. mer
its of a new seed wheat, of which he
expects to have several car-loads here
for sale next week. It is Fife Wheat,
comes from too extreme northern
boundary of Minn., and produces there
4 bushels to the acre.
On our soil, and from the benefits of
a change of seed, it should yield much
more. It will have to be sold at about
5 '.23 per bushel, whii'h makes it cost
about to seed an acre.
This wheat brings the first price in
Chicago markets.
Tne who desire to improve their
seed wheat will have to speak q"iiick.
when Mr. ' Dorrington returns, as tlie
supply is limited. Here is a letter
from the State Centennial Agent, tell
ing what it does th;re:
Sr. l'At-t.. MiNvrsoTA. I
Folniarj lUli, iiTG. f
F. M. nonitiX'iTox JVrr Sir: In reply to
your i:i ('i'ri-:, permit inc t- viy tan t u s.v:ii
ple ' i'lie Wlic-it a v iil:i:e:i i i t't tVii
teiir.i:i.'. r:vj;m at S:. 1 int. vii w -.!:! f:vn fi t
Wl!". pT huhel. :i!n! that tiic ji.-l of tin:
sjmc is fro.'u 2." t 4 SjusIikW pr n;ivs.
1 Mi'.'ti;::,! r-K.
Ai.' St. U'U Ctii.t. M.iii.
himiimi i imn i
The Trunk railroad is assured if th
Rock BliiiTs coal mine hoids out as
good as its proprietors think for. Xe!.
City Prts. .
Miss Cenevieve Ward, who was
without honor as ;tu iK'Uvusi'.i her own
country, still maintains the high repu
tation she has won iu Ihigland. Her
personation of Lady Macbeth at the
recent Centennial lieuelit in Drury
Lane was pronounced by many eminent
, critics the. best that had Ix-en seen on
sin the English, board for many years.
The Omaha Herald is engaged in A
lonesome Senatorial gane which p
lears to j,ive it ii.ilnite enjoyment.
Never beiii:; admitted to taken liaiai in
the regular d"al. it always amuses
itself with plaviug its light hand
before tho
and thy otner 7 by O ct. 'i.iey are
supposed to hv lined with iron; the
one in the south-west corner is almost
totally without light arid ventilation,
the only aprtu;e in il being iu - the
door leading to tlu ceil east of that
ami only ;ibout eighteen-inches in size.
Neither room would make a decent
hog-posi, and no farmer in this county,
who owns a decent Berkshire pig.
would shut him' up there ten days,Tind
e.Mct him to thrive, or even live.
This comprises the whole room for
coiuineiiieiit of prisoners.
The whole structure is only one sto y
and a half in height (that is, really, a
basemcut, the jail, and tho stery above.,
in which the jailor's family lives.) It
is all under the hill, the dirt coming
within four feet of tht top of the
There is not a nook or a corner in it
fit tor a human habitation, and it in no
way fulfills the. purpose of a jail, or a
place where prisoners can be safely
kept without unnecessary cruelty.
livery one knows the value of sun
light and fresh air. The meaue t crim
inal is entitled to a t-.ruall shaio of these
God's best blessings to man, and yet
here in tiiis thing we Cali our jail, no
prisoner can either s;-e the one or feel
tlie oiiier. It is a burning disgrace to
the cauuly and the people.
We heartily and earnestly entreat
the attention of the court and through
it the ctiu'uty cominis.-iuners to these
facts, and recommend that the commis
sioners do take the necessary steps at
uncv to provide a better jail within tlie
limits of 'as county.
The prisoners say they are treated as
well as they can be under the circum
stances ami considering the nature of
the building We find both the jailor
and Sheriff have done their duty and
havo kept tiie so called jail in as good
con drtion as possible. during our term of service we
have visited tho steam Ferry Boat.
"Mary Mclee,"und report that she is
in K' d condition and furnished with
all the le'iu'nvi.ients provided for by
law. for tiit-" safe trau-portalion of per
sons and property.
She iitus from the west bank of the
Missouri river below Pialtnouth o'
the cppo-Mle-or low sid and the in
spector certificate is dared Sept. 1 Lh,
!., and gocd far one year; the. ntres-
sary rules and regulations according to
law nrcduiy postod up. and there j
been no coiapiabit tpis of exhorbitant j
charges for transportation across the
river. All of which is respectfully
' (Jno. W. FAii:rii;i.r.
