Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 06, 1876, Image 1

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On Vine St., One Block North of Main,
Corner of Fifth St.
Terms, in Advance :
Otie copy, one year
'One copy, six month
On cbdy. tniee months
. ... l.Oi)
TERMS: $2.00 a Year
m 1 1 11 Tl Pn 4 r t
1 w
' 3 w. ' ;l
I in. 1 1 in '1 in
)i I
I Mi 4 It I t 8 W t, in f.
t M a 7r. 4 on; 4 km n im
A uii H on 11) (Hi 1! Im .11 mi -H 'hi I
A rut1 13 Oin ini is (m vi iri 40 ( .o i
1 square., fl tin $1 60 f J tl f-1 Wi I'iIM H(ni f .
x squares
8 square.
M column.
1 column. i: on 18 mi mi a;, mi to on tji im cm "
f V" All Advcrtli-ltig bills due quarterly.
Transient advcrtim-minls iniirt lie purl Pi
iu advance.
Fix t re copies of tbo Hkrai.i. for rain tiy II..'.
Ptrelghf, at thf IVwtotflcr, mul (.). I. Joliiuinii, tur
ner of Main end 'lftu lr-Tt.
lb n r n 1 1 ur e,
LoHnges, Tables, Bedsteads,
Of All Descriptions.
Wooden CofTins
Of ell sirca, ready-made, and aold ebeap fer calk.
With many thank for past patronage, I hiTite
11 to call and examin my
ITiirnitui-o unci CoOInn.
Main Street, bet. Second and Third.
Wholesale ai.U Retail Dealer in
Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Varnishes. Patent Medicines.
Toilet Articles, etc., etc.
nrPRESCRimONS carefully componndrd at
ell hours, day and night. 85-1 y
- Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Lath, Shingles,
On Main St., cor. Fifth,
All Grades of Lumber Cheap.
Cor. Third and Main Sts., Plattemouth.
(Unthniann's old staud.)
He keep on hmid a large and well-selected
stock of
Fancy Groceries,
Sugar, Sirup,
Also a Large Stock of
Boots and Shoes,
Etc., Etc., Etc.
In connection with the Grocery 1 a
Highest Price Paid Tor t'oantry Produce.
A full stock at all time, and will not be undersold.
Take notice of the Sign :
Haa an hand on f to largest stocks of
Gents' Furnishing Goods
I invite ereryhoi'y in Tant of anything in my
line t call al .y aiure,
South Side Main, bet, 5th & 6th Sis.,
And eonrince ttaemelTcs of tha fact. I nave a a
specialty n my Retail Departments a stork of
Fine Clothing for -Men and Boya, t which we In
vite thoae aba rant roods.
I also keep an ban J a large and well- elected
lock af
Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Etc.
Covkao Esissl, Proprietor.
always an hand and for rale at lowest catnprtcea,
Tha Higheat Price paid for Wleat and Corn,
FltttcjUv ttta&ttoB ita to cuten wik.
Drugs, Medicines,
All Paper TriiM Free ofdiar&e
Books, Stationery
fcw Prescriptions carefully compoonded ky an
experienced Drnryliit. art
Cor. Fifth and Main Streets,
Repaker of Steam Engines, Boilers,
Saw and Grist Mills.
Wrought Iron Pipe, Force and Lift Plpee, Steam
liangr, Safcty-Vnlve Uovernura and all
kinds of Brans Engine Fittings re
paired on ehort notice.
Farm Vlaoliixiory
Repaired on Short Notice. 4-yl
Sewing Machines!
With all the Extras and Attachments,
such as Needles, Oil, Tuckers,
Binders, Etc.
ThoKi- who contemplate buying a machine will
do will to rive the Grover & Baker a trial. at
infantum guaranteed, and the cheapest machine
iu the market. All orders by mail promptly at
tended to. Addrea
2m6 CHARLES VIALL, Flattsmouth, Neb.
First National Bant
Of Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
Tootle, Ilmiim Olarlc.
John Fitzgerald
E. O. Dovbt ,
A. W. MrI.triiHi.ix. ......
Johx O Koi bwe
.Assistant Cashier.
This Bank is now open for business at their new
room, corner Main and Sixth streets, and are pre
pared to transact a general
Stocks, Bords, Gold, Government
and Local Securities
Deposits Received and Interest Al
lowed on Time Certificates.
Available in any part cf the United States and In
al) the Vrincipal Towns and Cities of Europe.
rersona wishing to bring out their friends from
finrope can
Xlirongrli to rlnt t muoutli.
Excelsior Barber Shop.
Slain Street, opposite Saunders House.
Shaving and Shampooing.
Cutting Children' and Ladles'
Call and See Boone, Gents,
And get a boon in a
Post Office Book Store,
H. 3. STKEIGHT, Proprietor,
Book Stationery, Pictures, Music,
Violin Strings,
Newspapers. No-re Is,
Song Books, etc.. etc
The Hight Hon. Earl Stanhope died a
few days ago in London.
The Iowa State Horticultural Society
has been called to meet at Des Moines on
the 18th, 10th and 20th of January.
VT. C. Wiiitson, Asaociate-Justiceof the
Supreme Court of Idaho, died recently at
Omaha, of paralysis, aired thirty-eight.
A recent Paris dispatch says the Or
leans Princes had decided not to take
seats in the Senate or Chamber of Deputies.
Ex-Senator W. A. Uti HAllDfO died
recently of paralysis at Quihcy.ill., after
an Illness of ten days. He was sixty-four
years of age.
A verdict of not guilty was rendered
by Ihe jury iu the trial at Leavenworth,
Kan., of Embry, for the shoot i us; of Col.
Frank D. Moulton has sited the lev.
