Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 03, 1876, Image 1

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On Vina St., On Block North of Main,
Corner of Fifth St.
Terms, in Advance:
Ono copy, one year
Ono copy, fix months
Ona ctnrr, tnree months
. 1.00
E3T IE jdL jIljLjEPo
TERMS: $2.00 a Year.
1 square..
3 squares
8 Kuari.
J ciiiiiinn.
X column.
1 ci i hi inn.
1 w. i J w. ! .1 w. 1 1 in.
3 in. II m.
t 00 $1 M)$2P0 faso 5 0i) fHOO fli
i N)t a t'l a ?.v s .v u 10 0.1 in m
9 8 7:. 4 UI' 4K, H Mi It fl 2U'
ti no H on 10 nn 1i (" oi ixi :.) I
3 Oil la Oil IS m IS (i 45 (( (Hi, Ml IS.
i: (x) in (xi -ji 01 an 1x1 id 1x1 mi 01 1 c h u
All Advcrtislnf- bills due- innrterly.
JT Transient advertisements must be paid f'i
!n advance
Extra copies of the Heualt for sate hy It. J.
Str. iirlif. at 'lie I'osNitflro, and O. F. JuLbkou, cor
ner of Mum aud k ifth streets.
Lounges, Tables, Bedsteads,
rro., itc, etc..
Of All Descriptions.
t, , .ys testt
"Wooden Coffins
Of aH sizes, ready-made, and sold cheap far eaiV.
With many thanka for paat paLronaia, I invite
aQ to call and examine my
J-'iir nitiii'o mid CoRInn.
Livery, Sale anfl Feefl
O. F.
Drugs, Medicines,
V , I
Ka-t of the Platte Va
AIIFaper Trinnserl Fres of Marie
Books, Stationery
kw Prescriptions carefully compounded by an
experienced Drnrrrist. act
Cor. Fifth and Main Streets,
The Oldest Livery Stable in the Town.
Good Teams Always On Hand.
Careful Drivers dent with carriages if desired.
Carriage Kent to Depot to meet trains whenever
ThoOnly HEARSE In Town.
and carriages furnished to
Ttinera s attended
rteii'ls. Address
401 v
Wholesale aad Retail Dealer In
Latli, Shingles,
Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers,
Saw and Grist Mills.
Wronght Iron Pipe, Force and Lift Pipe, Steam
Gange, Safety-Valve Governors and all
kinds of Brass Engine Fittings re
paired on abort notice.
Farm TVr.ola.xa.oxy
Repaired on Short Notice. 49-yl
On Slain St., cor. Fifth,
nTor Lumber.
Sewing Machine,
With all the Extras and Attachments,
such as Needles, Oil, Tuckers,
Binders, Etc.
Those who contemplate bnvinff a machine will
do well to Rive the Ci rover & Baker a trial. Sal
isfaction pnaranteod, and the cheapest machine
in the market. All orders by mail promptly at
tended to. Address
2m6 CHARLES VIALL, Plattsmouth, Neb.
The Ohio Republican State Convention
will be held at Columbus on the 29th of
March., on trial at Indianapolis for
alleged complicity in the whisky frauds
has been acquitted.
Mother Stewart, of Ohio crusade re
nown, recently made her first appearance
before a London audience.
The corpse of the late Chevalier Rossi
was publicly cremated in the Monumental
Cemetery, at Milan, Italy, on the 23d.
A few nights ago burglars robbed the
Northampton (Mass.) National Bank of
securities to the value of over $ 000,000.
Fite children of Mr. Alexander Ellerbe,
of Marion, S. C, were burned to death, a
few days ago, in their father's house.
which was destroyed by fire.
The "Wisconsin Republican State Con
vention has been called to meet at Madi
son on the 22d of February, to select dele
gates to the National Convention and to
nominate a State Electoral ticket.
A recent Bismarck dispatch states
that a party of miners had reached that
place from the Black Hills. The' report
1,200 miners in the hills, all of whom are
said to be meeting with excellent success.
A recent Pans telegram says another
conspiracy against the lite of Prince
Milan had been discovered at Belgrade,
and that it had extended so far as to
menace an insurrection ana pernaps a
"Work in the anthracite coal mines of
Pennsylvania is tobesuspende&from Feb.
7 to March 11, inclusive. This action has
been taken in consequence of overproduc
tion and the accumulation of unsold coal
upon the market.
The firm of Jordan, Clark & Co., one
of the leading wholesale clothing firms in
Boston, has suspended, owing to the
falsification of their books by their con
fidential book-keeper, Frank Sanford,
who has fled to Canada.
TnE Secretary of the Treasury has di
rected the destruction of $534,030 in
greenbacks, that amount being eighty per
cent, of the new national bank currency
issued during the month up to Jan. 27.
This leaves the outstanding greenback cir
culation $371,273,140.
A collision recently occurred on the
Great Northern Railway in England,
which caused the death of thirteen per
sons and injured many others. The col
lision took place in the midst of a blind
ing snow-storm. Among those killed was
the son of Dion Boucicault.
First National Bank
Of Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
All Grades of Lumber Cheap.
"fofTyour groceries
Cor. Third and Main Sts., Flattemouth.
(Gathmann'a old stand.)
He keeps on hand a large and well-selected
stock of
Fancy Groceries,
usar, Sirup,
Also a Large Stock of
Boots and Shoes,
Etc., Etc., Etc.
In connection with the Grocery is
Hishrxt Prire Paid for Country Produce.
A full etock at all times, and will not be undersold.
Take notice of the Sign:
Tootle, Ilanna to Clnrlc.
Joht Fitzgerald President.
E. O. Dotit Vice-President.
A. W. Mc-Lacghi-ix Cashier.
John O'Kolhks .Assistant Cashier.
This Bank Is now open for business at their new
room, comer Main aud Sixth streets, and are pro
pared to transact a general
Stocks, Bonds. Gold. Government
and Local Securities
Deposit! Received and Interest Al
lowed on Time Certificates.
V vioiit is reported between United
States troops and Apache Indians, about
fifty miles southwest of Santa Fc, N. 31.,
on the 17th of January. The troops were
on a buffalo hunt, and were attacked by
about 200 Indians. After fighting nearly
half a day the troops managed to get
away with the loss of one man and three
badly wounded. At least twenty Indians
were slain.
