X . G T 4- r - r -r-f .Ui. THE HERALD. LOCAL NEWS U K A L At V E KT I S K M E N TS. TrajiHhMit.lttcenuta line. Keirular advertls ch, Hi rvntii per line. No advertisement iuser tU lor Jew than :ii cents. Legal Notice at Statute rates. Attorneys ;iu! oittrers of the law will be held responsibfe for ail leiral notices they haml In, nod all parties deiii.indinir a pnvif ot publica ttiu of any notice will lie held fur the publica tion fee wf nucli notice. CO M M C NIC ATIOX. JL. our space Ik limited, nil communications must lie brief aiul to the point, with no waste I word. . SEWSI'AI'Elt DECISIONS. X. Any p-io!i who take tlie aper regularly name, or whether be Is u ubucrlber or PERSONAL. Painter, of the Patron, has gone back on Jinison-weetl, and taken to buck-wheat cakes! The Fremont Her ald say be ordered 115 for breakfast lately. John I. Redick wants fifteen or twen ty inches of Omaha mouth sewed up. New Years to Sam Chapman. A new partner in the law firm. It will now be Chapman, (little) Chap-boy & Sprague to round 'em off nicely. Mr. Rirney Wheeler, of St. Paul, j Mimu !i brother of Maj. "Wheeler, is in town, visiting friends and relatives. Joe. Ilobbs sends us a very encowr-t Inwii the pmtortW. whetlier directed In.libt .,:., lfffwr ii-mn Detroit Hirh C. ul name, or whether be Is a subscriber or not-is aging letter UOIU JJCtroil, illUl. ijl.lU r;onible for the pny. 2. II anv person oruers in i.ii-r uiTiimui Sherilfs Sale. NOTICE. All tipmnns who were sum Rio'tied id appear at the December term of the J for ca's county. Nebraska ami to "me ''jrt' ''. TIlC Oll Ntillltl-bV LllIlllHT attorney TWfe!r r-rr f!nn,l r Vltiifc -Til- 1 w'1" the ::rt d:iy of .Janmii v. A. ' '(. ;it . ' v" " , T estate- Iwuhl -ijii . uvuiv, - - - ; m ii eiofK it. iii. hi sal-1 l.t v at lilt Mini n i.mir 01 ti t I X (1 W llv rirtue of an order of sale. Issued by C. I. Moore. Clerk of the District Court, within ami WATERMAN'S. ! gI1 i rors are hereby notified to be and an- i the court iioni.-. in tin-Yity of riattMuouth. ! Pear before said Court at the adjourn- ; j;-, ' Fl ed January term, to be held on the 1 . tli , tin-.south hair , of ibe smt!i-ea-t piart-r cl day of January, A o clock a. m J L.I Fall and Winter Stock Clieap- I. 1876,' at 10 ! cV.t of section four Ml. and the liyrili-east I tllHll PVPr j jti.ii1-r .lie', I of section ruie !li. nil in town- j Cl liilclil OVC1. sti in nuuiht V t ueive I lJi lioriH ;i ran ire t'lTrl en U'itnpss mv li.mil and seal ' t:t eat of the sith o'.iiii nnneii.al meridian. i:i i Mrc ml on onfMlrto. ijtl.u nthi'hv ,f T-miiirv Cass CotiMty. Nt'. ia-ia. 'I he same benijr levieil I is tlie tn uay or januar, i V)ltu I lkei ,,, ,,r,.ty t h. n. ivitet. j t.. .. i fttei. ff. !f.,tieleiiu:ifu : Kaiisiy a iic- j eree of said Court, reeovi red by It. tl. loe.ni, I pia!ntf;r. ' l I'laltsiiumth, Neb.. I- 29'!l. A. I). n:". J m. 1.. ciri.n:. 401.5 SaenrT. It. It. WIX1HI.4JI. mid Counselor nt Aft. Real and Hold. Taxes paid : and si- eial attention jri ven to coWceiiwus. Otlleo over Ir. 1 h:iirnatt MMs Mt're. naltsmoutn. Jiyi HAM. UM'IIAP.IIAX. ATTOKNKY AT LAW mid Solicitor In Clian- ry. t niee in r lienm s i:iock, i ian.sinouiii. ef-ry Neb laska. I tliid CP. MOO HE, llv Wm. Weua Clerk 4 US Iimty Clerk. Send your grange accounts to P. E. IJeardsley, Liiuoln Xeb. See notice elsewhere. ami. be nnit pav all airearajfes. or the pulilisli r may continue to send it until payment Is made, and collect the whole amount, whether the pner is taken from the ofliee r not. 3. Tlie courts have decided that relusltur to ne wsjiapeis and periodicals from ihe xst oJfiw. or removing and leaving them uncalled lor. Is irima tai ie evideucc of istkntiunal KKALl. B. & M. R. R. Time Table. Corrected Monday. Dtc. Gth, 1 875. KOR OlIAflA FJroM 1'I.ATTSMOUTH. Leaves. 8 :'vj a. rn. Arrives II :.Va. ai. 2 :3) p. in. Arrive. 3 in. OM A1! V.KOU ri-VXTSMOLTH. Lravea, 8 :5 i. lit. Arrives. 10 a. ui. (p. i-j. Arrives. 7 :' . ni. I'OIt THE WKST. tesive. riatLsm nith. O :ii a. in. Arrive In Uoeolu. 12 :1J Kearney. 