Henry Ward tieuchef for "malicious
prosecution," claiming damages to the
amount ot $50,000.
The President has signed the bill fur
ther extending the time of duration of the
Court of Commissioners on the Alabama
Claims to the 23d of July next.
The Executive Committee of the Michi
gan Agricultural Society decided to hold
the State Fair five days, commencing
Sept. 18. The location was not decided
A recent Springncld (IU.) dispatch
states that Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, who
had befch residing in that city since her
sojourn at Batavia, was greatly improved
in health and spirits.
Patrick Kanen, w ho was recently con
victed at Cleveland, Ohio, of man
slaughter for starving his idiot son to
death, has been sentenced to the Peni
tentiary for ten years.
The jury in the recent trial of the How
en libel suit against the Urooklytt Eagle
found a verdict for th5 plaintiff, and rited
the damages nt $1000. - The other cases
of libel are to be tried next term.
The recent threatened bread riots in
Montreal were averted for the time lcing
by the employment of between 1,000 and
2,000 laborers to work on city improve
ments at the rate of seven cents an hour.
The Hudson Ilivcr sugar refiner', at
Hastings, N. Y., was burned a few days
ago and 150 men were thrown out of em
ployment. Loss $500,000; insurance less
than $:00,000.
It is stated that Theodore M. Vale, the
present Assistant Superintendent of the
llailway Mail Service, will succeed Suier
intendent Bangs on the hitter's retirement
from otticc in February next.
At a Labor Convention recently held at
Tyrone, Pa., a National Committee of
thirty-seven was apppointed to issue a call
for a convention of representatives of
labor and industry from all parts of the
country, to be held in Pittsburgh in April
The ninety-eighth anniversary ot the
battle of Trenton, which occurred Dec.
20, 1777, ias celebrated at Trenton, N.
J., on the 27th, in a mock engagement
between troops representing the FccVral
and British armies. After the surrender
of the Hessians the victors and van
quished were sumptuously dined at "Wash
ingtou Hall.
A Mrk. Lawrence, of Cincinnati, a few
night agojlropped a coal-oil lamp, which
was broken. The fire caught in the curpet
and in her clothes, and in a moment she
was wrapped in flames, and was fearfully
and probabty fatally burned. Her hus
band and daughter made, efforts to save
her and were themselves badly burned
aliout the hands.
Fifteen States have taken a census of
jopuhition in 1S75, and the total increase
since 1870 is estimated at a little over 2,
000,000. As these States had in 1870 some
thing more than one-third of the popula
tion of the United States, a common aver
age progress throughout would show an
aggregate increase in five years of upward
of 5,000.000, or a total population of 44,
000,000. . .
In the case of the fl7,000 illegally col
lected as income tax on dividends of Illi
nois Central Railroad stock held by non
resident aliens, Atty.-Gen. Pierrcpont has
decided that the money should be returned
to the company and not to the stockhold
ers." The money was unlawfully exacted
from the company, and should, therefore,
be paid back to the company, from which
the alien stockholders can recover.
There has recently been received at
Philadelphia a formal acceptance by Pope
Pius IX. of an invitation by the Centen
nial authorities requesting His Holiness
to give his recognition to the enterprise
by contributing to the Exposition works
of art from the galleries of the Vatican
or from the workshops over which he has
control. The letters of the Pope are
couched in the warmest terms of friend
ship for the United States.
The annual report of the Southern
Claims Commission shows that there were
considered during the past year 1,561
cases, involving nearly $4,000,000. Up
to the date of the report the commission
had considered 22,000 cases in all, and
12,000 were still waiting to be investi
gated. The number of claims allowed
the last year was 775, involving about
$500,000. Claims to the amount of $3,
300,000 were disallowed.
The Boston Journal of Chemistry sug
gests the following experiment in vibra
tion: Place a class tumbler, filled with
water to alout half an inch from the top,
on a table, holding the glass to the table
with the left hand, and using a common
fine-grained tobacco pipe for a bow; tak
ing the bowl of the pipe between the finger
and thumb, draw tiie stem briskly and
evenly, with only downward strokes, on
the edge of the glass, causing the M ater to
vibrate. This continuous vibration ele
vates the water in the center of the glass
into the shape of an inverted cone (like a
convolvulus flower), diffusing it by cen
trifugal force for some distance around the
glass, where it falls in a circular shower
of dew or mist.
He Mho Mould be a policeman in
Buffalo must be vaccinated.
A telegram from Cairo, Egypt, on the
24th states that an expedition consisting
o? 1S,000 men would start for Abyssinia
at once. It would be accompanied by
every American officer in the Khedive's
A Berlin dispatch of the 2(th says the
leading American residents of that city
had called a meeting for the purpose of
protesting against the strictures of the
German press on American character in
their crmD?nts oh. the Urtmer-ltrtvn
The royal palace at Barcelona, Spain,
Mas almost entirely destroyed by fire on
the 26th.
According to a Washington dispatch
of the 20th it appears from official cor
respondence that the Mexican Secretary
ot Foreign Affairs had stated, In rtply to
a request of our Minister to Mexico for
permission for regular United States
tfOUps to folloM' raiders across the border,
that the Mexican Executive had no au
thority to grant such request M-ithout the
consent of Congress. Minister Foster
said in reply that the acknowledgment by
the Mexican Government of its inability
to restrain the laM !' csi of 1(5 own citi
zen?, would afford the strongest possible
argument to all advocates of the acquisi
tion of territory there may be in the
United States. Mr. Foster further said
that the siUZeris of Texas hiilst lie pro
tected, and if protection did not come
from the Mexican Government It ni'.tst
com from onrs.
