fi if ii 1 I r ami THE HERALD. LOCAL NEWS t UCAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Ziilrit. B eep ts a line. Regular advertis fra, 10 twin ix-r Hue. So advertisement lustr ld tar UiA 26 cents. Lecl ociees at Statute rate. tun)m .nd officers ot tbe law will be held rjoilhfe for ail legal notice they hand in. j -X all parties demanding proof of puhlica toa ( atir otic will b held lor tb public-art a t ol uch ootie. COUMUMCATIOK. A oar - Is limited, nil communications taustb. bnf aad to Urn pulul. WiU uu waste WtiTW. EWSrAPR DECISIONS. I Ay titwn who take the paper regularly trom lii utjfSee. whetner directed to his tuit, r wiirlhrr lie is ubscriber or not Is rr'.ble fur the pay. .... If any person orders 1U paper discontin ued be taunt pay ail arrearages, or th publish er mar continue to send It until payment h ude. aud vlie"t the whole amount, whether U. Ii;r ia taken from the o!;ce ,r not. a. The urt have derided that retuslng to newspapers and feriodtclsf rom the jio.t or removing ami leaving them uncalled lur.Mvrlavt oc evidence of iktu'TIokil B. & M. R. E. Time Table. Corrected Monday. Do. Cth, 1875. rC OMAHA FBOH PLATTSMOUTH. yM?M, S :56 a. rn. Arrive 11 :K. m. S JO p. in. Arrives, S :43p. ra. rtOiaOMAHAiFOH PLATTSMOCTH. LVM,t :& a. m- Arrives. 10:06 a. . p. la. ArrlTea, 7 :i3 p. m. FOE THE WEST. jMTM PlattsniontbJ 0 :2S a. n. Arrive la UoUMilt :10. Kearney, g :00 p. ru. FBOM THE WEST. LcavKear?iey. :4Ja. a. I.eavee Lincoln, ta p. ku Arrive Flatuiaoutb, S :14 p. u. coik'6 KJurr Siprw.1 ) A. M. Ptager, train (each day). S :M P.M. aw '-1 - -iJ ! AMUSEMENTS,' TO COttE. if aa. 7 Leap Year Tarty. Jan. ii4-H!nor Blitz. Ventriloquist, Ae ill HeikvP, tfloaha, sends the IIeh ald mcb ft pretty little letter all about wrll. 8o bettfr as you don't go any fA!U'-l ifoant Olivet Chapter met on Tri (Liy venii)g lahL No quorum being pref nt they adjourned to Friday, the 2lh; when a full attendance partic ular y requested. Cboiro Turkish Prunes at ten cents a pound, at J. V. Weckbach'a 43-4 1. Children's Photograph a Specialty Rt if urpby'a Gallery. 43-lt. ?ThlV Eose, and Maple Syrop, at J. V. Weckbach's. f5tdelraann8 new "Ada." Clos ig tut; no humbug. 3'Jtf TergM uuderjells the whole country In Ljo-h and shoes. Head price list and $q nJ try liiiu. 83-tf. K'.Ziior lilitz will be hereon Honday, Ju. W4tb, at Fitzsral.l 1111. I r.OKTA.NT ANNOUNCEMENT. Asnt- wanted ia every county in ILu i'-'-dte to canvass fr subscriptions U) Ontennial History of th U. S., ij ilenson J. Loosing, LL. I. Address W'ut. It. Acor, seu Axreut. Fremont, re had quite a little fiurry on the l '.rain from Omaha Monday uilit. ?o:r:-.t'dy left a 6toue train on the vmtir: truck, and we uns" ran into it Ku-6inanh, up-ending two or three plat fcrLii cars. It throwed Ilatt over on b'.fen. the marble man, and tipped Uikc ii arphy amongst the other males, jsitt 'jtLz-n he's used to being. Watersaan & Son have started a branch .Lumber Yard at Louisville, itr. King will attend the yard there. They expect to sell at Plattsmouth pri vet, with freight addd about 62 per 11. Thoy hoi to get the trade there of all desiring lumber who are closer to Louisville thauto Plattsmouth. Ifr. "W. & Son are good business men, pleas ;iut to deal with, and will no doubt do a giod trade there. Cril Apple Vinegar, JVe Plus Ultra, t 43-t. J. V. Weckbach's Don't fail to read Merges price list of iioocs and shoes. JJ3-tf. P.tiy your wife or daughter a new tray !i::g bag. "at Martin's. Remember that you can get one doz 33 Photograph and an Album worth vj:.e dullar and fifty cents, for Three Dc'JiUo at ilurphy's Gallery. 43-lt. Go V7rst, young man, go t-West, for r it u I T T R e e s . TEX DOLLAIt HAND MADE ITOES voil GENTS WEAR, SELL ING AT $3.00, AT LORING & CO'S. OFF. THE Gil AND CENTRAL HO TEL, OMAHA. NEIi. 43-tf. d :t.-.i Jir-jiru is tone front, 2fain St. Girls drawing cuts for beaux to the Lea;) Y-ar party: usua "Oh, my! oh, dear! I don't like ruy beau! Sally, trado with me." bally "l shan't! lie's squint-eyed, and can't wultz." Julia Oh, awful! I've got a red headed fellow! I won't have him! Martha, do swap with we. Jane "Mine's a perfect duck of a dancer, I don't want to trade." M iry Ann "Oh, let's chuck 'em all over again." All-"Agreed! Let's draw 'em all over, i'.'s such fun." Uig Brother (Trom under the bed) "Oh. gals, don't swap me off, again, pleuse don't! I've got just the gal I want." ' FARMERS ATTENTION! Julius Popperberg. Cigar Manufac turer, on 3Iain SU Plattsmouth, Neb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri ear. Tobuccoes for smoking purposes. Fr iS'j.V. Pest qualities of plug-smoking tobacco always on hand. 20-tf. NOTICE. Clapp & GreenslateatElrawoodNeb. federal dealers in dry goods, groceries, niid 1I articles generally kept in a country store, desire to call attention to their stock just laid in thn season, and r.sU the fanners to call and exam ;:: our good before going away from iMe tu buy. ?