Rev. S. C. Baktlett, of Chicago, in a
recent interview denied that an investigat
ing committee of Congregationalism hud
been called to investigate the conduct of
Mr. Beecher and Plymouth Church, but
said the Congregational brethren would
not rest until the mutter had been thor
oughly sifted by a council, and that steps
to this end would probably be speedily
Araila'bie In any part of the United States and
au we .nncipal lowua ana Cities or l-.uroi e.
Persona wishing to bring out their friends from
Sarope can
XliroujjU to rin t on tli.
Excelsior Barber Shop.
Main Street, opposite Saunders House.
Nearly opp. Saunders House, on Main St.
At the o'ti plsc" I still hold forth, and for the
Cntenniiil year I offer eood ut 'Ttt pricec 1776. I
n tan. H jou do not believe it, come and see.
Shaving and Shampooln
Cutting Children' mid Ladies'
Call and See Boon, Gents,
And get a boon In a
A Lnrsc Mock or Clothing,
Men's and Boys'.
Gcnr' Fnrnihing Goods in evrry variety.
Jotrj aud Shoe-, Canes. Trunks, Valises, Etc.
My stock or Boot and Shoe. Fnrs and Jewelrr,
I am po.-invi-ly closing ont. It is the last yearl
tliall keep these lines.
All Coods at a Creat Reduction
In Prices.
ri.ittK-noutb, Neb., Jan. .3, 1S76.
COKSa.9 Uttsti, Proprietor.
A'waji en Hand and for sale at loisest cash prto-a.
The K -he-i Trices paid for Wheat and Cora.
, J'sr'iriler attention inen t cos torn wsik.
Post Office Book Store,
H. J. STBEIGHT, Proprietor,
Boots. Stationery, Pictures, Music
Violin Strings,
Newspapers, Novels,
Song Books, etc., etc
The vote in the lower house of Congress
on the passage of the Centennial Appro
priation bill was as follows:
Tear Adams, Itasby. Baker (N. V.), Ballon,
Punks. liaiiuins.'. Ham urn. Bass, Blaine, Blair,
I51is, Brartey, Brown (Kan.), Bnrleich, Cason.
Caswell, t'h-ipin, Cbitieinl.-n, (.'Ijhht, C'rapo.
Cronnse, Cir.ler. Danford, Darrall, Davy, Dcnnl
son. Dobbins, Dunnnll, Kamcs. Ksrbert, Ellis,
Karwcll, Forney, Foster, Freeman, Frost,
Frye. Garfield, Gaunt:, Gibson, Hale,
Hancock. Ilar.tlson, Jlarrlenberirh. H.irri
(MassA Harrison, Hatliorn, Hewitt (M. Y.k Hill,
lioar. Jlo''e, Hopkins, Jlurreil, Hunter, Hurlbut.
Hyman. Jencks, Jones (Ky.), Ka.son, Kelley.
Kutchura, Kuiif. I.Rmur, Landers (Conn.), Lane,
l.npnam, Lawrence, Leavenworth. Levy, Lnttrel,
Meke (N. C ), Mac-key (l'a.), Maroon, Mursh
McDoucrall, McCrarv. McDill. Mend. Mil
ler, .Money, Monroe, Morcr. Morpsn. Mn'rhler.
Nash. Norton, C)"Brien, Oliver, O'Neill. Baire.
I'hiliips (Kan.). Pierce, Piper, Piaisted, Piatt,
Powell, Pratt, Pnrman, liainey, Kandall, Reagan,
Keiliy, Koooins (l'a. I, Kobbins (N. C.j, Koberts.
Ross (N. J.), Boss (Pa. , Sampson. Schleicker.
iSchiunaker, Seelye. Mnnickson, Siemens. Small.
Saiith (Pa.), Strait, Stowell, Swan. Tarbox,
Teese, Thompson, Throckmorton. Townser.d
(N. Y.). Townsenel (J'a. Van Voorhees, Wirt-
dell, allace (S.C.I, W ailace (Pa.), Walls. Ward
Warren. Wells (Mo.). Wells (Miss.). Wheel, r.
White-house, Whitine. Wig Ins, Williams (N. Y V
A S. Williams (Mic-h.t, Williams (Wis.). Wil-
shire, 'Vood.Pa.). Wood (N. Y.), Woodburn,
Woodworth. Yonns 14.
Xayt. A insworth, Anderson, Ashe, Atkins.
l.acley. J. 11., Uac'ey. G. A.. Baker (I lid ). Beube,
Bail. Biaekbntn. Bland. Blount, Boone. Bradford.
Urtirnt, Brown (Ky. , Burkuer, Burc-hard (III.),
Burehard (Vis., Cabell, Caldwell, (All), Ctihl-
wc-n ( ienn.) c amptjeii, Candler. Cannon. Cafe,
Cauifield, Clark (liy ). Clark. (Mo.). Cochrane,
lolnns, tonger. took. Cowan. Cox, Cul
berson. Davis, DeBolt, Dibrell. Doujrlass, Dtir-
n'i.. tilen. b-vans. 1-aulkner, Felion, Fort,
Franklin, Fuller, Glover, Goode. Goodwin.
Gnnter, Hamilton (Ind ). Harris (Ga.). Harris
(va.), Uartridfje. Harts.ll, Hatcher, Haymond.
Hendee. Ilender-on, Henkle, Hereford, Hewitt
(Ala.. Il ilman, Hooker, Hoskins. House. Hun-
ton, Kurd. Jones (N . H ), Joyce, Kchr, Kimball,
Fvnoii. i anuers ( l na. ). Lewis, i-ora, Lvnne. lc
Farland, McMahon. Metcalf. Milliken. Mills, Mor
rison. eal, Pnelps. I'hiliips (Mo.), Popple-
ton. Potter, Kea, Rice. Riddle, Robinson, Rusk,
Savage. Nayler, Scales, Sheakly, Sinaleion,
Saa:h (Ga.), piouthard. Sparks, Sprinirer, Stencer,
Stevenson, Stone. Terrv, Thomas, Thornburph.