Foreman (irand Jury.
Of every description
Cheaper Than Ever.
Some things even
Chamber Sets, $25 and up.
Dressing Bureaus, $12.50, up.
Bureau Staiuis, $7.50, up.
BediGeacio, $3, up.
Extension Tables, $7.50, up.
Chairs, $50c, up.
Boston Rockers, $2.50, up
Centre Tables, 6; up.
Wool uv.d Wire 3Ittrcss
c:? very Cheap.
2verything hi the Furniture
Line, Cheai).
If you don't helleve it call
ami sec for your
elvcs, at
The Compliments of the season to all
our customer?, from
Solomon INat&an
For the increase in our trade and
the large business we have done the
last year, we desire to thank our num
erous friends and hope they may con
tinue tho same as we expect to offer
better and better inducements for
them to do so.
A HE tlie result of ftn experience of thirty -tn
In tlie nntci le of h iift',fii! nliytr l ti "
Hitter runic -Au extract uf rota una t,(4m
no Jililli lini.sly iiiid l!iclicin;illv roniollii i U.J
every ;iit of tiic di.H-u.He.l hodT rtx-civt
ini ri'Miinii. oil nut rinimid a p-.mva
for nil the lilt of life, hut f.r ilyi', r -luUtM
anMivt'i-c-iiiiI;iiiiU. i,ver ai.J aue, Cji m-.-i
(IrMlify. jnel all fliicin (,f I lie K.'oniMfh. il r'
hikI (tiKcstivc orHiiH. it U mi eJli-rtu:;! r.-Mu-, '
As ii i'i-viitalivt.- ;ij:.iiut lvor huU .;it jip?
iii i.arjoun tHc:iH-s it Is ni!snri.;ii. I :i
' xtreiiKlheiis ami liuilds np Mi !i-l illtatc!
I tfi.i. and givi' rciiewL-d ir to u'.l iun, A if
i Ixvjy.
inx are Act. ms 1!ur tic e.TH.r.'vi
In cases of dropsy, eout, i;iui l. niul dis ain (
tlie liladder mid kiitn.'yv purities tl. i.liu.-f
cure onfii!- and ernplive di unrt. r n,::,'
mid lieiinilule mins, hh4 nd tliwiLes ef tins uri
nary organs.
per t ornn t A prompt remedv foren?ht
tiIhiiu. ctoiip. Miid Hd diseae of Mie i'u..;it,
hia'i and eliet. and tlie lh-t ntjgi-s i W)..
iumiptioii iiiifl tvpli.ild ferej-.
l-'cver nit'f ;!rne I'il Are prepan jet
preislv to aid the tonic in ciiriiij." iicat' n
clnonlf e:n-. tlifv ai't witliont lcp.etion.
'rineitii Mnlmenl-4 i'en the p i-e ;
the and j.tvi-irate. to die Lone or ! c.
pam. civiim fln-rio manor Ik-ioi ih . erCitt
ai any oulwar I apn!f-atiin in.
Nild by all I'i n :mt nut 1),.iler.
JZl I'lTl'l
ten, Jr
"We hofe to see you at the old stand,
the ensuing year, where we are prepar
ed to do a large whole:de and retail
We have just received a large new
stock of goods,
Bight from
BScad the fbh-
VV e havo employed tha
and tfie
i A t - ' . .
at tne ery lowest prices; winch we
intend to sell at such ratea a will as
touislt Everybody. ' '
FETZER d- yVAliniAN,
Bl icksmiths & Wason Majors,
t'ir., Wasliiutyii Ave. and Sth ISts.
Tl iv-nx lately.''.it jitit I.KMiOiT'S OLD
ST A Vi v.e n'paivd to Uo ull work hruttght
to us iji t aN line.
Zl K .VfliiB,
a. 5
Medical Institute
J!KVui:TI": nv W
i.m-ii v-:ir.i niil.. 1 i.oa- l? liiurr iisaiiiK, us u:t a year or -o
i real inavers shuiihi the tlec k and reach
ANOthf.k hole f(r truiiins. Tiie Uf-. is trying to
Only s. coujile of hundred yards below ' learn the Ueral.rxsolitiirc system, as it
lyf , .
... I-Jt- v .......
I'l-lV Y-4 '...'