8 am p. iu. FiiOU THE WK.HT. Leavsi'Keaniey. c, ; ia. in. I-eavea Lincoln. i :Vi p. Ul. Arrives riattJin u!!i. 3 :1S p. in. COINS KAMT : Ei;ress. O.Oo A. M. Itweii;iv, train (each ila ), 3 SiO I'.M. a 5i rs::ji ex i s,' to i a a e. Jua. IT. I'eak Kami'y Hell Hltifrei. The ladies of the Presbyterian to hear from jou. The body of Whiting I. Cowles w: u removed to the family vault in Ohio, by his brother last week. AVe understand that our friend Geo. S. Smith, has been making inquiries about going into the dairy business. Oh Uncle Schlegel! how's the new grand-child ? Adam KaufTenberge, one of the IIeii ai.d men, has gone to Pekin, 111., to see his friends and pay good visit. May he live to return happier and fatter than ever. I. W. ("iberson, Weeping Water, re news his acquaintance with the IIkk ALt and Inter-Oiean. Thanks. Wm. Oilmour Sr.,-a fine specimen of the rale old style of gentlemen, called on the IIkrald hist week. Gen. 1'. E. Cunningham has gone to Washington, to get a slice of Demo- i cratic pork, so the Bee says. Azro Smith, the Rock Bluffs vegeta ble man cams in an 1 talked "some pumpkins" to us. fr I? T Mavwll of Il:irtsmmith Church desire most heartily to express j ;l foriner partner of Hon. SamueH hij -their th inks to Gen. Jeff. C. Iavis, the man. ;md a brother to Judge Maxwell. Comni itidin OlVn-er of Omaha liar-: of the Supreme Court, has permanent racks, and to Col. Charles Bird, Adju- ! JV - s?V,,Sll".nl01-; T,.,1I-.tiitio,I mi iruntjut. inr niiiir ini i ri iij m ti iti Mr. Murphy, the Photographer offers the fallowing: For every d tzen I'hotographs taken at Murphy's Gallery, he will give an Albu:n; one that will hold 0 pictures. This is a neat and suitable present and will no doubt encourage ninny to have their pictures taken. They had a Base Ball match at the Rock School House near Concord, on New Years day. Pleasant Ridge against Concord. Pleasant Uidge had the first innings and made 76 points; Concord the next'and made 11. Second round. Pleasant llidge 31, Concord 8. So wags the world, we can't all win. Sherilfs Sale. taut of the Tost, for the delicious mu sic furnished by tlie Band on the oc casion of their late entertainment. Mrs. Goodwin was shot in the foot about a year ago, caused by the dis charge of .1 loaded gun which was carelessly laid in the bottom of the wagon in which she was riding. The wound apparently healed, but one of her toes commenced to grow crooked, causing such pain that she had to have it amputated last Monday a week. The operation was pet formed by Dr. J. W. Waterman, of Louisville. legal lore, is already will established 1'upiUvm Times. Standard Carpet Warp, the best in the market, at J. V. Wkckbach's. White 4Mose, and Maple Syrup, at J. V. WlXKitACJl's. See St ad el mann's new ing out ; no humbug. Ads Clos- o'.Uf jlg ouio.ni,") : n3 piiu 0.10 .CipiAWf K. qpuiii.) OJ v3 Ol TtltJ ,UO(f W. Stadelmann selling certain lines at cost, positive; come at once. 39tf ' II I (ill IS T AWARD. I received the diploma for fine dress lioots at the state Pair, and continue to make the best and nicest fits. Give me a call. l:W-tf 1. Merces. Judge Ellison, who is almost a third termer leaves his responsible office and turns the judidial ermine (whatever that is) over to his successor Mr. New ell. We uudeistand that Judge E. in tends to practice law in this place, and with the knowledge of the ins and outs of legal quibicalitics learned from the lips of our legal solons added to his ex perience as "The Court," we rather think Mr. Ellison will wake some of our young fellows up. Judgi? Xewell, our new Probate Judge, took his seat on Thurs lay. We are better and better pleased with Judge Xewell each day as we become better acquainted with him. We did think the convention might have made a mistake in nominatin? a man with- The music was superb ami just filled out ;mv 1)lvvios knowu.tl;re of law, the hall. The rec itations were also , . d k,IK.e , tiUlght l:s . i..t i i i: 1 excellent. e nugiu to uv unwci won- j)et,r gations to Chaplain " right and the Merges undersells the whole country in boots and shoes, lb-ad price list and to and try hiia. "J3-tf. i)LZ -siivii" - X(Jl CUUO.iq.l tirfAIiLMJ II.VV'.UOJS ..ld n.qjii.ui:.) sjioo jo qjio w tio'r.a" Viliq )Vl -po V.IJAJ put: ipoq.U' The Leap Year Party given by the Indies of the Episcojal church will be held during the lastweek in January. It is to le j.t m ui" and no mistake. Get your fellow?, girls. The Band Coueert on Friday even ing last was a great musical treat. OIJ SETTLERS MEETING The Old Settler Sfiety (wh'ch M. Donagh declares dad, but that like the