-T ' .AP Oy,PRrSlAT3 P(X)KS TO LOAN. To all who deairo to read: - I have now c;i hand about 200 toI urnes of the choicest literature of the day ; and I propose to give the public the benefit of this reading matter on the following terms: An advance deposit of the ralue of the book will be required. A sum av eraging about 13 per cent of the value of the book will be charged for reading the same, varying somewhat with the style of the book. Book not to be kept out to exceed tex DATs and of course to be returned in good order. On these terms I will loan such books as I have, and hereby notify the public to that ef fect. Dr. G. IS. Chapman, at Chapman's Drug Store, Plattsmouth. Neb. Standard Carpet Warp, the best in the market, at J. V. Weckbach's. The Peak Family were unavoidably detained at Des Moines last week, and could not appear here. They will be here about the 23th. Sheriff s Sale. W. Stadelmann selling certain lines at cost, positive; come at once. HIGHEST AWARD. I received the diploma for fine dress boots at the State Fair, anf continue to make the best and nicest fits. Give me a call. 33-tf P. Mekoes. Ed. Herald: Please let your read ers know that the Pioneer Association of Cass county meets on Saturday the 23th iust., at 2 p. m. All persons who settled in Nebraska prior to 18G0 and are now residents of Cass County are entitled to membership upon deposit ing with theSecretary the sum of 1.00, entering date of settlement and sign ing the Constitution and Bye Laws of the Association. Ladies are not re quired to pay any fee. Yours truly, Wm. L. Wklls, Secretary. Robert's Razorj Steel Scissors, the best In use, formerly sold by Eli Plum nier, can now be Lad only at 43-4L J. V. Weckbach's Tbe celebration of the Centennial at Murphy's Photograph Gallery is a de cided success. Photographs and al bums are going ol like bot cakes." 43-lt. PERSONAL. G. YT. Mayfield sends a Herald to Mr. Toxier, this week, way out in Ore gon. Wallace Wheeler, Gen'l. Western Agent for the Sycamore Marsh Harves ter was in town last week. Wheeler is one of the live wide awake agents in this country, we tell you that. J. Ph. Yung !s back, and very wel come he is too. Hope he'll never leave again, and all the girls say yes'to this. Mr. J. Drain set two very handsome trees in front of the IIehald office last week. He warrants them to live and would like to furnUh more of the same for all who wants theni. We have received our copy of the Centennial History of the U. S., by Lossing, from Mr. Porter, and are very much pleased with it. Coon Ileisel and Judge O'Neil are about to improve a water power they own on Salt Creek, near Lincoln, and they thiuk they've got a big thing of it. The finest power in the west. Ben Ilemple has such pretty Port Wine, all in new cut tumblers. Do try Ben's double extra Port Port ahoy! All right Mr. Niday, we'll do it. C. Schluntz, comes in and fixes up things for the Herald another year. Hon. J. S. Webster is getting to be quite a famous lecturer. He gives us "Something Better," at Lincoln this week. The Hon. Geo. Cutler, son of Sheriff Cutler, hs turned printer, and may be seen any day at the Herald otlice do ing anything but malTing "pi." D. Cole, of Rock Bluffs came in to see the IIehald. Johnny Heffner is going to the Black Hills, so say the Omaha papers. Uncle Plummer has gone away and left us again. Mrs. Solon Smith is married to a Mr. Austin of Eight Mile Grove. No cards. Geo. Dovey his returned from St. Louis looking first rate. James Tucker lias returned from Lincoln and will remain at home the rest of the winter, Jimmy looks line and hearty. U.S. WIND ENCHNE ANP PUMP CO. A. L. Strang, Agent. Omaha, Neb. We had the pleasure of visiting this establishment last Monday. The bus iness has vastly increased the past year, so much so that the company hare opened a western supply depot in Omaha, with Mr. Strang as agent. They expect to kep a full stock of pipe and fixings for jobbing trade. Mr. Strang, the agent for the company, is one of the pleasantest of men to do business with and if you go to see him once you're sure to go again. The Mulligan Guards and Black Iloise cavalry were out yesterday. M. McGuire has had a coroners in questonhim Cottonwood coffin. Ask Mike Murphy. Never undersold in boots and shoes. See price list elsewhere. 33-tf Peter Merges. Closing out all my stock of ladies' furs AT cost. Come right off and get your Furs. " Closing out all my Boots fc Shoes, at Cost. Also, all underwear, and Overcoats, Mitts and Gloves. Now is your time for bargains.' 