THE PI ERA Li).' J. A. MACMURPHY. Editor. FLATTSMOUTIT, JAN. 20, 1876. 0UIL.CLUB LIST FOK 1S76. Vf pr;at oar rcaier tills week with a clob rVi.'of papers whlc-tijcan 1'f taken with lhe Hhmal:. In thl way Jjrou can get two'papers rnuialn for.Uttiore Itbau'.lUv'prlce of fia. W tbould Ilk. to harejall tb(;wbserlb(n we aajranletlJetefrate bf th rolddr of ember. ... , .. , , . , ... Wa'KliV would like new ubirrfbTS to the EtaiLD. and all who propose taklust it for ao- t!er yearto eornejforward now, mi tbe camber of your .ubsoriptions depends some th!) w would like to make In the paper. rn'HtniLO and ITarners' Baz:iar. 'Week ly.or Magazine, ....$ " " and Iotar-Occan, weekly,-.. cmi-wteklT. . . " , Chicago Tribune " " rot &;Mall, weekly - " dally m . " rrairia Farmer, Dally Orapbie, - Hearth & Home,. 3&0 - LouIst'U Courier Journal 3.05 " aVrlbner't Monthly, 4.85 - Bt.IXlcholas 4-fc GOT. Kl UK WOOD SENATORS FROM IOWA. I : At a republican caucus of the Iowa Legislature, Gov. Kirk wood was bomi natetl to tak the place of Mx Wright, whose term expires March 1877. Har lan withdrew. The people all seem pleased to hare such a staunch Union man to represent thein In the U.S. Sen ate. 4.90 280 4.25 2.80 2-30 6.65 5.30 12.45 CALL FOR A NATIONALRE PUB LIC AN CONVENTION. Th next Union Republican National Conven-tl-in for the nomination of candidate for I'resl dfTit and Vice-President of the I'nited States wul tx held in the city of Cincinnati on Wednes- H . 1 ho nth Hiv of .lime. 17(1. xt VI o'clock noon and will coridNt of delegates from each Stale eiial to twice the Piiinlx-r of It Senators and IlepreiwnUtives in Congress and of two dcle (Tntes from each organized territory and the Dis trict of Columbia. In calling the conventions for the election of delegates, the committees of the several States are recommended to invite all lpub!ican electors and all other voters, without regard to oast jo!itica! differences or previous partv affiliations, who are opposed to reviving sectional issues, and desire to promote friendly feeling and iK-rm;uieit harmonoy tkronunoiit the country by niaintninlngand eti Mrciinr all constitutional rights of every citizen, ineluilinn the full and free exercise of the right of suffrago without lutimldiition and without fraud : who are in favor of continued prosecu tion and punishment of all official dlnhonosty and of an economical iMlrniriistraQonof the gov ernment by honest, faithful and capable offi cers : who are In favor of making such reforms In the government as experience may from tim to time suggest ; who are opposed to im pairing the credit of the nation by depreciating any of Its obligations and in favor of sustaining in every way the national faith and financial honor ; who hold that the common school sys tem is tbe nursery of American liberty and should be Maintained absolutely free from sec tarian control : who believe that for the promo tion of these ends the direction of the govern ment should continue to be confided to those who adhere to the principle of 1776, support them as incorporated in the constitution and laws, and who are in favor of recognizing and Htrengthenlngthe fundamental principlesof na tional iinitv in this centennial anniversary of the birth of the republic K. D. Morgan, Chairman Itt-pubiicaii National Committee. Wm. F. Chandler. Corresponding Sec'y. The address was siemed by t;eo. K. Spencer. Alabama; Powell Clayton. Arkansas; Oeorge C. Oorliam. California ; Marshall Jewell. Con necticut : s. M. Harrington. Deluwa'e ; 1$. Con over, Florida ; Isham S. Kannerv, Georgia; J. Y.heamnion, Illinois: Oliver P. Morton. In diana : W. P.. Allison, Iowa : J. J. Ingalls. Kan fas : W. C. Ooodlove. Kentucky ; S. B. Packard. Ivulstan:i; W. P. Fry: Maine; C. C. Fulton, M trvlaud ; William CUtlin, Massachusetts; William A. Howard, Michigan : John T. Aver Ill. Minnesota ; J. C. French. Mississippi ; K. 8. Vaullorn. Missouri : K. K. Cunningham. Neb raska : Wlliiam E. Chandler. New "Hampshire ; A. 1. Catttll. New Jersey : F.dwin I). Morgan, New York ; Josejh C. Aolxilt. North Carolina ; J It. Cowan, Ohio ; J. II. Mitchell. Oregon ; "William H. Kemble, Pennsylvania; Win. 1. P.rayton, l.Iioil Island ; J. J. Patterson, South Carolina ; J. M. Thonibunr : Tennessee; (Jeo. Nichols. Vermont : P. II. Wells, Jr., Virginia; Hans Cresswell. West Virginia; T. O. Howe, Wisconsin : J. A. Hubbell. Colorado: J. P. Kid der. Dakota.; H. . Smoot, District of Columbia : 8. B. Klkins, New Mexico. Powell Clayton, of Arkansas, re present ed Tex as In addition to hisown State, and J. Mitchell represented Montana, and John C. New repre sented Wyoming and signed the call If. The State Board of Agriculture Bidets at Lincoln on the 3Cth. "We cannot e the propriety of re ducincrour Army any lower, as our Democratic friend urge. It would be a poor economy in the end. Twenty live thousand men is really a tptj small force to jruard our frontiers and d garrison duty, and to day if