Democratic party won't die) met in the Court House o:i Saturday, A. 1. Child.? in tlie ch iir, Wm. Wells Sec'y. several application for membership were received, and the Association ad journ! d to meet on the last Saturday in January. It is to be hoped that all Wie old settlers in the county will at tend th's mooting and see if we can form and keep up an association of t .is kind. Otoe, Burt, Washington and other counties have done so, and derived much amusement and instruc tion therefrom. Ity virtue of an onb'r of sale is-i;ed by C. 1. Moore. Clerk of t be I Hstrict Court, within ami tor C.is.s County. Nebraska, a. id to me tii'eted. 1 will on the ai'st dav of January, A. 1. ISTti, at I o'clock p.m. of saiil d.-.y the sn'iitb door of ibe Court House, in the city of r!uttsiiiou;h. in said County, sell :;t public' aiiet'on. the following real estate to-v. it : The .sout ii-west !iai i r (sv i t, of section twenty-one i21. town twelve (!'). north f ratine Nine eat of the sixth tO.lii principal meridian, also the sottth-ei'st iuartfr isc1 1 1 of the soiilb-eiist ijaaiter tst'j ami Ihe north-west jnarter (nw1 lot toe sout ii easf quarter is.-i ji ol seetioii twenty i j'ii, town twelve ( i-ji, north i I " r.ii:s;e iiiuc ej east ot the si ! Ii nit hi principal meridian. '1 ne ame b'i.,L; levied upon a el lak-n astli" liroii.-rty of W. J. MaMln. .lolm Swank. Martha .1. dSttnnk. and John T. Wclbourn. U-fi-ii-Ui:ls ; to satisfy a de cree of said Court, recovered bv John it. CKiik, plaint i.T. riatt.smoutli, NebniSu.i. lee. '!!. A. I. ITa. M. ii. Cl l J KK. 40!5 lierifT. Sherifl's Sale. Bv virti:e of an oi iter of sale, issued by C V. Moore, clerk of the liistrict Coiit-r. williin and for I ass County, Nebraska, anil to me directed. I will i n the :Mih day of .lamiaiy. A. !. !7i. :i t loo'eloek. a. in. ol said day a I )ie soul !i !oor of the Court llunae. in the ci'iy l IMatlstnoiil h, in said Coiiuly, .s.-il at public auction, the follow iiiR I'eal Estate to-wit : Tin: sotilii-wt st tpiaricr swli of section number sit (i;i, townsl.tp ton (I'D. not I h of ranyc thirteen cast of sixth (t.il: i ;u i.ii ipal iiu-riiiiaii. in Ca..s comity. Ne braska : the same ie.'i:r- li v ied upon and taken as the pro;w-f y of Josep.'i Met 'litre, defendant ; to satistv a decree of sanl ( o'.at. iecovelcd lV Vallerv "jL Kullie r. riaiiilitTs. J'la.tsnii.iith. Ni b., lice. Is"".. m. is. cr ri.:::. .RJtS S!ierilf. G. F. GYGER, Painter Grainer, l'ItA TJXJWUTJf, NEB. Also all kinds of paph;r hanging G-Xj-A-Z I 1ST Or , Don' to !i'ilcr ill good style. J ! bave a new set of firainimi Tools, and am futiv piepaied li do wink in tlie best ami latest sly lc. r.uiiihe lit Mi!:e Scluii llbaclier's l;'a-k sm j li .simp. o;f VHI.I.I.I.i: A IIKWKTT, KEAI. ESTATE ami T I'ayiuK Agents. No taries l"nb lie, Eire mid l.ffe Insurance Aent. l'lattsnioittii. Nebraska. 15. K. MV1ST, ritVSKTAN & SL'1;KN. tenders his pro fessional .services to the cltieiis of Cass count, llesidence southeast corner Ni1h nnd l)ak st. ? mil. eon Main street, two doors west K mh, riattsmoiith. Nebraska. tit.i. M. NMITII. ATTDRNEY AT I. AW and IU'hI Estate m ker. Special attention given to toltect mhii nml all matters affeetini: the title to real estate. Oilice on 2d tliKir, over 1'ost !tllee, llattsnmutli, Nebra-ska. . ni l- J irH afjrTi7PTIlVr PKA V I' ORiei; on Main stret t. Plattsmoutli. Neb., two doors east of IlKUAl.e otllce. Ibisitu-ss hours from i a. in. to 8 p. in. All county business usu al!v tlai sacted lietore a Justice of the 1'eace will be attendeil to. Also Kencral collector or debts. luyl J. V. llAtNr.H. GILES, BRO & CO., WHOLESALE & BETAlL JESWSKnE!IE8LlSf Ncte 266 and 2(8 Wabash Avenue, Chicago , WE AKK SPKf'IAL'AC.ENTJI rnpfl ELGIN WATCHES. AND HAVE A FCI.L STOCK OF HOWABL ' WATCHE ASH AN ENDLESS VAKIETT OF ) IK .4 ' Frank G. Cox, PL A TTHMOUTH, NEB., ALSO, AT LINCOLN. NEI5UASKA, ANJ RED OAK, IOWA. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCE MENT ! A CENTENNIAL EDITION OF A SU PEKI1 NATIONAL W0!ik. The Pictorial History of the United States, By Benson J. I.osslng, l I. D. Mr. W. J. Porter, is canvassing this town, and the surrounding country, for this work. It covers the ground, as a History of the United States, that ev ery family needs. Concise, complete, and reliable. The reputation of Mr. I-ossing as a Historian, is a guarantee of the value of this work. We hoj.Hr Mr. Porter will get many suhseriWrs to this reallv useful work. 40t2 l.tdies of the Presbyterian Church fur m much pleasure. The ye: low Belltlower is large, leau tiful, and one of the very best of win ter apples. It thrives and hears well in the sandy soil of Xew Jersey, and is abundant and very popular in the markets of Philadelphia. But it is un worthy of cultivation in this icinity, unless it is grafted into some old bear ing tree. It is not HuiTiciently hardy for our toil and climate, and will not produce fruit until it is about fifteen years old. Don't plant a yellow Bellflower in Cass 'oimty. W. S. West. OBITUARY. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the I'lattsuiouth I'. O. Jul). 4th, 187. ltruee. S. Brown, Mansfield 15 ibeock. C. C. Cary. Miss Delia Corns. Sarah Ellen Forrest. Julius Fountain. Frank 5affrey. Mirra Hall. Mary Hession. Miss M.li: Hudily. Jolm Jallon. Miss M. Smith, Franklin P. ie Johnson, M. Lamb, Miller Mike Lant. Annie McCuIIoukIi, Marion Martin. Miss M. Ettle Minke, Win. Neweoinb. N. N. Poller. Win. R. Porter. J. E. & Son Snow. El'.eh Khtnenian Singleton. r.crnd. Bur. Sr. Wells. Emma Persons calling for t he above named lcttrrs please say advertised. J. W. Marshall, P. M. Buy your wife or daughter a new traveling bag, at Martin's. Don't fail to read Merges price list of boots and shoes. 3;J-tf. LETTERS FKOM DUUUOIS IS. There is no ease of Dyspejisia that (Ireene's August Flower will not cure. (Vine to the Drug Store of (J. B. Chap man and inquire about it. If you suf fer from Costiveness, Sick Headache. Sour Stomach, Indigestion, Liver Com plaint, or derangement of the Stomach or Liver try it. Two or three doses will relieve you. Boschee's Germ in Syrup is now sol, I in every town and city in the United States. We have not less than live hundred letters from druggists, saying it is the lest medicine they ever sold for Consumption, Throat or Lung dis ease. Sample bottles of both lo cents each. Kegular size 75 cents. LEGAL NOTICES. Notice. Edward McJ'eir. and Jane Meflerr. non resident dcletidaiits will" take notice tbat Ed ward !. Dovcy. of t he cecity ot Cass, jti the slat'? of Nel'tasK a. did on the loth day of De cember A. D. isr.. !iie his pelitnei in ihe Dis t rict Court of Cass Cm: til j . arid Sta'e of Nelr.is ka. against yon. sei t Mil: ti: l !i Hi;.l y.et pive ;, lnorteai;e t tlie s.ii I Ed ward 1. D.vcy on lot niinibei' four ( 1 1 in binci; number forty-six t-i ; in t lie city of el.it 's,i;(,i:t h. in Tin- said r utility ol Ca.ss. to secure tne pameiit of four Iniui'n-d and twenty-one dollars and ninety-one ecu's ("Ul.nl i. accoriiiiM.r to a certain note rclem-d to in said morruae, and fuaxinv tbnt Edward Mftlerr ami Jni.e Metierr may p.iv said siim ol four hundred and lwiiity-o:ie dollars and tibie-ty-olie cents (,!. !M ) i! Il ill ten -t from the S! h iay of Jitie. A. D. IST4. or that sai l premises may b: sold to pay tile same and that Ihe said Edward MeCerr and J.me Mciierr are ben by not iiied:!i.Tt tlicy ar- renii.vd to appear and answer said petition on or before tiie 'J!'h d.iy of Januaiy, A. 1). l s7:. EMW.VKD (1. DOYEY. 15v I'n.VPMAN Set: i:t ):. ?-o His itor:i"vs. Estray Notice. Taken up by the imder-l-tred. ( f Simt!i 1 Precinei.a .siaad sorrel itojsc v.ith a wl.he tn !e I'oreUe.-nl, tint e si led ;..t I ! nacK ; nail a leal ie:- lial'er on v. iien t, m n up bv me. ii. ( i()N. South r.-nd. Nov.Vlih. 1 ". X :.' ManhooJ: How Lost. How Hestored! fiiitil Just ji-il lishcd. a new ed'tioii ot AjSJJt'obHv- t'iIvTveiri I'eletiral- i. eS l'..s-a on the radical cine ii ifii"in f ( w i !nn;t iuei!ici!,ei of Spemritor rlnea orscaiir.al S eakiiess.Inviduntavy S( lutnai Loss-es. Ii'ijuiii m y, .Menial Mid Physical iuca paeiiy. Impedlieeats io M:iirii;:e. etc.; also 1 oti.iimp: ion. !;;i;e,i.sv. a-td I'i.s. indneed l; selt-iud uteiice er seMiai et rav.taiice. Ve. ;Tl'riee. iu a sealed eue!npc, only six ceiiis. The eclebr itod author, in tl'is adi'i'ralde es- say. c-tcariy il.-:i:f;n.ra.cs. tio.u a thirty year siieeessi.,1 pnici ice. t ti.