' :lOi-'..
e,w'rh .1 la'a t , .
tk x- i).r.i:.vit.
I,") .ia
2i l i -'.'"
1 l :m
H ...
3 tH.'.4 )
N::v Yoi:i. lYb. 1;.
$1 14,
the house Mr. Black has drilled anoth
er opening under the ribs of the bluffs.
Here they have gone iu 185 ft. The
foresees a lonely 1 1:110 of it in the fu
ture. (Jloh'-JouiiKil.
The Jmuha Herald-, onee claimeil to
same features, nearlv, mark the spot. 1 l;-?tn:. is busy making capita!
,,,.. . : lor JliteiieiM'k s re-election wbeuevei
nortunitv 'oilers. T'ndcr the
The drift is vry narrow at the en
trance and the hides crumbly. Forty- head ot Washington currespoijih-ree, it
three fett iu we strike the coal, the I auounccd a day or two ago, that as t he
..! o,..t .-.. -.. -..!v- U ;a k I cuaiK-eK lawicu the eieelloji
Ul Ul 1H 1M aou i Vn r uin. a V in s.'w
Teet from here to the end of th pit.
Tiie vein is 3 feet 8 inchei and Iilck
says will 'come, in 5 feet strong in a few
feet lurther
The mouth is about 13 feet above
water level and almost over the water
so close is it to the Ifo. Mr. VauIIorn
nd family feel confident it i coal and
are sanguine of a fortune.
And inspection were gone through
with, and we go up to the house where
we have an excellent, dinner of hum
and eggs.
We ate 20 and the Prof, a dozen, you'
see that sail on the prairie after J?Iack
I. VTV'ST CniCAliO MAitM-rrs.
CMicwo.- Fe!. 16.
Fhr '. ft "O
Yi I. cat 1 U-'
''I II -. "il l
OiTtt :a:,
itvc.i 0'"
11'..! . : '.'
Ik 7!e. 4 .v ..i JJ
T"HE nly jdaee wii-ri a sure cure ran he re.-lit-tl
npou. Little is required in the way of
advert Isiiit. the reput : ion of the in-t ii ;ii ton
in werl know u I iiivuhout the wet. Call and
he oiiviaee.i that tliis is the larit and mot
eoinnielc n,Mii;ir ion of the kind In America
tor la- MieeeasMil treatito'iit nl ail Chronic Sex
ual. Private ami Venera! I i -. scs of !(:!i sex
s.ieii a Sypiiiiis, 'aorii.'iM. tiieer. isirirtiire.
l,'t;;i!me. ali.'o ;e V.-in. t re!;: i is, ilntio,
All nrhiary and syjiiiiliiie or lii'-reari il u!f,-r
tioiis of t ae t liioat, Kin or l.eet- ;nv tro:ii:d
wii !i iinp.o'.'tllfied mic-.v s. i ionorr.Kea eurcil
in from thieo to live il.-.y. Svptiilii eared ii,
lioin li e 'o en days. tver 17.:"'7n cafs eiaeti.
S-inii:a! W t'o ess. 11.. .!.! : !nea. Niclit l.osj
k. l'l)i;iiy atid !in;x.ti'.i-y. Iist of ;s-x-I'umi
t. a- t '--f li-.-all 0: M-li-aonM1 ia yout li. .cx
i:;l ( -ssfs in iu;;tt;n-r yi-;t. and all i:;ijii'tii-:ni-i:l
to in.irriae. peiiiianenily i-itred without
a! r,a;i v or .-ti.y o! ::'.'i mm.-r il ;h;smi. I";;iienis
a; . (l!s;;iiiee l.-e.tied hy ielter. MeilieirifS .sent
evT where. Y.mii''m have ho-ome
the vi'lii4 oi sidit.o vie.' ta.U ilreaUf.d ami
ai;d (iestpa'T ;" ix::' :l wldr'n ;ni!it;alv sweeps
to hii iinTimiy r.?ve t hoiisaitris of yunjr Men
1 I !k 1 1 -s 1 exaui il tali n!s and hriiiiant iiUel-It-.'t.
who ltd:;;.! otherwise enfraiiee Senates
witil 1 If t'lianleis (if el uiueiiee. or wkeJ o ee
t.ier the hvii.,; lyre---iii:y eall Willi Jud. eoiiii
lienee. S"i!.t a tii't that a vonnir uian.tae
ti'iii-' of his eoa;i"ry. I darliim if nis part nts.