the U, S. should get into the smallest kind of a muss anywhere sho would have to call for volunteers at once. Why the Sioux nation could force a war that weuld take more men to quell than we have to d.iy in the regular army, with out abandoning all eastern forts entire- iy. AMNESTY. Frem the late speech in Coagress of Ren Hill, of Georgia. And very good "commissary" the Grand Central keeps, too. Eh Visclier ? If Hen Hill of Georgia, will show us any five Yankees that he has ever whipped, we will consent to pardon Jeff Davis. Gen. Williams who takes the place of Gf n. Huggles at Omaha has arrived. Mrs. Williams was the wife of Stephen A. Douglas and is a great favorite in society. Every little town down east of the Mississippi put in a claim for the Democratic or Ilepublican National Convention. Say, couldn't you hold oue of 'em here? The National Republican Committee met at Washington on the 13th and de cided to hold the National Republican Nominating Convention at Cincinnatti on the 14th day of June next. 11. E. Cunningham was the delegate- from Nebraska. It's all nonsense to talk about the lack of Medicine and clothes, to ac count for the horrors of Andersonville and Libby. The lack of these things will not account for the "d? ad line," the hate and the insults, that were piled on the Union prisoners, nor for the in- tiltinz messages and develish threats' towards Yankees left on tree and fence and house by rebels when they were forced to leave camp. CARRIAGE, A CIVIL OR RELIUI0US CEREMONY. IKrom the Omaha Urald.J The Deseret News says : . In regard to the matter of Marriage, who tdiall say whether a man's marriage U a civil or religions ceremony, whether it Is a part of his religion or not? Has Congress the right? Has the Federal Government the rig;ht? Has the Supreme Court of the Cnited States tbe riht? No. Certaluly not. The man. ami the man alone, has that light. If he considers his mar liage a part os bis religion, to him it is actually upart of his religiou, and neither Congress nor -ourtscauniakeitotherw As such part of bis religion Congress cannot constitutionally jirobiblt the free exercise thereof to him. Our Salt Lake contemiKrary can say pretty much all that can be said on one eide of the controversy; we do not pre tend to be able to say a tithe of what might be said upon the other. But in the above extract wa find excuse for asking that paper to apply its logic to the following example: There are a Winnebago Indians now erving out a life sentence in the Ne braakapenitentiary.for the murder of a farmer in this State. The erime was committed upon a man confessedly in nocent of any wrong toward those In dians. They divLnot even know the man, am it is within our knowledge that they killed him because tbey re giously believed that their God and our vaui tlCllltllll&CA llllt 14 41, and that they could never go to Heav en unless in this way they avenged the wrongs the Winnebagoes had suffered at the hands of the white man. The act of. murder was preceled by long continued religious ceremonies by those Indians who committed the crime and others,1 and the result was their proper trial and pnnishmenr. If a white man may decide what is and what is iiot religion, why not a red man, and where bhall we stop. Now really, if Dr. Miller , did that with his own-little hatchet, it is the most sensible and logica) editorial he jiyer wrte, But yon, gentlemen, who persecuted us hy your infidelities, until you drove us out of the Union Yen who then claimed to be the only friends of the Union which you had before denounc ed as a league with death and a cove nant with hell. f To you we hard no concessions to make.: Martyrs oice no apology to tyrants, and while we are ready to make every sacrifice for the Union, tnyssion, however defeated and oppressed, will confess no sin to fanaticism, however bigoted and exact ing; yet, while we make) to you no con cession, we say this: We come even to you in no spirit of revenge, we have but one ambition, and that is to add our political power to the patriotic Un ion men of the North in order to com pel fanaticism to obey the laws, and to lice in the U ion according to the Con stitution. We do uot propose to com pel you by oaths, for you never, kept them. We ask you, gentlemen of the Republican party, to forget -your old sin. ; ! : i The impudence of that chap is sub lime: his cheek astounding. .". HERE COMES BLITZ. Blitz in a Hotel Dining Room. Blitz, now under the charge of Charles Forbes, is constantly playiug his tricks upon the unsuspecting.. While the com pany were playing at Mankato recently, Blitz came into the dining-room early one morning. Immediately after being seated at the table one of the waiter girls brought him his breakfast, consist ing of a variety of eatables,: among which was a plate of hot biscuits. Blitz took one in his hand and broke it open, when, out rolled six silver half dollars. Then taking up a hot" potato to peel it, a voice came from it saying, "Oh ! don't peel my skin off; you "will cut ray head! " The waiter girls (who were Catholic by persuasion;, looked at each other for a moment, then all ran out of the room erving. "The devil is at the table' sure." On hearing the noise the landlord came to see what wai the matter, and it was witli difficulty that he could induce the girls to come into the room. Not one of them, however, would wait on Blitz again, and the landlord wasnbliged to send the clerk to wait on him. Blitz declares he will never play any more tricks on the waiting girls while eating his meals. v. , - . - Signor Blitz will be here next Monday, Jan. 24th. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRO CEEDINGS. . spikes &c, as per bill . . Account of Peter Gru Commissioner's CornT. Wednesday Jan. 5th, '76 CONCLUDED. M. B. Cutler, for ticket for pau per to Leavenworth White & Darrah, coal for poor house..,. The following accounts were allowed on the land road fund to-wit:. , r . Account of Michael Patten, car rying chain on road Account of LT. V. Matthews, aer, haul ing abutments and mason work. Account of Geo Pronger, assist ing G. W. Fairfield in measur ing abutments . . . .'. '. . . Account of Geo. W. Fairfield, , measuring bridges .......... . The CoHowing accounts ."were allowed on the road districts in the county: ' ' ' 1 Account of E. R. Todd, district" number 1, plow for dist.;.'. . . -Account of J. G.; . Miller, distT number 1 suprvree'd and can- celed:. .I.;!.. ;..... Account of Win. Stander, dist. number 2 supr. ree'd and can-. celed.. ................ Account of J. T. Mills, district number 25, plank for dist . . The following settlements of road supervisors was then ex amined and approved to-wit: Wm. Coleman, supr. dist. num ber 6, am't due supr v. . . " John Lohnes, supr. dist. number 4, am't due supr.... ....... .. S. Idle, supr. dist. number 8, am't due sapr .... WenJel Hail, supr. dist. number 13. am't due supr' . ..... .. ." 4 James Hall, supr. dist. number. 10 45 7 55 2 00 35 CI 04 7; 10 00 5 00 8 00 6 00 8 00 3 00 29 75 44 00 41 50 2(s 00 :20 75 20, am't due supr S. L. Gable, supr. dist. number 30, ain't due disU. l .'. ..... J. A. Strond, supr. dist. number 41. am't due supr..'. 1 . .v. : . . . B. C Yeoiaans, supr. dist, num ber 55, am't due .supr. -i. ... The following accounts were allow ed on the several road districts to-wit: Meloin Ilolden, road dist. ; hum- ' . ', ber 25 supr. receipts canceled J. W. Hobaek. road dist. num ber 59, supr. receipts canceled C. P. Moore, assignee cf D. Klep ser, number 32, supr. receipts canceled i ....... . ... C. Butts, road district number; 57, supr. receipts canceled , - The claim of Win. -Stadelmaun for SC.75 was not allowed; it appearing that the same items are charged in bill of January 4tb,-W76. - -Bill of Wm. fJilmour fr ? arryintf 5 25 9 85 38 75 4 00 1 50 5 00 4 00 flag on road, for 82 00 was" laid orr far want of verification. - J i Ordered that an order-be drawn- in favor of Levi Walker, supervisor -district number 10, for the sum of 540 82 on saiil district number 16. Ordered that R. G. Clisbe Ik? and is hereby appointed supr. of dist. number 43. Ordered that the Sheriff be instruct ed to proceed to Lincoln and return bringing from the Insane hospital Mrs. Davis. Mrs. B.iker and If r. Tucker. Ordered that Samuel Carter be and h is hereby appointed sissessor for Elmwood precinct. The remonstrance against the ai pointment of a commissioner to locate county road commencing at the north west corner of the north-east quarter of section one, town eleven-, range twelve, thence south-west one-half sec tion line or as practicable, was exam ined and remonstrance granted. And board adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock to-morrow morning. T. CLARK. I Co. W. B. ARNOLD. Corns. Attest: . C. P. Moore, Clerk. By Wm. L. Wells, Deputy. THE f MARKETS. home markets. IPORTEB JlY W1IITK .V IARRAH. Wheat Coin Oats Rye Harlev. Flax Seed Ill ,r.-.............."...i...V.... ' Cattle 3 0"itl X Uuckwheat, w it; 'o.Y-ln K 'HO T5tto 0o LATEST NEW Monev,.... Gold VOHK MARKETS iNtW Yokk, J.m. 13. ... ' ' r.T'.G i i I, Here is where Snaonon Thursday, Jan. Cth, C. Board met pursuant to adjouruuitmt. Present: M. L. WHITE, ) W. B. ARNOLD, Corns. B. S. RA ilSEY. ) Wm. L. Wells, Deputy Clerk. M. B. Cutler. Sheriff. And being opened in due form the following was had to-wit: The journal of previous meeting from October 5th 1875, to January 4th 1876 was then read and approved. On motion of W. B. Arnold, it was ordered that the Co. Supt. of Public, Instruction be and the same is fixed at 4.00 per day. . Ordered that Michael Archer be and he is hereby appointed constable for Rock Bluffs precinct. The report of the commissioners to view and report upon the road peti tioned for by Mr.Trichard was examin ed and approved and said road is here by located. . On motion of B. S. Ramsey, the board adjourned to meet to-morrow at H o'clock. , M. L. WHITE, W. B. ARNOLD, Corns. B. S. RAMSEY. Moore. Clerk. LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. Clin a;o. Jan. 17. Flour. Si Wheat 1W t'orn, ! Oats ICve W Parley, "a1 lions ft lo-jl i-o Cullle 5 G0f.6 25 Jno. "Wants a nice new Livery had T!ie Maintenance of Health. The inaioteuance of heaitii Is often more dif ficult thau its recovery. Vitiated condition of the atmosphere, unhealthy occupations, ex tremes of heat or cold, aud constant exposure to rouj;h weather, are ;ill so ninny provoca tions of diseases. There is but one sure way of effectually pnardir.