Eight laM-ycrs of Franklin, La., a few
days ago handed to Judges Mentz, of the
St. 3Iary's Parish Court, a document,
signed by themselves, requesting him to
resign because, as they alleged, ot his
manifest incompetency and the interested
motives "which, in most cases, influence
his judicial decisions. The Judge replied
that he had tried to perform h's duty
faithfully and Impartially t and stated that,
Inasmuch as the signers of the paper did
not vole for him at tne" last election, lie"
should continue to adniinister th! func
tions of llis ofilce until ills constituents
(meaning the colored people) call"! upon
him to resign. The members of the bar
talked of appealing to the next Legislature
to secure the Judge's impeachment by
that body.
The thermometer at Memphis, Tenn.,
on the 25th indicated eighty degrees aliove
It Mas reported from Sn Francisco
On the 25th that United States trOops had
gOne to the SUnora frontier to protect
American soil from invasion by the Mex
icans. The religious meetings of Moody and
Sankey in Philadelphia on the 20th Merc
largely attended, and Mr. Moody said
the morning service M as the most encour
aging one he had held in this country.
The inquiry-rooms M-ere crowded both
afternoon and evening.
VVntt,; Christmas festivities Mere in
progress in a school-house in the little
village of Hillikori, canton of Aargon,
Switzerland, the floor of the structure
gave way and all present M-ere precipi
tated into the cellar. It was reported on
the 27th that eighty persons had been
killed and fifty more or less injured.
In consequence of the vigorous bom
bardment of the position by the Carlists,
the commander of Hernani gave notice to
the authorities on the 27th that he should
be forced to abandon the post unless rein
forcements M ere promptly forwarded. The
reported death of Gen. Hodas is confirmed
by a Madrid special of the J7th
A MattLe between the Turks and lier
zegovinians was fought on the 2:Jd, near
Nitchit.a, Mhich lasted during the en
tire da', and in which the Turks claim
to have been victorious. The fighting M as
desiH rate on both sides and the losses se
vere. The Pacific Mills, at LaMrence, Mass.,
employing 5,200 operatives, have given
notice of a reduction of from 10 to 15 per
cent, in Mages, oM-injr to the depression in
the price of print-cloths. This corpora
tion announce that they are obliged either
to stop the looms or reduce the cost of pro
duction. A business meeting of Plymouth
Church, Brook lyn, Mas held on the even
ing of the 27th, at which resolutions M ere
adopted to comply M ith the demand of
Mrs. Moulton for a mutual council of
churches to advise the church and Mrs.
Moulton upon two questions submitted by
her in a memorandum of Dec. 25, as to
whether the reasons of the church for
dropping her from its membership as it
did Merc valid and suSicient, and as to the
validity and sufficiency of her reasons for
abstaining so long from the services and
sacraments of the church. A committee
of five M as appointed to call the mutual
A dispatch from San Diego, Cal., on
the 27th says the report that a revolution
Mas in progress in San Rafael, Lomct Cal
ifornia, M as a canard.
Geo. M. Shingle, proprietor of the
City Mills, at Wyandotte, Kan., made an
assignment on the 27th. Liabilities from
$50,000 to $70,000; assets not over $12,
000. II. Isbell and J. Bennett, two lead
ing boot and shoe dealers at Kalainazoo,
Mich., also failed on the 27th. Isbell's
liabilities are $2,000; assets from $15,000
to $18,000. Bennett's not stated.
A Madrid dispatch of the 28th says a
detailed account had been received there
of a terrible hurricane in the Philippine
Islands on the 30th of November. Two
hundred and fifty lives were lost, many
cattle perished and the crops in all direc
tions M ere ruined.
Serious disturbances are reported as
haviDg recently occurred at Bannsfoot,
County Armagh, Ireland, resulting from
the marriage of a Irotestant girl to a Ro
man Catholic. Several Protestants had
attacked the house m here the marriage oc
curred, and during the fight that followed
a number Mere killed and several badly
The recognizances on seven indict
ments for felony against the fugitive
Tweed Mere forfeited by Judge Donohue
on the 2iSth.
Among the suspensions announced on
the 2Stn Mere those of Jas. A. Smith and
G. N. & J. A. Smith, M-ooltn manufact
urers. Mho operated five mills in Massa
chusetts. Lirtbilitifs variously rejorted
at from SoOO.Oi.xj to 000,000; assets nn
E. L. Pat!n, Republican member
of the Louisiana Legislature from Natchi
toches, was shot and instantly killed on
the 20th by Cosgrove, editor of the Vindi
cator. The difficulty grev out of abuse
of Patersoa by Coejirove in his paper.
A mass meeting whs held in Charles
ton, S. C, on the evening of the 28th, in
response to a call, to sustain the action of
Gov. Chamberlain in refusing commissions
as Judges to Whipper and Moses. Reso
lutions Merc unanimously adopted de
nouncing the ncllon of the Legislature in
electing them, protesting against their
elevation to the bench ttnd aVowiiig aff ufl
al'eiabie litiipbfe Ht'vfr IM aildw tiiem to
occupy the position.
The Alabama Legislature met on the
28th, and received the Governor's mes
sage, M hich is devoted entirely to matters
of State interest.
A Vienna dispHtch of the 20th shjs:
The Secretary of Stale of the United
States has transmitted to cvefy Elirdpean
OoVerriiitent a Circular asking fof an c-x-prtssibii
of b'pihitih regarding American
intervention in Cuba." The dispatch
further says that all the Governments had
replied satisfactorily, England being Mill
ing to indorse intervention at once, and
other nations expres'siug a willingness to
support an intervention but hfsitatlntr to
take the initiative.
According to a Madrid special of the
20th arrangements had been entered into
for the return of ex-(Jucen Isabella to
MpaiU; The Alplionsisls bndi'opeentrnted
80.000 men in Navarre and Alava.