39tf Wm. Stadelmans. NEW BUTCHER SHOP. Plattsmouth, Neb.. ) November 22d, 1875. , The undersigned wish to call tha attention of the Public to his New Meat Market, on south side of Main Street, two doors east of Jones' Livery Stable. Here, gentlemen, you will find Beef ajid Pork. Mutton and Veal for Sale, at wholesale and retail, cheap for Caslt. I also keep on hand Turkeys, Chickens, Eggs. &c &c. Give me a trial, gentlemen, and get the worth of your money, in good meat. Respect fully. "F. M YnvK. . OCR t KI.K!RTKr HAND MADE SHOES ' For Gentlemen, SELLING AT S9.00, llegvlar Price 810 These shoes are hand matle of the bi.vt Freiv:h alfakin, by the bejst manu facturers in the country. Comprising a variety of styles of plain, and fancy ! Coxoukss. Alexis, Button and Lackd Shoes. The same styles in finest machine work at 5.00 Regular price es.00 Gentlemen should avail themselves of this opportunity to procure one of the areattst bargains ctr offered. W. B. Lor i no & Co, Oppoeite Grand Central Hotel. P. S. Orders promptly filled, satis faction guaranteed, or the goods may bg returned. 43-tf. Vr virtue of an order of :ue. Indued l-y C. V. MiMiie, CU-lk ot tin District Cnint. within ami for Cass County. Nebraska, and to ue drrrpted. 1 will on the si'st liny of .lantiarr. A. I'. ihTo. at 10 o'clock !. rn. of said day M the south ilojr of, in the city of I'ia'.tsiiiouth,' Cass County, sell at puh'ic auction, the follow ing real estate lo-wii : 'J he Mll!h h!f t f the oouth Sialf H) ct the sonth-i-a-H iiicutor (we1,) of section four nnd ihe north-east quarter , 'ne of section nliM-y). jilt In towu ahip n ii ml r twelve (12 1 north ot raimc lliirtcvn (13; east of the sixth ifili) jirituipai tto-iiiliau. in Cast Cou'if y. Nebraska. The s:wne lu-ir.g levied iijxm and take;, as the property of H. H. 1'ettct. K. 1.. retfet. rt til., defendants : toaihdy a de cree of said Court, recovered by it. i. Doota, plMlntil7. . PUttsmouth, Neb.. Dec. 2?:lt. A. I. 175. Al. U. CLTI.LR. 4015 Sheriff. WATERMAN'S. The old Stand-by. Lumber Yard. Fall and Winter Stock Cheap er than ever. lee ad n atnlde. Sheriff b Sale. SPECIAL NOTICES. Notice. Alsesjors are renuinted to meet at the office of the County Clerk, in l'lattsmouth on the first Tuesday in February. 1870, at 10 iVheii p. in., for the purjMe of receiving necessary blanks tic. riattsmouth, Jauuitry 17th, lSTfi. C. I'.Mooke, 43-3t County Clerk. TEACHERS EXAMINATIONS. Notice is herehy j'en that I will examine a!l persona who may fferiheniselvenascandidaies lor twafhers of the common schools of this coun ty, at my office in the lvn of Weeping Water, on the last Friday and halurday of each and ev ery month, eoratueuciuu at ltk clock a. ra. I will also hold an examination in the Couit IIou.e. at Plattsmoutli. on the Jst Friday aud fcaturdav in Feb. A. D. 17U. Dated lbi;ii day or Jan.. A. I). 18 j. (. R. CKirpF.y, 43-;t Co. Sup't. of Public Instruction. To Establish Courts in Cass County. By virtue of the authority In rue vested by the Cousliiulion ot tl-c State of Jelra.ska, I, S. Ii. Pound, Jiuliie of the Second Judicial District of aid State, do fcerebv appoint and affix the time of holdiug "the regular terms of the District Conn in and for the several counties of s;viJii trict for the year A. D. 1616, as follows :. In the county of C;iss. on the fourth Monday in January, on the third Monday in April, aud on the aecoud Monday iu teciileuiber. . . Wituesvny lind this 7th day of January, A. D. 1S76. S. B. FOUND. Jude Second Judicial District Nebraska. 4213 Notice to Jurors. Oraud and Fettit Jurors who were summoned to appear at the Iieceuiler term. A. I. 1875. wid take notice that they are required to he in at tendance on t lc 24th day of January, A. D. 1S76. witness my imua ana heai oi saia i . . i court, at t lattsnioui ;i, mis iulu uaj C I Ct i t of January, -a. v. isto BvlWat. L. WKLl.s. 4JU Deputy. F. MOORE. Clerk. rrsoroHALs sros floi & Ofticz riRCHAHina Dkpot C.JS. i OMAnANEB.,lPec. 27, 1S75. , SKA LED PLOPoSALS. in dup'.ic:te will be t e cvivetl by the uuderM'Kii. d uutil It o'clock a. ni.. on Tueday he joth of January. Isth. for f'.iriihtiiiue tOOX) ihi-jmUs fust q J i'n v hprlnir Wheat Flour, iu .single sackn. to be delivered at t'.ie t'. S. Buhsisteuee (Storehouse i- Omaha. Neb., bv the UMh day of Keliruarv !S76 ;.saii!lIs must accouiiiaay.iuoposais.aad be rciarrcd to llierein. Freight ou sstiijiles must be prepaid, and the enveloncs containiii iro;fs:ils should tie mark ed "Proposals for Flour." Blank form for pro p rstUiihouid b obtaiaed at this otlice. 