-t I tie : lafaiin const -'juen ees oi seit -aniise may lie ivnli-aliy cureii wi;Ii out Ihe use o; inteinal medicine or t iie apjiiii-a thui .t the knife , poiuiiie; out ;i lia.de of cue at once simpl . certain, and caclual. t,y mean of which t v erv sulterer. no matter what lu e :id;l ion n,ay ee, may cure biaiseif cheapiv privately, and nnlica!i . T!i!s b et nre s'loul.! be in the bands of every yoti'li ami every man ui the land, seitl Under sea!, in ;i i.i: in eaveh in-. to nnv address. ;.-f-,-M,oii receipt of U cents or two IHis'au1' stamps. Address the Publishers. CHAN. J. ti 1.1XV.& 10-4;ily ! 1J7 Uowery, N. Y; P. ). box, A i-.. I propose to funils'i bv to cus'omci's by the !'vl. oriii. A deduction made for REGULAR CUSTOMERS. DR. SCHILDKNECHT. Eclectic & lIoin(POialhic Physician. tff-OfuW and HestdPtice comer Sixth and Vine streets, l'lattsinottth. Neb. Calls attended at all horn's. -loy I. Hit. J. M. WATKItJIAX, Physio Medical Practitioner. Ijmii'jVr, CVl !'o., Xrli. tAlwas at the office on Saturdays. iyl I will also FU.T, ICE II'CS! . WILD Xt:n- O.XKS. r FCU.MSH YOU ICt:, m any shape you desire at iti: o.v:tM: kati:?. ( i OA', l'ltol'RI FTOK OK PALACE BILLIARD HALL. i.Main St.. under First Nat. Bunk.) Pf.lTTStSOJ t:s, - - - CEJ. iv i;!t ts st rei.iKi with hie BEST WINES, LIQUORS, B E E H ETC , ETC, 4(1 Vt WILLIAM HEROLD Keejis ".:e of the Largest Stocks Saunders House ! PLA TTtsMQ U TH, NEB. J. H. LIGGETT, Proprietor. EVLY 0PEXED, RE-FITTED, RE-FURNISHED. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! ;3b"CiiAitGES Moderate. I-i.Iies Fine llold Watche, Cold Opera Chains, ;ld Neek 1'halns. HilveT V !'lialo, Table Castors. Cake Caskets, Nut Picks. Card Stands. Napkin liinjfs V aiters. Itutler Dishes, Gobi Kiiiits. Diamonds. !iold Tooth Picks. lf yVatch Keys. Coral I'rafl. ('otal Ueckl.ieen, Coral SH.I and lilnu, ITrone (imameiita, SiUer Spoons, Tea Sets. Ladies' Set, Pcail Sel, Ice Pitcliern. Coffee frns; Svrup 1 'm'ie, ?P'Hii Ibb1er. Ciim and iohlr P-l acrlels. o'il Ihimhlr. MHer I lilinblaa. I.IK'kfU, (Shirt Ktudi, " fil Kiii. E.roiM'h. Officef nnd Parlor Clocks of every Description. Watch Materials and Tools for'JewcIers Every one vIsdlliiK CH IC.n:o should call at our establishment ;uid"e amine our goodn. 3M26 Till-: tiiKAPKHT piti .n in ai r Morr. HENRY II0WLAM). ALSO General Blacksmithing. Carrinjcen. nniclfn. nnl vTntftwn Itepnlrrd on Nhort !Vtl. AlJso iioRfSK-siion.'fn And all other Iron w.irk promptly nttetiil ed to. cheaper than the c).?apcnl, for mk Ity the iindeisti;neit. IL IH)VLA.D. Shop northwest Cor. ! Vine SlitU MJk PLATTS.M1 1 11, N Kb. 32 vl 'GRAND CENTRAL' HOTEL, Bnrgcst and finest ICotrl be Itvccn Chicago nnd San rranclsco. (JEO. T II HALL, - Prop. OMAHA, NK1J. or in ri "T1 r IN TOWN. STKEltiliT & M1LLEIS. Harness nlanuraiturers, SADDLES EKIDLK.'- COLLAKS. and a'.l kinds of harness Mock, constantly on hand. Notice to Creditors. All persons having claims npainst the Nebras ka State Orange, will please forward a state meat of the same with accompanying papers to the umlersi, lied. liy order .! Ex. Committee. P. E Ukakpm.kv. Clerk, 4111 Lincoln. Neb K, tiaiiiiier oi ienj iiuiu iiini , -uur v mtk. inmu uiijiiov euieiiiM, . Hoover, who departed this life i 'bl'- KM1 cultivation. Also, till n,i i 4... .A I tools, stock, and farm implements ,er2-M. -aged tt caQ a1 wjU J Lines in Memory of little Peaklie lloovrn. ilanliter ftf lienj uuiii and Kmma Decern!,' fur lontlis Farewell, sweet child, farewell, Thy bark is moored above ; Thy ::i ehor's cast on that bright shore Where nil Is peace and love. Your little prattli'i;; tongue No more will cicet our ear. But we must strn e to dwell v ith thee. When life is ended here. Wo wo lid not wl.di thee brick. IV.irlte, Though much we miss thee. love. Eor thou hast rhivtied this suffering sphere. For that bright world above. E. JKMCIN. AN KK2IITY ACRE FAUX! For Sale Cheap. Five miles west of town near Four Mile Creek. Iood improvements, and the of reasonable terms. Apply at the oOtf IIekai.d Office, Never undersold in boots and shoes. See price list elsewhere. '3d-tf Petek Mekues. Fine French Chromos given away at Carruth's Jewelry Store with every 92.01) worth of good sold. 37tf THE PEAK FAMILY. NEW ICE HOUSE! OI'l'OSITF. THE POST OFFICE ! ! TIIE GREATEST BELL RINGERS IX THE WORLD. Will be Here Monday, January 17th. On Vallery's Corner. F. C. Cox is filling a large Tee House, on the above corner, holding "iOO tons. He has everything in apple-pie order and is prepared to do a land office no we