Two hundred Americans attended a
mectinir !n Jk-lin on the everiintr Hf the
2!th to protest against iiie declaralio'H of
the German press that the Thomas-Mosel
explosion affair M as the fruit of American
civilization. A large number of Germans
cordially concurred in the resolutions.
The Press bill introduced by the Gov
ernment into the French Assembly Mas
adopted on the 2fth by nearly a unani
mous vole. The proposal to raise the
tatb of siege throughout the CoUnlf y w as
rejected ya to 377.
Seven whisky distilleries and rectifying
establishments in Chicago Mere seized by
Government officers on the 21Uh, the prd
prietors being charged with revenue
A San Diego (Cal.) dispatch received
in San Francisco on the 20th says almost
the entire Mexican iiopulation in the
vicinity of Campo were implicated in the
recent raid. Tuscon news received on the
same day reports a fight between the State
pnd revolutionary forces, twenty-five miles
SOtith Of the line, in Mhich the former
Mere defeated, M ith ten killed and a fluttl
ber Mounded and taken prisoners. The
revolutionists Mere marching on Herruos
sillo. Most of the Americans at San Fran
cisco sympathize with the revolutionists,
considering that they represent the better
class of Sonora.
The British Admiralty has issued
another circular in regard to fugitive
slaves. It states that fugitive slaves ask
ing admission to a British rnan-ofwar,
when in the territorial waters of a foreign
State, must lie received ohiy when their
lives are endangered, and once received
must not lie surrendered at the demand of
any poM-er.
The Rev. Henry Boelim, the oldest
preacher of the Methodist Church in this
country, and probably the oldest minister
in the world, died a few days ago at the
residence of his grand-daughter, on Staten
Island, N. Y. The centennial anniver
sary of his birth Mas celebrated last
The residence of Mrs. Rachel Gordon,
ten miles West of Rising tfittl, lrtd., Wits
burned on Christmas night, and the iicxt
morning the remains of Mrs. G. and her
three children, aged eight, ten and twelve
years. Mere found in the ruins. It is sup
posed by some that they were murdered
and the house set on fire.
A Washington dispatch says the work
of consolidating the revenue collection
districts throughout the country has leen
completed, nd the number is reduced
from 200 to Wl
The Secretary of the United States
Treasury lias given directions for the re
tirement of $014,550 legal tender notes on
account of National Bank circulation is
sued during December. This M ill leave
outstanding legal-tenders, until a further
reduction, $37,182,722. The amount of
additional National Bunk notes issued
since Nov. 1 is $1,701,280, and the total
amount issued since the passage of the
act of June 14, 1874, is $12,715,075. The
amount of legal-tender notes deposited by
National Banks for the purpose of retir
ing the circulation, since Nov. 1, is $2.-
y7,2oa. '
N KV YORK. Dec. 30, 1S75.
Live Stock. Beef Cattl $W.roa i -V). Hog
Live, f7.i57.B4'4. SStiwp f 1 oOJj" (XI.
BKBADsfTcrm. Flour Good to choice, (5.55
5.W; white wheat extra. $ 5.Mit$Y .75. Wheat No.
i Chicago, $; No. 2 Milwaukee printf.
Sl.!Ql.:Si. Rye Western and State, 87yjc.
Hurley $ 1.OXS110. Corn Mixed Western, 71 !4
S,73c. Out Mixed Wectern, 4534tc.
Provisions. Pork Mess, t-UfiiaJi.TS.
Lard Prime Steam, mA(3,Vic. Cheese 7
13 He.
Wool. Domestic fleece. 382H-JC.
Livk Stock. Beeves Choice. $.25S.OO;
Rood, f !.5035.00; medium, $4.00(4.25; butch
ers' stock, $J.5 K&.I.73; stock cattle. $i.7va:l.75.
Hogs Live, $6.5(7.15. Sheep Good to choice,
$ l.50&5.2'.
Provisions. Butter Choice, 25T-!c. Egjrs
Fresh, 2&25c. Pork Met. $19.9018.93.
Lard $li.l5ai2 17H-
BREADSTvrrs. Floor White Winter Extra,
$.7S-7.B0; priD; extra, $4.Ga".2. Wheat
Spring, No. 2, 9oH5c. Corn No. 2, 4H
&i$ic. Oata No. 2, &)(&10c Kye-So. 2,
67fi2Sc. Barley No. 2, &3:4S4c.
LmREB First and Second Clear, $4O.00
42.00; Common Boards, $11 0012.0'; Fencing,
$t2.0CK&13.50; "A'1 Shinslef, $2.7.0O; Lath,
Live Stock. Beeves Best, $ii 00Gtt.2o; me
dium, $4.75(25 i". Hos Yorkers, $i.70.;i0;
Philadelphia.:, $7.1o7.1. Sheep Best, $5.3'j
5.50: medium. $1 75(&.Y0.
In 1871 Mrs. Susan Weckler presented
to the First National Bank of Hagers-lOM-n,
Pa., a draft on New York for $1 047,
telling the cashier at the same time that
she contemplated investing $1,000 of the
money in Washington County lionds. The
teller'advised her that a better investment
Mould be in Northern Pacific bonds, and
mentioned that her physician, Dr. Smith,
had so invested. She followed the teller's
advice and the bonds depreciated to fif
teen cents on the dollar. Having discov
ered that Dr. Smith had never so invested,
she then brought action for deceitful
representation, and thh court sin-tained
Terrible Effects of the Dynamite Ex
ftloniAn at JJrenierharen.