4'2-2t Jouk P. UiWki.v, Major aud C S. LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of a! issued fcy C. F. Moore. Clerk of tli District Court, tviihiu and for Cash Count v. Ne'oniska. and to me directed. I si!l on theiloth day of February, A. D. l7ti.ut li) o'clock a. m. of said day, al the .south door of the Court House in the ciiy of I'laltsmout !i, in snid County, sell at public auction the follow Ina real estate to-wi : The uorth-east quarter (nc ()o( section thirty-three, (sec 3) towu sliip eleven. (11) north of r.'-ne t!u::ib(r eleven, ill) esst of the sixth P. M. in ihe Mate of Nebraska. The same bein levied upon aud taken as the property of Frank Kl pser. defen dant : to satisfy a ju-i(rni;it of said Court, re covered bv Robert T. Maxwell plainfiff. FlatLsmouth, Neb., Jan. ivth. A. I. 1STS. U. U. CL' t l.KR. Xi toert. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by C. P. Moore, Cleik of the District Court, within aud for Cass County, Nebraska, nad to me directed. I will on the 26ili day f February, i. isTik at U o'clock a. in. of said day. at the South door of the Court House in the City of Fl:itts!nouth, in said County, self at public auction the follow ing real estate to-wit : The east half, te 4) of t he south west quarter. s w of section num ber eighteen, (is) in town ten. (lit) ratine twelve, east ot fclli J". M. The Kaiuu Ikmiiu levied upon and taken as the property of W in. Vt.t lake de fendant ; to satisfy a ju lament of said Court, recovered by Wm. Cay gill PlaintifT. l'lattsmoutb, Nebraska, January VHh, A. D. 187'". M. H. t'l'Ti.r.ii, 43-5t. Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issed by C. P. Meore. Clerk of the District Court, within aud lor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on the Ajth day of February. A. X). IH6, al 1 o'clock . m.. ol said day, at the south door of the Court House iu said city of I'lat'tsiuouth, in said county, sell al public auction the follow ing Real Estate to-wil : Lois one. two, three, nine, ten, el-ven, twelve, Aairteen. fourteen, fif teen, sixteen, seventeen, and eiglileen (.1, 2. 3. 9, 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1 . 16. 17 &. 14.) in block lour 4, Lots six, seven, right, uine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixtem, seventeen, and eighteen (.6. 7. 8, 9. to, n. 12. 13, U. 15. to. 17, i 18j. in block Lots four. five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, lo, 11. & J'2). in block six i"!, Ixts one, two. three, four, five, and six, I, 2, 3. 4. &.&, in block sev en 7, Lots one. t wo, three, and lour, 1 1, 2. 3. & 4. J in block mile V!, Lotsoue, tvo, three, four, live, seven, ten, eleveu, atiU I welvel, 2, 3. 4,5, 7, 10, 11 & I2i, in block ten lloj, laus one, two. three, four, five, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve t. 2. 3.4, . 7. 8. 9. 10, II. 12,) in block eleven til, i.ots one, two, three.four. live, six. seven, eight, nine, leu. eleven, twelve, thir teen, fourteen, fiiteen, sixteen, seventeen, eigh teen, nineteen, twenty-one and twenty-two It, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B.H. 10, 11. 12. 13. 14. Ij. 16, 17. IX, y, 2l,&2'i.iu block twelve I12j. Lots Oiie, two. three, lour, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and eleven I, 2.3. 4,5. 6,7, H, . 10 i; It in block thir teen 113;. Lots one and two l 2j in blockiour tecn 14!, Ixts one. two, three, four, live and six ft. 2. 3,4. 5, & 6j in block C;teeii 115', lts three.four and five (3, 4 & 5i in block eighteen tISj. Lois one, two. tiiree. our, live, seven, eight, nine, eleven aud twelve U. 3. 4, 5.7,8.9. 11. i 121 in block nineteen il.i, lots one, two, Uirce. four. live, si v. Mil. eleven, (oiir teeu, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nine teen, twenty, f wctitv-one. twentv-iwo ;. 2. 3. 4, 5.6. JO. II. U. 15. hi. 17. I. 19.20. 'l. 22) in block twenty f.Di. Lots one and ten il & luj iu t'l.x-k twenty-one l-lj. Lots one, two, four, five. seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve 11.2. 4.5,7, C, 9, 10, 11 Jk VJ ia block twenty-two '.2!. Lois one, two. tiiree. lour, live, six. seven and eight 1, 2. 4.4. 5, 6, 7 i sj in block lii, Ut bve 5j iu block twenty-six, CM). Lots one, two three, lour six. eight, nine, ten, eleveu aud twelve, 1,2.3, 4.6,8,9.10. II, and 12! iu block twenty-seen. 27J, Lots one, two. three, four, six. seven, eight uine, ten. eleven, tweive. fourteen, fifteen, six teen, eighteen, nineteen and twenty I, 2, 3, 4. 6. 7,8, 'j, lo. 11,12, 14. IS. ic. H, 19. tind 2 in block twenty-eight. iSj, Lois one, two. five, six. seven, and eight 1. 2. 5. 6. 7. and 8j in bloc tnirty l:!ol. Ixits live, six. seven and eight . 0. 