Tncker. Tnfts, Tnrney. Vance (Ohio). Vance (N.
C). Waldron. Walser (VaA Walline. Walsh.
Whitthorn. Wike. Willard, A. S., Williams (Del.),
Williams (Ind.), Williams. W. B. (Mich.), Willis.
ti uruu c. ' h n iipuu iiuw, xeaiea 100.
II. Pupka, of Vienna, bas published
an account of his experiments in lining
steam Doners witn sneets ot copper in
order to hinder incrustation. He states
that of the three plates which formed the
bottom ot a locomotive boiler tte two at
the erds-were covered with a sheet of cop
per .04 inch in thickness, the middle
one being left bare, and the machine was
used steadily for two years, and in dis
tricts where the water is of excessively
bad quality. On removing the tubes a
layer ot incrustation four inches thick
was found on the iron surface, while a
deposit varying from only .08 to .12
inch thick appeared on the copper. The
iron also was found corroded in manv
places to a depth of .02 inch, but the
copper had remained perfectly clean and
bright. 31. Pupka states that the texture
of the incrustation showed erains of a
larger size on the iron than on the cop
The Grand Jury at Jacksonville. Fla..
makes the following disclosures: "We
find that there are three prisoners in the
jail who have been there nearly two j ears
j. . . . r , a
tor tae pitnui sum oi iu costs eacn.
These prisoners have cost the county
nearly $000. We recommend that the
County Connni.-Moner-. pay the fines, re
lease the pi isoiM-rs and thereby save money
for the count-."
It was reported in Constantinople on
the 22d that thePortc had accepted Count
Andrassey's proposal for the pacification
of the disturbed provinces.
As Austrian army ot observation num
bering 50,000 has been recently ordered
to the Dalmathm frontier to await cmcr
TLhk bpanish -Ministry has secured a
large majority in the new Cortes. The
minority number seventy.
A New Yokk telegram of the 22d
states that news had been received from
Havana that a torce led by Henry Reeves,
2,500 strong, had Invaded Sagua County
within the previous week and destroyed
sugar estates, some of which were valued
at $2,000,000 each. Sagua La Chica, at
the mouth of the river of that name,
where there were warehouses with 1,600
hogsheads of Muscovado sugar, had been
burned and all the sugar consumed. The
estate Cayoespino of Senor Nngarica was
in the hands of the rebels and of course
destroyed. It was located on the south
side of the island, while Sagua County is
on the north shore.
freight train on the Cincinnati &
.Marietta Kailroad went througn an iron
bridge over Spring Grove avenue, in the
northern limits of Cincinnati, a few clays
ago, killing three men, wounding two,
and totally wrecking the bridge, locomo
tive and eleven freight cars.
Copies of the correspondence between
Secretary Fish and Minister Cushing and
other foreign Ministers of the United
States were transmitted by the President
to the House of Representatives on the
21st. The correspondence chiefly con
sists in a rescript of the note to Mr. Cush
ing, the tone of which does not materially
ditler from that part of the President's
message relative to the Cuban question
Nothing is given oT the replies received
from European Governments to the ad
visory circular forwarded by Secretary
Fish, and no allusion is made to any cor
respondence with the Spanish Government
direct since Xov. o, 1873, the date of the
note to Mr. Cushing.
The New York Sunday Mercury of the
23d publishes a statement to the effect
that a IhxIv of representative Congreca-
lalists was being organized for an in
vestigation of the Beecher scandal, and
would be composed of the most eminent
men in the denomination, who will in
quire into the fitness of Mr. Beecher to re
main a Congregational minister. The
movers are said to be the Rev. Dr. Leonard
Bacon, of New Haven, the Rev. Dr. L. C.
Bartlett, ol the Chicago Congregational
Seminary, and the Rev. Dr. Henry M.
Dexter, of Boston.
A max named Edward Williams, who,
together with a Mrs. Meling, had been ar
rested for the murder of the lattcr's hus
band, was taken from the jail on the night
of the 22d, at l);u boursville,West Va.,and
banged by a mob. He confessed to the
crime. Mrs. Moling was also threatened
with a like fate, but finally spared. She
confessed to repeated attempts to poison
her husband, and accused herself of be
ing the cause of the murder by Williams,
but begged pitifullj' for her life.
The Russian Imperial Academy has
elected Prof. Ncwcomb, of the Naval
Observatory at Washington, Prof. Gould,
of the Argentine Republic, and Prof.
Whitney, of New Haven, as correspond
ing members.
A German squadron consisting of three
iron-clads and one tender will visit Phil
adelphia in July.
A Madrid telegram of the 24th says :
Sptin had instructed her diplomatic rep
resentatives to other Governments to in
form the various courts that afte: the de
feat of the Carlists, which is shortly ex
pected, she hoped to be able to make
quick work of the Cuban insurgents.
TnE Jackson (Tenn.) Whig and Tribune
announces the recent assassination of
" Dock Mangum, a noted guerrilla on the
Federal side during the war."
It was reported on the 24th that the
town of Paris, Ky., was sadly financially
depressed. A number ot firms had been
compelled to buspend business, and it was
thought that fifteen or twenty prominent
houses in the city and county would be
crippled by the crash.
TnE election on the 18th of United
States Senator by the Iowa Legislature,
having been held one week too soon to
comply with the law of Congress requir
ing such election to be held on the second
Tuesday after the organization of the
Legislative body, a second election was
held on the 25th, which resulted, as be
fore, in the choice of Gov. Kirkwood.
A Madrid telegram of the 2oth says
that of 40G deputies elected to the Cortes,
thirty are supporters of Sagasta, ten Cleri
cals, one Cantonalist, one Moderate Re
publican (Senor Castelar) and 3G4 Minis
terialists. It is now stated that the Mrs. Mac
kenzie whose elopement from Montreal
with young Brydges occurred recently,
was the wife of Henry Mackenzie, a
wealthy ship-owner not Sir Hugh Mac
kenzie as first reported. She is a niece of
Sir Hugh Allan, proprietor of the Allan
line of steamers.
President Grant on the 25th replied
to the resolution of the House of Repre
sentatives, adopted on the 22d, by stating
that no correspondence had taken place
with any European Government except
Spain in relation to intervention in Cuba.