-j the system when thus sub jected to influences prvjudU-iid to health, ."iid tliat is to establish, by judicious tonic and alter ative meiMcalioi;. viuor of the 1 ody and regu larity of its functions. The properties of an i:i vijrorant and corrective are happily coiuiuned in llusietter's S.omach Hitters, wincli, at the same time that it infuses unwonted vitality info the system, overcomes all tendency ot I he Stomach, li ver bowels aud u. inary organs to deviate from regularity in the discharge ot functions upon which the welfare of the entire physical or.ini ration ii dependent. Ilealt h cannot be more ef fectually maintained than by using the Pitlers. "VTCK'S Flower & Vegetable Seeds are. the best the world produces. Tbey are oianted by a million iteople in AmcricH. and tile result is, beaulifu! Kiowers and .splendid ci table. A Triced Catalogue sent free to all w ho enclose the postage a 2 cent stamp. TICK'S Flower & Vegetable Garden is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nwirly 1V p.iges, hundreds of line illustrations, and lour Chioino l'Uw-s of Kiowers. beaul itully drawn from nature. Trice 35 cents in paper cover ; 0i cents bound in ele gant cloth. VICK'S FLO UAL GUIDE This Is a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely Illustrated, ami con; riiiiinir an elegant colored KrontUpiew vit!i tne iirst UTiiti.T. Trie? only Vft cts. for the vear. The f.rst number for lSTo just issued. Address JAHKM Vit'i. 414 Koch eat or. X. V. which the editor has not time to write up yet. Go and get one of Shannon's Teams anyway this week. 121y ' SELLING OFF CLOSING. "OUT!! AT COST I FOR CASH I Stora. for Sals or Eon!!! FURNITURE Of every description Cheaper Than Ever. Some things even BELOW COST ! ! Weekly Sun ! 17 (U. NEW YORK. 1876. Attest: C. T By Wiu. I. Wells, Deputy. S3 30 00 23 00 73 50 35 00 January, th, 1870. Board met pttrsu-int to adjournment. Present: full Board; Wm. L. Well., Deputy Clerk, and M. B. Cutler, Slior and being opened in due form the fol lowing proceedings were had to-wit: The following accounts were all aw ed on the General Fund to-wit: Account of J. C. Cummins, pos tage, express &e. : Account of Thos. rollock. ab stract of title to county lots.. Account of U. W. Wise, furn iturfor Supt. office . .'. ...... Account of J. A. MacMurphy, printing blanks as per bill. . . Account of J. A. MacMurphy, publishing report of bridges.. Account of J. A. MacMurphy; -printing legal notices and blanks 32 35 On the claim of J. A; MacMurphy, the following endorsements were made to-wit: i ' I hereby protest against the allow ance of tliis claim. B. .S. Ramsey." On the claims of II. E. Ellison, cost bill in case of Z. Hurnham, against M. B. Cutler, ordered that said claim be not allowed. Account of Wm. Gilmour for carrying flag on road having been verified, was allowed on land road fund $2 00 And Board adjourned until next reg ular meeting. M. L. WHITE, ) W. B. ARNOLD. V Corns. B. S. RAMSEY. S Attest: C. r.ilooKE, Clerk, ' ' By Wm. L. Wells, Deputy. highteen liHii.intd and seventy-six Is Centen nial year, it is :i1m) the year m whieh an oppo sition House of iiei're.-ciilauves, the liist since tlie war. will Ih in p'.wci in ;L-i.;ii;lim ; and tile year ot the twi-ni y-third eitJiluu of a Pres ident of the United Si.ites. All of these events are sure to be of Kreat inlereM at:d importance. e-pe-i.iliy tile two latter : ami all of lUem and every tiling connected with them will te fully aud tiesiiiy reported and expounded iit the Sun. The ppsitlon If we of lieprcsontitives, taking up t liis Hue of iuuiry opened yeais aito by i he .Sim, win aad lii.lieiily ;;are tlie corruptions aud misdeal of t. rani's administration ; and will, it i to l hoped, lay the found. ;tioii for a new and belter penit in our national history. Of all titis tae i?un will coiiiMiu complete and accurate ai roiinti. lur nishi.. ail us read is with early anu trust worthy info; iiialiou upon these auoi-oir.; top ics. The twenty-third Presidential election, with the psep.irations for it. wi!i Un memorable a ilerhiiia; Uk:i (irani's a gnations lor a titird term ot power ami pii:i(t r. aM'l still more as deiidmi; who shail lie the ean.iioale of ine tir.r t y t reform, and ;is eleriin;: liiat canilidate. t'onceriiinjt all these snbjerts. tliose wln re;id tliei(Oi will have the constant means