s!i.u:i.l lie si'M.i'hed lfciu aii piop ris. and
J,Ty.".it 1 lite ly l'e eo:isc;iipitet s f deviat
ing fioiii o.e ....'a 1;:' i::iiiuc ai.d i:oluh:ii in a
eeriaia se; habit, .nij, a pt-rsons naist, he
fore eon tent i!.sti'i:c nt -trriaire. r!li-,-t t hat a so;ji;1
inind ami hody ai v t!l ii;,c,t.s.sary re)iiis
to pl'omoie . 1 . u f a! h iioiin-s. indeed
wilhout thi-se the journey tiiroi.irli lite
oim s aweary pd.i intake. t',,f prosfet l.otirly
darkens to th view.l:e Ix-i-iuiih shadow
ed witii despair and fiU.-d wil h meiaiiehoiy re
lleetioi'S that the lli.opines of ;moi her is hiifriit
ed wii 1 o.:r ovVii. To all en in;: yoiui men we
woual say, do no: J;ei"p thi.s s';r.'t to yiriirseif
a-i. your 1 .o;! i.t: : u a is a;pet tlie vuais ai.u
left y.n H wre.-k f liiiittattity, a ems to your-.s:-lf
yid Mrei o soe.if-ty. Ifyaaare eiilaii
kled in tlie ttiatt' t'f !"?-;?f':!i.tioii. or any pri
at. d'seas.-. ih ir Its .iesiria-iion. and ap
ply at S:. .Joseph M.-ilii-'al Instiiiite for treat
ment and li-i'oiiM .ii' more a heinaii b-in.
- res (L'!iar.snt''e.f or m-.riv rclaro'd.
fc 7 li female ii!;ka.!ties aa'd im;Mdiinentn
te M N i'ia.'t' treated ith safety and sneeess.
A ttn-at liifdicaM'ook and serrlslor la
li -.s and units. Sent f'if for two .siamiw. .
Add i -is Si. J's.!.e Mt di.-.e Ipstitiae. Francis
Stre-, between S.viRi-i'.mit Third, St. .Jwsfpli.
Ma. . July
W. L. Tucker,
"We do not pretend to say we sell the
cheapest in the world, neilhf-r Mo we
profess to say that we keoif everything
from axe-h:idlo to - telearanh
matches, and from pica to bologna sau
sage as so many do
we are the only
Hxclttsirt Dealers,
in our city in
Staple & FANcy
dry GOODS.
In these linesand in XOTIOX. we
lead the trade.
We have the best assortment of the
latest novelties from the hist patent
needle to tho to oat fci-shio liable style of
silk dress. !
We sell at the lowest prices that can
be found hetween here and San-Fran-
cisco, vai. v e inius una lew uier-
chants -
and to convince yon, wo especially :v-k
your candid attention to tha following
list of prices:
3 c.tses of American standard prints.
1!J yards for I fx)
I case cotton flannel, at 10 yards
5? w y
Jas. B. Folden.
Huw, F) leads, if '-yotJ wtt
sD-Q'S EFJouy
Fair Dealings ?.ni to ;o hex-:
We also respectfully anctitr.
to yuu that wa haya go
ca a fall lisa cf
Dry Goed,
Uool & allocs,
i a. J w
1 00
12 cases domestic irinzhams. at 10
yards for 1 00
5 cases of muslin, best brand 12
yards for ." 1 00
A very largo assortment of black and
colored alpacas, double warp, the finest
in the city, from 2.1c a yd. up.
A prime lot of ladies shawls from SI
Carpet chain, standard brand, 3 pound
package 1 2
A new and handsome lot of carpets,
hemp, from 27 cts. up.
Ingrain, from 65 " "
three-ply, from .......... .8
Xew stock of handsome embroideries,
from t'-!i cts. per yd. up
Ladies fashionable collarets,
from . 5 cts. np.
New stock, all colors, of worsted
fringes, 20 cts. per yd.
In addition to all these new goods at
vprv low rates, we offer our large stock
Furnishing Goods !