The correspondence recently transmitted
to the House shows that our Ministers
were instructed meiely to read the letter
of the Secretary of State, addressed to
Mr. Cushing, to the Governments to which
they are respectively accredited.
A Boston telegram of a recent date
states that E. D. Winslow, a well-known
journalist of that city, had been detected
in heavy frauds, having obtained over
$100,000 on forged paper, and that he
had left for parts unknown.
A London telegram of a recent date says
the Canadian Government had been in
formed that the clause of the Dominion
Parliament bill creating the Supreme
Court of the Dominion which debars an
appeal to the Privy Council of England,
must be repealed.
The American
Government declined to allow a copy to
be given.
It was announced at Berlin on the 2Gth
that the insurgent leaders in Herzego
vina had rejected all proposals for peace,
and declared their intention to vigorously
prosecute the war against Turkey
At Charlestown, W. Va., on the 25th,
two men named Dawson and Estep, in
jail for the murder of a man named Lee,
were hanged by a mob. After they were
taken from the lail, another prisoner
named Hines, who had killed a colored
man named Dooley, was demanded by,
and given up to, a number of colored
citizens, who proceeded with him to the
wcxxls and there lynched him by hang
A. C liEsiNQ and Jacob ltehra were
among the parties indicted hy the Grand
Jury of the United States District Court
in Chicago on the 20th for conspiracy in
connection with whisky frauds.
A Galveston (Texas) dispatch of the
20th says a revolution had been started in
the northern and central portions of Mex
ico, near the Rio Grande, and that Gen.
ilererra had pronounced tor the move
ment, and surprised the authorities at
The Kansas Republican State Conven
tion to select delegates to the National
Convention is to! be held at Topekaon the
Two workmen in a factory at Nonh
Adams, .Mass., were mown to pieces on
the 20th by an explosion of nitro-gly-
In a recent financial article the London
Times declares that the direct cable has re
peatedly been cut by malicious parties,
and that the knowledge of this lawless
ness has been used for stock-jobbing pur
Rev. John Russell, of Detroit, Secre
tary of the National Committee of the
Prohibitionists, has issued a call for a
convention to be held at Cleveland, May
17, for the nomination of President and
Vice-President of the United States, every
State being entitled to two delegates for
every member it sends to Congress
At a recent meeting in Chicago of the
American Poultry Association, Charles
A. Sweet, of Buffalo, N. Y., was chosen
President, and Edward S. Ralph, Secre
tary and Treasurer for the ensuing year.
Messrs. John E. Diehl, of Philadelphia,
Philander Williams, ot Taunton, Mass
and Jdward L. Lamb, or Chicago, were
elected as Centennial Committee to super
intend the show at the Philadelphia Ex
A recent Vienna special says commit
tees had been formed in seven Servian
cities, including lielgrade, having lor
their avowed object the dethronement of
Prince Milan.
The Bavarian Minisft-r of War has been
stringently admonished from Berlin to
discontinue the exemption from conscrip
tion hitherto accorded to priests and theo
logical students.
The London Daily Neirs of the 27th
states that writs had been served on Gen.
Schenck, the American Minister, Albert
Grant and others known as the promoters
of the Emma Mining Company.
The National Woman's Suffrage Asso
ciation assembled in annual convention at
Washington on the 27th, Mrs. 31. J. Gage
presiding. The proceedings were opened
with prayer by Rev. Olympia Brown.
Fred Douglass made a speech in favor of
woman suffrage.
A number of the parties indicted in
Milwaukee for whisky frauds plead guilty
on the 26th, having withdrawn their form
er pleas of not guilty.
Senator Patterson, of South Carolina,
was advised on the 26th that the Secretary
of St ite had issued certificates to Moses
and Whipper Circuit Judges of that
State, and that the latter would be sworn
in under this certificate at the proper time.
These are the two men whom Gov.
Chamberlain declined to commission after
their election by the State Legislature.
the hands of the Finance Committee before any
dividends or percentage of prohts he paid to
stockholders, was reported to the House and
passed yeas 14ti, nays 13J.
Wednesday- June 20. The Senate
passed the House bills the custody
of certain Indian trust funds from the Secretary
of tlin Interior to the Treasnrcr of the Limed
States, and nmcnd.itory of the Revised Siatii'es
reiatiii" to nainrali.atiou A memorial in be
half ol Mr. Eustis, rlaiuiin the Suiatorship
from Louisiana, and siued by seeril
members of the Sensto of that State,
was presented and referred to the Committee
on l'rmleces and l-.lcc::ons. jnc House
Centennial hill was referred to the Committee
on Appropriation!. Bills were passed in the
lloure prohthHiiiu clerk or employes in any
department of the Government prosocntint
claims or applications for patents; to amend Sec.
4,H'.'H of the. KevNed Statutes in relation to the
assiijninent of patents; providim; that all third
class matter may e carried in the mails in pack
aces tot exceeding four pound in weight each.
ut the rate of one cent for every two omices or
fraction thereof. The Military Academy Appro
priation hill i : l-.'J II ) w :ii couridcred in Com
mittee or me w uoie.
Thursday, Jan. 27. In the Senate, Mr.
lioutwell presented a report prepared by the
Chief Clerk of tbo Treasury Department, and
submitted to the Secretary- in December. 171. in
regard lo erroneous urac.tices in accounting in the
treasure, winch have crown up in usae, or have
been authorized bv law, and moved to have it
printed, which was a.roed to. A bill was passed
14 tot to confirm pre-emption and homestead
entries of public lands within Hie. limits
of railroad irrants in cases where sncli
entries had been made under tiie reeulatious
of the Land Department lu the House, a bill
was passed prohibitum Government oincers,
clerks or employes uctinii as counsel, attorneys or
aircnts. r beinir interested in anv lorm for prose
oiling either claims or pntruts. application for
which was pending while they were such clerks
or employes; also, that any Government otlicer;; such person lu any such applieat ion
shall be discharged fr .m service. The Military
Academy Appropriation bill was further con
sidered in Committee of the Whole.
Jan I'Afit 1876.
Live Stock. Peef Cat Uei9.fiil2.7". Ut;-1
Live, S".H3!i -18.00. Sheep -Live, f LSOj.iT.O).