7, and 8.) in block thlrtv-oue 31, in Dukes Ad dition to Plat tsmo in li City. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Klhcrt T. Duke and L. D. Rcunett. executors of tbe estate d Shei herd Duke and IJoyd D. Bennett, defendauts : to satisfy a judgment ot said court, recovered by the First National Bank, of PlaMsuiouth, Neb., plaiiitiSs. Flattsiiiouth, Neb.. January jo, isTri. M. B. CUTLER, 43t5 Sheriff. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby eiven that co-partuershlp heretofore existing between the iindersimied, under the name ajid style e the Johnson Organ Company, has this day been dissolved by mutu al consent, L. F. Jliasou axsunijug all the lia bilities of liie concern, aad eolleciing all tiie in debtedness due aud omng to all Jotiijson Or gan Company. January 1st, 1378. - L- T. JoHsrao. iZt ii. N. Jouxbox. Probate Notice." Notice U hereby given to to all persois bay ing accounts against the Lstate tl Clarrissa II. Hockley, deceased, to file the same u the ofHct of Probate Judge, Plaitsinoulh, Cass C-eimtv. Neb., on or before the 7th day of July. A. f). 1874. 11. K. ELLISON. By virtue of an order of jal issued bv C. P. Moore. Clerk f.f the i)i' rid Ciurt. within and f i t':i.t l oiii.ty. Neoiasr.a. and to nie directed, J w ill on the stst d.iv of J .nnnry. A. I). at 1 iH-k p. m. f said d ty the south door of the o:!rt Ilouse, in city of I lallsniouth. in Said County, sell t public" Miletion. the following real estate to-wil : Tim south-west quarter Cs w 1. of seciiou twenty-one (2D. town twelve (i-Jj, noith of raue i:ie (9-ca-it ot the xivth nUhi principal iaeriua:i. als. the south-east qu:irter(sev) f tle south-east quarter (vi aud the iiorih-vvcKt quarter (nw of toe soiitn east quarter (sei of aection twei.ty town taelve ( l-.'i. noriii cf ranre nine (9) east of the sixth Gih) pri'ieipal meridian. The same betn levied upoii aud : ie:i as cue property of VV. J. Masiin. .!:. u, M iilha J. Swank, and John T. V.'clbour'i, 'lefendaiit ; to satisfy a de ereo of said Court, recovered by John H. Clark, piaiutiiT. Flattsmoulh, Nebraska, Iec. th, A. I. 1875- M. B. CUTLKK. 4015 Sier1fr. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale, issued tv O. F. Moore, clerk of the District Couri. within and for Civs County. Nebraska, liiid to tne oirecteii. I will tn the 241U day of January, A. 1. lsTC at in o'chK'k. a. in. of said day at til" soiitii !oor of the Court House. ri the city of I'iaitsino'ith. in said County, sell t public auction, the follow ing Real Ksiale to-wit : Thesoutti-west quarter (sw1) of section number six i('. townsjiip teu (Hi), north of range thirteen (I3 east of sixin (bth) principal meridian, in Cass cotn.ty. Ne braska : the same beiim levied upon and t tken as the proerty of Joseph McCluie. defendant ; to satisfy a decree of s.iu Court, rccoveied by Vallcryit RufTner. I'lainlilTs. I'iaitsmoulli, Neb.. Dec. l--'d. 187.V M. li. CUTLER. 3915 Shciiff. Sale of Estrays. Notice is hereby given that I w ill sell at pub lic auction, al the residence of John liihtiore, in Mt. Fleasant precinct, in Cass County, Nenraa ky, on the liitn day of Fet,ruary. A. l". 17S:, at lu o'clock a. in., on said day : Two (2 bl.ek colts, one ( i) and two (2 ycarsdd; haid coits ai-iraised by A. I'. Cox. and ii. 1'eper, at forty (4u and! sixty 0W dollars re.neelively. Saiil coils were taken up by said John Oiimore. and by liliii adtrlise.i as estrays. and now adver tised by me for s:Ue according to law iu such cse tnudeand provided. January 1st, 11.7S. A. N. SULLIVAN, iU Justice of the I'ei'.ce. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale, issued by C. P. Moore, Clerk of the District court, within and for Cass County, Nebraska, ami to me directed, I will on the 7lli day of February. A. D. 17C. at 10 o'clock a. in. id said day, xt iiie south door of the Court House in ihe iiy of I'Utistno.iOi, in said County, sell at public auction, the lol lowinir real estate, to-v. it : lst one (1) iu block thirty-one t in thecity of l'!attmouili. Ci'.ss Count y. as designated upon the recorded plat of said city. 1 he suine being levied umiu an.t taken as the property John D. SiinpuMi. ct. al. defendant ; to salisty a judgment ot sid court recovered uy BenJ. F. Kii.ert, plaiullit. Piatumouih, Neb., Jan. 4th. is.'6. M. 11. CUTLER. 41 IA MierifT, .lmihooJ In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States, for the District of Nebraska ; iu the matter of John Rouse, Bankrupt. To Vltnm it may Concern: The undersigned hereby ?.!res notice of appointment s nsf-'io-e of" the est tie of .f.din Rmise. i .reenwioi!. in the county of Cass, iu said district ; aod wlio wm : on the 4th day of Dceenibcr. A. 1. H7'. ndjudged Ba;k ruot. upon the petition of himself. Dited at Omaha, the 3o:h dav cf Deembcr, A. I. lsTi. N athan A. Cohmsh. 