Saw Mill
is well stocked Tritk
Bitildin" A3nte?tn)t
Axle Trees,
Come irhen jmt need anything in -vr
Hm, and j'.t mine for ymtr nnt.
i at Era m
jr3amaritan Nervine,
Tliu (.'reat! Nerve Conqneror. e jre T;- ;-ptlr
I'i;s. l vnKi'.lis. fi;isMS. St. V'ii:.s .'.. .. e. ;t':.'.
all .Serious lMse;ts", ; t 1 i ' o'liV V I.'V ; I . '
re.ii'Mly for Kj.ilept ie 1 in. 11 ii. s ! ti-o-a
liy lnoa.s.inJ iuia Wv 't"'- T :' n ki .:i to f.aj
in k MiuIe (vise. I y..e'.ir fro-. i:,r.e
suiinp lor CiiriiUirs xiv-.u- 0vi!vi. t ' i res. -Addree4.
llH. S. A. hi rl v.i .,
i, ly 71!. :
now on hand, at
desire to disjiose of a;r HAT-'1,
CAPS. It LOVES, l.(KTy. and
Gbslacles to Karri ace-
tljiypr lielieffsr 'rtnn; T ei u-
I'fl. i lsol la rois ;inil A liu.' in r i! 1 r . ; !
In ivl r'sioii.(l. Intpefliineiits to .U..t ;!.: r
in.ived. New mettiod fd treal no : f.
rei(i;irk:il.le remedies. I'.ook tirwl l ir i,
tn-e. li. ' 'tivc!ii. s. Ail lr - il'
Asstrt'l MliiN.itj N. Na.ttt M.. '
r, Jlis.itiit:oii h ivio ;i ln.-li r v . V eoti.luet ;n: t pi ..!i:-1 -.i
.tr r 1
i. .1 i. 1
Painter Grainer,
tratel paper called the Pleasant Ilidjre
Inter Ch-ean. edited by Mr. Sh owalter, i did it, th horses were stuffed with ern
which mad ? a jrreat deal of fun. About ! and we turnetl our backs on the Cass
of a
, liepu'diean to ti at oitice, Iliwhcoek
w.ts the iea.-.t oojeetioniole ot a1 1 meii j iror
na:o l for Senator, and there reaiv was !
but little to be brought against him.
etc.. tq the same eilect.
and it ha been a lire-brand in our own
camp by it3 persistent putting forward
its own preferred candidates and pet
hold .ies, It favors this
movement liecntise lie is a candidate
of the I'nion Pacific railroad, and the
lliji-tlop editor dire not disobey the
orders of bis superiors. Fremont Her
ald. Columbus Era will stand tip at the
head: "The reason why the Union
l'aeiiie Iiaiiroad continues to thorough
ly 'grind the people of this State, is
bt cause it has pneh u powerful and
obedient 'Miller." Frcmtat Herald.
For TJiroat. I.' A-siluaa. Kidneys.
Forest Tnr fioiution,
lialioj for C;i.;;!r!i, "ot;i!!, Urun-
cliUK. a: ul Astlaaa.
For 02 1 Tar Troches.
For S jie t lironr. TteUihii: Conzb. Hoarseness,
aud I'ur.vifyi us tiie l!rex;a.
Forest Tar S tive.
Forest Tax Soap,
Forest Tar Inhalers,
tor I ii ha', ins the Solution for Catarrh and Bath.
A f CliAlMJAN'i. 47li3
For Ileuiiuj Sore.s. L'li-ers. Culi. lUir.n. aad t-T
For L iiapirtd Hands, Salt Klieiu. Skill iiea'ies,
tlie Toilet aad liatii.
two hundred ieople were jres"tit.
O.-i Tuesday evening they were to
meet at Heaver's school house, and Mr.
Wooley was to get out an edition of
the Concord Exp jniiir,
That is right, folks, the IIkiiald is
very glad to see you all take hold of
llln J III j" 71 t lll L lir 111 111 l 'U'vebju'
brought to light by tho fieri !
I .. T J. I.TI,., l.., .! .. IT...1.1 1,.. 1
. n..i.iiti nioociit-utt .iTuI nur
... , ., supported a canduhUc. in count v, city,
; Helves to PlattMuouth in order that of vy;i0 so f,litunate as to
: lrof. Aughe might catch the 4 oclock secure an election." Ex.
St. Louis Express.