Brbd-tltfs. Flour Good to choice, $V4)i5
5 90; wh te wheat extra, 5.r3,7.75. Wh.;at
No. 2 Chicais' ",'j;.i;5; Nc. S Milwaukee
spring, $1.24 tl.s). Western and Mare,
Sti&S8c. Barley DlN&fl."; Corn Mixed West
ern, 63363'ic. Oaie Mixed Western. -,6l9c
Provisions. Pork Mess, $-.M.T:3.-Jl.(i0. Lard
Prime Steam, MHt2Sc. Cheese i12',c.
Wool. DoL-.estic Fleece. 42!&t.c.
Lrvs Stock. beeves Choico. $5.2Vf5 75;
good, $4..'0.5.(0; mcr ium, $4 25ft4 40; bntch-
trs stock, j.j W(,4.u; siock eaiun, ra.zruo
.3.75. Hoc Live, f .7j j,7.f 5. sheep Good to
choice, $4.r.0r6.00.
Pbovisions. Butter Choice, 25:)(3. Eegs
Fresh, 17&1m Pork Mess, Sin.2h19.ij.
Lard $11. artful 2.0 .
BREADs-rurra. Flour White Winter Extra,
f4.757.50; spring extra, S4.00j.25. Wheat
Spring. Nc. 2, tSrtjPS'-c. Corn No. 2,
41H41Jtc. Oats No. 3, 3t H3lc. Rye No. 2,
7aij7'ic. Eariey No. 2, bOfii-Slc.
Lumber. First and becond Clear, 10.00
42.00; Common Boards, JU.OtWV.'.fO; Fencing,
$12.00tTjl3.00; "A" Shingles, 2.5f Lt3.00; Lath,
Litb Stock Beeves I'est, J6 026. r0; me
dium, $175't5.25. Hous Yorkers, $7 857.50;
Philadelphia?, J7.6t),i7 !)0. Sheep Best, f 5.50
6.41; medium. 55.00(25.T.
Bill to Trotect Settlers on
Public Lauds.
The following is the full text of the bill
passed by the United States Senate, Jan.
27, to confirm the pre-emption and home
stead entries of public lands within the
limits of railroad grants in cases where
such entries had been made under the reg
ulations of the Land Department :
Beit enact f 'l by the Sriiat ami Ilnux of lien-
rcenta'iree of the Uniffd Hfiitet oj America in
Corirfret cifiemhte'l. That oil pre-emption and
homestead entries or entries in compliance w ith
any law of the United States of public lands, made
in (rood faith bv actual settlers upon tracts of land
of not more than lfio acres each, within tiie limits
of any land grant prior to the time when notice of
withdrawal of lanns embraced in such errant was
received at the local land otlice of the district in
which such lands are situated, or after their res
toration to market by o-der of the General Land
Office, and where the pre emption and homestead
laws have been complied with and proper proofs
thereof been made by parties holding such tnicis or
parcels, they shall bo continued, and patents for
the same flinll issue to the parlies entitled thereto.
Sec. 2. That when at the time of such with
drawal as aioiesai-1, a valid pre-emption or home
stead claim existed upon any lands within the lim
its of any euch giants, which afterward were
abandoned, and under decisions and rulings of the
Land Department were re-entered by pre-emption
or homestead claimants w ho have complied with
the laws governing pre-emption or homestead en
tries.or shall make the proper proofs required under
such laws, such entries shall be deemed valid, and
patents shall issue therefor to the persons entitled
Sec. 3. That all snch pre-emption and home
stead entries which may have bsen made by per
mission of the Land Dep-.rtment. or in pm snanco
of the roles and instructions thereof, within tha
limits of any land grant at a time subsequent to
the expiration of such grant, shall be deemed
valid, and a compliance with the laws and the
making of the nroof required shall entitle the
holder of such claim to a patent therefor.
More of Thomas' Deviltry.
A Vienna dispatch of the 2fith savs the i
Aii' nm Foreign office had recently inri-
mni'l () Mr. Orfh, )!,
imt, i!n !i-irc t !
tary l is-h s not
I.I vo
to Mr.
uited t'ta'e; Min
ii copy of So re
Cushinir. Mr.
Saturday, Jan. 22. Senate not in ses
sion. ...The House adopted resolutions direct
ing the Committee on Appropriations to Inquire
into the expediency of making any appropriation
for the support of the Sioux Indians, and also
into the rij;ht of having white men excluded from
the Black Hills country; requcstlne the Presi
dent to Impart to the House any communications
which may have passed between the Government
of the. United States and any European Govern
ment besides Spain, in regard to the Island of
Cuba The Centennial Appropriation bill was
further contidered in Committee of the Whole.
, Monday, Jan. 2. Several petitions of
citizens of Ohio, etc., were presented in the Sen
ate asking for aid In t!ie construction of the
Texas Pacific Railroad, as also were varions peti
tions of citizens ot Wisconsin asking for an ap
propriation in behalf of the Wisconsin and Fox
River Improvement. The report of the Com
mittee of the Alabama Lcg!lature, and the testi
mony taken by the committee in regard to the
election of George E. Spencer as United States
Senator, w ere presecte i and referred. A bill was
introduced to tstahlish a mint f-"r the coinage of
L-old and silver at Indianapolis. On motion of
Mr. Morton the papers purporting to be the cre
dentials of Mr. Eustis, of Louisiana, were
referred to the Committee on Privileges and
Ejections. The resolution providinir for an inves
tigation of the books and accounts of the Treas
ury Department was taken up and Mr. Davis
spoke in reply to the remarks of Mr. Bout well
on the subject, after which the resolution was
amended so as to refer the matter to the I- inance
Committee, and the resolution as amended was
passed. The bill to provide for a commission on
the subject of the traffic In alcoholic liquors was
debated ... A large number of bills were intro
duced in the House, the more important of
which were the following: To fnnd the legal
tender debt of the United States; to
provide for the cheap transportation of
trei-iht between the At antic and the Ohio
atid Mississippi Valleys; preparatory to the re
demption of United Mates notes and the re
sumption of specie payments; to provide means
of cheap transportation on the interior waters.