4lt3 How Lofct. How Hettore i! ji $ S'f wiisi piii'iisneii. n new or jll-:'y fulverwetU'tZy .1 I w.-v .i flie ui.M-u' e in. (without mediciiiei of soerm it-w- rhuM oi. Seminal V eakness.luvolJnti-u-y Keniina! los-'s, Imuoleucy. Mental Fhysical Inca pacity. Impedi.neius to Mrrige, etc. ; xiso (iiisumpiion. Epilepr.y, and I lls. Induced by self-imiiiigeuce or sexu-.i: extravagance, &.c. it7rrice, in a sealed envelope, only six Cents. The celebrated author. In this admirable es say, clearly Oeiiioiit rales. Iroiii a thirty years' siu-oesl i:l pr.-.etii.e. tlul thaiirnii.g consequeii ces of seif-Mbii-e iimy i;e radically ci.rcd wiih ut the tike id interna! meiiicmo or the appin a tioii of t he knife . pointing out a mode or cure a: iibce kiu.j'l -. cci taiu. and eilectual. i y nie;.; of w hicil every sutlerer. no iiia'.K r w"iial Ids condition may be. i.i.-iy cure himself cheaply, privately. and radically. iii"l'ii;s hviure should he In the hands of very youth aud every man iu ihe land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to r.ny st-)r.tid, on receipt oi six cents or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers. i EIAM.J. C UI.IKK & CO., l-3ly r 27 Bowerj-. K. Y. ; P. O. box. 4-J. g-Samaritan Nervine, Tlie great Nerve Con'jTieror. cores Kpileptie Fits. Convulsions, spasms. St. Vitus Dance, and all Nervous Diseases ; the only known poMiive remedy for Kpileptie Fits, it has bceu tested by thousands r.nd has neyr been known to fail in k dingle easn. Trial package free. Knelotie stamp lor Circular giving of cures. Address, DR. S. A. RICH MONI. 3.'i!y ' Box 711, St. Jo. Mo. WmDHAM'S T?.-FT! a T . AND COLLECTION AGENCY. I taXe ples.ure in announcing to the public, do ing business in the State of Nebraska, aod especially in Cans Comity, that I have established in connection witli my Legal Practice, a COLLBCTOlN-, AND REAL ESTATE AGENCY ! A nine years' residence in State and County, with ennstaut business relations among the peo ple, have qualified lue for transacting business of this character with GREAT FACILITY. All business entrusted to my cire by firms or individaals, will receive" inuueuiule a; tenliun. All . Moneys Collected, BEUlTTEa PU03I I'TLV. REAL ESTATE EOUGHT & SOLB! TAX.ES PA 1 D 1 i '-ZT" EiLsiru.t LttUr Anticrre-l Promptly. . It..Wl.UAJl, 42ly Flattsiuouth, Neb. This is the place where Successor to r McGuiro & Curtis, , is going to spread himself in an cc as soon as wc can get Youpd to it. G. F. GYGER, Painter Grainer, PLATTSMOUTH, NEIi. Also all kinds ot PAPi!iR HAN GING iK'ne to order In good styje. t&l have a new set of Graining Tools, anil am i.i!;y prepared to do work in the bell and latest style. ALPO W.lOX JL ( ARHIAVK PAl.TIX(j. F.nquireat Mike SchiieilLaclier's Blacksmith Shop. 40tf Frank G. Cox, SSesiIeE in loo, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., ALSO, AT LINCOLN. NEISItASXA, AND RED OAK, IOWA. I propose to furnish to to customers by the Cwt. orl. A deduction made for REGULAR CUSTOMERS. I will also TILT. ICE WWSES. HVILD -VKIF OSES, or FCUX1SU YOU ICE. in any kli.npe you desire .IT K K A N 5 A3L V. BATES. 4ei6 F. C. COT, riatUmouth. JVo. Pf.OPKI etor or PALACE BILLIARD HALL. (Main St.. under Firet Nat. Bank.) PEiATTSStOl'TII, - - - HDD. Kf MAR IH Sl l'fl.lKl WITH THK . BEST WINES, LIQUORS, BEEP, ETC., ETC. 40v 1 WILLIAM HEROLD Keeps one of the Largest Stocks OF GKO IN TOWN. CERIES yl la H Cood fresh lu'.'.k. DELIVERED DAILY ! AT EVExrsonrs home ixtla ttsmoutu IK THZr WANT IT, FY j. r. L3i kilter. nr.xo IX touk okdiim ATI) I will, tkt ajid : 40)1 and serve yon regularly. " FOR YO V tt Better yon call on dot Ben Hempel. HE'S THE MAN, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. ON I.OW2UMA1N STREET, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEB. Meals at all Hours. Ales, 'Wine. and sood Liquors to be used rea ',7iably. for jour bciitiit ii you desire. li. HEM PEL, Prop. Mrs. A. Ii. Knee, WORKER. IN HAIR. Braids, Curls, Hwitcbes, Puffs, and all kinds of Hair Work iHinr.ptly and neatly mnde by ' Oideia left at MRS. KEXSEDY'8 MII.I.I.ia STORE. On Main St.. 1 door east of Clark & Plunamer's. ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, un I general jobbing. PETER RAU EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker ha taken charge of the irafpn shops He is well known as a i NO. 1 WORKMAN. Sftr lTastas anrt ilttcgles atade to ttriler. , .. . SATISFACTION (GUARANTEED. Shop on Sixth street, opposite Ktreight's Stable. CEDAR CREEFC ADS. J. INHELDER & SON, DEALERS IS .HOOT. XHOES, A .YD QWH'EniKS. Of every kind. at the lowest p.ssib!e rates. Also CCALERS IN CRAlv. For which tbe highest CASH prices are paid. Hides and pnwl. ice f Mil kinds bought at Reasonable rates. IXMKl.JKK"HTAT10V-cedar Creek.) 