The following particulars respeci.'.'ii
dynamite explosion at Brcnierhavcn rc
from the Hirr Z tuny:
It appears Unit just before the Mom'1 was
about to sail a cart containing four cases
Siid t ffrf-'4 b tiHni? Hnlowl-d for ship
ment. Siiuileiilj' " trrf-ili.l5 . Jxjl'.sri .
curred. The c-licet was horrible: 'f
was then thronged w ith people partly be
longing to the steamer, partly spectators,
and partly passengers who had remained
there to take a last farewell of their friend.
An eye-witness who stood under the gang
way of the. Mosil, on hrarlnir tho terrlriV re
port, uw it number f blrtek lumps fljtt!
about H1 hf. hlri hil,l t rr fe 'i Hi" t r
son 'jtt hind rehialut'i iiiiK- AbpreJet('1
ing n Utiiier exploSioii he (lire Lmifelf (I.-vt
oil deck, jtvtfi'ii he received a volley of saiui,
brokeii gin As, fragments jf flesh, bonus, etc.
The devastation M b'.ard. the Most!
was terrilie. Xo skylight '"'JJ left;
the cabins aft, starboard and port were
either crushed iu or bulged out by
the pressure or altogether' smashed;
the side plates of the ship were burt ; the
ports wltli their jrlcii mul rivets forced
inward, ntnl tin- whole ship ww besmeared
with blood antl stuck Over with piece of
I1e.h jid tlicf Ipimrti .rttibri. In iltc. Icihl
aild rill pVrls f'f llje ?Hir f -r founil.tfrnlfi
legs and other portions of iiie iiulnaii traiue
thus the lower hold received some limbs
through the open hatchways. The sides of
the hatchways were burst by the pressure,
and thfc fr,,M .f the navigation cabin on
deck stove in. The whole, olirr "-n mu red
with glass shreds, which even tilled thcdislicn
from the steam kitchen as they were being
served to the 'tween deck or steerage pas
srtifTi'r., The tug got oir e.: parutivcly un
IMirf j.b-0ltf f iich more below the tpiav
.ne thiiti (he Moei-lj e (ill, Km hIm-Ih of Its
deck was destroyed. The crew cttiuc. oil VH"
a mere fright," only thr engineers aiitl
stokers having been hurt slightly. On
land, where the packages had been
tltll'Midcd, h hole had been produced
sit rir seven feet deep. Th-j whole
place Wits PtFcwn with llmbx, shred
of dress, etc. J tl large. teeMtlg pools of
blood you might sfcfe here, an rfiti, IKere d
calf, intestines', niutilafcd . bitsti, etc.
A inohcrti fli(. fnosL horrible details lit liis
calamity is this faffe c'f the Etmcr family,
who were seeing off one of their sons to Cal
ifornia. The father, mother, son iuid soi-n-
law are dead, all four; the daughter-in-law
has had her arm, and her child its hand,
blown off. The case which exploded had
been in the care of the carrier Westcrniann,
of Breincrhavcii, and was accompanied on
Us way to the steamer by a Mr. Tumforde,
of w hom it 1 said oil trace ha been lost.
The rart haa been shattered into thousand
" splinter, and the poor horse ha
jiaa.hls., fifiiF feet b1ow Off tenf tlo?
hoofs. The authorship of tlit terrible
catastrophe is now traced to W.
K. Thomas, a passenger of the Mo
sel. Thomas has acknowledged that he was
tfie ofer of the barrel wliU-li exploded, and
that he intended to take his 1'f'rel on board
the vessel for the purpose of sinking ln'i.
The motive of this diabolical wickedness ap
pears to have been the hope ' t gaining a
iarge sum by means of exaggerated and ticti
tious insurances, and the sum thus obtained
was to have been shared with others. He is
perfectly conscious and answers all ques
tions put to him. He is In the same room
w ith mittiy of his vk-tirii. According to In
formation" at present in possession of (he
police, Thomas had prepared only one bar
rel for the carrying out of his horrid work,
although a report had spread in Brcmcr
haven that a number of machines had
bceii ptlt ?n board the Moscl. This
barrel was made fOf Tlioina" by the
master cooper Delvendhal. It was miidfe
of strong material, and was divided by
means of a partition in the middle, through
which there was a hole. In one division it
is assumed that he had placed the igniting
apparatus, and the other was tilled with
dynamite He accompanied the barrel when
it was taken to the depot of the North Ger
man Lloyd Company, nnd told the porters it
should be handled with cHre. It is supposed
that hi plan was to effect the ignition by
means of it clock-work apparatus, w hich lit
all probability tens to be set in motion when
he arrived at .Southampton, to which plu-n
only lie llatt bobked. it appear that, lie in
tended to sail with f he Hi fated Jjent-vhlatid,
but the aparatus for effecting the ignition
was not completed in time. The number of
the victim is constantly being increased.
According to authentic information the li.-t
of dead and wounded amounts U list) per
sons. ,
The scene at the hospital dead-house was
of the most harrowing character. The mu
tilated remains tilled a large basket which
four strong men could hardly carry. There
were also u number of heads, which from
time to time were inspected by people look
ing for friends or relatives. About thirty
wounded persons were in the hospital ; many
others were in private houses. Nearly every
family In the little town has 'suffered severely.
IVrfck of the Hteamor l)eutch
The Harwich correspondent of the l'n
don Times furnishes that paper with the
following account of some 'of the thrill
ing incidents which accompanied the
wrecking, ofl the east coast of Harwich,
of the North German Lloyd steamer
Deutschland, bound from Bremen to New
York, with 124 passengers:
Weaving together the various personal
narratives which I liflve taken down from
the lips of passengers the following Is the
story they have to tell: They were nil in
bed when the ship struck, anil Merc
aroused first by the bumping of the ship,
and next Ly the cry that rang fore and aft
for every man and woman to put on tho
life-belts, of which there M-as a plentiful
store in hand. The women jumped up
and swarmed in the companion-way of
the saloon, making for Ihe deck, M here
they were met by the stewardess, who
sto! in the May, and hnlf forced, half
persuaded them to go back, telling them
there M-as no danger. After the screw
had broken the engines alo failed, and
the sails proved tiseleps; the male pas
sengers then cheerfully formed themselves
into gangs and Morked at the pumps, but,
as one said, they "Mere pumping at the
North Sea," and as it M as obviously im
possible to make a clearance ot that the
task M-as abandoned, and the oflicers,
creMr and passengers re'.apsed into a state
of expectancy of succor from without.