A resolution was adopted directing the Secre
tary of the Treasury to report to the House the
amount of specie in the Treasury on the 3Tst of
December. 1875, and the amount of silver pur
chased under the provisions of the act of Jan 11,
1S75. providing for the resumption of specie pay
ments. Resolutions were adopted instructing
the Committee on Civil Service Reform to in
quire into any abuses or frauds w hich may exist
iu the administration and execution of existing
laws effecting any branch of the public service;
instructing the Judiciary Committee to inquire
whether improper and fraudulent means were re
sorted to to influence legislation on the Texas
Pacific Railroad bill of March 3, lfTl.
Tuesday, Jan. 25. A petition was
presented in the Senate on the 25th, signed by a
larire number of ladies, asking for the establish
ment of a government In the District of Colum
bia which wi'l confer upon women the right to
vote. The bill to provide for the appointment of
a commission on the subject of the manufacture
of and traffic in alcoholic and fermented liquors
was amended and passed. A petition was pre
sented from citizens of Wisconsin, asking an
amendment to the Constitution of the United
States for th-; abolition of the Senate, and trans
fer t, the powers of that body to the House
ft Representatives K. bill was passed in the
House providing that, except in a case of
permanent specific disability, no increase of a
pension shall he allowed to commence pri r to
the d tre of the Examining Sursreon's Certificate,
I and re.pcaling the law w hich makes bounty land
j wjri,.nrt personal property. The Cent-octal Ap-
propi .it!on bill wis taken np in Comrai.tce of
! ! t-.e Whole, and. after debate and the adoption of
I an amendment requiring the payment iu full to
' the 1 reasnry of afiy balance that may be left in i
Apropos of the theory advanced lo
show the participation of the dynamite
monster, Thomas, in the mysterious dis
appearance of the steamer City ot Boston,
of which not the least c lew has even been
found, we give herewith a narrative fur
nished to us from a reliable source. It
will be recollected that the ill-fated ship
left New York in March, 170. Two
months previously a man corresponding
to the description given of Thomas sought
and obtained a private interview wilh
Scnor A 1 faro, agent at that time of the
Cuban Republic, in the course of which
he unfolded a most diabolical scheme to
injure the Spanish navy by moans of dyn
amite lodged in a thick, tubular glass
leceotaele, and carefully covered wilh a of coal preparation. This, it was
proposed, should Vic placed in the interior
of lumps of coal, bored for the purpose,
and the hole imperceptibly sealed with
the coal preparation. These could be
introduced clandestinely into Havana,
and with great precaution scattered in
with the coal supply of the navy, and in
whatever furnace the lumps chanced to
fall the ship would be inevitably de
stroyed, with all on board. The proposal
was referred to Senor Morales Lemus, the
general diplomatic agent, who rejected it
at once as a scheme which would result
in the wholesale slaughter of innocent
persons, not only Spaniards, but of other
nationalities, a.s the coal is kept in a large
yard opposite the city, from which all
steamers touching there take a supply
English, French and German, as well as
Spanish. The torpedo models were ex
hibited in pieces of coal pic ked at ran
dom from a pile of the fuel. The in
terior of the cavity was polished smooth
with emery to reduce the risk ol explosion
by chafing while introducing the charge.
The shell after it was tilled and closed
with a plug of brass was dropped into a
boiling mixture of coal-tar, pulverized
coal and resin or beowax, and then in
stantly transferred to a bucket of ice
water. The result was a coating about
three-quarters of an inch thick, aud the
deadly contrivance, after the gloss wore
oh", had the exact appearance of coal in
weight, smell and color. A diagram ot
the projectile was exhibited b' the
stranger, and a note descriptive of it ac
companied the design. When his projio
sition was rejected he left, and was never
seen or heard of again by the Cuban gen
tlemen. A'. JT. Graphic.
Again fashion favor feather fans.
Rocks and Bhoal Divers' and gun-drj
j i otto i or a seamstress: as l tew so
shall I reap.
A cannibal's joy To live and move,
ana nave ms lieinj; his Icllow-ueing.
i KorEuTT cannot oe iransrcrred oo
Sunday. The better the day tho worse ths
a ecu.
r . ,
rKXTioan overdue steamer, an ovg
uue note causes most unxicty. Lou-el
A well-known cook-book classifici
milk as a " vegetable." lVrhaps btcau:
it a pump-kin.
Donaldson's heirs have come to tht
CoiK-lu.,ion that lie is dead, and they waul
Alt lit. ltU.
it hat s the use ol learning to writ
when mi " X, his murk," is jut as goo. I
lu law as Uie lull name ol the per.Min.
Lkahn to say V. No necessity fot
snipping it out dog-fashion, but when
it is right "ay it firmly and ie.pTtluliy,
Only lorty years ago a coIIclc for girli
WwUkl e hei ii latlk;li! 1 ai eve re-
now tho.-c institutions uol tiie
v orld.
Emma Hoisinoton, of Springfield,
Mass., has tilii-uncd Sunday-school loi
mite years und has not misled a singlo
j.a.npis us in-anc, too. c uears uij
only safe thiug for an editor to do is to
shoot the l.r-t man that comes iu. A'. J
I "roc tor, the astronomer, says that the
moon is cieau. r-urry iu near it; she was
as good a inoou aj you couiu Mid in a
nigi.t's travel.
"Do genus and debt always go to.
gtther?" asks the Jirooklwi Aryu.-. Uell,
tei ioty Knows n uieu'iuu easy mr a
great man to run in debt.
A ooniLL.v has died in the I'hila-
delphin ZoolouiC;d Uardens, regaidiess f
the Centennial. 1 litre never :!s anv
pairiotisui about thoc gorillas.
pdmk oi me Virginia mountain-top
pie beginning to shake and roar around
so tiiiit it looks aj thouglijAmt-rii-amayyet
Lave a volcano er two ol iier own.
Dame Fashion declares that the style
of wearing jewelry on the streets U ob-
sole'e. Lar-i ings and lockets are the
to go, and in their place a display of cot
ly buttons is bein; made.
A Ciuc-aoo financier says that if every
family will deposit $10. 00 in the bank on
the birth of each child such children wili
he sure of tin iiiliei ilain e when they grow
up. Nothing plainer than that.