4flyl (7ASS CO., XEISiiASKA. WEEPING WATEllA D3 Fleming & Race, DEALERS IN ' Y GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS. . CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES. . AND NOTIONS. Amd Kftrioerw'Ai applies (Generally. Our Goods arc all New, and we sell tbetn CHEAP. TRT US ONCE, AND SEE! Ofcfl WJfSrr WAT MR, vp rKOFESSIOXAL CARDS it. r. triannAir, ATTORNEY and Counselor at Iaw. P.eal estate bought and sold. Taxes paid : and ape eial attention gtvef? to eolloctions-. OUice over Dr. Chaiiaiau's Drug Store, l'lnttsmouth. 37yl n.n. st. ( HAPflAX, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor In Chan eery. Office in Fitzgerald's Block, Flatumouth. Nebraska. WHEELE A BKSSETT, REAL ESTATE and Tax Paying AgenW. no taries Public, Fire hd Life Insurance Agent. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. B. K. LIVISi?TO?X, rnYSUCIAN S FRO EON. Hmders his pro fessional services to the eitlens of Cass county. Residence southeast corner Hixth and Oak sta. ; Office on Main street, two doors west of Sixth, Flaltsuiouth. Nebraska. (jeo. s. snirn. ATTORNEY AT LAW and Real Estate Bro ker. Mpeeial attention gtven to Collections and all matters affecting the titlo to real estate. o.Tce on Jd floor, over l ost 031ce, l'lattsmoutb, Nebraska. 0'. GILES, BRQ. WHOLESALE Sc RETAIL Nos. 266 and 268 Wabaah Avonuo, Ohlcaja WX ARE SPECIAL AGEKTft FOrf ELGIN tniTCIIJES, m A5D OATX A TCM STOCK OF HOWARD WATOHE AND AN ENDLESS YAKIITT OF JIHTIl'E OI'THEPE-UE. Office on Main street. TlatlemonTh. Iteb.. two doors et nniiRALD oillce. Business hours from a a. m. to 8 p. in. All county business usu ally trarsactcd before a Justice of the Peace wtu be attended to. Also general collector of debts. l0yl J. W. lUims. DK SGHILDKNECHT. Eclectic & Ilomceopalhlc riiysician. tVOffiee and Resldenco eorner Sixth and Vino Streets. Platlsmoulh. Neb. Calls attended at all hours. 0y'- BS. J. n. WATEKMAS, Physio Medical Practitioner. Isoititville. Can Co., Xtb. t3T Always at the office on Saturdaya. fol Saunders House ! PLATTSMO UTII, NEB. J. H. LIGGETT, Proprietor. NEWLY OPENED, RE-FITTED, RE-FURNISHED. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! 32yi 8CiiAruJES Moderate. 'GRAND CENTRAL' HOTEL, Largest asxl finest SZotel be t vTceat Cliicaso and ian Francisco. GEO. THRALL, - - Prop. OMAHA, XEB.. JSEWING MACHINES I am now prepared to Ox any kind of SEWING MACHINES, I have that need repairing In the place. just received a New Lathe, and can guarantee my work, and t prices taat will not beggar the poor man or woman to buy. jr-Also. nun Work of every description all kinds of fine mechanical work can be done at my shop. I2yi3iuj tiro. W, K Inner. A W. WHITE, Dealer in DRY SZ23, GROCERIES, Main st.. bet. 5th and Cth., FLATTSMOCTH. NEB. Highest Price Paid for Coun try Produce. CASn PAID FOR JIIDJSS. p. V s a IP E & 3 a c-e CD & o o 5 CO P CO s c cr CD r-r 2 t a Se & & S ! t: M - Ct- r- S It 2 p S'5 3 v . t I vv cs2. 5 .3 . 2 zT. : 2,5 00 ' -s "SB, C 3 O - e rs 5 3 ' " - rn - ef r c , - CB T td LJ tri .3, i H CO o NEW LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE - S T A B Xj jB ! AN OLD STAND, BUT A NEW MAN. The partnership ol O. M. Streight and VT. D. J ones, be:ug this day dissolved Dr. AV. D. JONES, will open a new Livery. Feed, and Sale Stahle, at tne Old HI ATT BARN, on Main Street, Just east of John Shannon's well known . Stable. Plattsmouth. Neb. . Hornets. Bujglesi Jk. t'arrlatea, to let at all times, at leasonable rates. HORSES IiOAIWED ItT THE DAY, WEEK. Oft MOXTH. Particular attention paid to driving and train lug Horses. Having all the appliances I shall loake a particular feature of inv business the driv ing and handling of TROTTING STOCK. r"Bcing well known all over the county, no further chin music Is necessary. I cordially in vite nil my friends to call and see me. and they w ill receive a hearty welcome. Respectfully, VV. D. JONES. A 2. L rt T DICK STREIGHT'S LIYEBY, Feed and Sale Stables. Comer 6th and Pearl Sts. BORSKB VOAEDID BT THB DAT, WELU, OR 3IOVTH. HORSES BOUaHT, S0LD-0R TRADED, For ft Fair Commission. , TEAMS AT ALL HOURS. Pat ttcular attention paid to Driving and Training TUOTTIXG STOCK. Will also have for service during the sson the CELEBRATED HOBMES : NORM AN & TXJj ARAN, . , Known as tho , W.D. JOXKS HO BSCS. . Ladles Fine Hold TTatehM, tiold Opera Chain. tJold Neck Chains, hilver Vest Chain. Table Cantors. Cake Baskeia, Nut Picks. Card .Hvanda. fapkin ItiugS v alters. Butter Dlshea, Gold