That this could not'long be coming hsip
pilv seemed certain. The rockets Miikh
had been sent up had liecn ansM-ered from
the shore. The lightship, Mhich had
helped to mislead the Captain, M as plainly
visible, and at last two ships sailed by so
near that till they began hopelessly to
fade away, one to the northward and the
other to the southward, the passengers
M-ere sure those on Iraard had seen the
M'reck, and were coming to their assist
ance. Perhaps it M-as this certainty of the
nearness of succor that kept off either the
shrieking or the stupor of despair. How
ever that may be, it is one of the most
notable features about this fearful scene
that, with a few exceptions, after the first
shock everybody Mas, throughout the first
day, Monderfully cool, patient and self
possessed. There was no regular meal on
Monday, but there was plenty to eat tind
drink, and the opportunity seems to have
been generally, though moderately, im
proved. The women kept below all da-,
and, Mhile the tires were going, were
served Mith hot soup, meat, bread and
wine, and seemed to have been inclined
to make the best of a bad job. But toward
night the horror of the situation increased
in a measure far beyond that marked b the
darkness. All day long the sea had been
washing over the ship, but by taking
refuge in the bertlis and on the tables and
benches in the saloon it had liten possible
to keep comparatively dry. As night fell,
however, the tide rose, and at midnight
the Mater came rushing over the deck in
huge volumes, filling the saloon and mak
ing the cabins flonting coffins.
Then the women were ordered up and
instructed to take fa' the ringing, but
many of them, cowed by the wilduess of
the sea that now sM-ept tne oecK lore ami
art, and shuddering before the fury of the
pitiless, sleet-laden gale, refused to leave
the saloon. Then happened horrible
scenes which the pen refuses to portray
in their fullness. One M-oiflM- driven
mad with fear and despair, deliberately
hung herself from the roof of the saloon.
A .man. taking out his pen knife, dug it
into ui'j ' P"d worked it Hliout &
long as lie had stfe'iW' '.r'"F Miiere he
M. Another man.incoh( H fft'y nlHng
on the wife and child he had left Iri (Mt
manv. rushd about with a bottle in his
hrtnd frantically shouting for pter and
j'ei'ti'. neloIy gave him Ixith, and
scribbling a ln.'.'v "h o'Jted it down in a
bottle and threM- it oveto.'.1fd- fotlowiug
it himself a moment later as a great -ie
came and swept him overboard.
There were five nuns on lioanl, who, by
their trrr"r-tricken conduct, seem to have
added greatly fo flip wcirdness of the
stTne. 'The were deaf to all cntrcalie1o
leave tlie !ifo"if, and when almost by main
force the stewardcM (whf5e rrmdnrt
throughout Mas plucky in the clfr-rn?)
TMn;ged to get them on to the companion
ladder, tin' y .?! U down on the steps and
stubbornly refused irf g" nother step.
They seemed to have returned to the
saloon again shortly, for some time in the
dead of the night, mIicii the greater part
of tlie cr?w nnd passengers were in the
ringing, one was wen Mith her body half
th'rot'go the skylight, crying aloud in a
voice hc-ifd flfrrV the 'tonus "O, my
Hod. make it quick! make" It qlili'M" At
daylight yesterday morning, Mhcti the
tide had ebbed, leaving the deck clear,
-opto on the rigging M-ent down and look
ing into (JJC rsWn aw the nuns Moating
about face upward, a'i th.'tkl.- It whs not
so dark but that those in the rl'i could
distinguished each other's features, nhd
tho have the comfort of companionship.
There -em to have been a wonderful
amount Of unelflhness displayed; every
body cheering and trying U' help every
liodv else. One ot the pas.scPFern h
cheery Teuton, named Adolph Herrmann
took a young American lady under his
special charge, nd had the satisfaction of
peel in; her olf to London this afternoon.
He tok her tp the rlgglnjr and held her
on there all through ihv n'gtht., and Mtys
she was as brave and as sclf-'OVres,d as
if they had been comfortably on shore
Sunt t'oie during the night an unknown
friend passed ,'lcwn to him a bottle of
whisky. The cork Mas in tb lotile, and
as he Mas holding on to the rigging with
one hand and had the other round the
liidy there was some difficulty in getting
at the contents of the bottle. This he
finally solved by knocking the neck off,
and then found himself in the dilemma of
not htiug to get the iMtle to Ihe
lady's moulh. " Volt re pouring it down
my neck,'' was her quiet response to his
first essay, but in the end he succeeded in
aiming the whisky in the right direction,
and 'W taking some himself passed it
on, feeling mUch. refrenhcnl.
Just before Hits a tcrr'ihlr acr-hu-nt oc
curred, M hich threatened' death tO onn or
both. The purser, Mho had fixed him'
self in the rigging some yards above
them, gelling numbed, loosed his hold,
and failing headlong down struck against
the lady nnd liounded ofl' into the sea. lint
Herrmann kept hi hold, mid the nhock
was scarcely noticed, On such a night all
the obligations were not, as Herrmann
gratefully acknowledges, on the one side;
for when one of his ieet got numbed his
couipfinioo, following his direction,
stwmpcd upon it till circulation Mas re
stored. From their perilous post, Mith
waves occasionally dashing up and blind
ing them M-ith spray, they saw some ter
rilile scenes lielow. A man tied to the
mast nearer the deck had his head cut oil
by the M-aves, as Herrmann says, though
probably a rope or a loose spar Mas the
agent. Not far off a little boy had his leg
broken iu the same manner. They could
henr and see. the nun shrieking through
the skylight, nnd when fhe was silenced
the cry was laken up by u woman wailing
frof "the wheel-house: " My child is
dnQncth Hit little one, Adam."