Prof. Aughev will take the
fe: -Xever shall I forget th farail.T sojethingso sensible, useful j
i:vor alii 1 fjour aod Gmham brea l. . . ,
, ...j , . i t : . --,,,., .tiifirh. I siruciive. xiy uui iksi, win
A Lot'D cam. That of tho Omaha
'two- ; Herald, which calls upon "our (mean-
iflonsofeoal from these openings to ! ing Omaha's Ilitclicok and IV.ihhwk)
... .. . : j.irit.i-j in IViTi.rrfrij Input MiA in'niliirc
Lincoln ami subject Ueni to caret iu , " . 1 . . , . . .T".. .." . !
LIcElwain & Ilcdapp,
it F.1ANII STAIvrr::-i"s entire sir.e!
-2 'it k ji ur -a, t m
Uedacud rrii.. s. Saii'.:,li s e.-:i b - :il
We also t:-.k plevairc in nsiifU'ri -i'j to tlie pu!
Jie, we null continue
iius removed fo the liai?d!i!r opposiie .Mntli
e -vs 1 i'trlu an- Siore. (On it'.t Surer. H-t. Mtn
rail Vir.e.i Wlo re ia addition to oilier work, COMFORTERS,
ne w::, eri;a :ihmi'.ii io
lises, runs, blankets, and
A ... 1 . ' . A ... ... V -. . . ..... u.u
AUU I.e i' .l1 " t'l r n un ' "
jw'wl nn om.
! r,f titi !.r..i fM-Hira li-l,.-. I , v- ;l rl . f r:l 1'V !
. . i . l.. ... i.:., . 1 " v"-- ..........
and in-: analysis. nen ne '" ;i bow u?on : i rv-rrivn s. r n t? u i vn r.
. , , . , ' I .If X til U W -X -.XA.
do. a-11 , to the governor tlie Heuald win puo- , Omaha and the people along the hue . Katimelin aarRRtcr-S,
i, lih it in full, if it cun I ohto'med. ,iof th Unum rwMii. omn
: ; E P A i B I U G F URN ITU B E,
makixu net via-: Fi:.iMi:s..ic.
Also Jljreiit for Hie OMMOV SKN.SK IIION
lNvi TAi:!.!.. oi" v.aiel. 1 have a
iitimii'-r on l'.a- 'l : eail
. and nee thein.
Carful Vt'orli awt Prompt Attend
ance to Calls.
4--ly V'MVL. TrcKEJl.
til. A KALI i 11
Machine Shop.
At I. L. Morrow's old stand,
Sevcsih. Sr., L Chicago Avo.
V.'e are prrparetl to ilo a general busLa-ss ii
An:! Jtepirir:x nil KiiKli or
ery. wnri am ileaj:frw. 'I'fn,
Tlire'iinf .7Ia.rJi:ac,
I'lonn, Ae.. Ac.
Iron & Steel Work a Specialty.
Sew 1Vagots ITiisgI-s Made
To frder.
ill Wurk Warranted to Give. Sat- i
JEW H L Tl Y ,
and L.ulies Millinery goods will be clos
es out at DEAD DOWN, RED RO'K,
C1-U Pfjnnc as for instance,
clZll 1 rlCSS, Ladies' Hals,
Gr JZj -A Z X 2ST Cr -
I'or.e lo oro'ei ia iod :'..
ti;ie rier et of r.i 'iinin!' t r,
him I'ully prepared to do w.rk ia tj j !.'. .
l.tti'Sl stlo.
Emj'i.teyt Mike s-iit.clll)actier
Li i. k 't '
4 j.l
(fine trimmed. ..
.8t r,n
li" t t r.' r j r t?', k L-- i -- t r i nt ri I
CLOTHS, in the same Ciitalogue.
aud all arti'des of luxury not staple,
will be sold way down, to make room
I'liol-JMETxlt f."r
fMx'n under ITr-t Nt ':..:l .i
l'Lin.l(l'TH, - - - -iilli.
mv ii 'I'l'Cl.irn y.:::', Ten .
Xow come ahead, all of you; glad
to show you goods, and gladder yet to
;f"0C A.D K..f
Solomon c)- Nathan.
riattsmouth.Xeb., Jan'y 12th, '76.
(;ord f res! i iifl'..
k veii rnon rs irosi e i x rr. r r:c r ru
ir THr.r 'axt ir.
j. v. BiMi.Mr.isTi:r..
tV..D I VOt"ORrKRJ Axn I
fitVK VolT
nm icovr -men .fl!:i'i