New York State is aho to have a law
against pointing unloaded deadly weapons
ai a 1 cjmui. 1 lie poiniing i.-n t the point.
hat the country wanis is mi injunction
to prevent these unloaded weapons from
shooting oil'.
Rostcn lii.s reduced the economical
management ot municipal a'lairs to a
science. The Journal of Hut city s;:ys
that, with a few minor exceptions, the
city " gets a dollar's worth ol work for
very hui-thcd expended ou public im-
pro i ni nts. '
Ukioham yorNO has prohibited Ids
wives and daughters from taking part in
round dancing. lie thinks it is n' t Ihfe
square thing." The prophet has also de
creed tlird all balls ami pardrs given in
the ward school-houses frh.dl begin at 1
o'cl -ck in the afternoon and close at 10
iu the evening.
A orri.K of young ladies st N'Tlhford.
Conn., amused themselves, thcolhcr night,
by caterwauling on a shed in the rear of
Hie house where a " brother of them" was
vainly trying to sleep. The brother saw
through ihe trick and discharged a gun
ou' 1 Irs window. Th'-y set up an iin
incn-e squeal and rolled in concert down
the nof.
A coiit! EsroNDF.XT, fin ardent almirer
of Iiryant, inquires of us the meaning ol
'Thainiopsis." It is Lv.tin for death.
M lien Prutus, the fir.-t temporary lunntx,
slew C.-es ir, be nmnrked to his sis'er,
"Ju'e i d -ader Than-a top, sis," and this
simp'e simile lias been used to express
that condition in which, like nn expiring
top, man is unable to go around. Ar. ) .
How to Kill Time. First catch your
time 1)3' the forelock, ifpos-ible. Then
hoi I him tifrht. Then pinch him well.
Then give him one fir his nob, anJ let
the one be a good one. Then knock him
down. Then kick him from the rear.
Then make faces at bi n. Then pull hi
nose. Then sit on his licaJ. Then ask
him ifhc'sh d cnoujr'i now, or will wait
till he gets it? If he doa't answer you
may safely conclude that you have killed
him. Judy.
Antone having a doubt as to the man
ner in which our bay is becoming rapidly
depopulated of the "finny tribe, says the
San Francisco Pout, h;-s only to pay a
visit to Saueclito to see the beach strewn
f r nearly a mile with spawn rot
ting by thousands. The fine nets of the
Chinese fishermen, which allow nothing
to escape, are responsible for this state or
things, and if something is not done soon
to put a stop to this wholesale destruction
our waters will be shortly as destitute ot
fish as a Highlander of pants.
A DTit' iTETt got home at midnight,
the otlur night, with a black eye and a
bo y flfp; and, as hi? wife met him at
the head of the stairs, she exclaimed:
' hy, 3 0u've been fighting." " Yes'm,"
he meekly replied, as he leaned on the
rail. "And some one lias blackened one
of 3-our eyes," she continued, as the tears
came. ' Don't cry, zharling." lie said,
in a coaxing voice, as lie put nn hand m
her head ; " 'fi hadn't had a chance to run
he'd have blacked boll' of 'em!"
The (2 real Uank Itohbery at 'or1hamp"
ton, Mass.
R"STO!, Jan. 27.
Later details of the roblicry of tho
Northampton National Hank, nt North
ampton, Mass., Tuesday night, hy masked
robbers, state that the result is something
appalling. The table of sec urities taken
shows a total of f'i70,0o. Of course,
much of this is not negotiable, so that it
Is dillicnlt to estimate the real loss t' ihe
bank and depositors. The bank olheers
oiler a reward of f'J'i.CHK) for the return ol"
the property and the conviction of the
burglars. The loss falls comparatively
light upon the bank, the greater part of
the securities belonging to special deposi
tois. The robbers entered the house of Cashier
Whittlesey and bound, gagged and guard
ed for hours seven people. They com
pelled hini to give them the combinations
of the safe vault, wailed until the' knew
the night watchman had gone home, anil
then getting into the vault and sa'e with
only one of the four keys needed, they
tooK. a, large amount ot securities. An
expert had to be summoned from Jsew
iotk, and the lock was not opened until
an early hour this luonnng. ta-iuor
Whittlesey, when asked to give the three
combinations to the vault lor the outer,
inner and chairs, gave them wrong
twice and thrice, but the burglars wroto
them down and made him repeat them.
Of course they caught him iu an attempt
to mislead them, and the exhibition ot a
pistol compiled him to tell the truth,
though he told them that four keys went
neee.isury to opeu the patent Uh k, three ol
which were at the houses ol the other bunk
otticers. At four o'clock a. m. Whittlesey
w as taken to a down-stairs bedroom. The
whole family were gagged and four of tho
burglars withdrew to operate on the bank.
Three hours alter Mrs. Whittlesey suc
ceeded in fieeiag herself and giving tho
alarm from a window. The whole party
weie speedily liberated, and the cashier,
still wearing the haiidcull's, went to the
hank. A clever workman soon alter titled
a key and all the persons bandcuHed were
released. An examination of the bank
showed that the cracksmen had unlocked
the outer door, but were apparently balked
by the safe-lock, lacking three of tho
requisite four keys. They tried the metal
of the door with bars and wrenched oil
the two dials .which served as an
index for working tho combination.
They were entirely unmolested, the
watch having pone home. There is
every indication that six, and perhaps all
of them left on the six o'clock train.
Five of them had tickets previously
boucht and one paid his fare. Many of
the appliances, it was reunuked, were
home-made. The rags wero children's
rubber halls, pierced with still' w ire. Tho
masks were drawers legs, some w ith Ono
hole and some with two, for the eyes.
When the robbers saw that Whittlesey
was watching tnem carelullv lor some
marks of identification, they biindfohlel
him, but be observed that one of them w as
of a very commanding stature. The two
or three; robbers left to guard the premises
at the house took their departure in sea
son to catch the Snrincrfield train. At the
latest advices no information had been re
ceived o'' the rohla-rs.
Of the total amount stolen a loss of only
$12,000 falls on the bank.