At day light a sailor, running nimbly
down the rigging, reached the poop and,
bending over, attempted to seize some of
the hall-drowned people who were float
ing about. Once he caught a little child
by the clothes, but before he could secure
il a wave carried it out of his grasp and
his shrieks were hushed in the roar of the
waters. At nine o'clock yesterday morn
ing the tide had so far ebln-d that ihe deck
M as clear and, coining down from the rig
ging, the battered and shivering survivors
began to think of getting breakfast. A
provident sailor had, Mliile it mhs possi
ble, tnken up aloft a couple of loaves of
black bread, a ham and some cheese.
These M ere now brought out nnd fairly
distributed. An hour and a half later ail
peril Mas over and the galmnt survivors
were steaming for HarM ich in the tug
boat Liverpool.
(atlicrinsr Honey and Pollen.
Tmk honey is taken from the flowers by
the bees, and on their M ay home it is pass
ing through a churning process, and
churned. '1 lie body of the bee is put to
gether in three sections, or bands, and un
derneath the two front bands on each side
there is an outlet, or small hole, where the
butter oozes out after In ing churned. This
butter is pure white wax. It is received
by other l-es and placed in the comb, or
cell, and by the mouth of the bee it is
pressed out in ils proper thickness and the
balance remaining w hich, to carry out
our simile, we may call buttermilk is
thrown up by the bees into the cells, and
the longer it remains there the sweeter it
gets, as it extracts the sweetness or the vir
tue from the comb, bringing back the Ixxly
of the sweets which is contained in its
first gathering from the flowers ; one pound
in the comb three years old has as much
medical virtue us three tHitinds one year
Besides the honey there is the pollm,
Mhich is of more lwncfit to the bees than
the honey.. Alter it is dejiosited in the
comb it is called bee-bread, as it is their
principal living in the winU r and their
young iced on it altogether until they are
ready to work.
The pollen is gathered in this wise; The
back of the bee "is covered with a line
wool, or hair, and on entering the flowers
the pollen sticks to it. and when necessary
to release it, it is combed out. The bee
has six legs, three on each side, and. the
middle one on either ide has a comb on
the under side, from the forked to the first
joint. As this can reach only half-way
across the back, it is combed from both
sides and the txdlen is taken from the
comb by the two fore-feet. It is then flat
tened by the two fore-feet and caught le
tween the toes and passed back to the
thighs of the hind legs, each one receiv
ing the same weight as nearly as possible.
The pollen is taken from the end of the
petals of such flowers as the bees cannot
enter while on the wing, the front feet
being used for this purpose. The pollen
is removed by putting the leg in the cell,
when it is pushed olf w ith the forked toe
and. stepping to one side, the other is
cleaned in the same manner. Aaerim
Bee Jvurnd.
A Dkpltv-Siikrikk near Hampden.
Conn., lately brought a 'thief whom he
was pursuing to a halt pretty suddenly
and w ithout harming him in the leat.
The two were evenly matched as to run
ning powers, and the officer, though c lose
upon the culprit, could not gain upon
hni'. Suddenly the officer threatened to
shoot, and throwing a hard piece of snow
at the man tired his revolver in the air.
The lump of snow hit the thief fx hind
the. ear and he instantly fell, believing he
was shot, and remained perfectly quiet
until lie was csotured.
Hit 1tfi dewy rn was Mending,
4 lond lit frt'ed In radium shite.
When a nne (h tmnil farmer
I(du up Iu the lai . K'".
C'bncing to Mm on a illi'i,
Was a maiden fair ami till.
Jllii-hlng. t re in Ming. vluntiii ; -
wOlinr briKhtly through il all.
Snid IhC farmer: " Ottii Hrt Pastor.
Marguerite tlnl I i wiuif
Ilirm'ii evening to married.
IMicn mil her 1 makes nrtur home'
ron the nuptial tie f it n:it ;
m the klra received and
Iu lhaf moment earth had vaitinticii
They had rflnslil a Rlln'P'e "f huan n '.
But the prudent ;eroi:io farmer
First recalled his tralirctl wl: :
tai(l: " llcrr Pastor, hero' Von Bk'.lting;
Choost at present ve fas ijiiJle.
" Brit, duke notice. If I finds In r
..Mr'Uerile, mine lru, uiliiu ipteeil
Vt ti drr fear ginc. is licit, r
As goot, by dhrii, I monies :!aiu."
Twelvemonths sped with 'wildentii; .., I mm
Down Time's pathway pat rrl,
Th'n Oirre came a barrel rolling.
TlilWbTlnu irn;-li the parroi!' lialf.
With this note: I send, llcrr Pastor,
Mitein barrel of besl'-li llniir.
IMieni live miliars f.r mine Varanrriie
More better as got is every hour.
"Dot shmall leetle baby Is eln d.u'iiij;!
IT dhev slitav so goml. vy illinn.
Vhrn riot ye-ir van gone, llcrr Pastor.
ijulrk, botjr soon, joil hear ai-aln."
On the wedding-march went Hiix-hie,
Sweeter, tenderer than befotr.
At the year's end it came druuiniiu
tiayly at the pardon's door,
lib tMs note: "Here vas fle dollars
I'nd Hn barrel of bcslen Hour;
Marguerite 11 lid dot dear Imhy
More better as (t t - more and mote.