f Iwinj thoroughly well ialviineU. The Wei-kly San, whi -h has Attained a rireu lattou )f over eiuhiy thousand ctiiues. alrea-ly ha-s its reudwis iu every ii ue au.l 'i'ei li'.oiy and we trut the year irO will see their numbers doubled. It will continue to be a tiioru.h newspaper. All I lie penerul news of tiu !,ky w ;ii hi' found in it, condensed w'upu uuirt'Mr tant, at full length wiiru of rjor.ieni ; art',' al wavs, we trust, treated in a clcv.r, ii.tcr-isiing and instruoiivo Manner. It Is our aim to luaxe the YTeeVlj' Stt'i the best family newspaper in ih" worUl. au.l shall eoiiiinue to (jive in its col'.i;iius a lar.,-.' aiuouut of iniseeHaueous reading, such :is stoiic -i, tali s, jioeins, scientific iiiti-ili'Uice and fc;;rieul:u:;d informalioii, tor vki''!i w e are not a'.ii" to laakc room in our daily e.titioii. The :t;;ricultti:a! de partment especially is in of its!ei.t fea tures. Ths? l.ishiiiiis are also regularly r ,M!led In its columns ; and sa ;ue maiketa of evciy kiuii. The Weekly .mi. eljjlit p:i;: s v, ith fif!y-.six broad columns only ?l.2a a year, postage pre p:dd. As this cost barely rep avs the -ol oi tli paper, no dis'-ounts can be ttiadv from tbia Kite to c!uts ;icer.ts, l'ost nutters, or anyone. The D.tiiy l-xrw four p.i.i' newspaper of twenty-eight coiutns, fjives a!t the news lor two cents n cojy. Subscription, jMis!:e ;i. paid. o.-. a iiionth or m.& a year. Sunday eJi tiou I'stnw Sl.lo p.T year. Vc iiave no travel ing ajjeuts. Adurcss. , - THE 36t6 New Viiu t ily. A Fine Art SIt.vjazi:ie far tht Young. St. Nicholas for 1876 Marrying Tipplers. A word of warning to young ladies on this subject is not inappropriate. How ninny young women, by uniting their destinies with tipplers or men of confirmed intemperate habits, have in volved themselves in lives of sorrow and shame. ""Yet. in spite of all tha wretchedness of drunkards wives, Bays Mr. Cuyler, "young women are continually willing to marry men who are in the habit of indulging iu the so cial glass. L;idies often refuse the marriage offers of young men because they are too poor, or of to humble a family or too plain in person or man ners. Only now and then one has good enough to refuse to unite herself with a man who will not rledtre him self to, total abstinence. A rich and j fashionable, young man has commonly j no trouble U get a wife, even though j he is hardly suber long enough to pro- j nouni'p the marriasm vow. lint a tee- ! totaler in rough raiment might betnul bed as a vulgar fellow, who has never seen sofity. Ladies before you begin to scold at me for this impious thing, just look around and see if it is not true." - . LadiM?, this is an importrnt subject, and we should consider it we.ll. It in volves your happiness and resect abili ty in this world, and perhaps your sal vation in the next. You should reject tht hand of a man who indulges in the intoxicating cup. What is riches, sta tion, or anything of worth without so brietv, virtue and character. Beware! Ex. After two years' of pros;vrl'y. unctanipled in the annals mY Juvenile lilcrattfc. duriu." winch St. Ak'Mw iuts coiisoii.latetl w i'Ji il -w-if i'.il irs strongest cou.p'-litur, thy publisher hud lbi-iu M.-Ue.s lii a posaiou to promise in, Volume, bi-tjinnhii; vitTi the nun veint;r. lsT.. sluiil. Iu lis attntctl.tiis tor tiirls aiiU ltey, suipass cveii I be prccc itiujj volumes. Iu addition to c 'lilubuiious fioi.i Jilt: fiusc :riiiTKiis ;' a v erica. there will be Sir-ries, Poems, arid Skerches, by smn j of the noit Prominent Kivr'b'ii Authors. Arr.i.'ifjoiiieiits havt neeti mauu iur a very iu terestini; scries id papers oil V I N D H (J R C A STL IS , lly Mia. OUI'llAST. Treating of its History aud the (.'hild-Lifo of Successive Koyai tetieiations. Chamber Sets, $25 and up. Dressing Bureaus, $12.50, up. Bureau stands, 7.50, up. Bedsteads, $3, up. Extension Tables, $7.50, up. Chairs, $50c, up. Boston Rockers, $2.50, up Centre Tables, $6, up. Wool aud Wire .Mattress es, very Cheap. Everything in the Furniture ; Line, Cheap. If you rton't believe it call and see for your elves, at SHEYOOK'S, PLATTSMOUTII, XEB. Medical Institute ESTAIIMMIIKD AH A KEFrK VT.OJI QIAIKEBT. TIIF only placff where liei! iKM.n. I.iuir is r . CHRISTINA 0. 110SSETTI Will contribute to the new volume. ; . t LOUISA 3f. ALCOTT , Will wii!e Matjoiio's lii. today (I ifts, and oth er shoi t Stories. Some articles on Astronomy for Yotui Vt pie have been promised by the popular Kujilish Astronomer, RICHARD PROCTOR. There will be a continued story of Life In Ice land by BAYARD TAYLOR. . , In the November Number new volume w.l! t'fu an a sure cure can hn ro- uiie m reiiuired in the war of alv.-rtisiiig. as the reputation of the Institution is weii kito'A-tt'thiouslioJt the west. Call and b- tot. viaceil that tftis : the largest and most ;myiete n.stiuiiion of the kind In America lor toe swctststul tr utii!ent of all Chronic Sex ual. Private find Veneral Iis'asesof both sex sue i as s jibiii.. 