Kings, Dl vnonds. Gold Tooth Picks. Gold Hatch Keys. Coral Heads. Coral Necklaeea Coral S.i and R1na. Bronze Ornamenu, Silver Spoons, Tea Sets. Ladles' SoU. Pearl Ice Pitchers, Ooffea trn. ' t yrur Plsnast. SprODUiotd.n, Cu ab4 Ul4av - Biae;ru. io!4 IbianblM. HtrTlitiabl. Cold Loek.uj ' "tilrt tad.g: It In is. Vrooea. OprM) Office and Parlor Clocks of every DcscriptlfllT, Watch Materials and Tools for'Jewelera, Every oa visiting CHIC.itiO should call at our establishment anrtVymln our f ooda. J6tJ TIIIC ( HKAPtMT r KICKS l,l MUTTl. HENRY ROWLAND. CABRIAGE & "WA.O-02ST Tw A-rrmT?,f ALSff General Blacksmithlng. Crr I a areis. Rsirteii, mmA tfmfm0 lie paired hrt atlw. 1MO UORIC-IOOELTO And all other Iron work promptly atsesio ed to. cheaper than the cLcapest, for By the undersigned. n. HOWLAXD. Shop northwest Cor. of vtn. Rlxa aam PLATTSMOUTH. Ml. MIKE SCHNELLBACHEIt, It LA CKSM1 Til IIORMK .HIIOEINU, AKD WAGON REPAIRIWO. All kinds of FARM IMPLEMSJsTi mended Jfeatly tt Promptly :0: Horse. 'Mule & Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that has four feet, from a Zebra to s Giraffe. Come and se ns. ISTEW SHOP, on Fifth St.. between Main and Vine Htroeta. just across tbe corner from the kw UkCA LU OFFUK. ivyi F. D. LENHOFF, Blacksmith & Wagon Makr, Having lately bought out SHAFER'S OLD STANI I am prepared to do all work brought to me in this line. Horse Shoeing ami Repairing of all kinds. 34 tf F. I. Lknhoff. SAGE BROTHERS, Dealers In iTOT ETC., ETC., ETC. One. Door East of the Post-OlEce, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Practical Workers In SHEET IRON, ZINC, TIN. BRA ZIERY,dc, &c. Large assortment of Hard and Soft COAL STOYE3, Wood and Coal Stoves for HEATING OR COOKING, Always on Hand. Every varletv of Tin. Sheet Iron, and Zlne Work, kept In Stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on Short Notice. trr rzn ytuixq wauha xted txt PBICEM LOW DOWJt. SAGE BROS. NOV IS YOUR CHANCE! GREAT BARGAINS AMERICAN WATCHES. CLOCKS, TOYS, AND FANCY CHI NA WARE AT O O ST ! For the Next 90 Days, AT Schlater's Jewelry Store, Opposite MiePlaO. Valley House. 3j 3 CHANGE OF FRONT I Hatt Goes "Out, and Marthis COMES IX! " Tbe aanM old buoher shop, but JNO. MARTHIS la going to ruu it awhile. Having leased the Old and well known Butcher dhop ot Mr. Ilatt, 1 am prepared to furnish ooon roasts. CHOICr. STEA Kft. Fit AS FOrTLS. aiui TEXDKli JOJXT3. 1 eordlal'y invite all the old customers of the Shop, to eontiuue their patronage, and respect fully ask a-s many new ones as feel inclined to to deal with me. to come forward and buy. riaiumoutn, jan y itn, ibts. 1 JOHN 3IARTHIS. JOHNSON ORGAN, Mtnafactr4 trf Vb JOHNSON ORGAN CO. AT rLATTSMOVTXf, JCKft Drew tho First Prcminm At the Eighth Annual Fair f C County rNeb, oreT all ooropetitorav The following Organs wer la Competition: t Vfanoii A llamlin, 1 Efltel, a&4 1 BtandardL Those organs are all pol up n elegnnt Black Walnut Casna, and Each Instrument Warranted For Ten Years! . and guaranteed to giro rerfect eatS- factlen. ' ' the"tone Is the most perfect that has erer beo produced on any reed instrument. The satisfaction they are glr ing, and the unirersal praiae ther are recelrlng are justly merited. Thej are First Class in Every Respect- Iv-wry rrsvBtM fr Ker. Efcsjr Alutrysv Brawn Tlnn, 9Irtlee CIth4. that there Is VrletlM r Sqateavklavav Action as Quick find Per fect as the Hest Piano. ?f The Tuning nnd Voicing Is all done by myself, and the superiority of Tone and its quick response te the touch is acknowledged by erery. Judge that has yet tried thero, whether prej udiced in fa?or of other organs or not. If thoy eee and hear them they InTaxi ably gire the verdict in their fayor. vsr uy mien list uuum for any First Class Instrument and those who wish to proenre a geod and reliable organ either for Parlor or Church will advance their own iater est by trying my Organs. Address, TIIE JOHNSON ORGAN CO riitUmouth, Xefe WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer In Strings, Sheet I jsic, and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tuned aid Repaired, ttatiafaction guaran teod. 50yl. STREIGHT & 31ILLER, Harness frianufaclurers, SADDLES BRIDLES; COLLARS. andallklods of harness stock, oonstaaUr a band. Fruit Confectioner jf AND Grocery Stork KUTS, CANDIA-S. raAS, SUGARS. eomtev TOBACCOB3, rLocjt. Remember the plaee, eypa IU K. O. Dv.y " on Lower Main Street. 21-ly STREIGHT t MILLER. Wm. Gramberg, ' Deaierpa Lumber" Coal rxATTSMOCTB, S r , Op. Platte VaUy Hou. . .;..) On hand all kinds ot - LUMBER. DOORS SASH, BLISDS, SHINGLES. LATHS. ALSO ' ' MouldingS, BUILDING FAP.BR, CEMENT, LIME, PlasterParis, etc. AT LOWEST 11ABUD 9ATES. ,1 i