'Now dot funny lectio Imby
Sucks de iiik vot' in mine !,
Hakes me latiirh - fdink, llerr I'a-'or.
. Melt ar I ill cooiue again."
pimn the vesrs the pair went ina'chlng,
Hand In liHiiri. from ilnwn to dawn.
Hearing each the other's cniH,
Wearing each the other's i n wu.
And from year to year came P II in".
Straight Into the parson's door.
Tha "'eln barrel ot beslen Hour."
Alwsys "t Ave dollais" more.
Thrv have passed Ihctr rubb n wedding.
Children's children In I heir train,
Hwceter glows the wcddiffK uiu, i, ,
Orr.tler, tenderer the strain.
Fainter now tool like an echo.
Kroni the bright the beft.-r land,
lieslfullv tliev wait Sfid lislt n,
Full of peace, for ln:atu' ut hand '.
Moral: O ye men and brethren,
M Ho to marry have a mind.
Fay the parson, as, uilh I rial
jinss or misery you nun. 1
Notb. Manv years since a clcrirvmnii n'
recipient of this droll bill most coiiiprclicii-j
way of rewarding his scnlcn. -Fmny llmt''
in Apjitttong' Journal.
An Indianajiolis witness the other day
testified that he kept a tire burning in his
stove aH'night to save matches.
Thk disagreement of the jury in tin-
PiiHT case is awfully encoiiiagiug to mur
derers. is making terrible havoc
among the little children in W est Point,
A wttTANNi a M'AitK iiiaiiubif -tory .it
Merideil, Conn., pays f.',O,OO0 monthly
fo Mages.
A men lead-mine lias been discovcied
in Kansas, on the line of the Fort Scott
I tail road.
Somk one has remarked that IIicIiiih s
are so close just now that even tho day
are " short."
A man in Calloway County, Ky., is the
father of twentv-fhe children, only four
of whom are girfs."
"If vou don't believe times arc bard,"
says Flora McFliniscy, "just fee I my
mull'; it's stuffed Willi rag-, in dead l
col ton."
A f.AOwho had just fini-hed rending
the Bible through announces the discov-:
cry that the words boys" und " girls"
occur iu it only twice.
An irrepressible female- who owns llm
or four houses and u large lot of real
estate insists upon re-ei ing aid from tli:
Virginia Citv Kclicl and Aid .So iity.
A Gkoiioia man liorrowcd a horn; to
tend a faim, and alter 1 1 1 - crop was in
he hud the cheek to charge the owik i for
what the horse had enJen while in bis pus.
Tiif. look a man gives his wife when i,:
suddenly awakes in the morning and
finds her going through his vest pot k is
is not a studied expression, but- is excel
lent in its way.
A KAiLNOAO brakemnu in Texas found
a wallet containing $2,000 and restored
it to the owner. SVilhin forty inini'fiw
alter that the brakenian fell off the car-;
and mus killed. The moral is plain
I.N the Twenty-filth Ih-ginicnt of United
States Infantry there is a First Sergeant
w ho is a Circassian. He Mas lioni in tin
town of Chamara and is twcnly-six yean
Of age. Ho kee;;s the company's books
and pajiers.
A SCIKTY Foil Tin; i'llOTi n lo OK
Bikoh is called for in some districts of
Germany, where worms and insects, have
taught, the agriculturists that bird in tin
bush is worth two in Ihe cage or in (he
rport-sman's game bag.
Pkoplk would be much healthier. Nib-am
from Hall' Journal f Jltaii, if
they ate more onions. The Amciicati ua
tioi has one leading trait. They peril
their health out ot respect to !lu rpco
pie's noses. Free I'tchm.
On the T2 of November the 4,000,000
people of London lived twenty four hours
without there In-ing a single arrest lor any
offense whatever. Such a thing w as ncv cr
heard of before-, and the Iondoricrs begin
to think the millennium is approaching.
A woman near Bergen, N. .1., clubbed
three hunters off her farm, and clubbed
them so mcII that they needed an am
bulance to get back to Sew York. She'd
le splendid to get up a club for a news
" Is mAT a fru nd rt yours" a ked a
gentlemen, jiointing toward a party who
Mas sailing rapidly down the slrccl.
" Cun't (ell you till next Saturday," n -plied
the individual addressed. " I'm-
just loaned him five dollars." BroMy
A ISOY named Thomas Scott bad an arm
ami a foot taken off by falling lx n atii 1
coal-car at Scranton, and for hour before
he died he kept up a continual whistline.
only ceasing a few moments before he
breathed his last. He paid dear for his
Woooforii, Vt., has a natural cutio-ity
in Aurick Cressey, who neither read-,
writps nor understands figures, j et ii ou
give him the dimensions of a stick of iim
Iht he will give you (he number of cubic
feet, and perform other mathematical
It is contemplated to change the D 1 1
ware, Lackawanna Sc, Western I!.iilt td
(400 miles long) from a broad to a iuiiu
gauge. The four feet eight in h tr.i I:
would Decessit.t'e the taking apart and
c hanging to suit the narrow-gauge about
12,000 coal-cars.
You can't get dinner at (he Ih'
House, in Chicago, now. The chief n a
son is the waiters broke -ill (In
dishes in revenge for being Kept out of
their pay, and one of the smaller p.nsons
is because other creditors stripped the
house of furniture.
The Indians iru)ri-ncd in the old fort
at St. Augustine, Fla., had a wurd.iin e
the other night. Fires were s-tarb d w 1M1
in the loit, which burned bii-kly, nd
lighted up the scene for a mile around.
The Indians in full war array came PtiIi
from a dark dungcou and danced for two
hours. .