5norrhfra, (lleet. SMricture, Kupi.ure, arii-ose Vciis. Oivhtti. Bubo, iVc A;t urinary r.i-d syo'iiiwie or nifiroria! atfec tioiisot the throat, skin or bones are treated wit a uiiara'.ielfd success. iouorri:(ea cured in frem tlirce to Bv days. Syphilis cured ir. fro.u five to ten das. lver l.!7o cass cured. Seiuinnl Veal;T?ess. ;eritiatorr!ii-a. Night Loss es, ScxujU liebiil'y Impotence. Ixss of Sex 1'ower, as tlie f'sult of self-abnse'iu youth, sex ual ecess.'s in nurtv.rer ycais. and all inij)eiii mems to lu.UTiuKc, (K'niiaiu-i.tly cured without mercury or any oilier mineral poison. Patient at a i:s"taue irentf-d by letter. Medicines sent erv.viiere. Yoiiux inen w lio have become the victims of solitary vice tint dreadful and s:id destructive habit which annua'lv sweeps to an untimely ;.'ruve thousands of yo'iiu-j men of the i:osr au d tab-nts and brihiant intel-.m-!. wli intht otJici is entrance Senates with the f iiiiioi'-is oi eloquence, or waked 10 ec-stai-r tbe bviuc Iviv may c;ill with fu:i coitQ ileuce. What a pity that a youn; man, the boic of bis count ry. the darling of iiis pan nis. should b-suaU b'-.i irom ali prospects, ami en iovineiits 'i lite by tl:e consequences of deviat ing from the path of nature od iudulciHs; in a certain secret batiit. Sued pj-rsoim must, be fore cont'-mplat inn m irri;ur. retlect that a sound mimland lvly sirt the most nevessary reouis-it.-: to promote connubial happiiot. indeed without these tin jiHirney tiirough life be co:ik s a w cary pikjriiiui;jc. t he prospect hourly d t;k-ns to the view.tbe mind becomes shadow el nl it h ileikiiir :it!il tllieik wllti met:4ir.i4tiv pa. i:.t the third j ttevtioiet that the baptsitcss 4f another is blilit iber for No- i ed wi' Is our ov ii. To all erri:i voting in on we would eay. do not kiH-p this secret :o yumvelf a'.i.i y ntr i loil until it lias supped the vitals and ie:'t you a wrecu of humanity, a curst to your se'f aud a burden to society. If you are eutan ir'.ed in f :ie su ire of s;-!f-p4lIution. or any pri vate dise.tso. ilec Jroin its u"striiriioii. and ap plv at l. .fosi'p'ti M.'ii.-:U iustitatt. for treat ment and become" on more a hunuin being. i.-jyLuTi guaranteed or mony refuneil. tjU female difficulties and impediments t Marriage treated with safety ai:d success. f threat medical book and secrets for la dies anil ttvido. Scut free for two stamps. Address St. J.see Mediea' Institute, Krancis Street, betweu Second and Third, St. Jseph, Ma. 3,-fly ttie o;Mnin.s t the rr the ZD LETTERS FROM DKUHJISTS. .There is no c:ise of . Dyspepsia that Greene'tj August Flower will not cure. Come to the Drug Store of G. B. Cliap niau and inquire alxmt it. If you suf fer from Costiveness, 8ick -Headache. Sour Stomach, Indigestion. Liver Com plaint, or derangement of the Stomach or Eirer try it. Two or three doses will relieve you. Boschee'a German Syrup is now sold in every town aiul city in the United States." We have uot less than live hundred letters from druggists, saying it is the best medicine they ever sold for Consumption, Throat or Eung dis ease. Sample bottle of both 10 ceat eacb, RogUr 1m 71 tBv AMERICAN1 SERIAL ST0R "THE ROY EMIGRANTS? HV NOAH b::ooks. 5i-In; the adventures of a paity of boys in CA.H,XJPOTZliTXJ OCX. iii the early days ot the c.oiii Ftver. J. T. TROWIiUIDUE, Author of "Jack lbiard" s'.oties, will ciuitrib llle son:.' hiiiiv iatcrcaliuj: hiicn.-ili.-s. of adven ture at "Ibis's I ove. "TALKX WITIl OIRLXr. By leading aafnrs, wi'l b a prominuit teuture ot the new voluuie. . isj.ect.ii mIIc;;Uou will al so be given to IXCEDKSTS OF A MET! I CA .V JJTSTUH T". With spirited pictorial iilust rations. The various .lcjart incuts, ",laek-iii-tlie-Pal-pi;." "The ltidd!e-i?ox.'- ar.l '. lter-rrfix.',:itnl thepaesfiir '"Very Llltle Folks." to be itiore attractive than tier., liie French, La iu, aud tic; aia:i Morics. lor tr.uisla. im. vIim-ii have j.roVLd so popular, will be frequent in tlie new volume. Souie of t ho t'.i.est works of tut tireaies:. I'aimers id the t'ei.tury, have been engraved expressly for SL -Vmvi.jos, aud the fn-st artists of the day will coi,n itmte fresh iiiiu oi iirinul drawiiurs for this Brie ait Maiiaziue for the ioun;r. ic!iuite yiniouiiceinent tH many interesting aud novel foatuiHs wid Le moi'e i:: t!ie December liltiuber. .s'f. .VlV.WiM vtid COU tinue nuder the successful eui:ors.ip of ZIAUY HA PES DODGE. An 1 U'i effort spared by editor and p'.i'di.hers to maintain Riid. Iue.-vase the attiacttous tnd value of the in-ig:zine. tiubMcription Trlee. S.OO it year; Minnie mhfrs. its rrnts; Uouuit 'ol utuH. earti. These volumes bein with November. Tto two now ready tr ik7 and 1875 are eteiiitiy i bound in red a. id gold, aud form the ilaudoai- j est ;ift-hooks for 'lul3ret) erer issued. We j w ill send the inatja-d!!" f:r o'ie sc:-r bc-iuiiin;; j .Vovemuer m.a. and either otthe volii.