A small safe in the vault which the
burglars considered t'o insignificant to
touch contained ;i,((M), ,2,00!) in
IkhkIs ant! other valuable property. 15y
locking the doors of the vault Hie burglars
got twenty-lour hours start or the Ie
tective, b''i'es having time to neijoli it;
linn h of the solen pio es ly I, dole Hie!
fact of the burglary was known.
The Roard of Home Missions of tiie
Presbyterian Church report that on Dec.
1 the receipts for the eight months of the
year had been $104.D70, against the sum
of lol,C!M during the same time the
previous year. The receipts of the sus
tentation fund are j i-, against ?2-2,(il
the previous vear. Tiie debt oftlu; Home
Mission Board is flWWK.. The General
Assemhlj-'s Committee on Freednien re
port the receipts from April 1 to Di e. 1 as
tiO.l.j.i, againit lSj.'riS last year.
TnE divorce suit of Mrs. Charity nay
ward against Alvinza Iliyward, of San
Francisco, is one of the most curious on
record. The husband and wife have
lived together thirty-two year3. For
nearly ten years they struggled tog ther
against extreme poverty in one of the in
terior counties of California. They are
now worth about f 10,000.000. Tiie wife
prays for an equitable division of the
property, and the husband joins in the
prayer. The ground of divorce is deser
tion, though the husband and wife are
living but a few hundred feet apart. They
are both past GO years of age.
A little controversy regarding the
relative strength of the lion and tiger has
been sustained among certain correspond
ents to Aature. The latest writer Mr.
Haughton, of Trinity College, Dublin
declares that every person well acquainted
w ith both animals will concede that the
tiger is the stronger. Mr. Haughton
states that the strength of the lion in the
fore-limbs is only GO. 9 per cent of that of
the tiger, and that the strength of the
hind legs is only Go. 9 per cent, of that of
the tiger. " I may add," he says, "that
five men can easily hold down a lion,
while it requires nine men to control a
tiger. Martial also states that the tiger
alw avs killed the lins in the amphitheater.
The lion is in truth a pretentious hum
bug, and owes his reputation to his im
posing mane, and he will run away like a
whipped cur under circumstances in
which the tiger will boldlv attack and
kiil." '
A recent novelty in medical treat-,
ment consists of the hypodermical injec
tions of pure or distilled water in cases of
rheumatic or other local pain. They are
to be applied immediately over the part
affected in quantities of not less than two
grams, the maximum being ten or twelve
grams. They are said to be almost al
ways serviceable and never at all injurious.
OrtEoox has 2,7"i2,000 fertile acres.
A ktificial grindstones are coining into
use in Germany. They are made of grit,
soluble glass and petroleum.
Tub first locomotive engine introduced
and worked in America was run upon the
Delaware .v Hudson Railroad in jn.'st.
Dl kino the vear 1H7j the Aincri.-ati
Society for the Prevention of Ci uelty lo
Animals prosecuted ttlO cases of cruelty.
The c ity of New York has s 1.200 build
lngs, oi wiiicu t.i'i arc dwelling houses
and 10,131 are business houses. There a re
4-38 churches.
Ir has been demonstrated that for all
telegraphic purposes the English langting;
is from 2 to .J-i per cent, cheaper than the
French, German, or any other languairp.
It is estimated that the chill population
between the age of six and sixteen in the
United States and Territories is 10,rv.s,.
000, and that about HOO.DOO teachers are
needed to educate their host of future
Mr. John Hatch, of California, lias
spent many years in making a collection
of the precious ores of the Pacific slope
Mexico. Central and South Americ a, Aus
tralia, China and Japan. His collection
numbers between 12,000 and 15,000, and
he is preparing them for exhibition at the
An ingenious Californian proposes to
avoid the principal objection to employ,
ing Meani-engines on common roads the
objection that they fright n horses by
constructing Ins engine in the lorm ot a
horse. Judging from the description,
however, which is given of this metalli'.
lK.-a.--t, it will be far more likelvto fiiglitn
horses than the ordinary locomotive. The
011I3 part of it which is like a horse is tie:
head, the legs lieing wheels and the rear
p. rl ion a cab for the engineer. The Idea
of deluding an animal as intelligent asthe
horse witii such a monster is simpi preposterous.
Maj.-Gen. Uchatu'p, the inventor of
the new Austrian gun, h is also invented a
new projectile, which has been tried with
such favorable results that it w ill probably
be adopted for use in the Austrian artii
ler It cn-ists of a cast-iron shell, about
eleven millimeters in diameter, inclosing
twelve rings and a centcr-pi-ce, all fitting
into each other, but easily detachable.
IJoth the shell and the rinrs are conical
in shape, and each ring is divided into
fen sections, so that when the shell ex
plodes, besides the fragments or the outer
case, 120 iron balls, representing the sec
tions of the rings, are sent flying in all
The corn crop for 1S7' was one of the
largest ever Known in this country, proba
bly equaling the very large crops of 170
and 172. Every section of the L'nion re
ports some increase. The following state
ment embodies the crop of the past six
or seven years: In IStls, fiOO.ts W.0O0 bush
els. valued at G2 cents per bu-hel ; in lsw;!,
871,000,000 bushels, valued at "1 cents per
bushel; in lb70, l.OSM.OoO.OOO bushels,
valued at o4 cents per bushel; in 1S?71,
'.).) 1,000,( 0') bushels, valued at IS cents per
bushel; in 1872, l,0'.i2,(HO.0"O bushels,
valued at "9 cents; in '
bushels, valued at -lb cents per buibel ;
in 1J74, fsj4,;00,000 bushels, valued at
cents per bushel.
The two Normal Schools established
in Maine about twelve years ago h ive
proved the superiority of this system over
the teachers' institutes, and the lat er
were aUili.-hed at the srsMon of the
Legislature. These Normal S-Iuk.N have
furnished the State w ith 1 .200 to 1 .ooo
trained teachers, and a third school is
now proposed in the western part of the
State, t'ne Trustees of the Briihf.n Acad
emy ottering to give it$20,0oo 111 pre; t-rty
and fuuds for that purpose.
Did you ever see a
thumb into the nose of
the exit of steam? Did that stna'l
ever try 'hat game a second time?
small boy put hb
c tea-kettle to stoi