mean an ice oilice business. Ife al so intends to put up another building bolding about 150 tons, farther up in town, for tlia purpose of packing and i keeping tisli, butter, eggs, and fruits. j Mr. Cox will build Ice Houses, fill j They are the best known, and per haps the best artists iu their line now travelling. Co and see them. Admission 2"ic ; "0e; and 75c. Fannie Peak, Sole Proprietress. IJ.ilcony Cornet Serenade at 12 o'clock, ar.d in the evening. Closing out all my stock of ladies furs AT COST. Come right off and get your Furs. Closm" out all mv 1'iHits Ar Shoes, at j - . ! Cost. Dissolution Notice. - Notice is hereby iriven that co-partnership heretofore exist in i between tlie undersigned, under the name and style ot the Johnson Orpui Company, has this day been dissolved by mutu al consent. I E. Johnson assuming all the lia bilities of the concern, and collect inir all the in debtedness due and owiu;; to said Johnson Or gan Company. January 1st. !S7 L. F. John" so v. 4 hit Ii. X. JllHNSO.t. Probate Notice. Notice Is hereby given to to all persons hav ing accounts against the Estate oi Clanissa 11. Ittickley. deee;iseil. to file the same in lb. otllce of Probate .Indue. Plat -smooth, Cass County, Net)., on or bcloie tlie jtli uay ol .inly, A. 1. Fruit ConlVctii'uery, AND Grocery Store XVTS, CANDIES. TEAS, Sl"!IAUS. TOi'.AC i (it:s. COIT'EES. FLOl'I". Leinember t he )l iee, oppo ire E. !I. Dovcy's on Lower Main Street. 21-ly &TRKU1HT & MI I; LEU. SAGE BROTHERS. D ales in 1S76. 4113 II. E. ELLISON. Probate Judge. Sale of Estrays. Notice U hereby piven that I will sell at pub lic auction, at the residence of John (.iiiuoie, iu Mt. Pleasant pivcinc.l. 4 u ;ss lUmuly, Nebiiis ky. on the 121" day of February. A. D. IT!, at to o'clock a. in., on said day: Two (2) black colts, one ( 1 ) and two (2) years old; said colts appru sed by A. P. Cox. and H. Pejier. at forty l-ko mid sixty iGi dollars resjwcl iely. Said coits were taken up by baid Jouu tJiimore. and by him advertised as estrays. and now adver tised by me for sale nciirding to law in such cases made ;md provided. January 1st. l7ti. A. X. SULLIVAN. 41tj Justice of the Peaee. Sheriffs Sale. Lo ir.kiisi-w ffirtiiM v Ai i nr lot vnil , , v " , , r I Also, all umlcrwcar, and Overcoats, help yourselves. See "Ail. elsewhere MiUs a1(1 (.,oves 4nt2 in this paper. FA i:3fEl!S! A TTENTION! Julius Pepperberg. Cigar Manufac turer, on Main St.. Plattsmoutli, Neb. Cigar Clippings of Spanish and Ameri can Tobaccoes for smoking purposes. For Sate. Best ttualities of plug-smok-ing tobaeco always on hand. 20-tf. Now is your time for bargains. 3tf " Wm. Stadelmann. NEW 1IUTC1IEU SHOr Plattsmoutii, Neil. ) )7. ( NOTICE. Clapp & Greenslate at ElmwoodNeb. November 22d, IS i The undersigned wish to call the attention of the. Public to his New Meat Market, on south "side of Main Street, two doors vust of Jones Livery Stable Dy virtue of an order of sale, issued bv V. P. Moore. Clerk of the District Court, witlu'n and for C:us County, Nebraska, and to ine directed, I will on the 7th day of l-'ebniary. A. D. 1h;u. at lOo'cliH'k a. in. oi said day. at Ihe south door of the Court llaisse in the City of Plattsmoulh, in said County, sell at public auction, the tol lowint; real estate, to-wit : l-ot one (It in bb-k thirty-one t3l) in the city of Pia'tstitoiitft. Cass County, as designated uiMin I he recorded plat of said city. The same being levied ueii and taken as i ue property John 1. Simpsin. if. til. defendants ; to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered bv Henj. V. Eluert. plaintiff. PUttsiiioutU, Neb., Jan. 4th. 176. M. li. CU TLER. 4115 Sheriff, In Bankruptcy. In the District Court or the United States, fuf the District of Nebraska ; in the matter of John liouse, ltankmpt. To wlwm il may Concern: The undersigtietl hen-by gives notice of his appointment as asftKue of the estate of John House, of ;reenwood. in the county of Cass, in said district : and who wato-wi on the 4th Uay of Decern her. A. I. Is7i. adjudged iJauk- riipt. U)MII tlx petiiicu ot IiiiiiKelf l:ilel ai A. I). 173. 