-H-a Ix.i nd ms MlMe. post-p tid. fir ai i or, a sahsen Mo tion one year, and the two volume, f.n ? All newsdealers and bookelii-r wiM receiv mibsei iptions aud supply volumes at the above rate-, , ! J 8CRIRNER & CO.r ran 4 Pi"i t!i: ie. T. .: Obstacles to Marriage- i H.srpr ilelleffp Vomiff 5en trom the effects of Krrors and Abuses Iu eariy life. Man hood restored. Impediments to Marriage re moved. N'ewniclhod f treatment. New and reinai kal-le reiift-tiies. Uooks aud t irculais sent free, iu sealed envelopes. Address IIOWAK!) ASStM. lAlltlN.ll'i N, Ninth St.. Phib.ilphM. Pa. an insiituti i i havinga hili repuiatiou for houorahle cotiduvt and professional skill. Syt CARPENTER WORK ! W. L. .Tucker, has removed to the bnildlnnr opposite Msth etti tl.irdwate ((In 4ih street. Het. Main aud Viae.) Where in addition to other work, he Waives s-btl attention to SEP AIRING FURNITURE, , MAZTXO l'ICTUUE FJiAHES. tC. AI ,o A-, -iit for tbe COMMON' SKNSK l.Ml TAiil.r.S. t.f which I have i uumlicr on haoil ; cull .and s;e .them. IKON-a Careful Work and Prompt Attend awe to Calls. )-ly WM. L. TUCKER. itlORP.OV BROS.' II LA KS.11I1 II AND Machine Shop. AV8. At I. I.. Morrow's old stand. Seventh St , 4 Chicago V aie prepared to t-o a ''cueral business Iu BORSS-SHOE1NG, Aud Kepalrlng: nil LI.Tds of .Wnehiti rrj. ;u-ii as ilelpfr. Mw r rs. Ttirfsliin; tlaildufH, 11 o h. owe.. Jtc. MILL PICKS, AND ALL Iron & Steel Worfc a Specialty. IVew Wapoiii & Rtis&Ses Made To Order. ' gcTAU Work Warranted to Give Sa- 9f M Hffott9dk. ELI PLUMMER'S COLUMN. SPLait&niauth, JfeL, Jan. jtli, 'Tt. To my Customers ; - J (c&Lfc to thanle. all tmj. aid Jiatfatis. fat- lmi- munct- Qiis. evidences, of good inlll and tlie canluiucd and tuilaable f-anatje. thrrj. liaae extend ed fa tne uiliiie in Ln&lneas. in Sflaltsinau'h. stilL taue a feat .aods., olIllcIi nin&L Le clc&cd out this tnantfi, aA the cfiae i tented and afhel jLattiel tace LOAeA sian Aoon. JDheAc ,S)-QadA udLL Le &ald at ,(j.tcat A eductions., and all LaftieA desuiig ta Llluj. of buch ,j-oody a a we haue Left, udLL find it geatg. ta tieu advantage ta fuitcka&e of me JfCo fling ta see ijoil all an hand during the next hilly dajjA; -J' hall Le chcefullij glad ta feceiuc gati ' $ Li mummed jp iSee!Eead! Look!! 1MB wm? I The Compliments of the season to all our customers, from Solomon INailiau For tlie increase in our trade and the large business we have done the last year, we desire to thank our num erous friends and hope they may con tinue the same as we expect to offer better aud better inducements for them to do so. We hope to see you at the old stand, the ensuing year, where we are prepar ed to do a large wholesale and retail business. . "We have just received stock of goods, a largo new PURCHASED IPOIERj CASH ! Bight from - Head-Quarters . and the F'iliiS'TOl'iSiSS at the very lowest prices; .which we intend to sell at such rates as will as tonish everybody. srt. ;rs2;i:rii family :n;m(:iN.:s ALT: the iv.-u't of an etpcricttc of tutrty vnhl In l Ite tici:ci- oi a nnpi-cufiH pl.vsln't'i I! it let- ' Vi t ii An exit let of mm it n ft her ts t so judiciously and lie ipcn, ally ' ' bluer) t;i::t (very part of the disc -ascd body receives the help re'iiiired. It Is not claimed as a panacea for all tlie ills of life, hut for 4ysieMia, Milton and liver complaints, fver r.tid axue, cholera, ibd.ility. anil ail diseases of the tom;tcti, liver, ami digestive organs, it Is an efTcclual remedy. As a preventative against fever ami sttue and rualanous diseases It Is unsurpnskcd. II slrenethens and builds up the debilitated sys tem, and gives renewed vigor to all parts of the boil v. Kinz'M ,'tire Acts as a dluretle ev.-irtmnt In cases of dropsy, pt, Ri are I. and diseases of, the bladder and kidneys, purifies the Moor, cures scndula and eruptive rhenmatie and neuralgic pains, and all llsec. of the urt uary onzans. Expectorant A prompt remevly for conch usihiua, rioup, and all diseases of the throat, liins aud chest, and the first itajes ( cua sumption and fvphtdd frer. Vser ad icue fill's Arc prepared e prcssly to aid the tonic In ciirmir acuta and chrome cases, they art without depletion. 4'rimenn l.luliiieiit Opens the pores if the ttesli. aud penetrates to the hone or seat of pain, n i v i 1 1 relief to manor beast as speed ily as any outward atplication can. Sold by all Drucetsts and Dealers. 1 K. T. HAKTKl IF CO.. ?"T Hurilngton, Iwsi- ad We havo employed the OLD RELIABLE CM We do not pretend to say we sell the cheapest in the world, neither do we profess to say that we keep everything from an axe-handle to telegraph matches, and from pies to bologna sau sage as so man v da HUT' WE DO SAY: we are the only Exclusive Dealers, in our city in Staple & FANcy DRY GOODS. In these lines, and in NOTIONS, we lead the trade. V e have the best assortment of the latest noTelties from tlie last patent needle to the most fashionable style of silk dress. We sell at tlie lowest prices that can be found between here and San-Fran cisco, t'al. We think that few mer chants v . - COH PETE WITH US. and to convince you, we especially ask your candid attention to the following ist of prices: JUST IN!! 3 casft of American standard nrints.1.3 yards for 51 00 1 case cotton flannel, at 10 yards for........ T 1 00 12 cases iTomestic ginghams, at 10 yarda for 1 00 5 cases of muslin, best brand 13 yards for. 1 00 very large assortment of black and colored alpacas, double warp, the finest in the city, from 2c a yd. up. A prime lot of ladies shawls from 81 up. Carp?t chain, standard brand, 5 pound package $1 25 A new and handsome lot of carpets. letnp, from. 27 a' cts. up. n grain, from -.65 " 44 three-ply, from 85 " 44 New stock of handsome embroideries. from 12J cts. per yd. up Ladies fashionable collarets, from . . . '. 3 cts. up. New stock, all colors, of worsted fringes 20 cts. per yd. 11 addition to all these new goods at very low rates, we offer our large stock of LA DIE. f AND GENTS" Jas. B. Foldem Now, Fiiends, if you wank Fair Dealings, p.nil to go hona satisHed, biing in your Wheat Wo alsorespsctfully annonnco to yon that wo have got oa a full line of Clothing. Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens ware, Boots & Shoes, Notions, Saw OUR Mill Yard i3 well stocked with Cottonwood Fencing, AND Building Materia, Axle Trees, AND Wagon Tongues, tfcc, d:c. Come when you need anything in fir line, and get value fr your money. J.& H.S nera, ROCK EJLLFtS. NEOL 31 tf Furnishing Goods I now on hand, at (DISBHa '3 PRICES ! yi y d?sire to disjiose of our HA Tv. f CAPS. CLOVES, HOOTS and y fill OEM, TRUNKS ami VA LUES, FURS, BLANKETS, AND COMFORTERS. JEW ELRY, and Ladies Millinery goods will be clos es out at DEAD DOWN, RED ROCK, is for instance. Ladies' Hats, (fine trimmed $1 50 Cash Prices, -j CAFSIMEKE.VTEAXS, WATERPROOFS, AND LADIES" CLOTHS, in the same catalogue. IX SHOUT : LINEN GOODS, :- ALL ' , WINTER GOODS. and all articles of luxun- not staple, win tie sold way flown, to make room tor an'MUIENSE NEW Spring Stock ! H7 As our adverurfer iifc not uiaoa ina dvert' inent altogether diotlnot, we will leterju-ct and Ulif rata it as fallow a : K. If. FOOTIJ, M.I., Anthor of Plain Horn. Tlk, Mtlical Common Fer.-, Mr-ncr in Story, etc.. 11 Lexington Avenue I "jr. Ea-t asth Striyrt), New York, an Itnrri si.r v r PhtxI'-iaS. treu all forma of Lingrting ir CA"" I)ia-nso, and rrririroa IrUem from a.1 Jr' jf tt.o Crii.izicr Would. hr ln orl'jIn'U tnrty of couflnctinsr a M1irl Pm-v t'n-. hf i niivTPfnlly trfnir nnmtoi; t'u-r !r :tiroyc, the Ural InJI-. IfoiiiIiiIoii of Canada, and in very 11 tot the United aiMi. NO MKliCXJItlAl Or dl-friou druirii tued. He ban. darinir the r- tvreniy t'in-e jcaiA tremtpd nr4ifiilr nearly " '" 4'l -o-. All facto omniotM w.t h ea K '." .r cir. fnllr recordiil. whether thy be mnriin.; 1 i Iptlj-r or in prraon. or olmerTed by the Ilortof or h. aoi;iatJS !,hrirtu. Tbe latW are all ade.-.t.Lj medical men. HOW INVALIDS AT A DISTANCE Are treated. All Invalida at a rlinn an r-'r-vi to aniwer a Hut of plain question. whi-h e eTj imiitnm under which the lnralid tiTTTL Ail niuntcation treaUit lriclly cnnfUtentnil. A c " ' im TJtem of rej?!triiiir TTenta miakM or er-,.,-.n. Lint of qneion aent frp. on applicntiun, to a- y i ' it of the world. Sixty pase pamphW-t of Kvjur.r-' 1 - r ecccrKe, alao urat free. All the tUtii4Jn-.. i 4. from thooB who hare been treated by ina.l ami rt ;.r.o. Aijru t m orrirE, oa T nail, race or cn Call us or a ldreaa DR. E. B. FOOTZ, Ko. 120 Lexington Ave., V. T. - v s Now come ahea'L ;dl of you;, glad to show you goods, and gladjjer yet to ELL TO "yOTJ, .Solomon $ J"athan, Plattsmouth, Neb, Jan'y 12th, 7. JKnM 1o StU WFbolet T.'am Ifome 7iv and Nediecd Conuncn. Sense: Also J)r t'eofes Science in Story. Sr. Berber's Tonic Bowel and f ilo I'.l'.s. j The piliaare an infallittie remedy far iiit.r'-l"n . and uile caaiwt by weftknnea or nppre'i"ti cf ti . pcristilue motion of the bowela. They t wi.vt j liicreae the aotirity of the,J enn .. pr. :. ' iKift and relieve oileeatone. Thonv. 1.1.4 been caredl by them. Price 00 centa. aent br re-int of price. Prepared only hy F. AI.r:.!T( KSICHAItUT. PHABMACI-T, 4U3 FomiH Avssr, kiw Yost Citt. Dr. Berber', Compound Flail xtra;t el Rhubarb and Daudelloa. The heat omU.iation of purely Testable rr -.' to entirely repiaoe Calomel or Ulna P:ll. It er .--. joa tru hrer, lnrrenM the flow of bile, and thaa r -r . . 1 . t ono torpidity of the lirar, b:liouneaa and -..' mitia.ti'u. aud the disease arinin froi: j. i?;M . ktek heailiche, flatulrnce. etc Tanr'iyv UTena of thia Hf-irzct will be proved, ruib . r-v 4 the eat, aa oa tr two bottle are )r.'.nrf t, slear the oompieitiin tftiijtiu:iT. an t rrooTP r''i; p anil t iin ouieaa by har'uiir.b'a. Prvw $1 per rr tjh!. S tUs 9. "f','i be Mat on recipe of tho r- " do inf adrlreeo, fme of rherya IMT';) Cy P. ALFKEfl ftKICHI!OT, rBK-r-rJr'. 'tYri i. r- afrrat Tr vvia x