41t1 A ssipiiee of John Kxiie Vitesl at Oman:', the r.jth day of December, ATIIAN A. ( OKMIII, Notice to Stockholders. At 'a meeting of the Stockholders of the Franklin Tvu i'oinpanv. held November 2tt!i. Here, gentlemen, you will nnd : me iu.iwn res.u.ii w.itei : ETC.. ETC., ETC. One Door East of the Po-t -OITire. Plat smoiith Praelic:.! Work! is in .SHEET UitiN, ZTNr, TIN. BEA Z1ERY, X:, if ,-. Large assnrC.i'.eiit ol II tru and SoTt COAL STOVES, Wood and Coal stoves for HEATIXU OH ( 00KL(5. Always on II;-,:n!. Every variety of Tin. .sheet Iron, ami Zinc 'Work, kept iu Stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on Short Notice. ever YTifixo iu.4 i:t:a xted : :r PniCLM LOW 11VX. SAGE BSOS. i-A l-.-J irJ ej V, flood fresh milk DELIVERED DAILY ! AT j:vt:r:rz:iDVS ::o:.n: ix ret ttsmouth IK TilKY WANT IT. BV j. f r5 3:A:r j:istb:r. K.M) I VOl'K OiSDKItS AM I WILL. TllV A.'l) .ivj'. v.'t; Inyl and serve joti regularly. 3 r-n' i on voi i: iJ a P.ctter you call on dt Ben Hernpel. inrs THE MAN, KEEPS AN EATING HOUSE. ON LOWE!: MAIN STl'EET, I'LATTSiroUTir, - - - - NEB. Meals at all Hours. Ales. WiiK's and to.hI Lii;uors to be used rca on.l;,l . tor j our l.em iii ii'jon desire. 1U-1 Ji. If EM PEL, Pnip. SEW1NU 3IAC1IIXES jEE PAIBE ID I T I am now prepared lo fix any kind of SEWING MACHINES, that need repairing in the place. I have just received u New Lathe, and can iruarantee my work, and at prices that will not hcircar the poor man or woman to buy. I"?""-Also. Hun Work of every description all kinds cl fine mechanical work can be done at my shop. isi;:!m Heo. W. K Inner. THE JOHNSON ORGAN, r r5j (' ! l-axrS??'- KEAD E.G.DOVEY'S A W.WHITE, I'M-aler ia SSL"ST S- GROCERIES Main st., bet. 5th and 0th., PLATTSMOUTII. - 5 NEC. Highest Price Paid for Coun try Produce. CASH PAID FOli HIDES. IPil til ? Pis ; Mrs. A. H. Knee WORKER IN HAIR. braids. Curls. Switches. Puffs, and all kinds of ll;:ir Worii ptomptiy ai.d neatly made by z B " 2 2 r 35 tf NOW IS YOUR CHANCE ! general dealers iu dry goods, groceries. jeef and I'ork, Mutttm and Veal for , bi!.)i..--Tiu. the President ni set-ret;u-y and all articles generally kept in a ; sale, at wholesale and retail, clteai for i" 11. 2. J'VH GREAT BARGAINS AMEBIC AN WATCHES, CLOCKS, TOYS, AND FANCY CHI NA WARE AT O O ST I Otdeisb-fl at M US. KENNEDY'S 31 1 l 1 1 x s: n v s v o it t: . On Main St., 1 iln.ir eat of Clark & Pluiiinicr's. ROBE KT DOS NELL Y'S AND KLACKSXITH SHOP. Wa-j'iH, B)ij'!u MurJtiif end J'lor re ) iiriuj, and yntrul johbitiy. PETER 11 A (JEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker li:.st;ken charge of the wajfon shop. He is well known as a No. I WOKKMAN'. "ew M'RjtuiK a5l Eiasuiew nfe s trte r. SATIS FA CT I o N U A KANTEED. .Shop on Sixth street, opposite Strci;rht's Stable. CEDAR CR3EK ADS. j IN H ELDER & SON, IiEALKltS IX SZ30i'2I22S3-0'!, mum;, sunn. Axn giuk-eries. Of every kind, at the K. west jcsslblc rates. Also DEALERS IN G3AI. Fir which the hi .'hcst '.sll prices are paid. Utiles and produce of all I.i'ids bought at l,e;LSOIiabC raies. IV II I:MI:US TAT!OS -Cedar Creek.) -toy t I'.iXS f t;.. XERRASXA. WEEP! y d WA TER A l)S. 2. O 5 t 1 ? S CO - o -5 CO ill I s M c NE W LIVERY, FEED, AND SALE STABLE ! AN OLD STAND, BUT A NEW MAN. The partnership of O. M. strei-ht and W. D. Jones, be'iig this day dissolved Dr. W. I). JONES, w ill open a new Livery. Feed, and Sale Stable, at t he Old III ATT HAKN'.oii Main Street, just c;tM of John Shannon's well known Stable. I'lattsuiouth, Ntd. rioi'MCH. Ilngra;IeM A 'arrlas;e, to let at all times, at leasonahle rates. HORSES BOARDED UY THE DAY, WEEK, OH MUX Til. l'artieuhur attention paid to drivini; and train ing iba-ses. Having all the appliances I shall make a particular feature of my business the tn vint; and handling of TUOTIT Nli STOCK. J T'lleimx well known all over the county, no fin tlier chin music is necessary. 1 cordially in vite all my friends to call and see me. mid they will receive a hearty welcome. Kesjiectf ully. 3mG W. D. JONES. Fleming & Race, D!'. ALE US IN ine our xkIs before ffoin. away from home tti buy. ?,f " Cj.KI'l' Si rlHJrTN-L TE. For the Next 90 Bays, 'Our Goods are all New. AT country store, desire to call attention i Cash. I also keep on band Turkevs, and pv nssesments nnd -t decis to their to their stock just laid in thii season, t Chickens 1s &t- A-e (live ine a "is- .lit' n"1'"" P',!'Kil'i hi,rtJ '";s '!! ' ftsk the farmers to call anl exam- j trial, rrentleinen. and iret Hip worth of stockholders faiiini or reiusnir : v :.s- vmir miincv in 1'rwxl meat lJ.tiet- "easnient sa pcovideil by this irsolutiou. shall' . your moiiev, in ,ooa meat. tesieci-. ,i4rf,lt tlljr 'trirk ,. ,. ,, ,, K- C UIl i. n- i fully. F. M. Yor. tho. Voiik. jV-s t. i 0;iIlcllt;r b JtJWtJII V U. DICK STREIGHT'S LIYBRY, Feed and Sale Stables. Corner 6tli nnd Pearl St. HOUSE ItOAKUKI) UY THK DAT, IT ECU, OR MOXTII. HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD OR TRADED, For a Fair Commission. TEA3IS AT ALL HOURS. Particular attention paid to Driving and Training TROTTI.VG STOCK. Will also have for service during the season the CEI.KBKATKH HOUSES : NORMA X & TALARAX, Known as tin W. U.JOXEH IIORMEH. WEEP1K WATER NE3. gpr rv M n j. -e wtjs or ryrr,- sfl DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS. CAPS, BOOTS. SHOES. AND NOTIONS. And I'arracris" Kupplie lencrmlly. and wc- sell tlii ni CHEAP. TftY US ONCE, AND SEE! NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ! Having made up my mind several ycars'nRO RETIRE FROM BUSINESS About the end of THE YEAR 1875, and beliiR still of the same 'mind, I take thl method of informing the public that I am selling out my ENURE STOCK OF GOODS ! AT COST. and .shall continue doing so through this yew or until the WioZ Stock Is disposed of. During that time I Intend to Sell Goods for Cash, Lower than any other house can do and sustain themselves. ly stock consists of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS f- SHOES, WALL PAPER, CARPETS, t-C, d-C dC. The whole stock will be mild nt ottom Prices until it is ALL SOLD OUT. My object Is not lo but to GET out of BUSINESS. t;ive me a call anf see for yourself. Hsrl E. G. DOVEY. Manufactured by th I01INS0X ORGAN CO At rLATTSMOb'Tn, rrt. , Drew Uic First Prom1 IBS At the Eighth Annual T"lrf4 County, Neb., over all conij The following Organs wr,V ' Cotnietition : S Mason Hamlin, 1 fist (I, and 1 Standard. i l-i7" Those organs are all put op Iu elegant 15Iark Walnut Cases, and Each Instrument Warranted For Ten Years! ami guaranteed to give perfect ti--fat t ien. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, MJICKSMITII iioi'sk smdkim;, WAfJOXIIEPAIHIM;. All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly d- Promptly :0: Horse, 31ule& Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that has four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JSTIEW SHOP, on Fifth St., between Main nd Vine Streets, Just across the comer from the SF.vr HEIiALD OKirr. loyi THE TONE Is the most perfect that has ever been' produced on any reed instrument. The satisfaction they are gir ing, and the universal frais thfy are receiving ar justly merited. They are First Class in Every Respect.- Ivors Fronts for Key n. Kbnny Hliarpa. Ilrnmt Vlnm, fortleei Clothed, no that there I no Frlctloa or Hqarnklne. Action as Quick: and Per fect as the Rest Piano. 117" The Tuning and Voicing Is all done by myself, and the auperiority of Tone and its quick response to tho touch is acknowledged by every judge that has yet tried them, whether prej udiced iu favor of other organs or iut. If they see and hear them they invari ably givu the verdict in their lavor. . 53T MY I'llICj: LIST is as low for any First Class Instrument and those who wish to procure a good and reliable organ either for Parlor or Church will advance their own inter est by trying my Organs. Address, THK JOHNSON' OIIHAX CO, 1'l.ittsniouth, Ke. WIIOLI'SALT and Retail Dealer in Strings, Sheet Music, and nil kinds of Musical Merchandise. ML'SICAL INSTIU'MKNTS Tuned and Repaired. Satisfaction guaran teed. 50yl. II ATT, TIIE RUTCIIER, OI.KF.ST AND KF.ST ESTA lll.isn KD Meat Market In flic llj. Not ehantrin"? constantly, but the old Cellabln Sjiot where jou can if el your Steaks. Loa-sts. Uaine.' Eisli and 1'owlin Season. South Side of Main St., PLATTSMOUTII, NEB, vy F. D. LENH0FF. Blacksmith & Wagon Maker, Havlnjr lately bought out SIIAFEK"S OLD ire ne. STAND Iain prepared to do all work, brought to ine in in is n HorseShoeing and Repairing of all kin'M KiH F-I. Lekuoff. Wm. Gramberg, Dea'.erjiu Lumber? Coal r.v.TTHSioijTii,Nk.e , Op. I'lalto Vxlley Houses On hatit a!l kinds of LUMDEJl, DOORS SASH. BLINDS, SHINGLES. LATHS. ALSO MouldingS, BUILDING PAPER, CEMENT. LIME, Plaster Paris, etc. AT LOWEST MARKED RATES I- zJt. "SMWfilWIbJ,-!. .JI 'ii-T ' 'V, it